Each number has a specific vibration.
By the day, month and year of birth, you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself, your loved ones, acquaintances and employees.

All people are different and one thing that makes us different from each other is the date of birth.
For numerology, you need a birthday, a month of birth and a year of birth.
In the same year that you were born a lot of people, in your same month there are fewer, and day to day with you, respectively, even less.
We all know horoscopes over the years - this is Eastern horoscopes where we are "Pigs", "Dogs", "Horses", etc.
Monthly horoscopes - Zodiac horoscopes where we are "Scorpions", "Sagittarius", "Crayfish", etc.
Lunar and solar calendars speak about days.

And what can you find out by date of birth in numerology?

Date of birth is the primary defining vibration for a person. This is the main number expressing its essence. The numbers of the date of birth indicate what the individual harmony of the three bodies of a person is built on: physical, astral and mental.
The sum of the vibrations of these three bodies corresponds to the vibrational number of the entity.

FOR EXAMPLE, let's take 3 dates of birth:
March 2, 1979
February 6, 1968
December 5, 1946

The number of the year of birth is the number of the mental body, thoughts - the most subtle spiritual plan available to us in awareness and control at the level of everyday life.
The number of the year of birth is responsible for the way our thoughts and their direction.
This is your energy cosmic specificity, energy potential

To find it, you need to add all the numbers of the year of birth to a prime number.

1979 = 1+9+7+9 = 26 = 8
1968 = 1+9+6+8 = 24 = 6
1946 = 1+9+4+6 = 20 = 2

NUMBER OF THE YEAR 1 - Thoughts are aimed at achieving independence, independence, the desire to stand out from the crowd, lead active life and do not submit to anyone or anything.
NUMBER OF THE YEAR 2 - Thoughts are directed to helping others, friends, family. Willingness to make sacrifices, since the affairs of loved ones are more important than their own. They are happy only when they know that they are loved and are a support for loved ones.
NUMBER OF THE YEAR 3 - The number of the year of birth is responsible for the way of thinking and their direction. You dream of an active, joyful life, without worries and sorrows. Strive to realize your Creative skills gain popularity and bring joy to others.
NUMBER OF THE YEAR 4 - Dreams of material stability, of an orderly and calm life, of an existence planned in advance and devoid of surprises. The knowledge gained is used to practical application in life.
DATE OF THE YEAR 5 - Such a person wants to feel free from the pressure of others. Strives to be active interesting life and dreams that his merits would be appreciated by society.
NUMBER OF THE YEAR 6 - Dreams of love, harmony, a good family, a benevolent attitude from others. If there is an opportunity to devote himself completely to his family, he will sacrifice his professional career without regret.
NUMBER OF THE YEAR 7 - Sublime and idealistic dreams. Others have the impression that everything earthly does not matter to such a person. This is a loner who dreams of free time to spend it in solitude and thinking about the true meaning of his existence and gaining knowledge.
NUMBER OF THE YEAR 8 - Ambitious dreams. The desire to assert itself in the eyes of others, to gain material well-being and a prominent position in society.
NUMBER OF THE YEAR 9 - The thoughts of such a person should be aimed at improving the life of all mankind. Everything that he possesses: time, money or knowledge - he must sacrifice for the sake of others. Often at the same time, such a person can forget about himself and his loved ones.

The number of the month of birth is the number of the astral body used to harmonize our energy and emotions.

1 - JANUARY - Impulsive and passionate emotions. The mood is very changeable: gentle subtle feelings can be replaced by dryness or even rudeness. When problems arise in his path, he becomes cold and distant. The energy is strong, overwhelming others, but he himself will not tolerate pressure on himself.
2 - FEBRUARY - In a harmonious environment, emotions are sensitive, impressionable, subtly feel the mood of others. But those around you must be careful not to hurt their feelings. Tolerant, easily fall under the influence of others. They are also easily offended, with pressure on them and a rude attitude, they easily explode, become hysterical, capricious, depressive.
3 - MARCH - This number speaks of the unpredictability of your emotional state. You can be cheerful, sensitive, trembling and passionate, but suddenly you can lose control of yourself, and then short temper and aggressiveness can sweep away everything in its path. And when you release steam, you quickly cool down and calm down. Energy can be quickly depleted and also quickly restored.
4 - APRIL - Emotions and feelings are cautious and restrained, very dependent on the people around you. You try not to show them if you are not sure how your partner or interlocutor will react. The internal accumulation of negative emotions can lead to neuroses. With loved ones and subordinates, you can behave very emotionally and irritably.
5 - MAY - Emotions can be expressed easily, cheerfully and superficially. Grievances may not notice or treat them with humor. At the slightest infringement of his freedom, he is easily irritated, becomes withdrawn, aggressive, quarrelsome and can poison the existence of himself and his loved ones.
6 - JUNE - Sincerely shows his feelings and emotions, which are deep, romantic, cordial. Expects from others the same manifestation of feelings for themselves. If he does not find it, then he suffers a lot, withdraws into himself, becomes tearful and melancholic. Energy is often weakened and depends on how harmonious the environment around is.
7 - JULY - Can give the impression of insensible and cold, which is not always consistent internal state. This person simply cannot express his feelings because of false modesty or for fear of being ridiculed. But it can easily pretend to be calm and cheerful when everything is boiling inside. Very vulnerable and stressed.
8 - AUGUST - Feelings are impulsive and fiery, a person never hides or hides them. He is kind and loyal, able to sacrifice a lot for the sake of others. But he never forgets insults, does not compromise and is always ready to take revenge. The energy is very strong.
9 - SEPTEMBER - Very sentimental and sensitive, you can be moved to pity by a sad story or movie. But you try not to show your inner feelings, they are difficult to analyze. In relation to partners - warmth, sentimentality, romance are manifested if you are treated with respect or worship. But if this is not the case, then without regret you break the connection, cold-bloodedly cross out the person from your life.
10 - OCTOBER = (1+0) = 1
11 - NOVEMBER = (1+1) = 2
12 - DECEMBER = (1+2) = 3

Birthday is the vibrational number of the day, which is used to harmonize the physical body.

Number 1 (birthdays 1, 10, 19, 28)
A person born under any of these numbers will be an individualist, determined in his views, stubborn and determined, able to be creative in everything he does.
1 - independence, originality, leadership;
10 - creativity, artistry, idealism;
19 - strongly pronounced independence, originality;
28 - efficiency, daydreaming, strong will.

Number 2 (birthdays 2, 11, 20, 29)
People with this number are romantic, imaginative, but insecure. Therefore, they are not very persistent in the implementation of their ideas.
2 - sensitivity, emotionality, ability to work in a group;
11 - inspiration, psychic abilities, emotionality;
20 - tact, diplomacy;
29 - daydreaming, imposing one's will on others.

Number 3 (birthdays 3, 12, 21, 30)
Such people are ambitious, do not like the position of a subordinate. They often reach a high position due to their determination.
3 - friendliness, artistry, pronounced intellectual abilities, sense of humor;
12 - practicality, discipline, emotionality;
21 - versatility, nervousness, love for social events;
30 - artistry, great imagination, intuition, do not like hard work.

Number 4 (birthdays 4, 13, 22, 31)
The number gives dependence and practicality, vulnerability, sensitivity. If a person with such a number does not achieve success, then he becomes depressed and melancholy.
4 - accuracy, honesty, consideration of small details, stubbornness, susceptibility to influence;
13 - not afraid of hard work, ambitious, but at the same time insecure and pessimistic;
22 - high intuition, emotionality, nervousness;
31 - good ability to business, vigor and responsibility.

Number 5 (birthdays 5, 14, 23)
People of this number are quick-witted and agile in decisions, impulsive in actions, strive to make money quickly, and have a flexible character.
5 - versatility of nature, selflessness, intellectuality;
14 - duality of nature, emotionality;
23 - professionalism, high speed thinking, commercialism.

Number 6 (birthdays 6, 15, 24)
This number makes people attractive, they attract others to them. Stubborn and decisive in the implementation of their plans.
6 - love for home, society, musicality, dedication;
15 - ambitious leader, stubborn, but easily influenced. Excitable and quick-tempered;
24 - caring for others, integrity, but weak willpower.

Number 7 (birthdays 7, 16, 25)
The number gives the ability to the occult, developed intuition and a special mysterious attraction, which greatly influences others.
7 - pronounced individualism, stubbornness;
16 - analytical mind, a tendency to despondency, the need for affects, artistry, the ability to make contacts;
25 - romantic materialist, intuition, propensity for change.

Number 8 (birthdays 8, 17, 26)
Such people have an ardent nature, great strength of individuality, but they often remain misunderstood and for this reason are very lonely at heart.
8 - The ability to make money, the ability to assess the situation and use it for your own good, split character;
17 - a good sense of business, self-sustaining, restlessness and inconstancy;
26 - good organizational skills, but excessive emotionality.

Number 9 (birthdays 9, 18, 27)
The number gives a person compassion, lack of selfishness and the ability to make contacts.
9 - generosity, intolerance, independence;
18 - ambition, talent, artistry, sensitivity to others, emotional instability; 27 - big life force, emotionality, nervousness.

on the one hand, these are PROBLEMS, and on the other hand, a GIFT.

PROBLEMS can cause anxiety or stress in life until you overcome them or know what to do about them. To find out your Problem number for birth, simply subtract the smaller number from the larger number for two-digit number birth or zero - for unambiguous.

Birth number 25 means 5 - 2 = 3 where 3 is the birthday problem number
If the birth number is 6, then 6 - 0 = 6, i.e. here the problem number is 6.
If the birth number is 22, then 2 - 2 = 0, where 0 is a problem

Problem 0 - none of the problems will create difficulties on life path.
Problem 1 - become independent.
Problem 2 - believe in yourself.
Problem 3 - learn to express yourself.
Problem 4 - forget about laziness, earn trust.
Problem 5 - Don't be afraid of change.
Problem 6 - Don't shy away from commitment.
Problem 7 - don't be afraid to face Destiny "face to face".
Problem 8 - learn to distinguish good from evil.
Problem 9 - learn compassion.

GIFTS are given to remove birthday PROBLEMS
To find your Birth Gift number, subtract your Birthday Challenge number from the highest single number of 9:
If the problem is 0, then (9 - 0 = 9) and Gift 9 - compassion
If problem 1, then (9 - 1 = 8) and Gift 8 - achievements
If problem 2, then (9 - 2 = 7) and Gift 7 - wisdom
If problem 3, then (9 - 3 = 6) and Gift 6 - completion
If problem 4, then (9 - 4 = 5) and Gift 5 - steadfastness
If the problem is 5, then (9 - 5 = 4) and Gift 4 - patience
If problem 6, then (9 - 6 = 3) and Gift 3 - originality
If problem 7, then (9 - 7 = 2) and Gift 2 - understanding
If the problem is 8, then (9 - 8 = 1) and Gift 1 is ambition
If the problem is 9, then (9 - 9 = 0) and Gift 0 - knowledge
If problem 9 requires all the Gifts to compensate for the Problems, therefore knowledge, if used wisely, is his reward.

When we are born, each of us receives a certain scenario of the life that awaits us. And it is our date of birth that is a kind of secret code, revealing which we get the opportunity to know the fate that awaits us.

A well-chosen name is important condition thanks to which a long and quite prosperous life awaits a person. Or vice versa, he is threatened with a negative scenario (in case the name was chosen incorrectly and harmony was broken under the influence of its destructive vibration). Indeed, if the name is incompatible with the digital code of the day and year of birth, its influence will not be very positive. We invite you to find out your fate by date of birth and name in this article.

In order to find the key to our secret, it is necessary to calculate, which we will do further in the article.

What is a life path number

Your number is the sum of the ordinal day of the month in which you were born, the date and year of birth.

  1. We add all the numbers: 2+5+5+1+9+9+4=35.
  2. Then add 3 and 5 together to get a single digit.
  1. Unit. This person has an active lifestyle. He is full of energy and desire to create. His abilities have no limits, and his approach to creativity is unusual and original. That is why such people often become pioneers in various fields. These are born leaders, often achieving great success.
  2. Deuce. You have many different interests. We can say that you are interested in everything in this world. From creative activity to the computer device. You will be successful in every area of ​​life. And your communication skills will help you make a career as a lawyer or journalist, or be realized in other professions related to communication.
  3. Troika. It's clear creative person. His calling is art. He needs to show a lot of perseverance and work in order to reveal his abilities to the right extent and achieve success. But his work will surely be rewarded.
  4. Four. Often these people are overly punctual and demanding of others. But they are great hard workers who achieve everything with their own efforts and do not spare themselves. Therefore, they cannot be considered too tough and heartless, they just want everything to be perfect. As a rule, these people become organizers and talented leaders. But they should not forget about human qualities.
  5. Five. You have an oratorical gift and you have no equal in the ability to communicate with people. You are friendly and open, easily find contact with others. Any activity in the field of journalism, politics, medicine, economics is perfect for you.
  6. Six. Your goal is to help those in need. You cannot remain indifferent if your help is needed somewhere. You can hardly find a more truthful and trustworthy person in the world. But do not forget to still think about yourself, because excessive sacrifice takes too much energy from you, you need to love yourself and provide yourself with sufficient rest.
  7. Seven. Born explorer. For him, a deep analysis of the issues of interest to him is important. He does not like to stop until he puts everything in its place and finds the right solution to the problem. His main field of activity is science and research.
  8. Eight. Life often likes to test you for stamina, but you cope with the most challenging tasks and it only makes you stronger. You are a strong leader who can take full responsibility for yourself. Among these people are many big businessmen and politicians that can lead millions of people who rely on them.
  9. Nine. Often these people are very sociable and take an active social position. They are honest, the interests of others are important to them. They have original creative thinking and the ability to see the world in their own way. Therefore, such people often become architects, artists or writers.

The influence of the name on fate

The name also has a huge impact on fate. Each name carries certain vibrations that endow the person with certain qualities.

Important! When choosing a name for your child, pay enough attention to its sacred meaning if you want his fate to be happy and successful.

Find out how your name affects fate from the following video:

Also, if you are not satisfied given name, you can change it, after which your fate will also change dramatically. There are many examples of this phenomenon, but we will talk in more detail about the influence of a name on life and destiny in the following articles.

From birth, we receive a specific destiny that endows us with various positive and negative qualities, as well as giving us specific talents and abilities. We hope that this material has helped you shed some light on the features of your life and it will now be easier for you to make important decisions and choose the right strategy behavior.

The question of whether it is possible to predict one's fate has been and remains one of the most exciting for people. Each of us at least once in our lives tried to find out the future by resorting to divination, horoscopes and astrology.

Exists great amount simple and difficult ways look into tomorrow. Numerology is exact science, referring to which, a person, using simple formulas, can understand how the date of birth and name can influence his fate.

How to find out fate by date of birth

In numerology, there are a number of basic numbers that determine the fate of a person - the number of the soul, the number of fate and the number of the life path.

Soul number reflects the presence of certain inclinations and character traits in us. It is calculated by adding each digit in a person's date of birth, bringing the result to single digit.

It was believed that those who the number of the soul turns out to be odd, throughout life strive for leadership, are active and like to take the initiative. If the result turned out to be even, these are creative and dreamy people, often endowed with good intuition and have great courage.

Destiny Number shows the ability to overcome life's difficulties, and how receptive you are in communicating with people around you. To calculate your destiny number you need to add up to a single digit all the digits of your full date of birth, and then subtract their number from the sum.

For example, a person was born on May 3, 1940: 3+5+1+9+0=18=1+8=9. And now we subtract the number of digits of your date from the resulting amount, in our example there are 6 of them, therefore, 9-6 = 3. In this case, 3 is the number of a person's destiny.

  • Unit obtained by the number of fate in people prone to aggression. They are ambitious, accustomed to think over their every act, easily make useful connections.
  • Deuce characteristic of the calm and soft. Such people treat life with equanimity and even indifference, taking everything good and bad that happens to them for granted.
  • Threes- talented and gifted. They are artistic and throughout their lives are looking for an opportunity to realize their enormous potential.
  • Fours- family men. The main goal in life is to be successful strong marriage. A partner is chosen carefully, comparing him with others. They can easily put up with other people's shortcomings.
  • Five considered the number of fate for unpredictable people. They have well-developed intuition and self-control. Such people are hard to compromise with others, their mood can change several times a day.
  • Six inherent in honest and open people. They are trusting and straightforward, which is why they have a limited social circle.
  • Sevens possess high level intellect. Throughout their lives, they experience an acute thirst for knowledge, love to travel and have fun. These people have a good memory.
  • eights purposeful and brutal. Their hardness and willpower can be envied. In life, they try to achieve a high position in society, but in the family - tyrants and egoists.
  • Nines easily achieve public recognition. Real minions of fate. Easy to relate to money, love to spend it. They often suffer from the fact that they cannot understand what they want from life.

Life path number will show how open a person is to others and is able to create stable strong ties. To calculate it, add up all the digits of your date of birth. It is not necessary to bring the result to a single digit, as when calculating the number of the soul.

For example, you were born on February 2, 1975: 2+2+1+9+7+5=26. Now check Is the value obtained a multiple of 3. If multiple, then you have an extraordinary ability to communicate with others. It is not difficult for you to find a common language with people, but you do not crave their attention, on the contrary, you value solitude .

If the result is not a multiple of 3, then in communication you try to take a leadership position, often point out to people their mistakes, which is why many do not like you.

And name

For every person important role in life plays a name, surname and patronymic. In numerology, it is customary to believe that these data carry a great semantic load in our development as a person and in character.

A well-chosen name for a child can both help to reveal his creative and life potential, and slow it down.

A name can bring success to life and good luck, can make it rich and bright, or it can completely block a person’s ability to communicate.

Our ancestors believed that if a newborn cries a lot, is nervous and tries to do everything in defiance of his parents, then letters such as “r”, “k” and “a” should be present in his name. They will make rolling sounds tuning the owner's energy in the right direction. If the child is quiet, smiles a lot and is inquisitive, then he should have been given a name with letters such as "s", "e", "l" and "n".

If there are more consonants in the full name of a person, including the surname and patronymic, in numerology this is considered a sign of people prone to strong, strong-willed decisions. They rarely compromise with loved ones, are selfish and care little about the feelings of their soulmate.

If there are more vowels in the nominal code of a person, it is easier for such people to create strong stable relationships with the opposite sex. They are more compliant and able to accept each person as he is, without trying to remake him for themselves.

Karmic horoscope

There is another sure way to find out your destiny - for this you can use the karmic horoscope. It is based on the idea that a person's life is influenced not only by the number, day and month of birth, but also by the time and day of the week.

Numerologists believe that people born in the morning will be very different in character from those born in the evening and so on. The karma number will tell you what to expect in the future and about your past lives.

The very definition of karma tells us that the fate of a person is influenced by his previous incarnations, his actions, Family status And profession in past life . The number of karma is calculated according to the numerological principle based on the date and time of birth.

Calculation of the number of karma

Place a small piece of paper in front of you and write your date of birth on it. For example, 7/9/1983. On the line below you add up all the digits of your date: 7+9+1+9+8+3=37. From the amount received, you must subtract the number of your day of the week.

If you were born on a Monday- it will be a unit, if on Tuesday - a deuce, and so on. In our example, let it be Friday: 37-5=32. And now you need to add 1, 2 or 3 to the resulting number, depending on what time of day you were born. If from 3-00 to 11-00 - add one, if from 11-00 to 19-00 - two, and from 19-00 to 3-00 - the number three.

Suppose the person for whom we are counting numerological horoscope born at 8-00: 32+1=33. We bring the result to a single-digit number: 3+3=6.

So, 6 is your number in the karmic horoscope.


  1. The resulting unit indicates that in a past life you were engaged in hard physical labor. Maybe you were a builder or farmer. The attitude towards life in such people is very realistic. They rarely make grandiose plans, preferring to live one day at a time. This happens because, more than anything else, they are afraid of being disappointed. And there are many disappointments in their lives because of total absence farsightedness and innocence. A person who has a unit in the karmic horoscope is an excellent performer. He is not ambitious and rarely takes leadership positions. Looking for spiritual unity in personal life with a partner. Perfect vacation for him it will be a quiet evening reading a book or watching TV with his family.
  2. This number of karma characterizes creative and artistic people. They are charismatic and open, have an unintelligent thirst for knowledge and a craving for travel. In a past life, the type of activity of such a person was most likely associated with the water element. He was probably fisherman or sailor. Such people are unpredictable, because a huge number of ideas are constantly swarming in their head. Because of this, they often give up halfway through what they started and quickly lose interest. In a relationship with a loved one, they are very emotional, do not hesitate to show their feelings. Vulnerable and sensitive. Succeed at work They can only if they do what they love.
  3. Three is characteristic of indifferent and cold people. In a past life, their occupation was associated with animals. Most likely they were trainers, shepherds or foresters. They are wary of others, they do not even trust close people. By nature, such a person is closed and rarely makes strong connections. He keeps all plans and thoughts to himself. Prefers to work independently, protects personal space. Often such people open own business. They do not appreciate the attention and manifestations of the feelings of their soulmate. Marriages are reluctant, only in the case when the partner does not require emotional intimacy from them.
  4. This number of karma falls to people who in their past incarnation were inventors and designers. They have a huge intellectual potential and often become politicians and diplomats. They easily make friends and just as easily lose them because of their temper. Good pretenders, do not tolerate competition. They quickly forget about the promises made to someone. In their personal lives, they are looking for a partner who will support them in everything. As the second half, they choose an undemanding person who will sacrifice his own interests to please them.
  5. Is characteristic number for those who in a past life devoted himself to the art of war. Such a person could be a soldier or a hunter. The main character traits are restraint and pragmatism. Such people think through every decision in advance, they are good chess players. Executive. They always know what they want and easily achieve their goal. They do not pay attention to the difficulties on their way, taking them for granted. It is difficult for a person with this figure in a karmic horoscope to find a common language with others. He is straightforward and always tries to tell the truth in person. Such people rarely go into their business, more often they get jobs in large corporations, where they successfully grow up the career ladder.
  6. People with a six in a past life were closely associated with financial transactions. This bankers, moneylenders, stockbrokers. They subtly feel the mood of a person, good psychologists have a wide range of contacts. Cardinal changes are not accepted, they rarely change their place of residence and work. From a young age know what they want from life. Good mathematicians, but one-sided attitude to life. Obsessed with their own ideas, on the way to the goal they are ready to sacrifice the interests of loved ones. In their personal lives they seek their own benefit. They are guided by the principle that it is more important to accept someone else's love than to give your own.
  7. Seven is characteristic of people who are aloof and shy. In his past incarnation, a person could be monk, librarian or astrologer. Their life is closely connected with mysticism. They often experience a feeling of deja vu. They have clairvoyant abilities, but rarely develop them. They prefer to go with the flow, rarely take the initiative. The family crave stability and comfort. They don't like overt displays of affection. and emotions. They prefer not to enter into an open conflict, for this they are ready to deceive. Sevens work without a soul, trying to do only what is included in their direct duties. They read a lot, but they don't like to study.
  8. In a numerical horoscope, the figure eight indicates people who are calm and balanced. In a past life they were teachers or guards in prison. They have an analytical mindset, always keep their emotions under control. May experience anxiety when interacting with strangers. Thoroughly filter the circle. People are chosen according to their utility, rarely paying attention to someone else's character. They can find a common language with absolutely everyone. They put a lot of energy and effort into their work. They love and know how to cook deliciously, but they do it only for the closest people. They are pedantic in their work.
  9. People detached, with a ruthless character. In a past life, they were engaged in public service. could be innkeepers, brokers or grocers. They trust intuition, are not inclined to idealize others. If they find shortcomings in close people, they try to remake them or simply stop all communication. Fanatical. Personalities are strong, they strive to use every opportunity to achieve the goal. IN family life guided more by reason.

Numerology of Pythagoras

On the life path of each of us there is a person whose actions are difficult for us to understand and from whom we simply do not know what to expect. In numerology, there is a special section that helps us find out personal information about a person, which will make communication with him easier and more enjoyable.

Its founder is the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras, who created human psychomatrix. It is presented in the form of a square of nine sections, each of which is responsible for a specific trait of a person's personality: his luck, health, efficiency, intuition, interest in life, memory, sense of duty, character and energy potential.

All calculations for the square of Pythagoras are made based on the date of birth. The ancient Greeks believed that each person appears in this world at a strictly allotted time, which imposes a certain energy imprint for the rest of his life.

You can draw up a similar numerological portrait for yourself, this will help you understand in which direction you should direct more energy to realize your life potential, what to look for Special attention, and with what spheres of life it is absolutely not worth contacting.

Each of us, living in a social environment, obeys or at least takes into account the laws of the state and society, external conditions and circumstances, the influence of fatal forces or, as they say, Fate. But, at the same time, the individual has his own will, freedom of choice and freedom of spirit. Sometimes Fate dominates a person so strongly that no effort of the will can overcome its influence. In other periods of life, on the contrary, the action external forces becomes weaker, and then a person can take the initiative into his own hands - for the will and freedom of choice, the "green light" is turned on.

The most difficult thing is that a person does not know in advance when it is better not to resist external influences and not go against Fate, and when auspicious time and you can actively pursue your goals on your own.

Schedule of Fate and Will is a technique based on unique system Pythagoras, allows you to calculate by date of birth periods of influence on a person of Fate and periods favorable for the manifestation of Will. For calculating the chart of fate the numbers that make up the day and month of birth are multiplied by the year the person was born. If the result is a six-digit number, then its first digit is preceded by a "0". Each digit of the received code shows the strength of the influence of Fate in each 12-year period of time from the moment of birth.

For plotting a destiny chart 7 points are plotted along the X axis, corresponding to 12-year periods of life from 0 to 72 years (after this age, the cycle of the Chart of Fate and Will begins anew). For example, for a person born in 1980, these would be: 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052. And on the Y-axis, over each year, a digit (from 0 to 9) of the number obtained by multiplying the day and month by the year of birth is plotted (above the point of the year of birth - the first digit of the number, above the second point - the second digit of the number, etc.) .

The Will Chart is calculated and built according to the same principle as the Destiny Chart, only in the date of birth all “0” are replaced by “1”.

Do not confuse the Schedule of Fate and Will with, which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of the Graph of Fate and Will

ATTENTION! Graphs are built for the period of life from 0 to 72 years, which does not mean the end of life. After this age, the cycle and graphs are repeated from the beginning. To build a Graph of Fate and Will, enter the date of birth and click "Build Graph", to clear the fields, click "Reset". Below is a decoding of the meanings of the Schedule of Fate and Will.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build Graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Deciphering the Graph of Fate and Will

The line of Fate is above the line of Will. This indicates a period when external circumstances are at their strongest and the lessons of fate become more severe. At such a time, everything in your life will be as prescribed by fate, so you should not show great initiative and make strong-willed actions. Do not try to “break into a closed door”, but rather “go with the flow”.

The line of Fate is below the line of Will. During this period, active actions are needed, one should not postpone one's own projects for tomorrow, but strive forward, make great efforts to achieve the set goals. Freedom of choice comes to the fore, and influence external circumstances becomes insignificant. You should not rely on fate during this period, you must build your own life. You can safely take the initiative in your own hands, now everything will depend only on you.

Points of intersection of the lines of Fate and Will. These are very responsible and rather unfavorable periods for any innovations. In such periods of time, you should not take any responsible and drastic steps - move to new apartment, change jobs, arrange a wedding, etc.

The lines of Fate and Will go together - "The Way of the Monk". In this case, the person is completely subordinate Higher powers. However, this does not mean that a person cannot do anything - he intuitively understands that he should not go against fate. One should not think that such a person is primitive, on the contrary, it is he who can implement really grandiose plans. A characteristic example of this is the life of M.V. Lomonosov (date of birth - November 19, 1711).

The magic of numbers has been known since ancient times. It has always been a mystery to people, many have tried to unravel it. Every day a person is faced with numbers, sees them. Sometimes he notices them, sometimes he doesn't. Numbers go with a person throughout life, starting from birth.

There is such a science - numerology, it studies numbers, their meaning and even the impact on the fate and life of a person. Pythagoras believed that if a person learns to correctly recognize numbers, he will boldly manage his life and destiny.


Some are lucky, some are not. For example, there are legends about the number 6 or 13. And the numbers 9 or 7 are very symbolic in history, religion.
How can you find out fate by date of birth

A person is born on a certain day. And the whole day is connected with numbers - date, time, day of the year. Every day is different, each day corresponds to some arrangement of the planets. The date of birth does not change. These figures can influence the fate of a person throughout life.
The easiest way is the value of each digit in the date of birth. Any number has its own purpose, so you can learn something about a person from a number.

Another way is full date birth in numbers. You need to write the date in large format, for example, 03/25/1986.

How to count? First you need to add the numbers in order. 2+5, 0+3, 1+9+8+6. The results obtained also need to be added. That is, it turns out - 7 + 3 + 24. It will be 34. Further 3+4. This is 7. The last digit that came out is seven. And then, already by the values ​​​​of specific numbers, you can decipher it.

The number 1 denotes people who know how and love to make a career. They are obsessed with work, this is the meaning of life. In work, they are leaders, often bosses.

Number 2. Very sociable people, friendly. Friendship is valued above all else.

The number 3 symbolizes talent. People are creative, often gifted. Have one or more talents. The only thing stopping them from doing creative career They don't like to finish what they started.

Number 4. These are people who love to work. But these are not leaders or leadership positions. They love the process of work, more than the family. In work, they are usually in submission, they do everything impeccably. The people are very honest and reliable. At work they are loved, respected, appreciated. They love to work in a team.

The number 5 indicates fickle personalities. They always change their ideas, ideals, thoughts. It is very important for them that there is an object nearby that helps to realize themselves. If there is no control nearby, then all the talent and work done can disappear.

Number 6. A symbol of calm, adequate people. They are balanced. For them, family is very important, in the first place. They also love to learn. People with a six are very optimistic and cheerful.

Number 7. Seven is a mystical number. They are always interested in everything secret, mystical, magical. But knowledge always follows mystery. These are people with unlimited imagination, intuition. On the one hand, creativity is connected with this number, on the other hand, success in power. It depends on the sides of the individual personality. Since some may spend their lives and activities in seclusion, they need solitude, while others, on the contrary, are in public all the time.

Number 8. Although these are stingy people, money loves people with the number 8. They can become rich, successful in their careers. People associated with politics or power have the number eight. From birth, they have such qualities as leadership, the ability to organize other people.

Number 9. Strong people. They are very intelligent and spiritually advanced. This may also be creative people, they are guaranteed success in their endeavor, as they clearly set goals and fulfill them, no matter what. The number nine can boast of musicians or even scientists, inventors.

Number 11. People with the number 11 are very strong in spirit. Also self-confident. They can, despite all the difficulties, go their own way, achieve their goals.

Number 22. People with such a spiritual figure are developed. They take the spiritual beginning higher than the physical, than external factors. They can be obsessed with everything mystical.

The resulting figure is the number of fate. After all, each number has its own meaning, some properties, images arise. It helps to better understand the person to whom you are guessing, or yourself. Learn character traits, spy on the future.

Destiny number - numerology

Destiny number - numerology

Why exactly nine values, nine digits. As mentioned earlier, all information comes from the planets solar system and we have nine planets. Therefore, so many numbers affect fate. If you get a double number, well, you need to add it, this is a natural process. And the result appears in the form of a simple number from 1 to 9. Such received numbers 11 or 22 do not add up again, and the value of 1 or 2ki increases many times over.

An interesting fact is that two people born at the same time, having the same date of birth, cannot be exactly the same. Of course, they can be united by such character traits as willpower, or vice versa, lack of will. Hard work, love for the family. But these people are different, and fate is also different.