Natalia Dolmatova
Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the natural world in senior group"What is nature"

Subject:"What is nature?"

Target: expand children's knowledge of living and inanimate nature.

Tasks: Continue to teach children to distinguish living things from non-living things

To form ideas about the inextricable connection between man and nature / man

part of nature/.

Teaching children to distinguish natural objects from artificial / created


Arouse interest in nature and the problem of its protection.

Vocabulary work: vocabulary enrichment: wisdom, artificial objects /not nature/;

dictionary activation: live and not Live nature.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations, reading literature about nature,

observation, didactic game"Chamomile".

Methodical methods: artistic word, conversation, comparisons, display of illustrations,

Equipment: interactive board, photo - slides depicting nature, environmental signs, photo-slides depicting an ant and a ladybug, D / and "Chamomile".

1. -Guys, do you like to walk in the forest, in the park, in the meadow?

And which of you rested on the sea?

Who vacationed in the mountains?

What did you like the most?

Guys, what do you think nature is?

Nature is rivers, seas, lakes, forests and fields, sky and sun, soil and air, and all living things.

Guys, do you know that a person is also a part of nature and the smallest insect is also a part of nature.

I will read you a poem by the Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, and you listen carefully.

The sun is shining, the waters are shining,

There is a smile on everything, life is on everything,

The trees tremble with joy

Swimming in the blue sky

The trees are singing, the waters are splashing,

Love dissolves the air

And the world, the blooming world of nature

Intoxicated with the excess of life.

Guys, what do you think this poem is about? (a poem about the beauty of nature).

Guys, look carefully at the screen and say what you see on the screen, on the screen (photo slides of nature on the screen).


What would you name these images?

I will give you riddles, and you try to guess.

Lives in seas and rivers

But often it flies across the sky,

And how bored she is to fly -

Falls to the ground again. (Water).

They beat me, they beat me,

Turning, cutting

And I endure everything

And I cry all the best. (earth, soil).

blue handkerchief,

Red gingerbread man, rolling on a scarf,

Smiling at people. (Sky, sun).

In the dense forest, under the trees,

showered with leaves

Lies a ball with needles

Spiny and alive. (Hedgehog).

There are two oak trees.

On oaks - a barrel,

On the barrel - a bump,

On a hummock is a forest. (Human).

Many hands, one leg. (Tree).

Well done guys, you guessed the riddles correctly.

What else do you see on the screen? (children name objects of animate and inanimate nature).

Guys, tell me what is related to wildlife? (animals, plants, everything that grows, breathes, eats and reproduces).

What about inanimate nature? (sun, stones, water, soil).

Tell me why you don’t see on the screen the image of houses, cars, fences, factories? / if the children find it difficult to answer, help /

All that is made by human hands, we can not call nature.

And so, nature is everything that surrounds us, but not made by human hands, even from natural material. For example: a wooden chair is made of natural wood material, but it is made by human hands and the chair is not nature. The machine is made by human hands - it is not nature. But a horse and a camel, which a person also rides, are nature. Man simply tamed the camel and horse, made them pets, they existed in nature even without man. The camel and the horse eat, they breathe, they have cubs. And the man made the car himself. The machine does not breathe, it does not have cubs. A person often invents things that look like natural objects. For example: the helicopter looks like who?


What does the submarine look like?

On a whale.

2. Phys. minute.

The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps, (palms to the left cheek, to the right cheek)

Even the wind doesn't make noise. (swing with raised hands)

Early in the morning the sun rose, (raised hands up, stretched)

All its rays sent. (swing with raised hands)

Suddenly a breeze blew, (waved their hands up and down)

The sky was cloudy. (cover face with hands)

And shook the trees. (swing of the body to the left - to the right)

Rain on the roofs pounded, (jumping in place)

Drumming rain on the roof (clapping)

The sun is sinking lower and lower. (forward bends)

So it hid behind the clouds, (squat)

Not a single ray is visible. (get up, put your hands behind your back)

3. - Guys, now we will play the game "Chamomile". The one who correctly indicates what the things necessary for a person are made of and what they refer to will win. On the board around the yellow center are attached white chamomile petals, on reverse side which depict objects of living and non-living nature and not nature. Children take turns tearing off the petals. I ask questions:

What is on the petal?

What is it made of?

What does this object refer to? (child who gave the largest number complete answers is awarded with a postcard with a picture of a plant or animal).

4. - Guys, nature pleases a person with its beauty! Admiring the beauty of nature, a person becomes better, kinder. Nature teaches man wisdom. Here is how the poet V. Orlov said about it.

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches

Birds learn to sing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us the truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness

And for all the magnitude

Teaches modesty.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people,

They teach strong friendship.

Guys, what does nature teach us?

Do you think nature needs our friendship?


(Show environmental signs and discuss with the children the meaning of the signs).

People should live in friendship with nature, protect everything that is on earth! Don't hurt anyone, don't hurt anyone. But many people don't think about it.

Guys, do you know these insects? / I show pictures of a ladybug and an ant /

Guys, tell me they are beautiful? - Who held them in their hands?

Did you know that such small insects are of great benefit to nature, but often suffer because of the unreasonable curiosity of man.

Let's make a promise to each other never to catch insects, but only to observe and admire them without harming them. Do not break trees and shrubs. Help the birds in winter.

Do you guys want to become nature protectors?

Then let's take an oath:

Look, my friend, don't let us down

Be truthful and kind, promise!

Do not offend not a bird, not a cricket,

Do not buy a net for a butterfly,

Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields -

Everything that is called

Your homeland.

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The content of educational activities

"Cognitive Development"

Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. Acquaintance with nature.

Type of activity / Topic

Program Content/Objectives


1 Week

Subject environment

Theme "Objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life"

Software content. To form children's ideas about objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life; their purpose. Pay attention to the fact that they serve a person, and he should treat them with care.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "In the garden, in the garden"

Software content. Expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world; about vegetables, fruits and berries; learn to recognize them and correctly name vegetables, fruits and berries. To form general ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, about the variety of dishes from them. Expand children's ideas about how to care for garden plants. Create a desire to share experiences.

3 week

Social environment

Theme "My family"

Software content. Continue to form an interest in the family, family members. Encourage children to name the name, patronymic, surname of family members; talk about family members, what they like to do at home, what they do at work. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

4 week

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Ecological trail in autumn (on the street)"

Software content. Expand ideas about the objects of the ecological trail and seasonal changes in nature. To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. To systematize knowledge about the benefits of plants for humans and animals.


1 Week

Subject environment

Topic "What the subject tells about itself"

Software content. Encourage children to highlight the features of objects (size, shape, color, material, parts, functions, purpose). Improve the ability to describe objects according to their characteristics.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Take care of the animals!"

Software content. To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the animal world. Strengthen knowledge about animals native land. Expand understanding of the relationship of animals with the environment. Cultivate a conscious respect for the natural world. Give elementary representations on how to protect animals. To form ideas that a person is a part of nature, that he must protect, protect and protect it. Develop creativity, initiative and the ability to work in a team.

3 week

Subject environment

Theme "My Friends"

Software content. Deepen knowledge about peers, consolidate the rules of a friendly attitude towards them (share a toy, talk politely, friendly, if one of the guys is sad, talk to him, play).

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Walk in the woods"

Software content. To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world. To give knowledge about the species diversity of forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. To form ideas about what is environmentally friendly for a person environment is a health factor. teach children to name distinctive features trees and shrubs. Build respect for nature. To systematize knowledge about the benefits of the forest in the life of humans and animals, about the correct behavior in the forest.


1 Week

Subject environment

Paper Collector Theme

Software content. Expand children's ideas about different types of paper and its qualities. Improve the ability to identify objects according to the characteristics of the material.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Autumn"

Software content. To form ideas about the alternation of the seasons. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of fruits and vegetables. Get to know the traditional folk calendar. Attach to Russian folk art. To form an aesthetic attitude towards nature. Develop cognitive activity.

3 week

Social environment

Theme "Kindergarten"

Software content. Show children the social significance of kindergarten. To form the concept that kindergarten employees should be thanked for their care, respect their work, treat it with care.

4 week

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Feathered Friends"

Software content. Form ideas about wintering and migratory birds. Learn to solve riddles. To develop interest in the world of birds, curiosity. Describe the importance of birds to the environment. develop attention, creative activity, the desire to take care of the birds.


1 Week

Subject environment

Theme "Tanya's Doll Outfits"

Software content. Introduce children to different types fabrics, pay attention to individual properties (absorbency); to encourage establishing causal relationships between the use of fabrics and the time of year.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Feed the Birds"

Software content. To expand ideas about the wintering birds of the native land. Learn to recognize appearance and name the birds. To form a desire to watch birds without interfering with them. Develop a cognitive interest in the natural world. To consolidate knowledge about the habits of birds. To form a desire to take care of birds in the winter (hang out feeders, feed birds), develop emotional responsiveness.

3 week

Social environment

"Games in the Yard".

Software content. To acquaint children with the elementary basics of life safety, discuss possible dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard of the house, riding a bicycle in the city.

4 week

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "How animals help people"

Software content. Expand children's ideas about animals different countries and continents. Contribute to the formation of ideas about how animals can help people. Develop curiosity, cognitive activity. Develop Creative skills. Expand lexicon.


1 Week

Subject environment

Theme "In the world of metal"

Software content. Introduce children to the properties and qualities of metal. Learn to find metal objects in the immediate vicinity.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

Subject " winter phenomena in nature"

Software content. Expand your understanding of winter changes in nature. To consolidate knowledge about the winter months. Activate vocabulary (snowfall, blizzard, frost). Learn to gain knowledge about the properties of snow in the process of experimental activities. Develop cognitive activity, creativity.

3 week

Subject environment

Theme "Visiting the Castellan"

Software content. To acquaint children with the business and personal qualities of a housekeeper. Develop a positive attitude towards her.

4 week

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Ecological path in the kindergarten building"

Software content. To expand children's ideas about the objects of the ecological trail in the building of the kindergarten. Learn to recognize and name familiar plants and animals. Expand your understanding of how to care for plants and animals. Develop an interest in the natural world, an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. To form a desire to act as a guide at the points of the route of the ecological trail.


1 Week

Subject environment

Theme "Bell Song"

Software content. To consolidate knowledge about glass, metal, wood; their properties. To acquaint with the history of bells and bells in Rus' and in other countries.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Flowers for Mom"

Software content. Expand knowledge about the diversity of indoor plants. Develop a cognitive interest in nature by the example of acquaintance with indoor plants. To give elementary ideas about the reproduction of plants in a vegetative way. Learn to plant seedlings of indoor plants. To form a caring and attentive attitude towards loved ones, positive attitude to work, desire to work.

3 week

Subject environment

Theme "Russian army"

Software content. Continue to expand children's understanding of Russian army. Talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

4 week

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Excursion to the zoo"

Software content. To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the animal world, that man is part of nature, and he must protect, protect and protect it. To form ideas that animals are divided into classes: insects, birds, fish, animals (mammals). Develop cognitive interest, curiosity, emotional responsiveness.


1 Week

Subject environment

Theme "Journey into the past of the light bulb"

Software content. Introduce children to the history of the light bulb, arouse interest in the past of this subject.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "The world of indoor plants"

Software content. Expand your understanding of the diversity of indoor plants. Learn to recognize and correctly name houseplants. Talk about professions related to the care of indoor plants. To consolidate knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants, taking into account their characteristics. Improve your plant care skills. To form a desire to help adults care for indoor plants. Cultivate respect for plants. To form an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

3 week

Subject environment

Theme "visiting the artist"

Software content. To form ideas about the social significance of the artist's work, its necessity; show that the products of his labor reflect feelings, personal qualities, interests.

4 week

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Water Resources of the Earth"

Software content. Expand children's ideas about the diversity of water resources: springs, lakes, rivers, seas, etc., about how a person can use water in his life; how to manage water resources economically. Expand your understanding of the properties of water. Consolidate knowledge about water resources native land; about the benefits of water in the life of humans, animals and plants.


1 Week

Subject environment

Theme "Journey to the Past of the Armchair"

Software content. Arouse interest in the past of subjects; lead to an understanding that a person invents and creates various devices to facilitate labor.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature "Forests and meadows of our homeland"

Software content. To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of the flora of Russia. To form ideas about plants and animals of the forest and meadows. Expand understanding of the relationship between flora and fauna. Develop cognitive activity. Cultivate respect for nature.

3 week

Subject environment

Theme "Russia is a huge country"

Software content. To form ideas about what our huge, multinational country is called Russian Federation(Russia), there are many cities and villages in it. To acquaint with Moscow - the main city, the capital of our country, its sights.

4 week

Acquaintance with nature

Theme "Spring suffering"

Software content. To consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature. Expand ideas about the features of agricultural work in the spring. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture. Activate vocabulary (spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.). develop curiosity and initiative.


1 Week

Subject environment

Theme "Journey to the past of the phone"

Software content. To acquaint children with the history of the invention and improvement of the telephone. Learn to write algorithms. Develop logical thinking, ingenuity.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with nature

natural material - sand, clay, stones.

software content. To consolidate children's ideas about the properties of sand, clay and stone. Develop an interest in natural materials. Show how a person can use sand, clay and stones for their needs. To form the ability to explore properties natural materials. Develop curiosity.

3 week

Subject environment

Theme "Profession - artist"

Software content. To introduce children to the creative profession of a theater actor. Give an idea of ​​what actors become talented people who can play any role in the theater, cinema, stage. Talk about business and personal qualities representatives of this creative profession, its necessity for people. Bring to the understanding that the product of the artist's work reflects his feelings. To cultivate feelings of gratitude, respect for the work of people of creative professions.

Summary of classes for children of the senior group of kindergarten

Theme: "Alone with nature."

tutor of the first qualification category Matveeva Marina Sergeevna ANODO "Planet of Childhood" Lada " kindergarten"Squirrel" No. 176.
Purpose: Lesson for older children preschool age.
1. Formation of the ability to compose descriptive story by pictures.
2. Clarify children's ideas about characteristic features every season.
3. Formation of ideas about the regular repetition of changes in the life of nature, from season to season.
4. To teach children to consider and examine objects of inanimate nature, to draw conclusions.
Lesson progress:
We sit on the floor in a circle. Distribution cards for children.
Educator: Guys, let's play the game "When does this happen?"
It's time for mysteries.
Empty fields
Wet earth
The rain is pouring down
When it happens.

Snow on the fields
Ice on the rivers
The blizzard is walking
When it happens.

Snowball melts
The meadow came to life
The day is coming
When does it happen

The sun bakes
Linden blossoms
Rye is ripening
When does it happen
Educator: Well done! Guys, guess the riddle: "White in winter, and gray in summer."
Children: This is a hare.
Educator: That's right, it's a bunny. And today he galloped to us, to find out what we know about nature.
There is a diagram on the table, the children have cards with signs for the seasons.
We begin the story: Olya (on the card) - This is autumn. It rains in autumn. There were puddles. The sun shines less in autumn. Cloudy weather…
Children tell one after another, one begins, the second continues, the third finishes. So about every season.
Educator: The whole nature of the Earth can be divided into two huge world: the inanimate world, the world of living nature. We have pictures on the table: the boys need to select the image of not wildlife, but the girls of wildlife and then explain how wildlife differs from inanimate nature (moves, grows, eats, breathes, reproduces). Let's check if the pictures are correct: man, whale, dog, bird, elephant, tree, flower, hedgehog. They all eat, grow, breathe, so they are classified as wildlife.
And the sun, clouds, rainbows, stones, soil, water are classified as inanimate nature, since they do not have the ability to grow, feed, breathe. Well done guys, you did a great job.
Fizminutka: Guys, stand in a circle, please. The bunny will throw the ball to you, and you will return it with the answer.
after winter comes...
after the summer...
-winter month ... (answers of several children)
-summer month ... (answers of several children)
after Tuesday...
a day and then...
- night, and after it ...
-wintering bird ... (answers of several children)
- who hibernates for the winter ... (answers of several children)
- who is the first to arrive in the spring ...
What bird doesn't make its own nest...
-autumn month ... (answers of several children)
-spring month ... (answers of several children)
Educator: And what natural phenomena You know? (Wind, snow, rainbow, leaf fall, drops, ice drift, hoarfrost, dew, fog, icicles, drops, hail, rain, sun).
What happens only in winter? In summer?
And what are clouds? (cumulus, cirrus, thunder and rain)
Where does rain and snow come from?
What is the name of the forest in which pines and spruces grow? What if trees? What if everyone is together? (children's answers).
At the end of the lesson, the bunny asks: "Guys, let's remember what we talked about today, what we learned new." Praises children and gives medals with his image.

Subject:"Journey to the Forest"



1. Consolidate children's knowledge of trees;

2. Continue to expand, develop the child's dialogical speech;

3. Clarify children's ideas about tree bark.


1. Develop environmental thinking and environmental culture;

2. Continue to develop children's activity in games.


1. Raise interest in plants;

2. To educate the ability of children to listen to each other, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers.

Planned results: children can name the structure of a tree, assemble a model of a tree, children can talk about the importance of a forest for a person, about how a person can save a forest, they can draw conclusions on their own.

Preliminary work: reading literature about the forest; observation on walks; solving riddles; viewing illustrations of flora, watching videos of cartoons about nature, making collages.

Materials and equipment:

Illustrations depicting the forest; tree model, birch, mountain ash, pine, oak leaves; blanks for making panels; hoops (red and green); prohibition and permission signs; board (easel).



Synopsis of directly educational activities

in the field of knowledge, familiarization with the natural world

for older preschool children

Subject: "Journey to the Forest"



  1. Consolidate children's knowledge about trees;
  2. Continue to expand, develop the child's dialogical speech;
  3. Clarify children's ideas about the bark of trees.


  1. Develop environmental thinking and environmental culture;
  2. Continue to develop children's activity in games.


  1. Cultivate interest in plants;
  2. To educate the ability of children to listen to each other, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers.

Planned results:children can name the structure of a tree, assemble a model of a tree, children can talk about the importance of a forest for a person, about how a person can save a forest, they can draw conclusions on their own.

Preliminary work: reading literature about the forest; observation on walks; solving riddles; looking at illustrations about the plant world, watching videos of cartoons about nature, making collages.

Materials and equipment:

Illustrations depicting the forest; tree model, birch, mountain ash, pine, oak leaves; blanks for making panels; hoops (red and green); prohibition and permission signs; board (easel).

  1. Organizing time

(Children stand in a circle, holding hands).

Educator: Guys, tell me, were you with your parents in the forest?

Children: yes.

Educator: What do you like most about the forest?

Children: relax, pick mushrooms and berries.

Educator: guys, what do you think, why do all the inhabitants of planet Earth need a forest? Do you want to find out?

Children: yes.

Educator: Well then guys!

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

One two three four

They flew, they circled.

Here we are in the forest.

  1. Main part

Educator: So, little experts, first guess the riddle:

(the teacher makes a riddle to the children):

Its spring and summer

We saw dressed

And in the fall from the poor thing

They ripped off all the shirts.

But winter blizzards

They dressed him in furs.

Children: tree.

Educator: That's right, this tree. Do you think the tree is alive or not?

Children: live.

Educator: why do you think so?

Children: because, like all living beings, they eat, sleep, reproduce and breathe.

Educator: How do trees breathe?

Children: with the help of leaves.

Educator: right, with the help of leaves. Guys, how many of you know what parts a tree consists of?

Children: trunk, leaves.

Educator: Well then guys!

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

The game "Parts of a tree" (suitable for a tree model)

Educator: Sasha start. What part did you take?

Sasha: roots.

Educator: what do the roots do?

Sasha: absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

Educator: and the roots hold the tree together. Arina, what part did you take?

Arina: trunk.

Educator: what is the function of the stem?

Arina: The trunk and branches carry water and nutrients to the leaves.

Educator: Masha, what is on the branches?

Masha: there are leaves, flowers, fruits.

Educator: guys, what do the leaves emit?

Children: oxygen, but absorb light, the fruits fall, the seeds, falling into the ground, germinate.

Educator: when the leaves fall, they rot, form nutrients for the tree.

Educator: I suggest you play the game "What is a tree for?"

Educator: Well then guys!

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

Didactic game "What is a tree for?"

Educator: in this game you need to tell about the meaning of the tree.

Children: this is a dining room for animals, insects, birds, as elk, birds, caterpillars and other inhabitants of the forest feed on the leaves of trees; this is a place to build a nest; for the beetle, this is a dwelling where you can find prey, a place for laying larvae; for a hare, this is food, bark in winter, shelter; for the artist it is an object for paintings; for a weary traveler, this sprawling tree hides from the hot sun, rests; a tree for a city dweller fresh air, coolness in hot weather, resting-place.

Educator: well done. Guys, look here and tell me what is shown?

Children: trees.

Educator: what?

Children: birch, oak, spruce, mountain ash, pine, cedar.

The game "From what tree leaf"

Educator: let's pick leaves for each tree.

(Children determine whether the leaves belong to a particular tree and “revive the trees.” The teacher suggests determining which tree one of the leaf samples is from, then the children find a basket with similar leaves and “revive” the corresponding tree).

Educator: well done, look how our trees came to life with leaves ?!

Fizkultminutka "We walked through the forest"

We walked through the forest

And a little tired.

Get up, take a deep breath

Let's spread our hands together.

Miracles in our world:

Children became dwarfs

And then everyone stood up together,

All became giants.

We clap together!

Let's sink a little!

Well we walked and did not get tired!

Educator: Do you think it's nice to be in such a forest?

Children: of course.

Educator: But how should one behave in such a beautiful forest? What can not be done to preserve such forest wealth?

Sedentary didactic game "You can - you can not"

(children put prohibitory signs in a red hoop, and allowing signs in a green hoop).

Educator: let's check if you have placed the signs correctly? Well done! If you come to the forest, do not make noise, do not disturb the forest dwellers. And then the forest will reveal its secrets to you. Guys, let's remember what trees grow in our land, and play the game "What grows in our native land?". I will name the trees, if a tree grows in our forests, clap your hands, if not, then show “denial” with your finger.(apple, pear, spruce, raspberry, birch, cherry, aspen, chestnut, lemon, pine, cedar, linden, etc.).

Educator: you guys are great. Tell me, without which a tree and a forest cannot exist?

Children: without light, air, heat, soil, moisture.

Educator: guys, if only spruces, pines, cedars grow in the forest, how can you call such a forest in one word?

Children: coniferous.

Educator: Right. And if there are most of all birches, mountain ash, aspens, poplars in the forest, what will we call such a forest?

Children: leafy.

Educator: What is the name of a forest that contains both coniferous and deciduous trees?

Children: mixed.

Educator: I suggest you create a panel mixed forest so as not to offend either deciduous or coniferous trees.

(Children go to tables on which silhouettes of various trees have been prepared in advance and pasted, it turns out a panel of a mixed forest).


Who saves the forest world

The one who does not break the branches,

The one who does not scare away the bird

Fly agaric will not knock down,

And the fire will not make

Who is always, always in the forest.

Respect silence!

Educator: Well done guys!

  1. Outcome (reflection)

Educator: Guys, where have we been?

Children: in the forest.

Educator: do you think we found out why the forest is needed for all the inhabitants of the planet Earth?

Children: yes.

Educator: come on, guys, we will take our panel with you to small children so that they can admire the beauty of nature.





Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with nature in the senior group on the topic:

« Journey into nature»

Prepared by:

educator: Murtazaeva L.R.

Simferopol, 2015

Program tasks:

Teach children to distinguish living objects from non-living. Develop children's speech.
Develop the ability to answer questions, justify your answers.
Develop skills learning activities. To consolidate knowledge about the nature of the native land. Cultivate respect for nature.

Equipment: pictures about nature, magic box. Illustrations depicting signs of wildlife: growing, breathing, eating, moving, multiplying. Globe, two plastic cups. Water.


Cards with the image of objects of wildlife. Pencil. Chalk.


Lesson progress .

Educator: Guys, there is a box on my table, to open the box you need to guess the riddle.

"Bright sun
and blue sky
mountains, oceans,
plains, forests.
Water and sand
and all living things around.
What do we call all this, friends?

Educator: Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Let's be travelers today and go in search of treasure.But in order to find the treasure, you need to complete several tasks (sitting at the tables, children look at pictures about nature (conversation on content).

Teacher: What did you see?
Children: Nature.
Educator: Right. Everything that surrounds us is not made by human hands - it is nature. She is alive and non-living. Guys, what kind of wildlife have you seen?

Children: Plants, flowers, trees.
Educator: That's right, all living things: grow, breathe, eat, move, multiply. What inanimate objects have you seen?

Children: rain, wind, sun
Educator: Well done, you correctly named objects of living and inanimate nature.

Finger gymnastics"Finger is a boy, where have you been."

Finger - boy, where have you been?

With this brother I went to the forest

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother

I ate porridge with this brother

I sang songs with this brother.

Educator: Guys, you have cards with the image of nature on your tables. Take pencils and distribute objects of animate and inanimate nature with arrows (children complete the task).
Educator: Tell me, what did you attribute to animate and inanimate nature?

Children: Cactus, beets, ladybug- this is all living things, and the moon, sun, cloud, cloud with rain - this is inanimate nature.

Educator: Guys, do you and I relate to living or inanimate nature?

Children: We treat wildlife.

Educator: Why?

Children: We breathe, we grow.

Physical education "The wind blows in our face"

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed

Wind hush, hush, hush

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Educator: That's right, we are part of nature, we are alive, and all living things grow, breathe, multiply, eat. And how do we breathe?
(the teacher suggests doing a breathing exercise).
Educator: There are napkins on your table, take them and blow like the wind, breathing exercises “Wind”.

Breathing exercises"Wind".
Educator: Guys, we will now conduct an experiment and consider objects of inanimate nature.
1. Experience with water (the teacher shows himself). The teacher pours water from one glass to another.

Educator: What happened to the water, has it ceased to be water or not?

Children: No, it hasn't.
2. Experience with chalk (together with children).
3. One of the children shows the experience together with the teacher. They take the chalk and break it in half.

Educator: What happened to the chalk? He ceased to be chalk or not?

Children: No.
Educator: That's right, the chalk remained chalk, only the pieces became smaller, the water also remained water.
The teacher concludes: chalk and water are objects of inanimate nature.

Educator: Guys, you coped with all the tasks. What new things have we learned? Did you like it? What did you like more? What caused the difficulty?
Educator: Let's finish our conversation with a wonderful poem by L. Daineko "Blue Planet"

Here on earth is a huge house
Blue roof.
Live in it the sun, rain and thunder
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
Cheerful sound of the stream.
You live in that bright house
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it.
The nature of the native land
This house is called.

Teacher: This concludes our lesson. You are great!