Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution Kindergarten"Sun"


individual speech therapy session

for an older child preschool age with FFN

Topic: “Let's help the sounds [C] and [W]” (differentiation [C] - [W] in words)

Compiled by:

teacher speech therapist

O. A. Kustova

Tambov Region, R. Mordovo

Target: differentiation and consolidation correct pronunciation sounds [C] - [W] in words.


- correctional - educational: to consolidate knowledge about the sounds [C] - [W], their correct articulation;

- correctional - developing: develop phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, attention and thinking; develop the ability to replace nouns with pronouns indicating the type of objects;

- correctional - educational: form control over their own speech.

Equipment: 6 split pictures (candle, chair, rope, hat, scarf, ball), wand with a circle; counting sticks; a planar figure of a train, pictures with passengers, in the names of which the sounds С and Ш; the game "He - she - it - they"; a magnetic board with the image of two houses (on the roof of one there is a picture - a gopher, and on the roof of the other a picture - a snake), pictures on magnets with the image of residents, in the names of which there are sounds С and Ш; three houses from a block constructor; coloring pages with the image of the letters S and S.

Lesson progress.

1. Organizing time .

The speech therapist and the child sit at the table.

Something happened in the land of sounds today. There are two sounds in trouble. Do you want to know which sounds need help? (child's answer) In order to find out, you need to complete the task.

The game "Find a soul mate". The child adds pictures, names the resulting objects (hat, scarf, ball, candle, chair, rope)

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Well done, what are the first sounds in these words (S and W). Yes, that's right, as you already guessed, the sounds S and S were in trouble. I suggest we go to the aid of these sounds, do you agree? (child's answer). But in order to help these sounds, you first need to remember what you know about them.

3. Analysis of the articulation of sounds [S] - [Sh].

Your mouth is a house where different sounds live. It has two floors, the first floor is the lower teeth, the second floor is the upper teeth. Tell me, behind which teeth, on which floor does the sound [C] live (child's answer). Behind what teeth does the sound [W] live? (Behind the top). So the sound [Ш] lives on what floor? (On the second floor).

4. Main body

Come on, let's practice your tongue. See what kind of stick I have, how a conductor controls an orchestra with a stick, so I will use this stick to control your tongue. As soon as I show the wand with a circle up, you will pronounce what sound? (Sound Sh). If I move the circle down, then you say what sound? (Sound C). So, be careful. The game is played for 20 - 30 seconds.

Has your tongue become obedient? (Child's answer). Listen carefully to me and repeat: chok - chok - chok, the tongue became obedient (child repeats verbosity). Now we can safely go to the aid of the sounds in trouble.

The speech therapist and the child get up from the table.

The country of sounds is magical and magic will help us get into it too. Let's close our eyes. Turn around yourself and find yourself in the land of sounds.

Speech therapist and child approach the table.

In the land of sounds, a magical train moves from one station to another. He travels by rail. But look what happened here? ( broken rails). Let's repair the damaged area railway.

A child builds a railroad out of counting sticks.

- Well done, now the road is in order. Just look, the train cars are empty, and the passengers are standing at the station and do not know which car they need to get into. Help them choose the right car. Passengers whose names contain the sound [C] will travel in the first and second cars, and those in whose names the sound [Ш] is heard ( the child performs the task, the speech therapist controls and, if necessary, helps).

The passengers settled in their places, only one bear remained at the station, his name is Sasha. In his name, you can hear both the sound [S] and the sound [S] How do you think, where should he be placed, who will he be? (He will be the driver). We helped a passenger at this station, we will go to the next one, they also need help. The train has taken the passengers, and we will go on foot.

Physical education minute

One two three four five,

Let's have fun walking

Let's have fun walking

One two three four five,

Hands up, hands down

And we got to the station.

Movement according to the text.

The speech therapist draws the child's attention to the second station.

Passengers at this station are asked to help them settle into their cabins. In the first house there should be those tenants and objects about which we can say “she”, in the second - those that we can call the word “he”, in the third, those about which we can say - “they”, and in the last house place , then about what you can say "it". The child places the pictures in the houses.

Well done. Look, these passengers got off at their station, but they also cannot understand which of these houses will live. Look who is on the roof of this house? (Snake). What can she do? (The snake can hiss). Yes, the snake hisses, [Ш] is her favorite sound, which means that those residents whose names contain the sound [Ш] will live in this house. Who is depicted on the roof of this house? (Cuslik). What is his favorite sound? ( Child's answer). Our gopher is friends with the sound [C], which means who will we put in his house? ( Residents in names that have the sound [C]). The child calls the tenants, determines what sound is in the name, and places the pictures in the right house.

Well done, so we helped to restore order in the country of sounds. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's close our eyes. We turned around ourselves, and in kindergarten returned theirs.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Today you and I visited the country of sounds, tell me what sounds did we help? (children's answers) What did you enjoy doing the most? (children's answers) Today you are a great fellow, helped the sounds [C] - [W] and really made friends with them. Sounds thank you for your help and have prepared a surprise for you - their portraits. (Coloring pages depicting the letters C and W).

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

for children of senior preschool age with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech "Sea Voyage" .

speech therapy theme: "Automation of the R sound in words, sentences, tongue twisters".

Lexical topic: "Sea. Marine life".

teacher speech therapist higher qualification category

MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok"

Konosha, Arkhangelsk region

Target: to form the ability of children to use in the process speech communication samples correct speech based on integration into various forms and types of activities (game, cognitive, communicative)

Correctional and educational:


Correctional and educational:

    automate the sound R in words, sentences, tongue twisters;

    continue to learn to characterize the sound;

    keep learning how to make sentences;

    expand children's knowledge about the inhabitants sea ​​depths;

    continue to teach the elements of literacy: learn to divide words into syllables; determine the place of a given sound in a word.

    develop phonemic awareness;

    develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement;

    develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

    develop observation;

    to educate children in self-control over speech;

    cultivate the ability to listen to each other.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, music file by E. Zheleznova “Crab”, color bubble column with fish, manual “Snail” for the sound R, pointer with a glued octopus, split picture-puzzle with the image marine life, toys and pictures: crab, pebbles, shells, Sea Horses, fish, cloth, sand container.


1. Organizational moment

Slide 1, 2. Speech therapist: Guys, look carefully at the screen. What do you see? Speech therapist: What a beautiful and mysterious undersea world!

Would you like to go to cruise? Why?

2. The main part.

Statement of a problem situation.

What occupies most of the surface the globe?

On what people can descend to the depths of the sea?

What inhabitants of the seas do you know?

What is the name of a window in a submarine?

What does a diver need?

Speech therapist: You answered all the questions. Well done! You are ready to go to sea.

Setting the correct speech breathing

Speech therapist: When diving to the depths of the sea, people experience strong overloads, which can be dealt with with the help of breathing exercises.

Inhale through the nose. Exhale through your mouth.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Horse", "Fungus", "Swing".

L: Guys, how are we going on a trip? (On the ship).

In a word ship there's a sound you're learning, which one? (Yes, R sound).

So we go to sea.

Slide 3. Sound characteristics R.

Speech therapist: Describe the sound [r]: consonant, voiced, solid.

The study of new material with elements of theatrical activity.

slide 4. Speech therapist: Here we went out to sea and we can observe the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

Guys, how are we going to sink to the bottom of the sea? (Answers of children).

L: To study the depths of the sea, a bathyscaphe, a special underwater vehicle, was created.

Slide 5. Speech therapist: In order for a diver to leave a submarine, it is necessary special equipment: wetsuit, fins, mask and….? (Air tanks)

L: You need to put on diving suits and sit in a bathyscaphe. (Children imitate dressing diving suits).

slide 6. Which of the marine inhabitants is the most terrible predator? Shark. Speech therapist: Shark - predatory fish! What do predators eat? How dangerous can they be?

Slide 7. What marine animals are the smartest and kindest? (Dolphins.)

Speech therapist: Dolphins are mammals, that is, they feed their cubs with milk. Just like people.

slide 8. Speech therapist: Why do you think the sawfish got its name?

slide 9. Speech therapist: swordfish. what is the similarity of this fish with weapons?

slide 10. Hammer fish.

Slide 11. Speech therapist: needle fish. What are the same signs for this fish and sewing tool? A fish is a needle (what?), and a sewing needle (what?).

The marine inhabitants had fun playing in the sea, and now we will play "Sea Animals" with you.

Finger gymnastics"Sea creatures"

Once upon a time there was one dolphin, in front of the chest, smooth movements to the left - to the right.

Two horses were friends with him. palms are deployed vertically, alternate movements up and down.

Whales swam towards them, arms folded crosswise, waving their palms.

One two three four five. palms folded

Speech therapist. Solve the riddle.

You don't know me.

I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs -

That's all I am.... D: Octopus.

Guys, octopus - distant relative an ordinary snail that lives in a pond. An octopus can change color - for example, it went through the sand - it became yellow, it got into algae - it became green. The octopus loves to challenge everyone. Do you want to solve them?

Game "Snail". (Automation of sound in words, visual gymnastics).

Speech therapist: You need to walk along the snail, correctly naming the words with the sound R. (The speech therapist with a pointer at the end of which an octopus is pasted, randomly points to the pictures, the children follow the octopus with their eyes and take turns calling the words located on the "Snail" manual).

Game exercise "Learn by contour"

Speech therapist: and now, we will sink to the very bottom, it is dark there and we will examine it by touch. (The speech therapist invites the children to the cloth lying on the table. Under the cloth in a container with sand, the inhabitants and objects of the seas and oceans are hidden - toys: shells, pebbles, a fish, a “sea urchin” massage ball). Lower your hands “under the water”, which this fabric depicts, look for marine life, try to find out. (Children call the object without taking their hands out from under the fabric, after the answer they take it out and check the correctness of the completed task.)

Look at the beautiful fish. (The color-bubble column with fish turns on).

Game exercises:

“Count the fish”, What color are the fish”, “Where do the fish swim”.

How many fish are there? Which fish swim left, right? Which fish swims higher, lower than all? Are there identical fish?

Speech therapist. Well done, you made me very happy, real researchers, but it's time for us to return to the ship, we surface, take off our suits (imitate the removal of suits).

Slide 12. The game "Collect a picture from puzzles."

L: Guys, the picture got into a sea storm and crumbled. You need to collect it. If you do it right, you will know what is shown on it. (In the picture: seahorse, crab, star, algae).

Repetition of previously studied material

The game "Slap the word." The syllable structure of the word.

L: Clap your hands. How many syllables are in a word. Recall the rule: "How many vowels in a word are so many syllables." (Children choose the words shown in the assembled picture and slap them).

Slide 13. "Where is the sound?"(Children determine the position of the sound R in words).

Speech therapist: Look at the pictures, why is the square painted on the diagrams under the pictures?

slide 14. Speech therapist: Look carefully at the diagrams, are there any mistakes here?

Slides 15-16. Speech therapist: are there any errors in these schemes? (Children determine the position of the sound R in words).

We have learned a lot of new, interesting things, in order to consolidate our knowledge, I suggest you play the Guess-ku game.

Without what there is no sea? (without water)

What is the most big fish in the sea? ( blue whale)

Who has a mouth on his belly? (in a shark)

Which skate can't be ridden? (at sea)

A person who works underwater in a special suit? (diver)

Snail relative? (octopus)

Cancer relative? (crab)

Speech therapist: let's play "with a crab", the crab will check who can correctly and clearly tell the tongue twister about cancer that we learned.

Exercise "Word on the palm"(Children stand in a circle, tell a tongue twister, passing each word on the palm of their hand to each other).

Tongue twister: “I rode the Greek across the river, sees the Greek in the river - cancer. He put the Greek hand into the river, the crayfish by the hand of the Greek - tsap!

(Check: if the crab does not fall off the table, then you told the tongue twister without errors.)

Fizminutka "Crab".

L: Let's play with the crab. (Movement coordination according to music and text)

s.p. GBOU secondary school Maslennikovo village

In children with phonemic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, phonemic hearing is impaired, that is, the processes of perception, analysis and synthesis of phonemes (sounds). Sound pronunciation also suffers from this, which is most often manifested in the replacement of one sound with another, for example, the sound [С] with [Ш] (pronounces a sapka, instead of a hat) or in a mixture of sounds, when a child pronounces one word either correctly or incorrectly (then a shamolet , then the plane).

But the problem is not only in violation of sound pronunciation, in the future, a violation of phonemic hearing can lead to difficulties in learning writing and reading. The same problem applies to children with ONR.

Therefore, it is very important, before engaging in the production of sounds, to develop and train phonemic hearing. At the preparatory stage, it is required to develop in the child a sufficient level auditory attention, memory, perception, representations. Summer period - best time for the development of phonemic awareness. Work with your child so that in the fall he will come to the logo group prepared, then the work on staging and automating sounds will go much faster and more efficiently.

I suggest you play with your children the following games to develop phonemic processes:

"Guess What Sounds"

Purpose: development of auditory perception, memory, ideas.

We start with non-speech sounds. Take any object that makes a sound. Invite the child to close their eyes and guess what you are making a sound now, whether you are clicking scissors, rattling a pan, waving a stack of sheets. Do this all the time: while cooking, cleaning, bathing the child. This develops auditory attention, forms the child's ideas about the sound of various objects.

You can also play this game with musical instruments (what you may have at home: tambourines, rattles, spoons, rattles, bells, whistles, horns, sounding / squeaking toys).
Also show your child how objects made of various materials (glass, plastic, wood, metal) sound.


Purpose: development of auditory attention, discrimination of the direction of sound.
Child with eyes closed trying to catch the participants in the game. Participants ring the bell/clap their hands. You can simplify the task, and not allow participants to move, but only stand still and make a sound.

"Let's knock"

Purpose: development of auditory attention, perception, rhythm reproduction.

Try playing this with a child with FFN and you will understand how difficult it is for him. In children with FFNR, the skill of perception and reproduction, rhythm discrimination is not developed. But in words, in speech, too, there is a rhythmic pattern. Hence the “swallowing” of endings, the incorrect pronunciation of words, the replacement of syllables.

Task: tap any rhythm (knock. Pause. Knock, knock), ask the child to repeat. When it starts to turn out well, we complicate the task - you need to repeat the rhythm already with your eyes closed.

"Proper Banana"

Purpose: development of phonemic hearing, perception, ideas.

From non-speech sounds we pass to speech.

We develop the child's attention to the correct pronunciation of words. We show the child an object / picture and ask if you correctly named the word. The word needs to be “distorted” and called incorrectly: “Is this a ram? Is this a waban? Is it naban? Is this wavan? It's a banana!"
You can pronounce the word in a way that is typical for a child. Usually the child knows that he is pronouncing the word incorrectly and can distinguish the correct version. The main thing here is to know that the baby will not be offended and not upset. We do not require the correct pronunciation from a child who does not have a sound!

"Correct me"

Purpose: the development of phonemic hearing, perception, attention, the ability to distinguish between words that differ in one phoneme.

We read any children's poems. In one of the words, we replace / skip / add an extra letter. The child must hear the error. For example:

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

We need to warm up the lights.

The cat swims in the ocean

A whale eats sour cream from a saucer.

Cold. Snow. Blizzards are blowing. dark night doors roam..

Mom braids her youngest daughter Tosya ... wasps.


"Edible - inedible"

We give the child a series of words that are close in sound. The child repeats only those that denote edible objects. For example:

Potato. Spoon. Okroshka.

Orange. Crap. Mandarin.

Candy. Cutlet. Rocket.

"Simon says"

Purpose: to distinguish the voice by strength, timbre, height.
We perform an action and voice it in an imperative form. The child should repeat the action after you only if you say it loudly (or quietly, in a high voice / low, fast / slow).

For example: “Raise your hand! Jump! SQUEE!

"Deaf phone"

Remember this old game from childhood. For children with FFNR, it is always relevant. Whisper any word/phrase into your child's ear and ask them to repeat it. This form of play forces the child to focus his hearing as much as possible. It is better to start the game together with the child and achieve the most accurate repetition, and later you can play as a group to have fun with unusual answers. In addition to words, you can ask to repeat rows of syllables, for example SA-sa-sy, ra-ru-ra, etc. Attention! Do not give your child syllables and words with sounds that the child does not yet pronounce!

Games from the series "remember words". Purpose: development of phonemic hearing, perception, memory.


We invite the child to listen to a chain of words and repeat them. Then we add one more word to the chain. The goal of the game is to remember as many words as possible in a row. Wrong - game over. In the early stages, it is possible to play based on pictures. We close the pictures after the demonstration. But later you need to exclude picture material and focus on auditory memory.

Example: table, umbrella, soup. Table, umbrella, soup, nose. Table, umbrella, soup, nose, chair. And so on.

Words can be random or one semantic group (animals, fruits, toys).

Let's not forget about the game story. You can remember purchases for the store, ciphers for spies. You can remember a number of words from mom, run to the next room and repeat them to dad, get a new word from him and return to mom. Fantasize.

It's even better to play in a group. Then each participant repeats the word after the previous one and calls his new word. So the game goes in a circle until someone is interrupted. We start again.

You can also repeat a number of words, skipping one or replacing it with another. The child will need to find the error.

"Pairs of words"

Now let's have a few words. For example: "dog - bone", "car-wheel", "chair-seat". Then we call one word from a pair, the child must remember the second. We complicate the task by increasing the number of pairs of words. You can also give pairs that have a semantic connection (soup-plate), or without it (pencil-sky).

Game "Catch the bug"

Purpose: development of phonemic hearing, perception, attention.
An adult pronounces rows of syllables “ta-ta-da”, “ka-ka-ha”, etc. The child should clap if he hears another syllable.

And further - learn poetry! Get into the habit of memorizing one verse a week with your child. It can also be counting rhymes, songs. Choose funny and funny, so the child will be interested in remembering them.
Only after such preparatory work you can move on to "advanced" tasks and games on the formation of processes phonemic analysis, synthesis on the material of words.
All these games are simple and do not require special additional equipment. You can play while traveling in a car, on a walk, in line at a clinic, etc. The main thing is systematic repetition, then the results will definitely appear. And do not forget that these are games, not educational tasks, the child should be interested and fun. Show your interest in the process of the game, and then your child will never get tired of it.

The dictionary of nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic "Clothes" is expanding. Exercises are offered for the assimilation of knowledge, exercises in the preparation of sentences, common homogeneous members etc.


Correctional and educational.

  1. Expansion and activation of the dictionary of nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic “Clothes”.
  2. An exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.
  3. An exercise in coordinating adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case.
  4. The use of nouns in indirect cases.
  5. An exercise in making sentences distributed by homogeneous members.


  1. The development of phrasal speech.
  2. Development of auditory attention, visual perception, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands.

Correctional and educational.

  1. Expand the horizons of children.
  2. Encourage children to take care of their clothes.

Equipment: pictures with images of clothes, types of fabric, a ball, clothes cards with underdrawn details.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

The one who will name the things that are dressed on you will sit down.
How can you call it all in one word? (Cloth)

2. Looking at pictures of clothes and naming them.

a) Children, there are different types of clothing: for the home, for the holiday, for the street, for boys and girls. Now we will name these clothes.

What clothes do people wear at home? (Homemade)

What is the name of the clothes that we wear for the holiday? (Festive)

What do we call the clothes we wear every day? (Casual)

What clothes do we wear in summer and winter? (Summer, winter)

And the clothes that we wear in spring and autumn, between the summer and winter seasons, are called demi-season.

What clothes do children (Children's) wear and adults wear? (adult)

b) Acquaintance of children with the details of clothing.

Show and name the details of your clothes. (Pocket, back, sleeve, collar, buttons, etc.)

c) Familiarity with fabrics.

On the table are pieces of fabric of different materials.

Carefully look at pieces of fabric from different materials: touch, feel, stroke, stretch, wrinkle them.

3. The game "I will ask - answer."

The tailor sewed clothes from different materials. Finish the sentences.

The dress was made of silk. What is it? (Silk)

The coat was made from fur. What is she? (Fur)

The T-shirt was made from knitwear. What is she? (Knitted)

The jacket was made of wool. What is he? (Woolen)

The jacket was made of leather. What is she? (Leather)

4. Ball game. "What can be done with clothes?".

Clothes can be sewn, washed, ironed, bought, worn, torn, sewn up, hung, folded, sold, donated, etc.

5. Didactic game“What clothes like and dislike.”

Two dresses hang on the board, one is “fun”, the other is “sad”. Subject pictures lie on the table: a washing machine, an iron, a torn dress, a dirty shirt, a thread with a needle, a shirt with torn buttons, a jacket hanging from a chair to the floor, dirty spots, powder.

Children are invited to hang pictures to the corresponding silhouettes and say a sentence. (Clothes like to be washed. Clothes don't like to be soiled.)

6. Physical education. "Helpers".

7. Game “Finish the word”.

The speech therapist begins the word, and the child adds the word “sew”, then pronounces the resulting word in full.

For ... sew, re ... sew, at ... sew, to ... sew, with ... sew, under ... sew, with ... sew, on ... sew.

8. Exercise "Make a proposal."

The speech therapist invites children to make sentences about clothes, using in their sentences the details of the clothes, the material from which it is made and the actions that can be performed with the clothes.

For example: Mom washed a woolen dress in the washing machine.

9. Task “Draw.”

The children are sitting at the tables, the speech therapist distributes cards depicting items of clothing with unfinished details: a sweater without a sleeve, a shirt without buttons, trousers without trousers, a sundress without straps, a skirt with an unfinished pocket.

What do you have in the picture? (Sweater). What is missing from the sweater? (Sleeves). What is your sweater without? (Sleeveless).

10. Summary of the lesson.

Evaluation of the work of children in the classroom.

More lessons in kindergarten:
Abstract of an integrated lesson for children 5-7 years old "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone"

Program "Continuity in the system of preschool and primary school education"
Methodical manual for teachers of preschool children. "Play and communication in preschool age for children 5–7 years old"
Frontal speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group with OHP "Journey to the Zoo"
Conditions for the formation of subject-subjective relations in stuttering children of senior preschool age
| logopedic | speech therapy classes | class | class notes | For | children | child | phonetic | phonetic phonemic underdevelopment | phonemic | phonemic awareness | underdevelopment | underdevelopment of speech | parts of speech | subject | and so and so | cloth | clothing store | children's | kindergarten | Speech therapist page | Speech therapy lesson for children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech Theme Clothing Kindergarten

Theme: Sound C.

Target: strengthening the skill of distinguishing by ear and the correct pronunciation of the sound C; exercises in sound analysis and synthesis.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational stage.

Children stand around the speech therapist. The speech therapist shows pictures and asks to name one extra:

Tomatoes, onions, plum maple, willow, owl

Apple, pear, cabbage, wolf, bear, bowl

Dress, shirt, glass doves, crow, fox

Children explain why this picture is redundant.

The speech therapist puts the children in their places, the selected pictures are on the flannelograph. Children determine which sound is repeated in all these words (s) and give it a description.

2. The game "Airplane".

A speech therapist with children goes on an “airplane flight”. You have to figure out what things to take with you. The sound C must be present in their name. At the entrance to the "aircraft" there is a "stewardess" and checks whether the picture items are selected correctly. The child, entering the “airplane”, says: “I took with me on the plane: juice, bag, boots, etc.” . The children sit down. It turns out that the plane is not simple, but magical. To make it fly, you need to say magic words:

Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

Children recite a poem in chorus, and then choose words with the sound S.

3. The game "Find the right word."

The speech therapist shows and names the pictures: forest, fox, dog, mustache, braid, sled.

Mushrooms grow in the garden (forest).

The hare runs away from the mouse (fox).

The house is guarded by a cat (dog).

The grass is mowed with a boot (oblique).

Uncle Sasha's long braids(mustache).

4. Physical education. Owl game.

The children recite the poem in unison:

Owl, owl, owl. owl eyes,

An owl sits on a branch

Looks in all directions.

Yes, how it will fly!

One of the children is assigned as an owl. After last words"owl" flies and catches one of the children. The captured child becomes an "owl".

5. Game "Come up with a word."

The leader is selected. On the table are cubes with syllables: SA, SU, CO, SY. The host takes any cube and with this syllable comes up with a word: (garden, soup, juice, son).

6. The speech therapist asks the children to listen carefully to the story:

"Winter came. Snow. Sanya and Sonya go for a walk. They have a scoop and a sled. Sanya is making a snowman. Sonya is sledding.

Children have two pictures on their tables:

Winter and snow. Summer.

Sanya and Sonya in winter. Sanya and Sonya in the summer.

Sled. Airplane.

Scoop. Shovel.

Sanya and the snowman. Sanya and a fishing rod.

Sonya and sled. Sonya and the ball.

After repeated reading story, the children choose those pictures that fit the text, and then put them in desired sequence. If desired, individual children tell the text based on pictures.

7. The host distributes envelopes to the children, in which there are 3 pictures and a word scheme.

Children must choose the picture that fits the scheme:

Chair, catfish, socks.

Glass, mask, nose.

Bowl, ficus.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Children call the sound that they learned to pronounce correctly (C). Then they call words with the sound C from the story. The winner is the one who correctly selected the most a large number of words.

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in senior group.

Subject: Z sound.

Target: Acquaintance with the sound Z, the formation of the correct pronunciation of the sound Z.

Equipment: subject pictures, stripes and circles, manual "Guess the word".

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

The one who calls the word with the sound С, СЬ will sit down.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

I show pictures. Name the picture. What is the sound in all these words?

3. Articulation of sound.

Let's make this sound. They put their right hand on the neck. We pronounce. In what position:

Lips - in a smile;

Teeth - close together;

Tongue behind lower teeth;

What is the Z sound?

4. Introduction of the concept of "sound characteristic".

Z sound - consonant, solid. This is a characteristic of sound.

If I ask you to characterize a sound, then you must tell me what kind of sound it is: a vowel or a consonant; if consonant then some hard or soft.

Give a description of the sound З, С, СЬ.

5. Pronunciation of syllables with the sound Z.




6. Isolation by ear of syllables with the sound З.

I will name the syllables, and if you hear a syllable with a Z sound, raise your hand.



7. Pronunciation of words with the sound Z.

I show the picture, the children take turns calling the object, determine the place of the sound in the word.

8. "Stripes and circles." Determining the place of sound in words: goat, hare, hall, umbrella, tongue, mimosa, frost.

9. Sound-syllabic analysis of words.

10. The game "Guess the word."

According to the pictures: pronounce the words, highlight the first sound, which of these sounds will be the word?

1) wolf, aster, hare, stork, vase.

2) Piano, windows, castle, car, rose.

11. The result of the lesson.

What sound did we study today?

Show the articulation of sound.

Describe the sound.

Name the words with the sound Z at the beginning, in the middle of the word.

This lesson was conducted with a subgroup of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

Summaries and analysis of attended classes.

Abstracts of frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech (visited and analyzed by the student).

Theme: Clothes. Fabrics.

Goals: clarify the names of clothes; to consolidate the concepts: upper, lower (underwear), festive, everyday, summer, winter, demi-season clothing; be able to name the details of clothing; introduce children to the names of materials; clarify who sews clothes, where and what tools are needed; learn to match nouns with nouns.

Equipment: demonstration material - children's clothing, types of fabric.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

The one who will name the things that you are wearing will sit down.

How can you call it all in one word? ( Cloth).

2. The speech therapist's story.

A) People invented clothes in ancient times - old times. It was made from the skins of animals killed in the hunt. Clothing helped keep people warm. Gradually, they learned to make fabrics, and clothes began to change. Especially women devoted to clothes great attention wanted her to decorate them. They sewed clothes for the street, for the house, for holidays, for girls and boys.

And now we will call these clothes.

What clothes do they wear on the street? What is this clothing? ( top).

(Pictures with images of underpants, T-shirts, T-shirts, nightgown, pajamas).

What are we putting it on? ( on the body).

What is this clothing? ( lower). And in another way, you can say - underwear.

What is the name of the clothes that we wear on a holiday? ( Festive, elegant).

- What is the name of the clothes we wear every day? ( Casual).

Do we wear the same clothes in summer and winter?

What clothes do we wear in summer? ( Summer). And in winter? ( winter).

And we wear demi-season clothes in spring and autumn. Between seasons, between summer and winter.

3. Physical minutes (see card file).

4.B) Examining the shirt.

What is this? ( Shirt).

Discussing details of clothing with children. The shirt has a back and two shelves. The collar can be - round, turn-down, stand-up, wide, long, narrow, embroidered, lace, etc.

The sleeve can be - long, short, wide, narrow, straight, flared.

Cuff - wide, narrow, large, small, lace, embroidered.

Pocket - large, small, deep, shallow, overhead, internal, false. Fasteners can be different: buttons with eyelets, zippers, buttons, rivets, hooks, lacing, Velcro.

Plank - long, short, wide, narrow, embroidered, lace, etc.

C) Examining the dress. Refinement of additional details: belt, strap, hem, strap, folds, etc.

D) Acquaintance with fabrics: silk, chintz, satin, velveteen, capron, flannel, wool, flannel, velvet, knitwear, drape, cotton, cashmere, satin, etc.

Do you know what clothes are made of? From fabric. Fabrics are different: silk, woolen, cotton, artificial. They are made from threads at weaving factories with special machines. And the people who work on these machines are called weavers. After that, the fabrics are painted with special paints. And then they make clothes out of them.

5. D.i. "Finish the sentence."

It's a yellow shirt, and there are five in the closet... ( yellow shirts).

This is an elegant dress, and five are hanging on a hanger ... ( smart dresses).

It's a leather coat, and the shop sells five... ( leather raincoats).

These are woolen socks, and my mother bought five pairs ... ( wool socks).

This is a drape coat, and the dressmaker sewed five ... ( drape coats).

6. The result of the lesson.

Lesson analysis.

The theme, purpose and content of the lesson correspond to the program of correctional speech development and the long-term work plan of the speech therapist. When organizing classes, the age of the children, as well as their individual characteristics, are taken into account. Children were prepared for the upcoming lesson, their attention was mobilized with the help of an entertaining story. A sufficient number of demonstration and handout materials are used in the lesson. The structure of the lesson is not broken, all stages are in a logical sequence. There is a variety of methods used to attract the attention of children, which is successfully combined with the correctional and developmental value of these techniques for the teacher. The lesson includes both frontal and individual forms of work. The entire learning process is based on a student-centered model. The teacher skillfully establishes contact with a group of children, is tactful and at the same time demanding during the lesson. Makes demands on children, taking into account their speech capabilities and the personality characteristics of each child. The objectives of the lesson were achieved, the children learned the material given in the lesson.

Theme: "Transport".

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about transport; clarify the concepts: transport, ground, underground, cargo, passenger, railway, passenger, special purpose; specify transport details; form adjectives from nouns prefixed verbs; write descriptive stories; develop vocabulary.

Equipment: demonstration material - pictures depicting transport; handout - pictures with images different types transport, cards with the image of the parts of the machine and the material from which they are made.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

The one who will name his picture will sit down. (Children have pictures with images of different types of transport).

What do you think we will talk about today? (About transport).

2. Conversation about transport.

The speech therapist exposes pictures of land transport and clarifies its types. (Cargo, passenger, passenger).

The speech therapist makes a riddle:

He goes, mustachioed,

Full and chubby.

People sit in it

They look and stand. (Trolleybus).

What parts does a trolleybus consist of? (Cabin, interior, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors…).

What are the names of the people who ride the trolleybus? (Passengers).

So, a trolleybus - what kind of transport? (Passenger).

Passenger transport can be ground and underground.

Name the ground passenger transport.

Name the underground passenger transport.

Comparison of passenger transport: train and taxi.

Transport can be not only passenger, but also cargo. Why do you think it is called freight transport? The speech therapist puts up pictures (truck, van, tank). Comparison of these modes of transport.

(Pictures are exhibited - a fire truck, ambulance, police). A speech therapist with children discusses the purpose of each car and clarifies the concept of "special purpose transport".

What light vehicle do you know? (Zhiguli, Volga, Moskvich, Zaporozhets…). Why is this vehicle called a car? The purpose of the passenger transport is specified.

3. Physical Minute.

We got on the bus together Children sit down

And looked out the window. Look around

Our driver pressed the pedal, "push" the pedal

And the bus ran. They run away.

4. Games. exercise "Choose the words."

A) Bus (what?) - fast, full, rushing, beautiful.

Trolley bus - cheerful, colorful, buzzing ...

Tram - …

Truck - …

Motorbike - …

Train - …

B) The bus (what does it do?) - rides, walks, rushes, stands, overtakes, crawls.

Trolleybus - overtakes, flies, drives up ...

Tram - …

Truck - …

Motorbike - …

Train - …

C) Formation of adjectives from nouns (the game is played on handouts):

Rubber wheel - ..., iron cabin - ..., plastic steering wheel - ..., leather seat - ..., wooden body - ..., canvas van - ..., iron rails - ..., glass window - ....

D) The use of prefixed verbs.

The speech therapist exposes toys: a garage, a car, a bridge, a parking lot. Children complete the sentence.

The car from the garage (leaves). The car around the garage (goes around). Car to the bridge (drives up). The car from the bridge (moves out). Car crossroads (moves). The car from the parking lot (drives off). The car is in the garage (drives in).

Drafting descriptive stories by pictures.

What is this?

What kind of transport?

What parts does it consist of? (Shape, blows, size, details).

Purpose of this transport.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Lesson analysis.

The theme, purpose and content of this lesson is built taking into account the age of the children, as well as perspective plan work and correctional development program. In the course of the lesson, the children are active and interested. When preparing the lesson, the speech therapist took into account such important points, as sanitary and hygienic conditions, the aesthetics of the design of the lesson material, its quantity and quality. All the main stages of the lesson are traced, their clear sequence. The speech therapist constantly uses a variety of techniques to attract the attention of children, activate them cognitive activity, skillfully combines individual and frontal forms of work with preschoolers. The teacher during the lesson controls the speech of children, directs their statements in the right direction, achieves an answer complete offer. The children learned the material. The purpose of the lesson has been achieved.