Pedigree of the king snake, popular types of snakes and their features, tips for keeping at home, purchase and price for it.

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For no one is big secret that today it is good to be an individual, but this whole concept is perceived in completely different ways. For whom being special means having real friends or happy family, for someone having two or more higher education and above average monthly income is also an achievement to some extent. But there is another category of people, they try their best to show their individuality and unsurpassed taste in more aesthetic needs. For some, it is necessary to have clothes and shoes from the latest collections of famous couturiers, someone buys super expensive brands of cars or real estate, which no one really has, while others use pets as a kind of self-expression.

In the era of our modern times, it is not at all a problem to see the most artsy and original animals in the house of your relatives or just acquaintances. Raccoons, hedgehogs, lemurs, monkeys and even hippos - all these representatives of the world fauna have been living in human possessions for many years. But there are also those who want to contemplate in their house every day some very peculiar Living being. If you are in this category, look no further than the king snake.

In relation to this reptile, everyone has completely different thoughts and impressions. Someone reveres her as a majestic animal, and someone alive deadly weapon. According to many literary sources snakes have lived on our home planet twenty million years longer than humans. A lot of legends, stories and myths hover over the head of these long living creatures, which say that there is no one more dangerous and terrible on the entire globe. But there are also people who revere the snake as a sacred animal, it was not for nothing that snake venom was used in medicine as a panacea for all kinds of pathological conditions. Some will think it can't be or it's pure water fiction, then one has only to remember that, probably, it was not in vain that a bowl entwined with a snake became a symbol of healing.

It is often possible to see the image of these living creatures on the image of family coats of arms and on illustrations for myths. ancient greece, maybe this snake is not so harmful, since people from the most ancient times immortalized it as a symbol of health, justice and greatness.

Keeping a royal snake in the house is not the easiest thing, but it is always interesting. Such a pet will not give you a paw, bring a stick or purr in your ear, but believe me, contemplating such a miracle of nature every day, you will not only get used to it, but also learn to love the snake and even admire it. Looking at these living creatures, it seems that one can draw inspiration from their graceful graceful appearance and behavior of the royal snake, can serve as an excellent psychologist.

But before you start such an exotic pet in your home, you should consult with other members of your family, and get to know the future inhabitant of your home better.

Origin and native ranges of the king snake

Scientists have been studying the world of snakes for many years, these mysterious creatures excited the interest of people, even in those ancient times, when there were no scientists, as such. But the discovery of the genus of royal snakes dates back to 1843. In addition, modern people of science have classified these representatives of the animal kingdom into the class of reptiles, the squamous order and the already-shaped family.

As for the native territories of these lovely creatures, nothing can be said for sure. Over 20 of the most diverse snakes are included in the genus of royal snakes, and each lives on its own territory and is suitable for it. climatic conditions external environment.

Types of royal snakes and their characteristic features

Royal Florida snake

Lampropeltis getula floridiana - this inhabitant of the southeastern part of the United States, reveres the flowering state of Florida as his homeland. For her comfortable and safe living, she chooses areas near which rivers and small lakes are located, she feels quite happy in the midst of swamps wooded area and in the midst of a large number of reed beds. Some individuals also inhabit locations located near sown plantations and fields.

This most beautiful reptile leads a predominantly diurnal lifestyle, but if the summer turned out to be too hot, then this sly one goes to fisheries, either in the early morning or at dusk. Some individuals can lie down in some secluded shaded corner throughout the daylight hours, and crawl out late at night in search of food.

The basis of the diet of this long Florida native is made up of small mammals, in particular rodents, small birds, reptiles, frogs, sometimes they have the strength and courage to attack poisonous rattlesnakes and even muzzles. But in the event that food is very tight on the territory they occupy, then they can quite afford, without much remorse, to devour their relative, who turned out to be weaker and less agile and attentive.

As for the external appearance of this already shaped creature, it is a rather overall creature, the body of which grows in length over 1.8–2 m. Skin of this snake are painted in grayish-yellow shades, there is no strict ratio colors in the color of such reptiles, each individual may have its own individual amount of gray or yellow color. The scales on the body of this creature are usually contrasting - in the projection of the base, their shade is noticeably lightened, while the edges are very dark. Some representatives of their species are painted by nature in completely different colors. In this regard, scientists sometimes refer them to completely new, hitherto unknown species. But after a while it turns out that these conclusions are erroneous and the object of their study was the usual Florida royal snake, just with a peculiar color.

Royal black snake or Nigrita

Lampropeltis getula nigrita - as permanent place of residence, this species of already-shaped ones has chosen for itself rocky areas, around which an abundant amount of lush vegetation grows. This scaly is possible to meet in Mexico, in the Sonoran Desert and in the territories of the southeastern part of the United States.

Nigrites spend most of their time on the surface of the earth, occasionally they can climb low bushes in order to inspect nearby areas, they are excellent swimmers by nature, so they can afford to plunge into a pond.

By nature, these reptiles are very active and hardworking, so their period of activity lasts almost all day long. If they go in search of prey in the daytime, then their main assistant is their vision, which cannot be called excellent, but at night, a well-developed sense of smell and tactile sensitivity become very useful to them.

At the end of the meal, these living "ropes" prefer to spend time in reliable shelters alone with themselves. With the onset of cold weather, the metabolism of such scaly nigrit slows down greatly, and during winter it stops completely, and the snake gradually plunges into a deep winter sleep.

These beauties hunt small snakes, sometimes even poisonous ones, since in the process of life they develop the necessary protective reactions of the body to many poisons, they also like to eat lizards, frogs, rodents, catching them directly in their minks. They will not refuse to dine on some birds and their eggs.

The royal nigrita is completely non-poisonous, its main weapon is its strength and power, it simply crushes its victim with its muscular body, having previously immobilized it with its powerful jaw.

The appearance of this variety of royal snakes may not be very bright, but still delightful. The skin of this snake is painted in one continuous, seemingly not very remarkable black or dark brown color scheme. But as soon as this already-shaped get out into the sun, her skin begins to shine and shimmer with a beautiful sheen and a slightly bluish tint. Very young individuals sometimes have some painted elements on the skin, in the form of yellow dots and spots, but with the achievement of puberty they gradually disappear.

The body length of the nigrita varies from 60 to 200 cm, it all depends on the conditions of the external habitat.

Thayer's king snake

Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri is already medium in length, grows up to a maximum of 85-100 cm in length. If we talk about the color of the body, then there is no constancy, in one social group snakes of completely different colors can live. But most often the main color tone is either silver-gray or delicate peach, occasionally there are individuals on whose body the correct stripes of three colors are drawn. On the crown of the head you can see a small spot of light shades, and on the back of the eye socket there are dark lines. On the skin of this royal scaly, there must be a specific ornament, which is represented by stripes or figures. irregular shape painted in different shades of red or brown.

In conditions open nature this snake is found in the foothills and mountainous locations of Mexico. He tries to spend all his time during daylight hours in his burrows, or carefully wrapped in forest floor. And with the onset of dusk on the earth, it begins to slowly get out in search of food. Birds, small rodents, frogs are the favorite dishes of this already-shaped one, but young individuals are very capricious - they feed exclusively on lizards.

Mountain Huachuk King Snake

Lampropeltis pyromelana woodini - this native of Arizona chooses the Huachuca Mountains for his personal natural living space, but is most often seen in rocky areas that are somewhat elevated above the ground. Leads a predominantly diurnal terrestrial lifestyle. When night falls on the ground, this creature is conveniently located in the crevices of trees and their rhizomes, and also, quite legally, can settle down in burrows that other animals have constructed.

The maximum length of the body of the Huachuk scaly is approximately 90 cm, although some individuals grow up to 120 cm. The entire body of this snake is painted with beautiful stripes of black, red and white. There are about 35 to 42 stripes of white color. Black lines tend to narrow towards the sides of the snake's body and never go to the abdomen. Projection abdominal cavity most often painted white, against which barely noticeable stripes of a light beige shade are drawn. The head, painted by nature in a jet black tone, only the olfactory organ is represented by a whitish color scheme.

Magnificent king snake

Lampropeltis getula splendida - already, based on the name of this reptile, we can conclude that this is already a very beautiful living creature, and this opinion is not erroneous. This living beauty grows to about 110-135 cm in length. On the black head of the snake, you can see stripes of light shades, in the projection of the labial shields. The base tone of the color of the skin of the already-shaped is chocolate brown or deep black. Scales, which are located on the sides of the body, have a large number of yellow color. Quite large spots are drawn on the entire surface of the body of the snake, which have a completely chaotic shape, between themselves they are limited by thin lines of a beautiful yellow color. Only the area of ​​the abdomen is devoid of ornament, which does not make this miracle of nature less magnificent.

This living "splendor" is common from Texas to northern Mexico. The reptile feels very comfortable in places devoid of moisture, but it still often makes its way to water bodies through dry plains and shrubbery. They feed on everything that other snakes do, cannibalism is no exception in their society.

Caring for a king snake, keeping at home

Bringing such a peculiar pet into your home, first of all, you need to take care of where he will live. Since your king snake will not jump and run, a horizontal type terrarium is perfect for her personal roof over her head. When choosing the dimensions of such a dwelling, it is necessary to be guided by the maximum dimensions to which your pet can grow, but it should be remembered that at home these people from wildlife it is common to slightly outgrow their relatives from open areas. Therefore, choose a house for the snake in which she could maintain her motor activity and at the same time, so that the walls of the terrarium do not hamper her movements.

One of the most important rules for keeping snakes at home is the correct temperature regime, which is good to maintain with the help of special heating devices; a thermal cord or thermal mat is well suited as the latter. Which should be placed in one of the corners of the terrarium - it will be a more "tropical" corner, therefore, the farther from this corner, the cooler your pet will be. Thus, you will leave your long buddy to choose the right conditions for himself at one time or another.

Humidity is equally important, especially during the molting period. To maintain the desired moisture ratio, it is necessary to carry out daily spraying of the terrarium, just make sure that water does not fall on the king snake, it can be very frightened, and it does not need any extra stress. In addition to spraying, it is recommended to install a container with clean water in the terrarium, this will be both a drinking bowl and a personal spa for your friend. There he will take baths, and during the period of "dressing" he will not leave this personal pool at all.

As a substrate, you can use coconut soil, gravel, coarse sand, you can also put a small amount of sphagnum, a good place for it will be a hot corner, where the humidity will be minimal, and he can adjust it slightly.
Do not forget about shelters, because snakes need somewhere to sleep and retire from the eyes looking at him.

At home, royal snakes must be fed with either hamsters or laboratory mice, once every five days, in no case do not overfeed your pet. Of course, he will not refuse an extraordinary meal, but this can negatively affect his health, and, consequently, life expectancy. From time to time, you can offer the snake vitamin and mineral complexes, it is best to add them to the water.

Purchase and price of a king snake

Buying such a pet is not something particularly problematic. The price of such a reptile ranges from 3,000 to 25,000 rubles.

The fight between the rattlesnake and the royal snake in the following video:

The king snake is also called the Californian common snake and chain queen. It is found only in the USA (in California, Nevada, Arizona) and in Mexico. This ground snake settles in forests, on mountain slopes, meadows, banks of rivers and streams, in deserts, in fields, outskirts of towns and cities. Compared to other snakes, the king snake is quite small - only 80 cm.

Name and appearance

She got her name "royal" for her appearance. Undoubtedly, this is a majestic reptile, a very beautiful color. dark background(which can vary from reddish-brown to black-brown) is painted on the upper side with narrow yellow transverse stripes, which on each side join at the border of the ventral scutes with longitudinal stripes, thus forming a chain that continues to the end of the tail. Each scale has a white or yellow spot, which makes it seem that the body of the snake is covered with a scattering of mother-of-pearl beads. Sometimes there are pure white individuals with pink eyes and a pale yellowish, as if mother-of-pearl pattern - these are albinos. The tail is of medium length and somewhat laterally compressed.

Lifestyle and reproduction

The snake leads a daily life. But the fact is that she does not tolerate heat, and if dry weather sets in, then she can go hunting at night, and during the day she hides under some kind of stone. They feed on small rodents, other snakes, lizards. Young snakes prey exclusively on lizards. There are times when some individuals attack other royal snakes.

The king snake is an oviparous species. Snakes become sexually mature at the age of 2-3 years. After mating, after 50-65 days, females lay eggs. The number of eggs in a clutch is from 3 to 15 pieces. After 59-83 days, babies hatch from the eggs, which begin to feed after the first molt.

Poison and precautions

Representatives of this family have two poisonous teeth on the upper jaw, one on each side. These teeth have grooves, but in most snakes they are closed and form tubes that are empty inside. A muscle is located around the poisonous gland. When the snake bites, the muscle presses on the gland, squeezing the poison into the teeth, which enters the victim's body through the grooves of the teeth. Usually the venom of the king snake acts on the victim's nervous system and paralyzes it. When the poison reaches the nerve centers that control breathing and heartbeat, the victim dies.

Many venomous snakes are nocturnal, and during the day they are lethargic and inactive. But this is not about the king snake. It can be movable if necessary, even in hot weather. In addition, this is one of the most dangerous snakes for humans: it rushes without warning. More than 100 people suffer from her bites every year. In order not to suffer from the bite of this reptile, you must follow the main rule of communication with all poisonous snakes - be as careful as possible. If possible, do not come close and, of course, in no case touch them and do not anger them - they very quickly become aggressive and, defending themselves, rush at any living creature, even if it is much larger than the snake itself.

Types of king snakes

Several species belonging to the genus of non-venomous king snakes are especially widespread:

  • a mountain royal snake up to one and a half meters long, with a triangular black, steel or gray head and a strong, rather massive body, the pattern of which is represented by a combination of gray and orange shades;
  • a beautiful royal snake up to a meter long, with a laterally compressed and slightly elongated head, big eyes and a slender, massive body of fawn or brown coloration with brownish-red rectangular spots;
  • a Mexican royal snake up to two meters long, with a somewhat elongated, laterally compressed head and a slender, strong body, the main color of which is gray or brown with quadrangular or saddle-shaped spots of red or black and white;
  • Arizona king snake up to a meter long, with a short, somewhat rounded black head and a thin, slender body, on which a tricolor pattern is clearly visible, represented by red, black and yellow or white stripes.

Caring for a king snake, keeping at home


Bringing such a peculiar pet into your home, first of all, you need to take care of where he will live. Since your king snake will not jump and run, a horizontal type terrarium is perfect for her personal roof over her head. When choosing the size of such a dwelling, it is necessary to be guided by the maximum dimensions to which your pet can grow, but it should be remembered that at home, these natives of the wild tend to outgrow their relatives from open areas a little. Therefore, choose a house for the snake in which she could maintain her motor activity and at the same time so that the walls of the terrarium do not hamper her movements.


One of the most important rules for keeping snakes at home is the correct temperature regime, which is good to maintain with the help of special heating devices; a thermal cord or a thermal mat is well suited as the latter. Which should be placed in one of the corners of the terrarium - it will be a more "tropical" corner, therefore, the farther from this corner, the cooler your pet will be. Thus, you will leave your long buddy to choose the right conditions for himself at one time or another.

Humidity is equally important, especially during the molting period. To maintain the desired moisture ratio, it is necessary to carry out daily spraying of the terrarium, just make sure that water does not fall on the king snake, it can be very frightened, and it does not need any extra stress. In addition to spraying, it is recommended to install a container with clean water in the terrarium, this will be both a drinking bowl and a personal spa for your friend. There he will take baths, and during the period of "dressing" he will not leave this personal pool at all.

As a substrate, you can use coconut soil, gravel, coarse sand, you can also put a small amount of sphagnum, a good place for it will be a hot corner, where the humidity will be minimal, and he can adjust it slightly. Do not forget about shelters, because snakes need somewhere to sleep and retire from the eyes looking at him.


At home, royal snakes must be fed with either hamsters or laboratory mice, once every five days, in no case do not overfeed your pet. Of course, he will not refuse an extraordinary meal, but this can negatively affect his health, and, consequently, life expectancy. From time to time, you can offer the snake vitamin and mineral complexes, it is best to add them to the water.

Subject to the rules of keeping and feeding, the average life expectancy of a royal snake, regardless of species, is about ten years, but, as practice shows, the age of some individuals exceeds fifteen years.

Breeding a snake at home

In captivity, king snakes breed well. At home, for the winter period, the temperature regime in the terrarium must be lowered, and in the spring the male and female should be planted. A week before wintering, the snake needs to stop feeding, after which the heating is turned off and the temperature gradually drops to 12-15 ° C. After a month, the temperature gradually rises, and the normal feeding conditions of the reptile return.

An adult female lays two to a dozen eggs, and the incubation period can vary from one and a half to two months with temperature regime 27 - 29 °C. A week after birth, snakes molt, after which they can be fed a couple of times a week. For young animals, a small terrarium is allocated. In the future, royal snakes are kept alone, due to cannibalism.

Newly acquired snakes must be kept in a quarantine terrarium to identify any health problems with the reptile. It is best to keep such a snake in an isolated room to prevent infection of other domestic reptiles by airborne droplets.

The cost of a king snake may vary depending on the place of purchase, as well as the type and age.

The average price in Moscow pet stores and nurseries:

  • California king snake HI-YELLOW – 4700-4900 rubles;
  • California king snake BANDED – 4800 rubles;
  • Royal Honduran snake HI-WHITE ABERRANT – 4800 rubles;
  • California royal snake Albino Banana - 4900 rubles;
  • Californian king snake Banded Cafe – 5000 rubles;
  • Royal Honduran snake HYPOMELANISTIC APRICOT – 5000 rubles;
  • California king snake Albino - 5500 rubles;
  • king snake mountain huachuk - 5500 rubles.

Important! When purchasing, you need to pay attention that a healthy reptile has sufficient weight and does not suffer from anorexia.

It is necessary to examine the oral cavity, in which there should be no oral fungus caused by staphylococci. You should check the reptile for mites that cause skin irritation, as well as find out when and how it last time shed her skin. A completely healthy reptile must get rid of old skin at one time.

IN last years many king snake owners implant a special microchip in their pets, which allows them to track their location if necessary. This is a very simple operation, and the unique number contained on the chip allows you to effectively control the reptile.

A place of honor in the terrariums of snake lovers is occupied by royal or milk snakes (lat. Lampropeltis triangulum). These bright striped beauties came to us from the Americas, where they live in the territory from Venezuela and Ecuador to southern Canada.

In the wild, only poisonous and dangerous predators and their imitators. So, milk snakes just belong to the latter. They do not pose a danger to either humans or animals and are suitable even for novice terrariumists. They can be compared to our snakes, which got a colorful outfit.

Rich reds, whites and blacks make them stand out and very eye-catching. There can be several types of milk snakes in one zoo, and none of them will be repeated.

Although in the wild, the diet of striated snakes usually includes lizards, various rodents, eggs of relatives, and even smaller snakes, in captivity they willingly feed on ordinary mice. Since they hunt at night, immediately after planting a food animal, you need to turn off the light. Milk snakes swallow small living creatures alive, larger individuals are fixed with vinegar and strangled.

For a comfortable stay, it is desirable to provide them with good ventilation and a little shelter. Tree branches and pretty snags are suitable for decor, and dry shavings, gravel or crushed bark can be laid on the floor.

Non-thorny cacti and artificial succulent plants look very impressive in terrariums. You can show your imagination and reproduce a piece of prairie for your domestic reptile. The only feature is the separate keeping of individuals of the same species, since royal snakes are prone to cannibalism.

The terrarium does not have to be large: a sufficient volume is 0.3 square meters. m. The optimum humidity for milk snakes is 75%, the air temperature is 25-35 degrees during the daytime and 22 degrees at night. It is also desirable to provide the snake with the opportunity to swim in a spacious bathing suit, which is best placed in a dark place.

Interestingly, they got their name "dairy" allegedly for their love of milk. Of course, if milk is poured into the snake’s drinker instead of water, sooner or later she will drink it, but she won’t get much pleasure. Rather, indigestion will work. Just a long time ago locals, noticing poor milk yield in cows, they blamed these snakes for everything, believing that they suck milk at night. How minke whales could do this without having lips, no one cared, because it was necessary to find the culprits.

Milk snakes are relatively small, their body length rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. In the wild, they become sexually mature at 2 years, but in captivity, the period of maturation stretches to three years. They become active in the late afternoon, during the daytime they hide in shelters.

Pregnancy in striated snakes lasts from 50 to 70 days, usually 4 to 9 eggs in a clutch. Hatched snakes, 25-27 cm long, grow rapidly on food from newborn mice and become 2 times larger by the age of seven months. Already in a year, the body length of milk snakes reaches one meter. They live on average 10-15 years.

In recent years, international tourism has become popular, and domestic terrariumists have established contacts with colleagues from foreign countries, thanks to which the range of amphibians and reptiles in the collections has expanded.

Among non-venomous snakes, the most popular are king snakes, which are distinguished by unpretentious content, bright colors and suitable sizes.

In nature, there are only 8 species of royal snakes, but there are great amount subspecies with a variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to this, you can create an excellent collection in which more than a dozen representatives of the genus, completely different from each other, will live.

Colors in the color of royal snakes are rarely found in other animals: red, orange, pink, white, yellow, blue. Moreover, these tones are bright and saturated.

Due to their color, royal snakes look like real works of art.

Royal snakes live in the deserts, prairies and mountain forests of Central and North America.

Habitat of milk snakes

The most common member of the king snake genus is the milk snake. The habitat of these snakes is much larger than the ranges of other representatives of this genus, it occupies 5800 kilometers and captures Florida, Mexico, Texas, Quebec, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. In all these areas, milk snakes live in mountainous areas, sometimes rising to a height of 350 meters.

Why are milk snakes unusual?

At the first glance at these snakes, the thought immediately comes to mind, why are they “dairy”, because their colors are very bright? The snake has a bright scarlet color, and the body is surrounded by yellow and black rings.

The thing is that in places where milk snakes live, a large cattle for some reason, milk may disappear. American farmers believe that someone is sucking this milk. And the culprit was quickly found - a brightly colored snake often found in pastures. This is where its name came from.

Interestingly, many city dwellers also think that snakes love milk and lap it up from a saucer. If you do not give the snake water, he will indeed drink milk, but this will only cause him an intestinal upset.

When meeting with these snakes, the second question also arises, since they have such a bright color, then they are poisonous? No, this is a manifestation of mimicry, milk snakes, due to their coloration, imitate poisonous coral snakes.

Milk snake subspecies

The milk snake L.t.triangulum is a northern subspecies; unlike its relatives, it is not striped, but spotted. Its color is similar to that of the maize snake. Her back is gray or light brown, and along it runs a chain of their red or brown spots with a black edging.

No less interesting is the subspecies L.t.gaigeae from Panama and Costa Rica. In young animals, the color is classic - red-striped, but six months later and after 7 molts, it becomes velvety black with greenish tints.

The most elegant among milk snakes are representatives of the subspecies L.t.cambelli with a contrasting black-red-white color and representatives of the subspecies L.t.sinaloae with wide scarlet peppered rings.

Honduran milk snakes L. t. hondurensis are less colorful than the Mexican ones, but they are larger in size. Babies emerge from the eggs, reaching a length of 32 centimeters, so they can immediately eat pubescent mice.

These subspecies of milk snakes are most commonly found in terrariums. They are best suited for amateurs.

A pair of milk snakes are kept in an elongated terrarium. Its area should be about 0.3 square meters. It is not recommended to keep these snakes in too spacious terrariums, as they become shy and even stop eating.

The terrarium is heated with incandescent lamps. For this kind optimum temperature- 24-28 degrees, since milk snakes live in mountainous areas With temperate climate. They can tolerate short-term temperature drops of up to 5 degrees. Such temperature fluctuations are a powerful breeding stimulus for milk snakes.

Sunbathing also improves the reproductive capacity of milk snakes. It is not necessary to put a large drinking bowl in the terrarium, since high dampness is harmful to these snakes.

The drinker in the terrarium is not constantly kept, but placed for 4-6 hours. Water is used settled, but fresh.

Like all snakes, milk snakes also lead a twilight lifestyle. In hot weather, they crawl into various shelters, and their activity is manifested only in the evening. After basking in the rays of the setting sun, they begin to hunt. Therefore, there must be shelters in the terrarium. You can make a shelter out of a regular plastic ice cream container. A hole is made in the lid with a diameter of about 4 centimeters.

To make the terrarium more colorful, it is decorated with dry branches and pots with agaves and other non-thorny plants.

Feeding milk snakes

In nature, they eat various small animals, lizards, and sometimes birds nesting on the ground.

Certain subspecies, such as L. t. elapsoides eat almost exclusively lizards, so they are not kept in home terrariums.

In terrariums, milk snakes are fed white mice, rat pups, hamsters, chickens, agile and viviparous lizards. These snakes are moderate in eating, they do not tend to overeat. Most often, 2-3 food items are consumed per week.

Breeding milk snakes

When preparing milk snakes for breeding, it is necessary to diversify the diet, it is desirable to use newborn rats. Sexual maturity in milk snakes occurs at 2 years, in males sometimes maturation can occur earlier.

For milk pythons arrange winter. They stop feeding pets at the end of November, while the conditions of detention remain the same. After 20 days of fasting, the intestines of the snakes are cleared, so you can put them into hibernation. It is important to know that when cooling a snake with a full intestine, there is a high risk of death, as digestion will stop, food will rot and poisoning develops.

Before hibernation, snakes arrange autumn: they are kept in a terrarium without heating, at normal room temperature. To come over deep dream, the prepared snake is put in a tight bag and placed in the compartment of the refrigerator for vegetables, in which the temperature is kept at 10 degrees.

Wintering lasts at least 3 weeks, but 1.5 months is better. At the same time, snakes are examined every 3 days, if the condition worsens, they are immediately taken out of wintering. If the wintering has ended successfully, then first the male is transferred to the terrarium, and after a couple of days the female is placed next to him.

At this time, the temperature is raised to 30-32 degrees. A week or earlier, the male shows readiness for mating, he begins to chase the female and bite her neck. If the female runs away from the male and hides in a shelter, she is put away for a while, where she is well fed with rat pups.

After 1-2 weeks, replanting is repeated, which, as a rule, ends in success. The mating process is repeated several times, then the male is removed. The gestation period is 48-70 days. By the end of the gestation period, the female stops eating.

The litter in the terrarium is replaced with wet sphagnum. The clutch usually contains 4-8 eggs. Glued eggs are carefully transferred to the incubator without turning or sticking.

The incubator is made from a plastic container with a tight lid. Sphagnum is laid on the bottom with a layer of about 10 centimeters or sand calcined in the oven. The incubator maintains a constant temperature of 28-30 degrees using an incandescent lamp. The masonry is inspected every 7 days, while the mold is removed with a cotton swab. Moisturize the substrate boiled water but it must not be wet.

Incubation lasts 45-60 days. The body length of newborn snakes is 20-27 centimeters, and in individuals from the southern part of the range, it reaches 35 centimeters. A week after birth, young milk snakes begin to hunt. Newborn mice are a good starter food for them. If they refuse mice, they have to give small lizards, their snakes eat them with pleasure. Gradually, food is transferred to mice.

Young animals grow quickly, already at the age of 7 months the body length doubles, and some individuals grow up to a meter.

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king snake belongs to the family of already figurative and is prominent representative genus Lampropeltis (which in Greek means "shining shield"). She received this name due to her specific dorsal scales.

Royal, in turn, this snake was nicknamed because in the wild its favorite delicacy is other snakes, including poisonous ones. The fact is that the body of royal snakes is absolutely not susceptible to the poison of its other relatives. There are reliably known cases when representatives of this genus ate even rattlesnakes, which are considered one of the most dangerous.

common king snake lives mainly in the deserts and semi-deserts of North America. It can easily be found in Arizona, Nevada and in the swampy areas of Alabama and Florida.

To date, seven subspecies of these snakes have been fairly well studied, which differ not only in color, but also in size, which range from 80 centimeters to two meters in the largest representatives.

Varieties of king snakes

California king snake. This variety has a number of differences from other representatives of its species. Firstly, they have a rich dark black or brown color, on which light longitudinal rings clearly stand out.

Pictured is a California king snake

There are even individuals of snow-white coloring with a beautiful mother-of-pearl shade and pink eyes. We can safely say that it is domestic king snake for the reason that it takes root well in captivity.

Therefore, it is very popular with terrariumists from all over the world. the globe, which sometimes collect entire collections of similar snakes of the most diverse colors.

Pictured is a domestic king snake

IN vivo their main habitat is in the state of California, from where they got their name. They live not only in desert and mountainous areas, but also near all kinds of agricultural land near people.

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Those who decide to keep such a snake in a terrarium should know that they feed mainly on small rodents, and the joint keeping of two or more snakes in one space is unacceptable because they do not disdain eating their relatives.

Royal milk snake. On this moment scientists counted about 25 subspecies of milk royal snakes, the sizes of which range from one to one and a half meters. Nevertheless, they are all extremely similar to each other and usually have a black, orange-red or white-yellow color.

Pictured is a royal milk snake hybrid

Since many representatives of these varieties can easily interbreed with each other, all kinds of hybrids can be found on sale. Recognized as safe for humans, because it belongs to the category of non-toxic.

In captivity, their life expectancy often reaches twenty years. They feed mainly small mammals, snakes and lizards. Mexican king snake. The main color of this variety is rich brown or gray.

On their heads, they usually have a darkish pattern resembling the letter “U”, the whole body is described by quadrangular spots of different colors with a white border. Sizes vary from one to two meters. Large external differences between females and males are not observed.

Pictured is a Mexican king snake

IN natural conditions its habitat is concentrated in the state of Texas and in small provinces of Mexico, due to which it got its name. She likes to settle in subtropical mixed forests in which pine and oak species predominate.

During the day, she usually hides in narrow crevices of rocks, among thickets of shrubs and along slopes overgrown with dense vegetation. Peak activity occurs at night. This species reproduces by eggs, which the female lays at a time from 15 to 20 pieces.

In the photo, the incubation of eggs of the king snake

For those who want to purchase a similar snake for home use, you can easily find many offers on the Internet by entering the query “ buy royal snake».

For feeding when kept in a terrarium, small rodents, frogs and are used, which are a favorite delicacy of milk royal snakes. For illumination, lamps emitting an ultraviolet spectrum are placed directly in the terrarium.

IN summer time they can be taken out in the sun (only in good weather), in winter it is desirable to provide additional space heating with the help of household or special appliances.

Vitamin E is added to the food for king snakes for a period of two to three weeks immediately after hibernation. Mating takes place from mid-spring to early summer.

For one laying, the female can bring from four to twelve eggs, which are later placed in an incubator, where the first babies appear after about 60-79 days.

Sinaloy king snake. This snake got its name because its main habitat is in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, where it can be found in riverbeds, streams and among dry mixed forests.

Pictured is the Sinaloy king snake

Despite the fact that this species is virtually indistinguishable from the most dangerous coral asps for humans, it is not poisonous and safe for humans. Usually they are small in size and rarely reach more than one meter in length.

Their diet includes not only all kinds of small rodents, frogs and lizards, but also large insects. In the event that the Sinaloi king snake is purchased for keeping in a terrarium, then for it it is necessary to install a small tank filled with water in which the snake can swim. It is also desirable to place houses, various shelves and other shelters. The terrarium is sprayed with water once a day, they are fed about once a week.

Black king snake. This is a relatively small variety of royal snakes, reaching a length of half a meter to a meter. It is distributed mainly in Mexico. At the moment, it has been studied very poorly, so the features of her life are still a mystery.

Pictured is a black king snake

Honduran king snake. They live within the storm rainforests and forests of Nicaragua and Honduras, from which they got their name. They have a bright and unusual color, due to which this variety is very popular with breeders. They adapt well in captivity and can live up to twenty years.

Pictured is a Honduran king snake

striated king snake. Distributed in North America from Canada to Colombia. It has a medium size (the length usually does not exceed one and a half meters) and a bright color, similar to the coral asp, in contrast to which it is not poisonous. It hibernates for several months, after which it starts breeding. Average duration The life of such snakes is about ten years.

Pictured is a striated king snake

Venomous king snake. King cobra like a snake considered to be the largest poisonous snakes on the entire planet. Its dimensions range from two to four meters, although individuals are known to reach more than five meters in length.

Their life expectancy is approximately thirty years, during which it does not stop growing and increasing in size. They often settle near human settlements, for which their poison is extremely dangerous.

Pictured is a king cobra

On the picture royal python

royal python snake. It is considered one of the smallest representatives of pythons. It is not poisonous and does not pose any danger to humans. It has a completely peaceful character, therefore it is very popular among snake breeders.