Valery Leontiev is 68 years old, and he is still irresistible, energetic and insanely popular. But unlike stage activities, Valery Leontyev's personal life has always been kept under the heading "secret". But what more mysterious man, the more interesting it is. What they just didn't come up with about the legendary singer in 40 seconds extra years storytellers.

Valery Leontiev, born in 1949, comes from a cross-cultural family living in Komi. His parents, Pomor and Ukrainian by nationality, were professionally engaged in reindeer husbandry and veterinary medicine. Valery abruptly changed his fate, deciding to succeed in an interesting musical field.

Today everyone knows the artist as one of the brightest performers of the USSR and representatives of show business modern Russia... For his work, Leontyev was awarded many honorary awards and prizes, such as the Order of Honor and Friendship, the Golden Gramophone Prize.

But few have seen the legal wife of this People's Artist of Russia. The fact is that she lives in America, in Miami, and has not been to Russia for many years!

Leontyev was married only once, and his marriage has survived to this day. The bass player from the group became the chosen one of Leontyev musical accompaniment of his concerts Lyudmila Isakovich.

Their love did not happen immediately, it was formed from a long creative friendship and was based on Lyudmila's admiration for the singer's talent. Lyudmila since 1997 became the common-law wife of Valery Leontyev, their couple did not feel the need for formalization relationship.

Here is how Lyudmila herself talks about the beginning of their relationship:“Everything happened quite prosaically - in 1972 I was music director Syktyvkar ensemble "Echo". Once a very handsome, stylish young man came to us. And I immediately realized that a great future awaits him - he was so plastic, unusual, with interesting vocals. My old friend, Batak, helped us a lot in those days. I met him when I was 19 and he was 34. He always told me: my home is your home. And when Valera and I arrived in Moscow, we went to him. Of course, Batak was very surprised to see such an unusual young man... And tactfully he asked me in my ear who it was. I then said: "This dude will work with me!" At first we just worked together and only then realized that we could no longer live without each other. ”

Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev became one of the most famous artists pop music throughout the post-Soviet space. He became famous back in the 70s of the last century and has not reduced the degree of his popularity to this day. The schedule of our hero is scheduled for several months in advance. He does not manage to rest at the time when he wants it.

The artist charges many pop song lovers with his enthusiasm. It cheers up in all situations.

In the media, you can often read information that the artist has illegitimate children. He does not confirm this. You can also read about gay singer. Valery says that all his life he lives with only one woman - his wife.

Height, weight, age of Valery Leontiev

Real fans of the popular pop artist know everything about him, including the questions of how tall, weight, Valery Leontyev's age are. On stage he is just as energetic, although he is already on the verge of his 70th birthday. The performer weighs 75 kilograms with a height of 175 centimeters.

Valery Leontiev, a photo in his youth and now of interest to numerous admirers of his talent, looks stylish and young. Fans give him significantly less years than he actually is. Every day, the pop star goes in for sports. He performs a set of exercises that allow him to be in excellent physical form... Valery Yakovlevich eats right. He avoids eating potatoes, pasta and flour products. Every day he consumes fruits, vegetables and berries in large quantities and also drinks milk and kefir.

Biography of Valery Leontiev

The boy was born at the end of the 40s of the last century. Father - Yakov Stepanovich Leontyev and mother - Ekaterina Ivanovna Leontyev treated deer, they were far from creative activity. Valera was a late child, his mother gave birth when she already celebrated her 43rd birthday. The popular artist had older sister who was called Maya.

When the boy was several years old, his parents decided to move to a small village located not far from Arkhangelsk, where his father was born and raised. Valera loved to play football or rounders with his friends. In winter they took away all the time cross-country skiing... He only came home when it was time to sleep.

Here Valera went to grade 1. He quickly learned to read and write. He especially enjoyed doing mathematical calculations. The boy was one of the best students in the class.

It was at this time that he began to show the ability to perform songs. He performs at various school activities, invariably winning the applause of the people present at the concert.

After school, the child loved to spend time on the river, fishing.

Deciding what the son needs Better conditions for development, my father began to think about moving. At this time, the boy's sister married a guy from the small Volga town of Yuryevets. The girl invited her relatives to move to this city and live not far from her. At the age of 12, Valera became a resident of Yuryevets. The young man loved to walk along the picturesque Volga shores. At this time, he had a dream to connect his life with the study of animals of the ocean depths.

The teachers at school loved his songs that he sang beautiful voice... Valery often took part in theatrical performances drama circle. After the 8th grade, the young man makes an attempt to enter one of the technical schools. He failed to become a radio technician, so the young man returns to school again.

After receiving the certificate, the young man goes to Khabarovsk to become an oceanographer, but unexpectedly fails at the entrance exams. On the essay, Valery receives low scores, which closed his way to the university.

Leontiev decides to enter the "artists". He goes to the capital of the Soviet Union. After some thought, he chooses for himself State Institute theatrical art. But then he takes the documents and goes to his parents in Yuryevets. Already at home, Valery began to regret what he had done, but nothing could be done.

After his return, Leontyev began to grab any opportunity to get a job in this life. He fixed household appliances, installed electrical networks, delivered letters, and worked in a factory.

After a while, the popular artist decided to go to Vorkuta to become a student at the local mining institute. He had to work at night, and in the morning he had to go to school. After suffering for two years, the young man decided to leave the institute and not continue his studies.

In 1972, Valery Leontyev's professional artistic biography began. He performed solo on the stage of the Vorkuta Palace of Culture in front of mine workers. Throughout the concert, the audience announced the audience with applause.

After winning the Syktyvkar regional song contest, Leontyev went to the capital to study vocal art professionally. For some unknown reason, the artist quits his studies and returns to the Syktyvkar Philharmonic, where he performs as a member of the Echo vocal and instrumental ensemble.

In the late 70s of the last century, Soviet citizens began to recognize the popular pop artist. He wins the Yalta All-Union Competition for Young Performers. Then he went to Bulgaria, where he won the Golden Orpheus.

After that, Valery Leontyev toured with concerts throughout the Soviet Union several times. Alla Dukhova's show ballet "Todes" performed with the star. Since the end of the last century, the performer has had his own dance group, which becomes the adornment of the concert.

Valery Leontiev became the people's artist of many union republics. In 1996, he was officially recognized as the People's Russian Federation... The stars of the performer were laid near the Moscow Kremlin and on one of the Vitebsk alleys.

Valery Leontiev, biography, wife, children, whose photos arouse genuine interest among users on social networks, performs on European stages and overseas. Everywhere he invariably gets applause. The schedule of a resident of artistic Olympus is scheduled for several months in advance. The audience in the most remote cities loves and waits for him. There are no free seats at the concerts.

Leontiev starred in several films. TV viewers fell in love with his subtle humor in the musical "Cinderella", where he appeared in the guise of a king.

Personal life of Valery Leontiev

Valery Leontyev's personal life is not overly saturated, as numerous media write about it mass media... Since his youth, the popular artist lives with one the only woman since the 70s of the last century. For more than two dozen 20 years they have lived in civil marriage, and then formalized the relationship.

Currently, the artist's wife is many thousands of kilometers from him. She works in the United States of America. At the first opportunity, but this does not happen as often as Valery would like, he gets on a plane and flies to Miami. But the spouses cannot be alone for a long time, since Leontyev's schedule is scheduled for several months in advance.

Often articles appear in the media in which they talk about the unconventional orientation of our hero. He does not comment on the information in any way. The star says it's beneath his dignity to respond to gossip.

Valery Leontiev's family

Valery Leontyev's family often moved from place to place. Already in childhood, he visited several villages that became his family. Valeria's parents and older sister passed away. They are laid to rest in the cemetery in Yuryevets. Sometimes a popular artist comes here to worship their graves. The burial place is looked after by Leontyev's nephews.

Currently, Valery calls his wife his family, who lives several thousand kilometers from him. They often communicate on Skype and call up on the phone. And they rarely get to see each other with their own eyes.

The admirers of his talent have become native people for the star, who wish him long creative longevity.

Children of Valery Leontiev

Valery Leontyev's children were not born. His wife at first refused because of her career. When the couple became ready for the birth of a child, it turned out that Lyudmila could no longer give birth herself. Valery offered to resort to the services of a surrogate mother who would bear and give birth to a child for them. In response to this, the woman replied that she could not become a mother to someone else's child.

In a number of media outlets, information sometimes arose that the artist had children who were born by other women. The pop singer himself assures that not a single woman gave birth to his offspring. He is absolutely sure of this.

The star often takes part in charity events. He also helps one of the capital's orphanages.

Valery Leontyev's wife - Lyudmila Isakovich

Currently, the artist is married to a woman who became his beloved in his youth. They worked together in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Echo". Valery sang, and his beloved played the bass guitar and organized concerts.

In the early 90s, Valery Leontyev's wife, Lyudmila Isakovich, moved to work in the United States of America. Shortly thereafter, the couple officially registered their union.

Recently, in one of the programs on the Kultura TV channel, Lyudmila told the whole truth about her relationship with her husband. She said that it was her fault that there were no children in their marriage. Currently, the woman regrets this. But to raise children from orphanage or those born by a surrogate mother categorically refuses.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Leontiev

Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Leontyev exist. The pages are kept by admirers of the talent of the eminent performer of pop songs. He rarely visits social networks as he is incredibly busy on tour.

Wikipedia contains the most detailed information about the life and creative path of Valery Leontiev. Here are all the compositions ever performed by the artist. On the page you can read why our hero received this or that award.

Instagram allows you to view photos and videos taken in different years the life of a singer. Fans can listen to the files and leave feedback. Article found on

Biography, the fact of having children and of course the details of the personal life of everyone's beloved Casanova Valery Leontyev, like his naughty photos, have been of interest to many for more than one year. Therefore, further in the article we will just talk about the fate of this famous singer, and also tell you what the pop star is doing now.

Valery Yakovlevich was born in 1949 on March 19 in the Komi Republic. The parents of the future star were zootechnicians and lived quite far from the nearest village. This became the reason that Valery could not receive a proper education until almost the age of 12. Only in 1961, the Leontyev family decided to change their place of residence, moving to Yuryevets, where Valery was already able to go to school.

Leontiev in his youth

In addition, Valery Yakovlevich is also fond of drawing, choreography, attends a theater group and sings in a school ensemble. The young man already then understood that in a small provincial town he would not be able to fulfill himself. In this regard, after graduating from the 8th grade, he is trying to enter the Radio Engineering Institute in the city of Murom. But the attempt to change his life was unsuccessful and Valery returns to school again.

Having received secondary education, the future Casanova dreams of working as an oceanologist. Unfortunately, the guy's family lived in poverty, and his parents could not pay for his studies at the desired university.

Further, Leontyev once again “tempts fate” and tries to enter GITIS at the acting department, but at the very last moment for some reason changes his mind and returns to his homeland. There he works as a handyman and changes professions, from a tailor to a bricklayer.

After a while, the young man still managed to enter the branch of the Lenin Mining Institute, located in Vorkuta. And although his studies were not easy for him, the guy was able to realize himself, performing together with local bands at various events and festivals.


For the first time Leontiev got on the big stage in 1971 at the vocal competition "Song of the Year". Valery took second place there with the composition "Carnival". His popularity began to grow, and the aspiring artist gave his first recital already in 1972 at the local Palace of Culture.

This year, the singer goes to the vocal competition in Syktyvkar, where he gets the long-awaited victory. This helped him move to the capital and go to study at the workshop of G. Vinogradov. But even here he did not finish his studies, as he was forced to return to Syktyvkar.

Valery joined the pop group "Dreamers", and after that he was invited to be a soloist of the "Echo" ensemble. The trio became so popular that they released hit after hit and gave concerts almost all over the USSR.

In 1978, Leontiev finally graduated. After, he got a job at the Gorky Philharmonic, from which he was sent to a competition in sunny Yalta, where he won another victory. It was this event that became a turning point in the biography of Valery Leontiev, as he begins to perform at various song festivals and competitions, where he takes mainly prize places.

Interesting! Leontiev always had a creative taste, since he sewed all his stage costumes himself, for which he even received a prize from a famous Bulgarian fashion publishing house.

In 1980 Leontiev was already famous person... Once, he was even noticed by Western journalists who compared the singer to Mick Jagger. But such popularity and too bright and, most importantly, this informal style of dress was not to the liking of the then government. Therefore, Leontiev falls out of favor and begins to be ignored. It was a difficult time for the singer, as his songs were no longer played on radio and television.

Helped him get out of this period Raimonds Pauls, who, thanks to his connections, organized more than 18 concerts for the young talent. Further, the singer records songs that instantly become popular. But the real hit was the composition "Hang-glider", which became for Leontyev a "lucky ticket" to the world of pop music.

Personal life

The personal life of this singer has always been "covered with darkness", as he in every possible way avoided topics related to his amorous adventures. In this regard, journalists attributed to him romance novels with the extravagant Laima Vaikule, the prima donna of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva and other artists with whom he had to be on the same stage.

Valery with his wife

Such secrecy from journalists was the reason for the appearance of rumors about Valery Leontyev's gay orientation. The press constantly attributed romances with men to the singer. But this turned out to be untrue, since he had been married to Lyudmila Isakovich for a long time.

I met my future wife the singer was still a soloist in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Echo". From that moment on, the couple was inseparable. But despite such high relationship Leontiev was in no hurry to burden himself with the bonds of marriage. He put a ring on his ring finger only in 1998. The wedding took place in a narrow circle of relatives and friends in the United States of America.

Unfortunately, for the entire period life together the wife never gave birth to Leontyev's child.

Although Leontyev does not spread too much about himself, we still were able to find facts from the life of this singer, which were previously known only to the close circle of the celebrity.

  • In 1982, Leontiev survived a difficult operation. He had an oncological tumor removed in his throat. It was after this medical intervention that Valery had his trademark hoarse voice.

  • He is the holder of the title of People's Artist of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
  • For all its solo career released over 25 studio albums.
  • The biography of Valery Leontyev's wife is a closed topic for many, since the singer never talks about it. It is only known that she worked as the leader of the Echo group.

  • At one time there were rumors that Leontyev's sister, who died in 2005, was in fact his mother. But the singer did not confirm these speculations.
  • Valery always loved his job and went on stage even with a high fever.
  • Leontyev is accused of what he did repeatedly plastic surgery... The singer denied these rumors and said that he had his own methods of preserving youth.

  • Valery once admitted that he was married for the second time to the same woman, since he and Lyudmila signed in their youth and after a while divorced. But then they realized that they had made a mistake and got back together.

Valery Leontiev - famous Russian singer... Now he is 68, respectively, he began to sing in the distant Soviet time... He was not afraid of censorship and earned the fame of a shocking, extraordinary, performer ready for any antics.

Just what is his statement about homosexuals: “As recent studies show, this is predetermined genetic level... In general, it seems to me that everything that is created by God and nature has the right to be. But if this is a sin, then it means that God has sinned against himself. "

It is no wonder that such a reputation gave rise to all sorts of rumors about Valeria: either he is an irrepressible lover, or a misogynist, or even an ascetic. Where is the truth?

Nobody considered Leontyev's family man in the Soviet Union, simply because he hid his personal life. In fact, the singer has a wife with whom he has been married for over 40 years!

It is all the more interesting to find out who his wife is. Her name is Lyudmila Yakovlevna Isakovich and they met back in 1973. Then the woman was the head of the Echo musical ensemble, where Valery received a job assignment immediately after graduating from a music school. Since then they have been together. At first they lived in a civil marriage, and in 1998 they got married in the USA.

Since then, the wife lives in the same place in Miami, where she does not at all what she does at home: she opened her own salon and became a groomer, a person who makes haircuts for dogs.

Several times a year, the artist flies overseas and always celebrates with his wife New Year and birthday. As a result, he is with his wife only 3 months a year. And the rest of the time, he sends her the vibes of love remotely, using modern communication technologies.

The most surprising thing is that both are satisfied with this situation, and the couple tolerantly and diplomatically avoids the topic of children. Lyudmila Yakovlevna already has American citizenship, and Valery Leontyev has a fanatical love for the stage. Here he is still a celebrity, and there he is an idol, perhaps among elderly emigrants. Therefore, everything remains in place.

This is what the wife of the star told in one of her few interviews: “Once a very handsome, stylish young man came to us. And I immediately realized that a great future awaits him - he was so plastic, unusual, with interesting vocals. "

“At first we just worked together and only then realized that we couldn't live without each other.”

“At first we lived informally, we were able to get married only in 1998 in America. Before that, there were many difficulties with documents, residence permits, registration. In the States, our wedding took place without any fanfare, we just formalized the relationship at the local registry office and celebrated this business in a restaurant - alone, without guests. "

“At first, of course, it was very difficult to live with your beloved in two countries. But when I left, I realized that this was laying the foundation of our future life... At first, there were big problems - both with housing and with work. She almost ate worms. Then they got back on their feet and bought a house. "
“But from long separation our feelings only got stronger. We constantly called back, wrote letters, impatiently counted the months before our meeting. Then Valera had the opportunity to visit me in Miami more often. We have our own traditions - for example, we are sure to go to the Thai restaurant that is loved by Valery. "

“Valera is a very kind and sensitive person, I feel very good with him. With age, he became a person who avoids society. But, despite this, he will always find time for his loved ones. "

“My husband has always believed in himself. And I supported him all my life, worried about him. Valera is a very sensitive person, delicate. But, in spite of everything, he coped. Many other artists, faced with similar difficulties, broke down - got drunk, abandoned creativity, left the stage. Valera is not like that. "
“Although, of course, the authorities impeded him very much on the way to Olympus. They tried to reason about appearance, and Valera had to unwind his hair in some unthinkable ways so that there were no curls. There were constant nagging about the concert costumes, which, by the way, Valera at first sewed for himself. "

“America has always been my dream, I do not regret living here. The Americans are not at all as "plastic" as they write about them. They just don't get into anything, they are very tactful. "

Leontiev Valery Yakovlevich (b. 1949) - a popular Soviet and Russian singer, actor, has the title People's Artist Russian Federation.


Valera was born on March 19, 1949 in a small village called Ust-Usa, located in the Komi Republic.

Dad, Yakov Stepanovich, originally came from the Arkhangelsk region, worked as a veterinarian, specialized in deer. Mom, Ekaterina Ivanovna ( maiden name Klyutz), was of Ukrainian origin, was engaged in raising children, was still in the family eldest daughter Mayan. Mom gave birth to a son rather late, at that time she was 43 years old, and the difference between the boy and her sister was 19 years (Maya was born in 1930, she is no longer alive, she died in 2005). Due to the profession of his father, the family often changed their place of residence, moved from one village to another. Valery Leontyev's childhood years passed already in the village of Verkhniye Matigory, it was located in the Kholmogorsk district of the Arkhangelsk region.

The boy grew up incredibly sociable and playful, he needed everything. All in early age he got it both from the goat and from the dog (the first butted him, the second bit him), and all because Valera cared about everything, he could not calmly walk past the animals. Also in preschool age Valera began his first performances in front of reindeer herders: he climbed onto a stool and recited poetry.

When I went to school, immediately from the first grade I began to sing in the choir, while very soon I was already its soloist. The boy managed to sing very well, but he just could not stand calmly on the stage during the performance, he was constantly spinning around, waving his arms. The teachers made comments to him, but in vain, he was a very mobile little boy, and it was impossible to keep him in one place.

Despite the fact that the family lived very modestly in material terms, in addition to the school choir, Valera was engaged in dancing and drawing, went to a drama club and a music school for a piano class.

When Valery was 12 years old, his father started having health problems, and doctors advised him to change the climate. So the Leontyev family moved to the picturesque bank of the Volga, to the Ivanovo region, the city of Yuryevets.


In Yuryevets, Valery graduated from eight classes of school and decided to continue his studies at the Murom Radio Technical School. Despite his talents in amateur performances, plasticity and artistry, Leontiev never dreamed of becoming a singer or artist. And for further studies, he chose the earthly completely male profession.

However, he failed the entrance exams to the radio technical college, and he had to return home, where he completed his studies at high school two more classes.

At school, Valery Leontyev studied well, especially his favorite subject was "Russian Literature", he was very fond of poetry. Many years later, this childhood hobby will result in wonderful songs written on the verses of Akhmatova, Blok, Tsvetaeva.

In the meantime, he had a dream to tie his further destiny with work at sea, he even chose educational institution where he wanted to go after receiving a certificate of secondary education - Far Eastern University, Faculty of Oceanology. But a family with a modest income could not afford such a distant departure of their son, the dream remained unfulfilled. And perhaps that is why, after so many years, it is precisely Marine theme.

Then Valery decided to go closer to Moscow, where he applied for admission to GITIS. However, the huge and bustling capital put pressure on the provincial youth, at the last moment, due to indecision and confusion, he took the documents and returned home.

In Yuryevets, Valera immediately began to work, he had to work hard in different places and to master many professions - an electrician, an operator at a dairy factory, a handyman at a brick factory, a tailor and a postman, an oiler at a flax spinning factory.

However, to receive at least some education, but it was necessary, the elder sister insisted on this. And then the young man moved to Vorkuta, there was a branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute, Valery became his student. In the evenings he studied, and during the day he worked part-time in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures, and later worked as a draftsman for a design institute.

The beginning of the creative path

In Vorkuta, Valera combined his studies and work with participation in amateur performances. In the local Palace of Culture, he appeared on stage as a singer in theatrical performances. His first works were musical performances in performances:

  • "The circus lights the lights";
  • "Black dragon";
  • "The Touched Apostle";
  • "Don Renaldo goes into battle."

At the end of 1971, a regional competition "Song-71" was held in Vorkuta, where Valera participated with the musical composition "Carnival in the North" and eventually became the second.

Already in 1972, Valery Leontyev's first solo performance took place in the Vorkuta House of Culture for builders and miners. It was in the spring, and by the end of the year he went to Syktyvkar to the competition festival "We are looking for talents", which was held among creative amateur youth, where he won.

The winner was entitled to a prize - training with Georgy Vinogradov in his creative workshop of pop art. Leontiev again went to the capital, but did not finish his studies to the end and returned to Syktyvkar, where he began to solo in the local philharmonic society with the musical group "Dreamers".

In 1974 Valera was awarded the first honorary title- "Excellent worker in the countryside."

Echo team

Since 1975 Leontiev began to cooperate with another Echo group. The repertoire of the musicians included two programs "Carnival in the North" and "Smile northern land", With which they traveled almost the entire Soviet Union, only performed not on large stages and stadiums, but in local Houses of Culture.

Even then, Valery's repertoire was different from all the performers available on the Soviet stage. He did not sing patriotic songs, did not go on stage in a strict suit. He himself invented concert clothes, designed them, drew sketches and carried them to the House of Life to sew. Local dressmakers laughed at him and twirled their fingers at his temple. Then he took everything and made the costumes himself.

In 1978, the team performed for the first time at big stage, it was the Oktyabrsky concert hall in the city of Gorky. A year later, Leontyev and his group began work under the auspices of the Gorky Philharmonic. In this city, the singer has his first own apartment.

From here, in 1979, the singer was sent to Yalta for the first all-Union competition festival, which brought together the best performers of songs from the countries of the socialist community.

For 12 minutes Leontyev performed the musical ballad "In Memory of a Guitarist" to the lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky and music by David Tukhmanov, for which he was awarded the main prize. The festival was broadcast on all-Union television. Valeria was overwhelmed with joy, but soon she was replaced by pain and bitterness, since his father died.

After the competition, Valery met the composer David Tukhmanov, which later resulted in a long and fruitful cooperation.

Having received the first prize in Yalta, a year later Leontyev went to Sopot for the 16th International Festival of Pop Songs "Golden Orpheus", where he won the main prize for musical composition"Dancing hour in the sun". And the Bulgarian fashion magazine "Lada" awarded him a special prize, having appreciated the original concert costume of its own performance.

Leontiev became popular, and already many collective concerts could not do without his participation, he sang on the stage of the Variety Theater and Luzhniki, gradually conquering Moscow, and with it the whole country.

Thorny path to the top of glory

In 1981, the prestigious music Festival, where Valery won the popularity prize. But American journalists covering this event wrote that the singer is very expressive and looks like Mick Jager, which did him a bad service. This did not please the highest ranks on the Soviet stage and during three years Valeria was no longer invited to concerts in the capital and broadcast on television.

Along with creative problems, there were also troubles with health. In 1982, a throat tumor was removed. The singing career was in jeopardy, and Leontiev decided to get a diploma of higher education, he began training as a director of mass performances at the Leningrad Institute of Culture named after N.K.Krupskaya.

In 1983, Leontiev began working at the Voroshilovgrad Philharmonic Society in Ukraine, and the composer Raimonds Pauls helped him to return to the big stage, who by that time was already enough influential person in the world of Soviet show business.

In 1984, in the Moscow concert hall "Russia", Pauls held a creative evening "Holy love for music", where Leontiev was allocated a whole department.

Already in 1985, Leontyev received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for his work. Soon, together with other artists, he gave concerts in Afghanistan, in next year in Chernobyl, and in 1987 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Creative activity Leontyev has almost 30 released albums, among which the most famous are:

Album release year Album title
1983 "Muse"
1984 "Dialogue"
1986 « The Velvet season»
1990 "A sinful way"
1992 "There, in September"
1993 "Full moon"
1995 "On the Road to Hollywood"
1998 "Santa Barbara"
1999 "Everyone wants to love"
2001 "Augustine"
2004 "Night call"
2005 "Falling into Heaven"
2009 "Years of Wandering"
2011 "Painter"
2014 "Love trap"

His best songs that every listener knows the former USSR, present-day Russia and the CIS countries, more than once got into the finals of "Song of the Year" and occupied the top lines of the charts:

  • "Beloved Side";
  • "Hang gliding";
  • "Green light";
  • Verooka;
  • "Eclipse of the Heart";
  • "Disappeared sunny days»;
  • "Margarita";
  • Casanova;
  • "Treasures of the Black Sea";
  • “Do not forget me”;
  • “Everyone wants to love”;
  • Augustine.

Leontiev is the director of all his concert shows and the creator of the original costumes.

Personal life

Valery Leontyev never gave an interview about his personal life, which gave rise to many rumors. They also talked about his gay, about the affair with the Prima Donna Russian stage Alla Pugacheva, that he has a child.

In fact, since 1972, the singer has been living in a civil marriage with bass player Lyudmila Isakovich. In 1998, they officially signed.

The singer's wife resides in Miami. Valery is still busy with a very busy touring schedule. The spouses have never hidden from their loved ones that their marriage is more partner than love.