Waste management is one of the actual problems modernity - however, few businessmen are able to see the prospects for activities in this direction. The paradox lies in the fact that every year thousands of tons of raw materials disappear in city dumps and landfills, while being an almost free resource for creating a successful and profitable business.

An example of such a business is the processing of tires into crumbs: the price of equipment and the requirements for production space make it possible to quickly deploy an enterprise in fairly modest conditions, and revenues measured in millions leave no room for doubt about the feasibility of investments.

Considering that the existing domestic plants are not able to process more than 20-25% of the volume of landfills annually worn tires, it can be assumed that in this free niche, a newly created business will not experience difficulties in finding raw materials. This will allow the entrepreneur to pay more attention to the organization of sales and the creation of related production, which allows to receive additional income.

What can be obtained from processing?

Considering, it should be borne in mind that the disposal of old tires provides for two possible directions: pyrolysis processing and grinding into crumbs. The differences between them are in the equipment used, energy intensity, the amount of start-up capital and methods of implementation. finished products.

In pyrolysis plants, the raw material is heated to 450–500°C and decomposed into:

  1. Synthetic liquid fuel, which is used in boilers and heating installations. With further distillation, hydrocarbon fractions can be obtained from it - gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil and resins;
  2. Technical carbon, which is used as an adsorbent, a filler in the production of rubber products, a dye in the paint and varnish industry and a base for bituminous mastics;
  3. Gas used for re-combustion in a pyrolysis plant.

Tires are made from high-quality rubber, which, after mechanical grinding, completely retains such properties as elasticity, strength, resistance to chemical attack. When processing car tires into crumbs, the main products are various fractions - from 0.25 to 5 mm, widely used for the manufacture of:

  • Rubber tiles, coatings for stadiums, gyms and playgrounds;
  • Sports equipment (as a filler);
  • Soles for shoes, rubber boots;
  • Wear-resistant road surface;
  • Speed ​​bumps, chippers, railroad crossings;
  • Bumpers, rugs, mudguards and other automotive rubber products;
  • Linings for railway sleepers.

The steel component of the tire is also separated from the rubber and used as a reinforcing additive for concrete in the construction of buildings and roads, or as a raw material for smelting.

Thus, the processing of used tires into crumbs, as well as pyrolysis recycling, are practically waste-free processes, which make it possible to obtain products that are in high demand in the industry.

Processing technology

Currently, three main technologies for processing tires into crumbs are used:

  • Cryogenic grinding after treatment with liquid nitrogen. Despite the effectiveness, this method requires huge costs - about 30–40 million rubles;
  • Mechanical abrasion and deformation in a closed space;
  • Tire cutting into pieces, subsequent grinding with crushers and mills.

In the latter case, equipment for processing tires into crumbs is the most affordable for small businesses, since it can be placed on an area of ​​300–450 m² with a total investment of 4–7 million rubles.

The technological process includes:

  1. Preliminary inspection of raw materials and removal of foreign inclusions;
  2. Removal of the seat ring on one side;
  3. Cutting the tire into tapes 4–5 cm wide;
  4. Removal of the second ring;
  5. Cutting the tape into "chips" 20–40 mm in size;
  6. Shredding of fragments using a shredder and rollers;
  7. Department of textile and steel cord;
  8. Sorting crumbs into fractions;
  9. Packing and shipping.

Tire crumb recycling equipment

Sources of raw materials

Organization of continuous supply of raw materials is one of the critical tasks in this business: recycling tires into crumb rubber will be cost-effective if fully loaded equipment for at least one eight-hour shift per day. Even a small workshop can process 200-500 kg of rubber per hour - such an enterprise will need a daily supply of at least three to four tons of old tires. To ensure such volumes, it will be necessary to establish contacts with all possible sources:

  • Motor transport enterprises, bus and trolleybus parks;
  • Landfills of municipal and industrial waste;
  • Tire workshops and car services.

According to the law, legal entities must pay for the disposal of garbage (including old tires) in the amount of 2,000–2,500 rubles per ton. Therefore, the offer to recycle tires at a lower cost will be commercially profitable for them.

In addition, the population also experiences problems with the disposal of tires: with the help of organizing a stationary collection point, you can buy them at a mutually beneficial price and constantly provide the plant for processing tires into crumbs with raw materials.

Sales organization

Rubber crumb, textiles and metal cord cannot be attributed to goods that are in demand among retail buyers. Therefore, a business plan for recycling tires into crumbs should provide for the organization of sales through contacts with wholesale buyers or direct deliveries to construction and processing industries.

You can find interested customers using the Internet, participation in specialized exhibitions, mailing commercial offers and personal negotiations. At the same time, it is important to correlate the needs of the customer and the possibilities of their own production - not every company is ready to buy tens of tons crumb rubber monthly.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Recycling tires into crumbs is a business that entrepreneurs and investors are interested in, not only because of its usefulness for the environment, but also because of its acceptable level of profitability, quick payback, and also:

  • Continuously replenished sources of raw materials available almost free of charge or at a symbolic price;
  • Simplicity of technology - maintenance of the line for processing tires into crumb rubber does not require special qualifications and special knowledge;
  • A large number of industries in which tire processing products are used;
  • Opportunities to receive a comprehensive state support an enterprise carrying out socially and environmentally beneficial waste management activities.

The disadvantages of the business include significant capital investments, as well as the difficulties that arise when looking for regular suppliers and buyers. Therefore, it is advisable to establish the contacts necessary for work before purchasing machines for processing tires into crumbs.

Company registration

At formalization the enterprises do not have any legal subtleties - since 2012, tire recycling activities are not subject to licensing. Of course, to open a business, you need permits from the fire and sanitary services, as well as contracts for the supply of electricity and garbage collection. However, when choosing a form of ownership, some economic factors should be taken into account:

  • Individual entrepreneurship implies the availability of sufficient start-up capital or the possibility of obtaining state aid in the form of grants, partial compensation for the cost of equipment, preferential loans and reimbursement of payments under equipment leasing agreements;
  • If the launch of a mini tire recycling plant requires the involvement of partners, co-owners or private investors, then it would be advisable to register a limited liability company.

Room search

A suitable production facility should include not only the area required for the installation of a tire crumb processing line, but also an area for storing raw materials, as well as a place for storing finished products. A workshop with an area of ​​350–500 m² and a ceiling height of 5 meters or more, located on the outskirts or outside the city in industrial area and having good access roads for heavy vehicles.

Second necessary condition- connection to engineering networks: water supply and power lines with a capacity of at least 120–150 kW.

The third is the remoteness of the enterprise from residential buildings. Due to the noise of production, the sanitary norm here is taken equal to 300 m.

You can find such a room on the territory of former and operating enterprises, bases, warehouse complexes. The rental price here will be acceptable, and the absence of renovation requirements will lead to additional savings.

Equipment selection

The average cost of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is determined by both its capacity and the country of production. The advantage of domestic lines over Chinese ones is the availability of services for setting up, starting up, maintaining and repairing machine tools. However, even on entry level processing of 100-200 kg of raw materials per hour requires costs in the amount of 1.5-2 million rubles. Unfortunately, such lines are often functionally limited (for example, there is no magnetic separator or cyclone), therefore, to launch a full-fledged enterprise, it is advisable to consider complexes with a capacity of up to 300–500 kg/h, consisting of:

  • Bead cutting machine;
  • Machine for removing landing rings;
  • Machine for cutting tires into strips;
  • Machine for cutting tape into "chips";
  • Roller machine, mill;
  • Vibrating table and vibrating sieves;
  • Magnetic separator for metal removal;
  • Cyclone to remove textiles;
  • Electrical switching equipment;
  • Conveyor kit.

The total price of machines for processing tires into crumbs for the production of such a capacity is 5.5–5.7 million rubles. However, for the needs of the enterprise, the purchase of additional equipment is sometimes required:

  • Large tire cutter;
  • storage bins;
  • Libra;
  • Sewing machines for polypropylene bags.

Taking into account hand tools, a tire recycling shop can be equipped for 6–6.2 million rubles. However, despite the impressive amount of this amount, investments in production pay off quite quickly.


The process of recycling tires into crumbs with your own hands is technologically simple, and therefore does not require the constant presence of highly qualified personnel (with the exception of repair and maintenance of the line - sharpening knives, replacing conveyor belts or electric motors). 3-4 people can serve such production. In addition to them, the following should be accepted for work:

  • Accountant (possible on a part-time basis);
  • Receiver of raw materials (storekeeper);
  • sales manager;
  • Truck driver.

General spending plan

Given the high cost of equipment for processing tires into rubber crumb, entrepreneurs can turn to the state or private investors for help. To do this, you need to develop a detailed business plan, which takes into account all related costs:

Initial business investment

Monthly expenses

Income and profitability

The main advantage of recycling used tires into crumb rubber is the minimum price of raw materials. Most often, it is zero, but in some cases, enterprises even pay extra for waste disposal.

The line with a capacity of 400 kg / h allows you to process up to 80 tons of rubber per month, receiving 55 tons of crumbs, 15 tons of metal cord and 10 tons of textiles. When determining income, we can assume that the price of crumb rubber of various fractions is approximately the same: 16–17 rubles per kilogram. The market value of a kilogram of textile is 2 rubles, and of a metal cord - 2.5 rubles.

Enterprise income

Thus, the average return on investment in a business at full capacity of the enterprise is 8.5–9 months. The minimum volume of raw materials that needs to be processed in order to recoup current costs is 170 kilograms per hour.

Production risks

Like any business, recycling old tires comes with certain risks. Some of them are reduced by timely maintenance of the machines, others are unforeseen circumstances:

  • Interruptions in the supply of raw materials;
  • Breakdown and subsequent downtime of equipment;
  • Failures in the organization of sales;
  • Damage to products due to non-compliance with storage conditions;
  • Falling product prices.

Organizational risks should be minimized by duplicating supply and marketing channels, searching for new buyers not only in Russia but also abroad, as well as by expanding the scope of activities. For example, homemade tire crumb products can be pressed into tiles and painted, thus producing a practical and safe surface for tennis courts, sports fields and children's playgrounds.

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Buying a franchise

Manufacturers of recycling equipment sometimes include tire chip recycling franchises in their offers, the price of which depends on the volume of services provided. Most often it is:

  • Granting the right to use the brand and customer base;
  • Supply of complete technological lines;
  • Equipment warranty and technical support;
  • Distribution of large orders between network members;
  • Forwarding regional orders to the entrepreneur;
  • Training;
  • Marketing and advertising support.

Depending on the size of the start-up capital and the required production capacity, the purchase of a package worth from 4 to 9 million rubles can be considered. It should be noted that in such cases, most often there are no regular monthly payments, however, such large-scale investments require a mandatory preliminary study of the regional market and the capabilities of the supplier company.


Mini plant for processing tires into crumb "ATR-300" is an ideal solution in terms of price and quality for enterprises located in small towns, as well as for enterprises producing rubber tiles.

The performance and compactness of the ATR-300 plant allows for the processing of worn tires in small towns and settlements. Producing up to 350 kilograms of crumb rubber per hour. Recycling truck and passenger car tires, this line will allow you to easily take a leading position in your region, providing high profitability, quick payback and guaranteed production of high-quality and popular rubber crumb.

The ATR-300 Waste Tire Recycling Plant recycles used tires by mechanical crushing. At this method tire processing, rubber crumb does not lose its physical and mathematical properties, which affects its cost and quality, unlike grated or rolled crumb. Tire recycling equipment "ATR-300" is a highly demanded and purchased set of equipment among our customers.

We do not just offer tire recycling equipment, we offer an ideal solution for low-budget organizations to purchase high-tech, really working equipment, instead of non-working and inefficient Chinese or other analogues.

The principle of operation of the line for processing tires into crumb "ATR-300"

1) At the first stage, the tire undergoes a detailed inspection for the absence of spikes and other elements not suitable for recycling.

2) At the second stage, the truck tires are cut into small segments, approximately 20x20 cm, the passenger wheels are fed as a whole.

3) After cutting, the resulting segments are fed along the conveyor to the shredder, for grinding into a smaller chip, the bead wire and other metal inclusions are removed from the rubber composition.

4) The processed material is fed into the impact crusher for grinding to the final fraction, with an additional step of cleaning from the metal cord.

5) The material brought to the final fraction passes through the separation system to remove the textile cord from its composition, with one more step of separating the metal cord.

6) After the final cleaning, the material is fed to a round vibrating sieve, on which crumb rubber is sorted into fractions.

Location of ATR - 300 Tire Recycling Line

Specifications and requirements for the ATR-300 line

Requirements for the premises

Occupied area (excluding warehouse space)

2 shifts of 10 - 12 hours, subject to Maintenance

Temperature regime

from 0 to +40С°

Electrical power (required)

Average level power consumption

80-120 kWh

Input Line Performance

up to 500 kg of raw materials/hour

Outlet Line Performance

300 - 400 kg crumbs/hour

3 fractions from 0 to 5 mm

Textile cord output

up to 80 kg/h

Metal cord output

up to 100 kg/h

Annual tire recycling capacity when loaded 360 days a year, 20 hours a day

Up to 4000 tons of tires

Max tire diameter

Number of personnel per shift

3 - 4 people

Delivery set of equipment for processing tires into crumb "ATR-300"


Tire shredder

Bead ring puller

Tire cutting guillotine

Loading belt conveyor

transport fan

Magnetic separation system

Cyclone collectors small

Pneumatic transport system

Stream transport system

Impact crusher complex

Shaker system

Cyclone collection

Dust extraction system

Electrical equipment, wiring, electrical and other

System of bonding metal structures and protection

Belt conveyor for metal cord

Technical documentation, passport, operation manual

For us, it is very important not only long-term cooperation, but also the ability to provide existing professional knowledge and information support to potential partners and clients. In order to study in more detail the characteristics of the ATR 300 line and get the commercial part, please contact us or make an inquiry to our company.

Equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber

Tire recycling - what is it + process technology + risks and complexities associated with the business + step by step process of opening a plant + financial calculations.

Capital investments: 3,265,000 rubles
Payback period: about 1 year

Every year the number of car owners is increasing, so the problem of tire recycling is becoming more and more urgent.

Used wheels are simply thrown into a landfill, and as you know, rubber decomposes for about 150 years.

But the planet, unlike it, is “not rubber”, so such actions have a negative impact on the environment.

That is why tire recycling is not only a solution to an environmental problem, but also great idea to start a really useful business.

IN Lately one can notice such a trend - many do not want to start their own business due to the fact that many niches are already simply filled.

But in this case, the entrepreneur will have:

  • minimum of competitors;
  • access to cheap or even free raw materials;
  • the opportunity to start a sought-after business.

Tire recycling: what is it?

According to statistics, only a fifth of the tires are sent for recycling.

The remaining tires are disposed of or continue to decompose in the ground in landfills.

As for tire recycling, it is carried out in four ways:

Tire recyclingThere is a crushing of tires into small pieces, which can later be used for the production of other goods.
Most rational way which causes the least harm to the environment.
PyrolysisThe method involves the impact on tires high temperature in order to extract oil from them. Such recycling cannot be called rational, because it harms the environment, besides it is expensive and pays off for a long time.
BurningThis method is used for the complete disposal of tires. As a result, you can get energy, but for it you will have to release a lot of toxins into the atmosphere, including soot and sulfur.
RecoveryThis is the new generation in tire recycling. When they are restored, the cost of oil decreases by 6 times, which indicates the rationality and efficiency of the method.

In the production of tires, various valuable polymers are used that can withstand enormous loads during the operation of the car.

Since during the use of car tires they chemical composition does not change, this means that they can be used for new production.

From one ton of tires you can get:

  • 700 kg of rubber, which can be used for various purposes;
  • 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxins that will enter the atmosphere.

Therefore, the choice is obvious: it is better to recycle used tires and get paid for it than just burn them, causing harm to the environment.

Based on the chosen method of tire recycling, you can get different products:

Rubber crumbThe crushed crumb is used in further production - sanitary pads, shoe soles, car mats, rubber tiles, floor coverings on children's and sports grounds, fillers for punching bags, new car tires and other things.
FuelRecycled tires can be used to produce fuel oil, kerosene, and even gasoline with a higher octane rating.
Steel cordThe removed bead ring from the wheels can be used in the further production of new tires or scrapped.
GasThe resulting gas can be used as fuel for a reactor that recycles tires.
carbon blackThis product is used as a dye for concrete, in the production of new tires, and also in the military industry.

The process of converting tires into crumb rubber

We will consider the process of tire recycling using the example of crumb rubber production, which has a wide range of applications.

So, the process consists of the following steps:

  1. Tire preparation: For this, worn tires are visually inspected for unwanted parts.
  2. Removal of unnecessary parts: extraction of nails, stones, splinters, bead wire.
  3. Cutting tires into strips and further crushing them into pieces up to 4 mm in size.
  4. The resulting parts are sent to a magnetic separator, where the remnants of the metal cord are removed.
  5. The resulting rubber particles are ground to a state of crumbs with a size of 1 mm.

In the future, the resulting crumb can be converted into fuel / gas / fuel oil.

But such processing requires additional equipment and even greater capital investments.

How to open a tire recycling plant: a step-by-step process

The opening of a processing plant includes the already known stages:
  1. market analysis - study of competitors and business prospects;
  2. business registration - choosing the organizational and legal form of the future enterprise and obtaining the necessary permits;
  3. search for premises - a tire recycling shop must comply with sanitary and epidemiological and fire regulations;
  4. selection of equipment - its purchase, installation and configuration;
  5. recruitment of qualified personnel who will be able to work on the purchased equipment;
  6. search for sales outlets - conducting marketing research and search for buyers;
  7. financial plan - calculation of capital investments and income forecast;
  8. identifying possible risks - assessing negative factors and finding ways to minimize them.

Market analysis and business relevance

Tire recycling is only gaining momentum, so the niche is practically not occupied.

On the territory of many CIS countries there are no places for storing used tires, it is for this reason that not many people think about starting such a business.

Statistics show that the annual number of used tires tends to one million tons.

The increase in cars is about 5-7%, which confirms the constant increase in raw materials for processing.

Where to get raw materials?

It is possible to conclude contracts for the supply of used tires with enterprises that have cars on their balance sheet, as well as create tire collection points.

Thus, tire recycling is relevant because:

  • decides environmental problem, and also reduces the area of ​​​​territories that are provided for the storage of used tires;
  • creates New Product required by other industries.

Search for a place for production

The first step in implementing a business idea is to find a suitable space.

It should be large so that it can accommodate the production itself and warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products, as well as equip utility rooms for workers.

The room itself must comply with the following standards:

  • an area of ​​at least 150-200 sq. m.;
  • remoteness from the residential area - at least 300 meters. It is better to choose industrial zones that are located away from the city;
  • availability of communications - electricity, water supply, sewerage, ventilation.

The room needs to be repaired in accordance with all the norms of the SES and the fire inspection.

Business registration

To start a business, you need to register it.

To do this, you can either LLC, after which you can not register with the tax authorities.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On licensing certain types Activities” tire recycling does not need to be licensed, as it belongs to the 5th hazard class of waste.

But still, it is better to consult specialists on this issue, who will also help to collect all Required documents for various permits.

After registering a business, it is necessary to obtain permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, the environmental and fire services.

Tire recycling equipment

Interesting fact:
Initially, tires for cars had a light shade, mostly white or beige. And the usual black color appeared already at the end of the nineteenth century, after manufacturers began to add carbon to the rubber base.

The most important step in starting a tire recycling business is purchasing the necessary equipment.

Firstly, this is the largest item of expenditure in capital investments, and secondly, the entire production process will depend on it.

To create a line for processing tires into crumb rubber, you need to purchase the following equipment:

Name of equipmentCharacteristicQty
Tire bead breaking equipmentThe machine cuts the bead rings in the tires, after which the other pulls it out. The output is a wire that can be scrapped1
Tire bead removal equipment:1
Special scissors for cutting tiresCuts tires into pieces of the required size1
Shredder (crusher)On the first level, it grinds pieces of tires to a size of 100*100 mm, and on the second - 15*15 mm1
transport fanNecessary for the delivery of the obtained particles to the next stage of processing1
Cyclone collectionSeparates crumb rubber, metal cord and textiles from the air2
Magnetic separatorSeparates metal cord from crumb rubber2
DefibratorSeparates the metal cord from the remains of the crumb1
Vibrating table №1On them, in two stages, the textile cord is separated from the crumb1
Vibrating table №21
Bunker for metalContainer where the separated metal cord falls1
Impact crusherGrinds rubber crumb to a size of 6-8 mm1
Textile coarse and fine separatorSeparates the textile cord from the crumb, after which it undergoes additional cleaningeach 1
vibrating sieveDivides rubber crumb into fractions of the required diameter1
High pressure fanTransports products through the pneumatic pipeline1
dust collectorCleans the air of dust1

The approximate cost of the production line varies from two to five million rubles.


To open a mini tire recycling plant, workers are needed to maintain the production line itself, as well as administrative and management personnel.

The state looks like this:

Job titleSalary, rub.QtyFOT, rub.
Total: RUB 201,000
Shift Supervisor20 000 2 40 000
Operators15 000 4 60 000
movers13 000 2 26 000
Administration and management
Director35 000 1 35 000
Sales manager20 000 1 20 000
Accountant20 000 1 20 000

Staff responsibilities include:

  • Director - control over the production process, administration of activities;
  • Sales manager- search for buyers and conclusion of trade deals with them;
  • Accountant - maintaining and compiling reports;
  • Shift supervisor - control and accounting of production, preparation of production reports;
  • Operator - production, cleaning of the workplace;
  • Loader - loading / unloading of raw materials and received products.

Tire recycling business financial plan

Most important point in the opening of any business - this is the amount of capital investment.

It is worth noting that tire recycling requires a fairly large start-up capital, because in fact it will be a full-fledged production that requires the purchase of serious and expensive equipment.

The capital investment for opening a tire recycling plant is:

Type of expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 3,265,000
Business registration10 000
Repair to the premises and establishment of communications50 000
Purchase of equipment2 500 000
Installation and configuration of equipment150 000
Buying a truck400 000
Office equipment (repair, electronic equipment)100 000
Advertising and marketing40 000
Other expenses15 000

To maintain a business, you need to invest in it every month (this includes fixed and variable costs):

Monthly expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 595,000
Rent of industrial premises50 000
Warehouse rental35 000
FOT201 000
Payroll taxes (34%)69 000
Administrative expenses (Internet, telephone)10 000
Raw materials (100 tons at 1500 rubles/t)150 000
Communal payments45 000
Garbage removal15 000
Fuel for cars15 000
other expenses5 000

The cost of the product received is:

  • rubber crumb - 14,000 rubles / t;
  • scrap metal - 6500 rubles / t;
  • textile cord - 600 rubles / t.

As a result, you can get the following income:

From the data obtained, we can say that the business will pay off in about one year.

Where and how to sell?

Since such a business has not yet found distribution in the CIS countries, it is worth saying honestly that it is quite difficult to find buyers for crumb rubber, but still possible.

As mentioned above, the range of application of crumb rubber is wide.

Potential buyers may include:

  • for the production of rubber tiles or roofing;
  • manufacturers of sports surfaces for training fields and playgrounds;
  • tire manufacturers;
  • shoe factories;
  • plumbing manufacturers.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this industry is supported by the state, so to promote your business, you can contact local authorities that cooperate with manufacturers of sports equipment.

The video below shows the process of recycling tires into crumbs:

What risks and challenges can come with a tire recycling business?

A tire recycling business plan should include a risk assessment and mitigation planning:

    Hardware failure

    To minimize this risk, it is necessary to constantly check the equipment and maintain the production line stably, and replace damaged parts.

    This also includes employee training and skills development.

    Untimely deliveries of raw materials

    Already at the stage of installation and adjustment of the production line, it is necessary to look for reliable suppliers and conclude long-term contracts with them.

    Failures in the sale of finished products

    Here, as well as the previous paragraph, it is necessary to conclude long-term contracts with buyers, which stipulate the delivery time and the quantity of products sold.

    Improper storage of finished products

    Rubber crumb is "afraid" of high humidity, therefore, in warehouses air must be kept dry.

Tire recycling is not just a relevant and promising, but also a demanded business, which, in addition to wealth will benefit the environment.

The main advantages of such production are the low cost of raw materials and a minimum of competitors.

These factors allow you to create a cost-effective and profitable business.

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  • Processing technology
  • Selection of premises and staff
        • Similar business ideas:

The growth of used tires worldwide is more than 10 million tons per year. At the same time, only 20% of total tires. The rest are thrown into a landfill, and some of the tires "do not reach" even to it. In our country, the annual volume of discarded tires is more than 1 million tons.

Ecological value of tire recycling

The problem of tire recycling is an important environmental significance. Accumulating in their landfills, tires have high class fire hazard (grade 4). Tire combustion products negative impact on human health and can cause cancer. At the same time, the process of tire decomposition is very impressive - more than 150 years.

Modern equipment allows you to create a working tire recycling business. Tire waste, which we see everywhere, is a valuable polymer raw material. Only one ton of tires contains about 700 kg of rubber, which can be used for the production of fuel, rubber products and materials used in construction.

Tire recycling products

From ordinary car tires, products are obtained that use in great demand:

  • Safety tiles, which are used on footpaths, sidewalks, bus stops public transport, on treadmills, etc.;
  • Cord fiber, which is actively used in construction, as well as for the manufacture of sound and heat insulation boards;
  • Environmentally friendly rubber crumb, which is used for the manufacture of seamless floors, sports surfaces, for decorating landscapes, landscaping playgrounds;
  • Rubber paving stone, which is used for original decoration various sites: children's and sports grounds, areas near private houses and so on;
  • As well as new tires, water-repellent roof coatings, wheels for wheelchairs, rubber goods for cars and other products.

Problems with the supply of raw materials, as practice shows, should not be. Penalties for illegal dumping of used tires have recently increased. Thus, from June 30, 2009, the fine for officials is from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, for legal entities from 100 to 250 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In order to avoid such a punishment, enterprises and organizations are ready to export illiquid tires for processing for hundreds of kilometers. These organizations primarily include large enterprises with a large fleet of special equipment. Here they are willing to cooperate with the processing plant, as they accumulate a lot of worn tires.

Processing technology

As for the technology, the process of recycling car tires by mechanical crushing includes several operations:

  1. Punching of side rings on a special machine;
  2. Cord removal;
  3. Cutting tires into large pieces;
  4. Crushing of tire fragments on rollers to fractions of 3-4 mm in size;
  5. Extraction of small particles of metal cord from the resulting mixture by magnetic separation;
  6. Grinding the crumbs to the finished size (less than 1 mm).

Selection of premises and staff

A tire recycling line with a capacity of 300 kg of tires per hour will require at least 6 people per shift. To install the equipment and arrange the working area, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​about 500 m2 with a ceiling height of at least 6 meters. The operating temperature in the room must be at least +5 degrees, and the required power of the electrical connection must be 300 kW.

minus this business are a big investment at the start.

How much money do you need to start a tire recycling business

The purchase of only one tire recycling line will cost 10 million rubles (investments can be less - up to 2 million rubles, if the equipment is purchased separately). However, as practice shows, tire recycling is a profitable business with high rates of profitability and return on investment.

Tire Recycling Business Organization Plan

The opening of an enterprise that will be engaged in the processing of tires must begin with detailed study situations in this area. You need to find out if you have potential competitors, find out the scale of their activities, and also study the situation with the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products. If you have found the answers to all of the above questions and they confirm that tire recycling is promising direction businesses in your area, then you can begin to perform the following tasks:

  • The most difficult moment is the search for a free territory or premises for organizing production. Ideal Solution of this problem is the placement of the company in the workshop of an existing industrial enterprise.
  • Preparation of a business plan.
  • Business registration and paperwork.
  • Purchase of equipment and treatment plant.
  • Personnel search.
  • Conclusion of contracts with buyers.
  • Solving administrative issues.

This business is highly dependent on your organizational skills and ability to negotiate with government officials. It is necessary to convince the authorities that your company will bring great benefits to the ecology of the region, if this is not done, you may simply be denied a permit.

Estimated Profit of the Tire Recycling Business

The main advantage of this line of business is the fact that you do not need to buy raw materials. In many cities across the country, car owners even pay extra for tire recycling. An enterprise that processes 5 tons of tires per shift receives:

  • for fuel oil $100;
  • carbon $75;
  • scrap metal $50

The company's total daily gross income is $225, or $4,950/month. The company's costs will be at the level of $2,000/month. So, recycling tires, you can earn $ 2950 (with taxes) or get $ 2653 net profit (STS 6% of revenue).

Starting a Tire Recycling Business Needs a Solution Enough a large number issues, including the preparation of the necessary documents.

In addition to certificates of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, you must have:

  • permits from fire services and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • contracts with contractors;
  • coordination with environmentalists;
  • labor contracts with personnel;
  • permits from local authorities and labor protection institutions.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to organize a tire recycling business, you do not need to issue licenses or obtain additional permits (except for the above).

Choice of tax regime and OKVED

The most rational taxation regime for enterprises specializing in the processing of tires is the simplified tax system. To choose this system, you need to write an application and submit it to the Federal Tax Service along with documents for registering a company. Be sure to specify the option for calculating tax liabilities: 6% of revenue or 15% of the company's profit. Tire recycling firms fall into the business category with OKVED 37.20 (processing of non-metal waste and scrap).

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. A well-known literary hero spoke. Confirming his words, the car park around the world is growing steadily. Russia and the CIS countries are not far behind in terms of growth in the number of cars.

This growth is leading the world to many security problems. environment, and one of them, the constant increase in the number of worn tires.

Scientists have calculated that about 3 billion tires are thrown into landfill every year on the planet. And only about a fifth of them are exposed to industrial processing. The rest rest in various landfills, polluting the environment.

IN natural conditions tires do not decompose, but become constant sources of environmental, fire, and sanitary hazards. Although on their own, they can become sources of valuable raw materials.

So, from 1 ton of car tires you can get about 700 -750 kg of rubber for reuse. And if we just burn it, we get about 600 kg of toxic waste in the form of soot and toxic gases.

Small tire recycling plant in Russia

Car tires can become a source for obtaining high-quality secondary raw materials. The tire contains polymers that can be used in various industries.

Also, the composition of tires includes a sufficient amount of metal that metal processing enterprises are ready to take. Considering that no more than 10% of automobile tires are recycled in Russia today, then such.

Among the advantages of such a business is the availability of raw materials. Find tires for recycling, you can find in any city.

Its cost will be minimal, often you will get it for free. The recycling production line occupies a small space, you do not need to look for a large room for it.

2-3 people per shift are enough to work on the line. The cost of the line depends on the degree of tire processing, and ranges from 800,000 rubles to 1,500,000 rubles. With a well-organized process, it will pay off in a period of 6 months to 1 year. One ton of tires, after processing, gives an average of 700 to 800 kg of recycled materials.

Tire recycling products

Product primary processing tires, rubber crumb, goes to get new products:

  1. Car tires and other rubber car products.
  2. Manufacture of rubber tracks and rugs.
  3. Production of pavements for roads.
  4. Shoe making.
  5. Production of water-repellent surfaces.
  6. Production of coatings for tennis courts and sports fields.
  7. In construction, crumbs are added to concrete products.

The list goes on and on with all the other use cases.

Heating them in a special reactor to obtain composite fractions:

  1. Liquid fuel, it is used to heat water and rooms in boiler rooms
  2. Gas, a significant part of it goes to support the heating process.
  3. Metal cord, metallurgical plants are happy to take it.


Start-up capital

The main primary expense will go to you for the purchase of equipment. Your initial expenses will be in the range of 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.

Let's see where your money goes:

  1. Purchase and installation of equipment - 1000000 - 1500000 rubles.
  2. Decor entrepreneurial activity LLC or sole proprietorship 30000 rubles.
  3. Rental and preparation of premises - 300,000 - 400,000 rubles.
  4. Registration of permits - 100000 rubles.

If you do not have your own truck, you will need money to rent or buy. This is at least 2,000,000 rubles.

Current expenses

  • Premises rent – 100000 rub.
  • employee salary - 80000 - 120000 rubles.
  • utility bills, transport, communications, taxes - 200000rub.

Total per month will be approximately 380,000 - 420,000 rubles.


The production line includes equipment:

  1. Installation-reactor.
  2. Hydraulic shears.
  3. The separator is magnetic.
  4. Air separator.
  5. Belt conveyor.
  6. Vibrating sieve.
  7. Crucible 3 pcs.
  8. Tape cutter.
  9. Fuel oil storage tank.
  10. Containers for storage of loose raw materials.

The composition of the equipment may vary depending on the tasks.

Room selection

The installation of a tire recycling line occupies approximately 300 square meters. meters. To this should be added a room for a warehouse of raw materials and finished products, approximately 200-300 sq. m. Since the installation is a reactor, it has great height, it is better to install it in an open space.

The number of employees

All modern lines are maximally automated. They require an average of 2 - 3 people per shift. It is worth noting that you may need a storekeeper, a driver, a freight forwarder, and an accountant.

Line workers must pass professional education. Many companies offering tire recycling lines conduct staff training at the commissioning stage. If a person came later, then the burden of training will fall on your shoulders.

Recycling process

Tires to be recycled are brought to the warehouse of your enterprise. Further, there may be two options. Rubber will go to the reactor to produce fuel oil, or processed into crumbs. It should be noted that in the cold season, the demand for fuel oil is better, and in summer crumbs are sold more.

Consider the process of obtaining liquid fuel. After examining the rubber for the presence of metal discs and rings, it is crushed and fed as raw material into the reactor. There, the raw material is heated to about 450 degrees.

As a result of thermal exposure, the rubber decomposes into gas, which is sent to the reactor furnace for further combustion. Excess gas is released into the atmosphere. In its composition, it resembles the exhaust gases of a car. Liquid fuel, which is poured into special containers.

To obtain crumb rubber, first the seat ring is removed from the tire, then the metal is removed from it. Further, with the help of a tape cutter, the tire mode in a spiral, we get a tape 3 - 5 centimeters wide. Next, the second landing ring is removed. And the rubber blanks are sent to the shredder. Next, the crumbs are divided into fractions different size, and sending it to the warehouse.

Income and payback

A big plus of the tire recycling business is that the raw materials are actually free. But you can even make money from it. Some businesses are willing to pay for you to get rid of tires.

Consider the option of obtaining liquid fuel. On average, the proposed installation is capable of processing 5 tons of tires per day.

With 5 tons of raw materials, we will get the following amount of materials at the output:

  1. Liquid fuel - 2 tons
  2. Steel cord - 0.5 tons
  3. Carbon residue - 1.5 tons
  4. Gas - 1.0 tons

The average cost of liquid fuel is 7000 rubles / t. Steel cord - 4000 rubles / t. Carbonaceous residue 3000 rub/t.

Thus, with continuous daily work, we will receive revenue of 615,000 rubles. Subtract from her monthly expenses of 380,000 - 420,000 rubles. We will receive a net income of 195,000 - 235,000 rubles.

Depending on the primary costs, the payback period of the line will be from 6 to 12 months from the date the line is put into operation.


It should be noted that the processing of tires of domestic and foreign production is somewhat different. With the same appearance on the outside, tires differ in their insides.

So in Russian tires there are a lot of nylon fibers, this moment makes it very difficult to process Russian tires into crumb rubber.

Foreign manufacturers an all-metal cord is installed in their tires, without the participation of nylon fibers.

From this we draw simple conclusions. We start up foreign tires for crumb rubber, and it is better to process domestic tires for fuel oil.

Location of the enterprise

One of the important factors for the location of a tire recycling plant is its proximity to the raw material base. However, it should not be closer than 300 meters from the residential area. It is better to install it outside the city, in an industrial area.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of basic communications, electricity and water. Industrial and automotive enterprises, with a large fleet of vehicles. Also good source raw materials will tire.


When organizing a tire recycling business, you will need to obtain environmental certificates.

Install additional filters, hold a number of other events.

Can often help office space rental, the territory of which already has a corresponding certificate.

Modern tire recycling lines operate using waste-free technology and have the appropriate certificates. When purchasing such equipment, make sure that it has the appropriate certificate.

Fire safety

This production must comply with high fire safety standards adopted for enterprises involved in the processing and storage of petroleum products.

The room where your production line will be installed, and the warehouse for finished products and raw materials, must be equipped with good fire extinguishing system. Otherwise, you will be guaranteed problems with firefighters.


Despite some difficulties, the tire recycling business has a bright future. The growth of the car park is at the level 10-15% per year. Accordingly, the number of tires will increase.

The recycling process itself begins to be paid for by the state, plus the sale of processed products comes as a bonus. Conduct a market analysis before opening your business. Maybe in your area, there are already many competitors. And the return on business will not be so significant.