IN modern world so many different types knives: from kitchen to knives for special forces, which are designed for killing. A knife is an essential item in every home. In general, experienced knife and blade dealers say that a knife is like a person’s fate, if you break a person’s knife, you will break his fate. special meaning has a knife has among the northern peoples.

Knives and blades are made from different types of steel and technologies. They are produced both industrially (one might say, conveyor), and self made. So for knife making use different grades of steel. The steel grade for a knife is like her passport. peculiar chemical composition allows you to make sure how long this knife does not corrode, does not lose its sharpness, and in general how long it can be used. Main steel grades:

65 X 13 - the most famous, most of it is the material for creating kitchen knives. "X" - means chrome, that is, stainless.

65 G - used in the manufacture of artisanal conditions, highly susceptible to corrosion, also has the name "spring". It retains its sharpness for a long time.

40 X 12 - has the characteristic of mild steel. Material for the manufacture of kitchen knives, more domestic, and souvenir blades. Cheap, difficult to harden, loses sharpness very quickly, but also quickly acquires it. Foreign analogue - steel number 420.
-95 X 18 - one with pretty good types of domestic steel. It is not very easy to sharpen knives of this brand, but they will keep their sharpness for quite a long time. It is not easy to harden it. Foreign analogue-440 V.

50 X 14 MF - the most popular among large manufacturers. High-quality heat treatment allows you to make good knives that do not lose their sharpness for a long time. But like every steel has its own properties: with insufficient hardening, the steel is soft and wears out quickly, too much - brittleness occurs.

Foreign analogues, for example steel 425, similar to 420, but harder, and less common.
Very popular knives of the 440th series. These are 440 A, 440 B and 440 C. With all this, 440 A is the most fragile and soft, and 440 C is the hardest. 440 V is extremely rare. Japanese ATS34 and American 154-CM are suitable for 440 C, which are more prone to corrosion than 440 C.

How knives are madeGerber- video:

Manufacturing technology plays an important role. Some companies make their knives from steel, which is suitable for the aircraft industry in terms of parameters.

Decent firms in strict confidence have the secrets of making steel for knives. For example, Damascus steel was famous for a very long time, which then had no analogues in the world, no one knew how to make it. Although now they are talking about the Damascus secret, but this is not the steel that was 5 thousand years ago, but a later version.

Another important factor is the very attitude of the masters to their work. A lot of them are made by author's products, they leave their signature on the knives, and even giving them names. It can be said to some extent that knife making-this is art.

When choosing a knife, you need to be very careful, very often you can become a victim of deception.

How Swiss military knives are made - video:

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 22:40

moved from Workshop

hello good people. there is a question. who has a knife-making business or a knife business??? I want to open my own, I wanted to know the features of this business

asi 08-08-2009 22:44

I have.
the main feature is to sell cheaper than bought.

Micha_A 08-08-2009 22:45

so you read the forum carefully, who has THIS business, they are not hiding like

snake 08-08-2009 22:51

at the age of 18, ambitions are usually more abrupt ... you start mastering the art of knife making, and the commercial component will stick by itself ...

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 22:55

I have 50 blades of varying difficulty on my account. learned to forge. there are even exclusive knives from the movie The Chronicles of Riddick forged himself. I just want to know all the nuances of this case, that's all

serge-vv 08-08-2009 22:56

burn out
but seriously, without being a "promoted brand" it is very difficult, as in any other field, to prove that you are "worthy" ... well, or you can take volumes and prices ... like the Sanders, for example ... or the Vikings (not be remembered by night)... show what you are going to enter the market with, we will discuss

asi 08-08-2009 23:02

I have 50 blades of varying difficulty on my account. learned to forge. there are even exclusive knives from the movie The Chronicles of Riddick forged himself. I just want to know all the nuances of this case, that's all

And if so, then it's more interesting.

then it is possible to advise to carry out tests it is desirable comparative.

you can organize the transfer of one knife in turn to a dozen others who want to get acquainted and test.

take a closer look at the Mesterska and flea market = it will help determine the prices.

and so - exhibit the work here - if they are worthy, those who wish will go.

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:03

True, I am not a resident of Moscow, but of Izhevsk

TRUCKER 08-08-2009 23:06

And to Canada?

snake 08-08-2009 23:10

No, well, Asya says correctly. start selling here. If the knives are worthwhile, then you will make a name for yourself, recognition. The main thing is to have your own "trick", a "zest", which would unmistakably identify the knives as yours.

It's not entirely clear what subtleties you are asking about.. About the subtleties of pricing? Or the legal issues of registering an individual entrepreneur? Or what kind of knives to make so as not to go to jail? what exactly are you interested in?

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:16

I have an average education by profession a turner. I am friends with brands of steelers, I know everything, and I have read a lot of zaumnh books about blacksmithing. in general, I want to make knives like: tourist, hunting, exclusive, gift, and for everyday use. about the laws a little kaneshno zaputonno. I didn’t fully understand which knives need to be registered and which not. so it is necessary to have certificates for all. but I have no idea how to get them. which inspections to contact and the like.

snake 08-08-2009 23:16

But what, the "Khokhloma" has its own consumer, who pays with the same banknotes as the sophisticated Naifomaniacs ... the main thing is to be able to make the "correct" knives ...

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:21

I haven't thought of my own trick yet. and the knives that I made out of 50 about 20 were a copy of Kizlyar and other knives

snake 08-08-2009 23:25

about certification and permits, this is exactly what Sanders need to be tortured. But this is if you are going to make knives on an industrial scale .. and about the laws, there is a topic here in the Workshop upstairs:

asi 08-08-2009 23:26

quote: [B] I am friends with brands of steelers, I know everything, and I have read a lot of zaumnkh books about blacksmithing.

Well, if it's "everything" - then respect ...

Ashedow 08-08-2009 23:26

What price level are you targeting?

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:27

no, not in industrial, I can’t raise the drain. although who knows. For me, the actual topic of the type. production of knives of varying complexity and under the order and standard. the approximate number of knives is 100-200 per year.

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:28

about prices, my knives were sold from 250 to 15000.

asi 08-08-2009 23:30

then I don’t understand the question - if they were sold for 15,000 - so why worry?

or stopped selling?

Ashedow 08-08-2009 23:31

Here's the thing... if you personally sculpt them one per week, then the price must be high for it to make sense. But what you posted... look at Ku's threads. There are enough examples expensive products with stable demand.

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:45

Well, if you take those that were sold for 15,000, then, firstly, heavy manufacturing takes a lot of time, and secondly, the materials were expensive. so it doesn’t cost anything to take 65G or tighter U13-U7 and unforge to make a handle from a birch burl or birch bark, this does not take a lot of time for a maximum of 4 days. and that's what I personally do. there is no current engraving. until you have mastered

asi 08-08-2009 23:48

and not from amateurs, but from ordinary inhabitants - and 1000 cannot be knocked out ...

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:50

Well, this is self-explanatory, but I want a real business both on the Internet and live my own shop

serge-vv 08-08-2009 23:55

well, simple ones on the Hansa will go no more than 3000r
and not from amateurs, but from ordinary inhabitants - and 1000 cannot be knocked out ...

asi knows... he's in charge....
quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:

and on an Internet and live your shop

should we go to the store? what will be our gesheft?

asi 08-08-2009 23:58

quote: asi knows... he's in charge....

Ashedow 09-08-2009 12:06

What will you be selling in the store? Not a store is needed at first, but a production base. You don't want to live by reselling, do you?

kU 09-08-2009 12:11

Practice shows that a simple single-handed knife becomes cost-effective from 5000-7000 rubles. See the products of elephants as the brightest (and probably one of Russia's best) representatives of this niche. Cheaper - only hired labor, assembly line, etc. charms of capitalism. With appropriate quality.....

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 12:12

production base is available. kaneshno tool current is not enough. for me an important question. how to open this business in full, what documents are needed for registration of such a business, what would be in order with the law and where to get certificates for knives. sales license. and you went somewhere else. no one complained about the quality of the knives. I give a guarantee. and if necessary, they give current to jewelry sharpening

AlexPit 09-08-2009 12:15

but it's not Friday

serge-vv 09-08-2009 12:16

quote: Originally posted by asi:

but the bread will be better.

I suppose that the beer will go livelier ... while it's warm .... then you can profile for the next seasonal product, have a stand with knives for the "assortment" ...

Ashedow 09-08-2009 12:17

quote: but it's not Friday

So this one can really swell money, it's a pity.

serge-vv 09-08-2009 12:21

quote: Originally posted by kU:

a simple knife of sole manufacture becomes cost-effective from 5000-7000 rubles.

quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:

for me an important question. how to open this business in full, what documents are needed for registration of such a business, what would be in order with the law and where to get certificates for knives. sales license.

and with this you need to turn to another topic ... I think the sergeant will throw it into something legal, since the question is about legal issues, not technical ones ....

Ashedow 09-08-2009 12:27

quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:
and you went somewhere else. no one complained about the quality of the knives.

My advice to you (free, mind you). Design 10 knife models. Drawings - detailing, assembly. Then find a competent technologist, give him money, let him estimate the technical process, calculate the equipment based on the production of 500 products of each model per month. Will estimate production costs if he can (most likely he can). Then calculate the cost of acquiring equipment, renting premises, hiring staff.
Then, with everything counted, go for a consultation with a lawyer. He will explain how to open an enterprise of the resulting scale, and how much it will cost.
After that, look at the amounts received, add to them the costs of starting sales.
After that, make yourself comfortable, and start thinking from the very beginning.

asi 09-08-2009 12:30

quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:
production base is available. kaneshno tool current is not enough. for me an important question. how to open this business in full, what documents are needed for registration of such a business, what would be in order with the law and where to get certificates for knives. sales license. and you went somewhere else. no one complained about the quality of the knives. I give a guarantee. and if necessary, they give current to jewelry sharpening

this is offtopic. from a legal point of view, what to trade in bread and knives. Almost.

Anton42 09-08-2009 09:16

Try to start selling your products on this forum, whether it's just blades or finished knives, then you'll see how it goes! If they are not in demand here, then it is unlikely that there will be a queue "in the wild" for them
So it's too early to think about IP. That's when there will be constant demand.

Knifemaker 09-08-2009 11:01

Hmm ... That's right, business ...
I have only made more than a hundred long lengths, and I lost count of knives a few years ago. The formal need came only this year. But with the workers - trouble! No, they moved! In such a business as the manufacture of knives, people are needed no less, but rather more experienced than himself. Where can you get these? I tried to teach, but it turned out that it was only a waste of time, materials, and therefore money.
And instead of investing in a store, I would advise it better to increase the material base, machine tools and buy all sorts of tools. You look and one of the experienced knifemakers will "tempt" your base, you will find options for mutually beneficial cooperation!

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 11:52

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 11:52

thank you all read everything for myself understood. thanks for the advice. and about the technologist, I myself can calculate all this. the diploma was those processes to write and calculate everything, so there’s no place for me to apply

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 11:53

topic can be closed

moved from Workshop

VitaminCpp 11-08-2009 05:10

quote: Originally posted by asi:
I have.
the main feature is to sell cheaper than bought.

Attachments: from 290 000 rubles

Payback: from 4 months

The knife is the oldest cutting tool. Despite centuries of history, appearance it remained almost unchanged. The basis is still formed by the blade and handle. At the same time, the scope of the tools is diverse: household, hunting Fishing. Therefore, the business associated with the production of knives will always be relevant.

business concept

The business idea is connected with the opening of a knife manufacturing enterprise. different shapes and appointments. The main buyers will be individuals who purchase household appliances, as well as fishing, hunting and other shops.

Production always starts with a blank. It is made independently or purchased ready-made. After the type of future knife is determined, steel is chosen, a pattern is made from a piece of metal.

But first, the raw material is put under a skating rink weighing 80 tons. The result is a flattened plate on which the contours of the workpiece are traced. Steel for production is sold in sheet form.

After that, the workpiece goes through the stages of drilling, a hole is cut in it for attaching the handle. The blade is then heat treated. The resulting form is ground, its preliminary turning is performed. At the final stage of manufacturing the blade, polishing is carried out.

In addition to the blade, the knife also consists of a handle. The cheapest material used for the manufacture of handles is plastic. But traditional, although more expensive, is considered a tree. Which material to choose depends on the quality finished product. So, for example, wood goes well with metal. But this does not mean that the plastic handle can only be found on cheap items.

At the last stage, the knife undergoes final processing, is packed, transferred to a warehouse for storage or immediately to a point of sale.

Quality final product depends entirely on the process.

What is required for implementation?

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the type of knives that will be manufactured at the enterprises. For example, the technology for the production of collectible knives on initial stage it makes no sense to master business development, since it will take a long time to look for buyers for such products. And here kitchen knives, hunting cleavers will find use among consumers and will be bought.

  • grinder with discs;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • engraver with different nozzles;
  • grinder (grinding machine);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • band-saw.

As for the raw materials, for example, for the manufacture of traditional kitchen knives, steel with a hardness of 48-50 HRC is needed. If hunting is done, then this indicator should be higher. The knife during operation should not lose its original shape, should not rust from detergents or other household products, sharpen well, etc. The strongest and most commonly used steel grades are CPM, S30V, 154 CM.

As for handles, you can buy a special line for their manufacture or order ready-made handles from other manufacturers. At the beginning of a business, it is more profitable to purchase ready-made equipment. And the technology of independent production of handles can be mastered a little later, when the company begins to reach self-sufficiency, make a profit.

Step by step start instructions

  1. Registration. Register before starting a business tax authorities, get IP status. OKVED code 28.6 "Manufacture of cutlery and cutlery".
  2. room. Despite the fact that the knife is a rather compact tool, it requires a large number of various machines and devices. To accommodate all the equipment, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 60 m². Knife making work is very noisy, so don't try to rent a room in the basement high-rise building. Better look for a place on the outskirts locality. It's also cheaper to rent there.
  3. Equipment and materials. Equipment costs will be about 82,000 rubles. Of these: Bulgarian - 10,000 rubles; drill - 5,000 rubles; grinding machine - 20,000 rubles; engraver - 12,000 rubles; grinder - 18,000 rubles; jigsaw - 7,000 rubles; band saw - 10 000 r. It is better to buy steel from the manufacturer in bulk. So much more profitable. First, decide on the steel grades that are needed for production. After that, find several suppliers, compare prices, conditions and product quality. Only on the basis of all these criteria make a choice. The same applies to the materials that will be used in the manufacture of handles. The purchase of raw materials will require about 50,000 rubles in the first month of work (the cheapest blank will cost about 500 rubles, the most expensive - from 5,000 or more; handles - from 300 to 2,500 rubles). Purchase material with a margin of 2-3 months.
  4. Staff. To work in a small workshop, it is enough to hire two craftsmen who have the skills to work on all of the above tools. The head of the accounting department can keep it on his own, or use the services of a visiting accountant, concluding contracts for the provision of professional services specialist at the end of the reporting period.
  5. Advertising. Before launching a knife manufacturing enterprise, you need to know exactly who will be the end consumer of the goods: housewives, professional chefs, hunters, fishermen, etc. best source attracting customers and sales will become an online store. Firstly, you do not have to spend money on renting additional premises, its arrangement. Secondly, there will be no need to look for large wholesale buyers, running around the city and not getting off the phone. You can even advertise online. Pay attention to various thematic communities on cooking, hunting and other topics where knives can be discussed.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn?

For a month, the company can produce up to 100 pieces of products. The average cost of one knife is from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. At the same time, its cost will not exceed 800-900 rubles. Consequently, from one unit of goods it will turn out to help out up to 600 - 1,500 rubles (net profit is about 80,000 rubles).

Payback periods

The profitability of such production will actually be high (about 45%), and the return on initial investment will not exceed 4-5 months.

Business Features

The main risk associated with this business associated with relatively high competition. Today, many masters are engaged in similar activities at home. They don't pay taxes, but they make a decent income selling homemade knives. Firms that deal with serial production cleavers for kitchen, hunting, etc.


To bring the company to a decent level, it will be necessary to produce only high-quality products. Every customer must be satisfied.

Despite the possible difficulties, the production of knives - profitable business, which will quickly pay off and begin to bring a stable profit. After the return on investment, it is worth thinking about expanding the workshop, scaling up production, and making it serial.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a specialized store for retail household, tourist, cutting and other types of knives and accessories for them and making a profit. The store planned for opening will feature knives that are not melee weapons, and their sale will not be subject to licensing.

The essence of the idea is to create a multi-brand format retail outlet, where knives from both domestic and foreign manufacturers will be presented. In view of the narrow specialization of the store, the main emphasis will be placed on the breadth of the assortment. In the store you can find both inexpensive Chinese-made knives for any occasion, as well as expensive collectible knives. In addition to the sale of knives and accessories, the store will provide professional knife sharpening services. The target audience of the project will be men over the age of 23: hunters, fishermen, tourists, survivalists and "knife lovers" of all stripes.

Investments in opening a store - 1,785,000 rubles. Own funds will be used to launch the project. The stage of preparation for the start of sales will be 3 months, including the repair and equipping of the premises, recruitment of personnel, and the formation of a starting assortment. This business plan is relevant for cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people.

2. Description of the industry and company

The history of the knife in Russia is rooted in the deep past. Being located between East and West, combining in one territory many peoples and climatic zones, Russia has seen thousands of knives with different design features. In Russia, there were both national knives, for example, a field, belt and side knife, as well as a large number of knives of other peoples. The development of new territories or the establishment of close ties with them contributed to the emergence of new types of knives. When the Caucasus was conquered, the fashion for Caucasian weapons began, hunting daggers and folding knives came from Europe. The most famous centers for the production of knives were Zlatoust, Tula, Vorsma, Fiskars. IN Soviet times knife culture experienced a colossal decline. The production of knives was curtailed in the 30s of the last century. In the USSR, there were strict laws restricting the carrying of edged weapons, as a result of which the industry was completely degraded. Only small workshops of consumer goods remained at enterprises engaged in the production of metal products. Only in 1992, the adopted law "On Weapons" softened the possibility of acquiring high-quality edged weapons. In the absence of its own production, a flood of cheap Chinese products poured into the country, as well as modern folding knives made in America and Europe. A breakthrough in the global knife market in terms of innovation and design is associated with the activities of the American company Spyderco, which has patents for a hole in the blade, a clip-holder and a serrated blade sharpening. Gradually, the domestic knife industry began to revive. Products that are not inferior in quality to foreign firms are now produced in various cities and regions of the country (in Kizlyar, Moscow, Zlatoust, Nizhny Novgorod region, Tula, Izhevsk, Uglich, Volgograd, etc.).

The purpose of this project is to open a specialized store for the retail sale of household, tourist, cutting and other types of knives and accessories for them and make a profit. The store, which is planned to open, will feature knives that are not melee weapons, and their sale will not be subject to licensing.

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The store will be a small outlet multi-brand format, where knives from both domestic and foreign manufacturers will be presented. In view of the narrow specialization of the store, the main emphasis will be placed on the breadth of the assortment. In the store you can find both inexpensive Chinese-made knives for any occasion, as well as expensive collectible knives. In addition to the sale of knives and accessories, the store will provide professional knife sharpening services. The target audience of the project will be men over the age of 23: hunters, fishermen, tourists, survivalists and "knife lovers" of all stripes. Since knives are small-sized goods, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b30 square meters will be enough for a store. meters.

The activity will be registered as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). The taxation system is simplified (“income minus expenses 15%”). The store manager will be an individual entrepreneur, who will be subordinate to the sales staff (sales consultants).

3.Description of goods

The assortment of the store is planned to include domestic and foreign products, including knives made of steel, damask steel, Damascus steel, forged steel, ceramic knives. The product matrix will be based on knives of three categories: cheap Chinese-made knives that are in mass demand, as well as domestic and branded knives of the lower, middle and premium segments. Also in the store you will be able to purchase accessories and items for knife care and sharpening (see Table 3 for more details). In the process of development, the range can be expanded to include other products (pneumatics, crossbows, etc.). In addition, customers of the store will be able to use the services of sharpening, resharpening and finishing knives.

Table 1. List of goods



Cost, rub.

Chinese knives

Clumsy knives

Machete, throwing knives, carving knives, souvenir knives, tourist knives

Folding knives

Keyring knives, card knives, tourist knives

Switchblade knives

Knives with automatic blade extraction (tourist knives)

Butterfly knives

Knives with dynamic blade extraction (tourist knives)

Russian knives

Folding knives

Tourist knives

Butterfly knives

Knives with automatic blade extraction

Kitchen knives

Kitchen universal, chef's knives, pchak, fillet knives

branded knives

branded knives

Folding, non-folding, switchblade knives of foreign brands

Branded machetes

Machete of foreign brands

Kukri knives

Kitchen knives

kitchen utility knives, potato peelers

Other types of knives and other products

Checkers, sabers, daggers, scimitars

Multifunction knives

Multi-tools, multi-functional knives, survival knives

Knife sets

Hunting knife sets, kitchen knife sets


Penknives, blades

garden knives

garden knives

Tactical pens

Tactical pens

Travel appliances

Spoons, forks, openers, tourist axes

Accessories and knife care products

Cases, cases


Pendants for a belt, weights for a saber

Knife stands

Stands for collectible knives, kitchen knives, stands for sabers

Lubricants, wipes

Lubricants, knife wipes

Sharpening items

Sharpeners, whetstones, grinders, sharpening kits, musats, sharpening oil


Magazines, literature

Magazines and literature about knives

All products presented in the store will be freely available in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, without requiring a license for both sale and purchase. Upon purchase, customers will be issued certificates of conformity or so-called information leaflets confirming that the goods are not subject to licensing and are not edged weapons. Signs by which knives are not edged weapons, but belong to other categories, are described in the law "On Weapons" No. 150-FZ, as well as in the following GOSTs: GOST R 51501-99 Tourist and special sports knives; GOST R 51644-2000 Cutting and skinning knives; GOST R 51215-98 Cold steel. Terms and Definitions; GOST R 51500-99 Hunting knives and daggers. Are common specifications; GOST R 51548-2000 Survival knives, GOST R 51715-2001 Decorative and souvenir items similar in external structure with melee and throwing weapons.

4.Sales and marketing

The target audience of the store will be predominantly the male population of the city. Based on the analysis of group members in in social networks specialized knife stores, it was found that the share of female buyers does not exceed 10-15%. If we talk about the male contingent of buyers, then such products are most in demand among men aged 23 to 40 years (about 60% of buyers), the remaining 40% fall on the audience under 23 years old, or people over 40 years old. The main buyers of such stores are:



Tourists, travelers and outdoor enthusiasts;


In addition to specialized stores of this format, knife products are presented in a narrower assortment in the departments of tourist, hunting, fishing stores, as well as in souvenir and home goods stores, if we are talking for the sale of kitchen knives. Increasing competition is also created by online stores, which are successful due to the absence of costs for real estate and wages for employees.

Customer requirements for knives vary depending on the specific types of knives and their applications. In general terms, the most successful among active consumers are knives that combine two qualities: practicality in use and stylish appearance. The choice of a particular product can be influenced by several main criteria, including the type and quality of steel, hardness on the Rockwell scale, blade shape, brand and country of origin, affordable cost, comfort and design of the handle, wear resistance and manufacturer's warranty period.

It is worth noting the fact that, unlike the 90s, the buyer has become more demanding. The horizons of buyers have expanded, while more of them know exactly what kind of knife they need. The modern buyer has the opportunity to purchase an individual product that suits him in terms of characteristics and external performance. At the same time, there appeared new type knife - Every Day Carry, that is, a knife for every day, is an urban-type knife that can be used and demonstrated in public places without fear. They are non-aggressive in design, comfortable to wear and use. IN last years the so-called survival knives, designed for multifunctional use in extreme conditions, have also become popular. wildlife. With the help of them, you can cut branches to kindle a fire, cook, clean animal skins, build a home, and more.

In connection with the above trends, the store is planning to present a variety of modern products for making a purchase that meets the individual needs of the buyer. The creation of a stationary specialized store would be most appropriate in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people, which has a large number of potential solvent customers. The level of demand for knives can be judged on the basis of the number of queries in electronic search engines (see Table 2-3).

Tab. 2 The number of Internet requests related to the purchase of knives by Russian cities*


Request "buy a knife"

Total inquiries related to the purchase of knives**

All Russia

Saint Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod








*based on Yandex Wordstat statistics as of 04/14/2016

** the amount includes the requests "buy a knife", "knives price", "knife shop", "online knife store", "buy a knife in Moscow", "buy a folding knife", "buy a butterfly knife", "buy a knife shop ”, “knives buy online”, “buy hunting knife”, “buy a knife bayonet”, “where to buy a knife”, “buy knives in an online store”, “buy a knife in St. Petersburg”, “buy kitchen knives”, “buy throwing knives”, “buy a set of knives”, “sale of knives ”, “buy a Kizlyar knife”, “buy a knife price”, “buy a karambit knife”, “buy a switchblade knife”, “buy Damascus knife”, “buy a manual knife”, “cheap knives to buy”, “buy a knife cheap”, “buy Japanese knives”, “buy survival knives”.

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Tab. 3 The most popular Internet queries with the word "knife" according to Yandex


Number of requests

buy a knife

folding knives


knives price

Hunter knives

knife shop

knives reviews

kitchen knives

knife set

best knives

online knife store

knives in Moscow

buy a knife in moscow

buy folding knife

folding knives buy

knife steel

butterfly knife buy

Damascus knives

knife shop buy

combat knives

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flick knife

buy a hunting knife

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bayonet knife buy

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buy knives in the online store

damascus steel knives

buy a knife in spb

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buy kitchen knives

survival knives

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buy a Kizlyar knife

buy karambit knife

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buy a knife for a meat grinder

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buy survival knives

It is planned to use the Internet as the main channel for promotion in the market. The store will have its own website, which will present a product catalog with the main characteristics of the product. Customers will be able to order online and free shipping around town. Orders to other cities will be sent by mail or transport companies. The service will be based on a customer-oriented approach. The store will be presented in popular social networks, where information about new arrivals, promotions and discounts will be published, and consultations will be given to customers in the form of a question-answer. To expand the sales market, the management of the store plans to actively cooperate with city hunting societies, clubs of fishermen, tourists, etc.

5.Production plan

The knife shop will be open at central area city, indoors with a separate entrance in a multi-storey building. Shop opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 19:00.

To open a store, an area of ​​30 sq. meters. The rent will be 1 thousand rubles. per sq. meter. The premises will need to be repaired at the rate of 10 thousand rubles. per sq. m. You will also need the necessary commercial equipment (for more details - Table. 4).

Table 4 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Lighting equipment

Cash machine

Cashless terminal

Sharpening equipment

Computer and office equipment


290 000

The store will require two sales assistants working in shifts. At the initial stage, the entrepreneur himself will take over as one of the sellers. The main requirements for sellers are the ability to be well versed in knives, to know the theory well, to distinguish between types of steel, to be well versed in domestic and foreign brands (FOT - see Table 5).

Table 5. Staffing and payroll

Approximate calculations for the store's revenue and profit are given in Appendix 1. In expenditure items, in addition to wages and contributions to Pension Fund, will include rent, expenses associated with the purchase of goods from suppliers, fees for site maintenance and bookkeeping, public utilities, security services, etc.

6. Organizational plan

The stage of preparation for the start of sales will take 3 months, which will be needed for real estate transactions (conclusion of a lease agreement, repairs and equipment), the formation of an assortment, hiring staff, developing and launching a website, and so on. Responsibilities for the management of full-time and freelance employees will be assumed by the entrepreneur. It will be responsible for the work of establishing contacts with suppliers, strategic planning, marketing activities, as well as the duties of a sales consultant in initial period work. Sales consultants will be responsible for receiving, displaying, selling goods, keeping records of sales and advising customers. Responsibilities that are not related to making a profit, such as accounting, website maintenance, will be transferred to third-party organizations.

7. Financial plan

The size of the initial investment will be 1,785,000 rubles. Investment cost items are presented in Table. 6. Indicators for planned revenue, net profit and costs are given in Appendix 1.

Table 6. Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Investments in real estate

Premises renovation

Room equipment

Purchase of equipment

Intangible assets

Site creation

Other expenses (transport costs, registration, telephone conversations)

working capital

working capital

Starting product content

900 000


1 785 000

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

The calculations made allow us to assert the profitability of the project. In Table. 7 shows the performance indicators of the store.

Table 7. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and warranties

The project to open a specialized knife store has average level risk. The main danger of this type of business is associated with the narrowness target audience, in connection with which, for profitability, the store needs to work closely with customers, offering them not only high-quality products, but also further service (knife sharpening). In addition, the instability of demand can be directly related to the product itself: a high-quality knife can serve the owner for years, until he comes for a second purchase. In this regard, the management of the store will be constantly interested in expanding the distribution channels for products.

Table 8. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Demand instability
