Mint - how much freshness in just one word! Mint has a pleasant smell and taste, it is added to tea, lemonade, smoothies, and it itself has healing properties and a long history.

Fresh mint is better than purchased, but not everyone has the opportunity to grow it in the garden; however, you can do it at home, in an apartment, and enjoy fresh leaves all year round.

The specifics of growing mint at home

To grow mint, you will need an appropriate container (pot, plastic containers) - it must be wide, as the polyfolia grows in breadth, and not in depth.

It is necessary to create drainage using holes in the pot or a layer of expanded clay a few centimeters at the bottom.

Mint loves humus and peaty soil, but a universal one will do. It is necessary to grow mint on a windowsill or loggia.

At the same time, the place should not be directly under the sun: although mint is photophilous, it does not tolerate direct light well. To propagate mint, you will need either cuttings or seeds: it is better to choose the second option, as it is easier and faster to germinate mint.

Propagation with seeds

Seeds can be purchased at a specialized store. If you don't know exactly what type of mint you want, you can try several at once and label the pots so that you can buy or collect more seeds of your favorite type later. Before sowing, the seeds must be germinated - hold them for 2-3 days in wet wipe, which can be put in a container under the lid so as not to lose moisture.

Before sowing, it is necessary to spray the soil with water and scatter the seeds over it (no need to cover it with earth), spray it again with a spray bottle and cover with glass or cling film to form an impromptu greenhouse, and then remove it during germination.

The first of them appear within two to three weeks, but you can consume mint for food only after 2-3 months.

The best time for sowing is March-April.

Propagation with cuttings

Cuttings can be purchased at the market or in the store. They should be 6 to 10 cm long, when you start to sprout them, put them in a a large number of water (2-5 cm in height) until the roots take root (the process usually takes less than a week). After you notice the first of them, transplant the cuttings into moist soil: just stick them in and press down with earth, then water.

You can cover it with a transparent bag with holes made (for the same greenhouse effect). You can collect in a few days: just cut off the leaves you need.


Mint is not a very demanding plant to care for, for example, it does not need fertilizers. However, you need to make sure that the mint gets enough light and moisture. Light day should last 12-16 hours, in winter and autumn, use LED or fitolamps.

Otherwise, reduce the air temperature to 18-19 degrees, but do not put it under a draft. This will help slow down the growth of the plant and the shoots will not lengthen, and the leaves will not lighten and decrease.

The most favorable temperature for the growth of mint: 20-25 degrees.

In winter, you need to water the plant less than in summer. Due to the dry air that appears due to the current heating, the leaves can wilt, so spray them with a spray bottle or use a humidifier.

Make sure the mint gets enough moisture in the summer. A few hydrogel beads above the drain will hold water, making the task easier and reducing the number of waterings.

Mint is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. There are about 300 varieties of mint:

  • pepper,
  • japanese,
  • fragrant or round-leaved,
  • water,
  • swamp or flea,
  • long-leaved,
  • daurian,
  • field or meadow,
  • canadian,
  • australian,
  • spiky,
  • small-flowered and many others.

All of them are very odorous and contain essential oils and menthol.

Mint is used in cooking, in cosmetology, in herbal medicine and aromatherapy, in pharmacology and traditional medicine.

Planted by seeds, seedlings, cuttings and rhizomes.

Mint seeds are very small, like dust. Depending on the variety, their color ranges from light brown to almost black. The surface of the seed is smooth and shiny.

Seeds can be purchased at any flower or garden store. The shelf life of mint seeds is no more than 3 years. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to the date of packaging and shelf life. The bag with planting material must be undamaged, with clear inscriptions and drawings. It should contain the name of the variety, its characteristics, the name of the manufacturer, batch number, packing date and shelf life, weight in grams.

How to prepare the soil

Mint loves light, breathable soil rich in humus.

If you plant it in pots at home, then you need to prepare the soil mixture in advance. To do this, you can take in equal parts sod, peat, sand and humus. Mix everything well, put in pots or containers and pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

When landing in open ground add sand and humus to the garden soil at the rate of 1 to 2. Pour the area well with water and then just plant the seeds.

How to plant

Mint seeds germinate very poorly. When buying, consider this factor and buy seed with a margin. Seeds do not need to germinate, they are sown dry in moist soil.

Growing from seed

Grow mint at home all year round. It is best to sow the seeds in a transparent container with a lid. This will protect the crop from drying out and it will be visible through the transparent walls of the container when the first shoots appear. If sowed in flower pots or containers, then be sure to cover the top with glass or polyethylene.

The selected containers are filled with soil mixture by 3/4, moisten it and seeds are sown on the surface. They can be sprinkled on 1-2 mm soil, but it is better not to sprinkle. Spray a little from the spray bottle with settled water at room temperature. Cover with a lid, polyethylene or glass. Put in light warm place. After about 1.5 weeks, the first shoots will appear.

For seed germination, a lot of light and an air temperature of 20-22 degrees are needed. If there is not enough light, the air temperature should not be higher than 18 degrees. Or make artificial lighting.

After seed germination, they are watered by spraying from a spray bottle. When they get stronger and give 2-3 true leaves, they are seated in pots on permanent place. Or transplanted into a larger container for growing seedlings.

Sowing in open ground is carried out in summer and spring. In spring, seeds are sown in early April in moist soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm. If planted deeper, they may not germinate at all. After sowing, water the soil with settled warm water and cover with a film until germination. A landing site is chosen well-lit or slightly shaded. In summer, sowing is carried out in August, as well as in spring.


For seedlings, the most developed plants are selected, with 4-5 true leaves. Make a bed with grooves no more than 5 cm deep. Decayed manure and wood ash are added to the garden soil. Seedlings are planted in them at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other and watered well.


Another way to grow mint is cuttings. To do this, a cutting 8-10 cm long is cut from the mother bush and placed in water to grow roots. Growth stimulants can be added to a glass of water to quickly grow roots. When the plant grows long fluffy roots, it is transplanted into open ground. This growing method is the fastest and easiest. The stalk retains all the properties of the mother plant.

Growing a rhizome

There is another, faster way - growing mint with a rhizome. To do this, dig up the mint root late autumn, clear it of excess earth. It should be with dormant buds, without any extra growths and pests. You can save the root until spring in the cellar by placing it in a pot and filling it with sand. In the spring, plant in open ground, water well. And after 1.5 weeks, the first young shoots of mint will appear.

Neighborhood with other plants

Any vegetable crops can coexist with mint. It grows well in the neighborhood of tomatoes and cabbage, improves the taste and growth of these vegetables. Repels some pests and attracts beneficial insects to them.

Neighborhood with cucumbers and beets is not desirable, otherwise black spots appear on mint leaves.

The best predecessors are:

  • legumes,
  • cereals.


In open ground, mint requires minimal care: timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

When grown at home, it is already more thorough. IN summer period homemade mint grows well on balconies and terraces. There she gets more light and less dust settles on it. She is afraid of drafts. Therefore, in cold weather it needs to be taken indoors.

Loosen the soil well and remove weeds. Apply fertilizer once a year. In winter, water less and spray the leaves often with water.

The disadvantage of mint is that it grows very quickly, capturing more and more territory around it. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out deep loosening of the soil around the plantings 2-3 times during the summer.

How to feed

Mint is very fond of organic and mineral fertilizers. Organics and minerals, such as rotted manure and wood ash, should be applied before planting. Then feed her once a year in early spring.

At home, mint is fed in the summer once with a solution of 1-2 g of urea per liter of water. It is not necessary to feed in winter.

Watering mint

Mint loves moist but not waterlogged soil.

At home, in winter, it is often not worth watering. At this time, she has a dormant period, and excess moisture can destroy the plant. But, since the air humidity is very low due to heating, it is necessary to spray room settled water from a spray bottle.

In open ground, watering is also often not worth it. On very hot days, water every evening, the rest of the time, watering is carried out every 2-3 days, as the soil dries up. Water for irrigation is used well-heated and settled.

Pests and diseases

Mint, like all plants, has its enemies among insects:

  • mint flea,
  • mint,
  • mint mite,
  • meadow moth,
  • leafhoppers,
  • drooling penny,
  • weevils,
  • bear,
  • wireworm

Peppermint diseases:

  • powdery mildew,
  • rust,
  • white rowanberry,
  • leaf spot,
  • mycoplasmosis.

Harvest and storage

Mint is harvested before the plant begins to bloom. During this period, it contains the largest amount of essential oils and menthol. For blanks, both whole stems and only one leaf are cut. They are thoroughly dried in a dark, warm, well-ventilated, dry room. Then the leaves are coarsely cut and stored in paper or cloth bags, in a dry, dark place.

For fresh consumption, young leaves are cut off as needed.

Peppermint is planted by many gardeners. There are several methods for growing this spice crop, but the most popular is growing peppermint from seeds. In this way, you can quickly and easily grow a large number of varietal plants on your site. The main thing is to plant the seeds correctly and provide them with proper care in time.

Peppermint is the most popular for growing.

It is better to grow this crop in early spring. After 1-1.5 months, already grown seedlings will be ready for transplanting into open ground.

Peppermint seeds are very small and may not sprout if planted too deep. Therefore, in order to grow them, it is important to observe the optimal planting depth, which is 5 mm.

Sowing is carried out in a seedling box, a wide flowerpot or a plastic pallet with the possibility of installing a dense shelter. This will create the necessary greenhouse conditions full germination of seedlings.

Peppermint is planted in fertile land for vegetables or herbs. It can be purchased at a gardening store, or you can make your own by mixing humus, compost, and wood ash in a ratio of 1:1:0.5.

This variety of mint should be grown in soil with a neutral level of acidity and low lime content, otherwise the yield of leaves will not be as juicy and fragrant.

Landing Rules

Growing peppermint seeds at home consists of several steps.

  1. Seedling container is filled nutritional composition, richly moisturize and leave for a couple of days.
  2. After this time, grooves are made 5 mm deep at a distance of 5 cm.
  3. Peppermint seeds do not need to be stratified, but for insurance, you can soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Place the seed in a cloth bag, dip into the solution. After soaking, dry the seeds thoroughly and mix with sand in a ratio of 1: 1. Now it's time to plant the seeds in the prepared grooves, then sprinkle with soil and water with a spray bottle.

Growing Features

At home, crops require competent and timely care, which consists in providing certain conditions.

  1. Stable temperature conditions within 20-25 °C. To do this, a box with seedlings is placed on the southwestern or southern windowsill with the possibility of shading at lunchtime.
  2. In the process of germination, seedlings are periodically ventilated, irrigated as the soil dries out.
  3. Further care consists in frequent airing of the sprouts in order to prevent their decay.
  4. They also carry out the procedure of loosening the soil so that an earthen crust does not form on the surface of the soil.
  5. Growing mint from seeds involves a thinning procedure. All weak, yellowed and elongated seedlings are removed.
  6. During growth, young plantings should be provided with good lighting, since peppermint is a photophilous variety. This crop needs at least 4 hours of natural daily light. Therefore, landings are placed on the western or northeastern windows. It is worth remembering that with a lack of light, the sprouts turn pale, begin to stretch and die.

Transfer to the site

If the planting is carried out correctly and the seedlings are given proper care, after two weeks, mass germination of seeds can be expected. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, the shelter is completely removed.

After the appearance of 1-2 pairs of leaves, the sprouts are planted in separate containers. To do this, use the same soil as when sowing seeds.

You can grow a culture in peat pots, plastic cups or flowerpots. If the weather is favorable and the soil has warmed up to 10°C, mint can be planted outdoors. Plants are planted in fertile, loose and moist soil at a distance of 20 cm from each other, the distance between rows is 30 cm.

Peppermint seedlings ready for planting

Care rules

For peppermint, planting and gardening is not difficult, as this crop requires a minimum of attention and care.

The above rules should be strictly observed in the first years, until the plants get stronger and grow massive. root system.

Wormwood is planted next to mint to repel insects.


For those who want to plant peppermint, growing their seeds is the best option. Although this is a laborious process, with proper planting and minimal care, you will get a large number of new plants that will quickly and well take root in your garden.

Mint is white and black. Black has a sharper smell, white is delicate, with a strongly pronounced menthol aroma.

There are a lot of plant varieties:

  • Fragrant;
  • Pepper;
  • Banana;
  • Lemon;
  • Chocolate;
  • Bergamot;
  • Coconut, and many others.

You can choose a variety for every taste, the main thing is to buy in trusted places, because out of ignorance, you can buy a wild variety of mint. Mint leaves are used for seasoning meat sauces, added to salads, cocktails, tomato juice, brew teas for seasonal colds. The benefits of the plant are undeniable. Fragrant grass contains flavonoids, volatile esters (giving a menthol flavor), vitamins (C, B3, B5, B6, A, B9), minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc) and tannins.

Mint care in the garden

Having decided to plant a fragrant bush in your area, remember that the leaves multiply instantly, can take up a lot of space, and can bloom up to 10 years. It is not easy to remove overgrown bushes (the height of 1 bush can reach 30 cm or more), you will have to resort to deep digging of the garden.

To prevent overgrowth, mark the boundaries in advance by building a bed with pieces of wood or old slate and digging them deeper into the ground. A sprout ready for transplantation is immersed 5-6 cm into the ground, fertilized organic fertilizers(humus), or minerals (superphosphate, potassium chloride), with the addition of wood ash. To get a lush, lush bush, you need to periodically cut it and create a rounded shape (such measures are taken after the plant grows to 30 cm). Bushes need to be watered every day. Mint blooms from early June to late September. By collecting the first shoots, you will only improve the quality of the leaves and accelerate the growth of the next ones.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Mint seedlings can be made in two ways: seed and cuttings. Cuttings (stems with roots) are taken from mature plants, planted in home pots with clods of dirt (so as not to damage the fragile branched roots). You can grow cuttings by cutting a sprig of mint (5-7 cm long), immersing it in water to take root. After about a week or two, the stem can be transplanted into a pot.

The seed method is always difficult, and there is no guarantee that all seedlings will hatch. It is better to take several bags (each type has certain properties: for example, Kuban mint has the highest healing properties).

Spicy grass prefers loose soil, flavored with nitrogen and with a minimum lime content. If you wish, you can prepare the composition yourself: mix the earth from the garden plot, peat, wood ash, sand, compost, in proportions of 1: 1, pour the mixture into a baking sheet and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for disinfection. If there is no time to warm up, work the soil with a strong (bright pink) manganese solution. After processing, the earth is allowed to stand for several days to saturate with new bacteria.

Any molds for seedlings are suitable - plastic glasses with holes for ventilation and protection from dampness, wooden boxes, containers, fruit juice cans. After loosening and leveling the ground in a shallow container (10-15 cm), flat, earthen paths 2-3 mm deep are made on the surface. With the help of tweezers or a wet toothpick, the seeds are laid out on the surface, lightly pressed from above, sprinkled with earth.

To create a pair effect, tighten the pots with cling film or cover with glass, put on the windowsill. Spray the soil with a spray bottle, preventing drying, but do not overdo it so as not to dilute the fungus in a container with spicy mint. After 2 weeks, as soon as the first sprouts appear, the film and glass must be removed.

You need to transplant sprouts immediately after the formation of 2 full-fledged leaves. Weak, thinned plants are removed.

Please note: if the stems are strongly stretched, stick to the window, the color is pale, and the appearance is lethargic, then they do not have enough sunlight. For additional nourishment, many gardeners use fitolamps (lighting should be at least 6-8 hours).

If you decide to grow mint at home, then you can plant seeds at any time. For subsequent planting in open places, seedlings are prepared in mid-April, and by mid-May the sprouts will be strong, ready for relocation under the open sky.

Due to its frost resistance, mint can be planted in the fall. Seeds in garden soil (without seedlings) are planted in late April - early May. In August or September, the seedlings "will not be accepted" and will not hatch by the next spring.

For cultivation on the windowsill, the air temperature should be 22-25 ° C; in winter, mint needs additional lighting and less watering (so that the leaves or stem do not rot). So that the sprouts do not stretch due to lack of light, it is necessary that the temperature drops to 17 ° C and the amount of moisture decreases - you need to water the soil less often, but without overdrying (growth will slow down, which will allow you to maintain a rich green color).

Protect mint from the burning rays of the sun in the first half of the day, and to increase humidity (optimal 70-80%), fill jars with water, put on the windowsill. The lower the air humidity, the less often you need to water the sprouts.

It is necessary to transplant houseplants from pots 1 time in two years.

Mint has long been recognized as a miraculous plant throughout the world. An unusually pleasant, refreshing aroma and piquant taste have made mint popular in many regions of Europe, America and Asia. Its feature is the versatility of application in cooking, cosmetology, medicine, alcoholic beverage, tobacco industry and other areas. Beneficial features essential oils, bioactive compounds and other nutrients found in mint are unique and amazing.

This perennial herb has spread to most of the world since temperate climate. A rather unpretentious plant, mint is easy to propagate and grow at home. This does not require special skills, the process will be mastered by any amateur gardener. But the result obtained in the garden or in a flower pot will bring a lot of pleasure. Mint tea, tonic drinks, meat and fish dishes, cosmetic lotions and rinses, medicinal lotions and decoctions, homemade mint soap - this is a small list of using fragrant green mint leaves at home.

How to grow and harvest mint? How to provide care for her optimal growth and development? Where can mint be used? All these and many other questions will be answered in the following article.

Mint, plant description

Mint is a member of the perennial genus herbaceous plant family Lamiaceae. The distribution area is quite wide around the world. Known since ancient times, the herb is named after the goddess of Mount Mente, which Persephone, out of jealousy for her husband, turned into a fragrant plant - mint.

This is a perennial plant, quite winter-hardy, moisture-loving and light-loving with a powerful root system. The height of the bushes varies from 30 cm to 1 meter, depending on the type of mint and growing conditions.

The plant has a tetrahedral, hollow, branched and leafy stem.

The leaves are oblong ovoid, sharply serrated along the edge, capable of accumulating essential oil in special glands.

The rhizome of the plant is highly branched, with nodes from which additional shoots and roots are formed. The buds of the rhizome have an insignificant dormant period and begin to germinate already at zero temperatures. This feature is one of the reasons for the death of roots in winters with prolonged thaws followed by persistent frosts.

The flowers are small, light lilac in color, collected in an inflorescence spike. Mint blooms from late June to September. The fruit consists of four nuts, but is extremely rare.

Mint contains an essential oil containing menthol, phellandrene, pinene, pulegone and other valuable organic compounds. Mint leaves are rich in ascorbic acid (up to 25 mg/100 g), carotene (12 mg/100 g) and rutin (13.8 mg/100 g), contain trace elements, tannins, flavonoids and other biologically active substances.

The mint genus includes about 25 species and more than 10 natural hybrids. All species have a strong pleasant aroma, and most contain an organic substance - menthol with a characteristic refreshing and cooling effect. Different types mints differ in aroma and taste, due to the difference in their chemical composition.

Types of mint

The most popular and common types of mint:

  • Peppermint

It is considered the most famous and recognized type of mint. This cultivated plant obtained by hybridization of two wild-growing types of mint: water and garden. Perennial, from the Latin name Mentha piperita, contains a large amount of essential oils and menthol. Due to its specific, slightly burning and cooling taste, mint has received the name "pepper". It is also called "English" because it was bred in England in the 16th century.

Peppermint leaves are bright green in color, the roots lie in the soil at a depth of about 15 cm. The plant blooms almost all summer with small purple flowers. Propagated vegetatively: by sections of rhizome or cuttings with several internodes.

The plant is widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, perfumery and Food Industry. It is considered a valuable honey plant and phytoncide.

There are interesting varieties of peppermint: lemon - with a lemon aroma, Thuringian - with a strong menthol smell.

  • field mint

Mentha arvensis - field mint - is a wild species, widely distributed in forests and forest plantations throughout Europe. The variety has been known since Kievan Rus where it was used as a spice and medicine. In the common people it was often called: “dog mint”, “deaf mint”, “horse mint”. Moisture-loving plant, prefers places of growth near water bodies, rivers or lakes. In height, the perennial reaches an average of up to 50 cm, although there are specimens that have grown up to 1 meter in favorable conditions. Stem erect, branched, pubescent. Fresh leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotene, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids. The variety is quite frost-resistant and can be cultivated on personal plot.

Field mint has found its use in the food industry as a seasoning for preparing various dishes. Fresh and dried mint leaves are brewed as a tea or other tonic drinks are prepared.

Thanks to medicinal properties Mint is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Essential oil is used in perfumery to prepare extracts in the manufacture of toothpastes, powders, essences, elixirs, toilet water.

One of the varieties of field mint - Japanese mint, is massively cultivated in Japan, India, China, in countries Latin America. It is valued due to the high content (up to 90%) of menthol in the essential oil.

  • Water mint

A moisture-loving plant, which in nature is mainly found near water bodies and therefore received the appropriate name. Mentha aquatica, water mint, has stems creeping at the base, then turning into erect and branched shoots. The variety is considered a valuable cultivated plant.

Possessing a rich pleasant aroma, it is widely used in the perfume industry.

Like any kind of mint, it is used as a flavoring agent in the preparation of a variety of dishes and drinks.

One of the varieties - bergamot mint, has a pleasant lemon or orange smell. In addition, valuable bergamot oil is obtained from it.

This type of mint is widely used by breeders to develop new varieties.

  • Longleaf mint

Mint name, Mentha longifolia , characterized by the presence of long (up to 20 cm) oblong-ovate leaves in the plant. Tall perennial with an upright and branched stem, completely pubescent with soft grayish hairs.

The species is winter-hardy, unpretentious and drought-resistant. Prefers open sunny areas, can be propagated by seeds.

The collection of mint is carried out in the period preceding the mass flowering, cutting off the stem at a height of 10 cm from the soil level. After harvesting, this type of mint grows well and gives a second crop.

Longleaf mint is widely distributed in wild nature throughout Europe and Asia.

Possessing a pleasant delicate smell, mint has found its application in the food, alcoholic beverage and perfume industries. It is also used in the process of making soaps and toothpastes.

In folk medicine, mint is used as a sedative, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, diaphoretic and expectorant, as well as to improve the digestive process. With diathesis and rickets, children are prescribed baths from a decoction of mint.

Being a good honey plant, it provides honey collection up to 300 kg/ha.

  • Curly mint

A perennial herb with oval leaves ending in a wavy curly edge, Mentha crispa, is also called curly, garden or German mint. This is a prefabricated cultural species, of hybrid origin. It differs from other species in a pungent odor. The content of a large amount of essential oil provides curly mint with a leading position in the food, alcoholic beverage, perfumery and tobacco (tobacco flavoring) industries.

  • Flea mint

Got mine unusual name(Mentha pulegium) due to its use as a flea control. The species is widespread throughout Europe, Asia and America, known since ancient times. A low-growing, creeping plant with branchy and lying stems does not tolerate frost and needs additional shelter for the winter. Mint is propagated by seeds sown annually.

Flea mint essential oil contains 75 to 90% pulegone - organic compound, which is a common component of essential oil, as well as menthol, limonene, dipentene. This type of mint with a rich aroma and taste is popular in cooking and in the preparation of many dishes, especially meat.

  • apple mint

It has a delicate, pleasant and unobtrusive mint flavor with an apple or pineapple tinge. Mentha rotundifolia is a perennial hybrid, reaching a height of about 50 cm. A rather cold-resistant species, although it is inferior to peppermint in this. Due to its taste and delicate aroma, mint is very popular among culinary specialists around the world. It does not bitter and does not give a cooling effect, which is the polar difference from other types of mint.

  • Spearmint

A species of hybrid origin, Mentha spicata, is very similar to spearmint. It reaches an average height of 60-100 cm, covered with curly, wavy, purple-tinged leaves. pink flowers collected in false whorls, forming spikelets at the tops of the shoots. Unlike peppermint, it reproduces well by seeds.

One of the oldest spice plants, in Europe the species is popular to this day. In Rus', this mint has long been added to kvass, and in America, its leaves are indispensable in the preparation of chewing gum. Due to its beautiful aesthetic appearance, mint sprigs are often used to decorate dishes.

  • fragrant mint

Perennial plant (Mentha suaveolens,) capable of active and rapid growth. Distinctive feature species - the presence of small and wrinkled leaves with a white edging along the edge of the leaf blade. The aroma of fragrant mint resembles the unusual and exotic smell of pineapple, which is why it is often called “Pineapple mint”. Moreover, the younger the plant, the stronger the pineapple aroma, and the older the typical mint smell becomes more pronounced. The plant is undersized (up to 30 cm), can be propagated by seeds, winter-hardy.

There is still a fairly large number of types of mint with different shades of pleasant, subtle aromas and unusual taste: chocolate, ginger, banana, apple, orange, pineapple, currant and mixed compositions. For their successful cultivation, it is important to know the features of reproduction and care.

mint propagation

Mint reproduces in two ways: by seeds and vegetatively.

Mint seed propagation method

How to grow mint from seeds? The seed method of growing mint is quite popular and uncomplicated among experienced gardeners, however, it is not applicable to all types of mint.

  • Purchase seeds in a specialized store, more often choose varieties such as Peppermint or Lemonmint. These species have a pronounced taste and aroma, while not requiring any special care.
  • Seeds can be sown both in open ground and in pots. Mint seeds are quite small, which causes some inconvenience when sowing them. It is recommended to lightly press them into the soil, sprinkling lightly with compost or earth.
  • Seeds are sown to a depth of about 0.5 cm into the soil. It is important to provide good lighting and optimally favorable temperature for the germination of mint seeds - 20-25 ° C. To do this, in addition, you can cover the seed container with cling film and, periodically, expose it to the sun. Also, several times a day, you need to slightly open the film for ventilation, in order to avoid rotting of the seeds.
  • It is better to water the planted seeds with a sprayer, so as not to disturb the location of the seeds and prevent stagnation of moisture.
  • Under all conditions, the first shoots begin to appear in 2-3 weeks.
  • When the seedlings grow up, they are transplanted into large pots (with a diameter of at least 8 cm) and placed in cooler conditions to gradually acclimatize the plant to external conditions. After 7 - 10 days, you can start planting mint outdoors.

A plant grown from seeds grows and develops more slowly than with a vegetative propagation method. On the other hand, the stems and leaves of seed-grown mint for a long time (while the mint is gaining in growth) remain tender, thin and not coarsened.

There are also risks of cross-pollination when propagating from seed, where the mature plant will be different from the originally selected mint variety, especially if it is a hybrid.

Vegetative propagation of mint

  • Practice mint propagation using root cuttings, on which there is at least 1 bud and at least 3-5 leaflets that have appeared. This method ensures the complete transfer of the hereditary properties of the variety. Separated root cuttings are simply dropped into the hole (rows) in a new place, providing moderate watering, sufficient light and an air temperature of about + 5-10 ° C and above.
  • For propagation of mint, use and stem cuttings plants. In the spring, cut a twig about 7-10 cm with an internode and put it in water or in a damp cotton-gauze pad in a warm, bright place. They also practice dropping cuttings into moistened sand. When white roots appear, continue to keep the cuttings in water for a few more days, until the roots increase in size to 8-10 mm. Then planted in a prepared place.
  • Reproduction of mint, possibly with the help of a simple dividing the bush when the excavated plant is divided into several full-fledged separate parts, after which they are planted in the soil. It is important to track the presence of full-fledged buds or several shoots with roots in each part. When planting a daughter bush, it is better to cut off its aerial part about five centimeters from the ground so that it takes root better.
    In two weeks, pale green young leaves will appear on the planted plants. This means that the plant has taken root and can be additionally fed (1 - 2 grams of urea per 1 liter of water).

The vegetative propagation method contributes to the rapid and active growth of the plant, although the stems will no longer be as tender as young shoots from seeds.

Planting mint: agricultural technology and necessary conditions

Landing site preparation

  • Before planting mint, you need to decide on a landing site: be it a flower pot or open ground.
  • Mint is a demanding plant good lighting moderate humidity and soil quality. It is also better to avoid drafts and choose a place protected from the winds.
  • The plant prefers fertile and loose priming. The most optimal are fertile black soil in the floodplain of the reservoir. But heavy clay soil, with constant moisture stagnation, will not be suitable for growing mint. Calcareous soils also negatively affect the intensity of the mint aroma.
  • You can plant mint in open areas in spring, summer and autumn. In areas with cold winters, mint is planted in the spring (April-May) so that its buds, which germinate already at 2-3 ° C, are not damaged by frost. In the southern lane, on the contrary, autumn planting is recommended.
  • When choosing a planting site, it is important to consider the degree of growth of mint, which may well crowd out other cultivated plants.
  • So, having chosen an open sunny area for planting mint, it is necessary to clean it of weeds, loosen it and apply, if necessary, organic (3 kg of humus per 1 m²) and mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, 15 g per 1 m² ). For the prevention or destruction of pests, the earth is preliminarily watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The best predecessors of mint will be vegetables, legumes, perennial grasses, fertilized, in due time, with organic matter (manure, compost).

The technology of planting mint in pots

  • A ready-made germinated seedling is planted in a pot or grown directly from seeds. It is easier to plant mint seedlings prepared in advance. Landing is carried out in spring or autumn.
  • A layer of drainage is laid out at the bottom of the flower pot, preventing the roots from excess moisture. As with any other flower plant, there are holes at the bottom of the pot through which excess moisture will drain into the pan.
  • It should be noted that clay pots contribute to faster drying of the soil. And in winter time, in a heated room, dry air will dry out the soil in the pot even more. Therefore, most often, for planting mint, plastic pots or containers are used. The diameter of the pot should be at least 30 cm, taking into account the subsequent growth of the plant.
  • Growing mint at home, you need to follow temperature regime in the room. A bright, warm place will favorably affect the growth and development of perennials. If it is too cold near the window, you need to find a more suitable and comfortable place for mint.
  • In conditions of dry air, mint will be “delighted” with a wet “shower” from the atomizer. But with a lack of light, the content of essential oils in mint leaves decreases, the aroma weakens and the stems, stretching out, may even die.
  • The soil for the pot must be selected fertile, it is possible to combine the soil with fertile compost. Peat-based mixtures are also perfect. After filling a third of the pot with the prepared mixture, put the seedling in the pot and add the remaining soil mixture. To support the planted shoot, you can use special flower supports.
  • With the seed method, after the appearance of dense sprouts, some of them can be moved to another container. However, when extracting plants, you should be extremely careful, since the root system of young mint is still very tender.

Growing mint using the pot method, most often they use sowing seeds. Thus, young and fresh shoots of fragrant mint will appear on the windowsill, and will delight all year round.

Mint takes root very well and can be grown at home throughout the year. In summer, it is better to put the pots on the balcony, avoiding direct, burning sunlight. In winter, pots look spectacular on a well-lit windowsill.

For culinary purposes, spearmint is more often chosen, due to the lack of a cold menthol flavor in it, as in peppermint.

Apple mint, having a delicate taste and aroma, does not taste bitter when heated, so it is added to compotes, jams and jelly.

Field mint is an excellent aroma additive in tonic drinks.

Mint planting technology in open ground

  • The technology of planting mint on a personal plot does not differ in many respects from growing it on a windowsill. Having prepared the soil accordingly, as indicated above, you can proceed directly to planting.
  • Mint is planted in furrows up to 10 cm deep, maintaining a distance between rows of at least 40 cm, and between plants in a row of about 30-40 cm. After sprinkling the shoots with earth, the beds should be watered.
  • In order for the plant to bush better, at a height of about 20-25 cm, pinch the upper parts of the shoots. By constantly removing mint flowers, maximum leaf growth can be ensured for later harvesting.

In one place, mint is grown from 3 to 5 years, then, in order to improve and rejuvenate the plant, it is better to change the garden.

If you are going to grow mint in your backyard, you need to remember about its ability to actively grow. Creeping rhizomes quickly and aggressively occupy new spaces around. In order to avoid such growth, it is possible to initially protect its root system by digging restrictive strips of iron, plastic or slate to the depth of the rhizomes.

Mint is a relatively unpretentious plant that grows and reproduces on its own. on the garden bed.

  • When planting and caring for mint, you need to consider that this perennial is a moisture-loving and light-loving plant. Watering needs moderate, avoiding waterlogging and drought.
  • Caring for the plant, it is enough to weed the bed from weeds, loosen the soil and water as needed. The soil should be light and crumbly.
  • To obtain more green mass, in the spring, as the shoots grow, it is recommended to carry out a strong pruning - the mint will be better bushed.
  • Spring top dressing with complex fertilizers (humus, nitrogen-phosphorus mineral supplements, potassium salt) will only improve the growth and development of the plant.
  • Mint can grow optimally on sandy and loamy soil with sufficient humus and moisture content. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging.
  • In conditions of frosty and little snowy winters, you can cover the mint with dry foliage, sawdust or spruce branches with a layer of 15-20 cm. Such measures will prevent the plant from freezing.

Room mint care, differs depending on the season.

  • In summer, mint pots are put on the balcony, providing plenty of sunlight (avoiding direct sunlight) and systematic moistening. Watering water is better room temperature, periodically spray the leaves from the sprayer. During this period, you can once feed the mint with urea (1 g / 1 liter of water).
  • In winter, it is important to prevent waterlogging of the plant, excessive cooling and drafts. During this period, the growth of the plant slows down, the smell weakens. Therefore, it is better to rearrange the pots to the southern windows.
  • After 2-3 years, you need to plant a mint bush, as the roots grow strongly and it becomes crowded in a flower pot.

Disease and pest control- an integral part of mint care, in case of infection.

  • Spider mites, root weevil, aphids, whiteflies and slugs are a small list of pests that can spoil or kill a mint plant.
  • To prevent diseases, air circulation and soil drainage should be ensured.
  • If harmful insects are found on the plant, if possible, they should be removed and treated with plant protection products. When processing mint, pay attention to the terms (indicated on the medicine) at which it will be possible to harvest an environmentally friendly mint crop after spraying it with an insecticide.
  • When mint is damaged by powdery mildew ( white coating on the foliage), the plantation is thinned and sprayed with a 1.5% solution of colloidal sulfur with the addition of 40 g of liquid (potassium) or green soap to 10 liters of a solution.
  • Plants infected with rust (red spots on the underside of the leaf) must be removed.

Collection and storage of mint

Leaves for drying are harvested in the first year of plant growth. You need to collect them before the mint flowering period, when they accumulate maximum amount nutrients and essential oils. Dry the leaves in the shade to better preserve the aroma and palatability. You need to store them in a dry, dark and cool place (for example, in a closed jar or paper bag). The leaves are kept whole or ground into powder, you can also dry mint and whole sprigs.

Fresh, green shoots can be stored for some time in the refrigerator on damp gauze or cloth.

Mint use:

Food supplement

Mint as an aromatic seasoning is added to meat, fish, sweet dishes, salads and drinks (tea, lemonade). They make pleasant-tasting, minty chewing gums, sweets and other confectionery products. Mint is also used as a fragrance in liqueurs, homemade tinctures, vodka.


A tonic, sedative that can stimulate the brain and relieve nervous tension. Eliminates bad breath, restores healthy sleep. Longleaf mint is used for stomach diseases, jaundice, dropsy, colds, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, heart disease. Externally, an infusion of this type of mint is used for mouth ulcers and stomatitis, ear pain, abscesses, and for gargling with tonsillitis. known painkillers and antiseptic properties plants, peppermint essential oil relieves spasms of blood vessels, headache and successfully fights colds. Eye compresses with a decoction of mint will be useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Peppermint oil is an anthelmintic. Widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.


Peppermint essential oil is added in the manufacture of perfumes, in the process of soap making and in the preparation of toothpastes, shampoos, creams and powders. Moreover, in the manufacture of, for example, toothpastes, not only the refreshing properties of mint are used, but also its disinfectant qualities. Mint (menthol) is also used to flavor tobacco.


From mint, menthol oil is obtained, which is widely used in cosmetology. Aromatic baths, creams and cosmetic ointments are very popular.

honey plant

Mint is valued as an excellent honey plant that attracts bees. Mint honey is healing and has a special aroma, color and taste.

Almost all types of mint are used by man. The variety of all shades of smell and taste of different varieties of mint allows you to experiment and apply it in various areas of human life.

The world of mint is amazing and attractive. This perennial is a must have on your site or windowsill. How easy it is to grow mint at home was detailed in the article. Caring for mint is not complicated and not burdensome, but you will always have at hand not only fresh and tasty greens, rich in vitamins, which improves sleep, memory, which increases the body's defenses, but also just a beautiful looking bushy plant. And the taste of dishes will be enriched with spicy and unique notes. In addition, fresh leaves contain much more nutrients than dried ones. And, in general, green mint bushes in the house have a positive effect on the mood and well-being of a person.

Video: How to grow mint on a windowsill