The quality form of a fighter is a guarantee of his combat capability, confidence and pride in the country. What do you think, Russian army meets the stated requirements? Or leaves much to be desired? Let's figure it out together. But first of all, you and I need to consider the military uniform of the Russian army by type of troops.

It should be noted that the new form of the Russian army appeared in 2015. Today every soldier has it. However, to new form created special rules for wearing it. You will learn about all this further in our article.

First, before you start washing your suit, be sure to read the information on the label.

Secondly, wool clothes are best washed by hand in a slightly warm water. If you want to entrust this business to a washing machine, then choose the most without spinning! As a rule, automatic machines have a program for washing delicate laundry, and it will do. Please note that spinning wool products is prohibited. Otherwise, you will end up with a 2-3 size smaller shape.

Everyday form is less capricious. She can be safely trusted washing machine and the simplest washing powder. Temperature regime can be anything.

If you find a stain on the dress uniform, then removing it at home may not be good for the thing. Therefore, entrust this process to dry cleaning specialists.

Our article has come to an end. Now you know all about species military uniform what elements it consists of and how to care for it. All the best!

In pursuance of the decision taken at a meeting of the collegium of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Minister of Defense Russian Federation On September 21, 2013, a temporary regulation was approved for wearing a new type of everyday uniform (hereinafter referred to as the regulation), brought by the order of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army D.V. Bulgakov dated September 28, 2013 No. 256/41/3101.

In order to comply with the rules for wearing everyday uniforms of a new model (hereinafter referred to as uniforms) by the military personnel of the RF Armed Forces, I bring the main provisions of the regulations:

1. The casual uniform of the new sample is designed to be worn by military personnel doing military service under a contract as a daily uniform.

2. The norm for supplying uniforms was approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 2013 No. 636 “On approval of the temporary norm for supplying clothing service property to certain categories of military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”.
The uniform set consists of:
caps (, black) color;
(blue, black) color;
( , ) colors;
a suit (jacket with short sleeves and trousers) of a protective (blue, black) color,
T-shirts in light olive (, white) color.
Wearing a suit (jacket with short sleeves and trousers) is provided at an air temperature of more than + 23̊С.

3. Set uniform wear:
military personnel in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2011 No. 1500 "On the rules for wearing military uniforms":
in the Navy - black;
in the Air Force and the Airborne Forces - of blue color;
all other categories of military personnel are khaki.

4. Wearing a uniform when participating in activities international activities, and also as a field uniform is prohibited.
Suit jackets are worn with the zipper open to the level of the top of the pocket.
On the flaps of the chest pockets there are stripes with a yellow inscription (on the left - the surname and initials, on the right - "Russian Armed Forces").
On the left sleeve are placed: a sleeve badge according to belonging to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, railway troops, troops not included in the types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, above it - a sleeve patch of the colors of the state flag of the Russian Federation in the form of a semicircle with yellow edging.
A sleeve badge is placed on the right sleeve according to belonging to specific military formations.
Above the flap of the left chest pocket, in the middle, there are strips of ribbons of orders and medals (so that the lower edge of the strips is at the level of the upper edge of the pocket flap) and 10 mm above them are insignia of special distinction of state awards.
Above the flap of the right breast pocket at a distance of 10 mm above the flap in the middle is placed the insignia of the end educational institution vocational education and state awards intended to be worn without blocks (in accordance with section "g" of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2010 No. 1099 "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation").
Removable protective (blue, black) shoulder straps are worn on the jacket of the suit with or without gaps of the established colors (for soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen), with insignia of military ranks, lapel pins of the types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military branches RF Armed Forces, special forces(services) (embroidered for the day of senior officers and gold-colored metal for other categories of military personnel).
The trousers of the suit are worn loose with low shoes, shoes or tucked into boots with high berets.
On caps and caps there is an insignia of belonging to the executive authorities, where the law provides for military service (golden cockade), for senior officers, in addition, a visor and cap band with golden embroidery.
On the caps of senior ship officers along the outer edge of the visor there is a metal ornament in the form of laurel branches.
Military personnel with a set of uniforms are allowed to wear berets of the established colors, and military personnel of the Navy, in addition, are allowed to wear summer caps white color.
Military personnel of the Airborne Forces and the Navy wear blue and blue striped vests instead of T-shirts, respectively.

Today we will talk about new buttonholes "coils" for military officers.

As reported by a number of publications, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has already developed and plans to introduce in the near future new lavalier emblems that resemble the insignia of the Russian guard of the 19th century. This buttonhole among the officers received an unspoken name - "coil"

This was officially announced on December 22, 2017 during the final expanded collegium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, which was held on the territory of the Military Aviation Strategic Missile Forces.

The new buttonholes will be located at the corners of the collars of the jackets of everyday suits (office uniform) and everyday shirts, and these insignia are introduced exclusively for officers of the RF Armed Forces.

How to properly place the buttonholes on the office uniform of the officers

Buttonholes for officers - a sign of belonging to the officer corps

Officers (except senior officers and officers Navy) in the form of a historical buttonhole of golden color on a protective cloth - for officers ground forces, and for officers of the Air Force, Aerospace Forces and Airborne Troops- of blue color.

Placement, wearing buttonholes on office uniforms

Buttonholes are placed on the "office" in pairs on the bottom and along the edge of the collar of the office uniform. Parallel to the line of departure and cut of the collar. You also need to remember that the color of the threads must match the color of the buttonhole cloth.

This is what the new office uniform buttonholes look like for officers

The total size of the buttonhole is 22 by 32 mm. Along the entire perimeter of the buttonhole, at a distance of 2 mm from the edge, protective edges (blue for the Air Force, Aerospace Forces and Airborne Forces) are laid.

Edge width - 1mm. The height of the historical buttonhole is 24 mm.

The width of the historical buttonhole at the widest point is 16 mm, at the narrowest point - 8.5 mm.

New buttonholes on the collar of the office uniform of officers of the Navy

For officers of the Navy (except for senior officers of the Navy) - in the form of golden anchors.

The overall size is 31 by 37 mm. Along the perimeter of the buttonhole, at a distance of 2 mm from the edge, black piping is laid.

Edge width - 1mm. Anchor height - 34 mm. Width - 22 mm.

How and where exactly these reel buttonholes will be worn on the form will be announced later.

Since in this moment work was organized to amend the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2015 No. 300 “On approval of the rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for mixing items of the existing and new military Uniforms in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

And it must be assumed that in the near future all officers of the Russian Army will wear on their office uniform buttonholes new sample.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2017 No. 89 “On Amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2015 No. 300 “On Approval of the Rules for Wearing Military Uniforms, Insignia, Departmental Insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for mixing items of existing and new military uniforms in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "

Amend Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 300 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2015 “On Approval of the Rules for Wearing Military Uniforms, Insignia, Departmental Insignia and Other Heraldic Insignia in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for Mixing Items of Existing and new military uniform in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2016, registration No. 41814) according to the List (to this order).

Registration number 45908

changes made to Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2015 No. 300

In the Rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 1 to the order):

1) in the text and annex to the Rules, the abbreviation "VVS" shall be replaced by the abbreviation "VVS VKS";

2) in the text the words "Space Defense Troops" shall be replaced by the words "Space Troops of the Aerospace Forces";

3) in the footnote "*" to paragraph 1 the words "Air Force - Air Force" shall be replaced by the words "Aerospace Force - VKS; air forces of the Aerospace Forces - VVS VKS; Space Forces of the Aerospace Forces - KB VKS";

4) item 9

5) in paragraph 10:

add the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

6) paragraph twenty-three of clause 12 shall be recognized as invalid;

7) clause 13 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

8) in paragraph 14:

add the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

9) clause 15 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

10) paragraphs twenty-fourth of clauses 16 and 17 shall be recognized as invalid;

11) in paragraph 18:

in subparagraphs 1 and 2 the words "summer white woolen jacket" shall be replaced by the words "summer white tunic";

in subparagraph 1 the words "black socks" shall be replaced by the words "white socks";

add the following paragraph:

12) in paragraph 19:

Paragraph sixty-seven is recognized as invalid;

add the following paragraph:

“A demi-season everyday black raincoat, only for officers with uniform No. 4.”;

13) clause 20 shall be supplemented with a paragraph with the following content:

14) in paragraph 21:

Paragraph forty-five shall be recognized as invalid;

add the following paragraph:

“A demi-season everyday black raincoat, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.”;

15) in subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 22 and subparagraph 2 of paragraph 23 after the words "everyday black demi-season jacket" add the words "(for foremen and sailors of the Navy who are doing military service under the contract (except for military personnel doing military service in coastal troops and combat coastal troops of the Navy), as well as for cadets of the naval educational organizations- everyday winter jacket in black color)";

16) paragraph twenty-three of clause 25 shall be recognized as invalid;

17) clause 26 shall be supplemented with a paragraph as follows:

“A demi-season everyday black raincoat, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.”;

18) in paragraph 27:

in subparagraph 1, the word "cap" shall be replaced by the word "hat";

add the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

19) in paragraph 28:

in subparagraph 1, the word "cap" shall be replaced by the word "hat";

in subparagraph 2, after the words “everyday black demi-season jacket” add the words “(for foremen and sailors of the Navy who are doing military service under a contract, except for military personnel serving in the coastal troops and combat troops of the coastal troops of the Navy, - a winter everyday black jacket )";

20) in paragraph 29:

Paragraph twenty-four shall be recognized as invalid;

add the following paragraph:

"a black cotton cap (only for cadets of naval educational organizations) with a naval suit with a uniform collar and boots for sailors.";

21) paragraph twenty-four of clause 30 shall be recognized as invalid;

22) paragraph four of clause 33 shall be stated as follows:

"in the Air Force VKS is located metal sign distinctions of the aviation personnel of golden color.»;

23) Paragraph three of clause 34 shall be stated as follows:

“The Air Force of the Aerospace Forces has a metal (for senior officers - embroidered) insignia of aviation personnel of golden color.”;

24) after paragraph 36, add paragraph 36.1 with the following content:

“36.1. Protective hats (in the VVS VKS and Airborne Forces - blue, in the Navy - black) are worn with a golden cockade. ”;

25) in paragraph 40, after the word "cap" in the appropriate numbers and cases, add the words ", cap, hat" in the appropriate numbers and cases;

26) in paragraph 41, after the words "daily demi-season jackets," add the words "daily demi-season raincoats,";

27) in paragraph 43 the words "(except for summer woolen jackets)" shall be replaced by the words "(except for summer tunics)";

28) in paragraph 46, the words "summer woolen jackets," shall be deleted;

29) in paragraph 50, after the words “daily demi-season jacket,” add the words “daily demi-season raincoat,”;

30) in paragraph 52:

in paragraphs two and three, the words "summer woolen jackets" in the corresponding case shall be replaced by the words "summer tunics" in the corresponding case;

in paragraph eight, after the words "black" add the words "and summer tunics";

“c) on woolen jackets - at the level of the second row of buttons (second button); under woolen jackets and summer tunics, the front belt is located on the belt of woolen trousers;

31) in paragraph 58:

in the second paragraphs of subparagraphs 1 and 5, after the words “everyday demi-season jackets” add the words “every-day demi-season raincoats”;

in subparagraph 5:

in the fourth paragraph, the words ", summer woolen jackets" shall be excluded;

“on summer tunics - removable, with trapezoidal upper edges, with a button in the upper part, with a field of galun of a special weave of golden color, with gaps and black piping;”;

in subparagraph 6:

“on ceremonial woolen jackets and ceremonial woolen jackets - sewn on, with beveled upper edges, with a field of black braid of a special weave, the ship's composition - with longitudinal edgings of white (the rest of the military personnel - red, in naval aviation - blue) color; ";

the third paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

“on summer tunics - removable, with trapezoidal upper edges, with a button in the upper part, with a field of galun of a special weave of golden color;”;

32) in paragraph 59:

in the second paragraphs of subparagraphs 1 and 5, after the words "daily demi-season jackets," add the words "daily demi-season raincoats,";

in the second paragraph of subparagraph 7, after the word “on”, add the words “everyday winter jackets,”;

33) in paragraph 66:

in the first paragraph, after the word "metal", add the words "or of the established sample";

the fifth paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

“on shoulder straps for everyday winter jackets, demi-season jackets, everyday demi-season raincoats, everyday summer suit jackets, shirts, blouses, everyday shirts (except for senior officers and military personnel of the Navy who do not have military ranks justice and medical service);”;

34) in paragraph 67:

the fifth paragraph shall be recognized as invalid;

in the seventh paragraph, the words "(except for summer woolen jackets)" shall be deleted;

in paragraph eight, after the words “demi-season everyday jackets,” add the words “demi-season everyday raincoats,”;

35) in paragraph 69:

in the first paragraph, the words "(except State flag Russian Federation)” shall be deleted;

the second paragraph is recognized as invalid;

36) in the first paragraph of clause 70 after the word "sleeves" add the words "everyday winter jackets,";

37) paragraphs 71-73 shall be stated as follows:

“71. Sleeve insignia according to the years of service of military personnel serving under contract as soldiers (sailors), sergeants and foremen, in the form of golden squares, are worn on the lower part of the outer sides of the sleeves of winter everyday jackets, demi-season everyday jackets, jackets with long sleeves of everyday suits , jackets suits naval. On the jacket of the summer camouflage suit there are sleeve insignia according to the years of service - khaki.

Patch insignia according to the years of service of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the positions of soldiers (sailors), sergeants and foremen, are placed at a distance of 100 mm from the bottom of the sleeves.

72. Badges of distinction by belonging to specific military formations are worn on the left side:

woolen tunic, woolen jacket, summer tunic, woolen jacket - 10 mm below the ribbons of state awards and other insignia;

shirts, blouses, casual shirts - on the breast pocket flap button.

73. The badges of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and his deputies, other senior officials of the Armed Forces are placed on the right side of the chest instead of the badge of class qualification.

38) in the fourth paragraph of clause 74 after the word “(blouses)” add the words “everyday shirts”;

39) in clause 78, after the eighteenth paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“Medal “Participant of the military operation in Syria;”;

40) in paragraph 80:

“on a white summer tunic in the center of the left shelf so that Bottom part the mark was 90 mm below the beginning of the seam for sewing in the collar;”;

in the fourth paragraph, the words "summer woolen jacket" shall be deleted;

41) in paragraph 81:

in the second paragraph, after the words “on a woolen tunic”, add the words “(except for the summer tunic)”;

after the second paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“on a white summer tunic, the upper edge of the block of the first row is located 100 mm below the beginning of the seam for sewing in the collar. Each subsequent row is placed strictly under the previous one;

42) in paragraph 82:

after the second paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“on a summer white tunic, the upper edge of the largest order of the first row is located 100 mm below the beginning of the seam for stitching in the collar;”;

43) in paragraph 85:

in the second paragraph, the words “, summer woolen jacket” should be excluded;

after the second paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“on a white summer tunic - so that the upper edge of the first row of slats is 100 mm below the beginning of the collar sewing seam. Each subsequent row is placed strictly under the previous one;

44) in paragraph 86:

“86. Insignia and distinction of the Armed Forces, as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs are placed in accordance with the provisions on them: ";

in paragraphs two and four, the words “, summer woolen jackets” should be deleted;

after the fourth paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“on a white summer tunic in the center of the right shelf so that the lower part of the badge is 90 mm below the beginning of the collar sewing seam;”;

the seventh paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

"3) The insignia and distinction of the Armed Forces, as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs are located on the right side of the chest in the following priority order:";

after the seventh paragraph, add the following paragraph:

"sign to the honorary title of the Armed Forces;";

the ninth paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

“a sign of graduation from a general educational organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense;”;

in paragraph sixteen the words "and other military heraldic" shall be replaced by the words "as well as other military heraldic (heraldic)";

the seventeenth paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

“When military personnel wear insignia and distinction of the Armed Forces (except for medals of the Ministry of Defense), as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs, less maximum number they are located symmetrically with respect to a vertical line conventionally drawn along the center of the visible part of the chest.

45) in paragraph 87:

the first paragraph shall be amended as follows:

"87. The insignia and distinction of the Armed Forces, as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs are located: ";

in the second paragraph, the words “, summer woolen jacket” should be excluded; after the second paragraph, add a paragraph with the following content: “on a white summer tunic - so that the upper edge largest sign located 100 mm below the beginning of the seam for sewing in the collar; ";

46) in paragraph 89:

in the third paragraph, the words ", summer woolen jacket" shall be excluded;

after the third paragraph add the following paragraph:

“on a white summer tunic in the center of the right shelf so that the lower part of the badge is located 90 mm below the beginning of the seam for sewing in the collar, and if there are orders and a badge of class qualification - 10 mm above them;”;

47) in the appendix to the Rules:

a) the abbreviation "VKO" shall be replaced by the abbreviation "KB BKC";

b) drawings "Windbreaker jacket, trousers of a demi-season suit" (with field uniform clothing and with a field uniform used as a daily uniform) should be excluded;

c) drawings:

military uniforms for cadets of military educational organizations, foremen, sergeants and soldiers (except for the Navy and female military personnel): “Summer full dress uniform (in everyday cap)”, “Summer full dress uniform (Air Force) (in everyday cap)”, “ Summer full dress uniform (VDV) (in everyday cap)”, “Summer full dress uniform”;

military uniform of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel): "" (ceremonial belt over a summer jacket), "Form No. 2 - summer full dress uniform for the ranks" (ceremonial belt under a summer jacket), "" (ceremonial belt over a jacket summer), “Form No. 1 - summer full dress uniform for the ranks” (front belt under a summer jacket);

military uniforms for officers of the Navy (except for senior officers and female military personnel): “Form No. 2 - summer full dress uniform for the ranks” (front belt over the summer jacket), “Form No. 2 - summer full dress uniform for the ranks” (front belt under a summer jacket), “Form No. 1 - summer full dress uniform for the ranks” (front belt over a summer jacket), “Form No. 1 - summer full dress uniform for the ranks” (front belt under a summer jacket);

military uniforms for cadets of military educational organizations, foremen, sergeants and sailors of the Navy (except for female military personnel): “Summer full dress uniform” (in a T-shirt), “Summer full dress uniform (in a casual cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)” ( in a vest), "Summer dress uniform (in a casual cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)";

military uniform of senior officers (except for the Navy and female military personnel): “(in everyday cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)”, “Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in everyday cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)” ;

military uniforms for officers (except for the Navy, senior officers and female military personnel): “Summer everyday uniform (option No. 2) (in a daily cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)”, “Summer casual uniform for the Air Force and Airborne Forces (option No. 2) (in a casual cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)”, “Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)”;

military uniform of female military personnel (except for the Navy): "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual suit)", "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2)", "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual shirt)”, “Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)”;

military uniform of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel): “(in everyday cap)”, “Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in everyday cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)”;

military uniform of officers of the Navy (except for senior officers of the Navy and female military personnel): “Form No. 3 - summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual cap)”, “Summer everyday uniform (option No. 2) (in a cap everyday, everyday shirt with short sleeves)";

military uniform of female military personnel of the Navy: "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual suit)", "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a jacket of a casual suit with short sleeves, a skirt)", "Summer casual dress code (option No. 2) (in everyday shirt)”, “Summer casual dress code (option No. 2) (in everyday shirt with short sleeves, skirt)”;


Summer dress uniform
(in everyday cap)

(in everyday cap)

Summer full dress uniform (VDV) (in everyday cap)

Summer dress uniform
(in everyday cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the formation

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the formation

Form No. 1 - summer dress uniform for building

Form No. 1 - summer dress uniform for building

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the formation

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the formation

Form No. 1 - summer dress uniform for building

Form No. 1 - summer dress uniform for building

Summer dress uniform
(in everyday cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)

Summer dress uniform
(in everyday cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)

Summer dress uniform
(in everyday cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)

Summer casual uniform (VVS) VKS (option No. 2)
(in everyday cap, everyday suit with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in a casual suit)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in casual suit jacket with short sleeves, skirt)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday shirt)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday shirt with short sleeves, skirt)

Form No. 3 - summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in a summer cap everyday)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)

Form No. 3 - summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday cap)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in a summer cap, everyday shirt with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in a casual suit)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in casual suit jacket with short sleeves, skirt)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday shirt)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)
(in everyday shirt with short sleeves, skirt)


Shoulder Straps





d) supplement with the following figures:

military uniform of senior officers (except for the Navy and female military personnel) - “Summer dress uniform”;

military uniform of officers (except for the Navy, senior officers and female military personnel) - “Summer full dress uniform (VVS VKS) (in a cap, demi-season everyday raincoat)”;

military uniform of female military personnel (except for the Navy) - “Summer dress uniform (VVS VKS)”;

military uniform of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel) - “Summer dress uniform (in a cap, everyday demi-season raincoat)”;

military uniform of officers of the Navy (except for senior officers and female military personnel) - “Summer dress uniform (in a cap, everyday demi-season raincoat)”;

military uniform of female military personnel of the Navy - “Summer full dress uniform (in a cap, everyday demi-season raincoat)”;

military uniform of senior officers (except for the Navy and female military personnel) - “(in a cap, demi-season everyday raincoat)”;

military uniform of officers (except for the Navy, senior officers and female military personnel) - “Summer everyday uniform (VVS VKS) (option No. 1) (in a cap, demi-season everyday raincoat)”;

military uniform of female military personnel (except for the Navy) - “Summer casual uniform (VVS VKS) (option No. 1) (in a cap, everyday demi-season raincoat)”;

military uniform of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel) - “(in a cap, everyday demi-season raincoat)”;

military uniform of officers of the Navy (except for senior officers and female military personnel) - “Form No. 4 - summer everyday uniform (option No. 1) (in a cap, demi-season everyday raincoat)”;

military uniform of female military personnel of the Navy - “Summer casual uniform (option No. 1) (in a cap, everyday demi-season raincoat)”;


“On a summer tunic with full dress uniform” (the order of placement of insignia and distinctions):

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer dress uniform (VVS VKS)
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer dress uniform (VVS VKS)
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer casual uniform (VVS VKS) (option No. 1)
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer casual uniform (VVS VKS) (option No. 1)
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer casual uniform (VVS VKS) (option No. 1)
(fore cap, demi-season everyday raincoat)

Form No. 4 - summer casual clothing (option No. 1)
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Form No. 4 - summer casual clothing (option No. 1)
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)

Summer casual clothing (option No. 1)
(in a cap, a demi-season everyday raincoat)


On a summer tunic with full dress uniform.

Document overview

The rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic insignia in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been adjusted.

So, the features of wearing in the Aerospace Forces are determined, air force Aerospace Forces, in the Space Forces of the Aerospace Forces.

The names and content of clothing items have been specified.

Military uniform different types worn according to rules for wearing military uniforms, which is determined by order Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The military clothing of the Russian Federation is divided into several types, each of which is assigned special requirements and rules of wearing. The rules apply not only directly clothes, but also hats, shoes, belts and other accessories.

Basic concepts and features

Military clothing of the Russian Federation and the rules for wearing it are approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2010. According to this, the clothing of military personnel is divided into several types:

  • front door;
  • field;
  • daily.

In addition, each of these options has summer and winter version.

Some elements of the military uniform of the modern armed forces of the Russian Federation have been preserved since Russian Empire and the USSR. In particular, we are talking about the colors used, marks of ownership and some other components. AT last years the form has been slightly modified.

Instructions for wearing military uniform clothing applies to the following persons:

  • military personnel who serve in the AFRF;
  • cadets of Suvorov schools;
  • pupils of Nakhimov schools;
  • citizens who are dismissed from military service or transferred to the reserve while maintaining the possibility of using military uniforms.

In the presence of special conditions, in particular, when the military is on the territory of garages, docks, laboratories, warehouses, airfields, in medical institutions, on ships and on the territory of military units, according to the instructions of the commanders, it is possible to use special clothing, working form, as well as additional means for personal protection, depending on the specific situation.

As such clothing, elements of military uniforms and shoes that have lost their wearing time, but still fit for future use.

Exceptions are also situations in which military personnel are on the territory of sports grounds or sports halls, or take part in sports competitions. In this case, they are allowed to use sportswear.

Important: The insignia of military personnel can only be placed on a military uniform that meets all of the above requirements.

Features of wearing clothes

The rules for wearing military uniforms determine the procedure for using hats, shoes, accessories and clothing itself.

Wearing hats

The following are put forward for wearing headgear: requirements:

  • Hats are used with the presence of a golden cockade.
  • headwear from karakul with the presence of a visor are used with a gold-colored cockade.
  • Hat with ear flaps in the presence of field conditions worn with a khaki cockade.
  • Hats with earflaps with headphones down are used when the temperature is below -10 degrees. Wearing hats with "ears" tied at the back is allowed during technical work, at economic activity or under other similar conditions, as confirmed by the decree of the commander of the military unit.
  • Woolen caps worn with a golden cockade.
  • Woolen caps worn with a golden cockade and white or blue piping.
  • Cotton caps applied with a golden cockade.

Rules for wearing outerwear

Wearing accessories

  • Gloves used in the winter for construction. In other situations, the presence of gloves is not charming.
  • Belts used over coats, tunics and jackets.
  • Color socks depends on the color of military shoes.

Regardless of the type of military uniform, military clothing must be clean, neat and tidy. It is strictly forbidden to wear shoes, clothing or accessories that are damaged, dirty or worn.

military personnel also cannot combine military uniform with other items of clothing that do not comply with these rules. Soldiers also forbidden to use together with the military uniform of the award, decals or any other elements that are not related to the specified requirements.

You can see the correspondence between Chinese and Russian clothing sizes.