In the midst of the July crisis, the Finnish Sejm proclaimed the independence of Finland from Russia during internal affairs and limited the competence of the Provisional Government to military and foreign policy. On July 12 (25), the Seimas sent a demand to the Provisional Government to recognize the "inalienable rights of Finland."

July Crisis. The departure of the Bolsheviks underground. Second coalition government

June Crisis

On April (May 1), 1917, the first government crisis erupted, culminating in the formation of the first coalition government with the participation of socialists. It was caused by the general social tension in the country. opposing sides were the imperialist bourgeoisie and the masses. This led to popular indignation, which spilled over into mass rallies and demonstrations. On May 5, an agreement was reached between the Provisional Government and the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet to create a coalition.

April Crisis

The Socialist-Revolutionary and Menshevik parties, having turned into government parties, were able to realize their program goals. On their initiative, a declaration was made public in which the Provisional Government promised to prepare a radical agrarian reform. However, these intentions were limited to promises.

The First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies on June 3-24 (June 16 - July 7), which was dominated by the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, supported the bourgeois Provisional Government and rejected the Bolsheviks' demand for an end to the war and the transfer of power to the Soviets. This increased the outrage of the masses. Antidemocratic actions of the Provisional Government. The Compromisers accused the Bolsheviks of a "military conspiracy". Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks attacked the Bolsheviks, workers and revolutionary soldiers. Contrary to the expectations of the Compromisers, the demonstration prepared by the Bolsheviks, in which about 500 thousand people took part, was held under the slogans "All power to the Soviets!", "Down with 10 capitalist ministers!", "Bread, peace, freedom!".

On July 3 (16), 1917, anti-government demonstrations prepared by the Bolsheviks began in Petrograd. The demonstration, declared as peaceful, quickly grew into an armed confrontation between demonstrators and city residents and units of the Petrograd garrison loyal to the Government.

On July 4 (17), 1917, the Provisional Government introduced martial law in Petrograd, began the persecution of the Bolsheviks, disbanded the units that took part in the demonstration, and introduced the death penalty at the front.

July 24 (August 6), 1917 was formed second coalition government, which included 7 Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, 4 Cadets, 2 Radical Democrats and 2 non-party people. Kerensky became chairman of the government. He pursues a policy of maneuvering between the main political forces country ("Bonapartism"), which, however, causes discontent in both camps.

In order to counter the Petrosoviet

Kerensky formed on September 1 (14), 1917 new organ power - Directory("Council of Five"), which proclaimed Russia a republic and dissolved IV State Duma. Kerensky actually takes full power into his own hands, without waiting for the decision of the Constituent Assembly (the only legitimate one). Only this assembly had the right to decide what state structure should be in Russia.

On September 14 (27), 1917, the All-Russian Democratic Conference was opened with the participation of all political parties. The Democratic Conference was supposed to decide the question of power. The Bolsheviks defiantly abandoned him.

· Overthrow of the Provisional Government

37. The activities of the Bolsheviks in the preparation socialist revolution(March-October 1917)

Under the slogan "All power to the Soviets!" the Bolsheviks launched an active work to conquer the masses and mobilize them for the socialist revolution. They carried out tremendous work in the Soviets, trade unions, factory committees, in the army, in town and countryside, exposing the conciliatory line of the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries, winning over the working masses to their side, politically educating them, creating an alliance between the working class and the poor peasantry as a decisive strength in the struggle for the victory of the socialist revolution. At numerous rallies, meetings, meetings, conferences, congresses, the best Bolshevik orators spoke. Many times at rallies, meetings and congresses, the leader of the party, Lenin, spoke. The Bolsheviks organized the publication of a large number of newspapers (up to 80 newspapers in October), leaflets, magazines, and brochures. Enormous ideological, political and organizational work was carried out by Pravda. Lenin's leading articles were published on its pages from issue to issue, appeals and decisions of the Central Committee of the party, resolutions of rallies and meetings, etc. were published. In the course of the class struggle, the party sought to ensure that millions of workers, soldiers and peasants own experience were convinced of the correctness of her policy and entered for her in open struggle with the forces of counterrevolution.

Causes October revolution 1917:

War weariness

industry and Agriculture countries were on the verge of complete collapse;

catastrophic financial crisis;

unresolved agrarian question and the impoverishment of the peasants;

delaying socio-economic reforms;

· Contradictions of dual power became a prerequisite for a change of power.

The Bolshevik Party achieved tremendous influence over the masses. In October, there were already 400,000 people on their side. On October 16, 1917, the Military Revolutionary Committee was created, which began preparations for an armed uprising. During the revolution, by October 25, 1917, all the key points in the city were occupied by the Bolsheviks, led by V.I. Lenin. They are taking over Winter Palace and arrest the provisional government. Power passes to the 2nd Congress of Soviets, and in the localities - to the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies.

On October 26, the Decree on Peace and Land was adopted. At the congress, a Soviet government was formed, called the "Council of People's Commissars." The “Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia” was introduced, which stated that all people have equal rights to freedom and development, there is no longer a nation of masters and a nation of oppressed.

Eventually The Bolsheviks won the October Revolution, and the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. The class society was liquidated, the landlords' land was transferred into the hands of the peasants, and industrial facilities: factories, factories, mines - into the hands of the workers.

39. Causes of the civil war. The social base of the Red and white movement .

Causes of HB:

aggravation of socio-economic and political contradictions due to a change in power and property

the dominance in society of the psychological attitude of the majority of the population towards confrontation and the solution of political issues and Everyday life with weapons in hand

The collapse of the democratic alternative for the development of the country in connection with the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks

lack of experience of political and social compromise between various political forces and social groups

· consequences Brest Peace with germany

· economic policy Bolshiviks in the village in the spring and summer of 1918.

foreign military interference in the internal affairs of Russia.

The social base of the white movement was pretty ugly. It included the bourgeoisie, landlords, wealthy peasants, partially peasant middle peasants, part of the intelligentsia, the clergy, most of the Cossacks and officers, all the highest generals. Participants in the White movement were members of various parties - from socialist (Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries) to liberal (Kadets, Octobrists) and monarchist.

red movement was more uniform in socially, the majority were workers, peasants (the poor and part of the middle peasants), the minority - part of the Cossacks, intelligentsia and officers. Homogeneity was also observed in the political unity of the party, all members of which were members of the Bolshevik Party.

40. Stages of the civil war and its results

There are four stages of the war:

Summer - autumn 1918 (stage of escalation: rebellion of the White Czechs, Entente landings in the North and Japan, England, USA - in the Far East, the formation of anti-Soviet centers in the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, the North Caucasus, the Don, the execution of the family of the last Russian tsar, announcement Soviet Republic a single military camp);

Autumn 1918 - Spring 1919 (stage of intensifying foreign military intervention: reversal Brest Treaty, increased red and white terror);

Spring 1919 - Spring 1920
. (the stage of the military confrontation between the regular Red and White armies: the campaigns of the troops of A. V. Kolchak, A. I. Denikin, N. N. Yudenich and their reflection, from the second half of 1919 - the decisive successes of the Red Army);

Summer - autumn 1920 (the stage of the military defeat of the Whites: the war with Poland, the defeat of P.P. Wrangel).

GW results:

· the defeat of all anti-Soviet, anti-Bolshevik forces, the defeat of the White Army and interventionist troops;

· the preservation, including by force of arms, of a significant part of the territory of the former Russian Empire, the suppression of attempts by a number of national regions to secede from the Republic of Soviets;

overthrow of national governments in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, in the North Caucasus, in Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), in Central Asia, and then in Siberia and the Far East, the establishment of Soviet power there. This actually laid the foundations of the federal state created in 1922 - the USSR.

victory in civil war created geopolitical, social, ideological and political conditions for the further strengthening of the Bolshevik regime. It meant the victory of the communist ideology, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the state form of ownership, and swept away those tendencies that led Russia to the Western path of development.

41. The policy of "war communism"

The policy of war communism was based on the task of destroying market and commodity-money relations (that is, private property), replacing them with centralized production and distribution.

In the Soviet version, it included a surplus appropriation (private trade in grain was prohibited, surpluses and stocks were forcibly seized), the beginning of the creation of collective farms and state farms, the nationalization of industry, the prohibition of private trade, the introduction of universal labor service, and the centralization of management.

By February 1918, enterprises owned by royal family, the Russian treasury and private traders. Subsequently, a chaotic nationalization of small industrial enterprises was carried out, and then entire industries.

The policy of war communism aggravated the economic ruin and led to the unjustified death of a huge number of innocent people.

42. NEP and its results

The policy of war communism led Russia to an acute political and economic crisis.

A forced measure to retain power through political concessions to the market during 1921-1922. was the NEP. According to Lenin, the essence of the NEP was to forge an alliance between workers and peasants. Lenin made the right tactical move, trying to get out of the crisis with the help of the NEP and, having skipped a dangerous period, bury this policy.

The components of this policy were the following measures: the introduction of a progressive income tax from peasants, freedom of trade, permission to lease small and medium-sized private enterprises, the possibility of hiring labor, the abolition of the card system and rationed supply, planned services, translation industrial enterprises for economic accountability and self-sufficiency. The centralization of the management of the national economy was weakened; enterprises were given independence in planning, procurement of raw materials and sales of products. An incentive system of remuneration was introduced in order to stimulate production, to interest workers in improving their skills and producing quality products.

The NEP helped restore the destroyed economy, establish production, organize trade, and helped the country survive in the most difficult economic period.

43. Industrialization in the USSR. Results of the first five years

Beginning in 1925, the government of the USSR took a course towards the industrialization of the country. Industrialization is called creation in all industries, as well as other areas National economy, large-scale machine production.

Reasons for industrialization:

Elimination of the backlog of the USSR from Western countries. By the time the 14th Party Congress was held, the backlog of the USSR from France, the USA, and Germany had noticeably increased. This did not allow for equal dialogue with Western countries.

· Ensuring the development of the USSR in the military sphere. Without a powerful industry and science, it was impossible to build up military potential. But only strong army able to keep territorial integrity and independence of any country.

· Improving the standard of living of workers in the country. High level Unemployment low wages of workers could provoke unrest. In fact, the position of the working class in that period was much more difficult than before the revolution.

The policy of industrialization led to a noticeable decline in the standard of living of the population, especially the peasantry. However, by the end of the 1930s, the results of industrialization became obvious - a powerful industry appeared (including industries new to the USSR), coal mining and metal smelting were increased, and so on.

After the fall of the autocracy, political leadership passed to the liberals (primarily the parties of constitutional democrats, the Cadets) and the socialists (the Social Democrats - the "Mensheviks" and the Socialist Revolutionaries - the Socialist Revolutionaries). Liberal activists were well known for their MPs in previous years.

The popularity of the socialists grew due to the closeness of the hopes of the peasants and workers to their slogans of land redistribution, social guarantees and political freedoms. The masses hoped that the Constituent Assembly would soon solve the main problems of the country. In these conditions of democratic consent, the Bolsheviks had little chance of success. But why did the Bolsheviks win in the fall?

Because their opponents lost. History gave liberals and socialists a chance that was missed. Why? In the spring of 1917, the liberal government of G. Lvov enjoyed great popularity. This made it possible to rule without the use of force. The government took full power into its own hands and took a number of measures that expanded civil rights. On March 25, the state monopoly on the trade and distribution of grain was introduced. But social reforms ended there, and the social crisis deepened. Big influence Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and Soviets of Peasants' Deputies, as well as factory committees (factory committees) were acquired throughout the country. The Soviets were dominated by socialists - moderate socialist parties. arose political regime was based on an agreement between the government and the Soviets.

Cooperation between liberals and moderate socialists allowed only political measures aimed at expanding civil liberties, but hindered social reforms. After all, liberals and socialists had different ideas about the necessary social transformations. In the context of the growing social crisis in the cities and the desire of the peasants to obtain landlords' land, this was clearly not enough to stabilize the situation. While the liberals fought for power with the autocracy, they advocated a government accountable to parliament.

However, having gained power, the Provisional Government deprived the Duma of power. This weakened liberalism at a time when the liberal program, based on the protection of private property and the continuation of the war until victory, was already opposed to the moods of the broad masses and could only be imposed on them by force.

This was already shown by the April crisis of 1917. The socialists and the broad masses of Petrograd hoped for an early "draw" peace without annexations and indemnities. Insisting on the need to officially confirm Russia's readiness to fight to victory, P. Milyukov, Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Constitutional Democrats, provoked unrest and clashes in Petrograd (the "April Crisis" on April 20-21).

Lacking power resources to impose a liberal course on those awakened to political life masses, the liberals found a way out in a government coalition with the socialists. Why did the socialists, who did not think that the time had come for their program to be carried out, agreed to risk their authority and enter a government dominated by liberals? The socialists saw that the liberals did not have enough influence and desire to carry out even general democratic reforms. But at the same time, without a compromise between the radical masses of workers and the "qualified elements" - the wealthy intelligentsia and entrepreneurs - capitalist society could disintegrate.

From the point of view of moderate socialists, there was no possibility yet to replace capitalism with socialism, which means that an alliance of representatives of the working classes (the socialists claimed this role) with representatives of the bourgeoisie (the socialists considered liberals) was necessary. However, the desire of the socialists to consolidate society ran into its growing polarization. The liberals blocked the proposals of some socialists to carry out social reforms, such as a ban on land transactions before the Constituent Assembly, so that the landowners could not sell the land, the introduction of planning industrial production and etc.

The government, for the most part, advocated the rejection of social reforms before the convocation of the Constituent Assembly. The liberal-socialist coalition became incompatible with reforms and led the February regime to disaster. The authority of the government was falling. In conditions when the government did not rely on representative bodies of power, any inter-party conflict could lead to the collapse of the power system and dangerous street clashes. Among the socialists and Bolsheviks, the influence of the idea that the organs of the Soviets could be the source and support of power until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly could be the source and support of the Soviets was growing.

In May, the All-Russian Congress of Peasants' Soviets was held, and in June, the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. These congresses relied on millions of active citizens. The Bolsheviks argued that the Soviets were a more democratic form of government than parliament and municipalities. The Soviet alternative arose under the hegemony of the socialist parties and began to act as Russian form democracy. At the same time, the moderate socialists who dominated the Soviets until the autumn of 1917 realized that grassroots self-government did not represent the majority of the population. But, while standing up for the passive majority, trying to bring as wide a social base as possible to state decisions in the elections to the Constituent Assembly, the moderate socialists lost the support of the active minority of the population, on which the fate of power depended in the conditions of the revolution. The sympathies of the urban lower classes turned to the Bolsheviks, who advocated immediate and decisive change. Meanwhile, at the beginning of July (during the July crisis) and at the beginning of September (immediately after the defeat of Kornilov), the Bolsheviks could still be drawn into a left-wing socialist government based on the Soviets.

Such a development of events would inevitably affect the position of the Bolshevik Party. The responsibility of the ruling party makes it somewhat more right, more moderate. This was confirmed by the subsequent practice of the Bolsheviks after coming to power. The creation of a centre-left Soviet government would hasten social reforms, which would temporarily defuse the situation at the decisive moment of elections and the convocation of the Constituent Assembly. And both times the moderate socialists turned down the chance to negotiate with the Bolsheviks. However, the alternative of a multi-party socialist government was also discussed in November 1917, and again unsuccessfully. The implementation of social transformations based on the majority of working people (both organized in Soviets and not) was possible in the event of a compromise between the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks gaining influence on the platform of an immediate start. agrarian reform(with the subsequent approval of its principles by the authority of the Constituent Assembly), state regulation while expanding the participation of workers in the management of production.

In conditions of war, the demand for an early conclusion of an armistice and the start of peace negotiations without annexations and indemnities acquired great importance. The political expression of this strategy was the idea of ​​the government's responsibility to the Soviets, which made it possible to get out of the impasse of an irresponsible, but at the same time (and largely thanks to the irresponsibility, lack of support) almost powerless government. While the coalition of socialists and liberals wasted time, the situation worked for the Bolsheviks. Despite the defeat in the course of the political crisis of July 3-4 and the subsequent repressions and rumors about the connections of the Bolsheviks with the German command, Bolshevism managed to revive and increase its influence. There were objective reasons for that. First, with the defeat of the left radicals, the causes that caused the growth of their influence were not overcome.

On July 8, the government was headed by A. Kerensky. On July 24, the socialist parties re-established a government coalition with the liberals. It pursued almost the same policy as the previous coalition. The socio-economic situation worsened. The per capita ration in Petrograd and Moscow was reduced in the summer from a pound to three-quarters of a pound. The army and provinces were in dire need of bread. central Russia. In July, there were 43 hunger riots in the cities, in August - 100, in September - 154. The peasants attacked the estates and began to divide the landlords' lands. Secondly, politic system was destabilized by the conflict between the chairman of the government A. Kerensky and the commander-in-chief L. Kornilov on August 26 - September 1. Right-wing political circles, relying on Kornilov, hoped to establish "firm order" and solve the problems facing the country by militarizing the rear and restoring the offensive capability of the army. At the direction of Kornilov, the cavalry corps under the command of A. Krymov moved to Petrograd with the intention of dispersing the Soviets and leftist parties, and possibly even the government.

The action of the military set the left side of society in motion. Soviets, trade unions, military committees, socialist parties and movements (including the Bolsheviks) mobilized tens of thousands of soldiers, sailors and workers to fight Kornilov. The troops moving on the capital were subjected to agitation by Petrograd left-wing activists, who explained to the soldiers the counter-revolutionary nature of their actions. The soldiers did not want to support the active continuation of the war and the introduction of strict discipline, which Kornilov advocated. The leftist agitation was a success, and the Kornilov action failed. On September 1, Kornilov was arrested. On the same day, Russia was proclaimed a republic. The events of the Kornilov speech again disturbed the balance in the system of power. The Bolsheviks regained their position as one of the leading parties in the country. The possibility of creating a multi-party socialist government was discussed, which would finally begin to carry out the overdue social transformations. At the Democratic Conference of Left and Democratic Forces in September, this discussion continued, but supporters of the left government, belonging to different parties, could not agree on their plans. The subjective factor played a big role in this - the indecisiveness of some politicians, the lack of influence of others, mutual, often personal distrust and hostility towards each other among others.

As a result of the meeting, an uninfluential Pre-Parliament (Council of the Republic) was created as the backbone of the government. Without the unity of the left camp, the country began to slide into authoritarianism and armed confrontation. And Prime Minister Kerensky, contrary to the position of his Socialist-Revolutionary Party, on September 26 created a government coalition with the Cadets. By doing this, he further narrowed the political base of his government, since he was no longer supported by either the leadership of the Kadets or the left and center wings of the socialists, and the Soviets, in the face of government inaction in the face of the crisis, began to come under the control of the Bolsheviks.

The last chance for the opponents of the Bolsheviks on the right to maintain leadership in the revolution was missed. From mid-September, Lenin insisted on an armed uprising - the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, relying on the Bolshevik Soviets. However, part of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b) (L. Kamenev, G. Zinoviev) continued to resist this course - the failure of an armed uprising this time could lead to the complete defeat of the party. In the course of a tense struggle within the party, the radical current prevailed. On October 10 the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks set a course for an armed seizure of power in the name of the Soviets. Kerensky continued to believe that he had a military advantage over the Bolsheviks.

On October 24, the government announced the closure of the Bolshevik press. This gave the Bolsheviks a welcome pretext to bring into action the troops and detachments of armed workers (Red Guards) who sympathized with them. The "defensive" nature of the uprising provided the Bolsheviks with additional arguments in the struggle for the Second Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, which was to become the highest body of the new government. The popular idea of ​​Soviet power helped the Bolsheviks to rely on a broad grassroots radical movement not controlled from party centers.

The mass of soldiers supported the Bolsheviks, because the Bolsheviks were in favor of an early peace with Germany. When the uprising against the Provisional Government began, on October 24 the Council of the Republic adopted a resolution that demanded to intercept the Bolshevik slogans: to turn to the allied powers with a demand to immediately suspend hostilities and start negotiations on everything. common world; to transfer the landlords' land to the jurisdiction of the land committees.

But Kerensky considered this resolution completely unacceptable. At a meeting with Kerensky, the representatives of the Pre-Parliament, the Menshevik F. Dan and the Socialist-Revolutionary A. Gotz, demanded that Kerensky accept the demands of the resolution. According to the memoirs of F. Dan, “Kerensky, who gave the impression of a man exhausted and exhausted to the last degree, treated our arguments with extreme irritation and arrogantly declared in the end that the government did not need instructions and instructions, that now was the time not to talk but to act."

By rejecting the proposal of the majority of the Pre-Parliament, Kerensky deprived himself of his last chance to maintain the popularity of the government, which by that time was tending to zero. Thus, to the very end, the Provisional Government pursued the course that led the liberals and socialists to defeat: they delayed the urgent social reforms and did not meet the demands of the broad masses for a resolute struggle for a democratic peace without annexations and indemnities.

Literature: Kerensky A. I. Russian Revolution. 1917. M., 2005; Milyukov P.N. History of the Second Russian Revolution. M., 2001; Rabinovich A. Bolsheviks come to power. M., 1989; Sukhanov N. N. Notes on the Revolution. M., 1991; Tsereteli I. G. Crisis of power. M., 1992; Chernov V. M. Before the storm. M., 1993; Shubin A.V. The Great Russian Revolution: from February to October 1917. M., 2014.

Shubin A.V. The Great Russian Revolution. 10 questions. — M.: 2017. — 46 p.

In 1917 after February Revolution the first coalition provisional government appeared. In order to understand the meaning of this definition, let's delve into historical events that time.

Causes of the Russo-Japanese War

One of the reasons for the appearance is the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Russia in this period of time was a strong power. Its influence began to spread to Europe and Far East. The first targets were Korea and China.

Japan did not like the Russian intervention. She wanted to get one that belonged to China, but Russian empire made a deal and rented the peninsula and sent troops to the neighboring province of Manchuria.

Japanese requirements

Japan put forward demands: Russia must leave the province. Nicholas II understood that this territory was extremely important for the spread of Russian influence in the Far East, and refused to withdraw troops. Thus began the Russo-Japanese War.

Results of the Russo-Japanese War

Both powers were strong, fierce battles were fought over the territory. A year later, the Russian troops began to retreat. The Japanese army, still combat-ready, was also exhausted. Japan's proposal to Russia to conclude a treaty to end the war turned out to be successful. In August 1905, both sides signed a peace agreement.

According to the document, Port Arthur joined Japan and southern lands Sakhalin Peninsula. So the Japanese state increased its influence on the territory of Korea, and Russia, as the losing side, received nothing.

Results Russo-Japanese War led to the fact that dissatisfaction only intensified. A political crisis has come.

Prerequisites for the Revolution of 1905-1907

In 1905-1907. revolution broke out in Russia. There were several reasons for the coup d'état:

  • the government did not want to carry out liberal reforms to legalize free trade, inviolability of private property, freedom of choice;
  • the poverty of the peasants;
  • 14-hour working day;
  • carrying out violent Russification of the state;
  • defeat in the Russian-Polish war.


It provoked popular unrest on Bloody Sunday on January 9, 1905. The workers refused to go to work and staged a peaceful demonstration after the unfair dismissal of 4 employees of the Putilov enterprise. The rally participants, about 100 people, were shot.

In the autumn of 1905 the trade unions rallied against the government. Then Nicholas II made concessions:

  • created the State Duma;
  • signed a document guaranteeing freedom of speech and the press.

Representatives of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and employees of the Constitutional Democratic Party announced the end of the revolution. But in December 1905, an armed coup attempt took place, which was neutralized in the first half of 1907, after the creation of the second State Duma - the first did not stay in power.

The results of the revolution

The results of the revolution of 1905-1907. are:

  • the emergence of the State Duma;
  • legality of actions of political parties;
  • cancellation of redemption payments of peasants;
  • approval of the right of peasants to freedom of movement and the right to independently choose a city for residence;
  • permission to organize trade unions;
  • reduction of the working day.

World War I

The situation during the First World War, which began in 1914, proved to be devastating for the state. Russian economy after the revolution of 1905-1907. was in decline. The participation of the state in the world war only exacerbated the situation. The crisis manifested itself in hunger, poverty, the disorder of the military. closure a large number factories and factories led to a lack of jobs.

February Revolution

Problems in economic, political and class issues were not resolved. The discontent of the people led to the February Revolution of 1917. The overthrow of Nicholas II, the creation of a coalition government - all this became a necessary measure to overcome the crisis. In addition, after the coup d'état, Russia automatically withdrew from the First World War.

coalition government

Let's start with the term. A coalition government is an interim government that is created by an alliance of several parties in a parliamentary state only. This is due to the fragmentation of deputies between numerous parties. The need to form a coalition government lies in the goal of creating a stable political system.

After the French Revolution, power changed four times. Members of the State Duma offered Nicholas II a choice different variants lists of persons for the new government. The king did not agree. After the victory of the participants in the February Revolution, on March 1, 1917, he signed the document and resigned as head of state.

First coalition government

After the decision of the Provisional Committee of the Duma, on May 5, the first coalition government was formed. It was a desperate attempt to stabilize the economy in the country and establish a democratic path of development. The people who came to power liked the Mensheviks less than the Bolsheviks. The naval offensive program proposed by Minister of War Kerensky did not meet with support among the population. In July there was a political crisis.

Second coalition government

The Second Coalition Government was created under the command of Kornilov. Kerensky, appointed to the post of Prime Minister, began trial over the leaders of the Bolshevik Party, and the representatives of the socialists took half the seats in the Duma. But the government also collapsed.

Third coalition government

The desire to create a state without representatives of the bourgeoisie at the top of power led to the convening of the Democratic Conference on September 24 - the Mensheviks were unable to rally forces against the Bolsheviks. Then they agreed to the creation of the Third Coalition Government of Kerensky, who became the head of the state administration apparatus. Power belonged to him until December 15, 1917. He was overthrown during the next coup d'etat, which was prepared by Lenin and Trotsky.

In Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, coalition governments are provisional governments that tried to stop the fall of the economy after hostilities and revolutions in order to introduce a democratic form of government. In total, three such governments were created, but none of them could retain power.

capital, and in February 1917 went over to the side of the people?
2) What is the reason for the emergence of a coalition liberal-socialist government Because Milyukov assured the allies that the Provisional Government would fight to the bitter end?
3) Why did the parties that were part of the Provisional Government lose their positions in the summer and early autumn of 1917, while the Bolsheviks, on the contrary, strengthened them?
4) What changes in the political system of Russia took place between February 1917 and January 1918?
5) How can one explain the fact that the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly did not cause mass discontent in Russia?

Please help, I tried to answer the questions myself, but not enough specific information. Reading all over the internet...

1. The tsarist government in January 1905 made the mistake of deciding to use force against unarmed workers. The danger of a rebellion was averted, but irreparable damage was done to the prestige of the royal power. Perhaps that is why in February 1917 the troops of the capital's garrison refused to shoot at the people, fearing also big losses of people.
2 Yes, Milyukov declared that the Provisional Government would continue the war to the bitter end and fulfill all the agreements of the tsarist government, but this led to popular indignation, which turned into mass rallies and demonstrations demanding an immediate end to the war, the resignation of P. N. Milyukov and A. I. Guchkov and the transfer of power to the Soviets. As a result, on May 5, an agreement was reached between the Provisional Government and the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet to create a coalition.
3 While the popularity of the coalition policy was falling, the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries shared their dreams of socialism, opposed the war and for the overthrow of the coalition. Then Lenin also returned after many years of emigration and at a rally (organized by the Bolsheviks and the Petrograd Soviet) called on the workers and soldiers to make a socialist revolution. (And the coalition government is still changing its composition and panting useless popular figures)
4 First there was the fall of the monarchy, then the overthrow of the provisional government and the formation of the system of Soviets (Bolshevik power)
5 It may be that the people at that time gave all their preference to the Soviet government and simply allowed Lenin to give the go-ahead. His speech on the account of the dissolution of the account. With. they met quite well, or maybe everyone just got very cold and therefore dispersed.

Reason: On April 18, Foreign Minister Milyukov addressed the Allies with a note, which confirmed Russia's obligations to wage war to a victorious end (the note for "external use", repeated the provisions of the declaration of March 27, with a shift in emphasis, the question of continuing the war came to the fore ), publication. This caused powerful demonstrations of protest.

April 20 - protest demonstrations in Petrograd

Milyukov and Guchkov were forced to resign. They were replaced by Tereshchenko and the SR Kerensky. Political crisis ended in May, when the First Coalition Government was formed - May 5, 1917 - July 2, 1917. The government included representatives of the socialists, who were responsible to the party and the executive committee of the PS - the councils ruled from within. The socialists are a minority, they are moderate, they delay the solution of the main issues - the distrust of the people + the condemnation of this government by the Bolsheviks (they turned out to be nothing to do with it).

Thus, on May 5, a coalition government is created from 10 "capitalist ministers" and 6 socialists (Tsereteli (post and telegraph), Chernov (minister of agriculture), Kerensky (military and naval minister), Skobelev (Menshevik) - labor, Plekhanov, Pereperziev). Lvov remained chairman.

Government Activities: Government Declaration 2 main points:

1. desire for peace,

2. about revolutionary defense.

In the workers' question against anarchist actions and a counter-roar + for the protection of labor .. They introduced increased taxation of large entrepreneurs, strengthening state regulation of the economy. The Socialist-Revolutionary Chernov, Minister of Agriculture, insisted on including in the declaration a provision on "the possible transfer of the land to the working people" after the convocation of the Constituent Assembly. The Soviets supported the government program.

The first Congress of Peasants' Deputies - May 4-28, 1917 - more than 1000 delegates, 2/3 Social Revolutionaries, 9 people - Bolsheviks. Assembled on the initiative of the peasant union, it solved food and agrarian issues. Prohibition of purchase and sale of land + in the future Decree on Land.

May 28 - Lenin proposed not to wait for the constituent assembly and start transferring the land to the peasants for free - an organized seizure - the peasants are against it. The congress supported the idea of ​​a coalition government and elected its executive committee (chairman - Aksentiev).

The First All-Russian Congress of Soviets (Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies) - June 3-24, 1917 - more than 1000 deputies, 2/2 - Mensheviks, 105 people - Bolsheviks. 2 main questions - about the world and about power. For the first time the question of the federalization of the country. The readiness of the RSDLP (b) to take power on its own was declared. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee rejected and canceled the demonstration announced by the Bolsheviks for June 10. But the radicalization of the masses resulted in speeches in the capital under the slogans "All power to the Soviets!", "Down with the war!". The congress supported the offensive of the army.

The offensive was being prepared from the end of 16 and was planned for the spring of 17, but the revolution was also postponed to the summer, the allies began and we had to provide support - they persuaded for a long time, incl. Kerensky.

18.06 began, in the SW - successfully, but then it got tired, inconsistency and the Germans went to the Ternopil Provy - gases, the gas mask did not save us from them, our losses were over 300 thousand people, responsible Brusilov and the Bolsheviks with their propaganda.

Coalition government from May to early. July did not adopt a single act to resolve social problems. The government failed to stabilize the situation.