Plan for working with children with mental retardation

Explanatory note.

The game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way processing impressions received from the environment. The game clearly manifests the features of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication.

These games are used in individual working with children, suffering from mental retardation. They are directed on:

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Removing fatigue in a child, providing outdoor activities and increasing mental performance.

Development of thinking,

Vocabulary activation,

Expansion of ideas about the world around.

The development of speech.

Finger gymnastics "Snowball"


One two three four, (Fingers are bent, starting with the big one.)

We made snow with you. ( "Sculpt" me the position of the palms.)

Round strong, very smooth (Show a circle, clasp hands.)

And not at all sweet. (threaten with finger)

Let's toss it up once. (Look up while throwing an imaginary snowball)

We'll catch two. (caught)

Let's drop three (They drop an imaginary snowball.)

And we'll break it. (Stomp foot.)

"Choose pictures of winter and prove your choice".

Target: Exercise in finding signs of winter in the weather, in inanimate and animate nature

A game "Create a Sign".

Target: Practice agreeing adjectives in gender, number and case.

snow glitters in the sun (so what is he) snow shining in the sun

snow sparkling in the sun - snow sparkling in the sun,

snow sparkles under the rays of the sun - snow sparkles under the rays of the sun,

snow crunches underfoot - snow crunches underfoot,

snow creaks underfoot - snow creaks underfoot,

snow falls on the ground - snow falling on the ground,

snow swirling in the air - snow swirling in the air.

Physical education minute "Snowman".

Target: Relieve fatigue in the child, provide active rest and enhance mental student performance.

Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend,

They walk in a circle, pretending to roll a snowball in front of them.

Roll your snowball in the snow. It will turn into a thick lump, "Draw" big circle with hands.

And it will become a snowman.

"Draw" snowman from three lumps.

His smile is so bright!

They smile broadly.

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

They show their eyes, cover their heads with their palms, touch their noses, stand up straight, as if holding an imaginary broom.

But the sun will bake a little

Sit down slowly.

Alas! - and no snowman.

They throw up their hands, shrug their shoulders.

"Find the Artist's Mistakes".

Target: learn to find mistakes in pictures

"Find differences (what changed)».

Target: develop thinking, learn to find differences

Lotto "Seasons"

Target: to consolidate and expand knowledge about the seasons

"Choose a Word"

Target: expansion of vocabulary, development of the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun.

This game can be played with the ball, throwing it to each other.

What can you say "fresh"... (air, cucumber, bread, wind); "old"… (house, stump, man, shoe); "fresh"... (bun, news, newspaper, tablecloth); "old" (furniture, fairy tale, book, grandmother); "fresh"... (milk, meat, jam); "old" (armchair, seat, window)

Finger gymnastics "BAKER"

Target: Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Bagel, (thumb and forefinger form a circle,

Bagel, (thumb and middle fingers form a circle,

Baton (big and nameless)

And a loaf (big and pinky)

dough baker (imitation of bread making)

Bake early.

Didactic game "Say Different"

Target: learn to agree nouns with the participle

The painter paints - the painting painter

scuba diver swims - swimming scuba diver

Blacksmith forging - forging blacksmith

Apothecary issues - dispensing pharmacist

Tractor driver plows - plowing tractor driver

D.I. "Learn by the picture"

Target: to learn to distinguish the professions of people by clothes and objects

Lotto "Professions"

Target: consolidate knowledge about professions

D.I "What do you need for work»

Target: expand children's ideas about professions


The goal of the game is to recognize an object, an object by a group of adjectives, epithets or by a group of words-actions. The words proposed as an initial support should be associated with the child's sensory and practical experience. For example, "green, curly, slender, white-trunked" - birch; "sparkles, warms the earth, disperses darkness" - the sun.

Games with words need to be gradually complicated, not only increasing the child's vocabulary, but also training his ability to easily find the right word. In order for the child to “scoop out” the necessary word from memory without much difficulty, it is necessary to diversify the options for games (“What happens?”, “What does it do?”). In the future, the main rule of such games is the absence of repetitions.

"Who's doing what"

This game enriches children's vocabulary with action words. (verbs) and allows not only to activate monologue speech, but also the expressiveness of non-speech means of influencing listeners. Within this option, there are several ways to organize the game action.

The game requires a set of subject pictures (a picture, a hammer, an umbrella, a clock, a cat, a dog, a ball of thread, a newspaper, etc.). Children are shown pictures (one by one) and ask questions: "What can be done with this? What is it for?" You can also do the following way: ask questions reflecting the specific use of the item, and the children point to a particular picture. For example: "What can I hang on the wall? What can I knit a scarf from? Where can I hide from the rain? Who guards the house? What can I read? Who catches mice? How to find out what time it is? How to hammer nails?"

Finger game "Spring"

Target: develop fine motor skills of hands

(We fold our fingers with a pinch. We swing them).

Woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder

The chicks began to sing.

(The palms are closed with a "bucket", we raise our hands up, open our palms, the side parts remain pressed, fingers are spread out).

The sun rises early

To warm our earth.

(Movements are repeated).

The sun rises early

To warm our earth.

Streams run downhill

All the snow has melted

(We perform wave-like movements with our hands (fingers straightened, closed, palms turned down).

And from under the old grass

(Palms are closed with a "bucket").

The flower is already looking.

(The palms open, the sides of the hands are connected, the fingers are open, half-bent (calyx).

And from under the old grass

The flower is already looking

(Movements are repeated).

Opened the bell

(Hands are on the table, resting on the elbows. Fingers are clenched into a fist).

In the shade where the pine is

(Fingers are gradually unclenched, freely relaxed (bell cup).

Ding-ding, ringing softly,

(We swing our hands in different directions, pronouncing "ding-ding").

Ding-ding, spring has come.

Ding-ding, ringing softly,

Ding-ding, spring has come.

"Spring meadow"

Target: Exercise children in agreeing nouns with adjectives.

H - r: day-spring day.

(sun, weather, forest, grass, sky, flowers, months, thunderstorm)

"Call it sweetly"

Target: continue to teach children to form nouns with a diminutive meaning.

move: leaf-leaf, bird-bird, tree-tree, etc.

"Choose an Action"

Target: Continue to activate verbs in the children's vocabulary.

move: What do birds do in spring? (arrive, prepare for nesting, etc.)

Lotto "Seasons"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the seasons

Finger gymnastics "Spider"


(1) The spider walked on a branch,

And the kids followed him.

(2) Rain from the sky suddenly poured,

(3) Washed the spiders to the ground.

(4) The sun began to warm

(5) The spider crawls again

(6) And all the children crawl after him,

(7) To walk on a branch.

One of the handles (or an adult's hand)- branch. We pull it forward, fingers spread out.

The second handle is a spider that walks "by branch".

1 - "Spider" runs on the forearm, and then on the shoulder.

2 - Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).

3 - Clap your hands on your knees.

4 - The palms are pressed with their sides to each other, the fingers are spread apart, we shake our hands (the sun is shining)

5 - Actions as in the first verse

6 – "Spiders" crawl over the head.

What is the subject?

Target: learn to name an object and describe it.

The child takes out an object, a toy, from a wonderful bag, calls it (it's a ball). Describe the toy first educator: "It's round, blue, with a yellow stripe, etc."

guess the toy

Target: to form in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features, description.

3-4 familiar toys are put on display. caregiver informs: he will outline the toy, and the task of the players is to listen and name this object.

"Listen and Say"

Target. Vocabulary accumulation and development phrasal speech. The development of auditory attention.

Description of the game. An adult invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (rustling of leaves, barking of a dog, meowing of a cat, knocking on a door, whistling a whistle, chirping birds, car signal, conversation of passers-by, etc.). Children must answer with a whole sentence. The game is good to play on a walk.

"Guess the toy"

Target: to form the ability to find an object, focusing on its signs and actions.

An adult shows a child 3-4 toys, he names them. You need to learn how to call right away. item: "This. (hare, fox, duckling)". An adult talks about each toy, naming external signs: “This is a soft toy. She is grey. The tail is short and the ears are long. He loves carrots, jumps deftly. Other toys are described similarly, the child names them.

"Tell me what"

Target: learn to identify and name the signs of an object.

An adult takes objects out of the box, names them ( "It's a pear", and the child names signs ( "She's yellow, soft, delicious". "It's a tomato". - "It's red, round, ripe, juicy". "It's a Cucumber". - "He. oblong, green, crispy").

"Fix the mistake"

Target: learn see the discrepancy between the signs of familiar objects shown in the figure and name them.

An adult draws himself or shows a picture and invites the child to find inaccuracies: a red chick pecks at a carrot; teddy bear with hare ears; fox blue without tail, etc. Child corrects: yellow chick, pecking at grains; the bear cub has round little ears; the fox has a long tail and a red fur coat.

"What a doll"

Target: learn to name a variety of signs appearance toys or object.

The adult says that the doll was called ugly, and she was upset. We need to help her and tell everything about her, how beautiful she is.

Who is this? (Doll.) What is she? (Elegant, beautiful.) What can Tanya do? (Play, draw, sing, dance.) Let's talk about Tanya together. Adult starts: “Our Tanya. (the most beautiful). She has. (elegant red dress, white bow, brown shoes, white socks).

From naming visible and vivid signs (color, shape, size) you need to go to the list of properties, internal qualities object, its characteristics, comparison (for example, in the game “Who will say more words about an apple, what is it, and what is an orange?”; “Compare an orange and an apple. How are they similar and how are they different?).

"Compare different animals"

Target: learn to compare different animals, highlighting opposite signs.

The teacher offers to consider a bear and a mouse.

The bear is big, but the mouse. (small). What other Mishka ... (fat, thick-fifted, clubfoot? And what a mouse ... (small, gray, fast, dexterous? What Mishka loves ... (honey, raspberries, and the mouse loves. (cheese, crackers).

Mishka's paws are thick, and those of a mouse. (thin). The bear screams in a loud, rough voice, and the mouse. (thin). Who has a longer tail? The mouse has a long tail, and Mishka's. (short).

Similarly, you can compare other animals - a fox and a hare, a wolf and a bear.

Based on visualization, children learn to name words with the opposite value: the Katya doll is big, and Tanya. (small); the red pencil is long and the blue one. (short, the green ribbon is narrow, and the white. (wide); one tree is tall and the other. (low); Katya's doll's hair is light, and Tanya's. (dark).

Children develop an understanding and use of generalizing concepts (a dress, a shirt are clothes; a doll, a ball are toys; a cup, a plate are dishes, the ability to compare objects (toys, pictures, correlate the whole and its parts) develops (locomotive, pipes, windows, wagons, wheels - train).

Children are taught to understand the semantic relations of words of different parts of speech in a single thematic space: bird flies, fish. (floats); building a house, soup. (boil); the ball is made of rubber, a pencil. (from wood). They can continue the started row words: plates, cups. (spoons forks); jacket, dress. (shirt, skirt, trousers).

Based on visibility, Job and with familiarization with polysemantic words (chair leg - table leg - mushroom leg; handle by the bag - handle by the umbrella - handle by the cup; sewing needle - needle by the hedgehog on the back - needle by the Christmas tree).

Finger gymnastics "Rain"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands

One, two, three, four, five, (hit the knees with the fingers of both hands. From the little finger - with the left hand, with thumb- right hand)

The rain came out for a walk. (random beats)

As usual, I walked slowly (index and middle fingers step forward)

After all, where is he in a hurry?

On the tablet suddenly reads: (we hit with fists, then with palms)

"Don't walk on the lawn!"

The rain sighed softly: "Oh!" (often and rhythmically clap your hands)

And left. Dry lawn. (rhythmically slapping knees)


Rules of the game. The teacher loudly pronounces any vowel sound, and the child repeats it, but quietly.

The teacher speaks loudly: A-A-A. echo child quietly answers: ah-ah-ah. And so on. You can also use a combination of vowels sounds: ay, wah, ea, etc.

D.I. "What is made of what"

Target: To teach children to group objects according to the material from which they are made (rubber, metal, wood, glass, plastic); activate children's vocabulary.

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Ukrainian School" Simferopol District of the Republic of Crimea


Methodist CSDUT Director

Morbitsr V.V MBOU "Ukrainian School"

"____" _____________ 20___ ____________ Stelyukova A.A.

"___" _______________ 20____


for individual learning at home

"Correctional - developmental program for children with a violation of the normal pace of mental development (ZPR)",

for 2015-2016 academic year

Practical psychologist: Osmanova E.N

With. Ukrainian, 2015

Explanatory note

Normative acts and educational and methodological documents on the basis of which the working programm:

    Constitution Russian Federation

    Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Art. 5, Clause 5.1, Art. 34, Clause 1)

    Federal state educational standard of general education

    Federal Law "On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation"

    The Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2010-2015

    National educational initiative "Our new school" (dated February 4, 2010)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 297 dated April 15, 2014 "On Approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment" for 2011-2015"

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2008 No. AF 150/06 "On the creation of conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities"

    Government Decree Rostov region dated September 25, 2013 No. 596 “On approval of the state program of the Rostov region “Development of education”

    Order of MBOU "Ukrainian School" No. No. dated November 19, 2015 "On the organization of individual home education with sick students"

    Charter of the MBOU "Ukrainian School" of the Simferopol District of the Republic of Crimea

    The educational program of the school

    School "Regulations on the work program of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) implemented by the school"

General characteristics of the course

The program is modified and is based on the main methodological materials: “The system of preventive work with children on cognitive mental processes according to the development programs of E.A. Alyabyueva, Aidaralieva B.Zh., Stepanova S.S., Vasilyeva N.N., Baranova F.Yu., Zimina L.V.”

Theoretical basis programs are provisions developed in the domestic psychology of L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin and other scientists, about the generality of the main patterns of mental development in normal and pathological conditions, about sensitive ages, about the correlation between correction and development, about the actual and potential levels of development (the zone of proximal development), about the relationship between learning and development, about the role of preschool childhood in the process socialization, the significance of activity in development, the role of the sign in the "cultural" development of the child, etc.

One of the priority tasks of Russian education at present is to provide state guarantees - accessibility and equal opportunities for obtaining a full-fledged education for all categories of citizens, including those with special educational needs.

The number of children with special educational needs is increasing every year. One of the most common developmental problems that generate these needs is mental retardation (MPD).

Correctional and developmental education in general educational institutions is a pedagogical system that provides individualization of education for children with learning difficulties and implements the principles of an integrated approach to the goals, objectives and content of education, the unity of diagnosis and correction of developmental deficiencies, developmental education (development of general learning abilities based on person-centered approach).

This work program was developed for the student Vidyuk Daniil Vitalievich. According to the conclusion of the city PMPK, it was revealed: a violation of the pace of mental development, OHP - 2 levels, an erased form of dysarthria. The child, on the recommendations of doctors, was assigned individual home training.

This program is designed taking into account the age and specific characteristics of the child, contains the use of various kinds game situations, didactic games that can make cognitive activity more attractive and meaningful for the child.

Purpose of the program: formation of a psychological basis for full development the personality of the child, the creation of a zone of proximal development to overcome the shortcomings of the intellectual activity of children with mental retardation.


    awaken cognitive and creative activity child;

    develop involuntary attention and memory, various types of perception,

    speech development

    improve motor functions;

    develop skills of arbitrary behavior.

P principles of building a program.

    Consistency of corrective, preventive and developmental tasks.

    Unity of diagnostics and correction.

    Accounting for the age, psychological and individual characteristics of the child.

    Complexity of methods of psychological influence.

    Increasing complexity.

    Accounting for the volume and degree of diversity of the material.

The place of the subject in the curriculum

To implement the content, educational goals and objectives of the course on the formation of a psychological basis for the full development of the child's personality, the program allocates time for classes:

    Vidyuk Daniil Vitalievich - 2 hours a week;

In connection with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1017 of September 24, 2015 “On the postponement of days off in 2016” and in accordance with the school schedule, a course of correctional and developmental classes for individual learning will be implemented for:

    Vidyuk Daniil Vitalievich - 48 hours; time - 40 min.

Course sections

Section 1. Development of general motor skills.

Section 2 Sensory perception.

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5 The development of speech.

Planned results of mastering the course

As a result of correctional and developmental work, the child should know :

    social skills - communication with adults and peers;

    seasons, parts of the day, days of the week in their sequence;

    your biography: name, surname, age, home address.

    names of trees, flowers, birds, animals;

    natural phenomena;

    numbers, signs ("+", "-")

    names of the main professions of people. Explain what characterizes these professions, what benefits people bring

be able to:

    purposefully carry out the actions of the teacher;

    use writing instruments correctly;

    analyze and compare objects according to one of the indicated characteristics (shape, size, color);

    classify figures according to one attribute;

    navigate on the plane of a sheet of paper and on your own body;

    recognize basic emotions;

    perform simple graphic works under dictation;

    make an object out of parts.

Personal, metasubject and subject

results of mastering the training course


    the ability to evaluate both one’s own and other people’s actions (“good” - “bad”);

    the ability to see their strengths and weaknesses;

    formation of an adequate positive conscious self-esteem and self-acceptance;

    development of benevolence, trust and attentiveness to people, readiness for cooperation and friendship, rendering assistance to those who need it;

    development of empathy and empathy, emotional and moral responsiveness based on the development of the ability to perceive the feelings of other people and express emotions;

    formation of a mindset for a healthy and safe lifestyle, intolerance and the ability to counteract actions and influences that pose a threat to the life, health and safety of the individual and society within their capabilities.


    development of the ability to express one's thoughts and the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to a different opinion;

    development of speech, mastering the technique of speech;

    development various kinds thinking, memory, attention;

    expansion of ideas about the world around and enrichment of the dictionary.


    have an idea about a healthy lifestyle, about such concepts as: daily routine, healthy eating, personal hygiene;

    be able to analyze and manage their cognitive activity;

    be able to perform actions according to a model containing the necessary method of action;

    be able to carry out a method of action by direct indication of its name (purpose)

System for evaluating planned results

    Gradeless learning system.

Forms and types of control:


Forms of control of ZUN (s)


  • diagnostics;


Calendar-thematic planning

    Thematic planning

section, topic

Name of sections, topics

Number of hours

Section 1

Development of general motor skills.

Section 2

Sensory perception.

Section 3

Formation of subject activity.

Section 4

Formation of communication skills.

Section 5

The development of speech.



lesson planning

Course section


Topic of the lesson

Type of control

Number of hours

Main types of educational activities


Requirements for results


Approximate date


"Development of general motor skills" - 16 hours.

Monitoring of motor skills of the hands, fine motor skills.


Methodical set

    Perform imitative finger movements.

    Correctly hold a pencil, pen;

    Orientation in the space of the sheet;

    Apply the simplest modeling techniques (rolling, flattening, twisting in a spiral);

    Use glue, brush, scissors;

    To make the simplest products from paper, plasticine;

    Fasten, unfasten buttons, buttons, hooks;

    Tie and untie ribbons, laces, knots.

Types of grasping movements. Improvement of grasping movements, capture.

current, individual


Counting sticks, pencils

Development of accuracy of hand movement, eye measurement, consistency, visual coordination.

current, individual


Massage balls, beads

Ability to grip a pencil correctly. Pinch grip.

current, individual


Hexagonal pencils

Threading a flexible cord into the hole, fastening, unfastening.

current, individual


Cord, cardboard with holes

The ability to depict points of a given brightness, to place vertical and horizontal lines, lines in different directions.

current, individual


Paints, brush, sheet A4

Performing actions with objects, focusing on verbal instructions.

The image of broken, wavy, arched lines. Painting.

current, individual


brush, paint, wire

Contour application from plasticine and pieces of colored paper.

current, individual

Cardboard, plasticine, colored paper

Section II

"Sensory perception" - 11 hours.

Development of the ability to recognize household items and toys according to the instructions of an adult, and showing. The ability to distinguish among heterogeneous.

Thematic, individual


household items

    Purposefully carry out actions according to the instructions of the teacher.

    To be able to correlate the object and its image, recognize it in the picture.

    Be able to track movement and movement in relation to other objects.

    Distinguish primary colors.

    Collect cut pictures.

    Know the seasons, days of the week.

    Be able to differentiate objects.

    Perform actions and movements with the help of a teacher and according to verbal instructions.

    Show the main parts of the body and face.

    Be able to compare objects.

Monitoring the development of attention. Development of visual attention and visual memory.

preliminary, individual


Methodical set

The ability to correlate the object and its image, to recognize in the picture.

current, individual


Split pictures

The ability to distinguish objects by an undifferentiated sign of size (“big-small”).

current, individual


Cubes, household items

Monitoring of memory development.

preliminary, individual


Methodical set

Development of attention and memory. The ability to track movement and movement in relation to other objects.

current, individual


Toys, didactic pictures "Animals"

The ability to follow the instruction “give the same”, encouraging practical trying on, comparison.

current, individual


miniature toys

The ability to perceive objects, differentiate "one-many".

current, individual


Educational presentation

The ability to collect cut pictures.

current, individual


Split pictures

Distinguishing and highlighting primary colors (red, yellow, blue, etc.)

current, individual


Colored cubes, paints, brush, A4 sheet

The study of subject indicators: seasons, days of the week. The sequence of events: "earlier-later."

current, individual


Computer (Tutorial presentation)

Section III

"Formation of objective activity" - 8 hours.

The development of visual-motor coordination, the ability to perform actions of grasping, feeling, moving objects.

current, individual


Pencils, massage balls

    Determine by touch the object and its size.

    Be able to draw long and short vertical lines.

    Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper.

    Be able to combine the figure with the slot.

    Be able to coordinate the movement of both hands.

    Be able to make combinations of stripes, geometric shapes on a sheet of paper.

    Be able to use non-traditional drawing techniques with fingers and palms.

    Be able to reproduce a combination of figures by imitation.

Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper (center, bottom, top, right (left) side).

Thematic, individual


Colour pencils

The ability to combine a figure with a slot, to act consistently, purposefully, to exercise in coordinating the movements of both hands.

current, individual


The development of tactile gnosis, the ability to feel an object, trace its contour with a finger.

current, individual


Household items, cubes

Drawing up combinations of stripes, geometric shapes on a sheet of paper.

current, individual


A4 sheet, colored paper, scissors, glue

Exercises in recognizing objects by touch, different in size.

current, individual


Fabric bag, various items (dice, buttons, pencils, tennis ball, etc.)

Improving visual-motor coordination, consolidating the skills of examining objects: the ability to draw proposed figures with a finger on the table and in the air; development of constructive praxis: reproduction of buildings according to imitation and model.

current, individual


Cubes, constructor "Lego"

Consolidation of design skills.

final, individual

Developing (practical lesson)


Section IV

"Formation of communication skills" - 6 hours.

Establishing emotional contact, encouraging visual contact, developing the ability to listen to the teacher, follow simple instructions.

current, individual


    Be able to establish contact, cooperate in a pair, group.

    Be able to understand a communication partner, build trusting relationships with each other.

    Master effective communication skills.

    Be able to imitate expressive movements in facial expressions.

    Understand the emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize.

Determining the level of self-esteem. Development of the ability to pay attention and respond to facial expressions, gestures of an adult.

current, individual


Formation of the image of one's own "I".

current, individual


The ability to imitate expressive movements in facial expressions.

final, individual

Developing (practical lesson)

Didactic cards "Emotions and gestures"

Chapter V

"Development of speech" - 7 hours.

The role of speech in human life. The ability to understand and relate the word to the subject.

Thematic, individual


subject pictures

    Be able to communicate freely with adults and children.

    Be able to master the rules of speech.

    Be able to pronounce the sounds of the native language, correctly articulate in sound combinations and words.

    Answer questions about the content of the text.

    Listen and understand the speech of others; use listening techniques.

    To be able to realize the role of language and speech in people's lives.

The ability to listen to the speech of an adult.

current, individual


Children's fiction

Exercises for pronunciation of simple tongue twisters.

Monitoring of child development (final test).

Final, individual.


Methodical set

Texts of tongue twisters


48 hours

logistics educational process

Printed manuals in electronic form

    "Education of children with mental retardation: organization of group and individual classes of correctional and developing education." Manual for teachers of primary classes and psychologists, E.V. Shamarina; Moscow, 2007.

    "Correctional and developmental education: Organizational and developmental aspects", S.G. Shevchenko; Moscow, Vlados, 1999

Means of education

    Printed aids: electronic

    "Diagnostics and correction of mental retardation". Ed. S.G. Shevchenko; Moscow, Arkti, 2001.

    Workbook for children ZPR “Developing! Forming! We improve!”, A.V. Zakharova; Book Lover, 2002.

    “I think and think”, E.V. Shamarina, O.V. Tarasova; Moscow, 2008.

    Methodical and practical journal"Education and education of children with developmental disabilities", 2010.

    "Speech disorders and their correction in children with mental retardation" R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova, S.V. Zorina; "Vlados", 2009.

    How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. Psychodiagnostic tables. Psychodiagnostic methods. Corrective exercises". Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N.-M.: Publishing house "Os-89", 1997.

    Visual aids:

  • Plasticine.

    Colour pencils.

  • Buttons.

    Colored paper.


    Illustrated books.

    rubber ball.

    Counting sticks.


control and measuring materials

Diagnostics of the development of fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are differentiated and complexly coordinated movements of the hands and fingers when performing actions. The ability of the child to correctly distribute muscle efforts during the work of the hands, thumb in relation to the rest - important condition for successful mastery of motor skills of educational activity (primarily writing). Therefore, the development of fine motor skills is given special attention during preparation for school.

Using these techniques, the development of fine motor skills associated with graphic actions can be diagnosed.

A worksheet is placed in front of the child. He listens carefully to what needs to be done. All assignments are done in pencil. During their implementation, you can not comment on and evaluate the actions of the child. After completion, you need to thank and praise the baby for any result.

Method 1

Take a pencil in your hand and look at the sheet of paper in front of you. It has stripes on it. Draw straight lines between these strips from the beginning of the sheet to the end with a pencil. When I say "Start!", start drawing straight lines when I say "Stop!" Finish the task and put your pencils aside. Work quickly and carefully.

(You have 1 minute to complete the task.)

3 points - the child completed 10 lines or more with satisfactory performance (drawn lines are located closer to the center of the line, they are characterized by moderate waviness, drawn without separation, without going beyond the lines, without line gaps).

2 points - the child completed 6-9 lines with satisfactory performance (moderate waviness of the lines with a tendency to approach the center of the line, without breaks, without going beyond the line, without line gaps).

1 point - the child completed 5 or less lines or the completed task is of unsatisfactory performance (significant bevels of lines relative to the center of the line, going beyond its limits and / or line breaks, line omissions).

Method 2

Take a pencil in your hand and look at the sheet of paper in front of you. It has tracks. Draw a line in the middle of the track without lifting the pencil from the paper.

3 points - no errors

2 points - the child 1 - 2 times went beyond the line

1 point - the child went out of line 3 or more times

Method 3

Take a pencil in your hand and look at the sheet of paper in front of you. It has balls and skittles. Hit the pins with the balls. Try to draw straight lines without lifting your pencil from the paper.

3 points - all lines are straight and fall exactly on the skittle

2 points -1 - 2 errors

1 point - 3 or more errors

Method 4

Take a pencil and look at the sheet of paper with the drawings in front of you. Trace the drawings exactly along the line, without lifting the pencil from the paper.

3 points - 1 - 2 times went off the line

2 points - 2 - 4 times went off the line

1 point - 5 or more times left the line

Method 5

Take a pencil in your hand and continue to draw patterns. Try not to take your pencil off the paper.

3 points - no errors

2 points - with errors

1 point - the child was unable to continue any or all of the patterns

Method 6

Take a pencil in your hand and continue to draw patterns in the cells.

3 points - no errors

2 points - the child made a mistake in one pattern

1 point - the child made a mistake in both patterns

Method 7

Take a pencil in your hand. Listen carefully and draw a pattern from the dot: put the pencil on the dot, draw a line - two cells up, one cell to the right, two cells down, one cell to the right, two cells up, one cell to the right. Then continue this pattern yourself.

3 points - no errors

2 points - 1 mistake

1 point - 2 errors or more

Method 8

3 points - no errors

2 points - 1 - 2 mistakes

1 point - 3 errors or more

Method 9

Take a pencil in your hand. Draw exactly the same figure in the cells.

3 points - no errors

2 points - 1 - 2 mistakes

1 point - 3 errors or more

Method 10

Take a pencil in your hand and draw exactly the same figure next to it.

3 points - no errors

2 points - errors in 1 figure

1 point - errors in 2 figures or more

Method 11

Take a pencil in your hand and copy the phrase exactly according to the model.

3 points - copied correctly

2 points - copied with 1 - 2 errors

1 point - could not copy phrases

Interpretation of the results of diagnostics of the development of fine motor skills:

The overall result of 27 or more points indicates the formation and rather high automation of the child's graphic activity skills (holds a pencil correctly, freely distributes the muscle activity of the hand and fingers when working with it), as well as developed arbitrariness (when performing a task, he focuses his actions on externally specified conditions: sheet line, sample, accuracy requirements.These features testify in favor of a high level of development of fine motor skills in a child, which is essential for the successful mastery of motor skills in educational activities.

The overall result from 17 to 26 points indicates sufficient formation and moderate automation of the child's graphic activity skills, as well as moderately developed voluntariness of movement regulation. Such indicators for the main components of fine motor skills as part of a motor skill are generally sufficient for further learning.

The overall result of 16 points or less indicates the child's insufficient formation of the motor component of the skill of graphic activity, as well as the low development of voluntary regulation and control over the execution of movements that require accuracy and sufficient performance. Such indicators of fine motor skills may not be enough to successfully master the basic skills of educational activities in elementary school.

Exercises for the development of thinking, imagination, attention, memory

Thinking exercises

Imagination exercises

Attention Development Exercises

Memory exercises


An exceptionally large role in the life and activity of a person is played by his cognitive sphere, which includes a set of mental processes: attention, sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, speech, imagination. These processes act as a kind of tools for cognitive, as well as other types of activity, serving them and ensuring their effectiveness. The main function of these processes is cognitive-analytical.

This work presents exercises aimed at the development of not all cognitive processes: memory, thinking, imagination, attention.

Exercises aimed at developing thinking


Riddles help develop figurative and logical thinking, the ability to identify essential features and compare, train the speed and flexibility of the mind, quick wits, and the ability to find original solutions. You can invite children to independently compose riddles about any known objects.

I walk around the world

Waiting for an answer,

Find the answer-

Me and no. (Mystery)

Grumbled a living castle,

Lie across the door. (Dog)

Two windows at night

Close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open themselves. (Eyes)

Not the sea, not the land

Ships don't sail

And you can't walk. (Swamp)

The cat is sitting on the window

Tail like a cat

Paws like a cat

Mustache like a cat

Not a cat. (Cat)

Two geese ahead of one goose

Two geese behind one goose

And one goose in the middle.

How many geese are there? (Three)

Seven brothers have one sister each.

Is there a lot of everyone? (Eight)

Making proposals

This game develops the ability to quickly establish various, sometimes completely unexpected connections between familiar objects, to creatively create new integral images from separate disparate elements.

Three words that are not related in meaning are taken at random, for example, “lake”, “pencil”, “bear”. It is necessary to make as many sentences as possible, which would necessarily include these three words (you can change the case and use other words). Answers can be banal (“The bear dropped a pencil into the lake”), complex, with going beyond the situation indicated by the three original words and introducing new objects (“The boy took a pencil and drew a bear swimming in the lake”), and creative, including these objects into non-standard connections (“A boy, thin as a pencil, stood near a lake that roared like a bear”).

Exclusion of superfluous

Any three words are taken, for example, "dog", "tomato", "sun". It is necessary to compose only those words that denote somewhat similar objects, and exclude one word, “superfluous”, which does not have this feature. It is necessary to find as many options for excluding an extra word as possible, and most importantly, more features that unite each remaining pair of words and are not inherent in the excluded, superfluous. Without neglecting the options that immediately arise (exclude the "dog", and leave the "tomato" and "sun" because they are round), it is advisable to look for non-standard and at the same time very well-aimed solutions. The one with the most answers wins.

This game develops the ability not only to establish unexpected connections between disparate phenomena, but to easily move from one connection to another without getting hung up on them. The game also teaches how to simultaneously hold several objects in the field of thinking at once, and compare them with each other. It is important that the game forms an attitude that there are completely different ways of combining and dismembering a certain group of objects, and therefore you should not limit yourself to one - the only “correct” solution, but you need to look for a whole lot of them.

Search for analogues

An object or phenomenon is called, for example, a "helicopter". It is necessary to write out as many of its analogues as possible, i.e. other objects similar to it in various essential features. It is also necessary to systematize these analogues into groups, depending on what property of a given object they were selected for. For example, in this case, “bird”, “butterfly”, (they fly and sit down) can be called; "bus", "train" (vehicles); “corkscrew (important parts rotate) and more. The winner is the one who named the largest number of groups of analogues.

This game teaches to distinguish the most diverse properties in an object and to operate separately with each of them, forms the ability to classify phenomena according to their characteristics.

Ways to use the item

A well-known object is called, for example, “a book”. You have to name as many as possible. various ways its applications: a book can be used as a preparation for a film projector, it can be used to cover papers on the table from prying eyes, etc. A ban should be introduced on naming immoral, barbaric ways of using an object. The winner is the one who indicates the greater number of different functions of the object. This game develops the ability to concentrate thinking on one subject, the ability to introduce it into the most different situations and interconnections, to open unexpected possibilities in an ordinary subject.

Exercises aimed at developing the imagination

unfinished figures

Children are given sheets of paper with figures drawn on them (circles, squares, triangles, various broken lines, etc.). Each child should have the same set of figures. In 5-10 minutes, children should add anything to the figures so that they get object images. When the child hands over the piece of paper, the experimenter always asks how each of the eight drawings can be called and signs its name under each picture.

Studying a geographical map

The child is given a card - a tourist route scheme, with the image of any river. On the banks of the river there are schematic representations of cities, villages, railway, bridges, etc. Children are told: “You see, a ship is sailing along the river. Imagine that you are standing on the deck, looking at the shores. And about everything that you see and feel, please tell me.”

The following story options are available:

Children conscientiously list everything they see on the map, without adding anything from themselves, they do not have any images.

There is no plot story, but the children tell a lot, sometimes very emotionally, they freely imagine themselves sailing on a ship.

Children give a coherent story about an imaginary journey. Such stories are emotional, colorful, imagination plays a big role in them, but it is constantly controlled by consciousness, which directs it in a certain direction.

"Magic blots"

Before the game begins, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of a sheet of paper, and the sheet is folded in half. The sheet is then unfolded and the game can begin. The players take turns saying what kind of subject images they see in the blot or in its individual parts.

Completion of the story

Children are offered the beginning of a story. For example: “It was a clear sunny day. A girl walked along the street and led a funny puppy on a leash. Suddenly out of nowhere…”

It is necessary to come up with a continuation and ending of the story. Working time - 10 minutes.

The story can be evaluated according to the following criteria:

The end of the story;

Brightness and originality of images;

Unusual twist and plot;

Surprise ending.

Making up a story using single words

Children are given individual words.

For example:

a) girl, tree, bird;

b) key, hat, boat, watchman, study, road, rain.

You need to make a coherent story using these words.

Exercises aimed at developing attention

We offer exercises for the development of attention, which have proven to be the most effective in the practice of the work of psychologist E.L. Yakovleva (tasks No. 1-3)

Corrective task

Performing a proofreading task contributes to the development of concentration of attention and self-control when students perform written work.

To carry it out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils or pens. For children 6-11 years old, texts should be in large print.

The task can be performed with students aged 6-17

Run time: 5 min. Daily (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months.

Lessons can be individual or group. Each child is given an old book, pencil or pen. For teenagers, newspapers and magazines.

Instruction looks like this: "Within 5 minutes. You need to find the letters "A" (you can specify any letter): both small and capital. Both in the title of the text and in the name of the author.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters you are looking for change, they are crossed out in different ways; two letters are found at the same time, one is crossed out; two letters are simultaneously searched, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; on one line, the letters are circled, on the second they are marked with a tick, etc. All changes made are reflected in the instructions given at the beginning of the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, the number of gaps and incorrectly crossed out letters is counted. An indicator of normal concentration of attention is four or fewer gaps. More than four passes - weak concentration.

The game is played in a friendly atmosphere. Younger children can be additionally interested by offering them to train their attention in order to become good drivers, pilots, doctors (after finding out who they want to be.)

Losing should not cause feelings of displeasure, so you can introduce funny “penalties”: meow as many times as you made mistakes, crow, jump on one leg, etc.

For toddlers, the allowable gaps for each lesson should change and approximately equal to the actual number of passes that the child makes.

In no case should the duration of the lesson exceed 5 minutes.

The volume of the text viewed does not matter, the value can be different for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.

Checking the performance of the task in group classes is carried out by the students themselves from each other, they also come up with “penalties”.

The practice of working with this task shows that after the first 3-4 weeks of classes, there is a reduction in errors in written tasks by 2-3 times. To consolidate the skills of self-control, it is necessary to continue classes for 3-4 months. If after 4 months of classes there is no improvement. Classes should be stopped and seek help from a speech therapist.

When working with children 6-8 years old, it is very important to observe one more condition: to start each lesson with a new agreement on the possible number of errors. It is necessary to proceed from the actual number of mistakes made, so that the child does not have a feeling of hopelessness, the inability to achieve the desired result. This condition is easy to meet in individual lessons. In group lessons, it can be difficult to establish a general norm, so here you can pay attention to the variety of fines assigned by children to each other, and individual support for the child.

In order for the developmental effect of this game to be more noticeable, when the child completes written learning tasks, it is necessary, by introducing the game, to change the child's attitude to reading a textbook in the Russian language. This can be achieved by a comparative explanation of how words are read and how they are written. It is necessary to explain to the children that in the textbook of the Russian language all the words in the exercises must be read aloud like this. As if it was written by “another boy (girl), and you know what is written here. Therefore, pronounce each letter as it is written. It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the exercise must be perceived as if it was written by someone else - “another girl”, “a poorly trained puppy”, as children, checking their text. They start from the meaning (it is already known), and no calls to read carefully do not improve things: children do not see missing and misspelled letters. Attributing a completed task to another alienates one's own creation and allows one to take it critically. For children who have difficulty concentrating, a more detailed stage of external actions is needed.

Game "Fly"

This game is also aimed at developing concentration. To carry it out, you will need sheets of paper with a lined nine-cell playing field 3 x 3, chips (chips can be buttons, coins, pebbles, etc.).

The game is played for 5-10 minutes. 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months.

Children aged 7-17 can play.

Tasks are completed in pairs. Each pair of players is given a sheet with a lined playing field and one chip

Instruction to the task sounds like this: “Look at a sheet of paper with lined cells. This is the playing field. But this chip is a “fly”. "Fly" sat in the middle of the sheet in the middle cell. From here, she can move in any direction. But she can move only when she is given the commands “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”, turning away from the playing field. One of you, the one on the left, will turn away and not look at the field. He will give commands, the other will move the “fly”. You need to try to keep the “fly” on the field for 5 minutes. And don't let her fly away. Then the partners switch roles. If the “fly flies away” earlier, then the role reversal will occur earlier. All clear?"

The complication of the game is due to the fact that the players are united in threes. Two take turns giving commands, trying to keep the “fly” on the field. The third controls the "flight". Anyone who misses the "fly" before the agreed time, gives way to the controller. If everyone fits in the allotted time, then the roles are reversed in turn.

A three-player game takes no more than 10 minutes, i.e. three minutes each. The winner is the one who lasts in his role all the allotted time.

"Twisted Lines"

This task is also focused on the development of concentration in children.

To conduct it, you need cards 12 x 7 in size, on which mixed lines of the same color are drawn.

The game is played with children 6-17 years old.

Runtime 3-5 min. Daily for 3-4 weeks.

The lesson can be organized as an individual or as a group. Each child receives a card.

Instruction to the task is as follows: “Look at the card. Along the edges of the card are vertical lines with scales applied to them. There is a number next to each line. These numbers are connected by intertwined lines (paths). Within a few minutes, you only need to use your eyes without the help of your hands to find a path (“walk” along it) leading from one number to another: from one to one, from two to two, etc. All clear?"

As you master the game, new cards are offered with more intricate lines and connecting different numbers: one with a three, two with a seven, etc. On the back of the card, write down the answers: pairs of connecting numbers.

Completion rate for 3 minutes. It is necessary to determine all 10 pairs of different numbers connected by lines.

The general rules of the game are:

Friendly classroom atmosphere. After the end of the time allotted for the game, you can talk about who how many times “lost their way”, “went on the wrong path”.

Children 6 - 7 years old are invited to go only along any 3 tracks for 5 minutes. If the children cope with the task, then you can offer to “run” along so many tracks, each one will have time in 5 minutes. Children 8-10 years old are invited to "pass" in 5 minutes. 5-7 tracks or how many will have time; 11-17 years old - all 10 tracks in 5 minutes.

Cards with more complex lines are offered after all 10 pairs of numbers are set in 3 minutes.

Usually, after 1.5 - 2 weeks of daily activities, children themselves notice that it is easier for them to get involved in any intellectual activity. The onset of improvement means that the exercise must be stopped, and the concentration of attention has become stable. Classes must be repeated daily for the same period: 1, 5-2 weeks. Then, for another 3 weeks, conduct 2 classes per week.

"Find differences"

The child is given two very similar pictures, differing in a certain number of small details (for example, Fig. 18 a, b). It is necessary to detect existing differences - at least twenty).


The child is offered drawings containing several superimposed contour images of various objects, animals, etc. (Fig. 19 a, b, c, d). It is necessary to find all masked images as quickly as possible.

Exercises aimed at developing memory

Semantic memory is based on understanding, i.e. on the activity of thinking, and is associated with the development of language. In the process of semantic memorization, first of all, connections suitable for memorization are created - large structural units of recall, the so-called mnemonic supports, which makes it possible to overcome the limitations of short-term memorization. The connections used for memorization are not independent, but auxiliary in nature, they serve as a means of helping to remember something. The most effective will be mnemonic supports that reflect the main thoughts of any material. They represent enlarged semantic units. For children with underdeveloped memory, the main ways to compensate for it lie in the development of semantic memory: the ability to generalize material, to highlight the main thoughts in it.

An effective teaching method for creating mnemonic supports was developed by K.P. Maltseva (1958). This technique, called "Semantic Units", can be used for schoolchildren of all ages who experience difficulties in mnemonic activity, starting from the second grade. It is most convenient to use this teaching technique in elementary school.

The technique lies in the fact that the student is tasked with highlighting the main thing in the text (creating mnemonic supports) and indicating the path of text analysis. To isolate the main thing, the student must consistently answer two questions: “Who (or what) is this section talking about?” and “What is said (reported) about it?”

The answer to the first question allows you to highlight the main thing in the part to which it refers, and the second question confirms the correctness of this selection. The teaching methodology has two parts. The first part is the selection of semantic supports, the second is the compilation and use of the plan as a semantic support for the student's mnemonic activity.

The program of developing correctional classes with children of mental retardation

1 hour per week, total 34 hours per year.

Explanatory note

Children with mental retardation have a number of features in psychophysical development, communication. These features do not allow to develop effectively, acquire knowledge, acquire vital skills and abilities. With ZPR, not only the formation of speech and verbal thinking slows down significantly, but the development of cognitive activity as a whole suffers.

The exercises proposed in the program are designed for one year of work with younger students. These exercises contribute to the development of cognitive mental processes of the child. And this is very important, because the child gets the opportunity to develop normally and fully, enter the world of human relations and not feel flawed. A properly constructed system of corrective measures can reduce the gap in the development of the cognitive sphere between children.

The purpose of this program is to develop the cognitive sphere of children with mental retardation, such mental processes as memory, thinking, attention, perception.


1. increase the level of memory development

2. increase the level of development of attention

3. increasing the level of development of thinking

4. increase the level of development of perception

Used methods and techniques: conversation, observation, testing, individual remedial classes, individual consultations.

Target Audience: The program is designed for younger students.

Form of work: individual.

The results of work on this program are expected to increase the level of development of cognitive mental processes in children with mental retardation, such as memory, attention, thinking, perception. To determine the effectiveness of the work carried out, a comparative analysis of the results of the first and final diagnostics, which will be carried out after all the classes provided for by the program, will help. The results of a comparative analysis will help to conclude whether the goal we set was achieved and whether the tasks we set were solved, as well as allow you to make the necessary changes and additions to the program, if necessary.

Educational - thematic plan


Total hours

Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere

Development of thinking

Development of attention

Development of perception

Memory development



Calendar - thematic plan


Total hours


Diagnostics cognizer

noah sphere



Purpose: to identify the level of development of cognitive processes.

Methods used:

1. "10 words" (memory study)

2. "Remember the pictures" (memory study)

3. "Cut pictures" (study of perception)

4. "Sequence of events" (study of perception)

5. "4 extra" (study of thinking)

6. "Classification" (study of thinking)

7. "Simple analogies" (study of thinking)

8. "Schulte Tables" (attention study)

9. "Pictogram" (study of the imagination).

10. "Wegner's Labyrinths" (a study of thinking)

Development of thinking









"Remember Shapes"

"Remember a couple."

"Remember the right words."

"Finish the phrases."

"Comparison of concepts".

"New Words".

"From particular to general".

"From general to specific".

"Pick up general concept».

"Split into groups."

Development of attention









"Guess the animal"

"Finish the sentence."

"Composing Definitions".

"Give me a reason."

"Riddles - descriptions"

"Superfluous word".


Development of perception








"Proverbs and sayings".

"Pick the next one."

"Time and anti-time".


"Finish the sentence."

Find similarities and differences.

Memory development









"Listen, read and retell" - "Stories".

"What more?"

"Unravel the knot."


"Methods of Raven and Eysenck"

"Make a Match"




10 techniques

Total: 34 hours

  1. Diagnostic methods.

1. Method "10 words"

The technique is aimed at the study of memorization. The subject is asked to memorize a list of words and reproduce it. The procedure is repeated 10 times. Then, after 30 minutes, the subject is again asked to reproduce the words he remembered.

List of words: mountain, bread, forest, cat, water, window, table, chair, brother, house.

2. Method "Remember the pictures."

The technique is aimed at the study of memorization.

The subject is asked to remember the pictures and who is drawn on them.

3. Method "Cut pictures".

The technique is aimed at the study of perception. The subject is presented with a picture cut into several parts and asked to assemble it. In parallel, you can present the same whole picture.

4.Methodology "Sequence of events".

The technique is aimed at the study of perception and thinking. The subject is presented with a series of pictures and asked to arrange them in order in accordance with the plot.

5. Method "4 extra".

The technique is aimed at the study of thinking. The subject is presented with a picture, which shows 4 objects. It is necessary to name an extra item and explain why it is superfluous.

6.Method "Classification".

The technique is aimed at the study of thinking. Pictures are laid out in front of the subjects and asked to sort them into groups. The subject must voice his actions, each group must be named and explained why these particular items were included in it.

7. Technique "Simple analogies".

The technique is aimed at identifying the ability to establish logical connections and relationships between concepts, as well as the ability to sustainably maintain a given way of reasoning. The test subjects are presented with a list of tasks where it is necessary to correlate words according to a given analogy.

8. The method of "Schulte table".

The subject is presented with 5 tables, on each of which numbers from 1 to 25 are arranged in a chaotic manner. It is necessary to find and indicate the numbers as quickly as possible, in ascending order. The time of work with each table is fixed.

9. Method "Pictorama".

The subject is presented with a list of words. Each word the subject must sketch in a certain way. An hour after all the words are depicted, he must reproduce each word according to the sketches.

  1. Corrective lessons.

Purpose: correction of cognitive mental processes.


1. development of thinking processes

2. memory correction

3. attention correction

4. perception correction.

List of exercises.

1) "Fix the missing word."

The child is read 5-7 words that are not related in meaning: cow, table, wall, letter, flower, bag, head. Then the row is read again with the omission of one of the words. The child must name the missing word. Task option: upon repeated reading, you can replace one word with another (from one semantic field, for example, a cow-calf; similar in sound, for example, a table-groan); the child must find the error.

2) "Remember Shapes"

Prepare a set of cards with different images.

Explain that in order to remember the material well, you can use a technique such as classification, i.e. the grouping of objects that are similar in some way.

Ask the child to look carefully at the pattern and memorize it. Then invite him to draw these figures from memory in the same order. Estimated display time for the first sequence is 2 s, for the second - 3 - 4 s, for the fifth - 6-7 s.

For example, to memorize a series of geometric shapes, they must be divided into groups. The form may contain triangles, circles, squares, crossed out in different ways. Thus, these figures can be divided into groups depending on their shape and/or type of strikethrough. Now they are easy to remember and reproduce.

3) "Remember a couple."

Prepare forms with figures for memorization and reproduction.

Explain to the child how he will remember the figures. He looks at the 1st form and tries to remember the proposed pairs of images (figure and sign). Then the form is removed and he is offered the 2nd form - for reproduction, on which he must draw in the empty cells in front of each figure the pair corresponding to it.

4) "Remember the right words."

Of the proposed phrases (stories), the child remembers only those words that denote: weather conditions, transport, plants, etc.

5) "Pictogram".

The text is read to the child. In order to remember it, he must somehow depict (draw) each semantic fragment. Then the child is asked to reproduce the story according to his sketches.

6) "Finish the phrases."

Invite the child to choose the words that are appropriate in meaning to complete the phrases:

cunning, red-haired ...; desktop...; onion...; ripe sweet...; fragrant toilet...; chicken...; green...; yellow-mouthed...; prickly ... etc.

7) "Comparison of concepts".

Encourage the child to choose the appropriate definitions with opposite meaning.

Carrots are sweet, and radishes...

Liquid milk, and sour cream ...

The grass is low and the tree...

Winter is cold and summer...

The soot is black, and the chalk...

Sugar is sweet and pepper...

8). "New Words".

The child is asked to describe an unfamiliar (familiar) object (ball, apple, cat, locomotive, lemon, snow, etc.) according to the following scheme:

What color is it (what other colors are there)?

What does he look like? What is very different from?

What material is it made of (what else could it be)?

What size, shape? What does it feel like? What smells? What does it taste like?

Where is it found?

What does a person need? What can be done with it?

What group of objects does it belong to (furniture, dishes, animals, fruits, etc.)?

At first, playing around with new words can be carried out in the form of a dialogue, where the psychologist asks a question, and the child answers. Then you can switch roles. “At the same time, the child monitors the correctness of the answers.

9) "Guessing game".

The psychologist describes the object, and the child guesses the intended word. Then they switch roles.

10) "Riddles-Descriptions".

Under the pines, under the fir-trees lies a bag of needles. (Hedgehog.)

Now, red, then gray, and by name - white. (Squirrel.)

A new vessel, and all in holes. (Colander.)

The ball was white. The wind blew and the balloon flew away. (Dandelion.)

Ser, but not a wolf, long-eared, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey.)

11) "Guess the animal"

Ask the child: “What animals are characterized by these qualities: cunning, like ...; cowardly as...; prickly like...; faithful as...; sharp-sighted as...; wise as...; strong as...; hungry, how...?” The same - with any other natural phenomena, etc.

12) "Finish the sentence."

The child is invited to insert the necessary words instead of dots.

An animal that meows is called...

The bird that croaks is called...

The tree that grows apples is called...

The tree that is decorated for the New Year is called ...

Then you can ask the child to independently make similar definitions of phenomena well known to him.

13) "Composing Definitions".

The task can be performed orally or (for schoolchildren) in writing:

a) a saucer is ..., a butter dish - ..., a pear - ..., a lair - ..., a doctor - ..., early - ..., twilight - ..., whisper - ... , cry - ..., lake - ..., chilly - ..., neatly - ...

b) heals people..., vegetables grow..., the plane leads..., flies above all..., runs fastest..., goes hunting at night...

14) "Give me a reason."

Explain to the child that everything that happens, any phenomenon, has a reason, i.e. there is an answer to the question: “Why does this happen?”. Give an example: ice - it appears when it is very cold and water freezes. Ask the child to name the reason for such phenomena as a flood, a deuce, mother took an umbrella, foliage flies around, etc.

It is important to show the child the variety of consequences arising from the same event in real life. And vice versa - an unambiguous consequence of various reasons.

15) "Composing a story from a series of pictures."

A series of pictures (based on a fairy tale or everyday history) is laid out in front of the child, similar to the plots of N. Radlov or H. Bidstrup, presented in the "Album". At first they are presented in the correct semantic sequence; The child must write a story. If necessary, you can ask leading questions.

The next important step is the intentional "violation of order" when laying out a series of pictures. The goal is a clear demonstration of the fact that changing the order of pictures (events) completely changes (up to complete absurdity) the plot.

Finally, the child must independently build an event series from the mixed cards and compose a story.

16) "Compilation of a story based on a plot picture."

Work on understanding the meaning of the picture also begins with the reproduction of the plot based on questions. The child then writes a story on their own.

17) "Listen, read and retell."

Listening (reading) of short stories (fables) with subsequent retelling and conversation about the meaning of the work, its morality.

18) "Proverbs and sayings".

Work on the understanding of proverbs and sayings that directly reflect the presence of cause-and-effect relationships. For example: “They cut down the forest, the chips fly”, “What you sow, you will reap”, “Prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter”.


Strike while the iron is hot.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked.

The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.

Better less is better.

I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty.

Do not sit in your sleigh.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Seven times measure cut once.


Golden head.

iron character.

Poison person.

Stone heart.

Toothy guy.

Silent night.

19) "Pick the next one."

Ask the child to choose a word that should denote the phenomenon that follows the one named:

first - ..., breakfast - ..., July - ..., summer - ..., January - ..., winter - .... seventh - ..., 1998 - ... etc. P.

20) "Put the events in order."

I am going to sleep; I have dinner; I watch TV; I brush my teeth; I play football, etc. Leaves fall; flowers are blooming; snowing; ripening strawberries; fly away migratory birds etc.

In a year; day before yesterday; Today; Tomorrow; a month ago, etc.

21) "Time and anti-time".

Each of the participants is invited to describe an event: an excursion, yesterday's incident, a movie, etc. First - correctly, and then - backwards, from the end to the beginning.

22) "Read the hidden sentence."

The sample below shows a task in which the words that make up the desired sentence are hidden among other letters.

Lgornkkerogsunshineshinebrightbrightshutsrogto go downhill for the mountain to go down for thesbjsvrn.

It is clear that the task will become more complicated as the text increases.

23) "Finish the sentence."

The child is asked: "Continue the sentence by choosing the most appropriate word."

A tree always has ... (leaves, flowers, fruits, root).

The boot always has ... (laces, sole, zipper, buckle).

The dress always has... (hem, pockets, sleeves, buttons).

A picture always has... (artist, frame, signature).

24) Find similarities and differences.

The child is offered a pair of words for analysis. He should note the common and different in the respective objects.

For example, a nightingale is a sparrow, summer is winter, a chair is a sofa, a birch is a spruce, an airplane is a car, a hare is a rabbit, glasses are binoculars, a girl is a boy, etc.

25) "From particular to general".

Explain to the child that there are words that denote many similar objects, phenomena. These words are general terms. For example, the word fruit can be called apples, oranges, pears, etc.

But there are words that indicate a smaller number of similar objects, and they are private, specific concepts. Any of these words, for example apples, means only apples, although they can be large, small, green, red, sweet, sour apples. Now ask the child to match the general concept to the particular ones.

Below are two rows of words. To the words from the first row, the child selects a suitable concept from the second row:

a) cucumber, autumn, bee, north, rain, peacock, lake;

b) vegetable, season, insect, side of the horizon, precipitation, berry, pond, bird.

26) "What more?"

The child should answer the question: “Which is more: birches or trees, strawberries or berries, flies or insects, flowers or lilies of the valley, whales or mammals, words or nouns, squares or rectangles, cakes or sweets?” - and justify your answer.

27) "From general to specific".

The task is the reverse of the previous one. The child must build a “tree”, the trunk of which is a general concept, such as nature, and the branches are more private, for example, living or non-living. Then from the word living - respectively branches: plants - animals-people, etc. The next branching comes, for example, from the word animals: domestic - wild or: birds - snakes - fish - insects, etc.

28) "Choose a general concept."

Invite the child to name the following concepts in one word and complete the row:

apple, pear - ...; chair, wardrobe - ...; cucumber, cabbage - ...; shoe, boot - ...; doll, ball - ...; cup, plate - ...; cat, elephant - ...; leg, arm - ...; flower, tree - ...; perch, pike - ...; rose, dandelion - ...; March, September - ...; oak, birch - ...; lantern, lamp - ...: rain, snow - ...

The same exercise must be performed with adverbs, adjectives, verbs.

29) "Split into groups."

The child is offered a number of images, which he must decompose into generalized groups, for example: mushrooms and berries, shoes and clothes, animals and flowers. He must give a name to each resulting group and list (name) all of its components.

30) "Classification according to the generalizing word".

According to a given generalizing concept (for example, dishes, vegetables, furniture, iron objects, round, prickly, flying, sweet, etc.), the child must choose from a set of pictures those that will correspond to him.

31) "An extra word."

The child is invited to highlight a word or feature that is superfluous among others, and to choose a general concept for all the others. The child must answer the questions: “Which word is superfluous? Why?".

A.) Plate, cup, table, teapot.

Dark, overcast, light, chilly.

Birch, aspen, pine, oak.

Fast, running, jumping, crawling.

Sofa, table, armchair, wood.

Much, pure, little, half.

Pen, chalk, pencil case, doll.

Yesterday, today, morning, day after tomorrow

Earthquake, typhoon, mountain, tornado.

Comma, dot, dash, union.

Carefully, carelessly, sadly, diligently.

B.) Winter, summer, autumn, June, spring.

Lie down, stand, cry, sit.

Old, tall, young, old, young.

Red, blue, beautiful, yellow, grey.

Shut up, whisper, laugh, yell.

Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, roasted.

32) "Ranking".

Explain to the child what ranking is, and ask him to rank the following concepts according to a certain (in each case, his own) principle:

peas - apricot - watermelon - orange - cherry; bee - sparrow - butterfly - ostrich - magpie; tooth - hand - neck - finger - leg; snowflake - icicle - iceberg - ice floe - snowdrift; street - apartment - city - country - Earth; baby boy - man - old man - boy; to be silent - to speak - to shout - to whisper.

33) "Unravel the knot."

The child mentally needs to “untie” the knots (Fig. 25) and tell how he does it.

34) "Gardener".

It is necessary to go the way the gardener walked (see Fig. 26). He went around all the apple trees in order (points in the figure) and returned to the starting point (*), never returning to the same apple tree and empty cells, not walking diagonally, not entering the filled cells.

35) "Methods of Raven and Eysenck».

An excellent training in the ability to establish patterns are tasks such as the well-known Raven matrices and Eysenck tests (Fig. 28): “Which picture from the bottom row should fill the empty space?”

36) "Stories".

Bad watchman.

One housewife's mice ate lard in the cellar. Then she locked the cat in the cellar. And the cat ate both fat, and meat, and milk.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is the story about?

2. Why is the story called "The Bad Watchman"?

Jackdaw and doves.

The jackdaw heard that the pigeons were well fed, bleached white and flew to the dovecote. The pigeons accepted her as their own, fed her, but the jackdaw could not resist and croaked like a tick.

Ant and dove.

The ant wanted to get drunk and went down to the stream. The wave swept over him and he began to sink. A dove flying past noticed this and threw a branch into the stream. An ant climbed onto a branch and escaped.

The next day, the ant saw that the hunter wanted to catch the dove in a net. It crawled up to him and bit him on the leg. The hunter screamed in pain and dropped the net. The dove fluttered and flew away.


The fox fell into a trap, tore off its tail and left. And she began to think of ways to cover up her shame. She called the foxes and began to persuade them to cut off their tails.

The tail, - he says, - is completely inopportune, only in vain we drag the extra weight behind us.

One fox says:

Oh, you wouldn't say that if you weren't short-haired!

The bobcat fox was silent and left.

Wolf and goat.

The wolf sees - the goat is grazing on a stone mountain, and he can’t get close to her, he says to her:

You should go down, here the place is more even, and the grass is much sweeter for your bark.

And the goat says:

That's not why you, wolf, are calling me downstairs - you're not about mine, but about your food.

Wolf and fox.

The wolf ran away from the dogs and wanted to hide in a ditch. And in the ditch sat a fox, she bared her teeth and said:

I won't let you in - this is my place. The wolf did not argue, but only said:

If the dogs were not so close, I would show you whose place it is, and now, apparently, your truth.

Oh and Yozh.

Once a hedgehog came to the snake and said:

Let me go to your nest for a while.

Already let it go. As soon as the hedgehog climbed into the nest, there was no life for the stings from the hedgehog. I already said to the hedgehog:

I only let you in for a while, and now go away, my uzhaka are pricking on your needles, and they hurt.

Hedgehog said:

The one who hurts, go away, but I feel good here.


The animals decided to build a bridge. Each of them submitted their proposal. Hare said:

The bridge must be built from rods. First, it is easier to build, and Secondly, will be cheaper.

No, - objected the bear, - if we build, then it is necessary from hundred-year-old oaks, so that the bridge is strong and long-lasting.

Allow me, - the donkey intervened in the conversation. - Which bridge to build, we will decide later. First you need to solve the most fundamental question: how to build it, along or across the river?

37) " Match"

It is necessary to match the phrases and build a sentence.

Drum - Sunrise

Sat on a flower - a bee

Dirt is the best vacation

Cowardice is a fire

Happened at the factory - hung on the wall

In the mountains - an ancient city

In the room - disgusting quality

Sleep - very hot

Moscow - boy

Metals - iron and gold

Our country is the cause of the disease

He brought a book - an advanced state.


The drum hung on the wall.

The bee sat on the flower.

Dirt is the cause of disease.

Cowardice is a disgusting quality.

Sunrise in the mountains.

There was a fire at the factory.

The room is very hot.

The best rest is sleep.

Moscow is an ancient city.

Iron and gold are metals.

3. List of references

1. Vlasova T.A., Pevzner M.S. About children with developmental disabilities / Vlasova T.A., Pevzner M.S. - M .: Education, 1973.

2. Correctional pedagogy / Ed. Puzanova B.P. - M .: Education, 1979.

3. Kashchenko V.G. Pedagogical correction / Kashchenko V.G. – M.: VLADOS., 1994.

4. Kozlov N.I. the best psychological games and exercises / Kozlov N.I. - Yekaterinburg, 1998.

5. Leonhard E.I., Samsonova E.G., Ivanova E.A. I do not want to be silent / Leonhard E.I., Samsonova E.G., Ivanova E.A. - M.: VLADOS, 1996.

6. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests. Tutorial/ editor - compiler Raygorodsky D.Ya - Samara: Publishing House "BAHRAKH - M", 2007.

7. Elizarov A.N. Concepts and methods psychological help/ Elizarov A.N. Axis - 89, 2007.

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This development is a design of classes for individual work with children with mental retardation for the development and correction of mental processes. For convenience, classes are distributed by months in accordance with thematic planning. It is recommended to use for preschoolers of younger preschool age.

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Individual lesson plan for development and correction

mental processes in preschool children with mental retardation


defectologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 92" compensating type

Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Perevodova Olga Vasilievna

This development is a design of classes for individual work with children with mental retardation for the development and correction of mental processes. For convenience, classes are distributed by months in accordance with thematic planning. It is recommended to use for preschoolers of younger preschool age. In square brackets, the number of benefits used is indicated.



Game "Find out a new toy"

Develop attention and memory.

The game "Trouble"


Quest "Withered Flowers"


Recognize items by verbal description based on the visual perception of objects.

Use toys or pictures depicting objects familiar to children.


Quest "Windy Weather"

To form an understanding of phenomena interconnected by cause-and-effect relationships.

Task "Strike out"(development of attention).

Offer the child a card with drawn geometric shapes. He must cross out all the circles or all the squares, etc.



Game "Get the pebbles"

The game "What's gone"(development of memory).

Offer the child 3-5 subject pictures depicting vegetables, invite them to remember. One picture to remove, swap. He must name the missing picture.


Game "Get the key"

To form ideas about the use of auxiliary means in a problematic practical situation.

The game "One, two, three - say"

Vegetables fruits

The task "How to get the ball"

To form an understanding of the internal logic of actions in the plot, which assumes the dynamic change of objects.

The game "Who is hiding here"

To form purposeful memorization and recall.

Forest. Mushrooms

Task "Hedgehog and Mushroom"

Task "What's in the picture?"(development of attention and memory).

Show the child a plot picture. Then, turning it over, the child must remember and name as many objects as possible.


I myself

Task "Morning of a boy"

To form an understanding of the sequence of events depicted in the pictures.

Game "Finger"

Build focused attention.

In contact with

Municipal state educational institution

Leushinsky secondary school

A working correctional and developmental program of a teacher-psychologist for working with children with mental retardation, studying in general educational institution under the FGOS.

The contingent of children: children with disabilities studying at MKOU Leushinskaya secondary school

Program implementation period: 2016-2019 academic year

Psychologist L.A Kulyasova

Leushi 2016

Explanatory note.

One of the most important tasks of education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is to provide conditions for the development of all students, especially those who are most in need of special learning conditions - children with mental retardation.

Getting children with disabilities and disabled children (hereinafter referred to as children with disabilities) education is one of the main and indispensable conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.

This direction is served by the concept of inclusiveness, which ensures the implementation of the slogan "Education for All", presented to the new millennium by the advanced humanity of the planet. This is to ensure the right to education of every child, regardless of his physical and intellectual abilities.

The isolation of the special education system leads to the fact that a child with special educational needs is excluded from many social ties. Children are deprived of the information available to their peers, they do not know how to enter into equal relations with different people. They do not have the opportunity to master different social roles, ways of cooperating with different people. As a result, their conflict-free inclusion in society becomes more difficult. Taking into account the diversity of the social order, which comes from the desire of parents and the ability of children, in the absence of the necessary types of special (correctional) educational institutions at the place of residence, the solution of the problems of education of all children should be taken over by the general education school. Such a school should face the child, should provide real conditions for his education and development, create a unified system of communication, adaptation and socialization for all children.

Therefore, in accordance with the Federal Educational Standard of the second generation, a program of correctional work has been developed, which provides for the creation in an educational institution of special conditions for training and education, allowing to take into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities through the individualization and differentiation of the educational process.

Program for children with mental retardationis a comprehensive program aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children with mental retardation and assisting children in this category in masteringeducational program of primary general education.

The normative-legal and documentary basis of the Program of Correctional Work with Students of General Education are:

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education;

    SanPiN, "Hygienic requirements for the regime of the educational process" (Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 189) sectionX.;

    Model regulation on an educational institution dated March 31, 1997 No. 325-14-22;

    On the inadmissibility of overloading students in elementary school (Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 220/11-13 dated 20.02.1999);

    Hygienic requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education (2009);

    On creating conditions for education of children with disabilities
    health opportunities and disabled children. (Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian FederationNAF-150/06 dated April 18, 2008);

    On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation (dated July 24, 1998 No.N124-FZ);

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 No. 27/901 - 6 on the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPC) of an educational institution.

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2008 N AF - 150/06 on the creation of conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated August 30, 2013 N 1015 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on the main general educational programs - educational programs of primary and general, basic and secondary general education "

    Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation".

Programformed for a contingent of childrenwith mental retardation, students in the institution. An increasing number of children are referred to the risk group - problematic: intellectually passive, experiencing difficulties in learning, behavior. The increased vulnerability of children at risk requires more attention to the individualization of the educational process, taking into account social and psychological and pedagogical compensation for developmental and learning difficulties.

Purpose of the program : providea systematic approach to creating conditions for the development of children with mental retardation and providing comprehensive assistance to children in this category in mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, correcting shortcomings in the physical and mental development of students, and their social adaptation.

Program objectives:

    timely identify children with adaptation difficulties due to mental retardation;

    determine the special educational needs of children with mental retardation;

    determine the features of the organization of the educational process for the category of children under consideration in accordance with the individual characteristics of each child, the structure of developmental disorders and the degree of its severity;

    provide individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with mental retardation, taking into account the characteristics of mental and (or) physical development, individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

    provide advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children with mental retardation on psychological, social, legal and other issues.

The content of the corrective work program is determined following principles :

Respect for the interests of the child . The principle defines the position of a specialist who is called upon to solve the problem of the child with the maximum benefit and in the interests of the child.

Consistency . The principle ensures the unity of diagnosis, correction and development, i.e. a systematic approach to the analysis of developmental features and correction of disorders in children with mental retardation, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach of specialists in various fields, interaction and coordination of their actions in solving the problems of the child; participation in this process of all participants in the educational process.

Continuity . The principle guarantees the child and his parents (legal representatives) the continuity of assistance until the problem is completely resolved or an approach to its solution is determined.

variability . The principle involves the creation of variable conditions for the education of children with various disabilities in physical and (or) mental development.

Advisory nature of assistance . The principle ensures the observance of the legally guaranteed rights of parents (legal representatives) of children with mental retardation to choose forms of education for children, educational institutions, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of children, including the mandatory coordination with parents (legal representatives) of the issue of sending (transferring) children with a delay mental development in classes engaged in adapted educational program.

Psychological, pedagogical and organizational conditions for the implementation of the program :

    implementation of corrective and developmental activities in accordance with the educational route of the student;

    availability of equipment, teaching aids, methods corresponding to the typology that deviates the development of children and provides an adequate living environment;

    taking into account the developmental characteristics of each child;

    providing psychological and social individual consultations;

    creation of conditions for the protection and promotion of children's health;

    formation of motivational readiness for learning;

    development and improvement of higher mental functions (memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech);

    development and improvement of arbitrariness, regulation of one's own behavior, the ability to plan and carry out educational and extracurricular activities according to the plan;

    improvement and development of the emotional and personal sphere;

    correction of parent-child relations;

Program staffing : An important point in the implementation of the corrective work program is staffing. In order to ensure that children with disabilities master the basic educational program of primary general education, correct and develop the shortcomings of their physical and (or) mental development, the staff list of the MKOU Leushinskaya secondary school has the rates of a teacher-psychologist, teacher - speech therapist, social teacher. Teaching staff schools have a clear understanding of the features of the mental and (or) physical development of children with disabilities, of the methods and technologies for organizing the educational and rehabilitation process.

The main conditions necessary to improve the effectiveness of education and upbringing of children with mental retardation include:

    introduction of a system of regular, in-depth, comprehensive and versatile study of children in the process of various activities in the classroom, after school hours, in the family;

    development and implementation of pedagogical technologies (diagnostic and informational, teaching and educational, correctional, rehabilitation);

    expansion of the list of pedagogical, psychotherapeutic, social and legal services for children and parents;

    development of a system of relations in the direction of the teacher-child-parent-health workers.

Structure and content of the program:

    Explanatory note.

    Characteristics of the contingent of students with disabilities and special needs.

    Five modules: conceptual, diagnostic-consultative, correctional-developing, treatment-and-prophylactic, social-pedagogical.

Concept module reveals the essence of medical, psychological and pedagogical support, its goals, objectives, content and forms of co-organization of the subjects of support.

Diagnostic and advisory module involves the preparation of a program for studying the child by various specialists (teachers, psychologists, medical workers, speech pathologists) and advisory activities.

Correction and development module on the basis of diagnostic data, provides the creation of pedagogical conditions for the child in accordance with his age and individual typological characteristics, timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of education and correction of shortcomings in the mental development of children with mental retardation, contributes to the formation of universal educational activities among students.

Therapeutic and prophylactic module involves the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures; compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, daily routine, child nutrition, implementation of individual therapeutic and preventive actions.

Socio-pedagogical module aimed at raising the level vocational education teachers; organization of social and pedagogical assistance to children and their parents.

Characteristics of the contingent of students with mental retardation.

Features of children with mental retardation in the educational process of the institution:

    Decreased performance;

    increased exhaustion;

    instability of attention;

    lower level of development of perception;

    insufficient productivity of arbitrary memory;

    lag in the development of all forms of thinking;

    sound defects;

    peculiar behavior;

    poor vocabulary;

    low self-control skill;

    immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere;

    limited stock general information and representations;

    poor reading technique;

    Difficulties in counting and problem solving.

Accompaniment is based on the unity of fourfunctions : diagnosis of the essence of the problem; information about the essence of the problem and ways to solve it; consultation at the decision-making stage and development of a plan for solving the problem; assistance at the stage of implementation of the solution plan.

The main principles of support child in an educational institution are: the advisory nature of the recommendations of the accompanying person; priority of the interests of the person being accompanied (“on the side of the child”); continuity of support; multidisciplinarity (integrated approach) of support.

The main purpose of support - assistance in solving problems.

maintenance tasks : correct choice of educational route; overcoming learning difficulties; solution of personal problems of child development; formation healthy lifestyle life.

Organizational and managerial form of support is a medical-psychological-pedagogical council. His maintasks: protection of the rights and interests of the child; mass development diagnostics; identification of groups of children requiring the attention of specialists; advising all participants in the educational process.

The school has created the ShPMPC, which implementspsychological - medical and pedagogical support for children with mental retardation, which leads the child throughout the entire period of his education. INSHPMPC escortincludes specialists: deputy director for water resources management, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a social teacher, teachers working on an adapted educational program, and a medical worker (paramedic of a polyclinic attached to the school).

A comprehensive study of the child, the choice of the most appropriate methods of work for the problem of the child, the selection of the content of education, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of children, is carried out at the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

Admission to school of children with mental retardation is carried out by the Territorial Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission, which states that the child can study in general education school according to the adapted general education program of primary general education for children with mental retardation. For each student, a psychological and pedagogical card, a diary of individual support for students is filled in and maintained throughout the entire period of study. They fix the psychological and pedagogical features of the development of the student's personality; results of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics; recommendations for accompanying work.

The transition of children from preschool educational institutions to primary school is a crisis. Therefore, a priorityescort servicesis preventive work with children with mental retardation to prevent problems of the adaptation period: socio-psychological (problems of social maladjustment), personal (self-doubt, high anxiety, inadequate self-esteem, low learning motivation, etc.), cognitive (problemsperception, attention, memory, thinking, learning difficulties).

Main areas of work psychological support throughout the entire period of study are :

1. Diagnostics of the cognitive, motivational and emotional-volitional spheres of the personality of students.

2. Analytical work.

3. Organizational work(creation of a single information field of the school, focused on all participants in the educational process - holding school psychological, medical and pedagogical councils, large and small teachers' councils, training seminars, meetings with representatives of the administration, teachers and parents).

4. Consultative work with teachers, students and parents.

5. Preventive work (implementation of programs aimed at solving the problems of interpersonal interaction).

6. Correctional and developmental work (individual and group lessons with students experiencing difficulties in school adaptation).

Psychological and pedagogical support of a child with mental retardation can be considered as a complex technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to the child and parents in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization by specialists of various profiles acting in a coordinated manner.

It is important to ensure the effective integration of children with mental retardation in an educational institution to carry out information and educational, explanatory work on issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process for this category of children, with all participants in the educational process - students (both with and without deficiencies in development), their parents (legal representatives), teachers.

In the content of the study of the child psychologist includes the following:

1. Collecting information about the child from teachers and parents. It is important to get the facts of the complaints that are being made. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the manifestations themselves, and not the qualifications of their parents, teachers or the children themselves.

2. Studying the history of the development of the child. A detailed analysis is collected and analyzed by the doctor. The psychologist identifies circumstances that could affect the development of the child (intrauterine lesions, birth trauma, severe illness in the first months and years of life). Heredity matters (mental illness or some constitutional traits); family, environment in which the child lives (socially disadvantaged, early deprivation). It is necessary to know the nature of the upbringing of the child (excessive guardianship, lack of attention to him, and others).

3. The study of the child's work (notebooks, drawings, crafts, etc.).

4. Direct examination of the child. A conversation with the aim of clarifying motivation, a stock of ideas about the world around us, the level of speech development.

5. Identification and disclosure of the causes and nature of certain features of the mental development of children.

6. Analysis of survey materials. The psychologist analyzes all the information received about the child and the data of his own examination, his reserve capabilities are identified. In complex differential diagnostic cases, repeated examinations are carried out.

In each specific case, the leading directions in working with the child are determined. For some children, the elimination of gaps in the knowledge of educational material comes to the fore; for others - the formation of arbitrary activity, the development of the skill of self-control; for others, special classes are needed to develop motor skills, etc.

The psychologist discusses these recommendations with the teacher, health worker and parents, making constant interaction. A comprehensive plan is drawn up for providing the child with medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, indicating the stages and methods of corrective work. Attention is drawn to the prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overload, timely medical and recreational activities.

The issue of choosing an educational and rehabilitation route for a child with disabilities, including determining the form and degree of his integration into the educational environment, is decided at the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council, based on the needs, developmental characteristics and capabilities of the child, with direct participation his parents (legal representatives). For children, correctional and developmental work is being built, aimed at gradually increasing the degree of independence, subordinating their activities to the goal with the organizing, stimulating help of an adult; switching students to practical activities with objects or other lightweight tasks that reinforce their self-confidence, etc.

Students are engaged in general classes according to an adapted educational program for children with mental retardation- a form of education differentiation that allows solving the problems of timely active assistance to children with disabilities.The school does not have specially formed separate classes that are engaged in adapted program for children with mental retardation.

The principle of variability and the possibility of choosing tasks is actively used throughout the course and allows each student to study at the highest level possible for him, corresponding to his abilities, developmental characteristics and inclinations, relieves excessive emotional and intellectual stress, and contributes to the formation of positive internal motives for learning.

To improve the quality of corrective work, the following conditions must be met:

    formation of UUD at all stages of the educational process;

    teaching children (in the process of forming ideas) to identify the characteristic, essential features of objects, developing the ability to compare, compare;

    the division of activity into separate components, elements, operations, which makes it possible to comprehend them in an internal relation to each other;

    the use of exercises aimed at developing attention, memory, perception.

Another condition successful learning children with mental retardation is the organization of group and individual classes that complement the correctional and developmental work, and are aimed at overcoming the specific difficulties and shortcomings characteristic of students with mental retardation.

The purpose of correctional and developmental classes - correction of shortcomings in the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere of children by means of the studied program material, classes are compiled according to the recommendations of the TPMPC.

Tasks, solved in correctional and developmental classes: creation of conditions for the development of preserved functions; formation of positive motivation for learning; increasing the level of general development; correction of deviations in the development of the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere; formation of mechanisms volitional regulation in the process of carrying out the specified activity; education of communication skills, development of communication skills.

Classes are built taking into account the basic principles of correctional and developmental education:

The principle of consistency correctional (correction or smoothing of deviations and developmental disorders, overcoming developmental difficulties), preventive (prevention of deviations and developmental difficulties) and developing (stimulation, enrichment of the content of development, reliance on the zone of proximal development) tasks.

The principle of unity of diagnostics and correction implemented in two aspects.

    The beginning of corrective work should be preceded by the stage of a comprehensive diagnostic examination, which makes it possible to identify the nature and intensity of developmental difficulties, to draw a conclusion about their possible reasons and on the basis of this conclusion, build corrective work based on the nearest development forecast (together with a psychologist).

    The implementation of correctional and developmental work requires the teacher to constantly monitor the dynamics of changes in personality, behavior and activities, emotional states, feelings and experiences of the child. Such control allows you to make timely adjustments to the correctional and developmental work.

The activity principle of correction determines the tactics of corrective work through the activation of the activities of each student, during which the necessary basis for positive changes in the development of the child's personality is created.

Accounting for individual personality traits allows you to outline an optimization program within the limits of the psychophysical characteristics of each child. Correctional work should create optimal opportunities for individualization of development.

The principle of dynamic perception is to develop such tasks, in the solution of which there are any obstacles. Overcoming them contributes to the development of students, the disclosure of opportunities and abilities. Each task must go through a series of stages from simple to complex. The level of difficulty should be accessible to a particular child. This allows you to maintain interest in work and gives you the opportunity to experience the joy of overcoming difficulties.

The principle of productive information processing is to organize training in such a way that students develop the skill of transferring information processing, therefore, a mechanism for independent search, choice and decision-making.

The principle of taking into account the emotional coloring of the material assumes that games, tasks and exercises create a favorable, emotional background, stimulate positive emotions.

During individual lessons, a speech therapist, a psychologist work with students. Correctional work is carried out within the framework of a holistic approach to the upbringing and development of the child.

Correctional work under the program is aimed at correcting the entire personality and includes all forms of environmental, personal and collective impact on the child and is represented by the following principles:

Development of intelligence based on the "zone of proximal development";

Impact through emotional sphere;

The organization of school events implies the possibility of participation of children with disabilities on an equal basis with their peers. Regardless of the degree of severity of developmental disorders of children with disabilities, they are included in educational, cultural, recreational, sports and recreational and other leisure activities together with other children.

The psychologist in the process of individual and group sessions for the correction of the cognitive sphere, the emotional and personal development of the child, the regulation of their own actions uses the following techniques: creating a positive emotional background, well-deserved encouragement, organizing assistance, increasing the pace of activity on the available material, instilling self-control skills.

The result of corrective work is the achievement by a child with mental retardation of the planned results of masteringeducational program.

Children with mental retardation have a number of features in psychophysical development, communication. These features do not allow to develop effectively, acquire knowledge, acquire vital skills and abilities. With ZPR, not only the formation of speech and verbal thinking slows down significantly, but the development of cognitive activity as a whole suffers.

The exercises proposed in the program are designed for one year of work with schoolchildren. These exercises contribute to the development of cognitive mental processes of the child. And this is very important, because the child gets the opportunity to develop normally and fully, enter the world of human relations and not feel flawed. A properly constructed system of corrective measures can reduce the gap in the development of the cognitive sphere between children.

The purpose of these exercises is to develop the cognitive sphere of children with mental retardation, such mental processes as memory, thinking, attention, perception.

Work form: individual, classes will be held in the office of a teacher-psychologist.

The results of work on this program are expected to increase the level of development of cognitive mental processes in children with mental retardation, such as memory, attention, thinking, perception. To determine the effectiveness of the work carried out, a comparative analysis of the results of the first and final diagnostics, which will be carried out after all the classes provided for by the program, will help. The results of a comparative analysis will help to conclude whether the goal we set was achieved and whether the tasks we set were solved, as well as allow you to make the necessary changes and additions to the program, if necessary.

Thematic plan work of a teacher-psychologist

Psychodiagnostic block.

Target: identification of the level of development of cognitive processes.

Methods used:

1. "10 words" (memory study)

2. "Memorize pictures" (memory study)

3. "Cut pictures" (research of perception)

4. "Sequence of events" (study of perception)

5. "4 extra" (a study of thinking)

6. "Classification" (the study of thinking)

7. "Simple analogies" (study of thinking)

8. "Schulte tables" (attention study)

9. "Pictogram" (study of the imagination).

1. Method "10 words". The technique is aimed at the study of memorization. The subject is asked to memorize a list of words and reproduce it. The procedure is repeated 10 times. Then, after 30 minutes, the subject is again asked to reproduce the words he remembered.

List of words: mountain, bread, forest, cat, water, window, table, chair, brother, house.

2. Method "Remember the pictures." The technique is aimed at the study of memorization. The subject is asked to remember the pictures and who is drawn on them.

3. Method "Cut pictures". The technique is aimed at the study of perception. The subject is presented with a picture cut into several parts and asked to assemble it. In parallel, you can present the same whole picture.

4.Methodology "Sequence of events". The technique is aimed at the study of perception and thinking. The subject is presented with a series of pictures and asked to arrange them in order in accordance with the plot.

5. Method "4 extra". The technique is aimed at the study of thinking. The subject is presented with a picture, which shows 4 objects. It is necessary to name an extra item and explain why it is superfluous.

6.Method "Classification". The technique is aimed at the study of thinking. Pictures are laid out in front of the subjects and asked to sort them into groups. The subject must voice his actions, each group must be named and explained why these particular items were included in it.

7. Technique "Simple analogies". The technique is aimed at identifying the ability to establish logical connections and relationships between concepts, as well as the ability to sustainably maintain a given way of reasoning. The test subjects are presented with a list of tasks where it is necessary to correlate words according to a given analogy.

8. The method of "Schulte table". The subject is presented with 5 tables, on each of which numbers from 1 to 25 are arranged in a chaotic manner. It is necessary to find and indicate the numbers as quickly as possible, in ascending order. The time of work with each table is fixed.

9. Method "Pictorama". The subject is presented with a list of words. Each word the subject must sketch in a certain way. An hour after all the words are depicted, he must reproduce each word according to the sketches.

2. Psycho-corrective block.

Target: correction of cognitive mental processes.


1. development of thinking processes

2. memory correction

3. attention correction

4. perception correction.

List of exercises.

1) "Restore the missing word."

The child is read 5-7 words that are not related in meaning: cow, table, wall, letter, flower, bag, head. Then the row is read again with the omission of one of the words. The child must name the missing word. Task option: upon repeated reading, you can replace one word with another (from one semantic field, for example, a cow-calf; similar in sound, for example, a table-groan); the child must find the error.

2) "Remember the figures."

Prepare a set of cards with different images.

Explain that in order to remember the material well, you can use a technique such as classification, i.e. the grouping of objects that are similar in some way.

Ask the child to look carefully at the pattern and memorize it. Then invite him to draw these figures from memory in the same order. Estimated display time for the first sequence is 2 s, for the second - 3 - 4 s, for the fifth - 6-7 s.

For example, to memorize a series of geometric shapes, they must be divided into groups. The form may contain triangles, circles, squares, crossed out in different ways. Thus, these figures can be divided into groups depending on their shape and/or type of strikethrough. Now they are easy to remember and reproduce.

3) "Remember a couple."

Prepare forms with figures for memorization and reproduction.

Explain to the child how he will remember the figures. He looks at the 1st form and tries to remember the proposed pairs of images (figure and sign). Then the form is removed and he is offered the 2nd form - for reproduction, on which he must draw in the empty cells in front of each figure the pair corresponding to it.

4) "Remember the right words."

Of the proposed phrases (stories), the child remembers only those words that denote: weather conditions, transport, plants, etc.

5) "Pictogram".

The text is read to the child. In order to remember it, he must somehow depict (draw) each semantic fragment. Then the child is asked to reproduce the story according to his sketches.

6) "Finish the phrases."

Invite the child to choose the words that are appropriate in meaning to complete the phrases:

cunning, red-haired ...; desktop...; onion...; ripe sweet...; fragrant toilet...; chicken...; green...; yellow-mouthed...; prickly ... etc.

7) "Comparison of concepts".

Invite the child to choose suitable definitions with the opposite meaning.

Carrots are sweet, and radishes...

Liquid milk, and sour cream ...

The grass is low and the tree...

Winter is cold and summer...

The soot is black, and the chalk...

Sugar is sweet and pepper...

8). "New Words".

The child is asked to describe an unfamiliar (familiar) object (ball, apple, cat, locomotive, lemon, snow, etc.) according to the following scheme:

What color is it (what other colors are there)?

What does he look like? What is very different from?

What material is it made of (what else could it be)?

What size, shape? What does it feel like? What smells? What does it taste like?

Where is it found?

What does a person need? What can be done with it?

What group of objects does it belong to (furniture, dishes, animals, fruits, etc.)?

At first, playing around with new words can be carried out in the form of a dialogue, where the psychologist asks a question, and the child answers. Then you can switch roles. “At the same time, the child monitors the correctness of the answers.

9) "Finish the sentence."

The child is invited to insert the necessary words instead of dots.

An animal that meows is called...

The bird that croaks is called...

The tree that grows apples is called...

The tree that is decorated for the New Year is called ...

Then you can ask the child to independently make similar definitions of phenomena well known to him.

10) "Name the reason."

Explain to the child that everything that happens, any phenomenon, has a reason, i.e. there is an answer to the question: “Why does this happen?”. Give an example: ice - it appears when it is very cold and water freezes. Ask the child to name the reason for such phenomena as a flood, a deuce, mother took an umbrella, foliage flies around, etc.

It is important to show the child the variety of consequences arising from the same event in real life. And vice versa - an unambiguous consequence of various reasons.

11) "Compilation of a story based on a series of pictures."

A series of pictures (based on a fairy tale or everyday history) is laid out in front of the child, similar to the plots of N. Radlov or H. Bidstrup, presented in the "Album". At first they are presented in the correct semantic sequence; The child must write a story. If necessary, you can ask leading questions.

The next important step is the intentional "violation of order" when laying out a series of pictures. The goal is a clear demonstration of the fact that changing the order of pictures (events) completely changes (up to complete absurdity) the plot.

Finally, the child must independently build an event series from the mixed cards and compose a story.

12) "Listen, read and retell."

Listening (reading) of short stories (fables) with subsequent retelling and conversation about the meaning of the work, its morality.

13) "Put the events in order."

I am going to sleep; I have dinner; I watch TV; I brush my teeth; I play football, etc. Leaves fall; flowers are blooming; snowing; ripening strawberries; migratory birds fly away, etc.

In a year; day before yesterday; Today; Tomorrow; a month ago, etc.

14) "Read the hidden sentence."

The sample below shows a task in which the words that make up the desired sentence are hidden among other letters.

Lgornkkerogsunshineshinebrightbrightshutsrogto go downhill for the mountain to go down for thesbjsvrn.

It is clear that the task will become more complicated as the text increases.

15) "Finish the sentence."

The child is asked: "Continue the sentence by choosing the most appropriate word."

A tree always has ... (leaves, flowers, fruits, root).

The boot always has ... (laces, sole, zipper, buckle).

The dress always has... (hem, pockets, sleeves, buttons).

A picture always has... (artist, frame, signature).

16) "From the particular to the general."

Explain to the child that there are words that denote many similar objects, phenomena. These words are general terms. For example, the word fruit can be called apples, oranges, pears, etc.

But there are words that indicate a smaller number of similar objects, and they are private, specific concepts. Any of these words, for example apples, means only apples, although they can be large, small, green, red, sweet, sour apples. Now ask the child to match the general concept to the particular ones.

Below are two rows of words. To the words from the first row, the child selects a suitable concept from the second row:

a) cucumber, autumn, bee, north, rain, peacock, lake;

b) vegetable, season, insect, side of the horizon, precipitation, berry, pond, bird.

17) "Pick up a general concept."

Invite the child to name the following concepts in one word and complete the row:

apple, pear - ...; chair, wardrobe - ...; cucumber, cabbage - ...; shoe, boot - ...; doll, ball - ...; cup, plate - ...; cat, elephant - ...; leg, arm - ...; flower, tree - ...; perch, pike - ...; rose, dandelion - ...; March, September - ...; oak, birch - ...; lantern, lamp - ...: rain, snow - ...

The same exercise must be performed with adverbs, adjectives, verbs.

18) "Spread into groups."

The child is offered a number of images, which he must decompose into generalized groups, for example: mushrooms and berries, shoes and clothes, animals and flowers. He must give a name to each resulting group and list (name) all of its components.

19) "An extra word."

The child is invited to highlight a word or feature that is superfluous among others, and to choose a general concept for all the others. The child must answer the questions: “Which word is superfluous? Why?".

A. Plate, cup, table, teapot.

Dark, overcast, light, chilly.

Birch, aspen, pine, oak.

Fast, running, jumping, crawling.

Sofa, table, armchair, wood.

Much, pure, little, half.

Pen, chalk, pencil case, doll.

Yesterday, today, morning, day after tomorrow

Earthquake, typhoon, mountain, tornado.

Comma, dot, dash, union.

Carefully, carelessly, sadly, diligently.

B. Winter, summer, autumn, June, spring.

Lie down, stand, cry, sit.

Old, tall, young, old, young.

Red, blue, beautiful, yellow, grey.

Shut up, whisper, laugh, yell.

Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, roasted.

21) "Unravel the knot."

The child mentally needs to “untie” the knots and tell how he does it.

22) Game "Vegetables" Compare and explain the similarities and differences of different vegetables

Split pictures "Vegetables"

We draw labels, preserve vegetables (development of short-term memory)

Hatching, coloring vegetables (development of fine motor skills)

"Find two identical vegetables" (development of attention)

23) The game "Learn by touch" (development of perception, tactile memory)

"Circle and cut" (development of fine motor skills)

"What do you love" (development of attention and interest in yourself and your name)

24) Games "What can happen next", "Draw the second half", "Lacing", "Remember, count, draw"

"Buttons" (development of visual memory)

Shade the right, left shoe (mitten)

"Zoo", "Mood Zoo" (development of emotions)

"Find differences" (development of attention)

"Is this true or not?" (development of logic)

25) Conversation "Where snow is born" (development logical thinking)

Draw and cut out a snowflake (development of fine motor skills)

Drafting plot stories according to the picture "Christmas tree", "In the forest"

“What will happen next” (ate snow - got sick, received a gift, etc.)

Conversations: “What parents are for”, “Mom, dad and I are a friendly family”

Drawing: "My family", "My beautiful mother", "The most wonderful person", etc.

Exercise "Let's revive the picture" "Decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday", "Gift for the family", "Who came to the Christmas tree", "Who belongs to whom", "And you?"

26) Conversation "Tell me about your house", memory game "Sounds, smells of my house"

"What has changed in the room?";

"Call it kindly"

"What Doesn't Happen"

"Safe House"

"What's lost in the house?" (development of attention),

"Magic Chair"

"Draw the details"

"Do's and Don'ts" - the basics of security

“Which products are our friends and which are our enemies”

Psychophysical training "Mental walk through your body in order to strengthen it"

27) Drawing: "My mother", "My family"

Playing situations with subsequent analysis: “Mom got sick”, “I told my mom a lie”, etc.

Psychodrawing "Spring Flowers"

Sketches: “It will be fair”, “Mom was offended”

28) Exercise "Magic basin" (development of olfactory and taste sensations)

Exercise "Flower shop"

Telling poems with gestures

"Finish the sentence" (development of thinking, attention, memory)

29) "Settling at home" (diagnosis according to G.F. Kumarina)

Purpose: to identify the ability of children to consider the situation from different angles, the ability to switch from one to another.

30) "Coloring figures" (diagnostics according to G.F. Kumarina)

Purpose: to determine how children classify visual material.

31) Preparation for writing. "Pattern Drawing"

Purpose: development of coordination of hand movements, in order to prepare for writing.

On a sheet in a cage, the children are given the begun pattern, the points that they must connect and continue the pattern.

32) Graphic dictation.

Purpose: the ability to listen and accurately follow the instructions of an adult.

Put the pencil on the point, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 1 cell to the right, etc.

33) Attention, memory. The game "Memorize the pictures and draw."

Purpose: development of attention, memory.

Children are given the task to memorize the patterns that are drawn on the board.

After 3 min. the drawing is removed, the children draw from memory in their notebooks.

33) Graphic dictation

Purpose: to teach to listen carefully and follow the instructions of an adult.

Guess the riddle:

What a miracle, what a box?

Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,

And besides, at the same time

Shows movies.


draw a TV - draw a line like this: 10 cells to the right, 8 cells down, 10 cells to the left, 8 cells up. From the beginning, step back a cell to the right, a cell down and put a full stop. Draw a TV screen starting from this point: 8 cells to the right, 6 cells down, 8 cells to the left, 6 cells up. At the bottom, write the name of the TV and draw the buttons. Draw a character from your favorite cartoon on the screen.

34) Motility.

Conversation with children. Name what kind of clothes you know - outerwear (fur coat, short fur coat, coat, raincoat, jacket ...), light clothes (jacket, skirt, sundress, dress, jacket, trousers ...), underwear (t-shirt, T-shirt, shorts, swimming trunks ...) .

Let's draw a shirt.

We draw a shirt like this. Draw a line from the point like this, counting the cells: three cells to the right, one cell down, three cells to the right, one cell up, three cells to the right, two cells down, two cells to the left, four cells down, four cells to the left, four cells up, two cells to the left, two cells up.

Decorate the shirt with pea circles. Color the shirt with colored pencils, leave the peas white.

35) Motility.

Guess a riddle:

Spin on a thin leg

Buzzing like a bug

If he wants, he will jump a little,

If he wants, he will lie on the barrel.

(Top. Yula.)

Let's draw a small top, draw a line, counting the cells, like this: 1 cell to the right, 2 cells down, 4 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the left, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the left, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 2 cells down, 1 cell left, 2 cells up, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 4 cells to the right, 2 cells up.

Draw a big top next to it - double the small top like this: instead of a stick one cell long, draw a stick two cells long, instead of a stick two cells long, draw a stick four cells long, instead of a stick four cells long, draw a stick eight cells long cells.

36) Work with a fairy tale.

"The Tale of the Kitten Masha". (O. Khukhlaeva).

Once upon a time there was a kitten Masha in the world. You say that this does not happen, that kittens are called Vaska or Murki, but our kitten was called Masha. And he was the most ordinary kitten: he loved to play, run, watch cartoons and did not like to go to bed, put away toys and eat up the soup to the end. And like all kids, he gradually grew, grew smarter and grew up so smart that he wanted to learn a lot. Find out why the wind blows, find out how the phone works, find out why the stars don't go out, and find out where the sun goes to sleep. And then Masha decided to leave his comfortable home to wander around the wide world and look for Knowledge.

How long, how short, the kitten wandered through the fields, through the forests, but he reached the hut on chicken legs. And his grandmother met him there - either Yaga, or not Yaga. Yes, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that she did not eat him, but showed him the way - the way to Knowledge, and even warned him about the difficulties of this path. And this is what she told him: “The beginning of this path is smooth, even and festive. Flowers, gifts are stacked along it. You enter it and rejoice that the whole path to Knowledge can be easily, cheerfully and quickly run. But you don’t know that rocky and icy mountains will soon begin, which you will have to climb with all your might. There are many mountains, but among them there are three of the most important, the steepest.

The first mountain is called Difficult. And indeed, it is very difficult to climb it and you want to quit everything. It is as difficult as it is difficult to write letters or learn to read. And nothing seems to work. But you remember my hint: “If it’s difficult, be bold and try harder,” say it in a whisper, and then you will overcome this mountain and learn to cope with difficulties. Then you will come to another mountain.

It's called Boring. And it seems to be easy to climb it, but just as boring as, for example, carefully writing letters line by line. And so you want to quit everything, jump up, run, play with someone. But do not quit, but learn my second hint: “You finish the work as soon as possible so that you can cope with boredom faster.” And then you will learn to cope with boredom and come to the third, steepest mountain.

It is very difficult to climb it and it hurts to fall. It's called "Failure". It seems that everything works out, but mistakes on the way constantly creep in, and the wrong paths are chosen by themselves. And all around, even the winds, scold you for your mistakes. And the sun is so angry that it threatens to go behind the cloud. And the trees around the trail seem to line up in twos and whisper: “See you for your mistakes.” But you memorize my third hint: "If a mistake happens, I will learn from it, I will learn from it, do not get upset." And then you will overcome this mountain and become a learned cat, a five-pointed cat.

The kitten thanked the kind grandmother and confidently walked along the road to Knowledge and Wisdom. He now knew that the path ahead was long and not always easy. But he will definitely go through it to the end and help other kittens, baby elephants, mice and all the guys he meets on the way. And then he will live joyfully and interestingly, because it is very interesting to know a lot and joyfully help people.

After reading, the psychologist asks the children if they have guessed what this fairy tale (about the school) is about.

Children are invited to imagine that today each of them has turned into a kitten Masha, who needs to complete three tasks: difficult, boring, not working out. And the one who completes this task now, overcomes three mountains today, will definitely be able to overcome them in the future.

37) Attention, speech: The game "There is something wrong."

Purpose: development of speech, attention.

The host takes out the doll Timosha. Timosha addresses the children: “Hello guys! What will I tell you! Yesterday I was walking along the road, the sun was shining, it was dark, the blue leaves were rustling under my feet. And suddenly a dog jumps out from around the corner, how it growls at me: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” - and the horns have already set. I got scared and ran away."

“I am walking through the forest. Cars drive around, traffic lights flash. Suddenly I see a mushroom! It grows on a branch, hid among green leaves. I jumped up and tore it off."

“I came to the river. I look, a fish sits on the shore, crosses its legs and chews sausage. I approached, and she jumped into the water and swam away.

Children should say what was wrong in Timosha's stories.

38) Motility.

Let's draw a heron in a notebook: 3 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 1 cell to the left, 9 cells down, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the left, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 6 cells left, 9 cells down, 2 cells right, 1 cell down, 5 cells left, 1 cell up, 2 cells right, 9 cells up, 2 cells left, 1 cell up , Left 1, Up 3, Right 1, Up 1, Right 2, Up 9, Left 1, Up 2. Draw the heron's eye, large beak and crest.

38) Motility.

We draw a fairytale castle for a fairy. We draw a line, counting the cells, as follows: 2 cells up, 1 cell to the right, 5 cells up, 1 cell to the left, 3 cells up, 3 cells to the right, 3 cells down, 1 cell to the left, 5 cells down, 2 cells to the right, 2 cells up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 1 cell up, 1 cell right, 2 cells down, 2 cells right, 5 cells up, 1 cell left, 4 cells up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the right, 1 cell up. 1 square right, 1 square down, 1 square right, 1 square up, 1 square right, 4 squares down, 1 square left, 5 squares down, 2 squares right, 2 squares up, 1 square right, 1 square up, 3 squares right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 2 cells down, 1 cell right, 2 cells down, 14 cells left, 2 cells up, 1 cell left, 2 cells down, 5 cells left.

Draw windows, domes, flags, turrets.

3. Advisory block

Conducting individual consultations.

4. Analytical block

Implementation of the analysis of the obtained results, formulation of conclusions.


Bad watchman.

One housewife's mice ate lard in the cellar. Then she locked the cat in the cellar. And the cat ate both fat, and meat, and milk.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is the story about?

2. Why is the story called "The Bad Watchman"?

Jackdaw and doves.

The jackdaw heard that the pigeons were well fed, bleached white and flew to the dovecote. The pigeons accepted her as their own, fed her, but the jackdaw could not resist and croaked like a tick.

Ant and dove.

The ant wanted to get drunk and went down to the stream. The wave swept over him and he began to sink. A dove flying past noticed this and threw a branch into the stream. An ant climbed onto a branch and escaped.

The next day, the ant saw that the hunter wanted to catch the dove in a net. It crawled up to him and bit him on the leg. The hunter screamed in pain and dropped the net. The dove fluttered and flew away.


The fox fell into a trap, tore off its tail and left. And she began to think of ways to cover up her shame. She called the foxes and began to persuade them to cut off their tails.

“The tail,” he says, “is completely inopportune, only in vain do we drag the extra weight behind us.

One fox says:

“Oh, you wouldn’t say that if you weren’t short-haired!

The bobcat fox was silent and left.

Wolf and goat.

The wolf sees - the goat is grazing on a stone mountain, and he can’t get close to her, he says to her:

- You should go down, here the place is more even, and the grass is much sweeter for your bark.

And the goat says:

- That's not why you, wolf, are calling me down, - you're not about mine, but about your fodder.

Wolf and fox.

The wolf ran away from the dogs and wanted to hide in a ditch. And in the ditch sat a fox, she bared her teeth and said:

- I won't let you in - this is my place. The wolf did not argue, but only said:

- If the dogs weren't so close, I would show you someone's place, and now, apparently, your truth.

Oh and Yozh.

Once a hedgehog came to the snake and said:

Let me go to your nest for a while.

Already let it go. As soon as the hedgehog climbed into the nest, there was no life for the stings from the hedgehog. I already said to the hedgehog:

- I let you in only for a while, and now go away, my uzhata are pricking on your needles, and they hurt.

Hedgehog said:

-The one who hurts, go away, but I feel good here too.


The animals decided to build a bridge. Each of them submitted their proposal. Hare said:

- The bridge must be built of rods. Firstly, it is easier to build, and secondly, it will cost less.

- No, - the bear objected, - if we build, then it is necessary from hundred-year-old oaks, so that the bridge is strong and long-lasting.

- Allow me, - the donkey intervened in the conversation. - Which bridge to build, we will decide later. First you need to solve the most fundamental question: how to build it, along or across the river?


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