General anesthesia is prescribed to the patient in the event that during the operation it is impossible to do with local anesthesia for the full relief of pain. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this procedure every day. Competent preparation for anesthesia will help to reduce the likelihood of complications, both during surgery and after it. The patient is required to strictly follow the recommendations that will help him prepare for the upcoming test physically and psychologically.

In many cases of surgical intervention, it is impossible to do without general anesthesia. With its relevance and necessity, such anesthesia is still not entirely subject to the will of man. Medicine cannot give a 100% guarantee that this artificial sleep will not have a negative effect. An honest and open dialogue between the patient and the anesthesiologist is important when planning an operation, which should be prepared in advance.

Back in the middle of the last century, anesthesia before surgery was associated with a risk to the patient's life. Today, thanks to a huge leap in the development of all branches of medicine, as well as due to the use of advanced technologies, we no longer have to talk about death due to anesthesia. However, there remains a small possibility of a threat to the health of the human brain (possible mental impairment).

Almost everyone who has to go through this procedure experiences fear, sometimes turning into panic. But, since there is no alternative to such anesthesia, it is necessary to use all available possibilities to achieve maximum safety. To do this, before anesthesia, it is important to prepare your body in accordance with the established rules and the individual requirements of the attending physician. If everything is done as the anesthesiologist advises, the likelihood of complications can be reduced.

The advantages of general anesthesia include such factors as the patient's lack of sensitivity to ongoing surgical procedures, and the absolute immobility of the patient, allowing surgeons to work with concentration and without stress. In addition, a person under general anesthesia is completely relaxed, which makes it possible for doctors to work even with hard-to-reach vessels and tissues, without wasting time. Another advantage is that the patient is unconscious during the operation, therefore, there is no fear.

In some cases, anesthesia is accompanied by such side effects as attention disorder, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, pain and dryness in the throat, and headaches.

These discomforts are temporary, and their intensity and duration can be adjusted if you prepare for the upcoming operation as required by the doctor, for example, do not eat or drink water for several hours before the procedure.

Preparing for the operation

To the operation under general anesthesia it is important to prepare properly. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming surgical intervention, the general health of the patient and many other factors, the preparation time may vary from 2 weeks to six months. During this time, the patient sometimes develops a persistent fear of surgery and anesthesia, which is fed by the stories of other patients or anonymous testimonies read in the yellow press.

The anesthesiologist, together with the surgeon who is to operate on the patient, should conduct an informative conversation with precise indications of what you can eat and drink a month before the operation, a week before it and on the day of the operation. In addition, the patient must be examined by other specialized doctors who study the state of his health and also give him helpful tips to adjust, for example, smoking, weight, lifestyle, sleep.

Even before a short and simple operation under general anesthesia, at least next study patient's health status:

  • blood test (general);
  • urinalysis (general);
  • blood clotting test;
  • general analysis urine.

It is important to tell the truth about how you feel. If the patient was properly preparing for the operation, but a few days before it, he noted an increase in temperature or an exacerbation chronic disease, for example, gastritis, the attending physician should know this! If the patient feels unwell, the operation must be postponed.

Fear of surgery under anesthesia

Feeling fear of anesthesia or a surgeon's scalpel is normal and should not be ashamed of. To reduce the feeling of anxiety, you can seek the help of a psychologist. In many developed countries each patient must be consulted by such a specialist before the operation, and if necessary, consultations can be multiple. In our country, few clinics and hospitals can boast of such an opportunity, so patients themselves sometimes have to ask their doctor for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a conversation.

It is believed that the patient's psyche is already injured in the clinic, when the doctor recommends surgical treatment to his ward. Even then, in the mind of a person, fear begins to occupy a dominant position. The one who is to surgery, needs the sensitivity of the medical staff.

Every patient, without exception, should be reassured and encouraged. If the patient shows a feeling of fear especially intensely (often cries, talks about death, sleeps and eats poorly), he needs an urgent consultation with a psychologist. In the preoperative period, most patients are in dire need of preparation for surgery, not only medically, but also psychologically. There are several areas of mental support for patients:

  • training of children and elderly people;
  • preparation for emergency surgery;
  • preparation for a planned operation.

Fear is a strong emotion, which in this case plays a negative role, preventing the patient from tuning in to a favorable outcome of the operation.

Since the consequences of anesthesia depend not only on the anesthetist, but also on the patient, you should carefully consider your own emotional experiences and promptly see a specialist to restore mental balance. You can be afraid of anesthesia or the outcome of a surgical intervention, but at the same time live a full life, without poisoning it either for yourself or your loved ones. To do this, you should prepare for the operation psychologically and physically, controlling not only what you can eat or drink, but also what you can and should think about.

Psychological attitude

First of all, you should abandon the ostentatious bravado and admit to yourself: "Yes, I'm afraid of anesthesia." Fear is experienced by every patient who has to go through a serious surgical intervention. This is a normal state, as a person is used to controlling work own body, and the thought that he will be helpless inspires fear and anxiety. In addition, there is a fear for the consequences of anesthesia and the success of the operation itself. Such anxiety is normal if it is not constantly present and does not disturb the patient's usual rhythm of life.

In order to psychologically prepare for the operation under anesthesia, experiencing fear, you can do auto-training, yoga, meditation. It is enough to master the technique of proper relaxation and breathing in order to feel peace of mind and peace. Breathing exercises and a positive attitude will help overcome fear and panic.

Physical training

In addition to the psychological aspect, body preparation is important:

  • about all accepted medicines(even about 1 aspirin tablet) the anesthesiologist and the attending surgeon should know;
  • you should tell your doctors about recent illnesses and allergic reactions;
  • it is impossible to hide the diseases transferred in the past, which are considered indecent by the people (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • you can not eat or drink 6 hours before the operation;
  • quit smoking preferably 6 weeks before the appointed date;
  • removable dentures and piercings must be removed from the oral cavity;
  • remove contact lenses and hearing aid (if any);
  • decorative varnish is removed from the surface of the nails.

A week before the operation, you should eat foods that help cleanse the intestines from toxins and gases. If you prepare correctly, the body will tolerate anesthesia easily and without complications. A competent approach and compliance with the instructions will help not to be afraid of the upcoming procedure and will allow you to restore strength after the operation.

A routine vaccination or a trip to the dentist can make a person feel anxious. Fear of surgery is a normal psychological reaction. The individual does not know what awaits him ahead, what will be the intervention on the part of the surgeon. Before you understand how not to be afraid of the operation, you need to realize what exactly causes fear. It could be force majeure rehabilitation period, unwillingness to stay in the hospital next to other patients. Such a phobia is difficult, but it can be overcome.

The main reasons for fear

The most common reason for fear of surgery is the lack of information. A person cannot imagine what kind of intervention in his body will be. Not all doctors want to share the details and description of the disease, the mechanisms for its elimination. Doctors do not always have time to conduct a conversation with the patient, since patients line up in the corridors. For some medical professionals, it is difficult to tell the layman about what the disease is, why it occurs. All this causes misunderstanding and fears.

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Often a person gets the impression that doctors are soulless people. They do not care about the problems of an individual, they do not always strive to help, they can easily harm their health in order to finish their work as quickly as possible. In practice, everything looks different. The medical officer has a plan for receiving patients, he swore an oath that he would save people's lives, improve them physiological health. Therefore, such fears are far-fetched and not justified. If necessary, you can talk heart to heart with a psychologist or psychotherapist. It is not the duty of the doctor to talk to the patient.

It happens that a person knows too much information about his disease.

Most often, the search comes down to the study of information written on the Internet. In practice, for an accurate diagnosis, the patient needs to pass a series of tests, then they will be analyzed by several medical specialists. Only after that it is possible to find out what kind of disease the patient has, what methods of treatment should be applied.

Psychologists also advise not to watch videos on the public network that show details operating process. There are a number of professions in which the sacrament must be preserved. A person's consciousness may simply not endure what they see, phobias instantly develop. Medical specialists did not immediately come to the operation, their psyche was prepared (they spend more than 6 years at the university, study in detail the structure of organs, attend autopsies). All this is not necessary to know the average person.

Fear of surgery is often associated with anesthesia. This is another type of surgical intervention in the body. He causes panic. Some people think that anesthesia may not work, they will pain that are incompatible with life. In practice, an experienced anesthesiologist monitors the process, he has indicators that determine the readiness of the patient's body for surgery. Additional fears are associated with the consequences of anesthesia. A small percentage of people believe that it is possible not to wake up after a drug sleep (these are very minimal risks compared to driving a car).

How to get rid of the fear of surgery

The patient has the right to choose whether to agree to the operation or refuse it. When establishing a surgical intervention in the body by a council of doctors to save a life or improve health, a person must refuse the operation in writing. So doctors will not be held responsible in the event of an accident or unforeseen circumstances.

How not to be afraid of surgery ? In most cases, you just need to deal with the causes of fear. A person may be aware that a medical institution high level service, a large number of satisfied customers, a high level of training of medical specialists. Despite the minimal risks, the patient continues to be haunted by internal anxiety.

To get rid of such a phobia, it is enough to tell yourself about the need to improve your health. Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgery. You need to try to cope with your emotions, write down rational arguments on paper, reread them several times.

Here's what you can do to minimize the fear of surgery:

  • read prayers;
  • be distracted by extraneous matters;
  • weigh the risks;
  • think positively;
  • do not escalate the situation;
  • take sedatives.

Prayer is one of the most simple ways get rid of phobia for those who believe in higher power. For skeptics, this method will not bring much benefit. It is absolutely not necessary to go to church, put candles. It is enough just to pray, ask for help, health and patience for yourself.

The most unpleasant time is the evening or night before the operation.

How to overcome fear? It is important not to be alone with your own thoughts. It is best to ask relatives and friends to come to visit, talk on pleasant topics, go to the cinema or theater. No need to withdraw into yourself, go in cycles in negative thoughts.

A small fraction of a percent during the operation is force majeure. It is worth treating this as a device of the world and nature in general. You can't control everything. To fight such fear is possible only with the help of the maximum collection of information about the clinic, medical specialists. Please note that only one patient per 250,000 people dies due to medical error. That is, the chances of dying for such a reason are reduced to almost zero. The patient has a much higher chance of going into another world due to the lack of therapeutic measures for his disease.

How to overcome fear of surgery positive thinking. You need to try to think only about the good. It is important to force yourself to scroll through exclusively pleasant memories in your head before going to bed, not to get hung up on the upcoming surgical intervention. You can try to visualize how life will change in a positive way after the operation.

For example, if a person is to have an appendix removed, then one can imagine going to a restaurant, visiting entertainment establishments. During gynecological surgery, it is desirable to think about future childbirth, pregnancy.

In no case do not need to escalate the situation.

It is advisable not to look for information about force majeure during the operation, how death occurs and for what reasons. You need to tune in to a positive wave.

If none of the above items helped, then you can just drink a sedative. It will stimulate deep dream, improve overall physical and mental health patient.

Suitable means for taking inside the body such as:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • fireweed;
  • Linden.

Please note that before taking such herbs, you must definitely consult with your doctor. It happens that the patient has an allergic reaction, or the simultaneous use of several drugs is contraindicated.

How not to be afraid of what will happen during and after the operation? The answer is obvious - just relax, forget about the bad, trust the doctors and yourself.

If a person is in the hospital before the upcoming surgery, then you can walk through the floors of the medical institution, talk with other patients. Information about how other people struggled with their fears can be useful, you can ask how the patients feel after the operation, whether the experience was worth it. So much faster time will pass and there will be no room for negative thoughts.

Physical preparation for surgery

Before the upcoming surgery, it will also not be superfluous physical training patient. It is worth adhering to a few simple rules:

  • a few months before the operation do not drink alcohol;
  • try to smoke as little as possible;
  • follow the diet prescribed by the doctor;
  • do not use perfumes and decorative cosmetics;
  • use inside only those drugs prescribed by the doctor;
  • measure and record your own temperature and pressure every morning.

In order not to be afraid of the operation, you just need not to let fear into your mind. It is important to remember that surgery is performed by a team of doctors and nurses. If there is a reasonable fear that the specialist will not cope with the task, then it is better to seek help from another surgeon. In case of unreliable analyzes, you can always undergo a re-examination. How not to be afraid of accidents? It is important to simply not dwell on such a fact. You just need to accept that such things happen in the world, but affect individual lives.

In order to get rid of fear as soon as possible, experts advise telling your doctor about your phobia. It happens that patients withhold facts from their anamnesis. They do not provide information about past sexually transmitted diseases, injuries. Before scheduling the day of surgery, the patient may realize that he has given false information to the medical specialist. In practice, this can lead to negative consequences.

There are fearless people who are ready, without rational explanations, for which surgical intervention is needed, to go under the knife. Here we are talking about those who are obsessed with plastic surgery, adjustment of individual parts of the body. Such people are not afraid of anything. Just their fear is often false, since an unreasonable operation (without appropriate medical indications) can significantly worsen health.

Basic rules for preparing for surgery

How not to be afraid of the operation? First of all, you need to acquire psychological health, calm down, try to achieve a state of peace. The patient needs to be clearly aware that the operation will positively affect his body and help him function better. The sooner surgery occurs, the better for the patient.

It is worth preparing not only from a moral point of view, but also from a practical point of view. It is important to choose a clinic where experienced specialists work. This will increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the event. If this is possible, then you need to undergo preoperative preparation.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Providing the necessary tests to the attending physician before the moment of surgery.
  2. Rejection bad habits a few weeks or months before the operation, depending on the state of health and the complexity of the procedure.
  3. Changing the diet towards dietary products.

It must be remembered that every day thousands of people go through surgery. In this way they take care of their own health. Those patients who do not know how not to be afraid of surgery should pay attention to the recommendations.

It is important to be attuned to the fact that the doctor has the appropriate competencies to carry out the procedure. The outcome of treatment will be positive, practically excluded side effects. You need to believe in yourself, and not doubt the presence internal forces for a safe recovery after surgery.

A few days before surgery, the patient may apply for psychological help(such people usually give parting words, tune in to a positive wave). Additionally, experts advise using an audio player with relaxing musical compositions, watch comedies, read jokes. The patient will benefit from reading positive reviews about the operations performed, about the clinic itself and the doctors. The most important - no need to fantasize and visualize Negative consequences operations. Any medical employee first of all seeks to help the patient, and not to harm him.

“KV” is talking about a similar problem with the head of the course of clinical psychology at KSMU, a psychotherapist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Yuri Kalmykov:

Anxiety before surgery is a natural human condition. Most people experience anxiety. What matters is the level of this excitement. Studies show that the level of anxiety affects even the postoperative state of the patient. Moreover, both increased anxiety and the absolute absence of excitement are unfavorable.

- What can harm peace?

The patient does not need to completely relax before such important procedure. Anxiety should be, but let it be moderate. A little excitement will help you concentrate, realistically assess the risks.

- How would you advise to calm the patient before the operation?

Most people are afraid of the unknown. Therefore, the surgeon should tell the patient in detail about why he is undergoing this operation. How it will go, how everything will look and why this procedure is so important. Let the doctor honestly tell not only about the pros, but also about the possible risks. These conversations will help you come to terms with the inevitable, calm down and look at the situation realistically. Obstetricians were the first to understand the benefits of such psychotherapeutic conversations. With future mothers, they have been conducting prenatal preparation for a long time and talk about what they should be prepared for during childbirth.

- In addition to talking heart to heart with the doctor, are there other ways to calm down before the operation?

There are many ways: various meditations, breathing techniques, some yoga techniques.

- And how should the relatives of the patient who will undergo the operation behave?

Relatives and friends should not take a formal position and repeat: do not worry, everything will be fine. It is better to listen to all the fears and doubts of the person preparing for the procedure. Let him feel that in any case he will not be abandoned, they sympathize with him and will always help.

- There are people who are so afraid or do not like doctors that they do not go to them, even if they are sick ...

The reasons for this behavior are different. Sometimes a person is afraid of "white coats" since childhood. He associates them with pain, injections, all sorts of unpleasant procedures. Someone simply does not want to go to the doctor - he is afraid of a long wait in line. Some do not turn to doctors, because they are sure that they will cope with everything themselves. Many are frankly afraid, for example, of dentists. AT Western countries this problem is solved in the following way: dentists are taught hypnosis. As a result, the patient does not even have time to be afraid, as he will be cured. And sometimes health workers themselves do not create an atmosphere of goodwill in their hospital or clinic. And the person just doesn't want to go there. However, whatever the reason that a person is afraid of doctors, you need to understand that there are situations when you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Maria Kalinina

10 Dec 2012, 09:12

Maria Kalinina, an anesthesiologist and resuscitator at the Golden Section Novosibirsk Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine, told about doctors with whom it is not scary to fall asleep, as well as about 10 phobias of patients before anesthesia

Anesthesia as a way to make the patient not only not hurt, but not feel or see the surgical intervention, was first introduced into practice by dentist Thomas Morton in 1846. The inscription on his monument in the United States reads: "Before him, surgery has always been an agony." But here's the paradox: more than a century and a half later, patients in most cases are afraid of anesthesia and its consequences much more than the operation itself. And despite the fact that, based on world statistics, anesthesia is safer than traveling in a car.

To say that anesthetics and their use are absolutely harmless, of course, is also not necessary. Sir Robert Mackintosh, the first head of the first department of anesthesiology in Europe, suggested more than 60 years ago that anesthesia is always dangerous, and therefore its implementation requires special training of specialists. At the same time, a recent survey of people in the UK showed that almost 40% of the population have no idea who an anesthetist is. What is this percentage in Russia, one can only guess.

Maria Kalinina, an anesthesiologist and resuscitator at the Golden Section Novosibirsk Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine, told about doctors with whom it is not scary to fall asleep, as well as about 10 phobias of patients before anesthesia

Fear of anaphylactic shock. They say that in Russia, allergy tests for anesthesia drugs are not done. Is it so? How, then, is anesthesia selected for the operation? How is the individual intolerance of a particular anesthetic drug in a patient determined?

- According to medical publications, the incidence of anaphylactic shock is 1 in 5-25 thousand patients who received injections of general anesthetics. Allergy tests for some drugs of general anesthesia in our country are really not carried out. However, when choosing a method of anesthesia, the doctor carefully finds out the possibility of developing this complication. A qualified anesthesia team is always ready for the development of this serious complication.

Fears “narcosis takes 5 years of life from a person”, “anesthesia affects the heart!”. Does anesthesia have a frequency limit? Why well-made anesthesia does not carry risks? How to understand that in front of you is an anesthesiologist - true professional?

— Anesthesia is inevitably associated with surgical treatment. If the operation is absolutely indicated, then anesthesia is only part of the complex of therapeutic measures. If we talk about general anesthesia, or anesthesia, then this is, first of all, the protection of the body during surgery, and the task of the anesthesiologist is to protect the patient from surgical trauma. Moreover, adequate anesthetic care can significantly reduce the need for treatment in the perioperative period, that is, during the period of the body's stress response to surgical aggression and physiological adaptation To her.

Fears of anesthesia date back to a period in the development of medicine when toxic drugs were used for anesthesia.

Often, all these fears of anesthesia are groundless and belong to the period in the development of medicine, when toxic drugs were used for anesthesia. On the this moment complications caused by general anesthesia are minimal. Before performing anesthesia, the doctor explains to the patient the method of choosing anesthesia and possible risks. If the patient has questions that the doctor cannot answer, then he has the right by law to refuse the help of this specialist. Given the rather high responsibility, there are not many amateurs in our profession.

Fear "narcosis is the same drug." Is it true that the best drugs for intravenous anesthesia are not available in Russia, and therefore, when performing such anesthesia, doctors often use drugs that are good for sedation, but poorly anesthetize? Is it true that drugs are added to drugs to avoid this?

— Intravenous anesthesia is a multicomponent technique. The effect is achieved by a combination of several drugs, the action of which is aimed at creating sleep, pain relief, muscle relaxation. And only their competent combination gives a comfortable, effective anesthesia. Today in Russia there is no shortage of drugs for this type of anesthesia.

Fear “What if I wake up during the operation?!” How is the process of falling asleep and waking up controlled? Can the patient really wake up during the operation? What will he feel in this case? Will the operations team notice?

- According to medical publications, the problem of "intraoperative recovery of consciousness" is the most common cause of lawsuits in the United States. But, as a rule, it is associated with a period of awakening, in which the patient can hear the conversation of the people around him. Today, in order to exclude such cases, the depth of anesthesia is monitored, which makes it possible to minimize their number.

The patient must not endure pain. Adequate pain relief is one of the main tasks of the supervising doctor.

Fear “If during the operation I don’t feel pain, then after waking up all this will be replenished!” How do you manage postoperative pain? Many believe that it is better to endure it than to "stuff yourself with chemistry."

- Pain, unfortunately, is an integral part of the postoperative period. It is associated with the inevitable tissue damage during surgery. Its severity may vary, and this is due to the method of surgical intervention. At the moment, there are many methods and drugs for adequate postoperative pain relief. The patient must not endure pain! Adequate anesthesia is one of the main tasks of the doctor supervising it.

Fears “In my sleep I will be delirious and the doctors will laugh at me. What if I hear this?”, “What if I blurt something out under general anesthesia?” Are there frequent cases of delusions of the patient during the operation? And how is the ethical side of the matter resolved in this matter?

— Ethical issues are topical for our society as a whole. Failure to comply with these canons lies on the personal responsibility of each person. But in general, if we are talking about professional ethics, then the medical staff of any clinic, including the Golden Section, is legally responsible for disclosing how medical secrecy in general, and what a patient under anesthesia can inadvertently say.

Fear “narcosis cripples the psyche of children”, “any anesthesia is dangerous for old people - the heart will not stand it, a stroke may occur.” Does a growing child's body and a weakened old man's body automatically put these people at risk?

- If surgical treatment is necessary, then the lack of adequate anesthesia in childhood and the older age group is much more dangerous than the risks associated with anesthesia. In children, regional anesthesia is usually combined with general anesthesia. There is such a principle: the child should not be "present" at his operation. Because for him it is a psychological shock, a fear that can remain for life. That's what's important. This principle must be observed in 100% of cases.

Fear of spinal and epidural anesthesia: "I'm afraid of an injection in the back - they will damage the spinal cord, I will either die or remain crippled." Are these fears so unfounded? How can this be avoided?

- According to studies conducted in Switzerland, the incidence of serious complications caused by regional anesthesia methods varies from 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 200,000 patients. With a strict, prescribed protocol, adherence to the methodology and sufficient technical support these complications are minimal.

The modern technique of conducting anesthesia allows you to comfortably start it already in the ward and thereby neutralize fear

Fear “Suddenly, before anesthesia, I will have a panic attack?” What to do with neurotics?

- First, it is important psychological preparation patient - and how his conversation with the doctor will turn out, and how the person will set himself up. And secondly, modern technique conducting anesthesia allows you to comfortably start it already in the ward and thereby neutralize fear. So, in the "Golden Section" anesthesia does not begin on the operating table, among special equipment and instruments, which is even more terrifying, but in a comfortable ward, in which the patient also has to wake up.

Fear "I will fall asleep and not wake up." Can a patient insist on local anesthesia if he is afraid to fall asleep?

- Adequate local anesthesia in some cases may be a priority in the choice. But only the presence of an anesthetic team can clearly control the situation and create comfort.

If the clinic has an anesthetic team on staff, this indicates high professionalism, the availability of expensive equipment, safety and the possibility of minimizing all risks. With such doctors, you can fall asleep without fear.

Photos by Tatyana Lomakina

Often, a person in need of surgery has fear of an upcoming operation. This is absolutely normal, because fear is natural. defense mechanism whose task is to protect us from danger.

Having heard from the doctor that it is necessary to perform an operation, a person, under the influence of fear, begins to subconsciously delay such a radical solution to the problem, looking for more and more new reasons that prevent the operation from being performed immediately. There are jobs that can’t wait now, relatives who need help right now, and children who need to be prepared for school…

In the meantime, you can try to be treated with unconventional methods, miracle pills, or even go to a healer.

Here and now we will try to figure out how to set yourself up for the operation..

Many people avoid visiting doctors even with serious "calls" from their body. As a result of this, the doctor can observe an already running “picture” after treatment and therefore proposes an operation, since the use of conservative methods will no longer help to heal.

  • Ask your doctor for details of your diagnosis and the consequences of not having surgery. If the doctor insists that the operation is necessary, then specify what is the prognosis for the further course of the disease. If the probability of recovery is less than 50 percent, it is dangerous to postpone the operation for a long time. A planned operation can lead to the development of complications to a much lesser extent than an emergency one.
  • Find out if alternative treatments are available.
  • Get a complete medical examination full information about the state of your body will help the doctor choose the method of surgical treatment.
  • The latest treatment methods using modern medical equipment will reduce the time for rehabilitation, but can be expensive.
  • Set yourself up for the fact that there is no turning back. Think about how you will feel without surgery and what it is fraught with.
  • Find special literature with information about the operation proposed to you. Find out from medical publications that you're not even the 1,000 first to go through this with success.
  • Read the reviews of patients about the clinic where you will have the operation.
  • If you can’t adjust yourself for the operation, seek qualified help from a psychologist.
  • If you are going to have an emergency operation, you need to understand and accept the fact that it is too late to apply other methods of treatment, and the refusal of the operation may cost you your life.

The operation and the recovery period following it will be much more successful if you can keep a positive attitude for a positive result. It is very important to use the internal resource of self-hypnosis. In most cases, it helps to recover even from very serious illnesses.

Do not listen to the "horror stories" of the neighbors in the hospital ward

Never listen to the stories of your roommates, about unsuccessful operations and deaths. If possible, it is better to go out into the corridor during such conversations. If you are unable to leave the room, ask your relatives to bring you an audio player with headphones.

Information about successful operations

What you really need now is as much information as possible about successful operations. It would be nice if your relatives found and printed out such information. Stories of people who have undergone surgery. Learn more about rehabilitation therapy. Set yourself up for a positive outcome. Reassure yourself that everything will go smoothly.

Special medical literature

Find the right sources medical literature that tell you about your upcoming operation. Reading them will help you understand that this area is well studied and similar operations have already been successfully performed on thousands of other people.

Think about life after surgery

Think about how you will live after the operation. The disease has receded and no longer causes you anxiety. A strengthened body is full of strength and ready for active life. The disease no longer interferes with your work and family relationships. And all this will become a reality after the cure.

If you can't stop worrying

On the eve of the operation, are you very worried? Feel free to ask your doctor for a sedative, because you need to get a good night's sleep to prepare your body for the upcoming operation.

Stay in touch with family

Ask that after the operation they would give you a call to relatives and tell about successful outcome operations. Imagine this moment as you dial a number after you wake up from anesthesia. Imagine sharing your joy with the people you love.

Faith in success

Faith in success is the basis, what helps people overcome difficulties. It is known that a person does not use his abilities to the fullest, so faith in success will become the team that will direct all the reserves of the body to fight the disease. With Faith, recovery will go faster, and you will be able to maintain health for many years.

Our imagination plays a big role. Although it is difficult, try to shift your attention to positive thoughts. Represent a positive outcome of the operation. Think about how your health will improve every day after the operation. In other words, program your mind for success. Tell yourself:

I am worthy of health and healing.

“I feel better and better every day.

Self-hypnosis techniques will speed up recovery. Believe in success and that you will get better soon. I wish you this with all my heart.