Each person is a unique personality, which is characterized by certain features of behavior and character. However, modern psychology divides people into several types. There are several of these grades. Two are especially popular: by temperament (and then we are talking about sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic) and by character - an introvert and an extrovert. It is necessary to clearly understand how one systematization differs from another. Temperament is given to a person from birth, it cannot be changed, it can only be directed in the right direction, but a person develops his character over the years. Thus, a person becomes an introvert or an extrovert due to some developmental features.

Extrovert and Introvert: Different Personality Types

All types of human characters are usually divided into two large groups: introverts and extroverts. It should be immediately noted that the latter is numerically much larger. What is the principle of division? By the way, for the first time this question was raised and substantiated by Carl Jung at the beginning of the 20th century.

The first part of the word "extrovert" speaks for itself: "extra" - external. Such individuals cannot imagine life without communication, all their actions are directed towards external environment where they draw their vital energy. If misfortune happens, they share it with others, and they immediately feel better. They are good speakers, organizers of events, public figures.

Then what is an introvert? This person, on the contrary, is directed inside himself, his life world (“intro” - inside). He is not interested in noisy companies, the lot of an introvert is reading a book or just being alone. This is his comfort zone.

Already after Jung, much later, Robert Macrae determined that 38% of people are in an intermediate state between these two entities, that is, they are ambiverts. The peculiarity of such a person is an average value: sometime he likes to be alone, and sometime he cannot do without communication.

In our article we will touch upon the phenomenon of introversion in its explicit manifestation.

Who is an introvert

Often in noisy companies, against the general background of fun, a person stands out, as if immersed in himself. It seems that everything that happens around him is completely uninteresting, and he, to put it mildly, is bored. To the questions of the host of the holiday about what happened, he replies that everything is in order, and he has just as much fun as the others. So, using an example, you can briefly describe the nature of an introvert. And in fact, he is not bored, this person just has fun not like those around him. It is much more comfortable for him to immerse himself in himself and think about something of his own.

Moreover, any public speaking, whether it's an answer at the blackboard at school or a report at work in adulthood, cause a real panic in an introvert.

Thus, people of this temperament most often become writers or scientists, programmers or artists.

It is a mistake to put an equal sign between an introvert and an egoist. These two characteristics are absolutely different: the first one simply makes decisions in private, with himself, at the same time listening to the opinions of others, which the egoist never does.

Character features

Thus, in order to understand who an introvert is, the following features of his character should be taken into account:

  1. Procrastination and forethought. He is never in a hurry to make a decision, he always does it consciously and carefully.
  2. Focus on yourself. It is quite difficult for him to merge with the surrounding society, to perceive it adequately.
  3. Lack of initiative. An introvert almost always listens to the decisions of the environment; he will never offer his own ideas.
  4. An introvert is a good strategist. He carefully considers his plans and actions.
  5. Since a person of this type of character is immersed in himself, he fully evaluates his capabilities, which excludes overestimated self-esteem.
  6. The introvert is kind, but at the same time vulnerable and touchy. It rarely comes into conflict.
  7. Indifference. Such a person is very closed in himself, he is not interested in what is happening around him.
  8. An introvert is very secretive, no one knows about his feelings and experiences, even very close people - parents, wife, children.

All these qualities will be revealed only if you personally communicate with a person, and not just once, but for a sufficient period of time. Find out who an introvert is by any outward signs impossible.

Personal life

The personal life of such people develops, though difficult, but quite successfully. Their concentration on their own inner world sometimes brings misunderstanding to the family. It is much more difficult for an introverted man, because, obeying the decisions of his wife, he often becomes a “henpecked”. This fact may be the cause of his sadness and even greater isolation. Knowing who an introvert is, a woman can properly build communication in the family.

A wife of a similar temperament is more fortunate: she will obey her husband, analyze and make informed decisions.

Psychologists point out that perfect marriages make up couples in which each of the partners has a different character warehouse: the husband is an extrovert, the wife is an introvert. However, these differences should not be extreme - in this case, they will complement each other. It is much worse when both spouses are introverts, and they are obvious: they simply will not be able to sincerely communicate with each other, each will live in his own little world.

Types of introversion

On the basis of Jung's teachings, a whole branch of science arose - socionics. She not only subdivides the characters into introverts and extroverts, but also identifies special subtypes in each of them. The classification is based on the work of the main mental functions: thinking, sensation, intuition and emotional component.

Thus, the main types of introverts identified by socionics are sensory and intuitive. In turn, each of them is also divided into subtypes that are more convenient for identification. This is necessary so that a person can attribute himself to a certain group without any special questions.

So, a sensory introvert is very accurate in his actions and judgments, he is focused on any one business or event and will not calm down until he brings it to the end. Of course, this type is the ideal employee for any leader. Such an introvert does not tolerate approximation: it requires clarity and certainty from everyone. In addition, they are also extraordinary tidies and adherents of order: such a person has a place for every thing, which he carefully monitors. The world they perceive it as a puzzle picture: each detail exists separately, but it is very difficult for a sensory introvert to perceive the completely surrounding as a whole.

Another thing is an intuitive introvert. It is not difficult for him to combine several types of activities and switch between them at the same time. Another difference from the previous type is the ability to try on various professions. They tend to perceive the environment as a whole object, they do not like to study in detail the constituent parts and small details. These people are dreamers whose eyes are fixed on the future, and sometimes they replace the real, real world with them.


As mentioned above, there is a more detailed division of the categories of people aspiring to themselves. So, logical introverts of the sensory type (or logical-sensory) are the owners of an analytical mindset. As a rule, these are careerists who know their worth. They are very practical and thoughtful. All actions of such introverts lend themselves to a clear logical explanation.

As for the life and work environment, these people put order in the first place. They demand it in everything. Very scrupulously achieves comfort in the house and keeps it.

Logic-sensory introverts are quite difficult to converge with people. However, they remain polite, even if the person is unpleasant to them. They do not trust people, treat strangers with suspicion.


These introverts are creative, sublime natures. great attention they give their inner world of emotions and feelings. These people are very good at feeling the emotional background of loved ones, they are also very close to nature.

Ethical-sensory introverts have a great sense of seeing beauty, their artistic taste can be envied. They make good stylists and fashion designers.

These people, perfectly feeling the state of the interlocutor, are able to speak with him “on the same wavelength”, but they are in no hurry to open their souls: if they decide to have a frank conversation, most likely, a very close person will be the interlocutor.


As for this type of introvert in a work environment, they work with high productivity. The only thing to consider is that they need a clear explanation of the requirements and a logical construction of action steps. Psychologists also note the extreme punctuality of these people.


Another introvert, dependent on the emotional component. And for him, this is what plays the main role. All his actions are dictated by emotions, he makes decisions, also guided by what he feels in this moment. Completely devoid of prudence, the concept of " common sense' does not exist for him.

An ethical-intuitive introvert is a passionate nature, and the feeling of interest in any business quickly passes, and he switches to another. That is why such people need strict control both in work and in everyday matters, they must be clearly regulated in time. No matter how they try to plan their daily routine, it always ends in failure.

Unlike other types of introverts, these can communicate well in a company, are endowed with a sense of humor, but they are betrayed by a sharp change in mood. Here, it would seem, he only laughed in the circle of friends, and now he is sitting in solitude. This is a normal situation for such people: they need solitude to deal with feelings, to put them in order.

What to consider when communicating

The last type of introverts are theorists by nature. They are looking for a logical explanation for everything, but in practice they cannot translate their ideas.

By nature, they are friendly and trusting. Excellent interlocutors, they will always listen and help solve a difficult problem. At the same time, logical-intuitive introverts do not show their feelings at all, for which they are known as dry, cynical people.

The most important thing in the business that this type is engaged in is interest. Without this, the task will not be completed qualitatively. They constantly need a person who will direct their theoretical warehouse into a practical channel.

What to consider when communicating

When communicating with an introvert, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of his character. We advise you to follow the following rules:

  1. Appreciate the relationship with this person, because he is not capable of hypocrisy. If he communicates with you, it means that he genuinely treats you well.
  2. You can’t rush this person to make a decision: he needs time to think.
  3. Do not require a sudden change of activity. For example, it is better to go to the cinema with him than to rush around the entertainment establishments during the evening.
  4. Do not be annoyed by long pauses in the conversation - in this way he weighs every word he is about to say, passes through himself.
  5. Be sure to read the book The Invincible Introvert, especially if you are planning a long-term relationship with such a person.
  6. People with a similar warehouse of character are devoted friends and wonderful spouses. The main thing is to find an approach to them.

How to determine the type of character

How to understand yourself and understand who you are - an introvert or an extrovert. The test will help you with this. The results of any study can be summarized in the following table.

Read the information in the table carefully, check the box next to the item with which you agree. Count the number of ticks scored. If there are more of them in the first column, you are an extrovert, in the second - an introvert. The test can also be taken online.


What is an extrovert? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? How to communicate with an extrovert? How to build a relationship with him? What are the weak and strengths extrovert? You, dear readers, will find answers to these and other questions in this article. We will discuss with you all the most important issues related to such a personality type as an extrovert. We learn everything there is to know about these people, even what they don't know about themselves. This knowledge will help you understand extroverts correctly and allow you to build productive and productive relationships with them. mutually beneficial relationship. And if you yourself are an extrovert, then you will learn from this article about what your personal qualities give you an advantage over other people, how people perceive you - what they like and don't like about you, and how you can develop your strengths. , while skillfully hiding the weak in order to achieve great success in life.

So what exactly is an extrovert? An extrovert is a type of person who is oriented outside, that is, his libido [ Vital energy] is directed towards the outside world. An extrovert is a person who is open to the outside world and others, he is very sociable and energetic, and also very friendly with people and self-confident. The extrovert likes to carry out various operations with real external objects, he prefers the practical and social aspects of life to the imagination and reflection, to which the introvert is usually prone. I also believe that an extrovert is a person who is determined to change the world. Introverts are more likely to change themselves, their inner world, adapting to the outside world, but extroverts want to change the whole world, or at least influence the processes taking place in it. Pronounced extroverts are very energetic, purposeful, sociable people, they like to waste their energy on the objects around them and this energy attracts other people to them. Extroverts themselves are constantly looking for contact with other people, they like to draw attention to themselves and prefer to spend time in crowded places.

The behavior of an extravert is largely determined by external factors, since all of his mental energy is directed outside, which in turn indicates some dependence of the extravert on the outside world. Therefore, it is important for an extrovert that the people around him pay attention to him and perceive him in the way he needs. He is much more dependent on the opinions of others than an introvert. At the same time, the inner world of an extrovert can be quite rich, but he will only use it in those cases when he has an urgent need to solve some problems in the outside world. For example, if such a person needs to think in order to solve some difficult task for him, he will think, think well before doing something. Naturally, here much depends on the level of development of a person and his various personal qualities. We can all be more extroverted or introverted, as needed and as circumstances dictate. So in that sense, people can change. Naturally, not without effort and often not without the help of other people, but, most importantly, they can, if they want.

As for communication, on the part of extroverts it is not always meaningful and useful. This is determined by their nature. Extroverts do not like to be alone and think for a long time, they will better communicate with other people, both on business and for the soul. And when they communicate for the soul, they often give people around them information that is not the most necessary for them. I often noticed this when I talked with extroverts heart to heart. Perhaps that is why they are sometimes called empty talkers. But they are not always like that. But what I especially like about these people is their optimism. Extroverts are often very optimistic people with a wide circle of acquaintances. And even if they are moderately impulsive and sometimes have little control over their emotions and feelings, it is interesting and fun to be with them, and sometimes such people literally charge other people with their energy. Therefore, extroverts are often the soul of the company, they gather people around them due to their brightness and energy.

There is also a psychiatric personality typology, according to which an extrovert is a weak-willed person, largely influenced by others, while an introvert is a rather strong-willed person. Well, what can I say, in general, there are weak-willed extroverts in life who are really very much subject to external influence. I already wrote above that such people are much more dependent on the opinions of others and, in general, on external factors than the same introverts. But I can honestly tell you, dear friends, I personally met more often active, purposeful, strong-willed, energetic, self-confident extroverts who had the same strong influence on the outside world as he did on them. So extroverts are different, some of them are overly sociable and impulsive, others are less sociable and more calm, some of them control their emotions and feelings well, others follow their lead. Therefore, it is not worth generalizing too much the above characteristics of an extrovert. Now let's talk about how to behave with an extrovert, how to interact with him correctly.

To interact effectively with an extrovert, you need to be for him a good conversationalist. Do you know what it means to be a good conversationalist? It means talking very little and listening a lot. Extroverts need to be given the opportunity to talk about themselves, about their achievements, about their skills, and in general about everything that an extrovert wants to talk about. Therefore, find out what an extrovert does, what interests him, what he is fond of and show sincere interest in this, then the person will open up to you, tell you a lot about himself, share a lot with you, and most importantly, you will become interesting to him as an interlocutor, as partner as a person. Be sure to compliment the extrovert, show him respect, show him that he is interesting to you, that he is important to you - the extrovert absorbs all this like a sponge, since it is very important for him what return he receives from the outside world. Many extroverts like to deal with people who are active and energetic like them and can not stand slow and lazy people who are very passive and constantly procrastinate. If you come across an emotional extrovert, then keep in mind that such a person needs a positive assessment of his behavior, it is important for him that his emotionality be understood by the people around him. Therefore, if you want to adapt to him and thereby win him over, if you want to please him, share his joy with him, good mood and positive attitude. I also want to say that the relationship between an introvert and an extrovert can develop very well if these people accept each other for who they are and do not try to change each other. Then the inner world of one of them will ideally complement the outer world of the other, and such people will become, as it were, a single whole.

If we talk about the strengths of an extrovert, then this is primarily their activity and optimism. Such people prefer to think less and do more - these are people of action, or, as they say, they are people who invent reality. Of course, there are extroverted talkers who like to talk more than do, but such talkers are not the best representatives of this type of personality. Therefore, such extroverts are highly respected, who strive by deed, not words, or rather, not only by words, but also by deed, to influence the world around them. There are many managers among extroverts - they like to give orders, they like to admire the results of their active actions, when other people, as they say, spin and spin after their instructions. And although such people do not always make good managers, the very desire to be them is worth a lot. After all, whatever you say, extroverts in most cases are ready to take responsibility for managing something, and even if not all, but many of them carry this responsibility in good faith. Extroverts, as well as introverts, can be very thoughtful people, but they force themselves to think only when it helps them to better orient themselves in life.

Therefore, many extrovert managers, as I have noticed more than once, very actively use the services of other people, on whom they shift a number of tasks related to painstaking mental work. Thoughtful introverts often stand behind them, acting as advisers and mentors for them. So in the role gray cardinals it is introverts who perform most often, not extroverts, and at the same time they can have a lot of power. If we remember such bright extroverts in our history as: Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, then they all had secret advisers who, as they say, thought together with them or for them over certain important issues and tasks. And it is not known whose contribution to the development of history was more significant, those extroverts who made decisions that were significant for millions of people, or those introverts who led them to these decisions. Therefore, it is not always the one who manifests himself most clearly in public and looks like a clear leader, in reality he is.

As for the shortcomings of extroverts, they are the flip side of their virtues. Above, I have already indicated that in order to make the most deliberate, and therefore more correct decisions, smart extroverts often resort to the help of other, more thoughtful people who are able to delve into the very essence of things and calculate many moves in advance, which most often turn out to be introverts. . And it's not that extroverts don't know how to think, the point is that they don't really like to do it, they, as I said, are people of action, it's important for them to make a decision quickly, and not weigh the pros and cons several times . Moreover, the human mind always doubts, and if you try to do everything for sure, if you constantly think about everything and not take risks, then you can never do anything. Extroverts are able to overcome this barrier of doubt - they take risks, make decisions, they act and often succeed. But the habit of thinking little and doing more often plays a cruel joke with them, forcing them to make wrong decisions that lead them to extremely negative consequences. If an extrovert is overly confident in himself, he can make a lot of mistakes by making hasty decisions. Therefore, smart managers, smart leaders, surround themselves with one or more thinking advisers, mostly introverts, who, with their advice, help them, extroverts, come to the right decision. Therefore, if an extrovert notices behind him that he is impatient and unrestrained, inclined to make hasty decisions, then he needs to consult with other thinking people before making important decisions for him.

Some people rightly consider extroverts to be empty, superficial people who like to chat without getting tired, but at the same time they understand little and do not always keep their promises. Sometimes this is true. This is one of the shortcomings of extroverts, which is why they are often not taken seriously. But, you and I must understand that people are divided not only into introverts and extroverts, but also into smart and not very smart people. smart people. Being turned outside does not at all mean being empty and superficial, just as turning inward does not always mean that a person is a good thinker who knows how to get to the bottom of things. Extroversion, of course, contributes to sociability, so extroverts often get carried away with this very communication, preferring to be active only in words, but not in deeds. However, if people of this type are smart enough and purposeful, if they are interested not only in chatter, but also in results, as well as in their own reputation, then quite worthy deeds will often follow their words. Moreover, these cases will be preceded by a sufficiently deep thoughtfulness. And talkers are also found among introverts, because as the people say: scratching with your tongue is not moving bags.

In general, the love of communication is often very harmful to extroverts. After all, in this life we ​​learn a lot of interesting and useful things not when we speak, but when we listen. And if you constantly talk and listen little, you will not learn much. Of course, on the one hand, it can be said that the world is ruled by those who create information, and not by those who consume it, and in this sense, extroverts succeed more when they disseminate information, thus influencing other people. But in order to create information, you first need to consume it in a considerable amount, and in order to consume it, you need to stop giving it out, but instead open yourself to it. It is impossible to speak and listen at the same time in order to hear. Therefore, those extroverts who talk too much and listen too little deprive themselves of the opportunity to learn something and understand something new for themselves. This means that the information they disseminate may be of very low quality and not make the right impression on people. In addition, when a person talks too much, because he likes to talk a lot, he often gives out to other people a large number of important information about himself that he should have kept secret.

After all, we live in a world in which any information we give out about ourselves can be turned against us. Therefore, it is undesirable to talk too much about yourself, it is better to always remain a mystery to people, let them solve it if they need it. How less people If they know about us, the better, the more difficult it will be for someone to use our information against us. And when your mouth does not close, when you constantly talk, constantly tell something about yourself and your life, then you can tell people a lot of superfluous things. And this excess is sure to be used by someone against you. Therefore, some extroverts should pay attention to this moment in their behavior Special attention to take control of your desire to talk a lot if necessary. Being sociable is very useful, with the help of words you can influence people, you can convince them of something, you can impose your opinion on them, you can encourage them to do something. But at the same time, you should be very careful about what you tell people about yourself, because this is very valuable information that needs to be shared very carefully. And it’s better not to share it with anyone at all, unless there is a special need.

In general, anyone can become more sociable if he needs it. That is, extraversion can be developed in oneself as needed. And such a need often arises, because whatever you say, communication plays a very important role in our life. It is easier for most people to understand those who speak a lot and loudly about the same thing than those who speak smartly and to the point, but very little. Speakers in this world are much more likely to achieve the obedience of the masses than thinkers, so for success in life it is important to be able to speak beautifully, emotionally and a lot in order to impress people. Pay attention to politicians - they often rely on the emotions and brilliance of their speech to win people's hearts, and not on logic and reasoning, which, unfortunately, many people are not able to understand. Therefore, there are so many extroverts among leaders who attract the attention of people and keep it on themselves thanks to their sociability, activity, confidence and courage.

If you want to know how to become an extrovert, then I can advise you to start being active in communicating with people, first with people who are close and friendly to you, and then with everyone else. Here it is important to gradually open up to the outside world in order to become a more self-confident person, ready for active interaction with other people. The outer world must become part of your inner world if you are an introvert, and for this it must seem safe and promising to you. So start by surrounding yourself with good, smart, active, kind people that will guide you to the outside world.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that extroverts, if they are smart and decent people, can be very good leaders, great friends, interesting interlocutors and just nice people to talk to. They are quite active and energetic, always full of optimism and do not lose heart even in the most difficult situations. It is very pleasant to work with them, as many of them are serious, determined and practical people who, having said A, say B, and do not change their decisions ten times a day. Most extroverts are quite self-confident people, and very often their confidence is transferred to other people, who, thanks to this confidence, are energized and gain confidence in themselves. Therefore, extroverts are great at inspiring people to succeed. Finally, I want to tell you, dear readers, that both an extrovert and an introvert live in each of us, and as necessary, we can develop various combinations of these personality types. It all depends on the desire of a person to become what he wants to become.

Society tends to hang labels and stamps on everyone who differs from the generally accepted "golden mean". If an athlete - then stupid, if a candidate of science - then a "nerd", if an introvert - then a misanthrope (hates people). But is it? Who are introverts? Is it bad to have this type of personality? How to find out your psychotype, introvert or extrovert? What to do if you or your environment are introverts? Before you "go into yourself", read this article carefully.

What is an introvert?

An introvert is a person who is immersed in his inner world. This type of personality is more focused on their own experiences and thoughts. It is more difficult for him than to establish social ties, to establish contacts with the outside world.

But not everything is so simple. Do not confuse introverts with lazy people or misanthropes. After all, laziness is an unwillingness to do something, misanthropy is antisocial behavior, but introversion is a feature of human thinking. Therefore, if someone says - " I am an introvert", we still need to figure out whether this is so. Perhaps it is simply more convenient for him to “hide behind” such a word, actually shirking work or responsibility.

The real introvert is not a lazy person, just his efforts are aimed at introspection, contemplation of the inner world. Such people very often become philosophers, inventors, scientists, writers, poets, which requires no less work than communication with others.

Introvert and extrovert

Pure psychotypes are extremely rare. Most often, an introvert and an extrovert are combined in a person - this is due to heredity, through which the signs of parents are transmitted. IN different ages one or another psychotype is activated, which depends on the conditions of life and its rhythm.

For the first time, the existence of two opposite types of personality was noticed by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung who developed the concept of analytical psychology. Thanks to his work, people learned who introverts and extroverts are. The personality of the former turned out to be directed “inward”, while the latter, on the contrary, focused on interaction with outside world.

Further research has only expanded our knowledge of introverts, highlighting several of their types. Studying psychotypes, the British scientist Hans Eysenck found that introverts are a collective concept, which, in turn, is divided into a number of types. They can be emotionally stable or unstable, which corresponds to phlegmatic or melancholic temperament.

Depending on whether a person is or, his introversion will manifest itself in different ways. In the first case, he will be detached from the outside world, and in the second, he will be distinguished by excessive vulnerability and worries.

How to define an introvert?

Pronounced psychotypes are rare. Basically, both types of personality are combined, just in different periods they are not expressed in the same way. Sometimes one of the qualities develops more actively. To determine your personality type, and at the same time temperament, you can go to our website.

In addition, it is advisable to analyze your behavior, try to detect the following signs of an introvert:

  • Feels lonely even among people;
  • Avoids crowds, noisy companies;
  • Not in a hurry to make new acquaintances;
  • If it becomes attached to a person, then for a long time;
  • Knows how to make friends, is distinguished by fidelity;
  • Prone to introspection, philosophical reflection;
  • Prefers to listen rather than speak;
  • Likes to fantasize;
  • Carefully plans his actions in advance;
  • Patient, able to control emotions;
  • Differs in observation, attentive to details;
  • Long "holds" resentment, unpleasant memories.

If the test results coincide with most of the listed signs, then it can be argued that the person is an introvert.

Is it good or bad to be an introvert?

Let's talk about the pros and cons of being an introvert. Some will instantly say that an introvert is a quiet, modest and shy person who is afraid to stick his nose out of the house, absolutely passive, inclined to obey others. One big minus. But is it really so? Imagine the surprise of those who learn that most of the famous leaders and outrageous artists- Exactly introverts.

For example, world famous introverts are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, Steven Spielberg, Keanu Reeves, Lady Gaga, Johnny Depp and many others. From historical figures it is worth remembering Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln.

In fact, everything is quite logical. Introverts, as opposed to extroverts, not so dependent on other people's opinions. They have their own value system. They are able to move towards the goal in spite of the opinions of others. And this is one of the criteria for leadership. Introverts are good at taking responsibility. They are very self sufficient. They are distinguished by perseverance, concentrate better and are able to carefully prepare for the upcoming work.

If someone has already thought about how to become an introvert, you should not rush into a decision, because introverts are not without flaws. First of all, their disadvantages are associated with unwillingness to build social ties. Introverts can neglect the opinions of others, which sometimes plays a cruel joke with them. In addition, people with the "introvert" psychotype adapt worse to external changes, move more slowly along career ladder It's harder for them to make friends. At the same time, introverts themselves are very reliable and good friends.

Is it possible to become an introvert?

Let's say some extrovert decided to "retrain" as an introvert. Is he capable of doing it? And most importantly, does he need it? What is an introvert through the eyes of another personality type? Most likely, for a classic extrovert, he will be closed, unsociable, boring.

So why change your personality type then, even if it were possible? An approximate train of thought of such a person is as follows. Most likely, he fails because of his superficiality and hyperactivity. He asks himself the question, why is this happening? Looking for answers on the Internet. Learn what an introvert and extrovert are. He understands that he belongs to the second psychotype. Gathers information to get to know the introvert personality type better. At some point it starts idealize an introverted psychotype and trying to rebuild his temperament and personality.

Is it worth it and how likely is he to become an introvert? It is believed that temperament and psychotype are laid before birth. They depend on the anatomy and physiological characteristics person. That is, they can be corrected only in connection with fundamental changes in the body. Simple workouts or exercises will not change the type of personality.

Development of introversion

You can develop the ability to introvert. Like playing sports various types physique. Both an ectomorph (thin) and a mesomorph (strong man) can pump up, but it will be much more difficult for the first to do this. Also, an extrovert can become more thoughtful, scrupulous and assiduous, but an introvert will do it better.

It is enough to choose those qualities of introverts that it is desirable to adopt, and then methodically practice in their development. Listen more than speak, analyze your life more often, plan actions, etc. Moreover, an introvert and an extrovert often coexist in one person, so it is realistic to develop the strengths of both psychotypes. It is much more difficult to unite a team in which there are introverts and extroverts.

How to communicate with an introvert?

For introverts, due to a special type of thinking, you need to find your own approach. First of all, it should be remembered that an introvert is extremely jealous of his personal space. He is not ready to let everyone in there. Earning the trust of an introvert is long and thorny path. But the result of such efforts will exceed all expectations, because introverts are faithful and reliable life partners.

Secondly, it is desirable to choose words, to respect the inner world of an introvert. They remember grievances for a long time, and if they are “hurt to the quick”, then the matter will not end with one “forgive”.

Thirdly, introverts do not like turmoil and crowds, it is pointless to pull them to noisy parties, rallies and mass celebrations. If you are planning a meeting with an introvert, it is better to invite him to nature, to visit or a quiet secluded place, somewhere in a cozy place.

These are tips for communicating with introverts. But what if you yourself are prone to introversion?

I'm an introvert!

First of all, an introvert is not a psychological deviation, but a special way of thinking. There is nothing bad in it. If you figure it out like this, then extroverts even more often get into unpleasant situations, due to their superficiality and energy. It is much worse when "language is ahead of thinking." In this calm people clearly win.

So, if you belong to an introverted personality type, then you should not dramatize. It is better to analyze what hinders results and fix just that. If an introvert has developed skills or logic, this is clearly not a disadvantage. The ability to plan is also useful anytime, anywhere. So they don't need to be corrected. But it is desirable to overcome excessive isolation and vulnerability.

For a change can take the initiative in communication with interesting person. The first to write or call, invite for a walk. Even if a refusal follows, it’s not scary. It is much worse not to try if this call is actually expected.

It is also worth letting others into your life more willingly. It is simply desirable to be prudent, but offending others with “closed doors” is not an option. After all, the world is full good people, so it makes no sense to isolate from them.

The most important thing is not to get hung up on grievances, because many of them arise almost out of the blue. Sometimes a person offends someone by accident, not wanting it. What's the point of making a tragedy over a trifle? Even the most pronounced introvert is able to forgive. To do this, it is enough for him to switch to something good and just try not to remember unpleasant incidents.

Thinking about who an introvert is, you can increasingly catch yourself thinking about the success of such a person. But every advantage has its price. In order for an introvert to be able to fully realize his potential, he needs to learn how to communicate with others, to forget the bad. And others should remember that any introvert is a rather vulnerable person, so it is advisable to respect him and his inner world.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Once the concept of "psychotype" was the lot of psychology and psychologists. Now we hear from all sides (from every iron) words from this area and most often such as “introvert” or “extrovert” (I don’t even speak).

It is clear that this is some kind of designation for people of a certain group, but who are they? Are you curious to know if you are, for example, the kind of person who can be called an introvert? In general, is it good or bad? Maybe you should strive to be a charming extrovert? Or the best option- ambivert?

In this short post, I will try to cover all of this. in simple words, and at the end you will be able to pass a small personality test to understand whether you were lucky or not to be born the person you would like to be.

The main psychotypes are introverts, extroverts and ambiverts

People are all different and can be divided into many groups according to a great variety of criteria. One of these principles used to determine the psychotype of a person is his attitude to the surrounding world and his own inner world.

Because how a person interacts with the outside world and directs energy much more (outward or inward), one can conclude who he is - introvert, extrovert or ambivert(middle to half).

Who is an introvert? This is a person for whom his inner world, its contents and fullness take precedence over the outer world. There are extreme manifestations of introversion, when contacts with society become a real problem, and moderate ones, when dosed contacts (without fanaticism) are quite acceptable and pleasant.

What is an extrovert? This is a person for whom life without active interaction with the outside world (society) is unthinkable. Alone, he languishes, falls into depression. In a sense, we can draw an analogy with herd animals that alone feel restless.

Who is an ambivert? This is something in between the psychotypes of a person described above. Such people may well be alone without the risk of falling into depression, but not as long as introverts. At the same time, in the company of other people, they feel comfortable, but not for too long and often. In general, a universal option when a person can adapt to any conditions of existence.

An introvert is a person who is not bored alone

An introvert at its peak is a completely self-sufficient person. The higher the degree of introversion, the greater the self-sufficiency. It is clear that absolute extremes are at the same time absolute rarities. There are practically no completely self-sufficient people, and those whom we mostly refer to as introverts are still not 100% self-sufficient.

All introverts are not particularly bored in solitude. As a child, I heard the expression that smart person alone. Then I just this phrase seemed flattering. But the degree of introversion is different for everyone. I, for example, I consider myself a social introvert. What is it characterized by:

  1. I can tolerate one-on-one communication with a person quite well, or, at the very least, communication in small company, but in this case, people should be familiar to me. But the best option is face-to-face communication. There is less discomfort here, even when communicating with an ardent extrovert, for whom communication is the meaning of existence.
  2. I have few friends with whom I can communicate comfortably (my wife, probably more than half of them) and it is difficult for me to find new ones, but at the same time I like to be among people sometimes. That is, I do not like to be in the crowd, but I am happy to be around and observe the behavior of others. In this sense, I am an introvert-pervert (close to the golden mean called ambivert).

But there are much more "neglected" cases. For example, anxious type of introversion when any prolonged communication causes discomfort. Such people communicate little and the best way out for them is strictly limited contacts, when they warn in advance that they have so many minutes (hours), and then they need to run (rest). Among such people there are a lot of outstanding personalities, as well as among introverts in general.

There is an excellent video confession of an introvert close to the anxious type (having):

Let extroverts not be offended, but from the point of view of the rationality of the time used, they are far from ideal and it will be more difficult for them to realize their potential. But you can't run away from your psychotype. If you are an extrovert, then you will need communication, travel, music, a working TV and any other kind of movement that creates a feeling of life in any way.

An extrovert is a person who is "always with the people"

An introvert lives “in himself”, occasionally feeling a desire to draw something from the outside (from communication with other people). The extrovert lives on the "outside". He thinks of himself only as part of society. He easily establishes contacts, knows how to win over people (or thinks he can). Also, people of this psychotype very easily and naturally express their emotions in public (they do not hide their feelings).

And he has been like this since childhood. Talking to him is as easy as breathing. True, such people talk much more than they listen, but this is precisely their essence. It is very difficult for him to keep emotions in himself, because they literally tear him apart. And all this has a real physiological background.

The brains of extroverts are slightly different.. Speech centers are more developed, centers of fast information processing and emotional sensitivity is higher (they are brighter and bursting). All this brain chemistry is perfectly shown in the first half of this video:

An extrovert can take place as a person only in the eyes of society, therefore such people have very strongly developed ambition.

This is completely a "man of the crowd", which means he must be able to follow its laws - be in trend, dress well, be able to present himself, be moderately generous and responsive. Their main feature is skill to work in team, which is extremely difficult for their opponents (introverts). Working in a team (where you can make a career) or working with people is best area application of their natural sociability and initiative.

Naturally, among people of this psychotype there are different subtypes. These are cheerful optimists, loving life and get the most out of it. These are also careerists who, by establishing relationships, achieve better position and various benefits. These are romantics who need communication like air to maintain a positive emotional background (like Adamych from the Old New Year).

Is it better to be an introvert or an extrovert?

In my opinion, being an introvert is easier and more “profitable”. You don't have to waste a lot of time. But an extrovert will object to me that in no time he will achieve the best result easily and simply by agreeing with whom it is necessary about what is necessary. And he will be right. Such people are dear to salespeople, managers and other specialties where the ability to communicate is more important than internal content.

In fact, each person tends to idealize his psychotype. Extroverts see introverts as shy, nerdy, incomprehensible, murky, and uncool. The latter, however, sincerely do not understand how you can spend so much time on a stupid drive (there is an intersection with), communication and other endless and catastrophically stupid movement.

Each of the representatives of these extreme psychotypes does not understand “how you can live like this” (sitting alone for hours or, conversely, endlessly interacting with the surrounding reality). There is no right or no right here. Each of them own way of knowing the environment. Introverts study it, comprehending within themselves, and extroverts try everything on the tooth.

The origins of this division lie in our history. The genes that live in our cells have been going back for millions of years. It is impossible to say unequivocally that a person is a pronounced herd animal, like, for example, a wolf. At the same time, we are subtle loners, like, say, a bear. Of course, there are more wolves (herdsmen) among us, but there are also enough bears, to some extent self-sufficient individuals, among us.

According to the classical theory of Jung, each of these two extremes (extroverts and introverts) can be divided into 4 subgroups. And this additional classification of psychological personality types allows better understand the essence of man and the niche they occupy:

We are different, often we do not understand each other, because our interests are mutually exclusive. Most extroverts consider the interests of introverts a terrible boredom, and the former's latest hobbies are considered a waste of time and, moreover, cause them really wild fatigue.

And that's okay. Any of these extreme psychotypes has shown its viability for thousands of generations. Both personality types are well suited for life.(as well as their golden mean - ambiverts) and, most likely, this will continue. It is enough just to be tolerant of each other, although we differ in behavioral preferences, like people from different planets.

An ambivert is a person who has a changeable psychotype

You can also say this. An introvert is an outside observer (of life). An extrovert is always an active participant. And here ambivert is that, who, depending on the state of the internal switch, can be either one or the other. If he suddenly became the ringleader in some particular case, this does not mean that he will do the same in another similar situation.

In an ambivert, as a rule, the states inherent in either one of the extreme psychotypes or the other alternate. Let's say that right now it may be good for him to be alone, but after a while it will begin to put pressure on him, which will eventually force him to change the vector to some form of communication or another type of activity.

If he is in the active phase, then he can visit some kind of party with pleasure, but this does not mean that he will do it regularly. Thus, someone may know him as a "funny guy", and someone as a "quiet guy". Sometimes such reincarnations can even occur literally before our eyes.

In general, such fickle people are these ambiverts. By the way, they can great to work in a team, but individual work is also quite up to them. As I mentioned above, this is a universal psychotype that allows a person to adapt to almost any situation with less mental cost.

On the other hand, this duality and inconstancy often create problems for both the ambivert himself and the people around him. But, as I said, any psychotype is good, because it has passed the sieve of natural selection for millions of years.

Psychotype test - are you an introvert or an extrovert?

To understand which psychotype your personality belongs to, psychologists have developed a mass of various tests. The more questions they have and the more sincerely you answer them, the more accurately you will know your predisposition to a particular psychotype.

From my point of view, this is not at all useful (like a test - this is for blondes). Why? Well, because mistakenly believing that you are not who you really are, you can waste your efforts and even ruin your life, trying to "go the wrong way."

If you are an introvert, then training to develop leadership skills in yourself or the ability to casually strike up a conversation with any person you do not know will not help you. And if you have an active psychotype, then again, boring individual work, not tied to communication and team tactics, you will be "like a bone in your throat."

But many people mistakenly believe that you can break yourself and become what you are not. Such violence against a person is likely to end in a nervous breakdown (do not go to a fortune teller). Be yourself and everything will be OK (exactly). It remains only to find out who you are.

Actually, tests on the subject "Introvert - Extrovert" there are a great many, but I will give only one (very simple), but quite a working one. Answer the following questions honestly with “yes” or “no”, then add up the positive answers and look at the result of the test:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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We offer you tests to determine whether you are an extrovert or an introvert.

The famous psychologist C. G. Jung in his work “ Psychological types” wrote about extroverts (“outward-facing”) and introverts (“inward-facing”). According to the author, there are two options for adapting to the surrounding world.

One of them is an extrovert: he strives to constantly communicate, expand contacts and business connections, take everything that life gives.

The other is an introvert: on the contrary, he limits his contacts, closes himself in, as if hiding in a shell.

Find out what type you are by answering "yes" or "no" to the questions of the proposed questionnaire.

Questionnaire text

You are an extrovert

1. In one day, can you watch two films, play, read in transport, make several appointments, having time for only one or two of them?

2. Does the disconnected phone make you depressed and makes you feel infinitely lonely?

3. Is the circle of your close acquaintances expanding every day?

4. Do you easily memorize faces, cases, biographies, more difficult - formulas and other people's thoughts?

5. Do you like a cheerful company, do you not tolerate loneliness? You are an optimist

Do you try to avoid gloomy, withdrawn people?

6. Do you have an accommodating, accommodating nature?

7. Do you like to make speeches, make toasts?

8. Do you usually sit down at the table in a place where you can easily watch everyone?

9. Do you always know where and what is happening?

10. You quickly find contact with strangers Are you comfortable with a new company or environment?

11. Do you make decisions quickly, sometimes assuming that they are not entirely successful?

12. In difficult situation Are you able to think things through?

13. You have many plans, problems and ideas, but do you understand that you are able to implement only some of them?

14. Do you not really like it when someone constantly worries about your health?

15. For you has great importance What impression do you make on others?

You are an introvert

1. Can a very small event affect an important decision for you?

2. Can you be impressed by a good performance or film for a very long time?

3. You don't have many friends, you hardly get along with strangers.

4. Do you remember the whole situation better than the details?

5. Do you not like the noise of tape recorders, loud laughter and empty talk?

6. Is it important for you not the number of things, but their convenience?

7. Do you like to be photographed?

8. Do you like souvenirs, gold or any other jewelry?

9. Do you like to cook?

10. Are you more comfortable in a big company, where you can go unnoticed (solitary), than in a small one, where everything is in sight?

11. Do you find it difficult to adapt to a new environment, situation, team?

12. Are you stubbornly upholding your principles?

13. Are you very concerned about your health?

14. Do you weigh the pros and cons for a long time before making a decision?

15. Sometimes you are told that you see the world not as it is, but you do not believe that this is so?

Let's summarize. You belong to the group in which you scored the highest number of “yes” answers. If it turned out that the number of signs of an extrovert and

an introvert in the same way (let's say, in both cases you got 6 or 7 points each), then you are an ambivert - a dual nature, which is characterized by both those and other signs. This is the group that most people belong to.