How children born from September 23 to October 22 are affected by their zodiac sign

Libra children are so touching and fragile that parents often overprotect them and worry about their every step. But these crumbs have a strong inner core!

  • Sign element: Air
  • Planets-patrons: Venus and Saturn
  • Colors: blue, pink
  • Talisman stones: jasper, opal
  • Main character trait: peacefulness
  • Positive features: tenderness, obedience, compliance
  • Negative Traits: the ability to cheat and even deceive

general characteristics

Child-Libra from the very beginning early age can produce very good impression on those around you. And how can one not admire a charming kid who is rarely naughty, but is always polite with elders and friendly with peers! The Libra child, like all children, is playful, but at the same time he knows how to behave in such a way that his pranks look very cute and harmless. Even when Libra really wants to get a toy or sweet from their parents, they will never demand what they want with tears and tantrums - they become so affectionate and gentle that the enchanted parents themselves rush to the store to buy everything they want for their beloved child.

Libra children have developed sense beautiful and endowed with excellent taste. This is especially true for Libra girls, who from a very early age like to preen in front of a mirror and dress up in clothes with frills, ruffles and bows. If the Libra girl does not like the dress in which she was dressed up, she can be very upset and even burst into tears.

Character features

Libra children have a very light and cheerful character. Their mood is almost always joyful and upbeat, so other children love little Libra for their positive attitude and are happy to be friends with them. Even if the Libra child is offended or upset, he will very quickly forget everything bad and, in less than half an hour, he will play and have fun again, as if nothing bad had happened.

Libra children begin early to help their parents with the housework, and they do it with pleasure. own will. They especially like to do general cleaning. The fact is that Libra is very fond of order, including in things, so they react very sharply to any mess and immediately try to eliminate it. As a rule, the Libra child always cleans up the scattered toys, and when he goes to school, perfect order always reigns on his study table - all notebooks and books are in their place.


Libra children always try to study hard because they don't like to upset their parents with bad grades. But they don’t always succeed in being straight A students, since many Libras have problems with accurate and natural sciences- physics, chemistry, algebra. Until the third or fourth grade, little Libra studies well, and then their performance may fall. If possible, it is better to send them to school with in-depth study languages, literature and history. Libra's favorite school subjects are singing, drawing and work - so the choice additional education It is also better to limit the sphere of art.

But little Libra does not really like physical education, especially when it is associated with the need to compete with someone. In sports, Libras are so nervous that only because of this they can come to the finish line last.


As a rule, Libra's interests are creative. Almost all Libra children love to sing, dance, draw, sculpt plasticine figures. Libra girls are happy to learn to sew, embroider, knit, weave macrame. Libra boys love construction kits, from which you can build something interesting, and which give great scope for creative imagination.

Many Libra children have dreamed of becoming actors and actresses since childhood, so they imitate their idols both in behavior and in the manner of dressing. Parents who have discovered a pronounced ability to imitate their Libra child can try to send him to a theater group.

And Libra children love to read. Moreover, Libra boys are read out by adventure literature, and Libra girls adore romance novels. It should be noted that Libra is one of the most romantic signs of the Zodiac. It is not surprising that Libra reads poetry from childhood, and sometimes even makes attempts to compose them themselves.

Libra girls and boys start dreaming about love and romance early. No one knows how to take care of girls so beautifully as a Libra boy. The Libra girl looks and behaves like a little princess, and therefore the boys escort her home from school in a crowd and fight for the right to carry her briefcase.


Libra children are not very hardy - their health is highly affected external factors. If a child from the very early childhood do not harden, do not accustom to observe the daily routine and do exercises in the morning, it can grow very weak and fragile.

Most vulnerable spot Libra - nervous system. Therefore, Libra children should be protected from stress, and methods of education should be chosen soft. A Libra child can easily get a nervous breakdown if you just yell at him.

Libra does not have very good blood circulation, so the Libra child should dress warmly and in no case be supercooled. Be careful with sports! Libra does not have very much energy, and reinforced physical exercise do not benefit them.

Libra born in September

These children are under the influence of Venus. They are graceful, charming, gentle, sensitive and almost always have some kind of pronounced talent. They really do not like conflicts and are very worried when their loved ones quarrel.

Libra born in the first decade of October

These kids feel the influence of Saturn. They are very patient and disciplined, assiduous and able-bodied. Usually these children do well in school and do not bring much trouble to their parents.

Libra born in the second decade of October

Children are ruled by Jupiter. Their main quality is self-confidence and optimism. They easily converge with peers, they are respected by teachers and classmates. These little Libras are not as diligent as the rest, but they are quite ambitious, and for the sake of praise or good grades they try to study hard.

Gentle and sensitive children are our favorite Libra!

To illustrate the article, a drawing by Yutaka Kagaya was used.

Looking forward to replenishment in the current 2017? Congratulations, because your baby will be very energetic, bright, sociable and sociable. Children born in the year of the Rooster are unlikely to be hiding in anyone's shadow. They attract people to themselves due to their innate impulsiveness. True, the excessive activity of the child can take moms and dads by surprise. It is important that they quickly collect their thoughts, delve into the situation and direct the potential of the child in the right direction.

What character traits will little Petushki have?

Toddlers born in the year of the Fire Rooster, in everything and always will strive to prove their case, to defend own point vision. If they drive something into their heads, then it is almost impossible to convince the little stubborn ones. In general, the nature of such children cannot be called simple. By nature, they are endowed with leadership qualities, they like to be in charge, they strive to win. Any, even a minor defeat, they perceive very seriously and painfully.

At the same time, little pranksters have such positive features like diligence, determination and perseverance. In life, they will certainly achieve their goals, rise to the highest steps of the pedestal. Cockerels are not afraid of obstacles, troubles, difficulties. They overcome any problems with dignity.

True, such kids cannot imagine life without adventures. If they are not satisfied with the surrounding reality, they will try to change it somehow, to break the habitual foundations of life. On top of that, these children are characterized by conservatism, a certain severity, steadfastness and even cruelty.

Most likely, such little ones will be ahead of their peers in development. They like to independently predict the future, reflect, analyze. If parents notice that their child is showing interest in drawing, he should be helped to develop this talent. It is quite possible that the future of a great artist is destined for the baby.

Peculiarities of raising kids-Petushkov

The birth of a baby is always a great happiness. All parents are interested in what exactly their long-awaited child will be like. Naturally, each little one is strictly individual, so it is impossible to accurately predict what character traits he will have. If you believe the stars, the little ones born under the auspices of the Fire Rooster will surprise their mom and dad. Nature will give them a sharp mind, insight and special stubbornness. These kids will grow beyond their years. Perseverance and activity will help little Cockers get what they want.

Be ready to give your child a certain freedom in order to develop independence in him. Try not to scold the baby for nothing, do not criticize his actions and actions. Those born in the year of the Rooster react very painfully to attacks in their direction, especially from close people. Be proud of your child's successes, turn a blind eye to some failures. Thanks to this, the self-esteem of the crumbs will not fall.

Despite the fact that little Petushki are born stubborn, purposeful and courageous, rudeness and frequent criticism of loved ones can arouse uncertainty in them, sow various fears and doubts in their souls. WITH early years they need to be allowed to show their leadership potential. However, do not rush to allow everything to your little one, do not limit him in anything at all. Just correctly explain to him how you can act, and what is strictly prohibited. Tell me that desires are not always destined to come true, sometimes failures and blunders are possible, but losing is not a reason to give up.

You should also not overprotect your child, otherwise it will grow up weak, withdrawn, unadapted to life. These children cannot stand lies, hypocrisy, they immediately see if someone is trying to deceive them. They are not ready to forgive betrayal, especially when it comes to loved ones.

Parents and their children

Try to follow the recommendations and tips above. So you will achieve location and respect from the baby. The child will try to learn from the parents life principles, values. It is on the example of the relationship between mother and father that the child will build his personal life in the future.

Show your baby more often that you love and appreciate him. Try to make compromises if necessary, periodically give in, do not drive the crumbs into the framework. Whatever year children are born, they should grow up in an atmosphere of love, mutual respect, understanding and friendship. Even when the kids, having matured, flutter out of the parental nest, they will help their parents, support them.

I would like to note that the appearance of a sister or brother for a little Cockerel can become real tragedy. It will seem to him that parents pay more attention to the newborn. As a result, the little one will begin to show aggression, anger, dissatisfaction, and do something "out of spite." A regular demonstration of parental love, a manifestation of care, tenderness and attention to the child will help to avoid this.

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Publication date: 04/05/2016

The rooster is an interesting "cocktail" ... Benevolent and some militancy, categorical and unwillingness to listen to criticism addressed to oneself, efficiency and a tendency to contemplation - all this fits in one symbol, forming a complex character, which from the outside may seem illogical and contradictory. After all, the Rooster loves to be in the center of attention, but at the same time, he tremblingly protects his personal living space, he easily makes new acquaintances, however, he can drive a person into a frenzy with his meticulousness and scrupulousness.

However, looking at how all these features coexist in specific people, we can confidently and with pleasure state: the Rooster endows his “wards” with a set of properties that are successful for them, which allow them to feel comfortable and behave with dignity in the most different situations and circumstances. Well, as for sympathy for them, then all this, as they say, is a matter of personal taste. But one must always remember that before judging, it would be a good idea to try to understand ...


The years of the Rooster are: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005. And, of course, the upcoming 2017.

In 2017, the Rooster will come into its own on January 28 (on the night of the 27th to the 28th). His power will end on February 15, 2018.

Character traits

People born in the year of the Rooster are usually sociable and observant. Although " specific gravity The nature of such properties for different representatives of this sign can be different, making some of them more insightful and calmly enduring solitude, while others are talkative and too straightforward.

Traditionally, this symbol gives a person an attentive attitude towards his own person. It is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to see an untidy Rooster or a similar “gray mouse” merging with the crowd. On the contrary, such people usually draw attention to themselves by their ability to look creative, without going beyond the canons. good taste. Roosters can become a real decoration of any celebratory event. Moreover, they do not shy away from compliments, and they are never embarrassed that almost all eyes are focused on them. And even in flattery - but only subtle and smart - they do not see anything shameful.

We must give the Roosters their due: they are not characterized by excessive vanity. Therefore, attention from others does not make them selfish. You can always expect an adequate response from them both to other people's suffering and to injustice. Roosters are brave, prone to help and mutual assistance. They are convinced that "there is one warrior in the field." But they often perceive other people's help and advice critically, because they believe that they themselves know well how to act and what choice to make.

Areas of success

The very first thing that can be said with absolute certainty is the fact that Roosters are creative people. And they clearly show professions related to art. Moreover, they are able to achieve the greatest results in the literature. The creative streak of representatives of this sign is so strong that many of them, who are by birth professional activity has nothing to do with art, they acquire some kind of hobby related to creativity. This may be, say, participation in an amateur theater, in a choir, or a hobby for one of the types of applied arts.

The second in this list should be the military sphere. Roosters find great pleasure when they have to command, manage, manage something. Here they find many opportunities for self-realization.

The third area of ​​success for Roosters is politics. Confidence in their own rightness, commitment, meticulousness and methodicalness allow them to lead even complicated cases to success and lead to a common “denominator” of ambiguity and controversial points. Politicians come out of them solid, consistent and often gravitating towards conservatism.

Fourth place can, perhaps, be given to sports. Here, too, there are enough points of application for the characters of people born in the year of the Rooster. The most promising sports for them are boxing and martial arts.

They should be careful in the financial sector. The fact is that these people are characterized by periods of increase and decrease in luck. And if, for example, in sports or in art, they can afford to take a break and go into the shadows, then financial failures can reduce their efforts to zero or even take them to a “minus”.

Personal life and relationships

The fact that Roosters are sociable and easily get acquainted with strangers we already mentioned. But it is impossible to argue that they are just as easily able to strengthen and consolidate relationships. People who are patronized by this symbol often seek to dominate. They do it not from evil; their self-righteousness is simply too strong, which they can try to extend to their halves.

For their part, these people value personal independence and are unlikely to allow anyone to dictate terms to themselves.

It is interesting to live with the Roosters, because they even try to arrange life with dignity and aesthetically. True, this means that you will not relax very much with them. In any case, it is definitely not recommended to “defile” in front of the Rooster in the morning in a sleepy form with disheveled hair.

Women who decide to connect their lives with a man born under the auspices of the Rooster need to be aware that their chosen one will invariably try to “fluff the tail” if a person who, in his opinion, deserves flirting, is in his field of vision.

But female Roosters are not so greedy for the opposite sex, so their husbands and suitors can feel at ease. But on the other hand, it is advisable for them to prepare for the fact that the Rooster rewarded their chosen ones with a great passion to crackle on the phone, make a shopping promenade in the company of girlfriends, and so on.

Rooster in the elements

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017) have pronounced leadership qualities. This person is able to organize almost anyone and anything. By setting a goal, he will surely achieve it. At the same time, the element of Fire makes the Rooster deaf to the feelings of other people. This is expressed in a tendency to cut the "truth-womb" completely incommensurate with the feelings of those to whom it is directed. And such tactlessness sometimes plays cruel jokes with them: Fire Roosters lose well-wishers and acquire offenders in return.

Earth Rooster (1969) insightful and deep. He knows how to be persistent in achieving what seems to him valuable and interesting. By the way, about the value aspect… All taboos related to financial activities are removed from the Earthen Rooster. If for people who are patronized by the Rooster, in general case finance is the source possible problems, then all this is practically leveled. Add to this the industriousness and perseverance of the Earth Rooster, and now we have a potentially successful businessman in front of us.

Metal Rooster (1921, 1981) quite pragmatic and at the same time hardworking. This pair of properties turns out to be quite enough for him to persistently and effectively move forward towards his plan. In addition, the Metal Rooster, more than its other counterparts, is prone to collectivism and mutual assistance. If there is some common cause, then he will show great personal interest in it and will not shift his duties or responsibilities onto other people's shoulders. True, at the same time (and in many other situations too), such Roosters are stubborn, and sometimes - in an attempt to insist on their own - they show harshness and rudeness.

Water Rooster (1933 and 1993)- intellectual. He, as a rule, is very well-read, has a sense of humor, knows how to speak beautifully and convincingly. Such people are excellent debaters and willingly participate in discussions, disputes and just in communication. They enjoy respect and authority. The disadvantage of the Water Rooster is unstable emotionality. Also, he's a reinsurer. Worried and worried over trifles, this person will stagnate, waste time, measure not seven, but seventy-seven times where you can do it the first time and forget.

At the Wood Rooster (1945, 2005) broad soul and inquisitive mind. He travels with pleasure, makes plans, has a large circle of acquaintances. He treats his surroundings with care. Such a person likes to be in a crowded society, and even work in a team is given to him much better than individual activity. When he has to do something alone, he begins to fantasize, set himself unrealizable tasks and persistently try to bring them to life.

Rooster compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

Promising and harmonious is the union of the Rooster with the Bull, the Snake and the Dragon. Together with the Ox, they will make up something like a union of opposites, in which each will occupy its own "niche". These two will be able to respect the dignity of each other and treat with understanding the weaknesses of their partner. The Rooster-Snake pair will show the world an excellent example of spiritual unity; here everyone will become for his partner not only a lover, but also a friend. The dragon for the Rooster is the subject of his pride and the feeling that in front of him a person is no less bright and extraordinary than himself; and the Dragon will answer him the same.

A fairly good chance of understanding between the Rooster and the Pig. Rooster will play the first violin here. But this will not offend or humiliate the Pig. True, the whole point will be that in almost half of the situations she will not even understand that they are trying to prick her or force her to play by someone else's rules. But it doesn't matter, because the Rooster will get common sense do not boast defiantly of your superiority. So both will be happy.

Two Roosters can exist together long years, and can stop enduring each other in a month. They are invariably interested in each other, however, unwillingness to notice their own shortcomings can lead their relationship to collapse. In order for these two such similar natures, which seem infinitely different to each other, to be together, they must love each other very much.

Only 50% of success can be predicted by the Rooster-Sheep pair. The Sheep and the Rooster are generally not bad, but he will find many reasons for disagreement here. Although, if the Sheep loves the Rooster very much and does not try to demonstratively self-actualize, leaving him unattended for a long time, then “it can still end very well.” Moreover, the chance of success increases if in this pair the Rooster is a man, and the Sheep is a woman.

For some time, the Rooster and the Monkey, as well as the Rooster and the Dog, can be together. And then, most likely, they will begin to disagree. With the Monkey - on the basis of the fact that she will seem to the Rooster to be shallow in nature, and he to her - rustic. With a dog the main problem will consist in mutual criticism and attempts to re-educate each other.

A difficult and, most likely, short-lived union will be the Rooster and the Tiger. Moreover, the faster they part, when they feel that they do not like each other, the more likely they are not to become enemies later. However, sometimes this couple manages to stay together, but then life path both of them is by no means strewn with roses.

But with whom the Rooster definitely should not connect his life, it is with the Rat, the Rabbit and the Horse. To the rat, the Rooster seems superficial; besides, she will be annoyed by his inability (or unwillingness) to save. For the Rabbit, the Rooster is a solid set of flaws. To withstand such a strange (in his opinion) person for a long time is simply impossible; To the rooster, the Rabbit seems to be ordinary mediocrity, and, moreover, mediocrity is very evil. The usual result of relations between representatives of these signs is a scandalous gap. Moreover, the moral damage from them for the Rooster usually turns out to be much greater than for the Rabbit. As for the Rooster and the Horse, there are two personalities in which the similarity begins with touchiness and ends with pickiness. None of them will not only want to understand the other, but will prefer to silently leave the “game”, without bothering to try to explain and understand what exactly is the reason for the misunderstanding.

Rooster and Zodiac

It is, in a sense, Don Quixote. But only without knightly romanticism and noble forgiveness of their opponents. This person is always ready for open confrontation, to prove his (or someone else's) rightness and the principles of justice. But at the same time, he will not act contrary to his own interests. People often perceive Peukh-Aries as a rude and stubborn. And at the same time, they recognize that he can be counted on as a defender if he was nearby in a conflict situation.

Usually handsome, always elegant, always responsible. Such a person expresses self-esteem with all his appearance. He completely lacks frivolity, and he is not ready to be content with little. Rooster-Taurus appreciates comfort and material wealth. People around him usually treat him with sympathy.

Twin Rooster Often he doesn't know what he wants. He may suddenly change his mood, plans and even worldview. From such a person one can hardly expect too strong attachment to people, objects, places ... The only important thing is that in this moment of interest. Moreover, this interest can capture him with his head, forcing him to forget about time and any argument in favor of common sense. And only the need to spend money on it is able to stop it! In this sense, the Gemini Rooster is more than pragmatic and prudent. And that is why he sometimes manages to make a source of income even out of an ordinary hobby.

Subject to mood swings. And such changes can occur both in a negative and in a positive direction completely unpredictably. That is, if in one situation he will dramatize events, then in another he will perceive the same problem quite easily, forcing himself not to waste emotions and act in the interests of his own future. In addition, the Rooster-Cancer is a sensitive nature. He is able to give helpful advice to suggest how to proceed. Although, on the other hand, such attentiveness can turn into a desire to arouse admiration for one's integrity. Yes… Whatever you say, this person is contradictory in many ways…

harmonious personality. And, first of all, harmonious for yourself. He does not hesitate to admire himself, to talk about his own significance. But, by the way, this is partially compensated by his willingness to endow those around him with positive, as if allocating them a fraction "from his generosity." The Rooster-Leo tends to set himself significant tasks, which, however, sometimes turn out to be divorced from reality, like himself, often living in a world of illusions.

A smart person, thinking outside the box, observant. He is a realist and a pragmatist. A titmouse in his hands is no less (and perhaps even more) valuable for him than a virtual crane. Rooster-Virgo loves to make plans, and, as a rule, these are always achievable plans, which he then puts into practice step by step.

A purely secular person. He knows his own worth, loves comfort. He knows how to reach a compromise, and successfully uses this talent of his not only for personal benefit, but also to the great pleasure of others. This person is peaceful, and there is only one thing that can wash off all his gloss from him - his pride. In this case, at one moment he turns from a good-natured gentleman into a skillful intriguer, cold and prudent.

Rooster Scorpio can be considered the standard of reliability and responsibility. The case for which he undertakes, such a person always brings to the end. And if it happens otherwise, then this means only one thing: there was an obstacle of insurmountable force on the way. Despite its seriousness and even meticulousness, the Rooster-Scorpio is a sociable nature. And this makes him even more attractive in the eyes of other people, who often imbue him with such confidence that they are ready to embark on even a risky event with him.

Erudite, charming. He is an excellent speaker, ready to discuss anything and with anyone. Because of this, from the outside he seems businesslike and competent in many areas. However, it is sometimes quite difficult to conduct real, practical business with him, because in reality it turns out that you have a pure theorist in front of you. However, only half of these Roosters-Sagittarius; no less of those who know how not to disperse their intellect into many directions, but concentrate on one. And these people are able to achieve in life really a lot.

Purposeful, consistent, objective. He does not overestimate his capabilities, but at the same time he does not diminish them. In addition, this person is an individualist who strives to be outside the crowd; and if this is not possible, then at least stand above it, stand out from it. Among other things, the Rooster-Capricorn is reliable and very decent. You can always rely on his word.

Rooster-Aquarius does not threaten to get bogged down in the routine of gray everyday life. His thoughts are always somewhere in the future, in perspectives. He often dreams of the impossible, and his goals are mostly global and aimed at the embodiment of some grandiose or even great idea. Naturally, with such an approach to life, the Rooster-Aquarius does not always realize what it is striving for. But he cannot do otherwise.

Charming, unobtrusive, modest. It seems so ... And in his soul, meanwhile, vanity and a willingness to go to his own goal are raging almost through. However, let this not make anyone treat such a person with prejudice. After all, it is really a pleasure to deal with him, because he is a good organizer, has excellent business qualities - responsibility, flexibility in communication, diligence.

Famous Roosters

Remember which field of activity is ideal for Roosters? Art! And it is enough to name just a few of the greatest talents that came into being under the auspices of this symbol to make sure that this is so. So, in the year of the Rooster, actors J.-P. Belmondo and Y. Nikulin, composers G. Verdi and I. Strauss, writers M. Prishvin and F. Cooper were born. And this list can be continued with even more significant names: Vladimir Dal, Enrico Caruso, Alisher Navoi...

Catherine the Great, Alexander I, Richelieu, who were born in the year of the Rooster, became famous in politics, A. Suvorov, A. Kolchak, marshals I. Bagramyan and I. Konev became famous in military affairs.

Children who appeared in the year of the Rooster will never go unnoticed. Bright and impulsive by nature, they are ready to share their energy and attract the attention of others. For successful self-determination in life, parents of Petushkov children must help them. Otherwise, they can scare everyone away with their activity.

In this article:

The influence of the sign of the Rooster on personality

Its influence extends only to those babies who were born after January 28. The closer to the middle of the year the date of birth, the more pronounced are the features characteristic of the representatives of this sign. The main characteristics that are noted in all those born this year:

  • emotionality;
  • a pronounced tendency to leadership;
  • straightness;
  • generosity;
  • mercy;
  • attentiveness and openness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • courage;
  • purposefulness.

There is no big difference between the character of boys and girls. More importantly, in what period of the year babies are born. Girls and boys who appeared in the summer tend to realize leadership qualities more. They are talkative and become the soul of the company.

Those who have a birth in autumn or winter are more prone to creativity. Girls are more likely to become actresses or workers social centers. Boys can study architecture or drawing.

Egocentrism is also inherent in them. If you strongly indulge their whims in childhood, you can face serious problems in the future.

Features of raising children-Petushkov

The element of Fire makes children explosive and unpredictable. Parents need a lot of patience to instill perseverance in the kids of the Year of the Rooster. Their desire to know everything and run somewhere for new experiences quickly tires. But only adults. Petushki children themselves can donate own sleep for new discoveries.

In order for a relationship to develop, the following must be done:

  • kids in 2017 should be well aware of the boundaries of what is permitted;
  • you need to teach them to calmly accept failures, as well as the fact that they cannot always be the center in any company;
  • praise them for their attentiveness, participation in the process of performing household functions;
  • force them to maintain a daily routine and nutrition so that they learn self-discipline from an early age;
  • do not follow the lead for any reason, they easily learn to manipulate their parents and close relatives.

Children born in the year fiery rooster especially in need of love and attention.

The nature and temperament of children in 2017

The rooster endows them with incredible perseverance. Wishing to achieve the intended goal, they can sweep away everything in their path. So people are rightfully afraid. As children grow up, they learn patience and perseverance.

By temperament, the children of the year of the Rooster are usually sanguine or choleric. Among those who appeared in the autumn-winter period, there are more phlegmatic natures. Therefore, they are less quick-tempered and more diligent. Children like to do routine work and understand small details. They are more inclined towards contemplation and creating things with their own hands.

Such children love fun, so where there is none, they are ready to create themselves. As a result, they easily make friends. They are jealous of the appearance of other babies in the family, which should be taken into account by parents when planning a pregnancy.

If children do not feel enough attention, they are capable of self-destruction:

  • fall into depression;
  • be aggressive;
  • to do deeds out of spite;
  • hush up problems.

This is easy to fix. It is enough to show the fiery children who appeared in 2017 the year of the Rooster their love. Moreover, in the adult state, they retain the need for this.

They like to surround themselves with bright things and objects. In clothes, they are looking for ways for self-realization. This attracts other extraordinary personalities to them.

Talents and future professions

Babies born in 2017 quickly begin to understand the power of money. Therefore, any profession related to business and finance brings them success:

  • bankers;
  • accountants;
  • brokers;
  • insurance agents;
  • credit specialists;
  • sales managers;
  • entrepreneurs.

Gift oratory And natural leader often brings kids into politics. The ability to lead is also noted in the case of organization charitable foundations, social and creative projects.

There are even more famous Roosters among representatives of the creative industry. Successful artists, musicians, artists are obtained from those who were born under the influence of the element of Fire. It is only necessary to support these talents from childhood. Otherwise they will fight inner world which will lead to unnecessary energy consumption.

Health of the children of the year of the Rooster

All parents are concerned about the health of their babies. The kids of 2017 do not have big problems in this area. Like others, they sometimes get colds. Particularly naughty children may catch ARI a little more often because they do not take care of themselves while walking.

If conditions are created for self-closure, neurological disorders can be observed:

  • memory impairment;
  • enuresis;
  • skin itching;
  • biting nails.

For active Petushki, the risk of injury increases, because they want to reach everything on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct educational conversations with them about maintaining their health.

During the period of growth, they need more vitamins, because the level of energy costs and they are always high.

Successes and difficulties in learning

The main problems in teaching babies born in 2017 are associated with two opposite reasons:

  • they are ahead of other children in mastering the material, they get bored in the lessons;
  • they are not assiduous, therefore it is difficult to learn what the teacher is trying to give. They prefer to acquire knowledge on their own.

It is not easy for a teacher to work with Petushki. But if you manage to interest them in the process or the topic of the lesson, the children will give real pleasure. After all, they have an inquisitive mind, and also like to work in a team. A large number of Leadership among classmates always results in a high grade point average.

To develop attention and perseverance at school, parents should do small exercises from the first year of life.

Children born in 2017 year of the Rooster will delight their mom and dad. Parents are waiting vivid impressions from communicating with fiery kids. If they are attentive to the crumbs, then they will give them a reason for pride more than once.

Parents planning a child in 2017 want to know what the children born in the year of the Rooster will be like. The beginning of the reign of this zodiac sign falls on January 28. It has long been known that the year of birth has an impact on the fate and development of the individual, of course, other factors should not be excluded, which allows each person to be individual.

In 2017 comes. The symbol of this animal is associated with unbridled courage, absurd and not always simple character, leadership qualities and the need to defend one's point of view. The Chinese believe that the Rooster symbolizes perseverance and diligence, the desire to achieve one's own no matter what. This image is somewhat contradictory. Despite the thirst for adventure, the Rooster still has conservative inclinations, and it is difficult for him to change his occupation and place of residence. He is optimistic, but at the same time, he can be cruel if someone gets in his way.

Small children born in 2017 will have an absurd character, a developed intellect, the ability to see and predict events. They are very diligent, which can sometimes lead to an unreasonable desire to bring everything to a perfect conclusion. Despite the fighting character, the Rooster can endure for a very long time and "peck" at the most inopportune moment. nervous system children born under this sign will have to be protected. The natural love of control over others will make the child a leader in any children's group, but on condition that the parents did not block the gift of being the first with excessive restrictions and guardianship.

Children in the year of the Rooster - future creative personalities

A small child born this year should always be busy with something. He has a natural curiosity and ingenuity, a love of knowledge. If you want to know what the children born in 2017 will be like, then the stars say that there are many artists, musicians, and artists among them. Natural talents allow them to become architects or engineers, as well as directors, writers or screenwriters. An open vision of the world, the desire to learn and create endow such children with creative abilities.

However, everything is not so simple. Parents should not rely only on a natural gift, it must be developed. The Rooster child tends to be lazy, so from an early age he will have to be taught discipline and order, because what is laid down in childhood will remain with him forever. We remember that it is difficult for a conservative Rooster, endowed with leadership qualities, to change his views and attitudes.

What other abilities will be endowed with children born in 2017? They are certainly smart and grasp on the fly any knowledge that is available to them. In addition, such children have the ability to analyze and logical thinking, including girls. Working specialties are not for them, so training should be directed towards science or art.

In the future, children under the sign of the Rooster will certainly have a career, but this is on condition that they can overcome natural laziness and uncompromisingness. The rooster is a leader, so training programs are suitable for him, where he can take the initiative.

How to Raise a Rooster Child

Parents should prepare in advance and find out what kind of children will be in 2017. The character of each baby is individual, but the stars in many ways help us choose the vector of development. A child born this year will surprise his parents. He will be distinguished by a penetrating mind, stubbornness and the manifestation of "adulthood" already in preschool age. He is active and persistent, striving to get what he considers right for himself.

Parents will have to give the baby some degree of freedom so that he learns to act independently. Criticism is unacceptable. Children born under the sign of the Rooster may be too sensitive to criticism of their actions. It is necessary to pay more attention to successes than to failures, otherwise there is a chance to educate low self-esteem. With rough handling, courage and perseverance can easily be translated into fears and insecurity, so the Rooster must be given the opportunity to show leadership from childhood. This does not mean that everything should be allowed to him. Parents will have to explain the boundaries of what is acceptable and teach the baby that sometimes there will be losses that you should not be afraid of, but learn from them to avoid mistakes.

Overprotectiveness is also unacceptable. In this case, the child will either come to terms with this, and he will have weak character traits, or he will begin to vigorously defend his independence, and upbringing will develop into a struggle. Such children do not like the lies that they notice, and may not be forgiven for it. The betrayal of loved ones may in the future force them to abandon these people forever. However, the Rooster is a patient person and, with a certain degree of love and trust, can forgive a lot until patience is overwhelmed.

Thus, basic qualities children born in the year of the Fire Rooster:

  • creativity;
  • desire for leadership;
  • perseverance in achieving the goal;
  • conservatism;
  • truthfulness;
  • highly developed intellect and insight;
  • stubbornness.

Having learned what children will be born in 2017, parents will be able to outline a parenting plan. If you want to bring up a happy, creative and successful person, will have to develop the most striking and positive character traits. Don't be surprised if the child seems older than he is. The rooster is endowed with natural wisdom, his views often surprise people, and some do not understand them at all. Sensitivity, patience, leadership development and creativity- this is the motto of parents whose children were born this year.

We invite you to look video about the year of the rooster: