The length of the Ili River is 1439 kilometers. Its beginning is in China, the river also replenishes the reserves of the Kapchagay reservoir, and already at the end flows into famous lake Balkhash. In ancient times, the Ili River was navigable, and goods were often transported from China along it. Today, among fishermen, vacationers and travelers, Ili enjoys special popularity, which is very well deserved. The river is characterized by a quiet and calm flow, the absence of rapids, which allows you to go from here for the sake of water travel. Which ?

Features of the Ili River

On the coast of the river there are places that return tourists to ancient times. And on the right bank for many centuries, an image of Buddha has been looking from a huge stone. Many petroglyphs can be seen on dark mysterious rocks, where there are also late Buddhist inscriptions, images of deities and other writings, the meanings and meaning of which have not yet been unraveled. In total, there are about a thousand different rock carvings dating back to the Middle Ages. Beginner hikers and amateurs active rest give preference to an alloy on Ili.

Such rafting on the river allows tourists to get acquainted with the animal and flora river floodplains. A large number of birds are found in the Tugai thickets, and many of them are unique. Also fishing on the river is a great pastime. An experienced angler can catch grass carp, bream, zander, asp, carp and catfish here. Note that the Ili River is the main tourist branch of Semirechye. From the Mongolian language, the name of the river is translated as sparkling and shimmering. The Ili River itself appeared due to the confluence of the Tekes and Kunges rivers, which begin in the mountainous region of the Northern Tien Shan. Who was on, see everything here.

The river bed is rich in small islands and canals, which are covered with bushes and reeds. Only in the Kapchagay region does the river valley narrow and then widen again. It is noteworthy that the river valley is full of surprises and contrasts. Indeed, among the endless dunes, the waters of the river seem to crumble into transparent lakes, where water lilies grow. Sweet-voiced birds also live here. in small lakes a large number of multi-colored fish that swim in Lake Balkhash. Such an indescribable landscape can be seen during river travel. Tourists come here to catch catfish, which are up to five meters long and can weigh up to three hundred kilograms.

Kurty is a river located in Almaty region, Kazakhstan. It is the last left tributary of the Ili River. Kurty originates on the northern slope of the Chu-Ili mountains. It is very shallow and is used to irrigate the local fields. It feeds on rain, snow and ground water. In the 90s, a dam was built on it, which formed the Kurta reservoir.

The length of the river is 125 km and the basin area is 12,500 km². Nowadays, it is the main water artery of southeastern Kazakhstan. The river got its name in honor of the Kurt dynasty, who ruled in 1245-1389 in this territory.

Every year, hundreds of tourists come here to go fishing or just have a good time. Please note that a special license must be purchased for fishing, this is strictly controlled by local security. Also Kurts are perfect place for swimming, however, the water in the river is a bit cold.

Chilik River

The Chilik River is one of the main water arteries Kazakhstan. Chilik, flowing through the Almaty region, is the largest river of the Trans-Ili Alatau, or Northern Tien Shan. The name of the river has Uighur roots, and in translation from the Kazakh word "shelek" means "bucket".

Chilik - typical mountain river With big amount tributaries (about 50), with a rapid flow and a rather steep drop. In the upper reaches of the river, the width of the channel is 5-6 meters, expanding in the middle reaches to 10-15 meters, the greatest depth varies from 1.5 to 2 meters. In the early 80s, Chilik was blocked by a 60-meter rock-fill dam with a length of 330 meters. This was the last large-scale project of the Soviet period, the "Big Alma-Ata Canal" - this is how the Bartogay reservoir was formed, which was created to accumulate water and irrigate fields in summer time. It is one of the most beautiful places in Kazakhstan.

Two large faults stretched under Bartogai earth's crust, and along the entire gorge in the river and on its banks are visible large stones and boulders that rolled down from the mountains are evidence of the numerous earthquakes that happened in these parts. In ancient times, a glacier passed through these parts, the traces of which are still read on the rocks. The Chilik River is very popular among lovers of water tourism.

Charyn River

The Charyn River, in the middle reaches - Kegen, in the upper reaches - Shalkudysu, this is a huge water stream flowing in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan. This river has a violent temper, like most of the mountain rivers of Kazakhstan. She has great amount tributaries, also fed precipitation so the river is full. Closer to the lower reaches, the Charyn River subsides and becomes calm. It is here that a beautiful valley is located, picturesque and charming.

This water beauty takes its beginning far in the mountains, on the southern slope of the Ketmen ridge, small tributaries feed it and make it powerful and full-flowing. In the lower reaches, its tributary Temirlik flows into it and it flows into the Ili River and in total it makes a path equal to 255 kilometers. Charyn forms several interesting valleys in the region of the Kuluktau mountains - this is a canyon 400 meters deep, the area of ​​loose deposits of the Zhalanash depression - Aktogay, in the eastern part of the Toraigyr ridge - the Kartogay canyon and then Sartogay in the lower reaches.

Especially attractive is the Kartogay valley, which means grave forest. This is a picturesque corner, amazing in its shapes and outlines, especially during the daytime, when we can perceive the whole play of colors that surrounds us and truly appreciate the beauty of this magnificent place. The Charyn River is not only beautiful, but also useful, as it generates a huge amount of energy, so the Moinak hydroelectric power station was built on the river.

Turgen River

Turgen is a mountain river originating from glaciers, high in the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau. The gorge through which the Turgen flows is considered one of the most picturesque in the mountains of the Northern Tien Shan.

In the floodplain of the river is the Turgen Gorge. At an altitude of 1230 m, on the ninth kilometer along the Turgen Gorge, there is the Batan forestry. Clean and cold water from the Turgen River enters the basins fisheries where trout are grown.

To date, the Turgen River is one of the most visited tourist places. This is due to the fact that the gorge is located not far from Almaty and attracts tourists with a rich selection of entertainment. In the gorge you can visit a trout farm and an ostrich farm, take pictures with the huge figure of the Golden Man and the snow leopard visit an open-air museum.

Aksai river

Aksai is a river flowing in Kazakhstan. The right tributary of the Kaskelen River originates in the glaciers of the Trans-Ili Alatau. The length is 70 km. The width of the Aksai river valley is 8 meters, the average depth is 0.2 - 0.7 meters, the maximum is 1.2 m. The river and its tributaries are dangerous for mudflows. The largest mudflows were observed in 1921 and 1960.

Mount Akzhar rises between the valleys of the Aksai and Kargalinka rivers. From the northwestern slope, as a result of a catastrophic earthquake on May 28, 1877, a grandiose collapse descended. Fragments of rock - reaching 30 - 50 tons, formed a stone scree. Mount Akzhar is a watershed between the valleys of the Aksai and Kargalinka rivers.

Ili River

Ili is one of the largest rivers located in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan. It originates at an altitude of 3540 meters in the Tien Shan in China. Its source is located at the confluence of the Tekes and Kunges rivers. The length of Ili is 1439 km, of which 815 km it flows in the territory of Kazakhstan.

The river flows into the western part of Lake Balkhash and strongly desalinates it. At its confluence, it forms a vast delta with permanent branches: Topar and Zhideli, as well as many backwaters and small lakes. Ancient channels lie on the right side of the modern river, the largest of them is Zhanatas.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the river was a fairly busy route from western China. In 1729, a battle between the Dzhungars and the Kazakhs took place here. Today it is very popular among lovers of tourism, especially rafting to Balkhash. On one of the banks of the Ili is the Singing Dune - the famous sandy mountain, and not far from it - the National natural Park Altyn-Emel, where the famous Przhevalsky horse is bred in our time.

Chu River

The Chu River originates in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, but most of it is located in Kazakhstan. Part of the river, which is 150 kilometers long, serves as a kind of Kyrgyz-Kazakh border. The surroundings of the river delight the eye every day local residents and travelers with its unshakable beauty and uniqueness.

Chu River - natural wealth Republic of Kazakhstan. To say that a lot of fish live in this river is to say nothing. It is literally teeming with various types of fish, which, of course, is to the liking of any traveler who is keen on fishing. There are many species in the Chu River big fish, so if you are a fan of a rich catch, then leisure time on this river is especially for you. Even if you are just a beginner angler, local fishermen are always ready to lend you a helping hand and make fishing fruitful and unforgettable. Every year, such a sport and outdoor activity as rafting is gaining more and more popularity, and on the Chu River there are all conditions for such rafting. The Chu River is an ideal place to relax both for lovers of solitary fishing and for fans of extreme sports.

Malaya Almatinka River

The Malaya Almatinka River is a large mountain river, originating among the ridges of the Zailiysky Alatau. It flows through the city of Almaty, The largest city Kazakhstan.

The Malaya Almatinka River is over 125 kilometers long and is one of the largest rivers in the region. There are many attractions along the banks of the Malaya Almatinka. In the upper reaches of the river there is a beautiful Tuyuk-Su glacier, which is highly visited by lovers of mountain tourism. Alpingrad is also located there - a site for tent camps for climbers.

A separate attraction is the Mynzhilki dam, built to protect the city from mudflows. From the top of the dam there is a wonderful view of the river valley. Also in this area is an old hydrometeorological station, opened in 1936.

In addition, Malaya Almatinka is surrounded by a magnificent wild nature and breathtakingly beautiful mountain scenery. Along the river are popular tourist routes, however, it should be remembered that this road is only for experienced travelers: the area here is picturesque, but completely uninhabited.

Bolshaya Almatinka River

Bolshaya Almatinka is a river in Kazakhstan, flowing along the western outskirts of the city of Almaty. The river originates from two sources - powerful glaciers. The length of the river is 96 kilometers.

The river basin occupies several different natural areas: mountain, plain and foothill. The mountain zone forms a runoff, its upper part - rocks, glaciers, snow. Below are alpine meadows, conifers and deciduous forests. In the lower reaches, the Bolshaya Almatinka is divided into several channels. The river flows into the Big Almaty Lake.

The annual melting of snow caps causes a large amount of runoff, which can cause mudflows. In 1980, a barrier against mudflows and floods was built in the river valley. The forty-meter dam has a huge mudflow storage.

To ensure the improvement of the territory of the river, complex measures are regularly carried out that help reduce water pollution in Almatinka.

Topar River

Topar is a steppe river in the Almaty region, surrounded by several lakes. It is especially popular with fishermen and hunters, since the local places are rich in game, and the river itself is rich in fish.

In order to fish or hunt in these places, you need to purchase a license (a biting calendar is attached to it free of charge). Rangers keep order in the area, check for a license and are ready to help with advice if necessary. Carp, zander and crucian peck especially well here. Under favorable circumstances, the size of the catch in one evening reaches fifteen kilograms.

The endless steppe stretches around, creating a feeling of solitude and detachment from the bustle of the city. Of course, before going fishing, it makes sense to stock up on repellents. Fishermen from all over the region come here along the Astana highway to enjoy clean air, beautiful views and great bite.

Russia is largest state in the world (its area is 17.12 million km 2, which is 12% of the earth's land), about 3 million rivers flow through its territory. Most of them are not large in size and have a relatively short length, their total length is 6.5 million km.

By the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea, the territory of Russia is divided into European and Asian parts. The rivers of the European part belong to the basins of such seas as the Black and Caspian, Baltic and to the basin of the Arctic Ocean. The rivers of the Asian part - the basins of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans.

Major rivers of Russia

The largest rivers in the European part are the Volga, Don, Oka, Kama, Northern Dvina, some originate in Russia, but flow into the seas in other countries (for example, the source of the river Western Dvina- Valdai Upland, Tver region of the Russian Federation, mouth - Gulf of Riga, Latvia). Such large rivers as the Ob, Yenisei, Irtysh, Angara, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma flow through the Asian part.

The Lena River, 4400 km long, is one of the most long rivers on our planet (7th place in the world), its sources are located near the deep-sea fresh lake Baikal in Central Siberia.

The area of ​​its basin is 2490 thousand km². It has a western direction of flow, reaching the city of Yakutsk, it changes its direction to the north. Forming a huge delta at the mouth (its area is 32 thousand km 2), which is the largest in the Arctic, the Lena flows into the Laptev Sea, the basin of the Arctic Ocean. The river is the main transport artery of Yakutia, its largest tributaries are the Aldan, Vitim, Vilyui, Olekma rivers...

The Ob River passes through the territory of Western Siberia, its length is 3650 km, together with the Irtysh it forms a river system 5410 km long, and this is the sixth largest in the world. The area of ​​the Ob river basin is 2990 thousand km².

It originates in the Altai mountains, at the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers, in the southern part of Novosibirsk the constructed dam forms a reservoir, the so-called "Ob Sea", then the river flows through the Ob Bay (area of ​​more than 4 thousand km²) into the Kara Sea, basin of the Arctic Ocean. The water in the river is high in organic matter and low oxygen levels. Used for commercial fishing ( valuable breeds- sturgeon, sterlet, nelma, muksun, broad whitefish, whitefish, peled, as well as partial ones - pike, ide, burbot, dace, roach, crucian carp, perch), power generation (Novosibirsk HPP on the Ob, Bukhtarminskaya and Ust-Kamenogorskaya on the Irtysh) , shipping...

The length of the Yenisei River is 3487 km, it flows through the territory of Siberia, dividing it into Western and Eastern part. The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers in the world, together with its tributaries the Angara, the Selenga and the Ider, it forms a large river system 5238 km long, with a basin area of ​​2580 thousand km².

The river begins in the Khangai Mountains, on the Ider River (Mongolia), flows into the Kara Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean basin. The river itself is called the Yenisei near the city of Kyzyl ( Krasnoyarsk region, Republic of Tuva), where the rivers Big and Small Yenisei meet. It has a large number of tributaries (up to 500), about 30 thousand km long, the largest ones: Angara, Abakan, Lower Tunguska. Kureika. Dudinka and others. The river is navigable, it is one of the most important waterways in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia, such large hydroelectric power stations as Sayano-Shushenskaya, Mainskaya, Krasnoyarskaya are located downstream, timber is rafted on rafts ...

The Amur River, 2824 km long, with a basin area of ​​1855 thousand km², flows through Russia (54%), China (44.2%) and Mongolia (1.8%). Its origins are in the mountains of western Manchuria (China), at the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers. The current has an easterly direction and passes through the territory Far East, starting at the Russian-Chinese border, its mouth is located in the Tatar Bay (its northern part is called the Amur Estuary) of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin. Major tributaries: Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri, Anyui, Sungari, Amgun.

The river is characterized by sharp fluctuations in the water level, which is caused by summer and autumn monsoon precipitation, with heavy showers, a wide flood of water up to 25 km is possible, which lasts up to two months. The Amur is used for navigation, large hydroelectric power stations (Zeyskaya, Bureyskaya) have been built here, commercial fishing is developed (the Amur has the most developed ichthyofauna among all the rivers of Russia, about 140 species of fish live here, 39 species of them are commercial) ...

One of the most famous rivers flowing in the European part of Russia, for which the words from the song are composed "Tofolk race, like a full-flowing sea» - Volga. Its length is 3530 km, the basin area is 1360 thousand km² (1/3 of the entire European part of Russia), most of it passes through the territory of Russia (99.8%), the smaller part - Kazakhstan (0.2%).

This is one of the largest rivers in Russia and throughout Europe. Its origins are on the Valdai plateau in the Tver region, it flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta, along the way taking the waters of more than two hundred tributaries, the most significant of them is the left tributary of the Volga, the Kama River. The area around the riverbed (15 subjects are located here Russian Federation) is called the Volga region, there are four large millionaire cities: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara and Volgograd, 8 HPPs of the Volga-Kama cascade...

The Ural River, 2428 km long (third place in Europe after the Volga and Danube) and with a basin area of ​​​​2310 thousand km², is unique in that it divides the mainland of Eurasia into two parts of the world, Asia and Europe, therefore one of its banks lies in Europe, the other - in Asia.

The river flows through the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, begins on the slopes of Uraltau (Bashkortostan), flows from north to south, then changes direction several times to the west, then to the south, then to the east, forms an estuary with branches and flows into the Caspian. For navigation, the Urals are used to a small extent, in the Orenburg region, the Iriklinskoe reservoir and hydroelectric power station were built on the river, commercial fishing is carried out (sturgeon, roach, bream, pike perch, carp, asp, catfish, Caspian salmon, sterlet, nelma, kutum) ...

The Don River is one of the most major rivers the European part of Russia, its length is 1870 km, the area of ​​​​the basin is 422 thousand km², in terms of the volume of water passed through, it is the fourth in Europe after the Volga, Dnieper and Danube.

This river is one of the most ancient, its age is 23 million years, the sources are located in the small town of Novomoskovsk (Tula region), the small river Urvanka begins here, which gradually grows and absorbs the water of other tributaries (there are about 5 thousand of them) spills into a wide channel and flows over large areas of southern Russia, flowing into the Taganrog Bay Sea of ​​Azov. The main tributaries of the Don are the Seversky Donets, Khoper, Medveditsa. The river is rapids and shallow, has a typical flat character, such large million-plus cities as Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don are located here. The Don is navigable from the mouth to the city of Voronezh, there are several reservoirs, the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric station ...

The Northern Dvina River, with a length of 744 km and a basin area of ​​357 thousand km², is one of the largest navigable rivers in the European part of Russia.

Its origins are the confluence of the Sukhona and Yug rivers under Veliky Ustyug (Vologda region), it has a northern direction of flow to Arkhangelsk, then north-western and again northern, near Novodvinsk (a city in the Arkhangelsk region) forms a delta consisting of several branches, its area is about 900 km², and flows into the Dvina Bay White Sea, Arctic Ocean basin. The main tributaries are Vychegda, Vaga, Pinega, Yumizh. The river is navigable along its entire length; the oldest paddle steamer, built in 1911, “N.V. Gogol "...

The Neva River flowing through the territory Leningrad region, connecting Lake Ladoga with the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea, is one of the most picturesque and full-flowing rivers in Russia. The length is 74 km, the basin area of ​​48 thousand rivers and 26 thousand lakes is 5 thousand km². 26 rivers and rivulets flow into the Neva, the main tributaries are the Mga, Izhora, Okhta, Chernaya Rechka.

Neva - the only river, flowing from the Shlisselburg Bay in Lake Ladoga, its channel flows through the territory of the Neva Lowland, the mouth is located in the Neva Bay Gulf of Finland, which is part Baltic Sea. On the banks of the Neva there are such cities as St. Petersburg, Shlisselburg, Kirovsk, Otradnoye, the river is navigable along its entire length ...

The Kuban River in the very south of Russia originates in Karachay-Cherkessia at the foot of Mount Elbrus ( Caucasian mountains) and flows through the territory North Caucasus, forming a delta, flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. The length of the river is 870 km, the basin area is 58 thousand km², 14 thousand tributaries, the largest of them are Afips, Laba, Pshish, Mara, Dzheguta, Gorkaya.

The largest reservoir in the Caucasus is located on the river - Krasnodar, the Kuban cascade of hydroelectric power stations, the cities of Karachaevsk, Cherkessk, Armavir, Novokubansk, Krasnodar, Temryuk ...

) and Kunges (cm. KUNGES) merging in Xinjiang (cm. XINJIANG UYGUR AUTONOMOUS REGION)(China). Flows into Lake Balkhash (cm. BALKHASH (lake)). The length from the confluence of the Tekes and Kunges is 1001 km, from the source of the Tekes 1439 km. The basin area is 140 thousand km 2.
IN upstream- mountain river. Below the mouth of the large right tributary of the Kash River, the valley expands and Ili breaks into branches. Up to Mount Kapchagai, the river flows along the bottom of a wide basin in low banks, sometimes swampy, below it enters the deep Kapchagai gorge, where the Kapchagai hydroelectric power station was built. After the confluence of the last tributary - the Kurta River - the valley expands sharply and the river flows among the sands of Sary-Ishikotrau and Taukum. At 340 km from the mouth, the dry channel of the Bakanas departs from the Ili; here begins the ancient Ili delta. 100 km below - the modern delta (area 9000 km 2) with many branches overgrown with reeds. The main branches are Zhideli, Ili (navigable), Topar. Main tributaries: Kash, Khorgos (right), Charyn, Chilik, Talgar, Kaskelen, Kurty (left).
Food glacier-snow. The average water discharge at the mouth is 329 m 3 /s. Freezes in December, opens in March. Kapchagai hydroelectric power station and reservoir. Used for irrigation. Fishing, muskrat fishing in the delta. Navigable from the city of Ghulja (cm. KULDZHA); in Kazakhstan - to Bakanas.

encyclopedic Dictionary . 2009 .

See what "OR (river)" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Or. Or Characteristic Length 1439 km Area ... Wikipedia

    The river of the Semirechinsk region merges from 2 rivers: Tekes and Kunges, flowing within the Chinese Empire. Of these, the main source Tekes originates in sowing. slope of the Tien Shan, in the Khan Tengri mountain group on the absolute. altitude 11600 ft. and heading... ...

    The river of the Transbaikal region, the left tributary of the Onon River, originates in the heights of the Alakhan Mountains, covered with snow for most of the year, flows through a very mountainous area to the southeast and after the 130th century. current flows into Onon near the village. Ust Ilyinsky. I. is different ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    The river flows into Lake Balkhash; China, Kazakhstan. The etymology of the hydronym is debatable: mong. or sparkling, brilliant; other Turk. fast or big river. A common explanation in the past from Russian. silt modern authors exclude. See also Alma Ata, ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    River in China and Kazakhstan. 1001 km, basin area 140 thousand km². It is formed by the confluence of the Tekes and Kunges rivers, flows into the lake. Balkhash. The average water discharge at the mouth is 329 m³/s. Kapchagai hydroelectric power station and reservoir. Used for irrigation. Navigable… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Don Don in the Voronezh region Flows through the territory of Russia The source of the Urvanka stream near Novomoskovsk Mouth ... Wikipedia

    Wiktionary has an article "or" Or a word of the Russian language, a union expressing an alternative ... Wikipedia

    - (colloquial) IL I. union. 1. (when comparing proposals or individual members of the proposal, by sign, excluding or replacing each other). Indicates the need to choose between sentences or sentence members (setting or before each matched ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The water flow is relatively large sizes, as a rule, permanent (in a number of areas in some areas it temporarily dries up or freezes over), flowing in the channel developed by it, fed by runoff from its catchment. To Ch. characteristics ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    An important mythological symbol, an element of sacred topography. In a number of mythologies, primarily of the shamanic type, the so-called "core" of the universe, the world's path, penetrating the upper, middle and lower worlds, acts as a kind of "core" of the universe. space (or ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology


  • River of mystery, wave of love, Olesya Latyshko. A summer cruise may seem like a dream to anyone, but not Lesia. And no wonder: she goes to such a "dream" for the fifth summer in a row. And all because her grandfather is the owner of a two-deck ...

One of the weekends we decided to spend in nature. On the Internet, saw several offers weekend excursions: journey along the river Ili on a raft and excursion to.

We chose to travel along the river Or on a raft. The route passed from the water pumping station of the Kapchagai reservoir to the Tamgaly Tas tract, located in the Ili district, Almaty region. Such a trip was offered by one of the travel agencies of the city of Almaty.

The ticket price included:

  • round trip transportation
  • lunch on a raft
  • necessary safety equipment,
  • guide services.

The program included:

08:30 – gathering of participants at the Central Stadium.

09:00 - departure from the central stadium from Almaty.

11:00 - arrival at the water pumping station of the Kapchagay reservoir.

11:00 – 11:30 briefing, issue of equipment, boarding the raft

11:30 - 15:00 rafting on the Ili river to Tamgaly Tas, with stops near damn finger And nomad castle.

15:00 - 17:00 picnic in nature, rest, inspection of rock paintings.

17:00 - return to Almaty.

About the river Ili

The name of the river Ili, translated from the Mongolian language, means "shimmering, sparkling."

The Ili River was formed from the confluence of the rivers Kunges and Tekes. These rivers originate in the mountains of the Northern Tien Shan. The length of the Ili River is about 1400 km. The river originates in China. In Kazakhstan, on the territory of the Almaty region, the river forms the Kapchagai reservoir and flows into Lake Balkhash. The Ili River is one of the tourism destinations in Kazakhstan

Traveling along the Ili River, tourists get acquainted with the flora and fauna of this amazing place. A large number of birds live along the coast of the Ili River, many of which are listed in the Red Book. Avid fishermen can catch catfish, carp, asp, pike perch, bream, grass carp here. The landscape is extraordinary: everywhere there are sand dunes and a clear blue river sparkles from the rays of the sun. The calm steppe river Ili flows at a speed of about 7 km/h. Traveling on the Ili by raft is very suitable for family vacation. You can just take a break from the working week and enjoy nature.

So, having overcome the path from the city of Almaty to the water pumping station of the city of Kapchagay, we lined up to board the raft.

Road to the Ili River

In our group there were very young children and elderly people, that is, the contingent was diverse. But everyone found a common language at once. We were given life jackets and lunch in a cardboard box.

Lunch consisted of a portion of pilaf, salad and mineral water. Everything else was taken with them. There were tables and chairs on the raft, an awning was stretched over the raft. So the rain didn't bother us. And here is the solemn moment, the motor boat began to slowly pull our raft towards the current.

Having reached the middle of the river, the raft began to drift smoothly.

The tour guide talked to us about safety. And then he began to talk about the river, about significant places that we will see along the way. We swam and admired the nature of our Kazakhstan. The unique, inimitable nature of the steppes was pleasing to the eye. Someone was sleeping in the fresh air, someone was looking into the water, someone was talking animatedly.

The first significant place on the Ili River that we saw was a mountain called Damn finger. The mountain got its name because it is shaped like a finger.

Movie parable about true love, friendship, fidelity. The film is based on real historical events that took place in the 18th century. The historical basis of the film is the story of Abylai Khan.

this is a whole medieval Asian settlement. On the territory of the castle there are houses for the nobility and common people, narrow streets, cattle camps, all medieval utensils. When you are on the territory of the castle, you get the feeling that you are in a different era.

Despite the fact that the castle is a cinematic prop, the castle is built thoroughly, the castle is beautiful and located in beautiful place. I think it will be used in many more films.

on the river Ili "Rock city - Astana" was the next significant place on our journey.

The training ground of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan is used for training rescuers not only in Kazakhstan, but also in other countries.

Here, emergency rescue operations of a natural and man-made nature are practiced. At this training ground, rescuers raise general level preparedness and response in emergencies, improve the skills of conducting emergency rescue operations.

The Rock City-Astana training ground is the only universal training ground in the CIS where you can practice all types of rescue operations.

One rock imitated appearance residential building. Windows and doors were painted on the rocks.

Tanks with an allegedly poisonous substance were used for testing chemical attack. The carriages of the allegedly derailed train depicted a railway accident.

We also saw an airfield with helicopters. In general, there were a lot of interesting things there. In the same place we saw the trained "martyrs".

All the way on the coast of the Ili River we saw tents, these are fishermen who came to fish for a few days.

We saw hovering hang gliders. And also motor boats and teams of tourists who were rafting on boats sailed past us.

Soaring over Or a hang glider

Unnoticed, we swam to tract Tamgaly Tas. Mass festivities were organized in the Tamgaly Tas tract. Everything was conducive to active recreation.

It was possible to take part in national competitions such as: wrestling, tug of war, horseback riding.

Not far away was a barbecue and pilaf festival.

Pilaf, besparmak, was cooked in large cauldrons. But we were waiting for a sightseeing tour to the rock paintings. "Written rocks" are located in the Tamgaly-tas tract, which means. stones with sacred signs (translated from Kazakh, Tamgaly is a sacred sign, tas is a stone).

"Written rocks"

Exploration of stones in Tamgaly-Tas began somewhere in the 19th century. Chokan Valikhanov also made the first sketches of the "Written Rocks"

The significant pattern is buddha drawing.

Scientists suggest that the drawing was made in the II century BC.

Would you like to ride a hang glider?

Time passed imperceptibly. At 5 pm the buses arrived and took us to the point where we started our journey. Everyone was happy.

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