After calculating the wealth of the world's richest people, Forbes decided to turn to astrology and find out which zodiac signs “attract” money. Most billionaires were born under the sign of Virgo - out of 613 rich people, more than 70 celebrate their birthday between August 23 and September 22. Least of all Sagittarius. And among Russian billionaires there are only two Virgos, but three Sagittarius. The most “money” signs of the Zodiac in the Russian Federation are Libra and Pisces.

Of the 793 global billionaires on the Forbes list, journalists were able to find out the birthdays of 613 of those on the list. Most of the rich people were born under the sign of Virgo - about 70 people (12%). Among them are the world's second richest American investor Warren Buffett with a fortune of $42 billion and Oracle CEO Larry Ellison with $16 billion (15th place).

The fact that the “female” zodiac sign predominates in the relatively “male” list of billionaires is not surprising, astrologers say. “Virgos are known to be hardworking, determined, detail-oriented and analytical. They are driven by the desire to achieve superiority,” says astrologer Michael Latin. In addition, Virgos are driven by the desire to do something that will be useful not only for themselves, but also for others.

But those who were unlucky enough to be born between August 23 and September 22 should not be upset, writes Forbes. Other signs are also presented in the list. For example, 8% of the world's billionaires were born under the signs of Aries and Aquarius. Steve Ballmer from Microsoft (net worth $13.6 billion - 24th place) and IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad (net worth $28 billion - 4th place) were born under aggressive Aries. The most prominent representative of Aquarius was Oprah Winfrey (net worth $1.4 billion - 562nd place).

And the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, was born under the sign of Scorpio. It is noteworthy that the richest Russian, Roman Abramovich, is also a Scorpio.

“Representatives of this sign always succeed because, for example, they use all their charm to sell. Scorpio's goal is to get you to do what they want," says Latin. And he gave an example operating system Windows: "People hate Windows, but they buy it."

The fewest billionaires in the world are Sagittarius - only 6%. “These people are disorganized, untrained in detail, relying on luck and God,” says astrologer David R. Raley. But what they lack in business acumen they make up for creative potential. Therefore, the brightest representatives of Sagittarius in Forbes ranking- Hollywood director Steven Spielberg and film producer Arnon Milchan (“Pretty Woman,” “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” “Wrath” and other films).

Russian billionaires from Forbes list refute general statistics. Of the 33 Russians included in the rating, the VZGLYAD newspaper managed to confirm the birthdays of 24 of them. The most “money” zodiac signs in the Russian Federation turned out to be Libra and Pisces - four representatives each. For example, the owner of Severstal Alexey Mordashov (net worth $7.6 billion - 64th place) and the head of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov (6.3 billion dollars - 93rd place) were born under the sign of Libra.

Most bright representative Pisces is the only female billionaire in Russia, the head of Inteko, Elena Baturina (2.3 billion dollars - 335th place).

There are two Scorpios. As already reported, this is Roman Abramovich, as well as the executive director of TNK-BP German Khan ($6.1 billion - 94th place). It is interesting that Abramovich and Khan were born on the same day - October 24.

There are two representatives of the most “monetary” sign of the general list of billionaires - Virgo - in Russia: “second” richest man Russian Federation (according to Forbes) the head of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov ($11 billion - 37th place) and co-owner of the Mikhailovsky GOK Alisher Usmanov ($2.6 billion - 278th place).

As for the representatives of the most “non-monetary” sign, Sagittarius should not despair. Of the 24 Russian billionaires, three were born between November 22 and December 21. These are the President of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Iskander Makhmudov (4.5 billion dollars - 136th place), Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Lebedev (3.5 billion dollars - 194th place) and co-owner of MDM Bank Sergei Popov (2.7 billion. dollars - 258th place).

One representative each in the ranking of Russian billionaires was born under the signs of Leo (Chairman of the Board of NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson - $2.5 billion), Aries (Vice President of LUKOIL Leonid Fedun - $4 billion), Gemini (CEO of Surgutneftegaz Vladimir Bogdanov - 4, 1 billion dollars) and Aquarius (head of Evrazholding Alexander Abramov - 4.9 billion dollars).

Capricorns have two representatives: the owner of RUSAL and " Basic element"Oleg Deripaska ($7.8 billion) and co-owner" Norilsk Nickel» Vladimir Potanin ($6.4 billion). Three rich people were born under the sign of Taurus - the owner of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works Vladimir Lisin ($10.7 billion), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman ($9.7 billion) and Chairman of the Board of Uralsib Nikolai Tsvetkov ($5.2 billion . dollars).

The only zodiac sign that is not represented in the list of Russian billionaires is Cancer.

The rich people of this world are individuals who were able to achieve success not because of their appearance or influential patrons, but because of their determination and business acumen. There is a phraseology “born under a lucky star”: this means that some zodiac signs have great potential for realization. To find out who turned out to be the richest zodiac sign in 2018, let's study the Forbes list.

TOP 3 richest zodiac signs

After analyzing the latest list of Forbes magazine, reflecting the names of the largest rich people, we can conclude who was lucky. The health of a business does not always depend on investments: it is important to be in the right place at the right time.

Aries are stubborn workaholics

Purposefulness and straightforwardness are the main features of this sign.

This first sign of the zodiac is ruled by Mars, the most militant planet. People born between March 21 and April 30 know how to achieve goals, despite difficulties and obstacles.

Aries have irrepressible energy, perseverance, they are able to quickly restore lost strength. People born under the sign are able-bodied and are accustomed to achieving success not thanks to artistry, but because of their innate stubbornness.

Aries, according to astrologers, cannot be called selfish: they spend money on loved ones, often do charity work, and dream of world peace.

They are good-natured, although others may think that this sign is too intrusive.

Taurus - philosophers and observers

Another “horned” rich man, Taurus is a real unbending hard worker

Individuals born between April 21 and May 20 are Taurus who work hard and accumulate acquired knowledge and material resources.

Taurus do not have as much energy as Aries, but they are able to rationally distribute resources and set priorities.

For Taurus, getting quick money is not the best the best option, however, they will never miss the opportunity to invest in a successful project.

Taurus have strong intuition, can appreciate everything beautiful, and love comfort very much. However, such a peaceful sign also has a feature that allows you to become rich: these individuals are very economical.

Scorpios are determined and resilient

Scorpio is considered the most mysterious sign of the zodiac; its representatives are very ambitious and intelligent

Like real Scorpios, representatives of this zodiac sign are able to survive in any conditions, be it the office jungle or the world's largest production facilities. Their qualities allow them to reach sky-high heights.

Scorpios are very fond of power and money, although the former turns out to be much more valuable than material resources.

These people are tireless, energetic, passionate, they are good at subjugating the team and rarely compromise.

Of course, such qualities are not very popular with subordinates, but for family and friends, Scorpio remains the main breadwinner.

His success lies in his talent to wait: when others rush to the embrasure, the representative of this sign remains on the sidelines. However, he will not miss the opportunity to grab a great deal when others are wasting their time on trifles.

If a person is a representative of any other sign, then he can also achieve success. The main thing is to make every effort to achieve results. The position of the planets changes from year to year, so today's aspiring businessmen can become fabulously rich tomorrow.

Trud analyzed which zodiac sign you need to be born under to become a successful politician or a real oligarch

In the Forbes Russia list - 101 most successful businessman peace. We have compiled a ranking of zodiac signs in terms of how often people born under these stars became multimillionaires.

1. Sagittarius (13 people)

Sagittarians are idealists. They love to occupy important positions and provide patronage, and often engage in charity work. Perhaps this is why they fail to reach heights in business. They are too wasteful, keep too many acquaintances in business and the right people, encourage flattery and veneration. Having achieved success, they like to rest on their laurels, not fully understanding that business is Full time job, risk and transformation.

2. Libra (12 people)

Libras are supporters of harmony and balance. Business breakthroughs and rapid development are not their strengths. But maintaining it in a prosperous state is quite within their reach. However, they have one advantage - the ability to please others. They are forgiven for everything: mistakes, unpopular decisions, and unfulfilled promises.

3. Virgo (11 people)

Virgo is the sign of small business. This does not mean that people born under this sign cannot achieve great success V business activity. Virgos are neat, can easily negotiate with others, and do excellent bookkeeping. For large projects, they lack a vision for development prospects; they get stuck in the details.

4. Pisces (9 people)

It is Pisces who should be at the head of transnational corporations and at the center of the globalization process. However, in most cases they are not stable enough for successful business. Internal contradictions prevent them from achieving great success in organizing enterprises. They often cancel decisions made and do not finish what they started.

5. Aquarius (8 people)

Aquarians are passionate, creative people. Starting a new business is what is of greatest interest to them. They look for and find new ways of development, see prospects for growth. However, they quickly become bored when things get better and business takes off.

6. Gemini (8 people)

Gemini is the sign of commerce. They have mental agility and speed in making decisions, ease in establishing contacts and networking. They always need to be busy. But to implement large business projects, they lack the ability to manage from a distance.

7. Aries (8 people)

Aries is a sign with excess energy. This makes it easy to start business projects, organize people, and even “break through walls.” However, to achieve great success in business, Aries lacks intuition and tact. He often goes ahead, misses benefits and quarrels with others.

8. Taurus (8 people)

Taurus people value material well-being very much and do everything to ensure that it is present in their lives. They intuitively feel how to achieve their goal. People of this sign know how to properly manage their property and enjoy it correctly.

9. Scorpio (7 people)

It is this sign that can get everything out of nothing and carry out very risky scams. Scorpios are building financial pyramids, play on the stock exchanges, profit from world cataclysms.

10. Capricorn (6 people)

Capricorn is a sign of discipline and self-restraint. These people set goals for themselves and know how to achieve them. Economical use of funds, optimization of the use of natural, technical and human resources help them make fortunes.

11. Leo (6 people)

People born under this sign strive for fame and success, often achieving them, but in most cases not in business. To develop a business, they are too self-centered, demonstrative, and do not know how to work in a team. They need adoration, they need to be the center of attention. Theater stages, fashion show podiums and sports arenas are more suitable for this than boring offices.

12. Cancer (5 people)

Cancer is a sign of family and home well-being. They are too careful for business. They can show miracles of business acumen, but only if this family business. However, this rarely allows for major successes.

Trud was advised by astrologer Boris Izraitel.

"Trud" decided to see which zodiac signs have the most people Russian politics. Among the 103 most famous politicians, the majority are Virgos, Taurus and Aries, but Aquarius, Cancer and Capricorn can be counted on one hand.

1. Virgo (12%)

It is not surprising that there are so many Virgos in politics, because they always strive for highly organized and coordinated work, and their analytical abilities are rightfully the most in demand. In addition, Virgos value order most of all and always strive for improvement, so they are not afraid to entrust a city or an entire region.

2. Taurus (11%)

There are slightly fewer Taurus people in politics than Virgos. And this is understandable: in their work they show themselves most clearly with practical side. Taurus people use their boundless charm to achieve success and material well-being. But sometimes they love money too much - you need to take into account that Taurus politicians may not find the strength to refuse a bribe.

3. Pisces (10%)

Pisces are quite successful politicians, as they react strongly to the thoughts and feelings of other people, unconsciously absorbing their ideas and ideas. But they hate controversy, which is not good for politics. But Pisces are capable of lying - a quality that is in demand in power. The success of Pisces politicians is also associated with the ability of people of this sign to easily change their point of view.

4. Aries (9%)

Aries are by nature born leaders and leaders who can inspire and lead a crowd, but they may at times lack diplomacy and restraint. Aries are stubborn and do not like to compromise, but they can emerge victorious in situations where, it would seem, everyone is against them.

5. Gemini (9%)

Geminis constantly need contacts and skillfully negotiate; their oratorical abilities are also most often excellent. They are fiery leaders and know how to light things up with words. However, in politics they lack persistence.

6. Leo (9%)

Contrary to the general belief that Leos are successful in everything, they rarely succeed in politics. Leos do everything they consider right, even sometimes contrary to public opinion, but with their enthusiasm and energy they force people to follow them, which often leads to joint mistakes.

7. Libra (9%)

Libra strives too much for universal harmony, developing their cooperation with various conflicting parties. The gift of analyzing public opinion and the environment helps them in this. They spend too much energy on this, so there is no time left to think about their own position in conflicts, and they are no longer perceived as significant figures.

8. Scorpio (9%)

Scorpios intuitively understand the political situation and strive for transformations and radical reforms. But sometimes you need to use your mind: breaking is not building. Scorpios are independent in their decisions, aggressive and cunning, therefore they are simply invincible both in open battle and in behind-the-scenes struggle.

9. Sagittarius (7%)

Sagittarians, with their love for freedom and independence, are usually filled with a sense of responsibility for society and for themselves, and their opponents must always be prepared to hear the truth from Sagittarius. However, in politics it is not always appropriate.

10. Aquarius (6%)

Aquarians with their love of humanity, guided by the principle of absolute justice, in their political life arrange an active exchange of thoughts and ideas between big amount groups, organizations and political associations. However, it is not clear why this is necessary.

11. Capricorn (6%)

Capricorns are the embodiment of organization and self-restraint: they boldly take on obligations in politics and society and, with all their tenacity, know how to defend laws and rights. But for politics, Capricorns lack flexibility, the ability to maneuver and break the rules.

12. Cancer (6%)

Cancers are the most patriotic of all the representatives of the Zodiac signs and have diplomatic talent, although their politics often remain incomprehensible to most. Cancers take you not by force, but by cunning.

Trud was advised by astrologer Pavel Klyuchko.


  • 6318.75 million - the average wealth of Taurus businessmen from the Forbes list
  • 4710 million - the fortune of a Capricorn businessman
  • 3550 million - average wealth of Libra oligarchs
  • 1113 million - the fortune of Cancer from the Forbes list


The most successful area for development is finance.


They can achieve success in different areas of business, but they prefer real estate, household items, and art.


Small business projects that do not need to be managed from a distance.


They can find themselves in Food Industry, food trade, restaurant business, sale of goods for mothers and babies.

a lion

Film and television industry, organization of sports societies and holiday companies, trade in lamps, jewelry, expensive trinkets.


Small business: private clinics, sale of medicines, household appliances and household supplies, writing instruments and paper.


Legal services, perfumery, show business, antiques trade.


Field of activity: trade in weapons and pyrotechnics, creation of security companies and establishment of industrial lines, sports industry.


Creation and development of educational structures, publishing and tourism business.


Traditional business areas: trade consumer goods, cafes and restaurants, work in the service sector, construction, production of electronic components.


Development of new information and high technology, fashion industry, advertising. They get bored in more traditional areas of business.


Financial and commercial enterprises, trade in hydrocarbons, medicines and alcohol, organization music festivals, charitable foundations, sea transport.

Born under the stars

  • Capricorn - Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov
  • Aquarius - minister social development Tatiana Golikova
  • Pisces - minister natural resources Yuri Trutnev
  • Aries - Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
  • Taurus is the governor Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev
  • Gemini - head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu
  • Cancer - Minister of Education Alexander Fursenko
  • Lev - Head of the Ministry of Regional Development Viktor Basargin
  • Virgo - Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko
horoscope, career,

According to Forbes magazine, you can reveal which zodiac sign is the richest - Leo. Its representatives account for 14% of the capital of the “golden hundred”. For many years now, both Gemini and Aquarius (11%) and Aries and Libra (10% each) have been showing impressive financial results. Both Taurus and Pisces (7.7%) have good chances to earn a billion dollars; Scorpios and Capricorns (6.6%) are a little more modest. The lagging behind are moneybags Virgo and Sagittarius. If you believe the saying: “Money doesn’t buy happiness,” then the most happy with life there must be Cancers, practically absent from the list (only 2 people out of 100, and those are in a borderline zodiac state). One of two things: either a commercial streak is not characteristic of them at all, or Cancers have learned to hide their wealth very carefully. Is it really possible, based on a horoscope, to determine the degree of financial success of a person? We suggest checking your readings.


Since childhood, Aries cannot sit in one place. Subsequently, this manifests itself in a career - representatives of this sign do not like to work in one direction for a long time. The reason is both a stormy temperament and a desire to achieve more, but perhaps in a different field. The irrepressible ambitions of Aries are their engine of progress. Strong, strong-willed, competitive. It is not surprising that in life they feel most comfortable lounging imposingly in the manager’s chair and giving orders. Necessary condition big earnings - drive from work. It is also true that large sums of money do not stay in their pockets for long. Natural courage and impulsiveness often makes them the heroes of our lives - police officers, firefighters... Professions through which “lambs” can make huge fortune: sports coach, business analyst, architect, interior designer, promoter, politician, TV presenter.


The love of money is in the blood of Taurus. Among all the zodiac signs, they are more wealth-oriented than others. Their important advantage is that they know how to save their earned money. Their most important goal is to surround themselves with beautiful, tasty, high-quality things and live in maximum comfort. This is why the bulls need money. In astrology, Taurus represents the second House - the abode of finance: they do not have to force themselves to work. Most of all, Taurus values ​​stability. Therefore, they need certain guarantees at work: fixed vacation time, good insurance, wage day after day. Decisive and honest, they work well in a team. Taurus works best with things, not people. They achieve high results in those areas where they can apply logical reasoning. Taurus makes excellent analysts, financiers, medical and scientific researchers, chefs, landscape designers, lawyers. They are suitable for working with flowers, food, jewelry and luxury goods.


Geminis know how to do several things at once and therefore lead the list of one of the richest signs of the zodiac. They have an active, creative mind - you never know what they are going to say. In the first moment they completely agree with what you say and do; but after thinking a little, they can dramatically change their mind. This is one of those rare signs that can quit successfully and money job, only because the bosses don’t like him. Geminis are dreamers. They constantly try to stand out in the workplace; you can unmistakably spot them even in a large team. They cannot stand routine activities. Geminis are optimistic and full of energy - they need to be given the opportunity to express themselves instead of being limited by traditional rules. Do you want to make Gemini rich and happy? Give him work in those areas where it is necessary to realize his creative and intellectual potential: from music industry before computer graphics.


Cancers tend to accumulate money. Not necessarily cosmic amounts, but quite sufficient to be absolutely sure of tomorrow. There are people who can do things every day that they themselves do not believe in. Cancers are not one of them. They must know exactly what the business they are working on will bring them. As a rule, they come to this conclusion at the age of 30+. The other extreme of Cancer, which often interferes with their personal financial well-being, is working on disinterested grounds: “for an idea” or for charitable purposes. If representatives of this extremely sensitive sign achieve independence in money, then, as a rule, this happens in the service sector, jurisprudence, and working with children and animals.

a lion

Leo is the “king” among the zodiacs. Well, how can you be poor with such a status! Leos lead the ranking of the richest zodiac signs. Their ambitions and insatiable desire to show off are so great that this feeling pushes them day by day to increase their well-being. They constantly need to stand out - blind following is not for them. In their work, they do not look for support, but purposefully and alone go towards their intended goal. They cannot be rushed - Leos work at their own rhythm. When it comes to money, to feel satisfied they need to get an amount with a lot of zeros. Another incentive to wealth is family: it is important for them to bring home earnings/rewards to show their significant other how well they are doing their role as breadwinner. Leos spend money with caution: every time they need a compelling justification for this.
Leos are the boss's favorites. This is not surprising: fearless, spontaneous, inventive and inspiring - they bring success and high profits to the company. They work best when they are the center of attention. (It is useless to resist their charm!) They are targeted for those positions that bring status and power. They cope well with the role general director, guide, real estate agent, notary, designer (fashion is their element). Occupy high positions in the public service.


Virgos love to work. In astrology, this sign is associated with the Sixth House, which is responsible for health, work and service. Virgos are completely satisfied and professional growth, and the wealth that comes to them over time. Between 20 and 30 years of age, they may fluctuate between several areas of activity before finally deciding on a path. By career ladder They move not just with steps, but with impressive leaps. They will thrive in publishing, editing, medicine, accounting, linguistics and nutrition. How bosses strive to be kind and fair. Known for their perfectionism and neatness. Therefore, they make excellent makeup artists, hairdressers, and manicurists. Another working passion of Virgos, which promises earnings, is statistics and research.


For triumphant success in business, Libra needs to work in large company. This is not the type of personality that can handle working alone in a confined space. They need scope and scale - they thrive in the incessant “buzz” around them. Libra is ready to solve other people's problems. In a team, they are often given the role of peacekeepers. (What would we do without them?!) Often succeed in creative professions, the arts, working with audiences. The entertainment industry can bring substantial profits in business: their wealth is the result of popularity and fame. Other vacant offers include scientific and research laboratories, trade, travel industry, interior decor and, possibly, religious service.


Love and an insatiable desire for wealth are a Scorpio trait. This is what the stars themselves command: the sign belongs to the Eighth astrological house. In his power are public money, inheritance issues, loans, big business. A typical Scorpio can be an excellent businessman: he has a well-developed intuition, which tells him in time where and how he can “catch big fish" Be careful: as a rule, if Scorpio has not established himself in the profession at the age of 39, it will be extremely difficult to obtain financial well-being in the future. Typical behavior of Scorpio: to hesitate until the last minute, and then, when time is running out, he will rush to the task as if it were an embrasure and complete it brilliantly. Their element is intractable problems; something you have to rack your brains about. They rarely get pleasure even from their dream job: happiness and pleasure are the prerogative of their personal life exclusively. The sphere of high technology, telecommunications and insurance can bring financial stability to this sign. In addition, they make wealthy lawyers, scientists and surgeons.


Money fortune smiles on Sagittarius. At the same time, it is extremely difficult for them to do routine work; they must know that their profession has prospects and opportunities for growth. Only in this case they achieve great results. It is difficult to accuse this sign of dishonesty; they never run from problems and are happy to lend a helping hand. Sagittarians live “here and now,” so they always try to get their work done as quickly as possible. Be careful: such speed may be interpreted by your superiors as frivolity and negligence. Choose a field of activity where a fast rhythm will be appreciated - and get ready to quickly top up your account with a round sum. Sagittarians prefer the company of people who are not afraid to earn big (very big!) money. They make excellent bosses - fair, calm, reasonable. Natural wit often helps them defuse tense situations in the team with humor and tact. Spheres of influence of Sagittarius - work in the field of education, sports, environment, civil service, consulting. They love to travel and are ready to stay on business trips.


The stars favor Capricorns in business. Unlike other signs, they are not attracted to money as such; they stubbornly strive for power. Capricorns are very ambitious and strive at all costs to become the best in their profession. Their sign is located in the Tenth House - this is the place for career and the highest achievements in life. No wonder they often take leadership positions or participate in a business where they have greatest influence on others. Even on vacation, their thoughts are always busy with work, new ideas and strategic plans. Despite feeling unwell or family problems, they won't let things suffer. Never waste time. While most people are happy to receive a promotion, Capricorn will only accept it if they feel they are worthy of the position. If not, he can recommend another person instead of himself for a winning position. Just as mountain goats climb up steep cliffs pebble by stone to get to the very peak, determined and persistent Capricorns will do whatever it takes to achieve their goal. Workaholism is their main zodiac disease. Best vacancies: editor, banker, accountant, management consultant, organizer, developer, appraiser, programmer.


Wealth can come to Aquarius through the realization of their original ideas and new discoveries. Often in money matters they are guided by intuition (even if we're talking about about very large sums and the risk of losing everything is great) and rarely make mistakes. It is very difficult for people born under this sign to be forced into a framework or set restrictions; they obey only their own rules. They will oppose the corporate environment and demand expression of freedom of thought and movement. If they feel that they are doing something well, they continue, but no, they immediately quit, without making the slightest effort to correct the situation. Aquarians work “by touch”, on a whim. Extremely curious, they explore everything unusual and easily embark on adventures, including financial ones. To earn money, they should take on solving non-standard problems; solving them promises a big jackpot. In order to get rich, it is worth taking a closer look at the rapidly developing area of ​​IT. Possible lucrative jobs include: designer, musician, inventor, pilot, farmer.


If Pisces do not find their place in life by about 28-30 years old, in the future it will be very difficult for them to find a “favorite haven”. Wealth usually comes to them from the creative sphere - music, dancing, photography, jewelry, web design, multimedia. They often act intuitively. If your hairstylist is a Pisces, not only will he give you a modern and unique haircut, but it will be exactly what suits you best. There are many Pisces among astrologers. They treat their work like a marriage: they look for the most favorable conditions and take a position where they can help people solve complex issues or problems. They often experience extreme career ups and downs. Like a brave captain, they stay on the ship even if it sinks. Among the profitable “fish” vacancies: artist, psychologist, physiotherapist, veterinarian. They dominate the airline workforce, the real estate industry, landscape design and spa services.