Mounted on self-propelled chassis. This type of armored vehicle performs different from other tanks combat missions, so it has characteristic features.

Use of self-propelled guns

Self-propelled guns have a powerful long-range gun, capable of hitting the enemy at considerable distances, so it makes no sense for them to get close to the enemy. There is no powerful defense on the self-propelled guns, since they must fire not at the front line, but from the rear of the main troops. Roughly speaking, self-propelled guns are powerful long-range artillery capable of quickly changing their position after firing. However, these armored vehicles were used not only in the form of heavy howitzers, but also as assault guns supporting the attacking troops with their fire, as well as tank destroyers capable of hunting and destroying enemy armored vehicles both from close and long distances.

Successful and failed ACS projects

Some of the most famous self-propelled guns during the war of 1939-1945 are the Soviet self-propelled guns-152 "St. John's wort" and the German "Stug" and "Jagpanther". These are examples of successful developments of this type of equipment, which not only effectively fought in battles, but also gave impetus to future technologically advanced generations of self-propelled artillery equipment. But there were also unsuccessful attempts create a heavy-duty self-propelled guns, for example, the American T-95 (PT-SAU) or the German super heavy tank"Maus", which ended in complete failure, as designers and developers forgot that "the best is the enemy of the good."

American self-propelled guns of World War II

The T-28 "Turtle", which has the name T-95 - tank destroyer, is an American self-propelled artillery mount of a trial sample, created during the Second World War and is a tank destroyer. Some historians classify this model as super heavy tanks. This self-propelled gun was designed since 1943, but by the end of the war, its serial production had not been launched. The only thing that the designers managed to do was to make two prototypes in 1945-1946. In terms of its mass, the T-95 tank (PT-ACS) is the second after the German Maus.

The history of the production of "Turtle"

At the end of 1943, a heavy armored vehicle development program was launched in the United States. The Americans were prompted to do this by global studies of the military situation on Western front, which showed that the Allied forces may need a heavy combat vehicle that can break through complex enemy defenses.

The developers took the base of the medium tank T-23 and the electronic transmission of the heavyweight T1E1 as the basis for the future T-95 tank destroyer. Armored sheets 200 mm thick and a new 105 mm gun were installed on this basis. This weapon could penetrate and destroy almost any concrete structure.

It was planned to produce 25 such machines during the year, but the command ground forces opposed such plans and recommended that only three tank destroyers with a mechanical transmission be made. While all the bureaucratic nuances were being coordinated, by March 1945, five combat vehicles had already been ordered, whose protection had been increased to 305 mm of armor, due to which the weight of the T-95 tank destroyer (photo of the prototype is located below in the article) increased to 95 tons.

Initially, it was planned to make a tank without turrets with the ability to accommodate a crew of four. But in February 1945, the T-28 tank was renamed self-propelled unit T-95.

T-95 (PT-ACS): application history

By the end of the war in Europe and on the Pacific front, two combat vehicles. They had two pairs of tracks, which significantly increased their width, and an engine with a power of 500 Horse power. This, however, was very little for the movement of a super-heavy installation. Such an engine was also installed on the Pershing tank, but it was two times lighter than the Turtle. By the way, the T-95 was awarded this name. Tank destroyer - a model that was only 12-13 km / h.

Thus, this armored self-propelled gun was practically “standing”, which did not suit the army leadership, since the self-propelled guns had to be delivered to the required point only by rail. But here, too, not everything turned out well. Because of the second pair of tracks, the width of the self-propelled gun was greater than the railway platforms. In order to somehow accommodate the T-95, it was necessary to remove additional tracks, which took at least four hours.

Technology features

This tank destroyer was conceived by the developers as a powerful self-propelled artillery fortress that could “hack” any enemy without being afraid of retaliatory strikes.

It really was a fighting monster. The weight of 95 tons was distributed over four caterpillar tracks, each 33 cm wide. A 105 mm gun could penetrate almost any fortification and armor at a distance of up to 19 kilometers. But most big feature of this technique was its armor - on the frontal part of the tank it was 13 cm, on the side - 6.5 cm, and the bottom of the hull had armor of 10-15 cm.

However low speed and sluggishness did not allow the T-95 (PT-ACS) to be used in combat.

The military operations of various armies showed that armored vehicles must combine average characteristics both in terms of power and protection, and in terms of mobility and maneuverability. Due to the lack of precisely the last two parameters, the T-95 was rejected by the US military command.

Weaknesses of "Turtle"

In addition to the fact that this tank had significant shortcomings, the self-propelled gun, despite powerful armor, was also easily vulnerable, as technical sea trials showed. T-95 (PT-SAU) had the following penetration zones.

by the most vulnerable spot this tank destroyer is his chassis. A few hits on the tracks - and the self-propelled gun stops in place, and then do whatever you want with it. It does not have a gun turret; it cannot deploy a cannon. Additional armament, except for the commander's machine gun "Browning", the self-propelled guns also do not.

Also weak point serves as side armor, the thickness of which does not exceed 65 mm. Fast maneuverable tanks and self-propelled guns of World War II could quickly outflank and rear the T-95 and inflict serious damage, leading to the death of the crew.

Another weak point of this self-propelled gun was the commander's hatch, which did not have enough powerful armor.

And the last minus "Turtles". After the war, it became clear that the power of guns and armor did not decide the outcome of the battle. The bet was not made on superheavy military equipment, but on a mobile and compact one, which could quickly change its location, strike at the enemy and just as quickly retreat back. And just to load tank destroyers onto the railway platform, it was necessary to spend about four hours, which, according to the conditions modern wars just an unaffordable luxury. Such equipment can be destroyed even at the stage of loading.

Technical parameters of the self-propelled guns "Turtles" T-28 (T-95)

  • The weight of the equipped combat vehicle of the first design is 86 tons, after the second design - 95 tons.
  • Crew - four people.
  • The length of the self-propelled gun is about 7.5 m, the width is 4.5 m, and the height is about 3 meters.
  • Clearance - 50 cm.
  • The thickness of the frontal part is 30-31 cm.
  • The thickness of the sides is 6.5 cm, and the stern is 5 cm.
  • Caliber of the main gun - 105 mm, additional commander's machine gun - 12.7 mm.
  • Engine power - 500 l. With.
  • The travel reserve on the road is 160 kilometers.

What happened to the only T-95 models?

Work on these self-propelled guns was stopped in 1947, as heavy tanks T-29 and T-30 with gun turrets began to be designed on their basis.

The only prototypes of super-heavy tank destroyers that never took part in real combat battles ended their days in a sad way: one model burned out completely from the inside during a fire so that it could no longer be restored, and the second simply broke down and was written off for scrap metal.

After 27 years, the decommissioned prototype was found in the aftermath of the restoration, it was put on display at the popular Patton Museum (Kentucky).


The result of the review of the Turtle self-propelled guns shows us that each type of armored vehicle must correspond to its time.

According to its characteristics, the American T-95 was an excellent machine before the start of World War II, but with the development of weapons, it catastrophically lagged behind the main types of armored and artillery troops, not only of its allies, but also of potential opponents. It was economically unprofitable to continue working on a backward project, so it was closed.

Studying the negative experience of past years, modern designers of military equipment are trying to design weapons in such a way that they meet the requirements of the war and fulfill the assigned combat missions to the maximum.

5 years and 5 months ago Comments: 12

So, you, like many other players, decided to choose the Soviet “heavy” with your first level 5 tank? Then you definitely passed this car. But let's still remember how it was ... So I bought this tank right after T-46 and what did I see? Huge tank! Just a giant! After the purchase, I compared its sizes and was surprised ... the size is the same! But that was after, and at first I thought: “Since big means slow and armored,” and immediately after the first battle, “How wrong I was, how punished, I’m stuck in the hangar now.” It turned out he was fast and "cardboard". But let's go in order.


Do you see at the beginning 30x years, the tanks were only against conventional rifles, machine guns and pistols. This explains his "cardboard" in the game. But I won't get ahead of myself. Story T-28 began in 1930 with a visit to Great Britain by the Soviet Purchasing Commission headed by S. Ginzburg, whose task was to acquire the most modern models of armored vehicles and send them to the USSR for study and use in organizing their own armored production. One of the tanks of particular interest to the commission was the latest at that time medium tank A6 firm "Vickers", better known as "Vickers 16-ton". However, the firm "Vickers" refused to sell finished sample tank due to its secrecy and put forward the following conditions for the Soviet side to purchase the vehicle:

  • A one-time payment of 20,000 pounds sterling (about 200,000 rubles in gold) for familiarization with the design and development of tanks of this type.
  • Order from the company "Vickers" 10 tanks of this type at a price of 16,000 pounds (160,000 rubles in gold) for an unarmed tank.
  • Further order from the tankette company Carden-Lloyd Mk.VI and light tanks Vickers Mk.E.
Such conditions were considered unacceptable by the Soviet delegation, and it was decided to abandon the purchase of the A6 and instead create a tank of this class on its own, using the experience gained from studying the A6 sample in the UK.
Material taken from


As you can see from the screenshot, the choice of guns is great, but there are no questions about which gun to put. How good is this tank? Top tool! It stands out from him, and as you know, it is far from bad with him! A gun ZiS-4 pretty accurate. Rapid-fire and with just a huge . It dictates the style of playing on the tank.


It turns out a non-standard guide ... I don’t consider booking, because it’s not there (the hatzer sends us to the hangar with one shot), but as you can see, I’ll consider the tower why? Take a look.

tower turns faster, while the top one is better. Choose what you like. I'm not an adviser here (although I chose the top one - the view is more important, and the turning speed suits you anyway).

Research and leveling

This miracle is being investigated on the T-46 for 3600 experience. I advise you to open the modules in this order...
- ZiS-8
- ZiS-4(it is put on the stock chassis and tower, which means you need to use it)

If the goal is to upgrade to the KV-1 as quickly as possible, then take the running engines and KV-1, and if you liked playing it and want to leave it in the hangar, for example, for junior companies then explore as you see fit.


Finally, we switched to tactics. Two different tactics can be used on this tank. The first is a tank. The second is an ambush sniper. The first tactic involves playing with more armored brethren, since how to play as a support is repeatedly described in many guides (you can read for example here), so I won’t dwell on it. I will consider in detail the tactics of a sniper. Almost on every map there is where you can shoot from afar. Let's get into the bushes... Accuracy allows you to shoot accurately at long distances, and at the same time go unnoticed.


Sniper tactics

camouflage net
- stereo tube
- Ventilation

Universal option
- Rammer
- Drives
- Ventilation


Standard: first aid kit, rem. kit, fire extinguisher.


Commander- sixth Sense, the rest- disguise (for sniper tactics). Further on the review: radio interception and an eagle eye (again on a sniper). Further training of your choice, take what you want! Do not be afraid experiment!

This concludes my guide. Good luck on all fronts! See you soon!

Prepared by: DavydenkoNikita

T28 prototyre tower brother of T28. We are as slow as the regular T28 (18km/h) and have a mediocre turn-in speed (20˚/s). The main difference (not counting the turret) from the T28 is that we can install all the TOP equipment on the stock chassis. Frontal armor is excellent (hull 203/51/51 mm, turret 203/127/101 mm). The top gun is the same as on the colleague, 120 mm AT Gun T53, level 10. Penetration of the T28 prototype 248 mm and damage 400 HP, minus the turret position of the gun is a decrease in the rate of fire (5.94 rounds / min), an increase in the aiming speed of 2.3 s, and also a slight increase in the spread of the gun 0.39 m / 100 m. If you have already researched all the equipment on the T95, then you just have to “open” only the TOP running gear. The tower allows you to play "swing", it has become more difficult to close us, and we do not need to move and unmask ourselves when turning the gun.


  • Frontal armor is the best at its level
  • Excellent TOP tool
  • UVN at the level of American tanks
  • The presence of the tower


  • Bad dynamics
  • Weak booking sides and stern
  • The cabin is open, which means hello "ChUmodans" with full damage
  • Unlike our brother, we have high visibility

Crew and additional skills

In the world of tanks, sprat is a favorite of art. We also have fig dynamics. Well, because we will often play the role of TT, then pump The Brotherhood of War I consider it necessary, but not all at once, it is desirable to download it with the third perk or later, before that there are more necessary skills. Such as:

  • Commander: "Sixth Chestship", "Eagle Eye"
  • Gunner: Smooth turret turn, "Repair"
  • Driver-mechanic: "Virtuoso", "King of off-road"
  • Loader: Desperate, Repair
  • Radio operator: "Radio interception", "Repair"

Repair is needed, because. we will often be criticized by equipment, for fans of the game in the style of PT, the third perk can be pumped "Disguise"

Additional modules

Unlike T28, the "prototype" can perform not only the role of a defender, but also support the TT attack. Therefore, the choice of equipment depends on your playing style.

To actively support TTs (I’m not talking about STs, you just won’t catch up with them) you will need:

  • Rammer - increase DPM
  • Vertical stabilizer - we will rarely shoot on the go, but we will have to play "swing"
  • Optics - we have a low view and we need to raise it, otherwise we will generally remain blind

If you like to hit the enemy from the second line and stay behind cover, then this will help you:

  • Camouflage net - from the name it is clear why
  • Stereotube - unlike Optics, it gives 25%, but it starts working after 3 seconds, after stopping, but we are going to play while standing in cover
  • The rammer - and where without it

Game tactics

There are two tactics, or we sit on the defensive and shoot the lit up enemies, not forgetting to change positions after the shot, otherwise hello from the artillery will fly. Or we push through the defense together with the TT, trying not to expose the sides and stern.

T28 prototype penetration zones

The T28 prototype tank destroyer has excellent frontal armor, but it does not often save us from level 10 shots. Therefore, I do not recommend climbing on the rampage. Forehead of the hull: to the right of the gun is a mechanical driver, to the left is a radio operator. It's hard to break, but it's possible. The junction of the turret with the hull is well penetrated. The forehead of the turret and the mask of the gun are practically impenetrable: the gunner is to the right of the gun, and the loader is to the left. On the left side, immediately behind the gunner, sits the commander. Any artillery hit on the turret crit one or more crew members. From the starboard side under the tower and in the back of the tower there is an ammunition rack, these places make their way with a bang. Immediately behind the ammo rack are fuel tanks, which also penetrate well. In the stern of the engine.

World of Tanks video guide from JMR about the American tier 8 tank destroyer T28. We will learn all the secrets and subtleties of the game on this bird, discuss performance characteristics and compare with classmates.

At the end of 1943, the United States was planning with might and main its direct participation in the liberation of Europe from the German invaders who were losing the war. In particular, to overcome the fortified defensive lines in advance, it was supposed to use a well-armored self-propelled gun. This is how the history of the T28 and T95 began. Characteristic features projected tank was to be a new gun T5E1, which had a high initial speed projectile flight and could effectively hit concrete fortifications, as well as excellent frontal armor.

Since the new self-propelled gun had to fight with stationary fortifications, and not with enemy tanks, she was not required to high speed no good dynamics. The propulsion system of the tank destroyer was almost identical to that installed on the M26 Pershing tank, although it was twice as light. The speed of the new car was not to exceed 10 kilometers per hour. Looking ahead, let's say that this amazing mobility was successfully achieved by the designers, and the World Of Tanks developers quite plausibly conveyed in the game. In the end, it was decided to abandon the production of T28 and T95 due to the decision of the department military policy stop all work in the class of hundred-ton vehicles, which does not prevent us from fully enjoying the game on their tanks.

So after active game on a very mobile T25AT, we get a PT, bio on which it is difficult to call even passive - T28. However, despite the huge contrast compared to its predecessor, American designers and Belarusian programmers managed to take another big step in the same direction and create the T95. It’s easy to call battles on it not only passive ... however, more on that in due time.

You can immediately put an already researched pre-top gun on a newly purchased PT. Of course, 200 millimeters of penetration by an armor-piercing projectile at the eighth level is very small, but these are not catastrophic 170 millimeters of a stock gun. In addition, you will most likely already have researched a very popular among American technology top radio. After researching the second suspension or installing reinforced springs, you start collecting experience for the top gun and engine. The first will allow us to confidently deal damage to any encountered opponents, and the second will at least slightly improve our dull mobility. In principle, you can't go wrong if you spend all the free experience to bring T28 to the top. The game on it is already unlikely to seem easy to you to complicate your life with fights in the stock state.

TTX T28 comparison with classmates

Let's compare this PT with classmates. Its gun has a quite average level of penetration with armor-piercing shells - 248 millimeters, a good damage of 400 units at a time, a rate of fire of 6.5 rounds per minute and is average among PDM classmates. At the same time, it has a very mediocre accuracy, good speed information, and the ammunition load consists of forty shells. Despite a decent mass, the T28 cannot boast of a large stock of health, it has the worst specific engine power at the level, maximum speed, and turning speed. It can tilt the gun down a little better than the SU101, but it is able to shoot high up. What else is average? Oh yes! Horizontal aiming angles and review. At first glance, we have an average vehicle in almost all characteristics, and those indicators that distinguish it are much worse than all the other level eight anti-tank vehicles, unless, of course, we take into account the unique ability to shoot at sparrows. To some extent, these figures are offset by invisibility. Ceteris paribus, this BT will be detected much later than classmates, except for the Soviet SU101. In any case, the performance characteristics of this PT create a very depressing impression. What compensates for the set of these shortcomings on the tracks? Of course, armor.

How to pierce the US T28 tank destroyer - armor tests

By the way, this is one of the very few vehicles that, when shelling from the front, does not have weak zones for shells with a penetration of 112 millimeters. Despite the fact that this is a penetration of the encountered fireflies, in fact, this will mean that at medium and long distances, many guns will have difficulty dealing damage to this vehicle exactly in front and in a diamond. By the way, about the rhombus. The armor of the upper part of the hull is much worse than the lower part, therefore, in a rhombus and from the side, it is better to shoot at the part of this tank that is not protected by tracks. Behind the T28 is defenseless. Even a slightly inclined hull cover can protect against the smallest caliber projectiles, its thickness is only 25 millimeters, and for guns larger than 75 millimeters it will not be able to ricochet. For shells with a penetration of 170 mm, 2 hatches on the roof of the hull become available. True, it is very difficult to target them from afar, and being close in front of a gun capable of delivering 400 damage every 8-9 seconds is not best idea. It is much more profitable to bypass T28. Even in a small diamond, the upper part of the body takes damage well.

And although the gold shells of classmates and armor-piercing top-end guns have the ability to inflict T28 damage in the forehead, here the American anti-tank gun can present surprises in the form of ricochets or non-penetration. Especially if the projectile hit a completely invulnerable gun mask.

Let's look at sample diagram penetration. 200 mm frontal armor cast into the surface complex shape, provide an excellent opportunity to tank damage with chopping. Even despite the invariably low mobility, there is always a chance that a projectile fired at the front of the cabin will not do any harm to the T8.

The hull consists of flat armor plates, so it is somewhat easier to penetrate it. Thus, the reduced armor of the upper frontal part when fired from the front for armor-piercing shells is approximately 225 millimeters. This is the average penetration of heavy tanks of the eighth level. And all the space behind the VLD is occupied by the transmission. In the game, this part of the engine, which has a chance to light up on every fifth hit. In a rhombus, very thin sides of this PT open almost immediately. The thickness of the lower part of the case is 100, and the upper part is 50 millimeters, so their penetration at an angle, and even more so from the side, does not present any difficulties.

I'll just show you the scheme for breaking through the stern. There is nothing to comment here.

As for the T28 gun, it is a sin to complain about it, just like for all other PTs. 258 millimeters of penetration, quite good accuracy, plus a very severe DPM will not allow you to ignore this BT even top tanks at least ignore for a long time. Where penetration will be lacking, the T28 may well gain accuracy. It is enough to hit small penetration zones at medium distances, if, of course, you know them.

T28 Combat Tactics

At the beginning of the battle, do not rush to go somewhere, you still will not have time to go there. Try not to make mistakes in choosing a direction, because you are unlikely to be able to go back. Wait for the departure of the allies. T28 is preferable to guard the weakened flank close to the base. In general, the farther away from the enemy you are, the less opportunity the enemy has to inflict damage on you, even if you are detected. Firstly, it will be more difficult to target you, and secondly, armor-piercing sub-caliber shells lose armor penetration from a distance, which also plays into your hands. Plan routes that will allow you to take advantage of the tank's undoubted strengths - camouflage or excellent frontal armor, and will not give the enemy the opportunity to shoot at you from different angles. When there are several enemies in front of you, always kill the faster attacking opponents first, if you give the opportunity to prop you up, then most likely your participation in the battle will end there. As we said, the T28 has a very good camouflage, use it. Keep in mind that camouflage is an extra way to reduce the visibility of a tank without taking up equipment slots and crew skills. If it is possible to purchase it for the time of pumping, it is worth doing. Don't forget the artillery. Any PT is an important target for arta. And such a slow and clumsy as T28 - especially. Be prepared for the fact that the enemy artillery, having found your tank being shot through, will drop all their business and take care of you.

Now let's move on to the configuration. The crew of the T28 primarily learns the sixth sense, repairs and camouflage. As individual skills, the following skills are perfect: for the commander - radio interception, it increases the viewing radius by 3%; we make the gunner a sniper - so we can inflict critical damage more often; we dedicate the driver to virtuosos; and charging in desperate.

Taking into account the possibility of engine damage and fires when hit on the forehead, we leave the equipment as standard: a fire extinguisher, a repair kit and a first aid kit.

The equipment is also worth taking the classic for ranged anti-tank units: a gun destroyer, a camouflage net and a stereo tube. In this way, we will see the enemy much earlier than he can detect us, even when fired. In principle, ventilation is also good for this tank, which can be installed instead of a pipe or mesh - it will slightly improve all the characteristics of the tank, including its terrible mobility. Once you get comfortable with this AT, you may well enjoy it - it's still quite fun to see how almost all the tanks in the game, when they spot us for the first time, stop and try to hide behind cover. At T28 DPM, aiming her when her weapon is looking at you is something for people with either very strong nerves or "playing for fun".

And that's where we ended the video. World overview of Tanks about US tank destroyers T28. We hope you found everything you were looking for.

The Soviet T 28 cannot be called the strongest or one of the best tanks in World of tanks at the fourth level. This is rather an average man, capable of performing certain combat missions, but at the same time possessing both strengths and weaknesses. We hope that guide to the T 28 tank in World of tanks help you better use strengths this ST.

  • high power density
  • Good acceleration dynamics
  • Capable of holding a speed of 45km/h
  • Precision gun
  • High DPM
  • Good armor penetration
  • Weak booking
  • Large dimensions
  • Mediocre review

On the one hand, there are not many minuses, but unfortunately they overlap each other, not only is the body pierced by everyone and sundry, and besides, it is also huge. So on the T-28 we are a large and light target, which also shines far, thanks to its size, but we ourselves are only able to see enemies at a distance of 340 meters.

Strengths at T 28 in World of tanks not a little. They can be summarized and said that the tank has good mobility and an excellent weapon for its level. Many players consider these qualities to be essential for a medium tank in the game, and they will certainly do well with the T-28.

Modules of the T-28 tank in WoT


If you prefer to operate from afar, or in the PT style, then install on the T-28 stereo tube, reinforced aiming drives, camouflage net or send.

If you are closer to the role of a mobile ST, then good choice will be improved ventilation, sending, reinforced aiming drives.

Pumping the T-28 tank in WoT

First of all, it is worth digging out the ZiS-4 gun. By setting it to T-28 in WoT, you can significantly increase the damage dealt, which means you can earn more experience and silver needed to replace the rest of the modules. After the gun, we pump the engine, chassis and tower, then the radio.

Crew Perks

For the T-28 crew, camouflage is a good choice. This will make your tall tank a little less visible. Sixth sense is a good skill for a commander, useful on almost all tanks, it is mentioned in most guides for WOrld of tasnks. Given the high rate of fire, the Sniper perk will be useful.

Eagle eye and radio interception will help increase your visibility, which will not allow enemies to shoot your war machine with impunity.

Tactics of actions on the T-28 in World of tanks

Alone in the field is not a warrior - this phrase is great for the T-28, staying in the open you will become an easy target for enemies that you may not even see, but they will hit your outstanding hull with a fair amount of consistency. The Soviet ST has a good weapon with a high DPM, which means it can cause huge problems to the enemy team. In World of tanks, it’s not worth driving forward on the T-28, it is better to act as a support dealing damage from the second line.

Operating from the depths of the T-28 is able to fully open up. Allies will highlight enemies and take some of the damage on themselves, and you will be able to use the capabilities of an excellent weapon - the ZIS-4.

On the T-28, you can successfully operate in the style of an anti-tank self-propelled gun, setting up ambushes in the bushes. If you prefer this style of play, install a stereo tube and camouflage net.

Watch out for HE hits on your tank, because the T-28's armor is weak and you can take a lot of damage.