The Ministry of the Interior is a serious state law enforcement agency, created to fight crime and ensure the safety of citizens, as well as protect the rights and freedoms of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In view of this, high professional and moral requirements are imposed on all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One of the conditions for employment is the provision of a curriculum vitae for admission.

What is an autobiography for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

An autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is an informative document, compiled in any form in compliance with the recommended points, containing information about the identity of the compiler, his life path, stages of development and achievements in chronological order.

Unlike a simple autobiography, upon admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the document also includes information about the author's family - spouse, parents, children and immediate relatives, the presence or absence of problems with the law and relatives living outside the country. It is best to have a sample of writing an autobiography in front of your eyes when compiling a document.

This document is not regulated Labor Code, therefore, is written in a free, but not cheeky style, but with the obligatory disclosure of all the necessary items required by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to disclose the identity of the applicant.

The procedure for compiling a document

When writing an autobiography at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following writing pattern must be considered:

  • Name of the document: Autobiography;
  • The main text, which includes the following items:
  1. Surname, name and patronymic in full, date of birth and locality;
  2. Information about educational institutions graduated by the author (school, college, institute, additional courses) broken down by paragraphs and in the appropriate chronology. Be sure to indicate the full name of the institution, the date of admission and graduation. If you have a certificate or diploma with honors, you should also indicate this fact;
  3. Information about labor activity. It is necessary to indicate all the places of work of the author, broken down by paragraphs in chronological order, namely: full names of enterprises, positions held and periods of work;
  4. Attitude to military service. Be sure to indicate your military duty, part number and years of service;
  5. The marital status of the author of the autobiography is single, married, divorced;
  6. Brief information about close relatives (spouse, children, parents) - Surname and initials, date of birth, place of work.
  7. Information about the presence of close relatives living abroad - Surname and initials, who they are, date of birth, country, reason and duration of stay abroad;
  8. Information about the author's problems with the law - the presence or absence of a criminal record. If there is a conviction, the article and punishment must be indicated;
  9. Information about close relatives serving sentences in the area of ​​places of deprivation of liberty, if any;
  10. Visit Information foreign countries: indicate the name of the country, year, purpose and duration of the visit;
  11. Additional information. Here you can specify any additional information, which may seem important to the compiler: the possession of a license to drive a car, bad habits, skills and abilities.
  12. Date of compilation of the autobiography;
  13. Signature of the author and its transcript.

Basic rules for writing an autobiography

  • Observe the subtle laconic style of the text, avoid unnecessary turns and empty information, sentences should be easy to read and understandable;
  • Do not use sharp positive or sharp negative emotions, as this is “striking” when reading and can spoil the overall impression;
  • Information about the author should be arranged in chronological order, starting from the day of his birth and ending with today;
  • Information about yourself and relatives must be accurate and up-to-date, in case one of the relatives in this moment is in another country, you must also report this stay, indicating the reason and duration.

Sample autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

A document for submission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be drawn up on the example of the following sample:

From 1992 to 2002 he studied at secondary school No. 2 in Volsk, received a certificate with honors.

From 2002 to 2005 academic year He studied at the Volsk branch of the All-Union State Committee of the Republic of Youth and the State Council, majoring in Jurisprudence. There is a diploma of secondary vocational education from this institution with honors.

From 2005 to 2010, he studied at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence, faculty for training investigators. Received a complete higher professional education.

From June 01, 2010 to August 01, 2013, he worked as a lawyer at RealTransGas LLC. From August 02, 2013 to this day I have been working as a legal adviser at OAO Stroytekhnik.

Conscripted. military service did not pass.

Married. I have the following family members:

  • Spouse - Ekaterina Dmitrievna Smirnova, born in 1988, accountant at Transport Company Tros LLC;
  • Son - Smirnov Semyon Andreevich, born in 2011;
  • Father - Smirnov Egor Ivanovich, born in 1960 - military pensioner;
  • Mother Smirnova Polina Vladimirovna, born in 1961 - housewife.

Was not under investigation. I have no criminal record. I have no relatives living abroad or having a criminal record.

In 2010, he visited Abkhazia, Turkey and the UK for tourism purposes, in 2012 - Italy and Egypt.

I have a driver's license category B, C.

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Basic rules for writing an autobiography

It should be said right away that no special requirements autobiographies are not included. Therefore, it is necessary to compose an autobiography guided by general requirements to writing business letters.

  1. Your CV doesn't have to be very long. Try to be concise. The maximum amount of writing should not be more than 1-2 sheets of text. As practice shows, long "essays" will not help you open up in the eyes of the reader - they will rather have the opposite effect.
  2. Written should not contain errors, the general form of presentation is business style. When considering your autobiography, the reader will pay attention not so much to what is written, but to the form in which it is done. For this reason grammatically correct speech will allow you to score "extra points".
  3. All the events you describe should be presented in chronological order, logically and sequentially. That is, it is impossible immediately after the story about the school to go to work, skipping other educational institutions, or first to talk about the place of work, and then mention the education received.
  4. Information about you in your autobiography must be true. Including erroneous or inaccurate information can prevent you from getting the job (or other goal) you want and create a not very good business reputation.

CV Writing Sample

Download sample CV

To make it easier for you to compose your autobiography, here is an example of writing it:

“I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, was born on January 01, 1990 in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. In 1997 he entered general education school No. 1. In 2007 he graduated from school with a gold medal. In the same year, he began studying at the Far East humanitarian university majoring in journalism. In 2012 he graduated with honors. From August 2012 to this day I have been working as a journalist in the newspaper Vestnik Vladivostok.

We don't judge.

Married to Ekaterina Pavlovna Ivanova, born on May 05, 1991. Born in Vladivostok, higher education, works as a lawyer. Lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, st. Komsomolskaya, 15, apt. 5.

Have no children.

Additional Information:

Mother: Ivanova Olga Semyonovna, was born on February 02, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an accountant. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, d. 1, apt. 1. Not judged.

Father: Ivanov Ivan Petrovich, born March 03, 1970 in Vladivostok, higher education, works as an engineer. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, d. 1, apt. 1. We do not judge.

Brother: Petr Ivanov Ivanov, born on April 04, 1995 in the city of Vladivostok, currently studying in the Far East medical university specializing in Therapist. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, d. 1, apt. 1. We do not judge.

Any other autobiography is written in the same way with adaptation to a specific case. For example, if a student needs to write an autobiography, then the text should focus on academic achievements, participation in additional educational events (olympiads, competitions, exhibitions). You can also reflect sports activities, talk about achievements in sports.

Autobiography is a document that describes life path person. It is written on a sheet of A4 paper in free form in the first person, all information is indicated in chronological order.

How to write an autobiography for a student

First, in the middle of the sheet, the name of the document is written - AUTOBIOGRAPHY, then the text follows below.

The autobiography begins from the presentation - indicating the full name, date and place of birth. For example: "I, Mikhailov Sergey Pavlovich, was born on March 19, 2000 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow Region."

After that, write the address of residence (actual and registered).

Then indicate the composition of the family - full name, place of work and address of residence of the parents, as well as names, dates of birth and place of study or work of sisters / brothers.

In the student's autobiography, you can write about the end of kindergarten (name and year of graduation).

It is also necessary to indicate the name, school number, year of admission, class profile. It is advisable to write about the main achievements at school: participation in sports competitions, olympiads, existing diplomas, awards.

In addition, in the student's autobiography, you can talk about the main hobbies, hobbies, PC skills, knowledge of foreign languages.

At the end of the document, you must put the date of its compilation and signature.

In order to facilitate the task, an example of a student's autobiography has been created.

Student CV Sample


I, Sergey Maksimovich Kulagin, was born on April 12, 2001 in Chekhov, Moscow Region. I live at the address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 45, apt. 49.

Family Composition:
Father - Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, teacher of mathematics at school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
Mother - Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant of Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.
Sister - Kulagina Inna Maksimovna, a student of the 10th grade of school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1997.

From 2003 to 2007 attended kindergarten"Star" number 5 in the city of Chekhov. From 2007 to 2009 he studied at school number 3 in the city of Chekhov. In 2009, in connection with the family's relocation to the city of Moscow, my transfer to school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky took place, where I study currently in 8th grade.

In 2011, 2012 he was awarded a diploma for academic excellence. At the district Olympiad in mathematics in 2012, he took 3rd place.

I take a great interest in sports - I visit school section on basketball, I take part in school and regional competitions.

Autobiography is short story about yourself, which allows you to find out general information about a human. It is used in many situations: when applying for a job, entering a university, etc. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly format this information in order to make a positive impression of yourself.

○ What is a CV?

An autobiography is a document that contains detailed information about a person written by him with his own hand. In other words, this short biography, which indicates basic information about study and work.

○ Basic rules for writing an autobiography.

In order for the CV to help you get the job or place you want in an educational institution as much as possible, it is important to take into account the subtleties of compiling the document. Let's see what exactly you need to pay attention to.

The content of the autobiography.

The law does not establish a strict form for compiling this document. On the one hand, this gives a certain freedom, allowing you to write in any form, and on the other hand, it complicates the writing of an autobiography - after all, not everyone knows what facts should be indicated and how to do it.

Here is the minimum information that you should write in the document:

  • Full name.
  • Date of birth and/or age.
  • Place of birth and/or residence (if different).
  • Education received: both basic and special, including advanced training courses, must be indicated.
  • Labor activity: where, in what period and by whom they worked, the reasons for changing jobs.
  • marital status and brief information about the immediate members of the seven (husband/wife, parents, children).
  • Hobbies, achievements, awards, etc.

You can add some points at your discretion, but keep in mind that the information should be submitted in a concise form. An essay written on several pages is unlikely to cause positive emotions at employers.

Filling order.

When writing an autobiography, you must adhere to chronological order. Also, do not forget that this official document so information should be presented in concise sentences.

Stick to the following order:

  1. At the top of the document, the title is written in the middle, after which a period is not put, and the next sentence begins with a new paragraph.
  2. An autobiography is written in the first person singular. It starts with the pronoun "I", after which a comma is placed and the full name is written.
  3. The date and place of birth are indicated, you can write the occupation of the parents (born in a family of doctors, teachers, etc.).
  4. Further information about the education received, starting with the school. The name is being written educational institution, on the contrary - years of study and qualifications awarded. Don't forget to list all courses, trainings and seminars you attended in the title/date format.
  5. Work experience (if any): starts from the first place of work, indicating the period of stay at this place and short description their duties. Other places of work are also indicated, each begins with a new line.
  6. Scientific works, publications of other achievements indicating the name and year of implementation.
  7. Additional Responsibilities(in the presence of). For example, indicate that they successfully performed the duties of their leader while he was on vacation (on sick leave), write what they were able to achieve during this period.
  8. Hobby, especially if it is related to professional activity and there are achievements in it.
  9. Personal information: Family status, presence/number of existing children, occupation of husband/wife.

Information should be clearly divided into information blocks, each of which begins with a red line. At the end, an indent is made down, on the left is the date (number of the year in numbers, month in words), on the right is the signature of the originator of the document.

○ Curriculum Vitae for work.

The general principle of drawing up a document when applying for a job is standard. But here the emphasis should be on the following points:

  • Write down the personal qualities that are required for the job you are applying for - this will not only save time when processing the document, but will also allow you to evaluate you as a candidate as objectively as possible.
  • Pay attention to the projects you have worked on - this will show your ability to work in a team.
  • Describe your education, but focus on professional success.
  • Reflect your wishes for work: form of work (for example, if you like to work on your own, write about it), desired size wages, the possibility of business trips, etc.

Autobiography examples.

Since there is no established form for compiling a document, you can use the attached example as a sample. All other autobiographies can be written in a similar way, the difference will only be in what to focus on: achievements and professional experience everyone is different.

How to write a curriculum vitae for a student?

The general rules for compiling a document are the same as when applying for a job. But since there are no professional achievements in this case, emphasis should be placed on the baggage of knowledge accumulated during the training (successful internship, participation in seminars at different levels, completion of additional courses, possession foreign languages etc.).

How to compose a person who is looking for a job for the first time?

If you do not have professional experience, you need to put maximum emphasis on your personal qualities, which are suitable for the job you want to get. It should be borne in mind that if you can present everything in a favorable light, this will characterize you in a special way and lack of experience will not be an obstacle to hiring.

Often, when applying for a job, enrolling in an apprenticeship, passing an assessment, needing to join a club or community on social networks, the applicant is required to provide short story About Me. It can be in the format of an autobiography or resume. There are no strict rules for writing, most often these documents are created in free form. And, although you can often find typical forms on the net that tell you point by point, nevertheless, it is the creative, creative approach that is more valued.

How to write a biography about yourself and what is important not to miss

Biography - a short story about yourself, designed to characterize a person, tell about the main events of his life, successes and achievements. It must also mention strong or weak character traits, hobbies, even dreams and hopes.

  • Biography begins with a presentation. You should give your last name, first name and patronymic, indicate the year of birth. It is not worth writing the place of birth, but the place permanent residence- Necessarily. Also, it is necessary to mention the marital status, indicate the age of the children.
  • The next item is education. It is not necessary to indicate in detail how and how successfully you studied at school, it is enough to mention which school you graduated from. For the employer, vocational education will be of primary importance. At this point, mention should be made educational institution received specialty, indicate the year of studentship. Another important point- here you should indicate the courses, trainings, seminars that helped you improve your skills, as well as the dates of their passage.
  • Work, professional experience- an important moment in the biography. Here you should indicate all the places of work where you had to work, years, positions, duties, total length of service. Here it is useful to indicate your achievements, successes, awards, thanks.
  • In the last two paragraphs, a big plus will be highlighting your accomplishments in the educational and working field, and not just a simple listing of dates and facts. So, what can you write about yourself in this vein? Yes, anything: about being you were best student in one or another subject, several times in a row passed sessions exclusively with the highest marks, became the best employee of the year, participated in conferences, were an activist, etc. A biography is a free story about yourself, where you can present yourself in the best, favorable light).
  • You must specify and personal qualities. Since the set of characteristics for each person is huge, you should mention those that will help you join the team. So, if you get a job, then we describe professional quality, and also, we outline communicative, organizational character traits. If you want to become a volunteer, then compassion, humanity, love for people will be valued here.

It is important not to make the most common mistakes in writing a biography

Do not overload your biography with dates and numbers. These are boring statistics that no one is interested in and that no one will remember. Another mistake is writing lies. We all love to embellish ourselves, exposing the best features and hiding the bad ones, but you should not write a deliberate lie, because it will certainly be revealed. A common mistake is to indicate in the biography absolutely all the facts and data about yourself. From such a biography it is difficult to understand what its author wants, what he claims, because based on it he is both a Swiss, and a reaper, and a gambler on the pipe.

What to write about yourself in a biography sample

I, Volkova Maria Konstantinovna, was born on September 4, 1984, in the city of Gryazi, Lipetsk region.

In 1990 entered the 1st grade high school No. 16 in Gryazi, Lipetsk region, and in 2001 she successfully graduated from high school. From 2001 to 2006 studied at the Rostov State Economic University, at the Faculty of Production Management, from which she graduated with a degree in Economics and Human Resources Management.

In 2006, she was hired by Prozhekt LLC as a Human Resources Manager, where I have been working to this day. My responsibilities include conducting personnel production, recruiting staff, maintaining records and personnel documentation.

In 2011, she completed the HR Management courses at the Careerist consulting center.

Married, has a daughter, Julia, 6 years old.

I take a great interest in tennis, tourism, weaving of a macrame, floriculture. Active user of thematic social networks. I have many friends, I am sociable. I love animals, I have a pet dog Jane.

What to write about yourself when filling out a resume

A resume and a biography have a lot in common. Therefore, if you know how to write a biography about yourself, then write a resume with ease. However, there are also differences:

  • After the curriculum vitae, you should indicate your contact details: Email, skype, phone, address.
  • experience This is the most important section of a resume. It indicates not only the years of work and the positions held, but also a detailed listing of the projects that had to be worked on. Each project should be characterized, indicate the tools with which it was necessary to work, successes and achievements in the project (only if these data are of interest to the employer). Also, it is necessary to indicate (if any) the presence of computer skills, knowledge of programs, foreign languages. A big plus is the availability of completed courses, trainings, seminars to improve skills or master a related profession.
  • Personal information is provided in resume about yourself minimum quantity . Do not focus on your everyday habits or events that are not related to work. Here you can mention your hobbies: sports, tourism and others. active species rest (about the fact that you like beer with friends it is better not to mention).
  • The summary also includes character traits. It is necessary to list those that will help to better fulfill labor duties: purposefulness, sociability, stress resistance, organization, an adequate attitude to criticism, etc.
  • Optionally, the summary can include a paragraph about the proposed work, about wishes about working conditions and wages.

Sample resume