Onions are one of the most commonly used vegetables. It is used for cooking almost all first and second courses. Therefore, for the winter, every housewife tries to prepare more golden heads.

Often late autumn or in winter, a significant part of the bulbs becomes unusable. Their scales rot, leading to the death of the entire bulb. Processing onions before sowing will help preserve the crop for as long as possible.

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    Types of onions

    There are over a thousand types of onions. Some of them are known as another plant. These are garlic and wild garlic, which are types of onions. In addition, the following species are grown in Russia:

    • bulb onions;
    • leek;
    • slime;
    • chives;
    • shallot.

    They differ in taste, size, ripening time. There are annuals, biennials and perennials. Numerous varieties and hybrids have been created, zoned for a particular area. Many of them are grown by seeds, some by dividing the bush, daughter bulbs.

    The most common is the onion. Some of its varieties are grown in one year from seeds (nigella). To grow most varieties, you first need to get small bulbs (sets). On next year they are planted in the ground, and by autumn they get a crop of large, strong, healthy bulbs that can lie until spring.

    This is not always possible. In the process of growing a vegetable, various diseases and pests lie in wait for it. As a result, the bulbs die even in the garden or quickly become unusable after being planted for the winter.

    In addition to diseases, the shooting process can prevent a high onion crop from growing. This is the formation of a juicy arrow-peduncle, on which seeds will be tied after flowering.

    autumn planting

    Now the method of planting onions in the fall has become popular. It has a number of advantages:

    • Sevok does not need to be stored.
    • Overwintered bulbs have high immunity.
    • The crop ripens quickly, because when planting in the autumn, the bulbs grow earlier.

    To get a high yield, you need to plant only small sets - oats or oats. Large with this method of cultivation will definitely go to the arrows.

    Choose better zoned varieties or specially designed for winter sowing:

    • Radar;
    • Arctic;
    • Sunshine.

    Processing currants from pests and diseases - how to spray the bushes in the fall?


    Planting onions damage such insects:

    Name Peculiarities Photo
    onion fliesThey lay eggs on onion feathers. The larvae eat the inside of the stem, it dies. They strike twice during the growing season. Doing more harm rainy weather
    beetleLays eggs inside the feather. The larvae that appear then gnaw out inside the hole. The feather falls, the bulb does not form
    stem nematodesSmall insects that live in the soil. As a result of their activity, onion leaves are deformed, the bulb lags behind in development

    Onion damaged by stem nematode

    onion crackerNibbles feathers and lays eggs in flowers

    You can fight most types of insects after planting the seedlings in the ground, in the spring. But for this you need to constantly inspect the areas where it is planted, monitor the condition of the plants. And it is generally impossible to notice the nematode with the naked eye.


    Onions are mainly affected by fungal diseases:

    • Downy mildew (peronosporosis), the defeat of which can be seen by pale green spots on the leaves. Then they turn into a purple bloom.
    • Neck rot most often develops in rainy weather. First, individual internal scales are affected, then the disease passes to most of the bulb, and it disappears.
    • Rust is more common in southern regions. Appears as yellow streaks on feathers.
    • Donets rot develops after damage by an onion fly.
    • White rot develops under the influence high temperatures. Damaged bulbs are removed.
    • Viral diseases are not treated, so the affected specimens are pulled out and burned.

    Reasons for the defeat

    Most often this happens if the planting material turned out to be of poor quality, grown in unsuitable climatic conditions. Growing onions from seeds is quite troublesome. Therefore, it is easier to buy planting material in the store. But in this case, the conditions of cultivation and storage remain unknown.

    The vegetable must be placed every year in a new place so that it gets back to the site after 3 years. But sometimes, if the plot is very small, this does not work out, and the crop rotation is not respected. Then the onion is in the area filled with pathogens. In this case, it needs mandatory pre-sowing treatment.

    Fungal diseases are easier to prevent than to treat, and viral diseases are not treated. The complexity of post-planting treatment with fungicides is that it must be carried out prophylactically. If this is not done on time, a period of protracted heavy rains. In this case, it will not be possible to process the plant.

    Processing methods

    Proper and timely preparation of onions before autumn planting will help to avoid damage by diseases and pests. Exists a large number of methods of processing onions before sowing. They are divided into protection from pests and diseases, chemical and natural. All operations are aimed at carrying out such actions:

    • destruction of fungi and pathogens;
    • growth promotion;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • decay warning.

    You can not apply all known methods of protection at once. This can lead to the death of plants.

    Do not use drugs more often or in higher concentrations than indicated in the instructions. Otherwise, drug-resistant (resistant) organisms may develop. For the same reason medicines needs to be changed periodically.


    The first stage of seed processing is sorting. Vegetables need to be sorted by size into 2-3 piles. The largest can be planted for flowering to collect black seeds. Medium stored until spring. Bulbs up to 1 cm in diameter are planted before winter.

    Throw away dry, rotten, damaged specimens. In the process of sorting, dry scales are removed. Covering scales, which are firmly attached, are not removed.

    Do not cut the onion for a feather if it is planted in the fall. Tear off only the dry top. Do not cut the bottom from which the roots will grow.

    Disease treatment

    There are many ways to treat bulbs and seeds before planting in the fall:

    • Spraying onions before planting with Karbofos is effective in killing pests. But the drug itself is very toxic. Therefore, its use is not always justified.
    • Soaking planting material (sevka and nigella) in saline is popular. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water at a temperature of 30 degrees. Bulbs withstand up to 8 hours. This will help protect the sets from onion flies, mites and thrips. You can not water the beds with onions with salt water.
    • A saturated solution of potassium permanganate is used to protect against diseases. Bulbs and seeds are kept in it for up to 15 minutes, then washed clean water. A solution for seeds is prepared light pink.
    • Birch tar can repel the onion fly and protect against disease. Dissolve a fly in the ointment in a liter of water and process the planting material.
    • Treatment with soda bulbs is ineffective.
    • "Fitosporin" protects against fungal diseases. He is not chemical agent. If processing chemicals was carried out in less than two weeks, the drug will not be effective. Do not use "chemistry" for the next two weeks. 35 g of "Fitosporin" is dissolved in a bucket of water. Sevok is processed for up to 30 minutes.
    • Treatment with copper sulfate or other copper-containing preparations is effective in killing fungi. These are "Skor", "HOM", "Oksihom".

    To make it convenient to process the sevok, they put it in a grid. Processing is carried out sequentially without shaking out of the mesh until all procedures are carried out. Pour out a few days before planting, dry.

    In order for the bulbs to grow faster, take root, they are treated with humate or other fertilizers. In the spring, it can be combined with a growth stimulator: "Zircon" or "Epin", preparations "Silk", "Biostim". When planting before winter, growth stimulants are not treated.

    The costs of such operations are insignificant, but they will bring many benefits.

It seems that growing onions is very simple and it will not bring any problems. But this is not so, a lot of people face many problems when growing. The main problem is the shooting of the plant, it does not make it possible to grow a dense and large fruit, and also here are various diseases that will bring down all your efforts and work. To get around such problems, you first need to plant the plants on time and process them before that. Proper disinfection will help ensure good protection from diseases and will allow you to collect a very generous and large harvest.

First and very milestone is the processing of planting material before planting, first necessary sort out. The selection must be done as follows:

  • Very soft and bad small onions should be thrown away immediately, because they will not give a good harvest. And also you need to get rid of completely dried seeds.
  • If the sevka bulb does not yet have feathers, it is recommended to “cut” it. To do this, you need to carefully cut off the husk, this procedure will speed up the germination of the plant.
  • Then you need to dry the selected seeds in a dry and warm place.
  • after that, you need to warm up the planting material. This is done in several stages. First, the seeds are kept at a temperature not less than twenty degrees, this is done for about three weeks, and then for ten hours they warm up at thirty-five or forty degrees. You need to carefully watch the time so that the onion is not overexposed, otherwise it will give a poor harvest.

And you can also recommend another approach, which will be an alternative to such a long warm-up. This method involves soaking the seedlings in water with a temperature of up to fifty degrees for ten minutes, then they need to be bought in a nutrient mixture of fertilizers and cold water. This procedure takes about six hours, and the effect is the same.

How to process onion sets before planting

Processing sevka in the spring- This is an obligatory preparatory stage. Processing is performed before landing and consists of the following procedures:

Instead, potassium permanganate, you can use Fitosporin or copper sulfate, the dosage should be the same.

Soil and its preparation for planting onions

Only properly processed plant seeds can give an excellent harvest. But for this you need to choose the right place for their planting and prepare the soil for this. You need to start this process in the fall. Do not forget that onion seeds love places where there are a lot of sun. And also the seeds love moisture, but a large amount of it will lead to their death. For this reason, it is necessary to choose a place that is well lit by sunlight and where there is no groundwater.

In autumn, the area for sowing must be carefully dug up and fertilized; a mixture of manure and peat is suitable for fertilizer. The optimal conditions for growing onions on acidic soils are to carry out its liming.

If you do not want to grow onions only on a feather, then you do not need to apply fertilizer before planting. In addition, such treatment can stimulate the growth of weeds, and you will be forced to weed the beds all summer to get rid of them. In the spring there will be little work, it will be necessary to loosen the soil a little to remove a hard crust and you can start planting onions.

In areas where crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, peas and cabbage grew before planting the onion, the plant will grow very well. An additional defense of the onion can be a carrot, which is planted next to it. Her phytoncides will drive away the onion fly and will allow you to collect a very good harvest.

Disease and pest control

important stage to get a good harvest after planting is to protect the onion from diseases and pests. The growth of onion sets is often interfered with by various diseases and pests, they damage the feathers and make the bulb rotten and soft. A damaged crop cannot be saved, for this reason, onions must be protected from pests before planting. The most famous onion diseases are:

  1. Onion fly.
  2. Powdery downy mildew.

If the plant is damaged onion fly, then his feathers will dry and fade, and the central sheet will break off very easily, as it begins to rot from the base. If you look closely at the plant, you can see small onion fly larvae.

In order to prevent the appearance of an onion fly, the seeds must be treated with fentiuram or a solution of TMTD. If the onion fly struck the seedlings themselves, then it will help you wood ash or crushed charcoal, which needs to be sprinkled on the soil around the seedlings. Nexion (0.1%) diluted in 0.5 liters of solution can be used for young plants.

A sign of downy mildew is white spots on the feathers of the onion, they begin to increase over time, and a gray coating also appears. The cause of this disease is high humidity. To fight this disease will help:

To protect the plant from diseases you need:

  • Plant bulbs early.
  • Remove weeds promptly.
  • Periodically water and feed the plant.
  • Collect and remove damaged crops.

25.04.2019 142 286

Onion processing before planting - increase your yield and forget about the onion fly!

Processing onions before planting will not only get rid of onion flies and other pests, but will also allow you to grow strong juicy bulbs, the yield of which will surprise you. Most gardeners never soak the seed, considering it a waste of time, because the onion itself will grow beautifully. The great experience of summer residents proves the opposite, believe it or not ...

Methods for preparing onions

In order for the vegetable to begin to grow and develop rapidly after planting in the garden, it is necessary to properly process the onion. Purchased sets must be dried, obtained from their own seeds - stored at a temperature of +17 ° ... + 18 ° С and also warmed up before planting.

Many gardeners make the mistake of storing large and medium fractions of onion sets at low positive temperatures, what absolutely cannot be done, since after placement on the beds, the plants go strongly into the arrow. Small oatmeal (less than 1 cm in diameter) usually does not form arrows, so it can be stored at a lower positive temperature.

    In cases where storage conditions are not known, it is necessary to warm up the onion sets before planting at a temperature of +30 ° ... +35 ° С:
  • large onions for 12-15 days,
  • small 8-10.

The main purpose of warming up the set is to reduce arrowing plants. If you warm up the oatmeal at +40 ° C for about 7-8 hours before planting, you can not only reduce the shooting by several times, but also prevent onion disease with downy mildew.

When there is no possibility of staged processing, use another method just before planting the seed in open ground. Soak sevoc in hot water(+45 ° ... +50 ° С) for 10-13 minutes, then immediately lower into the cold for the same time. Then immerse for 3-4 hours in a solution with complex mineral fertilizer.

Onion sets must be disinfected to prevent diseases and good growth. Processing onions before planting with potassium permanganate is the most common, you will need to dilute 1 g in a liter of water to get the desired solution. Lower the oatmeal for 20-25 minutes. Or use (3 g / 1 l) for the same purposes.

onion sets before planting - pictured

In addition, it is recommended to treat onions with various growth stimulants (Biostin, Zircon, Cytovit), which will make the culture more resistant to various adverse conditions and will help to germinate faster after planting in place.

Onion processing before planting can be carried out wood ash, which will help grow good bulbs, save planting material from various kinds rot, make oatmeal stronger, as natural fertilizer contains a large amount of useful chemical elements. Dissolve 250 g of ash in 5 liters of water, lower the onion for 5-7 minutes, remove it. Dry in the sun for 2-3 hours, then plant.

The proven "Grandmother's method" of processing onion sets is very popular, because reviews from gardeners who use this method in practice, one can read only positive ones. What is the secret of success? Within 7 days, the onion is dried at a temperature of +24 ° ... +25 ° С. After, aged 3 hours in salt solution(1 tablespoon per liter), washed, dried and the correct one is made. The bulbs grow strong, do not get sick, practically do not go into the arrow.

We apply top dressing to the soil for a rich harvest

Beyond all known ways there are others that allow you to prepare the onion in the spring for planting no worse. If potassium permanganate and wood ash were not at hand, take ammonium nitrate (2-3 g), dilute it in a bucket of water, lower the oatmeal for 15-20 minutes. Water should be taken warm, preferably +40 ° C. This processing technique allows you to disinfect the bulbs.

Treatment with the preparation gives its advantages, as it accelerates the growth of the onion root system, strengthens it, and also helps to increase the green mass of plants. One capsule is dissolved in required quantity water (according to the instructions) and immerse the sevok for 10-15 minutes. To avoid shooting onions, put the oatmeal in a saucepan or bucket, fill it with water and heat over low heat to a temperature of +55 ° ... +60 ° С. take it out, treat the onion with growth-stimulating drugs (Silkom, Biostin).

processing onion sets before planting in potassium permanganate - in the photo

    The easiest and most convenient way to prepare onions for planting is soaking in plain water. The sevok is kept in hot water (+50 °C) for 10-15 minutes, without the use of any preparations and fertilizers.

Very important, in preparation it is forbidden use multiple drugs at the same time, fertilizers, etc., since this will not only not make onion sets strong, but it can even harm, because seedlings will have to wait a long time. Choose one convenient way from a variety of options and process planting material.

The quality of the grown onion depends not only on the pre-sowing treatment - it is whole complex agrotechnical measures aimed at achieving a high-quality crop. it is not always possible, therefore, preparing the land in the garden is an integral part of the work. When choosing a place for planting onions, pay attention to the light-loving plants, do not plant vegetables under trees and in thickets of berries.

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Clean the second from the first layer of husk. Third, dig a hole and moisten a little. Then lay the bow, bury it with earth and slightly moisten the earth.

To successfully grow onion sets, you need to know a few things:

By following all the above recommendations, you can safely count on the fact that the tulips in your area will grow well and give you an unforgettable experience of beautiful abundant flowering! In addition, caring for tulips will bring you much less trouble than if you planted unsorted and untreated bulbs.​

To some, the annual sorting and processing of tulip bulbs will seem too troublesome. In this case, you can purchase already prepared planting material that has undergone heat treatment in the store. But when buying, you must definitely pay attention to the quality of the bulbs, as well as the fame and reliability of the supplier. It is desirable that the purchased varieties of tulips be tested in your area and have high percent germination.

Processing tulip bulbs before planting includes a few simple tricks:

Watering. Immediately after planting, in May-June, the seedlings are watered once every 7 days. The volume of liquid per 1 sq. meter is an average of 7-8 liters. In July, the amount of watering should be reduced.


Growing onion from sets: planting, care

Desirables include:

Wood ash.

Landing time

A little dry.

Stage 2. Keep the onion for 8-10 hours at a temperature of +30°C to +40°C. It is important not to overdo it.

Planting material preparation

It would seem that it is difficult to grow onions? Yes, actually, nothing, if you know some subtleties. For example, how to process onions before planting.

Of course, onion sets must be processed before planting. It is better to free the bulbs from the top husk. When you dig holes, moisten them with warm water. Further, accordingly, we plant onion sets in the holes and fall asleep directly with the earth itself.

The bulbs must be dry and look healthy, rotting, etc. is unacceptable;

Onion sets before planting should be warmed up in the sun, you can put it on a sunny window, or near the battery. Treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate does not give much effect, it will be necessary to save plants from onion flies by spilling salt water or adding kerosene or ammonia when watering. It is necessary to plant the bulbs in well-heated soil with the bottom down to a depth equal to the size of the bulb.

In addition to processing the bulbs, you need to take care of the soil in which the butu tulips are planted. If the soil in your area is not quite suitable for growing beautiful tulips, you can make an effort and improve its properties.

  • cleaning the onions from the husk;
  • Feeding. Onion is a crop that, in principle, does not need to be fed, but it can be carried out.
  • cucumbers;

An important point is that simultaneously fertilizing the soil with manure and adding lime is contraindicated, as a result of such actions, the level of nitrogen in the fertilizer decreases. It is permissible to carry out acidification reduction by other means.

This completes the work on preparing the sowing for planting.

  • Heated sevok is treated with a growth stimulator before planting.
  • You can take care of its safety long before the harvest, if you treat the bulbs with special antiseptic agents that will help prevent rotting. A well-known fact is the ability of antiseptics to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.
  • Good afternoon!
  • Plant not very deep so that the plant can quickly break out, slightly loosen the ground periodically at the planting sites;
  • My recommendations for those who have little free time and cannot dedicate enough onion sets to process and prepare for planting.

careful examination;

Soil preparation

For the first time, you can apply fertilizer in the form of a manure solution (0.5 kg per 5 liters of water) no earlier than 20 days after planting. The second feeding option is a solution of bird droppings (0.5 kg per 7 liters of water).


In the spring, soil preparation consists in digging with the application of mineral fertilizers. 7 days before planting onion sets, it is imperative to water the soil well with the following solution:

  • Before you prepare the soil, you need to choose a site for planting. It is important to know that the onion is a photophilous plant, so the area where it will grow should be open and well lit.
  • If step-by-step preparation is not possible, it is necessary to perform the following procedure immediately before planting a crop:
​Secure future harvest from other diseases it is possible if the seed is soaked for several minutes in a warm, weak aqueous solution blue vitriol.​

It is better to soak in a solution of a root stimulator. I would recommend heteroauxin. Dilute 1-2 tablets according to the instructions. If there is no instruction. then 1 tablet per 1-1.5 liters of water. But the root is also possible. Have to lower part dip the teeth in the powder. This is not very convenient and the consumption of the stimulant will be large. I'm not talking about onion sets. Still better to soak in liquid solutions

  • Try not to let the soil dry out by watering it periodically.
  • If the onion sets have not yet hatched feathers, then you need to remove the upper husk a little, thereby helping the onion to germinate faster.
  • It should be noted that tulips need soil:
  • sorting of planting material;
  • Re-fertilization can be carried out a month after the previous one.


water - 10 l;

  • This culture is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate excessive amounts of water, so you should avoid areas where groundwater passes.
  • Soak the sevok in water with a temperature of + 45 ° C - + 50 ° C for no more than 10-15 minutes;

Landing and care

To prevent the shooting process, it is recommended to pour onion seeds for one minute with water heated to 60 ° C. There are more modern way, according to which onion seeds should be placed in a cloth, and then in a glass container and warm it all up in microwave oven about one and a half minutes. Then the seeds are placed in a growth stimulator solution. In this case, any drug that stimulates growth in plants is suitable.

  • Why? Onions and garlic already have excellent root growth! Moreover, in the instructions for "Kornevin", (and who knows better than the manufacturer about the effect of the drug?), Only the processing of bulbs and corms of ornamental crops - gladioli, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths is recommended. "Kornevin" easily brings them out of dormancy, which makes it possible to carry out distillation in the winter.
  • I keep about two to three hours in the water, and after planting I compact the ground to retain moisture. Then I water it every two days. We have a large plot, I water half of the garden, loosen the second half, and the other day, on the contrary, loosen the first part, water the second. Some people keep a day in the water, I don’t know, it seems superfluous to me.
  • Immediately before planting, pour the furrow in the garden in which the onion sets will be planted with plenty of warm water (it is advisable to add liquid fertilizer for vegetables to the water), plant onions in it and cover with dry earth on top. It is not necessary to water from above on this day. Water the beds with planted onions after 1-2 days, preferably from a watering can, so that the earth does not seize with a crust, so it will be more difficult for the onion to hatch through it.



Can act as a feed mineral fertilizers in dry form, which can be sprinkled on the beds before watering.


Copper sulfate - 1 tablespoon.

  • The soil for this crop begins to be prepared in the fall. Onion is a lover of loose, nutritious soil, so it is imperative:
  • After the above time has elapsed, immediately immerse the planting material in cold water also for 10-15 minutes;​
  • It is important to properly cultivate the soil. So that the onion does not become infected with the stem nematode, the place intended for its planting is watered with water and table salt. And the onion fly does not like tobacco dust, so it is recommended to water the beds with tobacco solution.
  • There is not a word about the use of vegetable bulbs! In addition, it is alarming that manufacturers evaluate Kornevin as a drug, albeit moderately, but still dangerous for humans and animals. So why do we need extra chemistry?
  • Usually, before planting onion sets, they take it out and keep it in the light for several days in a warm place, and right before planting it is soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (weak), for two or three hours.

First, remove all the bad bulbs - they will still be of little use. Before planting onions (about 2-3 days before), the onions must be warmed up. Put them somewhere warm place, for example, near a hot battery. If such preparation of onion sets for planting is difficult, then it is necessary to lower it for a couple of minutes in hot water. Just do not pour boiling water - otherwise it will boil. And then immediately dip in cold water for a minute. So activated vitality bulbs.

  • loose;
  • Processing bulbs with minor damage.

​As statistics show, onions are a popular crop not only in the CIS countries, but it is in this territory that the conditions for its cultivation are most favorable. Often (for commercial purposes) whole fields are sown and it is clear that this is not done by people. In our technological time, quite a lot of cultivators have been invented, one of which is a planter for onion sets. One such simplest machine can replace the work of fifty people.​

Those crops under which large doses of organic fertilizers are applied.

Before planting, the seedlings must be sorted, since the distance between the bulbs in the garden is determined depending on the size:

Dig the ground to a depth of 15 to 20 cm;

Place the seeds for 5-6 hours in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

Onions love a slightly alkaline environment; for this purpose, a little lime or ash can be added to the soil.

I don’t process healthy planting material at all, but when preparing a problematic one, I manage with an ash solution (in fact, ash lye). 2 cups of ash pour 2 liters of hot water. As soon as the water cools and the solution exfoliates, I drain its light part and soak the planting material for 1 hour. Ash contains a set of trace elements and is a natural mild stimulant.​

The earth is watered only before sticking the bulbs. Many people use Fitosporin-m, reviews about it are not bad.

Then you need to prepare a nutrient solution from fertilizers (and it is even better to add growth activators to them). In this solution, onion sets are kept for about 10 hours. To make it more convenient to take out the bow later, it is best to lower it into the solution in the net, through which water easily enters, but does not allow it to crumble.


So, having laid out in front of you all the tulip bulbs that you intend to plant, inspect each specimen from all sides for damage, rotting, or signs of disease. Remove the tough integumentary peel from the bulbs, because it is under it that there may be foci of infection that are not visible at first sight. In addition, peeled tulip bulbs will be better absorbed nutrients from the soil. Just peel the tender bulbs very carefully so as not to inadvertently damage.

Video "Selection and preparation of onion sets for planting"

Planters for onion sets are both huge machines working in the fields, and manual devices designed for ordinary vegetable gardens. The onion set planter is a real find for the elderly, who already find it difficult to kneel in the beds. In addition, this device produces soil cultivation. Therefore, we can say that growing a crop can be a pleasure.


Preparing tulips for planting, or how to properly process the bulbs before planting

​Unwanted precursors:​

What is the preplant treatment of tulip bulbs?

Bulbs up to 1 cm are placed at a distance of 5 cm;

Apply fertilizer from rotted manure (you can fertilize with peat-manure compost).

A mandatory procedure that must be carried out before planting onion sets is disinfection. For processing, both a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a solution of copper sulfate (35 grams per 10 liters of water) are suitable. How to process onions before planting, you can ask experienced vegetable growers or consultants in specialized stores. You can turn to the literature for help, in which you can find complete and reliable information.​

You can meet the recommendation of multi-stage processing of garlic before planting. To do this, the teeth are first soaked in lightly warm water with the addition of nitroammophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). A day later, the same garlic is dipped in saline (1 tablespoon per 1 liter) for 20 minutes. And then it is placed for another 20 minutes in a solution of copper sulfate (1 tablespoon per 8-10 liters). Against the latter, I am categorically against! You can get by with potassium permanganate. In addition, such processing is more suitable for growing garlic in a spring crop.

  • That's all the preparation.
  • The next step in preparing the onion sets for planting is its treatment against fungal diseases. To do this, a solution of copper sulphate is prepared (10 g of vitriol is needed per bucket of water (10-liter). The bulbs are bathed in it for 10 minutes. After that, the bulbs are washed and the preparation of onion sets for planting can be considered complete.
  • neutral acidity;
  • ​In this video you will find tips on choosing an onion set, preparing it for planting and choosing a soil.​


One and a half centimeters - at a distance of 8 cm;

An important point - it is necessary to fertilize the land at this stage of soil preparation, it is strictly forbidden to add to the soil organic fertilizer before planting to avoid growth of the upper part of the plant and dormancy of the lower one, as well as the appearance of weeds. Before planting, it is contraindicated to make humus and chicken droppings.

There is a method, the so-called grandmother's secret of planting onion sets, which is as follows:

Onions are an essential ingredient in different countries. It has been cultivated for many millennia, it was almost the first agricultural crop. From generation to generation, the experience of planting onion sets has been passed on, which allows you to grow a rich harvest. Detailed agricultural technology with all the nuances has survived to this day.​

When planting in the winter for disinfection, it is enough to lower the teeth for 2-3 minutes in a salt solution (6 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) and land without washing.

The processing of onion sets right before planting is as follows:

Before planting onion sets, it is imperative to sort out, sort out all the bulbs that are damaged or unhealthy.

Soil preparation for planting tulips

With groundwater level up to 75 cm.

Sort the cleaned and carefully inspected bulbs according to their diameter. It is best to use large specimens for planting, but small ones do not have to be thrown away at all - you can plant them in flower beds. Most importantly, do not plant large bulbs along with small ones, so that later it would be easier to select large planting material from the garden for storage.

Just one bulb, infected with some kind of fungus or infectious disease, when landing on a common flower bed, it can lead to the death of other flowers. Just imagine what sad consequences can be due to a single small oversight! While properly handling the bulbs will protect the tulips from diseases and pests, help them grow faster and bloom better.​

  • carrots
  • Bulbs up to 2 cm in diameter - at a distance of 10 cm.
  • It is necessary to take into account the level of soil acidity. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to carry out liming with one of the following components:
  • planting material is dried for 7 days, the temperature should be from + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C;
  • In this article we will tell you how to plant onion sets and how to care for them.

Garlic often gets sick not from the consequences of wintering, but from immoderate organic matter “between the roots”. A smart way to help avoid fungal diseases: when the height of the plants reaches about 10 cm, the soil is carefully raked from the plants - to the roots. Sprinkle with a handful of ash and return the earth to its place. When the arrows appear, everyone repeats. Do not be afraid, it is very simple and fast to do this, it just seems that it will take a long time to “bend your back”. But the result ... By the way, if the garlic began to disastrously turn yellow (it is easy to pull it out of the ground), sprinkle it with ashes in the same way. Helps! And further: in early spring feed the garlic with a solution of mullein, it will not turn yellow.

Cleaning, drying and removing the first layer of husks near the onion

Usually, then I grow sevok on the floor near the battery for drying and airing during the day, and then I put it in nets weighing 200-300 grams.

With a higher occurrence of groundwater, artificial drainage from a layer of sand can be provided for tulips, otherwise the bulbs will quickly rot. Add peat and sand to clay soil. To increase the water permeability of the soil during digging, it will also be useful to add coarse washed sand and humus.

Eat tulip bulbs suitable for planting for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect the flowers from fungal diseases.


How to properly process onion sets before planting?

Regardless of what time of year you decide to plant tulips - in autumn or spring, special attention deserves such an important process as preparing tulips for planting. Of course, you can just put the bulbs in the ground and sprinkle with earth, and then hope that "if they want to live, they will grow." However, experienced flower growers are well aware of the role that pre-treatment of tulips before planting can play.


In place of these crops, onion sets can be planted no earlier than after 3-5 years.

As for the beds, they should be at least 20 cm - 25 cm apart. Planting depth is approximately 3-4 cm.​



Before planting, the bulbs are soaked for 3 hours in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water);

There is no need to talk about specific planting numbers for onions. Sevok is planted when the earth warms up to a depth of 6-10 centimeters. If you focus on the weather, then in early and warm spring, planting can be done at the end of April.

Thanks a lot for the wonderful answer. I would give three pluses. Good luck in the garden and on the BV! - over a year ago


Moisten the onion hole a little, but not abundantly - you can use a sprayer and put the onion there, then dig in and spray the surface of the former hole again.

It is more convenient for further processing, since my practice shows that the harvest will be better if these nets are kept in a solution of complex fertilizers for several hours, and dipped in a solution with copper sulfate just before planting. My onions always grow very good.

You should not plant bulbs in sandy soil, because such soil dries out quickly, and tulips will lack moisture.

After pickling with potassium permanganate, the bulbs must be immediately planted in the ground, since they are quickly saturated with moisture, and young roots can easily break off from this, and new ones no longer form in their place.



Onion care consists in timely weeding, loosening and watering.

  • After the planting material is immersed in the ground, the latter must be tightly compressed around the bulb and covered with a layer of mulch (mulch is any available material, such as sawdust, straw, film, paper, peat, pebbles, etc.) 2-3 thick see
  • dolomite flour;
  • bulbs are washed;


Onions cannot be planted in cold earth, but it is also impossible to delay the landing. The main guideline is the temperature of the soil, which should not be lower than + 12 ° C.​


Onion sets are planted in spring from April 25 to May 5, the distance between the lines should be 15-25 cm, and in a row 10-12 cm. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the bulbs are covered with a soil layer of no more than 1-1.5 cm. Before when planting the bulbs, it is necessary to warm up at a temperature of 40 * C for about 8 hours or about a battery steam heating 2-3 days. Trim the neck of the sevka either quite a bit, or not at all. Then soak in a solution of 1% copper sulphate for 15-20 minutes, and immediately plant it on the site without rinsing. Sometimes they practice scalding with boiling water, or rather with water at a temperature of 55-65 * C, for 1-2 minutes, and then immediately into cold water for 1 minute. (disease prevention) but this must be used very carefully so as not to harm the bulbs.

If you are going to plant onion sets, then you need to process it before planting.

But I still very carefully approach the choice of the sevka itself, I never buy the first one that comes across.

Maryushka Dushka

Video about planting tulips in autumn

  • ​If you find a diseased or damaged bulb, but you are sorry to throw it away, then cut off the damaged area from the bulb, being careful not to damage the inner layer of the scale. Such bulbs should also be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, dried and planted in a flower bed. However, although after such a treatment, infection of the remaining tulips and garden soil is very unlikely, it is still worth planting the treated damaged bulbs separately from healthy ones.
  • Many flower growers, even when laying the bulbs for storage, pay attention to sorting them, distributing them into large and small ones. Accordingly, tulips are also planted later, focusing on the diameter of the bulbs. In the future, this will greatly facilitate the summer care of tulips and digging up the bulbs after flowering. If you didn’t sort before storing the planting material or just recently bought bulbs different varieties, it’s not too late to sort them and immediately before planting.​


Loosening. It is correct to start the process of aerating the soil before germination. The frequency of this procedure is once every two weeks to avoid the formation of a dense earthen crust. Secondly, such a frequency of loosening will not allow weeds to appear.

To harvest onion pleased in the fall, you need to take active measures in the spring before planting it. After all, it is in the spring that onion sets are prepared for planting in the ground.

Almost all gardeners use onion sets to harvest onions. Very important role in its preparation for planting has seed treatment, because if the seeds are not treated, they will germinate for a long time or undergo various diseases.

For planting, small onions with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm are selected. Sevok can be bought at any specialized store or grown independently. Seed preparation takes place in several stages.

Stages of preparation for sowing

  • All the onions need to be sorted out, the good ones selected and the unhealthy bulbs thrown out. Peeled, rotten, moldy, dried up - such turnips are not suitable for planting. If the bulb has not started a feather, it needs to be "cut". To do this, carefully cut off the husk at the crown. This will greatly speed up germination.

In addition, with proper pruning, the soaking procedure will be more effective: the solution will penetrate between the scales of the head very quickly. If you approach the preparation of seed with all responsibility, then you can eliminate the troubles associated with growing bulbous crops.

When pruning, you need to ensure that you do not cut off excess from the top. This will provoke the process of decay, and will not allow the onion to release the stems.

  • Suitable bulbs should preferably be cooked a few days before sowing. To do this, spread paper or newspaper near the heat source, and spread the onion sets in one layer.

At a temperature of 35–40 degrees, the onion warms up well. If, for some reason, warming up is not possible, and the seedlings already need to be planted, then the following steps can be taken to “wake up” the seeds: pour hot water into the bowl with onions for 2 minutes, and then dip it in cold water.

Such measures will exclude the possibility of further “shooting” of onion sets. After all, he "shoots" because of the conditions of improper storage: too cold room. At this time, flower buds are born in the bulbs, which will begin to develop.

  • Warmed onion heads should be soaked in nutrient liquid in advance. To feed the bulbs, you can use any fertilizer complex. After pouring the bulbs into the net or bag, you need to leave them soaked for 10 hours in a nutrient mixture with Ammophos, Nitroammophos (1 tablespoon of the composition is taken for 10 liters of liquid).
  • After that, you need to arrange a “bath”: without rinsing from the remnants of the solution, dip the net with onion sets for 10 minutes in an aqueous solution with the addition of copper sulfate. Mix as follows: for 10 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate.

These water procedures prevent the development of fungal diseases in young onion sets. After washing the seed with running water, you can safely plant it in the ground.

There is also a bath recipe. You can dip the onion in a normal saline solution. Salt fights fungal nematode spores. The recipe is as follows: for one bucket of water 3 cups table salt. He must stand 24 hours before landing. You can also treat the sevok with infusion of ash or "Fitosporin".

You can also disinfect the sevok with potassium permanganate. Despite the fact that many effective modern substances have appeared, this remedy still remains the most effective and at the same time inexpensive.

Processing before planting occurs in this order: dilute 35 grams of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water, immerse the seeds in the resulting solution for 2 hours. This method will provide protection against any diseases of the plant.

  • In order for the seeds to germinate quickly and give a good harvest, it is recommended to treat it with growth stimulants before planting. The most affordable and versatile way is to treat it with wood ash, which is rich in potassium and natural antiseptics.

Disease protection

It is also important to protect sevok from ailments after planting. Various insects and diseases that affect the heads and prevent their growth, in the course of their life, turn green feathers into yellow, the scales of the bulb become soft and rotten. Such a bow will not survive until winter, so emergency measures must be taken.

The most common diseases of onion sets are:

  • onion fly.

Destroyed by an onion fly, the feathers of the set wither and dry from the top of the feather to the very base, so the central petiole breaks off, rotten to the very bulb. Looking closely, you can see insect larvae in the bulb itself or on its surface. To exclude the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to treat the seeds with a solution of TMTD or fentiuram.

If an onion fly has struck young greens, wood ash or crushed charcoal will help, which you need to sprinkle seedlings of seedlings. For the treatment of young plants, Nexion (0.1%) is often used from the consumption: 0.5 l of solution per 1 meter of soil. Watering should be every two weeks.

  • downy mildew.

The whitish spots that cover the sevka arrows gradually spread and after some time become already gray bloom - this is a defeat by downy mildew. The most common cause of this problem is the increased humidity of the air or soil in which the onion grows.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to start treatment with any of these agents:

  • 80% cuprosan (0.4%);
  • ditan M-45 (0.20%);
  • Bordeaux liquid 1%.