A few years ago it was impossible to build a good career without a higher education diploma. Today, the requirements for graduates have increased. We need not only crusts that serve as confirmation of the presence of education, but also deep knowledge, the necessary practical skills. Undertake quality training in higher and secondary programs vocational education invites Dagestan State University(DGU) in Makhachkala.

Information about the past of the university

The predecessor of the Dagestan State University, on the basis of which modern university, was founded in 1931. By order of a higher authority, the first higher educational institution appeared in Makhachkala. They called it the Dagestan Agro-Pedagogical Institute. His job was to train teachers.

In the first year of work at the university, 3 departments were created - physical-technical, chemical-biological and socio-literary. According to reports, 75 people entered the proposed structural units. Learning at first was difficult. The university did not have study areas and dormitories, educational materials. However, with further work and development of the university, everything changed. In the 50s, the institute - the future DSU of Makhachkala - already had a new educational building with equipped classrooms and classrooms, a hostel for students from other cities appeared.

School transformations

The first transformations associated with the institute took place a year after the opening. The agro-pedagogical university was turned into an ordinary pedagogical educational institution. The consequence of this was the expansion of the organizational structure. New subdivisions have been launched at the university - departments related to mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, biology, language and literature. In connection with positive changes in the structure, the interest of applicants to the university has also increased.

The second important transformation in the history of the educational institution dates back to 1957. Pedagogical Institute reorganized into Dagestan State University. Work on the training of personnel began to conduct 5 faculties. In the DSU of Makhachkala, in subsequent years, the organizational structure expanded. For example, in 1972, the Faculty of Economics and Law was opened, and in 1974, the Faculty of Soviet Trade.

DSU today

Currently, the educational institution continues to operate under the name that was given to it in 1957. The university remained the Dagestan State University. Only his achievements and reputation have changed, but not negatively, but positive side. Today, DSU in Makhachkala is the oldest and largest university in the Republic of Dagestan. It is of key importance in the development of the region, it is an important educational, scientific and cultural center in the named subject of our country.

The University today has a decent material and technical base. It has several buildings, 730 different classrooms (lecture rooms, laboratories, computer classes) at its disposal. DSU has 2 museums (historical and biological), a fundamental library that stores more than 2.5 million volumes.

College in organizational structure

A lot of modern Russian universities adhere to the model of continuous education and for this reason have in their structure a unit responsible for the training of mid-level specialists. In the list of such educational institutions DGU Makhachkala is located. The College of Law operates at this university. This is a very young structural unit. The order to open it was signed in May 2013.

The college at the Dagestan State University was created to train specialists in the field of law. This goal determined the opening of 3 specialties:

  • « law enforcement»;
  • "law and organization of social security";
  • "Law and Judicial Administration".

Faculties of Dagestan State University

For the implementation of programs higher education faculties are responsible for DSU Makhachkala. There are quite a few of them, which means that applicants are not limited in their choice. For each applicant there is a suitable structural unit. Here is the list of faculties:

  • biological;
  • historical;
  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • philological;
  • social;
  • oriental studies;
  • foreign languages;
  • informatics and information technologies;
  • culture;
  • mathematics and computer science;
  • international education;
  • psychology and philosophy;
  • management;
  • economic;
  • legal.

From the names of the faculties of DSU Makhachkala, it is clear what specialties they combine. For example, the physical structural unit offers "electronics and nanoelectronics", "power and electrical engineering", "physics" with such profiles as "fundamental physics" and "medical physics". There is only one direction at the Faculty of Economics - "Economics". But more than enough profiles. You can get here at world economy”, “finance and credit”, “regional economy”, “accounting, analysis and audit”, “labor economics” or “taxes and taxation”.

Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development

The college and faculties are not the only constituent elements of the organizational structure of the Dagestan State University. The university also has an Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development. It appeared relatively recently - in 2015. The Institute was created on the basis of the material and technical base of the Faculty of Ecology and Geography.

The institute offers only 2 directions for undergraduate studies - "geography" and "ecology and nature management". The choice is small, but studying here is prestigious, productive and interesting. Firstly, the institute is considered one of the leading structural divisions of the DSU of Makhachkala. Secondly, here students are given good theoretical knowledge and the necessary practical skills, they are given the opportunity to participate in scientific life university. The Institute has one of the best mobile environmental monitoring laboratories in our country. It allows you to analyze samples of water, soil, air directly on the spot.

Department of Physical Culture and Sports

The Dagestan State University also has a department of physical culture and sports. It has been working in the structure of a higher educational institution since 2004 and has been training specialists in physical education and sports. There is only one direction of preparation at the bachelor's degree - "physical culture" (with the profile "physical education").

For those who love an active lifestyle, studying at the department seems rich and interesting. The thing is that it combines theoretical and practical training. In order to develop certain skills for students, teachers conduct classes in specialized halls for basketball, volleyball, martial arts, etc.

Passing exams in general subjects

In the main part of the specialties, applicants are required to have the results of 3 exams in general subjects. School graduates can only provide the results of the exam. The list of disciplines is recommended to be clarified as early as possible in the admission committee of the DSU of Makhachkala. The fact is that registration for the unified state exam in schools is carried out until February 1. For example:

  • in "biology", "soil science", "aquatic bioresources and aquaculture" pass the Russian language, biology and chemistry;
  • on the "economy" economic security» - Russian language, profile mathematics, social studies.

Graduates of colleges and other universities have the right not to take the exam. They are offered entrance examinations conducted by the university independently. The form of examinations is written testing. Such entrance tests additionally available to some persons with secondary general education - disabled people, foreign citizens.

Creative entrance tests

In some specialties, in addition to general education subjects, they pass creative tests. Among such educational programs are "journalism" and "acting art". On "journalism" the exam consists of 3 stages. At the initial stage, applicants provide the admissions committee with their creative works, including those published in media. mass media. At the second stage, the university paperwork- writing creative material on a given topic. The final round is an interview.

Admission to DSU Makhachkala for "acting art" also involves passing an entrance test in 3 stages. First, the creative capabilities of the applicant are analyzed - ear for music, vocal and choreographic data are checked, external data are evaluated, and a task is given to test emotional memory and attention. The second stage of the exam consists of expressive reading and recitation of excerpts from poems or prose. The third round of the entrance test is etudes for the assessment of the fact, etudes for character and communication, etudes for improvisation.

Professional entrance examinations

At the Dagestan State University, a professional test is provided for in 3 areas of training:

  • "philology" (profile - "domestic philology: Russian language and literature");
  • "customs business";
  • "Physical Culture".

On "Philology" applicants write an artistic and journalistic essay, which, after passing, is evaluated by the teachers of the Faculty of Philology in points. In the DSU of Makhachkala, such an entrance test was established in order to identify applicants creativity, determining the degree of ownership literary language, elements artistic speech. 1 hour is allotted for writing an essay at the university. The theme is given. It can be quite simple and consist in writing a creative work about your favorite poet or favorite book, justifying the reasons for entering the Faculty of Philology. There are also topics in which it is required to highlight a specific problem using the example of 1 or 2 works.

On the "customs" is a written test on the history of Russia. At the "physical culture" applicants pass tests in general physical fitness - they pass a jump from a place and a run, a shot put, a 100-meter run, as well as a 1 km run for girls and 2 km for boys. The exam additionally includes exercises from the men's and women's all-around.

About applying to law school

In almost all specialties of secondary vocational education, no exams are provided for applicants. Admission is carried out only on the basis of the average score of the certificate. The only exception is one specialty - "law enforcement". It provides for an entrance test for passing standards in physical culture.

It is important to know that you can enter the DSU College of Makhachkala on the basis of 9th and 11th grades. To do this, during the introductory campaign, you need to appear at the selection committee and submit the following documents:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • school leaving certificate;
  • 4 photographs 3 by 4 cm.

Admission to higher education programs

In accordance with the admission rules, each applicant can participate in the competition for 1, 2 or 3 specialties, but no more. Upon admission, an application is written to the selection committee, and documents such as a passport, certificate or diploma, various certificates confirming individual achievements are submitted.

2 photos are attached to this whole package, but it is important to note that they are provided only by those applicants who do not have USE results and plan to take entrance exams at the university. At what address can I submit all documents for admission to the DSU of Makhachkala? The selection committee works on Batyray street, 2.

Specialties with budget places

Not all parents can provide their child with higher education, because educational services are not cheap. That is why the question of the possibility of receipt on the budget is so urgent. There are free places at DSU and it is very easy to take them in some specialties. A very small number of applicants are interested in "mathematics", "physics", "chemistry", "biology", etc.

Interest in legal, economic and managerial specialties has been greatly increased. The number of applications submitted for them exceeds the recruitment plan by several times. budget places. At the Faculty of Law of the Dagestan State University in Makhachkala, "jurisprudence", "forensic examination" are popular. Of the economic and managerial specialties, it is worth highlighting "economics", "management", "public and municipal government».

At the Dagestan State University, you can get a really high-quality education. This is confirmed by the achievements of university graduates. For many of them, a DSU diploma opened the way to major Russian companies and organizations, political, cultural and educational sphere, business communities.

April 19 at the Scientific Library. A.A. Abilova hosted Library Night 2019, which determined the famous formula “Life is a theater” as its central theme and was organized by the Club of Foreign Literature Lovers. About how the content of the well-known metaphor, which became the basis of the whole European culture, said Associate Professor F.A. Abilova. About the birth of theater in Ancient Greece, Associate Professor A.E. spoke about theatrical genres and their evolution. Plokharsky. And then the theater marathon began. Students of the Russian Department and the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology of the DGU, students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the DGUNKh presented fragments from the plays of Sophocles, Aristophanes, B. Shaw, from the repertoire of the Kabuki Theater, etc. The marathon was revived by students of the Lyceum No. Perrault. The marathon was accompanied by a slide show prepared by R.B. Saipulaeva. Then, as in a real theater, an intermission was announced with an almost real theatrical buffet. The second action developed on two platforms: under the guidance of Associate Professor F.Kh. Israpova had a reading of poetry about the theater, which was illustrated by the artist M. Khalilov. The second platform was given to those who like to answer quiz questions and read unfamiliar texts. The most active participants of the Library Night 2019 were awarded with certificates and books.

From April 19 to April 24, the All-Russian XVIII Youth Delphic Games were held in Rostov-on-Don. More than 2,000 young people from different corners countries. Games - competitions in the field of art, which are compared with the Olympic Games, were held in 29 nominations. These are folk instruments, photography, folk dance, folk singing, fine arts and more. The Republic of Dagestan was represented by the finalists of the Republican song contest in the national languages ​​of Dagestan "Voice of the Mountains": Magomed Gadzhiev, Amina Khairulaeva, Abdusamad Aliyev, Aishat Magomedova and the head of the delegation, an employee of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan Arsen Huseynov. Young Dagestanis performed in two categories: "Solo Folk Singing" and "Variety Singing". The Republican song contest "Voice of the Mountains" is held in Dagestan as a qualifying stage for the youth Delphic Games of Russia. The finalists of the competition represent the republic at the festival for the third year already. It should be noted that the provision of transportation to the venue of the event and back, as well as handouts and equipment for all participants, was undertaken by the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan. Aishat Magomedova, a 1st year student of the DSU branch in Izberbash, performed in the nomination "Solo Folk Singing", of the middle age group "14-18". Arsen Magomedov, deputy director of the branch of DSU in Izberbash, acted as an accompanying minor participant. The competition program included two rounds. In the 1st round, it was necessary to present 3 folk songs representing the song traditions of their region. Songs should be varied. One song must be performed a cappella. The total duration of the program is up to 9 minutes. 8 participants are allowed to the 2nd round. In the 2nd round, it was necessary to submit 2 songs: one folk song and a song in a folk style with authors. Songs should be diverse and performed with accompaniment. The program of the 2nd round must be no less bright than for the 1st round, the repetition of the songs of the 1st round is not allowed. The total duration of the program is up to 6 minutes. 24 contestants representing 23 regions of the country took part in the 1st round. Aishat Magomedova in the 1st round performed the Dargin folk, Kumyk folk (acapella) and the song "Dolalai" in Russian. Unfortunately, in the fierce competition we failed to reach the 2nd round, but the first experience of participating in a competition of this level and scale is invaluable. Based on the results of the 2nd round of the competition gold medal received a contestant from the Voronezh region, silver - from the Lipetsk region, bronze - from the Republic of Karelia.

The meeting of the Council of Curators of the DSU took place on April 24 in the conference hall of the administration of the university. At the beginning of the meeting, the chairman of the council, Elena Bilalova, outlined the agenda for the meeting. To discuss the problem of social assistance to students, as one of effective forms for optimization educational process Irina Huseynova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Information Technologies of the Social Faculty of DSU, was invited. Irina Alexandrovna worked for more than 25 years as Deputy Minister of Labor and social development in the republic. At the meeting, she gave complete and exhaustive information about the nature social support students, disabled since childhood, disabled by groups. She dwelled in detail on the nature of lump-sum material payments, monetization of benefits, support for women during the birth of a child, and more. It was interesting to know about targeted programs to help a young family. The demographic issue, problems with jobs, difficulties with employment were not left without attention. Referring to the Address of the President to the Federal Assembly in 2019, Irina Alexandrovna noted the importance of mutual obligations, which are spelled out in the legislation. This point requires further clarification. Among the students there are those who took out a loan, issued a mortgage, used maternity capital, that is, assumed the fulfillment of mutual obligations. I. Huseynova dwelled in detail on the possibilities used in DSU to support student youth. This is a scholarship fund, the provision of a place in a hostel, a dispensary, summer vacations, lump-sum material payments, and so on. Curators were interested to hear about what can be organized at the faculties in the system of student support measures. It was about a data bank on jobs, charity events, support for young families, the creation of a social security advisory center and more. The curators received detailed explanations on all the problems of interest to them. The second issue on the agenda was the results of a survey of students about curatorial and educational work at the faculties. The information of the university's education quality department reflected the survey indicators for each position and the position of the faculties in the overall ranking. The third question concerned the new educational standards of the university. The functional duties of the curator of the training profile deserve special mention. The tasks facing the system of educating students at the university in the context of the implementation of new standards of the Federal State Educational Standard were discussed, the criteria for the curator's activity, his role in the development of social potential and socio-cultural competencies of students were determined.

On April 24, a meeting of students with potential employers was held at the Faculty of Management of Daggos University. The event was organized by the leadership of the Faculty of Management together with the Department of Employment and Career Guidance of DSU. Dean of FU Gamzat Magomedbekov delivered an opening speech to those present. In his speech, he noted that in Lately The requirements of employers for university graduates have increased, which is largely due to the renewal of the content and structure of the innovation economy. “That is why the higher education system must respond to the challenges of the regional labor market and create conditions for the training of demanded and qualified specialists,” Gamzat Magomedbekov said. Deputy Chairman of the Administration of Makhachkala Zapir Alkhasov spoke to the children. He noted that in the Republic of Dagestan now much attention is paid to personnel policy in connection with the growing needs of state authorities and local self-government. Z. Alkhasov stressed that in order to identify specialists and executives, a competitive selection is carried out and a personnel reserve is formed on the basis of an objective assessment of general cultural, professional and personal qualities applicants. Shikhragim Kutaev, Acting Director of the Institute for Socio-Economic Research of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted that the competence-based approach in education suggests that learning does not come down to a simple transfer of knowledge from a teacher to a student, but that it should form the ability to apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience in standard and non-standard work situations. Gadzhi Omarov, production director of 2 GIS, emphasized that their organization provides for a set of measures aimed at attracting young professionals, and tried to fully describe the conditions that they create for their employees, the level of wages, and opportunities for future growth , as well as the requirements that apply to future specialists. Jabir Sfiyev, General Director of Microcaital, also noted that the requirements for training specialists are constantly increasing in the modern labor market. “Under these conditions, it is quite difficult for a graduate to adapt and actively and fruitfully engage in labor activity after graduation,” D. Sfiyev noted. Abdurakhman Kerimov, a representative of Maximum, told the children about his company, vacancies and the benefits of working in their organization, for example, students can combine work and study, which will allow them to be financially independent from their parents. Azim Gadzhibagirov, head of the sales department of the R-Line company, spoke about the company's activities, the course of the interview for employment. “We need targeted, creative and trained personnel,” A. Hajibagirov noted. At the end of the meeting, the guests answered numerous questions from students: the guys were interested in the possibility of passing industrial and undergraduate practice, salary, available vacancies, career prospects and probationary period when applying for a job. According to the organizers, such events are very significant, as they provide students with information about the proposals of potential employers, both in terms of the content of the work and in terms of its conditions. In addition, such meetings allow you to directly learn about the features of the chosen profession and give confidence in solving the problem of future employment.

On April 22, the Student Club of DSU gave the final concert of this year's "Student Spring" - the so-called gala concert, in other words - the best numbers of springs of all faculties. The concert, of course, was attended by the entire leadership of the university, headed by rector Murtazali Rabadanov, who went up on stage and thanked the best and most talented students who gave us a wonderful holiday of music, song, dance and youth this year. He also added that this year's "Studentspring" was even better than in the past, and expressed the hope that from year to year the talents and skills of our students will grow exponentially. Needless to say, "Welcoming Lezginka" performed by the "My Dagestan" ensemble did not leave anyone indifferent, just like the "Kuban Dance" of the DSU choreographic group. Songs were sung in almost all languages ​​of Dagestan and the world, there was also a high artistic word, there was a demonstration haute couture, so that none of those present had any doubts that the most talented, most gifted students study at the Dagestan State University. Ahead of us is the nationwide “Student Spring”, which will be held on May 3 at the House of Friendship. And we are more than confident that our university will take the most worthy place at this student celebration. I would like to note in a separate line that our gala concert this year was decorated by the delegation of the Southern federal university, which arrived to us within the framework of the forum-festival "Peace to the Caucasus". Head of the delegation, acting Yakov Aslanov, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Implementation of Youth Programs of the Southern Federal University, spoke to the public and thanked DSU for the ability not only to work well, but to spend their leisure time well.

On April 23, a national scientific and practical conference"Institutional Mechanism for Modernizing the Economy of Russian Regions", organized by the Department of Political Economy. The work of the conference was devoted to the analysis of strategic directions for modernizing the economy of Russian regions and institutional reforms in the regions North Caucasus. Special attention was devoted to the problems of legalizing the shadow economy and the development of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan for the period up to 2035. The conference received scientific reports from various cities of Russia and neighboring countries: the Donetsk Academy of Management and public service, Kyzyl-Orda State University named after Korkyt-Ata (Kazakhstan), Tomsk State University of Management and Radioelectronics, RANEPA branches in Tolyatti and Orel and others. The conference was attended by representatives of scientific and public organizations, government and business structures. Opening the work of the conference, the head of the Department of Political Economy Nizami Askerov in his speech outlined the main directions of institutional reforms carried out by the Government of the Republic of Dagestan in present stage in the conditions of external anti-crisis management: renewal of managerial personnel, legalization of the shadow economy, active anti-corruption activities in public authorities and others. Under these conditions, the Department of Political Economy focuses on research in the field of institutional economics and the development of priority areas of the developed Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan for the period up to 2035. In his message, the Director of the Center for Children's Education under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan, Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov Zeydula Yuzbekov considered the institutional changes taking place at the macro and micro levels. He touched upon the issues of injustice and inequality in the context of the transformation of the economy in the 90s, deformation in the labor market and the need for social dialogue in Dagestan society. Ruslanbek Kadzhimagomaev, Director General of Regional Investment Development Agency LLC and representative of VEB Bank in the Republic of Dagestan, considered the problems of attracting investments and implementing investment programs in the republic. As a solution to the problem, he proposed the creation of an independent regional structure that would accumulate local financial resources. In the report of Sefer Aliyev, Chairman of the Dagestan branch of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, CEO of the Firma AS group of companies, the problems of effective interaction between the state and business, the solution of which should contribute to the development of the business sector, were voiced. “It is extremely important to reduce the control and supervision activities on the part of the state,” Sefer Aliyev said. - Totally agree last year our company has been subjected to 48 checks by various control bodies. As the head of the Dagestan branch of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, I intend to intensify activities to protect the interests of employers, as well as coordinate activities triple alliance: business, government and trade unions" Associate Professor of the Department of Political Economy Madina Mallaeva considered the problems of realizing the scientific and educational potential of modern higher education, emphasizing the need to revise the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of universities in order to strengthen the practical orientation of scientific research and improve the quality of education. Each of the reports raised a lot of questions and discussions. Students also took an active part in the discussion of the issues raised. The section of students and undergraduates will continue its work on April 24. As a result of the conference, a set of recommendations to government and business structures will be developed. ÂÂÂ

On April 23, an expert session “Priorities for the development of the Makhachkala agglomeration” was held at the Dagestan University, where members of the regional project team to develop a strategy for Dagestan discussed the priorities for the socio-economic development of the region for the period up to 2035. The main issues raised by the experts: the development of the transport and social infrastructure of Makhachkala, promising sectors of the economy, the development of housing and communal services and the spatial policy of the Makhachkala agglomeration. The event was opened by DSU Rector Murtazali Rabadanov, who greeted the members of the expert commission and gave the floor to the Minister of Economy and Territorial Development of Dagestan, Osman Khasbulatov. The minister noted that at present, a territorial planning scheme for the Makhachkala agglomeration and a scheme for the districts that are included in it have been developed - these are Karabudakhkent, Kumtorkala districts, Makhachkala and Kaspiysk. “Today we have gathered to approve the scheme of territorial planning at all levels, to determine and agree on the basic scheme for the development of the agglomeration, to develop financial model and determine the budget of the project,” said O. Khasbulatov. On the role of the Makhachkala agglomeration in the strategy spatial development Russia was told by the Chairman of the Council for the Study of the Productive Forces of the All-Russian Academy foreign trade Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Dmitry Zemlyansky. Further, the director of the project office "Energy Efficiency" of PJSC Rostelecom, professor of the Higher School of Urban Studies Sergey Sivaev spoke about the problems and priorities of the housing and communal complex of urban agglomerations. The meeting ended with a discussion of the development of the transport and social infrastructure of Makhachkala and summing up the results of the expert session of all the issues raised.

On April 23, the DSU Center for the Study of Native Languages ​​hosted a presentation of a literary translation of L. Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland". The author of the translation was a member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, a modern Tabasaran poetess Gulbika Omarova. The event was attended by the presenter Researcher IYALI DSC RAS, Doctor of Philology Sabrina Shikhalieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Dagestan Languages ​​Zhafar Agabekov, students of the Russian-Dagestan department. The presentation was opened by the director of the center Marina Gasanova. She noted that G. Omarova has been fruitfully engaged in translation activities for a long time. She has already translated "Eugene Onegin", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A. Pushkin and "My Dagestan" by R. Gamzatov. S. Shikhalieva also expressed her opinion about the quality of translation and the importance of translated literature for the development of the language. And Zh. Agabekov spoke about the possibility of introducing educational process such new language material that can become the basis for writing term papers and qualifying works by native language. The author-translator herself shared the reasons for choosing this particular author for translation, about the difficulties she encountered in the process of work, and then answered questions from students. Translations of books were transferred to the Center for the Study of Native Languages, adding to its library.

On April 22, a large-scale scientific, educational, socio-cultural and educational forum-festival "Peace to the Caucasus", organized by the Southern Federal University together with Daggos University, started at DSU. The forum was opened by DSU Rector, Professor Murtazali Rabadanov. He greeted the guests and delegates, wished good luck to the festival and promised all possible support in the work of the forum as a project partner and organizer. He also noted that this event will serve to develop horizontal ties between the youth communities of the regions, the formation of socially significant social projects, consolidation of youth in maintaining and preserving the culture and traditions of the peoples of the South of Russia. The opening of the forum was also attended by: Minister of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan Kamil Saidov, Deputy Minister of national policy and Religious Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan Arsen Makhmudov, Vice-Rector for Educational and social work DSU Madina Magomedova, acting Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Implementation of Youth Programs of the Southern Federal University Yakov Aslanov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies of the Southern Federal University Andrey Bedrik, as well as delegations of student activists from the Dagestan State and Southern Federal Universities, representatives of the expert community and the media. The work of the plenary session of the forum began with the presentation of the "Peace to the Caucasus" project, the demonstration of a video about the project. As part of the first stage of the contest "The Best Young Caucasian Scientist of the Year", interesting reports were made at the plenary session of the forum. Presentations were made by SFedU student Vadim Zarbaliyev (report "Dagestan as an object of international tourism: current state and development trends") and DSU students Bela Eldarova ("The North Caucasus as a unique multicultural and polyconfessional region") and Zaira Khalilova ("The value of interethnic relations and experience of interaction between DSU and universities of the North Caucasus Federal District). The forum has already become traditional. It has been with us since 2012. "Give peace to the Caucasus and do not look for another paradise on earth!" It is under this slogan that this festival has been held for the sixth time in order to promote civil peace in the South of Russia, harmonize interethnic relations and consolidate youth communities. The project is long-term and, having started in April, will continue until November of this year. It consists of several parts, namely, a rally of the delegation of the student activists of the Southern Federal University through the capitals of the subjects of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts; conducting sociological and ethnocultural research in the regions aimed at forming a good-neighborly character of interethnic relations and knowledge of modern student youth about the culture of the peoples of the South of Russia and conducting summer school for student community leaders educational organizations higher education of the South and North Caucasus federal districts on the basis of practices and sports tourism "Vityaz" SFU. After the plenary session, students of DSU and SFU conducted a sociological study in the format of the focus group "Russia in modern system international relations through the eyes of the youth of the North Caucasus”. The guys also conducted a survey on the topic "Social well-being and life chances of the youth of the North Caucasus." This study will allow the forum delegates to find out the attitude of the participants to the foreign policy problems of the Russian Federation. Fedor Bugaev, a student of ULS, became the moderator of the event. The discussion group discussed Russia's foreign policy problems. The first topic for discussion was the Ukrainian crisis as a catalyst for international tension. During a lively dialogue, students discussed possible options for resolving the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. Next question The situation in the Syrian Arab Republic was on the agenda of the meeting. Among the causes of the civil war in the Middle East, the participants noted internal political confrontation, economic problems and religious confrontations. At the end of the dialogue, the group discussed the problems of relations between Russia and the United States, as well as the reasons for their occurrence. At this, the results were summed up and the work of the forum-festival "Peace to the Caucasus" at DSU was completed. Further, representatives of the SFedU are planning to visit Grozny, Magas and Vladikavkaz. In total, they are going to drive about 2 thousand kilometers. Conferences, master classes, thematic focus groups and round tables will be held during the rally. At the events, representatives of the SFedU intend to discuss the development youth policy in the regions of the North Caucasus, the harmonization of interethnic relations, the fight against extremism. After Makhachkala, the route of the rally includes visits to the Chechen State University, Ingush State University, North Ossetian State University. Kosta Levanovich. So let's wish a happy journey and good luck to the team of the Southern Federal University and the festival-forum "Peace to the Caucasus" in general!

April 24, at 9:00, at assembly hall Faculty of Physics DSU (Dzerzhinsky str., 12) will host the grand opening of the XXI republican scientific-practical conference "Creativity of the young." As part of the opening, five schoolchildren will read their reports. In total, 211 papers were submitted to the conference from 25 educational institutions not only in Makhachkala, but also in the Karabudakhkent Gymnasium and the Republican Education Center in Kaspiysk. Schoolchildren will present their research in 12 sections: Section "Mathematics and Informatics" - 35 papers, of which: in mathematics - 17, in computer science - 18 papers. Section "Physics" - 10 works. Section "Chemistry" - 15 works. Section "Biology" - 19 works (two sections by age categories). Section "Ecology" - 13 works. Section "History of Russia and Dagestan" - 31 works (two sections). Section "Social Science" - 17 works. Section "Law" - 4 works. Section "Economics" - 7 works. Section "Language and literature" - 35 works (3 subsections: Dagestan languages ​​and literature, Russian language, literature) Section " Foreign languages» - 18 works (two subsections) Section "Arabic" - 2 works. Summing up and awarding the winners of the conference "Creativity of the Young" will also take place on April 24 in the assembly hall of the Faculty of Physics at 14:30.



2018-2019 academic year

- Dear undergraduates, please pay attention and take part!Republican scientific-practical conference "25 years of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: evolution and modernity".

- On September 19, 2018 at 11.30 in the assembly hall of the Law Institute of DSU, a meeting of the 1st year undergraduates of full-time and correspondence departments will be held.

The rector of DSU, Professor Rabadanov Murtazali Khulataevich, director of the Institute of Law, Professor Magomedov Shikhtimer Bashirovich, supervisors of all 10 master's programs implemented at the institute will attend the meeting. Gradebooks and student cards will be handed out. The attendance of all undergraduates is strictly required!

- Beginning of classes 1 and 2 courses - September 19, 2018 at 14:00. Schedule of classes in the relevant section of the site

2017-2018 academic year

November 10, 2017 at 14:00 in the 2nd lecture hall there will be a meeting with representatives of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Republic of Dagestan. All 1st year undergraduates of all master's programs are invited to the meeting.

On September 4, 2017 at 11 o'clock in the assembly hall of the Law Institute there will be a general meeting of 1st year undergraduates of the daytime budget and daytime paid department.The attendance of all undergraduates is strictly required!


2018-2019 academic year

The second All-Russian legal (legal) dictation has taken place!

On December 7, the II All-Russian legal (legal) dictation was held throughout Russia. This year the action is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Dagestan State University also joined the dictation.

The organizers of the action are the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Dagestan, the Law Institute and the Law College of Daggos University.

Dictation participants were greeted by DSU Rector Murtazali Rabadanov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Dagestan Ramazan Jafarov, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Dagestan Jamal Aliyev, Vice-Rector for scientific work and Innovation Nazir Ashurbekov and Director of the Law Institute Shikhtimer Magomedov.

The guests wished the children successful completion of their assignments and noted that the holding of the All-Russian legal dictation would reveal the level of legal literacy among the population of the republic. According to Murtazali Rabadanov, last year DSU law students showed very good results in dictation: many of them scored 100 points each. "We are happy to support the initiative of the Association of Lawyers of Russia in holding a legal dictation and consider this event very important. We hope that this year the students will please us with good results," the rector emphasized.

As Ramazan Jafarov noted, legal society implies not only the legal regulation of all segments of the population, but also the knowledge of the basic legal laws by society. "Each person in his work daily faces various situations where the right of a citizen is of great importance. Therefore, it is very important to test your knowledge in legal area", he stated.

Jamal Aliyev, as one of the organizers of the dictation in Dagestan, spoke about the preparations for the action. "We have attracted 5 regional universities, including the Dagestan State University. Today, several hundred Dagestanis are going through the full-time dictation stage, and more than 35 thousand people have already taken part in the extramural stage, which started on December 3 across the country," said D. Aliev.

At DSU II, the All-Russian legal dictation continued a series of events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Constitution Russian Federation. Shikhtimer Magomedov said that as part of this major event, various meetings, competitions, olympiads are held at the university, including those with the invitation of representatives of the judiciary and legislative authorities, law enforcement officers and many others. "It is indeed gratifying that Daggos University law students showed good results last year - from 70 to 100 points. These are very high figures among 85 subjects of the Russian Federation," said the director of the DSU Law Institute.

It should be noted that in total there were 3 sites in the university where they wrote dictation: the Law Institute and the College of Law, as well as a computer room Scientific Library. In addition to students, undergraduates and graduate students, teachers of YUI and the Law College of DSU also tested their knowledge.

Prosecutor Denis Popov at Dagestan State University: Request for justice in Dagestan exceeds all other requests

The meeting of teachers and students of Daggos University with the Prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan Denis Popov to sign a cooperation agreement took place in the conference hall of the Law Institute of Dagestan State University on December 6. The meeting was opened by the Rector of the University Murtazali Rabadanov. He congratulated those present on the past professional holiday- Day of the lawyer, and with the upcoming 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Briefly familiarizing those present with the biography of Denis Popov, the rector gave him the floor.

The prosecutor of the republic also began his speech with congratulations. Denis Popov noted the importance of the profession of a lawyer in the current conditions, when the country occupies a difficult position on the world stage and compliance with international norms rights, as well as in the presence of internal problems. In particular, D.G. Popov noted the Republic of Dagestan, in which, in his opinion, the elementary request for justice exceeds all other requests. “The role of a lawyer who serves the homeland or native republic is very important, but many today confuse their purpose and learn from the wrong people we expect to see in the system,” he stressed.

Then Denis Popov reminded about the upcoming Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, expressing confidence that the legal community of Daggos University will take a direct part in its celebration.

Turning to the topic of cooperation between Daggos University and the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan, D.G. Popov noted that the main backbone of the department's employees are DSU graduates. According to the public prosecutor of the republic, this year alone, 60 new workers from among the excellent students and employees of the personnel reserve, among whom there are many girls, have been accepted into the prosecutor's office.

After the signing of the cooperation agreement between the DSU and the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan, the meeting with Denis Popov took the form of a conversation: those present asked questions to the guest.

Shikhtimer Magomedov, director of the legal institute of DSU, was the first to address the prosecutor of the republic. On behalf of the Academic Council of YU DSU, he thanked Denis Popov for the visit, congratulated him on conferring the state award - the Order of Courage, and spoke about the activities of the law institute. Shikhtimer Magomedov's questions to the prosecutor of the republic concerned the process of implementing the plan recently signed by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation to decriminalize Dagestan society, overseeing the activities of commercial branches of universities for training lawyers, and the activities of the prosecutor's office in the fight against extremism and terrorism.

Answering the first question, Denis Popov said that in Dagestan, indeed, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the decriminalization of socially significant areas and the economy of Dagestan is being carried out. " Road map- the plan according to which we are working is quite balanced. We regularly report to the President of Russia - three times already this year. IN this moment an order came to look at the oil and gas transportation system of the republic and processing. The problem turned out to be very deep - so deep that it is worth quoting Bulgakov's character Professor Preobrazhensky that the problem is not in closets, but in people's heads. Probably, we all need to understand that we need to clean up this devastation in our heads. And the most important thing that we must do is to make the law work. The problem of the lack of justice has also given rise to the emergence of radicalism and extremism among the youth,” he stressed.

Speaking about the results of the activities of the prosecutor's office in the field of decriminalization, D.G. Popov cited the situation with the receipt of free medicines by the population as an example. As it turned out, only 11% of the allocated medicines reached people, everything else was sold in pharmacy chains. After a series of activities carried out by the prosecutor's office in less than a year, the availability of medicines amounted to more than 50%. As Denis Popov noted, he took personal control over the implementation of the decriminalization measures of the republican prosecutor's office. “I perfectly understand what is happening in society. I am not isolated, I do not sit somewhere there, but regularly travel to the regions and cities of Dagestan. Recently I was in the Untsukulsky district. I am accepting citizens. About 400 people have already contacted me personally,” the prosecutor said.

Touching upon the issue of extremism, Denis Popov addressed citizens and asked them to be more active in cooperation with law enforcement agencies when they see publications and comments calling for extremism on the Internet. “Supervision of the activities of commercial universities that train unskilled personnel should be carried out by Rosobrnadzor. We, in turn, check the work of this department,” said D.G. Popov.

The question about the prospects for relations between Daggos University and the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan, which have noticeably weakened in recent years, was raised by Tazhutdin Ramazanov, head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the JI DGU. “We have over 100 highly qualified scientists, experts in their field, with whom, as support, you can interact on any issues not only with the prosecutor's office, but also with other law enforcement officers. After all, our graduates mostly work in the law enforcement environment. What are the plans for interaction?” asked T.B. Ramazanov. The prosecutor of the republic said that he was trying to involve veterans of the department in the work of the qualification and other commissions, but the implementation of the activities of these commissions and work with the personnel reserve needed significant support. He expressed hope that the agreement signed between the university and the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan would become the starting point for new, closer relationships.

Many questions were asked to the prosecutor by students as well. They touched upon the problems of monitoring the environmental situation in Dagestan, illegal buildings, support for the disabled and other everyday difficulties.

Summing up his speech to the students and faculty of DSU, Denis Gennadievich noted that Dagestan has a huge potential and the task of the prosecutor's office is to return the republic to the position when it was a donor, and a large number of actively functioning enterprises were located on its territory. In the meantime, work is underway to bring big business out of the shadows.

The meeting ended with the presentation of memorable gifts to the guest.

Zhemilat Ibragimova

2017-2017 academic year

Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Gadis held a public lecture at the Law Institute of the Dagestan State University Hajiyeva

On April 3, in the conference hall of the Law Institute of Daggos University, a public lecture was held by the Russian lawyer and statesman, judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Gadis Gadzhiev. The guests of the meeting were also the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Dagestan Magomed Khalitov and the Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Dagestan Abumuslim Aliyev. The event was attended by the faculty of the Institute and undergraduate students.

The meeting was opened by the director of the Law Institute Shikhtimer Magomedov. He greeted all those present and noted that the involvement of representatives of public authorities is a good tradition in the training of future lawyers. “Today our guest is Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Gadis Gadzhiev. He is one of the founders of the scientific direction in various branches of law, the scientific director of the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, a member of the editorial board of six scientific journals, the author of more than 260 scientific and educational works. I would like to thank Gadis Abdullayevich on behalf of the Academic Council of the Law Institute for creative ties with our university, he has repeatedly spoken to law students, participated in scientific and practical conferences, in organizing pre-diploma practice for graduate students, etc. " - said Sh. Magomedov.

Vice-Rector for academic work DSU Magomed Hasanov also addressed the meeting participants and stressed that Gadis Gadzhiev, despite the fact that he is no longer an employee of the university, always keeps in touch with the university.

Then the floor was passed directly to Gadis Gadzhiev himself, who expressed gratitude to the leadership of the DSU Law Institute for the invitation. According to the scientist, his lecture entitled "The Legal Picture of the World" is intended not for a certain circle of specialists in any branch of law, but for all lawyers. In the lecture, G. Hajiyev revealed the concept of a legal picture of the world and law, drew parallels of science with philosophy, economics and even theatrical art. “The legal picture of the world is part of the scientific picture of the world. Any science is gradually becoming rational, and so is jurisprudence moving towards rationalism,” he noted. The scientist shared entertaining cases from his activities, spoke about the scientific experiments that he had carried out.

At the end of the meeting, all listeners had the opportunity to ask their questions.

Galima Gadzhalova

Public lecture at the Master's program at the Law Institute

On October 6, 2016, in the assembly hall of the DSU, a public lecture was held by the Head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan, Major General of Justice Kaburneev Eduard Valerievich a. The lecture was attended by the director of the Institute of Law, teachers and 1st year undergraduates of the Institute of Law.

In his opening remarks before the lecture, Professor Shikhtimer Magomedov, director of the DSU Law Institute, noted that these and other events have become traditional within the walls of our university and are carried out within the framework of effective network cooperation on the basis of agreements with representatives of various government authorities.

In his speech, Eduard Kaburneev, head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan, thanked the faculty and students of the institute for their interest in public lectures and expressed the hope that his constant meetings with students would benefit students as future lawyers and urged them to actively participate in the discussion of issues and the problems that exist today in the republic.

Kaburneev E.V. noted that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is a federal government agency exercising powers in the field of criminal justice. The Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan is part of a unified federal centralized system of investigative bodies and institutions, operates on the basis of subordination of lower-level leaders to superiors and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Among the main powers were the verification of reports of crimes contained in statements and other appeals, the conduct of a preliminary investigation in criminal cases, procedural control, forensic, forensic and audit activities, as well as verification of the activities of investigative bodies and organizations of the Investigative Committee.

The second part of the lecture was held in the form of a dialogue. Undergraduate students asked many questions about the forms of interaction between the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan and other government bodies, about the facts of corruption and methods of counteracting it in the republic. Statistical data for 9 months of the current year were announced.

"Own game" of lawyers and historians

On the eve of the anniversary of DSU,students of the master's program of the Law Institute "Constitutional and legal problems of the organization and activities of state and municipal authorities in the Russian Federation" (supervisor Professor Magomedov Sh.B.) andstudents of the master's program of the IF "Historical Political Science" (headed by Professor Bulatov B.B.) held a quiz "Own game" at the Faculty of History, dedicated to the history of suffrage.

Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and international law Law Firm Tatyana Bedzhanova noted that the quiz is a game, the purpose of which is to develop the cognitive sphere of students. Jury members R. Karmukov, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Physics Gadzhimuradov Murad, Deputy Dean of the Institute for Masters, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law Anzhela Chupanova wished the teams good luck.

To the sound of fanfare, captains in master's robes and their advisers took their places near the screen, on which, with the help of the presentation, sections of the quiz "Great about elections", "Violations", "Elections in numbers", "Funny cases", "From the history of elections" were presented ". For each question, the captains and their crew received points, similar to a television quiz. Someone came across a difficult sub-round "Pig in a Poke" and a round "Own game". The teams fought very bravely and the Jury awarded the first two places, awarding two Cups and certificates to the winners.

The host of the meeting, Professor of the Department of History of Russia in the 20th-21st centuries, Nina Garunova, recalled that this was not the first meeting of masters; last year, the Faculty of Law hosted the First Inter-Faculty Scientific Conference of Master Students “Development of Russian Federalism in the Conditions of Socio-Political Transformation of the Late 20th - Early 21st Centuries. (historical-political and legal analysis). The current quiz continued the tradition of student cooperation master's programs and Departments of Constitutional and International Law (Head of the Department, Associate Professor Pirbudagova D.) and History of Russia in the XX-XXI century (Head of the Department Prof. Bulatov B.). At the end, the teams took a group photo, and the jury noted the audience who actively participated in the quiz dedicated to the anniversary of the university.

Participation in the North Caucasian youth educational rally "Kunachstvo as a tool against the ideology of terrorism and extremism."

On September 22-26, 2016, the Ministry of National Policy of the Republic of Dagestan, the Dagestan branch of the All-Russian Foundation “No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction”, the Ministry of the Untsukulsky District, the FGBOU VO DSPU, the Volunteer Movement of Dagestan held the North Caucasian youth educational rally “Kunachism as a tool against the ideology of terrorism and extremism”. A 1st year master's student of the FBO Alimova Z.A. took part in its work. Within the framework of this meeting, a conference was held “Kunachism and other technologies for working with youth in the prevention of extremism and involvement in illegal activities

Victory in the All-Russian competition "My legislative initiative"

May 18 - 20, 2016 on the basis of the State Duma Federal Assembly The Russian Federation hosted the XI All-Russian Youth Competition of Educational Institutions and scientific organizations for the best work "My Legislative Initiative".

Alina Gasanalieva, a 1st-year master student of the program "State of Law", prepared her research under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of Dagestan State University Chupanova A.Ch.,

Alina Hasanalieva's report, devoted to the problems of improving the mechanism of legal regulation of relations to meet public needs as a tool to combat corruption in the public procurement system, caused a heated discussion of various aspects of the formation and functioning of the mechanism of legal regulation of these public relations. The result of a brilliant performance was the receipt of a diploma of the 1st degree and the Silver Badge "National Treasure".

Separately, for the support of young researchers, the rector of the Dagestan State University, prof. Rabadanov M.Kh., Director of the Law Institute of DSU prof. Magomedov Sh.B., Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law prof. Murtazaliev A.M., scientific adviser, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law Chupanova A.Ch.

Announcement for undergraduates of the 2nd course:

April 5, 2016 in the conference hall of the Law Institute at 10.00. an introductory conference will be held for the internship of undergraduates of the state budget and contract departments.

Attendance is strictly required.

First City Scientific and Practical Conference

"Development of school reconciliation services in educational institutions of Makhachkala"

On April 2, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan hosted the First City Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of school reconciliation services (mediation services) in educational institutions of Makhachkala”.

The conference was organized on the initiative of the Association of Restorative Mediation of the Russian Federation represented by the regional coordinator of the Association for RD and a master student of the Department of Civil Law of the Law Institute Saida Mikogazyeva with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RD.

The purpose of the conference was the need to systematize the work to accompany the development of restorative mediation in the educational institution of Makhachkala.

After the plenary part and watching a film-report on the organization of similar services in Moscow, the work of the conference moved into a sectional channel.

The conference included work in the following sections:

Traditional forms of reconciliation on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan (section moderator: leading researcher at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D., author of a number of monographs on traditional forms of permission conflict situations in RD Khaibula Gamzatovich Magomedsalikhov);

The practice of the work of the ShSP in the city of Makhachkala (section moderator: the first ShSP in the RD MBOU secondary school No. 43, village Bogatyrevka, Makhachkala);

Practice of work in the field of restorative justice at the universities of the Republic of Dagestan (section moderators: Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure of the Law Institute of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “DSU” Zulfizhat Zubayriyevna Aliyeva and an employee of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Dagestan Siyana Ruslanovna Gasanbekova);

Determination of the technological specifics of the use of mediation in the EI RD and systematization of subsequent work (section moderator: head of the Republican mediation network "Handshake", regional coordinator of the Association of Restorative Mediation of the Russian Federation, head of the comprehensive program "Restorative justice in RD: synthesis of traditions and innovations" S. Mikogaziev).

Association of Restorative Mediation of the Russian Federation for RD