We look for strength and inspiration in everything that surrounds us, we try to attract success and health in a variety of ways, for example, we choose a tree based on our date of birth as a patron. How to correctly select a tree for protection and what is its purpose? Magic force, you will learn from this article.

Druid knowledge about the meaning of trees

In times dating back to “BC” in history, on the shores of Northern Europe lived a caste of Celtic priests, called Druids, who knew about the intricacies of the universe and spiritual development. The forest was especially revered by the Druids; they spent most of their lives in it, received knowledge, and performed sacred rituals.

They considered the connection between people and nature, and especially with trees, to be inextricable; it was believed that it was from them that man originated; they were symbols of renewal, drawing strength from the earth through the roots, and from the heavens through the branches. The oak was respected, i.e. the concentration of wisdom, as some sources interpret, which gave the name to the caste itself - “people of the oak tree.”

Date of birth and selection of your lucky stone!

Karma by date of birth.


The knowledge of the ancient priests, unfortunately, did not reach us in its original form, since it was transmitted orally, so it was easier to protect it from prying eyes. The very activities of knowledge keepers are also controversial. However, the Druid horoscope remains invariably popular, the basis of which is the fateful position of the Sun in relation to the Earth on the day a person is born, i.e. the duration of the Sun's stay in a certain tree sign. The idea is that trees and people have the same characteristics of personal qualities and needs.

There are 22 signs represented in the horoscope. 4 signs are the points of the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes - the main holidays in the Druid calendar. The remaining 18 are transitional signs.

Druid horoscope and meanings of tree signs

According to Druid calculations, the Sun enters the following tree signs by date:

  • March 21 – under the auspices of Oak;
  • June 24 – slender Berezka;
  • September 23 – Olive Day;
  • December 21, 22 – protected by the dense crown of Beech;
  • December 23 – January 1, June 25 – July 4 – falls on Yablonka;
  • January 2 – 11, July 5 – July 14 – Fir sign;
  • January 12 – 24, July 15 – 25 – Elm time;
  • January 25 – February 3, July 26 – August 4 – handsome Cypress;
  • February 4 – 8, August 5 – 13 – reign of Poplar;
  • February 9 – 18, August 14 – 23 – turn of the evergreen Cedar;
  • in February from 19 to 28 and from August 24 to September 2 - another conifer - Pine - takes up the baton;
  • March 1 - 10, September 3 - 12 - a favorite plant in ancient rituals - Willow;
  • March 11 – 20, September 13 – 22 – fragrant Linden;
  • March 22 – 31, September 24 – October 3 – Leshchina;
  • in April from 1 to 10, in October from 4 to 13 - Rowan;
  • April 11 – 20, October 14 – 23 – Maple time;
  • April 21 – 30, October 24 – November 2 – Nut’s turn;
  • May 1 – 14, November 3 – 11 – fragrant Jasmine;
  • in May from 15 to 24, in November from 12 to 21 – the beech family is represented by Chestnut;
  • May 25 – June 3, November 22 – December 1 – the board passes to Yasen;
  • June 4 – 13, December 2 – 11 – Hornbeam time comes;
  • June 14 – 23, December 12 – 20 – Fig plant and fruits.

Traits inherent in a person with the sign of one or another tree:

  • Oak – energetic, courageous, successful, unyielding, does not tolerate change;
  • Birch - modest, self-possessed, creative, homebody, hardworking;
  • Olive - kind, compliant, reasonable, makes a good impression;
  • Beech – solid, wasteful, practical;
  • The apple tree is generous, faithful, dreamy, monotony weighs on her, even if everything is good around her, and thirsts for new knowledge;
  • Fir is smart, conscientious, does not look for easy ways, optimistic, but capricious;
  • Elm – courageous, balanced, unhurried, sensual, has the qualities of an implacable fighter;
  • Cypress is friendly, calm, he is characterized by both coldness towards people and deep sympathy, appreciates the people dear to him;
  • Topol - very dependent on public opinion, always ready to help, has a keen sense of people;
  • Cedar is not whimsical in everyday life, but does not tolerate comments, freedom-loving, sociable, if he loves, he is ready for anything;
  • Pine – risky, successful, more concerned with its own welfare than those of its neighbors, a good leader;
  • Willow - quickly makes any decision, can stand up for herself, is unyielding, but romantic;
  • Linden - charismatic, smart, jealous, easily discouraged;
  • Hazel (Hazel) - objective, charming, a person of mood;
  • Rowan - surrounds herself with beautiful things, knows how to control feelings, reliable, trusting;
  • Maple - loves to look good, smart, energetic, the life of the party, tends to neglect moral principles;
  • Nut is calculating, loves change, can be both sweet and rude;
  • Jasmine – cheerful, suspicious, careful, hardworking;
  • Chestnut - does not tolerate injustice, is sincere, needs constant support;
  • Ash - responsible, not greedy, has excellent intuition, requires care;
  • Hornbeam - does not like to make decisions and make proposals, responsible, decent;
  • Figs - does not easily overcome problems, is an excellent family man, strong-willed, prone to emotional distress.

It is not known exactly what the Druids thought about the energetic influence of flora on a person born under his sign, but bioenergetics confirms the coincidence of their horoscope and the possibility of plants influencing our mental and physical state. Thus, apple tree, willow and rowan are plants with feminine energy, you can borrow wisdom and attractiveness from them, cypress, elm and oak are male plants that radiate courage and determination. Pine will help relieve stress, poplar will absorb all the accumulated negativity, birch will calm inner feelings.

Other ways to identify a guardian tree

Your zodiac sign will help you find your guardian from the forest by date of birth.

The zodiac sign is determined by the date and month of birth: Aries (March 21 - April 20), Taurus (April 21 - May 21), Gemini (May 22 - June 21), Cancer (June 22 - July 22), Leo (July 23 - August 21), Virgo (August 22 – September 23), Libra (September 24 – October 23), Scorpio (October 24 – November 23), Sagittarius (November 24 – December 22), Capricorn (December 23 – January 20), Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) and Pisces (February 20 – March 20). Each zodiac constellation is assigned a suitable amulet tree.

Linden, oak and coniferous pine with a Christmas tree. Moreover, it is good when the plants are not in the forest, but are located one at a time. Taurus is protected by poplar, chestnut and walnut, but contact with poplar should be measured so as not to give away good energy as well as bad. Apple, pear and maple trees will always help Gemini. Inspiration and spiritual cleansing for Cancers are willow, alder or elm, and for Leos - cypress, oak and elm.

Virgos can stabilize emotions and draw energy from plum, alder, apple and hazel trees. Birch and linden will protect the sign of Libra, and rosehip, rowan, chestnut and pine will protect the sign of Scorpio. The powerful cedar and hornbeam will spiritually nourish Sagittarius, and Capricorns will be helped in this by fir, birch, and beech. Strong protectors for Aquarius are poplar and linden, for Pisces - viburnum, yew and honeysuckle.

How to use a talisman tree correctly?

Having decided which plant suits your date of birth, it is important to understand how it will help and how to handle it.

A simple example of unity with a plant talisman is to plant it next to your house or dacha. If there is no possibility of landing nearby, regular walks in the forest where the green amulet grows will be an equally effective substitute. Tactile contact with the tree is required; tell it about your experiences, ask a question, or stand nearby, leaning on the trunk and relaxing. Words of gratitude are said while bowing: “My tree is my amulet, thank you, protect from troubles,” or they say what comes from the heart.

It happens that the right tree is due to climatic conditions does not grow in the place where you live. The way out of the situation will be a wooden decoration, which will need to be worn more often. You can purchase a figurine that, in addition to emitting positive energy, will decorate the interior.

Less effective, but acceptable, is a photo or painting depicting a “wooden” guard; it is important that the photo is associated with joyful memories, and that the painting is painted with soul.

The old custom of planting a talisman tree in honor of the birth of a child is still relevant today; it is a strong protection for life.

Even your favorite the plant does not match your zodiac sign or the Druid horoscope - no problem. The main thing is to respect and sincerely believe in the power of the amulet you choose yourself, to feel its support and good energy.

Did you know that the priests of the Celtic tribes, the Druids, believed that the gods created man from wood? Depending on the date of birth, certain trees resonate with each person. There is a special Druid horoscope, according to which you can determine your affiliation with a particular plant, in particular a tree, based on your birthday.

Eighteen tree signs are valid twice during calendar year depending on the position of the sun according to the Druid calendar. The four trees correspond to the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes.

The Celts believed that if a person spent time in nature with his tree symbol, it would strengthen the spirit, fill physical strength body. In addition, each tree has certain characteristics characteristic of the people whose patron it is.

Tree patron on birthday

Apple tree

These individuals are easy-going, know how to enjoy life, and have a philosophical mindset. The Druid horoscope says that people whose birthday corresponds to the apple tree are endowed with high intelligence by nature, they read a lot, have a broad outlook, but do not like to make an impression or demonstrate their erudition.

They live for today, are not vindictive, can be quick-tempered, but are not touchy. Sensitive, sentimental, happy to share their emotions, trusting, open. They require a rich emotional life, they do not agree to be content with silence and peace.

Most often they are introverts and individualists. This does not mean that firs extol themselves above others, they just need a long enough time to take a closer look and understand what kind of person is in front of them. Fir women do not like to flirt; their natural pride and tact do not allow this. They are in no hurry to draw attention to their person. There are many acquaintances and friends, but no real friends.

Stinginess in expressing emotions, demandingness towards others and towards oneself are the characteristics of the representatives of this tree symbol. Firs love to decide complex tasks, achieve their goal, while agreeing to sacrifice comfort today in order to achieve everything in the future. Most often they succeed. In love, firs are faithful and devoted.

According to the Druid horoscope, individuals related by date of birth to the elm tree symbol are calm by nature. They don't like to complicate things. Raging passions, lofty goals, vanity - all this is not for elms. Stability, practicality, constancy are their three main strengths.

Elm keeps everything under control and suits him well leadership positions. If troubles or problems arise, then elm knows how to pull itself together, calling on natural optimism and a sense of humor to help. In love, they do not chase thrills; they love deeply, selflessly; strong mutual love is enough for them to be happy.


Almost all people who are patronized by cypress have an attractive appearance, good figure, jealously monitor their appearance. The purpose of life and the main happiness for cypress is love, family, children. These individuals love to dream and fantasize, they usually have many friends.

Conflict-free people with a light character are sometimes inclined to indulge in idleness and idleness, but due to the fact that luck never turns away from them, they do not have to remain without work or means of subsistence. Cypress trees have a great understanding of people thanks to their natural intuition, difficult situations There are reliable friends nearby who are ready to help.


According to the Druid horoscope, these people are distinguished by their passion for experimenting with their appearance, outfits, hairstyle, and makeup. They value youth and are afraid that old age can spoil them appearance. The world: place of residence and society have a huge impact on the poplar, not only positive.

Most often, representatives of this tree symbol are modest and indecisive, which they try to hide under the mask of a bright appearance. He constantly needs support and approval from others, otherwise he withers, becomes gloomy, and is prone to depression. While he himself has great complaints about his choice of friends, he places inflated demands on others. IN conflict situations poplar is distinguished by feigned indifference, which is hidden behind a joke or a smile.


Cedars are kind, cheerful, and optimistic personalities. They do not invent unnecessary problems for themselves, and are not prone to depression and excessive self-examination. Along with sociability and attractiveness, they have vulnerability, sensitivity, and an inability to laugh at themselves. People around you sometimes abuse the kindness and gullibility of the cedar. He cannot stand the role of a subordinate and can easily enter into conflict with his superiors. Their love of freedom pushes them to protest, but they are wise enough not to be selfish and tyrants.

Men who correspond to this symbol are the embodiment of masculinity, they resolve their own problems and the problems of their family, solve complex issues, bear full responsibility for this, and you almost never hear requests from them for help. He takes his life goals and goals seriously, stopping at nothing. However, there is a danger of accepting other people's postulates as your own. He may rush to defend them, falsely hoping for happiness.


Stubbornness and perseverance are the main characteristics of this symbol. The pine tree has its own point of view on any question, and feels sympathy for those who agree with it, thanks to which in its environment there are many sycophants and flatterers who want to please.

He has a peculiar way of communicating, which immediately attracts attention. It is difficult to lead her astray, she knows what she wants and, as a rule, achieves it. Pine women are wonderful housewives, they cook deliciously, and their homes are cozy and tidy. Pine men value family, rarely decide to cheat, and live in abundance.

Willows are players, actors; in everyday reality they lack passions, they invent them themselves and live according to their own scenario. They can be insincere, are in a sad mood, and they make good creative workers: poets, writers, artists, musicians. However, the masterpieces they create are permeated with notes of melancholy.

It is easier for them to accept help from others than to solve their problems on their own; they are used to thinking for others. However, this does not mean that they are absolutely irresponsible and do not manage their lives; on the contrary, when making this or that decision, they already clearly and clearly imagine the consequences.


These individuals are realistic, even somewhat fatalistic, and believe in fate. They are hardworking and despise laziness and idleness. They almost never openly enter into conflict; they strive to live beautifully, but are not ready to sacrifice themselves for this goal.

Against the background of an excellent ability to understand people, lindens exhibit inconsistency and variability; it is difficult for them to understand themselves. The Druid horoscope says that they have no clear life principles, credo, installations. They lack confidence and clear guidelines, so they simply need an authoritative mentor who will direct their energy in the right direction.


Hazel is secretive and silent. He rarely shows his emotions or expresses his opinion to everyone. Prefers not to drink alcohol for fear of losing control of himself. It is difficult for him to make friends due to the difficulties he experiences when communicating. The hazel tree cannot work in a noisy group; it does not like gatherings.

The feelings and experiences of the hazel tree are deep and sincere, he good friend and a reliable partner, although he does not seek to start a family, is cool towards children. Indifferent to material benefits, I’m not ready to work hard for them at work.


Rowan is energetic, optimistic, and sociable. She rarely loses her temper, but not because she has no problems at all, but because she has excellent control over her emotions. Sometimes it’s enough for her to take a walk, swim, play sports: from bad mood not a trace remains.

Rowan has a strong sense of justice, so it often comes to the aid of loved ones and defends the weak and offended. Rowan enters into marriage exclusively for love, does not accept calculation. Her house is a full cup.

A person who, according to his date of birth, is under the auspices of maple is curious and well-read, reaching for knowledge. He has certain talents, but lacks the thoughtfulness, perseverance, and depth to develop them. He easily forgets his promises, loves to command, and is reluctant to help his loved ones. He has an excellent sense of humor, expresses his thoughts well, but does not value friendship and close people too much, which is why he often remains alone in old age.

The Druid calendar defines the nut as the most complex and controversial sign than all the trees in the horoscope by date of birth. They are subject to mood swings, it is difficult for them to control their own emotions, but at the same time they are strong, have an iron character, and are difficult to get along with. They are not devoid of feelings of compassion, they help those in need, and do charity work.

They demand from others respect and recognition of merit, while they themselves remain indifferent to the problems of loved ones. A leader by nature, active, accustomed to calculating his steps in advance. A nut man is jealous, and he can be jealous not only of the opposite sex, but also of children.


The character and characteristics of jasmine depend on the conditions in which it lives. If circumstances are favorable, then he is sociable, caring, sweet and kind. Under not very successful circumstances in life, he becomes insidious, vengeful, sarcastic. Jasmine achieves everything through her work and is not afraid of life’s difficulties, knows how to find an approach to people, and has good diplomatic skills.

Sociable and mocking, he is the center of attention. Has an attractive bright appearance. He despises generally accepted rules and foundations and follows only his own guidelines. Chestnuts by date of birth are short-sighted and unable to assess the future. They do not like to enter into conflicts, but if they are drawn into it, then, as a rule, they emerge victorious. Kashtan adores children and is very happy when he has heirs.

He is not used to wasting time, he is pragmatic and realistic. They are not used to doubting their own abilities, which is quite justified; they are excellent professionals in their field. The Druid horoscope says that their personal life is developing quite successfully, ash trees take their obligations responsibly and family life. Almost always they occupy leadership positions, intuitively feeling the right decisions, guided by logic and common sense.

Individuals whose birthday coincides with the period of hornbeam patronage are materialists and pragmatists. They have excellent will and the ability to make the right decisions without any hesitation. They take norms, foundations, and rules seriously and respectfully. They are responsible in family life and take on the role of parents with pleasure. They respect relatives. They do not know how to conflict; if a dispute arises, they feel insecure and begin to panic. They rarely change their place of work and place of residence. If changes occur in the usual way of life, it is very difficult for the hornbeam to survive it.

Fig (fig tree)

According to the Druid horoscope, figs are independent and original. He loves idleness and pleasure, and enthusiastically indulges in doing nothing. The mood changes easily, falls into melancholy and depression without any reason. He needs the support and sympathy of others, but the fig does not advertise this, for fear of appearing weak.

For him, more than anyone else, family relationships, approval, and understanding of loved ones are important. For this he is sincerely grateful. The whole life of a fig is a struggle with its own weaknesses. The main thing is not to give in to temptation. Before joining family relationships, starts many fleeting romances. The choice of a companion is not immediately determined.


He is distinguished by excellent health, physical and emotional stamina. Oak is completely male sign, so women born during this period are characterized by a masculine mentality. People who celebrate their birthday on March 21 are straightforward and uncompromising, and come out on top in conflicts.

They don't hide theirs true feelings, do not know how to flatter, act openly, and are not at all diplomatic. All oaks, as a rule, become leaders, managers. They fulfill their obligations, while never allowing others to take advantage of their kindness or manipulate them.

Birch is not seduced by the shine of luxury; she creates comfort in her life with the power of her own inner world. Mother birch best wife and mother from all the signs of the Druid horoscope. She is almost always happily married. She is characterized by openness, sociability, spiritual generosity and attractive appearance. She is ready to forgive shortcomings and meet her chosen one halfway. Her frugality sometimes borders on stinginess.


Olive loves the sun, she literally feeds on its energy. Difficult to cope with the off-season middle lane when there is practically no sun. It would be ideal for her to live in hot countries where the sun does not disappear from the sky all year round. All olive trees are optimists; they firmly believe that black stripes give way to white ones. She is responsive and ready to help, devoid of all ambitions and happily copes with the role of a subordinate. Rarely splashes out her emotions, despite this, she can be very happy in marriage.

The beech man is always in excellent physical fitness. Beeches are maximalists; they do not tend to make decisions only halfway. “Either all or nothing” is their motto. He has completely earthly goals - to start a family, build a house for his family, raise children. Beech does not want to stop there, strives for material wealth, is not a dreamer, and considers this activity completely useless.

Sometimes you hear the term - tree is the enemy. However, according to the Druid horoscope, due to the fact that the Celts sacredly believed in the unity of man and nature, all trees were attributed only positive influence on people, it is impossible to say unequivocally that this or that tree is an enemy. There is an opinion: undesirable trees for humans are those that correspond to dates forty days before the birthday and forty days after. For example, if you were born on November 11, then after some simple calculations, we understand that a fig tree is undesirable for you, just like a hazel tree.

Among the many varieties of horoscopes, the Druid horoscope remains one of the most mysterious. This ancient tribe no longer exists, despite this, after thousands of years, their secret knowledge remains with us. Scientists all over the world deciphered them in order to transfer this knowledge to us. The Druid calendar consists of trees by date of birth, which are a talisman for every person, protecting him.

A little history

Celtic tribes lived in the forest and, basically, idolized nature and everything connected with it. They had developed astronomy, astrology, mathematics and other sciences, with the help of which the Druid tribes were able to create their own calendar to divide each person by date of birth. Each Living being has its own soul- they believed, and even the trees and flowers.

The Druids believed that the whole world came from the energy of living nature. They worshiped forest spirits and performed rituals in the thickets of the forest. At the same time, they spiritualized every animal, plant or tree, considering it a living embodiment of a deity. The Druids compiled special calendars, according to which they determined what ritual should be performed during this period. Usually the events were tied to the summer and winter solstice, as well as the days of the equinox.


Thus, the entire annual period was divided into several segments, which were patronized by one or another spirit. A person born in a certain period of time was given a name characteristic of his patron tree. So each person got his own guardian spirit in the form of a plant.

Unlike conventional astrological The Druid horoscope contains not 12, but as many as 22 signs. This is due to the different division by dates of one or another zodiac sign. According to the Celtic horoscope, the same zodiac sign can be suitable different types trees.

These 22 signs include four symbols depending on the equinox and solstice, they have only one period of activity. The remaining 18 signs have two periods of activity. Despite the apparent complexity, determining who you are according to the Druid horoscope is very simple. Let's take a closer look at the calendar.

Important dates

  1. Apple tree. Periods (23.12−01.01 Capricorn 1 day) and (25.06−04.07 Cancer 1 day).
  2. Fir. Periods (02.01−11.01 Capricorn 2d.) and (05.07−14.07 Cancer 2d.).
  3. Elm. Periods (12.01−24.01 Capricorn 3 days) and (15.07−25.07 Cancer 3 days).
  4. Cypress. Periods (25.01−03.02 Aquarius 1 day) and (26.07−04.08 Leo 1 day).
  5. Cedar. Periods (9.02−18.02 Aquarius 3 days) and (14.08−24.08 Leo 3 days).
  6. Pine. Periods (19.02−29.02 Pisces 1 day) and (24.08−2.09 Virgo 1 day).
  7. Hazel. Periods (22.03−31.03 Aries 1 day) and (24.09−4.10 Libra 1 day).
  8. Rowan. Periods (1.04−10.04 Aries 2 days) and (4.10−13.10 Libra 2 days).
  9. Maple. Periods (11.04−20.04 Aries 3 days) and (14.10−14.10 Libra 3 days).
  10. Nut. Periods (21.04−30.04 Taurus 1 day) and (25.10−2.11 Scorpio 1 day).
  11. Chestnut. Periods (15.05−24.05 Taurus 3 days) and (12.11−21.11 Scorpio 3 days).
  12. Hornbeam. Periods (4.06−13.06 Gemini 2 days) and (2.12−11.12 Sagittarius 2 days).
  13. Figs Periods (14.06−22.06 Gemini 3 days) and (12.12−21.12 Sagittarius 3 days).


All zodiac signs in the horoscope of trees according to date of birth are divided into three decades (1, 2 and 3 days), respectively at the beginning, middle and end. Depending on what period of the constellation you were born in, it depends what sign you are according to the Druid horoscope.

  • Apple tree. Sentimental people, whose feelings and emotions often take precedence over reason and logic. They can be very generous, always love to give gifts and forget debts. But their extravagance often leads to a financial crisis. Apple trees are sentimental and vulnerable, they always focus on what their partner wants, and are ready to give all of themselves for their loved one.
  • Fir. Proud and independent people born under the sign of fir delight others with their beauty and elegance. They are always impeccable in their clothes and accessories and are never careless. They always pay attention even to the little things. These people, as if carved from stone, are calm, independent and firm in their convictions. However, due to their perseverance, they may not succeed in love, because not everyone can get along with such a person.
  • Elm. Always conservative and constant. They love stability and comfort in almost everything. So, having become interested in something in childhood, an elm can easily devote its whole life to it. Their hobbies do not pass by, and if such a person decides to study something, he will see his work through to the end. They are also constant in marriage. These people, having found a friend in life, remain faithful to him all their lives; they do not like to switch from one to another. They do not strive to change their lifestyle, habits or work, even if it does not completely suit them.
  • Cypress. Somewhat melancholic and calm people. They are ready to do anything for their soulmate. They can often be reserved and do not like conflicts and quarrels. At the same time, they are optimists and always think about the good and try not to lose heart. In order not to get lost in the drabness of everyday life, these people find themselves in a fantasy world and happily engage in creativity. They often make excellent writers or musicians. However, non-passionate professions are not for them. On office work they begin to languish and most likely will not succeed.
  • Poplar. These people are usually very beautiful especially when they are children. They have an elusive charisma that allows them to attract others. They are always brave and can stand up for themselves and others. Despite this in ordinary life they are calm and non-conflict. In adolescence, they very often fall under the influence of bad companies, so they should be protected from unwanted influence from others. In more mature age They, having established themselves as individuals, feel their superiority and independence. They often achieve success in their careers and blossom only after 35 years. They always have high demands on their partners, so it is not easy for them to find their life partner.
  • Cedar Optimists in life, these people burst into everything like a hurricane with enormous energy. Their innate intelligence and charm allow them to stand in the spotlight and be an excellent leader. They often achieve success in their careers, but in their personal lives they often cannot find a permanent partner in life.
  • Pine. People under this sign are characterized by kindness and sincerity. They are great friends, the ones who are always ready to help. These people are very sensitive and prone to narcissism. They do not tolerate criticism and love compliments. Having found their soulmate, they immediately lose their heads, giving her all of themselves without a trace.
  • Willow. These people love to show themselves off. Since childhood, they have artistic abilities, which they boldly apply in life. They may cry in public or appear overly cheerful. They are often not taken seriously, but they are very smart, and all their theatricality is just an attempt to hide their deep, sensitive world.
  • Linden. People born under this sign are quite chaotic by nature. They often do not understand where to go, they can change their place of work many times and, starting to study a profession, give it up and rush into trip around the world. They do not like to burden themselves with responsibilities and worries; it is important for them to have a person nearby who will take full responsibility.
  • Hazel. People have good intuition. Always confident in themselves and their superiority. They are excellent leaders. However, in personal relationships it can be difficult with them. He can plan far ahead, predict far-reaching events and be on top of his game. various fields activities.
  • Rowan. Diplomatic natures who perfectly understand their interlocutor. Thanks to their innate intuition, they can know well when and how to act. Sensual and faithful natures, they are faithful in marriage, but require love and attention.
  • Maple. People are cheerful and energetic, always ready for exploits. They can be wonderful friends and comrades. They always have a lot of friends. Their sociability and optimism attracts people around them like a magnet. Despite this, they often cannot choose a partner because they are very fickle and can even marry several times.
  • Nut. Energetic and impulsive, these people always know their worth. They may think they are superior to others and act somewhat arrogant and overly decisive. He is always very selfish and loves when people compliment him. Their passion, determination and high intelligence allow them to achieve quickly high position still at a young age.
  • Jasmine. Always very soft and sensitive. Their pleasant, easy-going nature makes them excellent conversationalists. Their innate charisma and sense of style gives them a special charm. These people always strive for family comfort and warmth. Having chosen a partner, they stay with him all their lives, maintaining love and giving themselves completely.
  • Chestnut. These people are quite reserved and uncommunicative. Their introversion forces them to find a small circle of friends to socialize with. They usually only have one or two friends whom they value very much.
  • Ash. The person is narcissistic and loves praise and compliments. Often exalts himself greatly over others. Their communication style and beauty make them excellent leaders in society. They can be very generous, they are not greedy, they always love to give expensive gifts to others.
  • Hornbeam. This sign is quite conservative. Doesn't like to change his habits. He is faithful to the traditions of his family and always honors his elders. Has special respect for family values. These people are very family-oriented, they become attached to their partner, with whom they save warm relations all life.
  • Figs. This sign is very sensitive and gentle. There is some tendency towards depression, they may consider the people around them as enemies. Fig people do not tolerate criticism. They require a lot of attention. They need constant support and approval from others. They can get offended over trifles, so it is very difficult to find your soulmate.


According to the Druids, every person has his own totem - an animal. A person born under the sign of a particular animal is given their character traits accordingly. Although this calendar is less known than the Celtic tree calendar, it is also quite interesting.

December 24 - January 20.
Gaelic name: Damh
Patron planet: Sun.
Stone: Rhinestone
Key words: independence, greatness, honesty, pride
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Snake and Salmon people. A good relationship with the people of Seal, Otter and Goose.
People who are patronized by deer are very sensitive to the world around them,
subtly feel its beauty and balance. They good comrades, love company and traveling with friends.

January 21 – February 17
Gaelic name: Corr
Ruler Planet: Uranus
Key words: intuition, originality, patience
Stone: olivine
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Bee and Swan people. Good relations with the Bear, Owl and Cat people.
Those under the protection of the crane have a sharp mind, extensive knowledge, which
know how to apply it in practice. They have an optimistic view of the world and are open to everything new and unknown. They love to improve both spiritually and physically, and strive for the harmonious development of their personality. Crane people - unusual smart people who have special skills and talents, as well as bright prospects in life. Sensitivity to another world, magic, penchant for travel

February 18 – March 17
Gaelic name: Ron
Key words: spirituality, tact, hypersensitivity
Stone: coral
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Otter and Goose people. Good relationships with Salmon, Deer and Snake people
Those born during the seal are able to empathize with others. They are eager to help
others, change the world in better side. Romantics and dreamers, artistic and emotional. Strength Their nature is to quickly adapt to any changing conditions of existence.

March 18-April 14.
Gaelic name: Art/Airch
Ruler Planet: Mars
Key words: achievements, strength, instinct.
Stone: ruby
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Cat and Owl people. Good relationships with Crane, Bee and Swan people.
Bear people feel a strong connection to their family. Filled with courage
and looking for adventure. Physically strong, extroverts. Bear people hold on to family very tightly. Relatives mean a lot to them; blood relationships are of great value. They are usually quite strong physically and love to play some kind of sport. They are characterized by courage and nobility. Somewhat simple and unsophisticated. Protection, travel and sensitivity to another world.

April 15 – May 12
Gaelic name: Nathair
Ruling Planet: Moon
Key words: transformation, healing, life energy.
Stone: moonstone
Compatibility: Harmonious relationships with Deer and Salmon people. Good relationship with Otter and Goose people.
Unique ingenuity. Love for your family. Excellent memory. A penchant for healing, magic, transformation.

May 13 – June 9
Gaelic name: Beech
Patron planet: Vulcan (I don’t understand what kind of planet it is)
Key words: organization, community, analytical mind
Stone: topaz
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Crane and Swan people. Good relations with the Bear, Cat and Owl people.
Charm, generation of new ideas. Liveliness, spontaneity, sociability.
Influence, inclusion in the life of society. Creative potential. They often become good leaders, ideologists of new ideas

June 10 – July 7
Gaelic name: Dobhran
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Key words: family, benefit, intuition
Stone: diamond
Compatibility: Harmonious relationships with Goose and Seal people. Good relationships with Salmon, Snake and Deer people.
People under the protection of the otter are characterized by optimism and a positive attitude. They are cosmopolitan, with a broad outlook. They adapt well to circumstances, love change, travel, and a change of scenery. broad horizons and breadth of vision. Optimism, personal magnetism. Protection, transformation, travel.

July 8 – August 4
Gaelic name: Kati/Ka-Chi
Guardian Planet: Earth
Key words: creativity, sensitivity, nobility
Stone: red carnelian
Compatibility: Harmonious relationships with Owl and Bear people. Good relationships with Crane, Bee and Swan people.
Those born under the auspices of a cat have crystal honesty, reliability,
devotion. They are very caring, family comes first for them. They are hardworking and creative, have the ability to change the world, bring new things. They have their own scale of values.

August 5 – September 1
Gaelic name: Bradan
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Key words: wisdom, inspiration, rejuvenation
Stone: amethyst
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Snake and Deer people. Good relationships with Otter, Seal and Goose people.
People under the patronage of salmon are observant, insightful,
sociable. They often achieve a lot in their careers, They know when to be tough. knowledge in the fields of art and science. They have a penetrating mind and powers of observation. Initiation, transformation, connection with the fairy world.

September 2 – September 29
Gaelic name: Ila (Eala/Ellah.)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Key words: beauty, love and soul.
Stone: emerald
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Crane and Bee people. Good relationships with Owl, Cat and Bear people.
The swan gives people born in its time calmness and an easy attitude towards
life, skill in love. Have high creative potential, highly socialized. Calmness and serenity with high sensitivity.

September 30 – October 27
Gaelic name: Geadh
Ruling Planet: Moon
Key words: camouflage, leadership, vigilance, endurance
Stone: opal
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Seal and Otter people. Good relationships with Snake, Deer and Salmon people.
Those born under the auspices of the goose are generous, kind and caring. Possess
developed intelligence and sense of humor. They suit them very well creative professions where they achieve high results. generosity, concern for safety. Powerful intellect, wit. Artistry. Protection, abundance and creativity

October 28 – November 24
Gaelic name: Cailleach-oidhche
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Key words: wisdom, change, impartiality.
Stone: jasper
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Cat and Bear people. Good relationships with Bee, Swan and Crane people
The owl gives those born in its time tranquility and personal magnetism that fascinates people. These people are very passionate and sensual. Emotional, give in to impulses. Initiation, sensitivity to another world, magic.

November 25 – December 23
Gaelic name: Bran
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Stone: lapis lazuli
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Seal and Salmon people. Good relationships with Crane, Snake and Cat people.
People born under the auspices of the raven have a calm character.
They are hardworking and finish what they start. They have a resourceful mind, they know how to turn any situation to their advantage. They have a sober outlook on life, the ability to survive in a losing fight. Discipline and patience.
Transformation, sensitivity to another world, contact with the fairy world.

The Druids knew that each of us has a patron tree that bestows certain characteristics. Which tree it is depends on your date of birth.

Druids are forest dwellers who inhabited northern Europe. Their civilization had enormous power over the population. Druids were oracles and healers, overseers and guardians of the law. The pagan canons of this tribe deified everything around them.

According to their belief, trees had magical powers. And it was from the tree that man came. The Druids created their own Celtic horoscope, with the help of which you can not only learn about a person’s character, but also change your destiny for the better. They have created a love compatibility horoscope, from which you will find out how happy your relationship can be. According to their teachings, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, go into the forest, find your tree, lean against it and feel how the energy of the plant is transferred to you. Thank the tree, have fakes made from its wood at home, and happiness will not keep you waiting long.

Tree - patron saint by date of birth

The tree has maximum strength on the date of birth. Every tree in Celtic horoscope has two periods: spring and autumn, or winter and summer. Twice a year, summer and winter, the Sun declares war on the night. The summer and spring equinoxes were considered the main holidays in the Druid tribe.

Fate, according to the priests, directly depended on the location of the Sun on a person’s birthday. The year was divided into several periods, each of which was protected by a specific helper tree. The Druids believed that the patron plant gives a person character and personal qualities, and communication with “your” tree will help change life for the better.

Druid Horoscope

Fir: January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14. People born under her auspices are conservative. They are devoted to the principles, protect their habits and do not chase fashion, preferring the proven. They are demanding and capricious, demandingly looking for the best for themselves and their loved ones. It's quite difficult to please them, and if you get their attention, expect a fabulous life.

Elm: January 12 - January 24; July 15 - July 25. Elm people are distinguished by simplicity in words, actions and life, external and internal beauty. They try not to attract unnecessary attention; they get tired of constant admiration. They are attached to things and are constant in choosing a partner. From childhood they know what they will do in life and purposefully pursue their dreams.

Cypress: January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4. People who are patronized by cypress usually do not pursue success, fame or financial well-being. The goal in life is to be happy. They move mountains to avoid problems and enjoy life longer.

Poplar: February 4 - February 8; August 5 - August 13. People born under the auspices of poplar develop quickly, standing out among their peers. The charm bestowed by nature gradually fades away from eternal fears and thoughts. They need to be loved and needed, otherwise they become depressed.

Frame South: February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23. Dynamism and confidence distinguish people born during this period. Lovers of comfort, they have excellent health and love to be the center of attention. They have the gift of attracting problems to themselves, but quickly solve them. Born for adventure.

Pine: February 19 – February 28/29; August 24 - September 2. Those who are protected by pine are always in sight. Their love of life knows no bounds, but they are very scrupulous about everything new. They are creators of comfort, they adore beautiful things and try to arrange them all around them. According to the Druid horoscope, the owners of this tree have no shortage of virtues, but they lack generosity. Their main goal is their own well-being.

Willow: March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12. The originality of people under the auspices of willow was granted to them from above. They stand out with charm and mystery. Impetuous, but devoted to hobbies. They have many fans. They are contemplative to the depths of their souls, often immersed in thought. But they are vulnerable and touchy, sometimes they go beyond the boundaries.

Lipa: March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22. People born under her auspices are pleasant and sweet, they understand this perfectly, and know how to benefit from it. They know how to impress and gain respect. They make excellent psychologists. But they are sometimes unable to understand themselves.

Oak: March 21 - spring equinox. Oak gives people colossal energy power, but softness is alien to them. They are proud, fair, and do not forgive anyone for a moment of weakness. They are more often respected than loved. Excellent leaders, they can lead people.

Hazel: March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3. Hazel people are one of those people who are usually overlooked. They do not make an impression; they can only charm those people who have known them for a long time. Silent, reserved, but smart. They don’t chase other people’s opinions, having their own opinions about everything.

Rowan: April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13. Rowan, according to the horoscope, bestows a calm disposition and good looks. People born at this time have friends in different corners peace. Are constantly in good mood and with an optimistic attitude. But they let all their experiences pass through them without annoying anyone.

Maple: April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23. According to the Druid horoscope, maple rules over people who are cheerful, curious and active. They are always at the center of events. They are constantly looking for adventures and do not sit in one place. Charming, funny and slightly odd.

Walnut: April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 2. People under the protection of walnut are endowed with refined manners and a sense of style. Loyal, faithful, unique strategists. They love to arrange unexpected surprises. Constantly working on themselves and their inner world, bringing everything to perfection. Financially independent, they try to solve their problems without the involvement of other people.

Jasmine: May 1 - May 14; November 3 – November 11. Jasmine radiates tenderness and kindness, attracting people to her. Such people are very vulnerable, although they give the impression of a frivolous “darling of fate.” They create a relaxed atmosphere with their presence. Life's problems pass them by, but deep down the owners of this tree are pessimists, despite the fact that they try to seem cheerful.

Chestnut: May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21. Under the protection of the chestnut are people who value honesty and modesty. They have an internal core and vitality, but they don’t know how to use it. Fighters for justice, achieve their goal regardless of others. They are very silent and love to take away fame from other people, but they do it unconsciously. People are unhappy in love because of jealousy and fear.

Ash: May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1. According to the horoscope, Ash is characterized by self-satisfaction. People patronized by this tree are very demanding and selfish. It is impossible to start an argument with them, since they are only confident that they are right. They live only to satisfy their desires, in the good sense of the word.

Hornbeam: June 4 - June 13; December 2 - December 11. People who are patronized by the hornbeam are interesting, but they do not know how to express themselves, so they often fade, merging with society. They dream of fame or public gratitude, but do nothing to achieve the goal.

Figs: June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 21. Figs bestow extraordinary character traits that make them stand out from the crowd. Many people who have figs according to their horoscope feel like strangers in society and cannot find themselves. The slightest difficulties throw such people out of balance, to which they then cannot return.

Birch: June 24 is the summer solstice. The people of this patron are pleasant, open, and kind. Calmness is their strong point. In their endeavors they are constant, faithful, and require attention and love. They cannot stand vulgarity in any form, because they themselves are full of a sense of moderation. They love to work and, without any doubt, would happily settle in the village. Sentimental, not afraid to openly express their feelings.

Apple tree: December 23 - January 1; June 25 - July 4. The apple tree is a symbol of sensuality. People under the protection of this tree strive for marriage and creating a family. Joyful, not subject to other people's opinions, purposeful. Their selflessness is often taken advantage of because they easily succumb to deception. Don't think about tomorrow, live here and now, often forget about their debts. These natures are characterized by philosophy, they are full of hope and joy.

Olive: September 23 - autumnal equinox. People born under the auspices of the olive tree cannot stand the cold and dream of warm countries, because of this they can often get sick. However, they are calm and reasonable, always ready to help. In love, they risk becoming dependent on their partner.

Beech: December 22 is the winter solstice. Beech gives strength and longevity to people born under its shade. Such people are independent, they will never ask for help, but will always offer it. Beech people are successful, purposeful, thrifty and reliable.

The Druids created their own personal horoscope, but, unfortunately, only echoes have been able to survive to this day, because previously the teaching was transmitted orally. The form in which the horoscope has come down to us is a simplified version of the great teaching. But it is no less effective.

The tree has always been considered a symbol of life, the divine has been found in it and worshiped in many religions. The tree is also mentioned in the Bible. In addition, each Zodiac Sign has a personal patron tree. In the center of paradise stood two mighty and beautiful trees: One was the tree of life, and the other was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And this is no coincidence. Every plant has strength, and perhaps even a soul. That is why the tree is a treasure trove of great magical secrets and a source of strength for many people. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.03.2017 06:23

Many people have heard that someone was born in the year of the Snake, Rooster, Monkey or, for example, in the year...