If for civilian a beret is an ordinary headdress, which, in principle, is more popular among women, then for military personnel, a beret is not just an integral part of the uniform, but a symbol. Currently, each branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has its own beret. Hats differ not only in color, but also in the rule and the right to wear it. Therefore, not everyone knows how it differs, for example, in taking the GRU special forces from the headdress of the marines.

The first mention of an army headdress

The very first army berets appeared at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries in England and Scotland. Then the warriors wear special caps that look like berets. However, the mass distribution of such a headdress began only during the First World War. The first who began to wear them were the soldiers of the tank and mechanized units of the French army.

Further, the baton for the introduction of such an element of clothing was the UK. With the advent of tanks, the question arose of what to wear to the tanker, because the helmet was very uncomfortable, and the cap was too bulky. Therefore, it was decided to introduce a black beret. The color was chosen on the basis that the tankers are constantly working and are near the equipment, and soot and oil are not visible on the black color.

The appearance of a beret in the army

During the Second World War, such hats became even more popular, especially among the Allied forces. US Special Forces soldiers noted the following conveniences of these headgear:

  • First of all, they hid their hair well;
  • Dark colors were not visible in the dark;
  • The berets were warm enough;
  • He could wear a helmet or a helmet.

Accordingly, some types and types of troops in Great Britain and the United States adopted a headdress as one of the main elements of uniforms. IN Soviet army this element of clothing began to appear already in the early sixties, as the head attribute of the landing and special forces. Since then, the rules and wearing of such hats have not changed much.

Which one does the special forces take?

At the end of the 20th century, berets became an integral part of the daily and dress uniforms of the armies of many countries. Almost every defensive state has elite special units that have their own unique headgear:

  1. The mountain infantry detachments of the French armed forces, the Alpine Chasseurs, wear a dark blue beret of a sufficiently large diameter.
  2. The elite Foreign Legion is characterized by light green robes.
  3. French naval special forces are distinguished by wearing a green beret.
  4. German airborne troops and reconnaissance units wear maroon berets, but with different emblems on it.
  5. The Royal Netherlands Marines are distinguished by wearing dark blue uniform elements, while the paratroopers are wearing maroon headdresses.
  6. British special forces SAS have been wearing beige caps since the mid-forties of the last century, and the marines are green.
  7. The US Rangers are recognizable by the same color as the British Special Forces - beige.
  8. US Special Forces have been wearing green berets since 1961, earning their nickname.

It can be seen that most of the NATO member countries have an identical color range of hats. As for the shape, it is round for all armies, and differs only in size.

Distribution in the Armed Forces of the USSR

In 1967, an updated uniform was adopted for the Airborne Forces. The famous Soviet artist A.B. Zhuk submitted a proposal to General V.F. Margelov to use crimson caps as an attribute of paratroopers, referring to the use of such caps in other countries of the world. The commander agreed and approved the beret. For privates and sergeants, an emblem in the form of an asterisk was intended, which was attached to the front in the center of the beret, and a blue flag was located on the right, and a cockade was provided for officers.

A year later, a blue beret was adopted for the paratroopers, as the leadership considered that it more symbolizes the color of the sky. As for the marines, black was approved for this type of troops. Tankers also used black berets, but not as the main headgear, but during the maintenance and repair of equipment to protect their heads from dirt.

The difference between the uniform of the GRU special forces and the rest of the military branches

Special Forces developed with the Airborne Forces at the same time and due to similar specifics And the use and profile of the tasks of these troops, their uniforms were identical. The special forces soldiers wore exactly the same uniform as the paratroopers. Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish who is standing in front of you: a commando or an airborne officer. After all, the color, and the shape, and the cockade itself are the same. However, the GRU had one caveat.

Blue berets and Airborne Forces uniform Soviet time Special Forces soldiers mostly wore training parts or at the parade. After training centers soldiers were assigned to combat units, which could be carefully disguised as other types of troops. This was especially true for those who were sent to serve abroad.

Instead of a white and blue vest, beret and lace-up boots, the soldiers were given the usual combined arms uniform, for example, like tankers or signalmen. So you could forget about berets. This was done in order to hide the presence of the special forces from the eyes of the enemy. Thus, for the GRU, the blue beret is a ceremonial headdress and only in those cases when it is allowed to wear it.

The beret of the GRU special forces is not just a type of headdress and an integral part of the uniform, but a symbol of valor and courage, honor and nobility, the right to wear which is not given to every even the most experienced and brave warrior.

Video: how do they pass the standards for a maroon beret?

In this video, Pavel Zelennikov will show how the special forces elite receive an olive and maroon beret:

Servicemen of special forces units of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops and SOBR of the Special Purpose Center (TsSN) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs agreed to tell why the American MULTICAM camouflage is popular in Russian special forces, how effective domestic body armor and night vision devices are, how they select combat equipment and weapons.

IN last years The protagonists of television reports and photographs were fighters from various special forces units performing tasks to combat terrorists. On the video and photo chronicles, it is striking that field uniform clothes, bulletproof vests, means of communication, etc., are different for special forces, so to speak. IN modern world the segment of private production of tactical equipment and protective equipment is developing very dynamically. Even such well-funded Western divisions as the American Delta, the British SAS and others, buy their favorite products for their money. After all, the success of any operation depends on uniforms, equipment, and even more so weapons. How are things going with the Russian security forces, what problems do you have, what would you like to change?

Armor is strong

“We use body armor 6B23. There are also brand new 6B43s, but there are very few of them, ”says an officer of the Ministry of Defense based in the Moscow region. According to him, most military personnel buy imported products with their own money, mainly covers, which are then hemmed so that domestic armor panels can be installed. Colleagues from the internal troops are supplied with bulletproof vests developed in the early 90s "Korund", but now they have begun to supply the modern "Bagariy". Just like in the Ministry of Defense, foreign bulletproof vests, in particular American ones, are bought in VV. True, domestic Defenders and Redoubts are also popular.

Special forces equip themselves

Employees of the Central Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are protected by various products of the Fort-Technologies and Armacom companies. All interlocutors of the publication agreed that none of the types of body armor meets their requirements. What is needed is not ordinary body armor, but modular body armor systems, which are an unloading vest (“unloading”) with armored panels and the ability to install the necessary pouches for the tasks performed. Now such systems have become a mandatory attribute not only of special forces, but also of combined arms in many armies of the world.

“We would like to have full-time lightweight body armor according to the plate carrier scheme, like what LBT and PIG-tactical do. But since they don’t exist, many people buy with their own money and install armored panels,” says an officer of the Ministry of Defense. The same is true in the internal troops. "Americans have good system mounts with a set of pouches called MOLLE. Everything is of high quality, the pouches are held securely. Something similar was done on the Bagaria, however, the quality is worse and the pouches are enough for only two or three lessons. But we have only 30-40 percent of such bulletproof vests, ”complains the officer of the VV.

But the SOBR officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs believes that domestic protective materials are better and the protection classes of bulletproof vests are higher than those of foreign products. But he also recognizes the need for modular armor protection systems. All interlocutors of the publication are not satisfied with regular protective helmets. “Like a chamber pot put on my head. It is necessary to make a special cover for landing, otherwise it may catch the edge of the helmet with slings during the opening. Ours do not have mounts for night vision devices, flashlights and similar things, ”says an officer of the TsSN of the Ministry of Defense. Regular ZSh-1s are not liked by the servicemen of the internal troops, and the Altyn, Mask and Rys-T are not liked by the SOBR officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By all accounts, the most best option protective helmet, standing on the supply of special forces units around the world, was developed by the American company OpScore.

“Very comfortable, fit well on the head, combined with glasses, headphones, an oxygen mask, have a streamlined shape,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense. He is supported by colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops. "ZSh-1 is last century. We buy for our own money "SHBM" of the company "Omnitek-M", similar to "opskorovsky". You can easily put on headphones under it. It is comfortable to fit, lightweight. Under the ZSh-1, you need to wear a special cap, and if in the summer, then a bandana, but under the SHBM you don’t need to, ”says an officer of the internal troops. At the same time, SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs uses a product similar to the American OpScore helmet by the Russian company Armakom. “Now we are working with the company to fine-tune their product to our requirements. But this is a long process, at least a year,” explains an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Kalashnikov" with a foreign butt

“We mainly use AK74M. There used to be a lot of ACMSL, but now they are almost all worn out and written off. There are several AK103s, but the current 5.45 cartridges (PP, BS, etc.) have reduced the advantage of the 7.62 caliber to zero. And the accuracy of small-caliber machine guns is higher, the ammunition load is greater with equal weight, ”an officer of the Central Security Service of the Ministry of Defense believes. According to his colleague from the internal troops, in addition to the AK74M, the TsSN also had the AK-104: “Now they took them away from us, but we liked them. They are shorter, it is more convenient to manipulate them, throw them on the back, etc. And the firing range suits us.” There are in service with special forces and submachine guns. According to the SOBR officer, his squad chose the SR-2M Veresk. It is lighter, more mobile, and the cartridge is more powerful than that of the proposed Vityaz software. But in the internal troops and the Ministry of Defense, "Heathers" did not take root.

“We immediately handed over our SR-2Ms - explosives did not purchase cartridges for them. We use PP-2000. “Shielders” (military personnel walking with bulletproof shields) work with them. The Vityaz submachine gun was also available, but was not used in combat. Were technical problems with a constant sticking of cartridges. Yes, and there is no such task, where the "Vityaz" better than Kalashnikov", - says the officer VV. In the TsSN of the Ministry of Defense, the SR-2M is used as the second sniper weapon.

But the biggest headache and a source of fixed costs - regular Kalashnikov assault rifles being finalized at their own expense. “We put a butt adjustable in length. Usually these are American Magpul or Israeli products. We put purchased DTK (muzzle brake-compensator), which reduce the toss of weapons, and some models also reduce the flash of a shot, which is very important when working with night vision devices. Adapters with Picatinny rails. A fuse box with an additional pedal for easy switching with the middle and / or index finger, ”the special forces officer of the Ministry of Defense lists the purchases. The military personnel of the TsSN VV and SOBR officers do the same.

“A gentleman's set on every machine is a front handle, a red dot sight and an adjustable stock. If the employee is comfortable, then he also adds a pistol grip. We put the Picatinny and Weaver adapters. The “inkwell” (muzzle brake-compensator. - Approx. Aut.) is very necessary, indispensable for night work, ”the officer of the special forces of the internal troops is sure.

According to him, of the numerous collimator sights currently on the market small arms, the center chose the products of the American firms Eotech and Aimpoint.

“We put Eotech on machine guns, and Aimpoint on machine guns. Russian and Belarusian sights do not like. The collimator is good with a triple magnifier, but it is too expensive, so not everyone has it, ”says an officer of the internal troops. In his opinion, a collimator sight should be cherished like the apple of an eye: “There are no licensed workshops of these companies in Russia, and it’s almost impossible to fix it yourself, especially if the matrix is ​​broken.”

An employee of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained that, in addition to imported parts, his units also buy domestic productions from the Zenit company: “We do not purchase everything at our own expense, the Motherland gives us something. I would have liked ACOG scopes from TriJicon, but they are too expensive, so we opted for Aimpoint products.”

Over the past four years, the ACU (Army Combat Uniform) cut field uniform, adopted in 2008 for supply by the Pentagon, has become popular with Russian special forces, and differs from the traditional field uniform in a short jacket with a standing collar and oblique chest pockets. Also, the American camouflage coloring "multicam", jokingly called "cartoon" in Russia, is widely used.

“ACU is more comfortable, only pockets are needed with buttons. These are quality products good materials although of course there are exceptions. Coloring "cartoons" is well suited for regions where you have to work. And another moment - joint work with “fesniks” (FSB special forces fighters), specialists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and others, it turns out that everyone is dressed in the same uniform and there are no problems with identifying each other, ”says an officer of the Special Purpose Center of the Ministry of Defense.

According to his colleague from the VV, these troops are now abandoning the coloring of "cartoons" in favor of "surpat" (SURPAT), developed by the Russian company "Survival Corps". "Cartoon" is worse in the forest, so officers take it for everyday wear, sometimes they put it on for classes. It happens that we use the standard camouflage field uniform of the internal troops. But the “surpat” in the ACU cut is very comfortable, especially the sewn-in knee pads. They do not pull the leg, do not disrupt the blood supply, ”explains a special forces officer.

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs SOBR said that his unit also prefers the field ACU, which is purchased from British and American manufacturers: “We take the original CRYE uniform. Our employees buy what is more comfortable for them to wear. We receive some of the field uniforms on a regular basis, but we buy most of them at our own expense.” According to him, the use of "multicam" colors allows you to quickly identify friendly units participating in the operation. Although this coloring is not optimal for the North Caucasus.

According to all interlocutors, the big problem is uniform shoes that cannot be worn. And again you have to buy on your own, giving preference to foreign products, and not only for military purposes: sports boots are also in demand. IN Lately the special forces of the VV and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are increasingly liking the boots of the domestic company Faraday. “It is generally impossible to walk in shaped pieces of wood, it is also life-threatening. Now Faraday shoes have appeared that are no worse than imported ones, but many times cheaper. If only they would take her for supply and give us regular ones, ”the officer of the internal troops modestly dreams.

Communications and night vision devices

Night vision goggles are a headache Russian special forces. When asked if you consider Russian devices adequate for the tasks assigned, an officer from the Special Purpose Center of the Ministry of Defense answered succinctly: “Are you kidding me?”.

According to the officer of the internal troops, his colleagues, if possible, prefer to purchase imported products, sometimes Belarusian "Filins". “For snipers, there are good full-time Russian “night lights” DS-4 and DS-6. But there are few of them in our center. Now we have purchased Russian night vision devices "Shahin". We immediately said that they did not suit us. The same "Cyclone" (manufacturer - NPO "Cyclone") is much better, more reliable and easier. But the intelligence department of the VV thought that such people would do for us, ”the commando of the internal troops is outraged.

Also, all interlocutors admitted that their units also purchase active headphones with built-in communication at their own expense, which amplify faint sounds and extinguishing strong. Peltor headphones are preferred.

“They are not needed everywhere, but only for the task, otherwise the rumor sits down very quickly. For fun, try walking in active headphones along a mountain stream or through a forest with strong wind. But indoors or in fire training, they are good, ”explains an officer of the Ministry of Defense.

His colleague from the internal troops believes that active headphones are necessary for operations in the forest: “There they amplify the sound and you can hear the enemy in advance. Although I personally prefer a regular headset.”

The ongoing counter-terrorist operations in Syria require the constant participation of military personnel and employees of special forces units of all law enforcement agencies. If in the early 90s the quality and quantity of equipment was determined by the capabilities of the department, now even for elite special-purpose centers everything depends on the thickness of the wallets of the servicemen themselves. It can be argued that foreign specialists also spend their money, because everyone chooses what is more convenient to fight in. But it's one thing - shoes and field uniforms, and when it comes to body armor, helmets, communications equipment, "body kits" for weapons, it's already worth thinking about.

international market weapons and equipment in the last 10-12 years is at the peak of activity. Russian companies with rare exceptions, they do not participate there, although the military and law enforcement officers have accumulated sufficient combat experience that can be implemented in new families of bulletproof vests, communications equipment, active headphones, etc. At the same time latest machines AEK-971 and AK-12 are presented for testing without full-fledged domestic-made collimator sights. Although the same Belarus actively produces these products. One can only regret that foreign special forces are supplied by departments, and Russian ones by their families, donating money from the family budget.

Alexey Mikhailov

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Increasingly, in news bulletins from "hot spots" you can hear the word "special forces", which means special forces units as part of various power or law enforcement agencies. This indicates the increased role of forces special operations units of the FSB, GRU in the settlement of power conflicts.

To effectively achieve the set goals, an appropriate form of clothing is required, which, in addition to convenience, should protect the fighter from harmful effects. environment and enemy weapons.

The structure of special forces around the world

Fighter uniform special units usually not much different from the similar one in the law enforcement agency to which this unit is attached. Consider the structure of special forces units in Russia, the United States and Ukraine.


The forces of the Russian special forces are represented by the following units:

  1. Special Forces special services, including the structures of the FSB, SVR and FPS FSB.
  2. Special Forces of the Armed Forces (Special Operations Forces, Special Forces of the Airborne Forces, Navy and GRU).
  3. Special forces of law enforcement agencies in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Police of Russia.


Special forces of Ukraine are components of the following law enforcement agencies:

  1. Ministry of Internal Affairs, including internal troops.
  2. General Directorate of Intelligence under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
  3. Border Service.
  4. Armed Forces of Ukraine, including:
    • Highly mobile landing troops;
    • Mountain infantry and reconnaissance special forces ground forces;
    • Training units related to the Ministry of Defense.
  5. Department of state protection.


Special Forces units in the United States have their own specifics and structure:

  1. Special forces of law enforcement agencies.
  2. US Special Operations Forces. They, in turn, are divided into special forces:
    • Air Force;
    • Marine Corps;
    • military police;
    • Naval Forces.

Types of special forces uniform

The classification of uniforms of law enforcement agencies is universal, regardless of whether it is the GRU special forces or the FSB. According to her military uniform It happens:

  • summer;
  • winter.

In addition, there is a division of the form by purpose:

  • The field dress is worn during a military or state of emergency, during hostilities, natural disasters and the elimination of their consequences, during combat duty and exercises. The field clothes of the commando accompanies him in the most difficult moments services, so it has special requirements.
  • The parade is used during the presentation of the battle banner and the receipt of state awards, when carrying the guard of honor, as well as on parade and weekends. During the ascent Naval ensign on the ship and launching the ship on the water is also worn dress uniform.
  • Casual dress code is used in all remaining cases.

Types of special forces camouflage

The special forces uniform is made from special fabrics that meet the requirements of safety, ergonomics and protection. FSB special forces soldiers often need to disguise themselves, become invisible to the enemy. For such cases, clothing with the appropriate pattern is provided. Each country has its own types of camouflage.

The most common camouflage fabrics for clothing of military structures created in the United States include:

  • MARPAT. The name of the fabric comes from the abbreviation of the phrase Marine Pattern. It is used, among other things, for sewing uniforms of American special forces. Marine Corps. It combines shades of green, brown and black. Refers to the improved "digital" coloring. Experienced It has been established that this type of drawing is more effective than the usual one in “breaking” the symmetry of the human silhouette, since there are no obvious joints of contrasting colors in it, and the drawing is divided into rectangular parts. Produced in 3 variations:
    • basic;
    • urban;
    • desert (no green).
  • Woodland. The most popular camouflage comes from the USA. The name “NATO” was still attached to it, although the states included in this military bloc have their own individual colors of the uniform. It was created in the 80s of the last century specifically for the army and special forces. Black, brown, dark and light green colors serve as camouflage in the forest. The disadvantages of this material include the black tint acquired by the fabric after wetting. A fighter in such clothes can easily be detected by the enemy. Produced in 4 colors:
    • base;
    • mountain, in which there is more brown;
    • moderate;
    • lowland with a predominance of green shades.
  • ACU PAT. Short for "army combat uniform pattern". This form is for ground forces United States and special forces included in their composition. The term covers not only the colors, but also the cut of clothing. The advantage of ACU PAT over Woodland is that the former does not blacken when wet as a result of the lighter colors, including medium, light and dark shades grey.

The colors of the camouflage clothing used by the special forces of Russia and Ukraine for the special forces of the GRU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB are largely inherited from the USSR. We list the main types of drawings:

  • "Amoeba". One of the oldest camouflage designs developed by Soviet specialists in 1935. It has various options execution.
  • "deciduous forest", a camouflage military fabric that was created for the fighters of the great Patriotic War in 1942
  • "Silver Leaf", he is " sunbeams”, he is also a “birch”. The deforming pattern of such a sample was developed in the 50s of the last century in the USSR.
  • VSR-93, popularly referred to as "vertical" due to vertical stripes. A field uniform that effectively breaks the silhouette against a vegetal background.
  • VSR-98 "Flora". Nicknamed "watermelon" camouflage because of the characteristic stripes. Basic camouflage for special forces of the Russian Armed Forces. Along with a specific color, it has excellent masking characteristics in relation to the middle part of Russia.
  • "Digital Flora", aka "Russian number". New summer and winter uniforms for fighters of special units of the GRU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, the design and colors of which were developed by Russian fashion designer V. Yudashkin.

New form of special forces from Yudashkin

In 2007, the Fashion House of V. Yudashkin, together with the Central Research Institute of the Clothing Industry, developed new form for the Russian special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from camouflage mixed fabric, consisting of 50% polyester and 50% cotton.

The set includes a jacket and trousers. Jacket with 2 shoulder and 2 breast pockets. There is an inside pocket. Shoulder straps (one each on the left shoulder and chest) are easy to put on and take off if necessary. Cuffs, shoulder straps and pockets are fastened with Velcro.

Pants have 2 patch pockets on the sides and back, 2 side welt pockets. A special pocket is provided for storing a personal token. There are loops for a belt on a trousers belt. A special knee insert with Velcro acts as additional protection if a seal is inserted into it. Ribbons are sewn on the bottom of the trousers for the convenience of putting on the berets on the legs.

Thus, with all the variety of materials, colors and designs, the field uniform of the special forces of Russia, the United States and Ukraine has a number of common features. This is the use of camouflage to camouflage from the enemy and the presence a large number pockets, drawstrings and fasteners for maximum functionality.

Video: FSB special forces

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Flag in the car with a sucker "Spetsnaz GRU and Airborne Forces" will be a great gift for both paratroopers and scouts. After all, their functions, goals and methods are so closely intertwined.

Flag in the car with a sucker "Spetsnaz GRU and Airborne Forces"

The formations of the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces in the public mind have long been firmly established as a single entity, the border separating different, in general, departments is often extremely blurred. For the special forces are equally close and landing troops and military intelligence. The second of August for the special forces is the same “red day of the calendar” as the sixth of November, the paratroopers and scouts are united by the flag of the Airborne Forces, blue berets and vests, a really special spirit in these military branches.

What do the GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces have in common?

If strictly - in accordance with the existing charter, scheme of functioning armed forces, the existing combat order approved by the Ministry of Defense - to consider the organization of the Special Forces troops, then the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces include formations of different formats. Moreover, part of the special purpose in airborne troops oh, only one - this is the legendary 45th Guards Reconnaissance Regiment, here, as you can see, it could not have done without belonging to military intelligence. Paratroopers from the Kubinka very often conduct joint operations with the troops of the Special Forces of the GRU, the last major military operation special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces - South Ossetia 2008, then 45 ORP worked in the conflict zone together with detachments 22, 10 and 16 ObrSpN.

Separate special-purpose brigades are subordinate to the leadership of the GRU and the military district to which they are assigned; they have no organizational relationship to the airborne troops, which is why the connection between the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces does not become weaker. Back in the middle of the last century, when special forces in the country were just beginning to be created, some identification of the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces appeared. Firstly, soldiers were called up to the formations of the Special Forces troops that were being created. military service, marked "fit for service in the Airborne Forces." Secondly, new units were formed primarily on the basis of airborne regiments and separate battalions, airborne officers also took an active part. Finally, the dress uniforms of the GRU and Airborne Special Forces are initially almost identical.

Why does the GRU special forces wear the uniform of the Airborne Forces?

For the Special Forces troops, the very existence of which at that time was a military secret, a special form was not developed, there were no insignia either. Veterans say that military personnel of other types of troops during the exercises even mistook mobile groups without identification marks for saboteurs, but the uniform of the Airborne Forces was chosen as the dress code of the GRU special forces - they were most often mistaken for paratroopers.

Further, the kinship intensified more and more - preparation and combat missions paratroopers and special forces are in many ways similar, in general, both are essentially saboteurs. Of course, the tasks of the troops of the Special Forces of the GRU directly behind enemy lines are completely different than those of the assault groups of the airborne troops. One way or another, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces consist of units of constant combat readiness, but the training of fighters is always higher than the standard in the troops. Well, of course, one cannot fail to say about the mandatory VDP - the sky makes the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces more related than the above, the program of jumps in the ObrSpN and airborne formations is approximately the same, they often jump together.

Combat interaction between the GRU special forces and the Airborne Troops

The joint use of the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces in real combat conditions is a practice that has brought more than one victory to the command of the domestic armed forces. It all started with the introduction of formations of Special Forces troops into Afghanistan, when a few special forces units of the GRU and the Airborne Forces managed to carry out operations that seemed impossible. The story continued in Chechnya, the troops of the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces resolved issues in which motorized rifle formations were powerless. It's scary to imagine how many people our generals would have killed in Grozny in 1995 if special forces had not taken part in the assault.

So, if you do not take into account the subtleties of subordination, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces are in many respects organizations related to each other, primarily in spirit.

Today our interlocutor Ivan. We talked about equipment, food and more.
G99: To what extent do you use regular clothes, how often do you buy additional ones with your own money? What equipment is missing from the issued?

Ivan: As a rule, we use our own clothes and equipment for tasks. Regular we use at various ostentatious events. Naturally, they are very dissatisfied with this state of affairs.

G99: How do you see the right set of clothes for movement and static in the cold season?

Ivan: I fully adhere to the concept of layering in clothes. I try to use clothes like PCU, ECWCS (a separate conversation is VKBO - we wanted the best, it turned out as always ..).

G99: What backpacks did you use? Their pros and cons. What would you like to change in the design of backpacks, how do you see an ideal backpack for 3-5 days?

Ivan: Previously used ALLOY backpacks. Then there was the Attack from the MTR. I have nothing bad to say about these manufacturers. I was very pleased at the time when I went away from wearing what they give out. Until I got acquainted with the frame structure. There was a choice between ILBE / FILBE and G99, in the end I decided to support the domestic manufacturer, and I never regretted it. Currently, the frame is T10 + T40 with side pouches from G99 and Rush 24 from 5.11. For daily events, I take a backpack 5.11, everything over - T40. I thought in the direction of the T60, but in this moment I don’t feel the need for this - there is a reason to think about the things that you really need with you and what you can do without) There is such a common misfortune for many people when it’s not the task that determines the necessary things, but the volume of the backpack. And yes, you need to be as flexible as possible.

G99: How do you maintain and improve your physical form at the location and on business trips? What sports do you do and how much?

Ivan: Physical training in our work is very important. Whether you can successfully complete the task depends on your condition. So I take this as seriously as possible. In addition to regular activities, I go in for sports in free time and after work. Behind leisure) Previously, I was engaged only in the weight of my body, kickboxing, sambo. Then I realized that I need to turn on the iron, because. everything is hard at work. But running is also important. Need golden mean, which is why I really like Crossfit at the moment. On business trips to for a long time we try to take out the necessary basic equipment - weights, a barbell with pancakes, various collapsible dumbbells. If we are limited in carrying capacity, then we take only Sandbag - it is very convenient to fill it with sand upon arrival and the projectile is ready. But even if it is not possible to take it, you can always use improvised means. It would be a wish)

G99: How do you plan meals at reconnaissance and search activities in the cold season? What do you take from the regular dry ration, what do you buy in addition? What food warming systems do you use and how much water do you take per day?

Ivan: In this matter, everything is different. Someone is satisfied with the regular dry ration - irp, someone basically does not eat it, but prefers to buy, for example, dried meat or various cereals. Personally, I use IRP as a basis and add the necessary to it - various high-calorie bars. For heating food we use gas burners - various companies such as track, pathfinder, etc. Someone uses jetboil burners or their Chinese counterparts. As for water, it all depends on the task being performed and the climate conditions. But you should always follow the drinking regimen. Some preparation is needed. I always carry a hydrator in my backpack - up to 2.5 liters of water. I breed in it citric acid and rehydron to maintain salt balance. A minimum of water for yourself for a day is one and a half liters.

G99: What kind of armor and helmets do you use, do you buy additional covers for plates and do you use armor in the forest? If yes, which one and, if not, why? Would use if it would be more convenient / more compact

Ivan: Established SIBZ from the Ratnik kit. We buy covers for stoves, because staff do not satisfy us at all in the performance of our tasks. We do not use armor in the forest, because. We believe that mobility in this case is needed more. But it all depends on the task. If an assault is needed, then there will be armor. If search, then without armor. In choosing a cover, everyone decides for himself. Someone chooses minimalism, someone chooses maximum protection.