Ekaterina Manuilova
Summary of physical education classes in senior group


1. Form vital motor skills and abilities that promote health.

2. Improve skills children: jump over the cubes with the right and left sides, moving forward; crawl along a gymnastics bench, pulling yourself up on your hands.

3. Develop strength abilities in children

4. Educate children good relations to each other

Inventory: 10 cubes, 2 gymnastic benches, balls according to the number of students

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part

Alignment. Equalization. Greetings. Form into a column one at a time.

To the right, one or two march around the hall behind the guide in a column, one step at a time. Pay attention to posture



- "giraffes" - on toes, hands up. The back is straight, do not lower your head down. Arms are extended straight up, raised higher on toes. The back is straight, do not lower your head down. Shoulder blades pulled together, toes raised higher towards you

- “ducklings” - on the heels, hands behind the back.

- “bears” - on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt. Elbows out to the sides, back straight, do not lean forward

- "geese" - in a squat, hands on knees. Do not touch the floor with your hands, do not tilt your torso forward

Let's march. Pay attention to your breathing.


- “horses” - with high knees raised forward. Toes pulled out, land on your toes, keep your back straight, raise your knees higher

- “scissors” - running with straight legs raised forward, hands on the belt. The torso is slightly tilted back, legs try not to bend, land on your toes

- "grasshoppers" - jump up. Jump higher, land softly on your toes

- "side step" - right and left side. The back is straight, the arms work freely

Walking and breathing exercises alternates with each type of running and is performed while walking

I. P-hands are pressed to the chest.

1-stretch your arms forward - inhale. Inhale through the nose, back straight

2-I. P. -exhale. Exhale through the mouth, do not hold it

Riddle while walking. We continue walking and guess riddle:

I'm standing in the gym

Sometimes they play with me

Not long, not high,

I'm made of wood, I'm light.

“Play with me, hurry up!”

A bright... bench is asking.

Walking in two columns to the gymnastic benches, marching in steps.

Outdoor switchgear on gymnastic benches.

"Say hello"- I. p. Lying on the floor, sit down, slam your palm on the bench, stretch. 2 times.

"Stompers"- I. p. Sitting on the floor, bend your leg at the knee and tap your foot on the bench. 4 times.

"Snail"- I.p. Sitting astride a bench, move forward, helping yourself forward with your hands. 4 times.

"Round dance"- I. p. the same, movement across the entire bench at 360 degrees. 1 time.

"Limped"- I. p. One foot on the bench, the other on the floor, move forward without removing your foot from the bench. 4 times.

"Grasshopper"- I.p. sitting on a bench, push off with your hands, jump forward. 1 time.

"Cold Stream"- I. p. Standing on a bench with both feet, move forward, lowering one leg at a time. 2 times.

"We rejoice"- I. p. Standing on a bench, make turns around yourself, maintaining balance. 4 times.

"Owl"- I. p. Standing on a bench, sit down at the signal. 2 times.

II. Main part.

1. Jumping with the right and left side over blocks with moving forward (stomach pulled in, pelvis raised up, legs straight, rest on toes, do not bend elbows)

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench, maintaining balance, working with the ball (Back straight, "Bandage ourselves"- transferring the ball from hand to hand around the head, torso, legs. "Pass the ball"- arms straight to the side. Transfer the ball over your head from hand to hand.

3. Crawling on a gymnastic bench, pulling yourself up with both hands (Back straight, don’t lower your head, don’t bend your legs, pull up your toes)

4. P/i "Tails"

III. Final part.

Normal walking around the hall, performing tasks for hands:

Hands on the belt

To the side

Per head

To the shoulders

Behind your back

Formation, alignment, organized exit from the hall.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for physical education in the senior group Summary of GCD for physical education in the senior group 1. Educational area- physical development 2. Subject - physical education.

Goal: Preserve and strengthen the health of children. Program content: 1. Physical education: 2. Continue to form the correct one in children.

Summary of GCD for physical education in the senior group “Olympic competitions” Program content: To form a desire for independence in the search for ways and means of implementing a motor plan, speed.

Summary of educational activities for physical education in the senior group “Magic Journey” Goal: Formation of motor skills in various types motor activity. Tasks. 1. Educational: Continue to teach navigation.

Summary of educational activities for physical education in the senior group “Magic Flower of Health” Program content: Exercise children in walking in a circle and performing movements; consolidate the ability to crawl into a hoop sideways without touching it.

Summary of an open lesson on physical education in the senior group Summary of a physical education lesson in the senior group Objectives: 1. Strengthening the health of children: - formation correct posture; - prevention.

Tasks: teach children to invent movements, find means and ways of expressing them, actively use acquired skills in performing various motor tasks, encourage active creative self-expression; improve the ability to manipulate balls in various motor tasks; enrich the emotional experience of children.

Progress of physical education classes in the senior group

Alignment. Walking one after another, in pairs, in threes (children take balls along the way). Walk, when given a signal, jump and turn around reverse side. Run in all directions, at the signal, find your place in the column. Run around the hall (we put one less ball on the floor), at the signal you need to grab the ball lying on the floor. Walking one after another, changing formations randomly around the hall to perform outdoor switchgear.

General developmental exercises (children themselves come up with exercises with balls from the starting positions proposed by the leader):

I.p. - standing, feet together, hands with the ball below.

I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball in front.

I.p. - sitting on the floor, legs straight, hands with the ball up.

I.p. - lying on your back, legs together, straight, hands with the ball behind your head.

I.p. - lying on your stomach, hands with the ball forward.

I.p. - kneeling, the ball lies near the knees, arms to the sides.

I.p. - standing, ball in hands. Jumps that children come up with themselves.

Basic TRIZ movements

« Faithful friends»

(children line up in pairs opposite each other). It is necessary to repeat in what ways they learned to throw the ball to each other (from behind the head, from below, from the chest, over the bar). Then you need to figure out how else you can pass the ball to a friend (options for children - standing with their backs to each other, lying down, sitting, under their feet, etc.).

Relay race« Bully crayfish».

Children crawl to the landmark “like crayfish” (supporting the entire foot and palms), in a deep squat. Back: take the ball and roll without touching the floor with your feet (pushing with your head, crawling and pushing with your hands, sitting, pushing with your feet, etc.).

Relay race« Merry jumpers».

Children must reach the landmark by inventing their own type of jump (on two legs, galloping, bouncing, on one leg, sideways, etc.), and at the end, throw the ball into the basket. They come back running.

Breathing exercise« Inflate the ball».

1-2 - deep breath;

3-4 - sharp exhalation, as if inflating a ball.

Outdoor game« Ball to the driver».

Option 1. The players line up in two or three columns. At a distance of 1 m from them, the drivers stand with a large ball in their hands. There is a line between them that cannot be crossed. The driver throws the ball to the player, to the one standing first

in the column, he throws it back and runs to the end of the column. Then the driver throws the ball to the second player, etc. When the first player in the column is in his place, he raises his hands up.

Option 2 . Use balls of different sizes.

Option 3.« The driver, throwing the ball to the player, names some general word, for example: “meadow”, “forest”, “dishes”, “transport”, etc. The rest of the children, when receiving the ball, must pronounce words that are combined with this generalizing word, for example, “plant” is a flower, grass, chamomile, etc. (You can invite the children to come up with other variations of this game.)».

Quiet game

Trust a friend

Summary of GCD for physical education in the senior group

Children are divided into two or three teams and take each other by the shoulders. Each team selects a driver who must, bypassing all obstacles, lead his team out of the hall without loss. Everyone playing, except the driver, is blindfolded.

MBDOU D/s "Zvezdochka" Pervomaisky village

"The Secret of Health."

Prepared by the teacher:

Ispulatova A.A.

Pervomaisky 2015

Summary of educational activities for physical education in the senior group “The Secret of Health.”

Software tasks:

Repeat walking in a column one at a time, completing tasks at the teacher’s signal, running;

Improve snake walking;

Exercise in crawling on a gymnastic bench, grasping your arms from the sides;

Repeat jumping exercises;

Repeat climbing through the arc sideways; Develop balance when walking on a tightrope; Develop

physical qualities

: agility, speed, balance, flexibility, strength, general endurance;

Foster the need for daily physical exercise;

Develop positive character traits (the ability to work in a team, willpower, determination).

Organizing time.

Screening of the video “Legend of Health” (on the projector) Children enter the hall, forming a line.

IN: Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's all come together and say hello loudly.


Sports, guys, are very necessary!

We are strong friends with sports!

Sports assistant!

Physical training!


And, we want to say to our guests:

“We are going to look for the secret of health,

We take health seriously

We know that in our power everything is possible! »

To improve leg health, it is very useful for children to walk.


  • Walking with high knees
  • on toes
  • hopping run
  • on your heels
  • snake walking
  • running (1 minute)
  • walking
  • rebuilding through the center into two columns.

Then the children go in a circle, take right hand gymnastic stick and line up through the center in twos.

Q: To find out where you and I ended up, we need to look around.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Q: - What is the name of the station, you will find out when you guess the riddle:

Cold, but not space,

Hot, but not a flame,

Not a clock, but a ticking clock?

(heart ).

That's right, please tell me guys what size is our heart. (answer with fist)

Right. Who can tell me where the heart is? (the answer is in the upper part of the body, to the left of the middle).

Now, put your hands on your neck and listen to your hearts beating.

What do you hear? (knock-knock-knock-knock). How fast or slow it beats. (answer: slowly). And I suggest you do a warm-up and measure our pulse again.

Outdoor switchgear complex with gymnastic sticks

For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle:

  1. "Stick Up" I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, with a stick at the bottom with a grip wider than your shoulders. 1 - stick up; 2 - bending your arms, put the stick back on your head; 3 - stick up; 4 - stick down, return to the starting position (5-6 times).
  2. "Propeller" I.p. – the main stance is stick down. 1- stick forward. 2- turn the stick vertically, lowering your right hand down, raising your left hand up; 3- stick horizontally; 4- stick vertically, lowering the left hand down, the right hand up; 5 – stick horizontally; 6 - starting position. (5 times)

For the trunk muscles:

  1. "Turn around" I.p. – standing, legs apart, stick down. 1-2 turn the body to the right, arms straight, do not bend the knees; 3-4 return to the starting position. Same to the left. (6 times)
  2. "Incline". I.p. -sitting, legs apart, stick on knees. 1-stick up; 2-lean forward to the right leg, touch the toe; 3- straighten up, stick up; 4- return to starting position. Same for the left leg (5 times)

5 . "Duck" I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands in front, a stick in both hands, legs together. 1 – raise your arms and legs at the same time, hold for 1-2 seconds; 2 – initial position; 3 - raise your arms and legs at the same time, hold for 1-2 seconds; 4 – starting position (5-6 times).

For the muscles of the legs and feet:

6. “Squat” I. p. - stand with your feet foot-width apart, stick below, grip shoulder-width apart. 1 - sit down, stick forward; 2 - starting position (6 times)

7. "Jumping". I.p. – basic stance, arms freely, stick on the floor to the right. Jump over the stick to the right and left for a count of 1-4, then pause and jump again. Repeat 2-3 times.

“Massage” I. p. - sitting, toes of right foot on a stick. Roll out the stick with your feet (from toes to heel). Repeat the same with your left leg (6 times).

Again we measure the pulse in the neck (the heart beats quickly)

Q: Now let’s rest a little and do breathing exercises

Without breath there is no life,

Without breathing the light fades

Birds and flowers breathe

He, and I, and you breathe.

Breathe quietly, calmly, smoothly

We'll all breathe slowly
We will hear the silence around us.
(inhale slowly through the nose. When rib cage will begin to expand, stop inhaling and pause). As you exhale, say “U-h-h-h” and repeat (4-5 times)

Drill exercises:changing from columns to a circle (children walk in a circle, putting the sticks back in place). Running, walking (1 lap). Formation into line.

Q: And here we are at the next station, “Sportivnaya”. ATS.

Q: Before you is an obstacle course and only those who do daily exercises and play sports can overcome it. (the exercise is performed in-line method 3 times).

  1. “Over bumps through the swamp” - jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs.
  2. “Crawl across the bridge” - crawling on a bench on your stomach.
  3. “Climb under a fallen tree” - crawling under an arc.
  4. “Don't slip into a cliff” is an exercise for coordination of movement. Children must walk along the rope (toe to heel) with their hands on their belts.

Q: They did a great job, real athletes!

P/GAME. "We're fun guys."

M/P GAME: “RESPOND, CATCH, THROW.” (What you need to do to avoid getting sick) children stand in a circle and catch a ball.


Exercise “Lazy People”

(Children lie down on the carpet, make themselves comfortable. Arms are extended along the body, relaxed. Legs are straight, not crossed. Quiet, calm music is playing)

Today my children did a lot of activities, played and were probably tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine being lazy and lounging on a soft, soft carpet. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest quietly, you are lazy. Your hands are resting, your legs are resting... (pause - stroking the children). Your breathing is completely calm. Your arms, legs, whole body are relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, shake off your laziness and, on the count of three, open your eyes. You feel well rested and in a cheerful mood.

Q: So you and I found ourselves in our beloved kindergarten.

Summing up the lesson.


Guys, how are you feeling? That's great. Do you think we managed to uncover the secret of health? And through what exercises, name them? Why does a person need to perform them? So what is the secret to health?


Anyone who plays sports smiles in life.

There is no better recipe in the world, be inseparable from sports.

You will live 120 years - that's the secret!


A surprise moment: the Greek goddess comes out with treats.

Walking in a column one at a time.

B: - Class is over, goodbye!

Irina Stroganova
Abstract physical education class in the senior group “Jolly Guys”

Summary of physical education classes in the senior group"Funny boys"


Repeat walking with high knees;

Balance exercises, developing movement coordination;

Jumping on two legs with advancement;

Throwing an object at a target.


Basic walking;

X. on socks;

X. on the heels;

X. with a high knee raise, arms to the sides;

X., restoration of breathing;

stand in one line! March around the hall at a walking pace! 1, 2, 3, 4. rose on tiptoes, arms up, keeping backs straight. Well done! We switch to walking on our heels, hands on our belts. 1, 2, 3, 4. walk smoothly, keep a distance. Attention! Normal walking. Listen exercise: We walk around the hall, raising our knees high, arms to the sides. Let's march! Well done Normal walking. Inhale, rise onto your tiptoes, arms up. Exhale, lower your arms. We're done.


Outdoor switchgear complex. (Exercises without objects):

1. I. p.: main stand. hands on the belt.

1-tilt the head to the right, 2nd. p., 3-turn the head to the left, 4-i. P. Repeat: 6 times.

2. I. p.: basic stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to i. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p.: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. 1- arms to the sides; 2- tilt to the right (left leg, touch your toes with your fingers; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4- i.p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p.: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your arms forward; 3-4 return to i. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p.: basic stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-i. n. Same with the left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 – jump legs together. Performed on a count of 1-8.


X. on a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides;

Throwing at a target;

Jumping from hoop to hoop with two feet;

Walking along a gymnastic bench, focusing on the hands and knees;

stand in one line! Attention, listen to the task. Now you take turns, one at a time in a column, approach the bench and walk along it, holding your arms to the sides for balance, go down, reach the hoops, jump from hoop to hoop with both feet. When we reach the basket, we take the object and throw it at the target. Then you go to the gymnastics bench. The second time you pass the bench, you pass it on all fours. Let's do it. We're done. Walking in circles.


Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A line is also drawn on the other side of the site. The driver is in the center of the platform. Playing in chorus pronounce:

"We funny boys,

We love to run and jump,

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three – catch it!”

After the words “Catch!” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The one whom the trap manages to hit before he crosses the line is considered caught, moves aside and misses one run. After two dashes, another driver is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


March slowly in a circle! On the count of 1, inhale, arms to the sides, 2, exhale, lower your arms. This is our class is over. Well done Guys, everyone listened to me very carefully, and rarely made mistakes. Goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Goals: to teach children to compose a portrait from individual parts (oval - face, strips or lumps of crumpled paper - hairstyle); generate interest.

Educational area: " Physical development» Abstract prepared by: Grishina Irina Vladimirovna, musical director; Gorelenkova Nina.

Summary of physical education entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Our friendly guys” Goals: improving children's health. Objectives: consolidate skills acquired in physical education classes; develop strength, endurance; educate.

Summary of physical education classes in the senior group Venue: sports hall. Equipment: ropes, benches, treadmills, small balls, hoops, ribbons. Tasks: To consolidate.

Summary of a combined lesson in the senior group “Funny Fingers” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge and skills in the field visual arts: technical skills of finger painting, development of fine motor skills.

Summary of a story-based physical education lesson for children of the second junior group “Funny geese lived with grandma” Summary of thematic physical education lesson for children second junior group“Funny geese lived with grandma” Program content: Exercise.

Summary of direct educational activities in physical education in the senior group “Fun Jump Rope”

Target: Optimally implement health, educational and educational areas physical education, promote the health of children.
-teach children to do exercises with a skipping rope, doing exercises using a skipping rope various figures on the carpet;
- consolidate the ability to step over and jump over a moving rope;
- practice the ability to perform different kinds walking and running with an object in your hands;
- develop dexterity and coordination of movements;
- to develop in children vital motor skills and abilities that promote health;
- to cultivate the correct attitude of children towards physical education activities.
Equipment: jump ropes according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson:

Instructor: My friends, today you have an unusual activity. How is it unusual, how does it differ from other physical education activities? (children's answers). Tell me, doesn’t it bother you that I’m teaching the class, and not your beloved...?
We have already become friends, but today there are guests in your hall, give them your smiles and good mood!

Instructor: Today I came to you not alone, but together with my assistant! (with a girl from preparatory group) I would really like you to become good friends with her too. And my assistant also came not alone, but with her friend Jump Rope! I'm sure it will help you become strong, agile and resilient. And first, we need to say hello in a sporting way! Who can tell me how this is?

(Stretch the jump rope in front of the children so that they line up along it and say “Fizkult-Hello”).
Now I invite you to sit down on the carpet like I do and listen to a fairy tale about a little Jump Rope.

A fairy tale about a little jump rope.
IN small town There lived an unusual family - a family of jump ropes: dad was a jump rope, mom was a jump rope and a small jump rope. Jump Rope's dad worked in the gym, was always busy with the children and could not give Jump Rope as much attention as he needed to be happy. Mom had a lot homework, and she also really loved visiting her girlfriends.
The skipper was very bored sitting at home; she could not choose an activity she liked. She often cried in the corner - she so wanted to do something, learn something. And then one day I came to her Jump Rope godmother Fairy Rope saw her tear-stained goddaughter and decided to help her. “To achieve something in life, you need to go to school,” said the Fairy. But it’s still too early for you, because you’re small. We need to get ready for school. And the magical place where children do this is called a kindergarten. I will help you get into kindergarten, I have a girl I know from kindergarten. Together with the children you will play, study, have fun, and, of course, prepare for school.”
Little Jump Rope was very happy, thanked her godmother and joyfully began to spin and sing:
I'm a jump rope, I missed you
Lying on the floor at home
A fairy came to my house
Helped me get up!
I found myself in a children's garden
She came to life and had fun!
The kids are jumping together
It's time for us to jump!

Instructor: So little Jump Rope ended up in your kindergarten. And other jump rope athletes came after her, who also want to learn a lot. Do you want to help them? (Children's answers)

Thank you, I thought that you had kind and sympathetic hearts. And to begin with, we will introduce our jump rope guests to the gym.

(Children line up in a column, jump ropes are folded in four and lowered down)

Introductory part.
Normal walking, arms with the rope down.
Walking on toes, arms raised up with a rope.
Walking on your heels, jumping rope behind your shoulder blades.
Walking with high knees, jump rope in front of you, children should touch the jump rope with their knees.
Side gallop with the right side then the left side, the rope in front of you.
Regular running, jumping rope on the shoulders.
Normal walking, jumping rope behind the back (light back massage with a jumping rope).

Breathing exercise “Snow will hold you together”" Walk in place, inhale through your nose, and as you exhale say “creak-creak-creak.”

Visual gymnastics.
Jump rope left, Jump rope right,
Up and down. And all over again!

Arranging children in a circle.

Instructor: So we gave you a little excursion for our Jump Rope! And now it’s time to tell and show her how a day goes in kindergarten. And who can tell me what starts every morning in kindergarten?
Children: From charging!

Main part.

A set of general developmental exercises.
1. “Let’s turn right, let’s turn left.” I.p.: lying on your back, legs together, knees bent, hands with a rope at the top. Turn your legs to the right, your arms to the left, return to SP, turn your legs to the left, your arms to the right, return to SP. (Repeat 5 times).
2. "Rocking chair". IP: lying on your back, jumping rope in your hands. Grab your knees with a jump rope and swing forward, backward, right, left. (Repeat 5 times).
3. “Legs back.” IP: standing on all fours, hands on a rope that lies on the floor. Extend your right leg back, return to VIP, bring your left leg back, return to VIP. (Repeat 6 times).
4. “Legs higher from the ground.” IP: sitting, resting on your forearms, legs bent, heels on the floor, handles of the rope in your hands, the middle of it hooked to the middle of the foot. Stretch your legs forward, pull the rope, raise your straight legs up, lower your legs down, return to VIP. (Repeat 5 times).
5. "Let's look around." I.p.: kneeling, hands in front of the chest. Move your right hand to the side, return to VIP, move your left hand to the side, return to VIP. (Repeat 6 times).
6. “Let’s shake our heads.” IP: standing, legs together, rope folded in four, lowered down. Turn your head to the right, turn your head to the left, tilt your head forward, tilt your head back. (Repeat 8 times).
7. “Show me the jump rope.” I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a rope below. Lean forward, extend your arms, return to VIP. (Repeat 7 times)
8. “Squats.” IP: heels together, toes apart, hands with a rope below. Sit down, stretch your arms forward, return to VIP. (Repeat 6 times).
9. Jumping forward and backward on two legs over a skipping rope that lies on the floor.

Instructor: After classes, the children have fun playing different games. Our Jump Rope also loves to have fun playing. Do you want to play with her?

Main types of movements.
1. Game “High - Low”. If two people raise the rope high, then they need to run under it (4 times), if it is lowered low, then they need to jump over it (5 times)
2. Game "Fishing Rod". Jumping over a rope that an adult is spinning in a circle. Children are fish, adults are fisherman. Whoever did not have time to jump over the rope was caught with a fishing rod. (in both directions 6 times)
3. Game "Stream". Two people pull the rope, the height from the ground is 4-5 centimeters and begin to move it slowly, then the height of the rope and the speed of the waves increase.
4. Outdoor game “Streams and Lakes”. Children are divided into two teams; each team is assigned a captain holding a jump rope; while the music is playing, the children run, as soon as the music stops, the leader says the word streams or lakes. If there are streams, you need to line up one after another in a column, and take the jump rope in your right hand; if there are lakes, then you need to make a circle and grab the jump rope with both hands.

Exercises to restore breathing.
- Laying out figures from jump ropes.
- Complex "Letters".

1. "Letter A." Basic stance, legs apart, arms folded across the chest.
2. “Letter G.” Main stand, left hand set aside.
3. “Letter D”: wide stance, legs apart, half squat, arms up with a clap above your head.
4. "Letter K". Left leg laid aside on the toe, left arm up to the side.
5. “Letter M.” Wide stance, leaning forward down, palms together.
6. “Letter T.” Basic stance, arms to the sides.

Breathing exercises for “Happy Mood” I.p.: main stand. Smoothly inhale and as you exhale say “Ha-ha-ha!”, smoothly inhale, as you exhale “Ho-ho-ho”, smoothly inhale, as you exhale say “Hee-hee-hee.” Draw the letter "X".

Instructor: And it’s not for nothing that we now portrayed a good mood, showed the letter “X”, why do you think?
(Children's answers)

Instructor: Because today you and I did a good deed, a good deed, and most importantly, we did a lot of good and beneficial things for our health!