In November, the high tourist season comes to an end in Spain, the beaches of most resorts are empty, but this does not make holidays in such an expressive country less interesting. Tour-Calendar offers to find out what the Kingdom has prepared for its guests in last month autumn, and on what basis prices for tour packages are formed.

Weather in Spain in November

Spain is perhaps the only country in Western Europe with such a unique climate. Firstly, the proximity of the African continent affects, secondly, the indentation of the landscape by mountains forms somewhat disparate weather conditions on its territory, and thirdly, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea have a considerable influence. Considering all these factors, we can safely say that, despite the country's location in the subtropical zone and the same abundance sundial, as in Greece and Italy, its climatic conditions differ significantly from them. For example, in November, precipitation begins to become more frequent here, but their monthly volume is almost two times less than in Italy. While the average temperature of the absolute maximums is slightly lower than in Hellas. But first things first. Spain, abounding most of the year with solar heat, in the last month of autumn is increasingly undergoing cloudy days. In this case, they often say: "The weather is getting worse." The air temperature drops significantly, which indicates the end of the so-called velvet season. It is too early to start talking about cold weather, however, without a light jacket during the day it may not be very comfortable, because as soon as the sun disappears, it becomes chilly. Strong winds often rise on the coast, disturbing the water and catching up gray clouds. The highest temperature marks are recorded in the east and south of the country, while the north and west experience a lack of heat. In the Mediterranean resorts of Costa Brava, Costa Dorada and Barcelona, ​​located in the northeastern autonomous community of Catalonia, about 10-11 days of rain are expected this month. However, the last two are warmer - +17 °C. IN southern regions countries have higher scores. So, in Malaga, which lies in the middle of the Costa del Sol resort area, during the day the thermometer rises to +20 ° C, and at night it is not less than +11 ° C. But a third of all days of the month is marked by precipitation. IN southern city Seville, which is almost 90 km away from the Atlantic Ocean, is also warm and humid, but the nights here are much cooler - no more than +9 °C. In the ski resort of Sierra Nevada, which also occupies a southern position on the Iberian Peninsula, it is much colder in late autumn. By lunchtime, the air warms up only to +9 °C, and at night it already freezes - -1 °C. The central regions of the country experience a sharply continental type of climate, it is much colder here, and there is a very strong variation in daily temperatures.

For example, in Madrid the thermometer fluctuates between +5..+13 °C. Insular Spain, which almost always has a good weather forecast, also suffers bad weather. The leader in terms of precipitation in November are the Balearic Islands: an average of 12 "wet" days. The warmest is in Ibiza and Formentera with a maximum daily extreme of +19 ° C, in Menorca and Mallorca, the mercury column is one degree lower. It is quite cool at night - +11..+12 °C. If you are looking for more comfortable weather conditions in Spain in November, you should go to the Canaries, whose climate is much warmer due to the proximity of Africa, which is only 1,500 km away. In general, the range of daily temperatures here is from +17..+18 °C at night to +23..+24 °C during the day. The wettest among all the islands is La Palma with 8 rainy days, followed by Tenerife - 7 days, Hierro and Gomera undergo a little less rainfall - 5 days, Gran Canaria 4 days, and Lanzarote and Fuerteventura - 3 days.

Madrid Barcelona Malaga Ibiza Costa del Sol Costa Brava Costa Blanca Salou Costa Dorada Mallorca Tenerife

What to do in Spain in November?

November weather in Spain is not stable, so beach holiday even in the island part of the country is under the question mark. Mostly at the end of autumn, tourists come to the country, eager for historical sights and cultural programs, with which November is very rich. No less popular are gastronomic tours, during which program participants selflessly taste various varieties wines, taste the famous paella and understand the intricacies of the production of the most delicious jamon in the world.

beach holiday

Spain has magnificent beaches for the most demanding taste. However, neither the Atlantic nor the Mediterranean Sea in November can please with their warmth. The water cools down significantly by this month, and not everyone is comfortable entering it in cloudy weather, which is predominant. That is why the occupancy of the number of rooms in coastal hotels becomes minimal, as a result of which accommodation in them turns out to be cheaper. If we consider mainland Spain, the warmest water will be off the southern and eastern coasts of mainland Spain. For example, in the Mediterranean resorts of Fuengirola and Benalmadena, belonging to the Costa del Sol, weather forecasters fix about +18 ° C, in Malaga it is a little warmer - +20 ° C.

Off the coast of Valencia and Alicante, it is usually around +19 °C. Things are quite different in the north, washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It rains here almost every day. For example, in San Sebastian, the water temperature is only +15 °C. Because of the strong waves, this place is very popular with surfers. It is also impossible to swim off the coast of the north-east of Spain - only +16 ° C. The Mediterranean Sea of ​​the Balearic Archipelago is more friendly to holidaymakers with a water temperature of at least +21 ° C. Among the variety of islands, we advise you to give preference to Ibiza, where the most comfortable weather conditions are established. However more popular during the cold season enjoy the Canary Islands. Firstly, it is much warmer and drier here, and secondly, the water does not cool below +21 ° C (every +22 ° C is fixed on some islands).

Entertainment and excursions

A trip to Spain in November will allow you to see how the preparations for Christmas are going on in the country. Already from the middle of the month, city streets begin to change: they are decorated with colorful garlands, palm trees and cacti are also dressed up with all kinds of tinsel, and in the evenings the “Stars of Bethlehem” are lit. Before winter sales still far away, nevertheless, shopping will bring great pleasure, as shop windows "compete" among themselves for the best design, and in shopping malls all the attributes of the upcoming New Year holidays are already present. In November, unlike the summer months, very little time is spent on a beach holiday, so all your free days can be filled with a rich excursion program. First of all, we recommend visiting the cultural capital of Spain, Barcelona, ​​​​which owns a crazy wealth of Gaudí's architectural masterpieces. The minimum program in this city should look something like this: take a few panoramic shots of Barcelona from the observation deck of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral (its construction has been going on for 2 centuries), admire the performance of the singing fountains "La Fuente Magica de Montjuic" on Mount Montjuic, take a cult run through museums, starting with the Picasso Museum, and taking pictures with mimes on La Rambla.

We should not forget about the imperial Madrid, where the Puerta del Sol squares with the “zero kilometer” and España with magnificent architecture that form a capacious and ephemeral space deserve special attention. The Prado Museum is quite remarkable, which matches the Hermitage and the Louvre. With children, you can visit the "Casa de Campo" with a colorful amusement park, a funicular and a zoo.

Holidays and festivals

The cultural poster of Spain blossoms in November with a wide variety of festivals. On the 1st, All Saints Day is celebrated in the country, marking the end of agricultural work. In the small town of Kosentaina, a fair is organized on this occasion, which has its own established traditions and almost 600 years of history. On this day, it is customary to visit the graves of deceased relatives and friends, laying flowers on them. In Granada this month there is a festival of jazz music "Festival de Jazz de Granada".

Seville welcomes the week-long film festival "Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo". In the neighboring city of Baena, at the beginning of the month, you can visit the olive festival "Las Jornadas del Olivar y el Aceite", which will include fairs, concerts and master classes from skilled chefs. And in the capital, November is notable for the large art fair "Feriarte" with an exhibition of over a hundred Spanish antique galleries, as well as music festival"Madrid Jazz Festival" on the stages of the city.

What are the prices for holidays in Spain in November?

It is quite possible to organize a November trip to Spain economically, since this month is a dead beach season. There are fewer vacationers, and travel agencies are selling tickets at reduced prices to stimulate demand. In addition, hoteliers are reducing rates for rooms in their hotels. The average cost of the 7th tour to Barcelona in a 3* hotel is 15.500 rubles. (based on 1 person with 2 local accommodation).

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How to relax in Spain in November on your own

Have you already chosen where to go in Spain in November? For independent travel you need:

Traveling to Spain in November is attractive for family vacation, since the absence of high or, conversely, low temperatures allows you to easily pass acclimatization not only for adults, but also for children. And the absence of tourist crowds makes your stay in the country more comfortable and measured. Tour-Calendar wishes its readers a successful trip!

Here you can find information about the weather in Spain by months: average air and water temperatures, average monthly rainfall.

Climate and weather in Spain very different depending on which part of the country you are in. Conventionally, there are several climatic zones in Spain. This is the northern part of Spain, central and southeastern. Northern part Spain is pretty mild climate with a gentle winter. Summer, however, is also not particularly hot here. In general, everything is in moderation, both cold and hot. In the central part of Spain, the climate is the most severe. In winter it is cold and frosty, in summer, on the contrary, it is hot and dry. It almost never rains. The southeastern part of Spain is characterized by subtropical climate. It is a hot summer without precipitation and warm winter.Generally swimming season in spain They open in May and finish only in September. The most peak months in every sense are from June to August. This also applies to air temperature, it reaches +32°C. At this time, there is also high season: Europeans, as a rule, prefer August, in June-July there are more Russian tourists. Most hot climate on canary islands where the air temperature rarely drops below +20°C. One of the most popular Canary Islands is Tenerife.Detailed description weather in spain by months see below.

    Weather in January

    The Spanish winter is not capable of thirty-degree frosts and snowstorms. Weather in Spain in January quite warm and soft. The average January air temperature ranges from +8 to +14. And in the Canary Islands it is even warmer, here it is always +20 and above! It is a little colder in the central part of the country, here it is only 5 degrees Celsius, sometimes the temperature rises to 10-13 degrees Celsius. Rain in winter in Spain...

    Weather in February

    Weather in Spain in February the coldest and most changeable: either the sun is shining, or suddenly it is raining sharply, and it can even sprinkle with snow! The average temperature is 10-13 degrees Celsius. It rains a lot in Spain in February. However, in the Canary Islands everything is also +21°С.…

    Weather in March

    Spain in March is the beginning of spring, the beginning of the renewal of nature. In March, everything around Spain begins to bloom, and weather in spain in march pleases spring warmth. The air temperature rises to +17-19°С. March weather in Spain brings more sun and less rain. It is still too early to open the swimming season, but in the Canary Islands in March the temperature already reaches +24°C, and the water temperature is +20°C...

    Weather in April

    April really warms up after the capricious winter months. April weather in Spain soft and warm. The air warms up to +23°С. There is practically no rain in April, as a rule, in Spain in April it is dry, warm and sunny. On average, the water temperature still does not exceed + 15 ° C, but in Tenerife, Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands in April it is already quite possible to swim. The water temperature here is about +22°С…

    Weather in May

    Spain this month will be remembered bright holidays, for example, on May 2, Madrid Day is celebrated - a very spectacular event. At this holiday you will be able to see the Spanish military parade with your own eyes. Undoubtedly, you will enjoy May Spain. And not only because mass holidays and fun await you.

    Weather in June

    Weather in Spain in June even hotter than in May. The temperature warms up to +27°-+29C. Grape plantations begin to bloom, from which the aroma that stretches along the Spanish streets is simply magnificent! Precipitation in Spain in July is infrequent. The rains are short lived. At this time, the water temperature rises to + 22 ° C, but in the northern part of the country about +18-+20 °С heat. June weather in Spain

    Weather in July

    July Spain will surely please you if you like hot weather. Weather in Spain in July is a combination of a great beach holiday with excursion programs. Indeed, in Spain there is something to see. Let's get back to the weather. The thermometer reaches +30°C, and finally we can say with confidence that a full-fledged summer has come in Spain. The water in the sea is getting even warmer and reaches a temperature of…

    Weather in August

    Weather in Spain in August still indulges on hot days. The air temperature is kept at +30 +35°C. It is so hot in the cities of Spain that it becomes more difficult for local residents to work than usual. The night coolness saves from the heat, the air temperature drops to + 26 ° С. And, of course, mainly water refreshes. Its average temperature is +25°C. Coastal breeze...

    Weather in September

    Weather in Spain in September allows you to have a great time! In September, it is still warm in summer, but the main flow of tourists has already "dispersed", so you can enjoy great vacation without fuss or inconvenience. The average air temperature is kept at +28°С. The water in the sea is still kept at +24°C. The weather in Spain in November can no longer be called hot. However, November in Spain best time for sightseeing tours. In November, ticket prices are much lower compared to summer period. At the same time, it is warm enough to make the rest comfortable. The average air temperature is +19°C, and the water temperature is +13°C. Swimming season is over...

    Weather in December

    Weather in December in Spain already, to put it mildly, not summer. The air temperature at this time of the year drops to +13°-+15°С, and the water cools down to +12°С. Tourists who especially want to continue the swimming season should go to the Canary Islands, but even there the water temperature is only +16 °C. But still, in December in Spain you will not get bored. In December, the Spaniards celebrate Christmas, so this…

Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula and occupies about 85% of its territory, as well as the Balearic and Pitius Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

The country also includes two coastal cities of Ceuta and Melilla, located in North Africa.

Climate and season in Spain

In the west, Spain neighbors with Portugal, in the north with France and Andorra. The north of the country is washed by the waters of the Bay of Biscay, the extreme northwest and southwest by the waters of the Atlantic, and the east and southeast by the Mediterranean Sea.

One of the most beautiful places Spain is the Botanical Garden of the Sea and Marimurtra in Blanes.

Most of Spain has a Mediterranean type of climate, except for the northern part, which is characterized by high humidity. The center welcomes its guests continental climate. And in some regions the weather can be like in the desert. soft and comfortable climate in Spain attracts lovers of beach, active and cultural recreation.

Spain is considered the hottest country, with warm winters and moderately hot summers. Every season in Spain can be considered a tourist season, as even in winter many people want to celebrate the New Year holidays in Andalusia on the Costa del Sol. In other regions, winter passes with heavy rainfall and lasts from December to February, and the air temperature is not lower than +15°C. In summer, the water temperature in the sea warms up to +26°C and above, and the air temperature can rise to +37°C.

At any time convenient for you, you can quickly and comfortably fly to Spain from Moscow, as there are regular direct flights from Russia to most airports in Spain.

Weather and prices by months

Spain in winter

Weather in December. The air temperature shows about + 17 ° С. In the center of the country it is a little colder +13°С…+15°С. It can snow in the north of Spain, and there are frosts at night. The water temperature in the sea will be +15°C.

The price of tours on New Year's Eve is quite high and accommodation in a three-star hotel will cost from 40,000 rubles for two. A seven-day vacation in a four-star or five-star hotel will cost 60,000–80,000 rubles.

Weather in January. The average air temperature is +8°С…+14°С. In the central part, there are often temperature differences. The water temperature in the sea at this time ranges from +13°С to +17°С, depending on the region.

Price for tours new year holidays will not be very sparing, but by the middle of the month prices will drop noticeably. For example, moving will be about 12,000 rubles, accommodation for two for a week from 46,000 rubles.

February weather. Rainfall is possible in the northern part. The air temperature during the day is +14°С…+15°С. At night the air will cool down to +7°С. The water temperature in the sea warms up to +13°С - +17°С and higher depending on the region. You can swim mainly in the southern parts of Spain.

The price of tours this month is significantly reduced and you can even find inexpensive last-minute tours. The price for accommodation for two will depend on the level of the hotel from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles for two per week.

Spain in spring

Weather in March. The air temperature in the south and in the center of the country is +18°С - +19°С. at night it drops to +10…+12°С. The water temperature warms up to +15°С - +16°С.

The price of tours at this time may gradually increase, but you can also find last-minute tours, or purchase them at a bargain price in advance. The average cost of a vacation in a three-star hotel for two will be from 50,000 to 90,000 rubles per week, depending on the type of resort. In a five-star hotel, accommodation will cost from 80,000 to 170,000 rubles.

April weather. At this time, the amount of precipitation decreases, and the air temperature at lunchtime rises to + 20 ° C and drops to + 10 ° C at night. It is still cool in the north of the country and the thermometer does not rise above +16°C during the day and +8°C at night. The water temperature in the sea is from +17°C and above, depending on the region.

The price of tours remains the same, and a seven-day stay in a five-star hotel will range from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles and more.

Weather in May. The air temperature in the center and in the south of the country will be around +25°C during the day. In the north - +20°C. At night, it drops to +14°C.

The water temperature is about +20°C, but in the north the sea has not yet warmed up and the temperature in it is +16°C.

The price of tours in early May due to the holidays will increase several times. In early May, a vacation for two in a four-star hotel will cost from 70,000 rubles a week. And at the end of the month in the same hotel the price will drop to 50,000 per week.

More information about the weather and prices in Spain in May

Spain in summer

June weather. The air temperature reaches +30°C. In the Canary Islands, the temperature exceeds +35°С. And even at night it is very hot and the temperature does not fall below +20°C. Water temperature at least +20°C.

The price of tours due to the beach season will increase markedly. At this time, a lot of tourists come to the country, so you should book a tour in advance. For two at this time, you can buy a ticket for 80,000–120,000 rubles for a vacation in a five-star hotel.

More information about the weather and prices in Spain in June

Weather in July. Dry and warm month, air temperature warms up to +32°C during the day and up to +20°C at night. The water temperature in the sea warms up to +25 °С, off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean +23 °С.

The price of tours at this time reaches its maximum mark, since this month you can relax in a five-star hotel for 180,000 to 250,000 rubles in Barcelona. The flight will cost about 50,000 rubles.

More information about the weather and prices in Spain in July

Weather in August. The air temperature at lunchtime rises to + 28 ° C, and in some areas it can reach up to + 32 ° C during the day. The water temperature in the sea is +25°C.

The price of tours at this time is quite high, but you can already purchase a tour with a 50% discount. For two, a seven-day tour can be purchased for 90,000 rubles.

Spain in autumn

Weather in September. The air temperature at midday reaches +26°С…+28°С. The weather can turn bad by the middle of the month. The water temperature is +25°C.

The price of tours at the beginning of the month can please vacationers. A tour for two can be purchased for 40,000 rubles without meals. But on average, a vacation in a good hotel will cost 50,000-100,000 rubles for two.

Weather in October. Closing of the tourist season. The average air temperature is already reaching +20°С… +23°С. But in the south of the country it is still quite warm and the air can warm up to +28°C. The water temperature in the sea is from +20°С to +22°С.

The price of tours begins to gradually decrease, and a ticket for two will cost about 60,000–80,000 rubles a week.

November weather. The air temperature heats up to +15°C during the day and drops to +6°C at night. Mostly the weather is cloudy and rainy, but not all over Spain. It is still warm in central Spain and the thermometer shows about +20°C. The water temperature in the sea is +18°С…+19°С.

The price of tours at this time will please tourists, because a vacation for two in a five-star hotel will cost 60,000-80,000 rubles. In a three-star hotel, a week of rest will cost about 40,000 rubles.

Weather and prices in Spain by months for 2018

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
December+17 +13 +15 from 40000 rub.
January+12 +11 +13 from 46000 rub.
February+14 +7 +13 from 40000 rub.
March+18 +12 +16 from 50000 rub.
April+20 +10 +17 from 50000 rub.
May+25 +14 +20 from 70000 rub.
June+30 +20 +22 from 80000 rub.
July+32 +20 +25 from 180000 rub.
August+28 +21 +25 from 90000 rub.
September+26 +20 +25 from 50000 rub.
October+22 +15 +20 from 60000 rub.
November+15 +6 +18 from 40000 rub.

Rest and weather in Spain in November: water temperature, photos of tourists and reviews

The end of autumn is the time when you definitely do not expect warmth and warming sun. But you don't wait if you are in Russia. But in some European countries it is still quite warm and it seems that autumn is just coming there. For example, the weather in Spain in November 2019, although changeable, is mostly sunny and warm during the day up to +20 degrees. Unfortunately, the water temperature in the sea is no longer the same as it was in summer or even a month earlier, so swimming in the sea will not work. But is this a problem? In the country, in addition to a beach holiday, there are many other entertainments that november weather definitely won't hurt.

When tourists fly to Spain, it is assumed that they are flying to the sea. In the last autumn month, this is not entirely true - the weather is not very good for beaches and swimming in the sea. But it is more than suitable for excursions and simple walks through beautiful Spanish cities and in nature. So if you have a vacation this month, then do not despair - Spain is not limited to the sea and beaches, there are hundreds, if not thousands of entertainment that will make you fall in love with the country, and you will fall in love with it.

In any weather and in any month of the year, there are more than all tourists in Barcelona. City streets, parks, embankment and in general the whole city is constantly filled with tourists. In November, the weather is quite favorable to visitors. During the day the sun shines and the air warms up to +16 degrees. At night it becomes cooler and not higher than +11 heat. The sea off the coast of Barcelona is still warm, but no one bathes anymore. The water is warmed up to +18 degrees.
As for the rains, they are here 4-5 days for the whole month. And the amount of precipitation is 50-55 millimeters. So an umbrella can come in handy when you travel.

You will also need an umbrella if you are going to the capital of Spain in beautiful Madrid. There are still the same 4-5 days with rain, and precipitation can fall up to 60 millimeters.
As for the air temperature, it is already quite cold in the capital. If during the day there can still be warm days with temperatures up to +12 degrees, then at night the air cools down to +5, and sometimes even up to +2 degrees.
There is no sea near the capital, so tourists come here only for sightseeing vacation and he's great here.

But there is a sea around the island of Mallorca, and in November it is very warm, not lower than 21 degrees with a plus sign. Some tourists make attempts to swim in it, but there are few such daredevils. The thing is that during the day it is not so hot and only about +18 degrees, and at night it is around +10 degrees. Leaving the sea at such a temperature is not easy, and if there is also a breeze, it will seem that you went straight into winter.
It also rains on the island and there are more of them here than on the mainland. According to weather forecasts, there will be 5-6 rainy days, and the amount of precipitation will be at least 60 millimeters.

The least rain is expected in the resort of Santa Cruz, there are 2-3 of them, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 40 millimeters. The air temperature in the resort is also high and sometimes resembles summer. The average temperature during the day is +23 degrees, at night +18 degrees.

Where is the best place to relax in Spain in November

The following table will be of interest to those who decide which resort in Spain to go to at the end of autumn. See, compare and choose.

Always sunny and cheerful Spain is a real fairy tale for travelers who want to instantly find themselves in a unique country with a variety of entertainment and attractions.

For fans of this direction, fascinating walks through the cultural and historical places of cities familiar from childhood are available all year round -, Madrid, Seville, Valencia And Navarre. For adrenaline and thrills, tourists go to the mountains, and for a beach holiday to the island part of the country.

Spain in November

The weather in Spain in November is fully exposed to all the winds and currents of the Atlantic - the scorching heat in an instant is replaced by coolness, but not in all areas. famous Gulf Stream and special marine ecosystem The Mediterranean does not allow water and air to cool even under the most severe weather conditions.

Air and water temperature

Autumn trip to Spain a great opportunity dispel the blues, arranging one of the best trips to an amazing country, thereby extending the "summer".

November is quite warm. This weather is like early autumn in those countries where the temperate climate reigns.

daytime temperature in November it is quite different - in the resort areas the air warms up to + 23-25 ​​° C, and in the continental part of Spain it drops sharply to + 10-14 ° C.

Water temperature in the island resorts of Spain in November it reaches + 17-20 ° C, but swimming is almost impossible due to constant winds. But sunny days are enough to get a nice tan.

Features of weather conditions

The cool weather in November in Spain owes much to strong winds And raininess than temperature indicators. Even if the air warms up to +20°C, it will feel like no more than +15°C. In the dark, it becomes very cool - only + 10 ° C.

For this reason, the best solution for a holiday in Spain in the last autumn month is to exclude visiting the continental part and immediately go to one of the fabulous islands. island resorts countries remain protected from rains - they are covered by mountains.

Weather at popular resorts

Island resorts differ from the mainland in a milder climate.

Costa Brava

On this resort coast of Spain, the air warms up a little weaker, so during the day the average temperature is + 18 ° C, and at night - + 7 ° C, while sea ​​water unsuitable for swimming, as its temperature is +17°C.


One of the Canary Islands will meet travelers with a special microclimate - a unique place with comfortable year-round weather. Even the autumn temperature here is not inferior to the summer months and is + 21 ° C during the day, + 14 ° C at night, so tourists will find hot sun and warm sea in this part of Spain. The water temperature on the sea coast will pleasantly surprise guests, warming up to +21°C.

To enjoy the warm sun and enjoy a beach holiday at the very end of autumn, travelers go to the Canary or Balearic Islands, as well as to Catalonia.


It is quite comfortable for tourists to be in one of the most popular resorts in Spain, since water and air here have the same temperature– +23°C. Even if the weather in this part of the country turns bad, there is always the opportunity to enjoy the developed entertainment industry.

Holidays in Spain

The main conditions that should be observed during the November trip to Spain - know for sure purpose of the trip and also have a wardrobe appropriate for the weather. Thanks to this, visiting the country will be more intense.

Benefits of vacationing in November

A trip to Spain in the last month of autumn - best option for travelers who want well and have a rich rest even in autumn, because the fabulously warm and pleasant weather simply invites leisurely walks around the city or the sea coast, rich excursions, as well as relaxation at incredibly attractive prices.

How to dress in autumn?

If the trip is planned for southern part country, it is best to take the usual resort items to Spain - a T-shirt and shorts, and also do not forget to grab a windbreaker or a couple of light sweaters to throw them over. IN other regions a little colder, so a light coat, warm shoes, a jumper and an umbrella will not hurt.

Where to go and what to see?

Travelers who did not have time to visit Spain a little earlier should know that this country is treasure trove excursion, natural and gastronomic riches.


On the first day of November, an official holiday begins in Spain, because on this day the whole country celebrates All Saints' Day. For this reason, many cities hold special events that attract with their unusualness and colorfulness.

Every day after 10 pm in Spain, the famous "marcha" begins - trips to restaurants and bars, walks and trips to discos.

olive festival, which is held on November 9, is a good reason to go to Andalusia, namely to the city of Baena. During this event in the city, see how dishes are prepared with the addition of olive oil, participate in concerts, as well as visit an exhibition and a fair.

In November, the Jazz Festival is held in Spain for 20 days, which is sold out every year. Basically, this holiday is held in Madrid and Granada.

beach tourism

The beaches of Spain, located both on the continental and insular parts of the country, are the real pride of Spain. Almost all of them are marked hallmarkblue flag.

With such weather, the beach season in Spain is already closed, but tourists still have a chance to catch mild and warm weather. To do this, it is enough to go to ibiza, Mallorca, Costa Brava or Tenerife- islands where it is possible to combine a beach holiday, see the sights and taste delicious and healthy Spanish cuisine.


Given that every major city has own airport, tourists have a great opportunity to get to any of the places that attract with their sights in a short time.

The greatest concentration of excursion wealth in Spain is collected on the mainland, mainly in Barcelona or Madrid. Cool weather favors visiting museums, temples and monasteries located in these cities.

Every city from Madrid to the Canary Islands is ready to show you a lot of interesting and fascinating places, and fun holidays that the locals love so much will make your vacation even brighter.

Every traveler in autumn should definitely visit places associated with creations and Dali, And Gaudi in Barcelona, ​​of which there are a myriad. This season they look even more beautiful than usual.

With kids

Spain is rich not only excursion tours but also variety children's recreation , especially in November, when the scorching weather gives way to a pleasant climate. Among children's entertainments, the most popular water parks are:

  • Port Aventura near Barcelona;
  • Aqualandia on the Costa Blanca;
  • Aqua Brava on the Costa Brava;
  • Siam Park in Tenerife.

Also in Spain there are many children's cafes, excursions to port cities and educational programs with the study of local culture and language.

Despite the cool weather, holidays in spain in November is still relevant and incredibly interesting, because it brings a lot of positive emotions.

From the following video you will learn interesting facts about Spain:

Weather in November in Spain - in detail

November is the last autumn month before the onset of winter. gradually decreases in November. So, if the average temperature at the beginning is +15°C (+18°C during the day, +13°C at night), then the average end temperature in Spain is +12°C (+13°C during the day, +9°C at night). ).

The average in November is 75%. At the same time, the humidity at the beginning of the month is 77%, at the end of the month - 77%.

Weather in November in Spain in different years

The coldest day in the world was in 2016. The average temperature was only -3°C. It was November 24, 2016 in the city of Sierra Nevada.

The warmest day ever was in 2016. The average temperature reached +22°С. It was November 4, 2016 in the city of Costa del Sol.

Temperature for each day in November in Spain in different years shown in the chart below:

Average monthly temperature in November in Spain

The coldest was in 2014. The average temperature was only +13°С.

The warmest was in 2018. The average temperature reached +13°С.

The graph of the average monthly temperature in Spain in November for different years clearly demonstrates this:

November weather records in Spain

Follows the weather in Spain since 2014. Every year, every month and almost every day in a particular city, nature sets climatic records. Below are the details of the minimum and maximum temperatures in Spain in November.

Rest in summer months Everyone wants it, but not everyone gets it. There can be plenty of reasons: a deadline at work, childcare, etc. The main thing is how to manage the time when you managed to “take time off” on vacation. Even if 2 weeks of rest fell in November, at this time it is quite possible to go to one of the resort countries of the Mediterranean. One of the most tempting offers - Spain in November, will give vacationers the sea pleasant emotions even in this traditionally cold month in Russia.

What will please the weather

The main feature of the Spanish climate is its proximity to the Mediterranean on the one hand and Atlantic Ocean with another. Location between two vast water basins with their inherent winds and currents, it must have given rise to a very capricious climate. But Spain was lucky: there are many mountain ranges on its territory that protect the country from piercing sea winds. Thanks to this, an extremely mild and pleasant climate for living and relaxing people has been established here.

Going to Spain even in November is very profitable in many ways. In summer, this part of the world is very hot, but at the end of autumn, quite “human” temperatures are set, which will appeal to those who do not like wild heat. Especially the weather in Spain in November will appeal to those who suffer from hypertension.

The average daytime temperature this month ranges from +17 to +20°C. At night it is set within +9/+11°C. We must not forget that the territory of the country is quite vast, so in some parts it is hotter than in others. In the resort of Costa del Sol, the average daytime temperature is + 20 ° C, at night + 11 ° C. In Madrid during the day +12°C, at night +5°C. In the Sierra Nevada (ski resort) it is even colder: during the day the sun manages to warm the air up to +9°C. At night, the thermometer freezes at -1°C.

In general, the weather in Spain in November is rather cool for this country, but very warm and favorable compared to Russia during the same period. Rains fall, but only a little more often than in summer. You can get a good tan even in November if you choose the right resort.

Where to go

Thinking about where to go in Spain in November, you should decide on your priorities. If in the foreground - sea ​​bathing and relaxing rest on the beach sand, it is worth going to one of the hot places. high temperature even in early November, such resort areas differ:

  • Malaga;
  • Tenerife;
  • Ibiza;
  • Alicante;
  • Benidorm;
  • Costa Blanca;
  • Majorca.

The water temperature in these areas is about +18°C, so even swimming in the sea will be very pleasant. Another undoubted plus is the small number of tourists who literally occupy these magical resorts in the summer. Prices for everything - hotel service, food, delicacies, entertainment and other exotic - in November, an order of magnitude lower than in the "high" season. This is another argument in favor of a holiday in Spain in the fall.

For those who are more attracted ski vacation in Spain in November, we advise you to visit the beautiful Sierra Nevada. The dazzling sun and the glitter of the snow-covered slopes will give you an incomparable pleasure. November - the beginning of the ski holiday season, so the prices for all services are still quite moderate.

What to see and where to visit

For November, many tour operators sell shopping tours to this country, although the official sales season in Spain has not yet begun. We advise you to take a ticket for the end of November to buy beautiful designer shoes or a handbag with a good discount. Numerous reviews of tourists who visited Spain in mid-late November are literally choked with delight about the beauty that reigns in the country at this time. preparing for Christmas.

At this time, you should definitely visit Barcelona. This city, famous for the famous masterpieces of Gaudí, becomes simply magical in November. Be sure to admire the singing fountains on Mount Montjuic and look into the Picasso Museum. Then you should visit Madrid. Adult tourists will be interested in the unique architecture of this ancient city, and children will find incomparable pleasure in the Casa de Campo amusement park.

In November, Spain hosts the jazz festival "Festival de Jazz de Granada". On the 1st, All Saints' Day is celebrated in all towns. The city of Cocentaina hosts one of the oldest fairs in the country, which will also be interesting to visit. A film festival is taking place in Seville at this time, and a colorful olive festival is taking place in Baena. And this is only a part of the festivities that take place in the country in the last month of autumn.

Another argument in favor autumn trip there may be prices for tours to this country. A week-long trip for two with accommodation in a three-star hotel room will cost a couple an average of 30 thousand rubles. So those who are thinking about where to go on vacation should definitely choose Spain. This country is able to give amazing impressions at any time of the year.

The main feature of the weather in the country in late autumn is strong wind, which is a frequent occurrence in coastal areas. In addition, it is very rainy in a large part of Spain. For example, on the Costa Dorada and Costa Brava total precipitation reaches 55 mm, in other regions the value is slightly higher. The Costa Blanca (71 mm) and Ibiza (81 mm) are in the lead in these indicators.

The weather in November, although very conditional, can be called cold. by the most warm days the east of the country, Valencia and the Costa Blanca, is different, as well as the south, the Costa del Sol, where there are about twenty degrees. The temperature in other seaside resorts reaches 17°C. At night, almost the entire territory of the country is not warmer than 8-10 degrees, with the exception of Ibiza, where it is plus twelve.

Due to the decrease in air temperature, the water becomes colder, and therefore, a beach holiday in November is impossible. In the east and south of Spain, the average air temperature is about eighteen degrees. In the northeast, in the Mediterranean resorts, the water cools down to sixteen degrees.

Madrid in November is one of the centers of cultural life in Europe, since it is in the capital that the Autumn Arts Festival takes place. Its participants are theatrical, dance, circus and musical groups from the most various countries all over the world. The area for performances and concerts is provided by the theaters of the city. Guests of the festival are also invited to visit presentations and exhibitions, as well as participate in a meeting with actors and writers.

Since beach holidays and long walks will not be comfortable in November, due to cold weather, a trip to the Royal Opera House would be a great alternative. You can pre-book seats and purchase e-tickets online. They must be printed and paid at the terminal, which is installed in the theater, in a special ticket office.

You don't have to follow a strict dress code to attend performances. In Spanish theaters, it is very common to see audiences wearing jeans. However, before traveling to Madrid, you need to carefully consider the wardrobe that you plan to take with you. It must be windproof and waterproof clothing and shoes. Since the number of rainy days can reach nine. Rainfall can reach up to 52 mm, so it is very important to have an umbrella with you.

In November, daytime temperatures in Madrid can be quite high, averaging thirteen degrees. Also not uncommon are sunny days(there are 7 of them), so from time to time the air warms up to 20 degrees. At night, it is usually not higher than six degrees, so it is advisable to take a warm jacket on a trip.

In Granada, at the end of autumn, the Jazz Festival is held, during which there is the opportunity to participate in master classes. And in Seville International Film Festival.

All gourmets in November are waiting for the Olive Festival, which takes place in Baena (Andalusia). This town is also considered the center of olive oil production in the world. Everyone can take part in a variety of tastings, visit chefs' master classes and see firsthand the entire process of olive oil production.

All about holidays in Spain in November 2020. Weather, prices for tours, the most warm resorts and holidays with children. Tips and reviews of tourists.

Prices for tours to Spain in November - 2020

In November in Spain begins dead Season. The nature of the weather resembles the beginning of autumn in Russia. The cold is already near, but there is still a lot of heat. Popular seaside resorts are emptying, the beaches are almost deserted, and prices are dropping. Tours to Spain in November are liked by fans of sightseeing tourism - have a good time by the sea and visit various sights.

Is it expensive to travel to Spain in November? Consider, for example, the cost of tours for two for 7 days, with a departure from Moscow. Prices for vouchers to 2-3 * hotels with breakfast start at 49 thousand rubles. Rest in 4 * hotels costs from 52 thousand rubles, and in luxury 5 * hotels - from 78 thousand rubles.

If you want to relax in Spain in November 2020 with all-inclusive meals, you need to pay from 79 thousand rubles. According to tourists, the prices are very moderate. For such amenities in the summer they pay 30-50% more.

Edik: "In November, we went on vacation to Tenerife. Many who have been to the Canary Islands dissuaded me, saying that the weather does not allow a full rest at this time. The first impressions of the resort are amazingly original and beautiful nature. We covered almost the entire area on foot. The excursions also left a lot of impressions."

Elvira: "We were in the Canary Islands in November. Arriving at the resort, we realized that summer continues for us. The weather is not hot, but at the same time comfortable for a beach holiday."

Prices for 7-day tours to Spain in November 2020 from Moscow:

Resort Price for two Example
from 46000₽
Valencia from 50000₽
Madrid from 64000₽
Majorca from 80000₽
Tenerife from 60000₽
Costa Brava from 120000₽
Ibiza from 104000₽

Weather in Spain in November

Spain is located in the subtropical zone, and the country's unique climate is formed by the warm Mediterranean and proximity to Africa. In November, the air temperature during the day is +18…+22°С, and at night +8…+10°С. Sea water temperature is about +18°С. The swimming season is over, only a few daredevils decide to plunge.

When the sun sets on the clouds, it becomes chilly. The weather often deteriorates, winds raise waves, and storms begin. In November, there is more rainfall, but Spain is a dry country. Rains here are two times less than in Italy.

Weather in the resorts of Spain in November:

Advice. For a trip to Spain in November, choose a hotel that has a heated pool. This is not a complete replacement for the sea, but there will be a lot of pleasure from swimming.

: "IN good days you can wear summer clothes. Dense things, a windbreaker and a light scarf cannot be neglected - in the morning / evening and after rain it is noticeably cooler. In the twenties, temperatures drop to +10°C.

Ses Illetes beach, Mallorca (Photo © gnomusy /

Prices for hotels in Spain in November - 2020

City Price per day Example
from 37$
Valencia from 28$
Madrid from 30$
Majorca from 36$
Tenerife from 15$
Costa Brava from 30$
Ibiza from 44$

Where is the best place to relax in Spain in November

If in Valencia, Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada and Costa del Sol the thermometer rises to +20°С, in other seaside resorts the air is only warmed up to +17…+18°С. Most warm places for holidays in Spain in November 2020 are located on the islands of Mallorca, Ibiza, Tenerife, in the east and south of the continental part of the country.

At the end of autumn, sea water cools down quickly, so a full-fledged beach holiday is impossible. Due to the cold winds, walking by the sea will also not bring much pleasure.

Which resorts to choose for holidays in Spain in November? We advise you to stay in large tourist centers with good infrastructure, where there are many interesting sights and excursions.

For a holiday on the coast in late autumn, Barcelona and Valencia are suitable. It is interesting to spend a November holiday in Madrid, where there are many museums and monuments. In November, Madrid hosts the Feriarte Autumn Art Fair, popular in Europe, and the jazz festival JazzMadrid.

: "It's still warm in November, in Barcelona the temperature rarely drops below +15°C. The sea is certainly not like summer, but you can swim. I didn't swim, but I saw locals several times who plunged into the water."

Map of resorts in Spain for holidays in November

Barcelona (Photo © / @dinges)

Holidays with children in November

Compared to the gloomy and cold November in Russia, in Spain the last month of autumn is a real fairy tale. There is no scorching sun in November, so many parents with children are happy to travel to Spanish resorts. Although it is no longer possible to swim, walks by the sea and educational trips are always useful.

In Mallorca, not far from the city of Palma, the Jungle Park awaits children, in Salou - the huge entertainment center Port Aventura, in Tenerife - the Siam Park water park, and in Barcelona the cable car town of Barcelona Bosc Urbà. There are many children's cafes in Spanish resorts. With the kids, take a walk through the botanical gardens and green parks, and with older children, go on interesting excursions.

Advice. In November, many cheap citrus fruits are sold in Spain - oranges, lemons and clementines. Enjoy the taste of fresh fruits and stock up on vitamins for cold season!

Sagrada Familia from the inside (Photo © / @grin)

Things to do on vacation in November

The weather in Spain in November allows you to actively travel around this country. Get to know the culture of the Moors, visit ancient monasteries and walk along the narrow streets of medieval quarters. Go on excursions to Zaragoza, Girona, Figueres, Alicante, Madrid, Seville, Segovia, Toledo, Granada and Malaga.

On the first day of the month, the Spaniards celebrate All Saints' Day. This is an official holiday, which residents prefer to spend with their families. On the feast of the dead, they bake special cookies. panels, roast chestnuts, and on the streets of small towns and villages you can see dressed up animals and birds.

What to do in Spain in November for outdoor enthusiasts:

  • Rent a bike and explore the coast.
  • Climb to the highest point in the country - Mount Teide in Tenerife.
  • Experience a traditional kitesurfing festival in the Canary Islands
  • Skydive in tandem from 4000m from the popular center parachuting Empuriabrava.
  • Paragliding at the foot of the Monsec mountain range
  • Climb the rocks of Siurana in Tarragona.
  • Take part in a jeep safari natural parks Costa Blanca.

Intro image source: © Jose Castanedo /