The vegetation of Argentina is very diverse: from rainforest to semi-deserts in Patagonia and Pune. In the northern Mesopotamia grow sub rainforests with varied species composition. Here meet those who have valuable timber araucaria, sedro, lapacho. To the south, shrub vegetation predominates; swampy areas are covered with reeds, reeds, water lilies, and elevated and dry areas are covered with meadows with a rich grass cover. There are sparse forests of acacias, mimosas, ostrich trees, along the banks of rivers - palm groves.

Towards the south, there are more open grassy areas, the southern part of the province of Entre Rios is a cereal prairie and already represents a transitional area to the Pampas. Pampa, translated from the Quechua Indian language, means "devoid of tree vegetation." The boundless steppe expanses of the Humid Pampa were once covered with perennial grasses - feather grass, pearl barley, wild millet and variegated colorful herbs. However, there is little natural vegetation left here, a significant part of the territory has been plowed up, and the grassy cover that once covered it, which served as an excellent natural forage base for livestock, as a result of long-term grazing, was littered with weeds and lost its original appearance. Dry Pampa is characterized by xerophilic vegetation - stunted trees, thorny shrubs, hard grasses. Similar vegetation is common in the arid west, in intermountain basins, where bunches of hard grasses and xerophilous shrubs alternate with cacti.

Forests in Argentina occupy 12% of the land fund. The greatest value is coniferous forests Mesopotamia and the humid Andes, as well as the Quebracho forests of the Chaco. Their operation is hampered by the fact that they are located in remote areas, therefore, attempts are being made to artificial afforestation in the most populated area - Pampas.

Most mastered forest resources Chaco, but here as a result of long-term predatory exploitation, the issue of their serious protection and restoration is acute. The fauna of Argentina, although not as rich and diverse as in other countries of Latin America, has many endemic species. These include the Pampas deer, Pampas cat, Magellanic dog. Almost all of these animals live in the Andes and their foothills, as well as in the sparsely populated region of Patagonia. In Pune there is a relic spectacled bear.

In the open semi-desert spaces of Patagonia and in the Chaco savannahs, a puma is common. In the Andes, there are also vicuñas, which have soft wool, and chinchillas (chinchillas) with delicate silver fur. However, both of them were subjected to almost complete extermination. Lots of rodents, armadillos. In the Chaco, Mesopotamia, Patagonia, nutrias and otters are widespread.

Swamps and lakes are inhabited everywhere by waterfowl, many of which stand out for their bright colors. On the banks of the reservoirs you can see flamingos, herons. In the forests there are hummingbirds, among which there are endemic species, for example, the so-called fluttering emerald in the Patagonian Andes.


The capital of Argentina can show tourists how historical architectural buildings - old houses, churches, cobbled streets; and modern - glass skyscrapers, sculptures built on a grand scale streets and roads.

Can brag huge amount museums, invite you to the elegant and luxurious La Recoleta quarter, surprise with the colorful La Boca district, demonstrate the widest street in the world - Avenida.

Each city keeps its secrets and unique places.

  • The Recoleto quarter is famous for its beautiful cemetery.
  • Salta - statues of the Virgin Mary and Christ the Wonderworker.
  • Bariloche - the building of El Centro Civico.
  • - the ancient Cordoba mosque.
  • Rosario - Palace of the Lions.
  • Ushuaia - an old prison and "Doomsday Road".

The amazing natural masterpieces of Argentina are, of course, the Iguazu Falls, one of the top most beautiful places on the planet, the "Cave of the Hands" near the city of Santa Cruz, the "Moon Valley" (Ischigualasto) in the province of San Juan, the fantastic lake Nahuel Huapi in northern Patagonia , Lake Traful in the province of Neuquen and much more.

Speaking of Argentina, one cannot help but recall its incomparable first lady, Evita Peron. It is worth noting that this is the birthplace of the tireless revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara, as well as the world famous football player Diego Maradona.

All sights of Argentina

History of Argentina

Pre-Columbian Argentina was inhabited by settled Indian tribes of Diaguita, and nomadic tribes of Indians also hunted on its territory. Indian uprisings prevented the Spaniards from capturing and populating these lands. was founded only in 1580, but over the next 200 years it did not have much significance. The decline in the number of Indians and their uneven settlement, as well as their refusal to work, led to the creation of huge ranches that bred cows - hacienda - which, in turn, led to the emergence of the legendary Argentine cowboys (gauchos), and also became a source of enrichment for several " the lucky ones."

In 1776, it became the capital of the new Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, indicating that the region no longer needed Spanish political and economic rule. Thus, continued dissatisfaction with Spanish intervention led to a revolution on May 25, 1810, and finally to the adoption of independence in 1816. The independence revealed sharp regional inequalities that had been hidden under Spanish rule. Federalists inland (conservative landowners backed by cowboys and the working class) championed provincial autonomy, while Unitarians inland (citizens who welcomed European capital, ideas, immigrants) supported central rule in the capital. and Unitarianism triumphed after a period of destructive and tyrannical rule by Juan Manuel Rosas, leading to a new era of economic growth, benefits and a unitary constitution in 1853.

Sheep were brought into the country, and crops began to grow in the pampas. European immigration, foreign funding and trade opened the door to a new liberalism. Argentina has become vulnerable to world economic problems. As a result, all the benefits were in the hands of the elite, unemployment increased, because farmers were forced to leave the village and go to the city.

During the first decades of the 20th century, the role of society in governing the country weakened; economic crises, the hatred and distrust of the landowners for the interests of the British led to a military coup in 1943, which paved the way for the dictatorship of Juan Peron. A little-known colonel with a minor post in the Ministry of Labor, Peron received the presidency twice: in 1946 and in 1952. Side by side with his popular and strong-willed wife Eva, he introduced a strict economic program. The program placed greater emphasis on Argentine industrialization and self-determination, and was favored by conservative nationalist factions and the working class. His party was overthrown by a military coup in 1955, which led to Perron's exile in Spain and the introduction of military rule of the country for 30 years, with an interim public administration. Peron briefly returned to power in 1973, and died in 1974, having transferred power to his third wife Isabelle. Increasing economic problems and political instability led to strikes, political kidnappings, guerrilla wars. By 1976, Isabel's government was no longer up to the task, and the new military government introduced a rule of intimidation.

The period between 1976 and 1983 is known as the "Dirty War" years. Opposition and criticism were eradicated with the assistance of paramilitary deadly groups, which, under the influence of the government, led to the "disappearance" of 10,000 to 30,000 citizens. The most famous victims of this period were (May Square Mothers), women who bravely searched for "disappeared" relatives and often "disappeared" themselves.

This internal conflict, oddly enough, led to the emergence of a "real" war in the South Atlantic Ocean - the war for the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands. General Leopold Galtieri seized the Malvinas Islands from Britain to divert attention from Argentine political corruption and economic miscalculations. Torrents of hysteria from both countries ended with the British fleet going around half the earth to save a small point on the world map. Great Britain emerged as the ultimate "winner" even though the war was costly and shameful. Ownership of the Malvisky Islands, however, is still debatable. In June 1995, the Argentine foreign minister offered each of the 2,000 islanders to sell their nationality for US$800,000. The matter is further complicated by the fact that the UK believes in the existence of oil fields there, so such outbreaks will continue.

A disgraceful failure, both at home and abroad, finally sealed the fate of Argentine military administration, and the country reverted to its 1853 constitution. President Carlos Menem, a former "Peronist", introduced significant economic reforms, selling off national industries, opening up the economy to foreign investment, and raising the peso to the level of the US dollar in 1991, which reduced inflation from 5,000% in 1989 to an astonishing 1% in 1997. While these changes slowed down inflation, they also led to rising unemployment and a prolonged recession.

President Fernando de la Rua was elected to a four-year term in 1999; he promised to root out corruption and tighten economic measures to balance Argentina's budget. But for 4 years, Argentines have had enough of economic downturns and unemployment of 20%. De la Rua's strict plans set the stage for national strikes and rallies, especially dangerous since the government imposed strict restrictions on receiving money from bank accounts. In December 2001, when Argentina defaulted US$132 billion, the largest default in history, its economy and politics collapsed. As riots, looting and social chaos broke out in the streets of the country, in which 27 people died, De la Rua and his ministers resigned.

On January 1, 2002, Eduardo Duhalde became the fifth president within two weeks. The unshakable "Peronist" Duhalde has populist and protectionist views, and a skeptical society has not yet forgotten about the scandals of the period of his governorship. One of his first orders was the establishment of a real exchange rate of the peso against the dollar, which immediately led to a devaluation of the currency by 50%. The move was not popular with the people, but it was needed to forego further assistance from the International Monetary Fund.

The good news is that the devalued peso proved to be more stable in the global foreign exchange market than expected, although perhaps due to banking restrictions. Duhalde plans to carry out significant changes in the Argentine state system, for example, to replace the current presidential system with a parliamentary democracy. However, the people are hesitant about such reforms, as economic hardship and government corruption have become commonplace. Rallies, strikes are held almost daily, and people who cannot get their own money destroy banks. If things don't settle down soon, Duhalde will have problems.

Despite ongoing rallies and long queues at the exchange offices, the violence seems to have subsided. Argentines are waiting for the next move by the IMF (although many blame the organization for causing the crisis) and a possible return of hyperinflation. It will be a long and painful way for Argentina to get out of a deep economic hole.


Meat is the main and integral component of Argentine dishes. The hallmark of Argentinean cuisine can safely be called beef. It is prepared in a variety of and unpredictable variations. But the most favorite option for processing beef is meat fried on coals. This is how asado, churrasco and pintxos are prepared.

The Argentinean coast is rich in seafood and fish, which skilled chefs also know how to cook for any most sophisticated taste. For example, in the Patagonian lakes region, trout is excellently cooked.

The national soft drink is mate. This is a kind of hot tea made from dry leaves of a tree-like evergreen tropical shrub Yerba Mate, which can reach a height of 10-15 meters.

Wine is a popular alcoholic drink in Argentina. Mostly red. But the favorite drink of Argentines is black coffee.

Speaking about the peculiarities of local food, it should also be noted that there are practically no traditional dairy products here - kefir, cottage cheese, cheese curds, sour cream, etc.


Argentina has a huge selection of hotels for every taste. There are ordinary hotels, family hotels, design hotels, tango hotels, esterias and others. If you wish, you can stay both in a very modest and comfortable hotel, and in a chic expensive hotel-palace. In more than 500 hotels, in Puerto Iguazu - about 60, in El Calafate - more than 80.

The cost of rooms in Argentine hotels is quite high compared to others Latin American countries, but much lower than European prices.

  • Accommodation at the hotel *** varies from $45 to $120 per day per person.
  • Accommodation at the ***** hotel varies from $200 to $400 per day per person.
  • In addition to hotels, Argentina offers a number of other places to stay - these are boarding houses and hostels ($ 10-30 per day per person). Campsites are very popular.

A one-room apartment in a decent area will cost around $400 per month. A luxurious multi-room apartment (3-5 rooms) can be rented for $1300-1500 per month.

Entertainment and recreation

Every year in January, the most beautiful carnivals take place in Argentina, and this spectacular spectacle lasts until March, delighting the eye and gaze of tourists every Saturday. The Argentine costume carnival is a bright acting game and sensual incendiary dances.

Argentines are "sick" with football

And in the Argentine winter, at the beginning of July, there is always a “sweet week”. This week, it is customary to give sweets to loved ones, so the day before, sales of sweets at a discount are traditionally held throughout the country. Favorite sweets in the "sweet week" - "bon a bon". But, of course, it is not the sweet gift itself that is important, but the attention. And in return, it is customary to thank with a kiss. Argentines generally like to kiss, when they come somewhere, they always greet everyone first, kiss each other (even unfamiliar people, colleagues, companions press their cheeks against each other) and only then get down to business. And in the same way they kiss each other, leaving.

The most popular sport here is football. The most famous Argentine football teams are Boca Juniors, River Plate, Racing Club, Indipendiente, San Lorenzo.

No less popular are such sports as rugby, basketball, polo, tennis. Field hockey is popular among women.

Argentina, a country of active sports, offers guests many hiking excursions, including free ones.


Prices in Argentina are higher than in Paraguay, but lower than in Brazil or Chile. If you live in medium-sized cities of the country in mid-level establishments, allow yourself entertainment and excursions, daily expenses will be $ 50-60 per person. This figure is much higher - from $ 100.

What good here can be purchased? Argentina has excellent local leather goods. Here you can buy high-quality leather shoes, bags, jackets, souvenirs relatively inexpensively. self made. You can buy inexpensive jewelry made of semi-precious stones, silver.

As a gift from Argentina, you can bring exotic mate tea in a set with a container for its preparation (calabash) and a straw for its use. Calabash is made from a variety of materials: porcelain, faience, wood, aluminum, silver, gold, as well as pumpkin, coconut, cow horn. The tube through which this tea is usually drunk is called bombilla, it can be straight or slightly curved, although it can also be found in the form of a spiral, but much less often. The tube is made of silver, wood, reed or bone. For those who like to drink tea not very hot, silver straws are more suitable. And those who are hotter - wooden or reed and shorter.

You can also bring a poncho - traditional clothes Indians of South America.


Getting to Argentina, of course, is most convenient by plane. And the most optimal air route lies through Paris. You won’t be able to cross the Pacific Ocean by train, but by ship it’s terribly long, tiring and no one, however, needs it, especially since you still need to somehow get to the ship by land. For those suffering from aerophobia, there is an assistance center at the airport where qualified specialists conduct therapy sessions (paid service).

In Argentina itself, it is also most convenient to travel long distances by plane. There are airports in every province.

It is also convenient to choose road transport for moving around Argentina. The road network will allow you to get to the desired point by passenger buses and comfortable minibuses. Movement in the country is right-handed. road surface- hard, mostly asphalt. There are several toll highways. However, there is an acute shortage of modern roads linking the provinces.

Rail transport provides transportation of passengers on six lines. There are mountain railways, tourist steam trains. Water transport is mainly used for cargo flights. There is a ferry between and Colonia del Sacramento. Tourists are offered excursions on boats, boats, ships.


The telecommunications infrastructure of Argentina is well developed. IP-telephony is ubiquitous, booths for negotiations are equipped in many Internet cafes. Network technologies are developing very intensively. Most hotels always have internet. The main provider in Argentina is Ciudad Internet Prima. Possibility of sending email by e-mail is in the post offices of major cities.

The main cellular operators are Telecom Personal and Unifon. Mobile communication standards are CDMA 800 and GSM 1900. Communication is not well developed: in mountainous areas, as well as along the main highways, communication is unstable.

Telephone numbers working around the clock: reference and information service - 110, fire - 100, ambulance - 107, help for a child - 102, police - 101 or 911, civil defense - 103, environmental emergency - 105, fight against drug addiction - 132, official time is 133.


In Argentina, smoking is prohibited in public places. Since August 2012, the Argentinean city of Córdoba has banned smoking while driving. Punishment for smoking while driving is tantamount to punishment for drunk driving.

Argentina has the highest driver-caused death rate of any country in South America. Drivers break the rules traffic often enough.

The country is characterized by frequent rallies in which can develop into clashes with the police, but these clashes are not violent.


Argentina is a small business country. The climate for its prosperity is favorable: taxes are low, the registration procedure is quite simple. Setting up a business costs $3,000, the required start-up capital is about $20,000. The tax system in Argentina is based on the taxation of annual income from property and consumption.

Business in Argentina is mainly done in agriculture, there is little industry, but there is plenty of promising agricultural land. You can talk about vineyards and winemaking alone for a long time and a lot. You can do animal husbandry. Poultry farming, sheep breeding are well developed in the country, in mountainous regions - breeding of horses, mules.

Most of the production activity is concentrated in. Centers of the timber industry (logging, furniture industry) are the provinces of Mesopotamia. The river industry is developed in the port cities of Argentina.

Real estate

Argentine real estate can be purchased as entity, and physical, both local and foreign. All real estate is subject to mandatory registration in the Property Registry. No sale or purchase transaction is made without an Information Sheet from this database. The rights of Argentinean and foreign owners are equally protected in the country.

The Embassy of Argentina does not refuse to obtain a visa to the owner of Argentine real estate. But the possession of property does not give the right to obtain a residence permit.

The cheapest 3-room apartment here can be bought for $50,000 and more. Cottage with a small plot - $ 70,000-150,000. A land plot near the city costs from $700 to $2,000 per hundred square meters.

Customs regulations set a number of restrictions on import and export. You can not import vegetables, fruits, plants, food products with a short shelf life (bread, meat, sausage, cheese, etc.). You can not bring with you more than 2 liters of alcohol, more than 20 packs of cigarettes, more than 100 ml of perfume, more than $ 300 worth of souvenirs. The import of foreign currency is not limited. You can take out no more than $ 10,000.

Argentines are a very hospitable and friendly nation. They are smiling and always ready to help, but sometimes they make promises that they will not keep, because they make them purely out of a desire to support and encourage a person.

If there is a need for treatment - public medicine is free. Some of the best hospitals in Argentina are Hospital de Urgencias (in Cordoba) and Hospital Zonal General de Agudos San Roque Manuel B. Gonnet (in La Plata).

brief information

Tourists will be very surprised by the diversity of Argentina. This South American country has vast steppes - the pampas, as well as lunar landscapes and tropical forests, stunning glaciers and subantarctic nature, the famous Iguazu Falls, historical monuments, rich story, diverse traditions and original culture, ski resorts and excellent beaches, some of which are considered the best in all South America. Do not forget about the metropolis of Buenos Aires, Argentine football and Argentine tango - there are a lot of all this in Argentina!

Geography of Argentina

Argentina is located in the southern part of South America. Argentina borders Chile to the west and south, Paraguay and Bolivia to the north, and Uruguay and Brazil to the northeast. In the east, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total area of ​​this state, including the islands, is 2,766,890 square meters. km., and the total length of the state border is 9,665 km.

In the center and east of Argentina there are fertile lowlands called the pampas, in the west - the Andes mountain range, in the northwest - the volcanic plateau of Puna, in the north - the Gran Chaco plain. The highest local peak is Mount Aconcagua, whose height reaches 6,962 meters.

The main Argentine rivers are Parana (4,880 km), Pilcomayo (1,100 km), Paraguay (2,621), Colorado (1,000 km) and Rio Negro (550 km).


Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. The population of this city is now more than 3 million people. The Spaniards founded Buenos Aires in 1536.

Official language of Argentina

The official language is Spanish.


More than 92% of the inhabitants are Christians (of which 70-90% consider themselves Catholics).

State structure of Argentina

According to the Constitution, Argentina is a constitutional republic headed by a President who is elected for 4 years. Executive power belongs to the President, Vice President and the Cabinet of Ministers, consisting of 15 ministers with a chairman.

The bicameral Argentine Parliament is called the National Congress, it consists of the Senate (72 senators) and the Chamber of Deputies (257 deputies).

The main political parties are the Front for Victory, the Civic Coalition, the Socialist Party and the Civic Radical Union.

Administratively, the country is divided into 23 provinces and one federal district, centered on Buenos Aires.

Climate and weather

The climate is temperate, arid in the southeast, and subantarctic in the southwest (Patagonia). The climate in the pampas, despite their vastness, is uniform. Precipitation is highest in the west and least in the east of the country. In Buenos Aires, the average annual air temperature is +16C, and the average annual rainfall is 94 cm.

The warmest month in Argentina is January, while the coldest months are June and July. In Buenos Aires, you can relax all year round, because. there mild winter(May-September) and hot summer (November-March).

Iguazu Falls can also be visited year-round, although in summer months(November-March) it can be especially hot and humid there.

The best time to visit lakes in the mountains is from November to March, when the weather there is similar to the climate in Northern Europe. You can travel in Central Argentina all year round - there is a good continental climate.

Ocean off the coast of Argentina

In the east, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the coastline is 4,989 km. Winds from the Atlantic Ocean have a very noticeable effect on the Argentinean climate.

Rivers and lakes

The rivers Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay form the main river system in this country. Near Buenos Aires, the Paraná and Uruguay rivers join each other to form the Rio de la Plata estuary. On the Iguazu River, which is a tributary of the Parana, are the famous Iguazu Falls.

Other large Argentine rivers are the Pilcomayo (1,100 km), the Colorado (1,000 km) and the Rio Negro (550 km).

In the Nahuel Huapi National Park, in northern Patagonia, there is the most beautiful Argentine lake - Nahuel Huapi.

Culture of Argentina

The culture of Argentina was greatly influenced by immigrants from Europe. Not only Spaniards, Portuguese, British, Scandinavians, Italians, but also Ukrainians went to this South American country en masse. Therefore, one can only imagine the diverse nature of Argentine culture.

Every year in January, February and March, festivals and holidays are held almost without interruption - the Tango Festival in Buenos Aires, the Luis Palau Festival in Mendoza, the Feriagro Argentina Festival, Holy Week in Salta. Therefore, we recommend that tourists choose these months if they want to visit Argentina.

Argentina is the birthplace of the tango dance. Despite the fact that now tango belongs to the "ballroom" dances, for Argentines it is still a folk dance.

Cuisine of Argentina

Argentine cuisine has been influenced by the culinary traditions of the local Indians, Spaniards, Italians, and even the French. The Italians, for example, brought various pastas and pizzas to the Argentine cuisine, and the French - pastries. Be prepared for the fact that the Argentinean pizza will have a lot of toppings (this is the local specificity). In some parts of Argentina, there are even German and Welsh dishes, because. immigrants from Germany and Wales settled compactly there. Most of all, this country is famous for its fried beef dishes (in Patagonia, however, dishes from goat and lamb meat predominate).

Argentinean beef steaks are delicious on their own, but the locals add olive oil and spices to them, which makes this dish just fantastic.

In addition to steaks, in Argentina, we recommend tourists to try "asados" or "parillas" (grilled beef), "Locro" (pork stewed with white beans and corn), "Carbonado" (beef with fresh vegetables, apples and peaches), Cazuela Gaucho (chicken with pumpkin), Humitas (corn pies), empanadas, Tamales (corn tortillas with meat).

The most popular local dessert is "Dulce de Leche", which can be attributed to a kind of condensed milk.

Traditional non-alcoholic drinks are fruit juices, milkshakes, coffee, and of course the "Paraguayan tea" mate (an invigorating drink made from holly leaves), which is drunk hot or cold.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are wine (Argentina is one of the five largest wine producers in the world), whiskey, gin and beer.

Sights of Argentina

Argentina offers tourists a huge number of must-see attractions. True, even a small part of them cannot be seen in one trip - there is simply not enough time for everything.

On the Iguazu River, near the border with Brazil and Paraguay, are the famous Iguazu Falls. There are 275 waterfalls in this area, the most grandiose of them is the Iguazu Falls, whose width reaches 4 kilometers. More than 1 million tourists visit these waterfalls every year.

Many tourists visit South Patagonia to see the Perito Moreno glacier, whose area reaches 250 square meters. km. Scientists claim that this glacier contains one of the largest reserves in the world drinking water. The Perito Moreno Glacier is a short drive from the city of El Calafate, and about a three hour flight from Buenos Aires.

We also recommend paying attention to the Argentine reserves, parks and botanical gardens. This is, first of all, National parks Iguazu, Los Menhiras, Los Cadones and the botanical garden near the city of Puerto Iguazu.

Cities and resorts

Most big cities- Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, La Plata, Tucuman, Mar del Plata, Santa Fe, and Buenos Aires.

About 400 kilometers from Buenos Aires is the beach resort of Mar del Plata, considered by many to be the best beach resort in all of South America.

Other popular Argentinean beach resorts are Tigre, Pinamar (dense pine forests grow in its vicinity), Miramar. We also recommend paying attention to the resort town of Las Grutas in the province of Rio Negro in Patagonia. This resort is very popular with Argentines.

Couples for a beach holiday often choose Entre Rios, which is not a noisy resort, but in its vicinity there are hot springs, forests and lakes.

In the south, in Patagonia, at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, is the most famous Argentine ski resort, Bariloche. There are 70 kilometers of slopes for skiers of various qualifications (these slopes serve 20 lifts). Other popular Argentinean ski resorts are Chapelco, Cavaju, Castor, La Jolla, Penitentes and Bayo.

In general, the skiing season in Argentina lasts from May to September.


Most often, from a trip to Argentina, tourists bring leather goods (belts, purses, wallets, bags), Espadrilles summer cloth slippers, various football souvenirs, Latin American condensed milk Dulce de Leche, calabash with bombilla (a jug with a tube for making mate ), wine.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00/10:00 -15:00

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 09:00/10:00 - 18:00/21:00


Ukrainians need to apply for a visa to visit Argentina.

Currency of Argentina

The Argentine peso is the official currency in Argentina. Its international designation is ARS. One peso = 100 centavos. Most hotels, restaurants, shops and bars accept credit cards. As for traveler's checks, very few Argentine shops accept them for payment.

Customs restrictions

Anyone who has ever been to Argentina (the area of ​​the country is quite large) will definitely want to visit there again. This is reflected in one of the most apt and beautiful sayings about her: “There is a wonderful country in the world in which there are no Mondays. This is Argentina." Where Argentina is located, not all children know. It is difficult for them to imagine what kind of country it is, what it is known for, who lives in it. In addition to all of the above, many people mistakenly call Argentina Antarctica.

Location of Argentina on the world map

But this is a country with magnificent nature, rich original culture and interesting history. It is one of the largest states located in South America. The official name of this state is the Argentine Republic.

On the entire continent, the described country in terms of area won the second place after Brazil. Argentina borders on several states. Argentina's neighbors are represented by the following countries:

  • Chile - in the west and south;
  • Bolivia and Paraguay in the north;
  • Brazil and Uruguay are in the east.

The location of Argentina is such that from the east and south coast the country is washed by the beautiful and mysterious Atlantic Ocean. Its coastline is about 5000 km long. The area of ​​Argentina is slightly larger than what schoolchildren are used to seeing on the world map. This is due to the fact that Argentina, in addition to the mainland, also owns the following lands:

  • the Falkland Islands;

  • Archipelago Tierra del Fuego ( East End).

As for the island of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, they are disputed territories claimed not only by Argentina, but also by Great Britain. The capital of the state is the city of Buenos Aires. The territory of Argentina is located 3 climatic zones hemispheres:

  1. moderate;
  2. tropical;
  3. subtropical.

The Argentine climate is explained not only by this position of the state, but also by the presence of a high barrier of the Andes in the West, and the Atlantic Ocean in the East. In the tropical and subtropical zones, the humidity acts mostly in the direction away from the Atlantic Ocean. This influence is much stronger than that, which is provided by precipitation falling in the northern and middle parts of Argentina.

The coast of Argentina is not indented enough, only the mouth of La Plata cuts into the land for almost 320 km. The entire territory of Argentina is elongated in the direction from north to south. Its maximum length is 3700 km. The considerable length of maritime borders turned out to be an important component in the development of Argentina, because it was this indicator that played important role in the establishment of trade relations of this country with other states.

The nature of Argentina is diverse. This is also due to the high extent of the area of ​​the state from south to north. Significant differences in the relief also have a special effect on the climate and other natural features. According to the structure of the earth's surface, the state can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. plain - in the north and east;
  2. high ground in the west and south.

Along the western border of Argentina (the border of Chile and Argentina) are located (Cordillera) - the largest cluster of mountains in the western hemisphere. They were mainly formed during the upland orogeny period. The mountains differ in the complexity and diversity of the geological structure.

Cordillera on the border of Chile and Argentina

South of the Cordillera are rapidly narrowing. They reach their maximum height in the area between approximately 32° and 37°S. It is here, on the border, that the upland pointed tops of the relief dominate. The mountains are distinguished by decorated snow caps. A special relief with a different color palette of slopes and snow-covered outfits forms a special beauty of the high Andes. The interfluve of Parana and Uruguay is the territory of Argentina, which is mainly a plain composed of reddish sandstones and marls, covered with a thick clay layer, which includes alluvium and loess. In the north of this area there is a lava rise, which is one of the components of the lava rise of the Brazilian Plateau. In the central part of this interfluve, the territory is represented by a marshy plain. And in the south you can find a hilly lowland, on which sandstone ridges intersect.

Natural resources

Despite the fact that the territory of Argentina is represented by such an impressive size and magnificent views that open up every time in a new way, there are practically no deposits in its depths. At the same time, relief features still constitute a strong and reliable basis for the formation and further development of industry. Considering natural mineral deposits, geologists note significant ore deposits in the western part of the state. In some areas there are also deposits of brown coal. All these resources can be found most often in the troughs of high mountain surfaces.

In general, one cannot speak of the scarcity or, conversely, the wealth of the described territory, since the development of these areas has never been fully developed. With the right approach and interest from the relevant organizations, the study and study of the territory of Argentina will be more active. It can even be assumed that the most important resources can be located far in the depths of it.

Water resources

On the borders of Argentina with other states, there is an extremely beautiful waterfall complex. So, at the junction of go from Argentina and Brazil is the Iguazu Falls. The name comes from the names national parks both states that are located in that part of the continent. A few years ago, this natural complex was awarded the title of one of the 7 modern wonders of the world. The exact age of the waterfalls cannot be determined, however, based on the results of a study of basalt deposits located in this part of the country, it can be concluded that they are at least 130 million years old. According to rough calculations, this waterfall was formed after a powerful volcanic eruption. Scientists believe that after that a depression formed on the surface of this territory. Gradually increasing, it grew to the size that can be observed today.

Deciphering the name that the waterfall received, one can judge that these rapids had the same impressive dimensions as they do now. The name of the waterfall is translated from the Guarani language as "big water". For travelers and residents of other states, including European ones, this is a bewitching a natural phenomenon, striking in its beauty, was hidden for a long period. The first time this miracle of nature was discovered by Europeans in 1541. It was then that a conquistador from Spain, traveling through the jungle in this part of the world (along the Brazil-Argentina border) and trying to find the island of Eldorado, desired by many of his contemporaries, came across this amazing waterfall.

Why exactly in the place where Argentina is located on the world map, there are so many waterfalls? Local residents have their own answers to this question. So, according to one of the legends, when God decided to choose his life partner, he met a beautiful girl in these places. Unfortunately, the girl was already in love and swore to be faithful to her lover forever. Not wanting to part, the lovers left their tribe one night and sailed down the river in a canoe. Upon learning of this, God was angry that he cut the river into many rapids, forming this world-famous waterfall. All this was done so that the pair of fugitives was doomed to death.

Argentina is a country that is located on the territory of one of the six continents - South America. Here you can admire the wildlife and uncover many of its secrets. The beauty of the country is so unusual and majestic that, being close to Argentina, one cannot but visit it.

Buenos Aires, city " good winds"- the bright and dynamic capital of Argentina. The city of tango, mate and football, in which the warmest months are December, January and February, and the coldest months are May, June and July. However, you can go to this city at any time of the year, it always find something to surprise guests.

To my own The name of Argentina, according to legend, is due to an erroneous rumor about countless deposits of silver (argentum). The country is located in the southeastern part of South America, up to the southernmost point and in terms of area among Latin American states - in second place, confirming its right to the prize "silver".

The formation of the state and its people began in the 16th century with the conquest of the original Indian territories along the Atlantic coast, the mountain peaks of the Andes, Tierra del Fuego and the plains of Patagonia by the Spanish conquistadors.They exterminated the Patagonian Indians, the imported African slaves died in the wars with Brazil and Paraguay.Almost the entire population of modern Argentina is the descendants of European emigrants: in spirit - Catholics, in the expression of thoughts - Spaniards and Italians, in lifestyle - Europeans. 90% of Argentines live in cities, of which 40% are residents of the capital, which puts Buenos Aires in the top twenty of the world's largest agglomerations. This port city consists of contrasts of colonial architecture and modern skyscrapers, respectable neighborhoods and dangerous poor slums.

With a relatively short but turbulent history of the country are associated attractions in Argentina, which can be found in the central district of the capital.

Obelisk of Buenos Aires, built in 1936 from white Spanish stone right in the center of the metropolis on Revolution Square in honor of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city, rose almost 70 meters high and has long become a symbol of the capital. The stele resembles a giant pencil, the four outer sides of which are marked with historical dates. A monument was erected at the intersection with the 9th of July Avenue motorway, the world's widest avenue (140 m), with two-way traffic in 14 lanes. The place was not chosen by chance - the flag of Argentina was raised here for the first time. Citizens come here to celebrate a festive event, for example, the victory of a football team, and lost tourists use it as a landmark or a convenient meeting place.

Argentina passed long haul from the declaration of independence in 1816 to the creation of the federal Argentine Republic. The president became the head of state, and the supreme legislature- National Congress. The Casa Rosada Presidential Palace is located in the eastern part of the Plaza de Mayo and is free to visit. According to legend, the unusual pink color that transformed the building in 1862 symbolizes the reconciliation of the warring parties of the “red” federals and the “white” Uniates. The pragmatic version of events: the secret of adding bull's blood to the paint was applied for the durability and stability of the walls.

The countries of Latin America are united not only by geography, but also by linguistics. Spanish, Portuguese, French are spoken here, the basis of which is Latin. Another important unifying factor is a common religion. The majority of the population of Argentina is Catholic.Main catholic church Cathedral of Buenos Aires is located in the center of the capital in the San Nicolás district at the corner of San Martin and Rivadavia streets.

The original temple that previously stood on this site was built of wood almost immediately after the founding of the city. The cathedral that we see now was opened in 1791, but the columns of the facade, symbolizing the 12 apostles, were erected later.Since 1942, the cathedral has been officially recognized as a cultural heritage and included in the list of historical monuments of Argentina, while remaining an active temple, where services are held three times a day and parishioners can confess. But tourists come here not only to admire the masterpieces of art or listen to the organ. One of the relics is the tomb where the remains of General José de San Martin, national hero, the liberator of Argentina, Peru and Chile from Spanish rule. When visiting the sights of South America, one should pay attention to this object, which has an enduring cultural and historical meaning larger than a single country.

walk along central square The Plaza de Mayo is not complete without a tour of the Old Town Hall, a landmark dating back to 1725. It was here that the independence of Argentina from Spain was declared in 1810, and those who wish to visit the museum located inside will be told in more detail by its exhibits.

On Avenida de Mayo, there is an architecturally unique office building with National Historic Landmark status. According to the architectural design, the mausoleum of the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri was planned here, the remains of which were supposed to be transported to Buenos Aires. 22 floors of a hundred meter building represent an allegory of hell, purgatory and paradise from Dante's Divine Comedy. By the name of the first owner and customer, this building is called barolo palace. Every month on the 25th, the lighthouse on the tower turns on and illuminates the night sky over Buenos Aires for half an hour. An interesting fact is the existence of a twin palace called Salvo in the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo.

To take a break from the city noise, heat and bustle associated with an understandable desire to see everything and be in time everywhere, the forests of Palermo will give you the opportunity. The green zone of Palermo belonged to the dictator of Argentina, Juan Manuel de Rosas, and only after he was overthrown in 1852, did it become common property. This place is very popular with the local people. It includes a rose garden, a Japanese garden, a botanical garden, a zoo and a planetarium. Entrance to the Japanese garden is paid, but unlike other places, it is open even on Monday.

Another mystical and world-famous attraction will allow you to get away from the hustle and bustle - Recoleta cemetery.

The architectural ensemble of parallel and perpendicular streets, where 200 years of Argentine history rest in peace, is located in a prestigious urban area. The most prominent or very wealthy citizens of Argentina find peace in the "city of angels", which amazes with the beauty of the statues and the richness of historical characters. The guide will tell a story related to the May Revolution, the Paraguayan War, tell why the image of Evita Peron lives in the imagination of the Argentines even after death, and her grave is one of the most visited.

The transience of time will sooner or later complete any journey. But the impressions that will give Argentina, photo and souvenirs will make them unforgettable. Leather goods, silver jewelry, mate sets, stone figurines are brought from here. Souvenirs can be bought at La Boca area is a favorite place for tourists to visit.From this eastern outskirts began the history of the settlement, founded in 1536 by Pedro de Mendoza. Here are the origins of Argentine football and the birthplace of tango. On the main street of Caminito, tango shows are held, life is seething at any time of the day - right on the street, artists paint pictures, musicians play, dancers offer a master class of Argentine tango. A peculiar color is created by multi-colored houses. For tourists, the area is not safe, it is better to come here by taxi and not move away from the center.

At the end of your visit to Buenos Aires, it is nice to meet the sunrise with a cup of mate on the shores of the Rio de la Plata.

Argentina (Argentina) - Federal Republic in South America, in its southeastern part. The country stretches from north to south for 3700 km, and from west to east - for 1400 km. She also owns the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and several small islands. Argentina borders in the north and northeast with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, in the east - with Uruguay, in the south and west - with Chile. In the territory Argentina there is almost everything you need for a holiday, and for every taste. These are sandy beaches, picturesque waterfalls, mountain peaks and snow-capped volcanoes, unimaginable glaciers and a diverse natural world.

Argentina - "silver country"

1. Capital

Argentine capital Buenos Aires- one of the largest and most beautiful cities in South America, with a population of almost 3 million people. Capital located at a distance of 275 km from the Atlantic Ocean in a well-protected bay of La Plata Bay, on the right bank of the Riachuelo River.
Buenos Aires means " fair winds", or literally translated from Spanish « good air ". Buenos Aires is famous for its huge number of cultural attractions, and also serves as a starting point for travel throughout the country.

2. Flag

- a rectangular panel consisting of three horizontal stripes of the same width: blue at the top and bottom, and white in the middle. In the center of the white stripe is a golden sun called " May sun”, from which sixteen long wavy rays depart, depicting sunlight.

The yellow May sun is the symbol of the Inca sun god and is named after the May Revolution. According to one version, blue, white and the sun represent the sky, clouds and the sun. According to the second version, the blue color symbolizes the La Plata River, and white - silver. And finally, according to the third version, the colors of the flag are based on the traditional colors of the Bourbon family.

3. Coat of arms

It is an oval area divided into two equal parts: white and blue. Against its background, two hands are depicted, connected by a handshake - a symbol of the unity of the provinces that make up Argentina. Behind the image of the hands is a red Phrygian cap, which represents freedom and revolution. Around the oval, laurel branches are depicted - symbolizing the victory of the Argentine people in the struggle for independence, tied at the bottom with a ribbon of flowers national flag. At the top coat of arms of Argentina the rising sun is located.

4. Anthem

listen to the anthem of Argentina

5. Currency

official monetary unit of Argentina is Argentine peso, international ARS code, digital code 032. New argentine peso equal to 100 centavos. Banknotes in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 pesos, coins of 1, 2 and 5 pesos, as well as 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 centavos are in circulation. Argentine peso to ruble exchange rate or any other currency can be viewed on the currency converter:

coins Argentina

Banknotes of Argentina

Argentina is located in South America, in its southeastern part. The area of ​​the country is 2766 thousand square meters. km. The country stretched from north to south for 3700 km, and from west to east - for 1400 km. She also owns the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and several small islands. Argentina is bordered to the north and northeast by Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, to the east by Uruguay, to the south and west by Chile.

The eastern shores are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the West Argentina ridges stretched. In the western part of the Andes there is a chain of volcanoes - the highest active volcano on Earth - Ojos del Salado (6887 m). In this district " silver country»Earthquakes happen often. In the southwestern part of the mountains is the Lake District. Almost the entire northern part Argentina occupies the flat plateau of the Gran Chaco, to the south is the steppe region - Pampa. In the south of the country stretches the rocky plateau of semi-desert Patagonia. The main water artery of the country is the Parana River.

7. How to get to Argentina?

8. What is worth seeing

Sights of Argentina. Argentina is the fourth most visited country in the Americas. The country is very rich in archaeological sites. There is almost everything here - many kilometers of beaches and some of the highest mountain peaks in the world, endless steppes and amazingly beautiful waterfalls, ski resorts, dense forests and huge megacities, wild and uninhabited areas of southern Patagonia and much more.

And here is a small list of attractions which you should pay attention to when planning excursions to Argentina:

  • Large metal flower
  • Waterfall Adam and Eve
  • Gargantua del Diablo waterfall
  • Congress building
  • Historic Plaza de Mayo
  • Piloto Glacier
  • Perito Moreno Glacier
  • Iguazu National Park
  • Los Glaciares National Park
  • Tierra del Fuego National Park
  • Obelisk
  • Colon Opera House
  • Planetarium Galileo Galilei in Buenos Aires
  • Port of Madero
  • Salinas Grandes
  • Caminito street
  • Gorge "Amphitheater"

9. 10 Largest Cities in Argentina

  • Buenos Aires (capital)
  • Cordova
  • Rosario
  • La Plata
  • Mar del Plata
  • San Miguel de Tucuman
  • Salta
  • Santa Fe
  • Corrientes
  • Bahia Blanca

10. What's the weather like here?

Climate of Argentina. Argentina is immediately located in 3 climatic zones: temperate in the south, subtropical in the north and tropical in the central part. Summer here lasts from December to February, and winter, respectively, from June to August. In the north of the country average temperature January +28 °С, July +18 °С. In the center - up to +24 °С in summer, up to +15 °С in winter. The coldest place is in the south of the country - +10°C in summer and +1°C in winter.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls on the mountainous regions and in the northeast - up to 1600 mm per year. In the west of Argentina, in the plains, precipitation is much less - up to 300 mm per year. Hot dry winds "pamperos" and "probe" are very frequent. Very strong storms often pass over Patagonia and Pampas.

11. Population

is 44,136,896 people(as of February 2017). Most of the population is Europeans (about 95%), 4.5% are mestizos and only 0.5% are Indians. Average, Argentines live 75 years (the male population lives up to 72, and the female population lives up to 82 years). Although the standard of living in Argentina inferior to the standard of living Western Europe, yet is one of the highest in Latin America. The country has one of the most developed economies in Latin America, and the state is relatively high level wages compared to other Latin American countries.

12. Language

State language of ArgentinaSpanish, but Italian, French, Portuguese, English and German are also widely spoken.

13. Religion

In Argentina full freedom of religion was proclaimed. 92.1% are Catholic Christians, 3.1% are Agnostics, 1.9% are Muslims, 1.3% are Jews, 0.9% are Atheists, and 0.9% are Buddhists and others.

14. And what about eating?

- a mixture of national traditions of indigenous Indian peoples and all those foreign recipes that were brought here by settlers from Europe. Among the dishes Argentina various meats and derivatives from it are popular: "parrillada" - grilled sausage "asado"; "tira de asado" - fried meat of the spinal part of the carcass; "milanesa" - a thin chop with a garnish of fried potatoes; "lacro" - stewed pork with corn; "matambre" - meatloaf with egg and vegetables; chickens in beer; "Puchero" - thick meat stew; "churasko" - fried meat cubes; "pinchos" - shish kebab; pancakes with meat; stewed armadillo and much more.

Desserts include fruit pies, gelado ice cream and caramel dulce de leche. Of the drinks, mate tea is very popular, which is consumed in the country in large quantities. Argentinean red wines are the most consumed alcoholic beverages in the country, and local whiskeys, gins and rums are also famous.

15. Holidays

National holidays in Argentina:
  • January 1 - New Year
  • March-April - Easter and Easter holidays
  • April 4 - Malvinas Day
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • May 25 is the anniversary of the May Revolution
  • June 20 - National Flag Day
  • July 9 - Independence Day
  • August 17 - anniversary of the death of General José de San Martin
  • October 12 - Day of the Americas (Columbus Day).
  • December 8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
  • December 25 - Christmas

16. Medicine

Medicine in Argentina. International health insurance is recommended. The country's medical system has two types of health care - free, through which assistance is provided only in case of a threat to life, and paid insurance, through which the entire spectrum is provided. medical services not included in the ambulance.

Level medical care V Argentina high enough. Doctors are respected people and here they really get a decent salary. Being a doctor is an honor. Doctors here study for a very long time and, as a rule, training is based on getting a highly specialized specialist at the end.

17. Souvenirs

Here is a small list most common souvenirs which tourists usually bring from Argentina:

  • herbal drink mate with a souvenir set for its preparation
  • Argentine wines
  • jewelry from semi-precious national stones Argentina
  • Leather Products
  • tango symbolism
  • wicker rugs
  • guitars
  • national argentine sweet Dulce de leche

18. "Neither a nail nor a wand" or customs regulations

Import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited, while the amount over $10,000 must be declared. Gold and gold items must also be included in the declaration.

Persons over the age of 18 are allowed duty-free import of: cigarettes - up to 400 pcs or cigars - up to 50 pcs; alcoholic beverages - up to 2 liters; canned food food - up to 5 kg; souvenirs and gifts in the amount not exceeding $300. Passengers under the age of 18 are allowed to import half of the specified limits. When importing in quantities exceeding the duty-free import rate, a duty of 50% of their value is levied.

The import of non-canned food products (meat and meat products, cheese, bread, vegetables and fruits) is prohibited. It is prohibited to import and export without special permission objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value, as well as firearms and ammunition. It is allowed to export wool and leather products, jewelry and souvenirs within the limits of personal needs, while it is necessary to provide a receipt from the store where these products were purchased. When exporting fur products, you must have a receipt and an export stamp.

What about sockets?

Mains voltage Argentina: 220 V at frequency 50 Hz. socket type: Type C, Type I.

19. Telephone code and domain name of Argentina

Phone country code: +54
First level geographic domain name: .ar

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