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Name: Robert Toru Kiyosaki
Date of Birth: April 8, 1947
Place of Birth: USA, Hilo, Hawaii

Robert Kiyosaki - Biography

Robert Toru Kiyosaki is an American businessman, financier, author, and financial independence coach. In reading circles, he is known for his work "Rich Dad Poor Dad", which reveals the mindset of a millionaire. Today, Robert is a fairly wealthy person who has achieved everything on his own - his fortune is on this moment has crossed the $2 billion mark.

The future financier was born on April 7, 1947 in the Hawaiian Islands in the city of Hilo. He turned out to be the fifth generation of Japanese living in the United States of America. His parents were not rich people, rather the opposite - his father completely went bankrupt when he decided to go into business. Ralph Kiyosaki first held a fairly high position in public service He was the Minister of Educational Policy for the State of Hawaii. This made it possible for his son to study at a prestigious school, where he interacted with children from wealthy families.

Robert's main teacher, who inspired him to create the best-selling book about two dads, was the father of his friend Mike. He told the boy about the intricacies of doing business and making a profit, teaching him to think positively and not give up in the face of difficulties. It is he who will become the prototype of the image of rich dad in his famous work, And his father the role of the poor dad will be assigned. In 1972, when Ralph Kiyosaki ran for lieutenant governor, he lost to his rival and had to resign. He decided to go into business and became the owner of one of the restaurants, but soon his business began to bring losses, and Ralph was bankrupt.
After graduating from school, Robert Kiyosaki in 1965 becomes a student at the New York Academy navy. In 1969, a graduate was hired on a merchant oil ship. After three months of traveling around the world, the young man decided to radically change his life - to join the Marine Corps to fight in Vietnam. He undergoes training and retraining and participates in hostilities, flying combat helicopters. While serving in the ranks naval forces Robert proved to be an excellent officer, for which he was awarded the Air Medal.

Returning from Vietnam in 1973, Kiyosaki decides to start his own business. He enters University of Hawaii for a two-year course in business management, but leaves ahead of time, as he is not interested in theory, but in practice. After completing a three-day investment training, Robert begins to act. In 1974, he began his financial career as a sales agent for Xerox, but after three years he decided to go into own business. He founds a company that sells nylon and leather goods. At first, the income was acceptable, but in the early eighties, Robert's business became unprofitable, and he stopped it. As the financier himself admits, at the beginning of financial independence, he made many mistakes, which he will later write about in his writings to warn novice businessmen against them.

Robert's next attempt to become fabulously rich was the production of T-shirts for rockers. This entrepreneurial step brought him closer to his dream, but still did not bring the expected result. However, Kiyosaki does not give up. He gains valuable experience and does work on mistakes, but most importantly, he moves forward with positive thinking, stubbornly looking for himself in business. He decides to go to pedagogical activity. First, he organizes the seminar “Money and You”, and in 1995, together with Sharon Lecter, he founded educational courses Rich Dad's Organization. Its main goal is to educate young people in financial literacy and the ability to build their own business.
The learning process here is very intensive with the use of advanced technologies and various educational forms and methods. Video and audio materials are used, business games, seminars, coaching, workshops. In addition, the successful financial consultant is the creator of board and online games for various age groups on the subject of business concepts (his most famous board games are CASHFLOW 101 and CASHFLOW 202).

In 1985, Robert started a family with his colleague Kim, a professional investor. He is extremely happy with his wife, because she has always been his partner and business assistant, supporting his desires and aspirations. Since 1994, the couple moved to Arizona, where they live to this day.

Today, the outstanding financier has an impressive list of works - about thirty. They focus on various aspects entrepreneurial activity. All books by Robert Kiyosaki include not only theoretical provisions, but also practical training, as well as a description of the experience gained. His works have been translated into more than fifty languages, and their total circulation is about twenty-seven million copies.

Anyone who wants to study high-quality literature on doing business can read books by Robert Kiyosaki online on our website absolutely free. We have placed the sequence of his books by chronology of writing, so that you can easily find the work you need. Our site also provides the ability to download e-books writer in Russian, choosing one of the following formats for this - fb2 (fb2), txt (txt), epub, rtf.

In this article, we will cover 5 simple ideas Robert Kiyosaki, who gave millions of people around the world the key to financial freedom, and consider specific cases of investors who have already put these tips into practice.

Talented businessman and investor, educator and author… Robert Kiyosaki is a true legend of our time. His work "", printed in 1997, quickly spread around the planet and is popular to this day. The author published in the book the basic rules of investing and the secrets of an effective business.

Today, his work has been published in almost 100 countries and translated into 46 languages. The number of copies sold exceeded the mark of 26 million, which made the creation of the author real bestseller, and Robert Kiyosaki's quotes have become the rules of success for millions of people.

  • Robert Kiyosaki's key ideas in 10 minutes
  • Idea 1. Never work for money
  • Idea 2: The rich acquire assets. The poor and middle class- liabilities that are considered assets
  • Idea 3: The rich operate on the right side of the cash flow quadrant. The poor are on the left
  • Idea 4. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, and poverty is permanent
  • Idea 5. If you think that education is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs

  • Success story, or what really happened to Robert Kiyosaki

With his book, Robert Kiyosaki changed the business of the 21st century, changed the mindset of many entrepreneurs and investors, helped people succeed and make real estate investments truly profitable.

Robert Kiyosaki's key ideas in 10 minutes

You can learn more about the ideas of Robert Kiyosaki by reading books. We will focus only on some interesting ideas.

Idea 1. Never work for money

The entrepreneur showed that if we work for money, we will fall into a vicious circle from which we will not be able to get out so easily. We will have a certain “threshold”, “ceiling”, above which we will not be able to rise. Roberta convinced him of this. own life and watching others.

Idea 2: The rich acquire assets. The poor and the middle class are liabilities considered assets

Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take it out. A fairly common misconception is that the house you live in and the car you drive are assets. In fact, these are the most popular liabilities among the poor. This course explores this idea in great detail.

Idea 3: The rich operate on the right side of the cash flow quadrant. The poor are on the left

The cash flow quadrant is another fundamental idea of ​​Robert Kiyosaki. According to her, people make money in one of four ways:

1. A hired worker works for little money, risks the most.

2. Works for himself and only. Often he has one source of income.

3. Business hires those who work. Shifts risks, receives profit from different sources.

4. The investor invests money.

The first 2 methods belong to the left side of the quadrant. To the right - the second.

Idea 4. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, and poverty is permanent

There is a difference between the concepts of being poor and being broke. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, but poverty is permanent. If you look at the success stories of rich people, you will almost always find a period in which these people went completely broke and even got into a big debt hole, but at the same time they found the strength to rise and become successful again. A striking example - current president US Donald Trump.

In detail about how rich and poor people think and make decisions, what are the key differences between them, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump told in their new book. It is not necessary to agree with these postulates. But it makes sense to know.

Idea 5. If you think that education is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs

Another key ingredient to the success of the wealthy is continuous learning. They are true professionals in the field of investing and creating cash flow. Someone makes money on stocks, someone, like Robert Kiyosaki, on real estate. But they all thoroughly understand the issue of investing. Ignorance, as a rule, deprives you of money already when you are just taking the first steps.

So the first thing you need to do is get the right education. Now there are many opportunities for this - for example, training courses. Many materials are in the public domain.

10 most famous books by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki wrote many books in which he elaborated on his ideas. Here are the most famous of them:

  • "Rich dad, poor dad";
  • "Cash flow quadrant";
  • Rich Dad's Guide to Investing;
  • "Retire young and rich";
  • "If you want to be rich and happy, don't go to school";
  • "Rich Kid, Smart Kid";
  • "Before you start your business";
  • "Why do we want you to be rich";
  • "Conspiracy of the rich. 8 new rules for handling money”;
  • "Business of the 21st century".

Success story, or what really happened to Robert Kiyosaki

The birthplace of Robert Kiyosaki is the Hawaiian island of Hilo, where he was born in 1947. Robert's parents were popular and well educated people. His father is a Ph.D. and head of the state's education agency. Naturally, he did his best to send his son to best school in Hawaii. It is in this educational institution Kiyosaki managed to get acquainted with the future prototype of his book "Rich Dad" - the father of his school friend.

After successfully graduating from school, Robert went to New York, where he became a student at the Merchant Marine Academy without any problems. Upon completion of his studies (in 1969), he went to work in his specialty and got a job on a merchant ship. After several years of travel, a man decides to become Marine USA. His desire was to somehow influence the world, change it for the better, remove tyranny and fight poverty. AT further fate dropped Robert into Vietnam, where he earned a US Air Force medal for his valiant service.

In 1974 Kiyosaki quits military career. Before starting his own business, he gets a job as an ordinary sales agent in the Xerox company. Thanks to his extraordinary talent, after three years, Robert manages to open his own company that produces nylon wallets. The first business was not successful, but it allowed the aspiring entrepreneur to learn a lot of new things, analyze his mistakes and not repeat them again.

Having earned some capital, Robert Kiyosaki, who is not yet too rich, is looking for new ways to invest. And the next stage of his career was obtaining a license to produce T-shirts for rockers. At first, the enterprise brought a good profit, but after the fall in the popularity of hard rock, Robert went bankrupt.

The release of T-shirts was not the only activity of the entrepreneur at that time. In parallel with this, Robert Kiyosaki invested in real estate and played in the stock market. Judging by the rumors, his activities were not very successful. At that time, the man had debts to banks in the amount of 850 thousand dollars. But even such a negative investment experience turned out to be priceless for Robert. He learned a lot and transferred his knowledge to future books.

In 1984, a businessman decides to tie the knot. Kim Kiyosaki becomes his chosen one, who has become not only a life partner, but also a faithful partner in the business field. Already at that time, she rich woman with considerable entrepreneurial experience.

In 1985, Robert decides to open an educational company, the purpose of which is to educate novice investors. Master's seminars are gaining popularity and are held in many parts of the world. People needed a good and experienced teacher, and they got it. With the spread global network knowledge has become available to everyone, and everyone can now watch Kiyosaki's video.

Today, Robert Kiyosaki is a successful investor who invests in promising business projects and earns a lot of money in real estate. At the same time, he continues to realize himself as a talented and truly experienced teacher.

Implemented projects of the participants of the "Territory of Investment", based on the advice of Robert Kiyosaki:

  • daily rent of apartments - Andrey's case;
  • secrets of creating capital and passive income on real estate;
  • redevelopment of a one-room apartment - the secrets of investor repair;
  • Yuri Medushenko's case "How to start a real estate business in 44 days";
  • affordable investment in apartments in Moscow;
  • how to make two from a one-room apartment, and one of them is a two-room apartment;
  • and many others.

All this clearly shows that Kiyosaki's ideas work. We checked.

Robert Kiyosaki born April 8, 1947 - now a well-known investor, businessman, famous writer and author of the business game Cash Flow.

This person is known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Cashflow Quadrant, Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, which have become New York Times, Business Week, and Wall Street Journal bestsellers. Also created a tutorial board game"Cashflow 101", the purpose of which is to help people master financial strategies.

In partnership with Sharon L. Lector, who helped him write books, he founded the "Rich Dad`s Organization", dedicated to improving the financial literacy of people.

Kiyosaki was born into a family of teachers. His books make it clear that Robert Kiyosaki's father was the head of education in the state of Hawaii.

Robert Kiyosaki fell to America from Japan. After graduation high school, Robert was educated in New York, and after that, connected his life with the US Marine Corps and went to serve in the Military Maritime Forces to Vietnam as an officer and combat helicopter pilot.

Coming from the war, Robert Kiyosaki began working for Xerox, and in 1977 he began his career and started a company selling "surfer's" wallets, which were soon produced all over the world.

These products began to be sold all over the world, but soon all sorts of Taiwanese began to produce these products at ultra-low prices, and Robert fell on hard times.

But thanks to the knowledge he received from his rich dad, he was able to withstand adversity and make his life successful.

In 1985 Robert Kiyosaki stopped trading and founded an international educational company that taught people how to handle money, as well as investing.

After earning a lot of money and retiring at the age of 47, Robert took up writing books. because Robert Kiyosaki had a good command of the topic of investing, he wrote mainly books on this topic.

From under his pen at that time came such bestsellers as "Rich Dad Poor Dad", "Cashflow Quadrant", "Rich Dad Guide to Investing" - all 3 books were in the top ten bestsellers of top magazines such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and The New York Times.

With time, Robert Kiyosaki began to notice a huge gap between the rich and the poor!

After some thought, Kiyosaki creates a unique business board game "Cashflow 101" or, if translated into Russian, Cash Flow.

The game teaches people how to handle money in ways that make rich people richer. This business game was created by Robert to teach people the financial strategies that Rich Dad constantly taught him. In other words, the financial strategies that helped Robert Kiyosaki himself retire as a millionaire at the age of 47.

Now Robert Kiyosaki is investing in real estate and developing small companies.

Naturally, he does not forget about learning and gives it his business. a large number of time.

In general, history Kiyosaki surprising enough. He was also on the edge of the abyss, when he and his wife even had nowhere to live! And he was a millionaire, whom the whole world knows!

Robert Kiyosaki took pride of place among such giants as Zig Zigler, Og Mandino, and Anthony Robbins. Here is what Roberta Kiyosaki himself constantly tells people: "Either you manage your finances, or you dance to their tune all your life. You are either the owner of money or their slave."

Robert Kiyosaki constantly conducts seminars, lasting from 1 hour to 3 days, and thus teaches many people his secrets that helped him become rich.

Kiyosaki teaches people how to invest money with minimal risk by extracting high income. He teaches people how to teach their children so that the children become rich.

Robert Kiyosaki teaches a lot about how to start your own businesses and sell them. All his activities are permeated with a keen desire to help people awaken the financial genius in themselves, which is in each of us, but most often dormant.

After reading such works as " Cashflow Quadrant", I began to look at this person in a completely different way!

In this book, Kiyosaki hides the true secrets of making money, which by the way can be successfully applied to Online business and for e-commerce.

Rereading Kiyosaki's books, one never ceases to be amazed at his amazing willpower and ability to get out of the most difficult situations. But the main thing that I noticed in his books is that anyone can become financially independent. And no matter what he does!

Books by Robert Kiyosaki:

"Rich dad, poor dad"

From this book you will understand that in school children do not receive necessary knowledge about money and then work all your life for money instead of making money work for you. One of Kiyosaki's first and most popular books.

"Cashflow Quadrant"

This book can be called the second part of the book " Rich dad, poor dad", the authors write: " Cash flow quadrant"depicts different types people who make up the world of business, he explains who these people are and what distinguishes them.

This will help you determine which sector you are in and chart your next steps towards future financial freedom."

"Retire young and rich"

The book talks about how you could, starting from scratch, achieve financial independence and security in less than 10 years, if you did not plan to remain a laborer all your life.

"If you want to be rich and happy, don't go to school

The book talks about how the school system is not built correctly, what is wrong with it, and what needs to be avoided in order to gain financial freedom.

"Rich Dad's Guide to Investing"

The book deals with issues of social psychology, an active life position of a person, the sociology of finance, which form a topic that these authors have repeatedly addressed - in the books Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Cash Flow Quadrant, Rich Kid, Smart Kid.

"School of Business"

In this book, Robert T. Kiyosaki highlights the eight hidden values ​​of business network marketing(And they are good for more than just making money!)

"Rich Kid, Smart Kid"

The book is written for parents who value education, dream of their child making a breakthrough in financial and academic directions at the start of life, and wish to take an active part in making this dream come true.

"Rich Dad's Disciples Success Stories"

Interesting and instructive stories from people who took advantage of the advice and guidance taught in earlier books by the same authors: The Cash Flow Quadrant, Retire Young and Rich, Business School, and more.

"Rich Dad's Prophecy"

The book will show you how in the near future the pension financing system will affect the fate of each of us, regardless of age and place of residence.

"How to become rich without giving up loans?"

We all need an in-depth financial education to know how to make our money work hard for us instead of working all our lives for money. Getting rich requires a quality financial education, not oversimplistic and naive financial advice like cutting credit cards or saving more money. If you are ready to increase your financial education and benefit from your credit cards, then this book is for you.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens"

The right of every person is to competently and consciously manage his personal future in such a way as to create the desired wealth for himself. The book teaches you to speak the language of money, explains how to make money move and grow, i.e. work for you. Down with the tradition that forces you to work all your life for them!

"Who took my money?"

If you don't feel financially secure in your workplace, it's especially important for you to take control of your money. If you're ready to be more than your average investor, this book will help you make your money work even harder and faster.

"Save Your #1 Asset"

"I don't have time!", "I still have a lot of time!" - I often hear those and other words from people with whom I communicate. Both statements are true for the person who says it. The only question is what we spend our most valuable asset - time.

Robert Kiyosaki: From Soldier to Investor

History of successes and failures of Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is a legendary mentor whose writings have become reference books for millions of people striving for financial independence. Only the lazy have not heard about his creation called "Rich Dad Poor Dad". And his famous concept, called the "cash flow quadrant", has globally changed the attitude of people around the world to money. I think that many readers are wondering what is Robert Kiyosaki like as an investor? Is Robert really that good at asset management or is he just the author of a successful million-selling bestseller? Let's figure it out.


I have been blogging for over 6 years now. During this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed you step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader go through at least the first week of training (it's free).

Robert Kiyosaki was born in 1947 in Hawaii to a Ph.D. who later became the state's Minister of Education. Robert studied at one of the best local schools, where the children of wealthy parents went. Communication with peers from a wealthy stratum of the population influenced Kiyosaki's thinking a lot.

It was then that he met his father. best friend, whom he later calls Rich Dad in his book. And this person had a huge impact on the formation of Kiyosaki as an investor.

Study and first job

After graduating from high school, Kiyosaki enters the Merchant Marine Academy. Immediately after graduation in 1969, Kiyosaki starts working on a merchant ship, where he gets his first life experience. After visiting many countries, Robert decides to radically change his life and goes to the US Marine Corps, which takes part in the Vietnam War as a pilot combat helicopter. Kiyosaki served almost until the very end of the war, and only in 1974 he was fired and went back to the United States, where he was destined to start his career as an investor.

In 1974, wanting to gain experience in trading, Kiyosaki got a job as an agent for Xerox Corporation. Robert often describes this stage in his life in books as the most important period during which he gained basic knowledge and practical skills in sales. In this field, Kiyosaki achieves considerable success, more than once becoming best agent Xerox. However, having reached a certain "ceiling", after 3 years of work as a sales agent, Robert decides to open his own business.

Experience #1: Successful

Robert Kiyosaki's first experience as an investor and a businessman rolled into one is associated with the sale of a product that was popular at the time - nylon wallets for surfers. The company was founded by him in 1977. The success of the young entrepreneur was based on two main factors that Robert mentioned more than once in his interviews. The first factor is a sought-after product, which began to gain popularity at a “viral” pace and made Robert a wealthy person. The second factor is the considerable sales experience that Kiyosaki gained while working at Xerox. This period in his biography, the author of "Rich Dad" describes as a time of rapid rise and equally rapid fall. What led to the collapse? According to Robert himself, the mishandling of money and the lack of financial literacy have made a recently successful young man debtor and loser.

Experience #2: Failed

Kiyosaki recalls his second experience as an investor in passing and very reluctantly. Nevertheless, some journalists still managed to find out what Robert was doing in the 1980s before opening a financial literacy school. Judging by the scarce data, during this period of his life, Kiyosaki was actively playing on the stock exchange. This time is also associated with the first attempts of Robert. There are no specific facts about what objects and assets the future author of "Rich Dad ..." invested in.

Apparently, at that time, Robert was not able to achieve success in this field, as well as to establish a business selling licensed rock star T-shirts. A series of failures led Robert to a financial dead end - according to unofficial data, at that time he owed American banks an amount with five zeros. This investment period in Kiyosaki's life can hardly be called successful. But it was this stage of global personal defeat that inspired Robert to try to do everything anew. In his books, Kiyosaki noted more than once that the ability to rise after each “fall” distinguishes a successful investor from one who is destined to be engaged in the “rat race” all his life - that is, to work for money in the interpretation of the creator.

Experience number 3: fateful

Having amassed a small fortune trading wallets and starting to play the stock market, Kiyosaki quickly got into debt. companies and unsuccessful investments in securities, however, did not stop him. meeting with him future wife Kim, in co-authorship with whom he wrote many of his books, became fateful for Robert. With the idea of ​​opening the first financial literacy school in the United States, ambitious entrepreneurs got to the point, guessing the demand of the American audience for this kind of information.

In 1985, together with Kim Kiyosaki, he opened a school where, together with his wife, he conducted seminars on financial literacy. The key achievements of the Kiyosaki school can be considered that Robert:

  • He proposed a fundamentally new interpretation of n, different from classical accounting;
  • Created the legendary game Cashflow, designed to change the mindset of a poor person;
  • Developed the famous concept of the cash flow quadrant.

Later in the books, using the example of his own life path Robert will talk about the specifics of a person's stay in each of the sectors of the "quadrant".

Life's trials in the face of unsuccessful investments and natural bankruptcy forced Robert to "reborn from the ashes" and become a multimillionaire, walking the path to financial independence anew. Perhaps this is the main message of all his books - to think like a rich person and not stop even after a catastrophic defeat.

Biography of Kiyosaki

Analyzing the biography of Robert Kiyosaki, it can be replaced that the author himself went the same way that he describes in his books as a way to achieve financial independence. It's about about the stages of moving through the cash flow quadrant:

  • hired worker. In Robert's case, military service is his personal experience unconditional obedience and execution of instructions for a fixed fee.
  • self-employment. Working as a sales representative at Xerox was, in fact, self-employment for Robert, since earnings in the company depended only on his efforts and skills as an agent.
  • Businessman. Starting his own business selling wallets, T-shirts, was his experience as a businessman.
  • Investor. For the first time, Robert began to master real estate investments and stock markets even before he took up training in financial literacy. However, he achieved real success in this area, being already a millionaire and the founder of the school of financial literacy.

Despite the fact that today Robert Kiyosaki is a successful investor investing in real estate, securities and precious metals, his example as an investor does not inspire me personally, which I cannot say about his experience as a businessman. To be frank, the multimillionaire Kiyosaki made something he created that we are used to calling the info business today.

Perhaps, Robert can be safely called one of the pioneers in this matter. Robert Kiyosaki - bright representative the so-called self-made class. Behind him - military service in Vietnam, his experience at Xerox as a sales representative, and finally the fast-growing wallet business that he often mentions in his books. Kiyosaki's path, which is described in each of his books, is good example how following simple rules can make you a successful investor. It is enough to apply the experience of Robert and introduce some of the principles from his books into your life.

All profit!

Robert Kiyosaki is not even a millionaire - a billionaire. The fortune of a well-known American entrepreneur, investor, and sought-after consultant is estimated at two billion dollars. But he is interesting to the whole world because he not only knows how to make money himself, but also helps others. Anyone who is ready to perceive someone else's experience and make it their own.

The author of the bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad (total circulation 11 million copies!) was born on April 7, 1947. His father, a great-grandson of Japanese settled in the Hawaiian Islands, served as the fiftieth state's education minister. It was Ralph Kiyosaki, Ph.

And the “rich dad” for nine-year-old Robert was the father of his friend Michael, who gave him education lessons.

These lessons did not come in handy right away. After graduating from high school and the Merchant Marine Academy in New York, Kiyosaki served on a merchant ship and in marines(including as a helicopter pilot during Vietnam War), worked as an agent in the company "Xerox". And only in 1977, at the age of thirty, he began to engage in his own business. The initial capital was earned by founding a company selling nylon wallets. Then he started producing rocker T-shirts. Mistakes in investing and failures in the stock market led to bankruptcy. However, the aspiring entrepreneur did not give up, finding his true calling in the educational “Rich Dad Company” he created in 1985.

Now the “millionaire educator” lives with his wife Kim Kiyosaki, also an investor and businessman, in Phoenix (Arizona). Like-minded spouses continue to teach young people the basics of financial literacy, the ability to extract and multiply their own. Robert Kiyosaki devoted more than a dozen books to this topic, the circulation of which exceeded 26 million copies.

Their author does not stand on ceremony with readers. Mocks the dull whiners whining about the injustice of the world. Offers to “look out“ from the chicken coop ”and make sure that there are plenty of opportunities to gain financial independence around.

For this, according to Kiyosaki, it is necessary:

stop infantile complaining about the imperfection of the world, be filled with energy and optimism;
find any hired job and set aside a part for the initial capital that will be needed to open your own business;
learn to sell
start your own business;
start investing heavily in expanding the business to make the money work for you.
Studying the biographies of the rich and successful, it is easy to see that their recommendations are quite similar. Maybe because they are fair and work? Isn't it time not only to read smart books, but also to try to use the advice of people who generously share their experience on how to succeed?