Libra will have unprecedented luck in 2017. And definitely successful. The basis for your success will primarily be Jupiter, which until September 12 inclusive will begin to favor Libra and play the role of a talisman for each of them.

Saturn will also have a positive influence on your affairs. Many of you will ultimately be frankly satisfied with yourself, while the rest will at least feel real chances for personal fulfillment on the horizon.

Of course, no planets can insure you from problems, however, you should understand that next year you will be among their favorites and favorites. And if you don’t try to take advantage of your opportunities, you will almost certainly regret it very much later, because in the foreseeable future you will not see such prospects in front of you again.

Love and relationships: horoscope for 2017 for Libra

This side of your life, like no other, will clearly demonstrate all the opportunities and difficulties predicted for Libra in 2017. Jupiter, which will tune you in for the entire second half of the year positive attitude to the opposite sex and enhance your attractiveness, from February to the end of May can cause a depressed mood, disappointment, or at least boredom. During this period, it is advisable for you to avoid drastic actions, risky decisions and love affairs.

Neptune will force you to take a more serious and deep look at some relationships, asking both yourself and these people questions that will allow you to move to a new, qualitatively higher level.

It is possible that someone whom you considered to be your past will return to your life again. Or you will have to remember past events and, perhaps, even forgotten ones. This can cause strong feelings in your soul. But you shouldn't let them take over you completely. However, coping with what is happening will not be an insurmountable problem for you.

Career and finance: horoscope for 2017 for Libra

IN professional field you can count on success and proper recognition of your efforts. It is very possible that you will be able to advance career ladder. The influence of Saturn will greatly contribute to this. And Jupiter too.

2017 may yet be a time for you to take stock. It is advisable to focus on this, because in this way you will be able to solve some of your problems that could still continue further and further. As for plans and intentions, there is nothing to think about at the beginning of the year. Otherwise, you risk being very disappointed in the end. Wait until life creates the prerequisites for one or another of your ideas, aspirations, desires.

You shouldn't have any problems with money. True, some Libra may try to refute this statement by spending exorbitantly and not always making any sense. Moreover, it is interesting that this concerns primarily Libra men, and not women. Those of you who take this warning into account will be able to get through the year without any major financial problems.

Health: horoscope for 2017 for Libra

It is very important that in 2017 you constantly remember the need healthy image life. Alcohol abuse is especially dangerous for you, because it can lead to very unpleasant and, importantly, long-term problems. Libra women who are thinking about having a child should take care not to worsen the health indicators with which they will enter the year.

Among other things, when choosing means of treatment or prevention, it is advisable for Libra women to give preference to folk remedies over medications. However, under no circumstances should you get carried away with overtly unconventional, extreme methods. It will be very useful for Libra men to sign up for a swimming pool. Here you will get maximum benefits for your body, in particular for the spine.

If your Ascendant... (You can ): Aries: You will have many situations where you will feel dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. You will want more and more. However, you will be able to realize a lot of what was planned or expected. Therefore, in the end you will almost certainly be satisfied. Taurus: This year you can count on stability and the fulfillment of the inner needs of your self. You will even be able to allow yourself to be selfish and stubborn. In a word, you will basically be able to achieve a position that you can call harmonious. Gemini: You will struggle between positivity and irritation, curiosity and a quick loss of interest in what is happening... This year will be full of events and emotions for you, however, it will be difficult to find any systematicity and consistency in all this. Cancer: One of your dominants during this period will be humanity and the awareness that the conditions and circumstances of life are a changing quantity. And even if not everything in this will be comfortable for you, however, you will most likely be able to achieve a state that strives for harmony. Leo: This year will help you feel like a creative person, even more individual. A special will to achieve your goals will appear. All this will not happen in a vacuum, of course; You will definitely have the prerequisites for ambition. But just be careful not to overdo it. Virgo: You will tend to exaggerate your problems. And excessive caution and excessive passivity will become an obstacle to the realization of plans and desires. However, you will be able to pull yourself together and organize yourself. Libra: Your “trick” will be contact, the ability to understand people’s position and the willingness to accept someone else’s point of view. Of course, you don’t need to take this statement as an unconditional guide to action; good at everything golden mean. But in many cases this will indeed be a real salvation for you. Scorpio: This year you will be diligent, however, vain; Determined, however, at times aggressive. All this will force you to successfully move forward, but from time to time you will be forced to give up the positions you have achieved. However, you don't have to worry; You will basically take yours. Sagittarius: Neptune will have a special influence on your life this year, forcing you to pose questions that are unconventional for yourself. And persistently seek answers to them. But this is not bad, because such periods are always useful. Capricorn: You will always try to “try on” your capabilities to the material sphere. In general, this will not be bad, however, sometimes it will turn out to be a bit too much. And your penchant for solitude and a considerable degree of distrust of people will create the risk of losing some of your opportunities. Aquarius: This time will not be too unpleasant for you. Of course, not everything will go perfectly; there are some things you won’t have the patience for. But in the end you will have no reason to complain about fate. Pisces: Your emotions will run high at times. Moreover, in this “fountain” there is a place for both euphoria and depressive syndrome. This will help you overcome something in yourself, feel something even deeper... And become wiser.

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The warmth of your soul will melt any ice, powerful inner strength will help you overcome any obstacles, and your fantastic charm will attract the desired person. The Sun and Jupiter - two noble luminaries shower you with gifts with a generous hand. Think about what you want and feel free to talk about your dreams.

Forecast for Libra by time of year


Should I leave or stay, start or quit? None of the options suits you. What to do? Wait, weigh everything, perhaps re-evaluate something. And be sure to double-check the facts.


Venus encourages you to stop and think. Now it’s better not to start anything, but to return to past experience and draw conclusions. And at the end of May, with renewed strength, thoughts and feelings, plunge into the pool of love.


Everything will spin at a frantic pace, just have time to turn around. Household chores will fade into the background; now the most important thing is achievements at work. Those who are not afraid and take risks will succeed.


Nature calms down, and your soul awakens. Love knows no time or boundaries. The main thing is that the feeling does not become destructive. Do not lose your sense of proportion and be adequate to what is happening.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

Don’t divide the happy moments of life by size and meaning, just catch them sunbeams happiness and remember the wonderful feelings.

✓ Love: conquer hearts

Your mistress Venus returns to the past for a while. This will happen from March 4 to April 15. It's time to reconsider your connections and sort out your current relationships. You'll get to know each other and plan something later. For example, in June. True, all summer long personal life will be in the background, or even third.

But with the onset of autumn it will begin to be incredible. Especially in October-November, when the Sun connects with Venus. Your charm is all-encompassing, go win hearts. The novel begun at this time will have a continuation. And yet, in order to protect yourself from disappointment, do not completely open up to your lover yet. Give him the opportunity to prove himself.

And for the New Year holidays you can plan a trip together. There you will get to know him better and understand what this person is really worth.

✓ Family: get rid of pressure

There may be a crisis in the family. We need to solve something, and not hush up problems. The situation that will develop in the first half of the year will give you new impetus. You will be able to break with those people and circumstances that put pressure on you. But at the same time, you yourself can become a domestic dictator.

Treat yourself objectively and do not allow unnecessary things to happen to those who live next to you. This good time to purchase or start construction of real estate. Any household chores are completed, everything happens quickly and without delay. Try to communicate with your household as often as possible. But always remember your personal boundaries and don’t go where you’re not supposed to.

✓ Friendship: a new stage

You may have new responsibilities towards your friends. Longtime loyal friends will need your help.

You will become more demanding and serious towards those around you. Some will consider your claims to be unfounded, and conflict will arise because of this. In part, those around you are right; you are very picky about what you can turn a blind eye to.

In the first half of the year, frivolous, easy relationships will end. Other people, more serious and purposeful, will take the place of those who leave your life. They will help you in the future. In the meantime, it’s time to form new connections. Don't be too critical, you might scare off good man.

✓ Health: second job

It's a good time to experiment. You can try a new diet, master a set of exercises, look for new health systems. More than ever, your health is connected to your feelings and psyche.

Illnesses this year are a signal from the body about nervous overload. Perhaps you need to change your lifestyle, change the general vector of movement. If you want to achieve results faster, start changes at the beginning of summer. , it will be difficult to persuade yourself to exercise regularly. Only in winter will enthusiasm appear again, but with it some problems.

Remember, health is also your job. And perhaps the most important one. So treat training like going to the office - it’s a must. You can try yourself in winter species sports You will get double benefits from this.

If you need to see a doctor, you can try visiting specialists in alternative medicine (this is indicated by Uranus, which is in your house of health).

✓ Finance/Career: time of stability

The main earnings will be related to travel and communication with partners. The periods from March to May and from September to November will be fruitful. In general, this year you will be less interested in financial issues. The situation is stable, there is enough money for everything we need. True, there will be an additional expense item. But she won’t empty her wallet either. You will receive unusual information throughout the year. Don’t forget it and, even if you don’t need the information yet, write down what you hear.

In December, you will be able to put all the news together and come up with an amazing conclusion. However, you can only use this when next year. Now we will have to finish what we didn’t have time to do and help our colleagues complete their projects. Do not refuse help, soon you yourself will turn to these people for support.

Prognosis for women

The Libra woman will work on herself, overcome her old fears and master a new profession.

Inspiration - this feeling will accompany you throughout the year. The desire for change will appear, and you will begin to act. First of all, take care of yourself (which is very correct) and literally in one fell swoop, deal with the things that prevented you from living. What has always bothered you will now seem unimportant, and you will finally do what should have been done a long time ago.

In the second half of the year, there will be a need for new knowledge and skills. Well, this task will be up to you too. Moreover, any information will be absorbed quickly. So by December you will no longer be recognizable. New opportunities for a new person! All that remains is to use them.

Born from September 23 to September 30

At the end of winter, clarity will appear on an issue that is important to you. Will help with this true friend. Don't put anything off until tomorrow and try to complete everything that needs to be done this year. The stars will support you and seem to make time stop. Everything to make you feel the joy of the present moment.

Born from October 1 to October 12

Life is slowly starting to pick up pace. Things will settle down by summer. Get some rest, because then comes a hectic time. In autumn you risk falling in love. The relationship will be stormy, dynamic, with a showdown. And at the same time incredibly sensual. But you are unlikely to withstand such passions for a long time, you want peace and stability.

Born from October 13 to October 23

Feelings at the beginning of the year will fade into the background. Most of the time you will have to deal with urgent matters. You will have new responsibilities. But from mid-October to the first ten days of November, when Venus moves into the more sociable sign of Libra, you will experience inner freedom. It will be easier to establish connections. And finally there will be time to get serious about your personal life.

Forecast for men

The Libra man will look at himself and his life from the outside, gain new experience and make an important discovery.

If you didn’t have enough time for yourself before, now Pluto will highlight everything problem areas, and Jupiter will point to the points of maximum luck. You will still hesitate for a while, but then there will be no room for doubt. You will clearly see and understand where you made serious mistakes.

In the summer, take on the transformation and by the beginning of autumn you will achieve significant results. At the same time, your financial situation will improve and a new source of income may appear. However, this is not the main thing for you. During this period, you will begin to engage in more significant matters. And at the end of the year, decide to take another serious step. It will be connected with personal life.

Born from September 23 to September 30

Winter and spring do not promise big changes, everything will go quietly, systematically, without jumps and jerks. The beginning of summer will be marked by love. The more you move, the more romantic acquaintances await you. Don't sit still, take more active action! And in the fall it’s worth devoting yourself to work, they will appear profitable offer. Don't get distracted by small things and don't be afraid to take risks.

Born from October 1 to October 12

Particular caution is needed in February, during periods of eclipses (11th and 26th) it is so easy to make a mistake. Relatives can spoil your spring mood; you will have to take care of their problems. Moreover, you will also be able to resolve their issues in the summer. In the fall, be sure to relax, and in the winter, finish what you didn’t have time to do. Don't drag old debts into New Year.

Born from October 13 to October 23

Be content with what you already have. Moreover, this year your appetites will noticeably decrease. Direct all your attention now to your inner sensations and knowledge of your own self. Read psychological literature, go to trainings. This will help you decide on your goals. And we need to start something now. This is a year of great prospects, don't miss this chance!

Forecast for Libra born in the year...


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Accidents are not accidental. Become more cunning and insightful, develop an intuitive sense. All the events of the year are looped, one follows from the other. To change the course of events, you will have to do something that has never been done.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Your shortcomings will turn into advantages and vice versa. Everything is so fragile that making plans is pointless. But it is the surprises that you feared and avoided that will lead you to the desired result. Trust fate!


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Don't talk about your plans. Act quietly and unnoticed, but steadily approach your goal. And at the same time, take a closer look at the experiences of others. Store your knowledge as if in a piggy bank. This is now the most valuable luggage.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Don't bother with things you can't handle. Now yours main enemy- ambition. Get yourself in order, tune in internally not to fight, but to contemplation. It's time for peace for you. Give yourself permission to finally rest.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Fate plays with you, don't break the rules! Sometimes you can cheat, sometimes you can miss a move. Act according to the circumstances, be nice to everyone who now meets you on the way. And you will win universal recognition.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

There are a lot of opportunities around, and for some reason those around you don’t take advantage of them. Be a pioneer and do what others hesitate to do. This year you can become popular due to your natural gift.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

A good time for love, creativity and travel. But, unfortunately, this is not the right time for financial matters. Fate gives you unique opportunity reveal your talents and finally do the business you dreamed of.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

You have all the trump cards in your hands. There's no need to wait any longer, lay out your cards and surprise your opponents. In no time you will overcome several steps and literally fly up the career ladder. True, you will have to forget about love this year.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Your instinct will not let you down. You will intuitively feel the right way. The main thing is not to be distracted so as not to go astray. Work hard, you can achieve a lot now. It is better to avoid any financial investments this year.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

You are full of enthusiasm and ideas. And although this is your year, it doesn't hurt to be careful. When bringing your plans to life, remember about pitfalls and accidents. Test the waters and get support influential people.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

You lack flexibility. But your charm more than makes up for it. Rely on your natural qualities and do not rely on others. This is a year of successful decisions and profitable investments. But not risky ones.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

In a quiet family life has its advantages, but you will want a change. Well, this is a great time to travel. Gather your friends and family and go for new experiences. This will completely satisfy your craving for change and will not cause anyone any trouble.

Children's horoscope

Nothing but the truth! Emotional condition the baby will be unstable. Be patient. He needs to learn to make decisions on his own. This will come in handy in early March. In the summer, make sure that he moves more and communicates with peers - his well-being directly depends on this.

The Libra horoscope for 2017 promises that a moderate and stable year awaits you.

Under the influence of Saturn, you will seek balance in all areas of your life.

Uranus will allow you to calmly immerse yourself in deep thoughts and analyze all areas of your life.

You will understand what needs to be changed and improved, but these changes will happen smoothly and without haste.

Zodiac horoscope for Libra for 2017

You can count on the support of the Sun and Jupiter to find pragmatic solutions to all problems.

You will be able to move forward with confidence in the implementation of your plans, both professional and personal.

The next twelve months promise to be generally pleasant, especially in terms of relationships. The stars will cause a splash creativity. You will be valued for your tolerance and openness.

Libra of the first ten days, from February to mid-May you will want to show off and let off steam, spend money without counting. And beware whoever decides to interfere with this.

This condition does not happen very often, and if it helps you feel good, why not?
This entry of Venus into the sign of restless Aries affects you.

Libra of the second decade, Super Jupiter favors you in the spring and summer of 2017. But Pluto will provoke some intrigue. Don't always try to find logic in people's behavior or turn of events, because sometimes there is none.

Don’t push the wave in vain, but be vigilant and show that you are more cunning than manipulators.

Libra of the 3rd decade, you will not say “no” to intrigue and some turbulence if this allows you to assert yourself and regain lost positions.

Those who abused your kindness will receive in full, since you, without hesitation (this year), will dot the i’s in your desires.

Especially at the end of February and during the 1st half of March, from mid-April to mid-May, July, at the end of November and in the 1st half of December.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2017

Your year promises to be sunny. You will analyze your needs and expectations and be able to convey them to your chosen one.

Jupiter and the Sun will accompany you in your calm and restrained reflections.

You are not looking for thrills, but want long-term relationships and stability.

In 2017, your couple will be protected. You will look at your partner with a new look.

You will be more obedient, tolerant in accepting the small imperfections of your spouse. Your partner will thank you in kind.

Hand in hand you will work to realize your goals.

Libra in the first decade, from February to mid-May 2017 and in the first half of August, you will be a little more capricious and demanding.

You will think more about yourself and your pleasure and you will be right. If your partner takes on some of the housework, this will prove the seriousness of his feelings.

During pregnancy or after giving birth, you need to be able to rely on your partner. Good point to check it out.

Libra in the 2nd decade, pregnancy or the birth of a child can unsettle you. You will feel a strange feeling of vulnerability.

You find it difficult to find your bearings when everything is upside down. Disagreement between Jupiter and Pluto easily creates anxiety (in ways you wouldn't expect).

Increased anxiety is expected in March, the 2nd half of May, August and the 2nd half of October.

Libra 3rd decan, you will periodically “shake up” your partner to force him to be more responsible.

A small crisis and destabilization, then a step forward and some agreements. Some skirmishes are foreseen especially in the first quarter, between May 27 and June 8, in the 2nd half of August and at the beginning of November.

Peace and harmony will gradually come, especially during September and in the 2nd half of December.

For single Libra, 2017 will be rich in dating. With the support of Venus, you will be more seductive than ever.

But you are not in the mood for short novels. You are looking for the right person to move forward together. You will be able to take a break and evaluate the potential of the acquaintance.

More open and confident, Libra, you will show your best sides while remaining natural.

Business horoscope for Libra for 2017

You will intuitively detect possible problems and easily find solutions. You will keep your head on your shoulders and not take risks.

2017 promises you slow but steady progress towards your goals. With the support of Jupiter and Saturn, you will find creative ideas and a creative approach to solve various problems.

Ideal if your profession requires innovation and communication. You will have the opportunity to improve existing connections and establish new ones, they will be beneficial in long term.

Starting in the fall, everything will speed up and you should finally be able to reap the fruits of your efforts.

Intellectual work will be easier for you this year. If you are a student or undergoing training, you will have opportunities to gain new knowledge. But as for practical work, here you have to force yourself!

If you are looking for a job, 2017 will be successful. Positive influence Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun will allow you to open different doors. These planets will accompany you on your quest.

Your persistence will be rewarded from the very beginning of 2017. You will have all the cards in your hands to get the position you want.

If you work in trading, you will have a good chance of seeing several new opportunities for development. You can make wise choices.

However, Libra, think long term, don't just look at the coming months, but make sure the position has growth potential.

Financial horoscope for Libra for 2017

In terms of finances, the year will be mixed. You would rather be a dragonfly than an ant.

You'll have a shopping rush that could deplete your savings.

The need to spend on decorating your home and life will be felt throughout the year.

Indeed, you are interested in everything related to aesthetics, art, and jewelry.

The state of your finances will be like a roller coaster, you will have to try hard to maintain financial balance.

You need to be careful not to spend all your savings, especially if you are saving for a specific project.

Rely on your loved ones to moderate your ardor; they often give very good advice.
You will be able to easily return the money that is owed to you.

You will also have opportunities to make profitable business contacts. If you are now in a fragile financial situation and are looking for new sources of income, then it is worth improving your finances through your acquaintances. Feel free to talk about your searches around you.


Your energies are excessive, dynamic and almost haphazard. Indeed, the need to move is felt very strongly.

Ideal if you have to participate in a sports competition or face any challenge.

The impulses of Venus and Mercury will allow you to surpass everyone, especially on an intellectual level. There is a chance that you will spend a lot of energy in the first half of the year, and then everything will stabilize.

The last two months will be excellent if you restore your strength with the help of art and relaxation. Don't be shy about spending time on yourself, it's yours best source for energy. Don't overindulge in sweets.

Your surroundings will be especially active and restless this year. This may cause you discomfort. You will decide that you need to restrain your personal initiative in order to make room for others.

Don't be intimidated by those who speak louder. They should not make you forget that your desires are as legitimate as theirs.

The impulses of Venus allow you to anticipate strong and unexpected love, which can disrupt your plans.

Make an effort and weigh everything well. This will not stop you from enjoying life. Quite the contrary, since you will not allow yourself to be blinded by the intensity of your emotions.

Happy days for Libra

Libras of the first decade will appreciate periods of dynamism in late April-early May, late July-early August and late October-early November.

Libras of the 2nd decade will feel at home in May. Libra in the 3rd decade will lay the foundation for the future in the 2nd half of May and the 2nd half of August.

In love. Everything is super for Libra in the first ten days in the 1st half of July, at the end of August - beginning of September, in the 2nd half of October and in the 1st half of December.

July will bring joy to Libra in the second decade. Libras of the 3rd decade will experience balance and blossoming of married (and family) life in September.

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Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

Year Fire Rooster for the sign of Libra does not promise any special difficulties. On the contrary, the few obstacles that arise in front of this zodiac sign will help Libra understand themselves and find harmony. At the very beginning of the year, for a month or two, Libra will feel an incredible rise in mental strength and a craving for reflection. Their analytical abilities and natural insight will help to deal with the ghosts of the past that haunt the sign of Libra to this day. To eliminate the growing anxiety, the horoscope for 2017 tells Libra that they need to gather their strength and complete the things they started earlier: pay off debts, fulfill a long-standing promise, or sort things out with an old acquaintance.

The ideal strategy for the sign of Libra for 2017 will be the accumulation of strength and the feasible resolution of old problems. In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is not advisable for this zodiac sign to take on new major projects or rush to the top of their career: you will have time to do this later. Oracle says: 2017 should prepare you for the birth of you as new personality, which will meet all ambitious expectations. At this stage, the task of the sign of Libra is to get rid of the burden of past mistakes and difficulties and rethink its attitude towards the world.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Libra will often have to make compromises. It is not necessary to bend to the opinion of every stakeholder, but do not forget that your opinion does not concern everyone.

The sign of Libra is not prone to excessive teachings from others, but he needs to recognize the boundary separating outside opinions from his own. In 2017, there will be enough reasons to learn this: people will suddenly begin to show a keen interest in your life.

Another likely event that awaits Libra in 2017 is a meeting with old acquaintances or relatives. The reason for this can be both pleasant and sad, but the gathering of the Libra family is guaranteed. Most likely, Libra will not be happy about this visit and will wait for its end, reluctantly, but upon its completion you will be greatly relieved. You may be able to resolve some old grievances and disagreements.

Money and career In 2017, work or business will regularly bring in a stable amount of finance. However, in the first half of the year, Libra most likely will not feel the desire to squander money abundantly. The Oracle expresses the opinion that this is the only correct solution. TO last decades

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the sign of Libra will collapse from fatigue and will immediately need rest. It’s best to spend your accumulated finances there. It may also happen that Libra will feel extremely tired during their working hours. In this case, the horoscope recommends not to torment yourself, but to take time off at your own expense and devote the day to yourself - go to a secluded place or just take a walk. Such relaxation will help not only gain strength, but also make the right decision away from a hectic work environment.

Libra's career may be in jeopardy if representatives of this zodiac sign allow themselves to be drawn into intrigue and gossip in the workplace. Do not succumb to provocations and behave as diplomatically as possible: do not get involved in dangerous conversations yourself and do not report their participants to your superiors. Try to stay away from this situation in order to maintain inner balance and dignity in the eyes of others. Libras running their own business will face envious people who will try to compromise you over and over again. Keep the documentation clean, conduct business honestly and do not chase dubious profits - then very soon your envious people will calm down, left with nothing. And Libras working in an organization risk becoming a victim of denunciation if they allow themselves to relax in the workplace. So if you don’t want to be caught by your bosses playing on your work computer, show yourself as efficiently as possible and don’t give the slightest reason for reproach.

Love and family

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Libra will be drawn to new romantic adventures. This is not to say that they will end in failure: the oracle promises especially many whirlwind romances to Libra women. However, those Libras who have already tied the knot should curb their libido so as not to lose their family home. Single Libras will start a long-term relationship only if they have already had enough fun. Otherwise, partners will easily appear in your life and just as easily leave you.

Summer is the perfect time favorable period to find your soulmate. Women are advised to go on holiday abroad - it is very likely that personal happiness awaits you there. Even if this is not the case, a little travel in the summer of 2017 will not harm you at all: it will help you refresh your perception and return to your responsibilities on permanent place living with a clear head. Also, if you haven’t met the man of your dreams in distant countries, then you will probably find the job you’ve been dreaming about for a long time.

The Libra man, on the contrary, in 2017 will get tired of frequent travel and go looking for support and support from the fair sex. Don’t be too picky about the image of your lady love and don’t measure the exact bust size or hair color in your head. Pay attention to those women who have already been near you for quite a long time. Focus on your inner feelings from interacting with a person: are you comfortable being frank, or do you have to constantly maintain an unrealistic image? Don’t focus on your potential partner’s shortcomings; it’s better to think about what your weak sides able to balance her character.

Recreation and hobbies

The Zodiac sign Libra differs from all others in particular in that it is always busy searching for harmony and never achieves it. Therefore, it is more important than anyone else for representatives of this sign to gain different impressions and listen to the advice of many people in order to find their only true path. It is best for Libra to devote their non-working time to various hobbies and travel. Try everything that seems interesting to you: cycling or yoga, mountaineering or qigong, trips to Thailand or old Europe. Summer and autumn are best for such experiments.

If the amount of finances does not allow you to regularly spend money on such a search for harmony, take care of your health. For good rest Winter is best. Dedicate a few days of vacation to silent time alone with yourself. Get some sleep and take a look favorite show on TV, allow yourself not to think about anything. Then get off the couch and go improve your health in various spas, therapeutic massage or in the pool.

Get your body diagnosed, which has long been put off until better times: in 2017, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

Do not deny yourself a wardrobe update or a change in appearance that you have been thinking about for a long time. The Fire Rooster patronizes all bold decisions, so your efforts will certainly be appreciated. Also review your diet: you may need to go on a diet for a while to avoid stomach problems. In short, take all possible measures to prevent and treat possible problems so as not to go to the hospital in the midst of implementing your ambitious plans.


In general, Libra should perceive the horoscope for 2017 as encouraging: no serious shocks are expected for representatives of this zodiac sign, and only old problems will have to be solved. This may upset those who made grandiose plans for 2017, because this period is not very suitable for their implementation and poses serious risks. However, do not despair: the year of the Fire Rooster gives Libra a chance for the birth of their new personality with different priorities and principles. Perhaps, by postponing big plans until next year, Libra will be able to implement them with less loss of effort and money.

IN business sphere In general, everything is quite calm for Libra, not counting the widespread intrigues in 2017. Such an unstable zodiac sign as Libra can also succumb to dissatisfaction and screw over the boss or set up a colleague (guided, of course, by good intentions). Don't forget that the most important thing you can take away from professional activity– not power and money, but the ability to cooperate and be honest with others.

In general, 2017 for Libra should be held under the slogan “accumulation and concentration.” It will be much wiser to implement bold plans next year, having thought thoroughly and accumulated the necessary resources. It is also undesirable to change your place of work in 2017, since this decision can be made spontaneously under the influence of irritation and a tense situation in the team.

Switch to another workplace should only be done as a result of careful weighing of the risks and assessment of the conditions at the new location. The same applies to spending money: try not to buy things that are not an urgent need for you. You may need money to restore your health or to help loved ones.

The Year of the Rooster for representatives of this sign will bring many changes that will affect his personal life and career. At this time, Libra should not overspend their finances or make thoughtless purchases.
Relations with society will often be strained, and insults from friends are likely. To the scales that occupy leadership positions, it’s worth spending a little more time not only on earning money, but also on relationships in your team.
In the first half of the new year, you should not try to take the initiative into your own hands in everything. You should also be careful in intimate conversations with friends; you should not give away all your secrets or desires, deception is likely.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Libra man

In the year of the Rooster, you should try to devote yourself completely to your planned task. This period is the least suitable for relaxation; the stars say that the most suitable activity for Libra men during this period is self-improvement, working on past mistakes.
Libra should pay more attention to the quality of their work. Of course, many of them will not pursue quality, but quantity, which can ultimately play a cruel joke on them in the form of dismissal and a decrease in income.
Also, in the year of the Rooster, you should not make any serious decisions, for example, dismissal, moving to another city. The stars do not advise Libra men to gamble, because this can lead to big financial problems.
Astrologers advise Libra to spend this year with their loved ones, not to make grandiose plans, not to make drastic decisions that could ultimately lead to...

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra women

In the first half of 2017, astrologers do not advise Libra women to make any important decisions in life; changes can often lead to future troubles. They also do not recommend getting married in the summer-autumn period, it is very fast.
2017 is a year of reckoning for women born under the sign of Libra. Remember, perhaps someone previously helped you achieve something, get something that did not originally belong to you. In another situation, it is worth thinking about whether you have taken someone else's place. Right now you need to answer for everything you did earlier, ask for forgiveness from the right people, help someone who helped you before. Otherwise, fate will no longer provide such an opportunity and can take away from Libra what they received without making much effort.
The stars recommend that Libra save more, because soon representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to learn to appreciate finances. Libra's position in society may be shaken closer to the summer of 2017.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Libra

Libras should stop thinking that the whole world revolves around them; they should not believe that every person owes them something. By accepting the state of things as they are, you can avoid misunderstandings on the part of the opposite sex.
2017 is not a good time for Libra. It will be characterized by non-long-term relationships, frequent changes of partners, fleeting romances, and sometimes infidelity. Spring-summer 2017 is not the best period for marriage.
In other words, the Year of the Rooster is a turning point. On the one hand, a marriage at this time may soon break up, on the other hand, it may be durable. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better not to take risks during this period.
Libras who are married should pay attention to the psychological atmosphere in their home.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Libra

In terms of finances, the year will be stable, but will largely depend on Libra. If they do not learn to save money, they will soon feel a lack of finances in their family.
Also, astrologers do not advise Libra to make large purchases.
Representatives of this sign should be careful in their relationships with colleagues and superiors. Look around, perhaps there are ill-wishers in your environment who have long wanted to slander you. If for some reason they can do this, then soon financial position Libra will get much worse.
The stars say that at this time you should not pay much attention to material things, which Libra is used to doing. Sometimes they believe that happiness in life lies in simple things for them: expensive clothes, a good car, beautiful house. In fact, very soon they will be convinced of the opposite.