» allows students from different countries get an education in the best European universities. The peculiarity lies in the fact that students enrolled in the magistracy study for one year at one university in Europe, and the second - in another. Sometimes the program is divided among three or even four partner universities, so you need to be ready to pack your bags every semester.


Quite a bit of scholarships and grants provided by the Spanish government. Most financial opportunities are provided for postgraduate programs. Usually you need to know Spanish even if the curriculum itself is in English.

Deadline towards the end of summer - beginning of autumn.


German Academic Exchange Service brings together more than two hundred higher educational institutions and over a hundred student organizations. There are representative offices of DAAD in many countries of the world, including Russia. Every year, this foundation allocates about six thousand scholarships and grants. The most famous scholarships are for master's programs in Germany. In addition to master's scholarships, funding is allocated for study trips to Germany, teaching Russian as a foreign language, studying German language, research programs, postgraduate studies and much more.


Chevening Scholarship from the British government provides an opportunity to study for a master's degree at one of the leading universities in the UK. To participate in the program, you must have at least one year of work experience. In addition, a mandatory condition is the return of the scholarship holder to their homeland after graduation.

Funding is £12,000 for tuition and £12,000 for living expenses. Deadline - 15 November.


As part of Fulbright programs The US government provides Russians with great scholarship opportunities: different levels training, academic internships for university professors and administrators, teaching Russian in the USA, conducting short-term research. The most popular program is a full scholarship to study at US universities for master's programs. Fulbright will also cover the cost of taking entrance tests such as the TOEFL and GRE.


Postgraduate Grants highlights state fund Finland. The scholarship provides an opportunity to work research activities in one of the scientific institutes in Finland from three to 12 months.

Scholarship - 1,500 euros. You can apply all year round but no later than five months before the expected date of commencement of work.


Undergraduate students can continue education in Israel. Scholarships are available in two areas: summer courses and an academic year in your specialty.

Age limit - up to 35 years.


Swedish universities have programs for all levels of study(bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies). The scholarship covers tuition and living expenses. When applying, use courier services, as they are accepted and processed by a single center in a small Swedish town, and then the documents that have passed the initial selection are sent to universities. Reception of documents begins in December.


Seven scholarships in various fields offered by the Chinese government to foreign applicants. 279 Chinese universities are participating in the government program.

The deadline varies depending on the universities, but usually falls in the spring.


Scholarships of $50,000 per year provided to graduate students in Canada. The grant provides an opportunity to engage in research for three years. The government fund allocates 167 scholarships per year.


The Italian government proposes funding for international students. Training programs should be related to the culture and history of the country, and the main condition for participation is knowledge of the Italian language. Scholarships are available for all levels of study.


Malaysian government provides full scholarships to foreign students for undergraduate and graduate programs. You can apply for one of three scholarship programs.


Program "Global Education" from the government of the Russian Federation. The grant allocated under the program allows you to study in one of 288 best universities world in one of 32 specialties. The maximum grant amount is 13,800,000 rubles. An important condition is the obligatory return of the scholarship holder to the Russian Federation, as well as work for three years in one of the partner companies of the program.


Swiss government scholarships allocated differently for citizens of different countries. Russian students have traditionally been able to enroll in master's programs in fine arts only, as well as in all graduate, postdoctoral and short-term research programs in the country. Scholarships fully cover the cost of education and the cost of accommodation and meals. Deadline - October 30.

The grant is the most simple method receiving Money to study outside the country. Its receipt makes it possible to study at a particular educational institution in the world or select from huge amount educational institutions are the best for acquiring knowledge in a particular area.

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How to get a grant to study abroad? More on this later.

What are study abroad grants?

A grant for education at universities outside the country is a large financial subsidy, which is issued once and is used to compensate for the cost of education, travel to an educational institution, accommodation and meals. This is what distinguishes this reward from the student scholarship, which is paid every month.

There are several types of grants for studying abroad. The division is determined by who participates in them, and what goals are pursued. Depending on the features described above, the following types are distinguished:

  • postgraduate programs;
  • magistracy;
  • programs for bachelors;
  • internship project;
  • language courses.

There are subsidies for training any profession at different levels.

The types of grants available include:

  • to receive scholarship funds offered by educational institutions (institutional);
  • to receive scholarship finance from the President and municipal governments that are offered by the government of the state (national);
  • scholarship payments given by the Black Sea Fleet and state programs of different countries (foreign);
  • to receive scholarship money from international organizations.

Rewards for studying outside the country are divided into classes:

  1. Full. They are appointed based on the results of studies, fully compensate for the costs of it, and money is allocated for the payment of scholarships.
  2. Partial. Only part of the funds spent on training will be reimbursed.
  3. Internship. Work experience in the specialty is acquired, compensates for the cost of living and training.
  4. Combined. It is assumed that study and work in the profession will take place at the same time.

Who provides the grants with finances

Subsidies for studying abroad are issued by employers who sponsor an employee to receive a foreign education; the government of a state sending a person to study outside the country; various non-commercial institutions; foundations and higher educational institutions that accept foreign students.

It is worth providing grants to students in universities that:

  • want to have a high quality education;
  • want to see the world;
  • formulated a specific goal in life;
  • have a desire to prove themselves the best way to be offered employment with good prospects;
  • have outstanding abilities and interest in activities in the field of science;
  • are or have and are not able to pay for their studies abroad, but show excellent academic results.

How can I use the received grant

You can use the grant received for education only for its intended purpose, for example, for writing and defending a dissertation, scientific experiments in a specialty, etc.

The funds that are allocated to the student under the granted grant are not given to him. They pay for tuition at an educational institution, housing and meals for students.

Choice of higher educational organization depends on the type of grant. If it is issued by an international organization, then you can choose any university in any country. These grants are financed by the host countries.

Important! If the subsidy payment is financed by an educational institution, then you can study only in this organization.

Scheme for obtaining grants for study abroad

In 2014, a program called "Global Education" was launched on the territory of our state. This year it was extended for another 8 years. The winner of the competitive selection receives a subsidy in the amount of 2.76 million rubles every year while studying. The allocated money can pay not only for education, but also for housing, meals and the purchase of materials for study.

To young man granted an overseas study grant under the above program, he should proceed as follows:

  1. Make a choice of a university and a direction of study;
  2. Submit all the documentation to the selected educational institution and successfully cope with the tests proposed for admission;
  3. Register on the official site global education”, enter all the data in the proposed application form and supplement it with scanned copies of the required documentation;
  4. Unlearn and, returning to the country, work for at least 3 years in the specialty received.

General requirements for a grant applicant

The requirements that the participants of the competitive selection must meet for the provision of a grant for education are determined by the educational programs and the conditions of the grant itself.

However, there is a list of requirements that always put forward the applicant to receive:

  • having a certain degree of education;
  • good command of the language of instruction;
  • a good level of preparedness for learning;
  • confirmation that the candidate is enrolled in a foreign university;
  • must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • no outstanding criminal record;
  • the possibility of a candidate to return after training to the territory of his country and employment in organizations in the specialty received.

Most often, one of the main conditions for participation in the competitive selection is the enrollment of the applicant in educational organization outside the country. Occasionally it is allowed to apply for grants and documentation for admission at the same time. But there are also programs that allow you to apply for a subsidy before the applicant is enrolled in a foreign educational institution.

Worth knowing! Competitive selections for grants are held every year. Therefore, if a student is late to submit documentation in the current year, then he can successfully do so in the future.

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Application process

The set of documents is determined by the country in which the educational process, educational institution and curriculum.

But its standard equipment is as follows:

  • international passport. You should see if its time expires;
  • diploma of education. The commission considering candidates takes into account only GPA, so you can get a grant even with several satisfactory marks;
  • a certificate that confirms the passing of an exam in the language in which the training takes place;
  • birth certificate;
  • medical insurance;
  • in addition, it is worth attaching a letter that indicates the motive for obtaining education outside the country, recommendations, as well as samples of the applicant's work, which are mandatory for professions related to creativity.

Document submission deadlines

All documentation must be collected and submitted 6 months before the start school year
in which the young person wants to start getting an education. The deadlines for the submission of documentation can be viewed on the resources of the organizers or on the portal of the university.

Errors when applying for a grant, leading to a refusal to receive it

Often, applications submitted by applicants for a subsidy do not receive a response. This is due to the mistakes that applicants make when submitting documentation for receiving a grant to study outside the country.

Most often, applicants make the following mistakes:

  • they do not thoroughly familiarize themselves with the conditions for receiving a subsidy and its program;
  • do not pay due attention to the requirements of this receiving program;
  • poorly assessed the opportunities that are provided;
  • have hesitations about studying abroad;
  • submit a small number of applications;
  • submit an incomplete set of documentation;
  • do not apply on time;
  • do not follow the instructions that are attached to the application;
  • cheat when applying for grants that don't exist;
  • no means to communicate with target audience;
  • make spelling and grammatical errors when writing an application and filling out documentation;
  • provide false information.

Platforms for finding grants in the field of study abroad

The Internet provides ample opportunity to search for grants for students wishing to study abroad.

Before you search, you should find answers to the following questions:

  1. In what direction do you want to study?
  2. What is the duration of study?
  3. What are the approximate costs of studying abroad?

The list of web resources where you can choose a grant for yourself and apply for it:

Some grant programs and requirements for their applicants

Sheffield Hallam University Scholarship Program

The institution of higher education Sheffield Hallam University is the fourth largest in the UK. It offers 15 scholarships for students from other countries worth 6,000 euros, while studying under the program "Events and Leisure Management".

Requirements for candidates:

  • students from other countries who need to pay for their studies can apply for a scholarship;
  • the applicant must receive a notification of his enrollment;
  • the candidate must have the means to pay for other expenses, such as excursions;
  • the applicant must be fluent in English IELTS - 6.0.

MBA Scholarship at Harvard Business School in the United States of America

This program provides a scholarship of $90,000 for 2 years. The amount will cover the cost of education, travel and accommodation.

Requirements for applicants:

  • study at the university of their country and have excellent academic performance;
  • enrolled in this program;
  • A student of any nationality can apply.

Fulbright Grant for English Teachers

The program is designed for young teachers in English. It involves 9 months of internship at a US higher education institution. Participants of this program The US Department of State will cover housing and food costs, as well as travel and health insurance costs.

Requirements for applicants:

  • they must be from states that have a FLTA program;
  • candidates must have a bachelor's or master's degree;
  • teaching experience is desirable;
  • are able to teach students from America their native language and introduce them to the cultural traditions of their country;
  • must be fluent in English;
  • be creative in their activities and work closely in a team of teachers and young people studying;
  • must be prepared for a large amount of knowledge;
  • should be able to adapt to living conditions in rural areas;
  • must not have US citizenship or dual citizenship.

The Denys Holland Scholarship Grant from University College London

Students of any state who without it will not be able to study at higher educational institutions have the right to apply for a scholarship. Applicants must fully show their intentions to use the acquired knowledge.

Applicants who are enrolled in any undergraduate program of the university can apply for a scholarship.

The amount of scholarship payments is 9,000 euros per year. Recipients can pay for education with only a part of the funds, and the rest of the money can be received in their hands and used to pay for living. The payment is for 1 year. But if a student has good academic performance, then it will be extended for the next year, and so on for all 3 years of study.

Requirements for the participants of the selection:

  • should be credited to face-to-face learning;
  • must show evidence that they cannot afford to study without the help of scholarship funds;
  • be under the age of 25 at the time of writing the application;
  • must show their interest in learning and the desire to use the acquired knowledge.

Scholarship for education in Singapore

If a student has a desire to study in Singapore for free, then you need to visit the web resource of the Ministry of Education with enviable regularity. There is a frequent update of the list of scholarships and programs from which you can choose the right one.

Grants usually offset only a fraction of the cost of education in that country.

Applicants are required to:

  • enrollment in the university of the country;
  • sign an agreement that will oblige a student who has completed the educational process to work in his specialty in this country for several years;
  • there must be a guarantor who will undertake the obligation to return the funds issued if the unlearned young man violates the agreement.

Getting a study abroad grant is a great opportunity to study outside your home country. Just remember that education abroad does not always mean high quality knowledge. Therefore, it is worth taking a serious approach to choosing a university abroad.

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Going to study in another country is the dream of many young people. However, on the way to its implementation there are problems that sometimes seem insurmountable. Among the most frightening questions is where to get money for educational course, flight and accommodation? Fortunately, now students have the opportunity to receive a grant that will cover all the costs of studying abroad.

What are the grants?

Grant is financial resources allocated by an organization for specific purposes. An educational grant, unlike a scholarship that is awarded for academic excellence, is awarded free of charge. In most cases, grants are given to those who cannot pay their own tuition, but are promising students.

Grants are either full or partial. In the first case, the organization that issues the grant covers all expenses, including accommodation and flights. In the second case - only training.

Grants are more readily given to those who already have a bachelor's degree and want to enter a master's or graduate school for a specific project or research. It is also possible to find funding for undergraduate studies from scratch, but most likely the grant will cover only part of the cost of study or give a discount.

You can also receive a grant for a short-term program, for example, for participation in summer school or retreat seminar.

Who gives education grants?

There are many organizations that are willing to offer financial assistance students. First of all, these are educational institutions themselves, however, as a rule, universities provide support on a competitive basis. Getting a grant of this type is not so easy, because there are many applicants.

Almost every foreign university has a Scholarships section on its website that details the possibilities for covering tuition fees. Some institutions offer small scholarships every month.

The governments of some countries (for example, the USA, Canada, France or Germany) have their own grant programs, not only for their own students, but also for foreign ones. You can also contact specialized agencies, such as the British Council (British Council), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the French Agency (Campus France) or the Swedish Institute (Swedish Institute).

In addition to foreign educational institutions, scholarships and grants are issued by Russian private organizations and universities. Thus, the Moscow Higher School of Social and economic sciences holds an annual competition for training in cultural management at the University of Manchester. At the same time, students receive two diplomas at once: Russian and British. graduate School Economics (NRU HSE) and MGIMO also cooperate with some foreign universities.

How to get a grant for education abroad?

When choosing a country, you need to take into account the knowledge of its language. Owning it for at least basic level would be a big plus. However, many schools offer special programs to improve your English proficiency. In addition, you can learn the language of the country already on the spot.

The level of English for a full-fledged study must be high. The package of documents for obtaining a grant, as a rule, includes an IELTS or TOEFL certificate. They are issued according to the results of the exam, which you need to take yourself.

Some programs, such as Fulbright or Chevening, reverse great attention on diploma and general experience of candidates.

The organizers may be interested in how ambitious the student is: whether he aspired to get the highest scores in all subjects and whether he took additional educational courses.

Not last role playing and participating in volunteer programs, and those that are not related to professional activities. International universities more interested in versatile individuals with knowledge and interests in any field. The Chevening program also requires grant applicants to have at least two years of work experience in their chosen field.

In this case, the student’s big advantage will be an experience or a project that will justify the decision to change the field. scientific interests. Specific achievements are also important, such as publications in scientific journals or winning competitions.

Masters can receive a grant for postgraduate study or a PhD program. To do this, you must present the results of a scientific or research work.

Some foundations make it mandatory for the student to return to home country after graduation training course. So if your goal is to emigrate, not every grant will suit you.

Application Process

Submission of documents is the most important and responsible step in the entire process of obtaining a grant. Program organizers or representatives of universities make the first idea about the candidate according to the standard package of documents.

As a rule, the set is standard: copies of diplomas of higher education with their certified translation, certificates of knowledge of foreign languages, CV (CV) and motivation letter.

In some cases, documents on secondary education, a translation of a dissertation or a list of publications in scientific journals are also required. Sometimes the organizers conduct a personal interview with the candidates they are interested in.

An essay or motivational letter plays a very important role. It must prove to the commission that the candidate knows how to reason, argue his opinion and convince people that he is right. The essay should have a clear answer, for which the applicant needs to receive this particular education and in this country.

It should be borne in mind that the deadlines for submitting documents in each country are different and depend, among other things, on the education system. Typically, applications begin at the end of summer and end by mid-autumn.

Face-to-face interviews are usually organized by large foundations that distribute grants. At the interview, you must show your interest in both studying and receiving a scholarship. You need to convincingly talk about your experience and not contradict what is indicated in the application.

The commission pays special attention to whether applicants are able to present themselves. During the interviews, the accuracy of the information specified in the documents is also checked. Only 5% of candidates for major grant programs reach a personal interview.

If the commission decides that the candidate is worthy of the grant, it sends an official notification to the address indicated in the documents. With this paper, you must contact the consulate to obtain a student visa.

International scholarship programs for a grant

In the UK, grants and scholarships for international students are distributed by the British Council. Each university can independently set the rules for admission to a master's program, sometimes you need to have work experience. The University of Cambridge requires applicants to have an academic education (bachelor's or specialist's degree), as well as a decent knowledge of the English language.

Scholarship Chevening program allows you to get a master's degree in any British university or spend a short scientific work. The grant will cover living expenses, air travel and even everyday life from three months to a year. Priority areas are journalism, economics, public administration and political science. Applicants are waiting for a personal interview and a language test.

Students from Russia can apply for a French government scholarship. However, in order to qualify for this grant, you must provide documents on admission to the university of this country.

In addition, scholarships are offered by the European Commission and the Henri Poincaré program for students of engineering and natural sciences.

The German DAAD program provides an opportunity to receive financial support for students older than the second year, bachelors, masters and graduate students. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. Special attention refers to the performance in Russian university, exam results, knowledge of German or English. In addition, you need to establish contact with any educational institution in Germany and get a personal invitation from a local professor who will be ready to guide you in the implementation of your project.

The Fulbright Exchange Program for masters and graduate students allows you to go to any US university, do an internship there and get access to all lectures, libraries and archives. The winners of the contest also receive medical insurance and travel expenses. After graduation, students need to return to their country for at least two years.

Getting a grant is a promising, easy and reliable way to get funding for studying abroad. A grant is a chance to study at a particular university in the world or the opportunity to choose the best from a variety of foreign universities.

Types of grants for studying abroad

Grants for education at foreign universities are nothing more than a one-time large cash reward, allowing to cover the cost of education, accommodation, meals, flights. This is what distinguishes grants from a regular monthly stipend paid to a student.

Exist different kinds grants for study abroad. Depending on the participants of grants and goals, they are divided into:

  • postgraduate programs;
  • research master's;
  • bachelor's;
  • trainees;
  • language classes.

There are grants for almost all specialties and levels of study. Traditionally, the number of grants for master's or doctoral studies is much larger than for bachelor's degrees.

The most popular types of grants are:

  • scholarship grants offered by educational institutions (institutional);
  • grants for scholarships of the President and regional authorities offered by the government of a particular country (national);
  • scholarship grants from private foundations and government programs various countries(foreign);
  • international grants for scholarships from international organizations and foundations.

According to the classification, grants are:

  1. Full (provided based on academic performance, fully cover the cost of education, plus additional scholarships are paid additionally);
  2. Partial (partially cover tuition costs);
  3. Internships (gaining work experience, free education cover the cost of housing and education).
  4. Combined (involving simultaneous education and work in the specialty).

In addition, grants are classified into 26 areas, covering 10 specialties in the field:

  1. art, humanities and culture (category A);
  2. education (category B);
  3. environment(category C - quality of the environment, D - relationship with the animal world);
  4. health (category E - general services, F - mental and crisis health, G - services provided in connection with diseases, H - research in the field of medicine);
  5. services (category I - legal services, consulting, prosecutor's office, J - work in the industry, K - Agriculture, L - tourism, M - protection, safety, prevention emergencies, N - leisure, sports, entertainment, recreation, O - youth service, P - universal service);
  6. international relations (category Q);
  7. public benefit (category R - legal protection, social rights, S - construction, T - foundations that provide grants, philanthropy, voluntarism, U - everything related to research and science, V - sociology, W - universal benefit to society);
  8. religions (category X);
  9. cooperation and mutual assistance (category Y);
  10. organizations not subject to this classification (category Z).

Grant Funding

Grants for studying abroad are compensated by sponsors-employers, the government of the country that sends the student to study, non-profit organizations, foundations, universities that accept students.

Who needs grants?

Grants are for students who:

Use of grants

The use of grants is carried out only purposefully (ie for scientific purposes in the chosen specialty, experimental research, preparation and defense of dissertations, etc.). Cash funds are not issued. Funding usually covers tuition at the university, food and accommodation for students. For more details, please see the grant program.

The choice of university is determined by the type of grant. Usually, international scholarship grants offer education at any university in any country. Such grants are funded by the governments of the host countries. University grants offer students to get an education only within their walls. Very often, applications submitted for one reason or another remain unanswered. Listed below are the most common mistakes when applying for competitive grants, leading to a refusal to study abroad.

List of mistakes most often made when preparing grant applications

The most common mistakes among student-competitors are:

  1. failure to familiarize with the terms of the grant and its program;
  2. ignoring the conditions of grant programs;
  3. poor assessment of the opportunities provided;
  4. doubts about future training;
  5. innings minimum quantity applications;
  6. submission of an incomplete package of documents;
  7. late submission of applications;
  8. unwillingness to follow the instructions attached to the grant application;
  9. cheating when applying for participation in non-existent grants;
  10. lack of communication when communicating with the target audience;
  11. availability of spelling and grammatical errors in the application and attached documents;
  12. invalid data.

General requirements for grant applicants

The selection criteria for candidate participants are determined by the training and grant programs. They differ for different universities. Standard student requirements are:

  • certain level of education;
  • knowledge of foreign language;
  • good academic readiness;
  • confirmation of enrollment in a foreign university.

How to get a grant to study at foreign universities?

The allocation of funds for grants is carried out according to specializations. This means that most of the scholarship grants go to study in engineering, natural sciences, physics and mathematics, a smaller part is allocated for humanities students, and the minimum is allocated to finance programs in medicine, small business and law.
The chances of receiving a grant to study abroad increase significantly when students:

You can receive grants by filling out a form on the website of the organizers, submitting the necessary package of documents for consideration and passing the competitive selection.

Submission procedure

There is no standard procedure for filing documents. The application for participation in each case is considered in accordance with the relevant instructions located on the websites - organizers of the programs of foreign grants. It is recommended that you carefully study the instructions for collecting and submitting documents for training grants, because. Untimely submitted and incorrectly completed documents automatically exclude further consideration.

Document submission deadlines

Documents are submitted six months before the start of the academic year in which the student plans to start studying. The deadlines for submission of documents are indicated on the organizing websites or websites of the participating universities.

How does enrolling in a foreign university affect the application for a grant

Here everything is determined by the conditions of the competition. Most grant programs require admission to a foreign university. In some cases, it is possible to submit applications for admission and a grant at the same time. It is worth noting that there are programs that allow you to submit a package of documents for a grant before enrolling in a foreign university.

Keep in mind that student grants run annually. Those who did not have time to collect and submit documents this year may well do so next year.

Impact of Age Limits on Grant Receipt

There are no age restrictions (if they are not included in the list of main requirements for candidates).

Feedback from students about receiving grants to study abroad

  • Ekaterina Petrova, 27 years old, Moscow. Three years ago I had the opportunity to receive a grant to study at Cambridge, but, unfortunately, there were no suitable grants for my specialty. Then two options for training were provided - either on a grant for free, or for personal funds. If we talk about the future, then I will do my best to convince the child of the importance of participating in obtaining a student grant and the need.
  • Nariman Bakhytzhanov, 31 years old, Kaliningrad. Studying in Denmark on a grant was great! I thank all teachers and students for their help in solving emerging problems and questions. During my studies, I learned the language, took part in experimental studies, gained experience in the specialty.
  • Participant of the program "Higher Education in the Czech Republic 2012" Alexander Shkolnikov. Trained in 2012. The university always has a cool atmosphere, positive, polite students. Among the advantages, I would like to highlight the qualifications of the teaching staff, individuality in work, a special approach to teaching to each student, a variety of practical knowledge and technical skills in the Czech language, a wide range of scientific research, and the availability of a modern material and technical base.
  • Participant in the program "Higher Education in the Czech Republic 2012" Matsaev Nurlan. Studied under the Mondi grant. During his studies he studied sociology, economics, technical and natural Sciences, right. Monthly received 1000 euros for education and compensation for travel. During the year, he received a total of ten scholarships.
  • Elena Kiryakova, 34 years old, Veliky Novgorod. The university gave me the opportunity to receive a grant and go to study in England for a year. Now I regret that I did not think well and refused. In fact, it is very promising, interesting, priceless and useful. Now, if I had the opportunity, I would participate in grant programs without hesitation.
  • Denis Kirpa, 29 years old, Astrakhan. There was a time when I dreamed of learning Czech, get a grant and go to study in Prague. There, as far as I know, all students, those who know the language provided free training. In general, student foreign grants- it's great and promising. Invaluable experience, communication with peers, the first workplace, career, success - what could be better!!!
  • Tatyana Lind, Moscow. Several of my friends work for recruiting firms. They got their first experience abroad on a grant. Now they themselves hold competitions, grants, interviews. In their opinion, a foreign diploma has great value in getting a job in the specialty. They also noted that employers evaluate the work of students-graduates of foreign universities much higher than graduates of our universities. First of all, foreign interns are taken to vacancies, then ours. Employers also provide grant participants with career, development, full social package, personal car. This is very promising and much appreciated. Rather than pay for expensive education in our country and stand on the labor exchange, it is better to try very hard to get a grant for free education abroad, decent education and work.

Platforms for searching for grants in the field of education abroad for 2014-2016

You can always independently find on the Internet the necessary programs for obtaining student grants, which provide ample opportunities to choose the direction of the specialty and the university. Preferably before searching.

An international grant is one of the types of gratuitous encouragement of talented youth representatives. A grant cannot be obtained just like that, it can be won. Winners are eligible for a small fee or continue their education abroad.

The full grant fully covers all tuition costs. It includes the cost of obtaining a visa, flight and accommodation. However, such grants are rare. Much more often, partial grants are issued, providing only for tuition fees. The rest of the expenses will be covered by the student.

The distribution of grants is carried out both by the governments of some countries, and by the educational institutions themselves, scientific foundations, public organizations and private individuals.

Who can win a study grant?

A significant part of the grants is designed for students, but sometimes high school students are also given the opportunity to study abroad. For example, in the USA there is an exchange program, and Russian high school students can be its participants. Having passed the competitive selection, they study in American schools and live with local families. This is one type of full grant, where the US government bears all the costs.

However, the greatest opportunities open up for graduate students, students and young university professors. It should be borne in mind that many programs have age restrictions - usually up to 25–30 years.

How to get a study grant?

International educational institutions offer a wide variety of educational programs in the field of art, science, design, etc. The applicant for a grant needs, first of all, to choose the country in which he would like to study, and then collect detailed information about courses of interest.

There are specialized sites on the Internet where you can find all the data on ongoing competitions, for the victory in which grants are allocated. The chances of receiving such a subsidy will increase if you find several options.

You can get a study grant different ways:

Write a letter to the university. The most difficult way is to convince the leadership of a foreign university that it is your candidacy that deserves a grant. Send information about yourself to different educational institutions where you would like to study. You will need to withstand serious competition, and here a lot will depend on how convincingly and competently you compose your motivation letter. It should describe your achievements, as well as write about your plans for the future.

Contact the government directly. The provision of grants in many countries is managed by the department of culture or education. They will provide all the necessary information about the competitions and tell you when and how to apply.

Win a contest. You can take part in grant competitions that are held in Russia. In this case, studying abroad will be subsidized by the domestic government. Grants are given to the most promising and talented researchers and scientists.

contact private foundation. This option suitable for those who cannot use the above methods, for example, due to inappropriate age. The applicant will be required to apply to a private foundation, which may be interested in his talents and abilities.

If you're lucky, you can get the amount necessary for training in one fund. However, sometimes those who want to study abroad have to apply to different funds, collecting the required amount bit by bit.

If luck has turned its back on you, do not despair. The reason for the failure may be the limited number of grants. It is possible that your talents are still of interest to foreign educational institutions. Please try again. It is possible that she will still be crowned with success.

Most research projects require financial support, which comes from various sources. grants. However, applying for a grant does not mean receiving required amount means for the implementation of even the most important and interesting research project. What needs to be done to maximize the chances of winning a grant?

You will need

  • - perseverance;
  • - computer;
  • - text editor;


As a rule, it is much easier to receive a collective grant, which will be implemented by an entire laboratory or department of your organization, than to win an individual grant.