Celebrities always attract attention. Their weddings, separations, additions to their families are discussed and supplemented with various details. The divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was no exception. Couples whose married life lasted twenty years.

The reason for the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

The couple did not seek to make their breakup public. And only after the excitement caused by it subsided, it turned out that the couple separated in 2012. The reason for what happened turned out to be so banal and common that neither colleagues nor closest friends were surprised. The fact is that Tigran began to attend all sorts of social events with his new companion. She turned out to be the editor of the Russia Today TV channel, Margarita Simonyan. At first, no one simply paid attention to it. But one fine day, a note appeared on the blog of journalist Bozhena Rynska that she had met a couple in Jurmala. This means that already at that time, the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was inevitable.

Bozhena developed this topic further and even announced that the father of this girl’s child is none other than Tigran. Readers and subscribers began to ask questions. In 2013, Margarita’s daughter Maryana was born. Who is her real father, the girl was mysteriously silent. It is known for sure that at that time her common-law husband was Andrei Blagodyrenko. To confirm her status, Maryana wore a ring on her ring finger.

While in Jurmala, the girl was already expecting her second child. His father, according to Bozhena, is Keosayan. The journalist did not hide her sincere surprise that the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was a secret for those around her. Bagrat - this is the name Simonyan and Keosayan gave to their son, born in 2014.

Last appearance together

The last time the couple was seen together was at the premiere screening of the film “Two Days” (2011). No one could have guessed then how close the separation of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was. Apparently, their union was considered so strong and unshakable. After all, just a year ago before this event, they had a second child - daughter Ksenia. And therefore, the reason for Alena’s constant absence from her husband was considered to be caring for the newborn. From time to time she still appeared at social parties. But at the same time she was either alone or accompanied by friends.

How it all began

The wedding of Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya took place in 1993. By that time he already had experience directing the film “Katka and Shiz”. Alena was a young actress, a student. They met at the Lenkomov buffet. After marriage, the careers of both spouses began to take off. In 1994, there was an addition to the young family - a daughter, Sasha, was born. The newly-made husband energetically took up directing. Since 2007, he has been the host and producer of various television programs. At the end of maternity leave, Alena begins to actively replenish the baggage of her film roles; several times she hosted joint programs with her husband.

She also played leading roles in her husband’s films; usually she got the “strong and independent” bitches. The actress would happily try on a different role, a kind and sincere heroine, but the directors do not strive for this.

The first alarm bells

Why did Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan divorce and when did the first omissions appear between them? The relationship of these people for a long time considered a real standard among the creative elite. It seemed that this was the very case when love, if not to the grave, then certainly to old age. 2009 turned out to be a turning point for the couple. It was then, for a reason unknown to anyone, that it occurred to the outrageous actor Nikita Dzhigurda to let slip about his long-standing affair with the actress. They starred in the same film, and their relationship grew into a closer one. And although this mutual passion was short-lived, I did not forget about it. It so happened that this happened just before Alena’s wedding. What prompted Dzhigurda to bring his memories to light was unclear. But Tigran’s colleagues saw very well how difficult it was for the director at that time. He walked gloomily and tried to minimize communication with anyone. Probably, not wanting to bring the matter to a divorce and trying to save the marriage, Alena decided to have a second child. Unfortunately, this did not help the marital relationship; it was not possible to revive it.

Press about the couple's separation

The divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan, of course, provoked a lot of rumors. One of Khmelnitskaya’s frequently repeated statements in the press was the phrase that, having separated, she and her husband became better friend treat a friend. They are, as before, close and dear people. For this reason, their separation passed quietly, without violent hysterics and scandals. In her interviews, the actress also emphasizes that she does not interfere with her daughters’ communication with their father. The younger Ksenia often visits him and communicates with her brother. Children are not deprived of affection or attention from both parents. The media did not ignore the actress’s personal life, attributing to her a close relationship with one Russian businessman. Alena is grateful to those journalists who are in no hurry to attribute to her romance novels, of which she is not the main character.

Spouses after divorce

Alena Khmelnitskaya continues her acting career and understands the choice ex-husband. She treats him and his new lover with complete restraint. This surprises many. After all, it’s common for celebrities to turn their breakups into a show and vent all the accumulated grievances on their exes’ heads. Alena Khmelnitskaya is not one of these people.

If we talk about the director’s new relationship, then, according to his colleagues, he is quite happy. According to actor Anton Presnov, who spoke about them, this couple is a real personification of how a director works with his muse. His beloved inspires him with her thoughts. There was an excellent understanding between them. From Margarita to film set a warmth emanates from which the work is filled with calm.

By the way, the people around them do not dare to condemn the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan (photos of the former spouses in this article), this couple enjoyed such respect.

Alena Khmelnitskaya, her biography, personal life and photos of children are of interest to the general public. Alena Khmelnitskaya is known to the public thanks to bright images, which the actress has been representing in the film industry for three decades. Each of her work is memorable interesting hero, the features of which our heroine conveys with particular skill.

Alena Khmelnitskaya

Alena Khmelnitskaya’s development in the profession

The girl was born in 1971 into a family of Bolshoi Theater ballet dancers. Thus, she was destined for a career in the world of cultural figures. Khmelnitsky often went on tour. The geography of the trips was extremely wide and everywhere the artists were greeted and seen off with thunderous applause.

Alena was aware of her parents’ star status, but she herself was not in awe of ballet art. The reason for this was the child’s large physique, which easy career and the graceful ballerina could be forgotten. Despite this, the love for art in general was passed on to the girl.

Actress Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth

The first sparks of passion for the acting profession were lit in Alena’s soul on the day when the dancers of the ballet theater group choreographed the Lenkom actors. Then young Khmelnitskaya saw live the leading stars of the theater: Abdulov, Yankovsky and other equally famous actors.

The girl became a passionate fan of theatrical art and set herself the goal of becoming a professional actress. At that time, no one knew that Alena Khmelnitskaya, her biography, personal life, children and photos on Wikipedia would take their place.

Alena Khmelnitskaya on the stage of the theater

After the future actress informed her parents about her choice, she received their undivided support in her new career. At the age of twelve, Alena had the opportunity to take part in filming for the first time and look at the mysteries of the process.

The debut role of the young actress was an image from the story “Carambolina-Caramboletta”. It was initial step on the way to fame and recognition in the film world.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “Carambolina-karamboletta”

After leaving prison high school and receiving her diploma, the future actress studied at the Moscow Art Theater School. Soon she was able to demonstrate her talent, becoming a member of the Lenkom troupe after her first year. During this period, Alena was awarded roles in the theatrical performances “Funeral Prayer” and “Juno and Avos”. After completing her studies at the studio school, the actress became a permanent and full member of the theater group. Cooperation with this theater after receiving vocational education did not last long, only two years from 1992 to 1994.

Alena Khmelnitskaya played her first significant role in the final year of her studies at the Moscow Art Theater. It was the film “Date House”, where the artist got the leading role of Natalia Sokolova.

Before that, her face appeared in episodes of the films “Courier” and “Pen”. 1986 and 1987 respectively. Since that time, the biography, personal life and photos of Alena Khmelnitskaya’s children have become even more interesting to the general public.

Still from the series “Hearts of Three”

Then roles appeared in the films “The Tale of the Merchant’s Daughter and the Mysterious Flower” and “Murder at Sunshine Manor.” Success enveloped the heroine even before graduating from university. After the diploma was issued, the popularity grew even faster and more successfully.

She participated in many successful films every year. It was for this reason that she had to leave her job at Lenkom. The film career took up all the actress’s time.

Career ups and downs

Unfortunately, throwing myself completely into cinema was a mistake. In the 90s, there was stagnation in this area and there was practically no development. The flow of offers for Alena Alexandrovna dried up, and she went into business. This decision was made by many cultural figures in those days, hoping for the best.

Khmelnitskaya became an employee of the boutique fashionable clothes. Her functions included recruiting personnel, as well as purchasing the latest clothing collections. Since, as the actress once stated, the economic component of her activity brought her difficulties in her work, she soon became bored in the boutique and left the business.

Still from the film “The Joys and Sorrows of the Little Lord”

The return to big cinema took place in 1999. At this time, some revival was noticeable in the film industry. The heroine again quickly began to earn her former popularity. She appeared in the films “Christmas Mystery”, “Turkish March”, “The President and His Granddaughter”, “Silver Lily of the Valley” and a number of other films.

The series “Ondine” became exactly the project that allowed Khmelnitskaya to regain her lost popularity.

This was the beginning of a new bright streak. From that period until 2017, the biography, personal life, children and photos of Alena Khmelnitskaya again became popular topics for discussion. Later in the actress’s career there were no less striking films:

  • "Peter of Magnificence";
  • "Hare over the Abyss";
  • "Oasis of Love";
  • "Three Half-Graces" and others.

In numerous interviews, the actress shares that she often felt unclaimed. She had long breaks in her career. The lack of work caused Khmelnitskaya self-doubt and depressive state. In addition, the concept of typicality was applied to it. Many proposals for new roles were similar to one another. Alena, like any other actor, wanted versatility.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “Mannequin”

Usually Khmelnitskaya is seen in the role of a single divorced woman, without children, but with pets. She is disappointed in men, but continues to seek her happiness. The heroines of Khmelnitskaya are strong and willful, they always go to the goal and achieve their goal.

Famous actress Alena Khmelnitskaya

The actress passionately wants to play in a historical film, but the directors stubbornly do not offer her such a role. One day Alena had the chance to play in a film about post-war years, but pregnancy forced the actress to abandon the role. Subsequently, as the heroine admits, she more than once recalled that incident and regretted the failed film work.

Career and personal life of A. Khmelnitskaya at the present stage

Now, in 2017, Alena Khmelnitskaya, her photos, children, biography and personal life are also popular.

Since 2009, Khmelnitskaya, together with director Tigran Keosayan, has hosted the television project “You and Me” on the second most important channel in Russia. By this time, the actress had already tried herself as a presenter and coped with the new task perfectly. Before that, back in 1994, she acted as the face of the music television program “Morning Mail”.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan as presenters in the program “You and Me”

The actress's family life is discussed by most of the country's tabloids. Her marriage to Tigran Keosayan, which took place in 1993, was another step towards the development of her brilliant career. Famous director I tried to photograph my wife as often as possible.

An important fact was that Alena at that time was already an accomplished actress and the professional relationship soon grew into a strong marriage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya: photo

The director became the father of Alena Khmelnitskaya’s children (photo), which became an important factor in the actress’s personal life and biography. Alexandra was the first to see the light in 1994. After which, with a big gap in 2010, the youngest daughter, Ksenia, was born. Eldest daughter famous couple I decided to follow my father’s fate and went to study at a New York university, majoring in Cinema and Television.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her husband and youngest daughter

The first signs of troubles in the pair of artist and director appeared in 2011, when the star tandem appeared in public together less and less often. Rivers of gossip flowed.

Journalists happily “chewed” the topic that Tigran Keosayan started a relationship with Margarita Simonyan. Subsequently new lover gave birth to a son for the director, and the family finally broke up. An event occurred in 2014. All this attracted increased attention to the father of Alena Khmelnitskaya’s children, her biography, personal life and photos.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her youngest daughter Ksenia

Soon, news appeared in the media that the divorced actress got to know her better and even became friends with her follower, as indicated by a photo posted by the heroine on a social network.

The photo was taken at the birthday party of Alena’s youngest daughter, Ksenia. That day the girl turned 6 years old. The situation caused a lot of talk and comments from close people, reporters and fans of the separated couple.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Andrey Dellos

Alena said that she is not going to cross out 21 years of happiness family life and will support a good relationship With new family ex-husband. The actress was prompted to take such a step by her love for children. She thinks they should have happy childhood, which adults have no right to spoil with their squabbles.

Tigran Keosayan’s children grow up together and communicate a lot. Alena Khmelnitskaya states that she does not yet know how she will explain to her little daughter in the future that her dad lives with another family, but for now, in essence, the child doesn’t care. And the eldest Alexandra already understands everything herself, she is already 23 years old.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Alexander Sinyushin

Relatives consider Alena wise woman, to which she responds with a modest smile. In her opinion, maintaining a friendly relationship with her ex-husband is completely natural. The actress says she feels much better now than she did 15 years ago. A busy schedule helps her with this. theatrical productions and filming, as well as yoga.

Khmelnitskaya has a personal instructor who helps her organize her training effectively. The actress is busy in plays and gives 15 performances a month. The work schedule is also busy with touring and filming. The actress says she is in a long-term relationship with a man whose identity she has not yet revealed.

Alena Khmelnitskaya

Biography, personal life, children and photos of Alena Khmelnitskaya on Wikipedia have taken their rightful place. Bright Leoncia from the film “Hearts of Three”, Tatyana Panchenko from the film “Ondine” and other memorable images made Khmelnitskaya a popular actress of our time. Her talent allowed her to express herself in different roles and achieve the desired public recognition.

Alena Khmelnitskaya now

At 45 years old, the actress looks great and does not like to talk about her personal life. But her professional activity is widely represented on screens in various films, as well as on the theatrical stage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya’s new husband (see photo below) was talked about in social circles after the young man found himself among the audience at the premiere of the musical “Cinderella” next to the parents of the leading actress several years ago. And after her divorce from Tigran Keosayan, they started talking about her new husband even more actively!

We remind you: Alena Khmelnitskaya has been married to a famous director for decades. Therefore, the news of his departure from the family to television journalist Margarita Simonyan became a thunderclap among clear skies for all fans of this beautiful and quite famous couple. Moreover, in her interviews, Khmelnitskaya did not insult her rival or her ex-husband, explaining the separation by mutual grievances that accumulated during their time together under the same roof.

Add fuel to the fire and joint photos graphies ex-wife and the new life partner of the famous director, taken at the birthday celebration of his youngest daughter ex-spouses. In the photographs, the actress looked content and happy; the most picky critics of her talent could not find on the woman’s face any signs of confusion or resentment at her husband’s betrayal.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and Margarita Simonyan

Media reaction to the actress’s novel

For a long time, reporters knew nothing about the personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband. The actress is not one of those who likes to make personal experiences and other details public. family relations. Only after deciding to live with her young chosen one, Khmelnitskaya had to declassify his name and joint plans for the future.

As the actress shared with her fans in an interview glossy edition, she is now happy and feels great in Sinyushin’s company. The young man was able to build relationships with his children common-law wife in such a way that they supported the mother’s choice and enjoy spending time in the common company.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and Alexander Sinyushin

According to Khmelnitskaya, the attitude towards her daughters has always been the main indicator for her true love to a woman, so she believes that new lover passed this test with honor.

Who is Alexander Sinyushin

Very little is known about the young man. Reporters managed to find out only a few facts about Alena Khmelnitskaya’s new husband (photo below). Thus, the information about the large age difference between the lovers turned out to be absolutely accurate. The actress herself does not consider 12 years a huge period of time and calls it “uncritical.”

According to the actress, she is glad that Alexander is not in any way connected with the world of cinema and theater - he has his own company to provide the performances of show business stars with the necessary lighting and music equipment. The company is quite small, however, the income young man allows him to travel with his beloved and her youngest daughter all over the world. On the actress’s personal page on social networks you can see joint photos with her new husband from different corners planet, and the beauty celebrated her birthday in Goa. The woman herself speaks of Alexander as a very caring and generous man.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband

Khmelnitskaya's fans left a lot of comments on her microblog, sincerely glad that the divorce of this beautiful woman could not ruin her life. Wishes to the beloved actress on the Internet are only benevolent - true connoisseurs of her work do not care about the youth of her chosen one and the nationality of the young man.

IN rare interviews the actress claims that Alexander’s tastes really appeal to her, so they decided to live together. According to Khmelnitskaya, she doesn’t want to put a stamp in her passport, since an open relationship will lose that touch of lightness that she loves.

Facts from the biography of the actress

Alena Khmelnitskaya is a native Muscovite. Her parents were famous ballet dancers in the theater community, who managed to achieve recognition not only in the Russian capital, but also abroad. The actress herself actually grew up behind the scenes of Lenkom, so after graduation theater university For a long time she performed on the stage of the famous theater. True, at first her work was limited exclusively to episodic roles.

The popularity of Alena Khmelnitskaya was brought by the play “Juno and Avos”, after which the young artist was invited to play the main role in the film “Hearts of Three”. The film story about the adventures of young treasure hunters became a favorite film in the adventure genre among all viewers in the Soviet Union and gave fame to the leading actors.

The actress’s first common-law husband was Alexander Dellos, a famous Moscow restaurateur and part-time best friend of Valery Zolotukhin. The romance ended as soon as the man was able to leave for the homeland of his ancestors - he is French by origin. To gain a foothold in the new territory, Delos had to marry a wealthy French woman, and very quickly the fictitious marriage became real.

Alena with Tigran Keosayan and daughter

The actress met Tigran Keosayan in the early 90s. The couple officially legalized their relationship in 1993, and in 1994 their common daughter Alexandra was born. The girl independently decided to study in America at a directing course, after which she began working with her famous father. According to Alena Khmelnitskaya, her daughter accepted her new husband very well and supported the choice of the famous mother.

The actress filed for divorce from Keosayan back in 2014, and a little later decided to shock the public with joint photos with her rival. At the same time, the actress claims that a calm attitude towards her husband’s departure helped her maintain good relations with the father of her children and saved them from possible scandals in a social gathering that inevitably haunt famous people at all stages of their personal lives.

We hope that Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband, Alexander Sinyushin, will be happy!

    Indeed, quite recently it became known that famous actress Alna Khmelnitskaya and her husband, director Tigran Keosayan, separated after 20 years of marriage. The reason for the separation of the famous couple is that Tigran Keosoyan met new love in the person of a famous journalist, who soon after the start of their romance became pregnant.

    The reason was the national compatibility of Keosayan and Simonyan, as well as Alna’s age. In our highly spiritual country, women after 40 are almost always abandoned for younger ones. Well, besides, Simonyan is a protege of the Kremlin, and Alna is an animal rights activist; men usually consider such women to be a bit of that. Of course, it’s more profitable to live with a pro-Kremlin woman. However, I don’t envy Margarita, who received a rotten old hose))) And I wish Alna to find a real loving man. I'm sure it won't work out.

    Alena Khmelnitskaya, alas, refused to comment on this situation. And Tigran Keosayan is already the father of Margarita Simonyan’s child. The news is, of course, shocking, but it’s not for us to judge. We don’t know what happened to them. Yes, in public they looked happy couple, but in reality everything could be different!

    Sorry, but this couple never seemed harmonious to me! Beautiful, yes, and that’s all! There was always a feeling that Tigran chose his wife as a copy of the most beautiful woman. I chose the outside and got the inside. I can’t imagine that this couple lived without disputes, friction and even misunderstandings. I can do it without cheating, but with great difficulties, they are both very complex, different. I stopped respecting Tigran after the situation with Paulina Dmitrenko, and the new passion, judging by the photo, suits him very well! They are just wildly similar! They probably deserve each other. I found my happiness, so what) Now all that remains is for Alena to do the same, and that’s all! What's the question?)

    Yes. We separated and it all happened because of a mistress!! Margarita Simonyan destroyed such a family, such a couple. I'm angry at her, how could she?? And most importantly, she even gave birth to his children while he was still in a relationship! Where is the morality, where is the education?! And I don’t want to talk about Tehran at all. Caucasian men don’t act like that! The real ones don't come. I know for sure that now they will not be happy.

    But I wish Alena Khmelnitskaya only good things and a good man!

    I didn’t think that my morning would begin with such sad and even shocking information. But a fact is a fact. Not long ago it became known that an incredibly beautiful couple, one of the most beautiful couples, I would say, broke up. It's about about Tigran Keosayan and the luxurious, popular actress Alena Khmelnitskaya.

    You'll forgive me, of course, but I'm shocked. And in this situation I was simply amazed that after so many years of a happy (as it seemed to me) life together, the guys broke up.

    Alena and Tigran complemented each other so well that it would never have occurred to me that this would not last forever. This morning I found out that Tegran, it turns out, already has a child on the side. And this child is from the very famous journalist Margarita Simonyan.

    This news just hit me. The fact is that I know Margarita personally. There was an opportunity to chat. And to be honest, I would never say that she could become a homewrecker, that she could give birth without any problems from married man... In general, it’s difficult to say anything, and I don’t want to. One of the most beautiful couples broke up...

    Now Margarita is expecting her second child...

    I think that it is She, Margarita, who is the main cause of discord in the family.

    I wish Alena Khmelnitskaya happiness even without Him!

    Yeah, that's news. On our women's forum all day long, girls are indignant about this event. But I think so - it’s none of our business why Keosayan left Khmelnitskaya. In general, Keosayan left for another woman - journalist Margarita Simonyan. Moreover, she seems to be expecting a second child from him. Apparently, they have love, feelings. Family. God grant that Alena Khmelnitskaya also improves her personal life...

    We heard about this news quite recently. It turned out that in the family life, founded in 1993 (the celebrities have two daughters from this marriage), this beautiful couple has not been so smooth for a long time. The charming star of our cinema Alena Khmelnitskaya (born 1971) (Ondine, Three Half-Graces) and the famous director Tigran Keosayan have not been seen together since 2011.

    Still happy in the photo married couple Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan.

    But in last years The actress’s husband is often seen together with the journalist and author of the story on which the television series The Sea was based by Tigran Keosayan. Mountains. Expanded clay, Margarita Simonyan. They write on the Internet that she managed to give birth to Keosayan one child and is pregnant with her second. You can read about it here.

    In the photo, not noticing anyone, absorbed in an interesting conversation, Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan.

    The reason for the separation of the famous couple, it seems, is precisely the husband’s new hobby.

    It's a shame that such a beautiful woman broke up, exemplary family, Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan. It’s a pity for Alena, Tigran betrayed her, and this after so many years life together. According to rumors, he had been hanging out with journalist Margarita Simonyan for a long time. Tigran and Alena have two daughters. And it seems that Simonyan is expecting a second child, both from Tigran. It turns out that Tigran had been living with two families for a long time, they just hid it from the public. I wish Alena to find her happiness and to be loved.

    The news that one of the most beautiful and strong couples Tigran Keosayan and Alna Khmelnitskaya it turns out after all broke up I just shocked the Internet. If you believe the media, which write about the same thing, then the couple lived married 20 years(!), God forbid everyone, and still a popular film director Tigran left for another woman, journalist Margarita Simonyan.

    It seems that Tigran has very serious intentions regarding Margarita Simonyan, since it is reported that the journalist is expecting a second child whose father is Tigran Keosayan, and the first child is allegedly also from Keosayan.

    Alna Khmelnitskaya and Tagran Keosayan had two daughters in their marriage.

    The news that Tigran and Margarita are together and what they have common child leaked to social networks from Bozena Rynski, a journalist, she was sure that everyone had known everything for a long time, since the young couple did not hide their relationship.

    Well, we can only wish the young family happiness and a long-lasting union.

    Maybe Alna Khmelnitskaya has already established her personal life, I sincerely wish her not to despair and find her new female happiness.

Talented actress Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband live a happy life...

The ardent interest in the life of this talented actress and very beautiful woman from a creative bohemian family is connected not only with her personally, but also with the people who surround her in life. Such big names as Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan are on everyone’s lips; these outstanding personalities are practically also the family of Alena Khmelnitskaya. For several years now, many people have been haunted by the celebrity couple’s divorce, and now the public is agitated by rumors that their idol’s personal status has changed.

Alena Khmelnitskaya is no longer alone, her new husband and daughters fill her life completely. In this article we will summarize known facts from various sources, to briefly familiarize yourself with how the life of a popular and beloved actress develops.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband

Alena Khmelnitskaya: biography, personal life

It should be immediately noted that the bohemian environment surrounded the girl with early childhood, her parents’ social circle always consisted of celebrities from the cultural sphere. This remarkable biographical fact determined not only the choice of profession, but also contributed to the formation of a highly noble, intelligent character.

Born on January 12, 1971 in Moscow into a family of Bolshoi Theater ballet soloists. The family had only child, backstage and the orchestra pit were the baby’s main place of stay.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth

When Alena was already ten years old, and she consciously perceived the world, life presented her with the most vivid impression, a childish delight that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Her mother, who had changed her role by that time, participated in the choreography of the musical “Juno and Avos” and Alena attended almost all rehearsals with incredible pleasure.

Maximum attention was paid to her daughter’s education; Alena studied at a school with a French bias, theater, cinema and gymnastics filled her life completely.

At the age of 12, Alena Khmelnitskaya starred in her first film, having successfully passed the casting of actors for A. Belinsky’s film “Carambolina-karamboletta”.


At the age of 15, I had to grow up sharply, my parents left their girl to finish her studies at school, and they themselves went to work in London.

The time of growing up passed without the participation of her parents; Alena had very adult novels and disappointments early on. Andrey Dellos, an artist and restaurateur, became her first love, which did not last long, having met another, he married her and they left for France.

In those days, youth and belonging to bohemian youth did not allow her to fall into depression; Alena went to live with her parents in the UK. New impressions, an opening world, calmed me down, a new acquaintance with Yegor Konchalovsky also helped, but the relationship did not work out.

The romance with Nikita Dzhigurda was also fleeting, and in the meantime it was necessary to think about further education and choice of profession. Everything about the profession had long been predetermined; all that remained was to choose a specific university. The choice turned out to be difficult, Alena auditioned at all three famous creative workshops - the Shchukin School, GITIS, and the Moscow Art Theater School. Studying in each of them opened up great opportunities, it was necessary to make a decision, and Alena Khmelnitskaya chose the Moscow Art Theater.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new common law husband Alexander Sinyushin

Active beginning

Alena Khmelnitskaya entered the profession so quickly and so organically that she immediately became popular among directors. Several factors had an impact, the external characteristics of the young actress, who was incredibly pretty, as well as her obvious talent and existing acting experience. Even before entering the university, Alena starred in three films in episodic roles.

After successful work in two performances “Juno and Avos” and “Funeral Prayer”, the student was already enrolled in the troupe of the Lenkom Theater in advance. Alena did not notice the difficulties of combining study and work, life was so interesting and promising.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “Carambolina-karamboletta”

The first one came in 1991 the main role in the movie "Date House", but in real star breakthrough The role of Leoncia Solano in the film “Hearts of Three”, which became a cult film for the whole country, became a profession.

The first steps in the profession were confident and very successful, they were marked by the following film works:

  • "The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower";
  • "Arbitrator";
  • "Hearts of Three";
  • "Murder at Sunshine Menor"
  • "Musical Forecast".

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “Hearts of Three”

Family life

After the divorce, Alena Khmelnitskaya got a new husband quite quickly, even taking into account that the marriage was civil. But first things first…

Alena Khmelnitskaya has never had a shortage of fans, which is not surprising given such external data. However, the fateful meeting occurred by chance in the buffet of his native Lenkom. According to the actress herself, she immediately felt the reliability and responsibility emanating from Tigran Keosayan, which she so dreamed of seeing in her chosen one.

Both are young, talented with great professional ambitions and prospects; such a commonality quite naturally culminated in a wedding in 1993. And already in 1994, the beloved and desired daughter Sasha appeared.

The difficulties of the 90s were not felt at first, but with the appearance of a child and a change in the art world, when there was no time for him, the country was simply trying to survive, there was no work, I had to leave the stage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya decided to try herself in a new role and start small business by opening your own boutique. It was difficult for the businesswoman, three years of attempts did not lead to prosperity, it became more and more difficult, but her beloved “Tiger” was nearby. According to Alena, this is exactly how her husband was recorded in his phone, even when he changed his status to “ex.”

The talented director has made three successful films in a row since 1997, became incredibly popular and saved the family situation.

Alena Khmelnitskaya returned to the theater again, having managed to star in two of these three films by Tigran, “The President and His Granddaughter” and “Silver Lily of the Valley,” which also became a cult film work. The role of Irma in “Silver Lily of the Valley” is recognized as one of best roles actress, she became a kind of symbol of Alena Khmelnitskaya’s return to the profession.

Successful return

Life has returned to normal again, active creative activity brought not only income, but also moral satisfaction. Offers for roles in films followed one after another; after Alena Khmelnitskaya returned, she starred in several popular films of that time:

Still from the film “Three Half-Graces”

  • "Directory of Death";
  • "The President and his granddaughter";
  • "Game of Love";
  • "Men's work";
  • "Silver lily of the valley";
  • "March of Turetsky".

In addition, work continued on the stage of Lenkom, the only puzzling thing was that Alena was firmly assigned the role of a beautiful, self-confident bitch. Life is completely different, the actress dreamed of trying to play positive role, but the directors did not meet her.

Still from the film “Mannequins”

Career rise

Both spouses continued to successfully implement themselves in the profession; since 2007, Tigran Keosayan also began to actively participate in work on television, as a producer and host of several television programs.

Alena Khmelnitskaya was torn between several projects, including in the serial film “Ondine”, playing Tatyana Panchenko. In addition, films with her participation were released:

  • "The most beautiful";
  • "Hare over the Abyss";
  • "Mirage";
  • "Three Half-Graces";
  • "Not renounce loving";
  • "Paid by death";
  • "Who if not me?";
  • “Half an hour before spring”;
  • "Fatal Inheritance";
  • "Three Happy Women";
  • "Second Youth"

In 2003, another popular film, “The Joys and Sorrows of the Little Lord,” was released; people came not only to the film itself, but specifically to Khmelnitskaya, the popularity of the actress was so high.

And in 2009, filming stopped; Alena, together with her husband Tigran Keosayan, hosted the incredibly popular television program “You and Me.”

Problems in personal life

Imperceptibly, disagreements and disputes began to increasingly fill their lives, as Alena Khmelnitskaya later admitted, it was difficult to communicate with Tigran, for all his reliability, he practically did not take her opinion into account. In addition, the marriage had already been quite long and inevitably experienced a crisis; life is so structured that even stars do not escape its negative laws.

In an effort to save the relationship, Alena and Tigran decided to become parents for the second time, especially since this was the actress’s long-standing dream. In 2010, Ksenia was born, but the family climate continued to deteriorate, aggravated by new difficulties.

Tigran Keosayan with his new wife

The blow for the actress was the rumors that Tigran had another woman, the relationship with whom he even stopped hiding, appearing with her on various events. This woman was Margarita Simonyan, also talented and successful man with a strong character.

As a result, in 2012, the couple decided to separate, and they did it without causing a scandal throughout the country with mutual insults, as often happens. It’s hard to imagine what the Actress went through, who at that time also had Small child in her arms, but she bore it with great dignity.

Hard times

Having parted, star couple continued to communicate now as Good friends, the fact of divorce became known to the general public only two years later. By that time, everyone had already realized that Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan did not just have a friendly relationship, as it seemed at first.

U new couple children of their own appeared, but for his first daughters Tigran Keosayan continued to be a loving and caring father all the time.

For the sake of the children, Alena established relationships with her new family and even became friends with new wife ex-husband, who also turned out to be a very worthy and noble person.

Life goes on

Life gradually got better, the support of her ex-husband smoothed out everyday difficulties and allowed her to take up her profession again. The role of the stepmother in the film “Cinderella”, released in 2016, became an incredible success; Alena again appeared before fans of her talent in all her professional and feminine beauty.

There were rumors that only a loved one could blossom like that. loving woman, which soon received their confirmation. The new chosen one was the young businessman Alexander Sinyushin, and since the spring of last year the couple has been living together.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband Alexander Sinyushin

According to Alena Khmelnitskaya, an initially cautious relationship with a man 12 years younger than her grew into a serious feeling. The young people discovered a lot in common, mutual respect and, most importantly, new chosen one found an approach to his youngest daughter Ksyusha. And Sasha is already an independent adult, studying in America, she has her own path, she never dreamed of becoming an actress.

With her new husband (however, the couple has not yet registered), Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter are traveling; they spent the New Year holidays in India in Goa. And recently we went to Hungary, deciding to celebrate Alexander’s birthday in this way.