Personal qualities are nothing more than the components of character, its features. The development of personal qualities contributes to the fulfillment of a person, making him versatile. Personal qualities allow you to respond correctly to external stimuli and in spite of everything to succeed in your activities. This is a way to efficiently use internal resources.

The level of development of personal qualities

Each person is born with a certain character and a set of personal qualities that determine the characteristics of behavior and life priorities. Throughout life, some qualities change under the influence of various factors, some remain for life.

Psychologists say that the main stages of character formation occur in the first five years of life, then they are somewhat adjusted based on life circumstances.

The main indicators and criteria that form the level of personality development include: the ability to take an active life position, the level of responsibility, the orientation of the way of life, the level of culture and intelligence, the ability to control emotions.

Many depend on personality traits. aspects of life, from selection to activity priority for . If a person realizes the need for more quality level life, he will try to achieve what he wants. This is helped by just such personality traits as the ability to adequately assess reality and one's capabilities. Even when not high level innate characteristics of a person, but with the realization of one's individuality, there is always the opportunity to decide on an activity that will most fully reveal a person's abilities. Moreover, if desired, there is always the opportunity to develop personal qualities.

The development of a child begins at birth. This is a multilateral process of interaction between parents, society and self-development. The main responsibility, of course, rests with the family. Here begins the knowledge of oneself as a separate individual, learns different options for interaction with other people and options for responses.

To date, the opinion has been established that all manifestations of human character are acquired in early childhood. At this time, three key groups personality traits. Depending on the period of life, there is a formation of ways, styles of behavior and tools for interacting with other people.

Factors in the development of personal qualities

As soon as the child begins to perceive himself as a separate individual, begins to realize his place in the world around him, the process of development of basic qualities begins, including the development of the sensory sphere of life. There are several key factors, which indicate the beginning of the process:

  • active and appropriate use of personal pronouns;
  • possession of self-service and self-control skills;
  • the ability to describe their experiences and explain the motivation of actions.

Age of onset of personality formation

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear the age of the beginning of the formation of personality. Psychologists indicate the age of two to three years. However, it cannot be said that nothing has happened until this moment. Active preparation and formation of individual preferences, communication skills, temperament. By the age of five, the child fully perceives himself as a separate person with individual characteristics, who is in an active relationship with the surrounding reality.

A person is influenced not only by family, but also by society, school, friends. This environment, of course, leaves its mark on the behavior and formation of the child. However, the foundation, the foundation can only be laid by close people. It is they who set the benchmarks and show the ways of interaction within the family and with other people. Since the child is not yet familiar with the rules of behavior in society, he focuses on relatives and takes an example from them. Therefore, there are often many common features in children with parents. Often the child completely copies the behavioral model of the parents.

AT modern world It is generally accepted that a successful person is one who has achieved sustainable financial position. Is it really? Or is a deeply unhappy, lonely and empty being hiding behind the mask of such a person? Let's find out what personality traits are needed to achieve life success.

What kind of people can be considered successful?

What is success? If to describe literally, then this is the achievement of certain goals, concomitant luck. However, successful people do not always represent the person who has received public recognition. Often such people feel unhappy, despite such qualities as diligence, purposefulness of a person and assertiveness.

So what is a successful person? This is the one who fulfilled his true dream, lurking in the hidden depths of the soul. This is the person who is always ready for new discoveries and goals. This is the person who feels successful not only within himself, but also is such in the eyes of the people around him. So what personality traits are needed to achieve success in life? We will talk about this below.

Love for work

A person's industriousness is a positive and assertive attitude towards various activities. This means that such a person is ready to devote himself to work, as they say, with a soul and in a big way. At the same time, such a person is not distracted by other activities and, as a rule, brings what he has begun to the end.

Diligence forms a personality from birth, so parents often teach their children to do activities, starting with house cleaning and self-service. Let's start with the fact that the love of work allows you to achieve success in any business, because such a person does not look for an excuse for his laziness, but only gets rid of it and acts contrary to his weaknesses. It is believed that diligence is the key to success and good luck in life, therefore, in this article, this quality comes first.

At the same time, it is important not only to show diligence, but to choose only the activity that you like. As a rule, assertive work is often liked by greedy employers who assign triple work to a subordinate, regardless of his health or needs. That is why it is important to be not just hardworking, but also to direct this energy in the right direction. Only in this way will this quality of personality, necessary for achieving success in life, really help you.


Another one special feature that allows you to succeed in life - striving for a goal. She talks about an object that always knows what he wants, and in his head he has a certain plan and vision for the final of his race. At the same time, such a purposeful person will never leave the race, even if such obstacles arise as lack of money, illness, loss of loved ones or other vicissitudes of fate.

In other words, a person's purposefulness is a belief in his activity, which is supported by indestructible arguments. Such a person will never give up his dream, even if both people and circumstances put pressure on him.

A purposeful person proves that a core has been formed inside him and a compass has been formed that allows him to navigate in the modern world. This is the type of people who passionately believe in their cause and fight for the right of its existence. After all, it is not in vain that they say that the meaning of human existence is to set a goal for yourself and move towards it. Otherwise, our race can only be compared with animals that move in an endless circle: food - sleep - stool - copulation - struggle for survival.

Desires and ambitions

First you need to understand these two concepts, because, despite their proximity, they are fundamentally different from each other. Let's start with desire, or lust. It is a feeling that arises in a person who wants something or someone. At the same time, it is associated with needs, lifestyle and already existing baggage behind you (experience, property). main feature wishes in what it is great quality personality necessary to achieve success in life. However, sometimes this need remains only a thought that will never develop into a goal.

Desire cannot exist without ambition, and those, in turn, without purposefulness. As a rule, everything starts small: a person needs something urgently and dreams about it at night. While some are absorbed in dreams, others begin to act, taking everything into their own hands. At the same time, this personal quality, necessary for success, corresponds to culture and society. For example, if 100 years ago people dreamed of being able to communicate with family and friends by delivering mail instantly, today the goal of many people is to create artificial intelligence and find a cure for cancer. However, most people dream of only one thing - to earn money. And no matter how, where and with what efforts. This desire was also shaped by our society.

So what is ambition?

Ambition is a modernized and distorted form of desire that often manifests itself in selfish and ambitious people. Ambitious individuals get satisfaction and are considered successful by receiving honors for their deeds. On the one hand, this is not bad, because such people are driven by a goal and a desire to achieve unsurpassed success, to become better than anyone else. On the other hand, ambitions often cloud the mind and a person, having entered the first steps of his thorny path, begins to boast of achievements and take pleasure in belittling others for inaction.

Ambitions are in every person, but not every one of us knows how to manage them. There is a type of people who yearn to be surrounded by society, and for this they direct their desire to the mass media. Others, on the contrary, may close from outside world because their ambition eventually turns into depression.

If you do not judge biasedly, then you can create a small picture of an ambitious person:

  • ambition grows into negative emotions causing discomfort to others.
  • Ambition can be nurtured in a child if parents put pressure on him with early childhood. This is due to the fact that being young married couple could not achieve some success, thereby placing responsibility on her child.

What is it like to be a leader?

Leadership skills allow you to lead people. People around trust such individuals, because they make decisions for the team, often correct and logical. In the modern world, everyone claims to take the place of the main one on the ship, but not everyone copes with this task. Let's find out the most important personality traits of a leader:

  1. This person is not afraid to take risks and put everything on the line. However, he does it wisely, analyzing all the facts, comparing them. Risks help either change life for the better, or lose everything that was. But a true leader is not afraid of this. At the same time, it does not endanger the lives of its wards and activities. For example, the owner of a company is afraid to introduce a new product for sale, because no one knows what the payback will be. However, by taking a risk, this person will be able to get a triple profit than if he adhered to the strategy "you go quieter - you will continue."
  2. Another key quality successful person- self-confidence. The leader never doubts this, having high (or above average) self-esteem. It is confidence that helps him take risks, think critically, make responsible decisions and not be afraid to make mistakes. It is confidence that reinforces faith in the personality of a leader when not two or three people, but hundreds of people gather behind him.
  3. Reliability - no less important quality. Do not fail at the right time - a skill that is not given to everyone. The leader must be responsible and understand what role he has in this world when he directs those who follow him. Accordingly, all actions and deeds must be consistent and thought out to the smallest detail, and not performed in a chaotic manner.


The path to success is thorny and has many pitfalls. To get desire, it is important to have one more feature - to be able to work on yourself, starting from a conscious age and ending with the last breath. This quality is called self-development. At the same time, it does not matter what a person will study - auto mechanics for work or the heat death of the Universe.

Self-development increases our intelligence, makes us literate and knowledgeable in many areas. This trait allows you to get what you want out of life without spending too much resources (time, effort or emotions). For this you need:

  • Make time for books. It is believed that a successful person, mostly rich, reads 1-2 books a month. At the same time, it is not necessary to give preference only to thematic business books, but also to read classics, new works, articles, bestsellers.
  • Open up new areas, regardless of work activity. Contrary to stereotypes, a person must grow and develop. This is our evolution, in constant learning. If you are in pediatrics, then no one will judge if in free time you will learn to play the guitar. It all depends on your perception and desires.

Spirituality, or the Beginning of the Path

Spirituality is the harmony of man with his soul. Also, this trait can be described as a combination of moral values, culture, conscience, upbringing and enlightenment. Spirituality is exactly the quality that makes us people who have entered a new evolutionary era. At the same time, the very concept of harmony does not have to be in a religious sense.

Even if a person does not believe in any deities, this does not mean that ethics, culture, art or self-development should be neglected. Spirituality allows you to find a common language with others, maneuver in conflict situations and to achieve desire, using only eloquence and education, and not a club or a withered stick.


Perhaps, without assertiveness, the leader would not have stood at the helm and he would not have been entrusted with the lives of hundreds of people. This personality trait is a tendency to prove one's point of view to others, to put pressure on them or even to impose one's opinions and desires. At the same time, assertiveness is far from worst trait, because it allows you to literally open the door with your foot.

Here's an example: a fairly successful firm posted a job for a sales manager. They see the new employee as bold, outgoing and creative. Each of us, seeing such a vacancy with a worthy salary, believes that the new experience is up to them. However, out of 10 people, only one can cope, who is not afraid to look into the eyes during a conversation, clearly answer questions and ask questions along the way. Assertiveness is a sign of self-confidence. This means that such a person will be able to grow and develop, moving forward not only himself, but also leading the whole company. Assertiveness is a sign of a determined person who not only expresses his thoughts clearly, but also respects the opinions of others.

Sometimes this quality can be harmful, because it suggests that a person will go for a ram, sweeping away everything in its path. However, a collision in this case is inevitable. It is important to observe not only the limits of decency, but also permissibility. Assertiveness, especially uncontrolled, can lead to incompetence, because such people do not feel when to stop or change the course of events. To given quality tact is involved.

Other features no less important

Tact is the ability to feel the emotions of other people, their state and mood. This trait allows you to either compliment a person or offend him. Tact also needs to be learned by studying the psychology and characters of people.

Among the qualities that will help to achieve success in life, one can also include independence (willingness to enter into new way), courage, creativity (thinking outside the box), independence (learning work processes and turning on logic), will and own opinion. All these traits will make you not only a rich person, but also a happy, worthy, respected one.

How many people, so many life scenarios. Someone wants to become a successful businessman, someone - famous actor someone - create a strong happy family. But, one way or another, everyone wants to achieve success. What is needed for this? Why does one achieve a goal, while the other only complains about failures? It is easy to attribute everything to bad luck, the lack of support from others, and it is much more difficult to admit that failure is a consequence of one's own inability and unpreparedness. And then work on yourself, training and developing those traits that are needed to achieve the goal. What qualities distinguish successful people from those who could not achieve what they wanted?


It is this character trait that allows you to follow your dream without retreating or giving up. Purposefulness is a quality necessary for success in life. On the way of any person there are always obstacles and difficulties. And if one gives in to circumstances, agrees to a compromise and looks for simpler options, then the other continues to fight. Only determination and perseverance can achieve the goal. After all, giving up is always easy. Life always offers ways of retreat. You can give up your career and find a quiet, boring job. You can stop torturing yourself with workouts and buy a more comfortable sofa. It's so simple. But the quality of a person, necessary for achieving success in life, is to persevere towards the goal, without stopping or turning off.


A weak person is always afraid of losing. This scares him so much that it becomes easier to do nothing at all. The fear of rejection, the fear of looking ridiculous, the fear of looking ridiculous - all these are anchors that pull you to the bottom. But if any undertaking is scary, then how can you achieve anything in life? Self-confidence is a personality trait necessary to achieve success in life. Many great ideas were laughed at at first. Airplanes, cinema, cars, computers - all these ingenious inventions at first seemed to people useless and ridiculous. If their creators had retreated, given in to the pressure of public opinion, who knows what the world would look like today. Victory never comes all at once. Many times you will have to lose, starting again and again, without thinking about defeats. The ability to believe in yourself and not listen to spiteful critics is a quality necessary for success.


You can't achieve your goal just by sitting still. You can endlessly justify your own inaction, look for reasons why you can put everything off for another day, a month, a year. Every loser can easily explain why exactly he cannot succeed, and this sounds very convincing. Dozens, hundreds of reasons. So isn't it better to forget about the excuses, just get up and do it? In any case, there are difficulties. They cannot be considered sufficient reason to abandon the goal. You just need to find a way to eliminate the obstacles, to overcome the obstacles that arise on the way. Activity is another personality trait necessary for success. You need to constantly look for new ways and opportunities, use every chance to change the current situation in your favor. Without this, it is simply impossible to make your life better and move towards your goal.

Ability to grow up

Our life is movement. And you can go up and you can go down. Going with the flow, a person voluntarily gives up the chances to achieve success, which means he misses opportunities. While he stands still, others move forward. So is it worth it to be surprised later if he will be the last one at the finish line? Only by setting yourself new and new tasks, developing, improving yourself, you can make your life better. It doesn't necessarily have to do with business or career. Even a woman who has chosen the role of a housewife can turn into a boring creature with a ladle in one hand and a rag in the other, or she can continue to develop. Go to gyms and various courses, read, study foreign languages. Then she will not have to complain that her husband and children do not pay attention to her. The desire for self-improvement is a personality trait that is absolutely necessary to achieve success in life.


Nothing is easy, any achievement is the result of long and hard efforts. Only in cinema success comes suddenly. An ingenious discovery, made in passing, with one stroke of the pen, a successful transaction that immediately brought huge profits, ideal figure in a week ... Alas, in reality this does not happen, life does not bring anything on a silver platter. You can't just count on luck. Success comes only to those who spare no time and effort, work tirelessly. work 18 hours a day, famous fashion models exhaust themselves with diets and hours of training in the gym. And not a day, not a month. Perhaps it will take years. But this - the only way achieve the desired result. Work, work and work again. The ability to work tirelessly is a personality trait necessary to achieve success in life.


In any bookstore you can find dozens of books on the ability to communicate with people. Hundreds of tips on how to make friends, how to win over an interlocutor, how to learn how to lead a team. And this is no coincidence. The ability to communicate with people is an extremely important quality for success in life. Man does not exist outside of society. Even the most brilliant scientist, having made a great discovery, will have to present it to the world and explain to everyone exactly what the advantages of his creation are. Communication is also an art, and it can be learned. Listening to the feelings of others, reading non-verbal signals, gestures and emotions is not so difficult if you make an effort. Of course, this does not mean that you need to turn into a sycophant, whose only goal is to earn the approval of others. But learning to listen to people, communicate with them, make acquaintances and connections is necessary. A successful person usually has many friends and acquaintances, he is sociable, friendly and knows how to capture the attention of listeners. Sociability is not only an opportunity to use social ties when there is also help, support, a chance to lean on a friend’s shoulder if trouble knocks at the door. Sociability is a personality trait necessary to achieve success in life.


Man is drowning in the flow of information. She pours on him from the TV screen, from the computer monitor, from the pages of newspapers. Determining their goals and ways to achieve them, a person spends a lot analytical work. And it doesn’t matter whether it concerns stock exchange rates or the choice of a future life partner. In any case, you need to collect facts, think them over, analyze them - and only then make a decision. This is the only way to avoid mistakes that will turn into huge problems in the future. A successful person thinks about everything in advance. He is not fond of empty fantasies, he knows how to distinguish the real from the desired. The ability to soberly analyze the situation without succumbing to feelings and emotions is a personality trait necessary for success. Dreaming, setting bright, lofty goals is one thing, but deceiving yourself by following castles in the air is quite another.


Everything in this world has already been invented before us, what is the point of making efforts, inventing another bicycle? This is what people often think when they try to invent something new, unusual and original and face failure. But they are wrong. The world is full of opportunities, the main thing is to be able to see them. Original thinking, the ability to generate new ideas, invent and invent - the qualities necessary for success. You can and should invent the wheel! Dozens of firms with millions of turnover produce tires for cars. Their employees work every day to come up with a new wheel. Any new idea, any original proposal is another step forward. Let not all of them are good, the main thing is not to give up. This is the only way to find the only right solution that will turn the dream into reality.

What qualities distinguish a successful person from an ordinary layman? Is it possible to develop them in oneself, getting the same excellent result in one's activity?

Of course, the answer is yes: any trained person is able to repeat what has already been done by others!

Qualities of a successful person

In order to possess all the qualities listed below, inherent in successful people, it is necessary to work on yourself, cultivating the necessary ones, eradicating bad habits and preferences.

After all, it will not be difficult to be like most people: to be born, to study, to marry, to give birth, to raise children, to live a century, to die. Perhaps, deep down, there is a desire to achieve grandiose goals, to actively change the world for the better.

Arm yourself with perseverance, patience, determination to achieve your desired goal! Let's look at each aspect in detail. successful person highlighting the main qualities of a successful person:

  1. Balance, prudence. The ability to control oneself, to keep control over one's own emotions, not to lose one's temper, wasting energy on stupid quarrels, conflicts, experiences;
  2. Objectivity. Understanding your real capabilities, an honest assessment of your shortcomings and merits. The right attitude to defeat and victory. Getting a certain result, it is necessary to soberly evaluate all the factors that had an influence on it: a successful person will not "hang laurels" on himself for an achievement that did not depend on his efforts. As well as he will not reproach himself for failure for reasons beyond his control. However, even a well-deserved victory (defeat) will not cause excessive emotions: it will be regarded as nothing more than the result of certain actions that had certain consequences. A successful person will not demand the impossible from himself, at the same time knowing his abilities, he will not underestimate them, justifying inaction;
  3. Controllability of actions, self-discipline. The ability to do what is needed when it is required, to deny oneself desires, pleasures for the sake of a specific goal;
  4. Organizational skills. The ability to make plans, calculate the time, share and delegate authority to other people. Organize functional, productive processes with maximum efficiency;
  5. Loyalty given word. Iron promises, the inviolability of the word create a deep trust in such a person. Due to the fact that a successful person enjoys the trust of others, he can enlist the support of many people;
  6. Authority. The opinion of such a person deserves attention, advice is highly valued, carried out without any doubt. This is not surprising because he has already achieved certain results, has an extensive store of knowledge, deep experience in his field;
  7. High work capacity. Self-confidence and enthusiasm for the idea, reinforced by the results already obtained, can multiply the effectiveness of the efforts made by a person to achieve the goal;
  8. Perseverance in achieving the goal (not to be confused with stubbornness), the ability to act unwaveringly on the appointed course despite all complicating circumstances, doubts and fears;
  9. moral stability. A successful person is disgusted even by the thought of dishonest ways of obtaining income (bribes, theft, scams of various kinds);
  10. Flexibility in communication: the ability to circumvent " sharp corners", diplomacy.
  11. . Successful people are distinguished by a harmonious inner self. They know what they deserve, they are able to create warm friendships, love, trust;
  12. Generosity. Knowing how to repeat what they have already achieved, they do not tremble, fearing to lose their wealth. On the contrary, they generously share it with loved ones, provide assistance to those in need. They know the common truth: "the more you give, the more you get." Such is the law of the universe;
  13. Purposefulness, the ability to bring what has been started to the end.
  14. Quick decision-making, decisiveness. Knowing that a quick decision is better than inaction, the ability to make reasonable adjustments in the implementation of the plan;
  15. Self-confidence based on a clear and objective idea of ​​your strengths and weaknesses. Not to be confused with self-confidence, arrogance. Such a person will not jump off a cliff knowing that he has no wings;
  16. Analytical mind. The ability to analyze all the factors influencing the result helps to make a sober calculation, assess risks, and make an informed decision;
  17. Ready for defeat. A successful person always knows the probability of a fiasco, has a prepared plan of action in case of a negative development of events. He will never risk everything he has, even for a possible fantastic victory;
  18. The makings of a leader. A successful person is able to captivate others with his idea, inspire, lead. Truly grandiose accomplishments have been achieved by the coordinated work of close-knit teams led by real leaders;
  19. Dignity. Successful people respect themselves, they know the line below which they will not cross;
  20. Foresight. Ability to evaluate long term, the rejection of a quick result for the sake of greater opportunities in the future;
  21. The ability to see possibilities, the knowledge that the best time act now. No need to come up with excuses, refer to circumstances, wait for an opportunity;
  22. Positive mindset: everything that happens is for the best;
  23. Responsibility to oneself and others for every decision made;
  24. Self-improvement throughout life. Striving for development, gaining knowledge, broadening one's horizons;
  25. Teaching, humility. They admit they don't know everything and are willing to learn from those who know more;
  26. Resilience to stress, self-control. Even heavy grief will not allow a successful person to reach self-destruction;
  27. Rational approach to mistakes. Don't beat yourself up about bad decisions. Even negative experiences bring knowledge and wisdom;
  28. The desire to benefit others. Any project carries the goal of improving the lives of other people, making it easier, more beautiful, more joyful.
  29. Enthusiasm. While experiencing temporary setbacks, successful people remain inspired to continue on their path in the intended direction;
  30. Love for your work. Actually, successful people dismiss projects that they do not like, working only on what brings satisfaction, joy, and interest.
  31. Faith in dreams. Such people are able to dream and believe in what others seem impossible. They know the rule of three "H": nothing is impossible!

How to become a successful person?

Every day, step by step, . Develop the qualities of a successful person. Set realistic, achievable goals, gradually raising the bar, increase your achievements, grow in your own eyes, cultivate self-confidence, self-discipline.

Come up with a reprimand for yourself for not doing what was planned, to encourage for what has been done. Celebrate your accomplishments with your loved ones. Share your success with others.

Analyze actions, understand what depended on you, what did not. By accepting responsibility for what happens, you begin to control your destiny. And no longer become a boat going with the flow, but a real frigate, able to resist the squall and the attack of the enemy. Who do you like to be?

Develop in yourself the qualities of a successful personality, getting real pleasure from a rich, interesting, meaningful and happy life!

What qualities are needed to be successful.

To be successful, certain human qualities.
Professional psychologist Nikolai Kozlov talks about ten qualities of a successful person.
1. The body is healthy and energetic.
2. Joyful perception of life.
3. Feeling different. That is, I am not the navel of the earth, but turned to the people. I see them, I hear them, I feel them, I understand them just like myself.
4. Caring. I remember and take care of the people around me, I help those who need my care.
5. Always in meaningful work. I cherish every minute, do not engage in empty entertainment, always in business.
6. Focus on results. Goal setting, planning, responsible execution, fine-tuning. The goal is set - the goal will be achieved.
7. The position of a civilized leader. I do not wait and answer someone, but I form and do it myself. I become a leader to do more and help people.
8. Setting for cooperation. You can do more together than alone. The best win is when everyone wins. I'm happy when we get rich together.
9. Decency. I don’t let people down, I keep my word, I fulfill agreements, I treat my colleagues with respect, I don’t take revenge, I don’t slander behind my back, I don’t solve my problems at someone else’s expense. Whatever I do, the amount of goodness in the world must increase.
10. Always in development. I never stand still, I change quickly and with pleasure. Development is my natural way of being.
I would single out the following qualities necessary for success:
1. The ability to set realistic goals.
2. The presence of the will to achieve them.
3. Boundless faith in yourself, your abilities and your success.
4. Analytical mind.
5. Good health.
6. Sociability.
7. High professionalism.
8. Having healthy ambitions.
9. Possession of the art of management.
10. Resilience to stress.
Important qualities are:

1. Diligence. – Do not waste time in vain; to be always busy with something useful, to refuse all unnecessary actions.
2. Decisiveness.– Decide to do what needs to be done; strictly carry out what is decided.
3. Justice.“Do no harm to anyone, do no injustice, and do not omit the good deeds that are among your duties.
4. Sincerity. – Do not cause harmful deceit, have pure and fair thoughts; in a conversation also adhere to this rule.
5. Calm. – Do not worry about trifles and about ordinary or inevitable cases
6. Thrift. - Spend money only on what benefits me and others, that is, do not squander anything.
7. Silence. - Say only what can benefit me or another; avoid empty talk.
8. Silence. - Say only what can benefit me or another; avoid empty talk.
9. Order. – Keep all your belongings in place; There is a time for every lesson.
10. Abstinence. - Eat not to satiety, drink not to intoxication.
11. Cleanliness. - Avoid bodily impurity; observe neatness in clothing and housing.