How to find your purpose in life? This is probably the question that everyone asks himself, regardless of age. Adults ask the child: "What do you want to become?" - and this begins reflections on his role in this life. Girls want to be actresses and models, boys want to be astronauts or racers. Everyone has their own dream. But over time, when children grow up, their dreams do not always become reality. People find what they like more, or jump at the opportunity to get decent job, not at all in the area that was dreamed of.

Don't betray yourself

Also, the majority incorrectly formulate questions to themselves. It is necessary to answer the question: “What do I want from life?”, And not this one: “Which of the proposed roles would suit me best?” But even if you ask it correctly, the answer will follow about material values. Many are obsessed with money and are ready to do anything to get it, forgetting that there was once a dream...

Develop your abilities

Capabilities. Everyone has their own. Most often, their roots are already laid initially in a person, from birth. It can be both a sense of taste and style, and a sense of space, which is characteristic of artists. Skills must be developed and in no case should not be lost. Skills are much more difficult to develop, as you have to start from scratch. At the same time, if you develop abilities, it will be easier, because a basic level of already laid down.

Finding your purpose in life is not easy. In fact, abilities and vocation are closely related. If there are any, in this business a person gets a chance to be better than others, and thus, the work that is chosen will bring joy and will not be a burden. Of course, it is quite possible to achieve success without having the ability, but having a lot of interest. In this case, patience and work will grind everything. But not everyone is patient. Most people who don't have the right abilities give up halfway through if they don't see progress and don't make any progress. When a person does not know what his purpose is, he begins to rush from one to another, not reaching the top in any area.

Therefore, with abilities it is much easier to find one's destiny, because what is easily given will bring success much faster, and this, in turn, will inspire a person to advance. But how important it is for each of us to know that he is on the right path, that he is doing everything right! And success is proof that the right direction has been chosen.

Don't ignore your desires

In order to answer the question of how to find out your destiny, you need to listen to yourself. Rely not only on abilities, but also on your desires. After all, desire, like thoughts, has great power. and no wonder they say so. You may not believe it, but what kind of millionaire would achieve such heights, condemning himself that he is a loser and will never achieve this? We always get what we want, it's just that the time it takes depends on how much we want it and how much we need it. If you feel a calling in something, no matter how stupid it may sound to others, you must act and strive to achieve success. You can find your meaning in life only thanks to yourself, and no one else will help you with this.

Animal principles of man

Everyone knows that, whatever one may say, people live according to animal principles. We need food and water to continue life, we need sleep, as it is a source of energy, we need protection, because sometimes it is not enough for those who are not physically weak, but mentally. And, of course, we care about the continuation of our kind. What else do you need to be happy? And still something is missing. Man requires the realization of himself, and this is what distinguishes him from the animal. No one wants to just exist, there must be a meaning - something worth getting up in the morning for. People need to know how to find their purpose in life. Understanding one's life role is what can satisfy the moral exhaustion of a person in search of himself. Everyone finds for himself what he wants to live for, what makes him get up in the morning and rejoice rising sun. This is called the meaning of life.

Don't forget about God

When a person asks himself the question of how to find his purpose in life, this means only one thing: he is not satisfied with himself and his existence. At times like these, don't forget about God. Some people believe in him, some don't. Everyone has their own worldview, but to say that higher power does not exist, extremely stupid. Someone calls it karma, someone calls it God, and someone says: "Life has taught you a lesson." Everyone gives this force their name, but the fact that no one can hide from it is a fact. "As it comes around, it will respond" - a phrase known since childhood. Enough time has passed since childhood, but this rule remains base.

Help others

The search for destiny lies not only in the selfish intentions of a person, but mainly in helping people. Whoever you are by vocation - a doctor who saves lives, or just a journalist who delivers news information, or, perhaps, just useful information - any activity should bring help to people. Even singers help people, if only because they give their listeners the opportunity to enjoy: for some to calm down, and for some to cheer up. It is not worth chasing wealth and fame, it ruins everything, ruins the future. By helping others, you help yourself. And if this is done due to destiny, this is the path that every representative of humanity should strive for, the path to happiness.

Is happiness the meaning of life?

People are so chasing after happiness that they often forget about the impossibility of achieving its permanent manifestation. Happiness is a period, just a moment. It would seem that finding your calling in life - and happiness will be provided, but do not forget that there will be difficulties guaranteed. In any case, no matter what abilities are given, one must work, work and work again. And follow the road to what you like, to your chosen destination. Then life will have meaning, and the meaning of life is to find at least a little happiness.

What is stopping you from finding your purpose in life?

People do not always understand correctly what to do with their calling. This hinders the answer to the question of how to understand your purpose. Firstly, it must fully comply. Otherwise, the search for an answer to this question can easily turn into another fruitless attempt to find oneself in this life. Secondly, the vocation should not be in one thing. AT modern world When choosing a profession, a person only limits himself, developing only in one direction. Thirdly, it is very difficult to find your meaning of life for life. And this is not surprising, since a person does not stand still, he changes, and his desires are amenable to changes.

In order for nothing to get in the way, you need to find in yourself What does this mean? You just need what you have: small victories or big accomplishments. This will help you find your true path in life.

Forget about fear

Fear is what takes over us when we don't know what to expect. The unknown scares many people, since it is not easy to determine one's destiny, and quite often one has to sacrifice: one's time, one's desires, rest, and this will not always bring fruitful results. In finding yourself, you need to be patient so that, despite any setbacks, get up and move on. This will lead to success, and if so, it will make it possible to understand that the person has found the destination. Fear is just an obstacle on the way to finding the meaning of life, you need to be bold and decisive, to know your desires. Getting rid of fears will make it easier to find and move towards your goals.

But how do you find your purpose in life? This is a question that everyone is looking for an answer to. It is not always possible to accurately and consciously know what exactly our calling is. You can rely on your feelings, and if there is happiness, then the person has found himself. In fact, there are no abilities without special interest to anything. The main thing in finding your meaning in life is to understand what you want from yourself. If there is a strong interest, if there is a dream, this will serve as an important lever in moving towards it. In order to find your purpose in life, you need to really want it. There are many ways. Let's say you can just write on a piece of paper your abilities and the most secret desires that we would like to realize. For some, this visualization can simplify the search. Everyone has their own way. But every person, no matter what, always finds himself. There are desires, and all people know what they want. Someone is afraid to admit it to themselves, someone is limited by parents, opportunities or something else.

Don't limit yourself just because of your fears. No need to look at others, you should do everything to live the way your soul and heart want. By thinking of ourselves, however selfish it may sound, we are able to find the happiness that we so hard seek throughout our lives. Achieving what we want, no matter how difficult at first, we will get a much better result than doing what we are obliged to. It will only be depressing. You need to find your purpose in your life, so that when someone asks, you can give an exact answer: “This is my purpose in life, and I am happy.”


Finding a purpose is the best thing a person can do for himself. In order to know the answer to the question: “Who am I and why was I born?” - need to try. Try yourself in the most various fields, of course, not forgetting about their talents and abilities, use every opportunity, since it is she who can lead to the desired result. You can't win the lottery without ever buying lottery ticket. An attempt is not torture, and if you knock on various doors, some will definitely be open!

How to stop wandering inside the labyrinth of your own thoughts? Do you feel like you are out of place and doing the wrong job? So you're on the wrong path. How to find your purpose in life and feel abundance?

Social chains

Why do some people work at a dream job and get a lot of money for it, while others are not able to break out into people and, hunchbacked every month, barely receive the minimum wage?

The first reason is you

People who have found their purpose in life incorrectly spend their energy on surviving in this world. Such people stupidly endure and do not see the best options for myself ( = do not want to increase their importance and realize that they are worth more). Most often, they do not enter the institution where they would like to initially, but where there are enough points and money.

If a person's destiny is to be a doctor, and he dreams of becoming a dentist or a surgeon, and he or his parents do not have so much money to study, then the finances will come by themselves. If this is a true desire and a true purpose, then the Universe itself will give money for study.

There are people who roll their eyes up and say: “Oh, where can a simple Russian family get that kind of money to study?”. They initially do not believe in this dream, or in their child, that he is worthy of becoming a doctor, or in themselves. Nothing like this will come. They will continue to survive.

And the second - all your fears

The second reason is the fear of being happy. A person cannot destroy the foundations of society in himself, which tell him about work experience, about experience, about points for pensions, about mortgages, about taxes. He cannot break out of this vicious circle, because from the very beginning, from childhood, society told him about these foundations and his social role. From this fear, self-doubt, and laziness, and unwillingness to leave the comfort zone are born.

How to find your purpose

In order to find your true purpose, calling, mission, the cause you will serve, it is enough to ask yourself just 2 questions:

Question 1: What would you like to do so badly that you would be willing to pay extra (assuming you have the money to do so) to be allowed to do it?

  • someone wants to cut people's hair and make them appearance neat, he is willing to pay for hairdressing courses;
  • someone wants to decorate girls' nails and goes to paid manicure courses;
  • someone is fond of cars and is ready to pay money to see the insides of a rare car;
  • someone wants to engage in spiritual practices, goes to teachers and pays him for knowledge.

Question 2: What would you like to do if you were not afraid that you would fail?

You can talk a lot about: discuss, condemn it, and so on. But she is the one good example for many people. She is not afraid to try herself in different endeavors. She has removed all the blocks and all the fears that something will not work out for her. And it is precisely on the fact that she has expanded the boundaries of her consciousness that she cuts great amount money while others roll their eyes, gossip, judge, fear, etc.

Types of service

Each of us comes into this life to gain some experience. And it will be best if you get this experience by following your mission. As soon as you go to the right way, you will understand that you are “rushing”, and everything is working out for you the best way. You are happy, you make good money, you give part of your energy to the Universe, and it generously rewards you for it.

If you are in search of yourself and do not know how to find your purpose, then here are some missions that can help you with the definition:

  • idea man(generates ideas and makes discoveries: new smartphones, gadgets, discoveries in the field of science)
  • man-man(psychologists, teachers, social workers, doctors, builders, sellers, teachers, politicians, housewives, caregivers, nannies, sign up for nails? also here)
  • sign system man(computers, programmers, IT, mathematicians, scientists in this field, etc.)
  • man is a work of art(artists, designers, actors, singers, fashion designers, writers, poets, etc.)
  • man-nature(biologists, scientists in this field, here are veterinarians and livestock specialists)
  • man-technician(engineers, builders, military, scientists in this field)
  • religion man(These are not priests whose censer is spinning, but the laveha is cloudy. These are the people who find the meaning of life in faith: philosophers, a little psychologists, spiritual seekers, conscious practitioners).


For you, we have collected several meditations that will help you determine your purpose and mission in life:

Way to yourself

A collection of articles that will help you discover your uniqueness and find integrity.

How to find your purpose?

How to become successful person?

Purpose and success are intertwined. Everybody successful people they say:

  • those who do what they love achieve success;
  • Your work inspires and motivates you;
  • You are ready to engage in it at any time of the day or night;
  • You continue to work even when you are not paid for it.
  • You are ready to work for free, because you like this business;
  • You are constantly learning, developing and raising the level of your professionalism.
  • You are ready to pay for your knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • You become a sought-after specialist.

Many listening to these good advice nod their heads in agreement. But at the same time they complain that

  • can't decide on their specific niche,
  • unable to focus on a specific task,
  • unable to determine their purpose.

What to focus on?

What to choose?

What to become in order to get financial stability and enjoy doing what you love?

Everyone asks these questions: starting from the parents of 2-3 year old children who are responsible for the development of the child.

These questions are of concern to school graduates who are determined with the choice future profession.

The same question is asked by adults who have experienced disappointment and dissatisfaction from work that does not please them.

It becomes clear: you can’t get stuck and give up. Especially when you see that there is no growth: neither financial nor personal. Especially if you do not get moral satisfaction from work. Then you start to burn out, go into negativity, and then into depression and psycho-somatic illnesses. And the most unpleasant thing is when you are generally left “out of life”: you don’t have a job now. You feel like a poor old woman with nothing from A.S. Pushkin.

In every situation there are 2 sides: in any case, you need to look for positive moments. If you are unemployed, then you have time to rethink your life. Relax, switch off all distractions and listen helpful tips.

Listen to helpful tips.

Ask your family, friends and acquaintances: in what, in their opinion, are you a pro?

Observe and analyze: what questions do you get asked for help most often?

What do you do in free time? What occupation do you enjoy?

You don't have to follow everyone or be like everyone else.

Look for yourself!

Analyze, try.

Communicate with people of those professions that interest you.

Listen to their opinion.

Learn from their experience.

Weigh and consider: how much time and effort will you personally need to achieve good results in your chosen profession? (The 10,000 hour rule).
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are not failures and disappointments. This is also an experience. You can always change the type of activity. If you are bored, if you are overwhelmed by apathy, if laziness is pressing on you, you need to either change the type of activity, or go deeper and get the necessary portion of additional knowledge in order to do your job masterfully.

Let's talk about tests.

What exactly do I like?

It often happens that after passing the tests, an average picture is obtained. A person more or less understands everything, but he cannot determine what exactly to do. So who am I and how do I find my purpose?

12 prompt questions help you answer the question: how to find your purpose?

  1. What do you like to do?
  2. What do you notice and what do you pay attention to first of all?
  3. What would you do for free?
  4. What do you like to talk about?
  5. What books (your personal favorites) are in your library?
  6. What books would you like to see on your bookshelves?
  7. What sparks your interest?
  8. What is easy for you?
  9. What would you like to learn?
  10. What will you regret?
  11. What are you good at?
  12. What makes you a happy person?

And now we are returning to today, getting to know ourselves in a new way, the real one: we rely on our successes, talents, inclinations, experience, abilities. We make a plan and start working.

P.S. I wish you active discoveries in knowing yourself and success on the way to your dream.

What do you think about it?

Have you found your purpose?

Perhaps you have problems or wishes?

Write in the comments below.

AT Vedic astrology, when we are talking about how to find your purpose, there are two factors. The first is general, that is, the purpose is male and female. The second factor is personal purpose, which is determined by the map of a person.

In a general sense, the purpose of a woman is to become a good mother and wife, to realize herself in family life, support and guide your man. Then she will be happy on a deep level, satisfied and calm. The male destiny is to be responsible for the family, earnings and protection.

How to find your purpose with the help of a natal chart

Vedic astrology gives an answer on how to find your destiny, but this will require you to analyze several aspects:

  • 1 house- the house of personality, the backbone of the horoscope, the most important, indicating not only health, physical body, but also subtle, spiritual, your aspirations, self-confidence. If the 1st house is weak, then a person, no matter what he undertakes, gives up, does not receive satisfaction - neither moral nor material. Therefore, it is important here to throw all the forces into the harmonization of the first house.
  • Position of the lord of the 1st house- we look to understand the main aspirations of a person, the scope of his realization in this life, what is destined. Lagnesh in the 1st house is considered strong and favorable, it gives self-confidence, great opportunities for self-realization in life.
  • Atma-karaka and its position in the chart is the planet with the maximum degree, indicating main task, the destination from above, the true desires of our soul.

If atma-karaka - Sun, then fame in society, power, success in business, justice are important for a person.

Moon: spiritual purpose human - care, love for neighbors, helping them and serving.

Mars: deep aspirations are associated with victories, adventures, achievements.

Mercury: intellectual superiority, it is this that helps to achieve the desired heights.

Jupiter: Spirituality, ministry, religiosity, caring for children

Venus: aspirations are associated with relationships, desires.

Saturn: makes a person strive for the truth all his life, seek and defend the truth, develop spiritually, serve people.

Rahu: the most important thing is also in service - people, the world, the desire to make this planet better.

  • 10 house- indicates the profession, career aspirations of a person, as well as how a person can be realized in this life. It is also easy to determine from this house whether the leader is in front of us or the follower, the humanist, the logician, the analyst or the technician in the mindset. If a person is not satisfied with his work, does not benefit people, does not invest positive emotions and desire in the process of labor, does everything on the "leave me alone", then the 10th house closes and achieve success in professionally becomes more and more difficult.

How to understand that you are not fulfilling your destiny

Many people long time they don’t think about how to find their purpose at all. They just live, work, but one day they realize that everything is going wrong. Life passes by without giving joy, satisfaction, peace of mind and comfort.

You can also determine that you are not realizing yourself by the following parameters:

for various reasons, you often change jobs, areas of activity;

often get sick, like to be on sick leave, since Monday you have been looking forward to the weekend;

you get very tired at work - physically and mentally, you feel a lack of strength, depression;

often go to work "under duress", only because of the money;

you settle down where your relatives send you, do not have your own opinion and desires.

It is very important to determine your purpose and outline ways for its realization in life. This will give new strength, inspiration and joy every day. And Lakshmi's school of astrology can help you with this. It was on training that many students found their destiny, they enjoy working, incomes grow up and they are happy. If you also want, then write to us Vkontakte

Purpose is what a person is capable of in life with the help of his spiritual and physical essence.

Speaking about the purpose of a person, one can also mean acquired abilities. However, everything that has already been created and incorporated in a person from the very beginning plays a primary role.

Remember who you dreamed of being in your childhood. Imagine that you have become exactly what you wanted. And how do you feel? Do you like the role presented by you? Choose another role for yourself if you don't like this one.

"Numerological miracles" - numerology of numbers

Look carefully at the letters and numbers below, and you will understand everything yourself.

1 - corresponds to the following letters: "K", "U", "b", "A".

2 - corresponds to the following letters: "F", "L", "B", "E".

3 - corresponds to the following letters: "X", "U", "M", "B".

4 - corresponds to such letters: "C", "I", "N", "G".

5 - corresponds to such letters: "O", "H", "D".

6 - corresponds to the following letters: "P", "E", "Sh".

7 - corresponds to the following letters: "Sch", "R", "Zh".

8 - corresponds to such letters: "b", "Z", "C".

9 - corresponds to such letters: "T", "I", "Y".

Got the numbers right? Good girl!

Now "adjust" your name to them.

  • An example of how to do this:

Kotova 1+5+9+5+3+1=24

Faith 3+6+7+1=17

Mikhailovna 3+9+3+1+9+2+5+3+4+1=40

Now add up the three results. The result of our example is 81. We bring the resulting figure to “uniqueness”. To do this, add 8 and 1. The end result is 9.

It is time to find out the detailed meaning of the numbers, which will indicate life purpose.

  • "One"

Start developing your leadership qualities! The fact is that your mission is to lead people behind you. What do you get? Making life easier and getting what you have been wanting for a long time.

  • "Two"

Create peace and tranquility around you, because your mission in life is to help people. Become a psychologist if you haven't already!

  • "Three"

What is your task? Make the world more beautiful and kinder! That is what your life purpose is.

  • "Four"

Create and do something useful. Exactly! Your work must bring at least some benefit to others.

  • "Five"

Enjoy life, love it in any manifestations! Give people a positive vibe. Only then will you be able to find and realize yourself.

  • "Six"

Get married, give birth to children, "invent" comfort and cleanliness in the apartment. This is where your purpose lies.

  • "Seven"

Your purpose is to share your experience, all your knowledge with people. In general, you need to set people on the true path.

  • "Eight"

Develop materially and spiritually. This "combination" of your development will tell you what the purpose of life is.

  • "Nine"

Develop your altruism! He will be very useful to you. The fact is that the “nines” are called upon to help other people and show compassion in everything.

"Defining Truth" to determine your purpose in life

Turn on your laptop and launch a working text editor. Write at the top of the sheet "What is my true purpose in life?".

Write the answer that comes to your mind. Don't waste too much time thinking. Describe the goal until you burst into tears from what you wrote. Imagine that crying is your mini-goal. When you reach your "maximum" goal written in text editor, you will definitely cry with happiness, as you will “kill two birds with one stone” (and you will do what you planned, and you will find out your destiny).

By the way, if the laptop does not work, similar actions can be done on a “live” sheet of paper. Good luck with this exciting endeavor! Don't be surprised if comparisons to school essay writing come to mind.

"By date of birth" you can find out your life purpose

  1. Birthdays 12, 02, 31, 20, 30, 11, 22, 21, 10 or 01 (any month)? Do what is “saturated” with morality and morality. Show Mercy (in Everyday life). Helping people is your true purpose.
  2. Born on the 13th, 03rd or 23rd (any month)? Choose professions that are related to mathematics, law, astronomy, physics. In general, you will suit a job that requires accuracy and order.
  3. Were you born on the 25th, 05th or 15th (any month)? Your professions are musician, actor, artist, art critic, acrobat, painter, writer, model (photo model), teacher, guide, lecturer. You were born for any activity similar to these.
  4. If you were born on the 14th, 04th or 24th (any month)? Engage in any activity that does not require you to be monotonous. Work in the field of social improvement and public relations.
  5. Were you born on the 20th, 09th or 19th (of each month)? Never be late, keep a promise, don't lie to people, clearly express all your thoughts and views. Then you will be able to know your life purpose.
  6. Birthdays on the 06th, 16th or 26th (of each month)? Try to treat your subordinates with special warmth and care if you take leadership position. Only then can you count on a fateful favor. If you are still deciding on a profession, then stop your choice on pedagogy, psychology, neurology, narcology. Do you already guess that your life purpose is closely connected with human souls? Your guesses are correct!
  7. If born on the 27th, 17th or 07th (of each month)? Choose exactly the work that is well characterized by the word "creation". Remember that a career for the sake of a career is always punishable. Learn it!

"Three days" - a test for what is destined for life in life

Write down a few questions in your notebook:

  • What abilities and talents do I have?
  • "What do I want to do with my life?"
  • “What benefit could I bring to people?”

Answer them within three days while doing household chores. Constantly supplement your answers with new facts and thoughts. Carefully analyze the complete answers when they are ready. Rewrite them again if you are not quite sure of their veracity. You can't even fool yourself. And then later you will regret and regret a lot. Don't hurt yourself with your own untruth!