The purpose of man is a very broad concept. In this article, we will consider the most urgent layer - the purpose in professional activity.

Sooner or later, each of us asks questions: “Am I doing this?” “What is the meaning of my activity?” “What benefit do I bring to society?” According to the ancient Vedic treatise Chakravidya, such issues become relevant on average by the age of 32, and this is a natural step towards personal development.

Why does it so often happen that a person does not ask this question at the age of 17, when it is necessary to make a choice of profession? 'Cause get on your level true purpose You can only reach a certain maturity, and for this you need to go through the previous levels of development along the way.

There are several levels of understanding your purpose.


At the first level, we really like some kind of activity. She comes easily and is a pleasure to work with.. There is only one problem.

This activity is needed only by those who are engaged in it.

It does not bring any benefit to others and there is no demand for it in society. This means there is no monetary reward.

In the horoscope, this activity belongs to the 3rd house, which is also responsible for manual labor, performance skills and innate talents such as singing and dancing. 3rd house in the horoscope refers to houses own desires to gratify your senses.

Therefore, such activity refers to the satisfaction of only one's desires. Perhaps you or your friends have been in such a situation: you like beading and you are ready to create new products around the clock, but you are not very interested in how others would like to see this product, you do only what you like and therefore, such products are not are in demand.

High paying job

At this level, a person puts at the forefront wages. He chooses the highest paying activity, and everything else fades into the background. Such a person can work hard at an unloved job.

And even if the work itself is not difficult, the person is still very tired.. He is in pursuit of the result, and all mental forces go to this pursuit, which causes the mind to become exhausted and tired.

For this type of activity in the horoscope, the 6th house is responsible, which is also responsible for enemies. Moreover, the enemies are not only for external, but also for internal ones. Vedic scriptures distinguish 6 internal enemies:

  • kama - lust, passion;
  • krodha—anger;
  • lobha—greed;
  • moha - illusion, deceit;
  • mada - madness, pride;
  • matsarya - envy, jealousy.

It is noteworthy that these enemies are born in us in strict order and lust appears first, and all the rest follow it. In this case, a passionate desire is born to receive a reward for their activities. And then we do not even notice how all the other internal enemies come and give rise to external enemies.

And it becomes unbearable to be in such a team, in the mode of constant survival. Result - severe fatigue, mental exhaustion and lack of desire to continue it.

The true purpose of man

The first sign that you have found your true purpose is the demand for your work in society. You do not even have to look for clients, they themselves turn to you with requests. One way to discover your true purpose is to ask others what they would trust you to decide, where they see your potential.

The second sign is that it is easy for you to engage in this activity.. This is where mental ease is important. Your body and even your mind may get tired, but fatigue is pleasant and you recover easily, because with fatigue comes satisfaction from the activity performed.

The third sign is that you care about the process, not the result.. And even if you spent a lot of time and resources, and didn’t get anything at the end, it doesn’t matter. of great importance. The process itself brings benefits, development and satisfaction - it is in the process that the main result is concluded.

The fourth sign is selfless activity. You are ready to do this business, even if you don't get paid a penny. But the paradox is that you will not be left without a penny. Let not through this activity, but in other ways, but it will come to you material good. After all, if you serve for the benefit of others, then the Almighty will not leave you in need.

The 10th house in the horoscope is responsible for this type of activity, which is also responsible for success and demand in society, for relationships with society.

It is the connections of the 10th house in the horoscope that show the type of activity that you can perform for the benefit of everyone around you. The 10th house may be related to other houses in your chart. If it is associated with the 3rd house, then your hobby can become your destiny, the connection with the 6th house can make hard, routine work, as well as confrontation and struggle, your destiny.

Destiny for a woman

All of the above applies to all people, regardless of gender. But for women there is important condition to achieve true purpose in society.

According to the Vedic scriptures, the most important task for a woman is to become a good wife and mother. IN modern world masculine and feminine destinies mixed up and became equal, and this did not make us happier. After all, no matter how we strive to overcome nature, the forces are unequal and nature always wins.

Women's nature is arranged in such a way that it is the family that is the source of satisfaction and strength for a woman. It is like the roots of a tree feeding the trunk, branches and foliage. Just as a tree deprived of roots is not able to bear fruit and thereby nourish someone else, so a woman deprived of family happiness is not able to benefit society. After all, only happy man. The happiness of a woman lies in family life.

If a woman is happy in the family, she is so filled that she can give this happiness to society.

As you can see, understanding your true calling is not so easy. To do this, you need to develop as a person. However, there are ways to get this information much earlier. In this regard, astrology can give a detailed answer, including small details, about what field of activity you should look for yourself in.

Therefore, if you are faced with the choice of a profession, you should use the ancient astrological knowledge and thereby make the most of your resources and precious time on the way to realization in society.

Learn how to determine your true purpose and set up your subconscious mind so that it begins to attract favorable events to you!

1. Why is it important to know your true purpose?
2. How to know if you are following your life purpose?
3. How to determine your true purpose?
4. What are true desires?
5. A practice that will help attract success and good luck into your life!

Why is it important to know your true purpose?

Entering an altered state of consciousness, a person can learn a lot, including his true purpose in life, which cannot be known with the help of ordinary logic.

But the one who knows his true destiny and follows it receives gifts of fate and lives easily!

In this article, you will find 1 special technique that will help you access the deep secrets of your soul, stored in your subconscious. Read carefully…

Each of us comes into the world with certain talents and interests. It is talents and interests that help us choose a business to our liking. But this is the base, the foundation. And there is another superstructure that a person may not be aware of.

These are beliefs that we absorb from childhood. This whole set of data determines the individuality of each person.

Most people do not feel and do not know their true purpose, so often their efforts are directed in the wrong direction. It seems that a person is trying, and making efforts, and working to achieve goals, but nothing happens. Familiar?

Alas, our ego often prevents us from understanding the tasks of our soul.

At the same time, the one who realizes his true destiny and follows it lives an interesting, unique life filled with joy and meaning...

How do you know if you are following your life purpose?

Remember, purpose follows joy, not duty!

This is a kind of tester. If a person lives easily, then most likely he lives correctly. And if obstacles and difficulties constantly arise on his way, then he has either gone astray, or he is going in the wrong direction at all.

How to determine your true purpose?

The subconscious knows the purpose of any person. Having established contact with his subconscious, any person can receive information not only about why he was born on this earth and what he should do, but also other valuable knowledge. For example, by connecting to the subconscious, you can find out what you should develop, whom to help, what your soul wants to receive, how you need to express yourself in this world ...

Having learned this, a person will begin to live more consciously, and his life will be filled with meaning and joy.

After all, the true destiny is what the soul wants, what it was embodied in this world for.

True desires will be the navigator of the true destination!

What are true desires?

This is what you really want to do, what inspires you, gives you energy and benefits other people.

How to determine true desires?

Pretty simple! Ask yourself what would you be happy to do if you didn't have to do the right thing? What would you be happy to share with people, what would you create if there was no need to earn money?

And even if now it seems to you that if you had a lot, a lot of money, you would travel and give nothing to the world, this is not so.

Let's look at examples...

  • Perhaps you love photography and if you had the opportunity to travel you would take amazing photos and share them with others, opening up to people beautiful places and inspiring them?
  • Or maybe you love animals? And if you had the opportunity, would you create nurseries for homeless dogs and cats, and then attach them to good hands?
  • Or would you be involved in the protection of wild animals?

Absolutely every person has desires that are connected with the help of this world. It is these desires that open our true essence and our purpose.

How to combine true desires with material needs?

This is perhaps the most important and often overlooked issue. Of course, a person who cannot satisfy his basic needs (and is forced to work hard to earn his bread and housing) is unlikely to think about his true desires.

On the contrary, such a proposal may even cause irritation. Like, it's only the rich to talk well on this topic.

However, this is where the main mistake lies!

As soon as a person determines for himself his true desires and begins to move towards them at least one small step in the conditions in which he is, his life will begin to change. And change towards wealth, prosperity and abundance!

As soon as a person begins to follow his destiny, the Universe itself begins to help him in everything. There is a feeling that wings grow behind your back, and everything works out.

You might be thinking, “That’s easier said than done!”, “How can I fulfill my true desires and follow my life’s purpose if I don’t have the opportunity to do so, if I don’t even know where to start?”

That's what you now have a special practice for!

Its essence lies in the fact that, being in an altered state of consciousness¹, you gradually accustom your subconscious to new, previously unfamiliar sensations. You show him the way to what you want, and he begins to create circumstances so that they correspond to your true purpose. So…

A practice that will help attract success and good luck into your life!

1. The practitioner sits comfortably, closes his eyes and relaxes completely.

2. Then he imagines that his energy from his feet enters the earth, and the energy of the earth enters his body and passes right through to the very top of his head.

3. This flow of energy further relaxes the body and cleanses it of all unnecessary.

4. Then the practitioner imagines that a light energy ball is formed above his crown.

5. This ball is very light. It starts to rise higher and higher into the sky, then goes beyond earth's atmosphere and enters outer space.

6. The ball rises even higher, goes beyond the limits of the Universe, passes through areas of whitish, golden, Pink colour(colors may be presented individually).

7. After passing through several areas of light, the ball enters a space of very bright, dazzling light, and gradually dissolves into it.

8. Feeling that the ball has dissolved, the practitioner turns to this light: “Teach me my true desire. Let me know what is true and safe for me. Teach me how to fulfill my true desire in the best and safest way for me. Thank you. It's done. Show me".

9. Then the practitioner begins to observe what images, sounds or sensations arise after his words. All you have to do is just allow yourself to watch.

10. Feeling that the subconscious mind has mastered some experience necessary for it (some heaviness, fatigue, a desire to complete meditation may be felt), the practitioner imagines how a new energy ball is created from the dazzling space of light surrounding him.

11. This ball descends lower and lower, passing in reverse order the colored areas, the Cosmos, the earth's atmosphere...

12. Then the ball descends to the top of the practitioner, enters his body and dissolves in it, after which the practitioner completes the meditation.

This meditative practice allows the subconscious mind to rebuild new, true desires, and it will begin to create circumstances that will lead along the path of true destiny. After this meditation, significant improvements in life are possible for some time. The more often meditation is carried out, the brighter and faster the effect.

Leo MirOmova

What is your personal gift, your mission and life purpose?

What abilities do you have to be successful in life? What field of work suits you best? You will learn about all this in your personal diagnostics. Get free >>>

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Altered states of consciousness (ASS) - qualitative changes in subjective experiences or psychological functioning from certain norms generalized for a given subject, reflected by the person himself or noted by observers (

"Ask, and it shall be given you;

seek and you will find;

knock, and it will be opened to you"

Bible (Mat. 7:7).

Sooner or later, each person comes to the question of his own. For many reasons. Someone needs it to feel the taste of life, someone in order to realize themselves, and someone found out that only by doing “his” business, he can become rich, and not only spiritually, but and in quite tangible - material.

The desire to understand "why did you come into this world" it can be very relevant and necessary, but getting to the very essence of many people is not as easy as it seems, except in those cases when the destination is known from childhood.

If you are among those seekers and still have not found the answer to this question, read this article and you will learn a few simple methods, which will help you quickly find the long-awaited answer.

1. Family ties.

The method is purely analytical. If you know your grandparents, then remember who they were by profession or who they worked for, or what, as they say, “their soul lay.”

Which of these professions or occupations your soul will respond, that, perhaps, is your fate. But do not rush to draw negative conclusions. To find out if this specialty suits you or not, you need to work in this direction.

Sometimes outwardly unattractive, uninteresting or boring, at first glance, classes can bring something valuable and important for yourself. Or maybe you can upgrade this profession with modern development of the world, or come up with your own direction, your own chip in it.

2. Children's games.

Remember what you loved to play. The child is still free from many restrictions, conventions and biases of adult life, and therefore it is easier for him to find something for his soul. He is engaged only in what brings him joy, and where he can prove himself.

IN childhood we play those games that are really interesting to us and that are easy for us - without any difficulty, and as if we had been doing this for a very long time and quite successfully.

3. Meditation "Help kind."

Lie down in a secluded quiet place, turn on relaxing music, adjust your breathing and enter a meditative state - imagine a place where you feel good, cozy and interesting. Find a path.

The path should lead you to a clearing. Look around and imagine how people start to appear to your left and right - these are the two branches of your family. On the one hand, the paternal lineage, and on the other, the maternal lineage. You stay between them.

Ask these people a question (you can mentally write a note) that worries you and see what happens. Depending on the “seen” and “heard”, draw conclusions and use the hint received.

When you have enough information or you understand that communication is over for today, thank you and go back along the path to the place where you started the meditation. This meditation gives very fascinating knowledge!

4. “I am a millionaire.”

Sit back, close your eyes, and imagine yourself a millionaire. You already have everything, you have fulfilled all your desires: a luxurious house, a car, a yacht, an airplane, a millionth bank account. You have achieved everything you dreamed of, and you can afford everything you can think of. Ask yourself main question: “What would I like to do? What work fills my life with meaning and joy?”

Write down all the ideas that come into your head.

5. Interview loved ones.

In addition to these ways to find out your purpose, it will be very useful for you to pay attention to how people you respect evaluate you. What do they say about you? What do they think about your activities, behavior and character?

For example, from loving parents you can often hear phrases like: “Yes, you are just like a teacher, daughter!” or “Son, you will grow into a good detective, you have an excellent deduction!”. Well, or something like this from friends or colleagues: “You are very sociable, you can be great social worker» or “Are you by any chance a psychologist by profession? You are great with people." Listen to their words, perhaps they contain the truth.

6. Numerology.

And you can refer to ancient science numerology, because the main taskrevealing the influence of numbers on a person. By adding the digits of the date of birth, sometimes also the numerical correspondences of the surname and name, you can find out the number that determines life path. It will indicate the path that will lead to the solution of yours.

7. Tarot cards.

Another interesting direction, which is currently widespread, is arcanology. It is built on 22 tarot arcana and tied to their semantic and numerological meanings.

With the help of the layout, you can get hints about what talents and abilities can be realized, answers about the purpose, the main tasks for a certain period of life.

8. Astrology.

You can also "calculate" your destiny by contacting an astrologer.

According to the place and time of birth, the astrologer draws up a map that reveals the main areas vocational guidance and professional activities of a person, shows in a person’s horoscope success his professional path. With the help of a horoscope, an astrologer can fine-tune and determine not only the talents of a person, but also the area of ​​activity in which a person will really work.

9. Palmistry.

You can try turning to palmistry.

Purpose with the help of palmistry can be read along the line of Fate on the hand. The very word " fate"implies" I will judge". Depending on how a person realizes the freedom of choice currently given to him, his life path is determined.

10. Reincarnation.

Remembering your past lives mapping out incarnations, you can determine what your soul is most inclined to. Having risen to the World of Souls, you can ask your Mentors questions and get answers about the goals of your incarnations. Also from the World of Souls you can see what task you have set for this life. With the help of Reincarnation, you can reveal the destiny for one life, for several lives, to understand.

Whether you turn to the magic of numbers, whether you engage in self-knowledge, divination by the stars, or turn to your Soul to find answers,
the main thing is how we live our every day!

It is important to understand: our guiding tangle is in our hands!

Maria Ladova, Tatyana Druk, Lana Chulanova

How to find your purpose?

How to become successful person?

Purpose and success are intertwined. All successful people They say:

  • those who do what they love achieve success;
  • Your work inspires and motivates you;
  • You are ready to engage in it at any time of the day or night;
  • You continue to work even when you are not paid for it.
  • You are ready to work for free, because you like this business;
  • You are constantly learning, developing and raising the level of your professionalism.
  • You are ready to pay for your knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • You become a sought-after specialist.

Many listening to these good advice nod their heads in agreement. But at the same time they complain that

  • can't decide on their specific niche,
  • unable to focus on a specific task,
  • unable to determine their purpose.

What to focus on?

What to choose?

What to become in order to get financial stability and enjoy doing what you love?

Everyone asks these questions: starting from the parents of 2-3 year old children who are responsible for the development of the child.

These questions are of concern to school graduates who are determined with the choice future profession.

The same question is asked by adults who have experienced disappointment and dissatisfaction from work that does not please them.

It becomes clear: you can’t get stuck and give up. Especially when you see that there is no growth: neither financial nor personal. Especially if you do not get moral satisfaction from work. Then you start to burn out, go into negativity, and then into depression and psycho-somatic illnesses. And the most unpleasant thing is when you are generally left “out of life”: you don’t have a job now. You feel like a poor old woman with nothing from A.S. Pushkin.

In every situation there are 2 sides: in any case, you need to look for positive aspects. If you are unemployed, then you have time to rethink your life. Relax, switch off all distractions and listen helpful tips.

Listen to helpful tips.

Ask your family, friends and acquaintances: in what, in their opinion, are you a pro?

Observe and analyze: what questions do you get asked for help most often?

What do you do in free time? What occupation do you enjoy?

You don't have to follow everyone or be like everyone else.

Look for yourself!

Analyze, try.

Communicate with people of those professions that interest you.

Listen to their opinion.

Learn from their experience.

Weigh and consider: how much time and effort will you personally need to achieve good results in your chosen profession? (The 10,000 hour rule).
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are not failures and disappointments. This is also an experience. You can always change the type of activity. If you are bored, if you are overwhelmed by apathy, if laziness is pressing on you, you need to either change the type of activity, or go deeper and get the necessary portion of additional knowledge in order to do your job masterfully.

Let's talk about tests.

What exactly do I like?

It often happens that after passing the tests, an average picture is obtained. A person more or less understands everything, but he cannot determine what exactly to do. So who am I and how do I find my purpose?

12 prompt questions help you answer the question: how to find your purpose?

  1. What do you like to do?
  2. What do you notice and what do you pay attention to first of all?
  3. What would you do for free?
  4. What do you like to talk about?
  5. What books (your personal favorites) are in your library?
  6. What books would you like to see on your bookshelves?
  7. What sparks your interest?
  8. What is easy for you?
  9. What would you like to learn?
  10. What will you regret?
  11. What are you good at?
  12. What makes you a happy person?

And now we are returning to today, getting to know ourselves in a new way, the real one: we rely on our successes, talents, inclinations, experience, abilities. We make a plan and start working.

P.S. I wish you active discoveries in knowing yourself and success on the way to your dream.

What do you think about it?

Have you found your purpose?

Perhaps you have problems or wishes?

Write in the comments below.