Despite all the romanticism of professions, the work of pilots and stewardesses flying from one country to another is not always beautiful views heaven, but also hard work. Therefore, even for those who work high above the clouds, comfortable conditions for relaxation are needed. TravelAskу decided to tell you about the life of the crew on board the aircraft.

The most difficult in the work of pilots and stewardesses are non-stop flights, and this is over 15,000 kilometers of distance and more than 18 hours in the air. Few planes are capable of covering such huge distances, so the Boeing 777 and Airbus A340 are responsible for most of the transoceanic destinations.

However, such long flights require solid endurance not only from the equipment, but also from the crew itself. Their work is connected with great responsibility and making important decisions, they should always be calm and cheerful. A separate menu is provided for pilots, so that in case food poisoning one, the other could take control. And of course, the main factor that allows staff to withstand the stress of long-distance flights will be healthy sleep.

There is always one pilot in the cockpit, and a flight attendant in the cabin. At the same time, during the entire flight, both pilots and flight attendants are entitled to up to 5 hours of rest. To make the holiday as efficient as possible, airlines are trying to create everything the necessary conditions. Although the crew will not be able to get up in full height, but you can stretch out on a soft bed and sleep sweetly. Depending on the aircraft, the lounge is located under the passenger cabin, above it or in it. Despite the fact that the main goal of all airlines is to create the largest number of seats for passengers, the crew does not have to huddle in cramped quarters either.

For example, on board the Boeing 787, the stewardess lounge is located above the passenger cabin and is equipped with 5 berths. It is called CRC (Crew Rest Compartments).

When creating the project, it all seemed cozier and more colorful.

However, such an arrangement of a place to rest pleases passengers with the spectacular appearance of stewardesses after a rest.

For pilots, similar apartments have been created here.

But in the Airbus A350, the lounges were located under the passenger compartment, but in the latest models, they were moved to the upper part to increase the luggage compartment space.

For pilots, the room provides not only sleeping places, but also sitting ones.

The huge size of the Airbus A380 aircraft, designed for 853 passengers, more sleeping places are already required. The designers decided to use the height of the liner as rationally as possible, so they placed 12 beds, 3 one above the other. It may not be as comfortable as on the Boeing 787, but it gives you the opportunity to stand to your full height.

"Apartments" for pilots in the Airbus A380 are much more convenient - these are single rooms.

The sleeping area of ​​the Boeing 777-200LR is provided for 8 employees. The plane flies on such routes as Johannesburg-, distance - 13,582 kilometers, - Los Angeles, distance - 13,420 kilometers.

The video will tell you more about this airliner.

However, unfortunately, the rest rooms for the crew of transoceanic aircraft are not always so comfortable, there are also such:

Russian supersonic strategic bomber Tu-160. Armed with cruise missiles capable of hitting targets over 5,000 kilometers away

Idea of ​​use aircraft on the battlefields arose long before the first airplanes designed by the Wright brothers took to the air. Subsequent development military aviation was unusually swift, and to this day, airplanes and helicopters have become a formidable weapon in the hands of generals, inferior in power only to nuclear missile forces. Without dominance in the sky, it is incredibly difficult, and often impossible, to achieve victory on earth. Aviation is able to detect and destroy any target, it is difficult to hide from it and even more difficult to defend.

What is military aviation

Modern air forces include special troops and services, as well as a rather complex complex of various in their intended purpose technical means, which can be used to solve shock, reconnaissance, transport and some other tasks.

The main part of this complex are the following types of aviation:

  1. Strategic;
  2. front;
  3. sanitary;
  4. Transport.

Additional aviation units are also part of the air defense forces, navy And ground forces.

The history of the creation of military aviation

Sikorsky's "Ilya Muromets" aircraft - the world's first four-engine bomber

The first airplanes for a long time used almost exclusively for recreational and sporting purposes. But already in 1911, during the armed conflict between Italy and Turkey, the aircraft were used in the interests of the army. At first, these were reconnaissance flights, the first of which took place on October 23, and already on November 1, the Italian pilot Gavoti used weapons on ground targets, dropping several conventional hand grenades on them.

By the beginning of the First World War, the great powers managed to acquire air fleets. They consisted mainly of reconnaissance aircraft. There were no fighters at all, and only Russia had bombers - these were the famous Ilya Muromets aircraft. Unfortunately, it was not possible to establish a full-fledged serial production of these machines, so they total did not exceed 80 copies. Meanwhile, Germany in the second half of the war produced hundreds of its own bombers.

In February 1915 on Western front the first fighter aircraft in the world, created by the French pilot Roland Garros, appeared. The device he invented for firing through a propeller was quite primitive, although it worked, however, already in May of the same year, the Germans commissioned their own fighters equipped with a full-fledged synchronizer. Since then, dogfights have become more and more common.

German fighter Fokker Dr.I. One of these aircraft was used by the best ace of the First World War, Manfred von Richthofen.

After the end of the First World War, aircraft continued to develop rapidly: their speed, flight range and carrying capacity increased. At the same time, the so-called “Douai Doctrine” appeared, named after its author, an Italian general who believed that victory in a war could be achieved only by aerial bombardment, methodically destroying the enemy’s defense and industrial potential, undermining his morale and will. to resistance.

As subsequent events showed, this theory does not always justify itself, but it was it that largely determined the subsequent directions in the development of military aviation throughout the world. The most notable attempt to put the Douai doctrine into practice was the strategic bombing of Germany during World War II. As a result, military aviation made a huge contribution to the subsequent defeat of the "Third Reich", however, it was not possible to do without the active actions of the ground forces.

Armadas of long-range bombers were considered the main strike tool in the post-war period. It was in those years that jet aircraft appeared, which in many ways changed the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmilitary aviation. Huge "flying fortresses" became just a convenient target for Soviet high-speed and well-armed MiGs.

B-29 - American strategic bomber of the 40s, the first carrier of nuclear weapons

This meant that the bombers also had to become jet-powered, which soon happened. During these years, aircraft became more and more complex. If during the Second World War only one aircraft technician was engaged in servicing the fighter, then in subsequent years it was necessary to attract a whole team of specialists.

During the Vietnam War, multi-role aircraft capable of strikes against ground targets, as well as air combat, came to the fore. Such was the American F-4 Phantom, which became to some extent a source of inspiration for the Soviet designers who developed the MiG-23. At the same time, the conflict in Vietnam has once again shown that bombing alone, even the most intense, is not enough to win: combat aviation without the help of ground forces, it is capable of forcing to surrender only a morally broken enemy, prepared in advance for defeat.

In the 70-80s of the last century, fourth-generation fighters appeared in the sky. They differed from their predecessors not only flight characteristics, but the composition of weapons. The use of high-precision weapons once again changed the face of the air war: there was a transition from massive air strikes to "pinpoint" ones.

Su-27 (left) and F-15 - the best fighters of the 80s of the last century

Today, the main direction in the development of military aviation has become the intensive use of drones, both reconnaissance and attack, as well as the creation of stealth multi-purpose aircraft, such as the American F-35, or the Russian Su-57.

The purpose of military aviation

The list of the main tasks that are solved with the help of military aircraft and helicopters:

  1. Carrying out all types of aerial reconnaissance;
  2. Artillery fire adjustment;
  3. Destruction of land, sea, air and space targets, small and large, stationary and mobile, area and point;
  4. Mining of areas of the area;
  5. Protection of airspace and ground forces;
  6. Transportation and landing of troops;
  7. Delivery of various military cargoes and equipment;
  8. Evacuation of the wounded and sick;
  9. Carrying out promotional campaigns;
  10. Examination of the area, detection of radiation, chemical and bacteriological contamination.

Thus, military aviation can be of great benefit, of course, if it is used correctly.

Military aviation technology

During the First World War, shock airships ("Zeppelins") were actively used, however, today there is nothing like this in the Air Force. All the equipment used is airplanes (airplanes) and helicopters.


The breadth of the spectrum of tasks solved with the help of aviation makes it necessary to include several machines in the Air Force different types. Each of them has its own purpose.

F-111 - American front-line bomber with variable sweep wing

Combat aircraft

This type of aviation includes:

  1. Fighters. Their main purpose is to destroy enemy aircraft and gain air superiority, local or complete. All other tasks are secondary. Armament - guided missiles"air-to-air", automatic guns;
  2. Bombers. They can be front-line or strategic. They are mainly used for strikes against ground targets. Armament - air-to-surface missiles (including unguided ones), free-fall, glide and guided bombs, as well as torpedoes (for anti-submarine aircraft);
  3. Stormtroopers. They are mainly used for direct support of troops on the battlefield;
  4. Fighter-bombers are aircraft capable of attacking ground targets and conducting dogfights. All modern fighters to some extent they are.

Strategic bombers differ significantly from other combat aircraft in their weapons complex, which includes cruise missiles long range.

Reconnaissance and air surveillance aircraft

In principle, "ordinary" fighters or bombers equipped with the necessary equipment can be used to solve reconnaissance tasks. An example is the MiG-25R. But there is also specialized equipment. These are, in particular, the American U-2 and SR-71, the Soviet An-30.

Super high-speed reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 Blackbird

This category also includes early warning aircraft - the Russian A-50 (created on the basis of the Il-76), the American E-3 Sentry. Such machines are capable of conducting deep radio reconnaissance, however, they are not distinguished by stealth, since they are a source of powerful electromagnetic radiation. Significantly more "modestly" behave such intelligence officers as the Il-20, which are mainly engaged in radio interception.

Transport aircraft

This type of aircraft is used to transport troops and equipment. Some models of machines included in the transport aviation, adapted for landing - both conventional and parachuteless, carried out from extremely low altitudes.

IN Russian army the most commonly used military transport aircraft are Il-76 and An-26. If it is necessary to deliver cargo of significant weight or volume, heavy An-124s can be used. Of the American military aircraft of a similar purpose, the most famous are the C-5 Galaxy and C-130 Hercules.

Il-76 - the main aircraft of the Russian military transport aviation

training aircraft

Becoming a military pilot is quite difficult. The most difficult thing is to get real skills that cannot be replaced by virtual flights on a simulator or a deep study of theory. Training aviation is used to solve this problem. Such aircraft can be either specialized vehicles or combat aircraft variants.

For example, the Su-27UB, although it is used for pilot training, can be used as a full-fledged fighter. At the same time, the Yak-130 or the British BAE Hawk are specialized training aircraft. In some cases, even such models can be used as light attack aircraft to attack ground targets. Usually this happens "out of poverty", in the absence of full-fledged combat aircraft.


Although rotorcraft were used to a limited extent already during the Second World War, after the end of hostilities, interest in "helicopters" decreased markedly. It soon became clear that this was a mistake, and today helicopters are used in the armies of the most different countries peace.

Transport helicopters

Conventional airplanes cannot take off and land vertically, which limits their scope somewhat. Helicopters originally had this property, which made them a very attractive means of delivering goods and transporting people. The first full-fledged "debut" of such machines took place during the war in Korea. The US Army, using helicopters, evacuated the wounded directly from the battlefield, delivered ammunition and equipment to the soldiers, created problems for the enemy by landing small armed detachments in his rear.

V-22 Osprey - one of the most unusual examples of rotorcraft

Today, the most typical transport helicopter in the Russian army is the Mi-8. The huge heavy Mi-26 is also used. The U.S. military operates the UH-60 Blackhawk, the CH-47 Chinook, and the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor.

attack helicopters

The first rotorcraft, designed specifically to engage ground targets and provide direct fire support for own troops, appeared in the United States in the 60s. It was a UH-1 Cobra helicopter, some modifications of which are used by the US military today. The functions of these machines to some extent overlap with the tasks of attack aircraft.

In the 70s attack helicopters considered perhaps the most effective anti-tank weapon. This was made possible thanks to new types of guided aircraft missiles, such as the American TOW and Hellfire, as well as the Soviet "Phalanx", "Ataka" and "Whirlwinds". A little later, combat helicopters were additionally equipped with air-to-air missiles.

The most "brutal" combat helicopter in the world - the Mi-24 - is capable of not only attacking ground targets, but also transporting paratroopers

The most famous machines of this class are Mi-24, Ka-52, AH-64 Apache.

Reconnaissance helicopters

In the Soviet, and then Russian army aviation reconnaissance tasks were usually assigned not to specialized, but to ordinary combat or transport helicopters. The US took a different path and developed the OH-58 Kiowa. The equipment placed on board this machine allows you to confidently detect and recognize various targets at a great distance. Weak side helicopter is its poor security, which sometimes led to losses.

Of the Russian models, the Ka-52 has the most advanced reconnaissance equipment, which makes it possible to use this machine as a kind of "gunner".


Over the past decades, the importance of unmanned aerial vehicles has grown significantly. Drones allow you to conduct reconnaissance and even inflict surprise strikes on targets, while remaining invulnerable. They are not only difficult to shoot down, but even easy to detect.

Drones are likely to become a priority in the development of aviation in the foreseeable future. Such machines will, in particular, be used as assistants for the most modern tanks and fifth generation fighters. Over time, they can completely replace manned combat aircraft.

Promising Russian UAV "Hunter"

air defense

For problem solving air defense both conventional front-line fighters and specialized interceptors can be involved. Special attention such aviation was given to the USSR, since American strategic bombers were considered the No. 1 threat for a long time.

The most famous air defense aircraft were the Soviet MiG-25 and MiG-31 interceptors. These are relatively low-maneuverable aircraft, but they are capable of quickly accelerating to speeds of more than 3,000 kilometers per hour.

From American fighters for a similar purpose, the F-14 Tomcat was most famous. This carrier-based aircraft was the only carrier of the AIM-54 Phoenix long-range missiles and was used to protect aircraft carrier strike groups from air attacks.

MiG-25 interceptor on takeoff. Using their record speed, such aircraft successfully evaded dozens of air-to-air missiles fired at them.

In recent decades aviation technology development is not as fast as it used to be. Fighters such as the F-15, F-16, F/A-18 and Su-27 still dominate the air force different countries, although these machines first took to the air back in the 70-80s of the last century. Of course, this does not mean that progress has stopped. The composition of weapons is changing, on-board electronics are being updated, the main thing is that the tactics and strategy for the use of aviation are being reviewed, which in the future may become mostly unmanned. One thing is clear - whatever technical composition The air force, aircraft and helicopters will remain one of the most powerful means of achieving victory in any military conflict.

The latest best military aircraft of the Air Force of Russia and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as weapon capable of providing "air supremacy", was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft that surpasses all others in speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, Nieuport II Webe biplanes arrived at the front. This is the first aircraft built in France, which was intended for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiysky, S. Utochkin. The first began to appear domestic cars designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau. In 1913, the heavy aircraft "Russian Knight" made its first flight. But one cannot fail to recall the first aircraft creator in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the Great USSR Patriotic War sought to hit the enemy troops, his communications and other objects in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions to bombard enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding of the fact that their performance should be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to resolve the issue of specialization of bomber aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, latest models military aircraft of Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was to try to equip existing aircraft with small arms offensive weapons. Mobile machine-gun mounts, which began to equip the aircraft, required excessive efforts from the pilots, since the control of the machine in a maneuverable battle and the simultaneous firing of an unstable weapon reduced the effectiveness of fire. The use of a two-seat aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members played the role of a gunner, also created certain problems, because an increase in the weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What are the planes. In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new more powerful engines, structural materials, radio electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main modes of fighter flight. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the takeoff and landing characteristics and the maneuverability of aircraft deteriorated sharply. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a level that it was possible to start creating aircraft with a variable sweep wing.

In order to further increase the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, Russian combat aircraft required an increase in their power-to-weight ratio, an increase in the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also an improvement in the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. For a significant increase in thrust, and hence the flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. The improvement of the aerodynamic forms of aircraft consisted in the use of wings and empennage with large sweep angles (in the transition to thin delta wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

After all, they also need to sleep and rest during 18-hour flights. Passengers are not allowed there, and many do not even suspect the existence of such secret cabins. But now we have the opportunity to look into it.

1. This is the official presentation of the Boeing 777 stewardess bedroom.

2. On this "diagram" you can see that the secret bedrooms are located in a small area above the main cabin.

3. It's pretty cozy here, according to the official photos provided by Boeing.

4. Passengers are not allowed here. This tiny door leads to the main compartment of the aircraft.

5. Behind the door is a secret staircase.

6. On the 787 plane, this staircase leads to such a hatch ...

7. Having passed the hatch, you find yourself in such bedrooms.

8. This is what the bedrooms look like in the tail section of the Boeing 787.

9. Boeing does not allow more than one person per bed.

10. The Boeing 777 has a long narrow corridor with bunks on either side.

11. It is unrealistic to straighten up in the corridor to your full height.

12. There are no portholes here either.

13. As you can see, because of this, it is a bit gloomy here. Three stewardesses are seated at the back of the corridor.

14. It's pretty dark in here.

15. Each compartment is approximately 1.8 m long and only 60 cm wide. Upstairs there is a reading light.

16. Comfortable pillows. And in case of turbulence, you have to sleep with a fastened seat belt.

17. View from the stairs.

18. All this is on top of the Boeing 777 and 787 aircraft.

Fighter F-15 Eagle

In order to finish what we started, we list everything that we have left :-). In the first, we talked about the types of aviation and mentioned what is part of the state.

But it is quite complicated and is itself divided into species and even into genera. So in order... Types of military aviation:

Long-range, front-line, army, air defense aviation, naval aviation (marine), transport and special purpose. The distant still has the name strategic, and the front, respectively, tactical.

Strategic missile carrier TU-160

Long-Range Aviation. Its main purpose is to destroy objects deep behind enemy lines. In addition, long-range aviation forces can also conduct reconnaissance and perform various special tasks. One of its characteristic representatives is our Russian TU-160.

Front-line bomber SU-24M

Front-line aviation. Its actions are aimed at supporting troops and protecting various objects in the near (operational) rear of the enemy. It is divided, as I have already said, also into clans. The first is bomber aircraft. Destroys objects in the tactical depth of the enemy defense. A typical representative in our Air Force on this moment- SU-24M.

Fighter-bomber SU-17UM3 (spark).

Fighter-bomber MIG-27.

The second is fighter-bomber aviation. A fighter-bomber is no longer a fighter, but also not a bomber. Usually he first performs the tasks of a bomber, and then, freed from bombs, he can lead fighting, like a fighter, although of course it falls short of a real fighter, as well as a bomber :-). Nevertheless, aircraft of this class are quite in demand. There were at least because such a concept exists, but there are no planes for it. In the West, the name fighter-bomber was replaced with "tactical fighter" in the late 70s. And for a long time, the brightest representatives of aircraft of this class were the SU-17 various modifications and MIG-27. But now these planes have already almost all taken off their resource, and there is nothing to replace them. This is what we have 🙁 ... I hope so far ...

Fighter MiG-29 (Poland).

American fighter F-16 Fighting Falcon.

Fighter SU-27.

Third kind - This fighter aviation. The so-called air superiority aviation. Destruction of enemy aircraft in tactical depth. Air battle- this is their element. Outstanding representatives: MIG-29 and SU-27. The Americans have F-15s and F-16s.

Scout SU-24MR

Well, another kind of front-line military aviation - intelligence. Our main aircraft in this regard is now the SU-24MR (my own aircraft :-), it has worked on it since the technician, SU-24MR, board 41).

Army Aviation. The name speaks for itself. It is also called military. And usually it is in the operational subordination of the command of the ground forces. Its tasks are varied. It supports troops directly on the battlefield with fire, lands troops, conducts reconnaissance, supports their actions with fire, etc. Accordingly, it is divided into assault, transport, reconnaissance and special purposes. This kind of task is performed by both aircraft and. Most prominent representatives aircraft of this class are our SU-25 attack aircraft and the American A-10. Well, the helicopter is, of course, the MI-24 veteran and the new KA-50, KA-52, MI-28. For the Americans, this is, of course, Apache.

Attack aircraft SU-25.

American attack aircraft A-10 Thunderbolt II

Helicopter MI-24.

American helicopter AH-64D Longbow Apache.

Air Defense Aviation. We already mentioned it in the article about the SU-15. Therefore, I repeat and say that this type of aviation is designed to cover important strategic facilities and areas from air attack. Now we have perhaps one notable representative of this class - this is the MIG-31.

Fighter MiG-31

Navy Aviation(Navy). It is designed to destroy enemy targets at sea, to protect own ships and important facilities at sea and in the coastal zone, to conduct reconnaissance and perform special tasks. Navy aviation, in accordance with the tasks performed, can be fighter, missile-carrying, reconnaissance, and assault. It includes both planes and helicopters. And they can be based both on land airfields and on ships (aircraft carriers). I will not single out aircraft of this type (outwardly they are practically indistinguishable from ordinary ones), oh naval aviation We will have a separate conversation in the future :-).

Transport aviation. Here, I think everyone understands. It transports goods in the interests of the army, and also disembarks (landing) troops. Also, military transport aircraft often perform various special tasks, including in the interests, as they say, National economy. Usually it is AN-12, IL-76, AN-124 "Ruslan", AN-26.

Transporter AN-124 "Ruslan".

Well, that's probably all. As you can see, it has a rather complex structure. I tried to simplify the story as much as possible, but it still turned out dry. However, without this not very fun enumeration is still indispensable. In the future, I will talk in more detail about the representatives various kinds and branches of military aviation. After all, among them there are unique, very interesting and simply heroic helicopters and, of course, heroic pilots. Until then, goodbye, see you again.

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