Today psychology acquires everything great popularity. School graduates, thinking about getting further education and choosing life path in general, they often stop at such a discipline as psychology. This is a rather difficult subject, but it is interesting and has a practical focus. Psychology will help you understand yourself, find your place in life. What subjects do you need to take for a psychologist? This and more is discussed below.

Important! Psychologist performs important role: talking with people, he helps them unravel their internal problems and find the best solution.

To become a professional, you need to understand the complex human psyche, listen carefully to each person and guide him correctly. You will need to have such qualities of character as a sincere interest in the individual and his inner world, patience, resistance to stress.


There are several areas of this work:

  1. Family psychologists assist in restoring good relationships between husband and wife, preventing their separation. They listen to both sides at the same time in order to get an objective picture of the current situation and help make the only right decision.
  2. Child psychologists perform a responsible and difficult task. They need to understand the child's psyche and save the child from problems when they have just begun to form. This contributes to favorable mental development little man that will help him later in life.
  3. Difficult but enough interesting profession- criminal psychologist His work is to study the personality of criminals, the motives of their actions, to draw up a psychological portrait.
  4. Clinical psychology touches on psychosomatic illnesses in humans different ages, as well as borderline states that are close to mental disorders.
  5. A perinatal psychologist works with women who are expecting a baby, and also deals with the characteristics of the fetus and infant up to a year old. It also helps with postpartum depression.
  6. In the past few years, specialists who conduct psychological training sessions and classes have gained particular popularity and demand. The task of trainers is to ensure that people's lives are significantly improved after the session.

Benefits of studying to be a psychologist:

  • demand for services in the labor market, decent pay;
  • the opportunity to both understand oneself and help relatives;
  • the formation of a new attitude towards people - without evaluation and condemnation.

The profession of a psychologist is diverse - in it everyone can find a field that will be of interest to him.

Useful video: to be a psychologist?

Subjects for admission to the psychologist

Psychology is a serious science and is multifaceted, since its structure consists of many directions and sections. Before you choose the profession of a psychologist, you need to soberly assess your own inclinations and capabilities.

After the decision to be enrolled in the Faculty of Psychology is made, it is necessary to visit and receive all the information that relates to admission and further education.

What does it take to be a psychologist? Most often, educational institutions oblige potential students to provide information about USE results received in such subjects: biology, Russian and mathematics. The main discipline is biology. However, the final list of subjects required for delivery should be clarified at the selected university.

Further actions

After you have learned about the subjects you need to pass, you should choose the appropriate form of study (full-time, part-time or evening).

The next step is to decide on the university. Find out if there are laboratories in a particular university, what departments work at the corresponding faculty, whether this institution graduates candidates, doctors of science.

The presence of these aspects indicates the fundamental training of future psychologists.

Having decided to study psychology, you should choose a full-time form of study. "Ochniki" receive a good education, which is fixed many times during the practical exercises. Interaction with the teacher will help to quickly clarify the unclear sections of a particular material. Learning gaps are quickly identified and addressed through daily lectures and workshops.

If you have a higher education, you can enter a specific university for a master's degree. What items to hand over in this case? This level of education requires general knowledge in psychology, as a result of which the exam will require you to pass this subject and some other disciplines (you will receive a complete list of them in admission committee).

You can not only study at a university, but also take refresher courses. A great option when they are held at the very university where you study.

Today, many people stop at distance learning for the profession of a psychologist. But this way not suitable for high school graduates. The first education is exactly what gives scientific base in the form of a foundation, so only full-time education is allowed for it.

Above it was considered what subjects you need to take for a psychologist. The following are helpful tips exam preparation:

  1. Make a plan for your further preparation. Divide all the material on the discipline under consideration into several blocks. After studying a certain topic, give yourself a break, review what you have learned, then move on to the next topic.
  2. When you form an internal focus on the successful outcome of the exam, this will give you confidence in your abilities, and you will be able to absorb huge amounts of information more easily and quickly.
  3. Many people feel tired, stressed, physically strained before exams. Sports or any other will help get rid of these unpleasant symptoms. physical activity. Useful swimming, morning jogging, dancing, yoga, cycling.
  4. When studying the material, take a break every 5-10 minutes, relieve eye fatigue by doing special exercises for them. Also do simple exercises to improve blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen.
  5. Try to get enough sleep, do not sit at books and the monitor screen well after midnight.
  6. Review your diet, include in it healthy foods(fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, freshly squeezed juices, dark chocolate).

Advice! To remember the material perfectly, you need to thoroughly understand it.

If you are well versed in each section of the discipline under consideration, you will be able to answer any additional questions easily and with brilliance.

Useful video: how to pass the exam 2018 and become a psychologist


It was discussed above what are the specifics of the profession and its advantages, what subjects should be taken for a psychologist, how to choose the right university. Psychology is an interesting and useful science. Before people who have received education in this preparatory direction, there are many opportunities for self-realization.

When it's time to finish school, or a person just thinks about getting a specialized education, the question arises: "What needs to be done in order to enter a university for the desired specialty?". And if the system of filing documents usually does not cause difficulties, since for all specialties there are general rules, then most questions arise about the subjects required for admission.

Psychology is now considered one of the most popular specialties. This area attracts students who love to understand the inner world of a person and want to help others. Also, many people seeking to enroll in this specialty are interested in the relationship of human behavior with its biology. Whatever the reason, desire alone is not enough. You also need to have information about admission and be well prepared to enter. In this article you will find the answer to the question of what subjects should be taken for a psychologist in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

What subjects need to be taken for a psychologist in Russia

Russian universities offer a huge range of choices for future psychologists. And, in general, to enter Russia as a psychologist, you must pass the Unified State Examination in three subjects:

  • Russian language.
  • Mathematics.
  • Biology.

Here is a standard set for admission to a psychologist. But it is worth noting that if you decide to enter Moscow State University, then you also need to pass additional entrance exams in biology.

What subjects need to be taken for a psychologist in Ukraine

In Ukrainian universities, the specialty "Psychology" is less common than in Russia, but, nevertheless, it is available. Usually the list of competitive subjects of different Ukrainian universities varies. But here is what is usually required:

  • Ukrainian language.
  • History of Ukraine.
  • Biology.
  • Ukrainian language.
  • History of Ukraine.
  • Foreign language.

In some universities, you can choose between biology and a foreign language.

What subjects need to be taken for a psychologist in Belarus

The list of competitive subjects for Belarusian applicants is similar to the Ukrainian one. In order to enter a Belarusian university as a psychologist, you must be prepared in the following subjects:

  • Belarusian language.
  • History of Belarus.
  • Biology.

In general, we can say that the list of subjects for admission to the universities of the CIS for a psychologist is not very large. Two of the three subjects are humanities. Knowledge of biology is required. If you set out to enroll in a psychologist, then be confident in yourself, prepare diligently, and your goal will be achieved.

Do you love helping people? Interested in their behavior? Do you constantly ask yourself why this person did this and not otherwise? Then it is quite possible that your real calling is the profession of a psychologist. In this article, you will learn which exams you need to take for a psychologist.

Among the qualities that a true psychologist should possess are patience and a willingness to help, not harm. In fact, this is the same doctor, only now he treats not real wounds on the body, but mental illness. There is another similar profession, and it is called a psychotherapist. She is taught in medical universities. To become a psychotherapist, you need to unlearn almost six years and go through serious practice. Well, without medical knowledge, as well as passing chemistry, one cannot do here.

What exams do you need to take to become a psychologist? When entering a classical university where this profession is taught, you will have to pass three B without fail: Russian language and mathematics, which are needed for admission to many other specialties. You will also need to successfully pass a major. For the future doctor of "mental illness" - this is biology. It is better to clarify in advance at the chosen university which exams you need to take for a psychologist.

Before you enroll in a psychologist, once again weigh the pros and cons. To once again make sure that this profession really suits you, you can take a career guidance test. Such testing is carried out not only at school, but also in specialized centers at universities.

Of course, you need to be able to communicate with people and build trusting relationships with them. Remember that a psychologist is not a psychotherapist, much less a psychiatrist. He, of course, heals, but his main task is to help a person find harmony with himself and find his place in our restless, changeable world.

It is probably worth mentioning the importance of this profession in modern Russian society. This is no less important than information about how such a profession is quite new in Russia. Therefore, many people do not even have a clear idea about it and, when faced with problems, do not go to specialists for help. At the same time, our country is slowly beginning to need such personnel. For example, school psychologists are now in great demand to help a small person quickly adapt to a changing world. They conduct various tests, determine and also work with. In addition, some companies also have a place for a psychologist on the staff. They help the newcomer to join the team and establish performance in harmony with his inner self. There are also psychologists in recruitment agencies, and often they conduct trainings at enterprises.

Helps to solve problems that arise in the cell of society. Clinical professionals usually work in various trust services and in rehabilitation centers, so the prevalence of this profession is high. But here alone with a client in Russia are not held so often, because the Russians are used to solving problems in the kitchen over a cup of tea.

If you see yourself in any of the above industries, then you can safely try to enter the university in the relevant departments. What exams you need to take for a psychologist, you already know. It remains only to successfully prepare. Good luck!

Psychologist(ancient Greek psycho - soul; logos - knowledge), (English - psychologist) - a specialist in the field of psychology who studies the state of mind and the laws of correcting human behavior, using this knowledge to assist in resolving personal problems, adaptation to the world around, improving the psychological climate in families and teams. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

The main task of a psychologist is to help a person find harmony with himself and the world around him, to develop behavioral mechanisms that allow a person to become more creative in relation to his life, to help identify his psychological resources.

There is a significant difference between the related professions "psychologist", "psychotherapist" and "psychiatrist". Psychotherapist and psychiatrist are doctors who graduated from medical schools. A psychologist, on the other hand, receives an education in the specialty "Psychology" at the psychological faculties of specialized universities and is not a doctor. The subject of the psychologist's activity is not a pathological disorder of the human psyche, but its state of mind and inner world.

Psychology is one of those professions that becomes part of its bearer. Becoming a psychologist, you become one forever! Watching your children, communicating with relatives and friends, you cannot but use your professional knowledge and experience. The subject of the study of psychology - the human soul - is inexhaustible. ancient greek philosopher Aristotle in his treatise "On the Soul" wrote that, among other knowledge, the study of the soul should be given one of the first places, since "it is knowledge about the most sublime and amazing." But even the most the best psychologist can't give 100% universal recipe to get rid of all problems. He is looking for ways to solve the problem together with the person who needs help, helps to find the internal resources of the body. A psychologist gives a person the opportunity to look at life in general and at the problem itself from a different angle, directing a person to the idea that our life is in our hands.

Features of the profession

The main activities of a psychologist:

Psychological diagnostics (testing) is the study of the individual characteristics of the human psyche with the help of tests, experiments, observations and interviews.
Counseling is a confidential communication between a psychologist and a client to find ways to solve problems.
Psychological training - active learning ways of emotional self-regulation, problem solving and personal growth through psychological games and exercises followed by a discussion of the results.

Psychologist in demand modern world. Child psychologists work in schools and kindergartens, helping children quickly and easily adapt to new conditions. The school psychologist determines the readiness of the child for school, conducts individual work with difficult children, is engaged in career guidance for high school students, conducting various trainings.

A psychologist is needed by enterprises for the adaptation of young professionals, to establish relationships in a team, to study the influence of labor factors on the human psyche, to select personnel, to motivate and evaluate personnel. A family psychologist consults families with problems. A sports psychologist sets up an athlete for a winning result and solves the accompanying problems. psychological problems. A clinical psychologist works in psychiatric hospitals (helping a psychiatrist make a more accurate diagnosis and participating in individual and group psychotherapy), trust services, rehabilitation centers, where he works as a psychotherapist with people who have suffered psychological trauma, entangled in circumstances, seriously ill, drug addicts, HIV-infected , if necessary, connecting to the treatment of a psychiatrist. In prison, the psychologist is supposed to help prisoners adjust to normal life after release.

Psychologists can find bright applications in politics and business.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • interesting creative work
  • the opportunity to take part in solving real problems of people
  • the need for continuous professional improvement and, in this regard, the possibility of personal growth
  • possibility of using professional knowledge in everyday life
  • knowledge and change of oneself, one's attitude to the events of the world around

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • mental fatigue, emotional burnout
  • difficulties in accepting the client's worldview and in an effort to give useful advice without fail
  • experience the client's problems as one's own

Place of work

  • psychological centers
  • private psychological counseling companies
  • educational and medical institutions
  • commercial companies and non-psychological enterprises
  • helplines

Important qualities

  • high general and emotional intelligence
  • the ability to listen carefully and hear a person
  • tolerance
  • empathy and reassurance
  • tact
  • responsibility
  • observation
  • emotional stability
  • optimism and self-confidence
  • creativity


The profession of a psychologist is relevant and in demand today. The salary depends on the place of work and the duties of the psychologist. The most highly paid is a private practice, where earnings also depend on the number of clients and consultations.

Salary as of 04/04/2019

Russia 11280—40000 ₽

Moscow 15000—70000 ₽

Psychologist training

On this course, you can get the profession of a psychologist remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
– Diploma of professional retraining of the established sample;
– Education in a completely remote format;
— Certificate of conformity to the professional standard worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

The Interregional Academy of the Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to get a specialty within the framework of additional education courses. You can undergo professional retraining at MASPC in the format distance learning, being in any region of Russia and abroad. The Academy offers quality additional education and flexible prices.

Higher educational institutions with a mental faculty are present in almost any city or regional center.

Career steps and prospects

Possibilities career development, basically, come down to professional improvement, which allows you to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist. Can create own business for the provision of psychological services. To work at a high professional level and be constantly in demand in the labor market, fundamental education is not enough, it is necessary to regularly take additional refresher courses and learn a variety of methods of psychological diagnostics and non-medical psychotherapy.

Notable psychologists

Notable psychologists: Wilhelm Wundt, William James, W.M., Sigmund Freud, Carl G. Jung, Wilhelm Reich, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, Eric Berne, Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir, Abraham Maslow, Viktor Frankl, Erich Fromm, Carl Rogers and others.

Psychology was formed from the foundations of such sciences as astronomy, philosophy, and the occult sciences. The first representatives of the "healers of souls" can be called healers, sorcerers, shamans. The positive effect of their "treatment" came, to a greater extent, from the power of suggestion than from the use of medicinal products. And only in the XVIII century the first attempts were made to scientifically substantiate their influence on humans. The founder of psychology as a science is Wilhelm Wundt, who in 1879 opened the world's first psychological laboratory, where he conducted research on the phenomena of consciousness by the method of introspection. This year is considered the birth year of psychology as a science.

About psychologists with humor

Mentally healthy people do not exist, there are poorly examined!
The optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel. The pessimist sees a train coming towards him. And only a psychologist sees two idiots sitting on rails!
Psychologist like a true friend is a person who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

Today, interest in psychology is as high as ever. Young people leaving school think about future fate, which is associated with higher education, and are puzzled by the choice of profession. The specialty psychology seems to many the most interesting and not the most difficult. Therefore, first of all, it turns out which subjects need to be taken for a psychologist. However, this approach is not entirely correct. Psychology is a serious and multifaceted science, which includes numerous sections and directions. Therefore, the phrase of acquaintances "You would make an excellent psychologist" is not the most compelling argument in favor of choosing this profession. First of all, you should evaluate your strengths, inclinations, even talent. Then find out which universities in your city train psychology specialists, that is, where to go to study as a psychologist. Having decided on the educational institution, you need to find out which subjects you need to take for a psychologist at the chosen university and which ones you should additionally familiarize yourself with curriculum to keep abreast of what subjects you have to master during your studies.

Specialty psychologist: what subjects do you need to take upon admission?

So, having clearly defined the purpose of admission, you should contact the selected university for more information. Usually the university requires the results of the unified state exam in mathematics, biology and Russian. This standard set of subjects was passed upon admission and when there was no unified state exam yet. Biology is a major subject. In any case, the selection committee will provide the most accurate information.

Where to apply

After you have found out which subjects you need to take for a psychologist, you should decide which one is preferable (full-time, part-time or evening), and also choose the most suitable university. First of all, you should pay attention to whether a particular educational institution has its own laboratory, which departments are represented at the Faculty of Psychology, whether the university graduates candidates, and all this indicates the fundamental nature of training. After school, it is better to get an education in psychology internally. If you already have one higher education, you can enroll in a master's program (if any). In this case, you will again have to find out which subjects you need to take for a psychologist. Education in the magistracy

assumes the presence of general knowledge about science, so applicants pass psychology and additional general exams (which ones - to be clarified in the admissions committee). In parallel with studying at the university, you can attend advanced training courses. Ideally, these should be courses based on your educational institution. Many working people prefer to study remotely, a boon in the age of development communication technologies it won't be difficult. This way of learning has both pros and cons. However, for those who have just graduated from high school, this option is completely unsuitable. The first education lays the scientific foundation, is the foundation, so the student must acquire as much knowledge as possible, which is possible only on full-time learning.