IN last years is rapidly gaining momentum. The country is developing a cultural and recreational type of leisure, beach, leisure and ecotourism. In this regard, tourists who have never visited the country, first of all, the question arises when it is better to relax in and why it is worth going there in a particular season. These are the questions our article will answer you.

Climate in South Korea

The country has a predominantly temperate monsoonal climate. Summer in Korea is hot and humid. For example, in July-August, the air temperature usually reaches +29°C or more. Winter here is quite long, cold and dry. The lowest temperatures are observed in January, when the thermometers drop below 0°C. In winter, the wind blows mostly northwest winds, and in summer the southeastern ones prevail. It should be noted that in April-May the weather often changes dramatically, and after the cold comes the heat. The same thing happens in October, when winter comes back into its own. So autumn and spring here are very short. The rainy season in South Korea lasts from late June to early September.

Types of tourism in South Korea

Before planning a trip to the Republic of Korea, you need to decide what you first of all want to get from a vacation here.

Tourism in Korea is very diverse, and for visiting tourists are available:

  • beach vacation;
  • cultural and health recreation;
  • ecotourism;
  • extreme tours.
Vacation time in South Korea

So, if you prefer to soak up the sun and swim in gentle waters three seas, it is definitely worth going to the Republic of Korea from the end of June to September, which is considered the season beach holiday in South Korea. As a resort for this purpose, you can choose, for example,. A beach holiday in South Korea in September has undeniable advantages for those who do not tolerate heat very well with high humidity.

Cultural and health or sightseeing tour it is worth planning for spring or autumn, i.e. April-May or September-October. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom here, and in autumn you can watch the clearest sky and colorful falling leaves. In addition, several events take place in the spring and autumn period in South Korea, including Children's Day, Buddha's Birthday, Harvest Day and others.

Also September-October is the most favorable period for ecotourism and mountain hiking, because summer heat already slept, and no more rain, but still warm. Holidays in South Korea in December can be chosen by lovers - this type of tourism is also represented in the country.

Thus, we can conclude that if you want to combine different types leisure, it is best to go on vacation to South Korea - the period from September to October.

South Korea from tourism receives an income equal to 5.1% of total GDP (2016 data). Natural (landscape) tourism in South Korea, which is directly related to the climatic features of the country, in terms of popularity overlaps even such common types as cultural, historical and urban tourism. South Korea is characterized by the fact that more than 65% of its territory is occupied by mountainous reliefs.

Formation of the South Korean climate

On a par with geographic location country is the second main climate-forming factor of the Republic of Korea. The Koreans themselves actively use the specifics of their landscape, creating a large number of ski resorts across the country, as well as a recreational area on the eastern outskirts of the East Korean mountain range. Weather South Korea determined by 2 monsoons:

  1. Asian monsoon. Provides the arrival of cold (winter) and hot (summer) dry air masses from Eastern Siberia, i.e. is a kind of buffer between moderate monsoon climate South Korea and continental Siberian climate.
  2. Pacific monsoon. The main activity is observed only in summer period(June-September). Drives warm moist air from the subtropical and tropical oceanic zones. Due to this flow, the southeast and south coasts, including Jeju Island, are in the subtropical monsoon climate zone.

Climatic zones on the administrative map of the country

The ratio between the temperate monsoon climate and the subtropical monsoon climate is geographically approximately 80% and 20%, respectively. Brief climatic characteristic geographically and administrative division countries:

1. Northwest region: Incheon and Seoul cities, Gyeonggi Province. The territory is almost entirely represented by flat terrain. Here the influence of the subtropics is insignificant. The climate is moderately monsoonal. It is softened by the Yellow Sea and the Manchurian-Korean mountain range (located to the north, outside the country). average temperature January here drops to -4 degrees Celsius, and the average August temperature is +25 degrees Celsius. The absolute temperature minimum is fixed at -25 degrees Celsius.

Winter lasts somewhere from mid-November to mid-March, and summer - from early June to the last decade of September. In general, the climate is in many ways similar to the climate middle lane Russia, only taking into account the monsoons. Going to the north-west of South Korea in the winter, you need to be prepared for dry frosts of the order of 10 degrees below zero. In summer - to heat up to +30, interspersed with frequent, but short-term thunderstorms. Due to the monsoonal type of climate, most annual precipitation falls in summer (approximately 800 mm out of 1000 mm).

2. Northeast region: province of Gangwon. The northeast would be climatically 100% similar to the northwest, given that there is also the influence of the sea (Japanese). But unlike the neighboring region, Gangwon-do is represented by both plains (coastal zone) and mountainous terrain (central regions). The mountain ranges are part of the East Korean Mountains, which stretch for 600 km from the extreme northeast (the border of the DPRK) to Pohang. The peculiarity of the mountain zones is that the summer here is drier and shorter (about one month) than in the lowlands. The summer period lasts somewhere from mid-June to early September.

It is extremely important to be aware of large temperature fluctuations. In the mountains, they can reach 15 degrees Celsius. So, at the end of May, in sunny weather, the mountain air of Gangwon-do can warm up to +20, and by early morning it can cool down to +5 degrees. If you are planning a mountain trip with an overnight stay, be sure to grab warm clothes. Even if at the time of the exit you feel comfortable in a T-shirt and shorts. The average winter temperature in this province is -5.5 degrees Celsius. In January, frosts down to -30 are possible in the mountains.

3. Central region: Chungcheongbuk-do province, Daejeon city. Eastern region: Gyeongsangbuk-do province, Daegu city. The territory of these administrative entities is also mountainous. On the plains, the climate is moderately monsoonal. It is on the flat terrain that most of the settlements are located. Ski resorts exist in climatic conditions similar to the mountains in Gangwon-do.

4. Western region: Chungcheongnam-do Province. Also moderately monsoonal type of climate.

5. Southwest region: Jeolla-buk-do, Jeolla-nam-do, Gwangju city. Southeast region: Gyeongsangnam-do province, Busan and Ulsan cities. South: Jeju Island. These regions are dominated by a subtropical monsoon climate type. And Jeju Island is actually on the border subtropical zone. Because of this, the temperature here, even in winter, rarely drops below a couple of degrees of frost, and on Jeju, the temperature is almost always above zero. But in autumn and winter it is really possible to catch a cold due to strong winds.

In the south of the country, the amount of annual precipitation doubles (up to 2200 mm per year). The main part falls in the summer. It is important for tourists to know that on the southeast coast and in central regions typhoons occur from mid-July to mid-August and from mid-September to mid-October. However, to predict the frequency and exact time the onset of these weather events is almost impossible.

Climate and weather patterns in cities

If you have a tour of South Korea, it would be nice to briefly familiarize yourself with the main settlements countries. All cities in Korea are the product of the urbanization of the last 50 years. Those. here you will not find something similar to the old European cities that remember the times of the Holy Inquisition. All the “gray-haired” sights of South Korea are represented by separate temples, chapels and palaces. Almost everywhere, city life is adorned with informal contemporary urban art – graffiti, statues made from consumables and just rubbish, installations, and so on.

These works of famous and unknown masters have become a special attraction over the past 15 years. Good to know that plastic bank cards international class in the Republic of Korea, they are accepted only in two chains of minimarkets - 7eleven and CU. Therefore, it is better to exchange a sufficient amount of dollars for won in advance. And one more thing - if a snowfall occurs in a South Korean city, which is so familiar to us Russians, then it is better to go for a walk on foot. For Koreans, even a small layer of snow is a small-scale natural disaster that can provoke a kilometer-long traffic jam.


Well, the capital, it is the capital. Climate moderate monsoon . The average January temperature is -6 degrees Celsius. mild winter shorter than the calendar. In fact, it lasts from about mid-December to mid-February. But because of the flat territory, cold winds from the tundra zone can sometimes come unhindered to winter Seoul, lowering the temperature to -15. Astrakhan is located at a latitude close to Seoul (Astrakhan 46 degrees, Seoul 37 degrees).

Summer temperatures in these cities are approximately the same (average August +25, during the whole summer it can reach +37). However, the Seoul heat is much more difficult to bear due to the higher humidity, which reduces sweat evaporation from the skin. which reduces cooling. Therefore, in summer Seoul, Panama, cool drinks, and most importantly, any means to create air currents (fans, fans, etc.) are recommended. But in general, humid heat Seoul is nothing compared to those "saunas" that sometimes happen in southern cities countries.

Monsoonal thunderstorms and typhoons turn out to be a natural means of cooling, during which up to 250 mm of precipitation can fall at a time. But typhoons rarely reach Seoul. The beaches of the capital are quite modest compared to the same Busan. The most famous is the beach on the Hangang River. With the end of summer, the Pacific monsoon is replaced by the Asian monsoon blowing from the continent. Seoul is the city of esports. Real Olympics are held here among gamers of any class and gaming preferences. Also in Seoul great amount objects of urbanization art. What is only a four-meter statue of either a dragon or a lion made of crumpled plastic bottles.


Here you should go exclusively in the summer because of 6 gorgeous beaches. No wonder the city is called the summer capital. But also because Busan is next in size to Seoul. The city has 3.5 million inhabitants. The climate here subtropical monsoon , which provides a long, hot and humid summer (from mid-May to late September). Most precipitation falls in July and August - about 350 mm each month. The average temperature in August is +27 degrees Celsius.

There is no winter as such, given that the local population already considers zero degrees to be “severe cold”. To some extent, this is justified due to the fact that in the period from December to February there is almost never a calm. Toward autumn, the typhoon season comes to the main seaport of South Korea, but their strength and number vary markedly from year to year. The paradox is that in terms of the ratio of air temperature and weather conditions best time in Busan it is October and November.

But for lovers of surfing, diving, swimming and just a beach holiday, it is better to come early - in August. When the water temperature reaches its maximum Sea of ​​Japan and Korea Strait, i.e. up to +27 degrees. In small bays and gulfs, the water in summer can warm up to +33 degrees. Busan for Russian tourists has a special status also due to the Russian-speaking area called ... Texas! Located near Busan subway station.

This small port was first founded by the Americans (hence the name), but then it became a favorite vacation spot for Russian sailors. Some did not return back to the USSR, but remained to live here forever. Back in Busan in 2003, the longest in the world (7 km!), Gwannan double-story bridge, thrown from one side of the bay to the other, was put into operation. At night, the LED lighting of this bridge works wonders.


It is similar to Seoul in that it also stands on a flat area. Climatically it is also almost identical to Seoul. Andong is slightly warmer and the humidity is higher. But geographers and meteorologists still regard Andong's climate as moderately monsoonal. Andong is famous as the national cultural center of South Korea. Many tourists buy famous Andon masks as souvenirs.


Although not a city, this island deserves special mention. It's called the "Korean Hawaii" for a reason. The climate here is almost tropical. In short, Jeju is: black rocks made of volcanic tuff; Azure sea; very long, very hot and very humid summers; windy "winter" without snow; the highest point of the country - Mount Hallasan (1950 meters); cave systems with complexity up to the 3rd category (note to speleologists); favorite place for honeymoon among Koreans (and not only); and much more.

Mountains - the "face" of South Korean nature

Despite the diversity of cities, the most interesting things in the Republic of Korea are mountains, mountain parks and ski resorts. If you haven't been to the mountains there, you can say you haven't been to South Korea. The East Korean mountains form one of the main massifs on the territory of the state. One of the highest Korean peaks belongs to this ridge - Mount Chirisan (1915 meters). In the north, in Gangwon-do, a moderately monsoonal climate type dominates in the mountains, and to the south, in Gyeongsangbuk-do, a subtropical monsoonal type prevails. The mountains of the northern half are covered with coniferous and broad-leaved deciduous forests, and southern mountains- forests from evergreen trees. Holidays in the Korean mountains can be divided into three types:

1. Hiking. The local peaks are not of the highest difficulty. In summer, the snow on the peaks and slopes melts. The mountainous area is equipped with numerous hiking trails - with ladders, steps and railings. However, shoes for mountain walks should still be appropriate - a sneaker type with a spiked sole for high grip. If it rains, the paths are very slippery. And it is recommended to walk during the day, since the mountain parks of South Korea are poorly equipped with night illumination.

National Mining Seoraksan Park is located in the extreme northeast of Gangwon-do and occupies 398 sq. km. Soroksan is 30 peaks and fifty hiking routes (the passage of some takes an hour, others - a day). Soroxan is beautiful place provinces. Entrance 3 dollars. The park has excellent infrastructure. At any time of the year, before a walk, you must put on or take warm clothes (insulated sweatpants, sweater, jacket, sports hat, scarf, gloves) on the road. As already mentioned, in the mountains, temperature differences are significant. And without insulation at night and early in the morning, you can literally stiffen up.

Odaesan National Reserve , which transforms into a ski resort in winter. The entrance is free. There are 5 peaks. The most dangerous, but also the most fascinating route leads to the East (Japanese) Sea through the rocky massifs. It is also permissible to enter Kayasan Park for free. And it is better to do it in spring and autumn. In the first case, you will enjoy a fantastic picture of universal flowering. In the second - no less fantastic picture of the general withering. On Jeju Island, Hallasan Park, named after the country's highest peak of the same name. It is best to come here in May and June, when the mountain is painted pink flowers azaleas. To climb all of the listed peaks, only minimal physical condition and comfortable shoes are required. No climbing equipment is required.

2. But lovers extreme recreation also something to try. The East Korean mountains are full of nameless rocks and small sheer peaks, where you can climb only with the help of cables, "cats", jumar and other good things.

3 . Finally, the main feature - ski resorts. Majority national parks in winter they become grounds for lovers of high-speed skiing. Although among the ski slopes there are all sorts of difficulty levels - for both beginners and pros. And not just for skiers. Yongpyeong Resort is a regular destination for snowboarders. Hongdae Song-gu is known for its variety of ski routes. Temyun Vivaldi Park attracts those who like to ski down at high speed (descent angle 28 degrees). Part national park Togyusan includes the resort of Muju, whose signature feature is the famous "Silk Road" - ski Track 6 km 200 meters. Finally, the Korean Alps. This resort is located in the far north of the country, which leads to maximum amount snow for this climatic zone and a long winter (the season closes here in mid-March).

Weather in South Korea by months

In South Korea, the 4 seasons are clearly defined. Regardless of climatic features individual regions. WITH March Above zero temperature is stable almost throughout the country, including at night. In Seoul, by noon, the thermometer reaches +10, and in the early morning it is at zero. The same is true in the west and east of the country. It is warmer in Busan: +15 during the day, +3 at night. March is characterized by unexpected showers. This is the transition from dry winter to wet summer.

And in March, “yellow fog” may appear for 2-3 days. Tourists should be aware that this is sandy dust brought by air masses from the Gobi Desert. It's okay, but it's better not to walk during the "yellow fog" unless necessary. Or at least wear a respirator. Real spring starts at the end of March. This is the highest insolation period, when South Korea receives the most ultraviolet and solar radiation.

At first April across the country comes the time of flowering, lasting on Jeju Island right up to mid-June. The island is especially famous for its blooming rapeseed. However, other plants also bloom in the regions: cherry, plum, rhododendron, etc. IN April and May during the day, people in Seoul, not to mention the more southern cities, walk around in light sweaters, sweaters, even t-shirts and shirts. Despite the heat, summer in these parts is best spent in July-August-September. Because in May the water has not yet warmed up, and in June monsoon rains come to the southern half of the country. Yes and holiday season officially starts in July.

True, you can get into the "window", i.e. the first couple of weeks of June. At this time, clear weather still prevails, it is hot (in Seoul during the day up to +27), and the water temperature on the coasts is already +24 degrees. But the next two weeks will be such that you will have to change your beach kit for a raincoat and waterproof shoes. July and August- as they say, summer, sun, sea, beach ... and numerous, but short thunderstorms. Thanks to these thunderstorms for two summer months more than half of the annual precipitation falls.

Particularly rich in thunderstorms July. In August, “inferno” reigns, from which everyone tries to escape with drinking, ice, fans and air conditioners. Typical daytime temperatures in Seoul, Busan, Andong and other cities: +28, +30, +32 degrees Celsius. The first half of September is good because it is still warm (air and water maintain a temperature of +24 degrees), but the heavy humidity is already receding. The dry period of continental winds begins.

WITH last decade September autumn is knocking on the country, and the amount of precipitation is sharply reduced. This is the first period when it is best to go to the mountains. The local riot of autumn colors will not leave anyone indifferent. The second period is winter. WITH December to the turn February-March opens ski season . IN Lately the average temperature in January has slightly risen, but still stays around -1 degrees Celsius.

Temperature fluctuations in winter occur even on flat terrain. So, in Busan in January, it can be +7 degrees during the day, and -5 degrees at night. In Seoul, the temperature is zero during the day, and at night it gets cold to -10. All because of the dry cold wind from the continent. It is good only for walruses to enter the water in January, since its temperature does not exceed 4 degrees above zero.

Daehanminguk (South Korea) is waiting for you!

Weather in cities and resorts by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 2 5 10 18 23 27 29 30 26 20 12 4
Average minimum, °C -6 -3 2 8 13 18 22 22 17 10 3 -3

It is a country located in the south of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. Since the country is located on a peninsula, it has only one land border (with North Korea (DPRK)), along which there is a demilitarized zone.

Almost all of South Korea is surrounded by water, the coastline stretches for 2,413 kilometers. From the south side the country is washed South China Sea, from the western side - by the Yellow Sea, from the eastern side - by the Sea of ​​Japan.

The total area of ​​South Korea is 98,480 km2, of which water resources 290 km 2 is occupied.

The peninsula stretches in the eastern part of Asia for about 1000 kilometers from north to south. There are more than 3.5 thousand islands around the peninsula, most of which are uninhabited.

The northern part of the peninsula is formed by the Tumangan and Yalujiang rivers, which separate the country from the northeastern Chinese provinces.

Most of the peninsula is covered with mountains. The highest point in South Korea is the Hallasan volcano (1950 meters), located on Jeju Island.

The longest river in the country is the Naktong River, reaching a length of 521 kilometers. Others major rivers South Korea are Hangang (514 kilometers), Geumgang (401 kilometers), Imjdingan, Bukhangan and Somjingang. The rivers are quite shallow, the water level in them depends mainly on seasonal changes.

Vegetation in South Korea due to the mild climate is very diverse. IN mountainous areas countries grow oak and broadleaf forests- hornbeam, oak, birch, linden and others are common. Ginseng is widespread in foothill areas. Dense pine forests can be found along the lower mountain belt.


South Korea has a monsoon temperate climate type. Each season in the country has its own characteristic bright features. Every season here passes smoothly, changing one after another. Air masses moving from Asia have a special influence on the climate.

Winter in the country is relatively dry, long and cold, summer is humid, short and hot. Spring and autumn are the most pleasant times of the year.

The temperature in the northwestern part of South Korea in January averages -2 ... -5 °С, in July - +23 ... +26 °С.

Winter on Jeju Island, unlike other areas, is the mildest. The average temperature in January is +1…+3 °С, in July up to +25 °С.

On average, more than 100 centimeters fall annually in the country. In drier years, the mark drops to 75 centimeters. The largest number rainfall - the rainy season - falls between June and September.

South Korea, unlike Japan, Philippines, Taiwan and east coast China is less affected by typhoons. Every year, up to three typhoons pass over the country, causing floods.

Big cities South Korea: Daegu, Busan, Incheon, Daejeon, Gwangju.

Known ski resorts South Korea: Hyundai Songgu, Yangji Pine, Yeonpyeong, Phoenix Park, Alps, Muju, Ganchor, Taemyun Vivaldi Park.

The climate of South Korea is monsoon temperate. This type is typical for East Asia. It affects the vagaries of the weather also in the DPRK, Japan, Northeast China. IN winter time dry and cold air comes, which "travels" from Eastern Siberia, in summer - cool and humid from the Pacific Ocean. Jeju Island stands apart, where the climate is subtropical.

Features of the seasons

The people of Korea consider the climate to be the dignity of their country. They pride themselves on the fact that they have four well-defined seasons, smoothly replacing each other. Oleg Kiryanov mentions this in his book "Korea and Koreans". Koreans consider their country's climate special. Possibly due to proximity South-East Asia where there are only two seasons - dry and wet. According to Koreans, all four seasons are a gift that only selected countries deserve.


The climate of Korea is really quite pleasant. Koreans believe that spring comes with the arrival of swallows and cherry blossoms. Spring weather is mild and sunny, the whole space is immersed in fragrant flowers. Temperature environment+10 - +20. It is customary to go out into nature or take a walk in the park, admiring spring landscapes. This period is loved by the people, but short - from April to May, two months.


Recently, the climate on the Korean Peninsula has changed due to global warming, it has become milder. Coming into its own, summer brings heat and stuffiness. The thermometer reaches +25 - +30. Abundant atmospheric moisture comes along with oceanic air masses. From the second half of June, the rainy season begins, which is called "plum" - they coincide with the ripening period of this fruit.

Thunderstorms don't stop. Until the beginning of August, they are very strong. Cyclonic storms pass by the country, which increases rainfall. For 1.5 months, 60-70% of the annual precipitation falls. Combined with high temperature rainy weather creates a kind of "steam room" in the country. Most of all "gets" the southern coast, as well as the islands of Jeju and Ulleungdo. This is where the most precipitation falls.


The climate of South Korea differs depending on the region. But in general, in September, the rainy season finally ends. Autumn pleases not only with mild weather, but also with beauty. Along with spring, Koreans consider it the best time of the year. The carpet of colorful leaves, the bright color of the trees - all this is impressive. The autumn period is October and November.


What is the climate in South Korea and is it comfortable in winter? The answer is also very pleasant: the winter period is dry, with clean blue sky, light frost. Jeju Island, it seems, winter bypasses: from +1 to +3 degrees. In other regions of the Republic, the temperature is lower: from -2 to -5. Air currents come from the interior of the continent. Because the monsoon is different low temperatures and dryness, 10% of annual precipitation falls in 4 months.

The hottest month is July (about +31), the coldest month is December (-4). The difference between them is significant, especially in the northern regions. For example, in Seoul, this difference reaches 28.3 degrees.

Climatic conditions of the regions

The climate of South Korea varies in different corners countries. For example, you can compare Seoul and Busan, between which the distance is small - 400 km. But they are located on opposite ends of the country. Busan is located near the sea coast: the city is cooler in summer than in Seoul, and warmer in winter.

The amount of precipitation per year also varies. In the north falls from 900 mm, in the south - from 1500 mm. But you cannot guess the exact figure and intensity of rains. Even knowing the climate in South Korea, it is not always possible to guess the amount of precipitation. For example, up to 3 typhoons pass over the country every year, causing floods. There are dry years and rainy years when the average is exceeded by 30-50%. Because of this, droughts and floods occur, which are not at all happy with local farmers.

And yet the climate on the Korean Peninsula is conducive to the cultivation of heat-loving crops: peanuts, sesame, cotton. In the north of the country the climate is more severe. Snow falls here annually, and the thickness of the snow cover is often a meter. In the southern territory, snowfalls are rare, not every year. If they fall out, they don't last long. For example, in Seoul - about a month, in Daegu - 17 days, in Busan - up to a week.

In connection with the pronounced expression of the seasons, a clear cycle of seasonal changes has been established, which is guided by locals. Since ancient times, there has been an agricultural calendar, which was associated with different periods of the year. For example, with “bread rains” or “great heat”.


South Korea is a country located in the eastern part of Asia in the south of the Korean Peninsula. Officially, it is called the Republic of Korea, and its capital and largest city is Seoul. Area of ​​the country: 99720 km2. The only country with which South Korea has a land border is North Korea. The shores of the country are washed by the Sea of ​​Japan and the Yellow Sea.

The topography of South Korea consists mainly of hills and mountains, but there are large coastal plains in the western and southern parts countries. The highest point in South Korea is Halla-san, an extinct volcano that rises to a height of 1950 m. It is located south of the mainland on South Jeju Island. South Korea - Mountain country, but there are currently no active volcanoes, and there have been no major earthquakes in modern times.

South Korea has temperate climate with four different seasons. There is more precipitation in summer than in winter due to the presence of the East Asian monsoon. Winters are cold and temperatures fluctuate with altitude, while summers are hot and humid. Autumn and spring are the best times to visit Seoul as the temperatures are mild and the skies are cloudless. More details about weather conditions in South Korea, you can find out from the weather calendar by month.

Weather in South Korea in January

January temperatures are the lowest of the year, but the farther south the warmer. The average temperature during the day in the north (in Seoul) drops to -4°C, and at night to -6°C. In the south of the peninsula (Busan), during the daytime, the air warms up to +8°C, and at night it drops to -1°C. In the city of Jeju, the southernmost Jeju Island, +8°C during the day and +3°C at night. In the capital, up to 20 mm of precipitation will fall in a month. Wind speed 9 km/h, humidity - 67%. The water near the northern coast is warmed up to +5°С, and near the southern coast - up to +14°С.

Weather in South Korea in February

In early February in the north in the daytime +3°С…+4°С, at night -4°С…-6°С. In the south, the air warms up to +9°С, and at night it cools down to 0°С…+4°С. The water on the coast is invigorating: +5°С in the north, +13°С in the south. For 6 rainy days, 25 mm of precipitation falls in the capital. Wind speed 10 km/h, humidity - 64%.

Weather in South Korea in March

March is characterized by an increase in daily temperatures throughout the country. In the north, during daylight hours, it is expected to reach +10°С, and at night the temperature drops to 0°С…+1°С. In March, 7 bad weather days will bring 45 mm of precipitation to Seoul. Wind speed 11 km/h, humidity - 64%. By the end of the month the water warms up to +6°С in the north and up to +13°С in the south.

Weather in South Korea in April

April is considered one of best months for holidays in South Korea. In the capital, the air warms up to +17°C during the day and +7°C at night. In the south of the country, the air temperature is expected to be +18°С during the day and +10°С at night. There are no more than 8 rainy days per month, during which the amount of precipitation will reach 75 mm. Wind speed 11 km/h, humidity - 64%. The water on the northern coast warms up to +8°C, and in the south - up to +14°C.

Weather in South Korea in May

May brings heat high temperatures And low humidity. On average, the air masses in the country are warmed up to +22°С…+23°С during the daytime and up to +11°С…+14°С - during the dark time of the day. In the capital, 100 mm of precipitation will fall in 9 rainy days. Wind speed 10 km/h, humidity - 69%. By the end of May, the water temperature on the southern coast is +17°С, and on the northern coast is +13°С.

Weather in South Korea in June

Daytime air temperature in the country in June does not fall below +24°С…+27°С, and at night +16°С…+19°С. In the capital, 135 mm of precipitation falls in 10 bad days. Wind speed 9 km/h, humidity - 75%. Sea water within a month it manages to warm up to + 17 ° С ... + 20 ° С.

Weather in South Korea in July

In July, the air warms up throughout the country during the day to an average of + 27 ° С ... + 29 ° С, and at night up to + 21 ° С ... + 23 ° С. Rains pour in Seoul every other day and bring to the ground up to 330 mm of precipitation. Wind speed 10 km/h, humidity - 83%. Sea water temperature this month reaches +22°С…+23°С.

Weather in South Korea in August

In August, the most precipitation falls in the capital: in 14 days, their level reaches 350 mm in the capital. Wind speed 9 km/h, humidity - 88%. In South Korea during the day the air temperature reaches +28°С…+30°С, at night +20°С…+24°С. The water in the seas warms up to +24°С…+26°С.

Weather in South Korea in September

In September, the air mass temperature in the country is +24°С…+26°С during the day and +15°С…+20°С at night. In the capital this month, 9 days of rain are expected with a precipitation level of 140 mm. Wind speed 8 km/h, humidity - 77%. Sea water temperature this month is +23°С…+24°С.

Weather in South Korea in October

In October, the daytime air temperature throughout the country is kept at +18°С…+22°С. After sunset, the thermometers drop to +8°С…+15°С. The water temperature in the seas drops to +19°С…+21°С. In October, 7 bad weather days are expected, which will bring up to 50 mm of precipitation to the earth. Wind speed 8 km/h, humidity - 73%.

Weather in South Korea in November

In November, the air temperature continues to decrease, reaching an average of +10°С…+16°С during the day, and +3°С…+10°С at night. Precipitation falls 7-9 days a month, the amount of precipitation reaches 55 mm. Wind speed 9 km/h, humidity - 71%. The water in the seas cools from +14°C in the north to +19°C in the south.

Weather in South Korea in December

December brings rainfall and lower temperatures. In the north during the day +2°С…+4°С, at night -3°С…-5°С. In the south during daylight hours +10°С…+11°С, and after sunset +2°С…+5°С. In the capital, the first winter month brings 25 mm of precipitation in 7 bad weather days. Wind speed 9 km/h, humidity - 69%. Sea water cools down to +9°С in the north and up to +16°С in the south.