Natalia Dolmatova
Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the natural world in senior group"What is nature"

Subject:"What is nature?"

Target: expand children's knowledge of living and inanimate nature.

Tasks: Continue to teach children to distinguish living things from non-living things

To form ideas about the inextricable connection between man and nature / man

part of nature/.

Teaching children to distinguish natural objects from artificial / created


Arouse interest in nature and the problem of its protection.

Vocabulary work: vocabulary enrichment: wisdom, artificial objects /not nature/;

vocabulary activation: animate and inanimate nature.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations, reading literature about nature,

observation, didactic game"Chamomile".

Methodical methods: artistic word, conversation, comparisons, display of illustrations,

Equipment: interactive board, photo - slides depicting nature, environmental signs, photo-slides depicting an ant and a ladybug, D / and "Chamomile".

1. -Guys, do you like to walk in the forest, in the park, in the meadow?

And which of you rested on the sea?

Who vacationed in the mountains?

What did you like the most?

Guys, what do you think nature is?

Nature is rivers, seas, lakes, forests and fields, sky and sun, soil and air, and all living things.

Guys, do you know that a person is also a part of nature and the smallest insect is also a part of nature.

I will read you a poem by the Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, and you listen carefully.

The sun is shining, the waters are shining,

There is a smile on everything, life is on everything,

The trees tremble with joy

Swimming in the blue sky

The trees are singing, the waters are splashing,

Love dissolves the air

And the world, the blooming world of nature

Intoxicated with the excess of life.

Guys, what do you think this poem is about? (a poem about the beauty of nature).

Guys, look carefully at the screen and say what you see on the screen, on the screen (photo slides of nature on the screen).


What would you name these images?

I will give you riddles, and you try to guess.

Lives in seas and rivers

But often it flies across the sky,

And how bored she is to fly -

Falls to the ground again. (Water).

They beat me, they beat me,

Turning, cutting

And I endure everything

And I cry all the best. (earth, soil).

blue handkerchief,

Red gingerbread man, rolling on a scarf,

Smiling at people. (Sky, sun).

In the dense forest, under the trees,

showered with leaves

Lies a ball with needles

Spiny and alive. (Hedgehog).

There are two oak trees.

On oaks - a barrel,

On the barrel - a bump,

On a hummock is a forest. (Human).

Many hands, one leg. (Tree).

Well done guys, you guessed the riddles correctly.

What else do you see on the screen? (children name objects of animate and inanimate nature).

Guys, tell me what is related to wildlife? (animals, plants, everything that grows, breathes, eats and reproduces).

What about inanimate nature? (sun, stones, water, soil).

Tell me why you don’t see on the screen the image of houses, cars, fences, factories? / if the children find it difficult to answer, help /

All that is made by human hands, we can not call nature.

And so, nature is everything that surrounds us, but not made by human hands, even from natural material. For example: a wooden chair is made of natural wood material, but it is made by human hands and the chair is not nature. The machine is made by human hands - it is not nature. But a horse and a camel, which a person also rides, are nature. Man simply tamed the camel and horse, made them pets, they existed in nature even without man. The camel and the horse eat, they breathe, they have cubs. And the man made the car himself. The machine does not breathe, it does not have cubs. A person often invents things that look like natural objects. For example: the helicopter looks like who?


What does the submarine look like?

On a whale.

2. Phys. minute.

The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps, (palms to the left cheek, to the right cheek)

Even the wind doesn't make noise. (swing with raised hands)

Early in the morning the sun rose, (raised hands up, stretched)

All its rays sent. (swing with raised hands)

Suddenly a breeze blew, (waved their hands up and down)

The sky was cloudy. (cover face with hands)

And shook the trees. (swing of the body to the left - to the right)

Rain on the roofs pounded, (jumping in place)

Drumming rain on the roof (clapping)

The sun is sinking lower and lower. (forward bends)

So it hid behind the clouds, (squat)

Not a single ray is visible. (get up, put your hands behind your back)

3. - Guys, now we will play the game "Chamomile". The one who correctly indicates what the things necessary for a person are made of and what they refer to will win. On the board around the yellow center are attached white chamomile petals, on reverse side which depict objects of living and non-living nature and not nature. Children take turns tearing off the petals. I ask questions:

What is on the petal?

What is it made of?

What does this object refer to? (child who gave the largest number complete answers is awarded with a postcard with a picture of a plant or animal).

4. - Guys, nature pleases a person with its beauty! Admiring the beauty of nature, a person becomes better, kinder. Nature teaches man wisdom. Here is how the poet V. Orlov said about it.

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches

Birds learn to sing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us the truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness

And for all the magnitude

Teaches modesty.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people,

They teach strong friendship.

Guys, what does nature teach us?

Do you think nature needs our friendship?


(Show environmental signs and discuss with the children the meaning of the signs).

People should live in friendship with nature, protect everything that is on earth! Don't hurt anyone, don't hurt anyone. But many people don't think about it.

Guys, do you know these insects? / I show pictures of a ladybug and an ant /

Guys, tell me they are beautiful? - Who held them in their hands?

Did you know that such small insects are of great benefit to nature, but often suffer because of the unreasonable curiosity of man.

Let's make a promise to each other never to catch insects, but only to observe and admire them without harming them. Do not break trees and shrubs. Help the birds in winter.

Do you guys want to become nature protectors?

Then let's take an oath:

Look, my friend, don't let us down

Be truthful and kind, promise!

Do not offend not a bird, not a cricket,

Do not buy a net for a butterfly,

Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields -

Everything that is called

Your homeland.

Related publications:

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the natural world in the middle group "Red Book" An introduction to the natural world middle group The Red Book as a means of educating a caring, attentive attitude of children.

"Journey to the Winter Forest". Abstract of the lesson in the first junior group on acquaintance with the world of nature Integrative tasks: - expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter (fox, hare, bear); - develop the ability to distinguish.

Abstract of the GCD on familiarization with the natural world in the senior group "Coniferous forest trees" Summary of the GCD on familiarization with the natural world in the senior group "Trees coniferous forest". Purpose: creating conditions for clarification and consolidation.

Synopsis of OD " cognitive development» familiarization with the natural world in the senior group. "Journey into the world of nature" Tasks: Educational:.

Abstract of a lesson in the middle group to familiarize children with the natural world. Abstract on ecology "Flower City" Purpose: 1. To consolidate children's knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, about ecological relationships in nature. 2. Continue.

Abstract of a lesson on acquaintance with the world of nature in the younger group "Spring" Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the natural world in junior group on the theme "Spring". Purpose: to repeat the signs of spring, to form development.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the world of nature in the second junior group "Kitten Watching" Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the world of nature in the 2nd junior group "Observing a kitten." Purpose: Acquaintance of children with a living object.

Abstract of the lesson on acquaintance with the world of nature in the second junior group "Journey to the fairy tale Gingerbread Man" Purpose: -To continue to form children's ideas about animals living in the forest (fox, hare, bear, wolf). - Get to know their habits.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the natural world in the second junior group "Nature has friends - it's us and you" The group includes the Forest Fairy: Hello, kids, Girls and boys (Greetings) I came to ask you for help Educator: What.

Direct educational activities to get acquainted with the natural world in the senior group Lesson summary Topic: “What happened to the river?” Tasks: 1. To teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships: what does a careless attitude lead to.

Image Library:

Cognitive development: To organize a cognitive workshop in order to familiarize children with elementary experimentation that is accessible to them.

Give an idea of ​​the different types of stones. Create conditions for the development of environmental thinking and creative imagination in the process of experimental work.

Socio-communicative development: Raise interest in research activities, the desire to engage in it; cultivate social skills

Speech development: develop the ability to acquire knowledge yourself, draw conclusions, prove, explain your point of view, the ability to analyze and reason.

Artistic and aesthetic development: - introduce the most common decorative stones and products made from them, to form an aesthetic perception of the environment. Show what role stones play in a person’s life, introduce stones that a person has been using for his needs since ancient times.

Stagneeva Elena Leonidovna

Subject: Autumn

Target: generalization of children's knowledge about the features of the autumn season.


  1. Educational: to consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in autumn, about the interaction of man with nature in autumn.
  2. Educational: develop the ability to explain causal relationships between natural phenomena; to consolidate children's knowledge that a person, intentionally or not, can break the connection in nature.
  3. Educational: to cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect it.

Age group: senior group.

Form of organization: group form.


  • musical accompaniment, laptop, leaves of trees and shrubs, mnemonic table "Autumn", ball;
  • plum, grape, apple seeds;
  • seed containers; fruits and berries.

Progress OOD

- Children, do you hear someone say hello to us?

Who could it be? Let's ask who is this?

I paint yellow
Field, forest, valley.
And I love the sound of rain
Call me!

Children answer:
- Autumn!

- Guys, do you want to please Autumn, are you ready to consolidate knowledge about autumn?

The teacher asks the children:
- Tell me, please, after what time of the year does autumn come?
- And after autumn, what time of the year comes?
Name the autumn months.

Children answer questions.

Let's now talk about the changes in nature in autumn. To do this, you can use the mnemonic table, plot drawings about autumn.

Children talk about autumn changes: the sun does not rise high above the earth, therefore it heats little, it becomes colder, the days become shorter, the nights are longer, cloudy days it gets bigger, it often rains; people take shelter from the rain with an umbrella, put on boots, jackets, hats. autumn blow strong winds, leaves turn yellow and fall, birds fly south, animals prepare for winter, people harvest.

The teacher invites the children to go to the carpet.

TRIZ game "What will happen if...?"

The teacher asks a question, throws the ball to the child, the child answers the question. Passes the ball back.

  1. What happens if the seagulls don't fly south?
  2. What happens if the sparrows fly south?
  3. What will happen if people scream in the forest?
  4. What will happen if people light fires in the forest?
  5. What will happen if children break tree branches, peel off the bark?
  6. What will happen if people destroy anthills?
  7. What will happen if people leave garbage in nature?

You gave very interesting answers to all my questions. Well done!

The teacher reads poetry and lays out the leaves on the carpet.

autumn leaves
Hanging on a tree
And in the cold wind
The cold ones tremble.

And the naughty wind
Leaves suddenly plucked
He blew harder -
The leaf ran.

Mobile game "One, two, three ... take"

Children move smoothly to the music. The music stops. The teacher says: "One, two, three, take an oak leaf." The children are doing the task.

- One, two, three, take a birch leaf.

- One, two, three, take an aspen leaf.

- One, two, three, take a leaf of a bush.

- One, two, three, take a spruce leaf.

Why didn't you take anything?

- What are the names of trees that have needles instead of leaves (needles)

How else are they different from deciduous trees?

- Well done, guys, correctly completed the tasks and answered the questions.

The game "What tree is the cone from?"

- Guys, let's divide into three groups. Each group will collect under the tree those cones on which they grew. What cones do you want to collect?

Children pick up spruce, larch, pine cones to the drawings of trees.

Well done guys, they did a great job!

Game "Cook a meal"

- As you already said, in the fall they harvest, let's bake pies from vegetables and treat our neighbor. Now sweet pie from fruits, drinks from berries.

Children take turns calling vegetables (fruits, berries) “pass” the neighbor pies (sweet pie, drinks).

Research activity.

On the tray are the seeds of apples, grapes, plum pits; apples, plums, grapes; containers with the image of the corresponding fruits.

The teacher suggests:

- Guys, look, please, what is it here?

They haven't been here recently. Who brought them here?

- Autumn probably likes how much you know about her. So she brought them to us. Let's stack their boxes, and we will replenish the collection of seeds.

- But what kind of plants are these seeds?

- How should we be now, how to find out what seeds of plants are here?

Children answer:

- You can ask adults, bite off and plant a seed, etc.

Let's choose the most interesting way obtaining knowledge - research.

1. Identification of the problem.

What's the problem, guys?

2. Determining the purpose of the study.

- What do we want to know?

3. Putting forward a hypothesis.

- What do you guys think, what kind of fruit is this flat, oval seed? And this little one, what does a seed look like? What fruit is the seed? And this?

4. Drawing up a preliminary plan.

What will we do to find out the seeds of what fruits we have?

  1. Let's cut the fruit.
  2. I'll take out the seed.
  3. Comparable to other seeds.
  4. Conducting research. Conclusion.
  5. Specify possible further ways for studying.

- When you eat, pay attention to the seeds.

The teacher shows fruits, berries.

“Look, guys, these are the gifts that autumn has brought us!

What season are we talking about?

What task was the most difficult? Why?

- What task did you like the most? Why?

- What will you tell your parents about our activities today?

- And I, guys, really liked how you tried today, carefully listened to questions, answered them correctly, helped each other, listened to each other.

Lenura Murtazaeva
Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with nature in the senior group "Journey into nature"

Program tasks:

Teach children to distinguish living objects from non-living. Develop children's speech.

Develop the ability to answer questions, justify your answers.

Develop skills learning activities. Consolidate knowledge about nature native land. Cultivate respect for nature.

Equipment: pictures about nature, magic box. Illustrations depicting signs of wildlife: growing, breathing, eating, moving, multiplying. Globe, two plastic cups. Water.


Cards with the image of objects of wildlife. Pencil. Chalk.


Course progress.

Educator: Guys, there is a box on my table, to open the box you need to guess the riddle.

"Bright sun

and blue sky

mountains, oceans,

plains, forests.

Water and sand

and all living things around.

What do we call all this, friends?


Educator: Guys, do you like to travel?

Educator: Let's be travelers today and go in search of treasure. But in order to find the treasure, you need to complete several tasks (sitting at the tables, children look at pictures about nature (conversation on content).

Teacher: What did you see?

Children: Nature.

Educator: Right. Everything that surrounds us is not made by human hands - it is nature. She is alive and non-living. Guys, what kind of wildlife have you seen?

Children: Plants, flowers, trees.

Educator: That's right, all living things: grow, breathe, eat, move, multiply. What inanimate objects have you seen?

Children: rain, wind, sun

Educator: Well done, you correctly named objects of living and inanimate nature.

Finger gymnastics "Finger is a boy, where have you been."

Finger - boy, where have you been?

With this brother I went to the forest

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother

I ate porridge with this brother

I sang songs with this brother.

Educator: Guys, you have cards with the image of nature on your tables. Take pencils and distribute objects of animate and inanimate nature with arrows (children complete the task).

Educator: Tell me, what did you attribute to animate and inanimate nature?

Children: Cactus, beets, ladybug- this is all living things, and the moon, sun, cloud, cloud with rain - this is inanimate nature.

Educator: Guys, do you and I relate to living or inanimate nature?

Children: We treat wildlife.

Educator: Why?

Children: We breathe, we grow.

Physical education "The wind blows in our face"

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed

Wind hush, hush, hush

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Educator: That's right, we are part of nature, we are alive, and all living things grow, breathe, multiply, feed. And how do we breathe?

(the teacher suggests doing a breathing exercise).

Educator: You have napkins on the table, take them and blow like the wind, breathing exercises"Wind".

Breathing exercises "Wind".

Educator: Guys, we will now conduct an experiment and consider objects of inanimate nature.

1. Experience with water (the teacher shows himself). The teacher pours water from one glass to another.

Educator: What happened to the water, has it ceased to be water or not?

Children: No, it hasn't.

2. Experience with chalk (together with children).

3. One of the children shows the experience together with the teacher. They take the chalk and break it in half.

Educator: What happened to the chalk? He ceased to be chalk or not?

Children: No.

Educator: That's right, the chalk remained chalk, only the pieces became smaller, the water also remained water.

The teacher concludes: chalk and water are objects of inanimate nature.

Educator: Guys, you coped with all the tasks. What new things have we learned? Did you like it? What did you like more? What caused the difficulty?

Educator: Let's finish our conversation with a wonderful poem by L. Daineko "Blue Planet"

Here on earth is a huge house

Blue roof.

Live in it the sun, rain and thunder

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it.

The nature of the native land

This house is called.

Teacher: This concludes our lesson. You are great!

Related publications:

Synopsis of the integrated GCD on familiarizing children with nature and developing speech in the senior group "Late Autumn" Program content: to clarify children's knowledge about the changes that occur in animate and inanimate nature late autumn. Activate.

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP and familiarization with nature in the senior group Synopsis of GCD on FEMP and familiarization with nature in the senior group Topic. Magic kingdom of knowledge Program content: consolidate knowledge.

Synopsis of GCD in preparatory group on acquaintance with the environment and nature on the topic "Our Motherland - Crimea". Integration of educational areas:.

Synopsis of the final OOD on familiarizing children with nature in the preparatory group "Journey of a train from Romashkovo" Purpose: to identify the level of knowledge and skills of children in the preparatory group for school in the OO OOP "Introduction to Nature". Tasks: To generalize knowledge.

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the senior group of kindergarten Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with nature Krasnoyarsk Territory in the senior group. MDOBU "Kindergarten No. 28" Scarlet Flower "" Minusinsk.

Synopsis of OOD with children on familiarization with nature on the topic: "A walk in the autumn forest" in the senior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten of the combined type No. 8 "Swan"

caregiver: 1 qualification category Moiseeva L.I. urban district of Khimki

Program content:

  1. Summarize children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in autumn.
  2. Cultivate a positive attitude towards autumn.
  3. To learn to look for the causes of changes in the life of animals and plants in changing their living conditions, in seasonal changes; to teach to establish a connection between environmental conditions and the state of living objects;
  4. To develop in children the ability to recognize, name a tree from a leaf;
  5. To be able to hear the questions and tasks of the educator, listen to the answers of peers;
  6. Cultivate love and respect for nature. Develop the ability to empathize with animals, to help them.

Used media objects:

  1. Pictures depicting autumn and one depicting summer;
  2. Autumn leaves “Name the leaf from which tree”;
  3. A. Vivaldi "Autumn"; Tchaikovsky "November"; sound recording of wind sounds; Rubbak "Bear"
  4. Decoration of the hall “Late Autumn”;
  5. Recording "Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Voices of the Forest" ;
  6. A treat from a squirrel basket with nuts;
  7. Squirrel costume (grey), bear, wind.

Used equipment:

record player

Preliminary work.

  1. Observations for autumn changes walking in nature (autumn trees and shrubs, leaf fall, frequent rains, etc.);
  2. Work with the calendar of nature;
  3. Examination of book illustrations, pictures on the autumn theme;
  4. Conversation on the painting by I. Levitan "Gold autumn" ;
  5. Conversation on the painting by V.Vaveikin, Z.Sokolova "Late fall" ;
  6. Reading works and learning poems about autumn;
  7. Conversations about preparing birds, animals and plants for winter;
  8. Conversations about the forest, the rules of behavior in it. Acquaintance with different types forests (spruce forest, birch forest, oak forest, mixed).

Organizational Component:

In accordance with SanPiN and health-saving technologies.

Lesson progress:

(Children enter the colorfully decorated room)

Today, guests came to our kindergarten.

Dear guests, such important ones,

In the group here we are sitting,

Everyone is staring at us.

And not strictly, but with a smile very warm and simple

Guests meet us with you, how to answer?


Let's wish our guests good morning and let this wish be warm and sincere. Guys, how are you feeling today?

(good, cheerful)

Great mood, as we are all healthy and cheerful.

What is health?

(when you're happy, you don't get sick)

Today we will make walk-excursion, but where, try to guess ...

The hero stands rich,
Treats all children:
Vanya lingonberry,
Katya - bone,

Mashenka - a nut,
Seryozhu - russula,
Nastenka - raspberries,
Polina - strawberries.

So who is this hero?


Of course, the forest. What is LES?

(This is a place where many trees, shrubs, berries, mushrooms grow, animals, birds, insects live)

That's right, we will take a walk-excursion into the forest. And for starters, let's remember with you the rules of behavior in the forest

(walk along the path, do not make noise, do not tear plants, do not break branches, do not destroy nests and anthills)

Well done boys! You have learned well the rules of behavior in the forest. So you can go. I will be your tour guide.

motor exercise "Walking in the Forest"

Let's go for a walk in the forest.
Let's have fun walking. (children march).
Let's go down the path
Friend after friend in single file.

(going "snake" between bumps)

Raise your legs higher
We don't step on bumps.
(high step, step over the leaves).
And again on the track

We are walking happily. (marching).

Here is the forest. Let's greet the autumn forest by reading poems to it.

Hello, forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you talking about?
What are you whispering to us at dawn?

All in dew, as in silver?
Who is languishing in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, do not hide:

You see - we are ours!

S. Pogorelovskiy.

Let's take a closer look at nature in the forest, answer the question:

What time of year is it in the forest?


Let's remember how many autumn months?

Name them?

(September October November)

What month is it now?


Autumn weather game

  • I have a multi-colored ball: the ball is autumn and magical

Will jump into your hands and ask questions.

  • Leaves in autumn (what they do) Leaves turn yellow and fall off in autumn
  • Rain in autumn (what is he doing)- It rains in autumn.
  • harvest in autumn (what they do)- The harvest is harvested in autumn.
  • Birds in autumn (what they do)- Birds fly away in autumn.
  • Trees in autumn (what they do)- Trees shed their leaves in autumn.
  • Animals in autumn (what they do)- Animals prepare for winter in autumn, change their coats.

Children, what is the weather like in autumn:

  • When it's raining- rainy.
  • When the wind blows - windy
  • Cold - cold
  • Cloudy - overcast
  • Damp - raw
  • Gloomy - gloomy
  • clear - clear

Great. You are right about the weather.

The wind is blowing, the leaves are flying.

Guys, what is this?

(Leaf fall)

Who knows why the leaves fall from the trees in autumn?

(sap flow stops)

It is true that sap flow stops in the fall.

Let's play with leaves. Autumn wants to play with us.:

game with leaves

She scattered the last leaves and offers to pick up one leaf to name it and say what tree it is from.

We have a piggy bank in kindergarten folk wisdom, children put proverbs and signs of the seasons into it. Do you want to put your knowledge there?

Guys stand in a circle
Hold on tight to your hands.
I'll take the box
And I'll take notes.

(The trees stand without foliage, the branches ring and are covered with frost, the insects have disappeared, it often rains and the first snow; the days have become shorter and the nights are longer; the sun shines and heats very little; there are frosts at night; puddles are covered with ice; the ground is frozen; wintering people arrive birds.)


  • Autumn is harvest time.
  • Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • In autumn, and at the sparrow's feast.
  • In autumn, even the sparrow is rich.
  • October is the month of the first snows, the first cold weather
  • October thunder - snowless winter.
  • By October the birch trees are bare.
  • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
  • October will cover the earth, where with a leaf, where with a snowball.

Guys, you said everything wonderfully, our casket was replenished with your wisdom. I liked the answers, you named a lot interesting signs and proverbs.

(Children sit down)

And now Vika will read the poem "Autumn" by L. Lukanov

A cloud of blue sky
Closed from the ground
And autumn grass
Frost covered.

Ice on the puddle glitters
The puddle freezes.
This winter is rushing to us,
Autumn accompanies.

A game “Name an extra sign, an extra picture”

  • the birds have flown away, the grass is turning green, bare trees, low clouds
  • cold rains, streams run, leaf fall, snow with rain

Three pictures depicting autumn and one depicting summer.

Autumn word game

Guys, I realized that you like autumn, and what words could you say about late autumn.

(sad, gloomy, rainy, long, lingering, warm, cold, late, thoughtful, dull, quiet, sad, mysterious, boring, sad)

Guys, can you hear the hum? Who makes these sounds?


We hear the last parting cries of migratory birds. What happens to the rest of the birds?

(remain to winter)

What are they called?

(wintering birds)

People call them "winterers" . What do winter birds eat?

(Rowberries, grains, seeds and bread crumbs that people give.)

And we have to take care of them. What is our concern?

(We can make feeders and feed our feathered friends.)

- Name the wintering birds:

(Whistle, goldfinch, owl, crossbill, woodpecker, sparrow, crow, tit, bullfinch, jay)

Guys, who else lives in the forest?

(wild animals)

Why are they called that?

(they live in the forest, build their own housing and get food)

And what wild animals can be found in the forest in late autumn?

(fox, hare, wolf, squirrel, lynx, deer, elk, wild boar)

That's right, why can't we meet a bear in late autumn?

(because he climbs into the lair to sleep in late autumn)

And now Olya will tell you a story that happened to the bears in late autumn, when he was preparing for hibernation. This poem was written by the poet L. Kvitko:


Bear in the forest.

A bear walks through the forest
A bear roams the forest...
Cold, cold on the nose -
It's very cold in the forest.

The forest is almost completely stripped:
No nest, no birds.
Only the wind groans, groans,
Leaves are driving along the paths -

That there, That here.
The bear stood on tiptoe
The bear extended its paws:
- Wind, wind, don't whistle!

A cloud of snow!
Shut down all the trees
Powder all the bushes.
The wind blows, blows, blows

Warm snow sows, sows.
Fluff and fluff - White around.
It immediately became quiet,

The snow lies like a blanket.
Evening fell to the ground...
Where did the bear go?
Run out of worries

Sleeping in his lair.

Did you like the bear story?

(children's answers)

Guys, do you think the wind fulfilled the request of the bear?

(done, he began to slowly winnow and sow snow, and poured snow like blankets)

Yes, well done wind, fulfilled the request of the bear.

Guys, something is cold and rainy in the forest. And it is also difficult for the inhabitants of the forest in such weather. Let's listen to a poem about it."

The child is reading a poem.

A.A. Block “Bunny”

Gloomy rainy autumn has come,
They took off all the cabbage, there is nothing to steal.
The poor bunny jumps near the wet pines,
It's scary to fall into the clutches of a gray wolf ...

Thinks about summer, presses his ears,
Looks sideways at the sky - you can’t see the sky ...
If only it would be warmer, if only it would be drier ...
Very unpleasant to walk on the water!

Guys, can people help animals at this time of the year?

(children's answers)

How can I do that?

(children's answers)

At the end of November, the bunny changes its fur coat for what?

(white coat)

Is it comfortable for a bunny in a white fur coat when it has not snowed yet?

(no, he's trembling with fear)

(children's answers)

Who hid in holes?

(Hedgehog, badger, field mouse.)

And what does the squirrel do?

(She doesn't like cold, rainy weather, so she hid, sits in her hollow and nibbles on cones and nuts.)

Why say "Forest is our wealth" ?

(The forest gives us fresh air, berries, nuts, mushrooms)

The forest is the decoration of the planet, the health of people.

The forest is home to plants and animals.)

How else do people use the forest?

(Furniture, paper, musical instruments, threads are made from wood.)

The forest is not only clean air, raw materials, but also priceless beauty. And people should protect this beauty and wealth.

Take care of the Russian forest
He is the source of all miracles!
To be green everywhere
Pines, elms, maples, spruces,

Take care of the forest!
Squirrel, marten, hare, fox
The forest is home.
The bird and the beast want to believe in peace and tranquility!

Oh, guys, look, a squirrel came to visit us.


The autumn leaf flies around,
Falling leaves are falling from the branches.
Look, look
I change my outfit.

Was red, now
The coat is thicker and lighter,
Silver tail -
Grey, fluffy.

All day long I've been jumping
And I collected nuts
You are so good
Here are my gifts for you

You are always welcome guests forest house, just do not forget, please, to love and protect nature.

Forest - wealth and beauty,
Take care of your forests!
The enemy of nature
Who does not protect the forest!

See you later new meeting in the woods guys!

The squirrel leaves

Goodbye Autumn! Goodbye, residents of the forest house! Goodbye Les!

Summary of the lesson:

So our walk in the autumn forest has come to an end. It's time for us to return to the group. Did you enjoy our trip? Where have we been today? Who did we meet in the forest? You told poems about autumn very well, everyone coped with the tasks, and now let's return to the group. 7.


  1. Bondarenko T. M. Ecological activities with children 5-6 years old: Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2002. - 159 p.
  2. Dick N. F. Developing lessons in ecology for preschoolers. - M.: LLC "TID" Russian word- RS", 2006. - 176 p. - (To help the teacher).
  3. Bobyleva L. "Take care of nature!" Conversations with older preschoolers. Magazine preschool education № 7-2002.
  4. Koshcheeva E. L., Khamidullina L. A., Prokhorova V. V. Journeys into the world of nature: Classes to familiarize preschoolers with the basics of geography and ecology. - M.: ARKTI, 2009. - 96 p. (Getting ready for school).
  5. Nikolaeva S. N. Young ecologist. The system of work with children in the senior group kindergarten. For classes with children 5-6 years old. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 152 p.: color. incl.
  6. Nikolaeva S. N. Young ecologist. The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group for school. To work with children 6-7 years old. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 168 p.: color. incl.