Unfortunately, in modern society chronic fatigue has become a constant companion of the population. worries, vanity, bad habits, insufficient rest at night, the monotony of everyday life and much more causes drowsiness and fatigue. If you accumulate fatigue from day to day, ignore its signs, then you can get serious diseases. Therefore, it is important for every person to know how to get rid of constant fatigue.

Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Occurs

Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs due to the following factors that affect the human body:

  • Poor quality or short rest at night. Most people who are interested in how to relieve body fatigue admit that they take only 4-5 hours to rest;
  • Nervous overload, stress, depressive states prevent a person from getting rid of an obsessive feeling of anxiety and how to relax;
  • Wrong diet, evening overeating, caffeine abuse, lack of vitamins, oxygen, pure water in the body are put the cause of the accumulation of fatigue;
  • Some diseases internal organs.

If you have eliminated the causes of chronic fatigue, but do not know how to deal with weakness, go to an appointment with a neurologist.

Treatment at home

Home treatment involves taking medications without the constant supervision of medical personnel, but this does not mean at all that you need and can prescribe medications yourself. Before you get rid of fatigue and drowsiness, you need to determine what influenced the occurrence of such a condition. It depends on what medications must be taken to relieve drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue. To overcome chronic fatigue will help a complex of drugs that are prescribed by the attending physician individually for each patient.

In order to effectively deal with chronic fatigue syndrome in a patient, a doctor may prescribe medications from the following groups:

  • Sedatives - soothe nervous system solve problems of sleep disorders;
  • Sedative drugs - in addition to normalizing the mental state, they have a positive effect on mood, reduce apathy;
  • Antidepressants - drugs that fight depression;
  • Painkillers - eliminate pain and spasms;
  • Stimulants - drugs that affect the activity of the central nervous system;
  • Multivitamins.

Modern medicines are able to combine the action of several drugs, which makes their intake more convenient and effective in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. These drugs are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, but they can be treated in a comfortable home environment:

  1. Grandaxin - the most common remedy, it combines anticonvulsant, sedative properties, eliminates anxiety. It is prescribed for autonomic disorders, nervous disorders, fatigue and weakness, as well as for women with pronounced PMS.
  2. Tenoten - allows you to effectively deal with drowsiness, nervous disorders, stressful and depressive situations. side effects this drug has not been identified, so it is allowed for chronic fatigue and other disorders, not only in adults, but also in children.
  3. Supradin is a complex drug that has a positive effect on the body, allows you to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome. It contains multivitamins and minerals that improve metabolic processes, the condition of blood vessels, and internal organs. In addition, the drug improves memory, concentration, physical and mental activity.

It is important not only to rely on medicines as a panacea for all diseases, but also to try to observe the sleep and rest regimen, eat right so that the body receives all the substances necessary for life, drink enough clean water.

Treatment with folk remedies

How to treat chronic fatigue, healers and herbalists know. Their secret arsenal contains many healthy recipes. Here are a few of the most common. They can be used at the first alarming signals of the body about overwork, physical and emotional overstrain, constant fatigue.

The use of rose hips

Rosehip decoction has healing properties, helping in the fight against fatigue, it allows you to quickly restore strength, get rid of drowsiness, apathy and depression.

For medicinal purposes, you need to brew a rosehip broth as a tea and drink several times a day.. You can take it as much as you like, if you wish, you can add honey or raw blackcurrant grated with sugar to the broth. You will feel that you have become less tired after a month of regular use of wild rose.

Baths to relieve fatigue

What to do if chronic fatigue overcomes? Try warm baths with decoctions medicinal plants and other useful for relaxation components:

Baths should be taken immediately before going to bed to improve the quality of sleep and give the body strength and vigor.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea has a wide spectrum useful properties. It helps to get rid of colds, effectively eliminates metabolic disorders, promotes weight loss and, of course, fights against constant drowsiness.

There are two ways to make ginger tea.

Tea recipe #1

The first one is for lazy people. Brew regular tea (black or green if desired), add your favorite sweetener and a couple of thin slices of ginger root to the cup. Leave for a few minutes to infuse and drink.

Tea recipe #2

The second method requires a little more cooking time, but at the same time it has a richer taste and helps to overcome drowsiness even at work. If you make such a preparation in advance, you can also get an excellent tool for the prevention of influenza, cure chronic colds and malaise.

Cut the ginger root into thin slices in advance or grate it on a special grater for shredding cabbage. Do the same with lemon. The amount of ginger and lemon should be the same. Then take a small glass jar and put slices of ginger and lemon in it in layers. In order for the lemon to release juice, the layers must either be sprinkled with sugar or poured with honey, which is more useful. That's it, now you know how to overcome sleep at the workplace - whenever you want to drink invigorating tea to relieve lethargy and drowsiness, add a little (1-2 tablespoons) of the resulting mixture to a mug.

There are other ways to combat fatigue, such as taking a regular walk before bed, breathing in fresh air, and ventilating the room when you return home so that you can sleep well. It is also necessary to get rid of the habit of drinking coffee in the evenings, adjust the daily routine. If you do not engage in a review of lifestyle, then the fight against fatigue will be in vain.

Drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue interfere with work, study, do not allow you to enjoy life. They can be signs of serious disorders in the body, so be sure to undergo an examination. In the absence of pathological abnormalities, it is possible to raise the vitality with vitamin complexes. Even with good nutrition, a person does not always receive a sufficient amount of useful substances that can fight overwork. Vitamins from fatigue and drowsiness will help increase efficiency, endurance, cheer up. Elderly people, systematically sleep deprived students and workaholics need to regularly take multivitamin complexes in the winter-spring period.

Fatigue and apathy are caused by a deficiency of several vitamins, therefore, it is necessary to take complexes that contain them. When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the composition. Important role in maintaining Have a good mood and high performance occupy:

  • Vitamins of group B. With a deficiency, drowsiness, insomnia, apathy, constant fatigue are observed, metabolism is disturbed. Thiamine B1 is called the vigor vitamin, biotin (B7) is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin and glucose, which supplies energy. nerve cells and brain.
  • Vitamin C. Lack of ascorbic acid leads to fatigue and reduced immunity. Ascorbic acid promotes the release of norepinephrine, which improves tone and improves mood.
  • Vitamin D. Deficiency is felt in the winter, there is a prolonged feeling of fatigue, rapid heartbeat, sleep becomes restless. Self-production of the substance decreases with age. If you make up for the lack of vitamin D, strengthen bone tissues and immunity, despondency and lethargy will pass.

Iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium are needed to maintain efficiency and metabolism. The lack of minerals is manifested by drowsiness, loss of strength, irritability. In mineral-vitamin complexes, the compatibility of the components is taken into account to ensure maximum effect.

An overview of energizing products

In pharmacies and online stores, there are many vitamin preparations that reduce the manifestations of fatigue. When choosing, read the label on the package, consider lifestyle. Some drugs, when interacting with the components of vitamin complexes, give an enhanced or weakened effect. The therapist will tell you which vitamins to drink so as not to harm your health. Multivitamins should not be taken continuously. There are breaks between courses. With constant use, the body ceases to absorb vitamins and minerals from food. Choose drugs from well-known manufacturers that use natural ingredients.

Alphabet Energy

The vitamin complex is recommended for people who work hard physically and mentally. Each tablet has a certain effect on the body. The morning dose contains thiamine, eleutherococcus extract, lemongrass seeds, folic acid. Substances relieve drowsiness, stimulate mental activity. The daily dose helps to maintain performance at high loads, improves energy metabolism. Evening tablet helps to restore strength after work, strengthens the immune system. The remedy is contraindicated for insomnia, pregnancy, nervous excitability, hypertension.


The drug contains vitamins of group B, D, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and eight minerals involved in metabolic processes. Duovit is indicated during pregnancy and lactation, high physical exertion, malnutrition, seasonal shortage of fruits and vegetables, postoperative recovery. The vitamin-mineral complex is suitable for people working under stress and increased fatigue, athletes, it will help young mothers cope with fatigue.


A balanced multivitamin complex for the normalization of the most important processes in the body contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. Due to the complex effect, resistance to stress, endurance increases, and fatigue decreases. Experts recommend taking Selmevit to maintain efficiency and vigor, increase activity, strengthen immunity. After using the drug, the body becomes resistant to adverse conditions environment.


The remedy for lethargy and drowsiness contains salbutiamine (a synthetic derivative of vitamin B1). Enerion is effective for beriberi, asthenic conditions, mental and physical fatigue. The drug acts quickly enough. After a week of taking, heaviness in the body disappears, appetite and mood improve. Enerion improves attention, increases the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen deficiency. The tool helps to recover from severe infectious and viral diseases.


BAA contains zinc, selenium, iron, extract from hops, ginseng. natural ingredients protect against stress, increase vitality, prevent exhaustion of the nervous system. Revien activates thought processes, reduces psycho-emotional stress. Improves after taking physical activity, mood, irritability is suppressed, apathy and anxiety disappear. The dietary supplement is recommended for chronic fatigue, constant drowsiness, physical and mental stress.

Vitrum Energy

A mixture of vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, increases the energy resources of the body. Each substance enhances and complements the action of the other. Vitrum Energy is used for the prevention and treatment of chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction, stress, drowsiness, decreased performance. The tool helps to cope with the difficult condition of the field of illness, surgical intervention, increases resistance to colds.

Vitrum Centuri

One tablet contains 12 vitamins and 12 trace elements that eliminate the causes of drowsiness and provide healing of cardio-vascular system. The action of a multivitamin complex will be appreciated by people complaining of apathy, loss of strength. Vitrum Centuri has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems, relieves the effects of stress and chronic fatigue, and prevents the development of cancer. The drug is recommended for older people to boost immunity, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and beriberi.


The complex contains B vitamins, alpha-tocopherol, nicotinamide. Multivitamins help restore strength after mental and physical activity, increase activity, remove the feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. They are used to improve well-being, replenish vitamin deficiency in the winter. Helps to quickly recover after intense sports. Makrovit can be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Dopel Hertz Energotonic

The composition of the elixir with a fragrant smell and pleasant taste includes vitamins, minerals, essential oils, plant tinctures. More than 30 components strengthen, energize the body, promote concentration. The elixir is prescribed for anemic conditions, decreased performance, combined treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The components of the tincture improve the activity of the central nervous system and general well-being.


The dietary supplement in the form of tablets contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and ginseng extract necessary for vivacity. Dynamizan has a complex effect: it reduces the risk of developing depression, stimulates energy production in tissues, supports the immune system, improves memory and performance. Biologically active additive effective for improving the general condition in old age, during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment, with a weakening of sexual function.


A multivitamin complex is taken during a period of weakening of the body, when fatigue and drowsiness are felt. After the course of treatment, the energy balance is restored, metabolic processes improve. Supradin increases endurance, the functioning of the nervous system and blood-forming organs, and stabilizes blood pressure. The components included in the composition contribute to the formation of energy reserves, improve attention and learning performance. The tool is useful for people leading active image life.

Multi-tabs asset

The vitamin complex is effective for high fatigue, asthenic syndrome, low working capacity, constant psycho-emotional stress. Multi-tabs asset supports sexual activity, helps to cope with high physical and intellectual stress, recover from illness, long-term sports training. Vitamin K, which is part of the complex, helps to strengthen the vascular walls and prevent osteoporosis.


General tonic based on dried royal jelly of bees, which consists of vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, carbohydrates. Apilac enhances resistance to stress, helps preserve memory, harmonize arterial pressure. The tool accelerates recovery from viral diseases, stimulates metabolism and hematopoiesis. Royal jelly is useful for increased fatigue and drowsiness, loss of appetite, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypotension. In old age, Apilac helps to improve appetite, well-being, blood supply to the brain.


The multivitamin complex stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, can be used against physical and emotional fatigue and sleepiness. The ginkgo biloba leaf extract included in the composition rejuvenates cells, normalizes the state of cerebral vessels, increases concentration, and improves mood. Complivit helps to resist infectious and viral diseases, stressful situations, high loads, improves vision.

Expert Alert! It is desirable that multivitamin complexes were selected by a doctor. Some of them have contraindications. At right choice vitamins will help eliminate the causes of drowsiness, lack of energy, and improve health.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // The attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

Drowsiness in medicine is a sleep disorder, that is, a condition in which a person wants to sleep at a time that is not at all intended for sleep. Doctors say that there are quite a few reasons that can cause this condition, and before deciding to buy pills for drowsiness, you should find out the causes of this disorder.

Possible Causes of Sleepiness

Often, those people who suffered from insomnia the previous night are drawn to sleep during the daytime. It may be enough just to get a good night's sleep the next night so that this unpleasant state does not accompany the whole day. It is not uncommon for daytime sleepiness to be caused by medications you take, such as antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, or medications for seasickness. If it accompanies a person constantly, interfering with living a full life, it is worth considering, perhaps there is a serious illness.

Experts say that people who are depressed, who abuse alcohol, who suffer from infectious monoculosis or diseases such as narcolepsy, catalepsy or are prone to drowsiness.

Drowsiness drugs

In any case, a person with this unpleasant symptom should be helped. Perhaps you should reconsider your own diet, your lifestyle, sleep at least eight hours a night, give up alcohol and take a closer look at the drinks you use. medicines, picking up an analogue that will not cause drowsiness.


If these measures do not give the desired result and you still want to sleep during the daytime, you should pay attention to pharmacological agents that can defeat daytime sleepiness. One of the modern effective developments to solve this problem is Modafinil sleepiness pills. The substances contained in such a preparation activate the activity of the brain, not only struggling with sleep, but also increasing physical endurance and intellectual abilities.


Modern genetic scientists have invented a unique drug that allows you to shift biological rhythms a person, thereby relieving insomnia at times when a clear mind and activity are needed. This drug was called Longdaisin, which literally means "day-lengthener". According to scientists, new development will be able to provide an invaluable service to people who travel frequently and therefore often change time zones. Moreover, Longdaisin will help people who have to work in different shifts or have diseases that cause drowsiness.


Considering drugs for drowsiness, it is worth paying attention to a unique medication created on the basis of non-ossified antlers (horns) of sika deer, red deer and deer. Due to the influence exerted on the nervous system, stomach and heart, by taking such a medicine, efficiency is significantly increased, fatigue and drowsiness disappear. In pharmacies, you can find this remedy in tablets and drops.

Lemongrass tincture

With such an unpleasant condition as a constant craving for sleep, even during the daytime, an alcohol extract from the seeds of Chinese magnolia vine can help. It comes in the form of a liquid. Once in the body, this remedy enhances heart contractions, improves visual acuity, increases physical and mental performance, excites breathing, increases blood pressure and thereby fights drowsiness.

Having decided to fight drowsiness, you do not need to self-medicate. It is better to contact a qualified specialist who will help solve the problem. Take care of your health!

Anti-fatigue vitamins help improve performance and prevent fatigue. A person's need for nutrients depends on the lifestyle, individual characteristics of the organism. The immune system of men and women is weakened after winter, which leads to drowsiness and low mood. During this period, it is recommended to drink pharmacy.

What vitamins help fight fatigue

People leading an active lifestyle should control what foods are included in the diet. First of all, food must contain enough. Lack of thiamine is manifested by shortness of breath, disruption of the heart and weakness in the muscles.

Lack of pyridoxine is determined by the disorder of the nervous and digestive system. In this case, a person experiences sleep disturbance, excessive excitability. Folic acid responsible for hematopoiesis. With its insufficient intake into the body, a breakdown and the development of anemia are possible.

Of particular importance is the compound for pregnant women, as it is involved in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus. According to the condition of a pregnant woman, one can judge which vitamins she should take additionally.

The lack of cyanocobalamin causes fatigue and weakness. This is explained slow flow metabolic processes. important for the functioning of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

When cells are not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, the body spends an extra amount of energy, which leads to increased fatigue. Therefore, when planning a diet, you should consider which foods contain cyanocobalamin. You can get it by eating liver, eggs, dairy products, legumes.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for every body to function properly. According to statistics, people get tired when their body lacks ascorbic acid. However, scientific studies do not confirm the ability of vitamin C to relieve fatigue.

Practice proves that the connection increases concentration and performance. To begin with, it should be taken in an amount of no more than 500 mg per day. If a person has pronounced fatigue, the dose can be increased by 2 times. In case of intolerance to the drug by the organs of the digestive system, it is prescribed in the form of a powder.

Weakness, feeling tired, excessive fatigue, low ability to resist bacterial and viral infections - all this signals a lack of vitamin C.

With a lack of nutrients, there is a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes, especially in the off-season. Lack of sunlight affects the activity of the body, as this leads to a lack of vitamin D.

It has the property of being synthesized under the action of sunlight. Elements such as calcium and phosphorus are important for the full assimilation. Minerals are necessary for the bones of the human skeleton and enhance immunity. Vitamins improve well-being and relieve constant drowsiness.

It has long been recognized as an elixir of youth and beauty. Its deficiency is reflected in the mood and appearance hair, nails, skin. The skin becomes dry and prone to various irritations. Hair grows dull, nails break. The state of fatigue and loss of strength makes you think about taking pharmacy vitamins.

Vitamin A ensures the full course of metabolic processes, increases the body's ability to resist bacterial and viral infections. important for adult men and women, as it is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. Vitamin E deficiency can cause sexual depression in men and women.

Considering what loads males perform, attention should be paid to enriching the diet. organic matter. is one of the main compounds for men, as it is involved in the production of sex hormones.

The compound is useful for increased fatigue and drowsiness. considered an anti-cholesterol component. It maintains the normal state of cell membranes. In men, testosterone levels are controlled. Vitamins are important for the functioning of the reproductive system.

What minerals will save you from fatigue

Human existence is impossible without minerals. They are found in many organs and tissues. The content of magnesium, potassium and aspartic acid is important for energy production. The participation of magnesium in the synthesis of ATP, which is the main source of energy transportation in the body, has been proven.

Aspartic acid is involved in the transfer of potassium and magnesium inside cell structures. When choosing complexes of vitamins and minerals, one should take into account what features are characteristic of these compounds. These three substances together have the maximum effect, so when tired, it is better to take them together.

Magnesium, in turn, is effective in combination with calcium. With short-term and long-term use, in most cases, there is no need to take additional calcium supplements. Lethargy and fatigue are manifested in trace element deficiency.

White spots on the nails can serve as evidence of deficiency. In men, a shortage threatens with acquired infertility. Reception of 50 grams of a trace element in complex form three times a day will eliminate the deficiency. With drowsiness and fatigue, the intake of mineral complexes is indicated.

Drugs to help manage fatigue

Healthy sleep, rest, good nutrition - all this is necessary for a cheerful state and maintaining health. Pharmaceutical companies produce vitamin and mineral complexes for men and women that will help get rid of drowsiness. Vitamins are best absorbed with good nutrition.

Enerion. The drug is designed for people who constantly experience a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. The active substance salbutiamine is effective in relation to psychological disorders, increased fatigue. It is recommended to take it within 20 days.

BION 3. The drug contains vitamins, minerals, lacto- and bifidobacteria. Probiotic cultures normalize the intestinal microflora. The complex is suitable for strengthening immunity, preventing anemia, combating drowsiness and increased fatigue.