Children to the music of the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" go to the music room, become a semicircle.


So preschool childhood rushed by,

We are on the threshold of another life,

Let the blue bird remain in memory

Our first graduation party!


Today we are in a spacious hall

You hardly want to be sad.

We have grown in body and soul.

Do adults agree with me?


How many kind and gentle eyes

They are looking at us in the hall today.

Like chicks from the nest, we'll fly away forever

We don't want to say goodbye!


Farewell party! how many eyes

Aimed now at us!

Are we all invited to the party?

And nobody was forgotten?

Children in chorus:

Where are our teachers?

Meet - Dinara Alievna

And Dina Alexandrovna!

Educators enter, congratulate graduates:

Educator 1:

For a holiday with a friendly family

We have gathered in last time.

So beautiful and huge

All life will open up to you.

We wish you today

Happy journey everyone

To difficult obstacles

you could easily pass

Educator 2:

What to say goodbye to you

At this touching hour?

To make wishes come true

And your dreams have come true!

To go through life boldly

For any case they took

So that you don't go astray

To make everyone proud of you.

Build, sing and dare

But don't forget about us!


We were happy to go to kindergarten

We felt comfortable and light.

And employees, like mothers, loved us

And they gave affection and warmth.


We will remember the planet of childhood more than once,

That island, especially beloved,

Which was called kindergarten,

Our cute kindergarten, unique.


Many days taught us

Led to a vast country of goodness and knowledge,

We remember how we entered the group for the first time,

But today we say - Goodbye!

The song "It's a pity to leave"

Educator 1:

Now let me introduce our graduates. (Call by name)

Children read poetry


Let's take an unfamiliar road.

Hello, school, friendly home!

To the land of knowledge, friends,

We have such a long way to go

There will be our kindergarten

Help us along the way


This holiday is unusual.

It only happens once.

Everything is so new, unusual -

We're off to first grade!


Biz kishkentai balamyz

Ana tilin alamyz

Kosh aitysyp bakshamen

Mektepke biz baramyz


School subjects are waiting for us,

Waiting for primer pages.

We learn about rockets

About deserts and seas!


Zheti zhaska tolamyz

Edepti bala bolamyz

Kuantip ata-anany

Biz mektepke baramyz.


Soon, soon a wonderful day

We're going to first grade!

And call with a cheerful song

Call us to study!

The song "We are now students!"


To grow big

Let's start dreaming!

And the time machine

We will invent!

Children from the modules build a car and sit down.


You carry us, machine,

But not immediately in the first class!

Take us far

To not be easy!

Let from the most ancient years,

Of which we know little

Travel - adventure

We will experience a lot!

Music sounds.

Educator 2:

I wonder where we got to? In my opinion, in the 80s, when your moms and dads were kids and your grandparents were very young!

Dance "Mother Mary"

Educator 1:

Go back in time machine

Show us that picture

where we were when we were little

And went to the younger group.

The kids come in, congratulations.

The kids take turns reading the verses:

The kids came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first class.

Congratulations guys

Happy holiday!

Congratulations guys

With the transition to school.

You will be going to school soon

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well.

How do you go to first grade?

Remember, brothers, us.

Promise not to be lazy

All fives to study!

Soon to school, soon to school

First time to go!

We wish you guys

Bon Voyage!

You are very big now

You don't have to go to kindergarten.

And bookmarks we decided

Give you a souvenir.

Kids sing the song "First Grader-First Grader"

Educator 2:

That's how you came to kindergarten,

But time is fleeting!

And kids, as then,

You couldn't be forever.

The hours go by, the years go by

Moments fly by.

And imperceptibly, that's the trouble

All children grow up!

Educator 1:

The year rolled by in a motley ball,

But he passed for us not in vain:

How many holidays did we celebrate

How many songs did you sing to your friends.

I invite you guys to remember the highlights of this year:

Speech therapist Natalia Valentinovna helped many of us, and today she is with us:

Natalia Valentinovna congratulates the graduates and spends game "Gather the Words"

Educator 2:

Elena Nikolaevna is here

So it's all right.

She taught us

And for sports, and for charging.

And we do aerobics for hours,

When she dances with us!

Elena Nikolaevna:

You sat up in earnest

We will do a physical activity

And sing a song in chorus!

Get up and let's get started!

Spends a fun physical minute to the music.

Our children can draw well, and Olga Sergeevna taught them this. And today Olga Sergeevna has prepared a surprise for you.

Olga Sergeevna conducts the game "Matryoshka"

Educator 1:

And today it is impossible not to remember the big holiday - Victory Day - the 70th anniversary!

Which of you are our borders

Will it be right to guard?

And my own country

Protect from enemies?

Boys. It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

The boys dance to the song "A soldier has a day off"

Educator 2:

You carry, machine, us

Straight to first grade!

Well, let's go to school.

Ready for the trip?

Song of the First Grader "Whether there will be more ..."

You carry us, machine, forward!

Get your move on quickly!

Who we will be, you show us!

Who will we become, you tell us!

Children read the poems "Who to be?":

My years are growing

I will be 20!

Where should I work then?

What to do?

I'll be a good cook

Delicious food for my family

Soup, pancakes, potatoes...

I love to eat myself!

I will work at school

All guys put 5!

And of course I won't forget

Help mom at home.

I will heal the sick

Improve their health!

Although the doctors are ready to help,

Better stay healthy everyone!

I would become a teacher

let me teach!

Think what you said!

Strive for knowledge

To become a professor

To go abroad!

Being a scientist is good!

And the singer is better!

I'll go to the Pugachevs

Let me teach!

Being a singer is good

And the ballerina is better!

I would go to ballerinas

Let me teach!

Being in ballet is good

A military is better!

I would go to the officers

Let me teach!

I'll go to the hairdressers

Eyes, eyebrows let me down

Come, our mothers,

I'll dye your hair!

I will work

Our President!

I'll ban it all over the country

I'm semolina porridge!

Mom dreams for me

Dad, grandma, friends.

I'm just very stubborn

You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives advice

vying with me

Despite this-

I will be myself!

Educator 1:

And now our car

You bring us back to kindergarten.

After all, today is very glorious

Holiday - Release from the guys!

Educator 2:

They sit on the path

There is such a sign among the people,

To be lucky on the way - it's true!

Well, we, instead of the one

a familiar omen,

We'll sing to you - you'll love it!

Educators sing the song "Ship of Childhood"

In the garden today goodbye

We dance for the last time

Wonderful parting dance

Everyone's favorite dance is the waltz!

Children dance "Farewell Waltz"

Children become a semicircle with flowers


In cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.


We grew up in friendship

They loved to laugh.

But now they have become big

And it's time for us to say goodbye.


Shamshagul Bazarovna -

our director,

Today we say thank you!

Thank you for all your worries

You have had a lot of work!

Thank you Methodists

Manager, financier.

For attention, for comfort,

For hearty, kind work.


We came to kindergarten as kids

To Victoria Zakirovna and Vera Alexandrovna.

Thank you first teachers

For affection and attention!

They spent all their energy

For our upbringing!


Thanks to those who treated us

And he taught to put a thermometer,

So that we grow up healthy

Beautiful, fun!


Thanks to those who taught

Us to sing and dance!

Thanks to those who taught

Sculpt and draw.


When you have speech problems

Listen to our advice

Fix all your defects

Of course, only a speech therapist!


We say to the chefs

From the bottom of my heart - thank you!

Go around the whole world

There is no better porridge!


Thanks to the sports worker

That taught us to be strong and brave

Clever, skillful!


Thanks to our lovely nanny

For her care and diligence!


Thank you gently

We are our educators!

We also confess to you -

You look like our moms!


Thank you a hundred thousand times!

We will remember you all our lives!

We are very grateful to everyone

Believe sincere words

We love you all very much!

They give flowers.

Educator 1:

Here comes the moment of goodbye

It's time for us to part.

Relentless time

Always so fast.

Educator 2:

We have worked hard

To make it more fun

This magical meeting

Old and new friends.

Zagrudneva Dina Alexandrovna, teacher,

Zhumagulova Dinara Alievna, teacher,
Special kindergarten No. 1 for visually impaired children, Aktau, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scenario of the holiday "Adventures of the school alarm clock"

Leading : Attention! I ask you to greet the graduates of 2010 standing up, 11th grade students and their class teachers are invited to the hall!

/ graduates enter the hall to the music and sit down /

/clock chime/

/ song "5 minutes ..." /

    Here is the school bell

Who has long settled in the house,

which we have built.

    But a student who does not mind, sometimes frolic,

Like a school bell that has long settled in the house that we built.

    And here is the student

Who loves to learn

But by the way, she does not mind making friends with a student who frolics like a school bell, who has long settled in the house that we built.

    And here is the teacher

Who seeks to bring out that student to excellent students,

Who loves to study very much, but by the way, she does not mind making friends with a student who frolics like a school bell, who has long settled in the house that we built.

    And here is the director who dreams that everyone is happy:

student, student, teacher and head teacher, and a school bell, who had the honor of settling in the house

All: which we built!


/musical number/

Leading : Hello, dear friends! Today our big, friendly school family accompanies its graduates into adulthood. Your teachers did everything to make you smart, beautiful, strong. The way you are today! Let's congratulate each other on the holiday with thunderous applause!

Leading : Let's remember, friends, the years we lived together

The hands of the clock are always moving forward.

Memory, break the laws of nature today

Move the arrows back

Take us for an hour

To a glorious childhood for us!

/bell rings/

Leading : Hey, what are you ringing the bell for?

Or are you kidding again?

/ arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : By tradition, the first word on our holiday is given to the director of the school Antonova G.Z.

    Everything will change and be forgotten.

Only you will not be forgotten.

In our memory you will remain

The embodiment of kindness.

    You love us all sincerely,

Like the children of their own,

So be grateful

From their students.

    many good words

We want to say

Wish you happiness and health

Heart and soul never grow old

And live in the world for many, many years.

/fanfare sounds/

/director's speech/

/the bell rings, the arrows go around the circle/

    Do you remember? Of course, you all remember.

How mothers brought you to school by the hand,

They excitedly called you a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went towards knowledge.

    Teacher - How and with what do you measure

His hard, good way?

There is no such vastness on earth,

In seas of this depth

For all that is best in the world,

We must thank him!

    Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds

From warm mother's hands

The teacher took your hand.

He took you to first class

Solemn and respectful

And you looked with hope

In the eyes of your teacher.

Leading : Dear Guys! Meet, your first teachers came to our holiday ...

/performance by first graders/

/musical number/

/bell rings/

Leading : Our bell rings again,

It tells us something...

/ arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : How, how?

We learned that we all remember this day.

The boys came to 5th grade

They are not too lazy to learn everything!

Dear graduates! Since grade 5, your class teachers have been with you! What hasn't happened over the years? But did you know that your cool moms are always there and always ready to help in Hard time. I invite your class teachers to the stage.

/music plays/

/class teachers speak/

/musical number/

Leading : Joyfully the bell rings,

Tells us something important...

The Year of the Teacher has come

That's what the president said to everyone!

    Our beloved teachers!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Forever let there be earth

Your work is beautiful.

    IN family life we wish you happiness

May your children love you deeply!

Let bad weather bypass you,

And let it be sunny every hour!

Leading : I invite your subject teachers to the stage!

/music plays/

/Game "Portrait of an ideal student"/

Leading : What an amazing thing - time.

Sometimes you just want to go back

To do something differently, or not to do at all,

Or maybe relive some happy moment again.

And I propose to take a trip to the past and remember

How was it for our graduates?

/ clock ringing. Music sounds /


/the bell rings...the arrows go around the circle.../

Leading : We were notified by a bell,

very important for all of you!

    To read the order for admission to the final exams, the floor is given to the Deputy Director for academic work Dudoladova G.P.

/read the order/

/the bell rings...the arrows go around the circle.../

    The bell told us

The finest hour has come for you!

    Among the graduates, a survey was conducted and the leaders of the parallel were identified in the following nominations ...

/ music sounds. Awarding, presentation of certificates of honor /

/the bell rings... the arrows go around the circle.../

    In the family circle, we are growing.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

    Thank you parents for being you

Comes like good news

In moments of resentment and doubt.

    Thank you for every look

Whatever we ask you.

After all, our pain hurts in you

And our forces are accumulating in you.

/ song "Thank you, dear ... /


Leading : Your parents are invited to the stage for a response.

/speech of the parent committee/

/the bell rings...the arrows go around the circle.../

Leading : It's time to give way to the heroes of the occasion to our graduates.

/response word of graduates/

/ bell rings. The arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : And our bell is tired,

He has been waiting for us for a very long time.

While we were all performing

They sang songs and danced.

It became sad,

Call him for the last time!

    The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.

How long does it last last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows

The school looks, but itself decreases.

    Views fly over the distant steering wheel,

With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,

And over the country, as over assembly hall,

The day is filled with blue and scarlet,

School, farewell crystal bell!

Leading : The honorary right to give the last school bell to graduates of 2010 is granted to:

/last bell sounds/

Leading : It became sad at the cheerful hour,

Because you say goodbye to school,

You still have serious exams ahead of you,

And it is worth dreaming about what will come true.

Only childhood we can not return again,

Like a school waltz, it will not be forgotten.

/ song "When we leave the schoolyard" /

Graduation script for preschool educational institution "The Stolen Alarm Clock" Prepared by Kravchenko Olga Vladimirovna, music director Preschool educational institution No. 270, Ufa.

The script is intended for children 6-7 years old, a preparatory group for school, and can be useful for educators and music directors.

Target. Give children the joy of the holiday.

Tasks. To teach children songs, dances, a clear pronunciation of poetry, develop an interest in learning, and involve pupils in public speaking.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today, on this joyful and solemn day, I congratulate all the parents and employees of our kindergarten on the fact that we are sending our children to school. For parents and children now begins milestone. I would like to wish you all the best on your new path!

And now we welcome our graduates!

To the music of "Sister-Natasha", the children enter the hall and become a semicircle.

Very soon, very soon

All of you run to school

And for your first lesson

The bell will call you all!

We had so much fun here

We sang and played.

And they didn't even notice

How big they got!

The days go by fast,

They run, they don't come back.

It's a pity to part with you

But I also want to go to school.

We will run in a merry crowd

Up the Broad Stairs.

We are proud of our school

Glad to meet her!

We want to learn faster

Make friends with the primer

Page to page

We'll read it in the spring!

Let's be at school like big ones

Writing lesson on the blackboard

We have already decided

All become excellent students!

Song "One, two, three" A. Varlamov.

After the song, the children sit down.

Vedas. Today, on this solemn day, pupils of our kindergarten came to congratulate you guys. Meet!

Girls of the middle group

Educator. Hello guys and dear guests! Our girls are happy to congratulate you on the holiday. They have prepared a song and a dance for you.

You will go to school soon

Please don't be lazy!

We wish you guys

Study well!

You are already quite big

You are beautiful and smart.

For us to reach you

We must try!

you say goodbye today

Kindergarten is expensive.

Will be very happy

First graders like that!

We've come to say goodbye to you

And we want to wish you

Only fours and fives

Get in class!

Dance "One palm, two palms ..."

Educator. Please accept gifts and flowers from our garden. We wish you success in your studies. Goodbye!

Hand over flowers, gifts and leave.

Educator. Accept gifts and flowers from our group. Goodbye! (Leave)

Leading. We will show you today

We'll even show you something.

Child. How we played in the garden

What they read, drew.

2nd child. Everyone knows that every hour

We have it scheduled by the minute.

Arrows run merrily

We are not allowed to be bored.

Dance "Walkers with the cuckoo" music. Sinyavsky.

Reb. Eight thirty is our time.

We sit down to eat porridge.

Persuade sometimes

We had to.

And about it in secret

We will tell you now.

My friend sperm whale

Chews porridge cheerfully.

But before, believe me,

It was the other way around.

The song "Kashalotik" R. Pauls.

Reb. And now for exercise.

We invite you soon

Here we find out who today

All faster and faster.

Fizminutka "Dance with sultans"

Reb. Half past ten in the morning

It's time for us to get busy.

We invite you to the "Music" lesson,

Here we sing funny ditties together.

Chastushki with playing musical instruments.

From the whole group in secret

We wrote verses!

And now the six

Eat them diligently! Wow!

Oh dear guys

What should we do, how should we live?

Today we go to school

Advise how to be.

I have one concern

And I don't know how to be

Mom and dad at work

Who should carry a briefcase?

Dad invented the alarm clock

So that I overslept the lesson!

Attached firmly to the call

Healthy hammer!

Very difficult tasks

The school is asking now.

And my mother is with me

Enrolled in first class!

We sang ditties to you,

You plant from the heart:

Our ditties are good,

And we are good too!

The children sit down, Laziness enters.

Laziness. Hello my kids! I have a whole day today, to do everything, well, very lazy. And you, probably, are also lazy? (No!)

What will you not be lazy at school?

How will you not be lazy?

No, no, no, that's no good!

Everyone needs to lie languidly,

Don't jump and dance.

And here is my sworn enemy - ALARM CLOCK!!! I'll take it with me, drown it in a swamp, so that you sleep in the morning, so that you don't get to school.

Leading. Hear, guys, Laziness does not like when you work, and she does not even want to dance. So, in order to defeat her, you need to do everything in reverse. Hurry up guys for the Irish dance. Let Len know how our guys know how to have fun.

Irish dance.

Laziness. Well danced guys. But this does not mean that you are smart and hardworking. Now I will read you problems, and you will try to solve them.

A peacock walked in the garden

Another one came up

Two peacocks behind the bushes -

How many? Decide for yourself. (4)

Four magpies came to the lessons

One out of forty did not know the lesson.

How many diligently worked forty? (3)

The rabbit lost the rabbits,

And the rabbits lie and are silent:

Behind the tub - one,

Behind the feeder - one,

Under the bush - one

Under the sheet - one.

How many rabbits are there? (4)

Four ripe pears

It swayed on a branch.

Pavlusha took off two pears,

How many pears are left? (2)

Laziness. Well, you were not too lazy to guess my puzzles, and now let's see how you collect a portfolio.

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Laziness. And they know how to collect a portfolio. I don’t know what to complain about. (I thought) Aha!!! And you don't know how to sing songs! Lazy, perhaps?

Leading. Guys, are we lazy? Let's sing a song for Leni and she will understand everything herself.

The song "Ding-ding kindergarten"

Leading. Well, Len, will you give us the alarm clock? Our children do not want to be lazy and want to get up on time to go to school.

Laziness. (As if to himself) To come up with something so that they definitely couldn’t cope ... (To the children) But you don’t know how to conjure and don’t believe in miracles.

Leading. And that's not true! I have an old jug lying around in which my friend Gene lives. Now all the guys will rub the jug, say the spell "Sim-salabim" and it will miraculously end up here.

The children rub the jug, say a spell, and to the song of A. Varlamov "Gin", Jin appears.

Gin. Greetings, oh young children, moonlight of my eyes. Guests - A sala-maleikum (Bows). Oh, Nurse-Jan (Bows) And who are you, beautiful Goddess, descended from heaven.

Leading. Hello Honorable Jin! This is not any Goddess, this is Laziness, who took the alarm clock from our guys and now they can not get to school.

Gin. Wah-wah-wah ... What a lazy and mischievous you are, beauty, however.

Lena burst into tears. Well, what should I do? I can neither work nor study.

Gin. For starters, return the alarm clock to the guys, and then we'll see.

Laziness. Yes, of course take

And please forgive

With you I want to study

Will you take me to school?

Leading. Well, guys, are we going to re-educate Len? Okay, come on the first of September, we will make a hardworking one out of you.

Gin. In the meantime, you will be my assistant, let's go, we have a lot of work, there are still so many miracles to be done. Happy staying! I wish to please my parents with a good study, and if Laziness comes to your house, then re-educate her with work! Goodbye! (Jin and Sloth leave)

Let the school bell

Sounds to you now

He invites loudly

Perform the waltz dance.

The bell sounds.

After the waltz, the children sit down.

Leading. Well, that's all, the hour has come,

which we have all been waiting for

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy room.

Children take flowers and become a semicircle.

Thanks to the educators

For affection and warmth.

We were next to them

And on a gloomy day light.

Thanks to everyone who taught us

Took care of us

Who gave us a lot of strength.

Ready for first grade!

Teacher Assistants Thank you

You for the suns of smiles

For attention, for comfort.

For heartfelt good work!

Thanks to those who treated us.

And he taught me to put a thermometer

Who checked health

Who made the menu for us?

We are the house manager

We give thousands of smiles

For comfort and warmth

We tell you - Thank you!

Who ironed and washed us,

Who made the costumes?

For their work and labors

We say thank you together.

Thank you for sure

We cooks for excellent borscht,

For having delicious food

It has always been on the table.

Thank you very much we want to say

The one who taught us to sculpt, draw.

You taught us all little by little to create

You taught us all the art of love.

Thank you, we want to say

Who taught us to dance

Who tirelessly played us

And sang songs with us.

On rhythmic exercise

All movements are repeated

We all love physical education

Thank you, we say.

We all need to say thank you

Kindergarten manager.

Not once at night you did not sleep,

Always took care of us

You decorated our kindergarten,

Toys, books bought,

Comfort surrounded us.

So that everything is light, warm,

We are grateful to you for that.

All together: Spa-si-bo!!!

Leading. Employees of our kindergarten!

From noisy and loving kids

Please accept this award

Our smiles and these flowers.

To the music, children give flowers and become a semicircle

Song "Thank you" Kravchenko O.V.

How quickly they became adults

We didn’t have time to notice and now the portfolios

It's time for us to collect.

And remember, guys, they were making noise yesterday.

And we played in the garden from the very morning.

Chorus. Thank you, thank you for the kindness and warmth

It was beautiful and light here.

"Thank you, thank you!" - we sing to the kindergarten,

We have become big, we are going to school!!!

Forgotten my teddy bear

Now I read books.

Terribly interesting, I want to know everything.

But of course, I won’t forget my beloved kindergarten,

And I will visit you often, often.

After the song, the children sit down.

The floor is given to the head of the kindergarten.

If homework on the topic of: » Graduation for preschool educational institution. The Stolen Alarm Scenario turned out to be useful to you, we will be grateful if you place a link to this message on your page in your social network.


Alarm - script game program for grades 5-7 The content of the proposed game program is associated with the category of time, its units of measurement, and reference devices. It is very difficult to define what time is. Since ancient times, the brightest minds of mankind have been struggling over its riddle. Great Mystery Time is determined by its imperious role in human life and unique properties: omnipresence, objectivity, extension, irreversibility.

Every moment of our life, every second lived is unique, because it will never, never be repeated, because time flows only in one direction from the past to the future. The present is only a brief, barely perceptible moment, which is why it is so important to appreciate it, to have time to fill it. good deeds And useful activities. In the context of these considerations, the capacious educational potential of this game program becomes clear.

The name of the program reflects the idea of ​​the importance of time in a person's life. An alarm clock is a clock with a call. for each of us, this is not only a matter of daily household life, from which the countdown of each day begins, but also a symbol of the value of each lived minute. And for this program, the alarm clock is also a scoreboard, which reflects the course of the competitive test.

The game program is a variant of the team competition. Each team consists of 12 participants. to implement the control function, cardboard models of the alarm clock are prepared according to the number of participating teams. At the beginning of the competition, both hands of the alarm clock are at the “12” mark. Each winning point corresponds to a division of one minute.

After summing up the results of each game round, the assistants of the presenter move the clock hands of each team to the corresponding time mark. The alarm clock also PERFORMS the function of limiting the time frame of the game program: by its call, it starts and exactly one hour (1.5) at the signal, the last game round ends.


Question Options:

1. What does the expression “time to gather stones” mean? (To sum up.)

2. Where does Friday come before Thursday? (In dictionary.)

3. Where on Earth is the longest day? (Days are the same everywhere.)

5. Name the television programs whose names are related to the subject of this game program. (“Time”, “Vremechko”, “Rush Hour”, “Alarm Clock” ...)

B. What does the expression " finest hour? (The moment of the highest rise, tension.)

7. How was the sundial arranged and why was it inconvenient? (They had the habitual for us appearance: a dial with 12 divisions, but instead of hands - a peg that cast a shadow. Such clocks could show the time only if the sun was shining in the sky)

9. Why do we say "wait for a solid hour"? (The Romans, even before the clock with a fight, had a slave who had to vigilantly monitor the readings of the sun and water clocks and give a sound signal in time.)

10. What is a time zone? (One of the twenty-four belts dividing the surface of the Earth, each occupying 15 ° in longitude and sequentially differing from each other by 1 hour in time.)

11. Explain the meaning of the expression "a knight for an hour." (So ​​they say about those whose selflessness and nobility do not last long.)

12. What was the name of the week before? (Week.)

13. Which dog used to wear a watch on its paw? (Artemon is a character in the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio)

14. Explain the meaning of the expression "Hour by hour is not easier." (So ​​they say about the emergence of more and more troubles, difficulties.)


This dynamic competition will allow the act to quickly analyze the knowledge of the participants within the designated game topics and evaluate the level of erudition of each team. By lot is determined keyword, about which the teams will summarize information. These can be concepts such as “minute”, “hour”, “hours” (device), “month”, “year”, etc. Within a minute (time is measured by an hourglass), teams recall information about the chosen concept.

Further, all team members form a circle, and clockwise, each participant reports some information about a given object within one semantic unit. These may be individual scientific facts and information, book titles, lines from songs, phraseological units, etc.

1st participant. Watch

is a device for measuring time.

2nd participant. “The clock is striking on the Spasskaya Tower ...” - a line from the song.

3 member. "What goes without moving"? (Clock) is a mystery.

4th participant. There are hourglasses (water, mechanical, etc.).

5th participant. "Old Clock" - song by A. Pugacheva.

6th participant. An alarm clock is a clock with a call.

7th member. There are cuckoo clocks.

8th participant. The biological clock is inside every person.

9th member. There is a "commander's" watch. etc.

1st participant. There are 12 months in a year.

2nd participant. “The moon shines, the clear one shines” is a Russian folk song.

3rd participant. Most short month- February.

4th participant. Each season is represented by three months.

5th participant. "March" is the name of Levitan's painting.

6th participant. “A month in the village - a play by I.S. Turgenev.

7th member. Most hot month- July.

8th participant. "Three months - summer, three months - autumn, three months - winter and eternal spring" - a line from the song.

9th member. Usually a month consists of 30-31 days. etc.

Time to think about one remark - 3 s. The participant who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated from the fight. The discussion is interrupted after the leader's command. The team that will be in the majority after a 3-5 minute conversation wins.

Each participant who has reached the final brings a winning minute to the team's standings.


For this competition, two sets of cards are being prepared for teams with the beginning and end of proverbs. Each of the team members takes a card and looks for his partner - the owner of its continuation (beginning).

As soon as the integrity of the proverb is restored, the couple raises their hands and stands in a column. Each correctly composed proverb brings victory minutes to the team's credit, and the team that first compiled all the proverbs receives an additional 5 minutes of prize money.

Proverb variants:

Time is money, ... (and there is nowhere to hurry).

Time is more precious... (gold).

Do not rush with your tongue, ... (hurry up with business).

Hurry - ... (make people laugh).

Minute hour ... (saves).

Do not put off until tomorrow what ... (what can be done today).

Business before pleasure).

The day is long, ... (and the century is short).

Summer day year ... (feeds).

Day and night - ... (day away).

Live and learn).

Sparrow was in a hurry, ... (yes, the little one was born).

To live a century - ... (do not go over the field).

The year is easy, ... (yes the hour is hard).


It is natural that musical competition of this program is devoted to time units: seconds, minutes, hours, days, nights, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, millennia, etc. Among these options, nominations are determined: “Time”, “Hours”, “Month, etc. .d. If time and technical possibilities allow, you can prepare a recording of the corresponding musical phrases from different songs for guessing.

Music playing time up to 5 s, the answer is accepted at the expense of one, two, three.

If there are no such opportunities, you can beat the "Time Units" category differently. for this, the leader calls certain units of time, and after 5-10 seconds the team sings any song line that contains given word. For example:

Life cannot be turned back

And time won't stop for a moment...

The time comes - Birds fly from the south ...

And time, and time does not slow down the pace.

And the years fly, our years fly like birds...

My years are my wealth...

So we have become a year older ...

School years are wonderful ...

Oh, what a pity that this day ends,

It would be better if it lasted a whole year.

Set the clock back

For five minutes, for a day, for a year... An hour

And in the hour of love, and in the hour of separation ... .

So that means tomorrow

At the same place at the same time.


1. Do you believe that the word "week" comes from the verb "not to do"? (Yes. A week in Ancient Rus' called Sunday, i.e. a day off from work, a day of rest.)

2. Do you believe that the first clock people used was an hourglass? (No, water.)

3. Do you believe that before main square of the ancient Greek city of Athens, clock-people ran, and did those who wished tell what time it was? (Yes. They recognized the time by the only ones in the city sundial and for a small coin they reported what time it was.)

4. Do you believe that people used to wear watches on their feet? (Yes. The man wore a peso watch, fastened to his leg below the knee. The best sand for such a watch was crushed marble.)

5. Do you believe that the Chinese were the first in ancient times to learn to tell time by the position of the stars? (No, the Egyptians used the sidereal clock. They watched the passage of stars in the night sky through the meridian. And then the star chart and tables, which indicated the location of a particular star on the clock, determined the time.)

6. Do you believe that it can be weighed to determine the time? (Relatively speaking, yes. Such was the principle of the device of clocks in Ancient China. Water flowed out of the bowl and accumulated in a vessel mounted on a scale.

The arrow of the scales moved to the next "ke" - an ancient Chinese measure of time - 100 minutes in terms of our calculation. It turned out that on this clock-scale, one hundred minutes weigh about 400 g.)

7. Do you believe that the Chinese used not only water clocks, but also fire clocks and even invented fire alarm clocks? (Yes, it is. A stick made of powdered wood and resin was set on fire at one end and placed in the bowl of the clock, where it burned slowly. An alarm clock could wake a person if two weights were previously hung over the place where the fire was supposed to come at the appointed hour, then the thread would burn out and the weights would fall with a clatter into the copper basin.)

8. Do you believe that someone could not extend the year?

In the time of J. Caesar, a priest could arbitrarily extend the year for a good fee. There was then strict control in Rome, which was beneficial, for example, to officials in order to stay in office longer.)

9. Do you believe that time can be determined with a candle? (Yes. This is how the Spanish king Charles V recognized the time. 24 divisions were applied along the entire length of the candle - as many as there are hours in a day. The candle, burning down, decreased by one division per hour, and the servant who watched the clock candles reported to the king: Majesty!

The hour has passed!

10. Do you believe that there are wonderful watches that have no hands, no springs, no pendulum, no numbers on the dial? And the most amazing thing is that no one saw them. (Yes.

This is the biological clock. All living things wear this clock: fish, birds, trees, animals, humans.)

11. Do you believe that in the calendar of one of the peoples of the world there are months with the names "month of friendship", "month of change of clothes", "month of completion of affairs"? (Yes. There are months with such names in the Japanese calendar.)

12. Do you believe that the expressions "a lot of water has flowed under the bridge" and "the current year" are directly related to hours? (Yes. Over 2.5 thousand years ago in Babylon, and later in Greece and Rome, a water clock appeared.

They were a tall narrow vessel with a hole in the bottom. Time was measured by water flowing out of the vessel, i.e. time flowed. That's where these expressions come from.)


Leading. S.Ya. wrote very precisely about the value of time in our life. Marshak:

We know that time is extensible.

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it.

He has blockages

And sometimes it flows

Unloaded, empty

Hours and days in vain.

Let the intervals be even

What separates our days

But, putting them on the scales,

Finding long minutes

And very short hours.

Think about these facts:

Sergei Rachmaninoff wrote the opera Aleko at the age of 18.

At the age of 22, N.V. Gogol wrote "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka",

At the age of 23, M. Sholokhov wrote the 1st part of The Quiet Flows the Don.

The mathematician Evariste Galois on the night before the duel at the age of 21 formulated the most important mathematical principles.

At the age of 24, A. Blok wrote "Poems about a beautiful lady."

Academician V.A. Ambartsumyan, one of the founders of theoretical astrophysics, graduated from the university at the age of 14.

The mathematician N. Lobachevsky became a professor at the age of 24. At the age of 27, A.S. Griboedov wrote "Woe from Wit".

At the age of 27, Sergei Eisenstein directed the film The Battleship Potemkin.

To appreciate time, it is useful to learn to “feel it, imagine what you can do in a specific time period.

We offer the organizers several options for competition tasks, allowing to determine the price and capacity of one minute of our life.

1. Prove or disprove within one minute

"Sleep is a waste of time."

"Sleep is the time of geniuses."

Take one minute to comment on the following statements.:

“Even eternity itself cannot return a lost minute” (F. Schiller).

“Do not put off anything for tomorrow - this is mainly the secret of someone who knows the value of time” (A. Labune).

2. Compare the length of one minute if you:

* exactly one minute quickly squat;

* exactly one minute eat ice cream;

* watch exactly one minute interesting film;

* Exactly one minute hold your finger in a very cold

Share your impressions. Answer the question: are the minutes in the human mind the same? Give your examples to continue the topic of conversation.

3. Within one minute, conduct an auction of "Time", which involves the naming of concepts related to the stated topic.

Variants of "lots": time, time, period, times, epoch, moment, instant, second, instant, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century, era, calendar, clock, eternity, century, etc. .

4. Within one minute, all participants are asked to complete various tasks. The work is organized in pairs: the 1st participant of the 1st team with the 1st participant of the 2nd team; 2nd member of the 1st team with the 2nd member of the 2nd team, etc.

Task options:

2nd participants peel potatoes;

3-4th participants Read the text (to themselves with a subsequent retelling);

5 members draw’

7 participants cut vegetables for salad and dress it with oil;

10th participants hammer nails into the plank;

11th participants memorize verses;

12th participants sweep the room,

The background for completing tasks is Sviridov's music "Time, Forward". After one minute, the facilitator makes a generalization, how many different useful things can be done in such a short moment Each and all together,


This gaming competition will allow you to identify the most attentive. All teams participate in it at the same time. Each team forms its own circle. Numbers are distributed between the players - from 1 to 12. The host calls the time, and the participants indicate by clapping first the small, hour hand, and then the minute, large one. For example, the host says: "ten hours fifteen minutes."

The player who in each circle-dial stands in the place where the number ten should be, clap his hands, thus marking the position on the clock hand, and the other participant, corresponding in its location to the third division (15 minutes) on the live dial stomps his feet. A point-minute goes to the team that first correctly shows the time. The point is won by the most attentive and accurate participants, since the presenter can indicate the time in different ways (twenty minutes past six, five hours forty minutes, five minutes to three), and the procedure for showing it is preserved.

The game program is completed. Teams with the help of an alarm clock scoreboard count the winning minutes. The team that manages to score more of them is declared the winner.

Author E.A. Gabchuk ..................... competition for boys of 8-10 grades - scripts for graduation party script for Prom school party script lower grades- game program script for grades 5-7 - last call script - last call script - game program script for grades 5-7 - game program script for grades 5-7

Graduation in kindergarten. Scenario

Description: The script for the celebration of the release of children to school is addressed to teachers preschool educational institution, music directors.
Target: to create a holiday atmosphere, to form a positive attitude towards knowledge and school in children.
- educate aesthetic taste;
- to develop the ability of children to work as a team;
- by using game techniques to activate the mental activity of children;
- the formation in children and parents of a sense of gratitude to the staff of the kindergarten.
Preparation (design): Image of a bell, fabric for drapery, Balloons helium-based, flower-shaped balloons, "School" sign, briefcases (2 pcs.), school supplies, hoop, sandwich products, alarm clock, competition balloons, toys, Twos costume, small balls (12-15 pieces), letters of thanks to parents.
Preliminary work: learning poems, songs, games, dances, skits.
Children noisily run into the hall and become scattered.
Dance "One, two, three, four, five - we're going to play!"
Host enters:
What kind of performance is this?
What's with the noisy fun?
Why did they come here
Are you all, all alone?

First child:
We wanted to play, frolic, shout,
And dance with your toys here for the last time!

Second child:
After all, it's time for us all to say goodbye to childhood,
Because we have to go to school.

Why did you rush and didn't open the script?
Everything goes in order: dances, games and riddles,
Congratulations and flowers of unprecedented beauty.

Third child:
Today we have forgotten all the verses from excitement,
There were just preschool children, and now they are students.

Fourth child:
Today we dressed up and worry in the morning,
That's why we forgot about the script a little.

Fifth child:
I have a suggestion!


Sixth child:
Overcome your excitement, everyone out of the hall together,
Let's start our holiday from the beginning!

Children leave the hall and get ready to leave, take the balls: the girls are white, the boys are blue.

Dance "My childhood"
(on the last lines of the song, the children release the balls up)
1.Our holiday begins
Let's tell you first
About those who were with us
Both in happiness and in sadness.

3. Words can not tell here,
Let's conjure (together).
And so, let's start creating now:
Let's take a little water
Slightly add dew and stars,
Sprinkle with rose petals.
Did a great job
Here are our teachers (together).

The teachers come out.

First leader (educator):
Thank you family
We're glad to see you.
We tried you here
Don't offend anything.
Second leader (educator):
Everything we know
We taught you.
Well, what can you do
First class is waiting for you!
Teacher Assistant:
The excitement is unstoppable today.
The hall does not accommodate guests.
Today we see off our dear children!

First host: Dear mothers, dads, grandparents. Today we have gathered in the hall for our last celebratory concert. May he give you smiles, laughter and good mood.
When that day comes
We are not too lazy to go to kindergarten.
Doubly hurry, hurry,
We say hello to each other.
And the heart beats - knock-knock-knock:
Now the boys are coming.

Teacher Assistant:
Hug, kiss, smile,
Timidly modest flowers are stretched out.
And in the hall the songs will sing loudly,
And there will be more kindness in the world!

Second host:
Bright and elegant now in our hall!
Everyone has a lively, excited look!
Today we celebrate a big holiday:
We accompany our children to school!
1. And mothers look with excitement
For yesterday's preschoolers.
And dad's eyes warm,
And winks brother.

2.Even grandma stealthily
She brought a handkerchief to her eyes.
Will be a student from now on
Dear granddaughter!

3. "Preschooler, preschooler!" -
I hear almost from the cradle
Only with tomorrow
Don't call me like that
I'll get up early tomorrow
And in the morning I'll become a "shkolenka"!

4. Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!
You are happy on your way today
Escorting preschoolers.

5. Goodbye our fairy tales,
Our cheerful round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!

6. Our favorite kindergarten,
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students ...
All: Hello!

The song "For the first time in the first class."

Second host: Guys, now it’s even hard for us to imagine that until recently you were very small. Here they are!
Slides with photos of graduates aged 4-5 appear on the screen.
First presenter: So you came to kindergarten, holding your mother's hand. And the kindergarten opened its doors for you for the first time. Let's stand near the chairs and sing a song about our favorite kindergarten.

Song to the melody "Little Country"

First host: Years have passed, and now we are escorting you to school. And today your younger friends from the "Matrosiki" group came to see you off. They want to say goodbye to you with warm words. Meet!

Music from the film "Mustached Nanny"

To the music, the kids enter and line up in a semicircle.
1. We came to congratulate you on the transition to the first class
We ask you not to be lazy there, just study for fives.

2. Let us be small today, but we will grow up soon
And, too, after you, we will go to the first class!

3. We envy you a little: you are almost schoolchildren.
And we sincerely wish you a good trip!

4. As you look at us, remember yourself that hour.
You were also so small and funny.

5. And they sat on pots and sucked on a pacifier ...
Here we have a pot for you, play with it a bit!

Second host: Guys, let's all play together!

The game "Who will sit on the potty faster" is being held

Sounds like funny music. Graduates with children junior group running around the room. After the music ends, everyone tries to sit on the potty. The game is repeated several times.

Perform a song to the melody of the song "Quadrille"

First host: Thank you kids for the congratulations and the game.

The kids leave to the music from the movie "Mustached Nanny"

The lights go out, “robber music” sounds, noise is heard.

First host: What's happened? The lights went out, everything changed!
Second host: (comes to the door)
That's the problem! A deuce appeared, a friend of a unit.
He wants to fit into the diaries for our children.

The phonogram “Dance of the Little Swans” sounds, the deuce enters, dancing.

First host: Wait, wait, don't hurry, you're no good for us! We won't let you in, get out!
Deuce: Look at them, me too, know-it-alls!
Every student knows that at school I am the mistress!
Don't trust anyone, kids: there's no better mark than a deuce.
It’s impossible without me, all lazy people are my friends!
I love couch potatoes, I love sluts, but I can’t stand zealous ones.
It's fun to be friends with me, it's easy to get a deuce!
First host: Well, well, that's how it is, deuce, children, do we need?
Children: No!
What are you, what are you, well, of course you need it!
I am charming, marvelous to everyone, all curved beautifully,
I decorate the diary, since you are a bad student,
Without me, you are neither here nor there.
I am Deuce - super, I am a star!
It's always easy to learn with me
You just need to be more lazy.
First host:
No, the Deuce will not be useful to us!
I think you yourself know...
No, auntie, you don't understand.
You must have a temperature.
Look at my figure!
What a neck, what a head!
First host:
Yes, the neck is long, but the head is empty!
This is not good for teaching.
I cannot bear such an insult!
Guys, I want to ask you: will you take me to 1st grade?
Children: No!
Deuce: How to read textbooks
I suggest you play!
Who is the brave one, who is the hero?
Kids, follow me!

The game "Greedy" is being played.

Balloons or small balls (12-15 pieces) are scattered around the hall. Two participants are called. On command, the children begin to collect them. The one who picks up the most and holds his balls in his hands will be the winner. The number of balls collected by the participants is considered by all the children in chorus.
Deuce: Wow, how dexterous you are, but I will collect all the balls even faster than you.
The deuce competes with one of the guys.

Second host: No-o-o, Two, we don't need such games. Tell me, do you know how to pack a schoolbag?
Deuce: Certainly can! I put there a slingshot, a pistol, boxing gloves, rolls, gingerbread, you can take a friend with you. I have one good friend - unit.
Second host: Now look what our children will take with them to school.

The game "Back to school on an alarm clock."

Two families are called: 2 dads, 2 moms, 2 kids. On 2 tables there are school supplies (the same amount), which the child, on a signal, will begin to put into a briefcase. 1 alarm clock that the teacher starts - the alarm clock rings and there is a signal to start. 2 balloons, which, on a signal, will begin to inflate dads (so that the child goes to school with a balloon on September 1). 2 sets of breakfast (or lunch) for a student (for example: an apple, yogurt, a small chocolate bar) and a bag in which, at the signal of the mother, this breakfast will be put.
The alarm clock rings - and each participant begins to perform their tasks. The child puts school supplies (notebook, pencil case, textbook, ruler, diary, etc.) into a briefcase or satchel; mother collects breakfast and gives it to the child, and he puts it in the already assembled satchel; dad inflates the balloon, ties it with a thread and gives it to the child. A child with a briefcase and a ball runs to the other end of the hall to the sign “School”. The family whose child runs to school first wins.

The last to compete is the Deuce with one of the guys,
she doesn't get anything and she starts crying...
I'm not interested in you!
I will go to another kindergarten,
I'll beat the other guys.
First host: You guys don't need you, okay? Happy path, and forget the way to us!

The deuce runs away from the hall to the "robber" music.

Second host: Well, we finally saw off the uninvited guest. Oh, and she tired us. Guys, I suggest you listen to the song.

Educators sing a song to the melody of the song "Sponges with a Bow"

First host: Guys, tell me, do you know how to dream?!
Children: Yes!
Second host: Then let's dream together.

Scene "Dreams"

1st child:
My years are growing
There will be seventeen.
What should I do then?

What should I do?
2nd child:
I will read books
Strive for knowledge.
To be very smart
To go abroad.
3rd child:
And I really want to become
Top model catchy.
But grandma says
That they are all "boards".
4th child:
And I'll be a showman
All mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel
Receive gifts.
5th child:
good showman,
And be a better singer.
I would go to the Basques
Let me teach!
6th child:
And I want, like Galkin, to sing,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like it too!
5th child:
Oh don't think about her
You are wasting your time.
You are for Alla Pugacheva
Already very old!
7th child:
I would become a teacher
Let me teach!
4th child:
Did you think at all?
The nerves are shattered!
8th child:
I will work
Our President.
I'll ban it all over the country
I'm semolina porridge!
9th child:
Mom dreams for me
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy
You can't give in to them.
Everyone gives advice
Me vying with each other.
Despite this,
I will be myself!
1st child:
We read poems to you
Clap, try.
It was you who raised us
Here also understand!
First host: Here are your favorite dolls and bears,
But it's time to part with them.
You watered them, fed them, played with them,
But this game is over.
It's time to get ready for school
Let's not be sad
Well, now I propose
Invite them all to the game.
Guys, let's say goodbye to play with toys again.

The game "The fastest and most agile."

Children stand in a circle - in the middle lies a hoop, and there are toys in it, one less in number than children. While the music is playing, the children run around in circles. As soon as the music stops, the children take the toy. The one who did not get it is out of the game.

Second host: And now I want to turn to our dear
soon to learn the child will go,
School life comes for you.
Will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And we will tell fortunes in front of everyone here,
What will happen in the families, today we will find out ...
After my question, you will take the note and read it.

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if child 2 got it?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first grader to school? (uncle, aunt, mother, father, neighbor, whole family, cat Murzik, grandfather, grandmother, dog Zhuchka).

Second host: Well, here it is possible to tell, duties are distributed.

The song "Goodbye, kindergarten!"

Child: Oh, how good it is in our kindergarten! We are loved and taken care of here. And what kind of good employees we have in kindergarten - do not tell.
At the head of care
All other worries are more important.
How he comes to work
This is how the cycle went:
The nanny got sick in the group,
Need someone to replace
And there will be no energy -
Call Gorenergo.
Select specialists
So that academic year begin.
Invite artists to kindergarten
Show the children the story.
Register new kids
Praise the teachers
And of course updates
Buy for kindergarten.
And thank you very much
We all want to say.
It's a pity, Elena Nikolaevna, primary school
We won't miss you.

Working day at the caretaker
It's very difficult to predict.
That flood hangs as a threat,
That plumbing again
Here the battery broke
There is a revision going on.
Didn't have time to look back
The garden is closed for renovations.
How to live without caretaker?
We hasten to thank you, Tatyana Mikhailovna!

3.Medical workers
Good Doctor Aibolit
He has been at his post since morning.
She issues certificates
And he will go to the catering department,
And he will deliver vaccinations on time,
And send the sick home.
She will always help us.
Thank you, Galina Nikolaevna!

4.speech therapist
I burred all the letters, did not speak at all,
But the speech therapist corrected, taught us to read.
She controlled our speech, explained everything as it should,
Where to direct the tongue so that we do not lisp,
The word is correct to say and all the letters we name,
Thanks to Svetlana Yurievna!

5.Music worker
For music lessons
Children have been going for many years.
Now everyone is a karaoke star
To dance - no problem.
And if the school suddenly happens
Who will perform on stage
Anyone can make a difference
Since there is talent, why hide.
Thank you, Yulia Olegovna, for teaching
And dance and sing songs.
So much talent has been revealed to us,
Whatever is expensive to watch.

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?
These are our chefs.
Breakfast porridge is ready
The porridge is cooked. Hooray!
Who cooked fragrant soup
And a side dish of different cereals?
Who baked buns for us?
Or Apple pie?
These are our chefs.
They have been working since six in the morning.
Dear chefs,
Adults and children
They say thank you
Thanks from the bottom of my heart
For borscht, meatballs, porridge ...
We appreciate your work!
Thanks to Lyudmila Petrovna and
Vera Grigorievna.

She washes all day
And the linen does not decrease.
Doctors, cooks...
Here's a new mountain...
This is how it goes day by day
To you, Tatyana Alekseevna, at the graduation
We say thank you
And thank you for everything!


For the kindergarten is always calm,
Because we know
Our security guard will check everything
Both outside and inside.
Make sure everything is calm
Did someone else get in here?
To not be suddenly broken
Our children's peace with you.
And spends with a smile
Gives a good look
Thank you for everything now
Our group is talking.

9.Assistant teacher
For children to grow up faster
You need to feed them more often.
Educator, believe
Can't live without a helper.
Lyubov Ivanovna works in a kindergarten,
We take it into our game.
From clear dawn to dark in our garden she is.
Our group is not more beautiful,
Clean and fresh all around.
Maybe our nanny
And not two but ten hands.
She feeds us well
And cleans the floor
We will ask her to play football with us.
When we go to school
Let's take her with us
Kiss hard
We'll bring her flowers.

10.For educators
Our educators are a feast for the eyes, top class.
We all studied with them, we didn’t get bored in the classroom,
What we glued, sculpted, gave everything to parents,
They controlled plasticine, they didn’t even stain their hands,
They taught us to work, not to be lazy in class,
It's sad to part with you, you need to get ready for school,
Elena Vladimirovna, Tamara Nikolaevna!
Thank you and thank you for everything!

Children read poems, give gifts and thanks.

First host: Accept a musical gift from graduates

Song "For summer - winter, years have flown by"

Second host: Dear graduates! With kind, parting words, the head of the kindergarten addresses you .......................
Preschoolers sit on chairs. The manager comes to the center of the hall and congratulates the children on their graduation ball. Gifts and diplomas are handed over to children, letters of thanks to parents.
First host: Dear Guys! All life's joys and hardships,
ups and downs, disappointments and victories, your glorious parents have always shared with you.
The time has come - the children have grown up,
Our graduation ball is today.
Dear mothers, dear fathers,
It's good to have you around right now.
Because you are the best in the world -
Your children give you applause!

And now the floor for congratulations is given to the parents of our graduates!

Parents' response.

Oh how big you are!
Graduation in kindergarten
You are so beautiful
That I can't find the words.
Let it be interesting
Everyone at school New Year.
Well, graduation is not tears.
It will only bring joy.
We are proud of you kids!
And we hope for you
Walking around the planet
Good luck and first class!

2.Kindergarten staff:
Maybe silence is golden
But how can we keep silent now?!
Our fun kids
Absolutely delighted with you!

They grow up little by little
You look - they will reach the crown!
Forever they will keep everything that
You gave them to the end!

Your hearts, souls and nerves,
Endless supply of talent!
Although the children go only to the first,
For them, you are always the highest class!

Manager and security
And to the nanny, to the janitors - to everyone:
Thank you for your calling
Funny to love fidgets.

We wish you love and happiness!
High ideas and salaries!
The whole future is in your power!
Long live our kindergarten!

A farewell minute is coming, we ask you not to forget us.
Together with us, the waltz is sad, as if,
Our last our farewell waltz.

Children perform "Waltz"

Children line up in a semicircle for verses
1. We fly away today,
Like birds from a nest.
sorry, have to say goodbye
Kindergarten forever!

And today, on the day of farewell,
We won't get discouraged
We will be kindergarten for a long time
Remember with a kind word.

2. We met many times
Celebration in this room
But like this one
We didn't know yet

3.Here he passed,
Our first graduation!
And May is a magician
Admire yourself
Showered generously tender lilac
Lilac, fragrant flowers.

4. We will have a lot of holidays:
Spring and autumn, birthday, Christmas trees.
And this is the very first graduation,
It will remain in the hearts of children for a long time.

5. We are sad, very sorry to leave.
We promise to visit our garden!
But it's time to say goodbye
We want to say thank you to everyone!

6. It was comfortable and beautiful for us here,
We all went here with joy,
We say to all of you together:
Children: (in chorus): THANK YOU! (air kiss)
And bow to you to the ground.
All adults in turn:
1. What to say goodbye to you at this touching hour?
2. So that your wishes and dreams come true for you.
3. To go through life boldly, to take on any business,
4. So that you do not go astray, so that everyone is proud of you,
5. Build, sing and dare, but don't forget about us!

Song "Farewell"

First host:
Preschool childhood leaves one day,
And everyone felt it today!
Toys, cars, rocking chairs are leaving,
AND baby books, and squeaker dolls.

Teacher Assistant:
And how hard it is to part with you,
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

Second host:
Today, guys, we congratulate you!
You go to school to learn, to make friends.
We wish you all success, health,
And never forget your kindergarten!

At the end, adults distribute balloons to children and everyone goes outside to make a wish and release the balloons into the sky.


The song "Sponges with a bow"

(educators, music teacher, physical teacher sing)
Verse 1: Oh, and who is it that we produce?
Oh, who's going to school?
Who jumped and played here
Growing up imperceptibly
And today says goodbye to kindergarten?

Chorus: Lips with a bow, eyebrows with a house.
Looks like a little sleepy gnome.
In my head in the morning a hundred thousand "why",
Explain, teachers, what's what.

Verse 2: I really want to be at school,
Just like here, we
The teachers understood and loved you.
So that you gain knowledge
And become even smarter
And though occasionally, but still remembered us.
Verse 3: Even in childhood, understanding comes to us,
How nice and expensive attention.
Moms know, dads know
How we love you guys
And how touching parting with you.

Song to the melody of the song "Quadrille"

1. Once upon a time Alina, Veronica,
Artyom, Vanya, Zhenya went with a roar to the kindergarten,
Shed tears, wiped themselves with handkerchiefs,
They clung to dads and moms and cried: “Back!”
Chorus: Oh, kindergarten, oh, kindergarten!
Instilled love in all the guys
And to discipline, and to work,
And taught to believe in a dream!
2. Here you were taught to listen, you lived - did not grieve,
AND different sciences taught you.
In the morning they wanted to sleep, and you barely walked,
And that's what they became - I can't believe my eyes!

Song-alteration for graduation in kindergarten on the motive "Little Country"

There is a little favorite city
From the hustle and bustle.
In it, our kindergarten "Rainbow"
Again (brightly) lit the fires.
And the bell rang
children's voices,
Opened doors for children
Little country!

Little country, little country
Who will tell me, who will tell me
Where is she, where is she?
2 times

He is bright with the purity of his smiles,
Always keep warm
And gives without a trace to children
Women's hearts are good.
All questions will be answered
Child: "Why?"
In this country they will teach a miracle:
Honesty and kindness!


And never get tired again
Together we repeat:
"There is no more wonderful country on earth,
No matter how much you look for!
In the morning again in any weather
Waiting for kindergarten children
May they be happy and healthy
In his young country!

Dance "My childhood"

1. Clouds float across the sky
And reflected in the river.
Clouds float across the sky
Unaware of my longing
I wave my hand to the clouds -
I won't show my sadness.
I wave my hand to the clouds -
Goodbye, I won't tell my childhood

Wait, my childhood
I ask you not to hurry!
You stay my childhood
Come back white bird.
Lots of interesting things
I know it will be ahead
But I beg you, childhood,
Never leave!


Clouds float across the sky
And gather in a thunderstorm
Clouds float across the sky
And shed tears.
Swim beyond the clouds
Well, we can't win time.
Swim further clouds -
It is difficult to leave childhood.

For an introduction: Boys with blue balloons enter, line up with a ladder.
They sway, stretching their hand with the ball in one direction, then in the other direction.
Girls enter with white balls and perform the same movements as the boys.

1 couplet: Hands with balls to the right and two steps to the right,
Two steps to the left and “threaten” with a finger.
Hands with balls to the left and two steps to the left,
Turn around and stand in place.
Hand with the ball up and two steps forward,
They go back to their places..
The boys converge in the middle, connect the balls at the top,
The girls are on the edge.

Chorus: The boys form "gates" (as in the game "Brook"), the girls run through them several times, then the boys also go through once and take their places in the "ladder"

verse 2: Gather in "fours", the balls are connected at the top and go in a circle.Graduation party in kindergarten. Scenario