
IN Lately there is a rapid development of telecommunications systems, one of the key elements of which is the global computer network Internet and its main service WWW (World Wide Web).

Even 5 years ago, the Internet was not very popular and few people were interested in online advertising, but now advertising on the Internet has become very effective and popular. On this moment online orders are increasing exponentially.

Most business people looking for options to promote products or services turn to advertising on the Internet. Traditionally, many are accustomed to consider the most effective way of advertising: advertising in print media and television, underestimating online advertising, and in particular search engine optimization.

According to the FOM for January 2007. the number of users of the Russian Internet amounted to 27 million people.

This is the most solvent part of the Russian population. Most Internet users are looking for necessary information about companies, goods and services in search engines (Yandex (75%), Rambler (10%), Google (5%), Aport (2%). However, most customers go to the first ten sites in the search results, and only 7% of users go beyond the first page.

The use of the Internet as one of the elements of the marketing system can have a significant impact on the positive image of the company and on consumer awareness of goods and services.

The purpose of this control work- to consider advertising on the Internet.

Features of advertising on the Internet

Speaking about traditional advertising and advertising on the Internet, it should be noted that it includes any activity that acquaints potential consumers and the public with companies and products offered by companies on the market, creates a favorable image of them and helps sales.

A feature of advertising on the Internet is that its central element is the firm's Web server. On its basis, the whole complex of advertising events is built. The owner of a Web server has two fundamental tasks: to implement his idea in the form of a Web server that performs certain functions, and to advertise it so that Internet users know about its existence and, accordingly, can visit it. Thus, a two-tier approach is used where the Web server hosts detailed information about the company, goods and services, and all advertising efforts are aimed at attracting visitors to the server.

Conducting an advertising campaign should be based on a clear understanding of the sources of information used by the target audience. Website advertising is no exception. To conduct an effective server advertising campaign, it is necessary to take into account possible ways server discovery by visitors. There are three main ways visitors get to the server: server pages can be discovered using search engines; the server can be reached by using hypertext links to it placed on other servers, including advertising banners; the server name can be obtained from other sources of information, including traditional sources such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, etc.

ѕ server registration on search engines;

ѕ placement of free links to the server in Web directories;

* placement of links in the "yellow pages";

ѕ registration on thematic Jump Station;

ѕ placement of links on other servers;

ѕ publication on other servers of materials containing links to the server;

* Participation in teleconferences on related topics;

¾ the use of the server name in all types of advertising products of the company's traditional types of advertising.

Let's define the goals for which the company is set up when advertising its product:

- creation of a favorable image of the company or product/service;

ѕ ensuring the availability of information about the company or products for hundreds of millions of people, including those who are geographically remote;

ѕ implementation of all the possibilities of presenting information about the product: graphics, sound, animation and much more;

ѕ prompt reaction to the market situation: updating the price list data, information about the company or products, announcement of new products;

ѕ sale of products via the Internet - perhaps a virtual representation will allow you not to open new outlets.

The network is a fundamentally new means of broadcasting, which has a number of features that distinguish it from traditional media.

First of all, it is the ability to focus impressions. If we consider television advertising, then everyone sees advertising, even those who do not need it. There is a system on the Web that allows you to simply and effectively show ads to the target audience. It is possible to focus on the following parameters: first of all, by region, by time (advertising can be shown only during working hours and not shown at all on weekends, in the evening, when working hours end). Perhaps it is not easy to show ads by region, but to show it to employees of a particular company.

A fundamental feature of the Network is the ability to quickly determine the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Usually statistics are kept, where you can see how many banners are shown, and you can see how many people showed interest in a particular banner. You can go further and leave some interactive forms on your site and track not only those people who used the banner, but also those who filled out the questionnaire, made an order, paid for the purchase, etc. After this chain has been analyzed, you can go back to the banner, see if the banner is effective, whether it not only brings users to the page or people make a purchase.

Now about the Internet itself as a means of media. Let's compare a person who sits in front of a TV screen and in front of a monitor screen. A person sits in front of the TV, relaxing, switching channels, especially when there are commercial breaks. It won't work on the Internet. To move from site to site using the Web, you need the utmost attention. When a person is aiming at the monitor, his perception of advertising is completely different.

Advertising on the Internet has a high efficiency. It is quite possible that the information of some company (price list, information about the company's services, etc.) was transferred to a certain magazine, but in a few days the prices changed, a new service appeared, etc., and the number was just submitted for printing. It's almost impossible to change anything.

Here the situation is reversed: at any time you can change advertising text, and you can do this at least five times a day. You can easily change the advertising medium - the banner. Here it gives an absolute advantage.

The Russian market is becoming more open to the outside, that is, more attractive to international players. There are great prospects for development associated with an increase in the budgets of foreign and local advertisers, with an increase in the standard of living of the population. Advertising agencies and holdings are innovative and dynamic brands rather than organizations.

It should also be noted that there is a gradual trend towards growing transparency and "whiteness" of the advertising market as a whole and its main subjects - media carriers and advertising agencies, which increases its stability and investment attractiveness. In this market, competition is becoming more intense, which, along with a slowdown in its growth, should favorably affect the quality of advertising. Agencies will be forced to move from an extensive to an intensive path of development, creating better, more effective advertising.

The market is becoming more competitive. It is impossible for a newcomer to enter the market and immediately become a significant player in it. Of course, there is still a large number of unoccupied niches, for example, more recently free niches of product placement in books, on TV or advertising on garbage cans, etc. But we are talking about multiservice, the development of which requires large resources: investments, a team good specialists, stable clients and, most importantly, the good name of the agency - a brand for advertiser clients. The latter is the hardest to create. Russia - and the advertising market is no exception - lives by connections, and the name (trust in it) is earned here for a long time.

Consolidation of advertising groups with increasing specialization of agencies. Holdings are growing, increasing their turnover, the number of employees, occupied areas, etc. They cover all new areas of activity. At the same time, each component is engaged in one narrow direction, more and more specializing in it. This trend will continue in the future, both powerful holdings consisting of specialized agencies (the main players in the advertising market) and many small-turnover, independent niche firms will appear, serving such an insignificant market sector that it cannot be of interest to large TV channels.

Large holdings will develop smaller budgets and focus on developing their business in regions where a local customer may soon appear, ready to spend a million on advertising. This will lead, in turn, to a further increase in the market share of the largest players.

The structure of advertisers is changing. The old leaders among advertised goods - chocolate bars and chewing gum, coffee, tea and beer - are giving way to cell phone services and equipment, promotions and high-tech brands. With a favorable development of the economy and the market, the prospect is for advertising financial and insurance services, retail chains and vehicles.

Advertising becomes less effective. By the amount of advertising, Russia can already be compared with the USA. The average Russian sees thousands of advertising items every day, not counting advertisements on buses, clothes, in public toilets, elevators, etc., so advertising does not have the expected effect on consumer choice. As a result, the visibility threshold for advertising in traditional media rises, i.e. a nationwide campaign with a solid budget becomes less and less visible when spread over several months.

Audience fragmentation is increasing. It occurs among consumers of both goods / services and media channels (in fact, these are the same people). At the same time, the psychology of people and their consumer behavior is changing.

Differentiation is observed even in relation to TV, not to mention the most fragmented users of the press or the Internet. Moreover, there are more different media within the same media (for example, great amount publications for every taste), as well as the media themselves as types of media. The range of advertising opportunities is expanding, ranging from postcards to mobile phones.

To achieve an acceptable coverage of the target audience, the need and importance of a multimedia campaign is growing, i.e. the use of several media of different types at once, which increases not only the reach, but also the power of the advertising impact.

The consumer formally gets the opportunity to elude advertising with a much greater dependence on it. Not liking intrusive advertising, he uses more interactive communication channels, where he can refuse direct advertising. At the same time, mass advertising, by definition not aimed at a specific consumer, is becoming less and less effective. Advertising medium providing feedback with the consumer (for example, the Internet), allows you to identify his real behavioral portrait, preferences and desires. After the accumulation of databases, it is easy to offer a specific person exactly the product and brand that he really needs. This will be perceived by them not as annoying advertising, but rather as a help.

The gradual emergence of the national image of Russian advertising. Santa Claus becomes a Ustyuzhan, not Santa.

The role of marketing and media research in the preparation of an advertising campaign is growing. With a large advertising budget, it becomes important to reduce the risk of spending it to no avail or even to the detriment of the brand. The effectiveness of advertising costs, their optimality, as well as the promotion of the business as a whole, is of paramount importance. There is also a growing understanding of advertising as a communication process that affects sales not directly, but indirectly.

Gradually comes the understanding of the role of advertising in the long-term building of the brand. The realization that rapid increase sales of the brand through advertising can damage it in the long run, it is still very difficult. A positive trend is the growing trust in professionals (strategic planners, marketers, brand consultants) and understanding of their role in the fate of the brand.

The media business is leading in the advertising market. It is he who has the greater value for all market players and brings the main profit as a strategic asset of any full-service agency, and millions of media business turnovers correlate well with agency ratings. The media carriers themselves are actively developing, being structured and specialized.

If the strengthening of the growth of radio as an effective advertising medium is hindered by underdeveloped networks, the lack of proper media research and monitoring, then print media are developing steadily. There is a reduction in the circulation of nationwide publications and an increase in the interest of advertisers in specialized and regional newspapers and magazines.

In view of the unconditional dominance of television in the media space of the country, the balance of the product policy of publishers in the advertising and information markets, in particular, its direction as the modulation of goods, is of particular relevance today. The variety of activities that are carried out by publishers within the framework of the modulation are classified in this way: improvement of an existing product; release of tabs and applications for an existing product; release of versions of an existing product (without changing the name/trademark). All these measures are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of publications, in particular, at optimizing specific media metrics: coverage of individual target groups, frequency, GRP, advertising attractiveness index, profile of the publication, consumption conditions, printing performance, etc.

Television advertising, as the most high-tech segment of the advertising industry, largely determines the profile, prospects and development trends of the advertising market in Russia as a whole. Dominance of foreign advertisers and weak positions in the advertising market of domestic manufacturers are explained not only by objective economic reasons, but also by subjective reasons, in particular, by the mentality of domestic “production commanders”. For a domestic manufacturer, advertising still remains a costly item in the production process and is financed according to the “leftover principle”. This approach has led to almost total absence domestic producers on the television screen. And it is unlikely that anything in this respect will change in the coming years. At the same time, the level of exhausted advertising quotas in airtime continues to rise. The struggle for the attention of viewers leads to the fact that active development receives sponsorship of TV programs.

Thus, the media market is becoming more and more promising for advertisers. It is actively developing, structuring and specializing while maintaining consolidation trends. At the same time, the structure of advertisers in various media is also changing. The traditional leading product categories are gradually giving way to such categories as financial and insurance services, retail, and the automotive business. In the future, one can expect an increase in the fragmentation of the audience, which is already quite clearly expressed on television.

Within the framework of the media market, such innovative technologies as product placement and brand placement. The difference between these two types of promotion is that the manifestations of the usual product placement are tied to a specific scenario developed without taking into account the marketing goals of the advertiser, and brand placement involves the creation of a rating story in the mass culture category directly related to the brand theme. Therefore, the second type lays the foundation for a comprehensive advertising campaign, followed by cross-promotion of a resonant story that is directly related to the brand's values ​​and attributes.

Among the trends in the development of the advertising market? strengthening the role of BTL technologies in advertising. This process is influenced by the limited quotas of advertising time on television with a steady increase in the number of advertisers, as well as the growth of retail chains, which are considered the most adequate place for the implementation of promotional activities of companies, and the awareness of the importance of taking into account individual consumer needs. The top three BTL tools include sampling testing, initiating instoring, and point-of-sale consultations. The rejection by consumers of traditional promotional formats, which are not characterized by a guarantee of the final positive result, is becoming more and more evident. In the context of modern integration marketing policy, complex BTL events are becoming increasingly important, in which several communication tools are used at once.

At the same time, for most specialists studying the distant prospects of the advertising business on a global scale, it still remains unclear what (at least approximately) the advertising of the 21st century will look like. Taking into account the ongoing (albeit slowly) process of involving the Russian economy into the world economy, it can be assumed with a high probability that the vector of development of domestic advertising will be aligned with the development of advertising in the most developed industrial powers of the planet.

The commodity market affects advertising through the advertising budget of advertisers, new products and technologies for advertising, market principles and regulatory mechanisms, marketing concepts (strategies), and improvement of legislation.

On the other hand, the advertising market, through its technologies, improves the activity of the commodity market, contributes to the turnover and speed of its development, and forces the manufacturer to intensify its market activity. A pattern can be traced: the sharper the competition in the commodity market becomes, the more intensively the advertising market develops.

Advertising is a powerful tool for organizing distribution in the process of economic reproduction. With the help of advertising, the manufacturer can quickly and efficiently find his consumer, and the consumer - the product or service he needs. Thus, advertising optimizes the interaction of economic entities, accelerating the turnover of capital and reducing the cycle time of reproduction. Fast turnover allows manufacturers to reduce production costs by reducing inventory in warehouses, and therefore increase the number of capital turnover. The use of advertising increases the speed of sales, promotes the development of reproduction, allows you to get a larger amount of production benefits.

The role of advertising as a product market tool is revealed in accelerating the development market economy and expanding the product market, stimulating market competition, providing emotionally stimulating information, generating consumer demand and an incentive to improve the quality of life, developing the industry of goods for promotional activities, improving employment with the emergence of new jobs, improving the quality of goods on the market and withdrawing low-quality products, etc. The economic and technological impact on advertising is embodied in new advertising materials and technologies, advertising media, advertising channels, market globalization and the creation of a global advertising space.

Marketing in advertising is used as a tool of the advertising market, therefore, without its integrated use, it is impossible to establish the levers for controlling the market mechanism. Thus, in order to accelerate advertising activities, it is necessary to develop the infrastructure of the commodity market, which will contribute to the development of advertising to better meet the needs of consumers.

Trends in the development of the global advertising market

Appendix B of this work shows the situation of the development of advertising in the marketing mix of promotion.

The dynamics of the marketing situation has led to the creation of a new type of advertising market - an integrated advertising market or global advertising space.

Advertising in modern world is a complex social phenomenon, which has stepped far beyond the scope of the species labor activity person. It is not just a business, but a much broader phenomenon, covering or at least influencing almost all areas of society:

Cultural and educational.

The factor that has had a global impact on advertising in recent years can be called the transition of society from a technological to a new, informational stage of development. The developed countries of the West have already essentially entered a new era - the era of global information processes. And advertising as its reflection has acquired and continues to acquire new specific features.

Among the concepts that clarify the role of this all-encompassing factor in the management of the advertising business, we can name the following.

1) Exceptionally high rates of economic growth and production in the countries of the world. Against this background, the competition of manufacturers is becoming tougher, and the difficulties of selling products are increasing. The quantity is growing and the range of products is expanding. Technological and technical processes of their manufacture are being improved. As a result, the market creates a picture of a certain uniformity of goods against the backdrop of improved processes for their production everywhere. Both large and small firms in such conditions are aligned in their capabilities. In order to survive, they have to resort to special, additional methods of marketing their products, in particular to the wide or targeted use of advertising.

2) Advertising in modern production is a set of marketing elements aimed at promoting the promotion and sale of goods on the market. This system consists of five elements: advertising itself, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations and related materials and events. Thus, advertising is an essential component in the process of planning the production, development and release of goods, and marketing it on the market. Advertising management acts as an integral part of the overall and marketing strategy of the organization.

a) economic, stimulating demand, facilitating and accelerating the process of selling goods;

b) informational, informing consumers about the availability of goods, the manufacturer, the main characteristics and consumer properties of the products of firms, etc.

Advertising on present stage performs communicative function: it combines into a single information and production process four participants in the marketing activities of the company - the organization itself (advertiser), advertising agency, advertising medium and consumer. With the help of advertising there is a process of mutual exchange of information.

The specific functions of advertising are the general management functions discussed above - control and coordination - in the system of the company's advertising activities. The study of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign as a whole and at its individual stages allows the company's management to identify its successful and unsuccessful links and take corrective actions if necessary.

Due to the increasingly complex marketing activities of both large corporations and small manufacturing firms, modern advertising is increasingly fulfilling the function of demand management. However, this function is the subject of discussion in the theory and practice of advertising management: should advertising be used only as a source of informing the buyer, giving him the opportunity to independently choose further actions, or should advertising serve as a tool for “pressing” the consumer, forcing him to buy the offered product? The answer to this question is not clear yet. However, the controlling function of advertising is becoming increasingly evident in the marketing strategies of many organizations, especially large corporations.

The advertising strategy of a large firm can be organized in such a way that potential consumers will be prepared to buy the goods produced by the firm. This is achieved through the development of a whole system of advertising management techniques with the main goal: to change the state of consumer demand in the direction of the goods of this production organization. Advertising can have an extremely strong impact on the consumer in different situations:

If the demand for a product is unsatisfactory, advertising reinforces its fluctuating demand; advertising stabilizes it by acting in the synchromarketing system;

Optimal demand can be supported by advertising at this level using fixed marketing techniques;

And finally, what distinguishes modern advertising in particular is that it is capable of performing two opposite functions. Advertising can reduce excessive demand (demarketing) and create demand (incentive marketing).

Large national and international corporations use in their marketing campaigns all the marked features of the multilateral and mobile function of advertising - demand management. The system of goals of this function can also include the goal of effective sales of goods in one, specially selected and promising market segment. This side of the control function in advertising management Western countries has received the definition of targeting and means the use of advertising to achieve a specific target result.

4) Advertising at the present stage has many different forms. The last two or three decades of its development have led to the creation of a special kind of advertising - advertising that forms the brand image of the product. Moreover, the result of its wide application is evident - the development of competition of goods into competition of brand images of various manufacturing firms. Some Western experts in the field of advertising management define the current state of the advertising business as the era of brands.

5) The statement about the era of brands may be true, but the development of society, production and advertising is happening at such a fast pace that one can question the longevity of such an “era”. Thus, in recent years there has been a tendency to increase the role of retail in the production and marketing process. Trading organizations are gaining strength - large department stores, which are increasingly dictating their conditions to manufacturers, right down to what goods and in what quantity the company should produce. A network of powerful, independent trade organizations (stores) has already covered the whole world, and they operate under their own trademarks, which often depersonalize the production brands of goods. In Western business, the names of such trading firms as "Marx and Spencer" (England), "Bauer" (Germany) are widely known. In addition, a certain depersonalization of brands occurs as a result of an ever-increasing volume and range of goods that can no longer differ significantly from each other in terms of consumer qualities due to the limited possible set of such. The consumer in such a situation ceases to attach particular importance to a particular brand.

6) All researchers agree that the specifics of modern advertising include a wide expansion of the activities of advertising agencies. They have recently performed, as a rule, a complete set of actions and operations for organizing and conducting advertising campaigns of manufacturers. The activities of advertising agencies are distinguished by high professionalism and the quality of executed orders for various types of advertising materials. Networks of professional advertising organizations have been created in the world, spreading their influence both within their own countries and across entire regions and continents. Advertising agencies in the structure of the modern advertising business perform the functions of its organization and management.

They act as independent commercial organizations with their own structure, professional team and perform the appropriate functions of managing this team, in particular, educating and training specialists. high class who have a broad mindset and are proficient in all types of advertising activities, including sales promotion, direct marketing and public relations.

7) characteristic feature advertising of the last two or three decades is its transformation into a separate branch of the country's economy, namely the advertising business. The advertising business is developing so powerfully and rapidly that, in terms of pace and qualitative changes, it is far ahead of many other areas of the production and economic life of society. It is in the advertising business that a high concentration and centralization of capital is observed at this stage. To a large extent, it accumulates in the most powerful media companies, as well as in the world leaders in the advertising business - international advertising agencies and their associations. There is a trend of large investments in funds mass media directly by large industrial and trading companies.

8) The current market of competition among advertising agencies determines another specificity of modern advertising: the increasing dictate of the advertiser. Advertising agencies are forced to work in conditions that advertisers are constantly tightening. Advertisers essentially "take away" some of the profits from advertising companies by forcing them to give additional discounts or pay big money to advertising media.

9) Modern advertising is different from 19th century advertising. and the first half of the 20th century. the relevance and effectiveness of its new aspects, in particular sales promotion and direct marketing. Particularly evident in the advertising business is the importance of direct marketing as the most modern way communication between producer and consumer. In many studies, this value is confirmed by the high figures for spending on direct marketing, which in many countries has already equaled the cost of advertising in the media, and in a number of countries has outgrown the latter.

10) hallmark modern advertising business is a wide research activities in all its areas. IN developed countries there are hundreds of organizations specializing in advertising research. Many agencies are engaged in research not only purely advertising issues, but also marketing in general. Manufacturing firms often prefer to enter into service contracts with such organizations. And although these services are quite expensive, the quality and professionalism of the research work performed guarantee the customer reliable information.

Spending on advertising and marketing services is constantly on the rise, reflecting the increasingly complex nature of advertising management. Therefore, the intellectual potential of the managerial corps of the advertising business is becoming increasingly important.

The entry of mankind into the information stage of development radically changes the most diverse spheres of society's life. Advertising is subject to such radical changes. Therefore, it is very important to trace possible trends in its development in the future.

A factor that will exclusively big influence on all areas of human life, there will be scientific and technological progress. It will cause huge changes and qualitative shifts in the field of production, marketing and, accordingly, advertising. The same factor will also affect the radical changes in a person's attitude to the world around him and to himself. A new scale of values ​​in relation to consumer goods will be formed in the mass consciousness. This, in turn, will contribute to a radical transformation of the market with the reorientation of marketing and advertising services to meet the specific, real needs of a particular consumer.

Russia is considered the second largest Internet advertising growth among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, after Poland. According to the forecasts of analytical companies, in the coming years, the volume Russian market Internet advertising will grow exponentially. Compared to the total volume of advertising, Internet advertising in Russia still occupies no more than 1%. However, the Internet remains the fastest growing media in our country. As a result of stable growth, in a few years, according to RACA analysts, about 10% of all advertising budgets of companies will be spent on Internet advertising.

A quite obvious transition from traditional media to new interactive media systems begins, where a significant share of advertising flows. The Internet, in turn, is becoming a place of concentration of information flows. According to advertising market experts, sooner or later the Internet will become the center of advertising services.

The Internet advertising market is the most interesting advertising market in the world in general and a sample of what all advertising markets will look like in the near future. This market primarily reflects the change in the information consumption model. In the pre-Internet era, the model of mass information broadcasting dominated. Television, newspapers, radio - all of them were and still are giant informational fast foods, delivering the same "set meals" to an audience of millions of people. And so the advertising was dominated by the model mass communication. Today, the consumption model is changing towards a model of individual choice. The Internet has made it possible for people to compose their own newspapers and video programs, to read, watch and listen to what they like - combining materials from various providers in one feed and creating their own.

We see the result in all studies - the Internet audience in Russia is increasing by 20-30% per year, the time spent on the Internet is growing, while watching television programs, reading newspapers is decreasing - business people often simply do not have enough time for this. It follows that the effect of advertising in mass broadcast media is decreasing year by year. This is not a crisis of other media, this is just a change in the consumption model. And this trend will continue until other media also become digital and personalized. They will definitely become, but until then the Internet is best field for experimentation and this is El Dorado, where every advertising dollar invested already brings a large profit compared to other media.

The prospects for the development of the Internet advertising market are enormous. According to the change in the consumption model, new advertising strategies should be introduced. For successful advertising, it is no longer enough to shout into the big television mouthpiece: “We are here!”. Modern technologies create a need and provide an opportunity to "BE here" - to be individually close to each consumer, share his interests and integrate with his life. Internet advertising provides the bulk of such opportunities. On the Internet, already now you can pay not for displaying ads, but for the result - a visit to the site, user interaction with your brand, a call to your office, a sale. The result is an annual doubling of the Internet advertising market in Russia and outpacing other media growth in the West.

However, the development of the Internet in Russia, despite such impressive dynamics, is not going smoothly. The main problem is the inertia of advertisers in relation to the Internet. When distributing budgets among media carriers, the Internet gets from 10 to 30%, depending on the specifics of the advertised products. The solution to this problem is the popularization of Internet advertising as a segment and the demonstration of the network's advertising capabilities.

Another problem is the lack of quality Internet resources for advertisers. Despite the apparent diversity of various Internet sites, many of them do not differ much from each other. As a result, our company had to create a direction that deals exclusively with the creation of Internet projects, which in the future will be able to provide their advertisers with targeted visitors and in-demand services.

The prospect for advertisers and media sellers will be the emergence of new advertising opportunities on the Internet, such as video advertising or targeting by demographics, habits, etc. For media sellers, the development of online advertising is, first of all, the development of the sales market, new opportunities for expanding their business. At the same time, it should be noted that there is a tendency for large offline companies to move to the Internet advertising segment.

To date, the most popular direction of the online tourism business is the advertising of travel services, if we talk about travel portals that provide the client with the maximum information necessary for making a decision. In the future, ways to influence the client will become more sophisticated. Already now there is an opportunity to almost thoroughly explore the habits, favorite sites, the schedule of their visits by a specific network user. Marketers can only give the client the necessary information to make a purchase decision at the most favorable moment in time and on their favorite site.

If we evaluate the situation in the industry as a whole, then in the near future the main direction of the online travel business will be the sale / booking of tickets, as well as the sale of individual segments of the tour. corporate client for organizing a business or individual trip. First of all, this applies to such components of the tour as hotel accommodation, car rental, and obtaining medical insurance.

If we consider the situation in the B2B sector, then here we can predict the further development of booking systems tour operator - travel agent. Moreover, there is a tendency to use such systems not only as technological means for improving business processes, but also as a powerful marketing tool for forming an agent network.

The advertising market is part of the economic system, functions in unity with other markets and develops within the framework of general laws market economy, providing the public need for advertising services. In the 1980-1990s there was an active development of the advertising industry almost all over the world. This process was especially active in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the Asia-Pacific region. At present, the advertising market is a developed segment of the economy of many countries of the world and includes a wide system of economic, legal, sociocultural and other relations that arise and develop between the main subjects of this market. There is a close economic relationship between them, which is the basis of the advertising process and the functioning of the market as a whole. The state of the advertising market within a particular economy directly depends on the general economic situation in the country, so advertising activity in the market is sometimes considered as a kind of indicator of economic development.

Globalization. The modern advertising market is an integral part global economy, therefore, on the one hand, the same processes take place on it as in the world economy as a whole, on the other hand, there are also specific phenomena. The general trend for the entire world economy is globalization, that is, an integration socio-economic process, as a result of which the world is turning into a single market. The process of globalization is due to a number of factors, such as: active activity of transnational companies on a global scale; an increase in the processes of concentration and monopolization; accelerated development of global media and global information exchange; interpenetration of different cultures and the introduction of common cultural standards, and others.

Integration. The activities of transnational and international companies in the global market have led to integration processes, the unification of its economic entities, the deepening of their interaction, and the development of ties between them. Economic integration has shown itself, first of all, in the expansion of production and technological links, sharing resources, pooling capital, creating favorable conditions for economic activity, removing mutual barriers. These processes have led to the fact that transnational companies and the brands promoted by them have become leaders in the global consumer goods market with turnovers equal to the budgets of many states. Today, the top global advertisers dominate most of the world's markets, and their advertising spend is a significant part of the national advertising markets.

Concentration. The high level of competition in the modern market has led to the processes of concentration of its subjects through mergers and acquisitions: advertisers in the face of industrial and commercial enterprises, advertising performers in the face of advertising agencies, advertising distributors in the face of the media. As a result of the processes of mergers and acquisitions, there is an increase in economic efficiency, since they are accompanied by a reduction in parallel structures (administrative, research and organizational). The benefits of the merger for advertising market participants are as follows:

  • 1. intra-industry competition decreases and the company's position in a particular market is strengthened;
  • 2. cost reduction is achieved by combining the subdivisions serving the production with the same functions;
  • 3. the market value of the merging companies increases;
  • 4. deepening diversification of production;
  • 5. there is an increase in economic power by attracting new financial mechanisms, gaining access to information sources and so on.

Networks. One of the important features of the modern advertising market has been the development of a global network of advertising agencies, due to the fact that advertising has become transnational, and advertising agencies have become international. With the development of globalization and the increasing level of competition, it is becoming increasingly important in the advertising market to quickly and flexibly adapt the internal structure and external relationships of agencies to the growing needs of global advertisers. In order to share risks, increase efficiency and optimize the regulatory system, new forms of organization, coordination of activities and interorganizational interaction both vertically and horizontally, which are called "networks", are being formed. One of the most important characteristics of networks is the mutual agreement of participants to adhere to common priorities and interests within the framework of a common development strategy. The networks have reduced many parallel administrative, research and organizational structures, as well as level negative traits administrative hierarchical system, on the one hand, and fierce market competition, on the other.

The modern advertising market is characterized by the process of consolidation - the takeover by large advertising agencies of small ones and the formation of holdings. This allows advertising holdings to minimize costs and provide a versatile range of advertising services for large advertisers interested in expanding markets for their goods or services. Formation by large advertising agencies of their global networks started in the middle of the 20th century. Currently, the global advertising market is dominated by several groups of companies that have collected the most profitable part of the advertising business, which allows them to control a significant share of the global advertising market. These groups were formed as a result of the merger and acquisition process around the world of many agencies and companies specializing in the field of strategic communications, public relations, marketing research, promotion, creativity and related activities. Now almost all the largest advertising agencies are network and include global advertising holdings, although they continue to work under their own names. Network advertising agencies bind their clients with exclusive contracts for advertising campaigns around the world or in certain regions. Close, long-term cooperation with the client, the established tradition of adapting advertising campaigns to local conditions and tracking their effectiveness make the ties between network advertising agencies and the companies with which they cooperate quite strong.

Diversification. The concept of "diversification" expresses one of the trends in the modern advertising market, associated with increased activity of market entities, primarily advertising agencies, and the expansion of their activities beyond the core business. The process of diversification is due to increased competition in the market and the complexity of advertising activities. Diversification allows market entities to simultaneously act in several market segments and insures against an unforeseen deterioration in the situation in one of them, helps to respond flexibly to changes in the situation. Diversification in the advertising business has been widely developed in recent decades, it has contributed to increased business flexibility and comprehensive satisfaction of diverse demand for advertising services. Diversification of advertising enterprises combined with specialization and combination various kinds advertising activities, which allows them to gain advantages in maintaining a leading position in the market.