Our dreams can give us many surprises. They can bring joy or a sense of fear, scare us or, conversely, make us laugh. Sometimes, waking up, people look at the ceiling for a long time and cannot figure out why they had this or that nightmare. Especially painfully close people. Let's try to figure out what the dream is about live mom deceased. What does it mean? Consider how popular dream books answer this question. And does it make sense on what day the nightmare happened.

What can be a dream about?

Of course, his main thought is that his mother is no more, she died. This sad news is told to you by close people, or it happens in your arms. It does not matter at all what kind of death it was, what its cause was. If you had such a dream, try to remember all its details in more detail, since dream books will describe specific situations, and not just one single fact - the tragedy that occurred in a dream. For example, it is worth remembering other people around you, your emotional condition after what you saw, how exactly your mother died, and whether you see her in a dream or just know that this happened and are worried.

What does a disturbing dream promise?

If mom is in real life at the moment of this dream she is alive, but she is sick with something, then she will soon recover. Besides. If you said that your mother was dying, a dream in this case may indicate that you have lost your way in life. Something in your life is going wrong, and it's time to think about your actions and fix everything.

It's not worth worrying. Such a dream says that it's time to grow up, move away from the mother's wing, make decisions on your own and live an adult life. From birth, we consider our mother's position to be the most correct and grow up with the same thoughts about life. But, sometimes, it is necessary to deviate from this, to start thinking and acting independently.

The dream in which the mother experienced a clinical death, but came to life, speaks of the approach of a joyful event. Perhaps you will be given an award, thanked for a job well done or for helping.

Perhaps the dream indicates to you that it is worth abandoning the previously set goal. Your actions may be so unsuccessful that in the future you will be ashamed of your actions.

What is the dream of the living mother of the deceased? Death from disease

If the death of the mother in a dream came from an illness, it is necessary to think about actually checking the mother for the presence of any diseases. Perhaps they are already starting to develop. Thus, you will help your loved one to avoid difficulties in the future.

Seeing in a dream a mother lying in a coffin, to her imminent illness. But this will not be a serious problem, but a slight ailment that will end quickly.


Mom, and death came at the hands of a person familiar to the dreamer - she will stop communicating with this citizen and move away from him in reality. If the killer is the dreamer himself, this suggests that in real life he will offend his mother in some way. Maybe it will be bad words addressed to her or obscene behavior.

If the conflict is already developing, then the tragic events in the dream make us think about reconciliation. Make contact with your mother, ask her for forgiveness.


Psychologists say that dreams help a person to live, they are a kind of warning signal for everyone. Our subconscious, thus, acts on us and, at times, it helps to make the most correct decisions.

What is the dream of the living mother of the deceased if it was an accident, and you turned out to be an unwitting witness to it? This promises for her the beginning of a new bright streak in her life. She is in a good mood and well-being.

What will Miller's dream book tell?

Your mother died in your dream, but in fact she is alive - wonderful! She will live long and happy life. And, if now in reality she is sick, then she will definitely recover.

You had a nightmare: your mother died and you are in a panic. If you are a girl or a woman, you should be wary of losing help. Perhaps situations will arise in your life in which you will have to get out yourself and take full responsibility only for yourself.

If your mother died before your eyes, you should think about paying more attention to your loved one. Visit her more often and make her happy. If a woman herself dreams that she has died, then most likely her children expect more support and care from her.

What does Vanga's dream book say?

Alas, Vanga does not give good predictions about the tragic dream of how her mother died. In her opinion, such dreams bring obvious failures. Perhaps you or your mother are in trouble or illness.

But, you should be aware that if the date of death was named in a dream, it must be remembered. Since it is she who will be the end of all troubles.

Freud's dream book: what does it portend?

This dream book asks its readers to overlook the main point of sleep - the death of the mother. And in order to find out why the living mother of the deceased is dreaming - to remember your emotional experiences about this. If it was fun, like at a party, and this may well be in a dream, then you should not worry. If you woke up with a feeling of fear, and in a dream you cried loudly and worried, you should visit your mother as soon as possible. Share with her your attention, love and care. This suggests that you have forgotten her in the turmoil of your affairs, and she misses you very much.

Modern interpretations

Modern dream books do not see anything bad in a nightmare about the death of a mother. If you saw this tragedy in a dream, then you should not worry about your mother. The dream promises her a long and happy life, but you should think about your health.

If death came from drowning, life is coming good change. If guilty heart attack, a joyful event will come. But the death that occurred as a result of violent actions will not bring anything good. Your efforts in important matters now will be in vain.

Sunday dream

Further. Many interpretations of dreams, how mother died, advise after a nightmare to carry out a series of activities aimed at not repeating it in real life. What does it mean? For example, immediately after sleep, turn the pillow over or open the tap with water and retell everything that happened in the dream. It is believed that the running water will cleanse everything bad and take away sorrows. If you are a believer, you can visit the church and pray for your salvation and the health of your loved ones.

Sunday brings nothing bad. Perhaps you are waiting for small troubles that you can easily solve.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Dream Interpretations consider Monday an "empty day." Whatever you dream about, everything is quickly forgotten, and you cannot remember the main details of the dream. Therefore, it is not worth looking for any interpretation on this day, but the same one that means a dream about a dead mother is not worth it. There is no point.

Fuzzy dreams

If in a dream you see some kind of chaos, for example, your mother died, then she is alive again, and in the future she completely falls out of sleep, you should not pay attention to these dreams. Dream Interpretations interpret only those dreams that were clearly shown to the dreamer.

Final moments

When wondering why the living mother of the deceased is dreaming, try to initially look for the problem in yourself. Perhaps you haven’t visited her for a long time or offended her in some way. Call her, find out how things are going, talk, chat. Maybe your subconscious is telling you that life is not eternal, and it is worth living it in love and understanding with your loved ones. Try to make peace if you are in a quarrel, give your mother her favorite flowers, spend the weekend with her. Perhaps this is what she really misses now.

Parents are the closest people to a person. Whether they are alive or dead, their words always have a special meaning. All dream books, regardless of the people of what nationality they are compiled, agree on one thing: if the deceased mother had a dream, then this dream tells about something important.

What if the dead mother is dreaming?

The one who loved a person during his lifetime, and after death often appears to him in a dream, in a difficult life period for him. The appearance of a deceased relative, especially a mother, never goes unnoticed by consciousness. These dreams are often remembered, comprehended and cause deep emotional excitement. The words spoken by the mother are always important and her advice must be followed. If in a dream the deceased mother, with tears in her eyes, mournfully looks at the sleeping person and is silent, this is a very alarming sign. He reports that the parent expresses sadness in connection with the difficult trials ahead of her child. For women, such a dream often portends divorce and financial difficulties. Men who see such a dream should think about the correctness of their life path. Possibly to get peace of mind need to relocate or find another job.

What the late mother dreams of can be understood from general analysis all the details of a dream. If the parent silently points the sleeping person to the church with her hand, then it is time for him to think about the state of his soul and repent of his sins.

It has been noticed that the deceased mother dreams especially often at a time when grief from her loss has not subsided. The first time after the funeral of a parent, she often comes in dreams to her child. They communicate for a long time, as if no tragedy had happened in reality. This is a natural process, it helps to survive the pain of loss. native person. Therefore, during a period of acute sadness, the appearance of a deceased mother in a dream rarely has a special meaning. But in that case. if a lot of time has passed since her death, it is by no means impossible to ignore the words of her mother uttered by her in a dream. A loving parental heart always wishes well for their child, and if the sleeping person is in danger, the deceased mother seeks to warn him and suggest how to avoid tragedy. There are many examples of how the words of the mother said in a dream helped the sleeper to avoid great misfortunes.

What portends?

Every nation has a conviction that if in a dream a deceased mother or another deceased person calls for a sleeping person, then his days on this Earth are numbered. But it is not always the case. A parent can beckon to her in order to bring her child to certain place in which important events will take place. And suggest how to avoid possible danger. To dream that a mother who is alive in real life has died means that she will have to long life. Usually such dreams cause a strong heartache in connection with the loss, which the sleeper perceives as having actually happened. But these dreams are right opposite meaning: mom in reality will delight the sleeping person with her good health and good mood. If a deceased mother in a dream asks for food or clothes, then you need to arrange a day of remembrance for her. It is advisable to go to church and light a candle for the repose of her soul.

There is an opinion among the people that if you see the sad dead mother and father in a dream, this portends serious troubles in the fate of a person. Parents come to support their child in the trials ahead of him. In the event that relatives smile and look good, then positive changes are coming in the fate of the sleeping person.

The words and actions of the deceased mother in a person’s dreams must certainly be analyzed by the sleeping person, and if she gives advice, they must be followed. In any case, the appearance of a parent in a dream has a positive meaning, as it informs about upcoming changes.

We often have to see relatives not only in reality, but sometimes in the world of dreams. Someone often dreams of parents, someone quite occasionally, but in any case, such dreams are always special and carry hidden information.

The image of a mother in a dream is especially important - it is associated with the family, with the female part of the soul, with something eternal and primordial. If mom is dreaming, you should definitely find out from the dream book the meaning of this vision.

In order to reliably understand what the dead mother is dreaming of, alive, what the mother’s death is dreaming of, her illness, or something less terrible, you need to calmly read what the dream book says. Do not be afraid - even if you dream of something unpleasant and frightening, this does not bode well, these are just symbols. There are many in dream books different values and plots:

  • Seeing a mother in a dream - the way she is in reality.
  • The deceased mother is dreaming as if she is alive.
  • She cries or laughs in her sleep.
  • Swear with her, conflict.
  • She dreamed of being drunk or sick.
  • Dreamed of a pregnant mother.
  • Talk to your mother in dreams.

These are not all options, but only the general, most common ones. Remember exactly your dream, its details and details, and you will be able to explain what mom is dreaming of.

To begin with, let's understand why mom is dreaming, whose image you saw in dreams from the outside. Why and why she came into a dream, what she wanted to say and what needs to be understood, the interpreters will prompt.

1. As the dream book describes, a mother in dreams is a symbol of family, female wisdom and strength. Well, if a woman has this dream, this is a hint that she is becoming a Woman with a capital letter, more conscious, wise and strong. Perhaps your soul inner world already ready for transformation, growth, knowledge of something new.

2. If you just had a dream about your mother, and such dreams happen often, this is a direct hint that she needs to pay attention. She even reminds you of yourself in your dreams! Why not spend time with her, give her more of your attention and care? Now she really needs it.

3. If you dreamed of a mother who is no longer alive, and you saw her alive and healthy, then it's time to remember her, to visit the grave. Find time, devote yourself to memories, remember a loved one who is not around - but only in a physical sense.

4. The dream book tells what moms dream about - one of the most terrible stories that you can imagine. But don't be afraid! Not only that, nothing threatens her in reality. Furthermore, she will be very lucky! Your family relationships will be very bright and pleasant, a good period will come.

5. If a mother dreamed of a woman, dream books predict happiness in family life and strong marriage.

6. For a man, the image of a mother also promises all the best - there is a bright streak ahead, harmony and tranquility. Such a dream is an occasion to calm down, to be more balanced and softer, to relax.

7. If you heard a mother's voice in your dreams, this is a hint - you are going to make a mistake in reality, or you are already doing something that you should not do. Perhaps not quite the right path was chosen, or an unsuccessful decision was made. A great opportunity to re-evaluate, analyze everything, change the chosen path and tactics.

8. A nursing mother (even if this is not your relative) is an excellent symbol of the implementation of plans and fulfillment of desires. If you saw a woman feeding a baby, you should know that soon everything that you think will work out in the best possible way.

What is she?

If you didn’t just have a maternal image, but the mother was cheerful or sad, drunk or sick, and so on, these factors can also and should be explained, and the dream book will help.

1. Question: why is mom dreaming? The dream is strange, but it has a good meaning. This means that in reality you will achieve the realization and fulfillment of all desires. A period is coming when everything will be easy and successful, as if by itself. This period is not to be missed! Act, and many of your dreams will become a reality!

2. Do not be afraid if your mother was sick in a dream. But give her maximum attention in reality! This dream may be for this very reason - she misses you, and secretly she suffers because of this. Stay with her, show care, show that you love her. It is very important!

3. What is the dream of a cheerful, beautiful and happy mother? This is a wonderful sign, symbolizing a woman - female happiness and love, and a man - strong family and a period of complete harmony. It also means that you are the right way and you are doing everything right.

4. On the contrary, if she is sad or crying, this is a warning - you are doing something wrong. Maybe you often offend people or do not think about words and deeds. Maybe you forgot about your conscience and "go over your head" towards your goal. This is advice - it’s good to think about whether you are doing everything right and honestly.

5. Let's figure out what the dream is about drunk mom. This dream is a harbinger of strange events for which you are not ready. You think you know how things will turn out in reality, but you don't. There are always surprises in life, and they will come.

6. Why does a mother dream about being young, healthy and very beautiful? This is a wonderful sign. Health, healing, harmony and complete happiness await you, as well as peace of mind and peace.


Of course, in your dreams you could not only see your parent, but also talk to her, swear, hug and much more. Every action has its own importance about which the interpreter will tell.

Another question is what the dead mother is dreaming of. This happens quite often, and she comes into dreams for a reason.

  • If the deceased mother in a dream was alive, healthy and looked good, this good sign. She supports and protects you, and you should not forget about it. You will have a good period!
  • If a mother who is no longer alive tells you something in her dreams, try to remember her words. Perhaps it was advice or a warning. The dead often say important things, they just need to be understood correctly.
  • If the deceased mother was alive in her dreams and cried, was sad, you are doing something wrong. Think about where the mistake is, what you are doing is dishonest or wrong.
  • What is the dream of a mother who was alive in her dreams and gave you something? This is advice. Listen to instructions and advice wise people, do not rely only on your experience.
  • Swearing with a dead mother in a dream is also a warning. Take care of yourself, do smart things.

Understand correctly such dreams, they are very important and will tell a lot. Analyze, ponder - and remember that always in reality everything depends only on you.

The article will indicate the meaning of dreams where the mother is present.

Mother is a very strong image in the life of every person. Depending on sleep psychological state a person and his real relationship with his parents, a mother in a dream can represent a person or a certain image.

  • In general, psychologists are sure that the image of a mother in a dream is a good sign. A person often dreams of a mother if he is somewhat lost in his thoughts and actions. Mother is the personification of family ties and a reminder of their importance for a person.
  • If a dream does not carry any emotional load, then most likely the mother in a dream is just a reflection of your image. You need to interpret the dream, starting with emotional anchors.
  • Sometimes a dream with the image of a mother is associated with anxiety, although in real life the relationship with her is normal. In this case, this image is a kind of warning about impending problems.
  • There can be many options for dreams where the mother is present. You need to pay attention to those of them in which you really see the logical background.

Why dream of mom's death, that mom died?

  • Naturally, this dream plot causes the most pleasant emotions. But do not despair, because death in a dream is not the same as in life.
  • Death in the world of images is the beginning of something new, a certain stage of life. It is this meaning that dreams carry in themselves, where death is present.
  • A dream about the death of a mother cannot be interpreted one-sidedly. Ask yourself, what emotions do you feel for your mother? Are you angry or offended? Sometimes a dream is just an exaggerated reflection of your emotions. In that case, it doesn't make sense.
  • In general, sleep means an improvement in the health of the mother, the establishment of your relationship and a new stage in life.

Why dream of hugging mom?

  • A hug is a search for protection and support. Chances are you're at a point in your life right now where you need help.
  • Mother is an image of tenderness and care. Leaving memories of childhood, you find yourself in a world where your mother could protect you from all problems.
  • Hugging your mother in a dream means that you should not be afraid of being weak. Allow yourself to be supported by the people around you.

Why dream of talking with mom?

  • Talking to your mother in a dream has many meanings. It all depends on what emotions you experience at the same time, as well as the topic of the conversation.
  • If the conversation is calm and you are discussing a topic, pay attention to it. Perhaps soon you will receive news of a similar nature. Talking in a dream - to receive news.
  • Sometimes the conversation takes place in raised tones. And then, most likely, you experience aggression or resentment towards your mother. Sometimes these feelings may not be on the mother, but on a person who only in a dream incarnated in the image of a mother.
  • A dream where you walk away from talking with your mother means that you are having problems communicating with others. You do not know how to listen and empathize with other people's problems.

Why dream of calling mom?

  • Calling your mother for help indicates your fears. You cannot cope with them, which is why it is displayed in the image of the mother.
  • If in a dream the mother never came, then this indicates that you can only rely on yourself.
  • The dream is not very pleasant, it means disappointment in people or events.

Why dream of meeting your mother?

  • A dream about meeting your mother may concern a parent of a friend or a lover. In general, this dream is good. It means a stable and strong relationship with the person whose mother you dreamed about.
  • If in a dream the mother is joyful and makes you good emotions, then this is to well-being and happiness.
  • If the mother calls negative emotions or she is angry with you, then the dream means some obstacles in life and in relationships with a friend.

Why does a dead, deceased mother dream in a dream?

  • Seeing deceased relatives in a dream, and especially a mother, is a sign or warning. The emotional attachment to our mother remains with us even after death. It is not surprising that in a dream we turn to our mother for help.
  • The image of the mother usually warns of misfortune. Especially if the mother is sad or crying in a dream.
  • A joyful and cheerful mother dreams if you do not spend your finances rationally. This may indicate a big purchase.
  • If the deceased mother dreams recently after the funeral, then most likely this is how your pain for the loss of a loved one is expressed.

Why dream of mom's pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy is an image of addition in any of the spheres of life. It means that a new stage will soon begin and something a new one will enter into your life.
  • A dream where you see a mother's pregnancy portends a big profit. It can be an inheritance, a bonus at work.
  • If a young woman has a dream about her mother's pregnancy, then, most likely, in this image she embodies herself.
  • Often such a dream occurs to children who will soon have a brother or sister. Children expect changes in life, they feel excitement. Such dreams do not have much meaning.

Why dream that mom gave birth?

  • For women, such a dream always means an ambulance. own pregnancy and childbirth. Often such a dream is dreamed by women in position. Sleep has a good meaning and means a good course of childbirth.
  • Pay attention to the gender of the baby. If a son was born, then most likely you will face changes at work or in the financial sector.
  • If a girl was born, then this means that good changes are coming in her personal life.
  • Sometimes in a dream, childbirth is difficult. This means that on life path difficulties await you.

Why dream that mother was killed?

  • Dream about murder has several meanings. Notice who killed your mother? What emotions did you feel in your dream?
  • Sometimes you dream that you personally kill your mother. This dream means that you are striving to free yourself from the shackles in your life. Perhaps someone or something is preventing you from living your life. In the form of a mother, you have embodied this obstacle.
  • If in a dream someone else kills the mother, then this means that you have hidden enemies. A feeling of fear or helplessness suggests that you do not know how to deal with these ill-wishers.

Why dream of beating your mother?

  • Such a dream means subconscious anger at the mother or at her actions.
  • A dream where a woman beats her mother means quarrels in the family. The conflict will arise because of the woman herself.
  • If in a dream a man beats his mother, then this means rash acts in real life.
  • Sometimes a dream can convey feelings about the mother. Especially if at the end of the dream you repent of what you have done.

Why is mom crying in a dream?

  • A dream where the mother cries conveys impending failures. You need to listen more to the advice of older and more experienced people.
  • For a girl, such a dream portends a quarrel with a guy. He will be offended or dissatisfied with some actions of his beloved.

Why dream of kissing mom?

  • A dream where you kiss your mother always has a good omen.
  • If a girl kisses her mother, then this means an early engagement or meeting a loved one.
  • For a man, such a dream means success at work or in business.
  • The dream indicates your stable position in society, respect and prosperity.

Why is mom dreaming young?

  • For a girl, such a dream conveys itself in the form of a mother. A young mother in a dream can do those things that the girl herself fears or secretly desires.
  • For guys, such a dream can mean a feeling of loneliness. Perhaps you recently had a fight with a girl. Or have you long dreamed of finding your love.
  • In a dream where a young mother is present, pay attention to her behavior. Everything she does is a reflection of your personal experiences.

Why dream of a quarrel, swearing with mom?

  • Quarrel with mom - to real conflicts in the family or at work.
  • Such a dream recommends not starting new ventures and not going on trips in the near future.
  • A dream where you see a quarrel with your mother usually means your rash actions, which can lead to a bad situation.

Why is a drunk mother dreaming?

  • Such a dream can be a difficult childhood memory. If in reality the mother of the child drank, then this image can haunt him throughout his life.
  • Sleeping with a drunken mother can indicate health problems for the mother herself.
  • If your mother has died, then such a dream is in the nature of a warning. You do things or maintain relationships that have a very negative impact on your life.

Why is there a dream: will mom take her hand, follow mom?

  • A dream where a mother takes your hand means support. Now it is extremely important to you and such a dream gives a signal that close and dear people are always there.
  • If in a dream you walk hand in hand with your mother, then this means useful advice. You should use it for your own good.

Why is the sleeping mother dreaming?

  • A sleeping mother portends harmony and peace in family life. No sudden changes are expected in the near future.
  • If during your mother’s sleep you feel anxiety and fear for her, then this means that something in your personal life is going wrong. Talk to your spouse and find out.

Why does a sick mother dream that she is ill?

  • A dream in which a sick mother dreams has a bad meaning. As a rule, this dream portends imminent difficulties in your life. There may be health problems.
  • Such a dream may be a reaction to a real illness of the mother. You experience so much during the daytime that during sleep this experience is transformed into a dream.

What is the dream of the mother of a beloved boyfriend?

  • Such a dream can mean a real fear of meeting the lover's parents.
  • If the guy's mother is friendly, then such a dream speaks of good relations paired with.
  • Your mother's bad attitude conveys your feelings about the relationship. It is better not to accumulate negativity in yourself, but to discuss everything with a young man.

What is the dream of the mother of the former?

  • Mother ex boyfriend may indicate that you miss your ex-young man.
  • Sometimes such a dream portends intrigues and unpleasant gossip addressed to you.

Video: Why is mother dreaming?

If the deceased parent asks to live with the sleeping person in the house, this is a sign that he makes many mistakes in reality that can lead to a sad result. To see that the deceased mother in the dreamer's dwelling washes the floor or paints (whitens) the walls, which means that soon he will have to move out of this place and start new life in another apartment or house. If the deceased mother looks young and healthy, cheerful and sociable, this is a sign that favorable changes in fate will occur in the sleeping person in the near future. ?? walking a deceased parent surrounded by numerous relatives means that soon one of them will leave earthly life. The updates that a dead mother offers in a dream symbolize success in business in real life. If the sleeper is lonely, then the frequent appearance in his dreams of the deceased parent indicates that he needs warm relations and care. And the deceased mother, with her appearance, supports him as best she can. If in a dream communication with a parent takes place in a gloomy, anxious environment, and the mother’s eyes are sad, this is a sign of upcoming serious troubles. To hear a thunderclap in such a dream is a cardinal change in fate.

If the mother died recently, and often dreams of her grieving child, such dreams are rarely endowed with predictive meaning. But if enough time has passed for the pain of loss to subside, the appearance of a deceased mother in a dream should be taken with all seriousness. It's just that a parent never dreams. This is a hint to a person that his delusions and wrong attitude to life have led to the fact that his soul began to turn black from the number of unseemly deeds. Therefore, the deceased mother, trying to save her lost child, draws his attention to the fact that in the future such a lifestyle will lead to a tragic outcome. There is a belief that the beckoning dead man dreams of the great misfortune or death of the sleeping person. However, this is not always the case. There are many examples of how a dead mother called the sleeping person after her, and if he followed her, then she brought him to the place from which he made pictures of his future. Often these are places of possible tragedies: accidents and murders. In this way, a person received knowledge of what or whom he should be afraid of.

Turning to Vanga's dream book, one can understand that if the deceased mother is sick in a dream, this means that the sleeping person will soon face an unfair accusation. Perhaps it is the deceased mother who warns a person from making any mistakes. If dreamed clinical death an already deceased mother, which means they are intriguing against the sleeping one. It is possible that close friends or relatives are involved in this. Freud's dream book says that any dreaming dead person, including the mother, visits the dreamer in order to warn about something. Therefore, their warnings should be heeded.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus interprets this dream more fully. In his opinion, hugging a deceased mother in a dream means that in real life a person will get rid of any fears, will be able to overcome them. If the deceased mother calls with her, it is advisable that the sleeping person does not go with her, as this means a severe and prolonged illness or death. The same interpretation has a dream in which the deceased mother dreams in black clothes. If in a dream a deceased mother has coins in front of her eyes, this means that someone is using the dreamer for personal gain, profiting from him. To see the deceased mother in a dream in a coffin - to unexpected guests.

Sometimes a sleeper dreams of a deceased mother who is busy with some work in his house - this means that not everything is fine in the family and the sleeper needs to reconsider his attitude towards his spouse. The second meaning of this dream, according to the interpretation of Sonan's dream book, is the betrayal of friends. In a dream, the deceased mother tries to indicate to the sleeping person that everything bad needs to be removed from the house. Often, after a quarrel in the family or during an illness, a person also dreams of a dead mother. What is it for? Fortunately, such a dream does not portend anything bad. This means that a person is unconsciously looking for support and participation in someone, therefore this dream is purely psychological and does not carry any additional information.

We talked to her ... I was surprised that her hair fell out a lot ... and she replied that today she feels good ... but the doctors treat poorly ... they wanted to deceive me ..... Today I had another dream ... I'm in my mother's house, she is alive but has cancer. And dad was there (but he is alive ...) I talked to her about something ... and my mother's sister (she is alive) watched this picture. I don't know for sure, but it looks like my mother died. Just. Tell me what?

I dreamed of my dead mother. But suddenly the doors began to close. Hearing the driver say something about the doors ... After which the doors closed with force. And turned away went to look for the schedule.

I pr? looks like her the best photo these years and in the same beautiful sweater, I tell her that she looks cool and I’m in a hurry forward, but she tells me, wait until I can’t (as in my sick years) I tried to rush her, but she tells me what a hard time for her! And I, screaming that my mother was recovering, ran on and woke up! My mother had 40 days 3 years ago, what is it for?

Hello! I dreamed about the dead father and mother, my father loved to drink in life and at the same time he was always calm and smiling, and in a dream he was drunk, I don’t remember talking about something. During her lifetime, she was like this, but a little and rarely, and it’s clear that she didn’t want to go anywhere with sleep, and then at the end she began to get ready alone, and she said something to me, like we’ll talk another time and left, I quickly began to pack things to catch up with her or to home and that's where the dream ended

I dreamed of a mother who died a year ago. She says that she will come sometimes to us she was allowed. She replies that everything is getting better, only her legs are left. And she shows her legs, they are all in healing wounds. I want to touch her face, but she won't let me. She says she has very thin skin.

Hello. All my family members know that she is dead. The dream is this: everything was like in reality. Since her soul is not at rest and her body is not in a cemetery, she does not talk to me in her dreams and tries not to touch me, and in this dream every now and then she touched me. How can this dream be understood?

They were gold with a leather strap. She died of sepsis, which was brought to her by doctors during operations. Please help me decipher. Thank you in advance!

As the dream book interprets, if the deceased mother dreamed alive and tells or advises you something, then it is recommended to listen to her words. Often such dreams have a mystical meaning, and following the advice of the deceased helps to avoid some problems in reality. When the deceased mother often dreams, you should order a prayer service in the temple. Also, such a dream often accompanies depression, apathy, inability to adequately assess and accept the situation. You should take care of yourself, strive to restore harmony, change something in your life, do spiritual practices.

If you dreamed that your mother died, do not be afraid. Most often, a similar image in dreams arises as a symbol of growing up and independence. Such dreams also indicate increased anxiety and a loss of a sense of security. Sometimes such a dream can warn that it is better not to carry out what you have planned, as everything will turn into failure and a sense of shame for what you have done. Often such a dream is an expression of the unconscious desires of the dreamer, who has complicated relationship with mother or strong dependence on her. Seeing a dead mother in a dream means the same thing.

Dreams in which the mother was killed, the dream book recommends analyzing individually, depending on the details of the events taking place - who did it and how, what feelings the dreamer experiences. In general, such a dream indicates difficulties in achieving the goal, the inability to freely defend one's point of view and follow one's own principles.

Looking for a mother in a dream is interpreted by a dream book as a long series of troubles and problems falling one after another, like dominoes. You will need to seek help from someone. In some cases, such a dream is the result of a person’s active work on his personality, unconscious changes occur that have not yet manifested themselves.

Mom died in February of this year. And today I had a dream, it slowly opens Entrance door and mom slowly enters the apartment, the man behind her is the driver. Mom, a little drunk, but calm, sat on the sofa in the hallway. She doesn’t say anything. He cried and left and the dream ended. Yes, I still remember a bucket under the sofa I don’t know what it is, the feeling that they came from the forest. Mom is buried in a cemetery, which is located in a coniferous forest. We lived very friendly, always understood each other and were firmly connected. I know that my mother is very worried about me, always like that and during my life it was. I understand that my mother will remain with me in my soul forever, the pain does not let go yet. We loved each other very much. We must learn to live without a mother, but it is very difficult. there are also photographs at home. In the evenings, I light a candle and read prayers. What can this dream mean, please tell me. I want to somehow calm down and get balance.

I dreamed of a dead mother, she died recently on August 8, until that day she had never dreamed that she was coming out of one door and I went into another at the same time, but we ended up in the same room with her and I seemed to be hiding from her, playing hide and seek with her, then I peep through the keyhole and I see that she washes in a basin and is cheerful and in the same dream I see a woman to whom my husband went, I know in a dream that this is the woman to whom he went, but still I talk nicely with her

Mom died in February of this year, she often dreams. But this dream made a special impression. A very bright moon shines through the window. And I lay down to them, and she was already sleeping with her face to the wall and did not even turn around, did not move, like my son, who sleeps between us. I hug them and fall asleep ... stuck out of this in reality ...

I had a wonderful relationship with her. I grabbed him, ran home, there was no one there anymore. Water was drawn into the bathroom and water was already flowing out of it. The water was boiling water and we had to run away from the apartment. P. She sits with my son and is silent. I am very worried about my son. Maybe she wants to warn about something? (My son is now 2 years old and I am pregnant with the second) Please help me explain, I'm very worried