Who is a year, who is 2, who is 20 years ago,
Having passed his way, he left these walls.
And the bells are still ringing
Lessons are coming, changes are coming.
And you came to meet with youth,
Where they remember, love and know you.
You have found good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,
You learned the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun...
And tried to keep in my heart
Kindness, warmth and tenderness particles.

song about school grade 11

On Azov coast there is a school

And her enormous merits cannot be counted.

We have known this school since childhood.

We live next door to her.

We want to thank her.


There are many different schools.

We carry only ours in our hearts.

This is our warm home

We invite all our friends to visit.

We sail the seas. We go to the forest, fields and mountains

But native land begins with school

There are many different schools

But we ask friends to visit

This evening at eight o'clock sharp. .

VED 1: Let airports and train stations
They take us away from the bright school years.
The memory of the assembly hall is alive in us,
Alive prom bright light.
VED 2: Years are running, we are older every year.
But how long will I live
Just find myself under the bright school vault,
I remember everything at once: childhood, youth and spring.

VED 1: Indeed. no matter how many years have passed, the brightest, most tender memories of childhood will forever remain in our memory.
VED 2: The more difficult and faster life becomes, the more you want to stop and look back. Seeing yourself as a little girl for the first time, coming to school, to this big and friendly family. And even if not all children live in it under the same roof, even if fate scattered them around the world, but on this day, the first Saturday of February, the light of school, friendly windows will barely light up and the melody of a familiar song will sound, all graduates gather under the warm, native wing of the school .
VED.: 1 Today, February 7, the school again gathered its graduates for the evening of the meeting. We are very glad to see you, it means that you remember the school, remember your teachers, remember and love them.

AUTOMATIC 2: Before we start our program, the floor is given to the director of _________________ school _______________________________________

(director's speech)

poetry grade 11

  1. As established for centuries,

Years turn into years.

We are learning, growing and...

The year of jubilee is coming.

  1. Traditional school evening!

Thundering under the arch of the radiogram

Today all friends to meet

Native collects the school.

  1. You have all traveled around the world

Since then, not a few winters have rushed by,

But there is no stronger old friendship

She matured, tempered.

  1. We were told today

Who are gathered in this room.

Here workers, students,

Even special correspondents

Nurse, guard,

Even my own dad!

  1. Here is a milkmaid and a builder,

Doctor, driver and our teacher

Turner, locksmith, journalist

And a distinguished artist.

7. Those who build, sow, plow,

Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,

Protects our Russia

All to whom we honor.

We unraveled the secret:

All: This is the release different years!

  1. Why is there so much light

And smiles, and people?

There is, of course, no secret here:

All: It's school friends night!

Presenter 1: Time is running fast, everything is changing, everything is being reformed. Lyceums appeared. gymnasiums, colleges, but there is also our ordinary general education school, with people who are different from each other, with their attitude to life.

Remember… Of course you all remember! And there is still nostalgia for the departed young years. When the trees were big and life seemed so carefree. But everything flows, everything changes, before we had time to look back, how 45 years flew by ... Is it a lot or a little? ..., probably a lot if your First Teachers, one of your classmates, have gone forever over these years. You have grown children, and time is already flowing for you much faster than it seemed then.
Presenter2: Those who live nearby, of course, will come and come, but the rest ... But there is something to remember together! And it probably makes sense to break away from their homes and come, BE SURE TO COME!, so that there is something to REMEMBER about later! To have something to SAY! To laugh and cry, to remember the MUSIC OF YOUR YOUTH, to hug with OLD FRIENDS, and much more TO…

Presenter1: Dear friends, let's greet those who stood at the origins - the most adult anniversary issue, today they 50 years. (get up) The age of graduates is already quite solid, but they are all full of enthusiasm and vivacity.

Poems grade 11

  1. Hello ex-children!

How are you now?

Almost all over the world

Life has scattered you.

The school gave you a legacy

Your very first lesson

And pioneer childhood

And the Komsomol badge.

2. Here you learned to work,

Books and life to learn.

Here was a favorite teacher

And the teacher is like a mother.

There were hikes and vacations,

Holidays and evenings

The first breaths of lovers

Everything was like yesterday.

3. The school lives without aging

The new kids are growing up.

Here they will be warmed with a smile,

They will lead you by the hand.

Hello ex-children!

How do you live now?


We have prepared a little surprise for you. You will return to the wonderful time of childhood and youth. So, May 1959. At school, the last bell holiday. Classes are over, and for you, graduates, this is the last school holiday in your life. Let it be repeated today! Probably, many years ago you received letters of commendation, letters of commendation, memorable addresses. If you haven't received it, you will definitely get it today. The right to present a memorable address is granted to students in grade 11!

In the summer of 2009, on the 7th day of the month of February, this letter was given to confirm that these youths in the old days attended classes apparently invisibly, were invariably greeted with an affectionate smile, acquired a lot of friends, left a bright, unsullied memory. Now they are in great joy on the occasion of the meeting of the next, gang of enlightened youths, with heads filled with necessary and unnecessary knowledge, with health badly spoiled from long study and thinking, but honest believers who are energetic and bright in the future.

delivery (+ cake)

Presenter1: Love for schoolmates, love for a small village, and therefore for the big Motherland, gathers for the evening of the meeting of graduates, for the evening of the meeting with the youth of the graduates of our school who left its walls 40 years back. Issue of 1969.

Presenter2: School time ... How many joys and disappointments, discoveries and mistakes fall on these best years childhood. First love... Oh, to start again... But time can not be returned back. It remains only to remember ...

Presenter1: The next contest is called “Portrait”. We invite one representative from the graduation to the stage.(goes out)

Every second student likes to draw caricatures of their teachers. Now our participants have to do it publicly. Your task is to put your hands through these slots on the Whatman paper and use a felt-tip pen to draw a portrait of any school teacher without looking. Time to complete this task 2 minutes.(draw)

Time is over. Let's take a look at the portraits you've created.

Tell (the facilitator addresses the first participant),who did you portray in the portrait?


Graduation, like a dream, the evening rushed by

The orphaned class was empty.

Sadness of separation, expectation of a meeting

ahead of each of you.

The school house was left behind

Everyone has their own destinies.

School, don't be sad: always with you

Your boys and girls!

Presenter2: We invite representatives of this edition to the stage.(we hand over the cake)

Presenter1: Native classrooms, windows, walls

And a cute old bell

Calling you to change

And returning to class.

An unsolvable riddle

Lesson without end, without end...

Presenter2: And someone's nose, broken in a fight

Right here on the school porch...

No, you can't hide that time

Though the year and month are forgotten,

And yet sometimes sometimes

About the past, the heart will pinch ...

Presenter1 : invite to the stage 2 representatives from 35 year old anniversaries. (go out) Introduce youreself. How often have you been remarked that you are talking in class with your desk mate? And you? Today you will have a unique opportunity to talk. The name of the competition is “Speakers”. Each of you is offered a topic for conversation. One participant will talk about the weather, the other about the rest. Your task, at the command of the presenter, is to try to cover this topic as fully as possible, not to stray and not to pause. The difficulty lies in the fact that you will speak at the same time. The one of you who stops or loses the thread of your story is considered the loser. Are the conditions clear?

We started. .(we hand over the cake)


Presenter2: Life does not stand still. A new shift has grown up. ruffy, always looking for something, not always obedient, but still good boys and girls. This episode is celebrating today 30 years.

Presenter1: We offer new competition and we are waiting for two on stage. Introduce youreself. The competition is called "Changeling". I will tell you phrases in which each word is “turned” to its opposite in meaning. You need to decipher the shifters. For example, the correct guess for the changeling "Girl like a house" would be - "A boy with a finger." The one of you who quickly names and guesses the greater number of shifters will win.


  • kikimora under the watermelon (Princess and the Pea)
  • dog without sandals (Puss in boots)
  • dressed beggar (naked king)
  • copper chick (golden goose)
  • Rubik's Cube (Gingerbread Man)
  • stupid Vasily (Vasilisa the Wise)
  • green boot (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • rusty lock (golden key)

(gives cake)

Presenter1: It's good that there is such a date
It's good that there is a place too, where we can all gather,
Where can we all meet together?
And as if in childhood, in youth to return.

Presenter2: We are pleased to welcome at our evening the anniversaries, who today turn 25 years!

You are not marked today
They won’t make you stand at the board, You don’t always get the opportunity
Don't study, just play.

Presenter1: We invite 2 graduates to the stage.

Introduce youreself.

Presenter2: The condition of the competition called “Peeping” is as follows: each of you will be attached one tablet with the word on your back. You need to peep without the help of your hands what is written on the back of another, while not letting you read your plate. The first person to say the word written on the back of the other wins. Hall, please do not prompt.

The Finnish polka sounds, the participants try to read the words. Winner award.

(gives cake)

Presenter1: Today two friends may meet
Who have not seen each other for a long time ... Your first teacher will meet someone,
And someone's first love ...

Presenter2: And someone won't know
In a solid strict uncle
Kolka of his classmate ... The teacher will proudly tell you,
What matured and what grew up ...

Presenter1: Let there be meetings, surprises,
Let there be jokes, let there be laughter
And these wonderful moments
Will unite everyone at school today.

Presenter2: He united our evening and those graduates of our school who are celebrating today 20 years! This is a 1989 edition.

Presenter1: And now we invite you to look into your childhood with one eye, to have fun. We invite 2 representatives to the stage.(go out).

The contest is called "What's in my portfolio?"Two briefcases are brought onto the stage. One of them contains a ribbon, a bell, disposable gloves, lipstick, an empty jar (it is advisable to give this briefcase to a young man). The second briefcase may contain sunglasses, a toy car, playing cards, roulette, artificial flower(it is desirable to give this portfolio to the girl). Presenter2:The situation is this: in your portfolio there are things that are not related to learning process and your task is to convince those present of the need for these items during class time. Taking out one item, demonstrating it to the audience, you say “I need this for ...” or “I need this for ...” The winner will be the author of the most original answers. The winner will be determined by the applause of the audience.(playing a game)

(gives cake)

Presenter 1: And our middle school
There are eleven classes in total ...
Tom. who looked at them.
Don't add anything.
And our middle school
Outside, but not inside.
And if in doubt,
Hurry up and take a look!

Presenter 1: And so, many years ago,
The teacher looks at the class.
And it seems that a strict look
He asked: “Why are you silent?”
And the heart knows what to say
Yes, all words are not these.
It is easy to answer with a hint, It is not easy to be in the answer.

Host2: 15 years later graduates 1994year meets the class teacher Cherenkova Elena Grigoryevna. Let's welcome them!

Presenter 1: We invite four graduates to the stage. ( go out)

The game is played by 2 pairs of players. According to the terms of the competition, you are inseparable friends or twins who always do everything together. We will connect your two hands (one player has the left, the other has the right) and in this position you need to perform next task: close the refill in a ballpoint pen. The pair that completes the task faster will win.

(gives cake)

Presenter2: Clean classrooms are empty and silent

Wandering sunbeam on the map.

White verses are not erased from the boards

And the old desks are painted ...

Presenter 1: The leaves from the poplars flew around again,

Time without school is rushing fast -

School childhood is sweeter over the years,

How would you like to return...

Presenter2: Ten years later, _____________________ meets his children! Let's welcome the 1999 graduation. Today they 10 years !

Host 1: We we invite 2 representatives of this issue to the stage.

: I'll tell you a story in a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but seven.” When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, and preferably 10 ″. “The hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, do not be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours ...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

(gives cake)

Host 2: School House… Large, bright, spacious. For the smallest, he is fraught with something unknown, unknown, mysterious.

Presenter1: Years will pass, centuries of thread

Drown in the blue abyss of stars.

But the word is warm "teacher"

Always moves me to tears.

Will always make you remember something

Native, close to you ...

In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth

The teacher is eternal on earth!

Host 2: We are glad to see today in our hall the issue meeting its first five-year

Anniversary! Dear friends, let's greet them together!

Presenter1: We invite to the stage 3 of the most daring representatives of this issue.

Dear contest participants! You are prompted to "open" new planet- inflate as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

(gives cake)

Song to the motive "I won't brag, dear"

We are now on the evening of the meeting

Gathered as a big family.

Kind words will not be regretted

School our dear.


And all people will say about us:

That's the school - look!

The teachers are all beautiful

And the director is ahead.

Nothing is a pity for the school -

We dance and sing.

Our school is very nice,

We live very friendly.

Chorus: the same

All subjects are studied

And in the dining room, as always,

Don't get bored with a sandwich

And we have no time to be sad.

Chorus: the same

And tonight, tonight,

We want to tell you all:

The best school in the world

You seek, but do not find!


We sing this song to everyone

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

And we wish a sweet school

A whole century to bloom!

1 led. :

Let the years rush swiftly and boldly

Like the waters of raging rivers -

2 led. :

But the harbor of childhood

But the harbor of the heart

The school will remain forever!

1 led. : Good luck, dear graduates!

2 led. : See you soon!

Alumni reunion script


1. On a winter evening, when at the doorstep
February snowstorm and cold

Teachers are waiting for you with excitement,
Knowing for sure - come here.

2. Every year in February comes Saturday,
When you, even if you are not on the way,
Taking time off from home, from school, from work,
Hurry up to meet us

3. We are waiting for you here as welcome guests,
We often remember you.
We speak from the heart - come soon!
Together: Let's start the evening of meeting friends!


Presenter 1: Hello dear friends!

Host 2: We are glad to see all of you in the walls of your native school!

Presenter 1: For 95 years now, the school has been hospitably opening its doors.

Host 2: May you all be warm and comfortable today, joyful from meeting each other and your beloved, dear teachers.



Years pass, but as always
We collect graduates at the school.
Friends, do you sometimes remember
What can we do without you and miss you.


You went to school together for many years,
They ran around the classes with a bell.
Now February afternoon and at this time
I am glad to see with those with whom I was familiar.

1: We are happy to see graduates of the anniversary years and it is nice to see graduates of all years.

musical number

February, Saturday, quiet evening,
And in the school windows there is a bright light,
Warmth and light here means
Joyful greetings to those who enter.

Years have flown by - runners,
And managed to gray
Those many big-eyed girls,
The boys are noisy and whirlwind.
And pulled them home.

Home! And that means going to school.
Come in and take a look.
For what is dear and near
Thanks teachers.

Perhaps there is more beautiful in the world
And the courtyard, and the building, and the garden.
But only this school is ours.
And it couldn't be better - a fact!

After all, the school opened the way to life for us,
Someone may have been covered.
And everyone became rich in something,
But still pulls everyone back

To my native school, to that village,
Where childhood was, but passed.
Visiting graduate and local,
Your path did not tire you.

You were sure - in the school hall,
When meeting cool friends,
anxious teachers,
You cannot rest.

And white-winged visions
On the dim lake windows
Melt from the warmth of the soul,
As if they understand
How everyone needs this meeting.

I wish you to know each other
Congratulations to all teachers
Well, especially those
Who trusted the rascal
And he justified the trust.

Today what? February evening
But not simple, it is an evening of meetings,
And in this hall look happy,
Souls are beautiful impulses,
You try to save!

musical number

1: The word for greeting is given to the director of the Municipal State Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 9 Bulovin Andrey Viktorovich

musical number

Lead 1. But the story cannot sound in the same major tones, its music is sometimes sad.

/Quiet mourning music sounds /.

Presenter1: These days, with special love and tenderness, we remember the teachers who created the history of our school, lived and worked in such a way that the light from them will warm us all for a long time to come:

Reshetnyak Panteley Ivanovich, Kryukova Natalya Fillipovna. Zhelezovsky Vasily Ivanovich, Russkikh Pavel Georgivich, Startsev Pavel Petrovich, Stukanovskiy Ivan Nikoforovich, Pashchenko Nikolai Karpovich, Ivanova Natalia Timofeevna, Rassoshkina Ksenia Andreevna, Eremchenko Lyubov Stepanovna.

Host 2: But it hurts unbearably when those who are young, whose life path is just beginning, leave.

Presenter 1:

We remember their names
Let's stand up, remember, be silent.

Host 2: Our school was founded in 1965 and was called eight years old.

And from September 1, 1989, the school became secondary. Since then, the school has been headed by: Mayatskaya Galina.Dmitrievna., Kurta Nikolai.Ivanovich., Russkikh Pavel Georgievich, Startsev Pavel Petrovich., Stukanovskiy Ivan Nikiforovich., Pashchenko Nikolai Karpovich., Podolyak Valentina.Ivanovna., Prosyanov Dmitry Dmitrievich, Moroz Nadezhda. Mikhailovna., Khozhaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna., Bulovin Andrey Viktorovich. (He has been in charge of the school since September 1, 2010)

Over the entire history of its existence, the school has released more than 800 students. 12 graduates became the pride of the school - they graduated with silver and gold medals:

Presenter 1: Moroz Sergey and Tuz Natalia - 1997 graduates;

Host 2: Magomedova Uma, Braiko Elena, Vasilyeva Diana - 1998 graduates;

Presenter 1: Ivanova Anastasia, Kolomiets Nadezhda, Bondarenko Olga - graduates of 2001;

Host 2: Ivashchenko Svetlana - 2002 graduate;

Presenter 1: Akayeva Svetlana - 2012 graduate.

Host 2: Peas Valeria - graduate of 2014

Presenter 1: Ivanko Igor - graduate of 2015

Presenter 1: School statistics show that 30 of our graduates received legal education, 14 people went into medicine, more than 30 people are engaged in business and quite successfully, 7 returned to school as teachers.

Host 2: Among our graduates there are also managers and economists, builders and architects.

Presenter 1: We are closely monitoring how further fate and even the personal lives of our graduates.

Host 2: Our school currently employs teachers whose work experience exceeds 30 years: Gvozdetskaya L. M., Polonskaya V.V., Moroz N.M.. The word for congratulations is given by Gvozdetskaya L.M.

Host 2: For our respected teachers, a song sounds

Presenter: Today our school celebrates the anniversary of the greenest graduation. These are the 2015 graduates.

Leading: Class teacher: Moroz Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Leading: A class that brought the school a huge number of certificates and diplomas of regional, regional and all-Russian competitions.

Presenter: He replenished the treasury of the school's medalists with the twelfth gold medal.

Leading: And they are remembered for their number. There were only 3 of them: Igor, Dasha and Petya.

Music. 11th graders come out dressed up as first graders.

1st first grader: I'm afraid that suddenly Nadeda Mikhailovna will leave and leave us, and there are so many people here - we'll get lost!

2nd first grader: Do not be afraid! I know everything! And the school, and all the teachers, and even where the toilet is.

3rd first grader: Wow! Hammer!

2nd first grader: Still, the second year I will sit here.

First grader: What kind of bow do I have… Beautiful?

first grader I'm going to tell you a poem now! Listen!

My dad is talented, my mom is brilliant!
I live with my grandmother - She is the only normal one!

1st first grader: Quiet! Begin!

Read poems aloud.

1st first grader:

Today is a wonderful holiday

February day is remarkable.

2nd first grader:

We are getting older today.
Lessons to teach us, imagine laziness.

1st first grader: What are you saying, Petya? You confused the rhyme - onion grief.

2nd first grader: Oh! Of course, we are not too lazy to teach us lessons!

3rd first grader:

Well, do you remember your golden childhood?
When the school bell...

All: You didn't have peace!

2nd first grader:

We were told today
Who are gathered in this room.
Here workers, students,
Even special correspondents
Nurse and seamstress
Even my mom is here!

3rd first grader:

Here is a milkmaid and a builder,
Doctor, driver and our teacher,
Turner, locksmith, journalist
And a distinguished artist.

First grader:

Those who build, sow, plow,
Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,
Protects our Russia
All to whom we honor.
We unraveled the secret:

All: This is an edition of different years!

Leading: And we give the floor to the guests of our holiday - graduates of ______________

Leading: Time does not stand still. Children grow up as they move from class to class. There are new subjects, new teachers.

Presenter: however, we finally understood what these new subjects were about by the last exam.

Leading: And how we loved to write down everything that happened at school in a beautiful notebook with a handwritten drawing.

Presenter: Leonid, wait, wait, our guest is the magazine "Krasnaya Burda" with the humorous "Diary of a student"


  • Today my mother sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. I bought Coca-Cola with all the money, because it is much tastier and healthier than bread and eggs combined. Got a belt. The belt is tasteless, albeit useful.
  • Mathematician turns brown by leaps and bounds. Today she said that I don’t know mathematics at all and put some number in the diary.
  • Today there should be a city control in the Russian language. There were seven calls that the school was mined. Five I know, but who else is one?
  • Went to fight in a parallel class. We made them! They beat us.
  • Today they called to the director for yesterday. I didn't even get to film the videos. The director just rolled me around the office by the hair.
  • The teachers went on strike. As a class, we wrote a letter to the government that we first need to pay off the miners and pensioners.
  • I thought about the army. It's hard to go there. More will be killed. Maybe have two kids? No, then the parents will kill. And who came up with this army? Would kill!
  • My mother helps me study chemistry, my father helps me in behavior.
  • Yesterday I finally got an "A" in physics. After school, I sat down and counted GPA- all the same for a quarter it turns out 1,88. Need to do something. Arguments like “physics is nonsense” no longer convince my father.
  • Yesterday I received a "couple" in history. Half the lesson proved to the teacher that I did not take this damned Ishmael. And in general, who is he, this Ishmael.
  • The school was assigned an essay on the topic “My parents”. Your son wrote: “I got my parents at such an age that I can’t wean them from many habits!”. Think!
  • Your son provided a most interesting account of his absenteeism. Totally agree last month his apartment was on fire twice, there was a gas leak three times, water pipes burst 5 times and the car broke down 6 times! Dear parents, please take precautions.
  • Krasnaya Burda magazine thanks you for your attention and wishes current students to receive as many of these records as possible so that future graduates have something to laugh at at the evening of meeting school friends.

musical number

Presenter: Today the graduates of 2011 are celebrating their fifth anniversary. Namely: Alieva Aminat, Andryushchenko Victoria, Boyko Anastasia, Koroleva Anastasia, Koroleva Natalya, Merkotun Maria, Rabadanova Marina, Teymurov Vadim, Tuz Nina, Shchetinina Olga.

Classroom teacher: Berezhnaya Antonina Ivanovna

Leading: They were serious, independent, active guys. They were the "favorites" of many teachers, because they wanted to go to lessons.

Presenter: We have prepared a small gift for them.


Leading: So, graduates and class teacher, please take the stage.

“Today, everyone believes that every graduate present at this ball will certainly become something great, unique and world famous, most likely it will be so, The question is, what and which of them needs to be done so that the world talks about them . This box contains comic predictions about this, everyone can pull it out, find out for themselves and tell those present, because only those who are able to sincerely rejoice at success have gathered here.

Each graduate needs to pull out a card from the box, say the phrase: “The whole world will know about me, because ..”, then read the prediction.

Comic predictions:

  1. I will join royal family, having won the heart of one (one) of the heirs (heirs).
  2. I'll come up with a new style in fashion design and call it by its name.
  3. I will become an active fighter for the rights of pets, in particular their right to decide for themselves whether to continue their family or not.
  4. I will become a missionary in Africa and at the age of 80 I will receive the Albert Schweitzer medal and the prize for humanism.
  5. I will become an actor (actress), but I will proudly refuse to act in films, for which I will be awarded a special award “For Honor and Dignity” at the film festival
  6. One day I will convene a press conference at which I will declare myself the son (daughter) of F. Kirkorov and A. Pugacheva, as evidence I will present a test tube stolen in the chemistry room.
  7. Practicing in a karaoke bar, one day I will realize that I hear the eighth note and tell the world about it.
  8. I will win a billion dollars in a casino and, in front of an astonished audience, I will refuse to take it.
  9. I will enter the Guinness Book of Records with an attraction of "unprecedented generosity": I will buy cakes for all the children of my city and bite each one.
  10. I will declare myself the successor of Lenin's work and pass as the "ghost of communism in Europe"
  11. I will do trip around the world on an inflatable banana.
  12. I will declare myself "clairaudience" (clairaudience), predicting the future through mobile communications.
  13. I will build a hut and live in it with my loved one for 33 years and 3 days.
  14. exercising long years, surpass Gioconda, revealing to the world my mysterious smile.
  15. I will breed a new breed of Chao-Chao dogs, which in translation will mean: “Goodbye, school, hello adult life!”
  16. make friends with Bigfoot
  17. Establish contact with an alien civilization.
  18. I myself clone myself and will come to the next meeting of classmates in a triple copy.
  19. I will invent a cure for unhappy love.

Leading: And who will finally be their class teacher?

Leading: Today the graduates of 2006 are celebrating their tenth anniversary.

Presenter: Class teacher: Polonskaya Valentina Vasilievna

Leading: It seems that just recently you were standing on the line dedicated to the last call. At the same time, you were glad that the school was behind and upset: after all, an unknown life is ahead, you are parting with the school, with your friends.

Leading: And it's been 10 years since then. you have completed your educational establishments, work, have families, become mothers and fathers. Few of you stayed in the village, most of you live far from your native places, but you keep in touch with each other and know everything about your classmates.

Leading: Your class teacher Polonskaya Valentina Vasilievna often thinks of you. Your noisy, interesting cool watch, social events, New Year's Eve.

Leading: Dear graduates, imagine that you are now in a literature class, reading a fairy tale by roles. But before the performance, you need to prepare.

In the meantime, you're getting ready for you to transfer the battle of teachers

One reads the text, and four "artists" simply beat what they hear.

Characters: Grandfather, Baba, Horse, Bull, Goat

“Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a frisky Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field, to catch their favorite cattle, and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother did exercises, And the Horse, Bull and Goat ran nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather leaned over, but his back was seized - he could not straighten up. Grandmother came up, gently massaged him, and then her knee rested on Grandfather's back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandmother and began to scratch behind the ear of his pets Horse and Bull. From pleasure the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat with a hoof, and the Bull to spin and moo invitingly. From these sounds, the Grandmother began to hiccup, and the Goat winked hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull strove to butt playfully. Grandmother, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and gently pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to finish the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse on Baba, Goat on Horse, and Goby on Goat and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.

Battle of the Teachers

Leader of the 9th grade: So, we begin the program, the "battle of teachers" - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you, everything is honest with us and without setups, swaying, tips and trips.

The teacher is invited to complete the assignment. lower grades Ivanova Marya Ivanovna Marya Ivanovna, you will enter the classroom today and force a third-grade student Vasya Sidorov to give a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me a diary.

Student: I'm not giving it.

Teacher: Sidorov open the briefcase, take out the diary.

Student: My grandmother took him to read before going to bed.

Teacher: Vasya, give me a diary, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.

Vasya: For what?

9th grade leader: Unfortunately, the time is up.

We invite the second teacher - Petr Petrovich Petrov.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I'll give you candy.

Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.

Teacher: Vasily, I'll put you in a corner!

Student: And what didn't I see?

9th grade leader: It's unfortunate, but the second teacher did not have time to complete this task in time. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don't you give the diary to teachers?

Student: I forgot at home ( slips under the desk)

Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE

Student: No. ( unsure)

Teacher: I'm calling my father takes out the phone, pretends to choose in contacts)

Student: (takes out the diary on which he sat) Mom to the diary, just don't call your father! those

Leader of the 9th grade: As practice has shown, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents gave a result this week - what will be the next - time will tell ... ..


Presenter: Today the graduates of 2001 are celebrating their 15th anniversary. Leading: Namely: (names of graduates)

Class teacher: Berezhnaya Antonina Ivanovna

Host: This class was very creative. Not a single event at the school was complete without the participation of these students.

Host: 3 students from this class graduated from school with a silver medal

Presenter: Dear graduates, for you the number


Bench. Grandfather sits on it and reads a newspaper. There is a clock above the bench. On them 17-00. A young man with flowers comes up.

Grandfather: Date, right?

Youth: Date!

Grandfather:(looking at his watch) Well done, on time. Minute to minute.

Youth: No, not even before. We have a date at 18:00. And I arrived a little early. Suddenly, she will also come early.

Grandfather: A naive young bastard.

Youth: Well, don't come early. I'll wait here and think about it.

Grandfather: Come on, come on, come on

Youth: Right now she is probably drinking tea, holding a cup with her graceful, slightly plump hand. With her snow-white teeth, she bites into a cookie, and begins to eat it ...

Grandfather: And slurp!

Youth: No, what are you! She is cultural. And then she quickly gets up, goes to the mirror and powders her pretty nose...

Grandfather: With a beard!

Youth: What do you?! She doesn't have any warts. Having powdered her nose, she begins to paint her eyes, which glow like two suns, combs her hair ...

Grandfather: And dandruff is pouring!

Youth: Yes, she has no dandruff! Her hair smells like lavender. Then, she puts on little shoes, and her feet...

Grandfather: Curves, right?

Youth: What have you done! You haven't seen her! And anyway, who gave you the right to talk about her like that?! She is the best in the world!

Grandfather: Best of all, best of all ... Wait a couple of hours here - you will find out who gave me such a right.

An hour has passed. A girl appears. She wants to approach the young man, but her grandmother does not let her.

grandmother: Costs? Waiting? Thinks about you.

Young woman: Well, I'll go.

grandmother: Wait, honey! Girls must be late. He will think of you, he will love you more.

Young woman: Is it true?

grandmother: Here are those cross!

Young woman: Well, then I'll go to the store for now.

Another hour passed.

Grandfather: Here! Already 19-00. Where is your princess?

Youth: Probably, she is now gushing tea with her girlfriend, holding a liter mug with her thick hairy hand, protruding her crooked little finger with a bitten nail! With all her twenty-three yellow teeth, she bites into a loaf of butter, and begins to chew it...

Grandfather: And slurp!

Youth: Yes Yes! Slurp! Already crackling behind the ears! She champs, licking her thick lips! And then she waddles up, and, shuffling her slippers, trudges to the mirror. Powder your nose...

Grandfather: With a beard!

Youth: With a huge beard! Covers acne, although this makes them even more noticeable. Draws eyebrows that are not, and never will be. Combing his dirty, greasy hair...

Grandfather: And dandruff is pouring!

Youth: Snowfall! Then she sticks her paws into her trampled shoes, and her legs...

Grandfather: Curves, right?

Grandfather and the Young Man hit each other on the palms as a sign of solidarity.

Youth: And I'm waiting for such a monster?!

A girl appears.

Young woman: Hi, darling! How long have you been waiting for me?

Youth: For a long time

Young woman: Perhaps he thought of me?

Youth: Thought!

Young woman: What have you decided?

Youth: You know! You know!!! I don't think I deserve you! (leaves)

Young woman: Yura! Yura! Where are you going?! Wait! Why?! (runs after him)

Grandma comes out. Suitable for grandfather.

Grandfather: Well, old one, six zero in my favor!


Leading: Today celebrates its 20th anniversary (listing the names of graduates)

Presenter: This is how your class teacher remembers you...

Leading: How many years, how many winters have passed since the time when you, young, beautiful, happy, left school.

Leading: Looking at you, who have already matured, accomplished people, I remember you as you were when back in 1989 I became your class teacher, and we walked together for 7 difficult years.

Leading: These graduates were active, provocative, noisy, optimistic.

Presenter: Dear graduates, today we invite you to return to your school childhood.

  1. Tell me, who was the director of the school when you were studying?
  2. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?
  3. Where does childhood go?
  4. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?
  5. How often did you run away from classes?
  6. Who did you like to copy from?
  7. Who is the youngest in your class?
  8. In what subject was the most joyful for you?
  9. What subject have you studied all 11 years and for 11 years its name has not changed?
  10. What is your favorite moment in class?
  11. What is your favorite place at school?
  1. A place that students don't like to go to. (Board.)
  2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button.)
  3. Flat globe. (Map.)
  4. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting.)
  5. Album for autographs of parents. (Diary.)
  6. From two to five. (Grade.)
  7. A place where children serve 11 years. (School.)
  8. A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Call.)
  9. President across the school. (Director.)
  10. Frontal seat in the classroom. (Board.)
  11. Boys don't wear it. In any case, Russian (Skirt.)
  12. It is worn by riders and hidden by schoolchildren. (Spur.)
  13. Three months of happiness. (Holidays.)
  14. Ten minutes of freedom. (Turn.)

Leading: I invite Nadezhda Mikhailovna Moroz, head of the school of 1988-2004, to our microphone.


During the break, our class has thinned sharply,
After all, we have a small gap in health.
Inquiries fly in a flock in summer and winter,
But the teacher said, "Come march after me!"
For two lessons we go to light -
Strengthen your spirit in a healthy body.
I hung on the uneven bars, like an overseas fruit,
Gathering into a fist heroic spirit.
I wanted to pull myself up - I just blushed!
Suddenly broke, fell - so I'm ripe!
And someone nearby takes the height,
And the roar of the planks can be heard a mile away!
Hundred meters - in an hour! This is not the limit!
I ran a kilometer, losing weight in front of my eyes ...
Here's a circle or two and I'll go home!
If I crawl to the finish line alive!
The whole body aches, and the muscles cramped,
But I passed this one anyway!
Doesn't matter to us at all! result!
But it's very hard to live without awards

Presenter: Today graduates of 1981 are celebrating their 35th anniversary, graduates of 1976 are celebrating their 40th anniversary, graduates of 1971 are celebrating their 45th anniversary.

Against the background of patriotic music "Fly up the bonfires ..."

Leading.: All graduates of these years went through the school of the young builder of communism.

Presenter: You can argue as much as you want about the correctness of education in those years ...

Leading: But the October school, the pioneers and the Komsomol are bright and memorable moments school life.

Presenter: How happy it was to receive a detachment flag and see the October star on my chest And proudly bear the name: I am an October

Leading: I, Matsak Lyubov, joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, solemnly swear ....

Presenter: Remember? Yes, these are exciting minutes of the solemn line when you are accepted as a pioneer.

Leading: And the school band of buglers and drummers? Only the best pioneers could enter it.


Here on the chest a scarlet tie blossomed,
Youth rages like spring waters.
Soon we will join the Komsomol,
So it goes on school years.

Leading: All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.

Presenter: Communist Subbotniks

Leading: Komsomol meetings

Presenter: The school committee of the Komsomol signed orders to party congresses.

Leading: Look at these soulful serious faces.

Presenter: How much hope they have to make life better and more beautiful...

Presentation with music

Leading: 2 graduates are invited to the stage.

Presenter: Where do you like to relax the most?

Turn your back to the hall. Now we will glue the sheets with the names of your favorite vacation spots. Answer the questions

The words “disco”, “school”, “bathhouse”, “parental home”, “market” are written on large sheets of paper.

  1. How often do you visit this establishment?
  2. With whom?
  3. What are you taking with you?
  4. What are you doing there?
  5. What feelings do you experience?
  6. Where do you think you've been?

Music number:

Presenter: So our meeting at the wonderful school No. 9 is coming to an end.

Leading. We thank everyone who came to visit us.

Presenter:. And wherever you are, whatever happens to you...

Leading: Know that there is a place on earth where you will always be expected...

presenter. Where you will always be welcome

Leading: This is your native school!

Leading: And in parting, let's sing the song together "It's great that we all gathered here today."

Leading: Goodbye! See you next year!

The meeting of graduates is held in a cafe or in the assembly hall, in a restaurant. The facilitator can be an active former classmate or a group of classmates.

Before the start of the event, you need to invite a former class teacher to a meeting, you can favorite teacher and the first teacher. The collection must be appointed near the school where they studied.

When all the invitees have gathered, they line up in a row, in height, as in a school in physical education. One of the participants knocks on the drum, teachers appear.

- Stop, quietly, alignment to the right! To participate in a drinking event, be ready!

All :
- Always ready!

- To our valiant class teacher (full name)

All :
- Hooray!

- Our first teacher (full name) Hurrah!

All :
- Hooray!

- To our beloved teacher in (specify the subject, full name) Hooray!

All :
- Hooray!

- Right, one, two. Line up in pairs. March step.

Everyone goes to school, you can visit the classrooms where you studied, you can sit at your desks, you can make a small tour of the modern school.

- Line up! For fun drinks, memories and deliciously prepared meals, get ready!

All :
- Always ready!

All classmates in formation go to the venue of the banquet.
Finally, everyone settled down at the tables.

We are very lucky in life
Thank you for saying
What brought us to science
At the beginning of our journey
We recognized all the good
We learned to distinguish evil
You with your wisdom
Conquered all the children
You opened to us like amber
Basics of science - our primer
And with him we were able to open the world
And they became friends with the book
As before your kids
We love you with all our heart
We wish you to be happy
We want to give today
And on this day and at this hour
Bouquet of roses for you

They give a bouquet of flowers to the first teacher.
The leader divides the table in half.

Seated on the left:
- You need to drink for this!

Seated on the right:
- We don't mind!

- Our cool always
We were an example in everything
They called her cool mom
Because the kindest
At school among all was
(subject) she led
The best teacher among all
Our awesome leader
Dismantled our pranks
And you did not know fatigue
We believed that we will not let you down
That we'll go straight on the road
Allow me to thank you
With all my heart to give you!

Give a gift to the class teacher.

Seated on the left:
- You need to drink for this!

Seated on the right:
- We don't mind!

- He has a calling
Give children an education
He knows how to teach
He knows how to explain
He was respected for it.
And they did not run away from the lessons
Knew the whole lesson by five
You can't even check
You are the conqueror of our hearts
Favorite teacher!

Give a gift to your favorite teacher.

Seated on the left:
- You need to drink for this!

Seated on the right:
- We don't mind!

- It's been quite a few years
And we've all grown up
But the first time in your first class
How our bows turned white
How the boys were embarrassed of us
Take by the hand and go to first class
We walked with apprehension for the first time
Where have these years gone?

They sing the song "School Years" words by E. Dolmatovsky, music by D. Kobalevsky. You can dance to the soundtrack, you can sing karaoke yourself.

- Yes, life really turned out to be the most serious subject. Therefore, I propose that all those present, in turn, tell how you cope with this subject, for whom how life turned out. Let's start with the letter A.

Everyone briefly tells how someone had a fate. You can make a selection of questions, such as a questionnaire, and let everyone fill it out, and read it out at the end of the event.

- The happiest time
The children rejoiced
How much laughter
Fun for friends.
I suggest you remember the funniest incident from school life.

Small stories-memories, you can recall school incidents known to everyone.

Seated on the left:
- You need to drink for this!

Seated on the right:
- We don't mind!

- Our first photos
funny boys
Squeezed in hands
Briefcases and books
And the latest photos
How pretty are the girls
How thin their waists are
How short are the skirts.

Viewing school photos, you can make a slideshow (if you have a video, or a photo projector).

- Today we will start a new school notebook, in which we will mark the dates of our meetings and put autographs. You can write wishes, you can write poetry. And who will skip such meetings, we will put deuces.

Seated on the left:
- You need to drink for this!

Seated on the right:
- We don't mind!

The feast can continue, at the end of the event everyone dances and sings “Farewell Waltz” words by A. Didurov, music by A. Flyarsky.

Alumni meetings are held annually in every school and university. To make this holiday fun, we offer special contests.

Competitions for the meeting of graduates

Competition "To our dear and beloved, dear teachers."

The next competition is being prepared in advance. Participants are divided into groups and come up with a musical congratulation to the teachers. You can congratulate all the teachers at once, or you can congratulate them separately: one group - one, the other - the other. The main thing is that all teachers receive their share of congratulations. Of course, preparation for this competition should begin long before the graduation ball - after all, at least a few rehearsals will be required. You can remake pop songs, especially if there are amateur poets among the participants. The competition is evaluated by teachers.

Everyone Dance Contest

The competition for the best slow dance, for knowledge of dance in general, will require preliminary preparation. It is necessary either to invite a musician capable of playing any dance - from waltz to tango and samba, or to record music for various ballroom dances on a phonogram. Those who wish to participate in the dance, and best couple a jury is selected (it can be teachers or non-dancers).

Contest "Hidden Talents"

The competition for the best dance improvisation will captivate most of the graduates. This is also a dance competition, but the bottom line is that no one should know what kind of music he will have to dance to - maybe tango, jazz or a slow disco song.

Not everyone has such versatile talents to be able to dance to any tune, so such a competition will not do without laughter. Imagine: the music began to play, and everyone danced in all sorts of ways. After all, not everyone has an innate sense of rhythm, and not everyone learned to dance.

Competition of jokes "School jokes"

Everyone loves jokes: both adults and children. So why don't you have a joke contest? But not simple ones, but school ones - connected with teachers and students, with favorite and unloved subjects. Let everyone tell their anecdote, after which the teachers will choose the winners. Moreover, the winners can be selected in several categories: the most witty anecdote, the most "school", the most artistically told, the shortest.

If you find it difficult to choose jokes, we can offer you some of them that will surely help you win the competition. At the biology lesson, everyone looks through a microscope, and Vovochka decided to conduct a scientific experiment. He caught a fly and dictates to a neighbor on the desk:

Seryozha, write: a fly - six legs - crawls. Vovochka tore off one paw of a fly:

They tore off a fly's leg - it crawled. He tore off another paw and said to her:

Crawl, fly, fly crawls. Recorded this too.

Finally, all the legs were torn off from the fly.

Crawl, fly, crawl, - Vovochka whispers. The fly lies.

Fly, crawl! - the fly does not react.

Serega, write the conclusion: the fly loses its hearing after tearing off the last leg!

At school. There is a history lesson. Wolf asks:

Maria Ivanovna! My dad says we are descended from monkeys. This is true?

Do not interfere with the lesson, - the historian answers. - The history of your family does not interest me.

New teacher came to class for the first time and conducts a dictation. At the same time, he walks along the rows and looks into the students' notebooks. Vovochka sits and thoughtfully twists a pen in his hands. The teacher approaches him

What a great guy you are! Made only two mistakes. Now write the second word.

On a history exam, a mediocre student did suspiciously well on questions. The teacher doubts his knowledge and says:

Your erudition is easy to test. For example, can you tell me what the eighth wonder of the world is?

I think it's the person who remembers the other seven.

History lesson. The historian asks the children a question:

Guys, tell me who took the Bastille? Vovochka, well, tell me...

I don't know, Marya Ivanovna.

The teacher asked a few more students like this with the same result, and then the kids answer:

We didn't take anything!

The poor little historian ran to the head teacher and complained to him.

So, I asked the children who took the Bastille, and they say they didn’t take it !!!

Maria Ivanovna, do not worry, - the head teacher answers. - They are children - they will play and give back.

The historian ran to the director. He looked at her thoughtfully and attentively. Asked:

And what class?

Tenth B.

No, Maria Ivanovna, they won't give it back...

But not only jokes of a purely school theme can be told at this competition. The main thing is that the narrator is able to convincingly prove that his anecdote corresponds to the topic. For example, such a case. The student tells a joke:

Two crocodiles are swimming along the river and they see: a monkey is sitting on the bank. One says to the other:

Let's swim up to her and ask: "Monkey, are you married?" And if she answers “no”, we say: “Who will marry such a monkey ?!” - “And he will say yes.” - “And what idiot married you, a monkey ?!”

Agreed, swim up to the monkey and ask her this question.

What kind of “married” is there when only crocodiles swim along the river! - exclaims the monkey.

And then some of those present may have a logical question: “What does the school have to do with it?”. To which the narrator can answer quite logically: “So the river is a water body, which is what we did in geography. A monkey is a kind of monkey. Crocodile is a class of reptiles, and this is biology. So why is this joke not considered school? »

The game, taking place in this form, will be even more exciting.

The game "We remember school"

When everyone in the audience is tired of having fun and dancing, you can hold a competition for the best school memory. It can be a thematic memory (first time in first grade, first D, first escape from class, last exam) or any story that happened at school.

Competition "What is taught in school"

Regardless of how the final exams are passed, everyone has learned something from school curriculum. It may even be that the inveterate C student knows everything about the structure of amphibians, about which the medalist has only a distant idea. After all, a lot depends on luck in the exam. So why not reveal the “hidden geniuses” of the school and confirm the true knowledge of the excellent students? To do this, hold a competition between those who wish.

Several people must answer test questions, among which there are both comic and erudition riddles.

Questions for the competition

Each correct answer in this test is marked with an asterisk "*". Count by the number of correct answers.

1. Alice from Carroll's fairy tale believed that they bite from vinegar, get upset from mustard, and get kinder from ...

A) sweet buns - *;

b) ice cream;

V) chocolate cake.

2. Camels and llamas belong to the same order...

a) corns - *;

b) artiodactyls;

c) back humpbacks.

3. After the Crimean War of 1854, Russia lost the right to...

a) own the Crimean peninsula;

b) navigation through the Bosporus and Dardanelles;

c) to have a navy in the Black Sea - *.

4. Lightning never strikes...

a) crocodiles

b) wild boars;

c) birds - *.

5. Which continent has no rivers?

a) in Australia

b) in Antarctica - *;

c) in Latin America.

6. Who and in what work wrote the address "To the village of grandfather"?

a) Vanka Zhukov from the story of A.P. Chekhov "Vanka" - *;

b) Gerasim - "Mumu" I.S. Turgenev;

c) "Prisoner of the Caucasus" - A.S. Pushkin.

7. An equal amount of gaseous chlorine and hydrogen was introduced into a jar placed on a window under bright sunlight, after which it was closed with a tightly ground cork. What happens next with these substances?

a) the bank will explode - *;

b) hydrogen, as a lighter gas, will collect at the top, and chlorine will remain at the bottom;

c) after a while the gases will mix.

Competition "Friendship at the school bench"

Relationships in a team are not always devoid of friction, hostility, and similar delights. AND school classes- is also no exception. But, you see, the class can be so friendly, just do not spill water, which delights and horrifies teachers. If there are several parallel releases, then you can offer the following entertainment option: hold a competition for the most friendly class. And the most friendly class of the school can be awarded a diploma or homemade medals. A bell can become the symbol of the holiday, and this is a wonderful keepsake for every student. The most friendly class can be called where:

1. If an escape from the lessons was arranged, then not a single student of this class remained at the school, instead everyone went for a walk to the nearest park, and then the whole crowd came with confession to the teachers and the director.

2. Even avid losers got good grades on tests and dictations thanks to tips from classmates.

3. When a not very capable student was called to the board, a buzzing of hints began in the class, which, however, were not always correct.

4. Cool parties and holidays were always prepared and celebrated by the whole class, and only a seriously ill person could not appear.

5. If one of the students did not come to school, on the same day a whole delegation went to his house, wherever he lived. Moreover, this was not at the request of the teachers, but at the own request of the students.

6. If one of the students learned in advance the exam papers or control tasks, the whole class wrote the control almost perfectly.

7. If there was such an opportunity that the answers of the test items were incorrect, everyone wrote as they learned, and received deuces.

8. When a representative of another class offended one of the children, they fought with him with common forces, despite the teacher's prohibitions, reprimands and unpleasant entries in the diary.

9. As soon as the magazine fell into the hands of one of the students, the whole class watched it, crowded at the break.

Evaluate the competition is best left to teachers. They know their class better than their parents.

Scenario of the meeting of graduates

The next competition will amuse everyone, even those who are bored and sad for some reason. This entertainment can be called simply: "IMPROVISATION". Participants are given tasks to present a silent scene to the jury or try to portray some object, but the jury should only guess what object will be depicted during the show. Victory is awarded to those who are the most successful in portraying the given. Improvisation topics can be very different, but we will give examples of some. But the main condition for any performance is that the scene must be pantomime, that is, silence is the main weapon of the participants.

1. Dear graduates! Travel back in time. You barely got out kindergarten and for the first time go to school, for the first time in the first class. You don't know anyone, you forgot where to go. And it's raining outside. The poor first-grader stumbled and fell into a puddle from excitement. Getting up, confused, trying to wipe the dirt from her white socks. In the end, the poor child still reached school.

2. Canteen at recess. That says it all. But for the uninformed, we explain: it's like a storm, a hurricane and a tornado combined. Pupils sweep each other out of the way and teachers at the same time, rushing with pies and tea, as if with checkers at the ready ... Try to portray this.

3. There is a lesson. A student comes to the board, not causing positive emotions in the rest. He, as usual, is not ready for the lesson. The poor fellow is waiting for clues. But chemistry is a complex subject, and he understands little in the hissing of especially compassionate classmates. The poor fellow is confused and says absolute nonsense (with facial expressions, without words).

4. Sing any well-known song to the soundtrack so that its meaning is clear and complements the words. You can also replay the song, giving it a humorous content. You have 5 minutes to prepare.

Teachers' competition "Do we know the graduates... or not?"

Not only graduates want to have fun. Teachers are also people, not alien to entertainment. So let them take part in the next competition and have plenty of fun. Blindfold the teacher and try to describe one of the students in his class. But do not portray the appearance of the student. Character traits, funny incidents that happened to him, should be a characteristic of the hidden student. A true teacher, who knows and remembers his students, easily recognizes a mysterious person by such a description. But if such a description fails, the teacher can be allowed to touch the subject of the description.

Competition "Let's fight?"

I wonder who is the strongest? And let's check. We will hold an arm wrestling competition. For this competition, recruit two teams. It is better if they include participants from parallel classes with an equal number of players. The victory is awarded to the team with the most winners.

In the morning, if the graduates are not yet tired of a long celebration, you can go to the park or to one of any memorable places in the city.

Of course, the evening of the meeting can be held not only at school. You can celebrate the event at home. Naturally, you should not invite all the graduates home, as there is simply not enough space in the apartment for such a company. This evening will turn out to be much less formal than at school. There will be much more room for jokes and fun. And what could be better than a holiday among close friends?

First of all, you should calculate what exactly will be needed for this evening. It can be a feast or a simple buffet. But, of course, devoting the whole evening to a feast is not worth it. The holiday is supposed to be fun, so you have to think carefully entertainment program this holiday.

As for the menu, we leave it to your discretion, as well as the time of the holiday. So, you decided to arrange a graduation party in your own apartment. Other classmates can also be involved in the preparation of the holiday. Let them pick up the music for the holiday and decorate the room according to their own desire.

As for competitions, their choice in the apartment can be much richer than within the walls of your favorite school. When fewer people, you can use the above contests, and a lot of others, which we will tell you about.

A game " gold fish»

Every home has a soft toy. A leader is selected who throws a toy into a crowd of players with their backs to him. If the participants catch the thrown toy, then they give the task to the leader. If not, then the host gives the task to the player to whom the toy fell closest.

Song Contest "Let's Sing..."

Its essence is that the participants remember as many school-themed songs as possible. Everyone knows such a song as "They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school." You can remember many more songs about school and school subjects.

The game "Smart sea knee-deep, smart school on the shoulder"

There is a game in which you need to make as many short words as possible from one long word. We will complicate it - short words should be of a school theme. And if someone comes up with a word that is not directly related to school, then they must explain why it is “school”. Only if the explanation is recognized as witty and true, the word will be counted. And, accordingly, whoever comes up with more words in the shortest period of time will win the competition.

For example, the word "opportunity". From this word the following words are composed: cart, dream, axis, knife and others. It would seem that there is no connection with the school. But this is only at first glance. Sleep is an action, or rather inaction, that most people do in a boring lesson. Axis - a concept that is part of the coordinate plane. And so on.

It is even more fun to celebrate the evening of meeting with graduates in nature, in the forest, in a clearing or on the shore of a lake. In the bosom of nature, in addition to dancing and singing with a guitar, you can also engage in outdoor games: you can hold various relay races and competitions.

The game "Reluctance to school"

Divide the participants into two teams and determine the distance of five meters. Participants must alternately reach the end of the distance and back, but not just reach or run, but so that the heel of one foot touches the toe of the other when stepping, that is, with a small mincing gait. The game is over when the last player returns to the start of the course, and the team that does it all the fastest wins, of course.

Contest "Lateness"

The participants of this competition are also divided into two teams, a judge is assigned to each team. Determine the distance, approximately the same as in the previous competition. Only this time, the participants must take as few steps as possible over a certain distance, which will be counted by the jury members. Therefore, the steps must be wide. The team that reaches the finish line faster and takes fewer steps wins.

Competition "I am a little horse"

If the company has an equal number of men or young people and women and girls, the next competition can be held. Men take the girls in their arms and must run with them at the speed of the chosen distance, without dropping the precious burden. The distance can be the distance to the nearest tree or the circumference of the clearing. Naturally, the fastest pair wins. But in this competition, you must definitely choose the right weight categories, otherwise the “horse” will simply fall under the “passenger”.

Game "Did you forget school?"

A leader is chosen who takes the ball or any improvised object that can replace it in his hand. He throws the ball at a crowd of players, and the one whom the ball hits must name the school subject. The main condition is that the items are not repeated. And the one who cannot remember a single item becomes the leader.

Tug of war competition

Simple and ancient, like a mammoth skeleton, a tug-of-war competition. But in our case, it is a little more complicated and more interesting. Agree, there is no dispute about tastes. Everyone's favorite items are different. Someone likes physics or algebra, and someone is crazy about English verbs, and does not tolerate mathematical formulas and equations. Well, such is life. But you can prove to others that any subject has the right to attention. Divide the participants into two teams: for example, one is astronomy fans, the other is Russian language lovers. And let them compete in tug of war. The losing team must repeat loudly in chorus ten times that they are crazy about the winners' favorite subject.

Competition "Stand up, children, stand in a circle"

For the next competition, you will need a ball. All players stand in a circle. The leader is in the center. The host throws the ball to one of the players, while naming any school subject. The one whom the ball touches must remember any definition from the school course of the named subject or full name. teachers. If the player listened to the name of the subject or could not quickly orient himself, he leaves the game, and in order to return, he must tell a school joke. The one who answered the question correctly becomes the leader, and the leader enters the circle to the players.

We hope that our tips will help you create a truly festive atmosphere at the prom. After all, this holiday is the entry into adulthood of former graduates, and it should be remembered for a lifetime.



1. Leading out. Sounds like "Fanfare"


The river carries you!
It's not a secret for anyone here.
What's up with the last call
Many years have passed!


Now everyone has their own worries,
Your business, your life path.
Maybe you love your job.
And there is no time to rest...

It's a pity very rarely - throwing off the burden
Do you understand "It's time"
Come together, remember the time
With the name "School time!"

And remember how you were all friends
Falling in love, sometimes quarreling,
As we did not live a day without each other,
We stood up for our friends!

1 - Good evening!
2 - What does it mean?
1 So, the day was off to a good start.
2 “So it was a good day.
1 - He will multiply happy days.
2 He brought us happy news.
1 - Gave us smiles and songs.
2 - We meet friends today
1 - Evening meeting for you begin!

But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will have a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly
Don't miss your release year!

(Leaders begin the roll call of graduates with last year graduation, while celebrating the anniversary of the graduates)


1985 –

1990 –

1995 –

2000 –

2005 –

Let's greet each other with applause

.first grader

What's going on in our school?!
I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles - aunts will come to us.
They call them so strange
However, sooner or later
I understand something too.
Here you are, uncle, tell me
And do not bend your soul.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Passes the microphone to the graduate in the hall. He answers.

first grader

Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Give your answer simple.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Graduate response.

I liked the answers
Let me say hello now.
I will urgently grow
To school to come big.

Song "School album family album)

AT 2 . Who is a year, who is 2, who is 10 years ago,
Having passed his way, he left these walls.
And the bells are still ringing
Lessons are coming, changes are coming.

IN 1. And you came to meet with youth,
Where they remember, love and know you.
You have found good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,

AT 2. You learned the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun:
And tried to keep in my heart
Kindness, warmth and tenderness particles.

The song "What is a school?" (to the music "what is autumn")

What is a school? This is childhood.
Pink childhood behind.
Do not forget us the time where we were always together
Close to home and teachers.


School, school

School bell

School, school

First lesson.

School how we love you

School is our family...

What is a school? This is youth.
First dreams, hopes, tears...
You stood proudly on the threshold of adulthood.
Thinking it's going to be serious.

What is a school? This is friendship.
Friendship that bound you forever.
Let you run away, but you remained friends -
Well, this is not enough in life ...


Day of meeting with youth and childhood.

What could be more touching?!

Let me come here, to this place,

Director now us invite.

Ved.2 The floor is given to the director of the school Antonova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Student playing the role of director: Wait a minute, Svetlana Anatolyevna, now I have been given the floor. I am glad to welcome all of you to this hall, the site of our demonstration already finished products. And our school produces quality products. Who is not here: there are no astronauts, and Nobel laureates no, and there are no ministers - in general, we have no sponsors.
But I have connections at the expense of my graduates: in the district school I have colleagues, my own head of the village administration, in the district hospital I have my own doctor, yes, in the district hospital, in the regional one, I even have my own prosecutor. Graduates always give up their seat on the bus... to seats for the disabled. I am glad for each of your finally gone issues, because with each of his departures I look younger by exactly one year. Today, my favorites seem to be gone.

Tanya: When it seems - you need to be baptized!

Alyona: No, I didn’t understand - is that a school?

Tanya: Which school? That one, like his - a branch, is called DK - Dmitry Krylov. Just kidding, just kidding - House of Culture. School under renovation. It was my grandson who told me that they all wanted to go to the dining room through Assembly Hall prolizty - that's a forgery and could not stand it.

Alyona: And what is a forgery? I don’t remember this… What subject did you teach?

Tanya: Oh, bad woman, then the floor is in Russian.

Alyona: What gender is male or female?

Tanya: And what kind of bed - this is it.

Alyona: What is already there? Is it time for dinner already?

Tanya: Here, I remember, you would bring a piece of bacon with you, cut it into 3 ... classes, sniff it and wrap it in a newspaper again, leave it for tomorrow.

Alyona: The school today is not what it used to be: computers, the Internet, CD-roms, pagers, computers in the 1st grade.

Tanya: And in our time, there weren’t enough fingers and toes, they brought counting sticks with them to the lesson - that’s all mathematics. What a thing they studied before! .. They managed to pass both physics and history on the same spur! ... From one leading question, such theories unfolded, such theorems were proved! A ... Pythagoras jumped out of his rectangular pants!

Alyona: What are they wearing right now? Is it skirts - one shame. It's embarrassing to walk up and down the stairs like that.

Tanya: And also geography, remember? It used to be that in geography you would point to a “boot” on a map ... It’s clear to you that this is a talovka: here is a sock - this is a cube, the bootleg is a working street, and a holey heel is a school. What's incomprehensible here? And his teacher: Italy, they say, is.

Alyona: Yes, geography! You remember sleeping! Well, when did we sing under "plywood"? We live only. Yes, everyone wanted to solo. Where is Vitas noneshny before us! We were specially given lessons on the street so that the whitewash from the ceiling would not fall and the windows would not burst.

(director speaks)


The school years have passed

You haven't been a student for a long time,

But you will never forget school -

The memory of childhood is here for all years.


You left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember all of you. And now we would like to see how well you remember the school, the subjects that you studied here.


Now we will have a few lessons and test your knowledge in different subjects. It is allowed to shout answers from a place, but only by raising a hand:

"Geography lesson"

1) The mainland on which there are no rivers. (Antarctica)

2) Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

3) Which month has 28 days? (In any)

4) I went to the North Pole ...
Kim Il Sung

"Music lesson"

1) With what notes do sailors measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2) Which great composer, being deaf, performed his works? (Beethoven)

3) What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

4) Which of the great composers at the age of a preschooler gave concerts? (Mozart)

"Biology Lesson"

1) What bird breeds chicks in severe frosts? (Crossbill)

2) Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)

3) Do migratory birds nest in the south? (No)

4) Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)

5) What elephant does not have a trunk? (At the chess)

"Chemistry lesson"

1) Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, this is -

2) My boots are missing ... (H 2 O)

3) And the sun shines brighter

And a happier landscape

When splashing in the stomach ... (C 2 H 5 OH)

Ved.2 What good fellows our graduates, teachers worked not in vain. We give a small prize to the best "students". And for everyone else, as a gift, accept the following musical number.

Song to the motive "Winged swing"

Today there are 2 graduate teachers working in our school.

We invite to the stage and welcome them,
forever young, forever young.
These are the ones who don't know
What is the last call
These are those for whom graduation
School years are not over
forever young
with us rush every day to the lesson
Those who finished school.
But school is not over for them.

Lead 2. The consolidated ensemble of teachers performs a tragic - lyrical song - confession “Am I to blame”. Performed for the first time

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Is it my fault that I love?
Is it my fault that my hand was trembling,
When did you give him a two?

Is it her fault that her hand was trembling,
When did you give him a two?

Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on,
Never taught anything.
But I believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

With him, life is good, the soul cheers,
Even though there is not a shish in his notebooks.

Blame it all, blame it all around
You still want to justify yourself.
So why, why, "count" slapped him?

Oh, why, why, why, the stake slapped him?
And I could put “five”.


All of you graduated from school in different years, but once you were friendly classes, let's remember this time.

On this day, the words of the poet come to mind:

In anxious days, in deaf days
We all "feel the cruelest
Not for the past nostalgia -
Nostalgia for real...

Lead 2. Real love...

Lead 1. Real friendship...

Lead 2. True loyalty...

Lead 1. Real kindness...

Lead 2. For many of us, it's all about school.

Lead 1. Indeed, in the life of every person there was always a lesson in which the teacher managed to ignite in his soul a small spark of love, kindness, hope...

Lead 2. School! School! And what is a school!”? How does it start and where does it end?

(Elementary, middle and high school students leave)

1. Clear day. September. Daisies.
Bow. Pigtails. First graders.
Two by two. Primer. Five.
The first cleaning in the classroom.

2. Pharaohs. Globe. Map.
A painted party.
Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.
Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.
Friend, for test preparation
And in the gym - training.

3. Dancing. Festival. Guitar.
Kiss. For a quarter of a pair.
Both the Unified State Examination and the Farewell Ball.
Joy mixed with sadness.
Certificate. Flowers in the window.
Why am I so sad.

Lead 1. The school in our memory is bright classes,
Lead 2. School is a chalkboard
Lead 1. strict teachers,
Lead 2. Diary lost somewhere
Lead 1. parent notations,
Lead 2. First love...
Lead 1. And how cool the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew in or out of the briefcase like birds!

Lead 2. No wonder they say that you really appreciate something only when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to the graduates of the school. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.

Ved.2 We invite representatives of the very first and latest school editions of 5 people to the stage to hold music competition


You will have to sing a song about the school to us in 3 minutes. Let's see which of the classes has not forgotten how to carry out tasks together and cohesively. (Give the lyrics to the teams).


In the meantime, our teams are preparing for the competition, we offer you a little distraction. Preparing for a meeting with you, we opened the archive and found interesting excerpts from essays and answers on various subjects written by graduates of different years. We will now quote some of them:

    Birds must be protected - they are our four-legged friends.

    Taras Bulba was a free Cossack, because he did not work anywhere.

    His boots were up to their ears in mud.

    Vova's briefcase showed a sandwich and other school supplies.

    Falling asleep sitting on a horse, Sergei cheerfully sang a song.

    His brother was a nurse.


So our teams are ready. And now we will evaluate which of the issues is better prepared for this competition.

(teams sing songs, both teams are evaluated, souvenirs are given)

The first team sings a song(Gurchenko "Smile"):

"Good Mood Song"
If you frown and leave the house,
If you are not happy with the day ahead,
Better forget all your troubles
And smile wider to everyone, to everyone - who is not lazy.

You cast aside all doubts
Smile to everyone around you.
And good mood
will come to you as best friend.

If you meet on the threshold of the school
Gloomy director, head teacher, teacher,
Share your smile with them
Do not go to the same gloomy teachers in the lesson

And smile no doubt
Suddenly touches kind eyes
And good mood
Won't leave you anymore

The second team sings (Pugacheva "Whether it will be")

They loaded us, so they came:
Sees bad left eye, heads were spinning,
After all, I have not been anywhere, I did not breathe ozone,
But we got acquainted with the synchrophasotron.

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh oh oh…

They taught us to write, great essays,
We even overtook Tolstoy, Leo and Lenin.
They went to bed only in the morning,
We had nightmares, I thought that I would die in a dream,
Here's how we learned...

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh oh oh…

Vedas. 2:
Well done! It is clear that you have developed creativity and know how to work in a team.

Vedas 1:
For the next competition, we ask four representatives of the anniversary edition of the year to come up to the stage. Let's do a little quiz school theme:

1. A place they don't like to go to. (board)
2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button)
Z. Flat globe. (Map)
4. The main exercise in mathematics. (Task)
5. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Meeting)
b. Album for autographs of parents. (diary)
7. From two to five. (Estimates)
8. Table with two options. (Desk)
9. Signal to the beginning and end of torment. (call)
10. School-wide president. (director)


Let's applaud the graduates of the year! They coped with the task, which means they have not forgotten their school years

Vedas. 1:
Anniversary issue of the year! We ask a few representatives of your edition to come up to the stage.

- Many adults believe that children have non-standard thinking. Of course, you are not children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition. Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)
4. About the hard way bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then
still found her prince (Thumbelina)

7 people : turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse - distribute words to the heroes

Grandfather planted a turnip,
Poured fertilizers,
The sun began to bake
Turnip began to grow up.

So she grew up;
And she said: "Both - on!"
Grandfather bit the bit
And I thought: “Wow!”

Grandpa called Grandma here,
Grandmother shouted: “Impudent!”
Turnip again: "Both - on!"
Grandfather replied: “Wow!”,

He tightly grabbed the turnip,
He pulled with all his might.

But without a grandmother, he blundered.
She replied: “Impudent!”

Pulled, couldn't
Then she called her granddaughter.
She is smart not but for years:
"I didn't hire you!"
The turnip is shocked: “Both are on!”,
Grandfather too: “Wow!”,
Everyone slept with the fuse from the grandmother,
Barely said: “Impudent!”
Granddaughter does not care about drama:
"I didn't hire you!"
Pull - Turnips can not be seen -
You need to call the Bug to them.
The bug is happy to help them -
Answers: "I do not mind."
But again it didn't work.
This is where the cat comes in handy.
"No problem" she said
And at the end of the chain has become.
No results to be seen
You need to call the mouse.
Mice had a simple answer:
“Dudes, there is no market!”
The turnip groans: "Both - on!"
Grandfather in ecstasy: “In, business!”,
Almost hit Grandma in the eye
That, of course: “Impudent!”
Super - replica for ladies:
"I didn't hire you!"
The poor bug can't stand it,
But through gritted teeth: "I'm not averse."
The cat pulls: "No problem"
Doesn't risk anything.
The mouse moved a little
And, satisfied, she said:
“Dudes, there is no market!” -
Here is Repka for lunch!

Vedas. 1

Applause for the release of the year!


Dear graduates, now we invite you all to play the game together.

We will ask you questions, and those who believe that this phrase applies to them should shout loudly: “ It's me, it's me, GREAT TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!

1. Who does not change the roots
glorifies the native village,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?

2.Welcome bye,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds
From near, far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now
And admires us:
For their graduates
keeping a good eye on?

4. Who built himself a house,
hosted a housewarming party
and now he lives in it,
survive this fun?

5. There is no more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner of that?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

6. You are parents with experience,
Someone with a big one, shall we say?
Who mom and dad became a little light,
Whose children are more than 5 years old?

7. We continue about children,
heroic families
Who, mind you,
The large family?

8. Who is single so far,
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness
To create a family faster?

9. Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this, stand up now?

10. Who is on the site, on the famous
Lovely classmates
Everyone is trying to find?
Hangs who in a network?

11. Who, despite the burden of life,
I found an opportunity, means, time,
And today I'm very happy
Many years back?

Ved.1 Let's conduct a small survey among the guests.

- your passport age
- according to my own feelings
- according to others
- for health
Family status
- Do you have your own car, cottage, a devoted friend - a dog, a Japanese player, false eyelashes, a wig, false teeth?
“Is there still gunpowder in the flasks?”
Where are you planning to spend it?
- Do you have bad habits of smoking, exercising, arguing with your superiors, coming to school on time, taking exams right away and without tails?
Do you greet your classmates?
Have you lost your sense of humor?
- Achievements that your graduation could boast of?
What is your most vivid memory from school life?
Have your youthful dreams come true?

Vedas 1:

How many interesting things we learned about our graduates.

Vedas. 1:
Today we all together remembered the games of our childhood and tried to return a little to this golden time of life. Our program is coming to an end, but it will not be complete if we do not remember one more game called "Peepers and Talkers".


Have you ever heard of such a game? Its conditions are very simple: you can look at your classmates and talk to your teachers to your heart's content.

Vedas 1:
The evening of the meeting does not end there.
He is in your former classes continues!
Vedas 2:
Good teachers are waiting for you there
And old school friends.

Leading together:
And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends,
And goodbye!"

The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distance
On any road, on any side
You won't say goodbye to school
The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

Song to the motive "the song does not say goodbye to you"

Again, again, we all came to our school,
Here again we have gathered.
On this winter and very cheerful evening
We came to meet with friends.

Chorus: Through the years, through the distance
On any road, on any side
You won't say goodbye to school
The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

How many different adventures there were at school,
How much they managed to survive in it ...
This is remembered by all people without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distance
On any road, on any side
You won't say goodbye to school
The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

Competition "Traditional warm-up"

In what year was the new school building built?
How many classrooms are there in our school?
- What is school happiness? (For example, when you lost a portfolio with a diary, where there are a lot of twos; other original answers are allowed.);
- Which of the actors was the first to play the role of the auditor in Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector"? (There is no such role.);
What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons.);
- In what popular work was the hero assassinated three times, and only on the fourth he died? (Kolobok.)

Memory Test Contest

Which song or poem begins with the following question words (options are possible)?
- Where? ("... childhood is leaving")
- Who? ("... invented you")
- Where? ("... firewood")
- Where? ("…It was")
- When? ("...let's leave the schoolyard")
- What? ("... you look greedily at the road")

Competition "Integrated lesson of literature and foreign language"

The host reads the Russian translation of foreign proverbs, and the participants must name a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning.

Vietnamese: "A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion." ("The quieter you go, the further you'll get".)
Finnish: "He who asks will not get lost." (“Language will bring you to Kyiv.”)
Indonesian: "The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes it breaks." ("A horse with four legs, and he stumbles.")
English: "A lady leaving a car increases its speed." (“A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.”)

1. Contests for meeting classmates "Remember mathematics."

Ask classmates to name any numbers that come to their mind. Then we write them in a row in free places printed blank. And we get, as it were, funny statistics of different aspects of the former school life, which we read to our classmates.

Collective portrait of a classmate.

According to our statistical office for the graduation ball:

The total mass of cosmetics applied to the faces of our girls amounted to .... (kg.).

The volume of cologne poured on oneself (and in some places drunk) in boys ... (liters).

The weight of a school bag for girls was ... (kg.) while the boys... (gram).

The speed of movement of thought along the convolutions of the brain was approaching a record allowable ... (mm/h)

The height of the hand raised to the question of the teacher in girls ... (cm.), in boys (mm.).

But the speed of movement to the school canteen for boys was ... (km / sec), and for girls ... (m/min).

The total number of hours spent together ......

The number of warm words that I want to say ... ..

The friction force of the palms during handshakes and applause in honor of the meeting reaches ... (newton).

Digital Poems.

Host: " As they say, "Pushkin, this is our everything", and now, when all the achievements of culture, one way or another, are being digitized. We will also try to translate his brilliant lines to the music of numbers.

Game conditions: divide classmates into teams and for each expressively read the digital version of Pushkin's lines (one example from the lyrics and one from the fairy tales). They have to guess which lines they are talking about.

(I remember a wonderful moment

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty)

1, 16, 7, 3 ,2..

(The storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child,

(Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says

(An old man lived with his old woman

At the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years).

2. An outdoor game for the evening of the meeting "Remember the Russian language".

To remember the Russian language a little, and at the same time to warm up the guests, you can have a wonderful moving game for classmates .

Perestroika. "Classmates"

Props: two sets of letters that occur in a word Classmates.

The essence of the game: The organizer divides the guests into two teams of 11 people, each of them receives one of the letters. Then the leader makes a riddle, and the teams should line up with letters in their hands so that they can read the answer to it. A game of speed, which team is ahead. If there are few guests, then this game can be played just for fun (without competition).

1. We dreamed about this for many years,
And, for so many years, this has been represented,
Our big event:
Gathered friendly and beloved CLASS.

2. And two decades is a lot,
And we often missed each other.
And now the hearts beat in unison,
And here we are together, as if it were a DREAM.

3. And remember how good it was
But time flew by quickly, everything passed,
We were together, we were together.
They ran to the cinema to the Kolos cinema.

4. Lessons, theorems, Komsomol,
Shooting gallery, skiing, physical education, basketball.
And 45 minutes to sit - melancholy.
And an unwashed one is waiting for you ... BOARD

5. And the first love cannot be forgotten,
At times, I even wanted to howl.
And nothing came to mind:
Sitting, dreaming, sad, looking out the WINDOW

6. Let it not be then what is now,
And we didn't know what a crack was.
Let us not eat Snickers, Mars and Twix,
But they tried to find X in the equations.

7. And now everyone has their own life
Work, home and new friends.
But the start was a common, collective takeoff.
And everyone whispered a CODE out of luck.

8. And we all had to solve it,
Let there be no losses, no problems.
Let someone with money, who is rich in soul,
But each found a priceless treasure.

9. And looking at each other, we are glad,
Not everyone is here today, alas,
But we are participants in a grandiose meeting.
Hooray, everyone! Dear classmates!

3. Music entertainment"Remember Music"

Guess and sing. Take couplets of your favorite songs of those years, print them in large letters, cut the text into words. Give each member of the team (half of the table) a word, they must guess what the song is, putting their words into lines, and sing it.

"Magic Bell" The game follows the rules of a musical hat known to many, but if you add a nostalgic note to it and pick up funny cuts from songs, and even distribute it in advance to whom exactly what to include, so that it is more accurate and funnier, you will get very funny entertainment.

Props: a bell and cuts from different songs, a computer or a music center

The lead line for the host is something like this: “Dear classmates, we haven’t seen each other for many years, and although now many of us behave like in previous years, in fact, we have changed a lot. I suggest you check it out! Now, with the help of this “school call”, which, as we know, is completely objective and impartial, we will find out how each of us will behave ... for example, after 15 drinks ". (Approaches a man, rings a “magic” bell over him, and a DJ or one of his classmates turns on a cut from a song, for example, “I'm dancing drunk on the table ...” or for a woman - “I will build a harem from ...).

(Ready-made version of the musical design of this game can be downloaded for free from this link http://dfiles.ru/files/gzre212x7 ).

4. Artistic competition "Remember the theater group"

Meeting game - Fairy tale. For this instant performance, costumes and words are not required, the main thing is a good mood and a desire to have fun yourself and give pleasure to the audience - classmates. One reads the text, and four "artists" simply beat what they hear.
Characters: Grandfather, Baba, Horse, Bull, Goat


“Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a frisky Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field, to catch their favorite cattle, and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother did exercises, And the Horse, Bull and Goat ran nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather leaned over, and his back was seized - he could not straighten up. Grandmother came up, gently massaged him, and then her knee rested on Grandfather's back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandmother and began to scratch behind the ear of his pets Horse and Bull. From pleasure the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat with a hoof, and the Bull to spin and moo invitingly. From these sounds, the Grandmother began to hiccup, and the Goat winked hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull strove to butt playfully. Grandmother, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and gently pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to finish the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse on Baba, Goat on Horse, and Goby on Goat and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.

5. Dance competitions "Let's remember physical-ru and rhythm."

Relay 1 September. If there is a desire to arrange a truly outdoor game, then the most the best option there will be any relay race, for greater interest it is better to give it a "school flavor"

Props: 2 satchels or 2 briefcases, 2 bows on the rim, school supplies (all in duplicate): pencils, pens, notebooks, textbooks, any stationery.

Game conditions: Divide everyone into two teams (get up like a train), put two tables or chairs at some distance, on which to place all this school paraphernalia for each team. On command, the first team members (no matter M. or F.) put on a bow, take a briefcase and quickly run to a chair, run up, take one of the items, put it in a briefcase and run back. They pass the bow and the briefcase to the next one, they themselves stand at the end of the "engine". The second one does the same, and so, which team finishes faster - all participants must run once (the number, of course, is the same)

Dance entertainment. Good music and incendiary dances always decorate any party. To meet classmates, it is worth preparing your favorite songs of school youth, as well as arranging modern dance entertainment, for example, an animation (can be found on YouTube) or a permutation.

Best suited for such a holiday - "dance show » between the male and female half of the guests. The essence of the competition is simple: the teams (male and female) stand opposite each other, the first cut from the song for girls sounds, they dance beautifully in front of their classmates, moving in their direction, then turn and, also dancing beautifully, return to their place. After that, a fragment of a dance melody sounds for the male half of the guests, the men show their "defile". Who is better?!.


You need to choose two or three graduates (men) from the hall, take them to another room and tell them that now the audience will ask them questions regarding their hobbies, so let them think over and agree on who and what hobby they will have in mind. But the main condition of the game is not to “declassify” your hobby. So for everything questions asked young people should not be given direct and monosyllabic answers.

At this time, the host’s assistant “processes” the audience: he tells the guests that the main hobby of the guys is kissing, the guests are given pre-prepared questions, “sharpened” precisely for this most enjoyable activity.

Questions should be something like this:

Who can you call your teacher in this matter?

Does it take up a lot of your time?

Do you do this often enough?

Do you need for this special conditions?

Do you make any sounds while doing this?

Do I need special training for this?

How old were you when you tried it for the first time?

Do I need special training for this?

What is the best time of day to do this?

What clothes would you recommend for practicing your hobby?

Hence and comic effect, because the players in all seriousness will begin to give answers about their specific hobbies, and everyone else will know that they are being asked not about anything, but about “kissing”. Therefore, it doesn't matter if the audience guesses what the players really mean, it's just entertainment.