This person is known to everyone in Russia. At 28 he became a Hero Russian Federation. The biography of Ramzan Kadyrov is full of heroic pages. However, the attitude towards him among the people is twofold: he is regarded as a peacemaker and restorer of the destroyed, but at the same time - and as a dictator. Today he heads the young one who continues the work of his father - Akhmet Kadyrov.

Childhood and youth

Begins October 5, 1976. He was born in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which was part of Soviet Russia. His father was a prominent figure in Chechnya, and his family came from the famous Chechen family of Benoy. From childhood he was brought up in the best national traditions. loyalty to the family and customs, courage and courage were the main concepts on which his upbringing was based. He was a smart and hardworking child, trying his best to earn the praise of his father, who was the greatest authority for him. Like all Soviet children, at the age of seven he went to a village school. However, along with studying at school, he comprehended military science mountaineers: he learned to ride, to own a cold and firearms. In 1992 he graduated from high school, but he did not have time for further studies. He, along with his father, took up arms and joined the ranks of Chechen militants who opposed the federal troops. Since then, the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov has taken a new step.

Fight for independence

So, having embarked on the path of the war for the independence of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., together with his father, fought against the armed forces of Russia. Akhmat Kadyrov was one of the leaders of the Chechen military formations, and his son was always by his side and was his faithful assistant and bodyguard. However, since 1999, having made correct conclusions relatively further fate their homeland and in order to avoid further bloodshed, the father and son of the Kadyrovs went over to the side of the pro-Russian forces. In 2003, when Akhmat Kadyrov became president of the Chechen Republic, his son headed his security service.

Political career

The biography of Ramzan Kadyrov as a political figure dates back to May 10, 2004. The day before, on May 9, Kadyrov Sr. was killed in a terrorist attack. Ramzan was immediately appointed vice-premier of the republic. He actively participated in negotiations with the militants, and was also engaged in restoration work in Grozno and other cities and villages. In the same period, Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich received the title of Hero of Russia. Since 2006, he has been heading regional office Party "United Russia". In the same year he was appointed Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. And in April 2007, 31-year-old Ramzan Kadyrov was elected its president. With the coming to power of the young politician, the situation in the republic noticeably stabilized.

Personal life and family of Ramzan Kadyrov

In 2004, Ramzan married his fellow villager Medni. They have known each other since high school. They had six children - five daughters and a son, but Ramzan adopted two more teenagers, and now he has only eight children. Medni Kadyrova - designer of the Muslim women's clothing, she enjoys great prestige among Eastern women.


The official biography of Ramzan Kadyrov consists of many pages on which, in chronological order the activities of the young politician are described, all his merits and awards are listed. Nevertheless, there are rumors among the people about his ruthlessness and dictatorial inclinations. Perhaps in this way he is trying to establish order within his republic.

Ramzan Kadyrov - famous political figure, head of the Chechen Republic, bright personality V modern history. Of course, around it is formed incredibly a large number of contradictions. Many publications and media mass media condemn his actions, accuse him of crimes, others, on the contrary, praise his achievements.

Of course, personal life is not bypassed either. They discuss the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov and his mistress, who never existed at all, joint photos with celebrities and other facts. In general, there is a lot of information that is worth talking about.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born in the mountain village of Tsentaroi in 1976. In the family he was youngest child. At that time, my father was already engaged in important political and state affairs. WITH early childhood he was brought up with special strictness, taught to honor traditions and respect elders. His mother had a great influence on his formation as a politician.

The authority in the family, of course, belonged to the father. If he praised Ramzan for any act, then for the guy it was an incredible reward. Ramzan tried in every possible way to gain the trust of Akhmat Kadyrov, not only with words, but also with deeds. School years he spent in an ordinary rural school in the Caucasus, and also attended classes in military affairs. He rode a horse very well, from an early age he learned to shoot and mastery of edged weapons.

At the end of school, together with his father, he joined the armed forces to protect the independence of Chechnya. From that moment on, he chose military affairs for himself, which played a big role in the life of a politician. After the hostilities, he enters one of the local universities. In 2004 he successfully graduated from the Faculty of Law. Then he enters the Academy under the President of the Russian Federation, where they teach public administration.

In 2004 he received a Ph.D. economic sciences. His active political activity was always noticeable, as he never skimped in his statements.

Ramzan Kadyrov has a large number of honorary titles, he is a professor and academician. All this reflects his versatility and ability to master all the tools of public administration.

Among the sporting achievements of Ramzan Kadyrov, one can note the title of master of sports in boxing. He has always been good physical training and at any moment ready to repulse the enemy. Today, throughout Chechnya, there are centers where young people are taught boxing, which are called "Ramzan". Great importance is attached to the sports education of young people in the republic.

public service

In 1999, Akhmat Kadyrov, along with his son, went over to the side of Russia. This opened up great prospects for the young Ramzan. A career in the political industry went up, already in 2000 he received the position of head of the company special purpose Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At that time, the represented division was engaged in state security, protection of dignitaries. Two years later, he received a promotion, becoming the leader of an entire platoon. In 2003, by direct appointment, he switched to leadership position under the presidential guard.

Thanks to his huge connections in Chechnya and influence on various terrorist groups, Ramzan Kadyrov became one of the levers in negotiations with the separatists. Thus, the number of presented formations has significantly decreased. In 2004, Akhmat Kadyrov died, Ramzan immediately received the position of acting director. Chairman of the Board of the Chechen Republic. His father was killed by terrorists, so he declared war on everyone involved in this incident, including Shamil Basayev.

In 2007, Ramzan Kadyrov becomes the legal leader of the Chechen Republic, as he reaches the age at which one can work in this position. He continued the work of his father.

An incredibly large amount of work has been carried out to restore the infrastructure of cities affected by hostilities, and the number of terrorist groups has largely decreased.

In 2011, regular elections were held for the leadership of the Chechen Republic, and Ramzan Kadyrov was again re-elected. His successful career, trust on the part of the people, all this together played big influence. Also the support from Vladimir Putin was incredibly important. It can be said that it was thanks to the actions of Putin and Akhmat Kadyrov that he achieved such heights.

Concerning political issues, and the life of statesmen, information about informal ties with the opposite sex very often pops up. Ramzan Kadyrov was also no exception, as his photos with his mistresses appeared on the network. Of course, all these were fabricated shares that did not have accurate information.

According to the statistical research, many Russians believe that only thanks to the actions of Ramzan, the situation in Chechnya has stabilized today. Political work is in full swing, personnel changes are taking place, which help to eliminate incompetent specialists. Very often, articles devoted to the cruelty of the president appear in the media, he is accused of various crimes and even murders.

Kadyrov's personal bodyguard also appears in criminal cases. But this does not prevent him from remaining a professional politician who has done a lot for his country and homeland.

Mistress of Ramzan Kadyrov

This is probably the most discussed topic that interests many readers. First of all, in all his interviews on personal topics, the politician said that “mistresses are harmful to health,” so you should not believe the rumors that he has a hidden passion.

Since he is a Muslim, according to tradition, he can have four wives and it makes no sense to have a woman on the side, especially having such a status in society.

Thus, it is possible to refute all articles that discuss Ramzan Kadyrov, his photos with his mistresses and personal life.

Personal life

Ramzan Kadyrov is a man who respects all religions and is himself a zealous Muslim. He honors the traditions of his people, very often appears on various events in folk clothes. The personal life of the politician has developed in an extremely successful way. He met Medni Aidamirova, who was his fellow villager. In 2004, they became legal spouses.

The first lady of the country is actively involved in the creation of designer clothes, she organized her own brand "Firdaws". That is, this is the first official brand of Chechen clothing, which really stands out for its quality and interesting style. The main block of models is represented by interesting and luxurious dresses for women. The entire Kadyrov family is actively involved in state and public affairs. They make a huge contribution to the development of the social and material well-being of the Chechen people.

The fact that Ramzan Kadyrov has mistresses or maybe a second wife does not frighten Medni, since according to the laws of religion, men are allowed to have four wives. Of course, all this requires the permission of the spouse, but she cannot prevent this. Ramzan Kadyrov himself has repeatedly said in his interviews that he can have a second wife only if she is more beautiful than Medni, but he has never met such a girl.

Information appeared in the media that Ramzan has a second wife, who is only 18 years old. Her name is Fatima, but there was no official registration of marriage, as this is prohibited by law. In fact, nothing prevents Ramzan Kadyrov from having wives and mistresses, since he knows how to hide it well, and no one should be interested in the personal life of a politician. He is one of those men who respect their wives and try to stick to tradition.

The head of the Chechen Republic has repeatedly become the hero of articles. He was assigned the status of a robber of women's hearts, connections with celebrities Russian show business, including with Sobchak and Kandelaki. But all this was not confirmed, since with these women he has only friendly relations and nothing more. If you come across an article on the Internet about Ramzan Kadyrov's mistresses, where there will be his photos, then you should not believe them. These are all the intrigues of the yellow press, which are trying in every way to defile the name of the politician.

Kadyrov is an ambiguous figure for me. Definitely an alpha. King. It is what it is. I like it. A man should be king. Otherwise, why are you wearing pants at all? Wear a skirt, paint your lips, urinate while sitting.

However, alpha alpha is different. The alpha male can be trash. Here is Putin-alpha, but not cattle.

I had my doubts about Kadyrov. Isn't he a yard bird king? Brute force is just rushing out of Ramzan, but is it because he is a redneck?

To understand the issue, I decided to study the personality of his wife.

What is she - Medni Musaevna Kadyrova? What kind of person? By answering this question, one can better understand what kind of person her husband is.

I sat down to watch an interview with this woman, having previously given myself the task of forgetting for the duration of the program who her husband was.

While watching, I wrote down my impressions, without thinking about how to arrange them more beautifully.

At that moment I was not a blogger. Just a spectator. And the woman on the screen was just a woman to me. Not the wife of Ramzan Kadyrov.

Here's what happened. I bring uncombed records.

soft voice
an adult woman who retained the modesty of a girl
shy but not shy
calm smile of a woman who is confident in herself and in her husband
smart - speaks excellent Russian: she learned a non-native language at the level of her native. stupid can't do that
husband can rely on her
love each other

“I want to support him so that he can feel a little better with me,” says Medni Kadyrova about her husband.

And you know what?

Any sane man wants to see such a woman next to him: the one who supports him, so that he “feels a little better”.

Touched by the words of Ramzan: “If I didn’t love, I would never allow her to have children. I love my wife very much. This is not what we say. I respect her very much ... Love is not something like going to the cinema together, to a restaurant, taking your women naked so that everyone can see what she is like. This is not love".

Ramzan and Medni went to school together, he is two years older. “I remember driving past where they live to see if she would come out,” Ramzan recalls. Now the Kadyrovs have 9 children.


Yes, Medni's life's work is a family, but she also has other interests: she opened a fashion house, where she creates Muslim clothes; writes a book.

The woman is flexible, but active. Influential due to her position, but completely devoid of show-off. Soft but strong. Smart. She speaks Russian almost like her native language, and her native language is Chechen. To master foreign language at this level, you need brains. As a linguist, I understand this well.

Next to such a woman, a man from the category of "cattle" can not be.

Kadyrov is an alpha, but, judging by his wife, he is not a redneck. Now Ramzan's personality is clearer to me.

Yes, I like it.

Do you like Ramzan Kadyrov? Why yes? Why not?

According to official data, he did not take part in the First Chechen War (1994-1996).

After the first Chechen war, worked since 1996, worked as an assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, Mufti of the Chechen Republic Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, at that time one of the leaders of the seratist and anti-Russian movement in Chechnya, who declared "jihad" to Russia. In 1992-1999 the father and son of the Kadyrovs were considered supporters first of Dzhokhar Dudayev, and after his death in 1996 - of Aslan Maskhadov.

In 1999, A. Kadyrov, together with his son, went over to the side of the federal troops and became a fighter against separatism.

In 2000, R. Kadyrov headed the security service of A. Kadyrov, the head of the administration, and then the president of Chechnya.

On May 12, 2000, he survived the first attempt - on the federal highway "Kavkaz" on the eastern outskirts of Grozny, an explosive device went off next to R. Kadyrov's jeep. He received a slight concussion. Akhmat Kadyrov accused Aslan Maskhadov of organizing the assassination attempt.

On January 16, 2001, terrorists planted a bomb in a drain under the federal highway "Caucasus" on the route of R. Kadyrov in the vicinity of Gudermes. Kadyrov and his entourage escaped with bruises.

On September 30, 2002, unknown people fired at Ramzan's car in the village of Novogroznensky in the Gudermes region of Chechnya. One of his subordinates was wounded.

March 22, 2003 announced that he had managed to negotiate the voluntary surrender of 46 armed militants who laid down their arms under the personal guarantee of his father. Most of the militants who agreed to stop armed resistance were enrolled in the security service of Akhmat Kadyrov.

Best of the day

On July 17, 2003, he stated that he managed to convince 40 militants from among Maskhadov's personal guard to voluntarily lay down their arms. In addition, he claimed that he entered into negotiations with the separatists from the detachment of Ruslan Gelayev, 170 of whose fighters expressed their readiness to lay down their arms.

On July 27, 2003, in the village of Tsotsan-Yurt, Kurchaloy District, another attempt to blow up R. Kadyrov was interrupted by the guards. The suicide bomber herself and a local resident died.

In September 2003, at a press conference in Moscow, Chechen presidential candidate Malik Saidullaev said that his assistants were being kidnapped and tortured, moreover, Ramzan Kadyrov was personally involved in this. (NG, September 10, 2003)

Such accusations against Kadyrov were not isolated. For example, on the site it was stated that "the detachments of Kadyrov Jr. have become more terrible punishment than squads Russian soldiers and police officers that Kadyrov's thugs tortured and kidnapped people, putting at the service of Russia the cruel skills and habits acquired in the service of the separatists" (, December 29, 2004).

On November 30, 2003, Ramzan Kadyrov announced that a group of Chechen businessmen had offered a $5 million reward for reliable information about the whereabouts of Shamil Basayev, and promised to catch the terrorist by 2004.

In March 2004, he announced that through intermediaries he was negotiating with Maskhadov about the possibility of voluntary surrender of the latter. Then Kadyrov Jr. claimed that the negotiations had broken down Russian troops, shooting Maskhadov's emissaries, through whose mediation contact was maintained with the president of Ichkeria.

On April 22, 2004, he promised "In two or three years there will be no militants in Chechnya. For most of the militants, the last summer and winter are coming." ("Kommersant Vlast", August 2, 2004).

April 29, 2004 stated that former minister Foreign Affairs CRI Movladi Udugov spreads rumors about his death. "This is Udugov's next gossip. Basayev and Maskhadov's greatest wish is my death," Ramzan said in live NTV. (RIA Novosti, April 29, 2004)

On May 2, 2004, a car with Akhmad Kadyrov's security officers was blown up in Grozny. One person died.

On May 9, 2004, an explosion occurred at the Dynamo stadium in Grozny. The bomb was located on the central tribune of the stadium, where at that time a concert was held on the occasion of the Victory Day. Akhmat Kadyrov died. The explosion injured 63 people, seven of them died, including the chairman of the State Council of the republic Khusein Isaev. Valery Baranov, First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, was also wounded. On the same day, R. Kadyrov was received by President Putin, who expressed his condolences to him in connection with the death of his father.

On May 13, 2004, at a joint meeting of the State Council and the government of Chechnya, an appeal was made to Putin asking him to support Kadyrov's candidacy for the presidency of Chechnya and to take "all measures to remove obstacles to his registration." According to the Constitution of Chechnya, Kadyrov did not have the right to run for president, since he was not 30 years old. Ziyad Sabsabi, head of the administration of the President and Government of the Republic of Chechnya, said: "Chechnya is an exceptional region, non-standard decisions can be made here. And the President of Russia, who has great powers, can find an opportunity to satisfy our request." Kadyrov himself, in an interview with reporters, said that he "won't succeed" in becoming president. However, answering the question: “What if the people ask?” Kadyrov replied: “Where will you go if the people say so?” (Gazeta.Ru, May 13, 2004; Kommersant, May 14, 2004)

On June 2, 2004, Kommersant wrote: “The Kremlin has already decided on a candidate for the presidency of Chechnya. According to sources close to Ramzan Kadyrov, it was Chechen Interior Minister Alu Alkhanov, a man of Akhmat Kadyrov and a figure practically unknown until now. Putin Kadyrov, Jr." (Kommersant, June 2, 2004)

On June 7, 2004, Kadyrov delivered an ultimatum to the militants on a local TV channel, in which he suggested that they lay down their arms and voluntarily surrender to the authorities within three days. "Otherwise, you will be destroyed. You were given the opportunity to report to law enforcement agencies for a long time, lay down your arms and return to civilian life. If you refused this, it means that your choice is conscious, and there is no other way but to destroy you, you don't leave," he warned. (Interfax, June 7, 2004) In June 2004, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, he said: “Bandits and criminals are afraid of me, whether they are in uniform or without them. To ordinary people I have nothing to fear. They treated me and treat me normally, with respect. Thousand and thousand people came to my father's funeral. Isn't this proof that the Kadyrovs are treated well in Chechnya? It was not Kadyrov who first spoke about the danger of the Wahhabis. Even the Prophet Muhammad warned that such people would come and they should not be spoken to, but destroyed. Father explained that wherever there are Wahhabis, there will be evil and blood. Of course, my father understood perfectly well what war with them threatened him with. He admitted that he framed himself, his family and all relatives. He said that he did it deliberately - for the sake of the people. "(Kommersant, June 8, 2004)

On June 10, 2004, Ramzan Kadyrov declared: "Alkhanov is a worthy comrade-in-arms of Akhmat Kadyrov, his candidacy was unanimously chosen by the supporters of the late president of Chechnya." (, June 10, 2004)

On July 13, 2004, during the battle in the vicinity of the village of Avtury (Shalinsky district), six employees of the security service of the President of Chechnya were killed, 12 were captured and captured. (Gazeta.Ru, July 13, 2004)

On July 21, 2004, Chechen Interior Minister Alu Alkhanov stated that the security service of the Chechen President should be liquidated and a new one should be created in the structure of the Russian Interior Ministry instead of it. combat unit- Regiment of special forces for combat operations against militants. Its main staff should be staffed by former security officers, i.e. amnestied militants. (Kommersant, July 21, 2004: NG, July 22, 2004)

On August 20, 2004, Kadyrov, in an interview with the Mze television company, stated that 5,000 Chechens were ready to enter Tskhinvali to settle the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. According to him, representatives of the South Ossetia. He invited Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to come to Chechnya: "Let him come and see how exhausted the people are." (Echo of Moscow, August 20, 2004)

On September 17, 2004, shortly after the hostage-taking in Beslan, Kadyrov stated that the leadership of Chechnya was concerned about the statements of some politicians about the search for a "Chechen trace" in the monstrous terrorist attack in Beslan, as well as "cases of harassment of representatives of the Chechen nationality outside the republic": " We must understand what we are facing international terrorism who is international and should not discriminate among bandits who shed blood peaceful people. There are many representatives of the militants in Chechnya different nationalities, and yet we are not looking for Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, etc. trace." (RIA Novosti, September 17, 2004)

On September 17, 2004, the Ulyanovsk Regional Pardon Commission issued a decision to pardon former Colonel Yuri Budanov, who was serving a sentence for murder Chechen girl, With full return him titles and awards. In this regard, Kadyrov said: "If Budanov leaves prison ahead of time, thousands of Elza Kungayeva's peers may take to the streets of Grozny, who today demand to punish Maskhadov and Basayev for the terrorist attacks and for whom Budanov is the same criminal as these leaders of terrorists ... There is no difference between Basayev and Budanov, because both of them are guilty of killing civilians. The decision of the Ulyanovsk commission is a spit in the soul of the long-suffering Chechen people." Also widely quoted in the press was the following statement by Kadyrov: "If this (pardoning Budanov) happens, we will find a way to give him what he deserves." (Izvestia, September 20, 2004)

At the end of September 2004, in the Nozhai-Yurtovsky district of Chechnya, an operation began by special forces of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs to encircle the gang of Akhmed Avdorkhanov, among whose members, as expected, Maskhadov was supposed to be. The operation was led by Kadyrov. On September 30, he stated that Maskhadov was among the surviving bandits and "would be caught within a week." However, Alexander Potapov, deputy head of the Federal Security Service for Chechnya, said: “Firstly, apart from speculation, there is no reliable evidence that Aslan Maskhadov is in the place where he is being sought today. And secondly, even if he was there, then already out of the encirclement and it will be very difficult to catch or eliminate him." (Kommersant, October 1, 2004) During the week, Maskhadov was not caught.

On October 5, 2004 Alkhanov was inaugurated. I received the presidential certificate not from the hands of the chairman of the election commission, as is usually the case, but directly from Ramzan Kadyrov.

Immediately after taking office, Alkhanov dismissed the Chechen government headed by Sergei Abramov in full force, immediately appointing Abramov acting. chairman of the new government. Shortly before the inauguration, Alkhanov said that Abramov and Ramzan Kadyrov "will remain in their posts."

On October 19, 2004, he was appointed adviser to Dmitry Kozak, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Southern Federal District. This post did not provide for significant powers, but it seriously changed the status of Kadyrov's staff. First of all, the fact that in the eyes of most Chechen officials Kadyrov began to look like a representative of the federal government. (Profile, October 25, 2004)

On October 22, 2004, speaking about the results of the operation in the Kurchaloyevsky, Gudermessky, Nozhai-Yurtovsky districts of Chechnya, he stated that “Basayev himself was among a large group of militants, his personal guard Akhmed Avdorkhanov was seriously wounded. In total, more than 20 militants were killed, 5 bandits were detained.” In addition, Kadyrov claimed that Aslan Maskhadov was ready to give up and was looking for a way out to " federal center". (ITAR-TASS, October 22, 2004)

Maskhadov's representative, Usman Ferzauli, said on this occasion that rumors about the surrender of his boss were spread for propaganda purposes: "They have no choice - they can't catch him." ("Kommersant", October 23, 2004)

At the end of October 2004, the Argumenty i Fakty weekly published an interview with Dmitry Rogozin, in which he said about Kadyrov: “Kadyrov Jr. is constantly shown on central television, who now and then cheekily pats Chechen President Alkhanov on the back. can any of our security officials or ministers guarantee that "our Kadyrov" with his 10,000 bearded eagles will always be loyal to Russia? blocked the center of Moscow with an armored ZIL and ten guard cars with flashing lights accompanying him! This is how he demonstrates that he considers himself the new master of Russia. Unfortunately, this is sure sign the weakness of the federal government, currying favor with the former Chechen brothers. "(AiF, No. 43, 2004)

On November 4, 2004, Kadyrov declared: "If an order is given to eliminate the terrorists in Pankisi [the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia, where Chechen bandits were supposed to hide], it will be carried out immediately." Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, when asked to comment on this statement, said: "What comment can be made on the statement of some bandit! He does not represent Chechen people and I do not welcome his presence in Georgia." (Kommersant, November 6, 2004)

In November 2004, in an interview with the Mze television company, he said that 5,000 Chechens were ready to enter Tskhinvali to maintain peace in the region, and that representatives of South Ossetia had approached him with a corresponding request.

On December 7, 2004, Chechnya's prosecutor Vladimir Kravchenko announced that the republic's law enforcement agencies had begun "continuous inspections of compliance with the law in the field of compensation" for destroyed housing, in which incredible corruption reigned. Shortly before this, Kadyrov was appointed head of the compensation commission. (Kommersant, December 8, 2004) On December 10, 2004, he said: "The first arrests have already been made; intermediaries who received money from the applicants have been detained, promising to expedite the process of listing and receiving compensation." Kadyrov also promised that he would force these persons to "return all the illegally received money" and publicly announce the names of those involved in the fraud with compensation payments. (Interfax, December 10, 2004) On December 29, 2004, Putin awarded Kadyrov the title of Hero of the Russian Federation "for courage and heroism shown in the line of duty." On January 10, 2005, in the Khasavyurt district of Dagestan, the car carrying Kadyrov's sister Zulay Kadyrova was stopped by officers from the local police department, who took her to the police department without explanation. According to other sources, either she or her guard did not have any documents with him. In general, there were many discrepancies in the reports of this incident. In the ROVD, Zulai's arm seemed to have been broken (or, according to the policemen, she herself fell during an asthma attack and injured her). According to the Chechen side, a group of employees of the Chechen Interior Ministry, headed by Deputy Interior Minister Khamzat Huseynov, left for the scene of the incident, "asked his colleagues to give an explanation about the incident and returned to Chechnya together with Kadyrova." According to the Dagestanis, "the clarification of the circumstances of the case was interrupted by an intrusion into the city of armed men led by Ramzan Kadyrov. Some of them broke into the GOVD building, took the persons they had brought with them and departed towards Chechnya." At the same time, several Dagestan policemen were beaten.

In early January 2005, Chechen separatist leaders sent a letter to MEPs claiming that Russian authorities had "abducted" Maskhadov's relatives: two brothers, a sister, a nephew and a cousin. The authors of the letter linked the "kidnapping" with Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov's statement that the terrorists' relatives should bear responsibility for the crimes of their loved ones. The capture of eight relatives of Maskhadov was also announced International Federation for Human Rights and the Helsinki Group. (Izvestia, January 11, 2005; ITAR-TASS, January 20, 2005)

Human rights activists claimed that Maskhadov's relatives were captured on the orders of Kadyrov in order to force the president of Ichkeria to surrender.

Kadyrov said in response that "the official power structures of Chechnya and law enforcement agencies have nothing to do with the disappearance of Maskhadov's relatives." According to him, this became clear after "a thorough check and investigation carried out on his behalf on the territory of the republic." (ITAR-TASS, January 20, 2005)

January 25, 2005 together with Sergei Abramov participated in the ceremony of laying the first stone in the foundation of the future water park. Zelimkhan Kadyrov in Gudermes. The ceremony was also attended by pop singer Glukoza and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. The money for the construction was allocated charitable foundation named after Akhmat Kadyrov. In early February 2005, at the invitation of Sobchak, Kadyrov attended the fashion award ceremony "Crystal Image of Fashion TV".

On February 13, 2005, he announced his intention to file a lawsuit against human rights activists accusing him of kidnapping. According to Kadyrov, such accusations were groundless. (RIA Novosti, February 13, 2005)

On February 16, 2005, in the village of Tsentoroy, Chechen prosecutor Vladimir Kravchenko personally examined the basements of Kadyrov's households, in which, according to human rights activists, Maskhadov's relatives were being held, and then interrogated Kadyrov himself. He did not find any traces of the alleged hostages being kept in the cellars. (Kommersant, February 17, 2005)

However, human rights activists were skeptical about the results of the prosecutor's check. "All this is nonsense. The prosecutor did not look where the hostages could be. The real zindans are not in Kadyrov's mansions, but in completely different places - outside of Tsentoroy, and everyone knows about this," several Chechen human rights activists commented on Kravchenko's statement at once, asked not to be identified "for security reasons". (Kommersant, February 17, 2005)

On February 24, 2005, Moskovsky Komsomolets published an interview with Kadyrov, in which he said: “I give you my word, I will kill Basayev. He is my blood enemy. And he's not a man, he's a beast. It must be buried three meters deep." (MK, February 24, 2005)

On March 8, 2005 Maskhadov was killed. Kadyrov said that he died as a result of careless handling of weapons by a bodyguard who was next to him: "We intended to take him alive and, after appropriate interrogations, appoint him to the post of commander of a platoon or company in the security service," Kadyrov stressed. At the same time, Ilya Shabalkin, a representative of the regional operational headquarters for managing the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, told reporters that Maskhadov was in an underground concrete bunker, which had to be blown up in order to get into it, and Maskhadov died from this explosion. (, March 8, 2005) According to Chechen Interior Minister Ruslan Alkhanov, the operation was prepared and carried out by the FSB. (Interfax, March 8, 2005)

On April 5, 2005, citing sources in law enforcement agencies, information appeared that Basayev was preparing major terrorist attacks 9th May. Kadyrov to the question "What measures are being taken in the republic to prevent terrorist attacks?" - answered: "We will destroy this bandit, Basayev, before May 9. At least we have such a task before us." (KP, 6 April 2005)

On April 14, 2005, he promised on May 9 to name the person who committed the terrorist attack that killed his father: "We have 99% data on who committed this crime," Kadyrov said. (RIA Novosti, April 14, 2005)

On April 27, 2005, he stated that the names of the organizers and perpetrators of the terrorist attack on May 9, 2004 in Grozny were completely established: revealed. One of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack survived - this is a person from among those who set up a landmine and directly participated in the commission of a terrorist attack. The rest, except for the customer Basayev, were killed "(, April 27, 2005)

The next day, Nikolai Shepel, Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia for the Southern Federal District, said that the investigation into the murder of Akhmat Kadyrov had virtually no results. (Kommersant, April 29, 2005).

On May 9, 2005, the names of the killers of Kadyrov Sr. were not named. Kadyrov said: "I wanted to do it, but the investigation asked me not to do it yet. I listened to the law. But before that, I destroyed the head of that operation" ("Kommersant Vlast", July 11, 2005).

On May 16, 2005, he initiated the reburial of the remains of federal servicemen who died on the territory of the republic: "Practically we are talking on the completion of the counter-terrorist operation, but the war is not over until the last dead soldier is buried" ("Kommersant", May 16, 2005)

On May 30, 2005, former Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya Bislan Gantamirov asked the federal authorities to protect his family from the actions of Kadyrov's subordinates. According to him, the armed men, who introduced themselves as members of the security service of the President of Chechnya, came to the family home of the Gantamirovs on April 17, 2005. They demanded money from Gantamirov's brother Ali, and when he refused them, they took everything they could find of value from the house. According to Gantamirov, about two million rubles, personal weapons, carpets and other valuables were stolen. (Kommersant, May 31, 2005).

Then Gantamirov, through his own channels, turned to the republican FSB, and they promised to help and even sent an investigation team to Gekhi. The FSB confirmed that the check had been carried out, but they did not talk about its results. According to Gantamirov, the Kadyrovites were very dissatisfied with the intervention of the FSB and on May 27, 2005 they again came to his brother's house. According to him, they categorically demanded that the case be hushed up, threatening physical violence, which forced him to apply for protection to the federal authorities (Kommersant, May 31, 2005).

Kadyrov, commenting on this statement, said: "Gantamirov facilitated the exit of the militants from the encircled city at the very beginning of the counter-terrorist operation and, according to available data, still maintains a stable relationship with illegal armed groups." He also said that "a criminal case was initiated against Gantamirov due to the fact that, being the Minister of Information and Press in the government of the Chechen Republic, he arbitrarily appropriated four vehicles, including an armored car that belonged to the ministry, and part of the printing equipment" (RIA Novosti, June 1, 2005) According to Kadyrov, his men simply seized illegal weapons from the Gantamirovs' house. They did not even enter the house, and the arsenal - several machine guns, a machine gun and even a grenade launcher - was given to them by Ali Gantamirov himself (RIA Novosti, June 1, 2005). According to the magazine "Vlast", in the end, the federal authorities actually took the side of Gantamirov: SOBR soldiers began to guard his ancestral home, and his relatives received protection, which caused extreme discontent among Chechen officials ("Kommersant Vlast", August 15, 2005). On June 11, 2005, Dmitry Rogozin, in a report at the congress of the Rodina party, stated: “Power in Chechnya has again been seized by legalized militants, it doesn’t matter that the local king of animals with a hero’s star on his chest brazenly ascribes victory to himself army special forces, and in between interviews seduces the impregnable beauty Sobchak. "(, May 11, 2005)

On June 25, 2005, celebrations took place in Gudermes on the occasion of awarding the title of Hero of Russia to Kadyrov. IN festive events took part famous representatives Russian stage Nikolai Baskov and Diana Gurtskaya, who was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic by decree of the President of Chechnya. (Interfax, June 25, 2005)

On June 27, 2005, he was appointed head of the Commission of the Chechen Republic to resolve the situation in the village of Borozdinovskaya, where a "cleansing operation" was carried out on June 4, as a result of which 12 people went missing.

On July 11, 2005, the Vlast weekly published a long interview with Kadyrov, in which he said: "The special forces regiment named after my father - almost 90% of them are former militants. These militants were defenders of the people, they were simply misused.. "Dudaev was born not by Chechnya, but by Russia. He was a Soviet general. He was sent to Chechnya by certain people to start a war. Maskhadov was their colonel, Basayev was an employee of the special services. And now the leadership of Russia has changed - praise be to the Almighty that there is in this position now President Putin, who wants to end the war. And in 1991, in 1992, the then leaders started this war. And President Putin is not indifferent to the fate of Chechnya. Therefore, he supported a law that amnesties these people. Their war kills. And we "We don't want to kill them. We want to save our people, the whole, united Chechen people. They were used incorrectly. And we are using them in the right direction. If they want to protect the people, if they want to follow the path of Allah, then they should be with us." We explained to them that they were being used contrary to our customs. They understood it. And if someone from the military says that the militants who themselves came out of the forest should be punished, they are speaking incorrectly. The State Duma adopted the law on amnesty, and these people have rights, like all other people. We must forget those labels that they were given: militants, terrorists. They normal people, citizens of the Chechen Republic who want peace." (Vlast, July 11, 2005; see other excerpts from the interview).

July 13, 2005 resigned as chairman state commission to resolve the situation in the village. Chechen Prime Minister Sergei Abramov said that Kadyrov fully coped with the tasks assigned to him, the main of which was the return of refugees.

July 13, 2005 accused federal agency on construction and housing and communal services in embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated for the payment monetary compensation for lost housing and property in Chechnya: "Rosstroy plundered the allocated budget money for restoration and is now stealing compensation money, and blaming the Chechen government for everything," Kadyrov said. Rosstroy denied this information and stated that the lists were approved by a commission of the Chechen government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Rosstroy only allocated money.

On August 2, 2005, the gambling business was outlawed in the republic. He gave the owners of the toy libraries a week to dismantle the equipment: "I give one week to these unfortunate entrepreneurs. Otherwise, I myself will break these installations." According to him, "gambling is contrary to the norms of Islam and has a negative impact on the upbringing of the younger generation." Denied rumors that he himself is the owner of slot machines. (RIA Novosti, August 2, 2005).

On August 4, 2005, a council of imams of Chechnya adopted a fatwa (religious decree) on the fight against Wahhabis. Kadyrov said: "I welcome this decision. Employees law enforcement must be sure that their actions do not contradict the Koran and Islam." (Kommersant, August 5, 2005)

On September 22, 2005, he spoke at a press conference in Gudermes. He said that "in any region of Russia, Chechens are persecuted for no reason, brought to the police, they are mocked for far-fetched motives. And the only reason is that they are Chechens." Then he went on to criticize the work of the Russian policemen seconded to Chechnya: "They never get out of the police department, not a single inhabitant of the republic knows them by sight, they do not know the operational situation and cannot influence the situation in their areas." Noting that a full-fledged Ministry of Internal Affairs had been created in Chechnya, Kadyrov said that the time had come to transfer the counterterrorist operation under his control. He promised to raise the issue of Chechnya's administrative borders with Ingushetia and Dagestan after the parliament was elected. In conclusion, Kadyrov criticized the work of all ministers, suggesting that President Alkhanov draw conclusions (Kommersant, September 23, 2005).

Kadyrov also said: "The President of Chechnya, the government, the heads of district administrations together must openly declare that Chechen oil, which is one of the most expensive in the world, is exported and sold, and this money should be used to demand the restoration of the republic." Guilty of the fact that there is no progress in the restoration of Chechnya, he called the Russian government. According to Kadyrov, “Russian officials have no patriotism, no concern for the state,” so they ignored Putin’s orders regarding Chechnya: “The head of state gives them clear instructions, but they do nothing” (NG, September 23, 2005).

Kommersant quoted an unnamed "source" from the Chechen government: "This is, in fact, an election speech. And no one here has any doubt that in a year Ramzan will take the place of president." (Kommersant, September 23, 2005)

On October 12, 2005, Kadyrov stated: “The President of the Chechen Republic, Alu Alkhanov, speaking about the increasing cases of kidnapping, set before us the task of turning the tide by any means. to kidnappings." (Interfax, October 12, 2005)

In February 2007 - Alu Alkhanov asked Putin to leave, Putin introduced Kadyrov to the People's Assembly of Chechnya; All NA deputies except one voted "for".

Hero of Russia (2004).

Awarded with the medal "Defender of the Chechen Republic" (August 2005)

Master of sports in boxing.

Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroi, Gudermes District, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Russian statesman, President of the Chechen Republic (since 2007), member of the bureau high council party "United Russia". Previously, Ramzan Kadyrov was the prime minister of the government of the Chechen Republic, head of the security service of the first president of the Chechen Republic, Akhmat Kadyrov.

Ramzan Kadyrov - Hero of the Russian Federation (2004).

Family, childhood and youth

Father - Kadyrov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich (1951-2004), the first president of the Chechen Republic, died during the celebration of Victory Day (May 9, 2004) in the city of Grozny.

Mother - Kadyrova Aimani Nesievna (born 1953). In 2004, after the death of her husband, she was elected president of the regional public fund "Mercy" named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov, is an Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic

Sister - Kadyrova Zargan Akhmatovna (born 1971), Assistant to the President of the Chechen Republic on preschool education.

Sister - Kadyrova Zulay Akhmatovna (born 1972).

Brother - Kadyrov Zelimkhan Akhmatovich (1974-2004).

Ramzan Kadyrov studied at the general education high school No. 1 in the village of Tsentoroi, Gudermes region, which he successfully completed in 1992. Since 1996, he became the assistant and head of the security of his father, Mufti of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov.

He received his higher education in law at the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law (1998-2004).

in government posts

During the first Chechen war, together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists, but in the fall of 1999, the Kadyrovs went over to the side of the Russian federal troops. Akhmat Kadyrov was appointed head of the interim administration of Chechnya, and his son Ramzan became an inspector of communications and special equipment at the headquarters of a separate police company under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (2000-2002), then - a platoon commander of this company (2002-2004).

After the election of Akhmat Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic (2003), Ramzan Kadyrov headed the presidential security service. He conducted a number of successful special operations to eliminate militants, negotiated with field commanders, offering them to go over to the side of the federal authorities. Ramzan Kadyrov was awarded the Order of Courage for the operation to destroy the Abu al-Walid detachment (2003), received the star of the Hero of Russia (2004).

Since 2004, Ramzan Kadyrov has been an assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, a member State Council from the Gudermes region, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.

On May 9, 2004, a terrorist act took place at the Dynamo stadium in the city of Grozny, as a result of which President Akhmet Kadyrov died. The State Council and the government of Chechnya turned to the President of Russia with a request to amend the republic's constitution, which prohibits persons under 30 from running for president. The request was denied, while Kadyrov himself repeatedly stated that he did not want to run for president of Chechnya.

Alkhanov Alu Dadashevich (2004-2007) became the President of the Chechen Republic, and Ramzan Kadyrov took the post of Advisor to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District on issues of interaction with law enforcement agencies federal district(2004), was elected head of the Chechen branch " United Russia"(2005), became chairman government commission on the suppression of drug trafficking in the Chechen Republic (2006),

On May 4, 2006, Chechen President Alu Alkhanov signed a decree appointing Ramzan Kadyrov as prime minister of the republic.

Ramzan Kadyrov - President of Chechnya

In February 2007, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Alu Alkhanov was removed from the post of President of the Chechen Republic, and Ramzan Kadyrov was appointed acting President of Chechnya.

On March 2, 2007, at an extraordinary meeting of the republican parliament, Ramzan Kadyrov was almost unanimously approved as the president of Chechnya. The inauguration ceremony of Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic was held on April 5, 2007 in Gudermes.

Personal life

Ramzan Kadyrov is married. Wife - Kadyrova Medni Musaevna (born 1978), housewife.

There are nine children in the family: six blood children (five daughters and a son) and three adopted children (the Daskaev brothers).

Public life

In 2005, the regional public fund "Mercy" named after A. Hero of Russia A. Kadyrov. Ramzan Kadyrov became its chairman. The Foundation includes numerous programs of humanitarian, social, cultural, scientific, economic and political nature. Its priority activity: construction and restoration of social, cultural and residential facilities of the Chechen Republic, provision charitable assistance low-income families, the disabled, orphans and people who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Ramzan Kadyrov is the president of the Terek football club (since 2004), the president of the Chechen League of KVN (since 2004).

Ramzan Kadyrov was awarded the "Order of Courage", medals "Defender of the Chechen Republic" , "For distinction in the protection of public order", "For merits in conducting the All-Russian population census", "For participation in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic", "For service in the Caucasus". Kadyrov was awarded the titles "Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic" and "Honored Worker physical education", is an honorary member Russian Academy natural sciences.