Favorite word of many modern people is "degradation". “We are all degrading”, “society is degrading”, “teenagers are degrading”. On what grounds do people define personality degradation? Should be considered this concept and the reasons why it occurs.

To some extent, the concept in question is offensive in color. People use it to humiliate or insult someone. In fact, degradation takes place in society. However, it is erroneous to believe that it arose only in Lately. Degradation existed at all times. It's just that the strata of society in which it took place were different.

Degradation can occur not only among the poor, but also among the rich. It does not depend on the level of material condition. What then are the causes of degradation? Psychologists single out psychological side when a person could reach higher peaks, but started walking up the stairs social development down.

A person usually gets stuck at one of the stages of his development, rejecting and considering all others unnecessary. A person either becomes a loner, improving and doing only himself. Or he devotes himself to the family. Or completely immersed in work, where you have to interact with a group of people. Or he tries to change the whole world when he himself has neither housing nor order in the house.

But for real developed person becomes the one who improves at all stages of development. What are these steps?

  1. Knows, improves himself, brings good to himself.
  2. He gets to know his beloved, his neighbor, learns to interact with him, directs his forces to develop relations with him.
  3. Knows society as a whole, interacts with it in such a way as to benefit all its members (including himself).
  4. Knowledge of the entire planet solar system, Galaxies, etc. Interaction with the world so that development occurs both for the person himself and for the world as a whole.

It is necessary to develop not at one level, but at all levels to gain knowledge, come to understanding and strive for interaction, where the synergy effect will occur - the development of everyone and everything, improvement, a position where everyone wins. Getting stuck on one of the steps leads to the fact that a person does not feel in himself the disclosure of his potential. A person cannot be fixated on one thing. By nature, he was given the desire for comprehensive development and manifestation of himself.

What is personality degradation?

The concept under consideration is determined by the synonyms that apply to it. What is personality degradation? This:

  • Decline in performance.
  • Decreased activity.
  • Regression (reverse development).
  • Loss of stability.
  • Care mental balance.
  • Impoverishment of judgments, talents, interests, etc.

By what criteria is personality degradation determined? For these symptoms:

  1. memory dysfunction.
  2. Increased irritability.
  3. Lack of concentration.
  4. Narrowing of interests.
  5. Decreased adaptability.
  6. Weakness.
  7. Complacency.
  8. Carelessness.

In everyday life, this concept is used everywhere with the aim of humiliating others. In rare cases we are talking about serious degradation of personality. However, an appeal to a psychologist or psychotherapist becomes necessary if a person really begins to break down.

Degradation is the destruction that leads a person to a poor, unhappy, miserable and sick existence. Just as muscles begin to atrophy if they are not used, so a person becomes "dysfunctional" when he begins to degrade.

Seeking help from a psychologist on the site site can be carried out when a person for a long time binge drinking, depression, loneliness, withdrawal, drug use, or abuse. How longer man degrades, the more serious forms of degradation develop:

  • Marasmus.
  • Dementia.
  • Carelessness.
  • Loss of contact with the environment.
  • Complete indifference to everything.

Experts single out the main cause of degradation. Everyone who drinks alcohol for a long time eventually becomes disabled, isolated from society and sick.

Causes of degradation

Degradation is the result of many factors. It manifests itself in the gradual loss of interest in oneself, life, current events, and so on. The reason may be some event that severely traumatized a person: the breakup of a desired relationship, the death of a child, the loss loved one etc.

The reasons for degradation should also include various failures that happen to a person. The more there are in a short period of time, the faster man comes to give up and do nothing. The strength of failure also affects. If a person has lost everything he had, the occurrence of one such event will be sufficient for further degradation.

In some cases, we are talking about degradation when an individual ceases to develop spiritually or intellectually. However, this concept is not always correct in this case. Lack of development at the intellectual and spiritual level can only speak of a person getting stuck at the level of development at which he is already.

The main cause of degradation is called alcoholism. The connection between alcoholism and degradation is obvious: a person gradually becomes detached from real life, more immersed in own problems, ceases to develop, even loses some skills, knowledge and health.

Degradation can be affected by older people, especially after retirement or after being fired from work. Many psychologists believe that the loss of working capacity or dismissal from work due to reaching retirement age negatively affects a person who gradually ceases to take on duties and bear responsibility. Retirees who continue to work and lead social life progress further or retain their level of development.

People who are lonely or who have lost loved ones are susceptible to degradation. They become depressed, gradually losing skills, knowledge and interests. In some cases, they may thus give up life, thereby committing delayed suicide.

The lack of spiritual development is similar to the lack of sports and exercise in a person's life. If the muscles are not used, then they will atrophy. Other factors may contribute to degradation:

  • Lack of will.
  • Senility.
  • Laziness.
  • Drug addiction.
  • Procrastination.

Signs of degradation

The degradation of the personality brings with it harmful consequences when a person conditionally dies, although he physically continues to live. To help a loved one who may not notice or refute their own regression, it is necessary to notice all the signs of degradation in time:

  1. Less attention is paid to spoken words. Speech becomes simplistic.
  2. No attention is paid to appearance. Becomes less neat and tidy.
  3. The circle of communication is limited. Avoiding people who bring trouble to life.
  4. All actions are based on the desire "I want". Concerned only with himself, completely renouncing care for loved ones.
  5. Narrowing the circle of interests.
  6. Frivolity.
  7. Carelessness with capriciousness.
  8. Windiness and inconsistency.
  9. Flat humor.
  10. Discontent and grumbling.
  11. Judgments are superficial and light.
  12. Behavior cheeky, cynical. Loss of shame and disgust.
  13. Deceit, selfishness, egocentrism.
  14. Short temper and irritability.
  15. Fear, prejudice, negative attitude, anxiety.
  16. Decrease in memory, impoverishment of judgments.

A. Maslow identified the following stages of personality degradation:

  • Learned helplessness - when a person depends on circumstances and other forces.
  • Basic needs become dominant.
  • People are divided into “us” and “them”.
  • Increased self-criticism - when a person blames himself even for what he did not do.
  • Impoverishment of speech - it is difficult to find the right words to express your thoughts, especially when it comes to adjectives expressing emotions.
  • Exceeding one's own opinion: others think wrong.
  • The emergence of dependencies.

Degradation of personality in alcoholism

Where there is alcohol in large quantities, degradation is always present. It seems that alcoholism will not affect a person, since he drinks little and moderately. However, alcoholism always starts small. However, the degradation of the personality in alcoholism always occurs suddenly, and a person may not notice destructive properties behind him.

Alcohol dependence has a progressive character:

  1. Decreased control in the amount of drinks consumed, increased irritability, sometimes somatic dysfunction.
  2. Superficial thinking, lowering criticism of one's own actions.
  3. Loss social contacts, destruction of personality, gross ataxia.

How does personality degradation manifest itself in alcoholism?

  • Self-criticism disappears, memory decreases.
  • In all troubles, according to alcoholics, others are to blame.
  • Rudeness, excessive self-confidence, unresponsiveness, callousness, incorrectness, cynicism.
  • Sleep with frequent awakenings.
  • Interests are narrowed to the use of alcohol.
  • There is an avoidance of people who create problems.
  • Lost professional skills. At work, they avoid labor duties, while they do not want to miss out on material benefits.
  • Responsibility to other people is lost.

With alcohol degradation, people hide their own fears, weakness and impotence. When they drink, then "the sea is knee-deep", which allows them to enter into conflicts and prove their own innocence. When sober, they may not be able to do anything.

Alcoholism should be treated by a psychotherapist or narcologist who understands the problem better. Personal degradation is eliminated together with a psychologist who focuses on solving the problems that caused a person to start drinking.


degradation manifests itself in various forms. The result is always the same, if this state is not eliminated and not returned to the reverse process - complete maladaptation in society. Man will become primitive, uninteresting and sick. He will look like a weak-minded creature that needs help.

Degradation affects life expectancy. The person loses interest in own life, so it may not do anything to prolong it or make it worthy. If we talk about alcoholism or suicide, in this case a person contributes to his own destruction.

Usually people use given word without thinking about the fact that we can talk about a serious mental illness. But not every person who has become weak degrades. However, everyone who degenerates always becomes weak.

Degradation is the process of deterioration of the characteristics of an object or phenomenon over time, a gradual decrease in quality, decline, destruction of matter due to external influences according to the laws of nature and time.

There is ecological, telecommunication, biogender, chemical degradation, degradation of personality, society, culture.

The phenomenon of personality degradation is studied in psychology. This actual problem closely related to the degradation of society as a whole.

As a psychological phenomenon, personality degradation includes the following processes:

  • narrowing of intellectual abilities,
  • deterioration of mental activity, the ability to think critically,
  • decrease in the quality of mental processes and functions (problems with attention, perception, memory, speech),
  • decrease in social and physical activity,
  • disability,
  • loss of acquired abilities and skills,
  • lack of manifestation of positive properties and personality traits,
  • the appearance of negative personality traits and qualities,
  • impoverishment of the sphere of feelings and emotions, deterioration of the ability to understand others, to communicate.

Thus, the degradation of personality is the process of destruction of its structure, qualities and properties.

The people say about the degraded that he "sank", "lost his human appearance", "disappeared", "took a step back in development." Such definitions succinctly characterize the process of personality degradation.

Forms and causes of personality destruction

Degradation of personality is a process opposite to its growth and development, opposite to progress.

It is noticeable to the environment of a person more than to himself. Degradation is visible in the behavior and appearance of the individual. A person ceases to take care of himself, his speech becomes scarce, the circle of communication and interests narrows, emotional restraint is manifested in combination with indifference to the feelings and opinions of loved ones.

Degradation can be expressed in the form:

  • frivolity, carelessness, irresponsibility;
  • infantilism, lack of will, cowardice, chronic laziness;
  • indifference to society, loss of ties with the outside world;
  • neglect of social requirements, rules of conduct, morality and ethics;
  • addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.);
  • illegal behavior (misdemeanors and crimes);
  • dementia, insanity, mental illness.

It becomes clear what degradation is, and why it is not uncommon in our time, when understanding the causes of its occurrence. The reasons are closely related to the forms of degradation:

  • When life seems meaningless to a person, he neglects it. Apathy, boredom, laziness, lack of initiative appear.
  • A person who does not know how to set and achieve goals, has no aspirations and desires, is passive and pessimistic. If there is a choice to act or not to act, he chooses the second: why do something, if you can also relax?
  • Work on oneself is everyday work, degradation of the personality is a consequence of a stop in development, refusal of self-realization.

Loneliness, depression, grief, psychological trauma, guilt and similar suffering can become the causes of personality degradation:

  • In depression, a person does not accept life and himself in it, engages in psychological "suicide".
  • When a person is alone and no one needs, his strongest need is not satisfied - the need for love and belonging. A person does not understand why, for what, for whom to try to be better and develop.
  • Guilt pushes a person to realize his insignificance, gives rise to self-hatred and many other negative experiences that “corrode” the psyche.
  • Feeling of powerlessness, self-doubt, low self-esteem can also be the cause of personality regression.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and all other types of diviant behavior are, as well as forms and causes of degradation.

The degradation of the personality of an elderly person is often due to the peculiarities of age, age-related changes in the structure of the brain; retirement, deprivation of the opportunity to work and be an active member of society.

Reversibility of degradation and its prevention

To prevent the process of destruction of the personality, it is necessary to engage in self-education, self-development, self-affirmation. This is sometimes difficult, but interesting everyday work.

No matter how hard it is to overcome shortcomings, it is easier than reversing the process of "fading" of the personality. Those people who managed to do this deserve great respect. You should not be shy about asking for help and support from loved ones and contacting professional psychologists.

When a person copes with grief and suffering, does not forget about humanity in inhuman conditions and in other similar difficult situations, he fights for the right to be himself, for his "I", for the integrity and harmony of the personality and for the right to be happy man. He chooses the path of development, not decline, life in every sense of the word, and not social death.

The degradation of the individual must be, at a minimum, stopped. It is necessary to recognize it as a problem in time and stop it by eliminating the causes of occurrence, correcting behavior, changing the worldview.

You need to be able to accept life as it is in cases where it is impossible to change it, in all other cases, a person is the creator of his own history and happiness.

Get rid of degradation

To regain a sense of the value of life, increase self-confidence, learn to set and achieve goals, regain the desire to develop, grow above oneself, can help:

  • Cultural development

Talk about benefits cultural development possible indefinitely. Culture and art are the source of wisdom. There are many works that tell about the formation and development of personality.

The main characters of books and films often have to face and successfully overcome significant life difficulties, perform feats, change in better side as a result of self-improvement. Such prominent people a lot. A role model can be a relative or ancestor.

  • Love and altruism

When a person helps others, takes care of them as of himself, does good deeds, makes selfless friends, he gets pleasure and joy from this, self-esteem grows, confidence in his abilities, in his value and importance for people is added.

Love is a healing, life-affirming feeling. It gives a sense of the fullness of life, fills it with meaning. True, priceless and selfless love gives happiness.

  • Active life position and work

You need to love life, live actively, work, work for the good of society, strive to make the world a better place, benefit others, loved ones, help yourself become a Human.
All of the above at the same time and the prevention of personality degradation can stop its progression.

Each person is given the opportunity to become a holistic and harmonious personality. Take advantage of it or miss this one chance - the choice of each person.

Behavior is known to be drinking man is inappropriate. Anyone who is familiar with such people can see the limitations of their thinking. How more people drinks, the more his character and mentality change. The degradation of the personality in alcoholism is a serious complication of dependence that has become chronic. The drinker is not interested in anything, loses moral values, communication with him becomes impossible. Noticing the symptoms of personality change, you should immediately take measures to save the person.

The degradation of a person's personality under the influence of alcohol is characterized by a pronounced decrease in mental abilities and a loss of life values. Such effects are caused by long-term exposure toxic substances contained in ethyl alcohol on the cerebral cortex. This pathology develops in people who have been drinking for several years. The result is mental and physical disorders in the body and complete asociality of a person.

The word "degradation" is translated as "reverse movement; backward development. In relation to personality, this means that a person rolls back from the stage on which he was originally. Even people with high intelligence, as a result of alcoholism, cease to think adequately and logically. Their memory deteriorates, their behavior becomes sharply negative.

The degradation of the personality of men and women changes their worldview, overturns the system of values. A person ceases to be interested in the life of relatives and friends, to listen to their opinion. His circle of contacts is greatly narrowed due to the fact that normal people do not want to interact with him. An alcoholic starts dating other drunkards like him, who can only think about drinking.

The human brain is destroyed. He has psycho-emotional disorders, depression, insomnia. The person becomes rude, inattentive, irritable. hallmark An alcoholic is that he does not take responsibility for his actions and blames others for all the troubles.

Psychiatric disorders appear in appearance. A person suffering from a chronic dependence on alcoholic beverages ceases to take care of himself, loses shame. He loses his sense of duty to his family, work team, does not fulfill his daily and professional duties.

The problem with the alcoholic is that he is not aware of the changes taking place in him. It seems to him that he remains an honest and decent person, while others treat him badly. Chronic drunkards are distinguished by familiar behavior, importunity, false promises that he makes to his loved ones.

Noticeable changes in personality are observed after about 6-8 years of systematic drinking. After 2-3 years, these violations can no longer be hidden, deterioration is seen by everyone around.

It has been observed that people with low level intelligence degrade faster than individuals with high IQs. This is due to the fact that a person a high degree awareness until the last tries to control himself.

It is a generally accepted fact that in women degradation develops faster than in the male half of the population.

Stages of change

The degradation of the personality of a chronic alcoholic begins gradually, developing in several stages. There are three main stages of disease progression:

  • initial;

  • average degree;
  • final decline of personality.

Moving to the first stage of the disease, a person begins to drink more often, motivating this by severe physical or psychological fatigue. Many turn to chronic drinking, starting with one beer after work. A man or woman explains his actions by the need to relax after a hard day's work.

A person drinks more and more often, and the habit develops into addiction. He does not perceive criticism, the questions of those around him anger him. It seems to an alcoholic that he drinks a little and can easily quit. At this stage, changes in mentality relate to the inability to soberly assess the situation.

At the second stage, a person begins to lose sympathy for loved ones, loses responsibility to them. He becomes callous and soulless. The drunkard regularly meets with drinking companions to spend time in their company. All attempts by friends to convince him of the wrong actions are in vain.

The alcoholic begins to lie to relatives, trying to cover up his drinking. He makes promises that he cannot keep. There is a loss of self-control. Many people at this stage try to stop drinking, but a weak will prevents them from doing so.

At the final stage, the addiction completely absorbs the person. He no longer manages his life, his thoughts are only occupied by booze. Alcoholics develop such qualities as cruelty, aggression. He may begin to raise his hand to his family members, friends.

A completely degraded person cannot perceive the suffering of loved ones, he does not think about them. At this stage, the patient completely loses himself as a person. Irreversible changes may begin in his psyche.

Causes of degradation

It is well known that alcohol negatively affects the entire body. Alcohol, consumed in large quantities, adversely affects many systems and organs. The brain is the most damaged. This explains the change in the personality of a person with alcoholism.

When ethanol is absorbed by the walls of blood vessels in the body, the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted. In normal functioning, erythrocytes (red blood cells) should bounce off each other. Due to friction in the vessels, electrification occurs. Red bodies, having a negative charge, repel each other, producing movement.

Ethanol, when released into the blood, dissolves the protective layer that covers the walls of red blood cells. The electric charge disappears, the cells stick together. There is a blockage of blood vessels, blood circulation is disturbed.

The brain is entangled in a network of capillaries through which it is supplied with oxygen. Since the blood vessels are clogged, the cells do not receive the necessary substances and die. Oxygen starvation develops. This leads to gradual atrophy of the cerebral cortex.

At the physical level, a person feels relaxation. Intoxication is expressed in a pleasant feeling of euphoria. An alcoholic is unaware that death is happening in his brain nerve cells. At in large numbers destroyed neurons, extensive dead areas appear. The brain shrinks and may develop cysts and ulcers.

Scientists have found that the reflex functions of the body return to normal only 7-12 days after drinking alcohol. They are considered a manifestation lower forms brain activity. Higher functions can fully recover in 15-20 days. These include:

  • sensory perception;
  • ability to learn;
  • emotions;
  • mental activity;
  • memory.

That is, within two to three weeks after ethanol enters the blood, there is a weakening of these functions in the body.

Ethyl alcohol also removes beneficial substances from the body. Alcoholic compounds wash out the B vitamins that are vital to humans. This causes a violation of the intercellular metabolic process. Vitamin deficiency adversely affects the functioning of the nervous system.

degradation symptoms

There are a number of signs that determine the deterioration of a person's condition. It is possible to identify changes both in his character and in his way of thinking. The former are expressed in the following states:

  • unwillingness to monitor their appearance;
  • neglect of other people, inability to empathize;
  • tactless behavior;
  • increased selfishness;

  • intrusiveness, attracting undue attention to oneself;
  • pathological lies;
  • self-confidence, expressed in attributing to oneself fictitious virtues;
  • the desire to justify drunkenness with supposedly good reasons.

Due to the destruction of the brain of an alcoholic, his thinking changes. The following negative conditions may indicate this:

  • apathy for everything that happens;
  • lack of goals in life;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • inability to make a connection between cause and effect;
  • memory impairment, the inability to recall recent events.

If these signs are found in a loved one, it is necessary to start taking measures for his treatment. Further ignoring the disease will lead to irreversible consequences.

Types of alcohol degradation

Negative personality changes in people who have become addicted can manifest themselves in different ways. This is influenced by the individual characteristics of a person, his ability to withstand destructive actions. The higher the degree of awareness of a person, the more time passes before his degradation. Some people are able to rethink their lifestyle and give up alcohol in the first or second stages.

There are several types of personality degradation:

  • astheno-neurotic;
  • alcoholic;
  • alcohol-organic;
  • psychopathic.


This type is expressed in the states of a person characteristic of its name. Under asthenia understand the weakening of the body due to neuropsychic reactions. It is also called chronic fatigue syndrome. A person constantly feels depressed, exhausted.

The slightest movement makes him overtired. The individual does not have any desire to do daily work, to perform any duties. This leads to excessive nervousness, irritability. A person, coming home in the evening, feels great fatigue, which he tries to get rid of by drinking alcohol.

Signs of personality degradation of a neurosis-like type of disease:

  • emotional instability;

  • fast irritability;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • inability to concentrate on anything;
  • forgetfulness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • doubts about good attitude surrounding;
  • decrease in libido;
  • frequent migraines.

A distinctive feature of astheno-neurotic patients is that many of them understand the perniciousness of their habit. They have a desire to recover from alcoholism. Some visit the clinic on their own and try to get rid of the addiction. It is important for such people to get the support of others.


This type of disease is also common in people with nervous disorders, however, it differs somewhat from the previous one. Man with alcoholic kind degraded may feel that he is inadequate, but he has no desire to change anything. He is more aggressive towards others. Signs are expressed in the following states:

  • narrow circle of interests;

  • absolutely irresponsible behavior;
  • lack of understanding of the life process;
  • cynical judgments;
  • swagger, lack of shame;
  • commercialism;
  • inability to think critically.


Personality changes of this type are observed in people with brain diseases. This may be facilitated by past trauma to the skull. Also, this pathology develops in people with atherosclerosis and encephalopathy (death of neurons) of the brain. Characteristic features are:

  • inability to think normally;
  • delayed reactions;
  • apathetic state, immersion in oneself;
  • empty chatter about nothing;
  • memory losses;
  • excessive sentimentality;
  • lack of self respect.

A person in this state can confuse fiction and reality. Patients of the alcoholic-organic type often invent events that did not actually happen, fantasize. From the outside, they give the impression of absolutely inadequate people.


This type mainly includes young people who abuse alcohol. They are distinguished aggressive behavior, increased irritability. On the other hand, there is an indifferent attitude towards relatives, indifference to their feelings.

When sober, the patient is usually withdrawn and uncommunicative. In a state of intoxication, he becomes cheerful, talkative. However, as the amount of alcohol consumed increases, he begins to show signs of aggression. The young person may lash out at others or injure himself. These people are potentially dangerous to society. Therefore, their loved ones should pay attention to such behavior and take drastic measures.

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Degradation of the personality is the inability of a person to control his animal instincts and the needs of the physical body, these are unconscious and uncontrolled thoughts and actions to satisfy insatiable feelings

Manifestations of Degradation

Life is always movement. Movement up - development, or down - degradation. progresses or regresses. There are not many paths in life. The road is always the same: either up or down. A person begins to degrade when he falls under the influence of the energy of ignorance. Very close here is the concept of choosing the direction of the path and the meaning of life. This right choice directions of human movement and development.

A person may have many virtues, but if he goes in the wrong direction, if his goals are ignorant, he, in the presence of many positive qualities inevitably slide into the abyss of degradation. life is the main sign!

One of the serious signs of the beginning of Degradation is unbridled Lust.

Here are the main signs and typical behavior to identify a degrading personality:

A person's own perception of himself as a person on whom nothing depends either globally or personally.

When the basic human needs come to the fore.

The world is divided into "us" and "strangers"

Large material goals are completely absent. There is no desire to acquire any valuable things.

Constantly overcomes the feeling of guilt and shame. A person blames himself for all seven deadly sins, even those to which he has nothing to do.

Deep erroneous attitudes and cockroaches in the head when the ideology of the degrading is unshakable. Discussion, criticism and debate is not and is not subject to.

Simple language, elementary, easy to pronounce and remember phrases, identical phrases. With degradation, the brain does not want to spend energy on development.

Degradation on unbridled Feelings, etc.

Degradation also comes from an unbridled desire to satisfy them. When feelings are not controlled by the brain, only animal primitive desires and reactions work. Here feelings take over with their exorbitant desires, whims and whims. When it is impossible to satisfy these feelings. They are by nature insatiable.

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It becomes clear if we connect this phenomenon with the loss of balance on the mental level. Also, the working capacity decreases, the activity of a person is weakened.


The degradation of a person implies that the traits and abilities inherent in him earlier are weakening, losing their strength. If earlier he had his own judgments, qualities and talents, they are becoming less and less. A person gets irritated more easily, remembers less, and concentrates more difficultly.

In this case, we can say with certainty that a degradation process is taking place. The circle of interests becomes much more modest, the individual shows careless behavior, loses complacency and the will to overcome obstacles.

We are witnesses, and perhaps participants

It is regrettable to note that in our time the degradation of society is actively taking place. But what's the matter? After all, people have been carefully fighting for a place under the sun for so many centuries, making more and more new discoveries.

What are the reasons for this?

There are several reasons that lead to the degradation of a person and society as a whole:

  • The reasons for degradation may lie in the excessive simplicity of life that young people face in our time. They just don't need to develop. Machines do everything for a person, the benefits of civilization are available to absolutely everyone, and you do not need to make significant efforts to get them.
  • People do not think about something significant, but become simple consumers, which is somewhat stupefying. Everything is twofold. So we can clearly see what degradation is, against the backdrop of growing opportunities and the progress of science.
  • For many, it is not the achievement of certain heights that is of primary importance, but the receipt of benefits. It becomes more important to have than to create. After all, only the creative mind is aimed at development.
  • Instead of the joy of discovery and creation, many other pleasures appeared - substitutes. The goal of going to work is not the work itself, which satisfies our self-esteem with its usefulness, but the money that is ultimately spent on absolutely unnecessary things. As they say, choose an activity that you like, and it will seem to you that you are relaxing.
  • Study and work process have become not stepping stones to development, but a yoke that a person puts on himself in exchange for wealth which modernity has declared necessary, although this is not at all the case. Brands are created and promoted, for which they pay unreasonably large amounts of money. So how then does biomass differ from the peoples of the past, blindly praying to a wooden idol, not really knowing whether it possesses those qualities that are worth such attention?

So people, not convinced that they really need this or that thing, strive for it because it is considered right in society. It is worth asking the question of who benefits from this. Are we?

Should we fight and how?

What is degradation in its essence? A natural process or a plague to be fought? To do this, we must first consider evolution, during which deviations from the norm are formed, which are not always positive.

In this process, it is not the smartest who survives, but the fittest. So another question is whether we can consider intelligence as a measure of development. After all, in fact, a member of the herd, pouring into the environment, may have a much better chance of survival.

In order to appear educated people, a system that lays the foundation of knowledge should be properly organized. After all good tree Grows only from good soil. As we can see, universities and institutions are in an increasingly deplorable state every year.

What is degradation? First of all, it is the lack of conditions for development. At one time the Soviet educational practice had the most high level quality. There is still something left of it, but, apparently, not for long, because institutions are being abolished, they stop sponsoring public funds. Schools have also greatly simplified their programs.

Perverted attitude to knowledge

A separate issue is corruption. Teaching is no longer the goal of sitting on a bench in an auditorium. More and more people want to seem, not to be. Possess, not be able to. Many have heard the phrase "I need a diploma for a crust." It's stupid. Why, then, do they require this document at work if there is nothing behind it? The worst thing is that in our society we are accustomed to calmly treat illogical, stupid things. They just entered our way of life, and no one is surprised by them.

Since man is a herd creature, then, probably, if everyone ate soup with a fork, he would also not ask many questions and would make attempts to learn this important art. The rest do it too. For good reason, it must be.

Is the smartest one eating with a spoon? As if millions of people on earth had not lived before him. If it made sense, they would have been doing this a long time ago. Degradation begins where the individual refuses to analyze, to delve into the essence, to do own conclusions take responsibility for your judgments. When, instead, it just relaxes and flows in a given direction, not paying attention, not wanting to think about what stones are waiting in sea ​​depth. And when there is a blow against those barriers that we ourselves refused to notice, a lot of questions arise. Why is this and who is to blame? Yes, it's our fault. She is in voluntary blindness.

Who benefits?

It's not just about simplifying thought processes ordinary people, there is a degradation of elites. This term is associated with negative selection, which means the purposeful stupefaction of people, instilling in them more base goals and ideals, the creation of a consumer society.

No matter how regrettable it may sound, it is not uncommon for those managers to come to power whose primary goal is not to create favorable conditions for the life of their people, but to raise funds for their own pockets. You need to play with people very carefully, because this is a great elemental force. Long gone are the days when it was possible to influence a person by intimidating him directly. Pseudo-democracy is being created these days, poison is slowly being poured into our glasses.

We don't even notice how it happens.

A rather apt comparison: if you throw an animal into boiling water, it will suffer and experience unbearable pain, and if you heat the boiler gradually, it will not notice anything. Push yourself in hot water no one will allow it, but when in some way everything is presented under the guise of freedoms, opportunities and care from the ruling elite, it is hard to resist the temptation and refuse.

People begin to become like animals that are lured into a trap by a path of neatly laid out pieces of food. How to avoid becoming the prey of tyrants? Analyze, think.

There is nothing wrong with questioning everything. This is our life, and no one can say that giving up on it is normal. Freedom starts in the head.