At home or on an industrial scale, it is a profitable type of business that allows you to realize your winemaking abilities and cover the initial investment in 1-2 (when opening a factory). The success of the project depends on the quality of the grapes, as well as compliance with the production technology. Regardless of the scale of activity, it is desirable to draw up a business plan, which will reflect all stages of development, as well as financial calculations.

How is the alcoholic drink made?

For getting regular customers and stable profit it is important to observe wine production technology and carefully consider each of the stages. The manufacturing process begins with primary winemaking, the result of which is the finished product, after which it is the turn of cellar storage and ensuring proper aging of the intoxicating drink.

Manufacturing process for various types wines are almost identical, but there are some features. Against this background, two types of winemaking stand out - special and general.

Based on the classical version, the following stages can be distinguished:

  1. Harvesting and preparing grapes for further processing.
  2. crushing of the source material. The purpose of this work is to extract the liquid from the shell. The result is a mixture of seeds, juice and peel.
  3. Loading ridges within the allowable limit.
  4. Transportation of waste for subsequent disposal.
  5. Waiting for a certain time while the finished composition goes through the stage of fermentation and the transformation of ordinary juice into an alcoholic drink.
  6. Clarification by settling the product. The purpose of the stage in technological process is the removal of turbidity, as well as the exclusion of premature fermentation. The task is realized through the use of sulfuric acid (to speed up the process) or through exposure to low temperatures.
  7. Removing the finished drink. The work is carried out with the utmost care so as not to capture the sediment. After completing the steps discussed above, further processing is carried out already in the cellar.

The technology for the production of wine spirits largely depends on the scale of the activity. If all the work is done by hand when making wine at home, it requires the use of special equipment to create a product in large volumes. For example, for mechanical crushing, a destemming crusher is used, after which the pulp is pressed, and the solid elements are separated from the must.

Special attention deserves the production of white wines, in which the pulp is supplied by means of a pump into a special cylinder with perforated walls. Thanks to this device, gravity separation of the wort is carried out. At the final stage, the composition is compressed, and then clarified by sampling the supernatant or by settling. At the end of 24 hours, sulfur dioxide is added, after which the wort is fermented in prepared containers. The period of wine settling may be different, but the longer the exposure, the tastier and more expensive the alcoholic drink.

Organizational events

Requires formalization. The first step is to determine the appropriate organizational and legal form. There are two options here - IP or LLC. The first way is suitable for entrepreneurs who plan to do business at home, and the second one is for organizing large-scale production. The best solution is the registration of the company (LLC), which will simplify the search for buyers for the finished product and attract large customers.

Next, you need to select OKVED codes which are specified at checkout. Mention must be made of 74.82 (packaging without processing), 01.13.1 (production of home grown wine), 15.93 (production of foodstuffs), and 51.34.21 (bottling of wine).

The set of OKVED codes considered above is sufficient to be able to produce ordinary, table, sparkling and sparkling wines.

Special attention should be paid to the taxation system. For medium-sized production with up to 100 employees, UTII is suitable. At the stage of registration, it is important to indicate the relevant data in a certain package of documents. In particular, an entry is made in the charter and the state register.

Since 2010, the wording of the certification of wine products has changed. Obtaining a certificate implies that the wine meets the quality requirements. For clearance required document the conclusion of the SES is required.

To start a business in the production of wine and sell it, you will need a license (FZ - 171). To obtain it, the preparation of the following package of papers is required:

  • Application for a license. The document must contain information about the company, its divisions (if any), types of activities carried out (according to OKVED codes), as well as the period for which the permit is issued.
  • Copies of the constituent papers of the company, as well as documents on state registration (must be notarized).
  • A copy of the receipt confirming the payment of the state duty in the amount determined for obtaining a license.
  • Copy of papers confirming registration with the Federal Tax Service (registration as a tax payer).
  • Documents that would confirm the accreditation of the laboratory that controls the quality of products (at the level of technology and chemical composition). You can also submit a copy of the agreement here. third party, which will take on such functions. The package of documents must also include certificates confirming compliance legal requirements and equipment standards.
  • The conclusion issued by the authorities, which must confirm the compliance of the premises (warehouses, workshops for production) with fire, sanitary, epidemiological and environmental safety standards.
  • Papers confirming the payment of the full amount of the authorized capital by the participants of the LLC.
  • Other documents (the exact list of papers must be clarified before registering a business).

In the process of wine production, it is important to take into account the current requirements for the quality of products. It is worth highlighting the following GOSTs (in relation to types of wine) - 52558-2006 (carbonated), 52195-2003 (flavored), 52404-2005 (special), 52523-2006 (table) and 51074-2003 (grape).

In the process of product certification, its quality is assessed for the presence of toxic elements, namely ethyl alcohol, sulfur dioxide, and others. Such actions are necessarily carried out before the admission of wine to mass consumption to protect consumers from low-quality goods.


At the initial stage, it is worth taking care of finding a place for wine production. It is important that the factory has a room for manufacturing and long-term storage already finished products. To produce a thousand bottles of wine per day, one processing line with a throughput of 500 kg / hour is required. To organize production, a bottling workshop, a storage facility for alcohol (if fortified wines are made), a warehouse for finished goods and an additional bottling room are needed.

You can not do without a cellar where branded spirits will be stored. The area of ​​the premises depends on the volume of production. Also, to communicate with clients and draw up contracts, you need an office with a good repair. The plant itself and the office space may be located in different locations. The first is on the outskirts or outside the city, and the second is closer to the central part. In the absence of such an opportunity, the office may be in the same building as the plant.


The largest costs are for the purchase of equipment. When opening a large-scale business, the following is required wine production equipment:

  • Grape press (pneumatic).
  • Mezgopriemnik.
  • Crusher for grapes. In such a device, a comb separator is immediately provided.
  • Conveyor.
  • Filter press.

In addition to equipment used directly for production, you will need a line that provides bottling of finished products:

  • TCP transporter.
  • Label applicator.
  • Capping machine.
  • Filling machine (example - ART-8 T).


When organizing large-scale production, you will need the help of qualified specialists. It is advisable to take into account information on personnel and additional costs in the business plan. The documents should reflect not only the number, but also briefly describe the duties of each employee involved in the work, as well as the amount of the monthly salary.

The number of personnel involved depends on the volume of wine production. A medium plant would require the following workers:

  • Administration.
  • Technologists.
  • Workers who ensure the successful organization of the process at all stages of production.
  • Cleaners.
  • Security and other staff.

Sales Features

The success of a wine production business largely depends on the availability of buyers who are ready to formalize relationships for a long period. The best decision— conclude agreements with trade networks and distributors. At the initial stage, you can work directly with large points (supermarkets, grocery stores). To get a stable profit and attract regular customers, it is important to set an affordable price.

The market for alcoholic beverages is highly competitive, and people prefer to buy goods from trusted brands. In order for the consumer to appreciate the quality of the product, he must be interested in something. At the initial stage it will low price and high quality goods. If the outlet buys goods in bulk, a discount is required.


One of the main stages of promoting a new product is its advertising. Promotion costs also need to be included in the wine production business plan. It is important for the buyer that the brand name of the liquor is familiar to him, and the price does not cause great suspicion in relation to quality. Therefore, when determining the pricing policy, you should not underestimate the cost, because this can cause the opposite effect on buyers.

The ideal option is the production of wine and its sale in branded outlets, where not only the purchase of wine will be available, but also its tasting in a relaxed atmosphere. A great option is to promote the brand through the tourism sector. Here you can even arrange a short tour, talk about the technology of wine production and give the best varieties for tasting. In some cases, you can work under a license from another country or under the trademark of an already successful brand (franchise). The advantage of such a business is the lower costs of organizing the production process, as well as assistance at all stages of registration.

With independent promotion of a trademark, it is worth using other methods of promotion - advertising on TV, radio, newspapers and the Web. The effectiveness of an advertising campaign directly depends on the amount of investment.

In the process of brand promotion, it is worth remembering competitors, which are most often foreign manufacturers. The main advantage of a foreign product is considered big choice types of wines, high quality, affordable prices and beautiful packaging. Despite the wide choice and fierce competition, there is also a place for domestic products on the shelves.

Financial plan

Before opening a business in the production of wine, it is important to work out the financial component of the activity. Capital expenditures:

  • Equipment for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Bottling line - 900 thousand rubles.
  • Raw materials - 1 million rubles. (one ton of grapes).
  • Additional ingredients and materials (cork, alcohol, sugar, etc.) - 250 thousand rubles.

Separate item of expenditure wage- 300-350 thousand rubles

The total capital expenditures are about 2.6 million rubles.

The average plant provides the production of 8-10 thousand decaliters of wine per month.

Also worth taking into account the following elements financial plan:

  • The total cost of work is 1.8 million rubles.
  • The cost of the processing process is 600-700 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of finished wine is 85 rubles. for a bottle.
  • The selling price of one bottle with a 100% markup is 170 rubles.

The calculation of the profit (profitability) of a business deserves special attention. Thus, the sale of 8,000 decaliters allows you to get 1.4 million rubles of income. Net profit after the sale - 160 thousand rubles.

The profitability of production is on average 20-25%, which allows you to recoup the initial investment within 2-3 years, and then reach a net income. The above calculations are approximate and largely depend on the volume of production. Costs can be reduced by buying used equipment or by saving on rent (staff).

business at home

If you don’t have the above amount in your pocket, you can start making wine at home. The same technology is used here, but with the only difference that production volumes will be lower. The ideal option is to have your own vineyards, which will become the main suppliers of raw materials for making wine.

The principle of operation here is the following. To begin with, fruits are collected and stacked in large containers. If there is dirt on the grapes, it is wiped off with a clean cloth. You can’t wash your brushes, because because of this you can lose the bacteria necessary for fermentation. When mixing, it is better to use grapes of the same variety. To give a special taste, the addition of pitted cherries or other berries is allowed.

Next, the fruits are ground until a slurry is obtained. Winemakers used to work with their feet, but at home, you can use an electric harvester. The finished mixture is poured into containers, and mixed with water. It is recommended to wash and dry the bottles before use. This is essential to prevent acetic bacteria and mold from entering the wine. If you do not follow this advice, the product will deteriorate, and it will be impossible to drink it.

After filling the containers, the latter are covered with gauze to protect against insects and left for 3-4 days in a warm and dark place. After that, the juice is squeezed, bottled and sugar is added. Next, the finished product is again placed in a dark place, but for a month.

If the product turned out to be of high quality, you can sell it through your friends. The time spent on going through all the procedures, from the grape harvest to the filling of the bottles, is 7 hours. Volume - 80-100 liters. The price for 1 liter is 200 rubles. The total profit is 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, start-up costs are minimal.

Winemaking has always attracted both the male and even the female part of the population. We have a very high demand for quality homemade wine, as the drinks sold in stores have the most different properties, and besides, they are saturated with preservatives and stabilizers, not to mention flavors. Therefore, homemade wine, which is produced in large quantities, compared to industrial volumes of factory drinks, is sold very well, there will never be a shortage of buyers.

The main problem in the production and sale of homemade wine is state regulation of the issue. In Russia, there is a state monopoly on the production of alcoholic beverages, huge taxes are paid by those enterprises that produce alcohol of even the minimum strength. To open the production of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to study the legislation, taxation, production requirements and many other nuances. It is very difficult for small enterprises for the production of wine to survive in modern conditions.

Private winemaking is quite seriously developed abroad, for example, in Spain. Grapes grow there in almost every yard in any region of the country. Plantations, like wine, are taxed, but even at a wine price of 1.6 euros per liter, production remains profitable. There is a system to stimulate small businesses, especially in the production of natural food. And private wine producers significantly support the country's economy through taxes. In our country, unfortunately, such a policy is not supported; a private winery is more likely to be classified as moonshine production and the owner held liable. Therefore, when organizing this type of business, entrepreneurs resort to numerous tricks.

How to start a wine business

Here are some tips colleagues give to those who are planning to open their own winery. When you fill out the form when registering an individual entrepreneur, you must select OKVED "sale of products of your production." In this case, you can count on less attention than with the line in the “type of activity” column with the text: making and selling wine. Homemade wine of own production can be sold quite widely: in local restaurants, cafes, markets, small shops and stores specializing in the sale of good wine. But the sale of privately produced wine is prohibited in our country, remember this. Therefore, position sales as home-made drinks, do not use the word “wine” at all.

How to sell your own wine

When selling homemade wine, position it as a product of a peasant economy. If you have small volumes of wine, then even in a small village you will be able to sell it completely. But if you have large plantations, a lot of grapes different varieties, then more sales are needed. To do this, you will have to conclude contracts with shops and cafes in a wide area. To do this, it will be necessary to organize IP and production in full accordance with the law. Learn all the details of the legislation on this topic only available in administrative offices. Legislation changes regularly, so look for a competent economist to analyze the winemaking market.

After all the necessary documents are completed, you can start trading. The cheapest way is to supply wine in large canisters, and position it as “home draft”, this is a quality standard for many buyers, as a result of which sales increase.

If you decide to sell bottled wine, then you will need to go out with a purchase offer to stores that have alcohol sales departments. This is a less profitable option for the manufacturer, but a rather prestigious step.

What do you need to make wine?

For the production of homemade wine, first of all, you need a vineyard. It is best if it is located on its own plot of land. In order to grow good grapes, it is necessary to have good knowledge including soil science. It will be very good if you find a competent, experienced grower who will let you in on the secrets of growing this rather capricious crop. It is necessary to select the soil, if it does not meet the required indicators, then its composition must be corrected with the help of fertilizers and mineral additives.

The choice of grape variety is another major step. As a rule, several varieties are selected for the production of white, red, rosé wine for a private farm. different varieties. Find out which wines are in high demand in your area and stock up on vines.

Be sure to divide your vineyard plot into zones, plan suitable lighting for each variety. Consider watering and winter storage vines. It should be remembered that a good harvest of grapes can grow only in the southern regions, where during the year high temperatures and high humidity. The location of the vineyard in such an area means not only good quality wine, but also the presence of tourists, that is a large number of potential buyers of this product.

Simultaneously with the production of grape wine, it is possible to organize the production of berry, fruit, fruit wines, which are also very popular.

For the production of wine, simple equipment and containers are required. A press, a crusher, fermentation tanks, filtration tanks and some other devices are quite affordable. The most important thing is to know the technology of wine production, and then you will get a quality product in any case. Remember that industrial volumes of wine production require serious powerful equipment. Don't buy high volume home setups. For bottling wine, you will also need to purchase an installation, there are different equipment for packing large liters, and for bottling into small containers.

There are many subtleties to be learned in order to provide a traditional or original bouquet to your wine. For this, many have their own family recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. If there were no winemakers in your family, then you need to find someone from whom you will buy several recipes, it is better to look for such people among winemakers in distant settlements, in villages and farms. Having an original recipe from a certain area, you can not only make high-quality wine, you can use the name of this area very brightly in the name of the brand of wine, in advertising materials and commercials, as a means to promote your product as quickly as possible.

Several small points can be opened for sale on the market. To reduce the cost of the sales process, you can rent space in the cellars of buildings. This is fully consistent with the image of the drink (it is stored in cellars), and also significantly reduces rental costs. Finishing in such a room is usually inexpensive, emphasizing the natural texture of the walls. It is required to install several barrels with your wine, a counter, a tasting table. There is no need to install anything extra in the cellar, it is better to think carefully about the methods and ways of promoting your drinks. For example, you can arrange excursions to your production. This is a great way to sell your wine immediately after bottling.

After the tour, guests should be invited to a slightly larger cellar with tables where you can sit down and try any variety. As practice shows, after tasting wine is sold out much faster and in larger quantities than just in stores. Think carefully about the excursion itself, prepare your report, which should contain information about the history of winemaking, about the area where you brought your wine recipe from, about the processes that take place in the manufacture of wine. You can also talk about useful properties wines, about the peculiarities of bouquets of different varieties of wines.

Eco-tourism, which is fashionable today, can be mastered as an additional type of business. If you have a small house that can be converted into a small hotel, then you can start looking for tourists who will live in the hotel and work in your brewery. Some prefer to work in this way for 2-3 days, and some work more than a week.

Tourists will work for you and, in addition, they will pay you money for it. All that is required of you is to organize the stay of tourists in the greatest possible comfort. One can be sent to help in the kitchen, the second - to the plantation, the third - to production. Every day it will be necessary to change places of assistants, so that everyone goes through each stage of your production with his own hands. Such eco-tourism is very popular in Europe, and is gaining momentum in our country.

Do not forget that all these ideas can only bring you income if you carefully consider everything in advance. That is, you need to draw up a complete business plan, in which you indicate all upcoming expenses. After that, think about how much profit you would like to receive, divide it by the market value of one liter of wine. Get the number of liters you have to sell per month. Plan how many liters you have to sell during the year, this will be the number of wines produced per season. Properly organized storage will allow you to sell a quality product all year round.

And one more important point. As in any food industry, in winemaking there are constantly new innovations in technology, in additives, in packaging technology, in promotion methods. And all this can be learned at organized exhibitions in major cities Russia and abroad. Join professional communities, receive invitations to exhibitions and forums, get acquainted with the most the best achievements in the production of natural wine.


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In France, Italy and Spain, a significant number of people drink wine, almost every day. However, these states have one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Sociologists note that in Russia there has also been a tendency to abandon vodka in favor of table wine. In addition, in our country, especially in the south, more and more entrepreneurs dream of opening their own wine production.

The winery as a business is not so simple. What you need to know to become a successful winemaker, we will tell in this article.

Learning from old books

Crimean businessman Gleb Kharchenko advises reading some books before opening a private winery. “Get acquainted with the Fundamentals of Biochemistry of Winemaking by Rodopulo, and also study 2 volumes of the Technological Rules of Winemaking edited by Valuiko, says the entrepreneur. “If there is no doubt after that, then go for it.” On the Internet you can also find an interesting work "Theory and Practice of Winemaking", written by Jean-Riberto Gayon.

The authors of these publications write that the production of quality wine is based on deep knowledge and great personal experience, because the we are talking about an extremely capricious drink. Wines can lose flavor and aroma for no apparent reason. The winemaking process depends on the grape variety. Jean-Riberto Gayon emphasizes that it is impossible to reproduce industrial methods at home, since it is necessary to have a specialized laboratory. By the way, he strongly advises to produce wine from the harvest of his vineyards, which are characterized by the stability of the berries. The fact is that wine, being an unstable colloidal system, turns into chatter with any deviation in production. The most capricious wine is white.

“Harvested grapes are checked not only for sugar and acid-base balance, but also for nitrogen concentration, as well as for the content of dyes and phenol,” explains Gleb Kharchenko. - But it's still "flowers". A private winery that wants to have a stable demand must master a rather difficult operation called closed transfer. This is when oxygen is first squeezed out of the tank with water, and then water is squeezed out with carbon dioxide. No self-respecting wine boutique will accept wine that has not been demetallized. As a result of this procedure, the product gets rid of heavy metals.”

How and where to sell author's wine

The easiest way to master the so-called primary processing resulting in young wine. As soon as fermentation stops in it, the drink begins to be sold. Moreover, the product must be sold before the summer of next year. Businessmen and buyers do not appreciate such wineries, which are characterized by low profitability, but high labor costs.

“These wines differ little from the drinks that are in the resorts of the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory private traders sell in the doorways, - technologist Anna Yashina comments. - If a businessman wants to sell his wines in restaurants and reputable stores, he needs, in addition to the winery, wine cellars for aging. An example is the winery in Massandra.”

The choice of equipment depends on the technology of wine production and the variety of grapes grown. If an entrepreneur plans to set up a winery in an area where only simple varieties or hybrids germinate, then he will have to purchase continuous presses. In this case, he will work on volume, putting quality in second place. But where nature and climate favor high-quality grapes, it is logical to use periodic hydraulic or pneumatic presses - both vertical and horizontal - with chains for mixing the pulp.

In the specialized literature, detailed descriptions technical processes for each type of wine produced - up to drawings for the independent production of spinning machines, presses, vats for the fermentation of red wines, barrels and bottles, mechanisms for bottling. After all, this drink has a long history. True, for large volumes, as practice shows, it is cheaper to purchase ready-made lines on a turnkey basis. Entrepreneurs who want to gain a first experience can make "home-made" equipment for the so-called signature wine.

“Author's wine is also called garage wine,” explains Gleb Kharchenko. - It is clear that a low level of quality is meant. However, at this stage, many people - about 99% of starting winemakers - begin to realize the size of the required investment and responsibility for the result. After all, bad wine can poison you. This is where natural selection actually takes place.”

Winery as a legacy business

Entrepreneurs, having passed the stage called "author's wine", begin to understand that the production of homemade wine is significantly different from an industrial winery. And yet among the author's wines there are drinks worthy of the best Italian or Spanish restaurants. Success, as a rule, is achieved by people who are in love with their work and who know how to grow high-quality grapes.

Today, from one hectare you can get from 400 or more decaliters of excellent wine, if you use highly productive varieties. Good soil and favorable climatic conditions. “Usually they get a third less,” says Anna Yashina. - We have to sacrifice volume for the sake of quality. If you squeeze everything you can, then at best you will sell for 200 rubles per liter. If you approach the matter more tenderly and more attentively, then, having lost 25% in volume, you will already receive 400 rubles per liter. Plus reputation.

According to the technologist, it is possible to organize a more or less profitable winery on only 10 or more hectares of vineyards, focusing on the production of red wine of traditional varieties. The annual production of a small winery will be approximately 10-12 thousand decaliters. Starting expenses - about 4-6 million rubles, including the costs of obtaining permits, the purchase of equipment and materials. Typically, a family and two hired workers work in such a winery during the harvest season. With a successful start, the break-even point is reached in 5-7 years.

If the vineyard area is smaller, it is unlikely that even self-sufficiency will be achieved, taking into account all kinds of taxes and fees. Gleb Kharchenko calls for very careful handling of numbers, which in different conditions can jump both in one direction and in the other. For someone, even a million rubles will be enough to organize a profitable production of wine, and for someone, even 100 million will not be enough. "It's funny to see the 'couch experts' calculations," he says. - The winery grows like a person. At first it may be 6 acres in the country - it is logical to compare such a home winery with the first steps of a baby.

All successful private wineries in Europe, as a rule, are family businesses with a history of several generations. They grew gradually, filling new areas on which vineyards were broken. European winemakers learn technological secrets in practice - which by itself does not exclude the need to receive special education.

“When opening a private wine production, count on a long-term family business, which will reach its peak in 4-5 generations, not earlier, - technologist Anna Yashina agrees with entrepreneur Kharchenko. - Otherwise, very large initial investments will be required - tens or even hundreds of millions of rubles. With that kind of money, it makes more sense to buy an operating, profitable winery.”


Private wineries as a business are popular in our country. Own production of wine is likely to be evolutionary in nature with a gradual increase in vineyard areas and production volumes. Not every winemaker will be able to "stand on his feet" - only those who are infinitely in love with their work.

The history of industrial winemaking in Russia began in the 17th century, new round this kind of production received at the end 19th century and is associated with the name of Prince Golitsyn. Now Russia ranks 11th in the world in terms of production. Russian wines consistently win prizes at prestigious international exhibitions, and world experts believe that the wine business in Russia has a future.

The winemaking business requires large investments and painstaking work, it depends on weather conditions, but its profitability can be about 100%, although it will be possible to return the invested funds only after three years. At the same time, winemaking is considered one of the most prestigious types of business and creates a large number of jobs.

Wine in Russia is still significantly inferior in popularity to strong drinks. This is primarily due to its high cost, inaccessibility to the general population. Lev Golitsin dreamed of making affordable high-quality wine, and a modern producer can set the same task. It's just hard to figure out how to implement it.

The most successful enterprises have their own vineyards, although most still have to buy some of the wine material on the side. Grapes on the territory Russian Federation grows in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, in the Caucasus, in the Rostov, Astrakhan, Samara regions.

The world is reviving the fashion for wines from local grape varieties. According to experts, consumers are increasingly choosing to discover something new, as opposed to the well-known Cabernet or Chardonnay, therefore, given the variety of varieties grown in southern regions, Russian producers have a chance to succeed in the world market. Perhaps that is why in recent years the inflow of investments into the wine business has increased. The attention of investors is focused mainly on small wineries working with Russian grapes. According to the investors themselves, they prefer to invest in enterprises that have been on the market for at least a few years and produce a product of stable quality.

In order for a hectare of a vineyard to begin to bear fruit, you need to spend up to $ 3,000, because good seedlings are needed for a good harvest, and systematic plant care is required: regular watering, top dressing, garter, protection from pests, diseases, frosts. Moreover, you must not make a mistake in choosing varieties that can grow on the land at your disposal.

Greed in wine growing can be fatal. You can't go after a big harvest. It is optimal to harvest from one hectare 80-100 centners of the wine berry crop, although in the Soviet Union it reached 180, because each new brush on the bush will make the future wine less saturated, fragrant.

To grow your own grapes, you will need several hectares of fertile black soil, sun, a tractor, a weeder, grape pruning devices, collection boxes, grape cutting devices, and most importantly, knowledgeable specialists. The cost of a hectare of land in a fertile Krasnodar Territory ranges from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. Vineyards can be purchased at a price of 450 thousand per hectare.

Of course, for starters, you can get by with someone else's grapes. By the way, many Russian producers practice buying bulk wine material abroad, the so-called beam. Such production is much cheaper and easier than working with your own grapes. The purchase of cheap low-quality material is not prohibited by Russian laws - this process is not regulated at the level of standards. And our consumer is undemanding, most of the buyers will not notice the difference between good and bad wine. However, federal Service on the regulation of the alcohol market in the coming years promises to take care of the quality of the wine produced, so the situation may change.

There are many advertisements for the sale of wine material on the Internet. In Russia, you can buy an inexpensive bulk at a price of 1 euro per liter. Ukraine is actively trading this product at approximately the same prices.

The practice of pressing the grapes to the maximum greatly affects the taste of the wine. Winemakers seeking to get a quality product take only 60-70% of the juice, they need the purest raw materials.
After pressing, the fermentation stage begins. Future wine is in special tanks. During this period, it is important to maintain a certain temperature, to prevent the oxidation of wine.

The wines are aged in wooden barrels. The choice of a barrel, its maintenance in proper condition requires close attention of the manufacturer.

Then the wine is bottled, sent to the bottling warehouse and stored there for at least three months to ensure its quality, the absence of turbidity and sediment.

Every Russian winemaker has to deal with the imperfection of domestic legislation. Until recently, wine was referred to as "wine and alcohol products made from wine materials, with an ethyl alcohol content from food raw materials of not more than 22% by volume" and was considered an industrial product. And only in 2013 it was decided to consider wine as an agricultural product, which allows producers to enjoy the same benefits as all agricultural enterprises. Back in 2012, a draft law on wine and winemaking was created, which should take into account all the nuances of the wine business. Entrepreneurs hope that wine products will no longer be considered alcohol and will be equated with food, as they did in Europe, but so far Russian legislators do not promise such changes.

Winemaking equipment is also expensive. One grape press will cost an entrepreneur $500-$1,000, while filtering and cleaning equipment will cost another $2,000. Add here expensive fermentation tanks, high-quality oak barrels, bottling equipment - the amount will exceed a million. Most wineries use manual labor, but large producers are trying to automate their production and entrust the control of production to computers.

According to the most modest estimates, for planting grapes per 1 hectare, building a cellar with oak barrels and equipment for primary processing one million rubles is needed. Only because of Russian laws it makes no sense to start winemaking on such a modest scale. The thing is that micro-wineries in our country are not provided for by law. In Russia, there is EGAIS, an automated system designed for state control over the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages. Maintaining this system will cost the winery at least 560,000 rubles a year. Our compatriots have experience in the production of author's wine on a relatively small scale, on only 16 hectares of land, but this is a high-quality wine that goes on sale only after five years.

The premises at the winery are subject to special requirements. Not only do they need to have large area and high ceilings. They need to maintain a certain temperature. The ancient wineries of the south store bottles in cool kilometer-long cellars. The rest create the necessary conditions using high-tech equipment - it also costs a lot of money.

So, do you want to produce wine without hiding from the state and benefit from it? You will need at least 10-15 million rubles plus the cost of the land. Prepare for the fact that you can start selling the product only after a few years.

The taste of wine depends on many factors. This includes the quality of the grapes, and the year of harvest, and even the barrel in which the drink was stored. But one of the most important factors is the work of the staff. Wine production is a complex science and a delicate art. The wine technologist decides what kind of wine to mix and in what proportions, the blender puts it into practice. The quality of the product directly depends on the skill and conscientiousness of the winery employees. Even the most insignificant violations of production technology can ruin the highest quality wine material.

In order to produce wine, in accordance with Law No. 171FZ, it is necessary to obtain a license. This will require the following documents:

  • application for a license (it should contain information about the organization, its separate subdivisions, types of activity, period for which the license is requested);
  • copies of constituent documents and papers on state registration of a legal entity certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the document on the registration of the organization with the tax office;
  • a copy of the document confirming the payment of the state fee for granting a license;
  • conclusions from the authorities that the production and warehouses comply with sanitary and epidemiological, fire, environmental standards and requirements;
  • a document confirming the technical competence (accreditation) of the laboratory for chemical and technological control of production, or a copy of the contract with such a laboratory on control; copies of certificates of conformity technological equipment;
  • a document confirming the amount of paid authorized capital.

Prosperous manufacturers gladly invite tourists to their enterprises. Curious wine lovers are told about the intricacies of the production of a noble drink and are offered a tasting of several varieties. Wine tourism in our country is becoming more and more popular, and this is not surprising, because even the ancient sages knew that the truth is in wine.

Some time ago I reached out to several small distillery owners asking them to talk about the difficulties they had to face in setting up a distillery. Of the 34 distillers, only one agreed to a full-fledged conversation. Three more answered only 1-2 questions from the proposed list and stopped the correspondence. Below you will find an edited version of an interview with the owner of the distillery, who spoke on the condition of anonymity about his work.

Why did you decide to hide your name and the name of the distillery from this article?

Due to the “features” of Russian legislation, my distillery does not have a license to produce and sell spirits. You have to work in the “shadow sector of the economy”. And our wonderful government - if you follow the news - decided to fight self-employed citizens: freelancers, laborers, tutors, nannies, etc. and imposed taxes and fees on them from January 1, 2019. I think that the nuts will continue to be tightened on all fronts, and in order to avoid "dispossession" of all self-employed citizens and garage entrepreneurs, they will have to go even deeper into the shadows.

Why create a distillery at all if it does not have and will not yet have any legal status?

For those who think that the distillery brings in millions, I’ll say right away that working for hire or selling mobile phones as an individual entrepreneur, I earned more. Therefore, if you want a lot of money, it is better to do something more profitable and promising.

I have been into distilling since 2006. At first it was my hobby. About any distilleries 5 years ago I did not even think. I just made quality drinks and I really liked it. My friends also liked my hobby, and they enjoyed drinking everything that I produced. At some point, I realized that I had a lot of friends, and very little free time. All weekend and holidays I was engaged in distillation and even on summer rest he and his family did not go to Turkey and Egypt, but to the Crimea to buy technical grapes there.

From friends, I began to take a small compensation for my work. I took more compensation from friends of friends and distant acquaintances. About a year later, I calculated the total revenue and realized that, in principle, I could no longer go to work. After the collapse of the ruble in 2014, he quit his job, and since then, apart from distilling, he has not done anything. I created my virtual distillery in order to somehow distance myself from ordinary moonshiners. For me, the production of distillates is not a craft, but art. I am constantly developing in this business, experimenting with recipes and equipment, honing my skills and improving the quality of drinks. Each of my drinks has its own individual character, its own soul. So every drink I make up beautiful name, pour into beautiful bottles with beautiful labels and share with those who can appreciate all this beauty. This is a lot of work and it requires a huge investment of time and effort. And I would like my business to continue to live even after I am gone. I would like to believe that by that time there will be normal laws in our country and my children will own a legal, not an underground distillery.

When creating a distillery, is it necessary to develop a concept, develop a mission, hone the visual style, or is it all nonsense, and the main thing is the quality of the product?

Some time ago, I would have proven to you with foam at the mouth now that the quality of the drink is the main thing, and logos, labels, bottles are tinsel. But participating in various exhibitions, tastings and meetings of distillers, I drew attention to such a pattern - the lower the quality of the drink, the more beautifully they try to pack and present it. And many people opt for a lower quality drink because it is beautifully presented. Then the understanding came to me that high-quality content needs beautiful shape. The pleasant shape of the bottle, a full-fledged correctly designed label, beautiful glasses create the right mood, prepare you for the moment your taste and olfactory buds meet with the drink. Without this visual prelude, the drink experience is blurred and incomplete. And, of course, a beautiful bottle and label have a very strong influence on sales. When a customer cannot taste a drink, he is left to focus on outer shape. Therefore, I would advise novice distillers not to neglect the external side, while not forgetting the quality of the drink. Average quality drinks in a beautiful design are bought only once. And the distillery can grow and develop only at the expense of regular customers.

What is the best way to create a distillery, alone or in partnership with friends?

Big and complex work is always best done together. But from my own experience I can say that any partnership is a temporary phenomenon. If you have not agreed on the terms of a civilized "divorce" in advance, "on the shore", the "divorce" will be uncivilized. I have a poor idea of ​​how it is possible to divide the shadow business, therefore I do not enter into any partnerships.

Should the assortment be limited to one or two types of products (for example, only fruit or only grain distillates), or the more the better, and beer, cider and kvass can also be added?

I know very few distillers who can boast that they produce more than 2-3 quality types of drinks. I would not expand the assortment just for the sake of expanding the assortment due to medium-quality drinks. For me, the reputation of my distillery is more valuable.

Is it necessary to learn the basics of the profession of a fermentation and winemaking technologist or is it superfluous?

This is a very difficult question. All people are different and learn differently. It is enough for someone to study the theory, and he easily masters the necessary practical skills. Some people learn only from their mistakes.

I can advise beginners to listen less to the advice of "experienced" and read more specialized literature. Well, put into practice the knowledge gained from books. When I started, there were very few good books on distillation theory. Now on the Internet, dozens of them can be downloaded for free for every taste.

But if you decide to start distilling professionally, it is worth spending a few months and some money to get professional training. In order not to invent bicycles with square wheels later.

How to promote your distillery outside the narrow circle of colleagues?

This is a personal matter for everyone. I did not promote my distillery in any way, only due to the recommendations of friends and acquaintances I developed. Last year, I started accounts for the distillery in several social networks. But my wife is engaged in them, I am far from all this.

If you have quality drinks and a reasonable price, there will be no problems with promotion. At the initial stage, you can treat all your friends and acquaintances with your drinks and explain how your drinks differ from industrial ones. I had difficulty with this at first. Some of my friends were very surprised when I called them the price. They believed that any home-made alcohol is moonshine, it is very simple to produce it and therefore it should cost less than vodka in a store.

Editor's note: The design of the article used a frame from the series "Boardwalk Empire", which tells about the harsh everyday life of American bootleggers during the Prohibition.