Julia Nikulskaya
The annual plan of a speech therapist teacher at a logopoint in a preschool educational institution

Annual Plan speech therapist teachers at the logopoint in preschool educational institution for 2016-2017

Target: Timely identification and overcoming various violations oral speech in children preschool age. Prevention work and propaganda speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents.

Tasks of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 20":

1. Improvement physical activity preschoolers as a condition full development and attachment to healthy lifestyle life;

2. Creation of experimental conditions research activities in progress ecological-pedagogical work of a preschool institution;

3. Features of accompanying a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution.


1. The development and familiarization of preschoolers with a healthy lifestyle, through correctional and developmental work on speech therapy classes;

2. Formation of the correct sound pronunciation in the child in the process of environmental education;

3. Implementation of educational work with children with disabilities, providing methodological assistance to parents and teachers.

Organizational and methodological work

1 Preparing the classroom for the new academic year.

2 Picking speech therapy center

3 Schedule direct education speech therapy activities(subgroup, individual forms of work)

4 Subgroup planning, individual direct educational speech therapy activities

During a year

5 Maintaining individual notebooks of children


6 Filling speech cards

7 Filling out the children's attendance log

During a year

8 Filling out the journal of the primary diagnostic examination

Registration of the consultation log speech therapist for parents and teachers

During a year

10 Progress report corrective work per academic year

11 Drawing up a calendar plan

Diagnostic work

Examination of the speech of children in order to identify children in need of speech therapy assistance.

When using the methodological guide

Konovalenko V. V., Konovalenko S. V. "Express examinations of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age"

V. M. Akimenko speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders.

T. N. Volkovskaya "Illustrated methodology speech therapy examination »

2 Collection of pedagogical information about early development child

3 Dynamic surveillance speech pathologists during the year

During a year

Correctional and developmental work with children

1 Correction - developing individual and subgroup classes of preparatory groups, according to the following directions:

Elimination of deficiencies in pronunciation;

Correct the shortcomings of speech exhalation;

The development of phonemic perception,

Alleviate articulation disorders (articulation apparatus, speech organs);

Expansion and refinement of the dictionary on lexical topics;

Development of coherent speech;

Development of fine motor skills


“The program for the upbringing and education of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment” T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina,

"Program speech therapy work on overcoming phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment in children” by T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina,

T. B. Filicheva, T. V. Tumanova “Program of correctional and developmental work for children with ADHD” N. V. Nishcheva.

During a year

Working with teachers

1 Individual conversations on the results speech therapy examination, development of ways for further interaction.

During a year

2 Keeping notebooks of interaction between the educator and teachers - speech therapist;

During a year

3 Conversation “Familiarization of educators with the results speech therapy diagnostics»


4 Joint activity with the instructor physical education « fun starts with alphabet"

5 Workshop for educators (contest) "to myself speech therapist» November

6 Joint morning exercises with a music director « logorhythmics» December

7 Consultation for educators "An unconventional method in speech therapy - bioenergetics»

Consultation for teachers "Features of children with disabilities"

9 Joint event with a teacher psychologist"Journey to Bukvagrad"

10 Consultation for educators "Methods of Enrichment vocabulary preschool children"

11 Conversation “Familiarization of educators with the results speech therapy diagnostics»

12 Participation in holidays, entertainment, events held in kindergarten

During a year

Working with parents

1 Preparing consultations for parents preparatory groups:

Every month

"Articulation gymnastics is fun, interesting and useful!"


“Parents are the main helpers speech therapist»

"Causes of Speech Disorder"

"We play with fingers and develop speech"

"Enriching children's vocabulary"

"The Development of Phonemic Hearing"

"What is dysarthria?"

"What is dyslalia?"

"Getting Ready for School Together"

2 Booklet for preparatory and senior group "Articulation gymnastics at home"

3 Consultation for parents of senior and middle groups "When to contact speech therapist» October

4 Questioning of parents of senior and middle groups "Who it speech therapist

5 Booklet for secondary and junior groups "Speech at your fingertips"

6 Conducting classes in the presence of parents for frontal and individual classes in order to familiarize themselves with correctional and pedagogical technologies for raising and educating children

During a year


7 Attending and speaking at parent meetings

During a year

8 Speeches at the parent meeting "What's happened logopoint»


Individual speech therapy classes in the presence of parents throughout the year

6 Speeches at parent-teacher meetings at the request of educators Throughout the year

7 Individual counseling at the request of parents and teachers

During the year

Office design and furnishing

1 Replenishment of the educational and methodological complex.

During a year

2 Replenishment of the educational and didactic complex

During a year

3 Replenishment of the educational and didactic complex

During a year

Outreach work

During a year

Professional development

1 Participation in MO speech pathologists.

During a year

2 Participation in teachers' councils, seminars, ped. watch

During a year

Related publications:

Let's get acquainted. My name is Yudina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna. Education: higher, in 2015 she graduated from the Ural State Pedagogical Educational Institution.

Analytical activity of a teacher - a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution. Analytical reference on the results of diagnosing the level of speech development of children speech therapy group MBDOU No. 207 "Sun" Analysis of diagnostics.

Annual Report of the Speech Pathologist Annual report of the teacher of the speech therapist of the senior speech therapy group of the compensating orientation Verevkin T. N. for the 2015-2016 academic year V.

The use of elements of theatrical activity in the work of a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution The use of elements of theatrical activity in correctional work with children with TNR (ONR) Dmitrieva E. S. teacher-speech therapist.

Non-traditional methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution Non-traditional methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist teacher of a preschool educational institution Non-traditional methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist teacher of a preschool educational institution Methodical.

At the logopoint

The annual plan defines three main areas of work for a speech center specialist: with children, educators and parents of children undergoing training. A separate list contains a list of events held by a speech therapist throughout the year and not tied to specific dates. The annual work plan of the logopoint given below is presented in the form of a table. However, a speech therapist can issue it in the form of lists in certain areas of work.

The annual work plan of the teacher - speech therapist at the speech center

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 000" Leninsky district of Saratov

No. p / p

event title

Time spending


1st half

2 semester

Examination of the speech of children of the senior and preparatory groups for school


Carrying out the MPPC for the enrollment of children at the logopoint


Filling in individual speech cards


Enrollment at the logopoint, signing contracts with the parents of children enrolled at the logocentre


Submission of lists of those enrolled in the speech center to the head kindergarten


Acquisition of subgroups, scheduling and plans for speech therapy classes


Drawing up a schedule for attending classes on the development of speech in the senior and preparatory groups


Familiarization of educators with the lists of children enrolled in the speech center and the schedule of classes


Involving educators in the work on automating the delivered sounds (issuing worksheets)

Conducting correctional and developmental speech therapy classes with children of the senior and preparatory groups

October - January

February - May

Conducting classes and trainings to prevent speech disorders in children of all age groups

October - January

February - May

Conducting consultations for educators of all age groups



No. p / p

event title

Time spending


1st half

2 semester

Conducting parent-teacher meetings in all age groups and individual consultations for parents of children of older and preparatory groups for school

October - January

February - May

Express examination of the speech of children of senior and preparatory groups for school

Rapid examination of young children

April May

Compilation of statistical reports on the state of sound pronunciation of kindergarten children

Decoration of the stand "Honor Board" with photographs of graduates of the speech center

Conducting open final classes for parents of older children and preparatory groups for school "Holiday correct speech» and awarding diploma"Assistant speech therapist" of the most active educators

Summing up the results of the academic year. Delivery of an analytical report on the work done by the head of the kindergarten

Submission of a report on the work for the academic year

Preparation of materials for a speech therapy examination

Drawing up worksheets for conducting frontal and individual subgroup lessons for children diagnosed with dyslalia

Compilation of worksheets with homework for children with a diagnosis: FFN

Plan of work with educators and parents

event title

Event time

Working with parents

Conducting a consultation for parents of the older group on the topic: “Partnership of preschool educational institutions and families in speech therapy work”

Kindergarten plan

Conducting a parent meeting "The role of parents in the process of correcting sound pronunciation"

Kindergarten plan

Conducting a parent meeting in preparatory groups on the topic "Speech readiness of the child for school"

Kindergarten plan

Conducting a parent meeting in younger groups on the topic "Development of children's speech early age»

Kindergarten plan

Conducting consultations for parents of children of older and preparatory groups for school

Throughout the year, twice a week in the afternoon

Working with educators

Conducting consultations for educators of senior and preparatory groups “One year before school”

Kindergarten plan

Organization of classes in early age groups “In order to speak clearly, you need to be friends with your fingers” (using massagers, elements of logorhythmics, breathing exercises, finger games)

The lesson is held once a week during the year by a teacher under the supervision of a speech therapist

Conducting a seminar on the problems of preventing and correcting speech defects in children for educators who came to work during the year

Kindergarten plan

Conducting a consultation for educators on the topic: "Games for the development of speech and thinking of preschoolers"

Kindergarten plan

Conducting a review of speech corners in middle and older groups

January, May

Events held throughout the year

1. Participation in teachers' councils.

2. Design and update of the "Speech Therapist's Corner".

3. Acquisition of methodological and didactic libraries. Replenishment of the game library of speech therapy and developing fine motor skills games.

4. Visiting speech therapy rooms of the district in order to exchange experience.

5. Collection teaching materials for the prevention of speech disorders. Selection of materials for conducting classes in logorhythmics for children of middle groups.

6. Replenishment of the folder for the seminar of educators with a selection speech material grammar, vocabulary and connected speech.

7. Replenishment of the group folder and individual support child development with new games.

8. Attending advanced training courses.

9. Regular acquaintance with the latest literature on speech therapy, psychology, materials of the magazines "Speech therapist", "Speech therapist in kindergarten".

10. Visiting logopoints of other kindergartens in order to exchange experiences.


1. To correct speech defects in speech pathologists of older preschool age.

2. Carry out prevention:

ONR in younger age through high-quality monitoring using "express speech diagnostics", through paid classes in the "Sunshine" group;

Phonetic and phonemic speech disorders in older preschoolers through monitoring the use of the recommendations of the seminar "Preparation for learning

3. To ensure the consolidation of corrected speech skills in speech pathologists by developing teachers' skills to implement a differentiated approach to teaching and educating children with different levels psychoverbal development.

4. To increase the role of parents in the speech development of the child through teaching them at practical consultations

5. To explore the ways of development and correction of children's speech at the logopoint through inter-age and inter-subject integration in the conditions of the "IRO Basic Platform"

Tasks preventive work on the prevention of speech disorders by age parallels.

Early age: Prevent stuttering and O.N.R. social character.

Junior groups: Warn O.N.R. and pathology of sound pronunciation.

Middle groups: Prevent sound defects I.

Senior groups: Prevent phonetic and phonemic speech disorders.

Preparatory groups: Prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia


Work with children

Working with parents

Working with educators

Interaction with specialists and school

Observations for children doshk. sound automation groups and classes with children with dysarthria in the preparatory group. 16

Individual diagnostics of the speech of children of early age at admission: group No. 2 - the 2nd year of life, group No. 1, 3 -3rd year of life

An in-depth examination of the speech of children bud. speech therapy group of 12, 18, 20 gr., speech. cards

Examination of the speech of children ml.gr. 10, 15, 17, 21

Ind. counseling for parents gr. (newly formed) on request after a speech therapy examination

Primary examination of the speech of young children in the presence of parents, in order to determine the speeches. the level and role of adults in the speech of the child,

Written consultation for parents gr.1, 2, 3 “The child will speak correctly if…” Rod.ug.

Observations for individual work according to the river speech of educators with children, providing the necessary assistance.

Gr. owls. in ml. gr. , "Prevention of speech disorders in children of the 4th year of life."

Documentation, exp. examination, observation of children, stages of ZKR d

Group of owls in prep. Did. environment for prep. to training literacy" 16

Correction program "2100" in the sound section. (on the way to azb) st.gr.20,12

12 Smanova, 19 Fedotova-zan. by river memorized, retelling

Refer children of speech pathologists to a neuropathologist. Gr. No. 12, 18, 20

Writing a long-term speech therapy plan for 2013-14

Preparation of a speech therapy room for the new academic year.

Report in the IRO base platform. B.P.

Search for an algorithm for introducing the first speech modules into the activities of teachers of the B.P. practical view

Set boards. gr.

Frontal diagnostics of speech of children of all preschool groups. Wed 11,14,19; St 12, 18, 20; subg 16.

Refinement log. diagnoses of children of the speech therapy group, taking into account the examination by a neurologist.

The beginning of subgroup classes with children of the speech therapy group.

Monitoring in st.gr 12, 18, 20 "the first sound in the word"

Familiarization of parents with the dynamics of speech. development of children according to the results of a speech therapist. diagnostics - individually, through educators - environments., st., prep. Groups. 11,14,19, 12, 18, 20,16

Meeting with parents of children groups No. 12, 18.20, under 16, in need of classes with a speech therapist, in order to clarify the organization and content of work on the development of speech at the speech center, to coordinate the activities of a speech therapist, parents and educators.

Beginning of weekly cons-practice for parents st.gr

Group of owls in Art. gr. 12, 18, 20

in order to determine the speech readiness of doshk. to a new age group and org. joint cor.-razv. speech development work

Operational consultants. st gr- "R.R at logop in October"

Friday 13-00 1.3 weeks

Lesson Dif S-Z No. 20 Polovinkin

B.P. Implementation of modules

Monitoring according to B,P

Theory "Sv.an" gr 16

Cons. for specialists "Working with dysarthria"

Meeting with a psychologist d / s6 on the results of the diagnosis of children. Work coordination.

- "Sunshine" Tuesday

Report on the results of diagnosing the speech of older children.

GMO speech therapists No. 1

B.P. development of new modules

Seminar in EE "Game for literacy"

PMPk No. 1 organization of individual zan. with the children of risk

Adjustment of the plan taking into account the plans of the MA, GMOs

Organization and conduct of daily individual and subgroup correctional and developmental classes with children of the speech therapy group according to the "Perspective Plan".

Cor. Zan. with speech pathologists p.g 16- 2 times a month

Observations of the speech of children gr. 1,2, 3, (not examined)

Weekly individual and subgroup consultations-workshops for parents with children of the speech therapy group.

Written cons. for parents of children of the 3rd year of life "Prevention of stuttering in children" 1.3, gr.

Written consultation for parents of children 2 years old "Causes of speech delay"

Operational meetings for. st 12,18,20 - 2 per month

Friday 13-00

1r per week According to the dynamics

open Lesson - st.gr 20

Kataeva E.A., analysis,

Analysis of abstracts for preparation. to the diploma gr 16

Round table with specialists d / s 6 in FIZO, MUZO, FIZO "Peculiarities of the development of children with dysarthria"

Report on the results of diagnosing young children in the educational institution.

B.P. Development and implementation of modules

Observations of the speech of children in Art. and preparation group. in order to establish the growth rate of speech development of children and the implementation of the recommendations of a speech therapist (classes, at home)

Time dynamics. Background. hearing in children st gr 12, 18.20 - frontal di-ka

Cor. zan. with logopaths p.g 16 - 2 times per m.

Observing children's speech New Year's parties in order to track speech dynamics.

Consultation-workshop for parents of children aged 6-7 years of the risk group “Analysis of words and sentences” - gr. 16.

Organization of systematic monitoring of the assimilation of lexical and grammatical topics by speech pathologists (through individual notebooks of children)

Open Day for Parents with Children Jr. gr. Speech prevention. Nar., at the request of the parents.

Gr. meeting at st. gr. 12,18,20 “The level and prospects of background development. hearing"

Analysis of intermediate results on the automation of sounds in the subgroup. 16.

Theory "Offer" prep. Gr 16

Tv.group - implementation of modules B.P.

Ср.11 Mezenina retelling + phonemics

Avg.gr 14 Zinovkina ZKR

Quantitative report for M.S.Ch

Round table "exp.gr" - inter-age. integration

B.P. implementation under. No. 16 Antonyms + retelling.

B.P. Preparation of a report in the IRO

Help at: Zinovkina, Polovinkina, Myagkov, Novosyolova

Monitoring sound analysis in children of the preparatory group No. 16, in order to determine the zone of proximal development according to phonemic hearing.

Control over work with children at risk for dysgraphia

Cor. zan. with logopaths p.g 16 - 2 times

Interview with parents of children of a speech therapy group on withdrawal - recommendations

Individual consultations on phonemic hearing for parents of children at risk and those who wish gr.16 -podg. groups

Meetings in gr. 16, 12, 18, 20. on the withdrawal of children from the speech therapy group.

Theory + interview. "Syllables" prep. groups 16

Monitoring the organization of individual work with children and parents - gr. risk in the preparatory group 16.

"An. and synthesis of the proposal"

Help di-ka gr 14.11, Gr

B.P. report to the IRO for half a year

Certification confirmation of the highest category

Help at: Mezenina, Vagina, Zamiralova

Festival of pedagogical ideas of speech therapists

Diagnostics of children of senior groups No. 12,18,20 on the topic “The place of sound in a word” in order to determine an individual perspective to the end school year for every child

In-depth examination of children's speech for PMPK.

Frontal examination of the speech of children of junior and middle groups in order to select the most optimal conditions for the further development of the child.

Familiarization of parents of senior groups No. 12,18,20 with the level of development of phonemic hearing of their children. (individually, through educators)

Consultation workshop on the topic “ phonemic hearing”for parents of children at risk Art. groups

Interviews with parents of children sent to the mountains. PMPK.

Group meeting with educators of senior groups “Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia in children 5-6 years old

Analysis of the speech of children aimed at PMPK - for characteristics.

Analysis of the intermediate diagnosis of children at risk.

Art. 12 Mazyrina N.A. paraphrase

Observations of children-speech pathologists at music lessons together with the muses. employee., with the aim of the most effective development motor-prosodic skills in children-logopaths.

Lists of children at the PMPK in the UO

Diagnostics of the speech of children of the preparatory group in order to determine the speech readiness of children for schooling.

According to "Express Diagnostics"

Individual consultations for parents and children of older groups, selectively, with the aim of correcting and developing the most suffering sections of children's speech.
(column No. 12, 18.20)

Interview with tutors predg.gr. 16 according to the results of the “Zone of proximal development” diagnostics.

Open classes for school, under gr 16

Butyrskaya "Retelling + phonemics" for school

Meeting with a psychologist for kindergarten No. 6 on the selection of children for PMPK.

Teacher's week in kindergarten.

Documents for PMPK

Reorganization of the speech therapy group, taking into account individual results in the correction of speech disorders

Examination of the speech of children of groups No. 2

Analysis of children's speech readiness for school, recommendations to parents. (meeting in preparatory group № 16).

Preparation of a written consultation on the topic

Round table with all participants pedagogical process in groups 16,12,18,20 on the topic “Speech readiness of children for schooling.”

Preparing for a meeting with the school.

PMPK No. 3 based on the results of correctional and developmental work with children at risk, in order to select the most optimal conditions for the further development of the child.

Succession meeting with school teachers. No. 76.

Frontal examination of the speech of children of younger groups in order to identify speech dynamics and prevent speech defects.

Examination of the speech of children with speech disorders (all groups)

Acquisition of subgroups of children on the automation of sounds; Art. gr. 12, 18.20

Individual consultations for parents and children of early age groups with speech disorders. (optional)

Interviews with parents of middle groups No. 11,14,19 regarding the enrollment of their children in speech therapy classes from the new school year.

Advisory assistance to educators of middle and younger groups on the formation of preparatory groups of children and planning individual speech work for the summer.

Summarizing speech therapy work for the year and informing about the results in writing - through the parent stand and orally - at the final teachers' council.

Analysis of the speech of children at the final group meetings in all groups.

B.P. Monitoring by 6 modules

Meeting with a speech therapist of school No. 76 “ speech characteristic future first-graders” in order to prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Report on speech therapy diagnostics in the educational institution

Report on the results of the activities of the logopoint for the year 2013-14

filling school cards. the state of speech of graduates of kindergarten No. 6 in 2014.

Preliminary staffing of the future speech therapy group on the basis of middle groups No. 11, 14.19 and Art. 12,18,20

An in-depth examination of the speech of children enrolled in the logopoint for 2013-2014.

Individual consultations-workshops with parents and children of younger groups № gr. 11, 14, 15 for the prevention of defects in sound pronunciation. (At the request of parents).

Parent meeting with newly enrolled children (1-3 years old) - “Prerequisites for the formation of the child’s correct speech.”

The beginning of the primary teaching of speech of incoming young children together with their parents early groups

Observations on individual work on the development of speech of educators with children, vol. recommendations - Jr., Wed., and Art. groups

Coordination of plans for the new academic year with specialists in physical education, fine arts, medical education

Registration of speech cards for children enrolled at the logopoint in 2012-13 year.

Sections: Working with parents

On the basis of our kindergarten "Solnyshko" in the city of Zaozersk, Murmansk region, the speech center has been operating for only the third year. The term, in my opinion, is not long, but sufficient for the speech center to have its own, sufficiently stable and systematic system of work.

In my work, I single out the main direction - work with parents. After all, the task of a speech therapist is to help parents realize their role in the development of the child, to equip them with certain methods and techniques for overcoming speech disorder, to fill with specific content homework with children to assimilate and consolidate the knowledge gained.

At the moment, there are many non-traditional forms of work with KVN parents, complex classes with parents, oral pedagogical journals, handwritten journals, a round table, an open day, an open lesson, creating a developing environment in the family ...)

In our institution, the work of a speech therapist teacher with parents includes:

  1. parent meetings
  2. Consultations:
    • according to the results of diagnostics;
    • following the results of remedial training;
    • organizing the work of the logopoint;
    • methods and techniques for setting sounds in children.
  3. Information exhibitions.
  4. Handwritten newspaper.
  5. Open classes.
  6. Open Day.

So, for example, the newspaper “Let your child speak correctly”, created by the parents themselves together with the teacher and children, helps to promote speech therapy knowledge among parents whose children do not attend the speech center due to age or some other reasons (see Figure 1 ).

Parent meetings are an effective form of communication between a speech therapist and parents. It is at the meetings that the speech therapist has the opportunity to organize in an organized way to familiarize parents with the tasks, content, methods of speech correction in preschool children; help parents deal with the difficulties that arose in the process of doing homework. As experience shows, it is the preparation of a summary of the parent meeting that is associated with various difficulties. Sometimes a speech therapist does not know how to competently build a conversation, find the necessary content and forms for it, and choose methods for activating parents. Teachers with little experience are sometimes afraid that their parents may ask them a question to which they do not know the answer. I advise you to understand well the problem that you present to the audience, to prepare in advance for the event. When preparing, it is advisable to draw up a detailed plan, abstracts, pick up bright, demonstrative speech examples, compose your own questions, etc.

I recommend starting the school year with a meeting at which it is necessary to highlight the patterns of speech development of a child of senior preschool age. And already in the middle of the school year, hold a parenting session, involving your children in this on the topic: “How to perform homework speech therapist?

Topic: "How to do homework speech therapist?".

  1. Introductory speech by a speech therapist teacher on the topic: "Development of fine motor skills of the hand."
  2. Familiarization of parents with coloring books "Lines and shapes".
  3. Practical demonstration of articulation exercises by children.
  4. Familiarization of parents with complexes of articulation exercises for each sound (each parent is given a sheet with complexes of art. exercises).
  5. Watching a video on the topic: "Conducting individual lessons with baby".
  6. Conversation about the viewed material.
  7. Solutions.

Meeting progress:

1. Introductory speech by a speech therapist teacher on the topic: "Development of fine motor skills of the hand."

Therefore, training the movements of the fingers is the most important factor:

    • stimulating speech development child,
    • contributing to the improvement of articulatory motility,
    • preparing the hand for writing
    • and, no less important, a powerful tool that increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex.

But one finger gymnastics small, so I recommend types of work that contribute to the development of small muscles of the fingers and hands:

  1. Finger games, accompanied by rhymes and nursery rhymes.
  2. Games and activities with toys and objects:
    • unfolding buttons, sticks, grains, acorns, etc.,
    • stringing beads, rings, buttons on a thread,
    • sewing on, fastening and undoing buttons,
    • games with mosaics, building materials, etc.
  3. Visual activity:
    • modeling from plasticine and clay,
    • coloring pictures,
    • contouring,
    • hatching,
    • drawing with pencils and paints different ways(brush, swab, finger, candle),
    • scissor work,
    • crafts from natural material etc.

Carry out work on the development of the hands systematically 3 - 5 minutes daily.

In the beginning, children often have difficulty doing many of the hand exercises. These exercises are worked out gradually, at the beginning they are performed passively, with your help, and as they learn, the children move on to independent performance.

2. Familiarization of parents with coloring books "Lines and Shapes".

3. Practical demonstration of articulation exercises by children attending the logopoint

Often parents find it difficult to explain to the child any articulation exercise. Today our guys will help you with this and demonstrate the most difficult exercises. Children show the following exercises:

  • "Cup"
  • "Fungus"
  • "Harmonic"
  • "Mushroom + breeze"
  • "We will punish the naughty tongue."

4. Familiarization of parents with complexes of articulation exercises.

Parents were given printouts with sets of articulation exercises for the sound they needed ( Annex 1). I draw your attention to rules performing articulation exercises:

It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to do it 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Do not offer children more than 2-3 exercises at a time.

When selecting exercises for articulation gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, go from simple exercises to more complex ones. It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way.

Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new, the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation. If the child performs some exercise not well enough, new exercises should not be introduced, it is better to work out the old material. To fix it, you can come up with new playing tricks.

The articulatory gymnast is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position.

The child must see the adult's face well, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult should be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. Also, the child can use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult should be opposite the child facing him.

The work is organized as follows. An adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques. Shows its execution. The child does the exercise, and the adult controls the execution.

An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics should monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

At first, when children perform exercises, there is a tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Gradually, the tension disappears, the movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

In the process of doing gymnastics, it is important to remember to create a positive emotional state in the child. You can not tell him that he is doing the exercise incorrectly - this can lead to a refusal to perform the movement. It is better to show the child his achievements (“You see, the tongue has already learned to be wide”), cheer (“Nothing, your tongue must learn to rise up”).

5. Viewing video material on the topic: “Conducting an individual lesson with a child” (Figure 2).

An excerpt from an individual lesson with the participation of Roma Stepanov is presented to your attention on the topic: “ Differentiation r-l, s-sh".

6. Conversation about the viewed material.

  1. What did you learn from this passage for yourself?
  2. Is this how you do your homework? Share your experience.

7. Decisions.

  1. Organize a lesson with a child at home in accordance with the recommendations of a speech therapist.
  2. Develop fine motor skills in various types activities.

Each form of work in its own way brings "fruits" in the work of a speech therapist. And the most important and pleasant "fruit" is, of course, the achievements and successes of our children; it is mutual understanding with parents and the joy of communicating with them.

We wish you success in your work with parents!