For people who are planning important events life according to the forecasts of astrologers, life does not bring unexpected surprises. Therefore, many successful personalities Before solving this or that situation, they first look at the future by the stars, using the prompts of the relevant specialists. A detailed horoscope for 2018 has already been compiled for all zodiac signs and for 12 signs Eastern calendar by year of birth.

Sagittarius throughout the current year were under the supervision of the Rooster, which still protects these people from sadness, adversity and tears. But what to expect for this bright and eccentric sign during the reign of the Dog, it remains only to turn to astrologers to obtain the most accurate and detailed forecasts. Almost all astrologers claim that the Yellow Dog on the very first day of his reign will take care of Sagittarius, preparing many events for them.

Fiery Sagittarius are prone to deep introspection and philosophizing. Therefore, the beginning of the year (January-February) for these people will be in question, which of Sagittarius's environment is a true ally, and who promises danger and threat. And the stars say unequivocally that such people expect a lot of deceit and even some pretense from others.

Men will need to lie low for a while, slowing down the pace of work in other areas of life in order to look around. Only in this way can it be brought to clean water the right people. Despite the spring romance and the desire for love and emotions, Sagittarians need to leave alone attempts at a love relationship. Any changes in life must be made carefully.

Let there be problems on the way of Sagittarius men, the financial aspect will remain consistently positive. But in order to achieve such indicators, Sagittarians must not lose their natural optimism. To achieve goals and accumulate profits, you need to look at all tasks from the point of view of your capabilities and talents, and not starting from obstacles and obstacles. The year promises a sharp rise in career ladder.

Horoscope 2018 for women

Sagittarius women will confidently overcome difficulties and obstacles if they believe in themselves and walk with their heads held high. At the same time, joy and good emotions from the fact that Sagittarius will succeed in a lot, all this will be mixed with confusion, after which they will again get back to square one. The whole year will be manifested in the cycle of emotions, which is so characteristic of the fiery sign.

Good impressions can also be obtained from romantic meetings, so the stars advise female Sagittarius to boldly get involved in new acquaintances and relationships, without thinking about the risks of making a mistake. Also, the year will broaden the horizons of Sagittarius, perhaps the circle of contacts will increase, old disputes and conflicts will be resolved. But due to emotionality, women can periodically encounter new collisions.

In their personal lives, Sagittarians do not need to judge people and try on in their own likeness, it is also dangerous to overestimate their loved ones. Young women need to be careful and careful not to fall under the influence of the best people. The stars strongly do not recommend opening the heart to an unverified person.

love horoscope

The love horoscope initially notes that the initiative of Sagittarius is often punished by troubles and problems. Therefore, in love, Sagittarius need to make inclinations towards activity in love affairs as little as possible. The assertiveness inherent in Sagittarius in resolving relationships can lead to negative consequences, so any decisions must first be carefully weighed and not overdone in the future.

For reference! The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina suggests that the wrong approach to relationships can lead to romantic relationships developing into friendship.

For lonely Sagittarius, the stars prophesy new acquaintances and chances to meet a worthy person for family life. Interesting meetings in the spring they will give them a lot pleasant emotions and impressions. You just need to be more attentive to the environment so as not to fall for unpleasant and treacherous people who can betray because of self-interest and personal interests.

Business horoscope

Sagittarians have their own limits with responsibilities and opportunities, and due to natural optimism, these people often overestimate themselves. Therefore, many leading astrologers insist that Sagittarians do not take on more work than they can handle. The Year of the Dog is ideal for gaining new knowledge, for learning and improving skills in the relevant courses.

Many Sagittarians expect career growth next year, if the previous year was full of work on themselves. Sociable and self-confident people of this sign can also count on increasing their profits. But it is better to refuse to change jobs or activities, since duties and income levels will not correspond to the usual level for Sagittarius.

Family horoscope

What awaits family Sagittarius, the stars can also tell in detail. The year will be full of family gatherings and meetings, and in order to maintain harmony in relationships, healthy and constructive communication is important for Sagittarius. The end of the year for family Sagittarius will be a period of overload at work, it is very important at the same time to maintain good relations with loved ones and pay attention to them.

In order to get rid of negative energy and fatigue, the stars advise family Sagittarius to reconsider their wardrobe, clearing it of unnecessary rubbish. Spend more time at home, as well as devote time for rest and leisure. The second part of the year will be accompanied by increased attention to the second half, which will need Sagittarius.

The stars strongly recommend giving your loved ones more awe, care and attention. And in order to kindle positive emotions and romance in family relationships, you can periodically make pleasant surprises for your loved ones. If necessary, Sagittarius will need to go into the shadows and let the other half rule the ball. It is tolerance and wisdom that will strengthen family relationships.

Health Horoscope

In the first half of the year, Sagittarians will need to be more attentive to their well-being. The horoscope from Pavel Globa also suggests that you need to monitor your diet and lifestyle. The stars also note that it is better for Sagittarius to give up alcohol so as not to provoke severe poisoning. Too much can negatively affect health physical exercise.

The problem of Sagittarius is that they do not know how to fully rest and relax, which negatively affects their health. It is necessary to drive away negative thoughts and depression, remembering that after the rain, a rainbow and the sun always peep out. Therefore, it is better for Sagittarius to sign up for a massage course, visit a sauna or a beauty parlor. In 2018, you need to avoid hypothermia, as well as chronic diseases.

Monthly horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

In order to cope as confidently as possible with all the surprises that await Sagittarius in next year, astrologers have compiled detailed horoscopes for each month in the year of the Yellow Dog. Detailed parting words will come in handy more than ever for people of the fiery sign, who are characterized by excessive temper and thoughtlessness in decisions and actions.


In love, Sagittarius can demonstrate their hypersexuality, but only to a carefully selected person. Those Sagittarians who can see important little things and details will be able to read between the lines and live for their own pleasure. It is also important to prioritize correctly. The month will be rich in profitable and profitable transactions. It is only important for Sagittarius to get rid of doubts. Having put the body, thoughts and health in order, personal life will also develop.


This month it can become difficult due to problems and worries that have piled on, support should come from relatives and friends. Apathy and love feelings will also pile up in a heap, so it's better to lie in bed and let your body and thoughts recover. A breakthrough is expected in family relationships, an initiative may be required. Finances require savings, but the situation as a whole will be stable. Emotional stress must be avoided, colds must be avoided.


This month will be full of emotions, which is what this zodiac sign is so prone to. Can become reality cherished desires. Green light stars give for career development or job search. Victories await Sagittarius in love affairs, lonely people will have to fight for their happiness. So that health does not fail, Sagittarians need to devote more time to rest.


Sagittarians need to get rid of the habit of controlling everything, especially in relationships with a soulmate. The perfect time to reconsider all outlooks on life. In search of a soul mate, you need to find a person with strong nerves, capable of showing feelings for Sagittarius. IN professional activity no need to overwork because of the duties that have fallen on you as a boss.


Being in the epicenter of various events, Sagittarius will be able to take advantage of this. Despite the tendency to thoughtless actions, Sagittarius will be lucky. May - perfect time to meet with friends, the month will be generally rich in new meetings and acquaintances. You can get lucky at work with a promotion or a bonus. Special attention you have to focus on your health.


The ideal time to establish a personal life, but for Sagittarians it is important to live in real time, and not think too much for yourself. In order for life to be rich and fulfilling, Sagittarians need to accept themselves, love and change their lives dramatically. It is important to avoid pettiness and greed so that the financial situation is stable. Motivation and timely action will help to cope with the tasks.


Time to be irritable and sociopathic will take a toll on your mood. It is important to clear the mind negative thoughts and winding yourself up, doing your favorite thing or hobby. You need to wake up initiative, optimism and activity in yourself in order to earn yourself good attitude bosses and achieve success in personal life. The financial situation can be uncertain, as well as the position on the career ladder.


Refusing to waste time and energy on trifles and unnecessary things, Sagittarius can pull himself together. The path of self-improvement and self-knowledge will have a positive impact on all spheres of life. In a working environment, it is important to talk about your dissatisfaction, but correctly. There is a chance to move up the career ladder. Sagittarius will be lucky in finding a job because of their hard work and perseverance.


The peak of emotional upsurge will allow Sagittarius to operate in work, friendship and love. Only another Sagittarius has industriousness, integrity and purposefulness of the same level, although Taurus is similar in terms of such character criteria. At work, it is important to establish normal relationships with colleagues. Family Sagittarius will have to sort things out, but all because of banal boredom and lack of emotions.


The perfect time to conquer the horizons, Sagittarius will notice admiring glances from the side and attention. October is the month richest in pleasant surprises. In search of the second half, you should not pay attention to external data. It is supposed to rise in the financial situation, in the work of Sagittarius the amount of salary at the end of the month, and not the plate on the working door, will motivate. Particular attention should be paid to health and give up alcohol.


This month, you need to take time to rest and relax by visiting the pool, massage or spa. At the same time, bright character traits do not need to be hidden in oneself, closed in own world. Fortune has prepared several tests of the nerves and endurance of Sagittarius. But in his personal life, the chosen one can prove himself from a new side, the level of trust from the authorities will increase in work.


Sagittarius' feelings are always bright and intense, which they often don't get in return. One has only to pay close attention to the chosen one in order to understand that he does not have those feelings that at first glance were previously there. Failures in his personal life can be blocked by high performance, which will bring additional income to Sagittarius. It is only important not to be lazy and to refuse inaction. Particular attention should be paid to the health of the liver and heart.


Ox Sagittarius can expect success and wealth from 2018, Rat - cardinal changes in love and work, but the Tiger stars predict problems due to incontinence. The Sagittarius Dragon should be carefree and sociable, while the Cat may face financial upsurge and luck in love. For the Sagittarius snake, the stars prophesy a lot of prophetic dreams, 100% work of intuition and marriage.

The Goat must be responsible, and the Horse will be lucky both in business and in love. The monkey will need profitable acquaintances and connections in order to take positions in the ranking of rich people. The Sagittarius dog must find a common language with the mistress of 2018, as well as build a plan for the whole year ahead. Pig Sagittarius will plunge into carelessness, and the Rooster will hit the work.

Snakes are rightfully proud of their outer and inner beauty, which allows them to easily penetrate even where everyone else is denied entry. The situation will not change during the reign of the Yellow Dog. The snakes will quickly charm this strict mistress, bending her to their side with the help of feigned flattering behavior. Immediately after they met (that is, starting from mid-February 2018), the Snakes will begin to behave exactly as the Yellow Dog likes best. Representatives of this sign will give up their craving for luxury, giving preference to emphatically strict things that have great functionality. The leisure of the representatives of this sign will cease to be as reckless as a year ago, and the Dog will certainly appreciate all these sacrifices. She will nobly allow each representative of this sign to independently build his own life path. At the same time, the Yellow Earth Dog will under no circumstances allow the Snakes, according to their “good” habit, to bring the cherished success closer, acting by cunning or immoral measures. No, in 2018, luck awaits the Serpents only if they are extremely honest and learn to play according to the rules accepted in society. Not surprisingly, Snakes willy-nilly have to make friends with work colleagues or with partners in the implementation of their personal business projects. Considering in the character of all these people a lot positive traits, Snakes will understand that in vain they have always tried to rise above others in the past. It turns out that the Dog will still teach the intractable Snakes something, and their character will change for the better by the end of 2018. There is a chance that the income of representatives of this sign will increase significantly, though not immediately. Having switched to an economical mode in the first decade of the year of the Dog, the Snakes will soon realize that even without luxury their existence is quite harmonious. Snakes will like the rejection of unjustified spending, and their capital as a result of the rejection of these unjustified spending will begin to progressively increase on its own. As for the personal life of people born in the year of the Snake, in this aspect, no big changes are expected in 2018. The snakes, who have already managed to create a strong family hearth, will do everything in their power to make it always comfortable and very cozy inside their family hearth. Representatives of this sign, who are in search of the greatest love in their lives, in the year of the Yellow Dog will learn to understand the moods of the opposite sex. Snakes will no longer "melt" when they hear another compliment or receive some kind of luxurious gift. Only those who back up their every word with concrete actions will be able to conquer the representatives of this sign. By becoming more selective and wiser in the sphere of their personal affections, lonely Snakes will have a chance for major success. In the first decade of August, a turning point will occur in the life of representatives of this sign, and worthy life partners will appear next to them. Obviously, in 2018, the Snakes will be able to achieve a lot both in their careers and in personal affairs, if they are not lazy and stop looking at the world holding his head high. Horoscope for 2018 for the Water Snake (1953, 2013) Water Snakes will be able to conquer the Yellow Dog, convincing her that they deserve great success in all areas of life. Another thing is that the Dog is not so simple as to give someone a major success just like that, for beautiful eyes. The conclusion is this - the hostess of this year will favorably treat the Water Snake, but will not give her undeserved gifts. Everything that the representatives of this sign will achieve in 2018 will depend only on their own enterprise and hard work. So, those Water Snakes will be right, who from the end of February will begin to work hard and hard. The most promising professional areas for Water Snakes in the year of the Dog will be politics, business and jurisprudence. At the same time, success to one degree or another will go to everyone who is engaged in a different kind of work. The main thing is that the Water Snakes are not in a hurry to spend all their earned capital overnight, but make these finances the foundation for their new projects.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Wood Snake (1965) The Year of the Yellow Dog for Wood Snakes will be quite conservative. Representatives of this sign will continue the path they started earlier, slowly, step by step, bringing themselves closer to the realization of their high ambitions. The most triumphant period of 2018 for the Wood Snakes will be June, when their personal business project will work at full capacity or they will receive a promising appointment at their main place of work. This barrel of honey will not do without tar. The tar for Wood Snakes will be their insufficiently strong immunity. He will give his back at the end of August, before the onset of a long season of winds and frosts. In order to avoid this kind of problems, Wood Snakes need to have time to strengthen their body in every possible way (it is recommended to do this no later than July). An excellent immunity stimulator for Wood Snakes will be a trip to the resort area or a stay in one of the health resorts.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Fire Snake (1977) The life of the Snakes, belonging to the elements of Fire, during the reign of the Yellow Dog will not change for better or for worse. This is quite understandable, because in the coming months the Fire Snakes will voluntarily decide to slow down their pace of life somewhat, and the Dog will fully support them in this decision. While everyone around is fighting for potential success, Fire Snakes will read a lot, think and compare some facts. Most likely, they will be so carried away by the analysis of their being, which was not typical for the Fire Serpents to do in the past. The period of long reflection for the representatives of this sign will ultimately not be in vain. They will create a new life plan and set new goals. But the Fire Snakes will not dare to realize these goals yet. All this will be postponed by them for more late dates, but for now, in such a calm and prosperous period, the Fire Snakes will take care of themselves, put their appearance in order, simultaneously getting rid of many of their chronic ailments.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Earth Snake (1989) The Earth Snakes will call their main task for the year of the Yellow Dog the struggle for their place under the sun. Representatives of this sign are famous for their straightforwardness and simplicity, but in 2018 these qualities in the character of Earth Snakes will disappear without a trace. They will stop unconditionally trusting anyone who tries to infiltrate the ranks of their friends, lovers or business associates. As a result, Earth Snakes will protect themselves from many problems (including betrayal and betrayal). Having restored calmness in their personal affairs, representatives of this sign will persistently make their way to the heights of their careers. The Earth Snakes are not tenacious, which means that there is every chance that they will be able to realize each of their ambitious desires. However, there is a risk that in the pursuit of financial well-being, the Snakes will exhaust their body and face chronic stress. To avoid it, Earth Snakes should take care of quality relaxation in advance. Yoga or effective spiritual practices will help them with this.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Metal Snake (1941, 2001) In the year of the Yellow Dog, the Metal Snakes will rest both physically and mentally. Representatives of this sign will designate 2018 for themselves as a small respite on the path they started during the last annual cycle. This delay in the path of the Metal Serpents will not lead to unpleasant consequences. Furthermore, representatives of this sign, having deliberately slowed down their life path, will noticeably get stronger. The Yellow Dog, in turn, having great respect for these strong and hardworking persons, will do everything so that they are not plagued by big problems. As a result, Metal Snakes will spend the year of the Dog, albeit without new large-scale victories, but with great benefit for your body. Particularly tangible benefits will be brought to the representatives of this sign by a vacation scheduled for the first decade of summer and spent in some picturesque place.

The eastern horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Snake is generalized astrological forecast events for 2018 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. For a more accurate representation of upcoming events in 2018, it is necessary to draw up personal horoscope for 2018.

2018 will force you to show such qualities as patience, caution and thoughtfulness of your actions. It will be difficult for you to be open, as circumstances will require you to hide your own intentions, thoughts and feelings. But later on, you will be able to understand that you are right in any situation if you listen to your own intuition.

The Year of the Yellow Dog for the Snake will not be easy. You will not only have to think about your plans again, but also act prudently, hiding your true intentions and feelings from others. It is for this reason that you will have to act not directly, but covertly and cunningly in order to achieve success. You may need to show wisdom in personal relationships, especially if the result is important to you.

At the beginning of the year, changes in family and friendly relations will come to the fore. Your life may become richer and brighter, filled with interesting events, but you may have a hidden enemy in your immediate environment, skillfully pretending to be a friend.

Some Snakes may feel a deterioration in health and give up the tedious struggle for a place under the sun, but in the middle of spring the situation will improve. From now on, you will gradually feel the excitement and desire to act, to achieve your goals, especially after a long period of failure. You will be able to achieve the result closer to the winter months. In the meantime, it is better to be careful and not dedicate others to your plans.

Snake Woman: Horoscope for 2018

For you, the time will come for interesting and bright events, many of which will bring changes to your destiny and personal life. Especially if you yourself are thinking about changing your usual environment, getting married or changing jobs.

Unforeseen events can happen in your life that can open the way to a bright future for you and become the beginning of a new start in life, however, before the event happens, there will be many changes, including unpleasant ones. Try to correctly calculate the tactics of the game, actions and not rush to conclusions. Perhaps the situation is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

You will feel the wind of change from the beginning of the New Year. Many holiday meetings bring with them unexpected news that will make you abandon your own intentions and plans for the future.

There may be breaks in relations with people or new acquaintances, which may turn out to be fateful and interesting. But the most interesting will happen in the summer, when you outline new perspectives in work or in your personal life. In this situation, you can not only succeed, but also get more than you planned. The main thing is to know exactly what you want and act according to your own rules.

Snake Man: Horoscope for 2018

For you, the Year of the Yellow Dog promises to be rich and unusual. Get ready for the fact that your plans will constantly change, and you will begin to fulfill what you want only closer to the middle of spring.

Until that time, chaos may come in your life, many incomprehensible and unforeseen events that will be extremely difficult for you to manage. Especially if you are planning great achievements, accomplishments and dreaming of personal happiness and a joyful life. Or big changes associated with material well-being and new major acquisitions.

This year you should be wary of treacherous and deceitful people who skillfully pretend to be friends. Many of them will bring confusion into your life, big troubles and disasters that can lead to scandals and a break in relations with loved ones. Your distrust and prudence will help you avoid trouble and scandals, especially if someone intentionally ruins your life or pursues their own goals.

Try to maintain friendly relations with everyone, but calculate the situation. Otherwise, someone can do much harm to you and spoil your mood for a long time. During this period, troubles in family life and various complications in love relationships.

Snake: Love horoscope for 2018

2018 will not be calm for most representatives of the sign. You will feel tension in relationships, insincerity, or you may face betrayal and deceit. Especially if you are planning a family relationship, and not just having fun.

For those who have not found their soul mate or want to make a pleasant acquaintance, luck can turn into spring or early autumn. Try to see among your acquaintances and friends the person you need. If you have already identified a person for yourself and are trying to achieve his location, act carefully, benevolently and try not to show your interest. Only in this situation can you succeed in love.

It will be very difficult for Snakes in love to cope with negative emotions, including their own jealousy, distrust and resentment. You will worry about the fact that the relationship does not develop and something constantly prevents a new stage in your life.

Try to learn to let go of the past and pause. The same applies to those who are married. Only in this case, you can not succumb to negative emotions and reach those relationships that interest you. By the way, fate has prepared for you an unusual turn in your personal life.

Snake: Financial horoscope for 2018

In the coming year, the cash flow in your life will beat with varying degrees of success. You will feel on the wave of good luck or worry about some kind of trouble or quarrel. Especially if fortune constantly turns to you in different directions, and you either gain or lose money.

Try, if possible, to set aside funds for a "rainy day" when they are. In this situation, you can not only feel confident, but also cope with all financial difficulties at the right time. The most difficult thing for you will be making large purchases or changing career goals.

For the purchase and sale of real estate, a car, it is better to use the second half of autumn. At this time, you will be able to make sufficient savings in order to decide on a responsible step. For small purchases or outdoor activities, summer or early spring will suit you. At this time, you can not only save up for a vacation, but also get a lot of positive emotions, both from rest and new experiences, and from pleasant and useless purchases that leave positive impressions.

Saving is best in late winter or early spring, when there is a high risk of losing your job or spending more money than you planned.

Snake: Work and career horoscope for 2018

For you, the year promises to be ambiguous. You will strive for heights and set new goals, but some surprises and obstacles will constantly interfere with the fulfillment of major desires. Do not plan anything big, as your plans may change unexpectedly.

Many representatives of the sign will set new goals and will be able to achieve them easily and simply, but luck will not go into your hands. It is worth a lot of work, gaining new knowledge in order to see real prospects in your business.

In the middle of summer, significant changes in your life are possible, many of which will turn out to be unfavorable. You can change your place of residence, work or do what you like. The main thing is to try to find as much time as possible for your hobby, which many Snakes decide to make a second profession.

Your relationship with your superiors will be smooth if an interested person does not interfere in business. Most likely, in the middle of spring or summer, your relationship with envious people will aggravate, and you may find yourself in the center of some kind of scandal or unpleasant episode. Try to find the right words in order to achieve your goal and protect your own good name. Then you will not only maintain a relationship with your boss, but you will also be able to win the fight against gossip and unpleasant people.

Snake: Health Horoscope for 2018

2018 promises to be a neutral year for you. Representatives of the sign will not feel an excess of energy, but they will not become chronically ill either. Exacerbation of diseases is possible in summer and early autumn, when the weather changes and there is a transition from heat to cold. It is at this time that the risk of picking up sores or treating chronic diseases for a long time increases.

The rest of the time you will be cheerful, optimistic, if you devote enough time to physical education, stress and will not overindulge in fast food or alcoholic beverages.

This year you should pay attention to medical examination, consultations with a specialist and your own health. For any ailments and exacerbations, you should consult a doctor and try to listen to his recommendations.

Only in this case you will not start the disease and will be able to feel good throughout the year. other assistants in healthy way life can become physical activity, water, cosmetic procedures and proper nutrition.


Be active and curious. You can miss your lucky break if you sit at home and do not take an active part in life. Expect a happy turn at the end of spring, and in the summer you can continue the old romance again. Try to be in society more often, do not miss parties and corporate events, and in the summer find time to relax at the sea or near a reservoir.

Taurus Snake

This year, passions around you will play out serious. You may be very worried about some kind of trouble or scandal, but closer to autumn the situation will change. Be prepared to change your plans, environment and social circle. Many will radically change their own life views or want to show off in society with their beauty, knowledge or erudition. Any change will do you good.

Gemini Snake

Your relationships with loved ones may change for the worse, and career prospects will turn out to be not so tempting or even burst like a soap bubble. Try to make time for rest and entertainment, even if they distract from business. It is during communication, parties or informal meetings that you can designate your own future and find a job you like or change your personal life.

Snake Cancer

Pay attention to dreams, omens and signs. In the new year, your intuition will be activated, and you will be able not only to enjoy life, but also to give advice to others, learn to better understand others and significantly improve your relationships, not only friendships, but also family, family or love ones. Do not rush to plan large events if you are not sure of their expediency. This year you will change your mind more than once on the same issue.


Beware of envy, betrayal, slander and intrigue, do not get involved in any scandals and quarrels. You can easily be deceived to get your advantage. For this reason, it is better to lie low and not give out your own thoughts and feelings to others, especially those who can use the situation against you. Otherwise, you risk getting into a very unpleasant situation and miss your lucky break.

Virgo Snake

Personal life and everything connected with it will come to the fore. At this time, you can not only cope with all the difficulties, but also move up the career ladder. Some events will make you look at loved one, however, you will be able to find the strength in yourself to correct all difficult situations. The main thing is not to rush to break off relations with those who are really dear to you, and then luck will be on your side.


For you, the year promises to be romantic and interesting, rich in trips, meetings, acquaintances and partings. You will be happy only if you can, in addition to the main occupation, get yourself an exciting hobby. Many enthusiastically begin to restore gaps in knowledge about the world around them. Try to develop intuition and observation

Scorpion snake

Despite the abundance negative events, and unpleasant changes, you will feel calm and easy, as you will cope with all the troubles without any extra effort. Pitfalls will await you in friendships and love relationships, and at work you will have many envious people and enemies. To achieve your goal, learn to combine closeness and goodwill.

Sagittarius Snake

This year you will be able to achieve a lot thanks to your own assertiveness and hard work. Try to work as much as possible and learn something new, but do not rush to plan your own business and big things. Only in this situation can you achieve success by fully realizing yourself in your favorite business. Many will decide to move or change jobs or professions.

Capricorn Snake

2018 will not be full of unpleasant surprises or surprises for you. You yourself will cope with all the difficulties and will be able to correctly assess your own strengths. Wait in your personal life unexpected turn and troubles that can be caused by scandals and quarrels with relatives. Try to choose the right tactics communication to solve problems on their own.

Aquarius Snake

For you, the time will come for a creative upsurge, sociability and new acquaintances. You yourself, unwittingly, will attract other people's hearts to yourself, start novels or find yourself in love triangles. Thanks to your sociability, you can make new friends and interesting acquaintances. The main thing is not to stop there and find sources of joy in any situation.


For you, the year will be calm and neutral. In it, you are unlikely to encounter unpleasant changes, however, the desired joy will not come immediately. Act on a cool head, soberly and without unnecessary emotions, keeping a sober mind in any situation. Do not rush to show a true attitude towards life phenomena and people, if this is not expected.

The main message for 2018 for the Snake: be careful and do not hesitate to take risks: this is your year! Now you can move mountains.

2018 for the Snake: general forecast

Even in the previous year, the Snakes had no reason to complain, but the year of the Dog will prove to be even more successful. It is safe to say that this will be one of the best periods. If the Snake wants to succeed, now he can do it. The Chinese horoscope 2018 predicts prosperity and very interesting development opportunities.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, but, unfortunately, it does not sin either with modesty or the ability to keep secrets. The mouth often brings her trouble. This will also be the case in 2018: this person may inadvertently give out information that someone has entrusted to him, because of which he will doom himself to anger close friend or life partner. Thus, the Snake must be careful with what he says.

This year is also an amazing time for new acquaintances and establishing profitable business contacts. The snake should leave the house as often as possible and meet people - her social life will flourish, and this circumstance will positively affect almost all spheres of life.

In 2018, the Snake will make a deep analysis of priorities, thanks to which it will be able to further increase the effectiveness of actions - both in work and in personal affairs. The results will be amazing.

Most of the Snake's plans are implemented without problems and serious stress. Nevertheless, chinese horoscope 2018 advises her not to stop being vigilant. Although she will have great success in the Year of the Dog, certain events may happen that are not necessarily beneficial. Therefore, always, regardless of the situation, a certain dose of caution should be observed.

advice on2018 for the snake: stay calm and act judiciously - and everything will be fine.

Warning: be careful and careful: out of the blue, unexpected situations can arise and threaten your most important projects.

What gives Serpents the greatest chance of success in 2018: as always, rely on your wisdom. Thanks to her, you will be able to achieve what is not available to others.

golden thought: a wise man is someone who looks for answers even in the most unexpected places.

Prosperous periods in 2018 for the Snake: January, March, November.

Unfavorable periods: June, September.

Friendly signs: Dragon, Rooster

Who should be more careful: Tiger, Pig.

lucky numbers: 8, 12, 16, 20, 41.

lucky colors: turquoise, blue.

Love horoscope for 2018 for the Snake

The horoscope for 2018 warns that the Snake woman or man during this period will be much more emotional than it is "recorded" in her nature. She will demonstrate much more spontaneity in her love affairs, stop calculating something all the time and surrender to the will of spontaneity. Effect? He will be amazing!

The snake in 2018 will be a huge success among representatives of ... both sexes. Her magnetic personality will attract both women and men. True, this may somewhat unbalance the Snake, but she will feel satisfaction due to the fact that she has such a strong effect on others. Of course, this person will take full advantage of the opportunities that fall out and will spin novels without any doubts and prohibitions.

No less exciting and passionate will be intimate life Serpent in 2018, especially in the case of people who are in constant partnership. They will experience true unity of souls and bodies with a loved one. Although there may be certain temptations to go “left”, the Snake will be so busy with her partner that she will not want to risk losing what she has for the sake of a few minutes of physical pleasure.

Horoscope for the Snake for 2018: money, investments

Within 12 months, the Snake will easily acquire new customers and make contacts that help in business. In this way, she will significantly increase her income and come up with innovative solutions related to making money. Maybe she will even create some new system the first in the world!

In any case, the Chinese horoscope 2018 clearly shows that the Snake will have unprecedented luck in financial matters. The investment will pay off very quickly, in addition, the profit will be much higher than expected at the planning stage. The only danger may come from overly impulsive decision making. However, if the Snake keeps itself under control, nothing will stand in the way of its success.

This year is also worth thinking about increasing your financial reserves. Saving has always been a trait of the Snake, but now - because of high income- this person will be able to save much more money than in other years. You don't have to spend everything at once. Shopping is, of course, pleasant, but you can’t overdo it in this matter.

Chinese horoscope 2018 Snake career

In the professional field, perhaps, there are no things that the Snake could not successfully resolve this year. If she dreams of starting her own business, now is the time. The horoscope of the Snake for 2018 is such that a woman and a man can implement many new career development strategies and start projects that will turn out to be very profitable - including not in terms of finance: they will bring prestige, position in society, more influence. All this can be as important as money.

Any Snake can make an attempt to achieve promotion and hierarchy in their organization this year. You just need to share your ideas with your superiors - in this way the employee will earn sympathy and respect for himself, deep enough to open his way to promotion. And if the Snake uses its innate cunning for this, it can bargain much more than a higher position or a high salary.

The eastern horoscope shows that the year of the Dog for the snake 2018 can be a time when the opportunity to make major changes in the course of one's career presents itself. If there is a desire to change the industry, then do not be afraid. Even if you have to start all over again, things will go well, similar positions will be quickly filled, and maybe even better.

What awaits the Snake in 2018 in the family, at home

The family will be a great source of relaxation this year. Person of this sign Chinese calendar will spend in the circle of the closest wonderful moments that will add energy and inspire for further actions. The snakes will draw great power From the ties that unite them with family members, they can count on the help of loved ones in any situation, even the most difficult one that requires sacrifice. 2018 for the Snake woman and the Snake man is such that she can safely ask for help if needed, and will not be disappointed even in the case of people whom she does not love too much.

What will be the health of the Snake in 2018 and what needs to be done to maintain it

There is a high probability that in 2018 the needs of her body will not be important for the Snake, she will begin to ignore them. To a greater extent, she will be interested in issues related to development - professional, intellectual, emotional. This person does not want to waste time on physical exercise or scrupulous care of the diet. In his understanding, these things are unimportant.

SNAKE (1965.1977.1989.2001.2013)

Horoscope 2018 for the Snake

The snake makes people born under this sign active and proactive. The dog may not always agree with this, however, it will not interfere with the Snakes. And in many cases, the Mistress will also become a completely benevolent assistant to them. And therefore, in 2018, many of them will be able to calmly complete what they started earlier (if they themselves want to). And besides, it is during this period that they will have a chance to start something new, which in fact will be very important for their life. And the only thing that the Mistress will require from the Serpents is strict honesty on their part. That is, the more significant the situation or circumstance is for them, the more humanity and decency it is desirable for them to demonstrate and really show.


Snakes will need to put their immune system at the forefront. Taking care of its strengthening will definitely pay off, there is no doubt. And in this case, even seasonal respiratory infections will bypass these people.

Another significant point of the Snake's efforts to take care of their health should be their nervous system. Emotional well-being will often make them feel uncomfortable, leading to sudden mood swings, increased fatigue and knocking them out of the normal rhythm of life. But such problems can be avoided, or at least minimized, if there is less "taking the heavy in the hands and the bad in the head." Plus, you can not deny yourself privacy when you feel the need for it.


The income of the Serpents in 2018 will be quite enough for them to live it calmly without fear of want. Maybe money won't rain down on them like a shower of gold. However, financial position many of them will improve significantly compared to previous years.

On good prospects in the first place, Snakes engaged in own business or occupying leadership positions in large projects. If they are not afraid of creativity in their approaches to solving work problems, then this will definitely affect (positively) the profit of the organization as a whole and their own earnings.

On the other hand, Snakes should not allow themselves unjustified extravagance, because whatever the financial resource available to them, it is running out. And therefore, it is highly desirable for them to make feasible savings in 2018; in the future they will definitely not regret it.


Surprising as it may seem, but in 2018 the Snakes may benefit from conflicts with the leadership. Pay attention, because this is important: not with colleagues or partners, but with management. But such a prediction should not create in Serpents false sensation that they should look for quarrels with superiors. It's just that many of them will find themselves (and maybe even more than once) in a situation where the "big boss" will try to counteract an undertaking that they themselves will seem unambiguously promising. Moreover, such moments are especially likely in the first months of the year. And then it makes sense for the Serpents to insist on their own at any cost. Moreover, in such circumstances, one of their colleagues will often be on their side.


Married and married Snakes are at risk of entering a period of "turbulence". Sometimes it will be friction with their halves, although more often the Snakes still have to sort things out with their relatives (mainly with the older generation). However, nothing critical will happen in this regard, because the Dog will prudently extinguish conflicts and help the Snakes find compromises and other ways to peace.

There are very big chances to arrange your happiness with single Snake-women. Their charm and femininity will help them in this. But in no case should they count on the sincerity of girlfriends and just female acquaintances. Therefore, no revelations, no attempts to ask for advice, etc. The male Snakes in search of their comrades may not be afraid. But on the part of the representatives of the weaker sex, troubles can also lie in wait for them. They will fight for their attention, they will try to fight them off in order to take revenge on someone ... In general, it should be noted that a lot of passions will rage around the Serpents in 2018.

Another danger that can lie in wait for lonely Snakes on the path of finding a life partner (companion) is persistent attention from married (and married) fans and admirers. This will unbalance the Serpents, they can become irritable and withdraw into themselves. And, as a result, run the risk of losing potential candidates for your heart without gaining anything in return. In addition, those around, not trying to deeply understand the root of the problems, will be taken to gossip about the Serpents as those who are ready to cynically destroy other people's families.

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