ONR (general underdevelopment of speech) - various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is impaired, i.e. the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (lexicon, grammar). General underdevelopment of speech can be observed with complex forms children's speech pathology: alalia, aphasia (always), as well as rhinolalia, dysarthria (sometimes). Despite the different nature of the defects, in children with general underdevelopment of speech there are typical manifestations indicating systemic disorders speech activity:

Late onset of speech: the first words appear by 3-4, and sometimes by 5 years;

Speech is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically formalized;

Expressive speech lags behind impressive, i.e. the child, understanding the speech addressed to him, cannot correctly voice his thoughts himself;

The speech of children with ONR is difficult to understand.

Most often, speaking of OHP, they mean speech disorders in children with normal intelligence and hearing. The fact is that with impaired hearing or intelligence, underdevelopment of speech, of course, occurs in most cases, but in this case, OHP already has the character of a secondary defect. Therefore, it is important to distinguish OHP from other states as being milder, such as tempo lag. speech development(ZRR), usually not related to OHP (different authors interpret this issue in different ways), and from more severe disorders, for example, oligophrenia or delayed speech development in children with hearing loss, in which OHP already acts as a secondary defect.


The general underdevelopment of speech is characterized by a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system in their unity (the sound side of speech, phonemic processes, vocabulary, grammatical structure speech) in children with normal hearing and relatively intact intelligence.

General underdevelopment of speech can be observed in various forms of speech pathology: motor, sensory alalia, childhood aphasia, dysarthria, including the erased form of dysarthria.

The cause of the general underdevelopment of speech

may be: infections or intoxications (early or late toxicosis) of the mother during pregnancy, incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus according to the Rh factor or group affiliation, pathology of the natal (birth) period (birth trauma and pathology in childbirth), diseases of the central nervous system and brain injury in the first years of a child's life, etc.

However, OHP may be due to adverse conditions education and training, may be associated with mental deprivation (deprivation or limitation of opportunities to meet vital needs) in sensitive (age intervals individual development, during the passage of which internal structures most sensitive to the specific influences of the surrounding world) periods of speech development. In many cases, OHP is the result of a complex effect of various factors, for example, hereditary predisposition, organic insufficiency of the central nervous system (sometimes mild), and an unfavorable social environment.

The most complex and persistent option is ONR, due to early brain damage that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth and the first year of a child's life.

All children with OHP always have a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment phonemic hearing, a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

Underdevelopment of speech in children can be expressed in varying degrees: from total absence speech to minor deviations in development. Taking into account the degree of unformed speech, four levels of its underdevelopment are distinguished.

I level of speech development

characterized by the absence of speech (the so-called "speechless children").

For communication, children of this level mainly use babbling words, onomatopoeia, individual nouns and verbs of everyday content, fragments of babbling sentences, the sound design of which is blurry, indistinct and extremely unstable. Often the child reinforces his “statements” with facial expressions and gestures.

A significant limitation of the active vocabulary is manifested in the fact that with the same babbling word or sound combination, the child designates several different concepts(“bibi” - plane, dump truck, steamer; “bobo” - hurts, lubricate, inject). It is also noted that the names of actions are replaced by the names of objects and vice versa (“adas” - pencil, draw, write; "tui" - sit, chair).

Characteristic is the use of one-word sentences. The period of a one-word sentence can also be observed during the normal speech development of the child. However, it is dominant only for 5-6 months. and includes a small number of words. With severe underdevelopment of speech, this period is delayed for a long time. Children with normal speech development begin early to use grammatical connections words ("give heba" - give me bread) which can coexist with shapeless structures, gradually displacing them. In children with general speech underdevelopment, there is an expansion of the sentence to 2-4 words, but at the same time, sentence structures remain completely incorrectly designed (“Matic tide thuya” - The boy is sitting on a chair. These phenomena are never observed in normal speech development.

The low speech abilities of children are accompanied by poor life experience and insufficiently differentiated ideas about the surrounding life (especially in the field of natural phenomena).

There is inconsistency in the pronunciation of sounds. In the speech of children, mainly 1-2-compound words predominate. When trying to reproduce a more complex syllabic structure, the number of syllables is reduced to 2-3 ("avat" - crib,"amida" - pyramid,"tika" - train). Difficulties in selecting words similar in name but different in meaning (a hammer- milk, digs- rolls- bathes). Tasks for sound analysis words children of this level are incomprehensible (what sounds the word consists of).

Transition to II level of speech development (the beginnings of common speech) is marked by the fact that, in addition to gestures and babbling words, although distorted, but fairly constant common words appear ("Alyazai. Children of Alyazai kill. Kaputn, lidome, lyabaka. Litya rent the land" - Harvest. The children are harvesting. Cabbage, tomatoes, apples. Leaves fall to the ground.)

At the same time, a distinction is made between some grammatical forms. However, this only happens in relation to words with stressed endings. (table- tables; sings- sing) and relating only to certain grammatical categories. This process is still rather unstable, and gross underdevelopment of speech in these children is quite pronounced.

Children's statements are usually poor, the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions.

The story according to the picture, according to the questions, is built primitively, on short, although grammatically more correct, phrases than in children of the first level. At the same time, the insufficient formation of the grammatical structure of speech is easily detected when the speech material becomes more complicated or when it becomes necessary to use such words and phrases that the child rarely uses in everyday life.

The forms of number, gender and case for such children essentially do not have a meaningful function. Inflection is random in nature, and therefore, when using it, many different errors are made ("Igayu myatiku" - I play ball).

Words are often used in a narrow sense, the level of verbal generalization is very low. One and the same word can be called many objects that are similar in shape, purpose or other features (ant, fly, spider, beetle - in one situation - one of these words, in another - another; a cup, a glass are indicated by any of these words). The limited vocabulary is confirmed by the ignorance of many words denoting parts of the subject (branches, trunk, roots wood), dishes (dish, tray, mug) vehicles (helicopter, motor boat), baby animals (squirrel, hedgehog, fox) and etc.

There is a lag in the use of words-signs of objects denoting shape, color, material. Often there are substitutions for the names of words, due to the generality of situations (cuts - tears, sharpens- cuts). During a special examination, gross errors in the use of grammatical forms are noted:

1. replacement case endings(“ride gokam” - rides on a hill);

2. errors in the use of forms of number and gender of verbs ("Kolya pityalya" - Kolya wrote); when changing nouns by numbers ("yes pamidka" - two pyramids,"de kafi" - two cabinets);

3. lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns ("asin adas" - Red pencil,"asin eta" - Red ribbon,"asin aso" - red wheel,"Pat Cook" - five dolls,"tinya pato" - blue coat,"Tinya Cube" - blue cube;"tiny cat" - blue jacket).

Children make many mistakes when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form (“Kadas ledit aepka” - The pencil is in the box) replacement of prepositions is also possible (“Tetatka is down and melting” - The notebook fell off the table. Unions and particles are rarely used in speech.

The pronunciation abilities of children are significantly behind the age norm: there are violations in the pronunciation of soft and solid sounds, hissing, whistling, sonorous, voiced and deaf (“tupans” - tulips,"Sina" - Zina,"tyava" - owl etc.); gross violations in the transmission of words of different syllabic composition. The most typical is the reduction in the number of syllables ("teviki" - snowmen).

When words are reproduced, sound filling is grossly violated: permutations of syllables, sounds, replacement and likening of syllables, reduction of sounds when consonants collide (“rover” - collar, “tena” - wall, “wimet” - bear).

An in-depth examination of children makes it easy to identify the insufficiency of phonemic hearing, their unpreparedness for mastering the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (it is difficult for a child to correctly select a picture with a given sound, determine the position of a sound in a word, etc.). Under the influence of special remedial training, children move to a new - III level of speech development, which allows them to expand their speech communication with others.

III level of speech development characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Children of this level come into contact with others, but only in the presence of parents (educators) who make appropriate explanations (“Aspak went with my mother. I went to the zoo with my mom. And then she walked, where the cage is, there is a monkey. Then they didn't go to the zoo. Then we went to the park.

Free communication is extremely difficult. Even those sounds that children can pronounce correctly, in their independent speech do not sound clear enough.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonors), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given phonetic group. For example, the child replaces the sound s, not yet clearly pronounced, with the sounds s (“boots” instead of boots), sh (“syuba” instead of a fur coat), and ts (“syaplya” instead of a heron).

At the same time, at this stage, children already use all parts of speech, correctly use simple grammatical forms, try to build complex and complex sentences (“Kola is an ambassador to the forest, shook a little squirrel, and Kolya’s rear is a cat” - Kolya went into the forest, caught a small squirrel, and lived with Kolya in a cage).

The pronunciation capabilities of the child improve (it is possible to distinguish correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds, the nature of their violation), the reproduction of words of different syllabic structures and sound content. Children usually no longer find it difficult to name objects, actions, signs, qualities and states that are familiar to them from life experience. They can freely talk about their family, about themselves and their comrades, about the events of their life, compose short story(“The cat is a kuyouke. And she wants to eat rashes. They run away. The cat went to the chicken. And here she is kochet chickens to eat. They eat. The chicken chased away the cat. Lots of chickens. The chicken is good, he drove the cat away).

However, a thorough study of the state of all aspects of speech reveals a pronounced picture of the underdevelopment of each of the components of the language system: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

In oral speech communication, children try to “get around” words and expressions that are difficult for them. But if you put such children in conditions where it turns out to be necessary to use certain words and grammatical categories, gaps in speech development are quite distinct.

Although children enjoy extensive phrasal speech, but have more difficulty making sentences on their own than their normal-speaking peers.

Against the background of correct sentences, one can also meet agrammatic ones, which, as a rule, arise due to errors in coordination and management. These errors are not permanent: the same grammatical form or category in different situations can be used both correctly and incorrectly.

Errors are also observed when constructing complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words("Mishya zyapyakal, fell to the atom" - Misha cried because he fell). When compiling sentences for a picture, children, often correctly naming the character and the action itself, do not include in the sentence the names of the objects used by the character.

Despite the significant quantitative growth of the vocabulary, a special examination of lexical meanings reveals a number of specific shortcomings: complete ignorance of the meanings of a number of words (swamp, lake, stream, loop, straps, elbow, foot, gazebo, veranda, entrance etc.), inaccurate understanding and use of a number of words (hem - sew - cut, cut - cut).

Among the lexical errors are the following:

a) replacing the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object (clock face- "clock", bottom- "teapot");

b) replacing the names of professions with the names of actions (ballerina- "aunt dances", singer- “uncle sings”, etc.);

c) replacement of specific concepts by generic ones and vice versa (sparrow- "bird"; trees- "Christmas trees");

d) substitution of signs (high, wide, long -"large", short- "little").

In free utterances, children make little use of adjectives and adverbs denoting the signs and state of objects, methods of action.

Insufficient practical skill in the use of word-formation methods impoverishes the ways of vocabulary accumulation, does not give the child the opportunity to distinguish the morphological elements of the word.

Many children often make mistakes in word formation. So, along with right formed words non-normative ones appear ("stolenok" - table,"jug" - pitcher,"vase" - vase). Such errors as single ones can occur in normal children at earlier stages of speech development and quickly disappear.

A large number of errors occur in the formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with food, materials, plants, etc. (“fluffy”, “puffy”, “downy” - a scarf; “klukin”, “cranberry”, “clucon” - jelly; "glass", "glass" - a glass, etc.).

Among the grammatical errors of speech, the most specific are the following:

a) incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case (“Books lie on large (large) tables” - Books lie on large tables);

b) incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns (“three bears” - three Bears,"five fingers" - five fingers;"two pencils" - two pencils etc.);

c) errors in the use of prepositions - omissions, substitutions, understatement ("We went to the store with my mother and brother" - We went to the store with my mother and brother;"The ball fell from the shelf" - The ball fell off the shelf)

d) errors in the use of case forms of the plural ("In the summer I was in my grandmother's village. There is a river, many trees, geese").

Sound design of speech in children with III level speech development significantly lags behind the age norm: they continue to experience all types of sound pronunciation disorders (there are violations of the pronunciation of whistling, hissing, L, L, P, Pb, defects in voicing and softening).

There are persistent errors in the sound filling of words, violations of the syllabic structure in the most difficult words ("Ginasts perform in the circus" - Gymnasts perform in the circus;"Topovotik is repairing the water main" - The plumber is fixing the plumbing;"Takiha aunt tan" - The weaver weaves the cloth.)

Insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully acquire literacy at school without the help of a speech therapist.

Characteristic IV - th level: minor changes to all components of the language. Children do not have clear violations of sound pronunciation, there are only shortcomings in the differentiation of sounds [R - R "], [L - L"], [j], [Sch - H - Sh], [T "- C - C - C"], etc. and is characterized by the peculiarity of the violation of the syllabic structure, the child understands the meaning of the word does not retain the phonemic image in memory, as a result of which the distortion of the sound content in different versions:

  • perseveration (persistent repetition of a syllable) "librarian" - a librarian;
  • permutations of sounds and syllables "komosnovt" - astronaut;
  • elision (reduction of vowels during confluence);
  • paraphasia (replacement of syllables) "motokilist" - a motorcyclist;
  • in rare cases, the omission of the syllables "cyclist" - cyclist;
  • adding the sounds "toy" - pear, and the syllables "vovaschi".

The degree of lag in the use of complex words in spontaneous pronunciation and speech contact.

All this can be traced in comparison with the norm, thus. the fourth level is determined depending on the ratio of violations of the syllabic structure and sound content.

The totality of the listed gaps in the child's speech serves as a serious obstacle to mastering the program kindergarten general type, and in the future, the program of a comprehensive school.

Sometimes, when a child has speech problems, doctors make this diagnosis: ONR. What it is and how exactly it manifests itself, why children suffer from this disease, we will consider in detail in this material. You will also learn what classes you need to attend if you have this diagnosis, how you can correct the speech of babies.

ONR: what is it

This abbreviation means a general underdevelopment of speech. This is a disease that is characterized by symptoms such as an unformed function of the sounds made by the child, and the meaning that he wants to convey with their help. In addition, pathologies of lexico-grammatical and phonemic processes are noted with it, the baby cannot coordinate words, pronounce certain letters, etc.

However, the characteristics of children with OHP are not just more or less characteristic of many at preschool age, but also deep types of pathology, which, if not dealt with, can lead to more serious disorders - dyslexia and dysgraphia, in which the child will not be able to master the art of writing.

Also, the disease should be distinguished from such a phenomenon as phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. OHP itself often manifests itself against the background of such syndromes as:

  • alalia (complete or practical absence of speech);
  • rhinolalia (problems with articulation and voice formation);
  • dysarthria (impaired pronunciation);
  • aphasia (when already formed speech function disappears).

Causes of OHP

A speech therapist, as a rule, during examination can identify the cause that provoked such a phenomenon in a child. Many of them relate to the period of pregnancy in the mother, in particular:

  • severe toxicosis;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy;
  • the use of harmful drugs;
  • incompatibility of blood types of mother and child;
  • trauma during childbirth or pathology;
  • in a baby at an early age.

Among other reasons that cause, there are poor conditions for raising a child, as well as frequent infectious diseases including stomatitis.

The most severe form, which requires special attention and treatment is OHP acquired in utero or in the first year of life. Control is very important here. Do not forget that the normal development of the speech of children with ONR is impossible without regular classes with a speech therapist and examinations.

How to identify the disease?

Many parents, whose children at one age or another do not begin to talk when their peers name objects with might and main, sound the alarm. Sometimes it is completely unreasonable, because if there are no pathologies, the child will speak sooner or later. But how to determine the presence of OHP? What is it and how it looks in practice, let's check:

  • if the child’s speech is incomprehensible to adults and it is difficult to make out, and this is not an age-related phenomenon;
  • when you see that he understands you well, but cannot say anything in response;
  • the beginnings of speech begin to form from 4-5 years;
  • if during a conversation the baby cannot coordinate the elementary forms of cases with each other (for example, good girl, five houses, beautiful sun).

In case of any of the above manifestations, immediately take the child to a speech therapist, and also, if necessary, to a defectologist and psychoneurologist. The doctor should examine him and determine if he has ONR and other signs of speech delay.

Disease classification

Yes, depending on clinical manifestations in a child, one or another OHP group can be assigned to him. There are three of them in total:

  • uncomplicated (there is a minimum of dysfunctions, there is a small regulation of muscle tone, there is an immaturity of emotions and will, etc.);
  • complicated (in the presence of neurological and psychopathic disorders, expressed, for example, by convulsions, cerebral palsy and other syndromes)
  • gross violation (organic types of damage to the part of the brain responsible for speech, in particular, with alalia).

They also distinguish between levels of the disease in ONR depending on the child's ability to speak:

  • the first (when children do not speak at all);
  • the second (there is speech, but it is extremely poor, there is agrammatism - a violation of the use of case forms, the dictionary is poor beyond age);
  • third (phrases can be developed, but there are problems in sound and semantic terms);
  • fourth (a number of gaps in phonetics, vocabulary and grammar in colloquial speech).

We will describe in more detail about each of the levels of this disease.

Against the background of what can be the general underdevelopment of speech in a child?

The characteristic of ONR is such that often this phenomenon can appear against the background of the following diseases:

  • Rhesus conflict;
  • asphyxia;
  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • traumatic brain injury.

The speech of children with ONR differs from the usual, some of them begin to pronounce their first words no earlier than three years, while a year or two is considered the norm. They speak less than their peers, slowly and incorrectly.

Very often, such violations can significantly affect the development of other mental cognition of the new, etc. Motor dysfunction or impaired coordination of movements is also noted. The child practically does not speak, walks little, is not interested in what he should at his age: toys, books, does not ask his parents questions, does not reach out to communicate with peers, motor skills also suffer greatly.

ONR and its consequences can be not only the result of certain pathologies in the mother during pregnancy or childbirth. Often the cause of the disease is a social factor, when parents pay little attention to the child and do not talk to him. The less you communicate with the baby, the later he will begin to speak: this truth is known to many.

Features of the course of severe forms of ONR

The levels of the disease differ from each other depending on the degree of speech impairment. There are four of them, with the first and second being the most difficult.

The first level is characterized by the complete absence of coherent speech, regardless of the age of the child. He uses something similar to babble for communication, as well as bits of sounds that have no meaning. Vocabulary rarely includes at least a few meaningful words, more like onomatopoeia and complexes.

It is extremely difficult for a child with such a diagnosis to pronounce at least one meaningful word, because phonemic process located only on initial stage(Akin to infants under two years of age).

But at the second level, the speech of children with ONR is already more meaningful, although it is far from ideal. At the very least, they can produce not only babble, but also some simple sound constructions of up to three words.

As a rule, children do not know with this form of OHP what is the only and plural, constantly confuse them, cannot name this or that subject, do not know the consonant part of the language and do not decline words when necessary. As a rule, the vast majority of babies at the same age do not have any problems with this.

There is a distortion of sounds, their replacement, as a result of which even an adult cannot understand what he is talking about, and the child is simply not able to analyze his conversational process.

Working with children with severe speech impairment

For development, special classes are assigned for children with OHP of the first two levels.

They are designed to solve problems such as:

  • formation of the makings of attention to speech;
  • development of pronunciation of syllables;
  • the ability to distinguish and reproduce sounds;
  • promotion of phonemic perception;
  • the ability to produce elementary speech word forms;
  • expanding the child's vocabulary;
  • mastering the simplest grammatical units.

Also, for classes, depending on the age and degree of the disease, one or another technique is characteristic. ONR is treated by doing exercises such as:

  • evoking sounds and their automation;
  • practical development of the syllabic structure of words;
  • the ability to understand the structure of speech at the level of vocabulary and grammar, and much more.

Level 3 Speech Disorders

At this level, there is already a more coherent speech of children with ONR, and others can at least understand what they mean.

This form of the disease is characterized by the use of simple monosyllabic sentences, but it is already difficult to build heavier grammatical constructions. In particular, it is extremely difficult for a child to learn the pronunciation of participles and participle turns to learn the logical and causal relationships of objects in communication with other people.

At this level of OHP, he can use almost all parts of speech in conversation and mostly correctly pronounce the names of things and phenomena around him. The key in stock are nouns and verbs, but adjectives with adverbs can be used extremely rarely. There are errors in prepositions, conjunctions, agreements, the stresses in words are incorrectly done.

The mildest form of the disease

The fourth level is the easiest, but preschoolers with OHP, even to this extent, still have a harder time mastering preparation for learning than other children. They are significantly behind their peers in terms of speech development.

Globally, there are no serious violations in this form; moreover, lexicon the baby is relatively large. But he does not know and does not understand what synonyms, antonyms are, he cannot remember a single aphorism and is not able to catch their essence, even if it takes a long time to explain. Similarly, the situation may be with the perception of riddles, because it suffers greatly.

A characteristic feature is jumping to minor details when talking about something and skipping key moments of the action, frequent repetitions of what was already mentioned earlier. That is why classes with children with OHP of this type should be carried out regularly and include techniques such as retelling of texts and other ways of developing descriptive thinking and the opportunity to voice what was conceived.

Diagnosis of the disease by a speech therapist

In most cases, a speech therapist and other doctors prescribe an OHP examination, which includes a general diagnosis of the child's speech and each of the physiological processes involved in its formation.

The preliminary stage of this study consists in a conversation with parents about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the social conditions for raising a child: how often they talk to him, what vocabulary they use in communication, and much more.

Then a diagnostic examination of speech is performed and it is specified how the components of the speech system are formed in the current case. To do this, the degree of connectedness of the conversation is first studied by asking them to describe the picture in their own words or name objects.

After all, a conclusion is made from a speech therapist, which indicates the level of OHP and related factors, if any. An examination will calm those parents who took this disease for which only the slow pace of the formation of the child’s conversational skills is characteristic, and there are no violations.

Corrective measures

AT medicinal purposes an event such as a correction of the OHP is carried out. What it is and how it is carried out, we will present below.

At the first level, the emphasis is on developing an understanding of the appeal to the child and activating independent pronunciation. We are not talking about correctness from a phonetic point of view, but grammar is given a certain importance in order to correctly remember the structure of words.

If children have OHP level 2, the correction includes the formation of the ability to build phrases and distinguish between lexical constructions, sound pronunciation is clarified, and there is a desire to avoid the use of extra characters in a particular word.

At the third stage, the coherence of speech develops and the phonemic perception of the conversation improves. Children prepare for the correct assimilation of grammar.

But with the mildest form of OHP - at the fourth level - corrective measures are aimed at ensuring that conversational abilities correspond to the norm for age, the study of writing skills of letters and words, as well as the basics of reading, is practiced.

At the first two levels of the disease, school-age children cannot learn on an equal basis with their peers and require special attention. For this there are educational institutions for special categories of students, where teachers pay close attention to ensuring that existing problems are overcome over time. With an OHP of the third level, you can study in a regular school, but in special ones, and with the fourth, such a child can freely go to the first grade on an equal basis with their peers, but regularly attend classes with a speech therapist.

Visual modeling as a treatment method for OHP in older preschool children: indications for use

Speech therapists, after carrying out diagnostic measures for children with ONR of the third and fourth forms, mainly note the presence of the following manifestations:

  • connected sentences are very short;
  • inconsistency of statements;
  • fragments of the text may not have a logical and causal relationship with each other;
  • small information base.

Also, children often talk with pleasure in colors about how they spent the summer or visited an amusement park, but they cannot write an essay on this topic. And not because they are little aware of something, but because of the lack of the possibility of shaping memories into connected, grammatically correct constructions.

That is why speech therapists often use visual modeling as a method of improving speech skills in OHP. Thanks to him, children can learn to perceive certain abstract concepts as visual images, since, according to many experts in their field, at an early age, visual material is absorbed much faster than verbal.

The concept of visual modeling

Visual modeling is the material reproduction of the properties of an object, which includes the following steps:

  • analysis of an abstract concept;
  • its translation into sign language;
  • modeling work.

In speech therapy, this method is used as a way to learn new words, as well as to learn new phenomena. environment for kids early age. This is especially important for those children suffering from OHP who were deprived of communication from their parents and paid little attention to them in terms of developing their perception of the world.

For senior preschool age in order to replenish the vocabulary and improve speech functions, tasks such as retelling the text, compiling your own story based on the picture, describing this or that action are offered.

The experience of specialists has shown that in OHP, classes using visual modeling in many cases make it possible to significantly correct vocabulary and bring communication skills closer to normal for their age.

When not to sound the alarm?

It is quite natural that the fears of parents are not always justified. For example, if your two-year-old child can only pronounce certain words, and the neighbor’s kid is already tormenting those around him with questions about arranging the world, then it’s quite possible that after just a couple of months the situation will change dramatically, and you no longer have any reason to worry will be.

However, to be sure, it is better to visit a doctor and carry out appropriate diagnostic measures to find out whether such a delay is normal in your case or not.

Similarly, the inability of a child to pronounce a certain letter should not be mistaken for OHP, most often this concerns “r”. Such a defect, of course, cannot be overlooked, it must be treated by a speech therapist. Otherwise, it may remain for life. However, non-pronunciation of one letter does not entail global speech disorders.

As you can see, OHP in most cases is cured and corrected if the parents of the child pay attention to the disease in time and take this problem seriously. Also, the key to normal development is the course of pregnancy, during which the expectant mother should healthy lifestyle life and not be exposed to all sorts of risks.

General speech underdevelopment (OHP) is a deviation in the development of children, which manifests itself in the unformedness of the sound and semantic aspects of speech. At the same time, underdevelopment of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic processes is observed, there is no coherent pronunciation. ONR in preschool children is more common (40% of the total) than other speech pathologies. The general underdevelopment of speech should be taken very seriously, since without correction it is fraught with such consequences as dysgraphia and dyslexia ( various violations letters).

The symptoms of ONR in a child should be taken seriously, as it can lead to whole complex problems

  • OHP level 1 - the complete absence of coherent speech.
  • Level 2 OHP - the child has the initial elements of common speech, but the vocabulary is very poor, the child makes many mistakes in the use of words.
  • OHP level 3 - the child can build sentences, but the sound and semantic sides are not yet sufficiently developed.
  • Level 4 OHP - the child speaks well, allowing only some shortcomings in the pronunciation and construction of phrases.

In children with general underdevelopment of speech, pathologies obtained even in fetal development or during childbirth are most often detected: hypoxia, asphyxia, trauma during childbirth, Rh conflict. In early childhood, underdevelopment of speech can be the result of traumatic brain injuries, often occurring infections, or any diseases in a chronic form.

OHP is diagnosed by the age of 3, although the “prerequisites” for speech underdevelopment can form even at the stage of pregnancy and childbirth

When a baby has a general underdevelopment of speech of any degree, he starts talking quite late - at 3 years old, some - only by 5 years old. Even when the child begins to pronounce the first words, he pronounces many sounds indistinctly, the words have an irregular shape, he speaks indistinctly, and even close people hardly understand him (see also:). Such a speech cannot be called connected. Since the formation of pronunciation is not correct, it negatively affects other aspects of development - memory, attention, thought processes, cognitive activity, and even coordination of movements.

Underdevelopment of speech is corrected after determining the level. It directly depends on its characteristics and diagnosis, what measures will need to be taken. Now we give a more detailed description of each level.

Level 1 OHP

OHP level 1 children are not able to form phrases and build sentences:

  • They use a very limited vocabulary, and the bulk of such a lexicon consists of only individual sounds and onomatopoeic words, as well as a few of the simplest, most frequently heard words.
  • The sentences they can use are one word, and most of the words are babble like a baby's.
  • They accompany their conversation with facial expressions and gestures that are understandable only in this situation.
  • Such children do not understand the meanings of many words, they often rearrange syllables in words and instead full word pronounce only its part, consisting of 1-2 syllables.
  • The child pronounces sounds very indistinctly and indistinctly, and some of them are not able to reproduce at all. Other processes associated with working with sounds are also difficult for him: to distinguish sounds and single out individual ones, combine them into a word, recognize sounds in words.

The speech development program for the first stage of OHP should include an integrated approach aimed at developing the speech centers of the brain

At level 1 OHP in a child, first of all it is necessary to develop an understanding of what he hears. It is equally important to stimulate the skills and desire to independently build a monologue and dialogue, as well as develop other mental processes that are directly related to speech activity (memory, logical thinking, attention, observation). Correct sound pronunciation at this stage is not as important as grammar, that is, the construction of words, word forms, endings, the use of prepositions.

Level 2 OHP

At the 2nd level of OHP, in addition to incoherent speech babble and gesticulation, children already show the ability to build simple sentences from 2-3 words, although their meaning is primitive and expresses, most often, only a description of an object or action.

  • Many words are replaced by synonyms, as the child does not determine their meaning well.
  • He also experiences certain difficulties with grammar - he pronounces endings incorrectly, inserts prepositions inappropriately, poorly coordinates words with each other, confuses the singular and plural, and makes other grammatical errors.
  • The child still pronounces sounds indistinctly, distorts, mixes, replaces one with another. The child still practically does not know how to distinguish individual sounds and determine the sound composition of a word, as well as combine them into whole words.

Peculiarities corrective work at level 2, OHP consists in the development of speech activity and meaningful perception of what is heard. great attention is given to the rules of grammar and vocabulary - replenishment of the vocabulary, compliance with the norms of the language, correct use words. The child learns to correctly build phrases. Work is also underway on the correct pronunciation of sounds, various errors and shortcomings are being corrected - rearranging sounds, replacing one with another, learning to pronounce missing sounds and other nuances.

At the second level of OHP, it is also important to connect phonetics, that is, work with sounds and their correct pronunciation.

Level 3 OHP

Children of the 3rd level of OHP can already speak in extended phrases, but basically they build only simple sentences, not yet coping with complex ones.

  • Such children understand well what others are talking about, but still find it difficult to perceive complex speech turns (for example, participles and participles) and logical connections (causal relationships, spatial and temporal relationships).
  • The lexicon in children of the 3rd level of speech underdevelopment is significantly expanded. They know and use all the main parts of speech, although nouns and verbs prevail over adjectives and adverbs in their conversation. At the same time, the child may still make mistakes when naming objects.
  • There is also an incorrect use of prepositions and endings, stress, incorrect agreement of words with each other.
  • The rearrangement of syllables in words and the replacement of some sounds by others are already extremely rare, only in the most severe cases.
  • The pronunciation of sounds and their distinction in words, although broken, but in a simpler form.

Level 3 speech underdevelopment suggests classes that develop connected speech. Vocabulary and grammar oral speech are improved, the mastered principles of phonetics are fixed. Now the children are already preparing for the study of literacy. You can use special educational games.

Level 4 OHP

Level 4 OHP or mild general underdevelopment of speech is already characterized by a rather large and diverse vocabulary, although the child has difficulty understanding the meanings of rare words.

  • Children cannot always understand the meaning of a proverb or the essence of an antonym. The problem can also be created by the repetition of words that are complex in composition, as well as the pronunciation of some difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds.
  • Children with unsharply expressed general underdevelopment of speech still poorly determine the sound composition of a word and make mistakes in the formation of words and word forms.
  • They get confused when they have to state events on their own, they can skip the main thing and pay too much attention to the secondary, or repeat what has already been said.

Level 4, characterized by a mildly pronounced general underdevelopment of speech, is the final stage of correction classes, after which children reach the required norm of speech development of preschool age and are ready to enter school. All skills and abilities still need to be developed and improved. This also applies to the rules of phonetics, and grammar, and vocabulary. The ability to build phrases and sentences is actively developing. Underdevelopment of speech at this stage should no longer be, and children begin to master reading and writing.

The first two forms of speech underdevelopment are considered severe, so they are corrected in specialized children's institutions. Children who have speech underdevelopment of level 3 attend classes in remedial education classes, and from the last level onr - general education classes.

What is the examination?

Speech underdevelopment is diagnosed in preschool children, and the sooner this happens, the easier it will be to correct this deviation. First of all, the speech therapist conducts preliminary diagnostics, that is, he gets acquainted with the results of the examination of the child by other children's specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, neuropathologist, psychologist, etc.). After that, he clarifies in detail with the parents how the speech development of the child proceeds.

The next step in the examination is oral speech diagnostics. Here, the speech therapist clarifies how the various language components have formed:

  1. The degree of development of coherent speech (for example, the ability to compose a story from illustrations, retell).
  2. The level of grammatical processes (the formation of various word forms, agreement of words, building sentences).

Further study sound side of speech: what features does the speech apparatus have, what is the sound pronunciation, how developed is the sound filling of words and syllabic structure, how does the child reproduce sounds. Since speech underdevelopment is a very difficult diagnosis to correct, children with ONR undergo full examination all mental processes (including auditory-speech memory).

Identification of OHP requires a highly qualified specialist, as well as the availability of examination results by other children's specialists.

Preventive actions

The general underdevelopment of speech is corrected, although this is not so simple and takes a long time. They start classes from early preschool age, preferably from 3-4 years old (see also:). Correctional and developmental work is carried out in special institutions and has a different direction depending on the degree of speech development of the child and individual characteristics.

To prevent underdevelopment of speech, the same techniques are used as for deviations that cause it (dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia). The role of the family is also important. Parents need to contribute as actively as possible to speech and common development of your child, so that even the unsharply expressed development of speech does not manifest itself and does not become an obstacle to the full development school curriculum in future.

Underdevelopment of speech is a group of speech disorders in which the formation of all speech components (sound side of speech, vocabulary, grammar, phonemics) with healthy hearing and intact intelligence. Besides, underdevelopment of speech may act as one of the components of a more complex systemic disturbance, for example, in the event of a delay mental development(ZPR).

Speech underdevelopment is observed in complex forms of speech pathology: sensory and motor alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, sometimes with stuttering and dysarthria. Specialists of different fields (teachers, psychologists, doctors) can formulate the diagnosis in different ways. For example, specialists in the pedagogical field of speech underdevelopment various origins can name ZRRdelayed speech development". As a rule, this diagnosis is used in relation to a child under 5 years old) or ONRgeneral underdevelopment of speech”, usually the term is used in relation to a child from 5 years old).

Depending on the severity of the violation - from the complete absence of speech to minor developmental abnormalities - one can distinguish four levels of speech underdevelopment:

  • I level. The so-called "speechless". In speech, babble words, onomatopoeia, gestures, facial expressions are used.
  • II level. The beginnings of common speech. Speech is primitive, words are often distorted, elementary grammatical forms and constructions appear.
  • III level. It is characterized by extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.
  • IV level. Minor changes in all components of speech. Disadvantages of sound differentiation, originality of syllabic structure.

Underdevelopment of speech at any level is a serious obstacle in mastering new knowledge, limits thinking, leads to inevitable mistakes in writing, and also makes it impossible for full communication. At the same time, subject to the timely assistance of a children's speech therapist underdevelopment of speech can be successfully corrected. It is important to remember that there is a period of special sensitivity in the development of the child. speech function when any violations can be easily corrected. If you miss this time, the speech defect can become fixed and further prevent full development other cognitive functions.

Causes of underdevelopment of speech

The causes of speech disorders are understood as the impact of internal and external harmful factors or their complex on the body, which determines the specifics of a speech disorder.

Internal factors. Harmful effects during fetal development:

  • maternal health(diseases suffered during pregnancy, allergies, blood transfusions, toxicosis, incompatibility of the fetus and mother by blood, smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, the age of the mother - both very young and mature, infertility treatment, abortions, complicated childbirth, stress in family and at work, etc.) and others family members(burdened heredity: diabetes, malformations, genetic and mental diseases, etc.);
  • hypoxia- insufficient supply of oxygen (with placental insufficiency and during childbirth, the maturation of brain structures is disturbed in the fetus);
  • birth injury(direct mechanical effects on the fetus during childbirth, causing local damage to the fetus, impaired brain function).

External factors. The immediate environment in which the child grows and develops.

  • general physical weakness of the body (asthenia, rickets, metabolic disorders, diseases internal organs, diseases of the central nervous system(CNS), as well as the severe course of any diseases, including colds, and complications after them);
  • unfavorable conditions of upbringing (lack of an emotionally positive environment, fear, a traumatic situation in the family, prolonged separation from loved ones, any neuropsychiatric diseases and injuries);
  • violations of the speech of surrounding adults (the speech of children develops by imitation: stuttering, impaired speech tempo, fuzzy pronunciation, including exaggerated children's speech - “lisping” can be absorbed by the child);
  • absence speech communication with a child up to a year old (when they don’t talk to a child, explaining this by saying, for example, that he doesn’t understand).

Symptoms of underdevelopment of speech in children

Despite the different nature of the disorder, underdevelopment of speech is characterized by typical manifestations:

  • late appearance of the first words (at 3-4 years, and sometimes by 5 years);
  • phonetic (sound) and grammatical aspects of speech are violated;
  • the child understands a lot, but finds it difficult to voice his thoughts;
  • speech is slurred, incomprehensible (upon reaching 3 years).

It is necessary to take into account the age limits of the formation and development of speech.

Norms for the development of a child's speech

  • Cooing and babbling (1-8 months)

Cooing - the child begins to make soft lingering sounds or syllables: "a-gu-u", "ga-a-a", "gu-u-u", "a-a-a", "u-u-u" etc. Vowels predominate.

Closer to 6 months. the child begins to babble. He emits the repeated syllables "ta-ta", "ba-ba", "ma-ma", etc. The child seems to be playing with voice sounds. The child during this period begins to "name" the objects and people with whom he communicates. Articulation begins. In babbling, almost all the sounds of the native language that he heard from adults are “practiced”. There is also an intonational component: joy, demands.

  • First words and phrases (1-2 years).

The first words of the child are not words that define an object or object, but verbs containing a request (requirement): “give”, “on”, etc. The number of first words depends on the state of mental development, so their number can be very different for different children. Often, only people from his immediate environment can understand the meaning of what the child said.

By the age of 1.5, the first words begin to combine into two-word sentences, phrases. They cannot yet be called a proposal in the full sense of the word. They are even difficult to understand if you are not aware of the situation. By the age of 2, the number of words in sentences increases. And the child's vocabulary itself is actively increasing. Words in phrases begin to be divided into a key word and a variable.

  • Mastering the grammar of the language (2-3 years).

The number of words in the child's phrases has increased and continues to increase. The sentence is built according to the linear principle: the key word and non-main words. Words in a sentence acquire a grammatical connection.

During this period, the child begins to master the change of the word by numbers, gender, cases. But some grammatical categories are difficult for him. Such "difficulties" include the declension of nouns in cases, and sometimes the use of the correct gender. For example, a 2.5-year-old boy can say “I went”, “I did”, and this is the age norm. Most importantly, during this period, the child's speech becomes understandable, regardless of the situation in which it is said.

The child begins to think verbally, that is, not only in images, but also in words. Inner speech appears. At the age of 3, the child begins to master the system of his native language.

  • Contextual speech (3-5 years).

The child begins to pronounce complete phrases and whole passages of oral speech that have a common meaning. This is a necessary step to start communication with the interlocutor.

And at this time the dictionary of his language is being formed. The child learns with the help of suffixes and prefixes to change the words he knows, i.e. word-making begins. This suggests that the baby is mastering and assimilating the elements of the language. This kind of creativity appears in all children.

During this period, the child learns coherent speech. He expresses some thought not in one, but in several sentences. True, these proposals are still imperfect, but the improvement of speech takes a lifetime.

Important distinguishing feature speech of this period - the child begins to present events in a logical sequence, i.e. the child begins to form conversational logical thinking.

So, the norms for the development of speech in a child:

  • by 1 year the child normally speaks from 2 words (a word - a certain sound complex “denotes” a certain object / action / person).
  • by 2 years a simple phrase appears ("Dad, give me", "I want to play!"); solid consonants appear [t], [d], [n]; more and more often the confluence of consonants is replaced by one sound; in compound words a syllable may be skipped.
  • at 2.5 - 3 years the child moves from "amorphous words" (onomatopoeic, understandable only to relatives) to commonly used words; solid consonants appear: [v], [s], [h], [l], [h], [u], [g], [c]; mixing of articulation-close sounds is allowed; the syllabic structure is rarely broken, mainly in unfamiliar words.
  • by the age of 5 sound pronunciation is fully formed; the child is able to evaluate his own and others' pronunciation; there should be no violations in the syllabic structure.
  • to school age the child masters almost the entire complex system of practical grammar.

It is important to remember that the division of speech development into periods is rather arbitrary, because. the terms of mastering speech are individual, depending on the characteristics of the nervous system of the child, the general state of health and the conditions of his upbringing. Often passive speech (understanding) is ahead of active (pronunciation words may appear closer to 2-2.5 years).

If you have noticed symptoms of speech underdevelopment in your child or have already been diagnosed with one of the diagnoses mentioned above, sign up for a consultation with our specialists. The initial consultation can be one of the specialists or: children's speech therapist, a defectologist and a psychologist of our Center will determine the individual causes of delayed speech development, give recommendations for correction, and also draw up a plan for classes at the Center and at home. Such a system of work will make the corrective route the most effective and successfully harmonize the development of the baby.

Especially recommended for speech delay in children. This is neurosensory auditory stimulation, which allows you to influence speech, communication, cognitive processes, and emotional regulation with the help of a specially processed sound. Often, after the 1st course of Tomatis, children begin to speak. Tomatis therapy at the Ember center is conducted by the director of the center, a clinical psychologist. Licensed Practitioner Tomatis. Our center uses only original equipment.

Who is in charge at the Ember Center for Children with Speech Delays?

- Leading speech therapist-defectologist of the center, experience more than 10 years. Conducts a reception in the office on Novocherkassky Prospekt. She has been working at our center since 2013. Huge number. She uses Denas therapy and specialized Forbrain headphones in her work.
- leading teacher-defectologist, experience more than 8 years. Leaves home within St. Petersburg and conducts classes in the office. Uses Denas therapy.
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