Where can you go to work without education: 15 best specialties + 5 tips to guarantee a good job.

Having a diploma from an institute or university, or at least a college or technical school gives you much more chances to be realized in professional life, make a career.

But not everyone is willing or able to continue their studies after graduation. That is why the questions “Where to go to work without education” are not such a rarity.

Employment options do exist, but get ready for the fact that you can’t even dream of a prestigious job without special skills.

Education or skill: what will allow you to work better?

Education is not always a guarantee that a graduate will be an excellent worker.

Often employers, hiring young specialist with a diploma from a prestigious university, they get an unexpected effect: the young talent is overly ambitious and refuses to perform those tasks that seem to him unworthy of so much brilliant education received for his father's money.

In many cases, the skills that the job seeker possesses are much more important, and education is something that can always be obtained if necessary.

Igor had golden hands, so he could fix almost any electrical appliance. After school, he could not go to school, because his father had just died and he had to help his mother raise his younger brother and sister to their feet.
He got a job as a loader in a hardware store. Gradually, his ability to fix any equipment became available to his colleagues, and they began to drag him hair dryers, heaters, meat grinders, and so on.
The boss drew attention to the skilled young man when he was able to fix the coffee maker that broke down in the office and, having learned his story, sent him to study at the Polytechnic College.
And then he took him to work in a repair shop, which he recently opened, and where such talented specialists as Igor were sorely lacking.

Often what we know and are able to do replaces the “crust” of graduation from the university, however, for the time being, until we begin to apply for more high positions where higher education is indispensable.

Where to go to work without education: professions that are available to people without a diploma ...

The list of professions where you can go to work without education is not limited to 1 - 2 items. It is quite extensive.

After reviewing it, you can choose the specialization in which you will show your best qualities.

1. Going to work without education is easiest if you are a physically strong and healthy person.

Of course, the easiest way to realize yourself is for a person without education in work, where, first of all, you need good health and strong muscles.

If you are not afraid of hard physical labor, then you can go to work:

    Handyman at a construction site.

    At first, all you will be trusted to do is carry weights and follow fetch-serve instructions.

    But, if you prove yourself well, you will be able to master in the future, albeit not an easy, but highly paid construction profession, for example, a bricklayer or a roofer.

    To the farm.

    If in your locality there are farms, where you can get a job even without a special education. You can, for example, harvest in the fields or take care of livestock.

    Cleaning lady.

    Any person who is healthy can clean up an office or other premises.

    Men can also apply for a similar vacancy, but still women are hired more willingly here, rightly believing that they clean better.


    The shortage of janitors is felt in all major cities, because few people are ready to do such hard work for such little money. So you will have few competitors.


    And this is a job for real men, because women movers are extremely rare. And this is not surprising, because men are physically stronger than women, and carrying weights for them is a natural occupation.


    Of course, they won’t take you to an expensive restaurant, but serving customers in small cafes, bars, fast food establishments is up to any executive, sociable and patient person.

    This also includes the work of a bartender, dishwasher, hostess.

    Security guard.

    Of course, this profession can hardly be attributed to those that require such remarkable physical effort, but you will need good health, because the work of a security guard is mostly daily, which means that you often have to stay up all night.

    The only difficulty is that you can only go to work as a watchman in some not very serious company, because serious security firms require their employees to at least serve in the army, as a maximum - to have served in law enforcement or paramilitary agencies.

    Supermarket worker.

    Large supermarkets hire people who have no education to do a variety of work: sit at the checkout, arrange goods on shelves, sort products in a warehouse, pack, etc.

    If you have a license and a personal car, or at least a motorcycle, this greatly simplifies the matter. But you can work as a courier, relying only on your legs. Public transport so far no one has cancelled.

    Collector of furniture.

    Making furniture is difficult, but delivering it to customers, lifting it to upper floors and it's not that hard to assemble on the spot. Short Course training, a small internship and - for business.

There is also such a vast area for activity as "handymen". This is actually "where the elders will send." They pay little for such work, they demand a lot, but it’s hard to count on a lot without education, isn’t it?

2. Where to go to work without education: mental work.

Do not think that in the absence of education, all that is available to you is hard physical labor.

There are enough specialties that require mental effort, where you can go to work, even if you do not have a diploma:





If you are on "you" with your computer, then you can earn extra money by installing "Windows", programs, pumping other people's computers, etc. But all this is “covens”, because you can officially get a job in the IT field without education only if you are a computer genius.


Executive Assistant / Secretary

Despite the fact that secretaries are taught, it is possible to master such a profession without special education. The main thing is acquaintances that will help you to fill a free vacancy.


Distributor, distributor, sales assistant, sales / advertising agent, etc.

Many trading specialties do not require special education, but require a certain set of personal qualities: diligence, attentiveness, the ability to learn quickly, and so on.



You can get a job as a dispatcher in a taxi service. The second option is to go work as a call center operator for a company like Teleperformance. It does not require education, nor the presence of any special knowledge and skills.



A very wide area where you can:
- write texts to order;
- edit photos;
- make layouts of future promotional products;
- make some crafts for sale:
- bake cakes to order, etc.

As you can see, most professions that do not require large physical expenditures are based on the applicant's having some skills or extreme case- abilities.

So it will be difficult for absolutely stupid useless individuals to go somewhere to work.

Where can you go to work without education and what is needed for this?

Without education, you can go to work and even - not for the minimum wage. You are convinced of this by examining the list of vacancies offered by me.

And yet, it is worth taking care to increase your chances, which are already not very great without a diploma.

1) How can you get a job without education?

All students can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Those who dream of growing up faster, getting an education (at least a school one) and going to work so as not to depend on their parents.
  2. Those who do not want to part with childhood and youth, delaying the moment of employment as late as possible.

People who do not want to study are found in both the first and second groups, but they have different reasons for not getting an education.

Going to get a job is within the power of everyone, even if there is no education. You can improve your chances of getting a job if:

10 cool jobs without education.

Where to go to work? The best professions.

2) Do you really want to work without education for the rest of your life?

Education is definitely important. Having a diploma, and even a prestigious university, increases your chances in the labor market.

In addition, there are a number of professions that are simply not available to people who have not officially received the title of specialist.

There are a number of reasons to still:

  1. Greater potential for professional implementation.
  2. Increasing the chances of filling a vacancy.
  3. Insurance - yet graduates are fired less often than those who have no education.
  4. Possibility to apply for almost all vacancies in your sector.
  5. A chance to get to know student life from the inside.
  6. Gain specialized knowledge that you would otherwise have to learn on your own.
  7. Expanding your capabilities not only in professional, but also in other areas.

Let, in youth it seems that you can work quite successfully without education. With age comes the understanding that it is better to insure yourself from all sides.

Let it be that in the first year after graduation you failed the entrance exams or simply rebelled and did not want to go anywhere. But did the relatively small number of vacancies and the need to work hard for money, much less than graduates receive, did not convince you to take care of getting an education?

Yes, even if you were able to get a relatively good job, then why not go to extramural to get a diploma on the job?

Do not put off studying at the university indefinitely. The younger you are, the more mobile and active, the better your brains work, absorbing new knowledge. But also in adulthood you can go to school if your career is at stake.

Let you temporarily find the answer to the question “Where to go to work without education?” But life is changing, the requirements of employers are changing, every year new graduates appear on the labor market. Are you sure that you can compete with everyone on an equal footing without education?

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From some institutes, HRs never invite students: they are not satisfied with their behavior and level of knowledge.

Phrase " higher education- required” is present in almost every job advertisement, unless we are talking about working specialties. But does this mean that you can forget about a career without a higher education? After all, in fact, often a year of work experience means more than five years of sitting in lectures.

“They hired a person for the position of a regional manager, with a higher education, but no work experience,” says an employee of a trading company. - So he doesn't really understand the difference between a supervisor and a merchandiser. And the position of "supervisor of merchandisers" causes him complete paralysis of consciousness.

Why is higher education required?

Higher education in itself is not a guarantee of successful employment, experts say. “It is not uncommon for situations where professional experience candidate, his qualifications play a greater role than the fact that he has a diploma of higher education,” says Olga Kolesnikova, head of the “finance and consulting” group of the department for the selection of permanent personnel of the recruitment agency Coleman Services.

However, Victoria Borisova, a recruitment consultant at the Etalon HR Center, adds that if an employer has to choose between two candidates with good work experience, and one of them has a higher education and the other does not, then he is most likely to will give preference to the first candidate.

“The fact is that having a higher education implies that a candidate has special knowledge, a broad outlook, the ability to analyze a large amount of information and draw adequate conclusions. In addition, university education builds skills independent work, organization of time and self-control,” explains Sergey Deryabin, HR Director of Absolut Bank.

True, there is another opinion on this matter. HRs know how some graduates of prestigious universities “star”, whose ambitions are not always supported by the necessary knowledge.

“Indeed, many vacancies require special knowledge, which, as a rule, a person can only get at a university,” says the HR manager on the forum. - At the same time, studying at the institute leaves a very big imprint on a person, and not always positive. I work with interns, and there are institutes from which I never invite students: I already know how they will behave and what level of knowledge they have.”

When is higher education required and when is it not?

The employer's requirements for the employee's qualifications are strictly individual and depend on the area in which the applicant will work and on the position. “A number of professions require a higher education. Most of the banking specialties require deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills from employees. Therefore, usually banks prefer candidates with higher education. Moreover, for some positions in the bank, the presence of higher education is mandatory,” Sergey Deryabin states.

And Victoria Borisova emphasizes that a specialist without higher education cannot apply for vacancies in the areas of top management, economics, marketing, participate in the development of new technologies, etc., “since a large amount of knowledge that is needed for work can only be obtained at the university."

But not always higher education is a fundamental condition for employment, experts remind.

For example, the position of a sales manager does not require extensive special knowledge, unless we are talking about a very narrow segment. And often the employer expects from the candidate, first of all, the ability to effectively sell, communicate and interest the client, says Olga Borisova.

In order to work as a customs declarant, secondary specialized education is also sufficient, and sometimes only courses in this specialty. key role when deciding whether to hire such a job, experience and personal qualities Olga Borisova says She recalls the case when "in a large foreign company a specialist with a secondary specialized education, but possessing all the necessary skills and impressive experience, which "outplayed" several candidates with higher education.

Should I send a resume?

According to Viktoria Borisova, in some cases, without having a higher education, sending a resume for a vacancy where higher education is indicated as a prerequisite (especially narrow-profile) is simply pointless. And in others - absolutely acceptable.

“The latter especially applies to people in creative professions, such as designers. The main criterion for evaluating these candidates is not education, but their work. If the specialist is talented, has good experience and a lot of creative ideas, then he can bring much more benefit to the employer than a person who does not have such qualities, but has a higher education, ”she says.

“You can safely send your resume to an employer if your practical experience meets the expectations of the employer, - confirms Olga Kolesnikova. - We had a candidate who did not have a higher education, but worked for a western company for a long time. When considering her candidacy for the position of an accountant, her great practical experience and an excellent recommendation from a previous employer were the fundamental criteria.”

Not all applicants have higher education. Nevertheless, they are masters of their craft, work efficiently and get good wages. “If a person is “in his place”, loves his profession and wants to develop in it, then no matter what education he has, he always has a chance to realize himself in his favorite business,” sums up Viktoria Borisova.

Natalya Poletaeva

Don't know where to get money for education? Education loan.

  • Career, Work, Study

It is no secret that many employers prefer applicants with work experience. What about those who want to earn a living without work experience and a diploma? Is it correct to assume that all "rough" or auxiliary work is low-paid?

It should immediately be noted that absolutely all professions can bring a decent income if their work is done with high quality. Yes, finding a good job without a diploma and experience can be difficult, but more than possible.

Often the graduates educational institutions and the unemployed confuse themselves by perpetuating in their imagination several erroneous stereotypes about looking for a job without education and experience. Here are some of them.

1. "It's hard to find a job without cronyism." But it depends on what kind of work. Yes, no one will hire a person from the street for the position of an aircraft designer at a large state-owned enterprise, who has neither recommendations nor education. Such an employee can harm production. Blat is not everywhere, there is nothing to wind yourself up.

2. "I want to work 2 hours a day and get a decent salary." Recruiters consider this approach of candidates for the position to be one of the most harmful: you can’t work a little, but get a salary with a bonus for it.

3. “I sent my resume to 5-6 companies and they refused me. I'm offended and I'm sitting at home." According to statistics, you need to send 20 or even 30 resumes in order to get a position in the desired company. If in one company the issue of work experience and higher education is an edge, then in another company they will gladly accept an employee with excellent organizational skills and creative thinking without a diploma and experience.

Once the delusions are over, the most important question remains: where can you get a job without a diploma and work experience? The answer to this question will be shocking: you can get a job in almost any position without higher education and experience. Yes, there are professions where a diploma is important: a surgeon, a train driver, a designer, an engineer. The list is long, but do not get upset. There are a lot of professions that are willingly taken by people without experience and crust. The main thing is that they want to work. Here is a sample list of professions.

1. Manager. This is a unique profession. No one really knows what a manager does. In fact, the range of his tasks extends from preparing coffee for his beloved boss, and compiling the annual report on the company's expenses. Young and promising employees (including students without education) are willingly hired for such a position.

2. Driver. If you have a license, you can find a job as a taxi driver or truck driver (this depends on the category). Drivers with personal vehicles are in particular demand among recruiters.

3. Waiter. Work experience and a crust are of no interest to anyone. A diploma may be needed only when applying to restaurants high class, serving foreign clients or the upper strata of society.

5. Tutor. A very good lesson for everyone who is at least a little versed in mathematics, Russian or English language(these items are most in demand). Everything here is the same as with copywriting: you can find clients yourself, or you can get a job in a special company that will select students itself. An ideal income for people of all ages. A diploma and work experience do not play a significant role; before hiring, the applicant is simply offered to pass a special test for knowledge of the subject.

This list can be continued for a long time, because almost any profession can be obtained without a diploma and experience. The main thing to remember is that it is almost impossible to find the job of your dreams the first time, so you need not give up and continue the persistent search for your favorite business.

Greetings, my dear readers! Today I would like to talk with you about what professions without education the current job market offers. Many young people simply cannot afford a higher education, some have not found a suitable university for themselves, others want to be creative. I propose to speculate about what prospects await a person without education, make a list of excellent professions that do not require a diploma, and what can help you get a dream job.

Prospects and opportunities

A degree doesn't always help you get a good job. After all, everything depends not only on the higher education that a person has received. Many firms need new employees who already have experience in this field behind them. But how can you have time to gain experience if you are not hired anywhere without experience, and besides, you are a full-time student, there is absolutely no time? Getting a degree does not mean getting a high-paying job.

In my piggy bank there are many examples of how a person after graduation went to work in a field completely unrelated to his education, achieved success and the diploma simply gathered dust on the shelf. But there is also an opposite example, when a young man got a job as a simple courier, the boss saw potential in him and said that he was ready to raise him only on one condition that he would receive an education.

The guy had to go to school, work hard to pay for his studies, but in the end he got a long-awaited place and is successfully building a career.

There are prospects without education in creative professions. One of my friend's girl from school was very fond of drawing. She mastered computer programs and is now engaged in design, although she has no special education.

But remember that even in the creative direction, you need special skills that you have to master.

The dancer must have excellent physical training, sense of rhythm and so on. In every business you need to work hard to be successful. Therefore, do not count on the fact that without education and special training you will be able to find a promising job.

Be sure to read my article "". You will find many examples in it. successful people, who do not have a diploma behind them, you will understand in which direction it is worth developing, what you may need for a successful career.

List of professions

Now let's talk about what kind of professions you can choose that do not require higher, secondary or special education. Of course, for men, the most common are physical jobs: loader, driver, janitor, security guard, and so on down the list. But besides physical work, there are many other offers on the market today.

A girl can turn her attention to the vacancy of a secretary or assistant manager. Just remember that for this job you need a confident command of office equipment, basic knowledge of business correspondence and calls.

Of course, in some small office they can take you without experience. But if you do not improve your skills, gain new knowledge and master new skills, then you will quickly find a replacement.

In trade, such vacancies are offered as a sales assistant, a call center operator, a sales representative, and so on. But there is no question of career growth and rather given profession suitable as a transit point.

And now I bring to your attention the most prestigious vacancies that do not require a diploma. In Barnaul, for example, a driver with a personal truck can have a salary of 180 thousand. A hostess in the capital, with a successful combination of circumstances, quietly earns 85 thousand rubles. A dancer or dancer in the northern capital can earn up to 200 thousand. In Podolsk, the photographer can safely count on 70 thousand. The territorial representative in Ufa receives 170 thousand.

These are not all vacancies. As you can see, without education, you can get a decent salary not only in the capital, although of course, there are much more options there, but you will have to work hard with a Moscow residence permit, employers are not very fond of visitors.

I bring to your attention an excellent article that will help you prepare for the upcoming interview, because it is extremely important to good impression on a possible boss already at the first meeting - "".

Catch luck by the tail

Don't think that working with career growth and a high salary will come easy to you. Will have to make an effort. In any business, you need to give yourself, improve your skills, learn new things and grow as a professional. Otherwise, you will just stand still.

Don't be afraid to try, send your resume wherever you can, ask your friends about the job, try all the options that you can. Your dream job may be right under your nose, or it may take a long time to find it. Nobody will answer this question for you. It is possible to achieve success without education, if there is a desire.

Read more, develop, do not spend much time in in social networks just. Be kind and an open person. Sometimes one smile is enough to get what you want.

If you have been looking for a job for a long time, but you can’t get it, do not despair. To get started, be sure to read the article "". Think about what you are missing, who you can turn to for help and you will certainly succeed.

What directions are you considering for yourself? What would you like to do in life? Do you have friends who have found their dream job but have no education?

Nadezhda Davydova's blog welcomes its readers! To everyone who is interested in how to find a good job without education, I suggest good advice. It often happens that a person did not have time to take care of his education, a family appeared, there is no time to study, there is no money. Or a young person wants to get a job faster, there is no desire to spend years studying. Another option: there is education, but you can’t find work in your specialty during the day with fire. What to do in this situation?

If you are wondering how to find a good job without education, then half of the work is already done. After all, the main thing is a strong desire. The first thing to keep in mind is what level of income per month will suit you.

The second is working conditions. Preferably, of course, options where there are no serious physical, mental and other stresses. Normal working day, social guarantees.

Third, consider personal preference. It's best to go through a few free tests by determining their temperament, natural abilities, predisposition to a certain occupation. Having found out the optimal focus, we boldly proceed to the search for vacancies.

IN major city there is no problem with this, there are many interesting offers in hundreds of ads. But also Small town does not offend enterprising, courageous, hardworking. I can assure you, not every profitable vacancy requires confirmation of compliance official documents about education.

Private entrepreneurs are often more willing to accept inexperienced, young, but trained specialists than those with "old school" experience. Having settled even as an intern, after showing a certain amount of perseverance in mastering the profession, you can easily and quickly get a place with more favorable conditions.

Use psychological techniques

To anyone who doubts that it is possible to find a good job without education, I will tell you: you must be armed with knowledge of the basic principles of stereotypical thinking.

It does not matter whether you have significant experience and knowledge, graduated from a university or nine grades of school, you need to remember the main thing: self-confidence is the main factor in the external evaluation of a job applicant. Of course, in order to reinforce this confidence, be sure to replenish your knowledge base by reading the necessary literature.

Do not be afraid to take risks: after all, having taken on even a new job for yourself, with diligence, you can quickly learn everything. Try to choose the appropriate form of clothing: for an office employee - a classic suit, for a seamstress - an original cut dress, etc. Try to match the stereotype of the chosen profession as much as possible.

Unusual solutions in finding a good job without education

One way to find a good job without education is to create for yourself workplace! You can take out a loan to get started. Those who are registered with the employment center are provided with government subsidies for business development, self-employment.

Make your business plan, defend it, act! May your wildest dream come true! Fortunately, on the Internet there is a lot of information about business options and how to actually write a business plan. But this option is only suitable for those who are not too lazy to think with their heads :). Finally, I would like to wish everyone to do only what they love, and at the same time make good money!

    In general, the material is quite interesting, but the topic is covered superficially. Finding a good job for your uncle is like finding a green oasis on reverse side moon))) In my understanding, good job contains three essential components, money, pleasure and personal development. If the work does not have at least one of them, then it can no longer be good. Well, let's not forget that the word "work" comes from the word "SLAVE", and this no longer inspires optimism. Best Job- this work for himself. Thanks to the development of the Internet, today it is open opportunity for each. Who is looking for independence - he finds it, who is looking for work - he is simultaneously looking for excuses and excuses for his own laziness. :grin: Well, something like that)))

    About own business of course well written, go and get it. If everyone took it like that, we would have only businessmen. Well, a person will open an IP, rent a room for rent, and after a couple of empty months he will cover himself, with a huge loan around his neck ...))

    • Vladimir, you need to do everything wisely, having a clear business plan, and not just bright dreams. I have not yet begun to implement my plans, the baby will go to kindergarten, I think to start in the summer. I'm going to apply for a grant to set up a business at the Employment Center. You need to write a business plan and defend it. Wait and see. And I don’t like loans myself, although they help many in business.

      Everyone is not needed in business, someone in the service sector should work. And if you think initially about the bad, it will certainly happen. Thoughts are material, especially about the bad

      For example, I understand that cheap labor for the owner of the enterprise is a very big plus. But why the same service staff serve people while running your own business? This is because small businesses are suppressed in our country. Monopolies and large enterprises are everywhere, next to which it is simply impossible to survive. Yes, of course, a certain proportion of people are not able to organize themselves, it is easier for them to be performers. It's a shame that even talented people unable to break through all the obstacles created public policy. For example, in order to open your own business, you need to pay so much! And it doesn't matter if you have an income or not, pay pension and tax fees!

      We, Nadezhda, have the same thing. It's easier to hide than to work legally. The appetite of the state is constantly growing and many have already gone into the shadows

      My husband was forced to take an indefinite leave of absence for an entrepreneur. To even close the business, you need to pay a tidy sum! For what, I wonder? We are waiting for the end of the three-year period so that the state itself liquidates this business for free :).

      I paid about 30,000 for the year that I didn’t even have a store))) Waiting 3 years is not an option, they don’t let them go abroad with such debts :(

      Well, it is clear that in this case it will not work to wait, you will have to back off. We are not going anywhere yet, and there is a little bit left :) . I want to receive free (conditionally) 2 hectares of land. I love berries, I dream of my plantation of blackberries, raspberries, strawberries. The kids will grow up, I'll take care of this issue. Here the state does not oblige to pay, and even exempts from taxes. What can not but rejoice :). Only now it is almost impossible to get fertile land, hundreds of hectares have been snatched up, and a simple person can no longer get what he is entitled to by law!

  1. Hope, I disagree with you. Of course, any specialist should make a list of requirements for the future workplace. But a person without education and work experience, from this list, should cross out half of the items, or even more, and be prepared for the fact that for the first two years he will gain experience, connections and reputation.

    Of course, there are exceptions - it all depends on the person. For example, your husband has experience, he is trusted, he is known, for sure, without education, he himself studied more than one course / book / manual (is it true?). But when a young man comes for an interview who knows nothing and does not know how, and at the same time believes that he deserves a high salary, a free work schedule, and a personal secretary, no matter how confident he is, he will not get a job (unless, of course, it’s not his dad who is interviewing him), and primarily because he himself will miss such an opportunity without lowering the bar.

    Yes, I completely agree with you, knowledge (both practical and theoretical) is more important than a document. In addition, now there are many opportunities to improve your knowledge without formal confirmation.

    I have several posts on my blog just on this topic - how I was looking for a job in a city that was foreign (at that time) to me and not having any skills valuable in the labor market, except for a wild desire to find my place in life.

    You can find a job without education. With this I agree. Finding a good, beloved, job with a good salary is already more difficult. Here is an example from life. My friend, let's call her Irina, has no education. After school, she went to work as a salesperson in a boutique, then she got married, immediately became pregnant, and gave birth to a child. Here Irina realizes how much she likes to work with children. Tried to get into kindergarten. She was taken to work as an educator for 1 month (during the holidays). She gladly got down to business. The kids loved her. But a month later, the administration of the kindergarten explained to her that due to the fact that Irina did not have the appropriate education, she could only be offered a job as a nanny. Now Irina is thinking about entering the university. This is just one example, and life situations so many. Of course, Irina, subject to the availability of funds. could open a private mini-kindergarten, BUT, the requirement of a diploma is also necessary in this case.

    The salary of the teacher, indeed, leaves much to be desired. Just having a diploma, you can open a private kindergarten. We have a lot of developing children's centers in Kazakhstan with a fairly high salary for educators and teachers, but there are few state kindergartens. While waiting for your turn, the child will go to school.

    It was somehow easier with work before graduating from high school. And now the specialty is not particularly sought after = (Although maybe we don’t really need ecologists yet ...
    My husband's brother is 26 years old, after school for 7-8 years he stupidly sat at home with his parents, from time to time he repaired phones (he knows how to do this, you can't take it away). Last year, he was finally dragged into the city. Now he works with banking equipment, he has almost reached the head. Education is only going to get =)

  2. Hope, in our time, with all the seeming unemployment, there is always work! The most important thing is the desire to work and earn! As correctly written above, the one who seeks will always find.
    But I'm more inclined to open my own business. Therefore, I am now studying in every possible way business fundamentals, business ideas and so on ...

    It seems that S. Jobs. " The only way do things really well - love what you do."
    I think the same applies to work. The best thing to do is do what you love!

    I have a friend - real life example the fact that even without education, a job, moreover, a good one, can always be found.

    She knows how to present herself and speaks very well. When she was looking for a job after the decree, she had several offers to choose from, and everyone wanted to take her to them, although she had two small children, she even always emphasized this during the interview, that children are for her priority.

    As a result, she chose the most comfortable conditions for herself, and she is not offended by the salary. :) The boss appreciates her, because she does her job well and even better.

    And at the same time I know other girls who have a higher education, but they cannot find a decent job.

    The diploma is good, of course, but this is not the main thing.

    The main thing is your qualities, self-confidence, the ability to present yourself and please.

    And be clear about what you want. And then everything will work out! :)

    Recently fired from a job. And for a long time I could not find a new high-paying job. Everywhere they say that you can earn good money on the Internet. And I decided to try. Many where they threw or did not pay. Very often they just didn't answer. And I started writing articles, comments and reviews. I will not promise you hundreds and thousands of dollars a month. Don't believe any nonsense. After all, we all know from childhood that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. A person who had a triple in Russian at school, like me, for example, can do work and write articles. Money is withdrawn to an online wallet Webmoney. A beginner will be able to earn 5 - 10 dollars a day. And after two months, your earnings will double. In general, with normal work, you can earn 20-30 dollars a day. Working at the same time, somewhere around 8 hours. From a Webmoney wallet, you can withdraw money to a card or make a purchase in an online store. Good luck.
    By the way, here is the link for registration - advego.ru/1YbFV53MGm.

    I have two educations, but somehow it so happened that I have been working in other specialties for a long time. First, my first husband, a talented cinematographer, taught me how to use a camera and editing programs, and we worked privately - we made films and video productions for TV channels, theaters, studios and private customers. Then, when it was necessary to get out of the decree for the second time, it was difficult to wear equipment, I got a job at a real estate agency.