Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a hormone that is produced by the human body during stress, it is called stress. If unexpected situations happen frequently, or there is a prolonged overexertion, cortisol is produced too much. This results in a set of excess weight, the processes of muscle death and other unpleasant consequences. What is hydrocortisone, what are its functions in the body and what to do when cortisol is highly elevated, we will consider below.

Generation and function of hydrocortisone

The stress hormone is produced by the adrenal glands at the time of physiological or psychological overstrain. The raw material for its production is cholesterol. After an intense workout at the fitness center, the hormone cortisol is elevated. Its generation concentrates all the forces of the body and mobilizes them to solve an urgent problem.

The substance is present in the body in 2 forms - bound hydrocortisone and unbound. The bound hormone does not take part in the processes of the body and is a reserve for the rapid release of a substance in a stressful situation. Unbound cortisol in the blood performs the main functions during a period of stress.

Under the influence of the hormone, generation increases, the glucose content in the body increases, and metabolism is stimulated. That is, cortisol assistant, helps a person to cope with non-standard circumstances. But constantly elevated cortisol can harm a person. How to lower cortisol levels, consider below.

In women, during a stressful situation, along with hydrocortisone, the volume of prolactin increases. This is a sex hormone, but it is intensively produced in extreme situations. When prolactin is elevated beyond measure, this leads to disruption of ovulation, loss of the opportunity to become pregnant, mastopathy, fibrosis, and other troubles. Cortisol and prolactin are produced in the same way. Women struggle with the rise of both hormones.

The functions of hydrocortisone include:

  • Stimulation of metabolism;
  • Concentration of attention on a stressful situation;
  • Expansion of the bronchial passages;
  • Promoting Growth blood pressure;
  • Decreased digestive processes;
  • An increase in the body's production of glucose;
  • Acceleration of the heartbeat.

The release of cortisol inhibits all irrelevant this moment processes in the body, and the functions associated with resisting stress are activated. Substance with success suppresses inflammatory processes, allergic reactions that interfere with coping with an emergency. Therefore, it is important to reduce the level of the hormone.

The norm of hydrocortisone in the body

Normal indicators of the substance may vary, depending on the laboratory in which the patient is being treated. The level of cortisol in the body depends on age. Average indicators are shown in the table:

As can be seen from the table, the highest lower limit of values ​​is reached after 16 years. The highest upper limit is acceptable in a child under 10 years old.

High level cortisol is achieved by redirecting the main blood flow from organs that are not involved in solving a stressful problem to organs on which their resolution depends. At the same time, the production of glucose, which is a source of energy for humans, increases. Fats (triglycerides) are broken down into fatty acids, which are broken down into more simple substances while also releasing energy.

Increased amount of hydrocortisone

Signs of high hormone

When a person experiences constant stress in the family or at work, loads himself exercise beyond measure and without the supervision of a trainer, he runs the risk of constantly having an excess of cortisol. The following signs indicate the presence of a similar problem:

  1. Constant feeling of weakness. The feeling does not go away even with a small daily load. It occurs as a result of the breakdown of proteins in the body.
  2. Cardio problems vascular system, increased blood pressure. There may even be a hypertensive crisis.
  3. Weight gain, thickening of the waist, swelling - all these are signs of high cortisol. This is due to the delay in the body of sodium, which contributes to hydrocortisone.
  4. Blocking the immune action of the body. Under the influence of hydrocortisone, lymphocytes do not produce antibodies.
  5. Deterioration of sexuality and reproductive capacity of women. Under the influence of the described substance, less female sex hormones and androgens are produced. The lady begins to experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Her body is subject to excessive hair growth (face, back, chest, limbs).
  6. The level of sugar in the blood rises. At the same time, the body's ability to respond to insulin decreases. This threatens with a complex of problems - diabetes, hypertension, heart and vascular diseases, extra pounds, and so on.
  7. The work of the digestive tract is inhibited.
  8. Difficulty falling asleep, chronic neurasthenia.
  9. Memory impairment, absent-mindedness, learning disability. This is caused by the gradual destruction of the hypothalamus by hydrocortisone.

There are many symptoms of high cortisol. All of these problems significantly reduce the quality of life. A person has a bunch of diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to fight cortisol under the guidance of an endocrinologist. How to normalize the indicator depends on the reasons for its increase.

Reasons for the increase in the content of the hormone

Elevated levels of cortisol (hypercorticism) can be caused by lifestyle, circumstances, and may be the result of certain diseases. Non-pathological causes include:

  • Psychological stresses of a long course or constantly recurring stresses;
  • Classes in the gym with exercises that give too much stress to the body;
  • Uncontrolled intake of medications that affect the hormonal balance (this includes, among other things, contraceptives, Prednisone and other drugs);
  • The state of pregnancy, when all substances are produced taking into account the need for them by the mother and child;
  • Obesity;
  • Unbalanced carbohydrate diet.

All of these situations are signs of elevated hydrocortisone. The reasons for the increase in cortisol can also be in diseases:

  • A tumor formation in the pituitary gland that can increase or decrease the production of hormones;
  • Adenoma in the adrenal glands, which can become a source of excessive hormone generation;
  • Enlarged adrenal glands;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Increased secretion of thyroid hormones, causing stress;
  • AIDS;

Elevated cortisol does not yet give a reason to establish a specific disease. The diagnosis of the presence of any disease can only be made by a specialist after additional examinations - MRI, CT, and so on. In diseases associated with the pituitary or adrenal glands, cortisol in the urine is examined.

What to do if hydrocortisone is elevated?

How to lower cortisol? What treatment to apply? If the above symptoms of an increase in the hormone appear, you should contact an endocrinologist. Before the examination, the doctor will most likely recommend that you give up energy-stimulating drinks - coffee, soda, and other drinks containing caffeine. It is necessary to establish a sleep and rest regime - sleep at least 8 hours a day, rest during the day. Rest is a hormone-lowering factor.

The treatment contains several items. Struggle involves changing your diet. In order to eliminate the increase in cortisol in the blood, you need to revise your menu. Eat animal proteins (meat, chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, milk). Easily digestible carbohydrates contained in sweet dessert dishes should be abandoned in favor of vegetables and fruits. It is useful to eat cereals from durum grains in the diet to suppress the growth of the hormone. Bread is better to buy whole grain varieties. It lowers hydrocortisone.

If cortisol is elevated, then the attending physician will prescribe vitamin preparations containing ascorbic acid and a complex of B vitamins that normalize the condition. Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist endocrinologist, surgeon or oncologist based on the results of the examination.

When identifying diseases causing an increase hormone, to lower the level of cortisol, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment. In the presence of a benign or malignant tumor, the patient will be prescribed as a treatment surgical operation. After it, in difficult cases, chemotherapy and other procedures are prescribed.

Reduced hydrocortisone

If cortisol is higher than normal, it is harmful for a long-term deviation from the norm, but it is necessary during stress. A decrease in the level of cortisol in the blood indicates a person's inability to withstand stressful situations. The reason for the decrease in cortisol are:

  • Pathology of the pituitary gland;
  • Addison's disease, which is the inability of the adrenal glands to produce enough hormones;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland, which produces insufficient hormonal substances;
  • Taking synthetic substitutes for hydrocortisone reduces its natural secretion;
  • The presence of adrenogenital syndrome.

Signs of a lack of hydrocortisone are:

  • Constantly low blood pressure;
  • low blood sugar;
  • Feeling of numbness of the limbs;
  • Hand tremor;
  • State of anxiety, nervous suppression;
  • Disruptions in the digestive system.

Treatment for hydrocortisone deficiency depends on the underlying cause.

Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. Thanks to it, the metabolism in the human body is regulated. This hormone is also called stress hormone. After all, it is produced in the body as a result of a reaction to any nervous shocks. However, with increased physical exertion, hydrocortisone can also increase.

It is possible to determine whether this hormone is normal in a person only by analysis. And very often, having seen the results, people cannot decipher them and understand what to pay attention to.

The norm of cortisol levels

In the normal state of the body, i.e. emotional and physical well-being, a person's cortisol level is within 10 mg. But with any nervous shocks, the level of this hormone reaches 80 mg. With severe stress, it can rise very strongly, even up to 180 mg. It is believed that such an increase in hydrocortisone occurs during human shock conditions.

Reasons for the increase

There are two main reasons why cortisol in the body can be elevated - endogenous (internal) and functional.

Endogenous cause

The endogenous cause can also be conditionally divided into two groups.

The first is the so-called dependent form. Adrenocorticotropic hormone from the pituitary gland leads to increased work of the adrenal glands. As a result, there is an increased level of cortisol in the human blood. This occurs as a result:

  • a sufficiently long intake of synthetic analogues of pituitary hormones;
  • if a person has a disease such as Itsenko-Cushing's disease, which occurs as a result of any damage to the brain and pituitary gland. It is determined by examining the amount of cortisol in human urine;
  • ectopic ACTH syndrome. In this disease, the secretion of ACTH is increased, which leads to an increase in the work of the adrenal cortex. As a result, cortisol rises.

The second group includes an independent form, in which there is an increased level of hydrocortisone in the blood. Reasons include

  • primary form of adrenal hyperplasia;
  • carcinoma or adenoma of the adrenal glands.

As can be seen, the internal causes of elevated cortisol levels in both men and women include diseases associated with hormonal disorders organism.

Functional reason

functional reason. Very often, during the examination, endogenous causes of elevated levels of the hormone cortisol are not found. However, in addition to this, there are other diseases that can affect this. In this case, one speaks of functional hypercortisolism. It is called:

  • obesity;
  • liver disease;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • in women, elevated cortisol often occurs during pregnancy;
  • constant depression and stressful conditions will also lead to the fact that this hormone will be at a fairly high level in the body;
  • AIDS in adults is also often the cause of an elevated hormone;
  • uncompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • hypoglycemia is a low amount of glucose in the blood.

The causes of elevated cortisol are varied. And very often a person learns about this only when he takes tests.

Signs of high cortisol

As with any disease, there are a variety of symptoms that cortisol is elevated. These include the following:

  • A person begins to pursue headaches and pain in the back. When constantly elevated cortisol the thyroid gland is depleted, which leads to a decrease in the production of the hormone prolactin.
  • High levels of hydrocortisone in the blood can cause insomnia in humans. The fact is that in the normal state of the body, the amount of this hormone should decrease by night.
  • People with high levels of the hormone cortisol very often experience a breakdown. Fatigue occurs constantly, even with very little physical exertion.
  • Another symptom is rapid increase body weight, while the nutrition of a person is normal, and the sides and stomach continue to grow.
  • Cortisol also affects the body's immune system. Therefore, a person with an increased amount of this hormone is prone to fairly frequent colds.
  • Due to the high amount of hydrocortisone in the body, the amount of sugar in the blood can increase. Insulin begins to "jump", as a result of which a person constantly wants sweet or fatty foods.
  • A constantly elevated level of this hormone leads to disorders in the digestive tract - it can be heartburn, constant belching, nausea, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea.
  • An increase in cortisol in female body It manifests itself in the fact that the monthly cycle can be disturbed. Male pattern hair appears.
  • In a child, a high content of the hormone leads to an increase in pressure, blood sugar levels. Children become irritable, weight often increases, and a fat hump may even appear between the shoulder blades.
  • And of course, elevated cortisol greatly affects the amount of serotonin in the body. It just goes down. Because of this, people are constantly depressed and feel overwhelmed.

There are many symptoms, however, this does not mean that they all appear at once. If you suddenly have any suspicions, it is best to consult a doctor.

The level of free cortisol in the body is usually determined in the "daily urine". During the day, it is necessary to collect all the urine leaving the body. Then everything is taken to the laboratory, where the level of hormones is determined.

Very often, women are prescribed urine and blood tests and hormones such as prolactin and TSH. The point is that often their excess or decrease leads to the inability to become pregnant. For example, prolactin is also called the stress hormone. And if a person is pursued by a prolonged depression, then it begins to develop completely uncontrollably. Which in turn can lead to negative consequences and even tumors. And in men, for example, an increased content of this hormone leads to a decrease in sexual desire and impotence. In addition, it is responsible for metabolic processes in the body.

Together with a urine and blood test to determine the amount of prolactin, doctors usually prescribe a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) test, as they are interconnected. The fact is that thanks to TSH, the thyroid gland produces hormones. If her work is disturbed, then this can lead to hyperprolactinemia (i.e., an increase in prolactin). It's worth knowing that the norm for both men and women over 14 years of age is considered to be TSH from 0.4 to 4 units. But for a child under 14 years old, the indicator will be slightly different.


If suddenly an increased content of the hormone cortisol in the blood or urine is found in the tests, then the doctors will definitely prescribe the right treatment. Usually medications are used. However, first of all, it is worth trying to eliminate the root causes.

  • it is necessary to limit the consumption of coffee, carbonated water, energy drinks;
  • you need to give your body good rest sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • it is worth consuming food rich in proteins, such as eggs, cottage cheese, dairy products. The fact is that an increased amount of cortisol leads to the destruction of protein. And the muscle tissue suffers from this. It is not necessary to follow a very strict diet, but it is worth limiting yourself to sweets and fatty foods;
  • if suddenly there are any signs that this hormone is elevated in the body, then it is worth taking any complexes containing vitamins B and C, infusions of licorice root, pink radiola;
  • however, the most important thing in treatment is, of course, that it is necessary to avoid stressful situations as much as possible and get more rest.


Constantly elevated levels of cortisol can lead to negative consequences. In the body, the work of all systems begins to be disrupted:

  • Frequent changes in pressure to the higher side negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • The blood constantly contains a high amount of glucose.
  • Elevated cortisol levels suppress insulin synthesis.
  • Calcium is absorbed by the body worse, which leads to the occurrence of diseases of the bones and joints.
  • Slow formation of T-lymphocytes leads to the fact that the immune system suffers.
  • Excess mass begins to accumulate quickly.

In addition, there are problems in the digestive system, cholesterol rises. In women, the reproductive system suffers, the thyroid gland begins to synthesize hormones worse.

Do not be afraid if the tests show an increased level of cortisol, but you should not ignore the problem either. Doctors will definitely prescribe the right and appropriate treatment. Subject to all appointments, the normalization of cortisol levels will come fairly quickly.

AT human body is of vital importance. AT colloquial speech This enzyme is called the stress hormone. Without cortisol, the body will not be able to cope with the manifestations that stress entails.

Another function of cortisol is to provide energy to muscle tissue. Therefore, the hormone in normal concentration is necessary not only for stress, but also for relative peace.

The enzyme has the following effect:

    takes part in protein metabolism;

    controls the production of red blood cells;

    participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates;

    regulates glycogen synthesis.

What does high cortisol mean?

Only in pregnant women is an increase in cortisol considered normal. If a high level of the hormone is found in a woman who is not in this position, then her body is under severe stress. If the increase is insignificant, and that is visible reasons(trouble at work, quarrels in the family, illness of loved ones), this is a protective reaction of the body, which in this situation is considered normal.

If there is no stress, and cortisol is elevated, it is urgent to undergo a medical examination. A prolonged increase in the level of the enzyme can result in:


    dysfunction of the thyroid gland;

    hand tremor;

    decreased memory and concentration;

    emotional burnout.

Cortisol is elevated - physiological reasons

There are many pathological causes of elevated cortisol levels. A patient who comes to see a doctor is examined for the following diseases:

    diabetes mellitus with high glucose levels or hypoglycemia;

    polycystic ovaries;

    hypothyroidism - low levels of thyroid hormones;


    adrenal hyperplasia;

    hepatitis of any type;

    cirrhosis of the liver;

    bulimia, anorexia.

Increased blood cortisol

If a patient has elevated cortisol in the blood, the patient is tormented by headaches and painful weakness in the muscles. Further, a person develops insomnia, since in a healthy body the level of stress hormone decreases in the late afternoon.

Along with cortisol, the level of sugar in the blood rises. Insulin surges lead to the fact that the patient constantly wants to eat something sweet or fatty. These changes are followed by an increase in body weight, up to obesity. Even with minor physical exertion, a person feels very tired, and a decrease in immunity leads to frequent colds.

Other symptoms:

    in women, male-type hair growth and a violation of the monthly cycle are observed;

    constipation or diarrhea;




Increased cortisol in urine

Cortisol is found not only in the blood, but also in the urine, only here the enzyme is not bound by proteins. Urinalysis is done in order to differentiate obesity from Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, a dangerous hormonal disease.

If the doctor suspects this pathology in his patient, urine, blood and even saliva are taken for examination. This is necessary to get overall picture states hormonal background. Since the influence of stress can distort the performance, studies are carried out several times.

Effects of high cortisol

An increase in cortisol in the body is fraught with the destruction of muscle tissue. What caused this phenomenon? When a person experiences stress or overexerts himself with physical exertion, an impulse enters the brain center warning of danger.

At this moment, the cortisol index jumps from normal (10 mg) to 120-180 mg, which leads to the launch of the mechanism of destruction of the simplest components. It is from such simple components - glucose and amino acids that human muscles consist.

An electrical impulse coming from the central nervous system, enters the cardiovascular system, which causes an increase in blood pressure. Glucose formed after muscle breakdown and cortisol enter the bloodstream and help the body cope with stress. Doctors call this condition adrenaline shock. The man coped with the shock, but this happened at the cost of the destruction of muscle tissue.

Increased cortisol and prolactin

Another hormone that helps a person cope with stress is prolactin. The enzyme regulates the water content in the body and is responsible for metabolic processes. With prolonged depression, prolactin is produced continuously, which can lead to catastrophic consequences, more precisely, to the development of cancer cells.

An increase in the enzyme can be triggered by certain medications and drugs:

    opium analgesics;



    oral contraceptives.

Despite the fact that both hormones (both cortisone and prolactin) help the body overcome stress, their increase is a real threat to life.

How to lower cortisol and prolactin - treatment

If the level of cortisol and prolactin in the body rises, urgent action must be taken. First you can try non-drug treatment, that is, protect yourself from stress as much as possible, get enough sleep, do not exhaust yourself with physical exertion.

People who abuse coffee, regularly drink soda and energy drinks should not be surprised by the increase in stress hormones in the body. The same goes for alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. First you need to get rid of these bad habits.

If the above methods did not work, the doctor should prescribe drug therapy to the patient. It is important to understand that such a situation cannot be ignored!

Many diseases develop under the influence of prolonged stress. Stress resistance in recent times gets a lot of attention.

And this is due to the fact that modern people often have to be in stressful situations, as their personal and public life often occurs in extreme conditions.

General concept of stress

The term stress in medicine refers to an unfavorable, negative impact on the human body, leading to various psychological and physiological reactions.

From the point of view of morphological and functional development, stress is characterized by an adaptation syndrome, which has three stages:

  • The first stage is the anxiety reaction. The usual resistance of the body decreases, a state of shock occurs, during which a person loses the ability to partially or completely control his actions and thoughts. At the first stage, they are included in the work and defense mechanisms.
  • The second stage of resistance or otherwise resistance. The tension noted during the functioning of all vital important systems, leads to the fact that the body begins to adapt (adapt) to new conditions for it. At this stage, the individual can already make decisions that should help him cope with stress.
  • The third stage is exhaustion. It manifests itself in the failure of defense mechanisms, which ultimately leads to a pathological disturbance in the interaction of especially important functions of the body. If stress passes into the third stage, then it becomes chronic, capable of giving impetus to the development of many diseases.

The severity of stress is determined by the severity of the main symptoms, these are:

  • Physiological manifestations. Stress leads to headaches, pain in the chest, back, changes in blood pressure, redness of certain parts of the body. Prolonged stressful situations cause eczema, atopic dermatitis, stomach ulcers.
  • psychological manifestations. Decreased appetite, increased nervousness and irritability, decreased interest in life, rapid excitability, constant expectation of possible troubles, nervous tics, depressive states- psychological manifestations of stress.

In psychology, there are two types of stress:

  • Eustress or "useful" stress for the body. The development of the human body is impossible without the influence of minor stressful situations. Morning rise, hobbies, study, meetings with loved ones - all this leads to the production of stress hormones, but if their number is within the normal range, then this only benefits the body.
  • Distress or negative stress. They arise at the moment of critical stress of the body and their manifestations correspond to all traditional ideas about stress.

What causes stress

The human body enters a state of stress under the influence of events occurring at work, in personal life, in society.

Stress is often experienced by those who are in emergencies. In stressful situations, identical biochemical changes occur in the body, their main goal is to extinguish the growing tension.

Stress changes in the body occur with the participation of two systems, these are:

  • Sympathoadrenal system.
  • Pituitary-hypothalamic-adrenal.

Their work is controlled by the hypothalamus and higher parts of the brain, and intense work leads to the release of certain substances called stress hormones.

The task of these hormones is to mobilize the physical resources of the body in order to offset the influence of factors that cause stress.

The main stress hormones and their features

Under the influence of stressful situations in the body, the activity of the main functional systems and their normal functioning change dramatically.

At this time, certain hormones play a major role in maintaining the changed status.

They are secreted by the endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands.

Under stress, the adrenal cortex releases stress hormones into the bloodstream, belonging to four groups:

  • Glucocorticoids are cortisol and corticosterone. It is cortisol that begins in in large numbers be produced in stressful and emergency situations for a person. Also, its increased release occurs with strong physical activity and against the background of a lack of nutrition. Cortisol has a long-term effect and its constantly elevated level causes depression and memory impairment. During normal functioning of the body, cortisol in the blood serum in the maximum number found in the morning and at its lowest at night. This hormone begins to be intensively secreted with constant overvoltage, an indirect sign of this condition can be a craving for fatty foods and sweet foods. Thus, cortisol signals that fat deposits are needed in order to have an energy reserve to fight future "enemies". Under chronic stress, cortisol is produced in such quantities that it becomes harmful to the body. Under its influence, blood pressure rises, the work of the immune system decreases, the tone of muscle tissue decreases, abdominal fat begins to be deposited, and hyperglycemia develops. Such changes give impetus to the development of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes. Therefore, in some sources, cortisol is referred to as the "hormone of death."
  • Mineralocorticides. This group of adrenal hormones includes aldosterone, which is responsible for the process of reabsorption - the reabsorption of fluids. If the level of aldosterone increases, then fluid begins to linger in the body and edema forms.
  • Sex hormones androgens, estrogens. With a high level of estrogen in the blood, the pain threshold rises, that is, a person tolerates pain more easily.
  • Catecholamines - norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine. They are secreted by the adrenal medulla and are considered biologically active substances. Adrenaline has a powerful effect in intensity, but its effect, compared to cortisol, ends rather quickly. Therefore, adrenaline is predominantly involved in the development of short-term anxiety and panic. An increase in adrenaline in the blood is noted already in the first minutes and seconds of the influence of the stressor. According to some scientists, the frequent release of adrenaline can cause cancer.

Not only the adrenal glands produce stress hormones. The hormone involved in metabolic reactions, accelerating biochemical reactions and increasing attention, is produced by the thyroid gland and pituitary gland.

In the thyroid gland, thyroxine and triiodothyronine are formed, in the anterior lobes of the pituitary gland - growth hormone, prolactin, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, ACTH.

Stress hormones, especially adrenaline, prolactin and cortisol, prepare the human body for the development of unusual, complex conditions by turning on certain mechanisms.

During stress, blood sugar and blood pressure increase, this is required to provide the necessary nutrition to the brain and muscles.

Such changes cause fear and panic and at the same time prepare a person to confront the threat.

How stress hormones affect the body, their functions

A stressful situation at first leads to the fact that a person has confusion and increased anxiety.

These states are considered the preparation of the body for more pronounced changes.

Information about a threat or a non-standard situation enters the brain, is processed there, and through the nerve endings enters the vital organs.

This leads to the fact that stress hormones begin to enter the bloodstream in large quantities.

If a person experiences physical stress more norepinephrine is released. When mentally stressed, adrenaline is produced.

Each of the stress hormones triggers its own mechanism of action, which affects the appearance of certain symptoms.


Cortisol begins to be actively produced in emergency situations, with a lack of nutrients in the body, with increased physical activity.

It is considered normal when the level of cortisol is within 10 μg / dl, with a pronounced state of shock, this level can reach 180 μg / dl.

An increase in cortisol is a protective reaction of the body that allows a person to make the right decisions faster in stressful situations.

To achieve this, additional energy is needed. Therefore, high cortisol levels lead to the following changes:

  • To the conversion of amino acids in muscle tissue into glucose, which is necessary for energy release and stress relief.
  • to insulin metabolism.
  • To anti-inflammatory reactions resulting from the fact that the permeability of the walls of blood vessels decreases and the production of inflammatory mediators is inhibited.
  • To the immunoregulatory effect on the body. Cortisol reduces the activity of allergens and lymphocytes.

Cortisol, with increased production, destroys hippocampal neurons, which negatively affects the functioning of the brain as a whole.


Prolactin has anabolic and metabolic effects on the body. Under the influence of this hormone, metabolic processes change, and protein synthesis is accelerated.

Prolactin also has an immunoregulatory effect, regulates water-salt metabolism, mental functions and behavioral reactions of the body.


As already mentioned, adrenaline begins to actively stand out at the moment of severe anxiety, fear, rage, panic.

The main action of adrenaline is a bronchodilator and antispasmodic, in addition, this hormone is also an antidiuretic.

It is possible to determine the moment of release of adrenaline in large quantities by the expanding pupil.

Under the influence of adrenaline, the frequency and depth of breathing decreases, the walls relax internal organs, the motor function of the stomach is inhibited and less digestive enzymes and juices are released.

At the same time, the contractility of skeletal muscles increases, if you do a urine test at the time of a strong stressful situation, you can detect sodium and potassium ions.

The release of norepinephrine causes an increase in blood pressure, but the acceleration of the heart rate does not occur. Norepinephrine reduces diuresis, reduces the secretory activity of the stomach, increases the secretion of saliva and relaxes the smooth muscles located in the walls of the intestine.

Consequences of elevated levels of cortisol and prolactin

More negative changes in the body occur if a large amount of cortisol or prolactin is constantly in the blood.

If cortisol levels remain at a consistently high level for a long time, then this becomes the reason:

  • Decreased muscle mass. The body synthesizes energy not from incoming food, but from muscle tissue.
  • The percentage of body fat increases. With elevated cortisol, a person constantly wants sweets, and this provokes weight gain.
  • The appearance of folds on the abdomen. When cortisol levels are high, fat deposits accumulate inside the abdomen, they push out muscle layer, and the figure takes the form of an apple.
  • Diabetes 2 types. Under the influence of cortisol, the production of insulin decreases and at the same time more glucose appears in the blood due to muscle breakdown. That is, blood sugar becomes almost twice as high.
  • Decreased testosterone levels.
  • Increased risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. A high level of cortisol causes the body to constantly work with overloads, which negatively affects the state of blood vessels and the heart muscle.
  • Osteoporosis. Cortisol impairs the absorption of collagen and calcium, slows down the regeneration processes, which causes increased bone fragility.

The hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of progesterone. Greater value this hormone has for the body of a woman.

In stressful situations, prolactin strongly affects metabolic reactions and mechanisms that regulate the water content in the body.

With depression, prolactin is produced in large quantities and this causes a variety of pathologies, including the development of cancer cells.

Excessive amount of prolactin becomes the reason for the lack of ovulation, not carrying a pregnancy, mastopathy.

Prolactin is also important for the health of men, if it is not enough, then sexual function may suffer, there is a predisposition to the formation of adenoma.

Causes of increased stress hormones in the body

Stress hormones begin to be produced in the human body during stressful situations.

A sharp production of hormones, mainly adrenaline, may be due to emergencies - an earthquake, an accident, a thermal injury.

Adrenaline is produced in excess during skydiving, while practicing and other extreme sports.

A prolonged or even permanent increase in cortisol, prolactin occurs due to:

  • Severe, prolonged illness.
  • loss of a relative or loved one.
  • Divorce.
  • deterioration financial position.
  • Problems at work.
  • Retirement.
  • Problems with the law.
  • sexual dysfunctions.

In women, stress hormones can start to build up after pregnancy.

Sometimes, after the birth of a child, the situation only gets worse, which can lead to severe psychosis or postpartum depression.

Chronically elevated levels of cortisol may be due to:

  • Intermittent fasting or strict diets.
  • Wrong organization physical activity. Sports should be practiced under the guidance of an experienced coach who knows how the level of training affects the critical increase in cortisone and can neutralize this harmful effect by selecting the right training complexes.
  • Abuse of coffee. A cup of strong coffee raises cortisol levels by 30%. Therefore, if you drink several cups of the drink during the day, this will lead to constantly elevated levels of the stress hormone.

The situation is aggravated if a person constantly lacks sleep, works a lot and does not know how to relax.

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Symptoms of stress depend on several factors, this is the state of the human psyche, the stage of the pathological process, the strength of the negative impact. Signs of stress are divided into physical and psychological. The most pronounced psychological symptoms are:

  • The occurrence of unreasonable anxiety.
  • Internal tension.
  • Constant dissatisfaction.
  • Constantly Bad mood, depression.
  • Decreased interest in work, personal life, close people.

Physical symptoms may appear severe fatigue, sleep disturbances, weight loss, irritability or apathy.

In women during pregnancy and after childbirth, stress urinary incontinence may occur, that is, its spontaneous release when coughing, sneezing, scheme.

Urinary incontinence after stress is also noted in young children.

It is necessary to exclude an increased level of prolactin in the body when:

  • infertility.
  • Miscarriages in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Galactorrhea, that is, when milk is secreted from the nipples.
  • Frigidity and decreased libido.
  • Acne and hirsutism.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Increased appetite, which can lead to obesity.

With prolonged production of prolactin, the structure of the cells that produce this hormone changes, as a result, a tumor begins to grow - prolactinoma.

This tumor compresses the optic nerve and negatively affects the state of the nervous system.

Its main symptoms are decreased visual acuity, sleep disturbance, and depression.

A chronic increase in cortisol can be suspected by the following features:

  • Weight gain with regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • An increase in the pulse. High levels of cortisol lead to vasoconstriction, resulting in an increased heart rate even at rest.
  • Nervousness that occurs even for no particular reason.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Frequent sweating and frequent urination.
  • insomnia
  • Depressive state.

Manifestations of increased stress hormones sometimes lead to severe and not always reversible changes.

In some cases, people prefer to cope with stress themselves, muffling the psycho-emotional manifestations with alcohol, drug use, gambling.

How to reduce

The only way to reduce the release of stress hormones in the body is to minimize the impact of stress. For this you need:

  • Observe healthy lifestyle life, that is, do not overwork, sleep well at night, walk in the fresh air.
  • Do sports. Training should be regular, but they should be given a maximum of 50 minutes per day.
  • Avoid stress. To learn how to adequately respond to negative loads, you can learn yoga, meditation, use various relaxation techniques. With increased susceptibility, it is better to refuse to view negative news and materials.
  • Learn how to make your diet so that the body receives all the substances it needs, and digestive system not overloaded. Reduce your caffeine intake, eat more plant foods, drink more water.
  • Smile more often. Watching a comedy, chatting with friends, genuine laughter - all these are positive emotions that do not allow cortisol levels to rise sharply.

There will always be stressful situations in the life of any of us. And how the body reacts to the release of stress hormones depends on the person himself.

Therefore, you must definitely learn not to react sharply to negative factors and, if necessary, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist.



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Elevated cortisol and prolactin

Testosterone - 1.17 ng / ml (normal 0 - 0.6);

Free testosterone - 9.4 pg / ml (0 - 4.1);

Cortisol - 373.39 ng / ml ();

DHEAS - 4.56 mcg / ml (0.8 - 3.9).

I remember exactly that prolactin (for March) is the norm.

May results:

LH - 12.59 IU / l (reference values: follicular phase - 0.8 - 10.5 IU / l; ovulatory phase - 18.4 - 61.2 IU / l; luteal phase - 0.8 - 10.5 IU / l);

17-OH-progesterone - 1.9 ng / ml (reference values: follicular phase - 0.1 - 0.8 ng / ml; ovulatory phase - 0.3 - 1.4 ng / ml; luteal phase - 0.6 - 2.3 ng / ml);

Progesterone - 22.94 ng / ml (normal: follicular phase: 0.2-1.4, luteal phase: 4-25);

Cortisol - 306.08 ng / ml (norm:);

DHEA-S - 4.12 mcg / ml (norm: 0.8-3.9);

Prolactin - 47.59 ng / ml (norm: 1.2 - 19.5).

FSH, testosterone, free testosterone were within normal limits.

I passed the analysis on the 5th day of m.c.

She also did an ultrasound of the pelvic organs (everything was within the normal range).

Because prolactin (for May) was above the norm, the gynecologist-endocrinologist (Family Planning and Reproduction Center No. 3) recommended that he be retaken. As a result, prolactin (for June) is the norm (I can’t indicate the exact figure, but I remember exactly that it was the norm, because I took the result myself).

August results:

Prolactin - 19.62 ng / ml (norm up to 19.5);

Cortisol - 313.0 ng / ml (norm up to 250);

Ultrasound of the adrenal glands: not visualized.

At the expense of a slight increase in prolactin, the gynecologist-endocrinologist said that for the laboratory (polyclinic No. 218) this is an excellent result (normal), because. the results for this hormone in this laboratory are usually overestimated, in general, that is why I retaken prolactin for May.

As for the pain in the chest (which I wrote about a little higher), at the moment nothing bothers me (already from April 2010, the chest stopped hurting (after the next menstruation)).

Of the complaints (with which she turned to a gynecologist-endocrinologist): a delay in the menstrual cycle (35-40 days) since January 2010, at a normal (for me) days. And respectively analyzes for March and May.

At the moment, I am worried about palpitations (beats / min.), Delayed menstrual cycle.

I also visit a psychotherapist for neurosis (but this issue began to bother me about 2 years ago), at the moment from medication prescriptions: Atarax and Azafen (the drugs are well tolerated). Of the complaints at the first visit to the doctor: a feeling of discomfort in the chest (tension, squeezing, constriction), dizziness, irascibility, irritability.

About myself: age - 26 years old, height cm., weight - 59 kg. (stable), BP - 120/80, no stretch marks on the body (with the exception of light (almost not noticeable) on the outer side of the thighs, buttocks), in 2006 an operation was performed for nodular goiter (the right lobe of the thyroid gland was removed), as a result - adenoma shch.zh. (at the moment - postoperative hypothyroidism, compensated (L-thyroxine 75)), tests for thyroid hormones. (for March) - eutheria. In general, I feel great, if not for this running around with elevated hormones(which may be increased due to this running around), it seems to me that the same psychotherapist would not be needed for me.

With regard to the menstrual cycle - is its regularity important? Are you planning a pregnancy?

There was practically no doubt about prolactin. But there were doubts about cortisol. So I decided to check it out here. Those. if I understand correctly, it makes no sense to pay attention to a slightly elevated level of cortisol (in the blood). Just from the words of the doctor, I understood that since it was not the first time he was elevated, it makes sense to pay attention to this (but the diagnosis that, although the doctor had previously made, of course, struck me).

In general, can the level of cortisol (at least in part) increase with chronic stress, or, for example, with strong excitement immediately before taking tests?

In addition, the gynecologist-endocrinologist focused more on the adrenal glands (the basis of all the test results that I posted here) and sent to the endocrinologist (I did an ultrasound and re-tested (for August)).

As for the menstrual cycle - yes, regularity is important (otherwise there are no problems). I did an ultrasound of the pelvic organs - the norm (the only thing that the gynecologist-endocrinologist paid attention to was small follicles (but this is not news to me, how many times I did an ultrasound and there were follicles in all cases (there were never cysts)). planned (to be honest, it's already scary after all these walks).

As for neuroleptics, I take them only for 2 weeks, i.e. already after the test. But she also took them that year, so perhaps her chest hurt for this very reason.

In addition, at the time when I was taking tests in May, I was taking some kind of drug for gastritis (unfortunately, I don’t remember the name, but I remember exactly that when taking the drug, the level of prolactin may increase, so the result is 47.59 ng / Ml probably can be explained precisely by this).

Do you think it makes sense to donate cortisol in the urine? Or does it not make much sense in my case?

As for antipsychotics, I'll correct myself: there were no antipsychotics among the drugs you listed (tranquilizer and antidepressant). However, a single detected increase in the level of prolactin is not yet the basis for the diagnosis and search for the causes of hyperprolactinemia.

Discuss the possibility of taking COCs with your doctor about the regularity of your menstrual cycle.

It's just that the emphasis of both the endocrinologist and the gynecologist-endocrinologist on the tests (that cortisol was increased more than once) and the fact that the level of this hormone is increased precisely "through the fault" of the adrenal glands scares me.

Where should I go with my illness?


Psychology. Psychosomatics. Health and self-development. Tips on how to change your life. Consultations.

Hyperprolactinemia (increased prolactin) and the role of the stress hormone in the body

The stress state is caused by various life events, whether it be personal problems or difficulties of an external nature, for example, unemployment. In any difficult situations biochemical processes occur in the body, and with a prolonged traumatic experience, they can affect human health. During stressful moments, many systems are involved, immune, digestive, genitourinary and other functional areas of the body are involved in mobilization. At the same time, the most active system is the endocrine sphere, it is under its control that the so-called stress hormone is located. Usually, cortisol is meant by it, but other changes under the influence of a strong experience cannot be ignored.

human endocrine system

Biochemical processes of stress

How does the body work during stressful experiences? Doctors say that a long-term traumatic factor causes various physiological changes, endocrine tissues are most susceptible to various aggressors. Consider the chain of biochemical changes in the body.

At the first sign of danger, adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced in the adrenal glands. Adrenaline rises with anxiety, shock, fear. Entering the bloodstream, it increases the heartbeat, dilates the pupils, and also begins work on adapting the body to stress. But its prolonged exposure depletes the body's defenses. Norepinephrine is released in any shock situations, its action is associated with an increase in blood pressure. Adrenaline during stress is considered a hormone of fear, and norepinephrine, on the contrary, rage. Without the production of these hormones, the body becomes unprotected against the influence of stressful situations.

Another stress hormone is cortisol. Its increase occurs in extreme situations or strong physical exertion. In small doses, cortisol does not have a special effect on the functioning of the body, but its long-term accumulation causes the development of depression, there is a craving for fatty foods and sweet foods. No wonder cortisol is associated with weight gain.

It is impossible to exclude from the biochemical chain an important hormone that especially affects women - this is prolactin. In a situation of severe stress and depression, prolactin is intensely secreted, which leads to metabolic disorders.

Biochemical processes cause certain mechanisms that adapt a person to danger. At the same time, stress hormones can affect the functioning of the body. Let's take a closer look at their impact. How do prolactin and cortisol affect health?

Cortisol is necessary for the correct functioning of the body, it regulates the balance of sugar, the metabolism of glucose and insulin. But the stressful effect increases its norm, in this case there is a critical effect of the hormone.

What happens when cortisol is too high?

High blood pressure.

Decreased thyroid function.

This effect is manifested in chronic stress, and, accordingly, a long-term increase in the hormone.

Another negative effect of the stress hormone is the appearance of fat deposits in the waist area. This is due to the appearance of cravings for sweet and fatty foods. If the stress has passed into the chronic phase, then it turns out vicious circle. Signals are given to the body that it needs to store fat for energy reserves. Sometimes it is cortisol and its high levels that prevent you from losing weight.

To avoid the above problems, you need to learn how to cope with stress. Cortisol decreases in a calm environment, in the absence of prolonged experiences. A good emotional background will allow you to maintain the hormone at the required level.

Prolactin is associated with the function of childbearing, and also affects metabolism. If prolactin is elevated, then its excess leads to a violation of ovulation, the absence of pregnancy, it can cause mastopathy, adenoma and fibrosis.

What causes this hormone to rise? The most important source is the stress factor. Even the usual excitement before exams causes a short-term increase in a hormone such as prolactin. In addition to stress, the reasons for the increase include:

Taking certain medications.

Operations on the mammary glands.

Chronic insufficiency of the liver and kidneys.

What if prolactin is low? Decreased levels are rare. If the body is healthy, then the increase in the hormone is associated with pregnancy, emotional and physical overload. To find out about the increase in the norm, you should pass an analysis to determine it. After that, the causes are determined, and treatment is prescribed.

If prolactin is produced during prolonged depression, then the consequences for the body can be critical. The hormone is very mobile, so it is difficult to influence its concentration. It is important to observe a calm regime, nervous overload causes strong fluctuations in the stress hormone. Prolactin and its level should be monitored when planning pregnancy.

It should be noted that a person needs the presence of hormones in the body. Cortisol, prolactin and adrenaline prepare the body to fight and adapt. But if the traumatic factor drags on, then their negative impact begins.

Hyperprolactinemia is a condition that results from increased production of the hormone prolactin. It is synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland and big influence for reproductive function.

This hormone, together with progesterone, supports the functioning of the corpus luteum of the ovary and is actively involved in the process of bearing the fetus during pregnancy.

If prolactin is elevated, the most common symptoms of this condition are headaches and decreased libido.

Prolonged hyperprolactinemia leads to a decrease in bone density and the development of osteoporosis. In patients, there is an increased synthesis of androgens and, as a result, the development of hirsutism (excessive male-type hair growth), weight increases, mastopathy develops, sleep disturbance occurs, and depression occurs.

One of the main symptoms of hyperprolactinemia is menstrual irregularities. It becomes irregular or disappears completely.

Few people know that prolactin is also produced in the body of a man. An increase in the synthesis of this hormone can lead to prostate diseases and the development of erectile dysfunction.

Increased prolactin synthesis can have both physiological and pathological origins.

In healthy people, hyperprolactinemia can occur with lack of sleep, physical overstrain, in women during lactation, and so on.

The level of the hormone can increase even with a massage of the cervical part of the spinal column, since it is there that the nerve endings that affect the synthesis of prolactin are located.

A short-term increase in prolactin levels can be observed during stress caused, for example, by a gynecological examination or a blood test.

Pathological hyperprolactinemia can occur due to the development of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), liver or kidney failure, pituitary tumor.

The synthesis of prolactin increases with the intake of certain medicines(estrogens, contraceptive and antiemetic pills, opiates, antipsychotics, antihypertensives), so at the doctor's appointment you need to tell him about all the drugs you take.

Hyperprolactinemia is observed after radiation exposure, with the syndrome of the "empty" Turkish saddle (the place where the pituitary gland is located), after surgery on the mammary glands.

What can cause stress, hormones, how they affect the body, their functions, cortisol, prolactin, adrenaline, causes, consequences, how to reduce.

Not only bacteria, viruses, congenital or acquired pathologies of internal organs are to blame for the occurrence of diseases in humans.

Many diseases develop under the influence of prolonged stress. Resilience has received a lot of attention in recent years.

And this is due to the fact that modern people often have to be in stressful situations, since their personal and social life often takes place in extreme conditions.

General concept of stress

The term stress in medicine refers to an unfavorable, negative impact on the human body, leading to various psychological and physiological reactions.

From the point of view of morphological and functional development, stress is characterized by an adaptation syndrome, which has three stages:

  • The first stage is the anxiety reaction.. The usual resistance of the body decreases, a state of shock occurs, during which a person loses the ability to partially or completely control his actions and thoughts. At the first stage, protective mechanisms are also included in the work.
  • The second stage of resistance or otherwise resistance. The tension observed during the functioning of all vital systems leads to the fact that the body begins to adapt (adapt) to new conditions for it. At this stage, the individual can already make decisions that should help him cope with stress.
  • The third stage - exhaustion. It manifests itself in the failure of defense mechanisms, which ultimately leads to a pathological disturbance in the interaction of especially important functions of the body. If stress passes into the third stage, then it becomes chronic, capable of giving impetus to the development of many diseases.

The severity of stress is determined by the severity of the main symptoms, these are:

  • Physiological manifestations. Stress leads to headaches, pain in the chest, back, changes in blood pressure, redness of certain parts of the body. Prolonged stressful situations cause eczema, atopic dermatitis, stomach ulcers.
  • Psychological manifestations. Decreased appetite, increased nervousness and irritability, decreased interest in life, rapid excitability, constant expectation of possible troubles, nervous tics, depressive states are psychological manifestations of stress.

In psychology, there are two types of stress:

  • Eustress or "useful" stress for the body. The development of the human body is impossible without the influence of minor stressful situations. Morning rise, hobbies, study, meetings with loved ones - all this leads to the production of stress hormones, but if their number is within the normal range, then this only benefits the body.
  • Distress or negative stress. They arise at the moment of critical stress of the body and their manifestations correspond to all traditional ideas about stress.

What causes stress

The human body enters a state of stress under the influence of events occurring at work, in personal life, in society.

Stress is often experienced by those who are in emergency situations. In stressful situations, identical biochemical changes occur in the body, their main goal is to extinguish the growing tension.

Stress changes in the body occur with the participation of two systems, these are:

  • Sympathoadrenal system.
  • Pituitary-hypothalamic-adrenal.

Their work is controlled by the hypothalamus and higher parts of the brain, and intense work leads to the release of certain substances called stress hormones.

The task of these hormones is to mobilize the physical resources of the body in order to offset the influence of factors that cause stress.

The main stress hormones and their features

Under the influence of stressful situations in the body, the activity of the main functional systems and their normal functioning change dramatically.

At this time, certain hormones play a major role in maintaining the changed status.

They are secreted by the endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands.

Under stress, the adrenal cortex releases stress hormones into the bloodstream, belonging to four groups:

Not only the adrenal glands produce stress hormones. The hormone involved in metabolic reactions, accelerating biochemical reactions and increasing attention, is produced by the thyroid gland and pituitary gland.

In the thyroid gland, thyroxine and triiodothyronine are formed, in the anterior lobes of the pituitary gland - growth hormone, prolactin, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, ACTH.

Stress hormones, especially adrenaline, prolactin and cortisol, prepare the human body for the development of unusual, complex conditions by turning on certain mechanisms.

During stress, blood sugar and blood pressure increase, this is required to provide the necessary nutrition to the brain and muscles.

Such changes cause fear and panic and at the same time prepare a person to confront the threat.

How stress hormones affect the body, their functions

A stressful situation at first leads to the fact that a person has confusion and increased anxiety.

These states are considered the preparation of the body for more pronounced changes.

Information about a threat or a non-standard situation enters the brain, is processed there, and through the nerve endings enters the vital organs.

This leads to the fact that stress hormones begin to enter the bloodstream in large quantities.

If a person experiences physical stress, then norepinephrine is released more. When mentally stressed, adrenaline is produced.

Each of the stress hormones triggers its own mechanism of action, which affects the appearance of certain symptoms.


Cortisol begins to be actively produced in emergency situations, with a lack of nutrients in the body, with increased physical activity.

It is considered normal when the level of cortisol is within 10 μg / dl, with a pronounced state of shock, this level can reach 180 μg / dl.

An increase in cortisol is a protective reaction of the body that allows a person to make the right decisions faster in stressful situations.

To achieve this, additional energy is needed. Therefore, high cortisol levels lead to the following changes:

  • To the conversion of amino acids in muscle tissue into glucose, which is necessary for energy release and stress relief.
  • to insulin metabolism.
  • To anti-inflammatory reactions resulting from the fact that the permeability of the walls of blood vessels decreases and the production of inflammatory mediators is inhibited.
  • To the immunoregulatory effect on the body. Cortisol reduces the activity of allergens and lymphocytes.

Cortisol, with increased production, destroys hippocampal neurons, which negatively affects the functioning of the brain as a whole.


Prolactin has anabolic and metabolic effects on the body. Under the influence of this hormone, metabolic processes change, and protein synthesis is accelerated.

Prolactin also has an immunoregulatory effect, regulates water-salt metabolism, mental functions and behavioral reactions of the body.


As already mentioned, adrenaline begins to actively stand out at the moment of severe anxiety, fear, rage, panic.

The main action of adrenaline is a bronchodilator and antispasmodic, in addition, this hormone is also an antidiuretic.

It is possible to determine the moment of release of adrenaline in large quantities by the expanding pupil.

Under the influence of adrenaline, the frequency and depth of breathing decreases, the walls of internal organs relax, the motor function of the stomach is inhibited, and less digestive enzymes and juices are released.

At the same time, the contractility of skeletal muscles increases, if you do a urine test at the time of a strong stressful situation, you can detect sodium and potassium ions.

The release of norepinephrine causes an increase in blood pressure, but the acceleration of the heart rate does not occur. Norepinephrine reduces diuresis, reduces the secretory activity of the stomach, increases the secretion of saliva and relaxes the smooth muscles located in the walls of the intestine.

Consequences of elevated levels of cortisol and prolactin

More negative changes in the body occur if a large amount of cortisol or prolactin is constantly in the blood.

If cortisol levels remain at a consistently high level for a long time, then this becomes the reason:

  • Decreased muscle mass. The body synthesizes energy not from incoming food, but from muscle tissue.
  • The percentage of body fat increases. With elevated cortisol, a person constantly wants sweets, and this provokes weight gain.
  • The appearance of folds on the abdomen. When cortisol levels are high, fat deposits accumulate inside the abdomen, they push out the muscle layer, and the figure takes on the shape of an apple.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2. Under the influence of cortisol, the production of insulin decreases and at the same time more glucose appears in the blood due to muscle breakdown. That is, blood sugar becomes almost twice as high.
  • Decreased testosterone levels.
  • Increased risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. A high level of cortisol causes the body to constantly work with overloads, which negatively affects the state of blood vessels and the heart muscle.
  • Osteoporosis. Cortisol impairs the absorption of collagen and calcium, slows down the regeneration processes, which causes increased bone fragility.

The hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of progesterone. This hormone is of great importance for the body of a woman.

In stressful situations, prolactin strongly affects metabolic reactions and mechanisms that regulate the water content in the body.

With depression, prolactin is produced in large quantities and this causes a variety of pathologies, including the development of cancer cells.

Excessive amount of prolactin becomes the reason for the lack of ovulation, not carrying a pregnancy, mastopathy.

Prolactin is also important for the health of men, if it is not enough, then sexual function may suffer, there is a predisposition to the formation of adenoma.

Causes of increased stress hormones in the body

Stress hormones begin to be produced in the human body during stressful situations.

A sharp production of hormones, mainly adrenaline, may be due to emergencies - an earthquake, an accident, a thermal injury.

Adrenaline is produced in excess during skydiving, while practicing and other extreme sports.

A prolonged or even permanent increase in cortisol, prolactin occurs due to:

  • Severe, prolonged illness.
  • Loss of a relative or loved one.
  • Divorce.
  • Deterioration of the financial situation.
  • Problems at work.
  • Retirement.
  • Problems with the law.
  • sexual dysfunctions.

In women, stress hormones can start to build up after pregnancy.

Sometimes, after the birth of a child, the situation only gets worse, which can lead to severe psychosis or postpartum depression.

Chronically elevated levels of cortisol may be due to:

  • Intermittent fasting or strict diets.
  • Improper organization of physical activity. Sports should be practiced under the guidance of an experienced coach who knows how the level of training affects the critical increase in cortisone and can neutralize this harmful effect by selecting the right training complexes.
  • Abuse of coffee. A cup of strong coffee raises cortisol levels by 30%. Therefore, if you drink several cups of the drink during the day, this will lead to constantly elevated levels of the stress hormone.

The situation is aggravated if a person constantly lacks sleep, works a lot and does not know how to relax.

Popular with readers:, reasons, how to get rid of.


Symptoms of stress depend on several factors, this is the state of the human psyche, the stage of the pathological process, the strength of the negative impact. Signs of stress are divided into physical and psychological. The most pronounced psychological symptoms are:

  • The occurrence of unreasonable anxiety.
  • Internal tension.
  • Constant dissatisfaction.
  • Constantly bad mood, depression.
  • Decreased interest in work, personal life, close people.

Physical symptoms may include extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, weight loss, irritability, or lethargy.

In women during pregnancy and after childbirth, stress urinary incontinence may occur, that is, its spontaneous release when coughing, sneezing, scheme.

Urinary incontinence after stress is also noted in young children.

It is necessary to exclude an increased level of prolactin in the body when:

  • infertility.
  • Miscarriages in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Galactorrhea, that is, when milk is secreted from the nipples.
  • Frigidity and decreased libido.
  • Acne and hirsutism.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Increased appetite, which can lead to obesity.

With prolonged production of prolactin, the structure of the cells that produce this hormone changes, as a result, a tumor begins to grow - prolactinoma.

This tumor compresses the optic nerve and negatively affects the state of the nervous system.

Its main symptoms are decreased visual acuity, sleep disturbance, and depression.

You can suggest a chronic increase in cortisol by the following signs:

  • Weight gain with regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • An increase in the pulse. High levels of cortisol lead to vasoconstriction, resulting in an increased heart rate even at rest.
  • Nervousness that occurs even for no particular reason.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Frequent sweating and frequent urination.
  • insomnia
  • Depressive state.

Manifestations of increased stress hormones sometimes lead to severe and not always reversible changes.

In some cases, people prefer to cope with stress themselves, muffling the psycho-emotional manifestations with alcohol, drug use, gambling.

How to reduce

The only way to reduce the release of stress hormones in the body is to minimize the impact of stress. For this you need:

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle, that is, do not overwork, sleep well at night, walk in the fresh air.
  • Do sports. Training should be regular, but they should be given a maximum of 50 minutes per day.
  • Avoid stress. To learn how to adequately respond to negative loads, you can learn yoga, meditation, use various relaxation techniques. With increased susceptibility, it is better to refuse to view negative news and materials.
  • Learn to compose your diet so that the body receives all the substances it needs, and the digestive system is not overloaded. Reduce your caffeine intake, eat more plant foods, drink more water.
  • Smile more often. Watching a comedy, chatting with friends, genuine laughter - all these are positive emotions that do not allow cortisol levels to rise sharply.

There will always be stressful situations in the life of any of us. And how the body reacts to the release of stress hormones depends on the person himself.

Therefore, you must definitely learn not to react sharply to negative factors and, if necessary, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist.