Answers to tasks

job number

24 Lives in the human large intestine a large number of bacteria that make up the normal microflora. Specify at least three meanings these bacteria for the normal functioning of the body.

Response elements:

participate in the breakdown of fiber;

promote the synthesis of vitamins;

suppress the overgrowth of putrefactive bacteria,

normalize the environment in the intestine and its functioning

biological errors

biological errors

biological errors

biological errors

contains biological errors

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Find three errors in the given text. Specify offer numbers

where mistakes are made, correct them.

internal secretion have ducts through which

enters the blood. 2. Endocrine glands secrete biologically active

regulatory substances are hormones. 3. All hormones by chemical nature


proteins. 4. Insulin -

pancreatic hormone. 5. He

regulates glucose levels

blood. 6. With a lack of insulin

the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Response elements:

Mistakes in sentences:

1) 1 - endocrine glands do not have ducts, but secrete

secret directly into the blood;

2) 3 - hormones can be not only proteins, but also others

organic substances (lipids);

3) 6 - with a lack of insulin, the concentration of glucose in the blood


All errors are listed and corrected. The answer does not contain

extra wrong information

two or three errors

but only two have been fixed.

are declining

There are one to three errors in the response, but only one has been corrected.

For incorrectly named and corrected errors, points are not

are declining

The answer is incorrect: the errors are incorrectly identified and corrected,

OR one to three bugs are listed, but none of them are fixed

Maximum score

The answer to tasks 1-17 is one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Write this number in the answer box in the text of the work.

Which of the driving forces of evolution is directional?

1) intraspecific struggle

2) natural selection

3) mutation process

4) struggle with adverse conditions

The results of evolution are

1) isolation

2) variety of species

3) gene mutation

4) artificial selection

In accordance with environmental criterion individuals of the same species are similar in

1) living conditions

2) genotype

3) life processes

4) outward signs

4 Dropping leaves in autumn by deciduous tree species in temperate climate- that's an example

1) directions of evolution

2) driving force of evolution

3) result of evolution

4) biological regression in evolution

5 Give an example of aromorphosis.

1) plant adaptations for wind pollination

2) mammalian mammary glands

3) modified camel thorn leaves

4) streamlined fish body

6 Conifers replaced the ancient ferns due to the advantage - the presence

1) dispute

2) flowers

3) fruits

4) seeds

7 An example of idioadaptation is

1) the emergence of the sexual process in plants

2) fruit formation in angiosperms

3) the formation of a diverse body shape in different species of fish

4) appearance of five-fingered limbs in vertebrates

To which group of environmental factors should weed weeding be attributed?

A natural community that includes a collection of organisms related

in crops cultivated plants?

among themselves and with components inanimate nature, called









The collection of all elements environment that affect organisms

Which organisms mainly convert primary and secondary

called factors

production of biosphere ecosystems in minerals?


flowering plants




bacteria and fungi


second order consumers

The most favorable impact of the environmental factor on

The process by which transformation occurs in the carbon cycle

the life of organisms is called

atmospheric carbon dioxide into organic matter is called









The change in biomass of each next trophic level is explained

What organisms ensure the stability of the forest community, thanks to

position of the doctrine of the biosphere

ability to mineralize organic matter in the soil?

ecological pyramid rule

the rule of irreversibility of evolution


the law of homological series of hereditary variability

saprotrophic bacteria


16 Are the following judgments about the functions of living matter in the biosphere correct? A. The gas function of living matter is characteristic of an ecosystem only


B. The concentration function of living matter consists in the release by organisms final products vital activity.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both statements are wrong

17 Are the following judgments about the functions of living matter in the biosphere correct?

A. Due to gas exchange during photosynthesis, plants perform the concentration function of living matter.

B. The gas function of living matter is manifested during respiration and photosynthesis.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

In tasks 18, 19, choose three correct answers out of six. Write in the table the numbers corresponding to the selected answers.

18 Resilience of the wet ecosystem equatorial forest determined

1) great species diversity

2) lack of decomposers

3) short food chains

4) branched food webs

5) population fluctuations

6) closed circulation of substances

19 In the agroecosystem of the barley field, as in any other ecosystem,

1) there are producers, consumers and decomposers

2) branched food chains are formed

3) a closed circulation of substances

4) food bonds are formed

5) solar energy is used

6) self-regulation is carried out


In tasks 20–22, for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the species Dolphin

common (dolphin-dolphin) and the criterion of the species to which this

characteristic is attributed.



Animals live in the aquatic environment.


Body size - 160–260 cm.


Males are 6–10 cm larger than females.


Animals lead a herd life.

Pregnancy of females continues

10–11 months.

Predators feed on different types of fish.


21 Establish a correspondence between organisms and the type of interspecific relationships they enter into.

D) dragonfly larva and fish fry D) ciliate shoe and bacteria E) crucian carp and carp

Answer: A B C D E F

22 Match the example with the environmental factor that this example illustrates.


A) an increase in air pressure


ecosystem topography change


C) population decline

as a result of the epidemic

interaction between individuals

D) competition for territory between plants

Answer: A B C D D

In task 23, establish the sequence of biological processes, phenomena, and practical actions. Write down the numbers that indicate processes, phenomena, practical actions, in correct sequence to the table.

23 Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of plants in the process of evolution on Earth.

1) angiosperms

2) ferns

3) psilophytes

4) algae

Use a separate sheet to record the answer to tasks 24–26.

Write your answer clearly and legibly.

cold spring; 3) will happen a few weeks after blooming

Answers to tasks

job number

Criteria for evaluating tasks with a detailed answer

Winter moth caterpillars feed on young oak leaves

and finish their development before the oak leaves become stiff

and unfit for food. Explain how the population size will change

butterflies, if caterpillar hatching: 1) coincides with bud break

and growth of young leaves; 2) will occur before bud break in case of

2) if the caterpillars hatch before the foliage blooms, they

the number will decrease, as they will die of hunger;

3) if the caterpillars hatch after the foliage has blossomed,

their numbers will decrease, as they will not be able to eat old


The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain

biological errors

The response includes two of the above elements and does not contain

biological errors

OR the response includes the above three elements, but contains

biological errors

The response includes one of the above elements and does not contain

biological errors

OR the answer includes two of the above items, but

contains biological errors

Wrong answer

Maximum score

25 The great tit lives in the mixed forest ecosystem. Describe the relationship that has developed between the great tits and the insects, hawks, and woody plants that live in the ecosystem.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Response elements:

1) between tits and insects eaten by tits, -


2) between tits and hawks eating them - predation;

3) plants serve as a refuge for birds, a nesting place, and

tits destroy insect pests of plants

The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain

biological errors

The response includes two of the above elements and does not contain

biological errors

OR the response includes the above three elements, but contains

biological errors

26 What plants dominate in tropical forests - insect pollinated or wind pollinated? Justify the answer.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Response elements:

1) in tropical forests, pollinated plants predominate


2) in tropical forests, trees are evergreen, foliage makes it difficult

transport of pollen by wind;

3) the abundance of plants per unit area, also

prevents pollen transfer (high plant density)

The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain

biological errors

The response includes two of the above elements and does not contain

biological errors

OR the response includes the above three elements, but contains

biological errors

The response includes one of the above elements and does not contain

biological errors

OR the answer includes two of the above items, but

contains biological errors

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Community is a set of certain living organisms, for example, plant community steppes.

Ecosystem (biocenosis)- this is a combination of living organisms and their habitat, characterized by the circulation of substances and the flow of energy (pond, meadow, forest).

Biogeocenosis- an ecosystem located in a particular area of ​​​​land and inextricably linked with this particular area. (Temporary, artificial and aquatic ecosystems are not considered biogeocenoses.)

Processes in ecosystems

Circulation of substances in an ecosystem occurs due to food chains: producers take inorganic substances from inanimate nature and make them organic; at the end of the food chain, decomposers do the opposite.

Energy flow: most ecosystems receive energy from the sun. Plants store it in the process of photosynthesis. organic matter Oh. This energy is used for the life of all other organisms in the ecosystem. Passing through the food chains, this energy is gradually consumed (10% rule), in the end, all the solar energy absorbed by the producers turns into heat.

Self-regulation- the main property of ecosystems: due to biotic relationships, the number of all species is maintained at a constant level. Self-regulation allows ecosystems to withstand adverse impacts. For example, a forest can survive (recover) after several years of drought, rapid reproduction of May beetles and/or hares.

Ecosystem sustainability. The more species in an ecosystem, the more food chains there, and the more stable (balanced) the cycle of substances and the ecosystem itself are. If the number of species ( biodiversity) decreases, the ecosystem becomes unstable and loses the ability to self-regulate.

Ecosystem change (succession). An ecosystem that produces more organic matter than it consumes is unsustainable. She is overgrows, this is a normal process of ecosystem self-development (living organisms themselves change their habitat). For example, a forest pond turns into a swamp, a steppe into a forest-steppe, a birch forest into an oak forest, etc. External influences, such as fire or deforestation, can also lead to a change in the ecosystem. These were all examples of secondary succession, the primary occurring in a lifeless area.

Choose one, the most correct option. Through self-regulation in the ecosystem
1) no species is completely destroyed by another species
2) the number of populations is constantly declining
3) there is a cycle of substances
4) organisms reproduce


Choose one, the most correct option. The main cause of ecosystem instability is
1) medium temperature fluctuation
2) lack of food resources
3) imbalance of the circulation of substances
4) increased abundance of some species


Choose one, the most correct option. The circulation of oxygen between various inorganic objects of nature and communities of living organisms is called
1) population waves
2) self-regulation
3) gas exchange
4) the circulation of substances


Choose one, the most correct option. An example of a biocenosis is a set
1) trees and shrubs in the park
2) plants grown in the botanical garden
3) birds and mammals living in the spruce forest
4) organisms living in the swamp


Choose one, the most correct option. One of the factors that maintain balance in the biosphere
1) variety of species and relationships between them
2) adaptation to the environment
3) seasonal changes in nature
4) natural selection


1. Choose three options. What are the essential features of an ecosystem?

1) a high number of consumer species of the III order
2) the presence of the circulation of substances and the flow of energy
3) seasonal changes in temperature and humidity
4) uneven distribution of individuals of the same species
5) the presence of producers, consumers and destroyers
6) the relationship of abiotic and biotic components


2. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Biogeocenoses are characterized
1) complex food chains
2) simple food chains
3) lack of species diversity
4) the presence of natural selection
5) dependence on human activities
6) steady state


3. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The biogeocenosis of the fresh water body of the river is characterized by
1) the presence of producers of organic matter - autotrophs
2) the absence of organic destroyers - decomposers
3) the presence of flowering plants in shallow water
4) the absence of predatory fish
5) the constant number of animal populations inhabiting it


4. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. In an ecosystem widely deciduous forest– oak forest
1) short food chains
2) sustainability is provided by a variety of organisms
3) the initial link in the food chain is represented by plants
4) the population composition of animals does not change over time
5) source of primary energy - sunlight
6) there are no decomposers in the soil


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The cycle of substances in an ecosystem provides

1) its stability
2) repeated use by organisms of the same chemical elements
3) seasonal and daily changes in nature
4) peat accumulation
5) continuity of life
6) speciation


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Self-regulation in natural ecosystems is manifested in the fact that

1) populations of consumers of the first order are completely destroyed by consumers of the third order
2) consumers of the third order perform a sanitary role and regulate the number of consumers of the first order
3) mass reproduction of consumers of the first order leads to mass death manufacturers
4) the number of producers is reduced as a result of the action abiotic factors external environment
5) the number of consumers of the first order depends on the number of producers
6) the number of consumers of the first order is regulated by consumers of the second order


Establish a sequence of events that characterize self-regulation in biogeocenosis. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers
1) a surge in the number of herbivores
2) high feed yield
3) return to the norm of the number of predators and herbivores
4) increase in the number of predators
5) decline in the number of herbivores
6) slowing down the reproduction of predators


1. Choose three options. Ecosystem sustainability is ensured

1) a variety of species and food chains
2) closed circulation of substances
3) high abundance of individual species
4) fluctuations in the number of species
5) self-regulation
6) short supply chains


2. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What signs indicate the stability of biogeocenosis?
1) species diversity
2) relief
3) climate
4) closed circuit
5) branched food chains
6) number of energy sources


3. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The sustainability of the moist equatorial forest ecosystem is determined by
1) great species diversity
2) the absence of decomposers
3) a large number of predators
4) branched food webs
5) population fluctuations
6) closed circulation of substances


4. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What characteristics ensure the sustainability of a natural ecosystem?
1) a high number of individuals of functional groups of organisms
2) the balance of the circulation of substances
3) short food chains
4) self-regulation
5) decrease in energy in the food chain
6) application of mineral fertilizers


5. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The resilience of a humid equatorial forest is determined by
1) balanced circulation of substances
2) the ability to self-regulate
3) rich in species diversity of organisms
4) the dominance of tree forms in the phytocenosis
5) high air humidity
6) the lack of a clear change of seasons


1. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Examples of the natural change of ecosystems in the process of community development are

1) swamping of floodplain meadows after the construction of hydraulic structures
2) the formation of farmland in situ from a plowed area of ​​the steppe
3) overgrowing of rocks with lichens
4) overgrowing of the pond and the formation of a swamp
5) the formation of a burnt place in the forest as a result of a fire from an unextinguished cigarette
6) change of birch forest to spruce forest


2. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. From the list below, select examples that illustrate successions.

2) acclimatization of cultivated introduced plants
3) development of a small-leaved forest on the site of a grass-shrub community
4) moving salmon fish to the place of spawning
5) overgrowing of the slope of the volcano with lichens
6) laying a tea plantation on the slopes of the mountain


1. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Primary succession is characterized by:

1) starts after deforestation
2) a biogeocenosis is formed in a sand pit
3) starts on rich soils
4) soil is formed for a long time
5) scale lichens settle on stones
6) cutting down turns into a forest


2. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Give examples initial stages primary succession.
1) the formation of a swamp on the site of a stagnant reservoir
2) development of small-leaved forest at the cutting site
3) overgrowing of the slope of the volcano with lichens
4) soil formation on rock
5) settlement of rocky seashore with lichens
6) overgrowing of the conflagration with herbs


1. Establish the sequence of processes occurring during the overgrowth of rocks

1) bare rocks
2) overgrowing with mosses
3) colonization by lichen
4) formation of a thin layer of soil
5) formation of a herbaceous community


2. Establish the sequence of processes occurring during the change of biogeocenoses (succession)
1) settlement by shrubs
2) colonization of bare rocks by lichens
3) formation of a sustainable community
4) seed germination herbaceous plants
5) settlement of the territory with mosses


3. Establish a sequence of succession processes. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) soil formation as a result of erosion of the parent rock and the death of lichens
2) the formation of an extensive power supply network
3) germination of seeds of herbaceous plants
4) settlement of the territory with mosses


4. Establish the sequence of appearance and development of ecosystems on bare rocks. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) scale lichens and bacteria
2) herbaceous-shrub community
3) forest community
4) herbaceous flowering plants
5) mosses and bushy lichens


5. Establish a sequence of events occurring during the development of new lifeless territories by living organisms. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) settlement of mosses and bushy lichens
2) the appearance of herbaceous plants, shrubs
3) the emergence of forest communities
4) the formation of the thinnest layer of soil
5) the appearance of bacteria, algae and scale lichens
6) weathering of rocks


1. Establish a sequence of recovery steps spruce forest after the fire. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) the appearance of shrubs and deciduous trees
2) overgrowing of the conflagration with light-loving herbaceous plants
3) development of young spruces under the canopy of deciduous trees
4) formation of small-leaved forest
5) the formation of the upper tier by adult spruce


2. Establish the sequence of secondary succession processes after cutting down a spruce forest damaged by a typographer beetle. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) growth of shrubs with birch and aspen undergrowth
2) spruce forest formation
3) development of deciduous forest with spruce undergrowth
4) overgrowing of the clearing with perennial light-loving grasses
5) formation of a mixed forest


3. Establish a sequence of ecosystem changes during secondary succession. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) swamp
2) deciduous forest
3) mixed forest
4) lake
5) coniferous forest
6) meadow


Establish a correspondence between examples and types of successions: 1) primary, 2) secondary. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.

A) runs fast
B) reforestation after a fire
B) runs slowly
D) develops after a violation of the biocenosis
D) the development of territories where previously there were no living creatures


Below is a list of terms. All but two of them are used to describe ecological patterns. Find two terms that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) parthenogenesis
2) symbiosis
3) succession
4) aromorphosis
5) consumer


© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

The forest ecosystem is a collection of living organisms, the main life form of which are trees. Forests occupy one third of the Earth's land area, which is 38 million km2. Half of this area is occupied by tropical, the rest by coniferous, mixed, deciduous and broad-leaved forests.

According to its structure, the forest ecosystem is divided into tiers. The height of each tier and the composition of living organisms in it depend on the species diversity of the plants that form it.

The main thing in the ecosystem as a whole and in its food chain, obviously, are the plants - producers. The remaining links of the trophic chain - consumers and destroyers of the forest ecosystem, play in it, although dependent, but important role. And if the "activity" of consumers in all types of ecosystems is approximately the same, then the "existence and work" of destroyers is different in each type.

The coniferous forest ecosystem is formed in cold climatic conditions. Average annual temperature this natural area from +5 0 C to -5 0 C. Small amount of precipitation - up to 200 mm. They mostly fall in the form of snow. Winter is long. Summer is short. But daylight hours are long. Such a temperature and light regime does not allow moisture to quickly evaporate from the soil surface, and these are excellent conditions for the growth of coniferous trees.

They are distributed in North America and Eurasia. In the southern hemisphere, such forests do not form a single massif. AT South America and in Australia are found mainly in the mountains.

Another name for coniferous forest is taiga. It has many plant species, but coniferous trees dominate and occupy the top layer of the ecosystem. The needle, which in these rocks replaces the leaf, does not fall off depending on the season. Snow slides easily over it. It is “covered” from frost with a layer of resin, and a small surface allows it to tolerate cold well and give less moisture during evaporation. These trees do not stop photosynthesis even at a temperature of 0 0 C.

In the tropics, on certain types of soil, pine forests can grow. They have their own composition.

The main species are: fir, pine, spruce, hemlock and larch. Another distinguishing feature of them, in addition to needles instead of leaves, are cones. The presence of needles instead of leaves does not mean that all conifers are evergreen. There are tree species that shed their needles seasonally.

Coniferous forest ecosystems are inhabited by mosses and lichens, which, together with trees, are also producers. They not only participate in the process of photosynthesis, but also serve as a nutrient base for the next link in the food chain - consumers - animals.

The main and top of the trophic chain of this type of forest are predators, in particular, cats - tiger and lynx. There are wolves, bears, foxes and other predators. Herbivorous mammals are mainly from the deer family. There is a hare, a squirrel, a marten, a sable, a hedgehog and a tree porcupine, different types birds.

The “work” of decomposers or destroyers in them depends on the density of crown or canopy density. There are dark coniferous and light coniferous forests. The first consist of varieties of shade-tolerant trees, which are closely closed, which is why the density of the canopy is high. This slows down the processes of processing organic substances and the formation of humus. Soils are therefore less fertile. In light conifers, sunlight penetrates the soil more easily and the processes in it go faster.

South of coniferous is mixed.


The ecosystem of a mixed forest is a mixture of two ecosystems, due to the presence of deciduous and coniferous species in it. Thus, ecosystems complement and strengthen each other, and the resulting common becomes more stable. It is considered mixed when one type of tree is mixed with another in a volume of at least 5%. Therefore, it is no coincidence that such forests are located between coniferous from the north and broad-leaved from the south. They are mainly found in climatic zones With warm summer and cold winter. With an average annual rainfall of up to 700 mm. The soils of their growth are sod-podzolic or brown with a large amount of humus.

The natural zone of these forests is the temperate zone: southern part Scandinavia, East European and West Siberian plains, Carpathians, Caucasus, Far East, Southeast Asia. In the Americas - the Appalachians, the Great Lakes region and California in North America, most of South America and New Zealand.

The main tree species are: spruce, pine, oak, maple, linden, ash and elm. in the Caucasus and Far East beech and fir are added. In mountainous regions - larch, and in America - sequoia. Plants representing the lower tiers also have a wide species diversity.

Rich flora mixed forests- these are producers and autotrophs, that is, organisms that synthesize oxygen and organic substances from inorganic substances using solar energy. They are the backbone of any ecosystem, and mixed forests are no exception.

The next stage in the food chain belongs to consumers or consumers, heterotrophic organisms. Their total mass is an order of magnitude less than the plant mass - green, which is the main rule for the viability of the ecosystem. These include: animals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects, fungi and bacteria. It is less varied. These are: rodents - hares, squirrels, mice; mammals - deer, moose, wolves, foxes; birds - owl, woodpecker; insects - ticks, mosquitoes, spiders; protozoa - bacteria.

Close the food chain - gravediggers - destroyers or decomposers: insect larvae, worms, microorganisms.

A feature of the food chain of a mixed forest is sustainability, due to species mutual complementation and, if necessary, replacement. With a decrease in the population or the disappearance of any type of producer, it is replaced by the number of individuals of another. This rule does not apply to insects. They are pollinators of plants, and their larvae are decomposers. Their disappearance will lead to the extinction of the ecosystem.

Mixed forest ecosystems are replaced by broad-leaved ones.

In a broad-leaved forest, the ecosystem is characterized by the species diversity of deciduous or summer-green plants, that is, shedding leaves in the autumn-winter period. Their leaves have wide leaf blades. Such forests grow in humid and temperate humid climate With high temperature. Summer is long. Winter is mild. They prefer gray, podzolic, brown or even chernozem soils. Distribution areas - Europe, North America, East Asia, New Zealand and southern Chile.

The basis of the forest and its upper tiers are: hornbeam, linden, ash, elm, maple, beech, oak and chestnut. Below are hazel, bird cherry and euonymus. "First floor" at the forest tree, gout, zelenchuk, lungwort and so on. All of these are producers.

Consumers are consumers, these are mammals such as: wild boar, deer, elk, bison, beaver, squirrel, hedgehog, fox, lynx, wolf, tiger, skunk, raccoon and Brown bear. Birds: siskin, hazel grouse, nightingale, titmouse, bullfinch, capercaillie, black grouse, owl, eagle owl, stork, duck and others. Reptiles, amphibians and fish are also consumers. This is a viper, copperhead, frog, toad, salamander, catfish, pike, carp and salmon.

The decomposers or gravediggers of the broad-leaved forest are practically the same as in other ecosystems - worms, insect larvae, microorganisms.

The broadleaf forest ecosystem is also resilient and well regulated. A special feature is the period when the trees are without leaves. The process of photosynthesis stops. The “main” role passes to the decomposers, who must transform as much as possible organic compounds into inorganic.

At the equator, deciduous change tropical forest ecosystems.

At rainforest ecosystem was formed on the basis of warm tropical, subtropical and equatorial climate. They encircle the Earth at the equator. The diversity of flora and fauna is dictated solely by the amount and distribution of precipitation over the seasons. There are wet forests equatorial belt and dry tropical. If the humidity is about the same throughout the year, then they are evergreen. If not, then green only in winter.

Tropical rainforests have a very diverse flora. It is dominated by trees, which can be up to 100 species per hectare. The main types of trees are: dipterocarps, legumes, myrtle and palms. Of the other types of vegetation, it is necessary to distinguish ferns that exist on different tiers of the rainforest. There are three such tiers in total. The upper one reaches 55 meters in height, the next one up to 30 and the lower one up to 20. The grasses here can reach a height of 6 meters. For example: banana. The boundaries of the tiers are blurred by plants such as creepers, epiphytes, bamboo, fern, and so on.

Terminalia, dalbergia, albizia, bamboo, teak and ebony, palm trees, laurel and sugarcane grow in seasonal deciduous forests. The main herbs are cereals. Sometimes, to retain moisture, plants are covered with thorns.

The species diversity of tropical consumers surpasses any other forests. Many animal species spend most of their time in trees. The most famous are monkeys, flying squirrels, sloths. Birds also live there - parrots, woodpeckers, toucans, hummingbirds and many others. Reptiles also live in places of maximum "accumulation" of food, that is, in trees. These are chameleons, snakes, geckos, jaguanas, agamas, and even amphibian frogs, trying to climb higher. There are not many exclusively terrestrial species of animals, but they are very large. Their main species are: elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, buffalo, giraffe. Diverse in appearance invertebrates - ants, termites, centipedes and butterflies.

Plants of the second tier usually close the canopy so tightly that they do not let through sunlight. This negatively affects the "activity" of the destroyers. In deciduous forests, there are decomposers, and these are mainly fungi and termites, which also cannot process such a huge amount of organic matter. Because tropical, with such an intensive "production" of oxygen - about 55.5 Gt per year, "preserve" in their organic matter up to 4.6 Gt of carbon dioxide.


A characteristic common to a forest ecosystem may be as follows. All of them are built on the basis of dominance. flora over the animal. Among plants, one or more species of trees play the main role. Depending on this, the systems are classified as single-species or mixed. An ecosystem of any kind has tiers. The amount of sunlight and oxygen penetrating into its lower tiers depends on the density of closing of tree crowns. Especially, in the layers inhabited by decomposers - destroyers. And this, in turn, affects the amount of inorganic “food” synthesized by them for the trees themselves. Ecosystems in which there is an imbalance in favor of any living organisms are not sustainable enough and can be damaged and destroyed. The most stable are forest ecosystems with a mixture of species and their interchangeability.

Video - Forest Ecosystems

Test on the topic "Ecosystem"

Option 1

1. Factors whose value is beyond the endurance of organisms are called:

1) ecological 2) abiotic 3) anthropogenic 4) limiting

2. Which object is missing in the leaf litter food chain below -> . .. - > hedgehog - > fox

1) mole

2) grasshopper

3) earthworm

4) mold mushrooms

3. Determine the correct food chain

1) seagull → perch → fish fry → algae

2) algae → seagull → perch → fish fry

3) fish fry → algae → perch → seagull

4) algae → fish fry → perch → seagull

4. Ecosystem sustainability is ensured

1) a high number of destroyer organisms

2) population fluctuations

3) self-regulation processes

4) biological rhythms

5. Bacteria and fungi make up a group of decomposers in the ecosystem, since they

1) convert organic substances of organisms into minerals

2) ensure the closure of the circulation of substances and energy

3) have microscopic dimensions, do not form tissues

4) used by animals as food

5) form inorganic substances available to plants, releasing them into the soil

6) multicellular eukaryotic organisms

6. Specify the signs of agrocenosis.

1) stable, self-regulating system

2) has a well-branched power supply network

3) is characterized by a large species diversity

4) needs additional energy sources

5) it has an open circulation of substances

6) the system has a reduced ability to self-regulate

7. Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. The sustainability of the moist equatorial forest ecosystem is being determined. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) great species diversity

2) the absence of decomposers

3) a large number of predators

4) branched food webs

5) population fluctuations

6) closed circulation of substances

8. Establish a correspondence between groups of plants and animals and their role in the pond ecosystem.



A) coastal vegetation

B) carp

B) larvae of amphibians

D) phytoplankton

D) bottom plants

E) big pond

1) producers

2) consumers

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters



1. The biotic components of the ecosystem include

1) gas composition atmosphere

2) the composition and structure of the soil

3) features of climate and weather

4) producers, consumers, decomposers

2. Name the animal that should be included in the food chain: grass -> . .. -> wolf

1) tiger

2) hawk

3) hare

4) fox

3. Determine the correct food chain

1) hawk → tit → insect larvae → pine

2) pine → tit → insect larvae → hawk

3) pine → insect larvae → tit → hawk

4) insect larvae → pine → tit → hawk

4. The loss of energy in the food chain from plants to herbivores, and from them to subsequent links is called

1) the rule of the ecological pyramid

2) the circulation of substances

3) population fluctuations

4) self-regulation of the number of populations

5. Select organisms related to decomposers.

1) decay bacteria

2) mushrooms

3) nodule bacteria

4) freshwater crustaceans

5) bacteria-saprophytes

6. Which of the following environmental factors are anthropogenic? Choose three true sign of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) air temperature

2) greenhouse gas pollution

3) the presence of non-recyclable garbage

4) the presence of a road

5) illumination

6) oxygen concentration

7. Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. In the ecosystem of broad-leaved forest - oak forest.

1) short food chains

2) sustainability is provided by a variety of organisms

3) the initial link in the food chain is represented by plants

4) the population composition of animals does not change over time

5) source of primary energy - sunlight

6) there are no decomposers in the soil

8. Establish a correspondence between the functions of the biogeocenosis components and the components.



A) produce organic matter

B) consumers of organic matter

B) decompose organic compounds

D) perform a "sanitary" function

1) producers

2) decomposers

3) consumers

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


A forest ecosystem is a part of the biosphere inhabited by interconnected organisms. Forests regulate the gas composition of the planet's air envelope, affect the climate and the water cycle.

Being a renewable source of raw materials, it provides wood, food, fodder, technical and medicinal types of raw materials. Biological productivity preserves fertile soil.

The natural community lives thanks to the interconnections of organisms, the violation of which will lead to the death of the biocenosis.

Types of forest ecosystem

In the forest ecosystem, the community of living organisms is associated with biogenic factors and with inanimate nature factors - abiotic ones. Organisms are connected to each other by energy exchange. the main role assigned to plants that form organic substances from inorganic, called producers.

Organics are consumed by consumers - organisms that are not able to convert energy into organic compounds. The role of recyclers and return to nature inorganic substances performed by reducers. The predominance of one tree species divides forest ecosystems into:

  • mixed forest
  • broad-leaved
  • Coniferous
  • Tropical.

By the forest special structure- the location of life in floors - tiers. The height of the tiers and the diversity of the living world are affected by the formation species composition vegetation.

mixed forest ecosystem

A mixed forest includes an array with larch and coniferous trees, but not less than 5% of one species. Located in temperate zone, where on the north side is taiga, and on the other - broad-leaved forest. Precipitation falls 700-750 mm per year. Soils - soddy podzolic or brown and humus.

The ecosystem is inhabited by oaks and maples, spruces and pines, lindens and elms. America is famous for the sequoia, mountainous areas- larch, In the Caucasus and the Far East - beech and fir. Communities complement and reinforce each other, becoming sustainable ecosystems. If one species disappears, the vacated layer is occupied by another species of organisms in more. The destruction of insects is the cause of the death of the biocenosis.

broadleaf forest ecosystem

Europe, East Asia, North America, southern Chile occupy broadleaf forests. Trees reaching 40 m grow in 2 tiers, below - shrubs and grasses of 2-3 types of height, the species diversity of which prevails. Plants choose gray, podzolic, brown soil or black soil. The climate in the ecosystem is humid and moderately humid, with long hot summers. Winters are not severe.

In autumn, the foliage is shed, which is why the trees are considered deciduous. At the top tier sheet plates large sizes, shade-tolerant trees, demanding on the composition of the soil, love sunlight. Such a forest is called deciduous. Oaks, maples, elms, lindens, ash trees grow there. The middle tier is filled with shrubs, below - berries and flowering herbs. The small-leaved forest includes representatives with small foliage: birch, aspen, alder. More prefer solar lighting, frost-resistant and not capricious in the choice of soil.

The broad-leaved community is also considered a sustainable system. But it is vulnerable without green leaves in winter, when the formation of nutrients due to chlorophyll stops. At this time, the main work of decomposers - gravediggers, worms and microorganisms takes place. Other animals adhere to seasonal activity. In cold-blooded organisms, a period of suspended animation begins, migratory birds fly away to where it is warmer, some animals hibernate. The rest exist by eating food.

coniferous forest ecosystem

Taiga massifs occupy the north of Siberia and Canada. Separate areas are in southern places. In Australia and South America, coniferous forest grows only in mountainous areas. Representatives of the ecosystem grow in a cold climate. There is little precipitation, 200 mm per year, more often snow.

The summer period is short and cold, but the daylight hours are long. Winter is long and frosty. The water necessary for the growth of trees does not have time to evaporate. Needles are modified leaves that have adapted to retain heat and moisture. The resin that coats the trunks and needles helps to withstand harsh winters. The synthesis of organic substances does not stop even at 0 temperature.

There are trees that shed their needles for the winter. For example, larch. Distinctive feature coniferous trees the presence of cones. To dark coniferous forests include spruce, fir, cedar and spruce forests. They have 2-3 tiers, constant shade, the composition of species is small. The lack of sunlight slows down the process of processing organic matter, the soil is not very fertile.

Light coniferous species include larch and Scots pine, the abundance of sunlight accelerates soil processes. AT coniferous forests there is no middle tier, and the lower tier is occupied by mosses and lichens that animals feed on - the next link in short chains of energy transfer. What makes a system sustainable is self-regulation. Representatives of one species do not completely destroy other animals.

Forests are sustainable ecosystems

An ecosystem is measured by its stable position in the biosphere, withstanding external changes and recovering afterwards. The most reliable forest systems are mixed forest, followed by broadleaf, coniferous and tropical. This distribution is influenced by the density of plant crowns and the degree of solar illumination of the lower tiers. The lack of sun slows down the supply of decomposers of nutrients to trees.

Principles for the development of sustainable ecosystems:

  • Continuous circulation of substances and energy within the system
  • Functioning with solar energy
  • Limited number of inhabitants of the ecosystem.

The natural development of forests is also an indicator of sustainability:

  • The virgin forest includes an array (Far Eastern), untouched by several generations;
  • A natural forest (for example, Siberian) is detrimentally affected by various factors, but it develops again, though for a long time;
  • Anthropogenic forests affected by a person of one generation have low stability.
  • Scientists estimate that there are about 3 trillion trees on planet Earth.
  • Mankind has reduced forest areas by 45%. Every year, 95 million barrels are destroyed.
  • The most forested country in Europe is Finland. The smallest forest in the UK. Forest occupies only 6% of the territory.
  • One tree produces 120-680 kg of oxygen per year, fixing 34 kg of carbon, neutralizing 80 kg of harmful substances, collecting 20 kg of dust and filtering 100,000 cubic meters. m of air.
  • 80 kg of collected waste paper will save 1 tree. To make paper, the world cuts down 125 million trees every year.


  • Forests are gradually destroyed by man, which will inevitably lead to tragic consequences:
  • The biosphere is losing stability
  • Floods began to occur more often and more strongly, mudflows
  • Increased winds cause dust storms and drought
  • Rapid advance of the desert
  • Destruction of living matter and impoverishment of the biosphere.

The forest ecosystem has a rather high stability. The forest, without anthropogenic influences, exists in a stable position for an unlimited period of time. The absence of at least one link in the system stops its functioning.